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Inset map: Location of Bergen County in [[New Jersey]] highlighted in red (left). &lt;mapframe text="Interactive map of Teaneck, New Jersey" zoom="8" width="250" height="250"> { "type": "ExternalData", "service": "geoshape", "ids": "Q991387" } &lt;/mapframe> | pushpin_map = USA New Jersey Bergen County#USA New Jersey#USA | pushpin_label = Teaneck | pushpin_map_caption = Location in [[Bergen County, New Jersey|Bergen County]]##Location in [[New Jersey]]##Location in the United States | pushpin_relief = yes &lt;!-- Location --> | subdivision_type = [[List of sovereign states|Country]] | subdivision_name = {{nowrap|{{flag|United States}}}} | subdivision_type1 = [[U.S. state|State]] | subdivision_type2 = [[List of counties in New Jersey|County]] | subdivision_name1 = {{flag|New Jersey}} | subdivision_name2 = [[Bergen County, New Jersey|Bergen]] | established_title = [[Municipal corporation|Incorporated]] | established_date = February 19, 1895 | government_footnotes = &lt;ref name=DataBook/> | government_type = [[Faulkner Act]] [[Council-Manager]] | governing_body = Township Council | leader_title = [[Mayors of Teaneck, New Jersey|Mayor]] | leader_name = Mike Pagan (term ends December 31, 2024)&lt;ref>[ 2023 New Jersey Mayors Directory], [[New Jersey Department of Community Affairs]], updated February 8, 2023. Accessed February 10, 2023.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|title=Teaneck Mayor Mike Pagan Issues Statement on Recent Leadership Election|url=|website=InsiderNJ|date=January 6, 2023 |access-date=16 January 2023}}&lt;/ref> | leader_title1 = [[City manager|Manager]] | leader_name1 = Dean Kazinci (effective October 12, 2018)&lt;ref name="Interim MunicipalManager">[;treeID=180 Manager] {{Webarchive|url=;treeID=180 |date=2012-08-22 }}, Township of Teaneck. Accessed July 10, 2012.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[;view=article&amp;id=160:william-broughton-new-township-manager&amp;catid=70:residents "William Broughton, New Township Manager"], Township of Teaneck, backed up by the [[Internet Archive]] as of February 25, 2010. Accessed December 17, 2013. "William Broughton, a Teaneck native and former Teaneck Police captain, assumed his role as Township Manager on May 13."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Ax, Joseph. "Teaneck hires former police captain as municipal manager", ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', April 14, 2009.&lt;/ref> | leader_title2 = [[Clerk (municipal official)|Clerk]] | leader_name2 = Douglas Ruccione&lt;ref>[ Clerk], Township of Teaneck. Accessed May 1, 2019.&lt;/ref> &lt;!-- Area --> | unit_pref = Imperial | area_footnotes = &lt;ref name=CensusArea>[ 2019 Census Gazetteer Files: New Jersey Places], [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed July 1, 2020.&lt;/ref> | area_magnitude = | area_total_km2 = 16.15 | area_land_km2 = 15.65 | area_water_km2 = 0.51 | area_total_sq_mi = 6.24 | area_land_sq_mi = 6.04 | area_water_sq_mi = 0.20 | area_water_percent = 3.16 | area_rank = 253rd of 565 in state&lt;br />7th of 70 in county&lt;ref name=CensusArea/> &lt;!-- Population --> | population_as_of = [[2020 United States census|2020]] | population_footnotes = &lt;ref name=Census2020/>&lt;ref name=LWD2020/> | population_total = 41246 | population_rank = 56th of 565 in state&lt;br>2nd of 70 in county&lt;ref name=LWD2020Density>[ Population Density by County and Municipality: New Jersey, 2020 and 2021], [[New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development]]. Accessed March 1, 2023.&lt;/ref> | population_density_km2 = auto | population_density_sq_mi = 6828.7 | population_density_rank = 70th of 565 in state&lt;br>20th of 70 in county&lt;ref name=LWD2020Density/> | population_est = 41697 | pop_est_as_of = 2023 | pop_est_footnotes = &lt;ref name=Census2020/>&lt;ref name=PopEst/> &lt;!-- General information --> | timezone = [[Eastern Time Zone|Eastern (EST)]] | utc_offset = −05:00 | timezone_DST = [[Eastern Daylight Time|Eastern (EDT)]] | utc_offset_DST = −04:00 | elevation_footnotes = &lt;ref>{{Cite GNIS|id=882227|name=Township of Teaneck|access-date=March 14, 2013}}&lt;/ref> | elevation_m = | elevation_ft = 128 |coordinates = {{coord|40.890317|-74.011478|region:US-NJ_type:city|display=inline,title}} | coordinates_footnotes = &lt;ref name=CensusArea/>&lt;ref name="GR1">[ US Gazetteer files: 2010, 2000, and 1990], [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed September 4, 2014.&lt;/ref> | postal_code_type = [[ZIP Code]] | postal_code = 07666&lt;ref>[!input.action?resultMode=0&amp;city=teaneck&amp;state=NJ Look Up a ZIP Code for Teaneck, NJ], [[United States Postal Service]]. Accessed November 18, 2011.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Zip Codes], State of [[New Jersey]]. Accessed August 29, 2013.&lt;/ref> | area_code = [[Area codes 201 and 551|201]]&lt;ref>[;frmNXX=&amp;frmState=NJ&amp;frmCity=Teaneck Area Code Lookup – NPA NXX for Teaneck, NJ], Accessed August 29, 2013.&lt;/ref> | blank_name = [[Federal Information Processing Standards|FIPS code]] | blank_info = 3400372360&lt;ref name=CensusArea/>&lt;ref name="GR2">[ U.S. Census website], [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed September 4, 2014.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Geographic Codes Lookup for New Jersey], Missouri Census Data Center. Accessed April 1, 2022.&lt;/ref> | blank1_name = [[Geographic Names Information System|GNIS]] feature ID | blank1_info = 0882227&lt;ref name=CensusArea/>&lt;ref name="GR3">[ US Board on Geographic Names], [[United States Geological Survey]]. Accessed September 4, 2014.&lt;/ref> | website = {{URL|}} | footnotes = }} '''Teaneck''' ({{IPAc-en|ˈ|t|iː|n|ɛ|k}}) is a [[Township (New Jersey)|township]] in [[Bergen County, New Jersey|Bergen County]], in the [[U.S. state]] of [[New Jersey]]. It is a [[bedroom community]] in the [[New York metropolitan area]].&lt;ref>Cheslow, Jerry. [ "If You're Thinking of Living In Teaneck, N.J.; A Town That Champions Its Diversity"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', June 11, 2000. Accessed March 24, 2024.&lt;/ref> As of the [[2020 United States census]], the township's population was 41,246,&lt;ref name=Census2020/>&lt;ref name=LWD2020/> an increase of 1,470 (+3.7%) from the [[2010 United States census|2010 census]] count of 39,776,&lt;ref name=Census2010/>&lt;ref name=LWD2010/> which in turn reflected an increase of 516 (+1.3%) from the 39,260 counted in the [[2000 United States census|2000 census]].&lt;ref>[ Table 7. Population for the Counties and Municipalities in New Jersey: 1990, 2000 and 2010], [[New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development]], February 2011. Accessed May 1, 2023.&lt;/ref> As of 2020, Teaneck was the second-most populous among the 70 municipalities in Bergen County, behind [[Hackensack, New Jersey|Hackensack]], which had a population of 46,030.&lt;ref name=LWD2020/> Teaneck was created on February&amp;nbsp;19, 1895, by an act of the [[New Jersey Legislature]] from portions of [[Englewood Township, New Jersey|Englewood Township]] and [[Ridgefield Township, New Jersey|Ridgefield Township]], both of which are now defunct (despite existing municipalities with similar names), along with portions of [[Bogota, New Jersey|Bogota]] and [[Leonia, New Jersey|Leonia]].&lt;ref name=Story>Snyder, John P. [ ''The Story of New Jersey's Civil Boundaries: 1606–1968''], Bureau of Geology and Topography; Trenton, New Jersey; 1969. p. 87.Accessed May 30, 2024.&lt;/ref> Independence followed the result of a referendum held on January&amp;nbsp;14, 1895, in which voters favored incorporation by a 46–7 margin.&lt;ref name=BCHistory>[ A Centennial Review of Bergen County Borough Fever 1894–95: Part 4] {{Webarchive|url= |date=January 31, 2018 }}, Bergen County Historical Society. Accessed January 7, 2007.&lt;/ref> To address the concerns of Englewood Township's leaders, the new municipality was formed as a township, rather than succumbing to the [[Boroughitis|borough craze]] sweeping across Bergen County at the time.&lt;ref name=BCHistory/> On May&amp;nbsp;3, 1921, and again on June&amp;nbsp;1, 1926, portions of what had been Teaneck were transferred to [[Overpeck Township, New Jersey|Overpeck Township]].&lt;ref name=DutchDoor>[ Bergen County New Jersey Municipalities], accessed January 7, 2007.&lt;/ref> Teaneck lies at the junction of [[Interstate 95 in New Jersey|Interstate 95]] and the eastern terminus of [[Interstate 80 in New Jersey|Interstate 80]].&lt;ref>Staff. [ "These numbers have been in the news"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=November 6, 2018 }}, ''Endeavor News'', August 11, 2007. Accessed January 16, 2012. "Interstate 80 is 2,909 miles long. It starts in Teaneck, N.&amp;nbsp;J., at its junction with Interstate 95. Its western terminus is in San Francisco, Calif., at the Rt. 101 junction."&lt;/ref> The township is bisected into north and south portions by [[New Jersey Route 4|Route 4]] and east and west by the [[River Subdivision (CSX Transportation)|River Subdivision]] of [[CSX Transportation]]. Commercial development is concentrated in four main shopping areas, on Cedar Lane, Teaneck Road, DeGraw Avenue, and West Englewood Avenue and Queen Anne Road, more commonly known as "The Plaza".&lt;ref>Fallon, Scott. [ "Teaneck to focus on 4 shop districts"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-03 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', June 24, 2004. Accessed September 27, 2009.&lt;/ref> Teaneck's location at the crossroads of river, road, train and other geographical features has made it a site of many momentous events across the centuries. After the American defeat at the [[Battle of Fort Washington]], [[George Washington]] and the troops of the [[Continental Army]] retreated across New Jersey from the British Army, traveling through Teaneck and crossing the [[Hackensack River]] at [[New Bridge Landing]], which has since been turned into a state park and historic site commemorating the events of 1776 and of early colonial life. In 1965, Teaneck voluntarily desegregated its public schools, after the Board of Education approved a plan to do so by a 7–2 vote on May&amp;nbsp;13, 1964.&lt;ref>[ "Decades of Pride Shattered"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', April 12, 1990. Accessed September 30, 2009. "And in 1965, the town became the first predominantly white community in the United States to desegregate its schools voluntarily through busing."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[[Joseph Nathan Kane|Kane, Joseph Nathan]]. ''[[Famous First Facts]]'', p. 511. [[H.W. Wilson Company]], 2006. {{ISBN|0-8242-1065-4}}.&lt;/ref> Teaneck has a diverse population, with large Jewish and African American communities, and growing numbers of Hispanic and Asian residents.&lt;ref name="Thinking">[ "If You're Thinking of Living In/Teaneck, N.J.; A Town That Champions Its Diversity"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', June 11, 2000. Accessed September 30, 2009.&lt;/ref> ==History== ===Early history=== The origin and meaning of the name "Teaneck" is not known, but speculation is that it could come from various Dutch or English words, or it could be Native American in origin, meaning "the woods".&lt;ref>[ A Piece Of Land Becomes A Town] {{Webarchive|url= |date=October 12, 2008 }}, text of article from ''The Teaneck Shopper'', October 21, 1970. "According to a Lenape-English dictionary compiled by Moravian missionaries to further their work among the Indians, "'Tekene'" meant woods, or uninhabited place. 'Nek"' was the plural of 'Ne', thus the word could have been 'Tekenek' or simply 'The Woods'. The Dutch, who Hollandized so many Indian place names, would quite naturally have spelled it "'Tiene Neck' or tiny neck."&lt;/ref> An alternative is from the [[Dutch language|Dutch]] "Tiene Neck" meaning "neck where there are willows" (from the Dutch "tene" meaning willow).&lt;ref name=DutchDoor/> The earliest uses of the word "Teaneck" were in reference to a series of [[Lenape|Lenni Lenape]] [[Native Americans of the United States|Native American]] camps near the ridge formed by what became Queen Anne Road. Chief [[Oratam]] was the leader of a settlement called "Achikinhesacky" that existed along [[Overpeck Creek]] in the area near what became Fycke Lane.&lt;ref name=History>[ A History of Teaneck] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-12-19 }}, Township of Teaneck. Accessed December 17, 2013.&lt;/ref> A neighborhood variously called East Hackensack or New Hackensack was established along a ridge on the east bank of the [[Hackensack River]], site of a Native American trail that followed the river's path along what is now River Road, with the earliest known buildings constructed dating back as far as 1704. Other early European settlements were established along what became Teaneck Road, which is the site of a number of [[Dutch people|Dutch]] stone houses that remain standing since their construction in the 1700s, several of which have been added to the [[National Register of Historic Places]].&lt;ref name=Looking>Griffin, Robert. [ "Looking Back on the History of Teaneck"], Teaneck Public Library. Accessed October 1, 2009.&lt;/ref> ===Revolutionary War period=== During November 1776, General George Washington passed through Teaneck in the aftermath of the [[Fort Lee Historic Park#Battle of Fort Lee|Battle of Fort Lee]], as part of the hasty retreat of Colonial forces from [[Fort Lee, New Jersey|Fort Lee]] on the [[Hudson River]].&lt;ref name=Looking/> ===Phelps Estate=== [[Image:William Walter Phelps - Brady-Handy.jpg|thumb|right|[[William Walter Phelps]]]] Subsequent development and house construction were focused along the perimeters of the township, with the central part of the community remaining a large property crisscrossed by {{Convert|30|miles}} of paved roads and trails that were constructed and improved by Phelps.&lt;ref>Taylor, Mildred. [ "Commuter Had Dream In 1865: Teaneck"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', October 1, 1972. Accessed November 21, 2023. "When Mr. Phelps came to Teaneck, New Jersey roads were noted for their red mud and deep sand. So the new resident set out to build up public sentiment for road improvement in general, building 30 miles of roads on his own property, much of it macadamized."&lt;/ref> ===Township formed=== [[File:William Weaver Bennett circa 1900 crop.jpg|left|thumb|[[William Weaver Bennett]], chairman of the committee which formed Teaneck, and its founding mayor]] The [[Township (New Jersey)|Township]] of Teaneck was established on February 19, 1895, and included portions of Englewood Township, Ridgefield Township and Bogota.&lt;ref name=Story/> Teaneck's choice to incorporate as a township was unusual in an era of "[[Boroughitis]]", in which a flood of new municipalities were being formed using the decentralized and locally controlled [[Borough (New Jersey)|borough]] form of government.&lt;ref name=BCHistory/> The other two municipalities formed in Bergen County in 1895 were both boroughs, in addition to the 26 boroughs that were formed in the county in 1894 alone.&lt;ref>Harvey, Cornelius Burnham. [;pg=PA11 ''Genealogical History of Hudson and Bergen Counties, New Jersey''], p. 11, New Jersey Genealogical Publishing Company, 1900. Accessed September 15, 2013. "For a period of sixteen years following the passage of this act few boroughs were organized in the State, only three of them being in Bergen County.... As it was twenty-six boroughs were created in the county from January 23, 1894, to December 18, of the same year."&lt;/ref> In a referendum held on January 14, 1895, 46 of 53 voters approved incorporation as a [[borough (New Jersey)|borough]]. Citizens of Englewood Township challenged the creation of a borough, but accepted the new municipality as a township, given its more rural character. A bill supporting the creation of the Township of Teaneck was put through the [[New Jersey General Assembly]] on February 18, 1895, and the [[New Jersey Senate]] on the next day. [[Governor of New Jersey|New Jersey Governor]] [[George Werts]] signed the bill into law, and Teaneck was an independent municipality.&lt;ref name=BCHistory/> At its incorporation, Teaneck's population was 811. [[William Weaver Bennett|William W. Bennett]], overseer of the Phelps Estate, was selected as chairman of the first three-man Township Committee, which focused in its early years on "construction of streets and street lamps (originally gaslights), trolley lines (along DeGraw Avenue), telephones and speeding traffic."&lt;ref>[ "A History of Teaneck – 1895 – 1995"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 3, 2008 }}, copy of article from ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', October 20, 1995. Accessed May 15, 2008.&lt;/ref> ===Early 20th century=== The opening of the Phelps Estate in 1927 led to substantial population growth.&lt;ref>[ History], Teaneck Chamber of Commerce. Accessed May 15, 2008.&lt;/ref> The [[George Washington Bridge]] was completed in 1931, and its connection to Teaneck via [[New Jersey Route 4|Route 4]] brought thousands of new home buyers. From 1920 and 1930, Teaneck's population nearly quadrupled, from 4,192 to 16,513.&lt;ref name=BergenCensus/> Rapid growth led to financial turmoil, and inefficiencies in the town government resulted in the adoption of a new [[Non-partisan democracy|nonpartisan]] [[Council-manager government|Council-Manager form of government]] under the [[1923 Municipal Manager Law]] in a referendum on September 16, 1930. A full-time Town Manager, Paul A. Volcker Sr. (the father of future [[Chairman of the Federal Reserve]] [[Paul Volcker|Paul A. Volcker Jr.]]), was appointed to handle Teaneck's day-to-day business affairs. During his 20-year term, from 1930 to 1950, Volcker implemented financial management practices and a development plan that included comprehensive zoning regulations, along with a [[civil service]] system for municipal employees and a professional fire department.&lt;ref name=Looking/> The [[New Jersey Supreme Court]] issued a ruling in 1942 upholding a Teaneck ordinance that had banned [[pinball]] machines on the grounds that they were gambling devices rather than a form of amusement.&lt;ref>Staff. [ "Pinball in Jersey Banned by Court; Ruling, Upholding Teaneck Law, Terms Machines Ingenious Gambling Devices Raids Start at Once Essex Prosecutor Tells Police in 22 Municipalities to Seize the Games"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', February 25, 1942. Accessed January 22, 2012. "The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled today possession of pinball or bagatelle machines to be illegal and upheld the Township of Teaneck in banning their use under a local ordinance."