Millard Public Schools, NE - Profile data - Census Reporter
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Other categories are non-Hispanic."></div> </div> </section> </div> </article> <article id="economics" class="clearfix"> <header class="section-contents"> <h1>Economics</h1> </header> <div class="section-container"> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#income" id="income">Income <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-quarter"> <a class="stat dollar"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> $52,241 <span class="context moe">±$3,597</span> </span> <span class="name">Per capita income</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about 10 percent higher</strong> than the amount in Douglas County: $46,818 <span class="context">±$1,833</span> </li> <li> <strong>about 25 percent higher</strong> than the amount in Nebraska: $41,436 <span class="context">±$753</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-quarter"> <a class="stat dollar"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> $107,059 <span class="context moe">±$7,576</span> </span> <span class="name">Median household income</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about 1.4 times</strong> the amount in Douglas County: $77,457 <span class="context">±$3,402</span> </li> <li> <strong>about 1.4 times</strong> the amount in Nebraska: $74,590 <span class="context">±$1,340</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-half" id="chart-histogram-economics-income-household_distribution" data-chart-title="Household income" data-stat-type="scaled-percentage"></div> </section> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#poverty" id="poverty">Poverty <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-third"> <a class="stat percentage"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 2.7% <span class="context moe">±0.9%</span> <span class="context">(3,230 ±1,033)</span> </span> <span class="name">Persons below poverty line</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about one-quarter</strong> of the rate in Douglas County: 12% <sup>†</sup> <span class="context">69,271</span> <span class="context">(±1.5% / ±8,857)</span> </li> <li> <strong>about one-quarter</strong> of the rate in Nebraska: 10.5% <span class="context">202,078</span> <span class="context">(±0.7% / ±12,736)</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-third" id="chart-pie-economics-poverty-children" data-chart-title="Children (Under 18)" data-stat-type="percentage"></div> <div class="column-third" id="chart-pie-economics-poverty-seniors" data-chart-title="Seniors (65 and over)" data-stat-type="percentage"></div> </section> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#commute" id="commute">Transportation to work <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-third"> <a class="stat time"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 20 <span class="stat-suffix">minutes</span> <span class="context moe">±0.2</span> <span class="context">(1,137,005 ±38,158)</span> </span> <span class="name">Mean travel time to work</span> <span class="small">* ACS 2022 5-year data</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about the same as</strong> the figure in Douglas County: 19.8 <span class="context">5,250,355</span> <span class="context">(±0.2 / ±74,650)</span> </li> <li> <strong>a little higher</strong> than the figure in Nebraska: 19.1 <span class="context">17,473,484</span> <span class="context">(±0.2 / ±158,097)</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-two-thirds" id="chart-histogram-economics-employment-transportation_distribution" data-chart-title="Means of transportation to work" data-stat-type="scaled-percentage" data-qualifier="Universe: Workers 16 years and over"></div> </section> </div> </article> <article id="families" class="clearfix"> <header class="section-contents"> <h1>Families</h1> </header> <div class="section-container"> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#households" id="households">Households <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-third"> <a class="stat count"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 45,520 <span class="context moe">±2,455</span> </span> <span class="name">Number of households</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>Douglas County</strong>: 242,890 <span class="context">±2,157</span> </li> <li> <strong>Nebraska</strong>: 813,864 <span class="context">±4,244</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-third"> <a class="stat number"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 2.6 <span class="context moe">±0.1</span> <span class="context">(119,226 ±8,241)</span> </span> <span class="name">Persons per household</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about 10 percent higher</strong> than the figure in Douglas County: 2.4 <span class="context">577,951</span> <span class="context">(±0 / ±129)</span> </li> <li> <strong>about 10 percent higher</strong> than the figure in Nebraska: 2.4 <sup>†</sup> <span class="context">1,930,900</span> <span class="context">(±,682.6 / ±-555,555,600)</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-third" id="chart-pie-families-households-distribution" data-stat-type="percentage" data-initial-sort="-value" data-chart-title="Population by household type"></div> </section> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#marital-status" id="marital-status">Marital status <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-third" id="chart-pie-families-marital_status" data-stat-type="percentage" data-qualifier="Universe: Population 15 years and over"></div> <div class="column-two-thirds" id="chart-grouped_column-families-marital_status_grouped" data-stat-type="scaled-percentage" data-chart-title="Marital status, by sex"></div> </section> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#fertility" id="fertility">Fertility <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside></aside> <div class="column-third"> <a class="stat percentage"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 6.1% <span class="context moe">±2.2%</span> <span class="context">(1,668 ±625)</span> </span> <span class="name">Women 15-50 who gave birth during past year</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about 20 percent higher</strong> than the rate in Douglas County: 5.3% <sup>†</sup> <span class="context">7,715</span> <span class="context">(±1.1% / ±1,638)</span> </li> <li> <strong>about 10 percent higher</strong> than the rate in Nebraska: 5.4% <sup>†</sup> <span class="context">24,344</span> <span class="context">(±0.6% / ±2,858)</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-two-thirds"> <div id="chart-column-families-fertility-by_age" data-stat-type="scaled-percentage" data-chart-title="Women who gave birth during past year, by age group" data-qualifier="Universe: