Compare Medicare Advantage plans | Mass General Brigham Health Plan

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\u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$45 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$1,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$200 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$85 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$275 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$335 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 40% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-300 copay / 40% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$40 / $65 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$6,400 / $9,700&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;null&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-premier-2024&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier 2024&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-premier-ppo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2024&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;140&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eregularly\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Lower out-of-pocket\u2028maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $10 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$20 / $40 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every three months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$30 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$125 days 1-3; $0 days 4 and beyond / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-125 copay / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$20 / $40 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,150 / $5,450&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: [ &#34;Regularly&#34;, &#34;Very Often&#34; ], &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;null&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-secure-2024&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure 2024&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;HMO-POS&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-secure-hmo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2024&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;52&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Higher out-of-pocket \u2028maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$40 / $50 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,000 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$95 every three months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$105 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$230 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$15 / $50 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,350 / $7,000&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;null&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/mass-general-brigham-advantage&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;0&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003erarely\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Highest out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$50 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$1,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$200 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$85 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$275 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$350 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-300 copay / 40% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$40 / $65 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$5,500 / $9,550&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-premier-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-premier-ppo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;140&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eregularly\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Lower out-of-pocket\u2028maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $10 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$25 / $40 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$30 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$150 days 1-3; $0 days 4-90 / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-125 copay / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$20 / $40 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,150 / $5,450&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Regularly&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Regularly&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Regularly&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-secure-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;HMO-POS&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-secure-hmo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;52&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Higher out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$45 / $50 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,000 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$95 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$105 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$250 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$15 / $50 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,350 / $7,000&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-signature-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Signature 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Signature&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Signature Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-signature-ppo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;299&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003every often\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Lowest out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$3,000 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$130 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$0 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$0 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0 copay / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Very Often&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Very Often&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Very Often&#34; } } } }"> <div class="compare-plans-hero_content"> <h2 class="compare-plans-hero__title">Get matched鈥╳ith the right plan</h2> </div> <div class="compare-plans-hero__select-container"> <div class="_age-dropdown-container"> <label for="age-select" class="__dropdown-label"> What is your age and status? </label> <select class="__age-dropdown" name="__age-dropdown" id="age-select" data-age-dropdown-json="[&#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;,&#34;I am already 65&#34;,&#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;,&#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;]"></select> </div> <div class="_frequency-dropdown-container"> <label for="frequency-select" class="__dropdown-label"> How often do you visit your doctors? </label> <select class="__frequency-dropdown" name="__frequency-dropdown" id="frequency-select" data-frequency-dropdown-json="[&#34;&#34;,&#34;Regularly&#34;,&#34;Very Often&#34;,&#34;Infrequently&#34;,&#34;Occasionally&#34;]"></select> </div> </div> <div class="compare-plans-hero__below-selects-container-description"> By providing this information, I give permission for Mass General Health Plan to contact me directly via email or phone regarding Medicare Advantage plans. </div> <div class="compare-plans-hero__compare-button-container"> <button class="__action-button">Find my plan</button> </div> <div class="compare-plans-hero__image-wrapper --desktop-image" data-image-file-reference="/content/dam/mgbhp/aep-25-launch/hero-man_on_tablet-01.jpg"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="plancards contentfragmentlist aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div data-plan-cards-json="{ &#34;advantage-2024&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage 2024&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/mass-general-brigham-advantage&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2024&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;0&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003erarely\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Highest out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$45 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$1,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$200 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$85 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$275 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$335 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 40% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-300 copay / 40% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$40 / $65 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$6,400 / $9,700&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;null&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-premier-2024&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier 2024&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-premier-ppo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2024&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;140&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eregularly\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Lower out-of-pocket\u2028maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $10 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$20 / $40 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every