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data-os-animation-delay="0s" data-os-animation-duration="1.2s" >ADAPT LESSON DELIVERY AS NEEDED</h4> <div class="text base-text " data-os-animation="fadeIn" data-os-animation-delay="0s"> <p><span class="intro sm">Teachers continually assess as they teach—observing and reflecting on learners’ responses to determine whether the students are reaching the learning objectives. If students struggle or are not challenged enough, teachers consider the possible reasons and adjust their lessons.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div> </div> </section> <section class="content component usn_cmp_text base-bg base-bg-solid " > <div class="component-inner"> <div class="container"><div class="row justify-content-center"><div class="content-col center-col col"> <!-- Introduction --> <div class="component-introduction row justify-content-start text-left " data-os-animation="fadeIn" data-os-animation-delay="0s" data-os-animation-duration="1.2s"> <div class="info col"> <p class="heading base-heading " >Some Practices for Principle 4</p> </div> </div> <!--// Introduction --> <div class="info "> <div class="text base-text " data-os-animation="fadeIn" data-os-animation-delay="0s"> <p><strong>Teachers check student comprehension frequently and adjust instruction according to learner responses.<br /></strong>To teach effectively, teachers need to evaluate what students know and what they do not know, in real time. We do not want to wait until the end of a lesson or the end of a unit to discover that our students have misunderstood a key concept or have incorrectly learned critical vocabulary.<br /><br /></p> <p><strong>Classroom Example: Teachers check comprehension with group response techniques.<br /></strong>Teachers can use quick comprehension checks during a lesson to gauge how the class is doing. Some group response activities include</p> <ul> <li>Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down</li> <li>Response Boards (all students respond individually on a dry-erase board or sheet of paper and show the teacher)</li> <li>3-2-1 for Self-Assessment, and</li> <li>Technology options (websites and apps) using handheld devices or tablets.</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><strong>The following idea from <a href="">Assessing English Learners in U.S. Schools</a> offers other ways that teachers can determine student knowledge before they adapt instruction.</strong></p> <p>We want to know, for example, which science vocabulary words Tom should put on a review handout next week for the ELLs for whom he provides language support. To supplement a science-specific vocabulary review, he could provide some instruction on “academic” linking words such as <em>furthermore, however,</em> and <em>therefore.</em> Tom could gather the information he needs to make this decision in a few ways. For example, he could do the following:</p> <ul> <li>informally but systematically check students’ knowledge of the words through questioning or conversation</li> <li>follow up if students look confused or use a word incorrectly</li> <li>administer a short quiz to students</li> <li>look for evidence of students’ understanding of these words in their recent class work</li> </ul> <p>Depending on the time available, Tom’s familiarity with the students’ recent progress, and the type of work they are doing, any of these approaches could be useful. (Farnsworth & Malone, 2014, p. 4)</p> <p><br /><strong>Teachers adjust their talk, the task, or the materials according to learner responses.<br /></strong><br />If teachers notice student confusion or misunderstanding during a lesson, they make adjustments so that all learners can meet the learning goals. They may vary their oral language input, use home language or alternative texts, present visual aids, or arrange peer support. They might adapt a task by adding more time, finding supplemental resources, or pulling a small group of students together for reteaching.<br /><br /><br /></p> <p><strong>Classroom Example: Teachers adapt the task to learner proficiency levels.<br /><br /></strong>Teachers may</p> <ul> <li>regroup students to provide support with English-speaking or bilingual peers</li> <li>offer a home language summary to be read before reading a text in English</li> <li>reformat study guides and notes handouts so students can illustrate a concept or define it in the home language</li> <li>adjust the product of a learning task so students can exhibit their knowledge through projects, group tasks, demonstrations, and other means</li> <li>provide alternatives to paper-and-pencil or computer assessments, such as portfolios and reports.</li> </ul> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div></div></div> </div> </section> <section class="content component usn_cmp_text base-bg base-bg-solid " > <div class="component-inner"> <div class="container"><div class="row justify-content-center"><div class="content-col center-col col"> <!-- Introduction --> <div class="component-introduction row justify-content-start text-left " data-os-animation="fadeIn" data-os-animation-delay="0s" data-os-animation-duration="1.2s"> <div class="info col"> <h3 class="heading base-heading " >Classroom Activities that Support Principle 4</h3> </div> </div> <!--// Introduction --> <div class="info "> <div class="text base-text " data-os-animation="fadeIn" data-os-animation-delay="0s"> <p>Teachers often find young learners need support as they learn to summarize. The following activity from the popular <a href="">New Ways Series</a> offers a creative process that can be differentiated.</p> <p>The following activities may be useful if you notice your students need some targeted support with their writing skills. Try these activities from the <a href="">New Ways Series</a> and the <a href="">TESOL Resource Center (TRC)</a>.