&lt;/ref> ===Post–World War II=== Teaneck was selected in 1949 from more than 10,000 communities as America's model community, with the [[United States Army]] saying that the township was chosen because of its "fine municipal spirit and the high quality of its governmental service." Photographs were taken and a film produced about life in Teaneck, which were shown in [[Occupation of Japan|Occupied Japan]] and [[Austria]] as a part of the Army's education program to show democracy in action.&lt;ref>[ Teaneck Virtual Village: Teaneck as a Model Town], accessed May 9, 2006.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Seigel, Kalman . [ "Teaneck On Film As Model Town; Army Completes 3-Day Effort to Picture U. S. Community for Propaganda Abroad"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', September 22, 1949. Accessed January 13, 2024.&lt;/ref> In 1953, [[Fairleigh Dickinson University|Fairleigh Dickinson College]], then with 2,800 students based in [[Rutherford, New Jersey]], merged with the 400-student [[Bergen Junior College]], acquiring its campus in Teaneck, with the Bergen Junior College president saying that "the Teaneck property lends itself to considerable expansion".&lt;ref>[ "Fairleigh and Bergen Junior Colleges to Merge"], ''The News'', November 23, 1953. Accessed January 13, 2024, via [[]]. "Fairleigh Dickinson College of Rutherford and Bergen Junior College of Teaneck, will merge under the name of Fairleigh Dickinson College....Merger of the two institutions will provide educational facilities fur potentially 4,000 students. Fairleigh Dickinson, presently the third largest college in the state, has a total enrollment of 2,851, approximately 1,200 of whom are day students. Bergen Junior College presently has an enrollment of 197 day students and 207 in its Evening Division."&lt;/ref> After [[World War II]], there was a second major spurt of building and population growth. The African American population in the northeast corner of Teaneck grew substantially starting in the 1960s, accompanied by [[white flight]] triggered by [[blockbusting]] efforts of township real estate agencies.&lt;ref>Garbarine, Rachel. [ "If You're Thinking of Living in: Teaneck"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=March 27, 2008 }}, copy of article from ''[[The New York Times]]'', October 11, 1987. Accessed April 29, 2008. "For Teaneck, it was a far-from-quiet period, underscored by blockbusting and white flight in the early 60's. The influx of black families set off [[panic selling]] among white homeowners encouraged by some unscrupulous real-estate agents to get rid of their properties."&lt;/ref> In 1965, after a struggle to address de facto segregation in housing and education, Teaneck became the first community in the nation where a white majority voluntarily voted for school integration, without a [[Court-ordered busing|court order]] requiring the district to implement the change. The sequence of events was the subject of a book titled ''Triumph in a White Suburb'' written by township resident Reginald G. Damerell (New York: William Morrow &amp; Company, Inc., 1968).&lt;ref>[[Whitney Young|Young Jr., Whitney M.]] [ "Guidebook for a Workable Revolution; ''Triumph in a White Suburb. The Dramatic Story of Teaneck, N.&amp;nbsp;J., The First Town in the Nation to Vote for Integrated Schools''. By Reginald G. Damerell. 351 pp. New York: William Morrow &amp; Co. $5."], ''[[The New York Times]]'', February 18, 1968. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[[Norimitsu Onishi|Onishi, Norimitsu]]. [ "Statewide; Imbalance Persists, Defying Courts"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', June 11, 1995. Accessed October 8, 2019. "Perhaps the most famous case was Teaneck, the first community in the United States to endorse a voluntary integration program. In 1964, Teaneck was mostly white, except for one elementary school in a mainly black part of town. After demonstrations, fights and petitions -- later chronicled in a book, ''Triumph in a White Suburb,'' by Reginald G. Damerell -- the school board adopted a desegregation plan. Teaneck's schools remain integrated; so do Montclair's, desegregated after a Federal court order in 1968."&lt;/ref> As de facto [[racial segregation]] increased, so did tensions between residents of the northeast and members of the predominantly white male Teaneck Police Department. On the evening of April 10, 1990, the Teaneck Police Department responded to a call from a resident complaining about a teenager with a gun. After an initial confrontation near Bryant School and a subsequent chase, [[Phillip Pannell]], an African American teenager, was shot and killed by Gary Spath, a white Teaneck police officer. Spath said he thought Pannell had a gun and was turning to shoot him. Witnesses said Pannell was unarmed and had been shot in the back. Protest marches, some violent, ensued; most African Americans believed that Pannell had been killed in cold blood, while other residents insisted that Spath had been justified in his actions. Testimony at the trial claimed that Pannell was shot in the back, and that he was carrying a gun. A police officer testified to finding a modified starter's pistol with eight cartridges in Pannell's jacket pocket.&lt;ref>Hanley, Robert. [ "Witness Contradicts Major Detail in Teaneck Officer's Testimony"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', February 7, 1992. Accessed September 30, 2009. "Officer Blanco and Officer Spath have both said that Mr. Pannell's left hand was in his left pocket, where Officer Blanco said he found a modified starter's pistol containing eight cartridges after Mr. Pannell was killed."&lt;/ref> Spath was ultimately acquitted on charges of reckless [[manslaughter]] in the shooting. Some months after Spath had been cleared, he decided to retire from law enforcement. The incident was an international news event that brought Reverend [[Al Sharpton]] and [[Jesse Jackson]] to the community and inspired the 1995 book ''Color Lines: The Troubled Dreams of Racial Harmony in an American Town'', by [[Mike Kelly (journalist)|Mike Kelly]].&lt;ref>Beckerman, Jim. [ "Teaneck: Anatomy of a Tragedy – New Book by Record Columnist Examines the Events"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', August 27, 1995. Accessed February 13, 2008.&lt;/ref> Teaneck, and the neighboring communities of [[Bergenfield, New Jersey|Bergenfield]] and [[New Milford, New Jersey|New Milford]], has drawn a large number of [[Modern Orthodox Judaism|Modern Orthodox Jew]]s who have established at least fifteen [[synagogue]]s and four [[yeshiva]]s (three high schools and one for young men).&lt;ref>[[Peter Applebome|Applebome, Peter]]. [ "Proudly Diverse Teaneck Is Forced to Re-examine Its Assumptions"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', February 18, 2007. Accessed November 3, 2007. "There are at least 18 Orthodox synagogues in a town of 39,000."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Synagogues in Teaneck and Surrounding Areas], Teaneck Shuls. Accessed November 3, 2007.&lt;/ref> It is the functional center of the northern New Jersey Orthodox community, with nearly twenty kosher shops (restaurants, bakeries and supermarkets).&lt;ref>[ The Kosher Directory], Rabbinical Council of Bergen County, dated September 2007. Accessed November 3, 2007.&lt;/ref> It is within ten minutes' driving time of [[Yeshiva University]] in New York City. This community tends to be involved with [[Religious Zionism|Religious Zionist]] causes and offers strong support of [[Israel]]. ===Historic homes=== [[Image:Zabriskie-Kipp-Cadmus House.JPG|thumb|right|Zabriskie-Kipp-Cadmus House]] Several homes in Teaneck date back to the colonial era or the period subsequent to [[American Revolutionary War]] and have been preserved and survive to this day. Teaneck sites on the [[National Register of Historic Places]] and (other historic homes) include:&lt;ref>[ New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places: Bergen County], [[New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection]] Historic Preservation Office, updated March 30, 2023. Accessed April 30, 2023.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Landmarks of the Colonial and Federal Eras] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 30, 2013 }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places – Bergen County], [[New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection]] Historic Preservation Office, Last Update December 1, 2011, p. 21. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> * John Ackerman House – 1286 River Road (constructed 1734–1787)&lt;ref>[ John Ackerman House, 1734–87]{{Dead link|date=August 2024 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> * [[Banta-Coe House]] – 884 Lone Pine Lane ({{circa|18th century}}, added 1983)&lt;ref>[ Banta-Coe House, 18th C.] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 30, 2013 }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> * [[Brinkerhoff-Demarest House]] – 493 Teaneck Road ({{circa|1728|lk=no}}, added 1983)&lt;ref>[ Brinkerhoff-Demarest House, c. 1728] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 30, 2013 }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> * Christian Cole House – 1617 River Road (constructed {{circa|1860|lk=no}})&lt;ref>[ Christian Cole House, c. 1860] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 30, 2013 }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> * [[Draw Bridge at New Bridge]] – Main Street and Old New Bridge Road over Hackensack River (constructed 1888, added 1989)&lt;ref>[ Foot of Old New Bridge Road] {{Webarchive|url= |date=August 15, 2014 }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> * [[Adam Vandelinda House]] – 586 Teaneck Road (constructed 1830, added 1983)&lt;ref>[ Adam Vandelinda House, 1830] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 30, 2013 }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> * [[James Vandelinda House]] – 566 Teaneck Road (constructed 1805–1820, added 1983)&lt;ref>[ James Vandelinda House 1805–20]{{Dead link|date=August 2024 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> * [[Caspar Westervelt House]] – 20 Sherwood Road (constructed 1763, added 1983)&lt;ref>[ Caspar Westervelt House, 1763]{{Dead link|date=August 2024 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> * [[Zabriskie-Kipp-Cadmus House]] – 664 River Road ({{circa|1751|lk=no}}, added 1978)&lt;ref>[ Zabriskie-Kipp-Cadmus House, c. 1751] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 30, 2013 }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> * The William Thurnauer house – Designed by [[Edward Durell Stone]], 628 North Forest Drive (constructed 1949)&lt;ref>Kapell, June. [ The William Thurnauer house: An Interview with William &amp; Maria Thurnauer] {{Webarchive|url= |date=May 20, 2014 }}, Teaneck Public Library, February 23, 1984. Accessed December 16, 2014.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ EDWARD DURELL STONE, FAIA (1902–1978)] {{Webarchive|url= |date=May 20, 2014 }}, North Carolina Modernist Houses. Accessed December 16, 2014.&lt;/ref> ==Geography== [[Image:HackensackRiver.jpg|thumb|right|250px|A view of the [[Hackensack River]], taken from the shore in Teaneck]] According to the [[United States Census Bureau|U.S. Census Bureau]], the township had a total area of 6.24 square miles (16.15&amp;nbsp;km&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>), including 6.04 square miles (15.65&amp;nbsp;km&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>) of land and 0.20 square miles (0.51&amp;nbsp;km&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>) of water (3.16%).&lt;ref name=CensusArea/>&lt;ref name=GR1 /> Teaneck is bordered by eight municipalities in Bergen County, including to the west by [[River Edge, New Jersey|River Edge]] and [[Hackensack, New Jersey|Hackensack]] which lie across the [[Hackensack River]], to the north by [[New Milford, New Jersey|New Milford]] and [[Bergenfield, New Jersey|Bergenfield]], to the east by [[Englewood, New Jersey|Englewood]] and [[Leonia, New Jersey|Leonia]], and to the south by [[Ridgefield Park, New Jersey|Ridgefield Park]] and [[Bogota, New Jersey|Bogota]].&lt;ref>[ Areas touching Teaneck Township], MapIt. Accessed March 15, 2020.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Bergen County Map of Municipalities], [[Bergen County, New Jersey]]. Accessed March 15, 2020.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ New Jersey Municipal Boundaries], [[New Jersey Department of Transportation]]. Accessed November 15, 2019.&lt;/ref> [[Local government in New Jersey#Unincorporated communities|Unincorporated communities]], localities and place names located partially or completely within the township include [[New Bridge, New Jersey|New Bridge]] and [[West Englewood, New Jersey|West Englewood]].&lt;ref>[ Locality Search], State of [[New Jersey]]. Accessed April 25, 2015.&lt;/ref> ==Demographics== {{US Census population | 1900= 768 | 1910= 2082 | 1920= 4192 | 1930= 16513 | 1940= 25275 | 1950= 33772 | 1960= 42085 | 1970= 42355 | 1980= 39007 | 1990= 37825 | 2000= 39260 | 2010= 39776 | 2020= 41246 | estimate=41697 | estyear=2023 | estref=&lt;ref name=Census2020/>&lt;ref name=PopEst>[ Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Minor Civil Divisions in New Jersey: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2023], [[United States Census Bureau]], released May 2024. Accessed May 16, 2024.&lt;/ref> | footnote=Population sources:&lt;small>&lt;br>1900–1920&lt;ref>[ ''Compendium of censuses 1726–1905: together with the tabulated returns of 1905''], [[New Jersey Department of State]], 1906. Accessed July 29, 2013.&lt;/ref> 1900–1910&lt;ref>[;pg=PA335 ''Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910: Population by Counties and Minor Civil Divisions, 1910, 1900, 1890''], [[United States Census Bureau]], p. 335. Accessed July 29, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;br />1910–1930&lt;ref>[;pg=PA714 ''Fifteenth Census of the United States : 1930 – Population Volume I''], [[United States Census Bureau]], p. 714. Accessed July 29, 2013.&lt;/ref> 1900–2020&lt;ref>[ Table 6: New Jersey Resident Population by Municipality: 1940 - 2000], Workforce New Jersey Public Information Network, August 2001. Accessed May 1, 2023.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=BergenCensus>[ Historical Population Trends in Bergen County 1900-2020], [[Bergen County, New Jersey]] Department of Planning and Engineering, 2022. Accessed May 1, 2023.&lt;/ref>&lt;br />2000&lt;ref name=Census2000>[ Census 2000 Profiles of Demographic / Social / Economic / Housing Characteristics for Teaneck township] {{webarchive|url= |date=2014-08-14 }}, [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed March 16, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=Census2000SF1>[ DP-1: Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000 – Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data for Teaneck township, Bergen County, New Jersey] {{Webarchive|url= |date=February 12, 2020 }}, [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed March 16, 2013.&lt;/ref> 2010&lt;ref name=Census2010>[ DP-1 – Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 for Teaneck township, Bergen County, New Jersey] {{Webarchive|url= |date=February 12, 2020 }}, [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed December 9, 2011.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=LWD2010>[ Table DP-1. Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2010 for Teaneck township] {{Webarchive|url= |date=May 6, 2012 }}, [[New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development]]. Accessed December 9, 2011.&lt;/ref> 2020&lt;ref name=Census2020>[ QuickFacts Teaneck Township, Bergen County, New Jersey], [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed January 13, 2023.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=LWD2020>[ Total Population: Census 2010 - Census 2020 New Jersey Municipalities], [[New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development]]. Accessed December 1, 2022.&lt;/ref>&lt;/small> }} English is the sole home language of 72.4% of residents. Over a quarter of residents speak other languages, including [[Spanish language|Spanish]] (14.5%), [[Tagalog language|Tagalog]] (2.3%), [[Urdu]] (1.8%), [[Korean language|Korean]] (1.0%), and [[Polish language|Polish]] (1.0%).&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Teaneck, NJ - 07666 - Demographics and Population Statistics - NeighborhoodScout||access-date=2019-07-31}}&lt;/ref> A 2001 study under the [[Berman Jewish DataBank]] estimated the number of Jewish households in the 07666 ZIP code of Teaneck to comprise 16.5% of the total.&lt;ref>{{cite report |author=Sheskin, Ira M. |date=2001 |title=2001 Jewish Community Study of Bergen County and North Hudson |url= |publisher=UJA Federation of Bergen County and North Hudson (New Jersey) |page=83 |docket= |access-date=October 13, 2022 |quote=}}&lt;/ref> In 2018, the number of Jewish residents in Teaneck was estimated to be about 15,000 out of a total population of 36,000-37,000.&lt;ref>{{cite news |last=Yoked |first=Tzach |date=5 May 2019 |title=The Most Jewish City in New Jersey Has a Muslim Mayor and a Ban on Sunday Shopping |url= |work=[[Haaretz]] |location=Teaneck, NJ |access-date=13 October 2022}}&lt;/ref> A large segment of this population in Teaneck and neighboring [[Bergenfield, New Jersey|Bergenfield]] is comprised of [[Modern Orthodox Judaism|Modern Orthodox Jews]].&lt;ref>[ 2014 Northern New Jersey Federation Survey: "Survey Says"], [[Berman Jewish Databank]], 2014. Accessed May 23, 2024. "The South Bergen area (especially Teaneck/Bergenfield) and East Bergen are the core of the community in many ways, with a larger proportion in these areas strongly connected to being Jewish."&lt;/ref> The large number of Jews living in Teaneck has made it a popular target for pro-Palestinian protestors in the wake of the [[Israel–Hamas war|ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict]], utilizing car parades, rallies, attempts at intimidation at Jewish sporting and other events, culminating in an attempt to shut down a Congregation Bnai Yeshurun on April 1, 2024 - a rally that was met with a strong counter rally by the city's Jewish population.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |date=2024-04-03 |title=In New Jersey, a flag-waving Jewish community faces down a pro-Palestinian protest |url= |access-date=2024-07-11 |website=The Jerusalem Post {{!