Industrial Coatings Market Size & Forecast [Latest]

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The market is witnessing stupendous growth on account of the driven demand to attain superior durability, protection and aesthetic value across numerous industries. The automotive, aerospace, construction and manufacturing industries are always looking for state-of-the-art solutions to survive in extreme conditions and improve product longevity thus fuelling the high-performance coatings market. Advancements in the coating technologies range are driving growth, as a result of growing sustainable and regulatory concerns. As the industrial coatings industry continues to invest more in research &amp; development, a strong growth outlook awaits both the businesses and investors who are looking forward seeing how they can capitalize on this space.</p> <h3 align="center" style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Industrial Coatings Market Size, Dynamics and Ecosystem</h3> <p align="center"> <img alt="Industrial Coatings Market" src="" title="Industrial Coatings Market Forecast to 2028" /></p> <p align="justify"> To know about the assumptions considered for the study, <a href="" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><strong>Request for Free Sample Report</strong></a></p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Industrial Coatings Market Dynamics</h3> <h4 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Drivers: Environmental regulations boost demand for VOC-free coatings</h4> <p align="justify"> One of the most significant developments in the coatings business over the past ten years has been the growing desire for environmentally friendly features. This trend has been mostly driven by strict EU laws pertaining to the reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in the coating life cycle. Due to this, consumers are now more interested in eco-friendly products like powder and aqueous coatings rather than solventborne coatings.</p> <p align="justify"> The Eco-product Certification Scheme (ECS) is one example of a new regulation&nbsp;that is set by the European Commission and other federal government organisations. These rules guarantee a sustainable and green environment with negligible or no emissions of hazardous volatile organic compounds. The US and Western European governments&#39; restrictions, particularly those pertaining to air pollution, are anticipated to keep pushing the development of new low-polluting coating technologies.</p> <h4 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Restraints: Difficulty in obtaining thin films in powder coatings</h4> <p align="justify"> Powder coatings present exceptional flow characteristics, reduced accumulation at edges, and uniform distribution of materials within powder mixtures. Their applications span decorative, protective, and optical coatings. However, when applied conventionally, <a href="">powder coatings</a> tend to produce thicker finishes on metal products, posing challenges in achieving thinner coatings due to potential polymer thickening leading to uneven textures. Achieving successful thin-film application relies on the relationship between color and pigmentation opacity in powder coatings.</p> <p align="justify"> To facilitate thinner coatings, polyurethane resin stands out due to its flow properties and cost-effectiveness. Yet, achieving optimal substrate smoothness and wetting remains a hurdle in thin-film powder coating applications. Replicating thin films akin to those achieved by wet paint systems presents a notable challenge</p> <h4 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Opportunities: Continuous demand for extended product lifetime and reduced maintenance</h4> <p align="justify"> Industrial coatings are crafted from materials boasting a spectrum of physical, chemical, mechanical, and electrical attributes. These materials have the ability to react to external environmental elements encompassing light, pressure, heat, and chemical fluctuations. By minimizing equipment downtime, cutting maintenance expenses, and streamlining inspection processes, industrial coatings notably enhance product efficiency. Furthermore, they diminish the need for maintaining areas prone to corrosion, thereby elongating the lifespan of components and assemblies constructed from corrosive materials.</p> <p align="justify"> In industry, anti-corrosion coatings serve a dual purpose: identifying the causes of corrosion and preventing its occurrence. This is achieved through the activation of self-healing capabilities triggered by pH changes and the utilization of <a href="">microcapsules</a> within smart coatings. These self-repairing coatings play pivotal roles in automotive and aerospace sectors by rectifying scratches and identifying engine damage. Additionally, they find application in the electrical and electronics industry, providing protection against scratches, bolstering resistance to chemical effects, and repelling dirt..</p> <h4 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Challenges: Stringent regulatory policies</h4> <p align="justify"> As government regulations concerning industrial coatings become more stringent, producers must enhance their processes to align with these new standards. Failure to comply with these legal requirements prohibits product entry into countries, notably in regions like Western Europe and North America, where environmental regulations are particularly strict.</p> <p align="justify"> Moreover, the industrial coatings market grapples with numerous challenges, notably in meeting local and state regulations concerning wastewater discharge. Powder coating operations generate significant amounts of metals, oil, grease, and suspended solids during cleaning and pretreatment phases in their wastewater streams. Adhering to various state and local environmental regulations proves challenging for powder coating manufacturers due to these wastewater streams. Similarly, metal finishing companies employing diverse electroplating methods struggle with regulatory adherence due to heavy metal contamination issues.</p> <h3 align="center" style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Industrial Coatings Market Segmentation &amp; Geographical Spread</h3> <p align="center"> <img alt="Industrial Coatings Market" src="" title="Industrial Coatings Market Segmentation &amp; Geographical Spread" /></p> <p align="justify"> To know about the assumptions considered for the study, <a href="" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><strong>download the pdf brochure</strong></a></p> <h4 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Epoxy by resin type accounted for the largest growing segment of industrial coatings coating market</h4> <p align="justify"> Epoxy resin-based coatings are employed in situations demanding superior resistance to corrosion, impressive chemical and mechanical characteristics, outstanding adhesion, and the capacity to meet rigorous specifications. These coatings are commonly applied in industrial equipment, automotive interiors, metal furniture, and appliances. The rising utilization of epoxy resin-based industrial coatings as primers in automotive and marine paints, along with their use for <a href="">corrosion protection</a> in metal cans and containers, is projected to drive this segment&#39;s growth.</p> <h4 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Asia Pacific is the largest growing industrial coating market.</h4> <p align="justify"> The Asia Pacific is the largest industrial coating market, in terms of value and volume, and is projected to be the fastest-growing market during the forecast period. The rising spending power of customers is causing a surge in demand for luxury cars throughout Asia Pacific. The demand for powder and waterborne coatings is also being driven by significant investment in the region&#39;s automotive industry. Large investments in a variety of industries, including furniture, building &amp; construction, consumer goods &amp; appliances, automotive, and maritime, are primarily responsible for Asia Pacific&#39;s robust growth. Manufacturers are also relocating to the area in order to better serve the local emerging market and take advantage of the low cost of manufacturing.</p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Industrial Coatings Market Players</h3> <p align="justify"> Akzo Nobel N.V. (Netherlands), Axalta Coatings Systems LLC. (US), Jotun A/S (Norway), PPG Industries Inc. (US), The Sherwin-Williams Company (US) are the key players in the global industrial coatings market.</p> <p align="justify"> Akzo Nobel N.V. is a diversified chemical company, which operates through two business segments: decorative paints and performance coatings. Industrial coatings are offered under the performance coatings segment. The performance coatings segment has a portfolio that includes industrial coatings for ships, cars, aircraft, yachts, and architectural components (structural steel, building products, flooring); consumer goods (mobile devices, appliances, beverage cans, furniture); and oil &amp; gas facilities. Coral, Dulux, Flexa, Hammerite, Sadolin, Sikkens, Awlgrip, International, Interpon, Dissolvine, Eka, Expancel, Jozo, Levasil, and Kromasil are among the various brands of the company. Industrial coatings are offered under its Interpon and Resicoat brands. The company has a wide global presence. It has a strong customer base and operates in countries of Europe, the Middle East &amp; Africa, Latin America, and Asia.</p> <p align="justify"> Read More:&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Industrial Coatings Companies</a></p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> &nbsp;</h3> <div style="background: #fff; padding: 15px; margin: 10px 0;border: 3px solid #0099cc;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-6"> <h2 style="font-size: 16px; color: #0099cc; font-weight: 600; padding: 0 0 10px 0; line-height: 25px; "> Get online access to the report on the World&#39;s First Market Intelligence Cloud</h2> <ul style="list-style: none;padding: 0;font-size: 13px;font-weight: normal;color: #333;"> <li> Easy to Download Historical Data &amp; Forecast Numbers</li> <li> Company Analysis Dashboard for high growth potential opportunities</li> <li> Research Analyst Access for customization &amp; queries</li> <li> Competitor Analysis with Interactive dashboard</li> <li> Latest News, Updates &amp; Trend analysis</li> </ul> <a class="RequestSample btn btn-primary text-uppercase" data-target="#KSModal" data-toggle="modal" href="" style="background: #153043;">Request Sample</a> <div id="Scope-of-the-Report"> &nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-6 text-center"> <a data-target=".bd-example-modal-lg" data-toggle="modal" href=""><img alt="" data-="" src="./Industrial Coatings Market Size &amp; Forecast, [Latest]_files/infographics_repots.jpg" width="100%" /></a><a class="btn btn-warning" data-target=".bd-example-modal-lg" data-toggle="modal" href="" style="font-weight: normal;font-size: 13px;margin: 10px;display: inline-block;"> Click on image to enlarge</a></div> </div> </div> <h2 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> &nbsp;</h2> <div id="Scope-of-Report" style="display:inline-block"> &nbsp;</div> <h3 style="font-size: 16px; color: rgb(0, 153, 204);"> Industrial Coatings Market Report Scope</h3> <table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="75%"> <tbody> <tr bgcolor="#66CCFF"> <td valign="top" width="346"> <p align="center"> <strong>Report Metric </strong></p> </td> <td valign="top" width="346"> <p align="center"> <strong>Details </strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> <strong>Years Considered for the study </strong><strong> </strong></p> </td> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> 2018-2028</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> <strong>Base year </strong><strong> </strong></p> </td> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> 2022</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> <strong>Forecast period </strong><strong> </strong></p> </td> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> 2023&ndash;2028</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> <strong>Units considered </strong><strong> </strong></p> </td> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> Value (USD)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> <strong>Segments </strong><strong> </strong></p> </td> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> By Resin Type<br /> By Technology<br /> By End-use Industry<br /> By Region</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> <strong>Regions covered</strong><strong> </strong></p> </td> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, South America, Middle East &amp; Africa</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> <strong>Companies profiled</strong><strong> </strong></p> </td> <td valign="top" width="312"> <p> Akzo Nobel N.V. (Netherlands), Axalta Coatings Systems LLC. (US), Jotun A/S (Norway), PPG Industries Inc. (US), The Sherwin-Williams Company (US). A total of 25 players have been covered.