<br /><br /><strong><a rel="noopener" href="/media/heipq3hb/story-cut-up_full.pdf" target="_blank" title="Story Cut Up">Story Cut Up Full</a><br /></strong></p> <p><strong><a rel="noopener" href="/media/it2hqo3l/common-errors-in-grammar-and-collocations_full.pdf" target="_blank" title="Common Errors in Grammar and Collocations">Common Errors In Grammar And Collocations</a></strong></p> <p><a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank" title="Four Ways to Integrate Direct Quotations"><strong>Four Ways to Integrate Co-Locations</strong></a></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;">Establish a Culture of Shared Responsibility</span></p> <div class="component-inner"> <div class="container"> <div class="info "> <div class="text base-text " data-os-animation="fadeIn" data-os-animation-delay="0s"><span class="intro">Special Education Directors and Gifted and Talented Program Directors</span> <p>When evaluating special educators or teachers working in gifted and talented programs, give feedback about how well they are adapting their curriculum and instruction for identified English learners of diverse cultural backgrounds and varied proficiency levels.</p> <span class="intro">Reading Specialists and Instructional Coaches</span> <p>If you are an instructional coach, revisit the methods and materials that all teachers use to determine whether any changes are needed to respond well to new populations’ language and literacy levels.</p> <span class="intro">District Curriculum Directors</span> <p>Periodically revisit existing curricula to ensure their responsiveness to current English learners, particularly if backgrounds or learning needs change. For example, if students arrive speaking languages new to the district, find materials in these home languages for the curricular units mandated by the district and make them available to students.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div> </div> </section> </main> <!--// Content --> <!-- Footer --> <footer id="site-footer" class="footer-bg footer-bg-solid" tabindex="-1"> <!-- Breadcrumb --> <section class="breadcrumb-trail"> <div class="container"> <nav aria-label=""> <ol class="breadcrumb" itemscope itemtype=""> <li class="breadcrumb-item" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""><a href="/" itemtype="" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name"><i class="icon before"></i>The 6 Principles</span></a><meta itemprop="position" content="1" /></li> <li class="breadcrumb-item" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""><a href="/the-principles/" itemtype="" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name"><i class="icon before"></i>The Principles</span></a><meta itemprop="position" content="2" /></li> <li itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="" class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="page"><span itemprop="name"><i class="icon before"></i>Principle 4</span><meta itemprop="position" content="3" /></li> </ol> </nav> </div> </section> <!--// Breadcrumb --> <div class="container"> <!-- Row --> <div class="row listing"> <div class="item footer-item col-lg-6 col-md-3 col-12 col item_text-below usn_pod_textimage text-left " data-os-animation="fadeIn" data-os-animation-delay="0s" data-os-animation-duration="1.2s"> <div class="inner "> <div class="info "> <div class="text footer-text"> <p><span class="sm heading footer-heading"><a href="" title="ABOUT" data-anchor="#">ABOUT</a> <a href="" title="THE PRINCIPLES" data-anchor="#">THE PRINCIPLES</a> <a href="" title="PRODUCTS" data-anchor="#">PRODUCTS</a> <a href="" title="TESOL HOME">TESOL HOME</a></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item footer-item usn_pod_sociallinks offset-lg-2 offset-md-1 col-lg-4 col-md-5 col-12 col "> <div class="inner"> <p class="heading sm footer-heading " data-os-animation="fadeInDown" data-os-animation-delay="0s" data-os-animation-duration="1.0s" >Social</p> <nav class="social " data-os-animation="fadeInDown" data-os-animation-delay="0s" data-os-animation-duration="1.0s" aria-label=""> <ul> <li> <span> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="Link will open in a new window/tab" > <picture> <img class="lazyload" src="/media/4i0hhx1g/facebook.png?height=16" data-srcset="/media/4i0hhx1g/facebook.png?height=80 1x, /media/4i0hhx1g/facebook.png?height=160 2x" alt=""> </picture> </a> </span> </li> <li> <span> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="Link will open in a new window/tab" > <picture> <img class="lazyload" src="/media/ubvkfp3y/twitter.png?height=16" data-srcset="/media/ubvkfp3y/twitter.png?height=80 1x, /media/ubvkfp3y/twitter.png?height=160 2x" alt=""> </picture> </a> </span> </li> <li> <span> <a href="" > <picture> <img class="lazyload" src="/media/e04pcfcy/linkedin.png?height=16" data-srcset="/media/e04pcfcy/linkedin.png?height=80 1x, /media/e04pcfcy/linkedin.png?height=160 2x" alt=""> </picture> </a> </span> </li> <li> <span> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="Link will open in a new window/tab" > <picture> <img class="lazyload" src="/media/xhkh1f3m/instagram.png?height=16" data-srcset="/media/xhkh1f3m/instagram.png?height=80 1x, /media/xhkh1f3m/instagram.png?height=160 2x" alt=""> </picture> </a> </span> </li> <li> <span> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="Link will open in a new window/tab" > <picture> <img class="lazyload" src="/media/zsmpjit5/youtube.png?height=16" data-srcset="/media/zsmpjit5/youtube.png?height=80 1x, /media/zsmpjit5/youtube.png?height=160 2x" alt=""> </picture> </a> </span> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="item footer-item usn_pod_image col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-12 col "> <div class="inner"> <div class="image " data-os-animation="fadeIn" data-os-animation-delay="0s" data-os-animation-duration="1.2s"> <picture> <img class="lazyload" src="/media/q1obcucs/tesol_logo_vert_white.png?width=53&height=21" width="268" height="108" data-srcset="/media/q1obcucs/tesol_logo_vert_white.png?width=268&height=108 1x, /media/q1obcucs/tesol_logo_vert_white.png?width=536&height=216 2x" alt=""> </picture> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--// Row --> <!-- Row --> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <nav aria-label="" class="footer-navigation"> <ul> <li><div>© 2024 TESOL. 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