Women 15 to 50 years"></div> </div> </section> </div> </article> <article id="housing" class="clearfix"> <header class="section-contents"> <h1>Housing</h1> </header> <div class="section-container"> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#housing-occupancy" id="housing-occupancy">Units & Occupancy <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-third"> <a class="stat count"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 46,544 <span class="context moe">±2,479</span> </span> <span class="name">Number of housing units</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>Douglas County</strong>: 254,994 <span class="context">±87</span> </li> <li> <strong>Nebraska</strong>: 873,525 <span class="context">±618</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-third" id="chart-pie-housing-units-occupancy_distribution" data-stat-type="percentage" data-chart-title="Occupied vs. Vacant" data-initial-sort="-value"></div> <div class="column-third" id="chart-pie-housing-ownership-distribution" data-stat-type="percentage" data-chart-title="Ownership of occupied units" data-initial-sort="-value"></div> </section> <section class="clearfix stat-row grouped-row"> <div class="column-third" id="chart-pie-housing-units-structure_distribution" data-stat-type="percentage" data-chart-title="Types of structure" data-initial-sort="-value"></div> <div class="column-two-thirds" id="chart-histogram-housing-length_of_tenure" data-stat-type="scaled-percentage" data-chart-title="Year moved in, by percentage of population"></div> </section> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#housing-value" id="housing-value">Value <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-third"> <a class="stat dollar"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> $311,800 <span class="context moe">±$13,347</span> </span> <span class="name">Median value of owner-occupied housing units</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about 10 percent higher</strong> than the amount in Douglas County: $274,700 <span class="context">±$5,521</span> </li> <li> <strong>about 25 percent higher</strong> than the amount in Nebraska: $245,200 <span class="context">±$2,789</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-two-thirds" id="chart-histogram-housing-ownership-value_distribution" data-chart-title="Value of owner-occupied housing units" data-stat-type="scaled-percentage"></div> </section> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#geographical-mobility" id="geographical-mobility">Geographical mobility <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-third"> <a class="stat percentage"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 11% <span class="context moe">±3.2%</span> <span class="context">(13,125 ±3,856.5)</span> </span> <span class="name">Moved since previous year</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about 80 percent</strong> of the rate in Douglas County: 13.8% <span class="context">80,668</span> <span class="context">(±1.2% / ±7,048.9)</span> </li> <li> <strong>about 80 percent</strong> of the rate in Nebraska: 13.1% <span class="context">255,190</span> <span class="context">(±0.6% / ±12,605.9)</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-two-thirds" id="chart-histogram-housing-migration_distribution" data-stat-type="scaled-percentage" data-chart-title="Population migration since previous year"></div> </section> </div> </article> <article id="social" class="clearfix"> <header class="section-contents"> <h1>Social</h1> </header> <div class="section-container"> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#educational-attainment" id="educational-attainment">Educational attainment <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-half"> <div class="column-half"> <a class="stat percentage"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 96.6% <span class="context moe">±7.8%</span> <span class="context">(77,085 ±4,338.3)</span> </span> <span class="name">High school grad or higher</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>a little higher</strong> than the rate in Douglas County: 92% <span class="context">356,750</span> <span class="context">(±2.4% / ±9,246.6)</span> </li> <li> <strong>a little higher</strong> than the rate in Nebraska: 92.7% <span class="context">1,211,176</span> <span class="context">(±1.2% / ±15,810.1)</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-half"> <a class="stat percentage"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 50.8% <span class="context moe">±2.3%</span> <span class="context">(40,494 ±2,938)</span> </span> <span class="name">Bachelor's degree or higher</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about 10 percent higher</strong> than the rate in Douglas County: 44.3% <span class="context">171,913</span> <span class="context">(±1.5% / ±5,873)</span> </li> <li> <strong>about 1.4 times</strong> the rate in Nebraska: 35.3% <span class="context">461,280</span> <span class="context">(±0.7% / ±9,600.5)</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> </div> <div class="column-half" id="chart-histogram-social-educational_attainment_distribution" data-stat-type="scaled-percentage" data-chart-title="Population by highest level of education" data-qualifier="Universe: Population 25 years and over"></div> </section> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#language" id="language">Language <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-third"> <a class="stat percentage"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> N/A </span> <span class="name">Persons with language other than English spoken at home</span> </span> </a> </div> <div class="column-third" id="chart-pie-social-language-children" data-stat-type="percentage" data-initial-sort="-value" data-chart-title="Language at home, children 5-17"></div> <div class="column-third" id="chart-pie-social-language-adults" data-stat-type="percentage" data-initial-sort="-value" data-chart-title="Language at home, adults 18+"></div> </section> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#place-of-birth" id="place-of-birth">Place of birth <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside></aside> <div class="column-quarter"> <a class="stat percentage"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 7.3% <span class="context moe">±2.1%</span> <span class="context">(8,728 ±2,548)</span> </span> <span class="name">Foreign-born population</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about two-thirds</strong> of the rate in Douglas County: 10.5% <sup>†</sup> <span class="context">61,914</span> <span class="context">(±9,896.7% / ±4,360)</span> </li> <li> <strong>a little less</strong> than the rate in Nebraska: 7.7% <sup>†</sup> <span class="context">152,341</span> <span class="context">(±2,162.4% / ±6,623)</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-three-quarters" id="chart-column-social-place_of_birth-distribution" data-chart-title="Place