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p align="justify"> This research report categorizes the industrial coating market based on Resin Type, Technology, End-use Industry, and Region.</p> <h5 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Industrial Coatings Market by Type:</h5> <ul> <li> Acrylic</li> <li> Alkyd</li> <li> Polyester</li> <li> Polyurethane</li> <li> Epoxy</li> <li> Fluoropolymer</li> <li> Others</li> </ul> <h5 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Industrial Coatings Market by Technology:</h5> <ul> <li> Solventborne Coatings</li> <li> Waterborne Coatings</li> <li> Powder Coatings</li> <li> Others</li> </ul> <h5 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Industrial Coatings Market by End-use Industry:</h5> <ul> <li> General Industrial</li> <li> Protective</li> <li> Automotive OEM</li> <li> Industrial wood</li> <li> Automotive Refinish</li> <li> Coil</li> <li> Packaging</li> <li> Marine</li> <li> Aerospace</li> <li> Rail</li> </ul> <h5 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Industrial Coatings Market by Region:</h5> <ul> <li> Asia Pacific</li> <li> Europe</li> <li> North America</li> <li> South America</li> <li> Middle East &amp; Africa</li> </ul> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Recent Developments</h3> <ul> <li> In March 2022, AkzoNobel launches the Interpon ACE powder coating range to meet the high demands in the Agricultural and Construction Equipment (ACE) sector. AkzoNobel launches Interpon ACE powder coating range to meet the high demand in the Agricultural and Construction Equipment (ACE) sector.</li> <li> In December 2022, AkzoNobel completed the acquisition of the wheel liquid coatings business of Lankwitzer Lackfabrik GmbH, a deal which strengthens the company&rsquo;s performance coatings portfolio.</li> </ul> <h3> Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):</h3> <div aria-multiselectable="true" class="panel-group faq" id="accordion" role="tablist"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div aria-controls="collapseOne" aria-expanded="false" class="panel-heading collapsed" data-parent="#accordion" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOne" id="headingOne" role="tab"> <p class="panel-title"> What are the growth driving factors of industrial coatings?</p> </div> <div aria-expanded="false" aria-labelledby="headingOne" class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseOne" role="tabpanel" style="HEIGHT: 0px"> <div class="panel-body"> <p> Environmental regulations that is boosting the demand for VOC-free coatings is the major factor for driving industrial coatings market.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-multiselectable="true" class="panel-group faq" id="accordion" role="tablist"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div aria-controls="collapseTwo" aria-expanded="false" class="panel-heading collapsed" data-parent="#accordion" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseTwo" id="headingTwo" role="tab"> <p class="panel-title"> What are the major end-use for industrial coatings?</p> </div> <div aria-expanded="false" aria-labelledby="headingTwo" class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseTwo" role="tabpanel" style="HEIGHT: 0px"> <div class="panel-body"> <p> The major end-use industries of industrial coatings coating are general industrial, protective, automotive refinish, automotive OEM, wood, marine, coil, packaging, aerospace, and rail.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-multiselectable="true" class="panel-group faq" id="accordion" role="tablist"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="panel-heading collapsed" data-parent="#accordion" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseThree" id="headingThree" role="tab"> <p class="panel-title"> Who are the major manufacturers?</p> </div> <div aria-expanded="false" aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseThree" role="tabpanel" style="HEIGHT: 0px"> <div class="panel-body"> <p> Akzo Nobel N.V. (Netherlands), Axalta Coatings Systems LLC. (US), Jotun A/S (Norway), PPG Industries Inc. (US), The Sherwin-Williams Company (US), are some of the leading players operating in the global industrial coatings market.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-multiselectable="true" class="panel-group faq" id="accordion" role="tablist"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div aria-controls="collapseFour" aria-expanded="false" class="panel-heading collapsed" data-parent="#accordion" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseFour" id="headingFour" role="tab"> <p class="panel-title"> What are the reasons behind industrial coatings gaining market share?</p> </div> <div aria-expanded="false" aria-labelledby="headingFour" class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseFour" role="tabpanel" style="HEIGHT: 0px"> <div class="panel-body"> <p> industrial coatings coating are gaining market share due to environmental regulations that is boosting the demand for VOC-free coatings.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-multiselectable="true" class="panel-group faq" id="accordion" role="tablist"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div aria-controls="collapseFive" aria-expanded="false" class="panel-heading collapsed" data-parent="#accordion" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseFive" id="headingFive" role="tab"> <p class="panel-title"> Which is the largest region in the industrial coatings market?</p> </div> <div aria-expanded="false" aria-labelledby="headingFive" class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseFive" role="tabpanel" style="HEIGHT: 0px"> <div class="panel-body"> <p> Asia Pacific is the largest region in industrial coatings market. .</p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-multiselectable="true" class="panel-group faq" id="accordion" role="tablist"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div aria-controls="collapse6" aria-expanded="false" class="panel-heading collapsed" data-parent="#accordion" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse6" id="heading6" role="tab"> <p class="panel-title"> What are the latest trends driving growth in the U.S. industrial coatings market?</p> </div> <div aria-expanded="false" aria-labelledby="heading6" class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapse6" role="tabpanel" style="HEIGHT: 0px"> <div class="panel-body"> <p> The U.S. industrial coatings market is driven by trends like increased demand for eco-friendly coatings, advancements in powder coating technology, and growing applications in automotive, aerospace, and construction sectors, which emphasize durability and corrosion resistance.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-multiselectable="true" class="panel-group faq" id="accordion" role="tablist"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div aria-controls="collapse7" aria-expanded="false" class="panel-heading collapsed" data-parent="#accordion" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse7" id="heading7" role="tab"> <p class="panel-title"> How are environmental regulations, specifically those related to VOC emissions, impacting the UK industrial coatings market industry?</p> </div> <div aria-expanded="false" aria-labelledby="heading7" class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapse7" role="tabpanel" style="HEIGHT: 0px"> <div class="panel-body"> <p> Stringent environmental regulations are indeed reshaping the UK industrial coatings sector. Specifically, rules targeting volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions are pushing manufacturers toward water-based, powder-based, and bio-based coatings, which emit fewer harmful compounds. This shift is intended to meet both UK and EU environmental standards, which aim to reduce pollution and support sustainability in the manufacturing industry. Major players like AkzoNobel and RPM International are investing in eco-friendly innovations, anticipating that environmentally compliant coatings will become the new standard across industries such as automotive, aerospace, and infrastructure?.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-multiselectable="true" class="panel-group faq" id="accordion" role="tablist"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div aria-controls="collapse8" aria-expanded="false" class="panel-heading collapsed" data-parent="#accordion" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse8" id="heading8" role="tab"> <p class="panel-title"> How does the demand for eco-friendly coatings impact the U.S. industrial coatings market?</p> </div> <div aria-expanded="false" aria-labelledby="heading8" class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapse8" role="tabpanel" style="HEIGHT: 0px"> <div class="panel-body"> <p> The demand for eco-friendly coatings is significantly impacting the U.S. industrial coatings market in several ways:</p> <ol> <li> Shift Towards Sustainable Products</li> <li> Market Growth</li> <li> Regulatory Compliance and Innovation</li> <li> Consumer Demand</li> </ol> <p> The growing demand for eco-friendly coatings is reshaping the industrial coatings market in the U.S., driving innovation, compliance with environmental regulations, and increased market growth for sustainable products.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div aria-multiselectable="true" class="panel-group faq" id="accordion" role="tablist"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div aria-controls="collapse9" aria-expanded="false" class="panel-heading collapsed" data-parent="#accordion" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse9" id="heading9" role="tab"> <p class="panel-title"> How do environmental regulations impact the industrial coatings market in the UK?</p> </div> <div aria-expanded="false" aria-labelledby="heading9" class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapse9" role="tabpanel" style="HEIGHT: 0px"> <div class="panel-body"> <p> Environmental regulations significantly impact the industrial coatings market in the UK by driving a shift towards more sustainable and eco-friendly products.</p> <ol> <li> Shift to VOC-Free Coatings</li> <li> Innovation and Product Development</li> <li> Market Growth Opportunities</li> <li> Challenges of Compliance</li> </ol> <p> Overall, environmental regulations are reshaping the industrial coatings landscape in the UK, encouraging a move towards greener practices while presenting both opportunities and challenges for industry players.