MedlinePlus - Search Results for: Marfan syndrome
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color: #AAA; } .toggle-comments { font-size: 90%; padding-left: 35px; } div.tag-keyword, div.toggle-comments,, div.tag-field { clear: left; }, div.toggle-comments { float: left; } form { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } div.tag-comment { margin-bottom: 0; } div.ics-error { border:1px solid #f00; width: 400px; padding: .5em; } div.ics-error ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } div#js-logger { position: fixed; z-index: 5; overflow: auto; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: 8em; line-height: 1.4em; padding: 0.5em; background: #FFFFDD; color: #444; border-top: 2px solid #666; font-family: Courier, monospace; } div#js-logger span.timestamp { font-weight: bold; font-size: 90%; } /* YUI? */ .yui-ac-content { position: absolute; background: #FCFCFC; overflow: hidden; z-index: 9050; border: 1px solid #666; width: 300px; } .yui-ac-highlight { cursor: pointer; /* background: #00C; color: #FFF; */ } .yui-ac-content ul, #vivtag-bulk .yui-ac-container ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .yui-ac-content li { padding: 4px; margin: 0; list-style-type: none; clear: both; } .ac-format-string { color: #00C; } .yui-ac-highlight .ac-format-string { /* color: #fff; */ } .ac-format-match { text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; } .ac-format-tag { width: 7em; text-align: right; margin-right: 0.5em; display: block; float: left; clear: both; } .yui-skin-sam .yui-ac{position:relative;} .yui-skin-sam .yui-ac-input{position:absolute;width:100%;} .yui-skin-sam .yui-ac-container{position:absolute;top:1.6em;width:100%;} .yui-skin-sam .yui-ac-content{position:absolute;width:100%;border:1px solid #808080;background:#fff;overflow:hidden;z-index:9050;} .yui-skin-sam .yui-ac-shadow{position:absolute;margin:.3em;width:100%;background:#000;-moz-opacity:.10;opacity:.10;filter:alpha(opacity=10);z-index:9049;} .yui-skin-sam .yui-ac iframe{opacity:0;filter:alpha(opacity=0);padding-right:.3em;padding-bottom:.3em;} .yui-skin-sam .yui-ac-content ul{margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;} .yui-skin-sam .yui-ac-content li{margin:0;padding:2px 5px;cursor:default;white-space:nowrap;list-style:none;zoom:1;} .yui-skin-sam .yui-ac-content li.yui-ac-prehighlight{background:#B3D4FF;} .yui-skin-sam .yui-ac-content li.yui-ac-highlight{background:#426FD9;color:#FFF;} label.vivtag-label { font-weight: bold; } div.vivtag-wrapper span { float: left; margin-right: 10px; } div.vivtag-edit { float:left; position:relative; font-size: 100%; } ul.vivtag-holder { background-color: #fff; cursor: text; width: 350px; border: 1px solid #999; height: auto !important; height: 1%; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; padding: 4px 5px; } ul.vivtag-holder li.vivtag-input { list-style-type: none; margin: 0 5px 4px 0; } ul.vivtag-holder li.vivtag-input input { width: 150px; border: 0; outline: 0; padding: 2px 0 2px; margin: 2px 0 0; position: static; } ul.vivtag-holder li.vivtag-focus { background-color: #c00; } /*********************** Documents w/folders enabled **********************/ .document-folder { margin: 5px 0; line-height: 1.2; clear:both; } .document-folder .folder-label { font-weight:bold; float:left; margin-right: 8px; } .document-folder span.folder-name { margin: 0 3px; zoom: 1; float:left; border: 1px solid #c2c2c2; } .document-folder a, .document-folder span.current-folder-label { background: url(/vivisimo/images/folder.gif) no-repeat 2px 2px; float:left; padding: 2px 4px 2px 20px; } .document-folder a { display:block; } .document-folder span.current-folder { background-color: #dfe7f8 !important; border: 1px solid #B3C1DB; } .document-folder a:hover, .document-folder a:focus { background-color: #eee; } .document-folder span.folder-name a.remove-from-folder { background: url(/vivisimo/images/viv-x-small-inactive.gif) no-repeat 2px 5px; text-indent:-9999px; overflow:hidden; border-left: 1px solid #c2c2c2; width: 7px; padding: 2px; text-decoration: none; } .document-folder span.current-folder a.remove-from-folder { border-left: 1px solid #B3C1DB; } .document-folder span.folder-name a.remove-from-folder:link, .document-folder span.folder-name a.remove-from-folder:visited { color:#123C92;; } .document-folder span.folder-name a.remove-from-folder:hover, .document-folder span.folder-name a.remove-from-folder:focus { background: #eee url(/vivisimo/images/viv-x-small-active.gif) no-repeat 2px 5px; } .viv-nav-folders li.current-folder, .viv-nav-folders div.current-folder { background-color: #dfe7f8 !important; background: #dfe7f8 url(/vivisimo/images/viv-folder-selected.png) repeat-x 0 0; _background: #dfe7f8 url(/vivisimo/images/viv-folder-selected.gif) repeat-x 0 0; border: 1px solid #B3C1DB; zoom:1; } .viv-nav-folders div.all-results-folder { margin-top:4px; padding-left: 2px; } .folder-target { background: #FFF url(/vivisimo/images/viv-gradient-bottom-gray.gif) repeat-x