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class="link">Week 1: Robert Griffin III</a> <p class="description">RG3 threw for 320 yards and two touchdowns in a Redskins win over the Saints.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 2: Trent Richardson</a> <p class="description">Trent Richardson became the first Browns rookie RB with 100 yards and touchdowns via rush and pass.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 3: Andrew Luck</a> <p class="description">Luck performed admirably as his Colts lost a tight game to the Jaguars.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 4: Robert Griffin III</a> <p class="description">RG3 skillfully rallied his team for a late-game score in a big win on the road.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 5: Andrew Luck</a> <p class="description">Luck led the Colts to an emotional, and improbable, win over the Packers.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 6: Robert Griffin III</a> <p class="description">RG3 accounted for three touchdowns in the Redskins' win over the Vikings.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 7: Alfred Morris</a> <p class="description">The Redskins' RB becomes the first player selected outside the top three of the 2012 draft to earn weekly rookie honors.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 8: Andrew Luck</a> <p class="description">Luck rallied the Colts to an overtime win over the Titans.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 9: Doug Martin</a> <p class="description">Martin rushed for a Buccaneers-record 251 yards and four TDs.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 10: Russell Wilson</a> <p class="description">Wilson threw two touchdown passes in the Seahawks' decisive win over the Jets.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 11: Robert Griffin III</a> <p class="description">RG3's near-perfect day vs. the Eagles earned the Redskins QB top honors.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 12: Robert Griffin III</a> <p class="description">RG3 had a four-touchdown performance on Thanksgiving in Dallas.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 13: Robert Griffin III</a> <p class="description">RG3 led the Redskins to a win over the defending Super Bowl champions.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 14: Alfred Morris</a> <p class="description">Morris' work on the ground helped the Redskins earn a win over the Ravens.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 15: Kirk Cousins</a> <p class="description">Cousins threw for 329 yards and two touchdowns in a win over the Browns.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 16: Robert Griffin III</a> <p class="description">RG3 lifted the Redskins to a key late-season win in Philadelphia.</p> </div> <div class="weekly-winner-item"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" class="play-btn" onclick="s_objectID="";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true"></a> <img src=""> </div> <a href="" class="link">Week 17: Alfred Morris</a> <p class="description">Morris scored three touchdowns to help the Redskins reach the playoffs.</p> </div> </div> <div class="main-article-area"> <h3>Seattle Seahawks QB Russell Wilson named 2012 Pepsi MAX NFL Rookie of the Year</h3> <div class="articleText"> <p><a href="/web/20130217033217/">Seattle Seahawks</a> quarterback <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Russell Wilson</a> is the 2012 Pepsi MAX Rookie of the Year, Pepsi MAX and the National Football League announced tonight at "2nd Annual NFL Honors" -- a star-studded football and entertainment event saluting the best players, performances and plays from the 2012 season. "2nd Annual NFL Honors" airs nationally on Saturday, February 2, 9-11 pm (ET) on CBS.</p> <br/> <p>Selected in the third round out of Wisconsin, Wilson caught the eye of head coach <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Pete Carroll</a> and <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Seahawks</a> fans alike for his proficient play in the preseason, thus propelling him into the starting role for all 16 regular season games. Relying on his arm and legs, Wilson led the <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Seahawks</a> to 11 wins and back into the playoffs. He finished the season throwing for 3,118 yards, 26 touchdowns and a 100.0 passer rating which was fourth best in the NFL. Wilson's 26 touchdown passes tied the NFL's single season record by a rookie set in 1998 by <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Peyton Manning</a>. The <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Seahawks</a> finished the year 8-0 at home which established Wilson as the first rookie quarterback in the <a href="">Super Bowl</a> era to lead his team to an undefeated home record. He was nominated for Pepsi MAX NFL Rookie of the Week eight times, winning the award once. </p> <br/> <p></p> <p>Wilson was one of five finalists up for the honor. The other finalists were <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Washington Redskins</a> quarterback <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Robert Griffin III</a>, <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Indianapolis Colts</a> quarterback <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Andrew Luck</a>, <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Tampa Bay Buccaneers</a> running back <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Doug Martin</a> and <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Washington Redskins</a> running back <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Alfred Morris</a>.