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": " What are the growth driving factors of industrial coatings? ", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<P> Environmental regulations that is boosting the demand for VOC-free coatings is the major factor for driving industrial coatings market. </P> <a href=\" \"> Read More</a>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": " What are the major end-use for industrial coatings? ", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<P> The major end-use industries of industrial coatings coating are general industrial, protective, automotive refinish, automotive OEM, wood, marine, coil, packaging, aerospace, and rail. </P> <a href=\" \">Read More</a>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": " Who are the major manufacturers? ", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<P> Akzo Nobel N.V. (Netherlands), Axalta Coatings Systems LLC. (US), Jotun A/S (Norway), PPG Industries Inc. (US), The Sherwin-Williams Company (US), are some of the leading players operating in the global industrial coatings market. </P> <a href=\" \"> Read More</a>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": " What are the reasons behind industrial coatings gaining market share? ", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<P> industrial coatings coating are gaining market share due to environmental regulations that is boosting the demand for VOC-free coatings. </P> <a href=\" \"> Read More</a>" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": " Which is the largest region in the industrial coatings market? ", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<P> Asia Pacific is the largest region in industrial coatings market. </P> <a href=\" \"> Read More</a>" } }] } </script> <p align="justify"> To speak to our analyst for a discussion on the above findings, click <a href="" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><strong>Speak to Analyst</strong></a></p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="tab_default_2"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 pl-0"> <p class="d-flex align-items-center"><span class="mr-2"><img class="chek_MarkH" src="/assets/images/report24/checkmark_red.svg" alt=""></span><strong>Exclusive indicates content/data unique to MarketsandMarkets and not available with any competitors.</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="tab-of-content"> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> INTRODUCTION</div> <div> 30</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;display:none;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> RESEARCH METHODOLOGY</div> <div> 36</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;display:none;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> EXECUTIVE SUMMARY</div> <div> 48</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;display:none;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> PREMIUM INSIGHTS</div> <div> 53</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;display:none;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> MARKET OVERVIEW <span class="pl-2"><img alt="" class="chek_Mark" src="/assets/images/report24/checkmark_red.svg" /></span></div> <div> 56</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> 5.1 INTRODUCTION</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 5.2 MARKET DYNAMICS</div> <div class="bullets"> DRIVERS</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Stringent environmental regulations boosting demand for VOC-free coatings</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Increasing demand from automotive industry</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Advancements in performance of industrial coatings</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Growth in demand from Asia Pacific</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - High demand for extended product lifetime and reduced maintenance</div> <div class="bullets"> RESTRAINTS</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Difficulty in obtaining thin films with powder coatings</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Longer drying time of waterborne coatings</div> <div class="bullets"> OPPORTUNITIES</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Increasing demand for powder coatings in shipbuilding and pipeline sectors</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Increasing use of nano-coatings</div> <div class="bullets"> CHALLENGES</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Stringent regulatory policies</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 5.3 PORTER&#39;S FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS</div> <div class="bullets"> THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS</div> <div class="bullets"> THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES</div> <div class="bullets"> BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS</div> <div class="bullets"> BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS</div> <div class="bullets"> INTENSITY OF COMPETITIVE RIVALRY</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 5.4 MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS</div> <div class="bullets"> INTRODUCTION</div> <div class="bullets"> GDP TRENDS AND FORECAST</div> <div class="bullets"> TRENDS AND FORECAST OF GLOBAL CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY</div> <div class="bullets"> TRENDS IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY</div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> INDUSTRY TRENDS</div> <div> 67</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> 6.1 SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS</li> <li> 6.2 TRENDS AND DISRUPTIONS IMPACTING CUSTOMER&rsquo;S BUSINESS</li> <li class="tocChkRed"> 6.3 ECOSYSTEM <span class="pl-2"><img alt="" class="chek_Mark" src="/assets/images/report24/checkmark_red.svg" /></span></li> <li> 6.4 CASE STUDY ANALYSIS</li> <li> 6.5 TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 6.6 KEY STAKEHOLDERS AND BUYING CRITERIA</div> <div class="bullets"> KEY STAKEHOLDERS IN BUYING PROCESS</div> <div class="bullets"> BUYING CRITERIA</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 6.7 PRICING ANALYSIS</div> <div class="bullets"> INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: AVERAGE SELLING PRICE TREND, BY REGION</div> <div class="bullets"> AVERAGE SELLING PRICE TREND, BY RESIN TYPE</div> <div class="bullets"> AVERAGE SELLING PRICE TREND, BY TECHNOLOGY</div> <div class="bullets"> AVERAGE SELLING PRICE TREND, BY END-USE INDUSTRY</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 6.8 TRADE ANALYSIS</div> <div class="bullets"> EXPORT SCENARIO OF PAINTS AND VARNISHES (AQUEOUS MEDIUM)</div> <div class="bullets"> IMPORT SCENARIO OF PAINTS AND VARNISHES (AQUEOUS MEDIUM)</div> <div class="bullets"> EXPORT SCENARIO OF PAINTS AND VARNISHES (NON &ndash; AQUEOUS MEDIUM)</div> <div class="bullets"> IMPORT SCENARIO OF PAINTS AND VARNISHES (NON &ndash; AQUEOUS MEDIUM)</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 6.9 GLOBAL ECONOMIC SCENARIO AFFECTING MARKET GROWTH</div> <div class="bullets"> GLOBAL IMPACT OF SLOWDOWN</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - North America</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Europe</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Asia Pacific</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Rest of the World</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 6.10 TARIFF AND REGULATORY LANDSCAPE</div> <div class="bullets"> REGULATIONS</div> <div class="bullets"> REGULATORY BODIES, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS</div> </li> <li> 6.11 KEY CONFERENCES &amp; EVENTS IN 2023&ndash;2024</li> <li class="tocChkRed"> <div class="bulletsHead"> 6.12 PATENT ANALYSIS <span class="pl-2"><img alt="" class="chek_Mark" src="/assets/images/report24/checkmark_red.svg" /></span></div> <div class="bullets"> LIST OF MAJOR PATENTS</div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY</div> <div> 116</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> 7.1 INTRODUCTION</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 7.2 WATERBORNE COATINGS</div> <div class="bullets"> EXCELLENT ADHESION AND LOW-VOC EMISSION TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 7.3 SOLVENTBORNE COATINGS</div> <div class="bullets"> EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 7.4 POWDER COATINGS</div> <div class="bullets"> SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE, COST EFFICIENCY, AND LOW-VOC EMISSION TO INCREASE DEMAND</div> </li> <li> 7.5 OTHER TECHNOLOGIES</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE</div> <div> 128</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> 8.1 INTRODUCTION</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 8.2 ACRYLIC RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS TO DRIVE DEMAND</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 8.3 ALKYD RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> HIGH DEMAND IN ASIA PACIFIC TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 8.4 EPOXY RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> GOOD ADHESION, HIGH CHEMICAL RESISTANCE, AND EXCELLENT PHYSICAL PROPERTIES TO INCREASE DEMAND</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 8.5 POLYESTER RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> EXTENSIVE USE IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATINGS TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 8.6 POLYURETHANE RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> STRINGENT REGULATIONS TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 8.7 FLUOROPOLYMER RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> INCREASING ISE IN NON-STICK SURFACES DUE TO GOOD THERMAL STABILITY TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> 8.8 OTHER RESIN TYPES</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY</div> <div> 146</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> 9.1 INTRODUCTION</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 9.2 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL</div> <div class="bullets"> POPULATION AND GDP GROWTH TO DRIVE SEGMENT</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 9.3 PROTECTIVE</div> <div class="bullets"> CORROSION RESISTANCE, FIRE &amp; CHEMICAL ABRASION, WATERPROOFING, AND THERMAL INSULATION TO DRIVE DEMAND</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 9.4 AUTOMOTIVE OEM</div> <div class="bullets"> GROWING DEMAND FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 9.5 INDUSTRIAL WOOD</div> <div class="bullets"> INCREASING CONSTRUCTION AND INFRASTRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES TO DRIVE DEMAND</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 9.6 AUTOMOTIVE REFINISH</div> <div class="bullets"> INCREASING NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS TO INCREASE DEMAND</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 9.7 COIL</div> <div class="bullets"> ASIA PACIFIC TO BE DOMINATE MARKET DURING FORECAST PERIOD</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 9.8 PACKAGING</div> <div class="bullets"> IMPROVING LIFESTYLE AND CHANGING FOOD HABITS TO DRIVE DEMAND</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 9.9 MARINE</div> <div class="bullets"> SLOW GROWTH OF SHIPBUILDING SECTOR TO HAMPER DEMAND</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 9.10 AEROSPACE</div> <div class="bullets"> DEVELOPMENT OF CHROME-FREE COATING TECHNOLOGY TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 9.11 RAIL</div> <div class="bullets"> ADVANCEMENT IN HIGH-SPEED TRAIN INDUSTRY TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION</div> <div> 