}} |language=en}}&lt;/ref> ===2020 census=== {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" |+'''Teaneck township, Bergen County, New Jersey – Racial and ethnic composition'''&lt;br>&lt;small>{{nobold|''Note: the US Census treats Hispanic/Latino as an ethnic category. This table excludes Latinos from the racial categories and assigns them to a separate category. Hispanics/Latinos may be of any race.''}}&lt;/small> !Race / Ethnicity &lt;small>(''NH = Non-Hispanic'')&lt;/small> !Pop 1990&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=New Jersey: 1990 |url= |access-date=June 20, 2024}}&lt;/ref> !Pop 2000&lt;ref name=2000CensusP004>{{Cite web|title=P004: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2000: DEC Summary File 1 – Teaneck township, Bergen County, New Jersey|url=;tid=DECENNIALSF12000.P004|publisher=[[United States Census Bureau]] |access-date= }}&lt;/ref> !Pop 2010&lt;ref name=2010CensusP2>{{Cite web|title=P2: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2010: DEC Redistricting Data (PL 94-171) – Teaneck township, Bergen County, New Jersey|url=;g=060XX00US3400372360&amp;tid=DECENNIALPL2010.P2|publisher=[[United States Census Bureau]] |access-date= }}&lt;/ref> !{{partial|Pop 2020}}&lt;ref name=2020CensusP2>{{Cite web|title=P2: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2020: DEC Redistricting Data (PL 94-171) – Teaneck township, Bergen County, New Jersey |url=;g=060XX00US3400372360&amp;tid=DECENNIALPL2020.P2|publisher=[[United States Census Bureau]] |access-date= }}&lt;/ref> !% 1990 !% 2000 !% 2010 !{{partial|% 2020}} |- |[[Non-Hispanic or Latino whites|White]] alone (NH) |23,677 |20,237 |18,346 |style='background: #ffffe6; |16,845 |62.60% |51.55% |46.10% |style='background: #ffffe6; |40.75% |- |[[Non-Hispanic or Latino African Americans|Black or African American]] alone (NH) |9,573 |10,905 |10,266 |style='background: #ffffe6; |9,180 |25.31% |27.78% |25.81% |style='background: #ffffe6; |22.26% |- |[[Native Americans in the United States|Native American]] or [[Alaska Native]] alone (NH) |53 |39 |47 |style='background: #ffffe6; |46 |0.14% |0.10% |0.12% |style='background: #ffffe6; |0.11% |- |[[Asian Americans|Asian]] alone (NH) |2,075 |2,791 |3,574 |style='background: #ffffe6; |4,378 |5.49% |7.11% |8.98% |style='background: #ffffe6; |10.61% |- |[[Pacific Islander Americans|Pacific Islander]] alone (NH) |N/A |7 |21 |style='background: #ffffe6; |8 |N/A |0.02% |0.05% |style='background: #ffffe6; |0.02% |- |[[Race and ethnicity in the United States census|Other race]] alone (NH) |74 |154 |150 |style='background: #ffffe6; |590 |0.20% |0.39% |0.38% |style='background: #ffffe6; |1.43% |- |[[Multiracial Americans|Mixed race or Multiracial]] (NH) |N/A |1,024 |797 |style='background: #ffffe6; |1,351 |N/A |2.61% |2.00% |style='background: #ffffe6; |3.28% |- |[[Hispanic and Latino Americans|Hispanic or Latino]] (any race) |2,373 |4,103 |6,575 |style='background: #ffffe6; |8,848 |6.27% |10.45% |16.53% |style='background: #ffffe6; |21.44% |- |'''Total''' |'''37,825''' |'''39,260''' |'''39,776''' |style='background: #ffffe6; |'''41,246''' |'''100.00%''' |'''100.00%''' |'''100.00%''' |style='background: #ffffe6; |'''100.00%''' |} ===2010 census=== The [[2010 United States census]] counted 39,776 people, 13,470 households, and 10,129 families in the township. The [[population density]] was {{convert|6622.2|/sqmi}}. There were 14,024 housing units at an average density of {{convert|2334.8|/sqmi}}. The racial makeup was 53.33% (21,214) [[White (U.S. census)|White]], 27.69% (11,013) [[Black (U.S. census)|Black or African American]], 0.28% (113) [[Native American (U.S. census)|Native American]], 9.11% (3,622) [[Asian (U.S. census)|Asian]], 0.06% (25) [[Pacific Islander (U.S. census)|Pacific Islander]], 6.04% (2,403) from [[Race and ethnicity in the United States census#Race|other races]], and 3.48% (1,386) from two or more races. [[Hispanic (U.S. census)|Hispanic or Latino]] residents of any race were 16.53% (6,575) of the population.&lt;ref name=Census2010/> Of the 13,470 households, 34.1% had children under the age of 18; 58.0% were married couples living together; 13.4% had a female householder with no husband present and 24.8% were non-families. Of all households, 20.8% were made up of individuals and 10.5% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.88 and the average family size was 3.37.&lt;ref name=Census2010/> 25.0% of the population was under the age of 18, 9.4% was from 18 to 24, 23.1% from 25 to 44, 27.7% from 45 to 64, and 14.8% was 65 years of age or older. The median age was 39.3 years. For every 100 females, the population had 89.0 males. For every 100 females ages 18 and older there were 84.7 males.&lt;ref name=Census2010/> The Census Bureau's 2006–2010 [[American Community Survey]] showed that (in 2010 [[inflation adjustment|inflation-adjusted]] dollars) [[median household income]] was $92,107 (with a margin of error of +/− $3,556) and the median family income was $108,777 (+/− $5,024). Males had a median income of $74,055 (+/− $5,587) versus $54,959 (+/− $4,129) for females. The [[per capita income]] for the township was $42,335 (+/− $2,061). About 5.7% of families and 6.9% of the population were below the [[poverty line]], including 8.9% of those under age 18 and 7.2% of those age 65 or over.&lt;ref>[ DP03: Selected Economic Characteristics from the 2006–2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates for Teaneck township, Bergen County, New Jersey] {{Webarchive|url= |date=February 12, 2020 }}, [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed January 16, 2012.&lt;/ref> [[Domestic partnership|Same-sex couples]] headed 126 households in 2010, an increase from the 80 counted in 2000.&lt;ref>Lipman, Harvy; and Sheingold, Dave. [ "North Jersey sees 30% growth in same-sex couples"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', August 14, 2011, backed up by the [[Internet Archive]] as of February 3, 2013. Accessed December 1, 2014.&lt;/ref> ===2000 census=== As of the [[2000 United States census]],&lt;ref name="GR2" /> there were 39,260 people, 13,418 households, and 10,076 families residing in the township. The population density was {{convert|6,486.2|PD/sqmi|PD/km2|sp=us|adj=off}}. There were 13,719 housing units at an average density of {{convert|2,266.5|/sqmi|/km2|sp=us|adj=off}}. The racial makeup of the township was 56.3% [[White (U.S. Census)|White]], 28.8% [[African American (U.S. Census)|African American]], 0.2% [[Native American (U.S. Census)|Native American]], 7.1% [[Asian (U.S. Census)|Asian]], &lt;0.1% [[Pacific Islander (U.S. Census)|Pacific Islander]], 4.2% from [[Race (United States Census)|other races]], and 3.5% from two or more races. [[Hispanic (U.S. Census)|Hispanic]] or [[Latino (U.S. Census)|Latino]] residents of any race were 10.5% of the population.&lt;ref name=Census2000>[ Census 2000 Profiles of Demographic / Social / Economic / Housing Characteristics for Teaneck township] {{webarchive|url= |date=2014-08-14 }}, [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed March 16, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=Census2000SF1>[ DP-1: Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000 – Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data for Teaneck township, Bergen County, New Jersey] {{Webarchive|url= |date=February 12, 2020 }}, [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed March 16, 2013.&lt;/ref> There were 13,418 households, out of which 34.9% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 59.3% were [[Marriage|married couples]] living together, 12.3% had a female householder with no husband present, and 24.9% were non-families. 21.2% of all households were made up of individuals, and 10.5% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.86 and the average family size was 3.34.&lt;ref name=Census2000/>&lt;ref name=Census2000SF1/> The population distribution was 25.8% under the age of 18, 8.5% from 18 to 24, 26.1% from 25 to 44, 25.3% from 45 to 64, and 14.2% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 38 years. For every 100 females there were 89.9 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 84.9 males.&lt;ref name=Census2000/>&lt;ref name=Census2000SF1/> The median income for a household in the township was $74,903, and the median income for a family was $84,791. Males had a median income of $53,327 versus $40,085 for females. The [[per capita income]] for the township was $32,212. About 2.4% of families and 4.2% of the population were below the [[poverty line]], including 3.7% of those under age 18 and 6.7% of those age 65 or over.&lt;ref name=Census2000/>&lt;ref name=Census2000SF1/> Ancestry information reported in the 2000 Census reflects the diversity of Teaneck residents, with no single country accounting for more than a small fraction of the population. Residents listed [[Italians|Italian]] (6.2%), [[Germans|German]] (6.0%), [[Russians|Russian]] (5.3%), [[Irish people|Irish]] (5.1%) and [[Polish people|Polish]] (4.2%) as the most common countries of ancestry, and an additional 4.3% listed United States. 6.3% of residents identified themselves as being of [[Caribbean|West Indian]] ancestry, of which 3.4% were from [[Jamaica]].&lt;ref>[ QT-P13. Ancestry: 2000 for Teaneck Township, New Jersey] {{Webarchive|url= |date=February 12, 2020 }}, [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed December 17, 2013.&lt;/ref> ===Historical population=== After its founding as a township, Teaneck saw rapid growth in its population during the first half of the 20th century. As Teaneck changed from a sparsely populated rural area into a suburb, particularly after development of property that had been part of the Phelps Estate started in the late 1920s, Teaneck's population grew rapidly, far outpacing the growth of Bergen County. After [[World War II]], the 1950 Census showed growth in Teaneck (33.6%) pacing Bergen County overall (31.6%). Starting in 1960, a substantial decline in the rate of growth compared to Bergen County occurred as Teaneck reached the limits of developable land, and the township neared its peak population. Population growth in the 1970 Census was small, but positive, with Teaneck reaching its historical maximum of 42,355. Absolute declines in population followed in both the 1980 (−7.9%) and 1990 (−3.0%) data. The 2000 Census showed recovery in Teaneck's population to 39,260, though growth (3.8%) was smaller than in Bergen County overall (7.1%).&lt;ref name=Census2000/> With almost no land left to develop for housing, Teaneck's population is likely to remain stable for the foreseeable future. A reluctance to permit high-rise development as a means to increase population density also places a limit on growth. Changes in family size and the possibility of zoning changes to allow denser construction are some of the few influences that may affect population over time.&lt;ref>Gale, Pat. [ "Diverse By Design"], ''Cooperator News New Jersey'', October 2010. Accessed November 21, 2023. "Encompassing just over six square miles and having little land left to develop, the township is limited in its ability to grow; its population has remained fairly steady over the past half-century, after dipping during a period of racial turmoil in the 1960s."&lt;/ref> ===Crime=== According to the FBI's 2016 [[Uniform Crime Reports|Uniform Crime Report]], there were 497 crimes in the township in 2016 (vs. 490 in 2015), of which 72 were violent crimes (vs. 50 in 2015) and 425 non-violent crimes (440 in 2015). The 2016 total crime rate per thousand residents was 12.1 (vs. 12.0 in 2015). The violent crime rate per thousand residents for the State New Jersey was 2.2 and the non-violent crime rate 10.4.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Uniform Crime Report: State of New Jersey 2016}}&lt;/ref> Gang violence hit Teaneck in July 2006 with the death of Ricky Lee Smith Jr., a teenager shot outside a house party by a member of the [[Bloods]] gang who had attended the party. In June 2007, the Township Council approved the hiring of five additional officers after the Chief of Police had requested the addition of 14 new officers to Teaneck's existing 98-member police force to establish a gang unit.&lt;ref>Fallon, Scott. [ "Vigil recalls a life ended far too soon"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-04 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', July 10, 2007. Accessed March 5, 2009. "Smith, 15, was shot dead by then 17-year-old Zechariah Eaton after a late night house party had broken up. Eaton and three alleged members of the Bloods street gang who also attended the party got involved in one of several scuffles that broke out in front of the house at the end of the night, police said at the time."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Aberback, Brian. [ "Chief wants anti-gang unit"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-04 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', May 10, 2007. Accessed March 5, 2009.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Salazar, Carolyn and Tsai, Jason. [ "Report: Police hype gangs to score funding"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-04 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', July 19, 2007. Accessed March 5, 2009. "Teaneck recently approved hiring five more officers to form an anti-gang unit. Police are seeking $500,000 in funding for the initiative, making them one of several departments that are looking to tap state and federal grants. 'We're definitely seeing an increase in gang activity over the years,' Teaneck Police Chief Paul Tiernan said Wednesday. 'But we realize that we're not going to arrest our way out of the problem. We're also doing a lot of outreach efforts and prevention efforts.' Retired Teaneck Officer Fred Greene said he, for one, isn't convinced. 'They are hyping the gang problem,' said Greene, who attended a recent gang presentation in town. 'It really has to do with getting more equipment and manpower than having an actual problem.'"&lt;/ref> Teaneck has received attention in the media due to sexual crimes committed against minors by New Jersey educators. Joseph White, former principal of Teaneck High School, pleaded guilty to official child endangerment in June 2006 and was sentenced to one year in prison. White had been charged in 2002 with fondling a 17-year-old student and was subsequently acquitted.&lt;ref>Markos, Kibret. [ "Ex-principal in Teaneck gets 1 year"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-04 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', November 3, 2007. Accessed March 5, 2009.&lt;/ref> James Darden, an award-winning former eighth grade teacher at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, was charged with sexual assault and misconduct in June 2007. He pleaded guilty in December 2007 to a charge of [[aggravated sexual assault]].&lt;ref>Markos, Kibret. [ "Teaneck teacher admits classroom sex with student"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-04 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', December 18, 2007. Accessed March 5, 2009.&lt;/ref> In 2008, James Darden was sentenced to eight years in prison, after admitting to having a two-year sexual relationship with a student that started when she was 13.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=S.E.S.A.M.E |date=2012-09-02 |title=Honors teacher from Montclair charged with sexual assault of student |url= |access-date=2024-07-11 |website=sesame |language=en}}&lt;/ref> In 2018 another incident took place: A substitute teacher was charged with sexual assault. He was ordered to surrender his teacher's license and was sentenced to probation.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Teaneck teacher accused of touching student gets probation, assault charges dropped|last=Nobile|first=Tom|website=North Jersey|language=en|access-date=2019-10-10}}&lt;/ref> The December 1975 murder of Jean Diggs and her four children has never been solved.&lt;ref>Sullivan, Ronald. [ "5 Murders Make Violence a Teaneck Reality"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', December 8, 1975. Accessed October 8, 2019. "The murder of a mother and her four children plunged this suburban Bergen County township and the communities that surround it into deep and incredulous shock today. The bodies of Jean Diggs and her four children were discovered late yesterday shot to death in their comfortable stucco and brick home here."&lt;/ref> Police reported in 1977 that they had been unable to identify a perpetrator after two years and thousands of hours spent investigating the crime.&lt;ref>Hanley, Robert. [ "Police Still Have No Clues in Killing Of 5 in Bergen Family 2 Years Ago"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', December 3, 1977. Accessed July 12, 2011. "Two years after Jean Diggs and her four children were murdered with a 22-caliber rifle late at night in their three-story home in this Bergen County suburb, the authorities acknowledged today that thousands of investigatory man-hours had produced virtually nothing."&lt;/ref> A pair of killings hit Teaneck in 2010, with council watcher Joan Davis and software engineer Robert Cantor both killed in their homes, in cases that had not been solved in more than a year after the incidents.&lt;ref>Rimbach, Jean. [ "Unsolved killings haunt Teaneck"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', May 28, 2011. Accessed December 9, 2011. "Windows of the charred Elm Avenue home where Robert Cantor lived and died are boarded up. An orange sign declaring the house unsafe for occupancy is stuck on the padlocked front door and fading rhododendron blossoms hover over an untended lawn.... Nearly three months after Cantor was shot and his two-story house set ablaze, there has been no arrest in the case. Meanwhile, the August slaying of longtime political watchdog Joan Davis, who was found stabbed, hands bound in her burning home, also remains unsolved."&lt;/ref> A conviction for the murder of Robert Cantor was made in 2015.&lt;ref>Pries, Allison. [ "Jailhouse interview: Killer in love-triangle murder of Teaneck man breaks silence"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', February 25, 2016. Accessed October 8, 2019. "It's in that bedroom, with the small window and the red and white down comforter, that Tung shot Robert Cantor in the back of the head in March 2011, doused him with grain alcohol and set the Teaneck house ablaze, murdering the 59-year-old software engineer, a jury determined late last year after a two-month trial in state Superior Court in Hackensack."