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We build design systems, craft exceptional online experiences, and transform digital organizations.</p></div> </div> </header> <div class="lc maincontent"> <section class="bodycontent"> <!-- start <%content%> --> <div class="bmw_pageContent"> <aside class="aside media-right"> <p><strong>Get in Touch</strong></p> <p>Contact Josh Clark to get started:<br/> <a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#x74;&#111;&#x3a;&#x6a;&#x6f;&#115;&#x68;&#x40;&#x62;&#x69;&#103;&#109;&#101;&#100;&#105;&#117;&#109;&#46;&#x63;&#111;&#109;">&#x6a;&#x6f;&#x73;&#x68;&#64;&#x62;&#x69;&#103;&#109;&#101;&#x64;&#105;&#x75;&#x6d;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;&#109;</a><br/> <a href="tel:+14013393381">(401) 339&#8211;3381</a></p> </aside> <p>The internet is a mighty big medium. It spreads not only across platforms and screens but into the physical world—and into all aspects of everyday life and business. Big Medium helps clients make daring leaps in how they seize the internet’s evolving opportunities—and confront its emerging challenges.</p> <h3 id="whatwedo:designatscale">What we do: design at scale</h3> <p>We guide big companies doing big things. We combine strategy and practice to help our clients build the right products <em>and</em> build the products right.</p> <ul> <li>We build and evolve <strong><mark>design systems</mark></strong> for the world’s biggest companies.</li> <li>We help clients put <strong><mark>artificial intelligence</mark></strong> and <strong><mark>machine learning</mark></strong> to meaningful use.</li> <li>We design <strong><mark>web and application interfaces</mark></strong> across brands and product lines.</li> <li>We do <strong><mark>organization design</mark></strong> and <strong><mark>change management</mark></strong> to bust silos and help sprawling digital teams work better together.</li> <li>We craft <strong><mark> product strategy for emerging technologies</mark></strong> including AI, connected devices, and the latest web technologies.</li> <li>We provide <strong><mark>education and inspiration</mark></strong> via workshops, executive sessions, and keynote addresses.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/hire/">Learn about our services</a>, and <a href="/projects/">check out our recent projects</a>.</p> <h3 id="whatweunlock:change">What we unlock: <strong>change</strong></h3> <p>We help complex organizations level up. Lasting organizational change is always a key deliverable, and our clients say working with us is transformative. When we build together with client teams, we also do much more: we introduce new process; we remove friction and frustration; we reinforce collaborative culture; and we reveal new techniques and technologies. Your digital teams will be more nimble, more confident, and more effective for working with us.</p> <h3 id="thebiggestbrands">The biggest brands</h3> <p>Our clients include a giant collection of the world’s best-known brands. including <strong>10 percent of the Fortune 100</strong> and counting. Here’s a small selection of recent clients:</p> <!-- start logos --> <section> <div class="lc u--zero-pad"> <div class="standard-margin"> <!-- start client list --> <div class="g g-2-3-4up bmw_logos"> <!-- start caterpillar --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/caterpillar.svg" alt="Caterpillar logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end caterpillar --> <!-- start united --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/united-airlines.svg" alt="United Airlines logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end united --> <!-- start cigna --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/cigna.svg" alt="Cigna logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end cigna --> <!-- start ups --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/ups.svg" alt="UPS logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end ups --> <!-- start dotdash meredith --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/dotdash-meredith.svg" alt="Dotdash Meredith logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end dotdash meredith --> <!-- start principal --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/principal.svg" alt="Principal logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end principal --> <!-- start nasdaq --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/nasdaq.svg" alt="Nasdaq logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end nasdaq --> <!-- start pfizer --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/pfizer.svg" alt="Pfizer logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end pfizer --> <!-- start comcast --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/comcast.svg" alt="Comcast logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end comcast --> <!-- start target --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/target.svg" alt="Target logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end target --> <!