170</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 10.1 INTRODUCTION</div> <div class="bullets"> GLOBAL RECESSION IMPACT</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 10.2 NORTH AMERICA</div> <div class="bullets"> IMPACT OF RECESSION ON NORTH AMERICA</div> <div class="bullets"> US</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Presence of major manufacturers to drive market growth</div> <div class="bullets"> CANADA</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - High export of furniture to boost demand</div> <div class="bullets"> MEXICO</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Growing export of electronic products to drive market</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 10.3 EUROPE</div> <div class="bullets"> IMPACT OF RECESSION ON EUROPE</div> <div class="bullets"> GERMANY</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Growing economy and rising appliances industry to drive growth</div> <div class="bullets"> UK</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Growing automotive industry and rising investment in R&amp;D to boost demand</div> <div class="bullets"> FRANCE</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Adoption of innovative technologies to drive demand</div> <div class="bullets"> ITALY</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Growing demand from end-use industries to drive market</div> <div class="bullets"> SPAIN</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Growing automotive industry to drive demand</div> <div class="bullets"> TURKEY</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Rapid urbanization and diversification in consumer goods to impact market positively</div> <div class="bullets"> REST OF EUROPE</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 10.4 ASIA PACIFIC</div> <div class="bullets"> IMPACT OF RECESSION ON ASIA PACIFIC</div> <div class="bullets"> CHINA</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Foreign investments to drive market</div> <div class="bullets"> INDIA</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Government initiatives to help industries grow</div> <div class="bullets"> JAPAN</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Automotive and marine industries to drive demand</div> <div class="bullets"> INDONESIA</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Increasing penetration of Japanese car manufacturers to drive market growth</div> <div class="bullets"> THAILAND</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Automotive industry to contribute significantly to market growth</div> <div class="bullets"> REST OF ASIA PACIFIC</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 10.5 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA</div> <div class="bullets"> IMPACT OF RECESSION ON MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA</div> <div class="bullets"> GCC</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Saudi Arabia</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - UAE</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Rest of GCC countries</div> <div class="bullets"> SOUTH AFRICA</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Significant demand for automobiles to boost market</div> <div class="bullets"> EGYPT</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Automotive industry to drive market</div> <div class="bullets"> REST OF MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 10.6 SOUTH AMERICA</div> <div class="bullets"> IMPACT OF RECESSION ON SOUTH AMERICA</div> <div class="bullets"> BRAZIL</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Investment partnership program to promote private sector participation in infrastructure development to drive market</div> <div class="bullets"> ARGENTINA</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Increase in population and improved economic conditions to drive demand</div> <div class="bullets"> REST OF SOUTH AMERICA</div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE <span class="pl-2"><img alt="" class="chek_Mark" src="/assets/images/report24/checkmark_red.svg" /></span></div> <div> 250</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 11.1 KEY PLAYERS STRATEGIES</div> <div class="bullets"> OVERVIEW OF STRATEGIES ADOPTED BY KEY INDUSTRIAL COATING PLAYERS (2018&ndash;2023)</div> </li> <li> 11.2 MARKET SHARE ANALYSIS</li> <li> 11.3 REVENUE ANALYSIS</li> <li> 11.4 MARKET RANKING ANALYSIS</li> <li class="tocChkRed"> <div class="bulletsHead"> 11.5 COMPANY EVALUATION MATRIX, 2022 <span class="pl-2"><img alt="" class="chek_Mark" src="/assets/images/report24/checkmark_red.svg" /></span></div> <div class="bullets"> STARS</div> <div class="bullets"> EMERGING LEADERS</div> <div class="bullets"> PERVASIVE PLAYERS</div> <div class="bullets"> PARTICIPANTS</div> <div class="bullets"> COMPANY FOOTPRINT</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 11.6 START &ndash; UP/SME EVALUATION MATRIX, 2022</div> <div class="bullets"> PROGRESSIVE COMPANIES</div> <div class="bullets"> RESPONSIVE COMPANIES</div> <div class="bullets"> DYNAMIC COMPANIES</div> <div class="bullets"> STARTING BLOCKS</div> <div class="bullets"> COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 11.7 COMPETITIVE SCENARIO AND TRENDS</div> <div class="bullets"> INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: PRODUCT LAUNCHES, 2018&ndash;2023</div> <div class="bullets"> INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: DEALS, 2018&ndash;2023</div> <div class="bullets"> INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: OTHER DEALS, 2018&ndash;2023</div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> COMPANY PROFILES</div> <div> 279</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 12.1 MAJOR PLAYERS</div> <div class="bullets"> AKZO NOBEL N.V.</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Business overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent developments</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - MnM view</div> <div class="bullets"> AXALTA COATING SYSTEMS, LLC</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Business overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent developments</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - MnM view</div> <div class="bullets"> JOTUN A/S</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Business overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent developments</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - MnM view</div> <div class="bullets"> PPG INDUSTRIES INC.</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Business overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent developments</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - MnM view</div> <div class="bullets"> THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Business overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent developments</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - MnM view</div> <div class="bullets"> NIPPON PAINT HOLDINGS CO., LTD.</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Business overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent developments</div> <div class="bullets"> KANSAI PAINT CO. LTD.</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Business overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> RPM INTERNATIONAL INC.</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Business overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent developments</div> <div class="bullets"> HEMPEL A/S</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Business overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent developments</div> <div class="bullets"> BASF COATINGS GMBH</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Business overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent developments</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 12.2 OTHER KEY PLAYERS</div> <div class="bullets"> ASIAN PAINTS LIMITED</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - ASIAN PAINTS LIMITED: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent developments</div> <div class="bullets"> BARPIMO S.A.</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - BARPIMO S.A.: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> DAW SE</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - DAW SE: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> SK KAKEN CO., LTD.</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - SK KAKEN CO., LTD.: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> TEKNOS GROUP</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - TEKNOS GROUP: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> BECKERS GROUP</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - BECKERS GROUP: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Recent Developments</div> <div class="bullets"> TIGER COATINGS GMBH &amp; CO. KG</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - TIGER COATINGS GMBH &amp; CO. KG: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT COMPANY</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT COMPANY: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> KELLY-MOORE PAINTS</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - KELLY-MOORE PAINTS: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> NOROO PAINT &amp; COATINGS</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - NOROO PAINT &amp; COATINGS: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> WEILBURGER COATINGS</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - WEILBURGER COATINGS: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> THE CHEMOURS COMPANY</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - THE CHEMOURS COMPANY: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> IGP PULVERTECHNIK AG</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - IGP PULVERTECHNIK AG: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> ADVANCED NANOTECH LAB</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - ADVANCED NANOTECH LAB: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> <div class="bullets"> NYCOTE LABORATORIES CORPORATION, INC.