&lt;/ref> Based on a data analysis of 18 years, it is estimated that crime will continue to decline. In 2016, the city's crime rate was 55.76% lower than the national average of violent crime and&amp;nbsp; 28.3% lower than New Jersey's crime rate. The crime rate in Teaneck Township was&amp;nbsp; 57.79% lower than the national property crime average and&amp;nbsp; 33.03% lower than the property crime rate in New Jersey.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Teaneck Township Crime Statistics: New Jersey (NJ) -||language=en|access-date=2019-10-10}}&lt;/ref> ==Economy== Major institutions in Teaneck include [[Holy Name Medical Center]] and the Metropolitan Campus of [[Fairleigh Dickinson University]], the largest private university in the state.&lt;ref>Schemo, Diana Jean. [ "Tackling Foreign Students' Visa Troubles, Fairleigh Dickinson Finds Errors in I.N.S. Database"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', November 17, 2002. Accessed September 30, 2009. "The largest private university in New Jersey, Fairleigh Dickinson found itself tangled in bureaucracy over the last two months, as a problem in the I.N.S. computer system blocked foreign students accepted for admission this January from obtaining visas."&lt;/ref> The [[Teaneck Armory]] is the home of the [[New Jersey National Guard]]'s 50th Main Support Battalion.&lt;ref>[ 50th Main Support Battalion]. Accessed January 15, 2007.&lt;/ref> [[Cognizant Technology Solutions]], a major [[multinational corporation|multinational]] provider of [[high-technology]] services, maintains its global [[headquarters]] operations in Teaneck,&lt;ref>[ Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation Company Profile], [[Hoover's]]. Accessed December 16, 2014.&lt;/ref> located in the Glenpointe Centre, Teaneck's largest single group of commercial ratable entities, which includes a 350-room [[Marriott International|Marriott Hotel]] and {{convert|650000|sqft|m2|-3}} of [[Class A office space]], as well as the headquarters of [[Phibro Animal Health]],&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title = Phibro Animal Health Corp - Company Profile and News|website = [[Bloomberg News]]}}&lt;/ref> at the intersection of [[Interstate 95 in New Jersey|Interstate 95]] and [[Interstate 80 in New Jersey|Interstate 80]].&lt;ref>Waite, Thomas L. [ "Postings: At Languishing Teaneck Retail Center; And Now, Offices"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', July 24, 1988. Accessed September 30, 2009. "At Glenpointe in Teaneck, N.J., Alfred Sanzari built 160 town houses and has sold all but five. He built {{convert|567000|sqft|m2|-2}} of office space in two seven-story towers and has leased 95 percent of it."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Glenpointe Centre: About The Property], Alfred Sanzari Enterprises. Accessed December 16, 2014. "A spectacular mixed-use complex featuring 650,000 square feet"&lt;/ref> Teaneck has four main [[commercial area|commercial districts]]: Cedar Lane, north Teaneck Road, West Englewood Avenue/The Plaza and Queen Anne Road/DeGraw Avenue.&lt;ref>Aberback, Brian. [ "Charting Teaneck's business growth"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-03 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', January 8, 2007. Accessed March 5, 2009. "The report includes various suggestions for each of the township's four business districts – Cedar Lane, north Teaneck Road, West Englewood/The Plaza, and DeGraw Avenue/Queen Anne Road – including that each district have an executive director."&lt;/ref> Cedar Lane underwent a $3.9 million Streetscape project, completed in 2006, designed to attract additional business to the area through new sidewalk paving with brick edging, bump-outs to allow easier pedestrian crossing, old-fashioned lamp posts and street plantings.&lt;ref>Aberback, Brian. [ "Work to start on Teaneck's Cedar Lane improvements"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-03 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', April 15, 2005. Accessed July 5, 2007.&lt;/ref> The Givaudan Fragrances Corporation Creative Fragrances Centre, a division of [[Givaudan]], was constructed in 1972 from a design by [[Der Scutt]], architect of the [[Trump Tower (New York)|Trump Tower]].&lt;ref>Chadderdon, Lisa. [ "The Sweet Smell of Success: A building in Teaneck, New Jersey is the source of some of the world's most popular fragrances. Meet Givaudan Roure's perfumers, the 'ghostwriters' behind your favorite scents."], ''[[Fast Company (magazine)|Fast Company]]'', March 1998. Accessed December 25, 2013. "In fact, more than 30% of the world's fine perfumes for women can be traced to Givaudan Roure – and to an inconspicuous brick building set back from the street in suburban Teaneck, New Jersey. Inside the building, designed by Der Scutt (architect of the Trump Tower) and constructed in 1972, is an environment that fosters creativity."&lt;/ref> Givaudan Roure vacated the building in 2009 and the facility was acquired by World of Wings, which renovated the building for use as a butterfly exhibition aimed at families.&lt;ref>Cohen, Noah. [ "Insect-themed Entertainment Center Planned for Windsor Road: Butterfly conservatory to be built at former Givaudan building."], [[Patch Media|TeaneckPatch]], September 20, 2011. Accessed December 25, 2013. "An entertainment center featuring insect exhibits and a live butterfly conservatory is planned at the former Givaudan building on Windsor Road, near the Teaneck border with Bergenfield. The former fragrance company complex was sold to a "children's education organization called World of Wings," according to Givaudan corporate spokesman Jeff Peppet."&lt;/ref> World of Wings closed in November 2016 and, in June 2019, reopened as an apartment complex called Avalon Teaneck.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Giovanny Pinto |first=Fausto |date=2017-02-09 |title=Butterfly museum to metamorphose into housing development |url= |access-date=2024-01-04 | |language=en}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Burd |first=Joshua |title=AvalonBay unveils Teaneck community, amid surging demand from renters – Real Estate NJ |url= |access-date=2024-01-04 |website=RealEstateNJ}}&lt;/ref> ==Arts and culture== [[The Puffin Foundation]] and its Puffin Cultural Forum have been leading supporters and producers of art in Teaneck, sponsoring plays and art exhibitions at its location on Puffin Way.&lt;ref>Aberback, Brian. "Puffin founders give artists a voice", ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', June 20, 2007.&lt;/ref> Teaneck is home to the Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County, founded in 1953. The Bergen Society is a member organization of the [[American Ethical Union]].&lt;ref>[ Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County]&lt;/ref> The Teaneck Community Band presents a series of outdoor band concerts at the Votee Park Bandshell each summer. The 69th annual series, in 2013, was sponsored by the [[Puffin Foundation]].&lt;ref name=Recreation/>&lt;ref>[;id=21159&amp;typeID=339 Teaneck Community Band's 69th Summer Concert Series] {{Webarchive|url=;id=21159&amp;typeID=339 |date=2013-12-19 }}, Township of Teaneck. Accessed December 18, 2013. "The Teaneck Recreation Department and the Puffin Foundation, Ltd. are pleased to announce another outstanding season of the Teaneck Community Band Summer Concert Series. This summer's series marks the 69th continuous year of the Summer Concert Series and, once again, the Teaneck Recreation Department welcomes the generous support of the Puffin Foundation as we invite residents to sit back, relax, and join us for this delightful concert series."&lt;/ref> 2013–2014 marked the 78th season of the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, which performed in the auditorium of Benjamin Franklin Middle School, having been founded in 1938 as the Teaneck Symphony Orchestra.&lt;ref>[ Our History] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-12-19 }}, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. Accessed December 18, 2013. "In 1936, a dream became a reality when the Teaneck Symphony Orchestra was formed."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Venue] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-12-19 }}, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> The now defunct Teaneck Cultural Arts Coalition had organized many community-wide cultural events, including an annual [[First Night]] community celebration of the arts held for several years through New Year's 2005.&lt;ref>Beckerman, Jim. [ "A First Night leap for Teaneck"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-03 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', December 19, 2004. Accessed March 5, 2009. "In fact, Teaneck's seventh annual First Night celebration will be chock-full of traditional after-dark events beginning at 6:30 p.m., and most of them, like the circus, illustrate this year's First Night theme, 'East Meets West.'"&lt;/ref> The Garage Theatre Group, Bergen County's first non-profit professional theatre company, stages fully professional productions, with members of [[Actors Equity]], as well as youth conservatory productions at the Becton Theatre on the campus of [[Farleigh Dickinson University]].&lt;ref>[ History] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-09-07 }} Garage Theatre Group. Accessed July 16, 2011.&lt;/ref> Teaneck New Theatre, founded in 1986, performs productions at St. Mark's Church in Teaneck and at the Hackensack Cultural Arts Center.&lt;ref>[ History] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-03-31 }}, Teaneck New Theatre. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> Black Box Studios is a theater group based in Congregation Beth Shalom, that has a relationship with the Bergen PAC in Englewood. The actors are mostly children and teens ages 10–16, with a 7–9 year old workshop, and an adult workshop. There are two to three performances presented in the first two or three weeks of January, and the first two weeks of June. Drama and musical theatre summer camps are offered.&lt;ref>[ About], Black Box Studios. Accessed December 25, 2013.&lt;/ref> Teaneck Cinemas had been the township's lone movie theater, and had also hosted live performances on its stage by local performance groups, until it closed its doors in November 2012, with theater operator Majestic Entertainment citing costs that could run to as much as $500,000 to modernize the projection systems on all four screens to use digital technology rather than 35mm reels of film.&lt;ref>Baker, Rebecca. [ "Cedar Lane Cinemas in Teaneck goes dark; owner says cost of going digital too high"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', November 30, 2012. Accessed December 18, 2013. "Teaneck's iconic movie theater has shut down indefinitely, showing its last film a week ago, the latest in a string of small theaters across the country to close because they are unable or unwilling to upgrade technology."&lt;/ref> New owner Matthew Latten signed a lease in April 2013 and undertook extensive renovations that included new seating, modern digital projection systems and digital signage.&lt;ref>Cohen, Noah. [ "Teaneck Movie Theater Aims To Open by October; New owner working to modernize Teaneck's lone cinema"], TeaneckPatch, August 4, 2013. Accessed August 13, 2013. "The owner of the new Teaneck Cinemas, Matthew Latten, is aiming to open in mid-September, with a target opening set by Oct. 1, the post said. Latten told Patch in May that he initially hoped to open in July or August, but faced some paperwork delays."&lt;/ref> After hosting the [[Teaneck International Film Festival]] in November, the reopening of the renamed Teaneck Cinemas was delayed until December 2013, with added time needed to complete the work needed to add modern features and conveniences while retaining the Art Deco character of a theater first constructed in 1937.&lt;ref>Beckerman, Jim. [ "Teaneck theater reopens Friday with new look and name"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', December 17, 2013. Accessed December 18, 2013. "Teaneck Cinemas – formerly Cedar Lane Cinemas – is slated to reopen Friday with a new name, a new management, new state-of-the-art digital projectors, new high-back seats, new marquee and a new retro art-deco look."&lt;/ref> For a number of years, the theater was main venue for screenings for [[Hoboken International Film Festival]].&lt;ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Hoboken International Film Festival set ... for Teaneck|first=Adam |last=Robb |newspaper= The JerseyJournal|date=June 3, 2010}}&lt;/ref> The [[Northeast Film Festival]], also takes place at Teaneck Cinemas. Teaneck has been the site of many films, including ''[[The Family Man]]'', the 2000 film starring [[Nicolas Cage]], and [[Armageddon Time]], the 2022 film starring [[Anthony Hopkins]], [[Anne Hathaway]] and [[Jeremy Strong]].&lt;ref>Graham, Bob. [ "Cage's Wonderful Lives"], ''[[San Francisco Chronicle]]'', December 22, 2000. Accessed December 25, 2013. "Jack slowly discovers that he has traded Manhattan for Teaneck, N.J., his penthouse for a four-bedroom house and mortgage, his Ferrari for a minivan."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Anthony Hopkins films movie in Teaneck |url= |access-date=2024-01-04 |website=North Jersey Media Group |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref> The Teaneck Armory has been used for films including ''[[Sweet and Lowdown]]'', and for interior scenes of ''[[You've Got Mail]]''.&lt;ref>Davis, Tom. [ A Place For Troops, Troupes, Hoops: Teaneck Armory Still Vital] {{Webarchive|url= |date=March 6, 2012 }}, copy of article from ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', January 2, 2002. Accessed June 6, 2007.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Ivry, Bob. [ "Filmmakers Descending on New Jersey"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', June 17, 1998. Accessed June 6, 2007. "When Randy Sokol Sweeney was asked to find a New York–area spot in which to shoot the indoor scenes of "You've Got Mail," a romantic comedy starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, she tried the usual studios in Queens, but they were booked. Then she checked out Teaneck."&lt;/ref> In 2007, two non-fiction volumes appeared dealing, ''inter alia'', with Teaneck's Orthodox Jewish community. In ''[[Foreskin's Lament: A Memoir|Foreskin's Lament]]'', writer [[Shalom Auslander]] describes living in Teaneck and finding the Jewish community stifling and claustrophobic.&lt;ref>McGrath, Charles. [ "Shalom Auslander: An Orthodox Jewish outsider grapples with his past"], ''[[International Herald Tribune]]'', October 3, 2007. Accessed December 25, 2013.&lt;/ref> In contrast, Rifka Rosenwein, in ''Life in the Present Tense'', describes the close-knit community as a gift she could not imagine when living in Manhattan.&lt;ref>Wiener, Julie. [ "Rifka's Words Still Speak To Me"], ''[[The Jewish Week]]'', December 5, 2007. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> The [[African American]] music group [[The Isley Brothers]] founded [[T-Neck Records]], named for their base in the township.&lt;ref>[ Inductees Profile of The Isley Brothers] {{Webarchive|url= |date=September 19, 2015 }} [[Rock and Roll Hall of Fame]]. Accessed December 23, 2013. "The Isley Brothers took business matters into their own hands in 1969 by re-establishing their own label, T-Neck (named for their home base of Teaneck, New Jersey)."&lt;/ref> Other musicians from the township include the rock band [[The Wrens]] and rappers [[DMX]] and [[The Notorious B.I.G.]]&lt;ref>LaGorce, Tammy. [ "Music; Once More to the Abyss For the Wrens"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', May 7, 2006. Accessed August 4, 2018. "Members of The Wrens, 16-year-old band from Teaneck, NJ, comment on their careers and new CD..."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite news |last=Marriott |first=Michel |date=1997-03-17 |title=The Short Life of a Rap Star, Shadowed by Many Troubles |url= |access-date=2024-01-04 |work=The New York Times |language=en-US |issn=0362-4331}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Giovanny Pinto |first=Fausto |date=2016-09-27 |title=The hip-hop homes of Bergen County |url= |access-date=2024-01-04 | (NJ Advance Media) |language=en}}&lt;/ref> ==Sports== [[File:Teaneck Armory front jeh.JPG|thumb|[[Teaneck Armory]]]] The [[Brooklyn Nets]] professional [[basketball]] team was founded as the [[New Jersey Americans]] in Teaneck for the 1967–1968 season, as charter members of the [[American Basketball Association]]. The team played their home games at the Teaneck Armory for that one season, and was scheduled to play a one-game playoff at the armory. However, the circus had been booked for the week, and the game was relocated to a court in [[Commack, New York]] that was unplayable, and the game had to be forfeited. After the one season in Teaneck, the team relocated to [[Long Island]] and was renamed the New York Nets.&lt;ref>[[Adrian Wojnarowski|Wojnarowski, Adrian]]. [ "Warped floors, lumbering elephants"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-03 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', June 1, 2003. Accessed March 5, 2009.&lt;/ref> Following the Long Island run, the Nets moved back to New Jersey in 1977 to be named as the New Jersey Nets until 2012, when they moved back to New York and became the [[Brooklyn Nets]].&lt;ref>Bondy, Stefan. [ "The Nets have finally found a home in Brooklyn;From J to Deron Williams, from Teaneck to Long Island, and through the swamps of Jersey, the Nets arrive at the Barclays Center"], ''[[New York Daily News ]]'', October 28, 2012. Accessed October 28, 2015.&lt;/ref> In 1977, Teaneck hosted the "Junior [[biddy Basketball|Biddy]] National Basketball Tournament" with American teams from as far as [[Dallas, Texas]] attending and an international one from Puerto Rico. The tournament championship was won by a team from [[New Orleans, Louisiana]].&lt;ref>{{Cite news|url=|title = Biddy Basketball: Knicks of Future?|newspaper = The New York Times|date = May 15, 1977|last1 = Winfield|first1 = Paul}}&lt;/ref> Portions of [[Fairleigh Dickinson University]]'s Metropolitan Campus are located in Teaneck, with most of the school's athletic facilities located across the river in Hackensack. The school's University Stadium, home for its men's and women's soccer teams, lies on the [[Hackensack River]], just north of Route 4. The 1,100-seat stadium has hosted NCAA Men's Soccer Tournament games in recent years.&lt;ref>[ Men's Soccer 2013 Quick Facts], [[Fairleigh Dickinson University]]. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> The natural grass field was resurfaced with [[FieldTurf]] in 2004.