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As chair of the CFN Users&rsquo; Executive Committee (UEC) for 2024-2025, I&rsquo;m excited to continue our work together. This is my second letter as chair, and I&rsquo;m grateful for the opportunity to build on the progress we&rsquo;ve already made. For nearly two decades, CFN has supported innovative research, and this year we remain focused on fostering collaboration and pushing the boundaries of what&rsquo;s possible.&nbsp;</p> <p>The UEC is committed to creating more opportunities for engagement and strengthening our network. We encourage you to join our LinkedIn group to connect with peers, exchange ideas, and stay updated on upcoming events. Your participation is key to continuing the vibrant exchange of knowledge within our community.&nbsp;</p> <h3>CFN image contest and Nano Day&nbsp;</h3> <p>CFN will be celebrating <a href="" target="_blank">National Nanotechnology Day</a> on Oct. 9, and I&rsquo;m excited to share details about the&nbsp;<a href="">CFN Nano Day celebration</a>. This is your chance to showcase the beauty and complexity of your research. The contest includes two categories: &ldquo;Scientific and Technical&rdquo; and &ldquo;Life at the CFN.&rdquo; Winning images will be displayed in the CFN corridor and featured on CFN&rsquo;s social media channels. Please submit your entries to Ellie Ryeo at <a href=""></a> by Oct. 7.&nbsp;</p> <p>The UEC will sponsor a coffee break on Nano Day to foster networking and celebration. It&rsquo;s a great opportunity to connect and discuss the exciting work happening across CFN. If you are around, please do try to join us.&nbsp;</p> <h3>Proposal deadlines and research highlights&nbsp;</h3> <p>Let me remind you that the deadline for submitting new research proposals or requesting additional time on existing ones through the <a href="" target="_blank">CFN User Program</a> is Sept. 30. Please ensure your proposals meet the updated requirements, and feel free to reach out to the CFN user office if you have questions. We also encourage you to highlight your research through a DOE research highlight. These highlights are a great way to bring attention to your work and contribute to the broader scientific dialogue. Get in touch with your CFN point of contact for details on how to prepare and submit your highlight.&nbsp;</p> <h3>Annual UEC barbecue &#8212; a success!&nbsp;</h3> <p>I&rsquo;m thrilled to share that our first-ever UEC-sponsored barbecue was a great success! It was wonderful to see so many users and staff come together for a fun and relaxing event. A special thank you goes out to <a href="" target="_blank">Anibal Boscoboinik</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Pam Ciufo</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Jeff Hoogsteden</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">James Buddenhagen</a> for taking care of all the logistics and bringing us such a fun-filled evening. I&rsquo;d also like to thank <a href="" target="_blank">Grace Webster</a>, our CFN user administrator, for her outstanding coordination and communication efforts that helped make this event possible. I hope everyone had as much fun playing the bingo/tombola game as I did while hosting it! It was a blast watching the excitement and friendly competition unfold!&nbsp;</p> <div><a data-flickr-embed="true" href="" title="CFN UEC BBQ 2024"><img alt="CFN UEC BBQ 2024" src="" /></a></div> <p class="caption">See photos from the BBQ. Hover over image to reveal slideshow controls. (Kevin Coughlin/Brookhaven National Laboratory)</p> <h3>Looking ahead&nbsp;</h3> <p>Planning for the 2025 NSLS-II &amp; CFN Users&rsquo; Meeting is well underway, with our CFN UEC vice chair, Shize Yang, leading it alongside the NSLS-II team. This event will provide an exciting opportunity to come together as a community, share our latest research, and foster collaboration as always. Stay tuned for updates as we approach this important event.&nbsp;</p> <p>In addition, we are bringing back the town hall meetings and have planned the next one for late January or early February 2025. It will be held in a hybrid format. This will offer a valuable platform for users to share feedback and ideas on how we can continue to improve the CFN user experience. Your participation is crucial, and I encourage you to make your voice heard.