</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - NYCOTE LABORATORIES CORPORATION, INC.: Company overview</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Products/Solutions/Services offered</div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> ADJACENT &amp; RELATED MARKETS</div> <div> 350</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> 13.1 INTRODUCTION</li> <li> 13.2 LIMITATIONS</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.3 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS</div> <div class="bullets"> MARKET DEFINITION</div> <div class="bullets"> MARKET OVERVIEW</div> </li> <li> 13.4 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.5 WATERBORNE COATINGS</div> <div class="bullets"> DEMAND FOR ECO-FRIENDLY CLEARCOAT TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.6 SOLVENTBORNE COATINGS</div> <div class="bullets"> HIGH DURABILITY AND COST-EFFECTIVENESS TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.7 POWDER COATINGS</div> <div class="bullets"> ABRASION AND CORROSION RESISTANCE TO FUEL DEMAND FOR POWDER COATINGS</div> </li> <li> 13.8 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.9 ACRYLIC RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> RESISTANCE TO WATER AND ALKALI TO FUEL DEMAND FOR ACRYLIC RESINS</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.10 ALKYD RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> COMPATIBILITY WITH COATING POLYMERS TO INCREASE DEMAND FOR ALKYD RESINS</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.11 POLYURETHANE RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> USE OF POLYURETHANE IN ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.12 VINYL RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> RESISTANCE TO WATER AND CHEMICALS TO FUEL DEMAND FOR VINYL RESIN</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.13 OTHER RESINS</div> <div class="bullets"> EPOXY RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> UNSATURATED POLYESTER RESIN</div> <div class="bullets"> SATURATED POLYESTER RESIN</div> </li> <li> 13.14 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY USER TYPE</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.15 DIY</div> <div class="bullets"> INCREASE IN DIY PAINTING TO DRIVE MARKET</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.16 PROFESSIONAL</div> <div class="bullets"> INCREASE IN SPENDING POWER OF CONSUMERS TO SUPPORT MARKET GROWTH</div> </li> <li> 13.17 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COATING TYPE</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.18 INTERIOR</div> <div class="bullets"> INCREASING RENOVATION ACTIVITIES TO FUEL DEMAND FOR PREMIUM COATINGS</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.19 EXTERIOR</div> <div class="bullets"> HIGH DURABILITY TO INCREASE DEMAND FOR ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS</div> </li> <li> 13.20 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY APPLICATION</li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.21 RESIDENTIAL</div> <div class="bullets"> NEW CONSTRUCTION</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Energy efficiency and low maintenance costs to increase demand for architectural coatings</div> <div class="bullets"> REMODEL AND REPAINT</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Surge in renovation activities to fuel demand for architectural coatings</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.22 NONRESIDENTIAL</div> <div class="bullets"> COMMERCIAL</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Rise in private sector investments and increasing commercial office spaces to drive market</div> <div class="bullets"> INDUSTRIAL</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Growth of industrial sector to fuel demand for architectural coatings</div> <div class="bullets"> INFRASTRUCTURE</div> <div class="bulletsList"> - Infrastructure development in emerging economies to drive market</div> </li> <li> <div class="bulletsHead"> 13.23 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION</div> <div class="bullets"> ASIA PACIFIC</div> <div class="bullets"> EUROPE</div> <div class="bullets"> NORTH AMERICA</div> <div class="bullets"> MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA</div> <div class="bullets"> SOUTH AMERICA</div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> APPENDIX</div> <div> 369</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> 14.1 DISCUSSION GUIDE</li> <li> 14.2 KNOWLEDGESTORE: MARKETSANDMARKETS&rsquo; SUBSCRIPTION PORTAL</li> <li> 14.3 AVAILABLE CUSTOMIZATIONS</li> <li> 14.4 RELATED REPORTS</li> <li> 14.5 AUTHOR DETAILS</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> LIST OF TABLES</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> TABLE 1 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS: RISK ASSESSMENT</li> <li> TABLE 2 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET SNAPSHOT, 2023 VS. 2028</li> <li> TABLE 3 TRENDS AND FORECAST OF GDP, PERCENTAGE CHANGE, 2020&ndash;2028</li> <li> TABLE 4 AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY PRODUCTION (2021&ndash;2022)</li> <li> TABLE 5 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: ROLE IN ECOSYSTEM</li> <li> TABLE 6 INFLUENCE OF STAKEHOLDERS ON BUYING PROCESS IN TWO MAJOR END-USE SEGMENTS</li> <li> TABLE 7 KEY BUYING CRITERIA FOR INDUSTRIAL COATINGS</li> <li> TABLE 8 AVERAGE SELLING PRICES OF INDUSTRIAL COATINGS, BY REGION, 2018-2022 (USD/KG)</li> <li> TABLE 9 AVERAGE SELLING PRICES OF INDUSTRIAL COATINGS, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018-2022 (USD/KG)</li> <li> TABLE 10 AVERAGE SELLING PRICES OF INDUSTRIAL COATINGS, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018-2022 (USD/KG)</li> <li> TABLE 11 AVERAGE SELLING PRICE OF INDUSTRIAL COATINGS, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018 &ndash; 2022 (USD/KG)</li> <li> TABLE 12 AVERAGE SELLING PRICE OF KEY PLAYERS, BY TOP THREE APPLICATIONS (USD/KG)</li> <li> TABLE 13 COUNTRY-WISE EXPORT DATA FOR PAINTS AND VARNISHES, 2020&ndash;2022 (USD THOUSAND)</li> <li> TABLE 14 COUNTRY-WISE IMPORT DATA FOR PAINTS AND VARNISHES, 2020&ndash;2022 (USD THOUSAND)</li> <li> TABLE 15 COUNTRY-WISE EXPORT DATA FOR PAINTS AND VARNISHES, 2020&ndash;2022 (USD THOUSAND)</li> <li> TABLE 16 COUNTRY-WISE IMPORT DATA FOR PAINTS AND VARNISHES, 2020&ndash;2022 (USD THOUSAND)</li> <li> TABLE 17 NORTH AMERICA: REGULATORY BODIES, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS</li> <li> TABLE 18 EUROPE: REGULATORY BODIES, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS</li> <li> TABLE 19 ASIA PACIFIC: REGULATORY BODIES, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS</li> <li> TABLE 20 REST OF THE WORLD: REGULATORY BODIES, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS</li> <li> TABLE 21 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: DETAILED LIST OF CONFERENCES &amp; EVENTS</li> <li> TABLE 22 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 23 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 24 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 25 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 26 WATERBORNE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 27 WATERBORNE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 28 WATERBORNE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 29 WATERBORNE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 30 SOLVENTBORNE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 31 SOLVENTBORNE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 32 SOLVENTBORNE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 33 SOLVENTBORNE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 34 POWDER COATINGS: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 35 POWDER COATINGS: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 36 POWDER COATINGS: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 37 POWDER COATINGS: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 38 OTHER TECHNOLOGIES: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 39 OTHER TECHNOLOGIES: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 40 OTHER TECHNOLOGIES: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 41 OTHER TECHNOLOGIES: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 42 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 43 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 44 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 45 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 46 ACRYLIC-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 47 ACRYLIC-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 48 ACRYLIC-BASED INDUSTRIAL PAINTS &amp; COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 49 ACRYLIC-BASED INDUSTRIAL PAINTS &amp; COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 50 ALKYD-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 51 ALKYD-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 52 ALKYD-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 53 ALKYD-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 54 EPOXY-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 55 EPOXY-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 56 EPOXY-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 57 EPOXY-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 58 POLYESTER-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 59 POLYESTER-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 60 POLYESTER-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 61 POLYESTER-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 62 POLYURETHANE-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 63 POLYURETHANE-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 64 POLYURETHANE-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 65 POLYURETHANE-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 66 FLUOROPOLYMER-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 67 FLUOROPOLYMER-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 68 FLUOROPOLYMER-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 69 FLUOROPOLYMER-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 70 OTHER RESINS-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 71 OTHER RESINS-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 72 OTHER RESINS-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 73 OTHER RESINS-BASED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 74 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS: END-USE INDUSTRY AND APPLICATION</li> <li> TABLE 75 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 76 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 77 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 78 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 79 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN GENERAL INDUSTRIAL, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 80 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN GENERAL INDUSTRIAL, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 81 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN GENERAL INDUSTRIAL, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 82 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN GENERAL INDUSTRIAL, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 83 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN PROTECTIVE, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 84 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN PROTECTIVE, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 85 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN PROTECTIVE, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 86 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN PROTECTIVE, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 87 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AUTOMOTIVE OEM, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 88 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AUTOMOTIVE OEM, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 89 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AUTOMOTIVE OEM, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 90 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AUTOMOTIVE OEM, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 91 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN INDUSTRIAL WOOD, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 92 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN INDUSTRIAL WOOD, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 93 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN INDUSTRIAL WOOD, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 94 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN INDUSTRIAL WOOD, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 95 KEY PLAYERS IN AUTOMOTIVE REFINISH COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> TABLE 96 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AUTOMOTIVE REFINISH, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 97 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AUTOMOTIVE REFINISH, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 98 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AUTOMOTIVE REFINISH, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 99 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AUTOMOTIVE REFINISH, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 100 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN COIL, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 101 