of birth for foreign-born population" data-stat-type="scaled-percentage"></div> </section> <section class="clearfix stat-row"> <h2><a class="permalink" href="#veteran-status" id="veteran-status">Veteran status <i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h2> <aside> </aside> <div class="column-quarter"> <a class="stat percentage"> <span class="primary"> <span class="value"> 7.1% <span class="context moe">±1.6%</span> <span class="context">(6,180 ±1,448)</span> </span> <span class="name">Population with veteran status</span> </span> <ul class="context-phrases"> <li> <strong>about 25 percent higher</strong> than the rate in Douglas County: 5.7% <span class="context">25,212</span> <span class="context">(±0.5% / ±2,257)</span> </li> <li> <strong>about 10 percent higher</strong> than the rate in Nebraska: 6.6% <span class="context">98,571</span> <span class="context">(±0.3% / ±4,012)</span> </li> </ul> </a> </div> <div class="column-half" id="chart-column-social-veterans-wartime_service" data-stat-type="number" data-chart-title="Veterans by wartime service" data-qualifier="Civilian veterans who served during wartime only"></div> <div class="column-quarter"> <a class="stat number"> <span class="secondary"> <span class="value"> 6,180 </span> <span class="name">Total veterans</span> <span class="context"> ±1,448 </span> </span> <span class="secondary"> <span class="value"> 5,787 </span> <span class="name">Male</span> <span class="context"> ±1,375 </span> </span> <span class="secondary"> <span class="value"> 393 </span> <span class="name">Female</span> <span class="context"> ±422 </span> </span> </a> </div> </section> <p class="">Hover for <span class="glossary-term" data-keyword="margin-of-error">margins of error</span> and contextual data.</p> </div> </article> </div> <footer id="page-footer"> <section class="wrapper footer-container clearfix"> <ul 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"parents": {"county": {"full_name": "Douglas County, NE", "short_name": "Douglas County", "sumlevel": "050", "land_area": "845585111", "full_geoid": "05000US31055", "total_population": 589540}, "state": {"full_name": "Nebraska", "short_name": "Nebraska", "sumlevel": "040", "land_area": "198949602728", "full_geoid": "04000US31", "total_population": 1978379}, "nation": {"full_name": "United States", "short_name": "United States", "sumlevel": "010", "land_area": "9161631282627", "full_geoid": "01000US", "total_population": 334914880}}, "this": {"full_name": "Millard Public Schools, NE", "short_name": "Millard Public Schools", "sumlevel": "970", "land_area": "94879676", "full_geoid": "97000US3173740", "total_population": 120181, "sumlevel_name": "School District (Unified)", "short_geoid": "3173740"}, "comparatives": ["county", "state"], "census_release_year": "23", "census_release_level": "1"}, "demographics": {"age": {"distribution_by_category": {"metadata": {"table_id": "B01001", "universe": "Total population", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "percent_under_18": {"name": "Under 18", "values": {"this": 27.76, "county": 25.06, "state": 24.19}, "error": {"this": 1.75, "county": 23617.36, "state": 6793.22}, "numerators": {"this": 33367.0, "county": 147751.0, "state": 478594.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 3113.6, "county": 3564.1, "state": 7010.5}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 111.0, "state": 115.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 6.3, "county": 94243.3, "state": 28082.8}}, "percent_18_to_64": {"name": "18 to 64", "values": {"this": 58.53, "county": 60.38, "state": 58.58}, "error": {"this": 5.29, "county": 56903.95, "state": 16449.0}, "numerators": {"this": 70342.0, "county": 355993.0, "state": 1158860.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 4141.3, "county": 5592.2, "state": 11078.7}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 97.0, "state": 100.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 9.0, "county": 94243.0, "state": 28079.5}}, "percent_over_65": {"name": "65 and over", "values": {"this": 13.71, "county": 14.55, "state": 17.23}, "error": {"this": 1.11, "county": 13714.12, "state": 4839.13}, "numerators": {"this": 16472.0, "county": 85796.0, "state": 340925.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1753.5, "county": 3410.3, "state": 6208.4}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 94.0, "state": 80.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 8.1, "county": 94255.1, "state": 28085.5}}}, "distribution_by_decade": {"total": {"metadata": {"table_id": "B01001", "universe": "Total population", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "0-9": {"name": "0-9", "values": {"this": 15.06, "county": 13.27, "state": 12.69}, "error": {"this": 1.75, "county": 12505.53, "state": 3563.8}, "numerators": {"this": 18095.0, "county": 78235.0, "state": 251076.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 2446.6, "county": 2508.1, "state": 4987.6}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 113.0, "state": 119.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 11.6, "county": 94239.1, "state": 28083.5}}, "10-19": {"name": "10-19", "values": {"this": 14.89, "county": 14.3, "state": 14.13}, "error": {"this": 1.38, "county": 13471.48, "state": 3966.66}, "numerators": {"this": 17895.0, "county": 84278.0, "state": 279458.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 2062.2, "county": 2586.4, "state": 5410.8}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 104.0, "state": 105.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 9.3, "county": 94206.2, "state": 28072.6}}, "20-29": {"name": "20-29", "values": {"this": 8.3, "county": 13.86, "state": 13.46}, "error": {"this": 1.21, "county": 13056.84, "state": 3779.16}, "numerators": {"this": 9975.0, "county": 81684.0, "state": 266248.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1603.1, "county": 3065.6, "state": 6134.7}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 60.0, "state": 62.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 14.6, "county": 94205.2, "state": 28077.0}}, "30-39": {"name": "30-39", "values": {"this": 14.21, "county": 14.22, "state": 13.02}, "error": {"this": 1.38, "county": 13398.43, "state": 3656.6}, "numerators": {"this": 17076.0, "county": 83821.0, "state": 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{"this": 9.1, "county": 94256.6, "state": 28072.8}}, "60-69": {"name": "60-69", "values": {"this": 10.05, "county": 10.77, "state": 12.02}, "error": {"this": 1.19, "county": 10149.08, "state": 3374.52}, "numerators": {"this": 12074.0, "county": 63493.0, "state": 237741.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1649.8, "county": 3142.5, "state": 5726.2}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 93.0, "state": 84.