Learn CW Online News

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <feed xmlns=""> <title>Learn CW Online News</title> <link rel="self" href="" /> <link href="" /> <updated>2024-07-20T12:00:00Z</updated> <author> <name>Fabian Kurz</name> <email></email> <uri></uri> </author> <id></id> <entry> <title type="html">2024-07-20: LCWO is now also available in Slovak language, thanks to Mat脙潞脜隆, OM8ATE!</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2024-07-20T12:00:00Z</updated> <summary type="html">LCWO is now also available in Slovak language, thanks to Mat脙潞脜隆, OM8ATE!</summary> </entry> <entry> <title type="html">2024-03-11: Every user will now find an practice activity "heatmap" on the main page. The same can be enabled on the public profiles! Tnx Matti, OH2CME for the implementation!</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2024-03-11T12:00:00Z</updated> <summary type="html">Every user will now find an practice activity "heatmap" on the main page. The same can be enabled on the public profiles! Tnx Matti, OH2CME for the implementation!</summary> </entry> <entry> <title type="html">2024-03-10: We now have a collection of 77 Greek proverbs in the Plain Text Training (tnx SV1DAY)!</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2024-03-10T12:00:00Z</updated> <summary type="html">We now have a collection of 77 Greek proverbs in the Plain Text Training (tnx SV1DAY)!</summary> </entry> <entry> <title type="html">2023-08-07: Improvements in Word training (replaying words) and QTC training (just in time for WAE CW!).</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2023-08-07T12:00:00Z</updated> <summary type="html">Improvements in Word training (replaying words) and QTC training (just in time for WAE CW!).</summary> </entry> <entry> <title type="html">2023-01-23: Over the last months, plain text training was updated with texts in Czech, Japanese and Polish!</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2023-01-23T12:00:00Z</updated> <summary type="html">Over the last months, plain text training was updated with texts in Czech, Japanese and Polish!</summary> </entry> <entry> <title type="html">2022-01-05: German word training now contains 30.000 words; thanks to Wolf, DK1ET!</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2022-01-05T12:00:00Z</updated> <summary type="html">German word training now contains 30.000 words; thanks to Wolf, DK1ET!</summary> </entry> <entry> <title type="html">2021-03-18: Note: LCWO will be down for maintenance starting around 00:00 UTC on March 19th 2021 for a few hours.</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2021-03-18T12:00:00Z</updated> <summary type="html">Note: LCWO will be down for maintenance starting around 00:00 UTC on March 19th 2021 for a few hours.</summary> </entry> <entry> <title type="html">2020-09-01: A "Dark Mode" is now available for people who prefer white font on a black background (in your account settings).</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2020-09-01T12:00:00Z</updated> <summary type="html">A "Dark Mode" is now available for people who prefer white font on a black background (in your account settings).</summary> </entry> <entry> <title type="html">2020-08-05: LCWO is now available in Korean language (铆聲聹锚碌颅矛聳麓) - tnx Joe, HL5KY!</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2020-08-05T12:00:00Z</updated> <summary type="html">LCWO is now available in Korean language (铆聲聹锚碌颅矛聳麓) - tnx Joe, HL5KY!</summary> </entry> <entry> <title type="html">2020-07-26: 17.000 words are available now for word training in German. Carefully curated by Wolf, DK1ET. Thanks!</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2020-07-26T12:00:00Z</updated> <summary type="html">17.000 words are available now for word training in German. Carefully curated by Wolf, DK1ET. Thanks!</summary> </entry> </feed>