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN COIL, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 102 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN COIL, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 103 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN COIL, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 104 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN PACKAGING, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 105 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN PACKAGING, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 106 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN PACKAGING, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 107 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN PACKAGING, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 108 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN MARINE, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 109 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN MARINE, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 110 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN MARINE, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 111 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN MARINE, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 112 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AEROSPACE, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 113 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AEROSPACE, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 114 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AEROSPACE, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 115 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN AEROSPACE, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 116 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN RAIL, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 117 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN RAIL, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 118 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN RAIL, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 119 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET IN RAIL, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 120 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 121 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 122 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 123 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 124 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 125 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 126 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 127 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 128 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 129 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 130 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 131 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 132 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 133 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 134 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 135 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 136 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 137 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 138 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 139 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 140 US: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 141 US: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 142 US: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 143 US: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 144 CANADA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 145 CANADA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 146 CANADA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 147 CANADA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 148 MEXICO: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 149 MEXICO: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 150 MEXICO: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 151 MEXICO: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 152 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 153 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 154 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 155 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 156 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 157 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 158 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 159 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 160 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 161 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 162 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 163 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 164 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 165 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 166 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 167 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 168 GERMANY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 169 GERMANY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 170 GERMANY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 171 GERMANY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 172 UK: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 173 UK: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 174 UK: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 175 UK: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 176 FRANCE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 177 FRANCE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 178 FRANCE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 179 FRANCE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 180 ITALY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 181 ITALY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 182 ITALY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 183 ITALY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 184 SPAIN: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 185 SPAIN: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 186 SPAIN: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 187 SPAIN: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 188 TURKEY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 189 TURKEY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 190 TURKEY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 191 TURKEY: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 192 REST OF EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 193 REST OF EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 194 REST OF EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 195 REST OF EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 196 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 197 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 198 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 199 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 200 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 201 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 202 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 203 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 204 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 205 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 206 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 207 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 208 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 209 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 210 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 211 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 212 CHINA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 213 CHINA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 214 CHINA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 215 CHINA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 216 INDIA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 217 INDIA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 218 INDIA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 219 INDIA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 220 JAPAN: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 221 JAPAN: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 222 JAPAN: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 223 JAPAN: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 224 INDONESIA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 225 INDONESIA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 226 INDONESIA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 227 INDONESIA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 228 THAILAND: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 229 THAILAND: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 230 THAILAND: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 231 THAILAND: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 232 REST OF ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 233 REST OF ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 234 REST OF ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 235 REST OF ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 236 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 237 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 238 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON )</li> <li> TABLE 239 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 240 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 241 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 242 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 243 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 244 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 245 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 246 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 247 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 248 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 249 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 250 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 251 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 252 GCC COUNTRIES: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 253 GCC COUNTRIES: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 254 GCC COUNTRIES: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 255 REST OF GCC COUNTRIES: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 256 SOUTH AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 257 SOUTH AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 258 SOUTH AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 259 SOUTH AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 260 EGYPT: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 261 EGYPT: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 262 EGYPT: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 263 EGYPT: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 264 REST OF MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 265 REST OF MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 266 REST OF MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 267 REST OF MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 268 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 269 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 270 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 271 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COUNTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 272 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 273 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 274 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 275 