</p> <br/> <p>The five finalists were selected for their outstanding performances throughout the 2012 NFL season. Each week, five nominees were chosen for the Pepsi MAX NFL Rookie of the Week and NFL fans voted for the winner on Those results were used to help determine the finalists.</p> <br/> <p>This is Pepsi's eleventh year as the official soft drink sponsor of the NFL and the eleventh year that Pepsi will present the NFL Rookie of the Year award.</p> <br/> <h3>PEPSI ROOKIE OF THE YEAR NOMINEES</h3> <div class="player-info"> <img src="" width="65"/> <h4>Robert Griffin III, Washington Redskins</h4> <p>Griffin, who hails from Baylor University, played an enormous role in the <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Washington Redskins</a> success this season, leading his team to a 10-6 record and the NFC East division crown. Griffin finished the regular season throwing for 3,200 yards, 20 touchdowns and a 102.4 passer rating. He also rushed for seven touchdowns and 815 yards, breaking the previous record held by <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Cam Newton</a> (2011) of the <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Carolina Panthers</a> for most rushing yards by a rookie quarterback in NFL history. Griffin, who was selected to the 2013 <a href="">Pro Bowl</a>, also became the first player in NFL history with at least four 60+ yard touchdown passes and a 60+ yard rushing touchdown in a season. In Week 11, Griffin鈥檚 158.3 passer rating became the highest mark (min.15 attempts) by a rookie quarterback. Griffin was nominated for Pepsi MAX NFL Rookie of the Week seven times, winning six times.</p> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="player-info"> <img src="" width="65"/> <h4>Andrew Luck, Indianapolis Colts</h4> <p>The first pick overall in the <a href="">2012 NFL Draft</a>, Luck directed the <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Indianapolis Colts</a> to an 11-5 record, completing a remarkable turnaround in which the <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Colts</a> had won just two games the season before. Luck amassed a record-breaking 4,374 passing yards topping the previous mark held by Newton (4,051). He also became the first rookie in NFL history with 4,000+ passing yards and ten victories. Luck started all 16 games for the <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Colts</a>, engineering seven game-winning drives in the fourth quarter or overtime which tied the record for most by a starting quarterback in a single season since at least 1970. His six 300-yard passing games ranks most all-time by a rookie. The former Stanford Cardinal was nominated for Pepsi MAX NFL Rookie of the Week nine times, winning three times. </p> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="player-info"> <img src="" width="65"/> <h4>Doug Martin, Tampa Bay Buccaneers</h4> <p>Martin broke onto the scene with several impressive performances throughout the 2012 regular season. In a Week 9 contest against the <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Oakland Raiders</a>, Martin erupted rushing for 251 yards and four touchdowns. He finished the season fifth in the NFL in rushing with 1,454 yards and scored 11 touchdowns on the ground. His 1,926 yards from scrimmage trails only running backs Eric Dickerson and Edgerrin James for the most ever by a rookie. Martin, who was drafted 31st overall out of Boise State, was a candidate for Pepsi MAX NFL Rookie of the Week five times, winning the award once. </p> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="player-info"> <img src="" width="65"/> <h4>Alfred Morris, Washington Redskins</h4> <p>The 173rd pick overall in the <a href="">2012 NFL Draft</a> out of Florida Atlantic, Morris led all rookie running backs in yardage. He finished the season with 1,613 yards, second-most in the NFL among all running backs and third-most all-time by a rookie behind Dickerson (1,808) and George Rogers (1,674). Morris also accounted for 13 touchdowns helping push the <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Redskins</a> into the playoffs for the first time since 2007. He was nominated for Pepsi MAX NFL Rookie of the Week five times, winning three times. </p> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="player-info"> <img