&lt;ref>[ "Fairleigh Dickinson University Installs FieldTurf at University Stadium; Knights' men's and women's soccer teams scheduled to begin play on new surface this fall."], [[Fairleigh Dickinson University]] press release, dated August 3, 2004. Accessed December 18, 2013. "The Fairleigh Dickinson University men's and women's soccer teams will have a new surface to play on at University Stadium this fall as installation of FieldTurf is underway. The project is scheduled to be completed in September. University Stadium has played host to NCAA Men's Soccer Tournament First Round games in each of the last two seasons as well as the ECAC Women's Soccer Tournament semifinals last year."&lt;/ref> The [[Naimoli Family Baseball Complex]] is situated between Route 4 and University Stadium. Fairleigh Dickinson received a $1 million bequest from FDU alumnus [[Vince Naimoli]], founding owner of the [[Tampa Bay Rays]], to establish a 500-seat stadium with artificial turf and lighting on the site of the current facility.&lt;ref>Staff. "FDU baseball complex gets bequest", ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', December 18, 2007.&lt;/ref> ==Parks and recreation== Teaneck has 24 municipal parks, of which 14 are developed.&lt;ref>[ Parks Map] {{Webarchive|url= |date=October 8, 2019 }}, Township of Teaneck. Accessed October 8, 2019.&lt;/ref> Votee Park, the township's largest, covers {{convert|40.51|acre}}, surrounded by Queen Anne Road, Palisade Avenue, Court Street and Colonial Court. Including baseball fields, soccer fields, playgrounds and the township's inground swimming facility, the park was renamed in honor of former mayor Milton Votee in 1958.&lt;ref>[ Milton Votee Park]{{Dead link|date=August 2024 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}, Teaneck Public Library. Accessed February 4, 2014.&lt;/ref> A Sportsplex was opened at the southern end of Votee Park in 2014, which includes two synthetic turf full-size soccer fields, one of which is also lined for use for football.&lt;ref>[;id=22332&amp;typeID=271 "Township to Dedicate Votee Park Sportsplex"] {{Webarchive|url=;id=22332&amp;typeID=271 |date=2015-09-10 }}, Township of Teaneck, June 13, 2014. Accessed December 16, 2014.&lt;/ref> The Friends of the Hackensack River Greenway Through Teaneck work to preserve and develop the {{convert|3.5|mi}} greenway along the Hackensack River from Terhune Park at the Bogota border in the south north to Brett Park on the [[New Milford, New Jersey|New Milford]] border, encouraging the growth of native plants and providing a verdant area along the river for residents and visitors.&lt;ref>[ Introduction] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-12-09 }}, Friends of the Hackensack River Greenway through Teaneck. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> A series of 16 laminated signs were created by Teaneck artist Richard Mills along the Greenway, depicting details of history and the flora and fauna of the river in a series called "Hackensack River Stories" that was installed in 2000.&lt;ref>Nash, Margo. [ "ART; With His Art, One Can Find A River's History on a Sign"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', September 10, 2000. Accessed December 18, 2013. "WHEN Richard Mills, a Teaneck artist and environmentalist, takes children on tours of the Hackensack River, he likes to ask them to draw pictures of what paradise looks like.... He did research, talked to old-timers and local historians, and created a series of 16 signs he calls ''Hackensack River Stories.''The vinyl laminated signs will be posted this week near the river in Teaneck along the Greenway, which runs from Bogota to New Milford."&lt;/ref> The Greenway in Teaneck became the fourth [[National Recreation Trail]] in the state when it received the designation by the [[United States Department of the Interior]] at ceremonies held in Brett Park in June 2009.&lt;ref>Prosnitz, Howard. [ "U.S. names Greenway as National Recreation Trail"], ''Teaneck Suburbanite'', July 1, 2009. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> Established in 2001 in conjunction with the Puffin Foundation, the Teaneck Creek Conservancy has restored a plot of degraded land east of Teaneck Road near the intersection of Interstates 80 and 95, removing decades of debris and creating a network of {{convert|1.3|mi}} of trails.&lt;ref>[ Home Page], Teaneck Creek Conservancy. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref>[[File:Bridge at Overpeck County Park.jpg|thumb|left| Overpeck features a pedestrian bridge.]] [[Overpeck County Park]], along the shores of Overpeck Creek, a tributary of the Hackensack River, is more than {{convert|800|acre|km2}} in size, of which about 500 were donated by Teaneck, and which is also in portions of Englewood, Leonia, Ridgefield Park and [[Palisades Park, New Jersey|Palisades Park]].&lt;ref>[ Overpeck Park Background]. Accessed February 4, 2014.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Overpeck County Park], Bergen County, New Jersey. Accessed February 4, 2014. "More than 50 years ago, five Bergen County municipalities- Englewood, Leonia, Palisades Park, Ridgefield Park and Teaneck- donated hundreds of acres of land surrounding Overpeck Creek to the county for the creation of a park. Land that once contained brownfields and landfills has been transformed into a multi-use recreational venue."&lt;/ref> ==Government== [[File:TeaneckMunicipalBuilding.jpg|thumb|Teaneck Municipal Building]] ===Local government=== {{See also|Mayors of Teaneck, New Jersey}} Teaneck is governed within the [[Faulkner Act]] (formally known as the Optional Municipal Charter Law) under the [[Faulkner Act (council–manager)|Council-Manager]] form of government. The council-manager system was adopted by referendum in 1988.&lt;ref>[ "The Faulkner Act: New Jersey's Optional Municipal Charter Law"], [[New Jersey State League of Municipalities]], July 2007. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Teaneck Municipal Services 2003] {{Webarchive|url= |date=December 19, 2013 }}, Township of Teaneck. Accessed December 18, 2013. "In 1987, a referendum to alter the form was approved, creating staggered terms for the Council. As part of the change, Council elections now take place every two years on the second Tuesday in May. Seven members serve four-year terms which expire in even numbered years as follows: three will expire in 2004, four will expire in 2006, etc."&lt;/ref> The council's seven members are elected at-large in nonpartisan elections to serve staggered, four-year terms of office. Following a municipal election, the Township Council holds a Reorganization Meeting where the winners are sworn in, and the council elects a mayor and two deputy mayors from among its own members. Under the council-manager system, the mayor's chief role is to preside over the council. The mayor (and deputy mayors) vote on all matters as regular members of the council, and the position is not an executive one. The mayor does, however, execute bonds, notes, contracts and written obligations of the Township and is empowered to perform marriages.&lt;ref>{{cite web|title=Forms of Government in NJ|url=,|access-date=28 January 2020|website=NJLM New Jersey League of Municipalities}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=General>[ Township Council – General], Township of Teaneck. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> &lt;br>The chief executive of the Township of Teaneck is the [[Faulkner Act#Council–manager|Township Manager]], who is hired by the council and is present at meetings of the council but does not have voting power. The Manager implements Council policies, enforces ordinances and is responsible for appointing and directing department heads. The Township Manager is also responsible for preparing and submitting the budget to the council.&lt;ref name="Interim MunicipalManager" /> The Township Council serves as Teaneck's governing body, setting policies and passing ordinances. It adopts an annual budget and approves contracts and agreements for services. The Council appoints the town officials, including the Manager, Clerk, Auditor, Attorney, Magistrate and Assessor. The Council appoints seven members of the Planning Board, the members of the Board of Adjustment, and all other statutory and advisory boards.&lt;ref>[ Government], Township of Teaneck. Accessed August 13, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=General/> As of January 2023 the Township Council was comprised as follows:&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Township of Teaneck Council Members |access-date=February 6, 2023 | |archive-url= |archive-date=February 6, 2023 |url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=BergenCountyDirectory>[ ''2024 County and Municipal Directory''], [[Bergen County, New Jersey]], April 2024. Accessed April 15, 2024.&lt;/ref> {| class="wikitable" |- ! Position ! Name ! Term began ! Term ends ! Notes |- |[[Mayors of Teaneck, New Jersey|Mayor]] |Michael Pagan |July 1, 2020 |December 31, 2024 |Elected in 2020, the Council elected Pagan mayor at the Council reorganization in January 2023.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Teaneck names first Latino mayor |date=2023-01-06 |access-date=2023-02-06 |website=[[]] |last=Stoltz |first=Marsha |archive-url= |archive-date=2023-02-06 |url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |- |Deputy Mayor 1 |Danielle Gee |January 1, 2023 |December 31, 2026 | |- |Deputy Mayor 2 |Eli Y. Katz |January 1, 2023 |December 31, 2026 | |- |Councilmember (at-large) |Karen Organ |July 1, 2020 |December 31, 2024 | |- |Councilmember (at-large) |Mark J. Schwartz |July 1, 2020 |December 31, 2024 | |- |Councilmember (at-large) |Denise Belcher |January 1, 2023 |December 31, 2026 | |- |Councilmember (at-large) |Hillary Goldberg |January 1, 2023 |December 31, 2026 | |} As of February 2023, the Township Manager was Dean Kazinci, who has been serving since 2018. His deputy was Tom Rowe.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Manager's Office |access-date=2023-02-06 |publisher=Teaneck Township}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Township Managers 1930 to Present |access-date=2023-02-06 |archive-url= |archive-date=2022-07-06 |url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> Following its founding in 1895, Teaneck used the traditional [[Township (New Jersey)|township]] form of government, led by a three-member Township Committee (later expanded to five seats) elected on a partisan basis. On September 16, 1930, Teaneck residents voted to establish a [[non-partisan democracy|non-partisan]] Council-Manager form of government under the terms of the [[1923 Municipal Manager Law]], with five members elected concurrently on an at-large basis. In 1962, the Council expanded to its current size of seven members and the position of Deputy Mayor was created. In 1987, a referendum to alter the form to a Faulkner Act Council-Manager form of government was approved, providing for staggered terms for the council. The township is one of 42 municipalities (of the 565) statewide that use this form of government.&lt;ref>[ ''Inventory of Municipal Forms of Government in New Jersey''], [[Rutgers University]] Center for Government Studies, July 1, 2011. Accessed June 1, 2023.&lt;/ref> &lt;br>Until 2021, council elections took place in even years on the second Tuesday in May. Following a referendum that passed in 2021, the date of Township Council elections was moved to November to be held with the state-wide elections.&lt;ref name=DataBook>''2012 New Jersey Legislative District Data Book'', [[Rutgers University]] [[Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy]], March 2013, p. 157.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ "Forms of Municipal Government in New Jersey"], p. 12. [[Rutgers University]] Center for Government Studies. Accessed June 1, 2023.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Teaneck will move local elections from May to November |date=2021-11-03 |access-date=2023-02-06 |last=Fox |first=Joey |archive-url= |archive-date=2023-02-06 |url-status=live |publisher=[[New Jersey Globe]]}}&lt;/ref> In May 2000, three women ran for Township Council, and all three, incumbent Jackie Kates and newcomers Marie Warnke and Deborah Veach, were elected.&lt;ref>Sampson, Peter J.; and Stancavish, Don. [ "Teaneck Elects 3 Women To Council – Sole Incumbent Tops Crowded Field"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2015-09-24 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', May 10, 2000. Accessed December 3, 2014. "Deputy Mayor Jacqueline Kates, Deborah Veach, and Marie Warnke easily outpolled five other candidates Tuesday to win four-year terms on the Township Council."&lt;/ref> Kates, Warnke and Veach completed their four-year terms and then ran for re-election in May 2004.&lt;ref>Johnson, Paul H. [ "5 candidates vying for 3 seats on Teaneck Council"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2015-09-24 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', May 8, 2004. Accessed December 3, 2014. "Five candidates are facing off for three seats. They are Mayor Jacqueline Kates, who is seeking her third term, Deborah Veach and Marie Warnke, who are both running for their second term, and challengers Monica Honis and Eric Cinotti."&lt;/ref> Jackie Kates and Deborah Veach were re-elected and became Mayor and Deputy Mayor, respectively. Ms. Veach resigned her position in October 2005 and was appointed to be the Township's Municipal Prosecutor.&lt;ref>Aberback, Brian. [ "Teaneck's deputy mayor resigns to become its prosecutor – Veach first elected to council in 2000"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2015-09-24 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', October 9, 2005. Accessed December 3, 2014. "Deputy Mayor Deborah Veach has resigned her council seat to become the township prosecutor."&lt;/ref> On May 13, 2008, the township voted to re-elect Monica Honis to the council (with 2,981 votes). Elnatan Rudolph (2,852) lost his bid for re-election, falling 38 votes behind his running mate. Barbara Toffler (leading the voting with 3,356 votes) and Mohammed Hameeduddin (2,890) were elected and took office on July 1, 2008, filling the seats left by Rudolph and former mayor Jackie Kates, who did not run for re-election.&lt;ref>Ax, Joseph. "Rivals split the vote", ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', May 14, 2008. "Challenger Barbara Toffler surged to victory in Tuesday's bitterly contested council election, finishing first in a field of eight, and Councilwoman Monica Honis and newcomer Barbara Toffler also captured four-year terms."&lt;/ref> In the 2010 municipal elections, Adam Gussen, Elie Katz and Lizette Parker were re-elected to office, with former councilmember Yitz Stern taking the seat vacated by former mayor Kevie Feit, who did not run for a second term. At its July 1, 2010, reorganization meeting the council selected Mohammed Hameeduddin to serve as mayor, making him one of the state's first Muslim mayors, while Adam Gussen was chosen as deputy mayor.&lt;ref>Ax, Joseph. [ "Teaneck picks first Muslim mayor"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]', July 1, 2010. Accessed July 7, 2010.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Dwyer, Devin. [ "N.J. Town Picks Muslim for Mayor, Orthodox Jew as Deputy"], [[ABC News (United States)|ABC News]], July 6, 2010. Accessed July 7, 2010.&lt;/ref> In the May 2012 municipal election, Mohammed Hameeduddin won a second term in office (with 4,374 votes) and was the only incumbent to win re-election, with challengers Mark Schwartz (3,150) and Henry Pruitt (2,872) taking the seats of Barbara Toffler (2,526) and Monica Honis (2,238), who lost their bids for re-election and came in fourth and fifth respectively, while Alexander Rashin came in sixth (1,049).&lt;ref>Superville, Denisa R. [ "Two challengers join Teaneck council"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', May 8, 2012. Accessed July 10, 2012. "Hameeduddin received the highest number of votes — 4,374, according to preliminary results from the township clerk's office. He will be joined on the council by Mark Schwartz, a member of the Planning Board and the volunteer ambulance corps who received 3,150 votes, and Henry J. Pruitt, a school board member and retired educator who received 2,872 votes. Voters rejected the re-election bids of two councilwomen, Barbara Toffler and Monica Honis. Toffler, a retired professor, received 2,526 votes, while Honis, who teaches English as a second language in Clifton, received 2,238 votes. A sixth candidate, Alexander Rashin, a scientist in computational molecular biophysics, got 1,049 votes."&lt;/ref> In the May 2018 municipal election, Elie Katz won a sixth term in office (with 3,822 votes) and Gervonn Romney Rice, who was selected to replace Mayor Lizette Parker (after her death in 2016), won reelection (with 4,480 votes). Challengers Keith Kaplan (with 3,191 votes) and James Dunleavy (with 3,360 votes) defeated incumbent Alan Sohn (with 2,483 votes) and challengers Clara Williams (with 2,303 votes) and Charles "Chuck" Powers (with 2,282 votes).&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Township of Teaneck New Jersey - May 8 2018 unofficial election results|||access-date=2018-05-14|archive-date=May 14, 2018|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> ===Federal, state, and county representation=== [[Image:Teaneck Post Office.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Teaneck Main Post Office]] Teaneck is in the 5th Congressional District&lt;ref name=PCR2022>[ 2022 Redistricting Plan], [[New Jersey Redistricting Commission]], December 8, 2022.&lt;/ref> and is part of New Jersey's 37th state legislative district.&lt;ref name=Districts2011>[ Municipalities Sorted by 2011-2020 Legislative District], [[New Jersey Department of State]]. Accessed February 1, 2020.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=LWV2019>[ ''2019 New Jersey Citizen's Guide to Government''], New Jersey [[League of Women Voters]]. Accessed October 30, 2019.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Districts by Number for 2011–2020], [[New Jersey Legislature]]. Accessed January 6, 2013.&lt;/ref> Prior to the 2010 Census, all of Teaneck had been part of the 9th Congressional District, a change made by the [[New Jersey Redistricting Commission]] that took effect in January 2013, based on the results of the November 2012 general elections, making Teaneck one of 14 municipalities (and the only one in Bergen County) to be split across districts, down from the 29 that had been split after the 2000 Census.&lt;ref name=LWV2011>[ ''2011 New Jersey Citizen's Guide to Government''] {{Webarchive|url= |date=June 4, 2013 }}, p. 65, New Jersey [[League of Women Voters]]. Accessed May 22, 2015.