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 11.8, "county": 94234.7, "state": 28074.2}}, "70-79": {"name": "70-79", "values": {"this": 7.39, "county": 6.88, "state": 7.77}, "error": {"this": 0.87, "county": 6482.7, "state": 2181.3}, "numerators": {"this": 8881.0, "county": 40556.0, "state": 153676.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1211.6, "county": 2177.6, "state": 3832.2}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 107.0, "state": 95.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 11.8, "county": 94225.3, "state": 28073.4}}, "80+": {"name": "80+", "values": {"this": 1.81, "county": 2.85, "state": 3.85}, "error": {"this": 0.46, "county": 2688.44, "state": 1082.51}, "numerators": {"this": 2180.0, "county": 16819.0, "state": 76265.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 568.5, "county": 1566.6, "state": 3156.5}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 64.0, "state": 47.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 25.4, "county": 94331.2, "state": 28117.1}}}, "male": {"metadata": {"table_id": "B01001", "universe": "Total population", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "0-9": {"name": "0-9", "values": {"this": 14.09, "county": 13.86, "state": 12.98}, "error": {"this": 2.38, "county": 0.47, "state": 0.36}, "numerators": {"this": 8419.0, "county": 40566.0, "state": 128853.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1543.1, "county": 1389.9, "state": 3613.7}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 102.0, "state": 109.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 16.9, "county": 3.4, "state": 2.8}}, "10-19": {"name": "10-19", "values": {"this": 16.35, "county": 14.35, "state": 14.52}, "error": {"this": 2.01, "county": 0.5, "state": 0.4}, "numerators": {"this": 9766.0, "county": 41980.0, "state": 144069.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1384.9, "county": 1457.2, "state": 4010.3}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 114.0, "state": 113.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 12.3, "county": 3.5, "state": 2.8}}, "20-29": {"name": "20-29", "values": {"this": 8.86, "county": 14.07, "state": 13.82}, "error": {"this": 1.82, "county": 0.76, "state": 0.41}, "numerators": {"this": 5295.0, "county": 41177.0, "state": 137114.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1147.4, "county": 2237.8, "state": 4139.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 63.0, "state": 64.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 20.5, "county": 5.4, "state": 3.0}}, "30-39": {"name": "30-39", "values": {"this": 14.4, "county": 14.38, "state": 13.35}, "error": {"this": 2.14, "county": 0.67, "state": 0.37}, "numerators": {"this": 8602.0, "county": 42082.0, "state": 132513.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1416.8, "county": 1968.9, "state": 3649.1}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 100.0, "state": 108.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 14.9, "county": 4.7, "state": 2.8}}, "40-49": {"name": "40-49", "values": {"this": 16.21, "county": 13.51, "state": 12.35}, "error": {"this": 2.64, "county": 0.67, "state": 0.34}, "numerators": {"this": 9683.0, "county": 39529.0, "state": 122540.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1720.1, "county": 1967.8, "state": 3403.8}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 120.0, "state": 131.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 16.3, "county": 5.0, "state": 2.8}}, "50-59": {"name": "50-59", "values": {"this": 12.41, "county": 10.86, "state": 10.69}, "error": {"this": 1.8, "county": 0.4, "state": 0.3}, "numerators": {"this": 7416.0, "county": 31769.0, "state": 106134.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1193.6, "county": 1180.7, "state": 2965.4}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 114.0, "state": 116.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 14.5, "county": 3.7, "state": 2.8}}, "60-69": {"name": "60-69", "values": {"this": 9.58, "county": 10.45, "state": 11.87}, "error": {"this": 1.81, "county": 0.72, "state": 0.41}, "numerators": {"this": 5725.0, "county": 30574.0, "state": 117804.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1151.9, "county": 2095.1, "state": 4115.9}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 92.0, "state": 81.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 18.9, "county": 6.9, "state": 3.5}}, "70-79": {"name": "70-79", "values": {"this": 6.68, "county": 6.14, "state": 7.19}, "error": {"this": 1.38, "county": 0.48, "state": 0.24}, "numerators": {"this": 3989.0, "county": 17977.0, "state": 71347.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 868.4, "county": 1393.3, "state": 2382.8}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 109.0, "state": 93.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 20.7, "county": 7.8, "state": 3.3}}, "80+": {"name": "80+", "values": {"this": 1.41, "county": 2.39, "state": 3.23}, "error": {"this": 0.61, "county": 0.35, "state": 0.2}, "numerators": {"this": 845.0, "county": 6991.0, "state": 32035.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 370.4, "county": 1016.4, "state": 1964.4}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 59.0, "state": 44.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 43.3, "county": 14.6, "state": 6.2}}}, "female": {"metadata": {"table_id": "B01001", "universe": "Total population", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "0-9": {"name": "0-9", "values": {"this": 16.01, "county": 12.69, "state": 12.4}, "error": {"this": 2.9, "county": 0.7, "state": 0.35}, "numerators": {"this": 9676.0, "county": 37669.0, "state": 122223.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1898.6, "county": 2087.8, "state": 3437.6}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 126.0, "state": 129.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 18.1, "county": 5.5, "state": 2.8}}, "10-19": {"name": "10-19", "values": {"this": 13.45, "county": 14.25, "state": 13.73}, "error": {"this": 2.32, "county": 0.72, "state": 0.37}, "numerators": {"this": 8129.0, "county": 42298.0, "state": 135389.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1528.0, "county": 2136.8, "state": 3632.4}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 94.0, "state": 98.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 17.2, "county": 5.1, "state": 2.7}}, "20-29": {"name": "20-29", "values": {"this": 7.74, "county": 13.64, "state": 13.1}, "error": {"this": 1.76, "county": 0.71, "state": 0.46}, "numerators": {"this": 4680.0, "county": 40507.0, "state": 129134.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1119.6, "county": 2095.3, "state": 4528.1}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 57.0, "state": 59.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 22.7, "county": 5.2, "state": 3.5}}, "30-39": {"name": "30-39", "values": {"this": 14.02, "county": 14.06, "state": 12.69}, "error": {"this": 2.18, "county": 0.55, "state": 0.32}, "numerators": {"this": 8474.0, "county": 41739.0, "state": 125101.