src="" width="65"/> <h4>Russell Wilson, Seattle Seahawks</h4> <p>Selected in the third round out of Wisconsin, Wilson caught the eye of head coach <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Pete Carroll</a> and <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Seahawks</a> fans alike for his proficient play in the preseason, thus propelling him into the starting role for all 16 regular season games. Relying on his arm and legs, Wilson led the <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Seahawks</a> to 11 wins and back into the playoffs. He finished the season throwing for 3,118 yards, 26 touchdowns and a 100.0 passer rating which was fourth best in the NFL. Wilson鈥檚 26 touchdown passes tied the NFL鈥檚 single season record by a rookie set in 1998 by <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Peyton Manning</a>. The <a href="/web/20130217033217/">Seahawks</a> finished the year 8-0 at home which established Wilson as the first rookie quarterback in the <a href="">Super Bowl</a> era to lead his team to an undefeated home record. He was nominated for Pepsi MAX NFL Rookie of the Week eight times, winning the award once.</p> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="right-rail"> <div class="adcontainer" id="ad1361071937449right" style="width:300px;height:600px;"> <noscript> <a href=";s1=voting;s2=rookies;s3=2012;s4=YEAR;s5=0;slot=right;url=voting_rookies_2012_YEAR_0;nfl=ad;!category=;kw=;prtnr=rookies;team=dal;team=car;team=was;team=oak;team=sea;team=ind;conf=nfc;conf=afc;dvsn=nce;dvsn=ncs;dvsn=acw;dvsn=ncw;dvsn=acs;plyr=douglas_martin;plyr=russell_wilson;plyr=alfred_morris;tile=#{tile};test=;sz=300x600" target="_blank"> <img class="adImg" src=";s1=voting;s2=rookies;s3=2012;s4=YEAR;s5=0;slot=right;url=voting_rookies_2012_YEAR_0;nfl=ad;!category=;kw=;prtnr=rookies;team=dal;team=car;team=was;team=oak;team=sea;team=ind;conf=nfc;conf=afc;dvsn=nce;dvsn=ncs;dvsn=acw;dvsn=ncw;dvsn=acs;plyr=douglas_martin;plyr=russell_wilson;plyr=alfred_morris;tile=#{tile};test=;sz=300x600" width="300" height="600" alt=""/> </a> </noscript> </div> <script type="text/javascript">"ad1361071937449right", 'nfl.other/voting/rookies/2012/year/0;s1=voting;s2=rookies;s3=2012;s4=YEAR;s5=0;slot=right;url=voting_rookies_2012_YEAR_0;nfl=ad;!category=;kw=;prtnr=rookies;team=dal;team=car;team=was;team=oak;team=sea;team=ind;conf=nfc;conf=afc;dvsn=nce;dvsn=ncs;dvsn=acw;dvsn=ncw;dvsn=acs;plyr=douglas_martin;plyr=russell_wilson;plyr=alfred_morris;tile=#{tile};test=;sz=300x600', { width: 300, height: 600, rotating: false, slot: 'right', transparent: false }); </script> <div class="rr-voting-promo-box"> </div> <div class="rookie-spotlight"> <!--PLAYER ONE--> <div class="rookie-spotlight-pick" data-index="1"> <div class="rookie-spotlight-headshot"> <div class="headshot-overflow"> <img src="" width="175"/> </div> </div> <p class="name-badge"><span>Kendall<br/>Wright</span> </div> <!--PLAYER TWO--> <div class="rookie-spotlight-pick" data-index="2"> <div class="rookie-spotlight-headshot"> <div class="headshot-overflow"> <img src="" width="175"/> </div> </div> <p class="name-badge"><span>Ruben<br/>Randle</span> </div> </div> <script type="x/text" id="rookie-spotlight-data"> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Kendall Wright</li> <li class="player-esbid">WRI486076</li> <li class="player-number">13</li> <li class="player-position">WR</li> <li class="player-team">Tennessee Titans</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">TEN</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Pittsburg, TX</em><br> What is your favorite food? <em> Shrimp</em><br> What is your favorite TV show? <em>The Game on BET</em><br> What is your favorite movie? <em> Anything funny</em><br> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game? <em> Lil Wayne</em><br> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> I don?t eat before a game</em><br> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> My father</em><br> What is your biggest fear? <em> Snakes</em><br> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> QB or CB</em><br> Did you have a most ?high school most likely to? <em> Most athletic, Mr. PHS</em><br> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck? <em> Buy my mom a house</em><br> If you could be anything other than a professional athlete, what would you be? <em> Movie star</em><br> Best ever Halloween costume? <em> I don?t dress up for Halloween</em><br> What did you want to be when you were growing up? <em> Basketball player</em><br> What actor would play you in a movie about your life? <em> Mike Epps</em><br> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> 8 years old, pee-wee</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Ruben Randle</li> <li class="player-esbid">RAN372502</li> <li class="player-number">82</li> <li class="player-position">WR</li> <li class="player-team">New York