-- start marriott --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/marriott.svg" alt="Marriott logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end marriott --> <!-- start petsmart --> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_logo"> <img src="/pix/logos/petsmart.svg" alt="Petsmart logo" class="bma_thumb" /> </div> </div> <!-- end petsmart --> </div> <!-- end client list --> </div> </div> </section> <!-- end logos --> <h3 id="weareunlikeanyotheragency">We are unlike any other agency</h3> <p>We provide everything you’d expect from any full-service agency. We’ve won the expected collection of awards and accolades. We know how to run big projects. We can scale our teams quickly. </p> <p>But we’re also totally different. Our people, ideas, perspectives, and goals are unusual among digital agencies. Here’s why&#8230;</p> <h3 id="ledbyinternetluminaries">Led by internet luminaries</h3> <p>When you work with Big Medium, you work closely with principals <a href="/about/josh-clark.html">Josh Clark</a> and <a href="/about/brad-frost.html">Brad Frost</a>—web trailblazers who shape the language and techniques of modern design and development. They literally wrote the books on Atomic Design, Sentient Design, and mobile UX. They have almost certainly architected and built more enterprise design systems than any team on the planet—and guided the evolution of dozens more.</p> </div> </section> </div> <!-- start josh and brad --> <section> <div class="lc u--zero-pad"> <div class="standard-margin"> <!-- start avatars --> <div class="g g-half bmw_people bmw_people--principals"> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_link" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="/about/josh-clark.html" class="bma_thumb"> <img src="/bm.pix/josh-clark-headshot.1x1-500.jpg" class="bma_thumb bma_avatar" alt="Photo of Josh Clark" itemprop="image"> </a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <h3 class="bma_head"> <a href="/about/josh-clark.html" itemprop="name">Josh Clark</a> <meta itemprop="sameAs" content="" /> </h3> <div class="bma_desc"> <div class="bio_desc"> <span itemprop="jobTitle" class="jobtitle">Principal</span> <meta itemprop="worksFor" content="Big Medium" /> <br /> UX/product strategist,<br /> <cite>Sentient Design</cite> co-author </div> <a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#x74;&#111;&#x3a;&#x6a;&#x6f;&#115;&#x68;&#x40;&#x62;&#x69;&#103;&#109;&#101;&#100;&#105;&#117;&#109;&#46;&#x63;&#111;&#109;" itemprop="email">&#x6a;&#x6f;&#x73;&#x68;&#64;&#x62;&#x69;&#103;&#109;&#101;&#x64;&#105;&#x75;&#x6d;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;&#109;</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gi"> <div class="bmw_link" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="/about/brad-frost.html" class="bma_thumb"> <img src="" class="bma_thumb bma_avatar" alt="Photo of Brad Frost" itemprop="image"> </a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <h3 class="bma_head"> <a href="/about/brad-frost.html" itemprop="name">Brad Frost</a> <meta itemprop="sameAs" content="" /> </h3> <div class="bma_desc"> <div class="bio_desc"> <span itemprop="jobTitle" class="jobtitle">Principal</span> <meta itemprop="worksFor" content="Big Medium" /> <br /> Technical strategist,<br /> <cite>Atomic Design</cite> author </div> <a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#x74;&#111;&#x3a;&#x62;&#x72;&#97;&#x64;&#x40;&#x62;&#x69;&#103;&#109;&#101;&#100;&#105;&#117;&#109;&#46;&#x63;&#111;&#109;" itemprop="email">&#x62;&#x72;&#x61;&#x64;&#64;&#x62;&#x69;&#103;&#109;&#101;&#x64;&#105;&#x75;&#x6d;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;&#109;</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- start avatars --> </div> </div> </section> <!-- end josh and brad --> <div class="lc maincontent"> <section class="bodycontent"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <!-- remaining custom content is in the template file --> </div> <!-- end bmw_pageContent --> <!-- end <%content%> --> </section> </div> <!-- start custom about us content --> <section class="bodycontent"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <div class="about-splash about-splash__atomic"> <h3 class="about-splash--heading" id="atomic-design"> <span class="about-splash--text about-splash--text__atomic">We created Atomic Design</span> </h3> </div> </div> <div class="lc"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <p>Atomic Design is the methodology we created to build sturdy, reusable design systems. Big Medium’s Brad Frost wrote <a href="">the book on Atomic Design</a>, and it has since become the industry’s bible for designing the assets, process, and principles to drive successful design systems.</p> <p><strong>We know it’s working when we see improved efficiency, quality, and consistency, which are all hallmarks of Atomic Design.