bottom; zoom: 1; /* trigger hasLayout for IE6 */ position: relative; } ol.results div.folder-target { margin-bottom: 0.75em; } li.document div.selected { background: #FFE4AF url(/vivisimo/images/viv-highlight-full.png) repeat-x; _background-image: none; } .document-header-drag-drop { background: #ffffff url(/vivisimo/images/viv-gradient-bottom-gray.gif) repeat-x bottom; padding:0.3em; border: 1px solid #cccccc; } .export input { cursor: default; } .document-header-drag-drop:hover { background: #FFE4AF url(/vivisimo/images/viv-highlight-full.png) repeat-x; _background-image: none; } .document-buttons { float:right; } .viv-target { border: 1px solid #c00; } /************************** Folder tabs ********************************/ #viv-folder-tabs { margin-top: 12px; position: relative; } #viv-folder-tabs ul.folder-tabs { list-style-type: none; padding-left: 5px; background: url(/vivisimo/images/viv-pixel-b3c1db.gif) repeat-x bottom; } #viv-folder-tabs li.folder-tab { float: left; background: url(/vivisimo/images/viv-folder-tabs-bg.png) no-repeat 100% 0; _background: url(/vivisimo/images/viv-folder-tabs-bg.gif) no-repeat 100% 0; } #viv-folder-tabs li.folder-tab div { background: url(/vivisimo/images/viv-folder-tabs-bg.png) no-repeat 0 0; _background: url(/vivisimo/images/viv-folder-tabs-bg.gif) no-repeat 0 0; } #viv-folder-tabs li.folder-tab div a, #viv-folder-tabs li.folder-tab div span { padding: 4px 15px 3px; display: block; -moz-outline: 0; } #viv-folder-tabs li.breadcrumb, #viv-folder-tabs li.breadcrumb div { background-image: url(/vivisimo/images/velo-tab.gif); } #viv-folder-tabs li.breadcrumb:hover { background-position: 100% -50px; 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float:left; } .viv-nav-folders .viv-nav-folders-buttons { clear:both; padding-bottom: 0.75em; padding-top: 0.75em; border-top: 1px solid #CCC; } .viv-nav-folders-instructions { padding-bottom: 0.75em; } .viv-nav-folders div.viv-folder-root { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; color: #666; padding-top: 7px; } .viv-nav-folders .disclosure-closed, .viv-nav-folders .disclosure-open { cursor: pointer; padding-left: 0.8em !important; background: url(/vivisimo/images/viv-disclosure-open.gif) no-repeat 1px 50% !important; } .viv-nav-folders .disclosure-closed { background-image: url(/vivisimo/images/viv-disclosure-closed.gif) !important; } .viv-nav-folders .viv-folder-children-container { max-height: 600px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; } #folder-dialog .viv-nav-folders .viv-folder-children-container { max-height: 300px; _height: 300px; } .viv-nav-folders .viv-folder-children { clear:both; } .viv-nav-folders li.viv-folder, .viv-nav-folders, .viv-nav-folders, .viv-nav-folders li.dropped { margin-top: 4px; 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padding-left: 0; } .yui-panel .viv-nav-folders li.viv-folder div.viv-folder-wrapper label { padding-left: 18px; } .viv-nav-folders li.viv-folder-new { margin-bottom: 4px; } .viv-nav-folders input.folder-rename { width: 110px; } .viv-nav-folders input.viv-folder { width: 110px; } .viv-nav-folders div.toggle-button-container { float:right; } .viv-nav-folders .button { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0; margin-left: 2px; } .viv-nav-folders .button span span span span { padding:0 10px 0 6px; } .viv-nav-folders .viv-folder .button { float:right; } .viv-nav-folders a.viv-folder, .viv-nav-folders label { zoom: 1; } .viv-nav-folders .viv-folder-error { color: #c00; font-size: 90%; } .viv-folder-error .allowed-symbols { font-family: "Courier"; color: #555; } .folderproxy { font-size: 0.9em !important; } .folderproxy .field, .folderproxy span.document-actions { display: inline; font-size: 0.9em; } /************************ Saved Queries *****************************/ .viv-query-deleted { margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0.5em; border:1px solid #AECFA8; border-left-width: 5px; background-color: #E3EFE0; } /* Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: version: 2.3.0 */ .yui-overlay,.yui-panel-container { visibility:hidden; position:absolute; z-index:1; } yui-panel-container form { margin:0; } .masked .yui-panel-container { z-index:2; } .mask { z-index:1; display:none; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; overflow:auto; } .masked select,.drag select,.hide-select select { _visibility:hidden; } .yui-panel-container select { _visibility:inherit; } .hide-scrollbars,.hide-scrollbars * { overflow:hidden; } .hide-scrollbars select { display:none; } .show-scrollbars { overflow:auto; }, { overflow:visible; } .underlay, .yui-tt-shadow { overflow:auto; } .yui-tt-shadow { position:absolute; } .mask { background-color:#000; opacity:.4; *filter:alpha(opacity=40); } .yui-panel-container { padding:0 1px; *padding:2px 3px; } .yui-panel { position:relative; *zoom:1; left:0; top:0; border-style:solid; border-width:1px 0; border-color:#808080; z-index:1; } .yui-panel .hd, .yui-panel .bd, .yui-panel .ft { *zoom:1; 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padding-top:0; } { color:#0082C8; font-weight:bold; font-size:90%; } { padding-bottom: 0; } { margin-bottom: 1em; } { border: 2px solid #0082C8; padding: .5em; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; font-size: 90%; border-bottom-left-radius: 20px; border-bottom-right-radius: 20px; border-top-right-radius: 20px; } div#search-secondary div form { padding-left: 0; } input.query { width: 300px; } #viv-footer #frmSearchBottom { margin-left:160px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; } #viv-footer .bluelabel { font-size:100%; } .sidetab { width: 12em; } div.spelling-correction { margin-left: 0; } .spotlighttab a:visited { color: #FFFFFF; } div.node-self div.label { font-size: 90%; } div.node-self div.label span.num-docs { font-size: 80%; } body { margin:8px; padding:0; } div.node-self div.label { color: #333333; } span.vivbold { font-weight: 600; } #viv-sidebar { float: left; clear: left; } a:link { color: #005988; } { padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em; } img { border: 1px solid #CCC; } .return-top { z-index:10; 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font-size: 80%; } div#bin-alpha div.tree { border: none; } #binning h3 { border-bottom: none; margin-bottom: 0; text-align: center; } @media only screen and (max-width: 659px) { #viv-main { float:right; width:100%; margin:0px; } #viv-sidebar { width:100%; } #viv-main .content { margin-left: 0; } #viv-footer { display: none; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 300px) { .sidetab { width:80%; } } /* =lightbox */ .mask {z-index: 2 !important} .masked .yui-panel-container {z-index: 3 !important} .yui-panel {border: 1px solid #888} .yui-panel-container.shadow .underlay {left: 4px;top: 4px;opacity: 0.25;} .yui-panel-container.matte {padding: 5px; background: #777;} .yui-panel .hd { background: #FFF url(/vivisimo/images/viv-gradient-bottom-gray.gif) repeat-x bottom; color: #555; border-color: #AAA; } .yui-panel .bd { color: #555; background: #FFF url(/vivisimo/images/viv-gradient-bottom-lgray.gif) repeat-x bottom; padding: 0.75em; border-top: 1px solid #DDD; } .yui-panel .bd ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0.5em; } .yui-panel .bd li { margin: 0.5em 0; line-height: 1.3; color: #555; } .yui-panel .success { margin: 0.5em 0; } .yui-panel .container-close { background: url(/vivisimo/images/viv-close.gif) no-repeat; width: 13px; height: 13px; cursor: pointer; } .yui-panel .buttons {float: right} .yui-panel .button {margin: 0 0.25em} .yui-panel .button span span span span {padding: 1px 9px 4px 6px} .yui-panel .continue-searching {margin-top: 1em} </style> <!--[if lte IE 7]> <style type="text/css"> ul, ol {position: relative} #viv-sidebar .content {height: 1%} div.tree {height: 0.1%} div.node {height: 0.1%} #breadcrumbs span.binning-state a {background-position: 100% 2px;} #viv-folder-new-input-folder { width: 100px; } </style> <![endif]--> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <style type="text/css"> #viv-search {overflow: hidden;} /* prevent IE6 float drop */ ul.nodes li {word-wrap: break-word} .bin, .tree, .refinement-label {position: relative; zoom: 1;} div.preview {background: #ddd} div.preview iframe { border: 0; 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'none' : '' ); } } viv.redraw(); }, /** * To unset the display attribute for an element. * @param {DOMObject} element one or more elements to show. */ show : function () { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) { $(arguments[i]).style.display = ''; } }, /** * To set the display attribute for an element to none. * @param {DOMObject} element one or more elements to hide. */ hide : function () { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) { if (typeof $(arguments[i]).style != 'undefined') $(arguments[i]).style.display = 'none'; } }, /** * To change the class of an element from one to another. * @param {element} string, id or Object of an element. * @param {String} first of two classes * @param {String} second of two classes */ toggleClass : function (element,class1,class2) { var el = $(element); el.className=(el.className==class1) ? class2 : class1; viv.redraw(); }, /** * Returns the list of dom nodes by class. * * @param {String} searchClass The CSS class to search for. * @param {DOMObject} node The node to search from (default: document) * @param {String} tag The element type to look for (default: *) * @returns {Array} a list of dom elements that match. */ getElementsByClass : function (searchClass,node,tag) { var i, j, classElements = []; node = node ? node : document; tag = typeof(tag) === 'string' ? tag : '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + searchClass + "(\\s|$)"); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } return classElements; }, /** * Returns the the value of a cookie. */ getCookie : function (cookie_name) { var