&nbsp;</p> <p>As Isaac Newton once said, &ldquo;What we know is a drop, what we don&rsquo;t know is an ocean.&rdquo; Together, let&rsquo;s keep navigating that ocean of knowledge, discovering new possibilities, and uncovering new frontiers. Thank you for your continued contributions and involvement. I look forward to what we will achieve together in the coming year.&nbsp;</p> <p>Warm regards,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&#8212; Laiba Bilal&nbsp;<br /> Chair, CFN Users&rsquo; Executive Committee&nbsp;</p><div id='relatedLinks'> <h3>Related Links</h3> <ul class='relatedLinksList'> <li><a href=''>2024 CFN Image Contest Details (PDF)</a></li> </ul> </div> <p id='MedComID' class='small'> 2024-22093&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;INT/EXT&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=''>Newsroom</a> </p> </div> </div> <script async src=''></script> <script async src=''></script> <div id='commentsShell'> </div> </div> <div class="grid_8"> <div class="boundingBox"> <h3 id="issueContentsHead">Issue Contents</h3> <h4>September 2024</h4> <ul class='articleSummaries'> <li class=''><a target='_top' href='/cfn/newsletter/news.php?a=222092'><div class='thumbnail'><img onerror='this.src="/assets/global/images/unavailable-minipic.jpg";' src='/today/intra_pics/2024/06/chuck-black-new-photo-550px.jpg' alt='Chuck Black' /></div> <h3>A Message from Chuck Black</h3> </a> <div class='clear'></div> <li class=''><a target='_top' href='/cfn/newsletter/news.php?a=222093'><div class='thumbnail'><img onerror='this.src="/assets/global/images/unavailable-minipic.jpg";' src='/today/intra_pics/2024/09/2024-05-14-1857-0011-550px.jpg' alt='Laiba Bilal' /></div> <h3>A Message from Laiba Bilal</h3> </a> <div class='clear'></div> <li class=''><a target='_top' href='/cfn/newsletter/news.php?a=222094'><div class='thumbnail'><img onerror='this.src="/assets/global/images/unavailable-minipic.jpg";' src='/today/intra_pics/2024/06/grace-webster-550px.jpg' alt='Grace Webster' /></div> <h3>Updates for the User Community</h3> </a> <div class='clear'></div> <li class=''><a target='_top' href='/cfn/newsletter/news.php?a=222095'><div class='thumbnail'><img onerror='this.src="/assets/global/images/unavailable-minipic.jpg";' src='/today/intra_pics/2024/09/cfn-image-550px.jpg' alt='Image contest winners' /></div> <h3>News and Research Highlights</h3> </a> <div class='clear'></div> <li class=''><a target='_top' href='/cfn/newsletter/news.php?a=222059'><div class='thumbnail'><img onerror='this.src="/assets/global/images/unavailable-minipic.jpg";' src='/today/intra_pics/2024/07/cfn-highlight-2-550px.jpg' alt='Charge transfer' /></div> <h3>Topological Breakthroughs: Tuning Quantum States in 2D Heterostructures</h3> </a> <div class='clear'></div> <li class=''><a target='_top' href='/cfn/newsletter/news.php?a=222097'><div class='thumbnail'><img onerror='this.src="/assets/global/images/unavailable-minipic.jpg";' src='/today/intra_pics/2024/09/2024-09-13-2442008-550px.jpg' alt='Meng Li' /></div> <h3>Advancing in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Research with Meng Li</h3> </a> <div class='clear'></div> <li class=''><a target='_top' href='/cfn/newsletter/news.php?a=222098'><div class='thumbnail'><img onerror='this.src="/assets/global/images/unavailable-minipic.jpg";' src='/today/intra_pics/2024/06/2021-9-14-9180-1-550px.jpg' alt='Wai-Lin Ng' /></div> <h3>Safety Update</h3> </a> <div class='clear'></div> </ul> </div> <div class="boundingBox" id="subscribeOuter"> <h3 id="subscribeHead">Subscribe to iCFN</h3> <div id="subscribeToggle"> <p class="small">Sign up to receive <i>iCFN</i> in your email inbox.</p> <p><a class="large button first last" target="_blank" href="/cfn/newsletter/subscribe.php">Subscribe</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar blue"> <h2>About CFN</h2> <p>The Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory explores the unique properties of materials and processes at the nanoscale. 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