</strong></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bodycontent"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <div class="about-splash about-splash__fish"> <h3 class="about-splash--heading" id="teach-teams-to-fish"> <span class="about-splash--text">We teach teams to fish</span> </h3> </div> </div> <div class="lc"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <p>Our goal with every project is not only to deliver the promised outcome but to show our clients how to do it, too. Our aim is never to make clients dependent on us. On the contrary, we always seek to level up the teams we work with, so that our skills become theirs—and so that our client companies do not need to rely on external vendors. We are teachers as much as practitioners.</p> <p><strong>We know it’s working when the team has confidence to carry on the work on their own.</strong></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bodycontent"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <div class="about-splash about-splash__action"> <h3 class="about-splash--heading" id="orientation-to-action"> <span class="about-splash--text">Orientation to action</span> </h3> </div> </div> <div class="lc"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <p>We teach through demonstration and work out problems through explicit experimentation. We encourage process that favors parallel activity and cross-disciplinary collaboration, which shrinks timelines and delivers higher quality. We encourage companies to create design systems by building the roadmap projects they need to build anyway—instead of building a design system in the abstract and off to the side.</p> <p><strong>We know it’s working when we’re able to get down to doing the actual work—instead of talking about the work. </strong></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bodycontent"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <div class="about-splash about-splash__people"> <h3 class="about-splash--heading" id="people-politics-process"> <span class="about-splash--text about-splash--text__people">People + politics + process</span> </h3> </div> </div> <div class="lc"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <p>The toughest challenges to building design systems or digital products are rarely their technical solutions. People are the hard part—the way we work, the habits we form, the politics we contend with.</p> <p>A successful design system is tuned to the culture, hierarchy, incentives, and power structures of the organization. The work we do addresses this very human aspect of digital production, as well as the technical.</p> <p><strong>We know it’s working when we’ve reduced organizational frictions, eliminated barriers to collaboration, and accommodated fact-of-life power structures. </strong></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bodycontent"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <div class="about-splash about-splash__collaboration"> <h3 class="about-splash--heading" id="multi-disciplinary"> <span class="about-splash--text about-splash--text__collaboration">Multi-disciplinary collaboration</span> </h3> </div> </div> <div class="lc"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <p>We’re big believers in breaking down the creative silos between disciplines, with a particular focus on improving designer/developer co-creation. In our worldview, design systems and digital projects become a platform for collaboration, where designers and developers work from the same source of truth, share a common vocabulary, and have opportunities to build interfaces together instead of designers pitching mockups over the wall.</p> <p><strong>We know it’s working when everyone is speaking the same language, there are fewer surprises, screens are built faster, and QA is much reduced. </strong></p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="bodycontent"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <div class="about-splash about-splash__partners"> <h3 class="about-splash--heading" id="true-partnership"> <span class="about-splash--text about-splash--text__partners">True partnership</span> </h3> </div> </div> <div class="lc"> <div class="bmc_belowContent"> <p>We are told that we are not only smart and talented—table stakes for a full-service agency—but that we are also kind... and fun to work with. That rings true, since we look for the same in our clients.</p> <p>We become friends with the people we work with. We care about their challenges, and we are invested in their success. We are real allies in making their vision real.</p> <p><strong>We know it’s working when we’re all enjoying our work together, not only the results.</strong></p> <h3 id="contact">We’d love to meet you</h3> <p>Working on an interesting project, wrestling with a thorny problem, or leveling up your digital organization? Let’s talk! <a href="/hire/">Learn about our services</a>, and get in touch with us today.