Giants</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">NYG</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Bastrop, LA</em><br> What is your favorite food? <em> Fried chicken</em><br> What is your favorite TV show? <em> The Wayans Brothers</em><br> What is your favorite movie? <em> Friday</em><br> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> Sitting around listening to music</em><br> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> Michael Jordan</em><br> What is your family?s Thanksgiving tradition? <em> Regular family get together, we play cards and dominoes</em><br> What is your biggest fear? <em> Not being successful</em><br> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> QB</em><br> Do you play an instrument? <em> Nope, wish I could play drums or piano</em><br> What is your most embarrassing moment? <em> Dropped a touchdown against WVU</em><br> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck? <em> Save it, not spend it</em><br> If you could be anything other than a professional athlete, what would you be? <em> A coach</em><br> Best ever Halloween costume? <em> Never dressed up for Halloween</em><br> What did you want to be when you were growing up? <em> Pro athlete</em><br> What actor would play you in a movie about your life? <em> Steve Urkel</em><br> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> 4th grade</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">David Wilson</li> <li class="player-esbid">WIL672509</li> <li class="player-number">22</li> <li class="player-position">RB</li> <li class="player-team">New York Giants</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">NYG</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Danville, VA</em><br> What is your favorite food? <em> Chicken wings</em><br> What is your favorite TV show? <em> Family</em><br> What is your favorite movie? <em> Training Day</em><br> Favorite holiday movie? <em>This Christmas</em><br> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game? <em> Hustle Hard ? Ace Hood</em><br> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> Pray</em><br> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> My parents</em><br> What is your family's Thanksgiving tradition? <em> Get together, eat, start cooking the night before</em><br> What is your hidden talent? <em> Acrobatics, I can eat a slice of bread in 25 seconds</em><br> What is your biggest fear? <em> No fears</em><br> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> QB</em><br> What is your most embarrassing moment? <em> At a track meet, warming up for the 100m and jumped up and fell backwards. The starter yelled ?everyone stand up.? I came in second to last in the race</em><br> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck? <em> Buy some gummy worms</em><br> If you could be anything other than a professional athlete, what would you be? <em> Super hero</em><br> What did you want to be when you were growing up? <em> Football player</em><br> What actor would play you in a movie about your life? <em> Kevin Hart</em><br> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> 8 years old</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Ronnie Hillman</li> <li class="player-esbid">HIL737842</li> <li class="player-number">21</li> <li class="player-position">RB</li> <li class="player-team">Denver Broncos</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">DEN</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Long Beach, CA</em><br> What is your favorite food? <em> Italian - lasagna</em><br> What is your favorite TV show? <em> Criminal Minds</em><br> What is your favorite movie? <em> Step Brothers</em><br> Favorite holiday movie? <em> Four Christmases</em><br> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game? <em> Can?t Be Touched ? Body Head Bangerz</em><br> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> Listen to music</em><br> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> Ricky Williams</em><br> What is your family's Thanksgiving tradition? <em> Having family over and eating</em><br> What is your hidden talent? <em> I act</em><br> What is your biggest fear? <em> Snakes</em><br> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> WR</em><br> Do you play an instrument? <em> Drums, I played for, like, 6 years</em><br> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck? <em> Put it in the bank</em><br> If you could be anything other than a professional athlete, what would you be? <em> Actor</em><br> Best ever Halloween costume? <em> Myself</em><br> What did you want to be when you were growing up? <em> S.W.A.T. Team</em><br> What actor would play you in a movie about your life? <em> Kevin Hart</em><br> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> 10</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Justin Blackmon</li> <li class="player-esbid">BLA284263</li> <li class="player-number">14</li> <li class="player-position">WR</li> <li class="player-team">Jacksonville Jaguars</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">JAC</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Oceanside, CA</em><br> What