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1460.6, "county": 1630.3, "state": 3189.3}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 100.0, "state": 110.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 15.5, "county": 3.9, "state": 2.5}}, "40-49": {"name": "40-49", "values": {"this": 15.72, "county": 12.83, "state": 12.43}, "error": {"this": 2.42, "county": 0.55, "state": 0.34}, "numerators": {"this": 9504.0, "county": 38089.0, "state": 122535.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 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{"this": 308.0, "county": 714.0, "state": 1197.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 99.0, "state": 115.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 11.1, "county": 6.5, "state": 3.5}}, "500_to_1000000": {"name": "$500K - $1M", "values": {"this": 4.37, "county": 7.63, "state": 5.65}, "error": {"this": 0.72, "county": 0.54, "state": 0.2}, "numerators": {"this": 1573.0, "county": 10922.0, "state": 29204.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 263.2, "county": 777.0, "state": 1034.5}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 57.0, "state": 77.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 16.5, "county": 7.1, "state": 3.5}}, "over_1000000": {"name": "Over $1M", "values": {"this": 0.74, "county": 0.92, "state": 0.63}, "error": {"this": 0.26, "county": 0.18, "state": 0.06}, "numerators": {"this": 267.0, "county": 1315.0, "state": 3251.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 94.0, "county": 252.0, "state": 330.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 80.0, "state": 117.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 35.1, "county": 19.6, "state": 9.5}}}, "total_value": {"name": "Total value of owner-occupied housing units", "values": {"this": 36020.0, "county": 143139.0, "state": 516651.0}, "error": {"this": 955.0, "county": 1438.0, "state": 3084.0}, "numerators": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "numerator_errors": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 25.0, "state": 7.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 2.7, "county": 1.0, "state": 0.6}}}, "length_of_tenure": {"metadata": {"table_id": "B25026", "universe": "Total population in occupied housing units", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "Before_1990": {"name": "Before 1990", "values": {"this": 4.12, "county": 5.15, "state": 6.76}, "error": {"this": 0.92, "county": 0.53, "state": 1944.53}, "numerators": {"this": 4914.0, "county": 29772.0, "state": 130499.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1146.8, "county": 3088.3, "state": 6647.8}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 80.0, "state": 61.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 22.3, "county": 10.3, "state": 28765.2}}, "1990s": {"name": "1990s", "values": {"this": 7.91, "county": 5.8, "state": 7.34}, "error": {"this": 1.71, "county": 0.74, "state": 2111.24}, "numerators": {"this": 9436.0, "county": 33496.0, "state": 141687.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 2143.6, "county": 4266.4, "state": 7383.7}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 136.0, "state": 108.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 21.6, "county": 12.8, "state": 28763.5}}, "2000s": {"name": "2000s", "values": {"this": 16.92, "county": 15.42, "state": 15.25}, "error": {"this": 2.9, "county": 1.4, "state": 4388.39}, "numerators": {"this": 20179.0, "county": 89144.0, "state": 294508.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 3724.9, "county": 8109.5, "state": 12810.9}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 110.0, "state": 111.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 17.1, "county": 9.1, "state": 28776.3}}, "2010_to_2014": {"name": "2010-2014", "values": {"this": 25.98, "county": 24.3, "state": 24.63}, "error": {"this": 3.65, "county": 1.58, "state": 7085.53}, "numerators": {"this": 30976.0, "county": 140424.0, "state": 475515.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 4852.6, "county": 9151.7, "state": 15934.2}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 107.0, "state": 105.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 14.0, "county": 6.5, "state": 28767.9}}, "2015_to_2016": {"name": "2015-2016", "values": {"this": 23.65, "county": 20.12, "state": 20.0}, "error": {"this": 4.61, "county": 1.84, "state": 5753.54}, "numerators": {"this": 28199.0, "county": 116264.0, "state": 386124.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 5827.9, "county": 10609.3, "state": 17477.8}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 118.0, "state": 118.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 19.5, "county": 9.1, "state": 28767.7}}, "since_2017": {"name": "Since 2017", "values": {"this": 21.41, "county": 29.22, "state": 26.03}, "error": {"this": 4.26, "county": 2.12, "state": 7488.62}, "numerators": {"this": 25522.0, "county": 168851.0, "state": 502567.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 5374.6, "county": 12270.0, "state": 20980.1}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 73.0, "state": 82.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 19.9, "county": 7.3, "state": 28769.2}}}, "migration": {"moved_since_previous_year": {"name": "Moved since previous year", "values": {"this": 11.03, "county": 13.84, "state": 13.05}, "error": {"this": 3.15, "county": 1.21, "state": 0.64}, "numerators": {"this": 13125.0, "county": 80668.0, "state": 255190.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 3856.5, "county": 7048.9, "state": 12605.9}, "metadata": {"table_id": "B07003", "universe": "Population 1 year and over in the United States", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 80.0, "state": 85.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 28.6, "county": 8.7, "state": 4.9}}}, "migration_distribution": {"metadata": {"table_id": "B07003", "universe": "Population 1 year and over in the United States", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "same_house_year_ago": {"name": "Same house year ago", "values": {"this": 88.97, "county": 86.16, "state": 86.95}, "error": {"this": 1.2, "county": 1.21, "state": 0.69}, "numerators": {"this": 105889.0, "county": 502176.0, "state": 1700851.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 7482.0, "county": 7155.0, "state": 13712.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 103.0, "state": 102.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 1.3, "county": 1.4, "state": 0.8}}, "moved_same_county": {"name": "From same county", "values": {"this": 5.47, "county": 7.96, "state": 6.67}, "error": {"this": 2.18, "county": 0.95, "state": 0.5}, "numerators": {"this": 6505.0, "county": 46421.0, "state": 130523.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 2632.0, "county": 5563.0, "state": 9807.