</p> <p class="vcard"> Contact Josh Clark to get started:<br> <a href="&#x6D;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#x74;&#x6F;:&#106;&#x6F;&#115;&#104;&#64;&#x62;&#105;&#x67;&#109;&#101;&#100;&#105;&#x75;&#x6D;.&#x63;&#x6F;&#x6D;">&#106;&#x6F;&#115;&#104;&#64;&#x62;&#105;&#x67;&#109;&#101;&#100;&#105;&#x75;&#x6D;.&#x63;&#x6F;&#x6D;</a><br> <a href="tel:+14013393381">(401) 339–3381</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- end custom about content --> </main> <section id="nav" class="prefooter"> <div class="toolbar"> <div class="lc"> <a href="" class="logo"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 830 147" role="img" aria-label="Big Medium" preserveAspectRatio="xMaxYMax meet"><title>Big Medium</title><desc>Big Medium logo</desc><use xlink:href="#bmlogo" id="footerLogo" /></svg> </a> <a href="#bm-top" id="BackToTop" class="icon icon-menu-up icon-utility">Back to top</a> </div> </div> <div class="lc"> <!-- START <%search%> --> <form action="" method="get" class="bmw_search" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="utf-8"><div> <input type="search" name="bmq" placeholder="Search" value="" /> <button type="submit" class="icon icon-search icon-utility">Search</button> <input type="hidden" name="bms" value="3" /> </div></form> <!-- END <%search%> --> <nav class="bmw_navigation bmn_hnav" role="navigation"> <div class="bmn_skipnav"><a href="#bm-skipnavbottom">Skip Navigation</a></div> <ul> <li class="bmn_sec-ideas"><a title="" href="">Ideas</a></li> <li class="bmn_sec-projects"><a title="" href="">Projects</a></li> <li class="bmn_sec-speaking"><a title="" href="">Talks</a></li> <li class="bmn_sec-about bmn_active"><a title="" href="">About</a></li> <li class="bmn_sec-hire"><a title="" href="">Hire Us</a></li> </ul> <span class="bmn_clearNav" id="bm-skipnavbottom"> </span> </nav> </div> </section> <!-- start <%footer%> --> <div class="bmw_footer"> <footer class="footer"> <div class="lc"> <div class="read-us"> <h3>Read us</h3> <ul> <li class="book-atomic"> <a href=""> <img src="/pix/atomic-design.png" alt="Atomic Design, by Brad Frost" /> </a> </li> <li class="book-touch"> <a href=""> <img src="/pix/designing-for-touch.png" alt="Designing for Touch, by Josh Clark" /> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="hire-us"> <h3>Work with us</h3> <ul> <li><a href="/hire/#design-systems">Design systems</a></li> <li><a href="/hire/#ui-ux-design">Interface and experience design</a></li> <li><a href="/hire/#product-strategy-process">Digital strategy and process</a></li> <li><a href="/hire/#production">Production and co-creation</a></li> <li><a href="/hire/#action-plan">Action plan</a></li> <li><a href="/hire/#coaching">Coaching and hands-on advice</a></li> <li><a href="/hire/#workshops-talks">Workshops and talks</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="follow-us"> <h3>Follow us</h3> <h4>Get the <a href="/ideas/big-medium-newsletter.html">newsletter</a></h4> <div id="mc_embed_shell_bmfooter" class="bmc_mailchimp"> <div id="mc_embed_signup_bmfooter"> <form action=";id=7540015453&amp;f_id=00d6c4eaf0" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form_bmfooter" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_self" novalidate=""> <div id="mc_embed_signup_scroll_bmfooter"> <div class="mc-field-group"><label for="mce-EMAIL_bmfooter">Email Address</label><input type="email" name="EMAIL" class="required email" id="mce-EMAIL_bmfooter" required="" value=""></div> <div id="mce-responses_bmfooter" class="clear"> <div class="response" id="mce-error-response_bmfooter" style="display: none;"></div> <div class="response" id="mce-success-response_bmfooter" style="display: none;"></div> </div><div class="clear"><input type="submit" class="btn" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe_bmfooter" class="button" value="Subscribe"></div> </div> </form> </div> </div> <ul class="social"> <li><a href="" class="icon icon-twitter">Twitter</a></li> <li><a href="/bm.feed.xml" class="icon icon-rss">RSS</a></li> <li><a href="" class="icon icon-instagram">Instagram</a></li> <li><a href="" class="icon icon-github">Github</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="contact-us"> <h3>Contact us</h3> <div itemscope itemtype=""> <div> <h4>Start with Josh&nbsp;Clark</h4> <meta itemprop="name" content="Big Medium" /> <meta itemprop="sameAs" content="" /> </div> <p > <a itemprop="email" href="&#x6D;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#x74;&#x6F;:&#106;&#x6F;&#115;&#104;&#64;&#x62;&#105;&#x67;&#109;&#101;&#100;&#105;&#x75;&#x6D;.&#x63;&#x6F;&#x6D;">&#106;&#x6F;&#115;&#104;&#64;&#x62;&#105;&#x67;&#109;&#101;&#100;&#105;&#x75;&#x6D;.&#x63;&#x6F;&#x6D;</a><br /> <a itemprop="telephone" href="tel:+14013393381" class="p-tel">(401) 339-3381</a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="copyright"> Big Medium is a Global Moxie company.<br /> Copyright 2003–2024 Global Moxie, LLC. 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