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Sullivan, S.P. [ "Teaneck mayor: New congressional map, which splits town in two, 'a complete surprise'"], ''[[The Star-Ledger]]'', January 5, 2012. Accessed January 16, 2012. "The town of Teaneck finds itself, quite literally, in the middle of the confusion. The re-drawn congressional map splits the town between Garrett's 5th congressional district and the 9th, which is a combination of districts previously held by Rothman and Pascrell."&lt;/ref> As part of the redistricting that took effect in 2013, 32,023 (about 80%) of Teaneck residents were placed in the new 5th District, with the remaining 7,753 residents (about 20%) mostly in areas of the township east of Teaneck Road and south of Bedford Avenue placed in the 9th District.&lt;ref>[ New Jersey Congressional Districts 2012-2012: Teaneck Map], [[New Jersey Department of State]]. Accessed February 1, 2020.&lt;/ref> {{NJ Congress 05}} {{NJ Senate}} {{NJ Legislative 37}} {{NJ Bergen County Freeholders}} ===Politics=== Teaneck is a Democrat stronghold, with Democrat registration higher than that of Republicans. As of March 23, 2011, there were a total of 24,862 registered voters in Teaneck Township, of which 12,646 (50.9% vs. 31.7% countywide) were registered as [[Democratic Party (United States)|Democrats]], 2,332 (9.4% vs. 21.1%) were registered as [[Republican Party (United States)|Republicans]] and 9,872 (39.7% vs. 47.1%) were registered as [[Unaffiliated (New Jersey)|Unaffiliated]]. There were 12 voters registered as [[Libertarian Party (United States)|Libertarians]] or [[Green Party of the United States|Greens]].&lt;ref name=VoterRegistration>[ Voter Registration Summary – Bergen], [[New Jersey Department of State]] Division of Elections, March 23, 2011. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> Among the township's 2010 Census population, 62.5% (vs. 57.1% in Bergen County) were registered to vote, including 83.4% of those ages 18 and over (vs. 73.7% countywide).&lt;ref name=VoterRegistration/>&lt;ref>[ GCT-P7: Selected Age Groups: 2010 – State – County Subdivision; 2010 Census Summary File 1 for New Jersey] {{Webarchive|url= |date=February 12, 2020 }}, [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> In the [[United States presidential election in New Jersey, 2016|2016 presidential election]], Democrat [[Hillary Clinton]] received 15,053 votes (75.2% vs. 54.2% countywide), ahead of Republican [[Donald Trump]] with 4,229 votes (21.1% vs. 41.1%) and other candidates with 729 votes (3.6% vs. 4.6%), among the 20,152 ballots cast by the township's 28,631 registered voters, for a turnout of 70.4% (vs. 72.5% in Bergen County).&lt;ref>[ Presidential November 8, 2016 General Election Results - Bergen County], [[New Jersey Department of State]] Division of Elections, November 8, 2016. Accessed May 24, 2020&lt;/ref> In the [[United States presidential election in New Jersey, 2012|2012 presidential election]], Democrat [[Barack Obama]] received 13,875 votes (71.5% vs. 54.8% countywide), ahead of Republican [[Mitt Romney]] with 5,256 votes (27.1% vs. 43.5%) and other candidates with 136 votes (0.7% vs. 0.9%), among the 19,394 ballots cast by the township's 27,145 registered voters, for a turnout of 71.4% (vs. 70.4% in Bergen County).&lt;ref>[ Presidential November 6, 2012 General Election Results – Bergen County] {{Webarchive|url= |date=September 26, 2018 }}, [[New Jersey Department of State]] Division of Elections, March 15, 2013. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Number of Registered Voters and Ballots Cast November 6, 2012 General Election Results – Bergen County] {{Webarchive|url= |date=September 26, 2018 }}, [[New Jersey Department of State]] Division of Elections, March 15, 2013. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> In the [[United States presidential election in New Jersey, 2008|2008 presidential election]], Democrat Barack Obama received 14,785 votes (71.6% vs. 53.9% countywide), ahead of Republican [[John McCain]] with 5,621 votes (27.2% vs. 44.5%) and other candidates with 95 votes (0.5% vs. 0.8%), among the 20,642 ballots cast by the township's 26,294 registered voters, for a turnout of 78.5% (vs. 76.8% in Bergen County).&lt;ref>[ 2008 Presidential General Election Results: Bergen County], [[New Jersey Department of State]] Division of Elections, December 23, 2008. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=Results2008>[ 2008 General Election Results for Teaneck], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]''. Accessed November 6, 2008.&lt;/ref> In the [[United States presidential election in New Jersey, 2004|2004 presidential election]], Democrat [[John Kerry]] received 13,254 votes (69.4% vs. 51.7% countywide), ahead of Republican [[George W. Bush]] with 5,672 votes (29.7% vs. 47.2%) and other candidates with 78 votes (0.4% vs. 0.7%), among the 19,088 ballots cast by the township's 24,466 registered voters, for a turnout of 78.0% (vs. 76.9% in the whole county).&lt;ref>[ 2004 Presidential Election: Bergen County], [[New Jersey Department of State]] Division of Elections, December 13, 2004. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> In the [[New Jersey gubernatorial election, 2013|2013 gubernatorial election]], Democrat [[Barbara Buono]] received 57.8% of the vote (6,197 cast), ahead of Republican [[Chris Christie]] with 41.4% (4,439 votes), and other candidates with 0.8% (90 votes), among the 10,991 ballots cast by the township's 25,615 registered voters (265 ballots were spoiled), for a turnout of 42.9%.&lt;ref name=2013Elections>{{cite web |url= |title=Governor – Bergen County |date=January 29, 2014 |publisher=New Jersey Department of Elections |access-date=December 24, 2014}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=2013VoterReg>{{cite web |url= |title=Number of Registered Voters and Ballots Cast – November 5, 2013 – General Election Results – Bergen County|date=January 29, 2014 |publisher=New Jersey Department of Elections |access-date=December 24, 2014}}&lt;/ref> In the [[New Jersey gubernatorial election, 2009|2009 gubernatorial election]], Democrat [[Jon Corzine]] received 9,347 ballots cast (71.8% vs. 48.0% countywide), ahead of Republican Chris Christie with 3,242 votes (24.9% vs. 45.8%), Independent [[Chris Daggett]] with 343 votes (2.6% vs. 4.7%) and other candidates with 41 votes (0.3% vs. 0.5%), among the 13,027 ballots cast by the township's 25,513 registered voters, yielding a 51.1% turnout (vs. 50.0% in the county).&lt;ref>[ 2009 Governor: Bergen County] {{Webarchive|url= |date=November 28, 2018 }}, [[New Jersey Department of State]] Division of Elections, December 31, 2009. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> In the 2018 Municipal Election, Gervonn Romney Rice received 4,480 votes, [[Elie Katz|Elie Y. Katz]] received 3,822 votes, James Dunleavy received 3,360 votes, Keith Kaplan received 3,191 votes, Alan Sohn received 2,483 votes and [[Clark Williams (politician)|Clara Williams]] received 2,303 votes.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Township of Teaneck New Jersey - 2018 May Municipal Election information||access-date=2020-01-09}}&lt;/ref> In 2018 there were a total of 26,860 registered voters in Teaneck Township.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Number of Registered Voters and Ballots Cast November 6, 2018 General Election Results|date=6 November 2018|access-date=9 January 2020}}&lt;/ref> ===Taxation=== The [[Tax Foundation]] determined that Bergen County had the third-highest median property tax burden in the nation ($8,708 vs. a New Jersey median of $6,579 and a national median of $1,917) and the fourth-highest level of property taxes as a percentage of median income (8.59% vs. 7.45% statewide and 3.03% nationally), based on an analysis of data from the 2009 [[American Community Survey]] conducted by the [[United States Census Bureau]] for all 792 counties in the United States with more than 20,000 residents.&lt;ref>[ Property Tax Data by County], [[Tax Foundation]]. Accessed November 18, 2011.&lt;/ref> As of 2010, Teaneck's effective tax rate of $2.492 per $100 of equalized value was the 12th-highest of the 70 municipalities in Bergen County, which had a countywide median effective rate of $2.115 per $100, ranging from a low of $.596 in [[Alpine, New Jersey|Alpine]] to a high of $3.005 in [[Ridgefield Park, New Jersey|Ridgefield Park]].&lt;ref>[ 2012 General Tax Rates Bergen County], [[New Jersey Department of the Treasury]]. Accessed September 16, 2013.&lt;/ref> {{As of|2013}}, just under 55% of a Teaneck property owner's real estate taxes goes to support the local school system, 36.7% goes to municipal taxes (including an open space tax) and the remaining 8.4% to cover county services (which also assesses an open space tax). In the decade from 2003 to 2013, municipal taxes had risen at an annual rate of just over 4.5% and school taxes by almost 2.8%, while the [[consumer price index]] for the New York–Northern New Jersey–Long Island area had gone up 2.6% during that time span.&lt;ref name=TaxLevyHistory>Abbott, Tom. [ Teaneck NJ Property Taxes – 1991 to 2013] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2014-02-23 }}, Accessed February 4, 2014.&lt;/ref> The 2013 tax rate was set at $2.486 per $100 of assessed value (an overall increase of 3.7% from 2012), which includes school taxes of $1.365 (up almost 3.3%), municipal taxes of $0.871 (an increase of 5.8%), a library tax of $.031 (down 3.1%) and county taxes of $0.206 (down 0.5%), plus a municipal open space tax of $0.010 and a county open space tax of $0.003 (both unchanged).&lt;ref name=TaxLevyHistory />&lt;ref name=Abstract2013>[ 2013 Abstract of Ratables for the County of Bergen]{{Dead link|date=August 2024 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}, Bergen County Board of Taxation. Accessed February 4, 2014.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=Budget2013>[ 2013 Municipal Budget Resolution], Accessed February 4, 2014.&lt;/ref> The owner of a median-valued home in Teaneck, assessed at $465,300, paid 2011 property taxes of $11,190, which would include $6,244 in school taxes, $3,992 in municipal taxes and $949 to the county (including open space levies).&lt;ref name=Budget2013 />&lt;ref>Prosnitz, Howard. [ "Teaneck Council approves $65M budget"], ''Teaneck Suburbanite'', May 18, 2011. Accessed November 18, 2011. "The owner of the average house in Teaneck assessed at $465,300 will pay $3,946 in municipal taxes in 2011, an increase of $111 over 2010."&lt;/ref> During 2006, Teaneck underwent a [[revaluation]] of all privately owned real estate, as required periodically by the state. This revaluation adjusted property values to market prices, ensuring that taxes are equitably allocated. The average property in Teaneck was assessed at approximately $417,900, an increase of 132.1% from the prior year's average. The new valuations took effect for the 2007 tax year.&lt;ref>Aberback, Brian; and Sheingold, David. [ "Teaneck's seismic tax shift"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-03 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', February 13, 2007. Accessed March 5, 2009.&lt;/ref> In the wake of the revaluation implemented in 2007, a wave of tax appeals hit the township, resulting in a loss of about $110 million in ratables and costs to the township of $2.2 million for the 2012 tax year.&lt;ref>Superville, Denisa. R. [ "Teaneck looks to ease tax-appeal pain"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', March 13, 2013. Accessed August 13, 2013. "The township is counting on state permission to spread the payment of about $2.2 million in tax appeal judgments over three years and avoid hitting homeowners with a much greater tax increase this year. ... Tax appeals are proving to be extremely nettlesome to the township: Between 2012 and 2013, the borough's ratables declined to $5.91 billion from $6.02 billion, largely as a result of reduced assessments from successful tax appeals."&lt;/ref> The township agreed to complete a revaluation by October 2014 that would go into effect in 2015, awarding a $710,000 contract to perform the necessary home visits and determine property values.&lt;ref>Burrow, Megan. [ "Teaneck approves revaluation contract"], ''Teaneck Suburbanite'', August 29, 2013. Accessed February 4, 2014. "After paying nearly $2.2 million in tax appeal refunds this year, the Teaneck Council awarded a $712,470 contract last week to Appraisal Systems Inc., which will perform a revaluation of properties in town next year.... But because of the number of properties in town and inspection requirements, the township has informed the county Board of Taxation it will not be able to complete the revaluation by the Oct. 1 deadline and requested an extension to Oct. 1, 2014 for the tax year of 2015."&lt;/ref> The Teaneck Public Schools had a Budgetary Per Pupil Cost of $18,417 in its 2012–2013 budget, 26.8% higher than the average of $14,519 budgeted that year by districts in the same grouping of grades and enrollment, ranked as the 101st highest among the 106 K–12 districts in the state with more than 3,500 students.&lt;ref name=TEGSTeaneck /> At the April 2006 school elections, voters rejected the proposed $84.8 million budget for the Teaneck Public Schools for the 2006–2007 school year by a 1,644 to 1,336 margin. Based on recommendations specified by the Township Council, the Board of Education approved $544,391 in cuts.&lt;ref>Aberback, Brian. [ "Teaneck school board OKs budget cuts"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-03}}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', May 18, 2006. Accessed March 5, 2009.&lt;/ref> The school budget was rejected again in 2009, with the Council cutting $1 million from the $94.8 million originally proposed.&lt;ref>Ax, Joseph. [ "Teaneck Council slashes $1 million from school budget"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-03}}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', May 13, 2009. Accessed September 30, 2009. "The Township Council on Tuesday formally cut $1 million from the defeated $94.8 million school budget. "&lt;/ref> After the 2010 school budget failed, the Township Council removed $6.1 million from the $95 million budget proposed by the school district, zeroing out what would have been an 8.2% increase in the school tax levy.&lt;ref>Prosnitz, Howard. [ "Teaneck cuts $6M from school budget"], ''Teaneck Suburbanite'', May 20, 2010. Accessed December 9, 2011. "The council cut the defeated $95 million school budget by more than $6.1 million, eliminating five assistant principals, several curriculum supervisors and staff development coordinators. In all, approximately 40 positions were cut, on top of 20 that had previously been eliminating by the Board of Education."&lt;/ref> The school board eliminated 77 positions to meet the cuts approved by the council.&lt;ref>Prosnitz, Howard. [ "Teaneck's BOE cuts $6.1 million from budget"], ''Teaneck Suburbanite'', June 20, 2010. Accessed December 9, 2011. "More than a hundred persons, including parents, current and former Teaneck High School students and teachers wearing union T-shirts, were present at the special board of education meeting on June 2, at which the board voted 8–0 to cut $6.1 million from the 2010–11 school budget.... A total of 77 positions were eliminated, including the director of School/Community Relations, two librarian/media specialists, two curriculum supervisors, the manager of information systems, three secretaries, three maintenance workers and 21 paraprofessionals."&lt;/ref> ==Education== ===Public schools=== [[Image:THS Main 2007.jpg|thumb|right|300px|[[Teaneck High School]]]] The [[Teaneck Public Schools]] serves students in [[pre-kindergarten]] through [[twelfth grade]].&lt;ref>[;id=7da42070a501409683bdce41bdcbaaff Teaneck Board of Education District Policy 0110 - Identification], [[Teaneck Public Schools]]. Accessed March 15, 2020. "Purpose: The Board of Education exists for the purpose of providing a thorough and efficient system of free public education in grades Pre-Kindergarten through twelve in the Teaneck School District. Composition: The Teaneck School District is comprised of all the area within the municipal boundaries of Teaneck."&lt;/ref> As of the 2019–2020 school year, the district, comprised of eight schools, had an enrollment of 3,720 students and 347.3 classroom teachers (on an [[full-time equivalent|FTE]] basis), for a [[student–teacher ratio]] of 10.7:1.&lt;ref name=NCES>[;details=1&amp;ID2=3416080&amp;DistrictID=3416080 District information for Teaneck School District], [[National Center for Education Statistics]]. Accessed November 1, 2019.&lt;/ref> Schools in the district,&lt;ref>[ School Listing], Teaneck Public Schools. Accessed December 12, 2019.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Teaneck Virtual Village - History of Teaneck Public Schools], Teaneck Public Library, backed up by the [[Internet Archive]] as of August 6, 2017. Accessed September 5, 2021.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ New Jersey School Directory for the Teaneck Public Schools], [[New Jersey Department of Education]]. Accessed February 1, 2024.&lt;/ref> with 2019–20 enrollment data from the [[National Center for Education Statistics]],&lt;ref>[;DistrictID=3416080 School Data for the Teaneck Public Schools], [[National Center for Education Statistics]]. Accessed September 5, 2021.&lt;/ref> are: * Bryant School&lt;ref>[ Bryant School], Teaneck Public Schools. Accessed December 12, 2019.&lt;/ref> (322 students in Pre-K and Kindergarten) * Theodora Smiley Lacey School&lt;ref>[ Theodora Smiley Lacey School], Teaneck Public Schools. Accessed November 21, 2023.&lt;/ref> (Kindergarten) * Hawthorne School&lt;ref>[ Hawthorne School], Teaneck Public Schools. Accessed December 12, 2019.&lt;/ref> (345 students in grades 1–4) * Lowell School&lt;ref>[ Lowell School], Teaneck Public Schools. Accessed December 12, 2019.&lt;/ref> (336 students in grades 1–4) * Whittier School&lt;ref>[ Whittier School], Teaneck Public Schools. Accessed December 12, 2019.&lt;/ref> (359 students in grades 1–4) * Benjamin Franklin Middle School&lt;ref>[ Benjamin Franklin Middle School], Teaneck Public Schools. Accessed December 12, 2019.&lt;/ref> (555 students in grades 5–8) * Thomas Jefferson Middle School&lt;ref>[ Thomas Jefferson Middle School], Teaneck Public Schools. Accessed December 12, 2019.&lt;/ref> (523 students in grades 5–8) * [[Teaneck High School]]&lt;ref>[ Teaneck High School], Teaneck Public Schools. Accessed December 12, 2019.&lt;/ref> (1,189 students in grades 9–12) Longfellow Elementary school was closed in 1998.