is your favorite food? <em> Pork Chops, gotta be fried</em><br> What is your favorite TV show? <em> Sons of Anarchy</em><br> What is your favorite holiday movie? <em> A Christmas Story</em><br> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game? <em> I listen to a lot of different genres</em><br> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> Eat bacon for breakfast in the morning</em><br> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> My idol was Kobe Bryant</em><br> What is your hidden talent? <em> I can play the drums</em><br> What is your biggest fear? <em> Failing</em><br> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> Safety</em><br> Do you play an instrument? <em> The drums. I?ve played since I was 6 years old</em><br> What is your most embarrassing moment? <em> Dropping a touchdown against Baylor</em><br> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck? <em> Put it in the bank</em><br> If you could be anything other than a professional athlete, what would you be? <em> Musician</em><br> What did you want to be when you were growing up? <em> Police officer</em><br> What actor would play you in a movie about your life? <em> The guy that played Boobie Miles ? Derek Luke</em><br> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> 12, in middle school</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Andrew Luck</li> <li class="player-esbid">LUC524055</li> <li class="player-number">12</li> <li class="player-position">QB</li> <li class="player-team">Indianapolis Colts</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">IND</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Washington, DC/ Houston, TX</em><br> What is your favorite food? <em> Lasagna (my mom?s)</em><br> What is your favorite TV show? <em> Parks and Recreation</em><br> What is your favorite movie? <em> National Lampoon?s Animal House</em><br> Favorite holiday movie? <em> National Lampoon?s Christmas Vacation</em><br> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> Listen to music, nothing crazy</em><br> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> My father</em><br> What is your family?s Thanksgiving tradition? <em> We eat a lot of food</em><br> What is your hidden talent? <em> I am a terrible singer</em><br> What is your biggest fear? <em> Drowning</em><br> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> TE</em><br> Do you play an instrument? <em> I played trombone in the 6th grade</em><br> What is your most embarrassing moment? <em> I won an award and in my acceptance speech, I thanked the wrong committee</em><br> Did you have a most ?high school most likely to?? <em> Most likely to be a professional athlete</em><br> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck? <em> Cash it, buy a ping pong table, and save the rest</em><br> If you could be anything other than a professional athlete, what would you be? <em> Tour guide, I would like to go to all of the continents</em><br> Best ever Halloween costume? <em> Waluigi ? Luigi?s evil cousin (from Super Mario Brothers)</em><br> What did you want to be when you were growing up? <em> Football player</em><br> What actor would play you in a movie about your life? <em> Christian Bale</em><br> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> 5th grade</em><br> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Doug Martin</li> <li class="player-esbid">MAR578568</li> <li class="player-number">22</li> <li class="player-position">RB</li> <li class="player-team">Tampa Bay Buccaneers</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">TB</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Stockton, CA</em><br> What is your favorite food? <em> Sushi- Spider Roll</em><br> What is your favorite TV show? <em> Keenan & Kel</em><br> What is your favorite movie? <em> Comic movies ? Spider Man, Iron Man</em><br> Favorite holiday movie? <em> Jingle All the Way</em><br> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game? <em> Dubstep, get the bass going</em><br> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> I just go out and play</em><br> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> My mom helped me get to where I am</em><br> What is your family?s Thanksgiving tradition? <em> Go to grandpa?s house in Oakland. Get the family band together and dance and eat</em><br> What is your biggest fear? <em> Jumping from high places</em><br> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> DE</em><br> Do you play an instrument? <em> Piano, but my skills are diminishing as the days go on</em><br> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck?<em> Put it in a savings account</em><br> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> Freshman in HS</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Russell Wilson</li> <li class="player-esbid">WIL777781</li> <li class="player-number">3</li> <li class="player-position">QB</li> <li class="player-team">Seattle Seahawks</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">SEA</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Richmond, VA</em><br> What is your favorite food? <em> Any type of fish</em><br> What is your favorite TV show? <em> Entourage</em><br> What is your favorite movie? <em> Hitch and Think Like a Man</em><br> Favorite holiday movie? <em> Home Alone</em><br> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game? <em> I?m Gonna Be Ready ? Yolanda Adams</em><br> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> Listen to music ? sing ?I?m gonna be?? when I walk onto the field</em><br> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> My dad</em><br> What is your family?s Thanksgiving tradition? <em> We all get together. Grandmother makes great food. Mom helps</em><br> What is your biggest fear? <em> I?m really not afraid of anything. My dad always told me ? don?t be afraid to excel</em><br> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> There?s no other position. QB is the only one</em><br> What is your most embarrassing moment? <em> My senior year of high school, I was walking across the bridge to a game and slipped and fell</em><br> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck?<em> Buy a tombstone for my dad</em><br> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> 4 years old</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Brandon Weeden</li> <li class="player-esbid">WEE221487</li> <li class="player-number">3</li> <li class="player-position">QB</li> <li class="player-team">Cleveland Browns</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">CLE</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Edmond, OK</em><br> What is your favorite food? <em> Sushi</em><br> What is your favorite TV show? <em> Entourage</em><br> What is your favorite movie? <em> Dumb & Dumber</em><br> Favorite holiday movie? <em> National Lampoon?s A Christmas Vacation</em><br> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game? <em> Let It Fly by Maino ft. Roscoe Dash</em><br> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> Walk around entire locker room, high fives, and good luck</em><br> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> Michael Jordan</em><br> What is your hidden talent? <em> Wiggle my ears</em><br> What is your biggest fear? <em> Heights</em><br> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> Safety</em><br> What is your most embarrassing moment? <em> Stepping out of the back of the end zone at UT</em><br> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck?<em> Buy a pontoon boat</em><br> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> 10</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Bernard Pierce</li> <li class="player-esbid">PIE198196</li> <li class="player-number">30</li> <li class="player-position">RB</li> <li class="player-team">Baltimore Ravens</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">BAL</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Philadelphia, PA</em><br> What is your favorite food? <em> Cheese steak</em><br> What is your favorite movie? <em> Love & Basketball</em><br> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game? <em> Whatever has a lot of bass?hype music</em><br> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> Don?t talk</em><br> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> My mom</em><br> What is your family?s Thanksgiving tradition? <em> Eat a lot</em><br> What is your hidden talent? <em> Back flip</em><br> What is your biggest fear? <em> Being old and lonely</em><br> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> Left out</em><br> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck? <em> Put it in the bank</em><br> What actor would play you in a movie about your life? <em> Denzel Washington</em><br> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> 5 or 6</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Ryan Tannehill</li> <li class="player-esbid">TAN298716</li> <li class="player-number">17</li> <li class="player-position">QB</li> <li class="player-team">Miami Dolphins</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">MIA</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Big Spring, TX</em><br /> What is your favorite food? <em> Mexican and Italian</em><br /> What is your favorite TV show? <em> 24</em><br /> What is your favorite movie? <em> The Italian Job, Oceans movies</em><br /> Favorite holiday movie? <em> Four Christmases</em><br /> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game?<em> Eminem, Drake</em><br /> What is your pre-game tradition?<em> Do everything in same order: tape ankles, listen to music, stretch, etc.</em><br /> Who was your mentor/idol growing up?<em> My father</em><br /> What is your family’s Thanksgiving tradition?<em> Being together and enjoy the family</em><br /> What is your hidden talent?<em> I don’t think I have one. I can’t sing</em><br /> What is your biggest fear?