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 276 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 277 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 278 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 279 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 280 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 281 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 282 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 283 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY END-USE INDUSTRY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 284 BRAZIL: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 285 BRAZIL: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 286 BRAZIL: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 287 BRAZIL: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 288 ARGENTINA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 289 ARGENTINA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 290 ARGENTINA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 291 ARGENTINA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 292 REST OF SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 293 REST OF SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 294 REST OF SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2018&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 295 REST OF SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 296 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: DEGREE OF COMPETITION</li> <li> TABLE 297 APPLICATION FOOTPRINT (25 COMPANIES)</li> <li> TABLE 298 REGION FOOTPRINT (25 COMPANIES)</li> <li> TABLE 299 COMPANY FOOTPRINT (25 COMPANIES)</li> <li> TABLE 300 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: DETAILED LIST OF KEY START &ndash; UPS/SMES</li> <li> TABLE 301 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING OF KEY START - UPS /SME</li> <li> TABLE 302 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: PRODUCT LAUNCHES, 2018&ndash;2023</li> <li> TABLE 303 AKZO NOBEL N.V.: COMPANY OVERVIEW</li> <li> TABLE 304 AKZO NOBEL N.V.: PRODUCT LAUNCHES</li> <li> TABLE 305 AKZONOBEL N.V.: DEALS</li> <li> TABLE 306 AKZO NOBEL N.V.: OTHERS</li> <li> TABLE 307 AXALTA COATING SYSTEMS, LLC: COMPANY OVERVIEW</li> <li> TABLE 308 AXALTA COATING SYSTEMS, LLC: PRODUCT LAUNCHES</li> <li> TABLE 309 AXALTA COATING SYSTEMS LLC : DEALS</li> <li> TABLE 310 AXALTA COATING SYSTEMS LLC: OTHERS</li> <li> TABLE 311 JOTUN A/S: COMPANY OVERVIEW</li> <li> TABLE 312 JOTUN A/S: PRODUCT LAUNCHES</li> <li> TABLE 313 JOTUN A/S: DEALS</li> <li> TABLE 314 JOTUN A/S: OTHERS</li> <li> TABLE 315 PPG INDUSTRIES, INC.: COMPANY OVERVIEW</li> <li> TABLE 316 PPG INDUSTRIES, INC.: PRODUCT LAUNCHES</li> <li> TABLE 317 PPG INDUSTRIES: DEALS</li> <li> TABLE 318 PPG INDUSTRIES: OTHERS</li> <li> TABLE 319 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY: COMPANY OVERVIEW</li> <li> TABLE 320 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY: PRODUCT LAUNCHES</li> <li> TABLE 321 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY: DEALS</li> <li> TABLE 322 NIPPON PAINTS HOLDINGS CO., LTD.: COMPANY OVERVIEW</li> <li> TABLE 323 NIPPON PAINT HOLDINGS CO., LTD.: PRODUCT LAUNCHES</li> <li> TABLE 324 NIPPON PAINTS HOLDINGS CO., LTD.: DEALS</li> <li> TABLE 325 NIPPON PAINTS HOLDINGS CO., LTD.: OTHERS</li> <li> TABLE 326 KANSAI PAINT CO. LIMITED: COMPANY OVERVIEW</li> <li> TABLE 327 KANSAI PAINTS CO. LTD.: DEALS</li> <li> TABLE 328 RPM INTERNATIONAL INC.: COMPANY OVERVIEW</li> <li> TABLE 329 RPM INTERNATIONAL INC.: OTHERS</li> <li> TABLE 330 HEMPEL A/S.: COMPANY OVERVIEW</li> <li> TABLE 331 HEMPEL A/S: PRODUCT LAUNCHES</li> <li> TABLE 332 HEMPEL A/S: DEALS</li> <li> TABLE 333 HEMPEL A/S: OTHERS</li> <li> TABLE 334 BASF COATINGS GMBH: COMPANY OVERVIEW</li> <li> TABLE 335 BASF COATINGS GMBH: PRODUCT LAUNCHES</li> <li> TABLE 336 ASIAN PAINTS LIMITED: OTHERS</li> <li> TABLE 337 BECKERS GROUP: PRODUCT LAUNCHES</li> <li> TABLE 338 BECKERS GROUP: OTHERS</li> <li> TABLE 339 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2019&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 340 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 341 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2019&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 342 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 343 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2019&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 344 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 345 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2019&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 346 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 347 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY USER TYPE, 2019&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 348 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY USER TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 349 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY USER TYPE, 2019&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 350 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY USER TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 351 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COATING TYPE, 2019&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 352 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COATING TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 353 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COATING TYPE, 2019&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 354 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COATING TYPE, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 355 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY APPLICATION, 2019&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 356 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY APPLICATION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 357 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY APPLICATION, 2019&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 358 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY APPLICATION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 359 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2019&ndash;2022 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 360 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (USD MILLION)</li> <li> TABLE 361 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2019&ndash;2022 (KILOTON)</li> <li> TABLE 362 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET, BY REGION, 2023&ndash;2028 (KILOTON)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="TOCcustHead"> <div> LIST OF FIGURES</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="accordion-item-body" style="max-height: max-content;"> <div class="accordion-item-body-content"> <ul class="toc_list"> <li> FIGURE 1 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: RESEARCH DESIGN</li> <li> FIGURE 2 MARKET SIZE ESTIMATION: BOTTOM-UP APPROACH</li> <li> FIGURE 3 MARKET SIZE ESTIMATION: TOP-DOWN APPROACH</li> <li> FIGURE 4 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET SIZE ESTIMATION, BY VALUE AND VOLUME</li> <li> FIGURE 5 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET SIZE ESTIMATION, BY REGION</li> <li> FIGURE 6 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY RESIN TYPE</li> <li> FIGURE 7 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: SUPPLY-SIDE FORECAST</li> <li> FIGURE 8 METHODOLOGY FOR CALCULATION OF SUPPLY-SIDE SIZE OF INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> FIGURE 9 FACTOR ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> FIGURE 10 DATA TRIANGULATION</li> <li> FIGURE 11 EPOXY TO BE FASTEST-GROWING RESIN TYPE IN INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> FIGURE 12 SOLVENTBORNE TECHNOLOGY TO ACCOUNT FOR LARGEST SHARE OF INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> FIGURE 13 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL SEGMENT TO ACCOUNT FOR MAJOR SHARE OF INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> FIGURE 14 ASIA PACIFIC TO BE FASTEST-GROWING REGION MARKET FOR INDUSTRIAL COATINGS</li> <li> FIGURE 15 GROWTH OF GENERAL INDUSTRIAL SECTOR TO DRIVE MARKET DURING FORECAST PERIOD IN ASIA PACIFIC</li> <li> FIGURE 16 SOLVENTBORNE TO BE LARGEST TECHNOLOGY SEGMENT DURING FORECAST PERIOD</li> <li> FIGURE 17 DEVELOPING COUNTRIES TO WITNESS HIGHER GROWTH DURING FORECAST PERIOD</li> <li> FIGURE 18 CHINA ACCOUNTED FOR LARGEST MARKET SHARE IN ASIA PACIFIC</li> <li> FIGURE 19 INDIA TO REGISTER HIGHEST CAGR IN INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> FIGURE 20 DRIVERS, RESTRAINTS, OPPORTUNITIES, AND CHALLENGES IN INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> FIGURE 21 PORTER&#39;S FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> FIGURE 22 GLOBAL SPENDING IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY, 2014&ndash;2035</li> <li> FIGURE 23 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS</li> <li> FIGURE 24 TRENDS IN END-USE INDUSTRIES IMPACTING BUSINESS OF INDUSTRIAL COATING MANUFACTURERS</li> <li> FIGURE 25 INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET: ECOSYSTEM</li> <li> FIGURE 26 INFLUENCE OF STAKEHOLDERS ON BUYING PROCESS</li> <li> FIGURE 27 KEY BUYING CRITERIA FOR INDUSTRIAL COATINGS</li> <li> FIGURE 28 AVERAGE SELLING PRICES OF INDUSTRIAL COATINGS, BY REGION</li> <li> FIGURE 29 AVERAGE SELLING PRICE TREND, BY RESIN TYPE</li> <li> FIGURE 30 AVERAGE SELLING PRICE TREND, BY TECHNOLOGY</li> <li> FIGURE 31 AVERAGE SELLING PRICE TREND, BY END-USE INDUSTRY</li> <li> FIGURE 32 AVERAGE PRICE COMPETITIVENESS IN INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET, BY COMPANY (2022)</li> <li> FIGURE 33 PAINTS AND VARNISHES EXPORT, BY KEY COUNTRY, 2020 &ndash; 2022 (USD THOUSAND)</li> <li> FIGURE 34 PAINTS AND VARNISHES IMPORT, BY KEY COUNTRY, 2020 &ndash; 2022 (USD THOUSAND)</li> <li> FIGURE 35 PAINTS AND VARNISHES EXPORT, BY KEY COUNTRY, 2020 &ndash; 2022 (USD THOUSAND)</li> <li> FIGURE 36 PAINTS AND VARNISHES IMPORT, BY KEY COUNTRY, 2020 &ndash; 2022 (USD THOUSAND)</li> <li> FIGURE 37 LIST OF MAJOR PATENTS FOR PAINTS &amp; COATINGS</li> <li> FIGURE 38 SOLVENTBORNE TECHNOLOGY TO LEAD INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET BETWEEN 2023 AND 2028</li> <li> FIGURE 39 EPOXY TO BE LARGEST RESIN TYPE FOR INDUSTRIAL COATINGS, IN TERMS OF VALUE</li> <li> FIGURE 40 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL TO BE LARGEST END USER OF INDUSTRIAL COATINGS</li> <li> FIGURE 41 AUTOMOBILE PRODUCTION SHARE FOR TOP 5 COUNTRIES, 2022</li> <li> FIGURE 42 WORLD FLEET BY PRINCIPAL VESSEL TYPE, SHARE OF TONNAGE (DEAD-WEIGHT TONS), 2023</li> <li> FIGURE 43 ASIA PACIFIC TO BE FASTEST-GROWING INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> FIGURE 44 NORTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 45 EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 46 ASIA PACIFIC: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 47 MIDDLE EAST &amp; AFRICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 48 SOUTH AMERICA: INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 49 MARKET SHARE ANALYSIS, 2022</li> <li> FIGURE 50 REVENUE ANALYSIS OF TOP FIVE PLAYERS (2018&ndash;2022)</li> <li> FIGURE 51 MARKET RANKING ANALYSIS, 2022</li> <li> FIGURE 52 GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET COMPANY EVALUATION MATRIX, 2022</li> <li> FIGURE 53 COMPANY FOOTPRINT</li> <li> FIGURE 54 GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL COATINGS MARKET START &ndash; UP/SME EVALUATION MATRIX, 2022</li> <li> FIGURE 55 AKZO NOBEL N.V.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 56 AXALTA COATING SYSTEMS, LLC: COMPANY SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 57 JOTUN A/S: COMPANY SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 58 PPG INDUSTRIES INC.