&lt;ref>Stancavish, Don. [ "For Teaneck's Longfellow School, a day of history and sadness"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', May 23, 1998. Accessed November 21, 2023, via [[]].&lt;/ref> Other elementary schools that closed prior to 1998 included Emerson and Eugene Field School, which had been used by the Board of Education for its central administrative offices. District offices were removed from the former Eugene Field School which reopened as [[Theodora Smiley Lacey]] School with room for 180 kindergarten students.&lt;ref>[ "Reopening New Jersey: School named after civil rights icon holds grand opening ceremony"], ''[[WABC-TV]]'', September 17, 2020. Accessed November 21, 2023. "The Theodora Smiley Lacey School houses nine kindergarten classrooms, servicing about 180 students."&lt;/ref> 2011–2012 total spending for the district was $91,382,911, a Total Spending per Pupil of $22,894 based on 3,991.6 students, ranking 96th highest of the 106 K–12 districts statewide with more than 3,500 students, with the average district spending $18,047 per pupil. Based on the 2012–2013 budget, the district planned to spend a Budgetary Per Pupil Cost of $18,417 (a measure that excludes out-of-district tuition payments for special education, transportation costs, legal judgments and certain other expenditures), ranking 101st highest among its grouping of districts, compared to a statewide average of $14,519. Of the 2012–2013 Budgetary Per Pupil Cost, $11,394 per student was allocated to classroom instruction (104th highest of K–12 districts in the state with more than 3,500 students, with a statewide average of $8,588), $3,012 per student to Total Support Services (ranked 96th, average of $2,338), $1,662 to Total Administrative Costs (ranked 93rd, average of $1,448) and $2,031 to Total Operations and Maintenance of Plant (ranked 89th, average of $1,787). The district's 2012–2013 Median Classroom Teacher Salary of $77,614 is ranked 98th in the state in its grouping, the Median Support Service Salary was $92,539 (97th), while the Median Administrator Salary was $140,497 (95th).&lt;ref name=TEGSTeaneck>[;maxhits=650 Taxpayers' Guide to Education Spending 2013], [[New Jersey Department of Education]]. Accessed December 19, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=TEGSIntroduction>[ Taxpayers' Guide to Education Spending: Introduction – 2013], [[New Jersey Department of Education]]. Accessed December 19, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=TEGSAverages>[ Taxpayers' Guide to Education Spending May 2011: State Average for All Operating Types], [[New Jersey Department of Education]]. Accessed December 19, 2013.&lt;/ref> As of the 2010 [[No Child Left Behind Act|No Child Left Behind]] (NCLB) Report, Teaneck High School had satisfied the [[Adequate Yearly Progress]] measure and had a graduation rate of 97.0% for the class of 2009–2010, compared to a statewide average of 94.7%. On the [[High School Proficiency Assessment]] (HSPA), 9.4% were partial proficient, 79.5% proficient and 11.1% advanced proficient in Language Arts Literacy (vs. statewide averages of 10.3% partial, 75.7% proficient and 14% advanced). In Mathematics, 24.8% were partial proficient, 61.8% proficient and 13.4% advanced proficient (vs. statewide averages of 18.4% partial, 57.9% proficient and 23.7% advanced).&lt;ref>[;d=5150;s=050 2010 NCLB Report for Teaneck High School] {{Webarchive|url=;d=5150;s=050 |date=2014-08-28}}, [[New Jersey Department of Education]]. Accessed December 22, 2011.&lt;/ref> The Teaneck Community Charter School (TCCS) had a 2017–2018 enrollment of 322 students and 25.9 classroom teachers (on an [[full-time equivalent|FTE]] basis), for a [[student–teacher ratio]] of 12.4:1.&lt;ref>[;details=1&amp;ID2=3400015&amp;DistrictID=3400015 District information for Teaneck Community Charter School], [[National Center for Education Statistics]]. Accessed November 1, 2019.&lt;/ref> TCCS is a [[charter school]] that operates independently of the Teaneck Public Schools under a charter granted by the Commissioner of the [[New Jersey Department of Education]], which was renewed for five years in 2012.&lt;ref>[ "Department of Education Continues Aggressive Oversight of Charter Schools to Ensure Students are Getting Results"], [[New Jersey Department of Education]], March 2, 2012. Accessed March 2, 2012.&lt;/ref> Admission is open to the public for available slots (after returning students and siblings of existing students are entered) and offers an after school program and summer camp. As the school is a public school, no tuition is charged. Funding comes from the Teaneck Public Schools (and the home districts of non-resident students), which provides 90% of its cost per pupil in the district; the balance of funding comes directly from the state of New Jersey.&lt;ref>[ About TCCS], Teaneck Community Charter School. Accessed December 22, 2011.&lt;/ref> The school moved to a new building at 563 Chestnut Avenue in the 2009–2010 school year, from a space it had rented on Palisade Avenue.&lt;ref>Ax, Joseph. [ "Charter school plan killed"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', April 16, 2010. Accessed December 22, 2011. "The town's only charter school, the Teaneck Community Charter School, serves students from [[Kindergarten]] through [[eighth grade]]. The school's organizers had planned to house it in a rented space on Palisade Avenue formerly occupied by the Teaneck Community Charter School, which moved into a new building on Chestnut Avenue last fall."&lt;/ref> 2009–2010 total spending for the TCCS was $5,050,613, a Total Spending per Pupil of $16,614 based on 304 students, ranking 51st highest of the 77 charter schools statewide, with the average district spending $17,836 per pupil. Based on the 2010–2011 budget, the TCCS planned to spend a Budgetary Per Pupil Cost of $14,210, ranking 54th highest among the 77 districts, compared to a statewide average of $13,609. Of the 2010–2011 Budgetary Per Pupil Cost, $8,112 per student went to classroom instruction (57th highest of charter schools in the state, with a statewide average of $8,004), $1,124 per student to Total Support Services (ranked 14th, average of $2,116), $1,690 to Total Administrative Costs (ranked 4th, average of $1,453) and $3,282 to Total Operations and Maintenance of Plant (ranked 70th, average of $1,698). The district's 2010–2011 Median Classroom Teacher Salary of $55,860 is ranked 57th in the state in its grouping, the Median Support Service Salary is $82,433 (54th), while the Median Administrator Salary is $103,750 (56th).&lt;ref name=TEGSIntroduction/>&lt;ref name=TEGSAverages/>&lt;ref>[;maxhits=650 Taxpayers' Guide to Education Spending May 2011 for the Teaneck Community Charter School], [[New Jersey Department of Education]]. Accessed December 22, 2011.&lt;/ref> Public school students from the township, and all of Bergen County, are eligible to attend the secondary education programs offered by the [[Bergen County Technical Schools]], which include the [[Bergen County Academies]] in [[Hackensack, New Jersey|Hackensack]], and the [[Bergen County Technical High School, Teterboro Campus|Bergen Tech campus in Teterboro]] or [[Bergen County Technical High School, Paramus Campus|Paramus]]. The district offers programs on a shared-time or full-time basis, with admission based on a selective application process and tuition covered by the student's home school district.&lt;ref>[ About Us] {{Webarchive|url= |date=October 14, 2013 }}, [[Bergen County Technical Schools]]. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Admissions] {{webarchive|url= |date=2013-12-07}}, [[Bergen County Technical Schools]]. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> The 2017–2018 total spending for the district was $101,642,004, a Total Spending per Pupil of $27,670.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=;maxhits=650|title=Taxpayers' Guide to Education Spending 2019||access-date=2020-01-15}}&lt;/ref> ===Private schools=== Teaneck is home to the Metropolitan Campus of [[Fairleigh Dickinson University]], which straddles the [[Hackensack River]] in Teaneck and [[Hackensack, New Jersey|Hackensack]]. The campus served 4,114 undergraduates and 2,350 graduate students.&lt;ref>[ Metropolitan Campus > About the Campus], [[Fairleigh Dickinson University]]. Accessed December 22, 2011.&lt;/ref> Teaneck is also home to four private [[Orthodox Judaism|Orthodox]] [[Jewish day school]]s and/or high schools. Those schools include [[Torah Academy of Bergen County]] (for boys in grades 9–12)&lt;ref>[ About TABC] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-12-19 }}, [[Torah Academy of Bergen County]]. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> which completed an $8 million expansion project at the start of the 2013–2014 school year that doubled the size of the school, adding new classrooms and an additional gym to accommodate the record enrollment of 293 students, with room for expansion for the several years ahead.&lt;ref>Schwartz, Bracha. [;id=698%3Atabc-doubling-in-size&amp;Itemid=562 "Tabc Doubling In Size"], ''The Jewish Link of Bergen County'', May 2, 2013. Accessed December 18, 2013. "When the students of Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC) start the 2013–14 school year, they will enter a building that doubled in size over the summer.... The cost is estimated at $8 million and $2.6 million has been raised."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Schwartz, Bracha. [;id=2075%3Atabc-chanukat-habayit-in-time-for-chanukah&amp;Itemid=562 "TABC Chanukat HaBayit in Time For Chanukah"], ''The Jewish Link of Bergen County'', November 28, 2013. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> The [[SINAI Special Needs Institute]], a school specializing in the education of students with [[Learning disability|learning disabilities]] and other [[special needs]], is hosted in the same building.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Palmer |first=Joanne |date=Nov 17, 2016 |title=Sinai to open new school |url= |website=Jewish Standard}}&lt;/ref> [[Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School]], located on the same section of Palisade Avenue, serves girls in grades 9–12.&lt;ref>[ Welcome], [[Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School]]. Accessed December 22, 2011.&lt;/ref> In 2016, Yeshivat He'atid, a private K–8 Jewish day school, moved from Bergenfield to Teaneck, taking over an empty [[data center]] building near TABC and Ma'ayanot.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Pinzow |first=Anne Phyllis |title='Soft' Commercial Building Boom Hits Teaneck |url= |access-date=2022-06-02 | |date=June 25, 2015 |language=en-GB}}&lt;/ref> The school employs a [[blended learning]] model.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Kessler |first=E.J. |date=2018-03-14 |title=Embraced by low-tuition Jewish schools, 'blended learning' now catching on more widely |url= |access-date=2022-06-02 |website=Jewish Telegraphic Agency |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref> With enrollment growing from 116 to 600 students in under a decade, the school began an expansion project in 2021.&lt;ref>Rosenberg, Michal. [ "Yeshivat He’Atid Looks to the Future"], ''Jewish Link'', July 1, 2021. Accessed June 2, 2022. "The school brought its novel approach to the Bergen County community in 2012, starting out with 116 students—just six classes—in a rented space in Bergenfield. When He’Atid moved into its new building five years ago, and Rav Tomer Ronen came in as head of school, that number had risen to 300 students. Now the school has doubled its numbers again, in just five years, to over 600 students and has graduated its second eighth-grade class this year."&lt;/ref> Yeshivas Heichal HaTorah, another high school, opened in September 2013 at the Teaneck Jewish Center with an initial enrollment of 17 students.&lt;ref>Chasan, Aliza. [;view=article&amp;id=1315:heichal-hatorah-joins-ranks-of-local-high-schools&amp;catid=150:news&amp;Itemid=562 "Heichal HaTorah Joins Ranks of Local High Schools"], ''The Jewish Link of Bergen County'', August 9, 2013. Accessed December 18, 2013. "Heichal HaTorah opens in Teaneck at the start of this upcoming academic year with 17 students who are making the most of it.... The school will be located in the Teaneck Jewish Center which is already outfitted with classrooms, laboratories, a gym and a pool."&lt;/ref> A post high school program, called Yeshivas Bais Mordechai (and formerly called Yeshiva Gedolah of Teaneck), opened in 2005 on Palisade Avenue.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Neff |first=Andrew |date=2009-05-09 |title=From Bear Stearns to Bava Metzia |url= |access-date=2024-01-04 | |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref> The Community School is a private school, founded in 1968 to serve the bright child with learning and attentional disabilities. Both the [[Community School, Teaneck, New Jersey|lower school]] and [[Community High School, Teaneck, New Jersey|high school]] are in Teaneck.&lt;ref>[ Facts &amp; Highlights], [[Community School, Teaneck, New Jersey]]. Accessed February 4, 2014.&lt;/ref> Teaneck was home to the [[Schechter Regional High School|Metropolitan Schechter High School]], a co-ed [[Conservative Judaism|Conservative Jew]]ish high school, which closed its doors in August 2007 due to fundraising problems.&lt;ref>Spence, Rebecca. [ "Families Mourn as School Abruptly Closes"], ''[[The Jewish Daily Forward]]'', August 29, 2007. Accessed August 29, 2007. "Less than two weeks before the Metropolitan Schechter High School in Teaneck, N.J., was set to begin the academic year, the board announced to a shocked audience of parents, teachers and students that the school had not met its fundraising goals and would therefore be forced close its doors for good."&lt;/ref> [[Al-Ghazaly High School]], a co-ed religious day school for [[seventh grade|seventh]] through [[twelfth grade]]s founded in 1984, was located on 441 North Street, serving the [[Muslim]] community from the greater Teaneck area. The school relocated to a larger facility in [[Wayne, New Jersey|Wayne]] and opened its doors to students in September 2013, with the Teaneck facility repurposed to serve students in pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade with the name of Academy of Greatness and Excellence, which is also an Islamic school.&lt;ref>Burrow, Megan. [ "Al-Ghazaly Elementary School in Teaneck readies for opening"], ''Teaneck Suburbanite'', August 29, 2013. Accessed December 19, 2013. "Iman El-Dessouky, a board member at Al-Ghazaly School, said the change was precipitated when the school secured a bigger building for its high school students in Wayne.... Originally, El-Dessouky said, the school planned to use the Teaneck campus for pre-kindergarten through first grade students, but after the school held an open house for parents and prospective students earlier this month, the board decided to expand its offerings up to third grade."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Al-Ghazaly High School], The Islamic Education Foundation of New Jersey. Accessed December 19, 2013.&lt;/ref> ==Media== [[WVNJ]] AM-1160 (licensed to [[Oakland, New Jersey]]) maintains studios at 1086 Teaneck Road.&lt;ref>[ Contact WVNJ], [[WVNJ]]. Accessed July 17, 2008.&lt;/ref> [[WFDU]] FM-89.1 operates from studios at [[Fairleigh Dickinson University]], and there was a defunct AM Carrier Current version of WFDU on 640 through some time in the 1980s.&lt;ref>[ Contact Us], WFDU. Accessed December 24, 2013.&lt;/ref> ==Public services== The Richard Rodda Community Center, located near Route 4 at the south end of Votee Park, is a {{convert|50900|sqft|m2|adj=on}} community and recreation center completed in 1998. The facility includes two full sized gyms, a dance studio, a kitchen and several multipurpose rooms.&lt;ref>[ Community Center Information] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-12-19 }}, Township of Teaneck. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> The Teaneck Recreation Department offers educational, sports and arts programs throughout the year.&lt;ref name=Recreation>[ Recreation Department], Township of Teaneck. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> The Rodda Center is home to the Senior Citizens Service Center, which offers educational and fitness activities for adults ages 55 and up, and serves hot lunch daily, provided by the Bergen County Division of Senior Services.&lt;ref>[ Senior Programs], Township of Teaneck. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> === Police and law enforcement === The Teaneck Police Department had 96 sworn officers in 2012, in addition to 13 civilian employees, three parking enforcement officers and 25 school crossing guards&lt;ref>[;t=49&amp;f=20057 Township Manager's 2012 Annual Report], Township of Teaneck. Accessed December 19, 2013.&lt;/ref> out of a total of 106 authorized uniformed positions. Robert Wilson was named Chief as of July 2008, filling the acting chief role previously held by Deputy Chief Fred Ahearn, who had been serving in that position after the departure of Paul Tiernan in 2007.&lt;ref>Ax, Joseph. [ "Teaneck gives top police job to acting chief"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', July 3, 2008. Accessed December 19, 2013. "The 'interim' tag has been removed from the title of Police Chief Robert Wilson, one of a series of administrative moves at the police department that took effect this week."&lt;/ref> The department hired its first two officers in 1914; Freddie Greene, its first African-American officer, joined the department on September 15, 1962, and its first female officer began serving on January 4, 1981.&lt;ref>Prosnitz, Howard. "Council approves five new officers", ''Teaneck Suburbanite'', June 27, 2007, p. 1.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Ax, Joseph. [ "Frederick Greene, first black cop in Teaneck"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', May 17, 2008. Accessed December 19, 2013. "But it was breaking through the color line in 1962 that remains his lasting legacy, former colleagues said."&lt;/ref> In 1990, a Teaneck officer [[Shooting of Phillip Pannell|fatally shot Phillip Pannell]], an armed African American man with his hands raised above his head while facing away from the officer.&lt;ref>John Kifner, [ "Evidence Shows Youth's Hands Up When Teaneck Officer Killed Him"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', August 2, 1990.&lt;/ref> In 2012, the Teaneck Police Department received accreditation from the [[Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies]] (CALEA), following a two-year-long process that documented the department's compliance with 112 standards established by the organization as best practices. The department became the ninth in the state to receive CALEA accreditation.