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 69.0, "state": 82.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 39.9, "county": 11.9, "state": 7.5}}, "moved_different_county": {"name": "From different county", "values": {"this": 2.84, "county": 2.22, "state": 3.23}, "error": {"this": 1.83, "county": 0.52, "state": 0.27}, "numerators": {"this": 3383.0, "county": 12916.0, "state": 63170.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 2186.0, "county": 3021.0, "state": 5330.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 128.0, "state": 88.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 64.4, "county": 23.4, "state": 8.4}}, "moved_different_state": {"name": "From different state", "values": {"this": 2.03, "county": 2.75, "state": 2.48}, "error": {"this": 1.33, "county": 0.4, "state": 0.24}, "numerators": {"this": 2418.0, "county": 16000.0, "state": 48590.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1594.0, "county": 2313.0, "state": 4776.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 74.0, "state": 82.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 65.5, "county": 14.5, "state": 9.7}}, "moved_from_abroad": {"name": "From abroad", "values": {"this": 0.69, "county": 0.91, "state": 0.66}, "error": {"this": 0.66, "county": 0.35, "state": 0.17}, "numerators": {"this": 819.0, "county": 5331.0, "state": 12907.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 791.0, "county": 2065.0, "state": 3393.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 76.0, "state": 105.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 95.7, "county": 38.5, "state": 25.8}}}}, "social": {"educational_attainment": {"percent_high_school_grad_or_higher": {"name": "High school grad or higher", "values": {"this": 96.61, "county": 91.98, "state": 92.65}, "error": {"this": 7.77, "county": 2.38, "state": 1.19}, "numerators": {"this": 77085.0, "county": 356750.0, "state": 1211176.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 4338.3, "county": 9246.6, "state": 15810.1}, "metadata": {"table_id": "B15002", "universe": "Population 25 years and over", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 105.0, "state": 104.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 8.0, "county": 2.6, "state": 1.3}}, "percent_bachelor_degree_or_higher": {"name": "Bachelor's degree or higher", "values": {"this": 50.75, "county": 44.33, "state": 35.29}, "error": {"this": 2.25, "county": 1.51, "state": 0.73}, "numerators": {"this": 40494.0, "county": 171913.0, "state": 461280.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 2938.0, "county": 5873.0, "state": 9600.5}, "metadata": {"table_id": "B15002", "universe": "Population 25 years and over", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 114.0, "state": 144.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 4.4, "county": 3.4, "state": 2.1}}}, "educational_attainment_distribution": {"metadata": {"table_id": "B15002", "universe": "Population 25 years and over", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "non_high_school_grad": {"name": "No degree", "values": {"this": 3.39, "county": 8.02, "state": 7.35}, "error": {"this": 1.08, "county": 0.78, "state": 0.38}, "numerators": {"this": 2706.0, "county": 31096.0, "state": 96070.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 878.5, "county": 3024.9, "state": 4975.8}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 42.0, "state": 46.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 31.9, "county": 9.7, "state": 5.2}}, "high_school_grad": {"name": "High school", "values": {"this": 16.36, "county": 19.49, "state": 24.8}, "error": {"this": 2.21, "county": 1.16, "state": 0.63}, "numerators": {"this": 13055.0, "county": 75579.0, "state": 324140.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1913.9, "county": 4486.8, "state": 8297.7}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 84.0, "state": 66.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 13.5, "county": 6.0, "state": 2.5}}, "some_college": {"name": "Some college", "values": {"this": 29.5, "county": 28.17, "state": 32.57}, "error": {"this": 2.72, "county": 1.43, "state": 0.72}, "numerators": {"this": 23536.0, "county": 109258.0, "state": 425756.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 2554.5, "county": 5556.7, "state": 9430.7}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 105.0, "state": 91.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 9.2, "county": 5.1, "state": 2.2}}, "Bachelor_degree": {"name": "Bachelor's", "values": {"this": 34.18, "county": 27.36, "state": 22.86}, "error": {"this": 2.44, "county": 1.15, "state": 0.59}, "numerators": {"this": 27275.0, "county": 106099.0, "state": 298782.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 2496.6, "county": 4458.3, "state": 7773.6}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 125.0, "state": 150.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 7.1, "county": 4.2, "state": 2.6}}, "post_grad_degree": {"name": "Post-grad", "values": {"this": 16.57, "county": 16.97, "state": 12.43}, "error": {"this": 1.69, "county": 0.99, "state": 0.43}, "numerators": {"this": 13219.0, "county": 65814.0, "state": 162498.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1548.9, "county": 3823.1, "state": 5633.8}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 98.0, "state": 133.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 10.2, "county": 5.8, "state": 3.5}}}, "place_of_birth": {"percent_foreign_born": {"name": "Foreign-born population", "values": {"this": 7.26, "county": 10.5, "state": 7.7}, "error": {"this": 2.06, "county": 9896.69, "state": 2162.35}, "numerators": {"this": 8728.0, "county": 61914.0, "state": 152341.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 2548.0, "county": 4360.0, "state": 6623.0}, "metadata": {"table_id": "B05002", "universe": "Total population", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 69.0, "state": 94.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 28.4, "county": 94254.2, "state": 28082.5}}, "distribution": {"metadata": {"table_id": "B05006", "universe": "Foreign-born population", "acs_release": "ACS 2022 5-year"}, "europe": {"name": "Europe", "values": {"this": 11.33, "county": 6.3, "state": 6.69}, "error": {"this": 3.04, "county": 0.86, "state": 0.53}, "numerators": {"this": 762.0, "county": 3671.0, "state": 9826.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 229.0, "county": 513.0, "state": 803.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 180.0, "state": 169.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 26.8, "county": 13.7, "state": 7.9}}, "asia": {"name": "Asia", "values": {"this": 56.86, "county": 33.68, "state": 29.08}, "error": {"this": 7.83, "county": 0.81, "state": 0.71}, "numerators": {"this": 3823.0, "county": 19622.0, "state": 42728.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 737.0, "county": 760.0, "state": 1342.