<em> I’m claustrophobic. I hate tight spaces</em><br /> If you could play any other position, what would it be?<em> Receiver</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Nick Foles</li> <li class="player-esbid">FOL058566</li> <li class="player-number">9</li> <li class="player-position">QB</li> <li class="player-team">Philadelphia Eagles</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">PHI</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally?<em> Austin, TX</em><br /> What is your favorite food?<em> Fried Catfish</em><br /> What is your favorite TV show?<em> NCIS</em><br /> What is your favorite movie?<em> The Dark Knight</em><br /> Favorite holiday movie?<em> Christmas Vacation</em><br /> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game?<em> Country Music</em><br /> What is your pre-game tradition?<em> Taking a nap between meetings and a hot shower before getting on the bus</em><br /> Who was your mentor/idol growing up?<em> My parents</em><br /> What is your family’s Thanksgiving tradition?<em> We used to go to my grandma’s house</em><br /> What is your hidden talent?<em> I’m a pretty decent basketball player</em><br /> What is your biggest fear?<em> Not always giving it my all</em><br /> If you could play any other position, what would it be?<em> D-end</em> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Robert Griffin III</li> <li class="player-esbid">GRI283140</li> <li class="player-number">10</li> <li class="player-position">QB</li> <li class="player-team">Washington Redskins</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">WAS</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Copperas Cove, TX</em><br /> What is your favorite food? <em> Quesadilla, casserole</em><br /> What is your favorite TV show? <em> Real World/ Road Rules Challenge</em><br /> What is your favorite movie? <em> John Q</em><br /> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game? <em> Thriller - Michael Jackson</em><br /> What is your pre-game tradition? <em> Take a lap around the field, marking it as my territory</em><br /> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> Michael Jordan was my idol</em><br /> What is your family’s Thanksgiving tradition? <em> My family and I ran Griffins cove in Copperas Cove every year</em><br /> What is your hidden talent? <em> Sing and beat box</em><br /> If you could play another position, what would it be?<em> Center, only other position that gets to hold the ball the whole time</em><br /> Do you play an instrument? <em>Guitar</em><br /> What is your most embarrassing moment? <em> Got caught peeing on the playground in 1st grade</em><br /> What are you going to do with your first NFL paycheck? <em> Buy a bed and two massage chairs</em><br /> If you could be anything other than a professional athlete, what woulod you be? <em> Lawyer</em><br /> Best ever Halloween costume? <em> Fat Jason Voorhees (from Friday the 13th)</em><br /> What did you want to be when you were growing up? <em> Bruce Lee because I was into karate when I was younger</em><br /> What actor would play you in a movie about your life? <em> Chris Tucker or Andre 3000 because everyone says I look like him</em><br /> How old were you when you first started playing organized football? <em> 11</em><br /> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="player-data"> <ul> <li class="player-name">Trent Richardson</li> <li class="player-esbid">RIC635450</li> <li class="player-number">33</li> <li class="player-position">RB</li> <li class="player-team">Clevland Browns</li> <li class="player-team-abbr">OAK</li> <li class="player-description"> Where are you from originally? <em> Pensacola, FL</em><br /> What is your favorite food? <em> Japanese</em><br /> What is your favorite TV show? <em> Martin</em><br /> What is your favorite movie? <em> Life</em><br /> Favorite Holiday Movie? <em> Holiday Heart</em><br /> What is your favorite song to listen to pre-game? <em> More Than I Can Bear - Kirk Franklin</em><br /> What is your pre-game-tradition? <em> Church Music</em><br /> Who was your mentor/idol growing up? <em> Mom and brother</em><br /> What is your family’s Thanksgiving tradition? <em> Get together and eat together</em><br /> What is your hidden talent? <em> Bowling and singing</em><br /> What is your biggest fear? <em> Losing my kids</em><br /> If you could play any other position, what would it be? <em> Track</em> </li> </ul> </div> </script> <script> YUI.add('rookie-spotlight', function(Y){ Y.NFL.RookieSpotlight = Y.Base.create("rookie-spotlight", Y.Widget, [], { initializer : function(){ var playerData = Y.Node.create('<div>' +'#rookie-spotlight-data').get('innerHTML') + '</div>'); this.PLAYER_DATA = playerData.all('.player-data'); this.MODAL_OPEN = false; this.INDEX_ON = 0; this.SLIDE_COUNT = this.PLAYER_DATA.size(); }, renderUI : function() { this.MODAL_BG = Y.Node.create('<div class="' + this.getClassName('modal-bg')+ '"></div>'); this.MODAL = Y.Node.create('<div class="' + 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