&lt;ref>Cohen, Noah. [;id=5672&amp;typeID=235 "Teaneck Police Earn National Recognition"] {{Webarchive|url=;id=5672&amp;typeID=235 |date=2014-01-07 }}, [[Patch Media|TeaneckPatch]] copy of post on Teaneck web site, August 22, 2012. Accessed December 19, 2013.&lt;/ref> === Fire department === {{Main|Teaneck Fire Department}} === Medical === The Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps (TVAC) was created in 1939 to serve the residents of Teaneck.&lt;ref>[ Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps], accessed May 8, 2011.&lt;/ref> TVAC has always been Teaneck's only emergency ambulance service and includes over 100 volunteers and five ambulances.&lt;ref>[ Overview • History • Annual Reports • Call Statistics], Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Accessed December 22, 2011.&lt;/ref> [[Holy Name Medical Center]] is a fully accredited, [[Nonprofit organization|not-for-profit]] community hospital. Founded and sponsored by [[the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace]] in 1925, the hospital has grown to become a comprehensive 361-bed medical center. Affiliation with [[NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System]] further brings the advantages of large urban hospitals to the community, with access to clinical trials and expanded education for its physicians. Holy Name Medical Center has undertaken an ambitious effort to provide comprehensive health care services to [[Health insurance coverage in the United States|underinsured]] and uninsured Korean patients from a wide area with its growing "Korean Medical Program", including attracting 1,500 people to its annual seventh annual Korean health fair in 2014.&lt;ref>Morrison, Aaron. [ "Korean Medical Program draws 1,500 to Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', September 27, 2014. Accessed December 16, 2014. "Saturday marked the seventh year that the Korean Medical Program at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck hosted its health festival. It drew more than 1,500 Korean-Americans, who were seen by nearly 80 Korean-speaking physicians from the tri-state area."&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Williams, Barbara. [ "Annual Korean health fair draws crowds at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck"], ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', October 20, 2012. Accessed December 18, 2013. "Hundreds of Koreans, hailing from all parts of New Jersey, Manhattan and New York State, flooded Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck on Saturday for the hospital's annual Korean Medical Program's health fair.... More than 1,000 Korean patients underwent blood tests two weeks ago — part of the hospital's massive undertaking to provide health care to uninsured or underinsured Korean residents. By 10 a.m., more than 500 people had already entered the hospital and fair organizers were expecting between 1,500 and 2,000 by the end of the day."&lt;/ref> To accommodate the township's [[Orthodox Judaism|Orthodox Jewish]] community, the hospital offers a [[Shabbat elevator]], a room prepared for families of patients staying at the hospital during [[Shabbat]] and Jewish holidays, as well as a lounge offering kosher food.&lt;ref>Larson, Hilary. ['s_youth_movement "Teaneck's Youth Movement; Modern Orthodox twenty- and thirty-somethings carving out their niche in established community."], ''[[Jewish Week]]'', August 24, 2010. Accessed December 18, 2013. "Indeed, Holy Name has outreach programs tailored to its surrounding populations; for its large observant Jewish clientele, there is a Sabbath elevator and a Sabbath family room with a fully stocked kosher lounge, and it is the only area hospital accredited by Jewish Hospice, Kates noted."&lt;/ref> ==Transportation== [[File:2020-07-12 08 06 44 View south along the local lanes of Interstate 95 (Bergen-Passaic Expressway) at Exit 69 (Interstate 80 WEST, To Garden State Parkway, Paterson) in Teaneck Township, Bergen County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|right|View south along I-95 at the junction with I-80 in Teaneck]] ===Roads and highways=== {{As of|2010|5}}, the township had a total of {{convert|119.41|mi}} of roadways, of which {{convert|103.95|mi}} were maintained by the municipality, {{convert|10.70|mi}} by Bergen County, {{convert|3.47|mi}} by the [[New Jersey Department of Transportation]], and {{convert|1.29|mi}} by the [[New Jersey Turnpike Authority]].&lt;ref>[ Bergen County Mileage by Municipality and Jurisdiction], [[New Jersey Department of Transportation]], May 2010. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> Teaneck is situated along a number of major transportation routes, including the [[New Jersey Turnpike]] (a portion of [[Interstate 95 in New Jersey|Interstate 95]]). It is known for being the Eastern endpoint of [[Interstate 80]], which stretches west to [[San Francisco]] since the dedication of a segment in [[Salt Lake City]] on August 22, 1986, marking the completion of the first transcontinental portion of the Interstate Highway System.&lt;ref>[ "Previous Interstate Facts of the Day"], Eisenhower Interstate Highway System. Accessed December 18, 2013. "I-80 (Teaneck, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California) was the first transcontinental Interstate highway to be completed. The final segment — between Redwood Road and 5600 West in Salt Lake City, Utah — was dedicated in a ceremony on August 22, 1986."&lt;/ref> As the second-longest Interstate route, the highway stretches nearly coast-to-coast for {{convert|2899.54|mi}}, shorter than only [[Interstate 90]].&lt;ref>[ Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways], [[Federal Highway Administration]]. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> The easternmost {{convert|0.9|mi}} of Interstate 80 runs from [[Bogota, New Jersey|Bogota]] to the junction with Interstate 95.&lt;ref>[ Interstate 80 Straight Line Diagram], [[New Jersey Department of Transportation]], March 2010. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> [[New Jersey Route 4|NJ Route 4]] traverses east–west through Teaneck, running {{convert|2.5|mi}} from [[Hackensack, New Jersey|Hackensack]] to [[Englewood, New Jersey|Englewood]].&lt;ref>[ Route 4 Straight Line Diagram], [[New Jersey Department of Transportation]], May 2010. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> Unlike all other municipalities situated along the highway, there is no commercial development or billboards, with the open space along the highway maintained by the Township Council's Preserve the Greenbelt Committee.&lt;ref>[ Boards and Commissions] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-12-19 }}, Township of Teaneck. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> Route 4 narrows from three lanes in each direction on a section between Belle Avenue and Englewood, causing rush-hour traffic backups that may extend for miles. The [[New Jersey Department of Transportation]] (NJDOT) has discussed a series of proposed replacement projects for bridges over the highway, pending completion of feasibility studies and design work. While the township has indicated its willingness to cede space along the Greenbelt for a third lane, the lack of space for a shoulder may preclude the creation of a full three-lane route through Teaneck.&lt;ref>Aberback, Brian. [ "Teaneck road project timeline set"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-03 }}, ''[[The Record (North Jersey)|The Record]]'', February 20, 2007. Accessed March 5, 2009.&lt;/ref> In November 2013, NJDOT informed Teaneck officials that it had no plans to widen the highway, as the need to focus the limited funds available on replacing and repairing deteriorating bridges and infrastructure precluded the implementation of a widening project.&lt;ref>Kleimann, James. [ "State refuses to widen Route 4 to clear bottleneck in Teaneck"], [[]], November 13, 2013. Accessed December 18, 2013. "According to Teaneck Patch, in a letter to township officials who requested the change, the transit agency claims it doesn't have the funds available to relieve commuters of the congestion. Route 4 is only two lanes in both directions between Belle Avenue and Englewood before expanding to three lanes on each side. Between that stretch, the highway often resembles a parking lot."&lt;/ref> Interstate 95 heads north for {{convert|1.3|mi}} through Teaneck from [[Ridgefield Park, New Jersey|Ridgefield Park]] to [[Leonia, New Jersey|Leonia]].&lt;ref>[ Interstate 95 / New Jersey Turnpike Straight Line Diagram], [[New Jersey Department of Transportation]], October 2001. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> New Jersey's other main trunk route, the [[Garden State Parkway]], can be reached just a few miles west of Teaneck. Access to [[New York City]] is available for motorists by way of the [[George Washington Bridge]] in [[Fort Lee, New Jersey|Fort Lee]] (via Route 4 or Interstate 95), or through the [[Lincoln Tunnel]] in [[Hudson County, New Jersey|Hudson County]] (via the NJ Turnpike) into [[Midtown Manhattan]].{{Citation needed|date=November 2023}} County roads in Teaneck include Teaneck Road, Queen Anne Road, River Road and Fort Lee Road. Cedar Lane, another county road, crosses the Hackensack River and connects to Hackensack over the [[Anderson Street Bridge (Hackensack River)|Anderson Street Bridge]].&lt;ref>[ General Development Plan: The Circulation Plan], Teaneck Public Library. Accessed November 21, 2023.&lt;/ref> ===Public transportation=== [[NJ Transit]] bus service is available in Teaneck, with frequent service on Teaneck Road, Route 4 and Cedar Lane, and less-frequent service on other main streets. NJ Transit bus service is offered to the [[Port Authority Bus Terminal]] in [[Midtown Manhattan]] on the [[155 (New Jersey bus)|155]], [[157 (New Jersey bus)|157]], [[165 (New Jersey bus)|165R]], [[167 (New Jersey bus)|167]] and [[168 (New Jersey bus)|168]] routes; to the [[George Washington Bridge Bus Station]] in [[Upper Manhattan]] on the [[171 (New Jersey bus)|171]], [[175 (New Jersey bus)|175]], [[178 (New Jersey bus)|178]], [[182 (New Jersey bus)|182]] and [[186 (New Jersey bus)|186]] routes; and to other New Jersey communities served on the [[83 (New Jersey bus)|83]], [[751 (New Jersey bus)|751]], [[753 (New Jersey bus)|753]], [[755 (New Jersey bus)|755]], [[756 (New Jersey bus)|756]], [[772 (New Jersey bus)|772]] and [[780 (New Jersey bus)|780]] routes.&lt;ref>[ Bergen County Bus / Rail connections], [[New Jersey Transit]], backed up by the [[Internet Archive]] as of January 11, 2010. Accessed December 22, 2011.&lt;/ref> Scheduled bus service is also available from [[Rockland Coaches]] to the Port Authority Bus Terminal, 11T/11AT from [[Stony Point, New York]].&lt;ref>[ Commuter Routes] {{Webarchive|url= |date=January 8, 2019 }}, [[Rockland Coaches]]. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[;c1=Teaneck&amp;s1=NJ&amp;c2=New+York&amp;s2=NY&amp;resultId=133342&amp;order=&amp;dayFilter=&amp;scheduleChoice=&amp;sitePageName=%2Frockland%2Findex.asp&amp;cbid=11391583120 Available Schedules from Teaneck, NJ to New York, NY], [[Rockland Coaches]].&lt;/ref> [[Spanish Transportation]] and several other operators provide frequent jitney service along Route 4 between [[Paterson, New Jersey]] and the George Washington Bridge Bus Station.&lt;ref>[ Jitney Transportation Along New Jersey's Route 4 Corridor], [[Columbia University]] Urban Transportation Policy, December 2006. Accessed July 29, 2013.&lt;/ref> While there is currently no passenger train operation in Teaneck, train service is available across the Hackensack River at the [[New Bridge Landing station]] in [[River Edge, New Jersey|River Edge]]&lt;ref>[;selStation=110 New Bridge Landing station] {{Webarchive|url=;selStation=110 |date=October 16, 2013 }}, [[New Jersey Transit]]. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> and at the [[Anderson Street station]] in [[Hackensack, New Jersey|Hackensack]].&lt;ref>[;selStation=5 Anderson Street station] {{Webarchive|url=;selStation=5 |date=October 16, 2013 }}, [[New Jersey Transit]]. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> NJTransit's [[Pascack Valley Line]] runs north–south to [[Hoboken Terminal]], with connections to the [[Port Authority Trans-Hudson|PATH]] train from the Hoboken PATH station, and with NJT connecting service to [[Pennsylvania Station (New York City)|Penn Station]] in [[Midtown Manhattan]] via the [[Secaucus Junction]] transfer station. At Hoboken Terminal, connections are also available to [[NY Waterway]] ferry service (to the [[Brookfield Place (New York City)|World Financial Center]] and other destinations) and to the [[Hudson-Bergen Light Rail]] system (serving locations along the [[Hudson River]] in [[Hudson County, New Jersey|Hudson County]]).&lt;ref>[;selLine=PASC Pascack Valley Line] {{Webarchive|url=;selLine=PASC |date=January 7, 2017 }}, [[New Jersey Transit]]. Accessed December 18, 2013.&lt;/ref> Teaneck is split east and west by railroad tracks, which currently provide freight service by [[CSX Transportation]]. Until 1959, passenger train service was provided on these same tracks by the [[West Shore Railroad]], with Teaneck stations at Cedar Lane and West Englewood Avenue. Commuter service was available from these stations, with 44 passenger trains operating daily to and from [[Weehawken, New Jersey|Weehawken]], where Hudson River ferry service was available to New York City at [[42nd Street (Manhattan)|42nd Street]] and at the [[Financial District, Manhattan|Financial District]] in [[Lower Manhattan]].&lt;ref>Kates, Jacqueline. [ The Sad Story of Trains in Teaneck], ''New Jersey Municipalities'', January 2007. Accessed December 22, 2011. "In the 1950s Teaneck residents and local businesses were well-served by 44 passenger and 40 freight trains on the West Shore line daily, but by 1959, ferry service to New York was discontinued, train ridership dropped, and passenger service was eliminated."&lt;/ref> Train service from Teaneck was also available north to [[Albany, New York|Albany]], along the west shore of the river. Efforts are ongoing to restore some passenger train service on this line for commuters heading toward New York City, including extension of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail service via the [[Northern Branch Corridor Project|Northern Branch]] to Englewood or [[Tenafly, New Jersey|Tenafly]].&lt;ref>[ Northern Branch Corridor Project], [[New Jersey Transit]]. Accessed December 22, 2011. "The Northern Branch is a freight rail line owned by CSX Transportation that runs through the Hudson and Bergen County communities of Tenafly, Englewood, Leonia, Palisades Park, Ridgefield, Fairview and North Bergen."&lt;/ref> Teaneck's closest airport in New Jersey with scheduled passenger service is [[Newark Liberty International Airport]], {{convert|20|mi|km}} away (about 27 minutes) in [[Newark, New Jersey|Newark]] / [[Elizabeth, New Jersey|Elizabeth]].&lt;ref>[,+NJ+07666&amp;daddr=EWR+-+Newark+Liberty+Intl+Airport&amp;f=d&amp;sll=40.912475,-74.016266&amp;sspn=0.109748,0.346069&amp;layer=&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;z=11&amp;om=1 Google Maps: Teaneck, NJ to EWR]. Accessed March 15, 2007.&lt;/ref> [[New York City]]'s [[LaGuardia Airport]] is {{convert|15|mi|km}} away in [[Flushing, Queens]] via the [[George Washington Bridge]], an estimated 22 minutes in ideal conditions.&lt;ref>[;hl=en&amp;saddr=Teaneck,+NJ+07666&amp;daddr=LGA+-+La+Guardia+Airport&amp;sll=40.819525,-74.069824&amp;sspn=0.219804,0.466919&amp;layer=&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;z=11&amp;ll=40.829398,-73.944168&amp;spn=0.219772,0.466919&amp;om=1 Google Maps: Teaneck, NJ to LGA]. Accessed March 15, 2007.&lt;/ref> [[John F. Kennedy International Airport]] in [[Queens]] is {{convert|26|mi|km}} and 34 minutes from Teaneck.&lt;ref>[;hl=en&amp;saddr=Teaneck,+NJ+07666&amp;daddr=JFK+-+John+F+Kennedy+Intl+Airport&amp;sll=40.829398,-73.944168&amp;sspn=0.219772,0.466919&amp;layer=&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;z=10&amp;om=1 Google Maps: Teaneck, NJ to JFK]. Accessed March 15, 2007.&lt;/ref> [[Teterboro Airport]] offers [[general aviation]] service, and is a {{convert|9|mi|km|adj=on}} drive (about 13 minutes).&lt;ref>[;hl=en&amp;saddr=Teaneck,+NJ+07666&amp;daddr=TEB+-+Teterboro+Airport&amp;sll=40.76815,-73.901029&amp;sspn=0.439948,0.933838&amp;layer=&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;z=12&amp;om=1 Google Maps: Teaneck, NJ to TEB]. Accessed March 15, 2007.&lt;/ref> ==Notable people== {{Main|List of people from Teaneck, New Jersey}} ==References== {{Reflist}} == Sources == * ''Municipal Incorporations of the State of New Jersey (according to Counties)'' prepared by the Division of Local Government, Department of the Treasury (New Jersey); December 1, 1958. * Clayton, W. Woodford; and Nelson, William. [ ''History of Bergen and Passaic Counties, New Jersey, with Biographical Sketches of Many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men.''], Philadelphia: Everts and Peck, 1882. * Damerell, Reginald G. [ ''Triumph in a White Suburb: The Dramatic Story of Teaneck, New Jersey, the First Town in the Nation to Vote for Integrated Schools''], W. Morrow, 1968 * Harvey, Cornelius Burnham (ed.), [ ''Genealogical History of Hudson and Bergen Counties, New Jersey.''] New York: New Jersey Genealogical Publishing Co., 1900. * Kelly, Mike. [ ''Color Lines: The Troubled Dreams of Racial Harmony in an American Town''], Morrow, 1995. {{ISBN|9780688117955}}. * Van Valen, James M. [ ''History of Bergen County, New Jersey.''] New York: New Jersey Publishing and Engraving Co., 1900. * Westervelt, Frances A. (Frances Augusta), 1858–1942, [ ''History of Bergen County, New Jersey, 1630–1923''], Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1923. ==External links== {{Commons category}} * {{Wikivoyage inline|Teaneck}} * [ Township of Teaneck official website] * [ Teaneck Chamber of Commerce – Demographics] {{Bergen County, New Jersey}} {{Authority control}} {{Good article}} [[Category:Teaneck, New Jersey| ]] [[Category:1895 establishments in New Jersey]] [[Category:Faulkner Act (council–manager)]] [[Category:Orthodox Judaism in New Jersey]] [[Category:Populated places established in 1895]] [[Category:New Jersey populated places on the Hackensack River]] [[Category:Townships in New Jersey]] [[Category:Townships in Bergen County, New Jersey]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" 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