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 59 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY: COMPANY SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 60 NIPPON PAINT HOLDINGS CO., LTD.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 61 KANSAI PAINT CO. LTD.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 62 RPM INTERNATIONAL INC.: COMPANY SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 63 HEMPEL A/S: COMPANY SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 64 BASF COATINGS GMBH: COMPANY SNAPSHOT</li> <li> FIGURE 65 WATERBORNE COATINGS TO DOMINATE MARKET DURING FORECAST PERIOD</li> <li> FIGURE 66 ACRYLIC TO BE LARGEST RESIN TYPE FOR ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS DURING FORECAST PERIOD</li> <li> FIGURE 67 PROFESSIONAL SEGMENT TO ACCOUNT FOR LARGER SHARE OF ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS MARKET</li> <li> FIGURE 68 INTERIOR SEGMENT TO ACCOUNT FOR LARGER SHARE DURING FORECAST PERIOD</li> <li> FIGURE 69 RESIDENTIAL SEGMENT TO DOMINATE MARKET DURING FORECAST PERIOD</li> <li> FIGURE 70 ASIA PACIFIC TO REGISTER HIGHEST CAGR BETWEEN 2023 AND 2028</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="tab-pane" id="tab_default_3"> <div class="reportTabContent"> </div> </div> --> <div class="tab-pane methodology" style="font-size:16px" id="tab_default_5"> <div class=""> <p align="justify"> This research study involves the use of extensive secondary sources, directories, and databases, such as Hoovers, Bloomberg L.P., Factiva, ICIS, and OneSource, to identify and collect information useful for this technical, market-oriented, and commercial study of the global industrial coatings market. Primary sources are mainly industry experts from core and related industries, preferred suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, service providers, and organizations related to all segments of the value chain of this industry. In-depth interviews were conducted with various primary respondents, including key industry participants, subject matter experts (SMEs), C-level executives of key market players, and industry consultants, among other experts, to obtain and verify critical qualitative and quantitative information as well as assess growth prospects of the market.</p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Secondary Research</h3> <p align="justify"> In the secondary research process, various secondary sources were referred to for identifying and collecting information for this study. These secondary sources include annual reports, press releases &amp; investor presentations of companies, white papers, regulatory bodies, trade directories, certified publications, articles from recognized authors, gold and silver standard websites, and databases.</p> <p align="justify"> Secondary research has been used to obtain key information about the value chain of the industry, the total pool of key players, market classification &amp; segmentation according to industry trends to the bottom-most level, and regional markets. It has also been used to obtain information about key developments from a market-oriented perspective.</p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Primary Research</h3> <p align="justify"> In the primary research process, various sources from both, the supply and demand sides were interviewed to obtain and verify qualitative and quantitative information for this report as well as analyze prospects. Primary sources from the supply side include industry experts such as CEOs, vice presidents, marketing directors, technology and innovation directors, and related executives from various leading companies and organizations operating in the industrial coatings market. Primary sources from the demand side include experts and key persons from the application segment. Extensive primary research has been conducted after understanding and analyzing the current scenario of the industrial coatings market through secondary research. Several primary interviews were conducted with market experts from both, the demand and supply sides across five major regions: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East &amp; Africa, and South America.</p> <p align="justify"> Following is the breakdown of primary respondents:</p> <p align="center"> <img alt="Industrial Coatings Market Size, and Share " src="" title="Industrial Coatings Market Size, and Share " /></p> <p align="justify"> To know about the assumptions considered for the study, <a href="" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><strong>download the pdf brochure</strong></a></p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Market Size Estimation</h3> <p align="justify"> The bottom-up approach has been employed to arrive at the overall size of the industrial coatings market by estimating the share of the industrial coatings consumed by different applications considered under the scope of the study. For instance, the market size for each application has been calculated with the help of the average demand for industrial coatings in an application for each region and multiplied to calculate the size of the region to get the overall market size. Similarly, for other applications of industrial coatings, the market size has been calculated at the country/regional levels. The outcomes have been summed up to calculate the market size of industrial coatings at the global level. The average prices for industrial coatings in different applications have been taken at the regional levels. The market size for industrial coatings, in terms of volume, and the prices of industrial coatings have been multiplied to estimate the global market size in terms of value.</p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Global Industrial Coatings Market Size: Bottom Up Approach</h3> <p align="center"> <img alt="Industrial Coatings Market Size, and Share " src="" title="Industrial Coatings Market Size, and Share " /></p> <p align="justify"> To know about the assumptions considered for the study, <a href="" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><strong>Request for Free Sample Report</strong></a></p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Global Industrial Coating Market Size: Top-down Approach</h3> <p align="center"> <img alt="Industrial Coatings Market Size, and Share " src="" title="Industrial Coatings Market Size, and Share " /></p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Data Triangulation</h3> <p align="justify"> After arriving at the overall market size, the total market has been split into several segments. To complete the overall market engineering process and arrive at the exact statistics for all segments, the data triangulation and market breakdown procedures have been employed, wherever applicable. The data have been triangulated by studying various factors and trends from the demand and supply sides. Along with this, the market has been validated using both top-down and bottom-up approaches. Then, it has been verified through primary interviews. Hence, for every data segment, there are three sources, one from the top-down approach, second from the bottom-up approach, and third from expert interviews. Only when the values arrived at from the three points match, the data have been assumed correct.</p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Market Definition.</h3> <p align="justify"> Industrial coatings are thin films applied to materials to add or enhance their specific properties, such as corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and conductivity. These coatings are made from polymer substances that provide the toughest coatings. They offer corrosion protection to steel pipes and fasteners, which are exposed to gases, oils, water, wastewater, petrochemicals, and food processing equipment that require non-stick coating. Industrial coatings cover a very wide range of diverse uses for coatings with different requirements and functions. Industrial coatings are used in production plants, to coat discrete parts, finished assemblies (automobiles, trucks, aircraft, and vessels), tanks, piping, metal sheets, wood panels, paper, and paperboards. They are also used in agricultural, automotive, and construction equipment.</p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Key Stakeholders</h3> <ul> <li> Senior Management</li> <li> End User</li> <li> Finance/Procurement Department</li> <li> R&amp;D Department</li> </ul> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Report Objectives</h3> <ul> <li> To define, describe, and forecast the market for industrial coatings, in terms of value and volume</li> <li> To provide detailed information regarding the major factors (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges) influencing the market growth</li> <li> To estimate and forecast the market size on the basis of resin type, technology, and end-use industry</li> <li> To analyze and forecast the market on the basis of major regions&mdash;North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and the Middle East &amp; Africa, along with their key countries</li> <li> To strategically analyze micromarkets1 with respect to individual growth trends, growth prospects, and their contribution to the overall market</li> <li> To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders and present a competitive landscape for market leaders</li> <li> To analyze recent developments, such as mergers &amp; acquisitions, joint ventures, &amp; agreements partnership &amp; agreement, collaboration, investments &amp; expansions, and new product launches, in the market</li> <li> To strategically profile key players in the market and comprehensively analyze their core competencies1</li> </ul> <p align="justify"> Note: 1. Micromarkets are defined as the subsegments of the global industrial market included in the report.</p> <p align="justify"> 2. Core competencies of companies are determined in terms of the key developments and strategies adopted by them to sustain in the market.</p> <h3 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px; COLOR: #0099cc"> Available Customizations</h3> <p align="justify"> MarketsandMarkets offers customizations according to the specific needs of the companies with the given market data.</p> <p align="justify"> The following customization options are available for the report:</p> <h4 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Product Analysis</h4> <ul> <li> Product matrix, which gives a detailed comparison of the product portfolio of each company</li> </ul> <h4 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Regional Analysis</h4> <ul> <li> Further breakdown of the industrial coating market, by country</li> </ul> <h4 style="FONT-SIZE: 16px"> Company Information</h4> <ul> <li> Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--tab end--> </div> </div> <div style="background: #DEE8EA; padding : 20px; margin-bottom: 15px;"> <div class="titleRed" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;color: #CC0000; margin: 10px 0 5px; width: 98%;font-weight: bold;">Custom Market Research Services</div> <p style="color: #025B83; font-size: 14px;"> We will customize the research for you, in case the report listed above does not meet with your exact requirements. Our custom research will comprehensively cover the business information you require to help you arrive at strategic and profitable business decisions. </p> <a href="/requestCustomizationNew.asp?id=746" rel="nofollow"> <img src="/Images/reports/custRepBanner.jpg" class="" alt="Request Customization" /> </a> </div> <div class="gtpmain"> <div class="gptWrap"> <h2 class="font-weight-bold"> Instant Answers with GPT - <span class="c-blue">Ask Now! </span> </h2> <i class="font-weight-bold">Ask real questions. 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