cookies, cookie, i, name_plus_equals; name_plus_equals = window.encodeURIComponent(cookie_name) + "="; cookies = document.cookie.split(/;\s+/); for(i=0; i < cookies.length; i++) { cookie = cookies[i]; if (cookie.indexOf(name_plus_equals) === 0) { return window.decodeURIComponent( cookie.substring(name_plus_equals.length, cookie.length) ); } } return ""; }, /** * Sets a cookie based on name, value and (optional) expiration in days. */ setCookie : function (cookie_name, cookie_value, expire_in_days) { var setter, expire_date; setter = window.encodeURIComponent(cookie_name) + "=" + window.encodeURIComponent(cookie_value); if (typeof expire_in_days === "number") { expire_date = new Date(); expire_date.setTime(expire_date.getTime() + (expire_in_days * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000)); setter = setter + ";expires=" + expire_date.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = setter; }, /** * Adds an event to an object without removing existing events. * * For a list of types, see: * * @param {HTMLElement | Element} obj The element to attach the event to. * @param {String} evType The event type to catch * @param {Function} fn The function to run when the event happens. */ addEvent: function (obj, evType, fn) { if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false); return true; } else if (obj.attachEvent) { var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn); return r; } else { return false; } } }, page : { preview : function (id) { var po = $('po-' + id); var pc = $('pc-' + id); var div = $('pd-' + id); if (div.childNodes.length==0 || div.childNodes[0].nodeName != 'IFRAME') { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("id", "pf-" + id); iframe.setAttribute("src", convertUTF8ToUnicode(decodeURI(po.href))); iframe.setAttribute("name", "pf-" + id); div.innerHTML = ''; div.appendChild(iframe); } viv.dom.toggle(div); viv.dom.toggle(pc); viv.dom.toggle(po); return false; }, linkWithQuery : function (url, source) { if (source.length) { document.forms[0].elements['v:sources'].value=source; getLocalResults(); } else if (window.encodeURIComponent && document.forms[0] && document.forms[0].query) { var query = encodeURIComponent(document.forms[0].query.value.replace(/(^section:|^source:)/,'')); location.href=url+(query ? 'query='+ query : ""); return false; } else { return true; } }, toggleSourceDetails : function() { $('source-details').style.position = 'absolute'; viv.dom.toggle('source-details'); return false; }, addCollapsedNav : function (id, cookie) { if ($(id + '-content') && $(id + '-content').style.display == 'none') { // don't add the state if it's already there if (cookie.indexOf(id) == -1) { return id + '|'; } } return ''; }, toggleNav : function (toggle, id, class_open, class_closed, toggle_ids) { var project = 'medlineplus'; var content = $(id+'-content'); var cookie_name = 'viv_toggle_states' + '_' + project; var cookie = viv.dom.getCookie(cookie_name); var new_state = '|'; // add the current node, if not in cookie if (cookie.indexOf(id) == -1) { new_state += id + '|'; } viv.dom.toggle(content); if (toggle_ids) { toggles = toggle_ids.split(' '); for (var ii=0; ii<toggles.length; ii++) { viv.dom.toggle(toggles[ii]); } } if (class_open && class_closed) { viv.dom.toggleClass(toggle, class_open, class_closed); } var collapsed_nodes = cookie.split('|'); // keep existing states if (cookie) { for (var ii=0; ii<collapsed_nodes.length; ii++) { var node = collapsed_nodes[ii]; if (node != id && node.length) { new_state += node + '|'; } } } var binning_sets = viv.dom.getElementsByClass('navbox', $('binning-content'), 'div'); // walk through all binning sets and add their // state to the cookie if it is collapsed for(var ii=0; ii<binning_sets.length; ii++) { // don't add nested binning sets to the cookie if (binning_sets[ii].parentNode.tagName != 'LI') { var id = binning_sets[ii].id.replace(/bin-/, ''); new_state +=, cookie); } } // also check binning and clusters new_state +='binning', cookie); new_state +='clusters', cookie); viv.dom.setCookie(cookie_name, new_state); viv.redraw(); return false; }, toggleAllNav : function(toggle_control) { var action = toggle_control.className.replace(/binning-/, '').replace(/-all clickable/, ''); viv.dom.toggleClass(toggle_control, 'binning-collapse-all clickable', 'binning-expand-all clickable'); var binning_sets = viv.dom.getElementsByClass('navbox', $('binning-content'), 'div'); for(var ii=0; ii<binning_sets.length; ii++) { var id = binning_sets[ii].id.replace(/bin-/, ''); if(binning_sets[ii].parentNode.tagName != 'LI' && (action === 'collapse' && $(id + '-content').style.display != 'none') || (action==='expand' && $(id + '-content').style.display==='none')) {'binning-header-' + id , id, 'refine-label disclosure-open', 'refine-label disclosure-closed', id + '-bin-controls'); } else if (action === 'collapse') { var project = 'medlineplus'; var cookie_name = 'viv_toggle_states_' + project; var cookie_value = viv.dom.getCookie(cookie_name); cookie_value += '|' + binning_sets[ii].id.replace(/bin-/, '');; viv.dom.setCookie(cookie_name, cookie_value); } } }, setToggleAllNav : function() { var binning_sets = viv.dom.getElementsByClass('navbox', $('binning-content'), 'div'); var all_collapsed = true; for(var ii=0; ii<binning_sets.length; ii++) { // don't check nested sets if (binning_sets[ii].parentNode.tagName != 'LI') { var id = binning_sets[ii].id.replace(/bin-/, ''); if(document.getElementById(id + '-content').style.display != 'none') { all_collapsed = false; } } } var toggle_all = $('binning-toggle-all'); if (toggle_all != null) { if (all_collapsed) { toggle_all.className = 'binning-expand-all clickable'; } else { toggle_all.className = 'binning-collapse-all clickable'; } } }, toggleFields : function (id, toggle_type) { var doc = $(id); var short_region = viv.dom.getElementsByClass('doctog-short', doc, 'div')[0]; var long_region = viv.dom.getElementsByClass('doctog-long', doc, 'div')[0]; if (toggle_type === 'long') { viv.dom.hide(short_region);; } else { viv.dom.hide(long_region);; } return false; } } }; function getElt(id) { return document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(id) : (document.all ? document.all[id] : 0); } function myescape(str) { if (window.encodeURIComponent) return encodeURIComponent(str); else return escape(str); } /** * Credit TiddlyWiki for this function to handle UTF8 encoding in IE6 */ function convertUTF8ToUnicode(utf) { var browser=navigator.appName; if (browser == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var uni = utf; var src = 0; var dst = 0; var b1, b2, b3; var c; while(src < utf.length) { b1 = utf.charCodeAt(src++); if(b1 < 0x80) { dst++; } else if(b1 < 0xE0) { b2 = utf.charCodeAt(src++); c = String.fromCharCode(((b1 & 0x1F) << 6) | (b2 & 0x3F)); uni = uni.substring(0,dst++).concat(c,utf.substr(src)); } else { b2 = utf.charCodeAt(src++); b3 = utf.charCodeAt(src++); c = String.fromCharCode(((b1 & 0xF) << 12) | ((b2 & 0x3F) << 6) | (b3 & 0x3F)); uni = uni.substring(0,dst++).concat(c,utf.substr(src)); } } return uni; } else { return utf; } } var srcp='v:sources'; var sources = new Object(); function changeSource(input, rec) { var parent_name = sources[input.value]; var parent_checked = true; var parent_elt = null; var i = 0; var ignp = "v:ignore"; = srcp; while(i < input.form.elements.length) { var elt = input.form.elements[i]; i++; if ( != ignp && != srcp) continue; var elt_parent_name = sources[elt.value]; if (elt_parent_name == parent_name) { parent_checked = parent_checked && elt.checked; } else if (elt_parent_name == input.value) { if (elt.checked != input.checked) { if (rec) { elt.checked = input.checked; changeSource(elt, -1); } if (elt.checked && input.checked) = ignp; else = srcp; } else { = ignp; } } else if (elt.value == parent_name) { parent_elt = elt; } } if (rec >= 0 && parent_elt && parent_elt.checked != parent_checked) { parent_elt.checked = parent_checked; changeSource(parent_elt, 0); } } function setAdvancedSources() { var ignp = "v:ignore"; var checkboxes = new Array(); var v_sources = document.getElementsByName('v:sources'); var v_ignores = document.getElementsByName('v:ignore'); for (var ii=0; ii < v_sources.length; ii++) { checkboxes.push(v_sources[ii]); } for (var ii=0; ii < v_ignores.length; ii++) { checkboxes.push(v_ignores[ii]); } for (var ii=0; ii < checkboxes.length; ii++) { checkbox = checkboxes[ii]; if (checkbox.checked) { var parent_checkbox = null; for (var jj=0; jj < checkboxes.length; jj++) { if (checkboxes[jj].value === sources[checkbox.value]) { parent_checkbox = checkboxes[jj]; break; } } if (parent_checkbox && parent_checkbox.checked) { = ignp; } else { = srcp; } } else { = ignp; } } } function toggle_other_matches(bs_id) { var other_matches = $(bs_id + '-other-matches'); viv.dom.toggle(other_matches); viv.dom.toggle(bs_id + '-bin-controls'); viv.dom.toggle(bs_id + '-other-matches-hide'); viv.dom.toggle(bs_id + '-other-matches-show'); } function hide_bin_pages(bs_id, num_pages) { for(var ii=1; ii<=num_pages; ii++) { var page = $(bs_id + ii); viv.dom.hide(page); } } function update_bin_curr(bs_id, num_pages, page_num) { $('curr-' + bs_id).innerHTML = page_num; } function reset_bin_page_classes(bs_id, num_pages) { for(var ii=1; ii<=num_pages; ii++) { var num = $('paging-curr-' + bs_id + ii); YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(num, 'curr-bin-page'); } } function bin_page(bs_id, num_pages, page) { if (page == 'prev') { for(var ii=1; ii<=num_pages; ii++) { var this_page = $(bs_id + '-0.0-' + ii); if ( != 'none') { if (ii != 1) { viv.dom.hide(this_page);$(bs_id + '-0.0-' + (ii-1))); update_bin_curr(bs_id, num_pages, ii-1); } else { viv.dom.hide(this_page);$(bs_id + '-0.0-' + num_pages)); update_bin_curr(bs_id, num_pages, num_pages); } return; } } } else if (page == 'next') { for(var ii=1; ii<=num_pages; ii++) { var this_page = $(bs_id + '-0.0-' + ii); if ( != 'none') { if (ii != (num_pages)) { viv.dom.hide(this_page);$(bs_id + '-0.0-' + (ii+1))); update_bin_curr(bs_id, num_pages, ii+1); } else { viv.dom.hide(this_page);$(bs_id + '-0.0-' + 1)); update_bin_curr(bs_id, num_pages, 1); } return; } } } } function more_bins(bs_id, num_pages) { for(var ii=2; ii<=num_pages; ii++) { var page = $(bs_id + '-' + ii); if ( == 'none') {; if (ii==num_pages) { viv.dom.hide('show-more-' + bs_id);'show-top-' + bs_id); } return; } } } function less_bins(bs_id, num_pages) { for(var ii=num_pages; ii>1; ii--) { var page = $(bs_id + '-' + ii); if ( != 'none') { viv.dom.hide(page); } } viv.dom.hide('show-top-' + bs_id);'show-more-' + bs_id); } function all_bins(bs_id, num_pages, toggle) { for(var ii=2; ii<=num_pages; ii++) { var page = $(bs_id + ii); if (toggle == 'hide') { viv.dom.hide(page); } else {; } } } function selectTabbedSpotlight(tab) { var tabs = $('tabbed-spotlights-tabs').firstChild.getElementsByTagName("li"); for (var i=0; i < tabs.length; i++) { tabs[i].className = ""; spotlight_content = $(tabs[i].id.replace('-tab', '-content')); if (spotlight_content) viv.dom.hide(spotlight_content); }; $(tab.replace('-content', '-tab')).className = "active"; } var current_qe_tab = ''; function switchActiveTab(clicked) { /* handle the divs with the expansions */ viv.dom.hide('qe-term-' + current_qe_tab);'qe-term-' + clicked); /* handle the select all checkboxes in the footer */ viv.dom.hide('qe-selectall-' + current_qe_tab);'qe-selectall-' + clicked); /* handle the tabs (may be multiple matches) */ var tabs = document.getElementById('qe-terms').getElementsByTagName('a'); var clicked_tab = 'qe-tab-' + clicked; for(i=0; i<tabs.length; i++) { if(tabs[i].id === clicked_tab) { if(tabs[i].className.indexOf(' active') == -1) { tabs[i].className += ' active'; 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var all_selected_now = true; for(var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) { if(!inputs[i].checked && inputs[i].id.indexOf('cb-')===0) { all_selected_now = false; } } if(all_selected_now) { checkbox.checked = 'checked'; viv.dom.hide('qe-allselected-' + id);'qe-alldeselected-' + id); } else { checkbox.checked = ''; viv.dom.hide('qe-alldeselected-' + id);'qe-allselected-' + id); } } function allType(checkbox) { var inputs = checkbox.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input'); if(checkbox.checked) { for(var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) { inputs[i].checked = 'checked'; } } else { for(var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) { inputs[i].checked = ''; } } } function setAllType(id) { var all = document.getElementById(id); if(all) { var inputs = all.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input'); var all_selected_now = true; for(var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) { if(!inputs[i].checked && inputs[i].id!=id) { all_selected_now = false; } } if(all_selected_now && !all.checked) { all.checked = 'checked'; var id_parts = id.split('-'); setAllTerms(id_parts[id_parts.length - 1]); } else if(!all_selected_now && all.checked){ all.checked = ''; var id_parts = id.split('-'); setAllTerms(id_parts[id_parts.length - 1]); } } } function initSelectAlls() { var qe_container = document.getElementById('qe-expansions'); if(qe_container) { var qe_children = qe_container.getElementsByTagName('div'); if(qe_children) { for(var i=0; i<qe_children.length; i++) { var each_div = qe_children[i].getElementsByTagName('div'); if(each_div) { for(var j=0; j<each_div.length; j++) { var current_inputs = each_div[j].getElementsByTagName('input'); if(current_inputs[0]) { setAllType(current_inputs[0].id); } } } } } } } YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, 'load', initSelectAlls); function setQueryStr() { var searchStr="Marfan%20syndrome"; var baseUrl; var x=document.getElementsByClassName("contactus_link"); var i; baseUrl=x[0].href; for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].href = baseUrl+(encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)); } document.getElementById("searchtext_primary").value = myunescape(searchStr); 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var connection = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', url, document_export_all_start_callback); } function documentExportAllStartSuccess(o) { var jso; try { jso = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(o.responseText); } catch (err) { document_export_all_dialog.setHeader('Export All JSON error'); document_export_all_dialog.setBody(''); document_export_all_dialog.setBody("Could not parse JSON"); document_export_all_dialog.render(document.body); return; } document_export_all_dialog.setHeader('Export All'); document_export_all_dialog.setBody(''); document_export_all_dialog.setBody(jso.body); document_export_all_dialog.render(document.body); var export_id = jso.body.match(/<div id=\"([^\"]+)\">/)[1]; var url = '/vivisimo/cgi-bin/velocity?'; url += 'export-id=' + export_id; var document_export_all_monitor_callback = {success:documentExportAllMonitorSuccess, failure:documentExportAllMonitorFailure}; setTimeout(function f() {YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', url, document_export_all_monitor_callback);}, 2000); 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One of these proteins is fibrillin. A problem with the fibrillin gene causes Marfan syndrome. </p> <p>Marfan syndrome can be mild to severe, and the symptoms can vary. People with Marfan syndrome are often very tall, thin, and loose jointed. Most people with Marfan syndrome have heart and blood vessel problems, such as a weakness in the aorta or heart valves that leak. They may also have problems with their bones, eyes, skin, nervous system, and lungs.