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 169.0, "state": 196.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 13.8, "county": 2.4, "state": 2.4}}, "africa": {"name": "Africa", "values": {"this": 0, "county": 0.01, "state": 0.0}, "error": {"this": 0, "county": 0.01, "state": 0.01}, "numerators": {"this": 0.0, "county": 5.0, "state": 5.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 24.0, "county": 8.0, "state": 8.0}, "index": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "error_ratio": {"this": null, "county": 100.0, "state": null}}, "oceania": {"name": "Oceania", "values": {"this": 0.24, "county": 0.15, "state": 0.08}, "error": {"this": 0.39, "county": 0.14, "state": 0.06}, "numerators": {"this": 16.0, "county": 85.0, "state": 119.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 26.0, "county": 79.0, "state": 87.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 160.0, "state": 300.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 162.5, "county": 93.3, "state": 75.0}}, "latin_america": {"name": "Latin America", "values": {"this": 0.22, "county": 0.24, "state": 0.2}, "error": {"this": 0.27, "county": 0.11, "state": 0.06}, "numerators": {"this": 15.0, "county": 137.0, "state": 290.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 18.0, "county": 67.0, "state": 85.0}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 92.0, "state": 110.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 122.7, "county": 45.8, "state": 30.0}}, "north_america": {"name": "North America", "values": {"this": 0, "county": 0.01, "state": 0.04}, "error": {"this": 0, "county": 0.02, "state": 0.04}, "numerators": {"this": 0.0, "county": 6.0, "state": 65.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 24.0, "county": 11.0, "state": 64.0}, "index": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "error_ratio": {"this": null, "county": 200.0, "state": 100.0}}}}, "language": {"percent_non_english_at_home": {"name": "Persons with language other than English spoken at home"}}, "veterans": {"wartime_service": {"metadata": {"table_id": "B21002", "universe": "Civilian veterans 18 years and over", "acs_release": "ACS 2022 5-year"}, "wwii": {"name": "WWII", "values": {"this": 56.0, "county": 444.0, "state": 1763.0}, "error": {"this": 49.48, "county": 119.52, "state": 233.59}, "numerators": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "numerator_errors": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 13.0, "state": 3.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 88.4, "county": 26.9, "state": 13.2}}, "korea": {"name": "Korea", "values": {"this": 249.0, "county": 1577.0, "state": 7559.0}, "error": {"this": 89.17, "county": 233.96, "state": 449.71}, "numerators": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "numerator_errors": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 16.0, "state": 3.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 35.8, "county": 14.8, "state": 5.9}}, "vietnam": {"name": "Vietnam", "values": {"this": 1799.0, "county": 8908.0, "state": 37362.0}, "error": {"this": 222.37, "county": 543.38, "state": 1101.56}, "numerators": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "numerator_errors": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 20.0, "state": 5.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 12.4, "county": 6.1, "state": 2.9}}, "gulf_1990s": {"name": "Gulf (1990s)", "values": {"this": 2312.0, "county": 6825.0, "state": 27053.0}, "error": {"this": 368.83, "county": 613.98, "state": 1074.84}, "numerators": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "numerator_errors": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 34.0, "state": 9.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 16.0, "county": 9.0, "state": 4.0}}, "gulf_2001": {"name": "Gulf (2001-)", "values": {"this": 1713.0, "county": 7236.0, "state": 26632.0}, "error": {"this": 284.36, "county": 706.37, "state": 1197.52}, "numerators": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "numerator_errors": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 24.0, "state": 6.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 16.6, "county": 9.8, "state": 4.5}}}, "sex": {"male": {"name": "Male", "values": {"this": 5787.0, "county": 22526.0, "state": 88429.0}, "error": {"this": 1375.0, "county": 2018.0, "state": 3645.0}, "numerators": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "numerator_errors": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "metadata": {"table_id": "B21001", "universe": "Civilian population 18 years and over", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 26.0, "state": 7.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 23.8, "county": 9.0, "state": 4.1}}, "female": {"name": "Female", "values": {"this": 393.0, "county": 2686.0, "state": 10142.0}, "error": {"this": 422.0, "county": 859.0, "state": 1467.0}, "numerators": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "numerator_errors": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "metadata": {"table_id": "B21001", "universe": "Civilian population 18 years and over", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 15.0, "state": 4.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 107.4, "county": 32.0, "state": 14.5}}}, "number": {"name": "Total veterans", "values": {"this": 6180.0, "county": 25212.0, "state": 98571.0}, "error": {"this": 1448.0, "county": 2257.0, "state": 4012.0}, "numerators": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "numerator_errors": {"this": null, "county": null, "state": null}, "metadata": {"table_id": "B21001", "universe": "Civilian population 18 years and over", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 25.0, "state": 6.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 23.4, "county": 9.0, "state": 4.1}}, "percentage": {"name": "Population with veteran status", "values": {"this": 7.12, "county": 5.72, "state": 6.6}, "error": {"this": 1.61, "county": 0.51, "state": 0.27}, "numerators": {"this": 6180.0, "county": 25212.0, "state": 98571.0}, "numerator_errors": {"this": 1448.0, "county": 2257.0, "state": 4012.0}, "metadata": {"table_id": "B21001", "universe": "Civilian population 18 years and over", "acs_release": "ACS 2023 1-year"}, "index": {"this": 100.0, "county": 124.0, "state": 108.0}, "error_ratio": {"this": 22.6, "county": 8.9, "state": 4.1}}}}, "geo_metadata": {"aland": "94879676", "awater": "1957299", "display_name": "Millard Public Schools, NE", "full_geoid": "97000US3173740", "population": 119525, "simple_name": "Millard Public Schools", "sumlevel": "970", "square_miles": 36.6, "population_density": 3280.7}}; window.profileData = profileData; // embeds need this window-scoped var gracefulType = function(chartType) { // convert certain chart types to more readable versions at narrow widths if (browserWidth <= 640) { if (chartType == 