</p><p style="margin-bottom:0px;"> (<a href="/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_Q0zdiP&server=pvlb7srch14&v%3astate=root%7croot&rid=Ndoc0&v%3aframe=redirect&">Read more</a>) </p></div><div style="clear:both"></div></div></div><div id="search-intro" class="clearfix"><div id="search-details"> Results <strong>1</strong> - <strong>10</strong> of <span class="intronum">91</span> for <span class="introquery">Marfan syndrome</span></div></div><ol class="results" start="1"><li class="document source-health-topics" id="doc-Ndoc0"><div class="document-header"><a class="title" href="/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_Q0zdiP&server=pvlb7srch14&v%3astate=root%7croot&" target="_self"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span></a> (National Library of Medicine) <span class="document-actions">聽</span></div><div class="document-body"><div class="document-snippet"> <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> is a disorder that affects connective tissue. Connective tissues are proteins that support skin, bones, blood ... fibrillin. A problem with the fibrillin gene causes <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span>. <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> can be mild to severe, and ... </div><div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="document-footer"><span class="url"></span><span class="separator"> - </span><span class="sources">Health Topics</span></div></li><li class="document source-ghr_2view" id="doc-Ndoc1"><div class="document-header"><a class="title" href="/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_Q0zdiP&server=pvlb7srch14&v%3astate=root%7croot&" target="_self"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span></a><span class="document-actions">聽</span></div><div class="document-body"><div class="document-snippet"> <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> is a disorder that affects the connective tissue in many parts of the body. Connective tissue provides strength and flexibility to structures ... </div><div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="document-footer"><span class="url"><span class="vivbold qt0">marfan</span>-<span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span></span><span class="separator"> - </span><span class="sources">Genetics</span></div></li><li class="document source-encyclopedia" id="doc-Ndoc7"><div class="document-header"><a class="title" href="/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_Q0zdiP&server=pvlb7srch14&v%3astate=root%7croot&" target="_self"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span></a><span class="document-actions">聽</span></div><div class="document-body"><div class="document-snippet"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> is a disorder of connective tissue. This is the tissue that strengthens the body's structures. Disorders ... <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> is caused by variants in a gene called fibrillin-1. Fibrillin-1 plays an important role ... </div><div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="document-footer"><span class="url"></span><span class="separator"> - </span><span class="sources">Medical Encyclopedia</span></div></li><li class="document source-medical-sites" id="doc-Ndoc2"><div class="document-header"><a class="title" data-sid="114099" href="/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_Q0zdiP&server=pvlb7srch14&v%3astate=root%7croot&" target="_blank"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span> (For Parents)</a> (Nemours Foundation) <span class="document-actions">聽</span></div><div class="document-body"><div class="document-snippet"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span>, <span class="vivbold qt0">marfan</span>, connective tissue, heart problems, eye problems, too tall, genetics, genetic disorders, genetic counseling, bones, scoliosis, ... </div><div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="document-footer"><span class="url"><span class="vivbold qt0">marfan</span>.html</span><span class="separator"> - </span><span class="sources">External Health Links</span></div></li><li class="document source-medical-sites" id="doc-Ndoc3"><div class="document-header"><a