'column' || chartType == 'histogram') { return 'bar' } else if (chartType == 'grouped_column') { return 'grouped_bar' } } return chartType } var makeCharts = function() { $.each(chartContainers, function(i, obj) { var chartID = $(this).prop('id'), chartDataKey = chartID.replace('chart-', '').replace('alt-', ''), chartDataID = chartDataKey.split('-'), chartType = gracefulType(chartDataID[0]), chartChartTitle = $(this).data('chart-title'), chartChartShowYAxis = $(this).data('chart-show-y-axis'), chartInitialSort = $(this).data('initial-sort'), chartStatType = $(this).data('stat-type'), chartQualifier = $(this).data('qualifier') || null, geographyData = profileData['geography']; try { var chartData = profileData[chartDataID[1]]; $(obj).empty(); // allow arbitrary nesting in API data structure var drilldown = chartDataID.length - 1; if (drilldown >= 2) { for (var n = 2; n <= drilldown; n++) { chartData = chartData[chartDataID[n]] } } // determine whether data point is from anything other // than the primary ACS release for this page for (var key in chartData) if (key && chartData.hasOwnProperty(key)) break; if (!key) throw "No key found looping through chartData" if (!chartData[key]) { console.log(`chartData[${key}] is undefined`) } var thisRelease = chartData[key]['acs_release'], noteRelease = (thisRelease && thisRelease != defaultDataRelease) ? thisRelease + ' data' : null; chartQualifier = Array(chartQualifier, noteRelease) .filter(function(n) { return n }).join('; '); var chartstuff = { chartContainer: chartID, chartDataKey: chartDataKey, chartType: chartType, chartHeight: 160, chartData: chartData, chartQualifier: chartQualifier, chartChartTitle: chartChartTitle, chartInitialSort: chartInitialSort, chartStatType: chartStatType, geographyData: geographyData } Charts[i] = Chart(chartstuff); // build array of releases used on this page for citations if (noteRelease) { releases.push(noteRelease) } } catch(e) { console.log(`Error making chart for chartID ${chartID} ${e}`) chartChartTitle = chartChartTitle || '' $(obj).html(`<h3 class="chart-title">${chartChartTitle}</h3><p class="chart-qualifier">No data available</p>`) } }); } makeCharts(); $(window).resize(lazyRedrawCharts); // Add note to rows with flagged MOE var flaggedMOE = $('.stat-row sup'), daggerNote = '<p><sup>†</sup> Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.</p>'; flaggedMOE.closest('.stat-row').find('aside').html(daggerNote); // Update the header's list of parent geographies var parentLinkContainer = $('#header-box .caption'), parentLinksPrefix = '<span class="glossary-term">School District (Unified)</span> in: ', parentGeoAPI = CR_API_URL + '/1.0/geo/tiger2023/' + thisGeoID + '/parents'; // for touch devices, still allow context toggle $('.stat-row').on('click', '.stat', function() { $(this).find('.context').toggle(); }) if (!!parentLinkContainer) { // set up the listener for trigger to reveal hidden groups $('#header-box').on('click', '.link-reveal', function() { $(this).hide().next('.hidden').show(); return false; }); // listen for resize, redraw charts to new dimensions var lazyRedrawCharts = _.debounce(function() { window.browserWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; window.browserHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; makeCharts(); }, 50); $(window).resize(lazyRedrawCharts); // Add note to rows with flagged MOE var flaggedMOE = $('.stat-row sup'), daggerNote = '<p><sup>†</sup> Margin of error is at least 10 percent of the total value. Take care with this statistic.</p>'; flaggedMOE.closest('.stat-row').find('aside').html(daggerNote); // Enable the single-table topic picker var thisSumlev = '970', thisGeoShortName = 'Millard Public Schools', thisGeoID = '97000US3173740', placeGeoID = '', CBSAGeoID = '', countyGeoID = '05000US31055', stateGeoID = '04000US31', nationGeoID = '01000US'; // Update the header's list of parent geographies var parentLinkContainer = $('#header-box .caption'), parentLinksPrefix = '<span class="glossary-term">School District (Unified)</span> in: ', parentGeoAPI = CR_API_URL + '/1.0/geo/tiger2023/' + thisGeoID + '/parents'; // for touch devices, still allow context toggle $('.stat-row').on('click', '.stat', function() { $(this).find('.context').toggle(); }) if (!!parentLinkContainer) { // set up the listener for trigger to reveal hidden groups $('#header-box').on('click', '.link-reveal', function() { $(this).hide().next('.hidden').show(); return false; }); // hit the /parents API endpoint $.getJSON(parentGeoAPI) .done(function(results) { // filter out 'this' from the parents var parents = _.reject(results['parents'], function(p) { return p.relation === 'this'; }); // list of unique parent sumlev types, maintaining order var parentRelations = _.uniq(_.pluck(parents, 'sumlevel')); // collect parents into individual sumlev groups var parentGroups = _.groupBy(parents, function(d) { return d.sumlevel; }); // for each parent sumlev type ... var parentLinkSets =, function(r) { // ... compile a set of links to individual profile pages var parentLinkSet =[r], function(v, k) { return '<a href="/profiles/' + v.geoid + '-' + slugify(v.display_name) + '/">' + v.display_name + '</a>'; }); var numParents = parentLinkSet.length; // if more than one of a sumlev type, group behind reveal link if (numParents > 1) { return '<a href="#" class="link-reveal">' + numParents + ' ' + sumlevMap[r]['plural'] + '</a><span class="hidden">' + parentLinkSet.join(', ') + '</span>'; } else { // just one of this sumlev type, so add it to list return parentLinkSet; } }) // push the whole thing into the header box ... thingy parentLinkContainer.html(parentLinksPrefix + parentLinkSets.join(', ')); $('body').trigger('glossaryUpdate', parentLinkContainer); }); } // add citations for each data release used for page if (releases.length > 1) { var explain = '<p class="explain"><em>This profile displays data from more than one ACS release. Charts not derived from ' + defaultDataRelease + ' data are noted with an *.</em></p>' $('.content-container').append(explain); } var makeCitation = function(year, release) { var citation = '<p class="explain"><strong>Citation:</strong> ' + 'U.S. Census Bureau (<span id="cite-release-year">' + year + '</span>). ' + '<em>American Community Survey <span id="cite-release">' + release + '</span> estimates.</em> ' + 'Retrieved from <em>Census Reporter Profile page for Millard Public Schools, NE</em> <></p>'; $('.content-container').append(citation); } $.each($.unique(releases), function(i, v) { var bits = v.split(" "), year = bits[1], release = bits[2]; makeCitation(year, release); }); Glossary.init("/glossary/", ".glossary-term"); } }) </script> <script src="/static/js/profile.topic.picker.da1e5dd66686.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/widget.uservoice.e3877c2fbbd5.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/full-text-results.2d2307ced695.js"></script> </body> </html>