class="title" data-sid="62944" href="/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_Q0zdiP&server=pvlb7srch14&v%3astate=root%7croot&" target="_blank">Learning about <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span></a> <img src="//" height="16" width="25" title="From the National Institutes of Health" alt="From the National Institutes of Health"> (National Human Genome Research Institute) <span class="document-actions">聽</span></div><div class="document-body"><div class="document-snippet"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span>/Start Here ... <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span> ... National Human Genome Research Institute ... From the National Institutes of Health ... <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> an inherited disorder ... </div><div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="document-footer"><span class="url"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span>-<span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span></span><span class="separator"> - </span><span class="sources">External Health Links</span></div></li><li class="document source-encyclopedia" id="doc-Ndoc9"><div class="document-header"><a class="title" href="/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_Q0zdiP&server=pvlb7srch14&v%3astate=root%7croot&" target="_self"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> (image)</a><span class="document-actions">聽</span></div><div class="document-body"><div class="document-snippet"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> is a disorder of connective tissue which causes skeletal defects typically recognized in a tall, lanky person. A person with <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> may exhibit long limbs and spider-like fingers, ... </div><div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="document-footer"><span class="url"></span><span class="separator"> - </span><span class="sources">Medical Encyclopedia</span></div></li><li class="document source-medical-sites" id="doc-Ndoc4"><div class="document-header"><a class="title" data-sid="58165" href="/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_Q0zdiP&server=pvlb7srch14&v%3astate=root%7croot&" target="_blank">What Is <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span>?</a> <img src="//" height="11" width="79" title="Easy-to-Read" alt="Easy-to-Read"> <img src="//" height="16" width="25" title="From the National Institutes of Health" alt="From the National Institutes of Health"> (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases) <span class="document-actions">聽</span></div><div class="document-body"><div class="document-snippet"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span>/Start Here ... <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span> ... National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases ... Easy-to-Read ... From the National Institutes ... </div><div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="document-footer"><span class="url"><span class="vivbold qt0">marfan</span>-<span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span></span><span class="separator"> - </span><span class="sources">External Health Links</span></div></li><li class="document source-medical-sites" id="doc-Ndoc5"><div class="document-header"><a class="title" data-sid="155375" href="/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_Q0zdiP&server=pvlb7srch14&v%3astate=root%7croot&" target="_blank"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span></a> <img src="//" height="16" width="25" title="From the National Institutes of Health" alt="From the National Institutes of Health"> (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) <span class="document-actions">聽</span></div><div class="document-body"><div class="document-snippet"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span>, aorta, <span class="vivbold qt0">marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> and aortic aneuryms, <span class="vivbold qt0">marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span> surgery,</div><div style="clear: both"></div></div><div class="document-footer"><span class="url"><span class="vivbold qt0">marfan</span>-<span class="vivbold qt1">syndrome</span></span><span class="separator"> - </span><span class="sources">External Health Links</span></div></li><li class="document source-medical-sites" id="doc-Ndoc6"><div class="document-header"><a class="title" data-sid="9394" href="/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_Q0zdiP&server=pvlb7srch14&v%3astate=root%7croot&" target="_blank">Heart and Blood Vessels in <span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span class="vivbold qt1">Syndrome</span></a> (Marfan Foundation) <strong> - PDF </strong><span class="document-actions">聽</span></div><div class="document-body"><div class="document-snippet"><span class="vivbold qt0">Marfan</span> <span 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