three months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$30 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$125 days 1-3; $0 days 4 and beyond / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-125 copay / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$20 / $40 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,150 / $5,450&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: [ &#34;Regularly&#34;, &#34;Very Often&#34; ], &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;null&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-secure-2024&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure 2024&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;HMO-POS&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-secure-hmo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2024&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;52&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Higher out-of-pocket \u2028maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$40 / $50 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,000 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$95 every three months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$105 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$230 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$15 / $50 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,350 / $7,000&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;null&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/mass-general-brigham-advantage&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;0&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003erarely\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Highest out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$50 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$1,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$200 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$85 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$275 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$350 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-300 copay / 40% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$40 / $65 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$5,500 / $9,550&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-premier-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-premier-ppo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;140&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eregularly\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Lower out-of-pocket\u2028maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $10 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$25 / $40 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$30 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$150 days 1-3; $0 days 4-90 / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-125 copay / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$20 / $40 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,150 / $5,450&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Regularly&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Regularly&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Regularly&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-secure-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;HMO-POS&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-secure-hmo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;52&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Higher out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$45 / $50 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,000 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$95 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$105 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$250 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$15 / $50 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,350 / $7,000&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-signature-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Signature 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Signature&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Signature Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-signature-ppo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;299&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003every often\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Lowest out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$3,000 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$130 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$0 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$0 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0 copay / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Very Often&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Very Often&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Very Often&#34; } } } }" data-plan-cards-component-version="compare-plans" class="plan-cards"> <!-- SHOP PLANS SECTION --> <!-- COMPARE PLANS SECTION --> <!-- Title Section --> <div class="plan-cards-title-container"> <span class="_plan-cards-title">World-class Medicare Advantage plans for everyone</span> </div> <!-- Year Toggle Section - years set based on comparePlans model in fe --> <div class="toggle-plans-container"> <div class="_toggle-buttons-wrapper"> <button class="__toggle-first-year"></button> <button class="__toggle-second-year"></button> </div> </div> <!-- Mobile Swipe to See More --> <div class="mobile-swipe-container"> <span class="_mobile-swipe-text">Swipe to see more</span> <span class="_mobile-swipe-icon"></span> </div> <!-- Cards Container --> <div class="plan-cards-container"> <!-- Single Card --> <div class="_plan-card"> <!-- Top Row: Network and Best Value Label --> <div class="top-row-container"> <span class="_plan-network"></span> <span class="_best-value-label"></span> </div> <!-- Second Row: Plan Name --> <div class="_plan-name-label"> </div> <!-- Third Row: Plan Description --> <div class="_plan-description"> </div> <!-- Fourth Row: Plan Cost --> <div class="_plan-cost"> <span class="__plan-cost-dollar"></span> <span class="__plan-cost-label"></span> </div> <!-- Fifth Row: Enroll Now Link --> <a href="/enroll" class="_enroll-now-link"> <span class="__text"> Enroll Now </span> </a> <!-- Sixth Row: Benefits --> <div class="benefits-container"> <h3 class="_benefit-title">Benefits</h3> <ul> <li class="__benefit-item"></li> </ul> </div> <!-- Seventh Row: View Plan Details Link --> <a href="/#" class="_view-plan-details"> <span class="__text"> View Plan Details </span> <!-- TODO Remove this and apply with css - refactor other areas where icon is hardcoded --> <span class="__icon"> <svg width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.26175 8L0.128418 1.86667L1.53342 0.46167L9.07175 8L1.53342 15.5383L0.128418 14.1333L6.26175 8Z"/> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> <!-- Mobile Carousel Dots --> <div class="mobile-plan-cards-carousel-container"> <button class="_card-dot"></button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="compareplans contentfragmentlist aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="compare-plans" data-compare-plans-json="{ &#34;advantage-2024&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage 2024&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/mass-general-brigham-advantage&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2024&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;0&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003erarely\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Highest out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$45 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$1,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$200 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$85 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$275 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$335 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 40% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-300 copay / 40% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$40 / $65 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$6,400 / $9,700&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;null&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-premier-2024&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier 2024&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-premier-ppo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2024&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;140&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eregularly\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Lower out-of-pocket\u2028maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $10 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$20 / $40 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every three months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$30 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$125 days 1-3; $0 days 4 and beyond / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-125 copay / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$20 / $40 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,150 / $5,450&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: [ &#34;Regularly&#34;, &#34;Very Often&#34; ], &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;null&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-secure-2024&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure 2024&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;HMO-POS&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-secure-hmo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2024&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;52&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Higher out-of-pocket \u2028maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$40 / $50 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,000 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$95 every three months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$105 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$230 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$15 / $50 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,350 / $7,000&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;null&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/mass-general-brigham-advantage&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;0&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003erarely\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Highest out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$50 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$1,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$200 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$85 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$275 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$350 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-300 copay / 40% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$40 / $65 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $65 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$5,500 / $9,550&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Infrequently&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-premier-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Premier Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-premier-ppo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;140&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eregularly\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Lower out-of-pocket\u2028maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $10 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$25 / $40 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,500 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$90 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$30 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$150 days 1-3; $0 days 4-90 / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-125 copay / 20% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$20 / $40 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,150 / $5,450&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Regularly&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Regularly&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Regularly&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-secure-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;HMO-POS&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Secure Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-secure-hmo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;52&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Higher out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $20 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$45 / $50 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$2,000 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$95 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$105 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$50 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$200 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$250 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$15 / $50 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$3,350 / $7,000&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Occasionally&#34; } } }, &#34;advantage-signature-2025&#34;: { &#34;CF name&#34;: &#34;Advantage Signature 2025&#34;, &#34;CF description&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;CF elements&#34;: { &#34;Pre-title&#34;: &#34;PPO&#34;, &#34;Title&#34;: &#34;Advantage Signature&#34;, &#34;Title Link&#34;: &#34;Advantage Signature Health Plan&#34;, &#34;Button Link&#34;: &#34;/plans/advantage-signature-ppo&#34;, &#34;Year&#34;: &#34;2025&#34;, &#34;Price per month&#34;: &#34;299&#34;, &#34;Most popular&#34;: &#34;false&#34;, &#34;Description&#34;: &#34;\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003every often\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n&#34;, &#34;List of benefits&#34;: [ &#34;No deductible&#34;, &#34;Lowest out-of-pocket maximums&#34; ], &#34;Categories&#34;: { &#34;Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)&#34;: { &#34;Primary Care&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Specialist&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing&#34;: { &#34;Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services&#34;: &#34;$3,000 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Hearing aids / routine hearing exam&#34;: &#34;$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam&#34;: &#34;$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$450 per year&#34;, &#34;Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$120 every 3 months&#34;, &#34;Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)&#34;: &#34;$130 every 3 months&#34; }, &#34;Emergency care &#34;: { &#34;Emergency room&#34;: &#34;$0 copay&#34;, &#34;Urgent care&#34;: &#34;$0 copay&#34;, &#34;Ambulance&#34;: &#34;$0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Hospital, surgery, or rehab&#34;: { &#34;Inpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0 copay / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Outpatient hospital&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34;, &#34;Cardiac rehabilitation&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0 copay&#34; }, &#34;Out-of-pocket maximums each year&#34;: { &#34;Out-of-pocket maximum&#34;: &#34;$0 / $0&#34; }, &#34;Prescriptions (same for all plans)&#34;: { &#34;Top Value&#34;: &#34;Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance&#34;, &#34;Bottom Value&#34;: &#34;&#34; } }, &#34;Searching parameters&#34;: { &#34;I am turning 65 this year&#34;: &#34;null&#34;, &#34;I am turning 65 next year&#34;: &#34;Very Often&#34;, &#34;I am already 65&#34;: &#34;Very Often&#34;, &#34;Blank / Not Selected&#34;: &#34;Very Often&#34; } } } }"> <div class="_first-row"> <div class="__title">Compare plans</div> </div> <div class="_second-row"> <!-- Year Toggle Section - years set based on comparePlans model in fe --> <div class="toggle-plans-container"> <div class="_toggle-buttons-wrapper"> <button class="__toggle-first-year"></button> <button class="__toggle-second-year"></button> </div> </div> <div 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Review our Medicare Advantage plan comparison chart for basic information including premiums, copays, out-of-pocket maximums, and coinsurance..</p> <p>It also helps to get a picture of your current healthcare history by asking yourself the following 鈥╭uestions:</p> <p>What were your total healthcare costs in the past year, including premiums, deductibles, copays, and coinsurance?</p> <p>How often did you visit the doctor or hospital?</p> <p>What medications do you take currently, and how often do you need to refill your prescriptions?</p> <p>You can also <a href="/plans/find-doctor">confirm if your current doctors are covered</a> in-network, and if your <a href="/plans/rx-information">current prescriptions are covered</a>. Review our Benefits page for detailed information about what else is included in our plans.</p> <p>If you have any questions about Medicare Advantage plans from Mass General Brigham Health Plan, <a href="/contact/request-consultation">set up a call</a> with one of our dedicated Medicare Advisors. They can review your plan options and help you choose the best option.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="prefooter aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cmp-custom-prefooter__container"> <div class="cmp-custom-prefooter__content"> <div class="cmp-custom-prefooter__title"> <p tabindex="0">Search the network and formulary</p> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-prefooter__subtitle"> <p tabindex="0">Check to see if your doctors and prescription medications are covered. If you have questions, we can help you make a smooth transition and continue to get the care you need.</p> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-prefooter__buttons"> <div class="cmp-button--secondary-btn cmp-button--standard-btn-height"> <div class="button"> <a class="cmp-button" href="/plans/find-doctor" aria-label="Check if your doctors are covered" data-message="Check if your doctors are covered" target="_self" tabindex="0"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> <span class="--button-text-content">Check if your doctors are covered</span> </span> <span class="cmp-button__icon"> <svg width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.26175 8L0.128418 1.86667L1.53342 0.46167L9.07175 8L1.53342 15.5383L0.128418 14.1333L6.26175 8Z"></path> </svg> </span> </a> </div> <div class="button"> <a class="cmp-button" href="/plans/rx-information" aria-label="Check if your prescriptions are covered" data-message="Check if your prescriptions are covered" target="_self" tabindex="0"> <span 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Mass General Brigham Health Plan is an HMO-POS/PPO organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Mass General Brigham Health Plan depends on contract renewal. Other providers/pharmacies are included in our network.</p> <p>聽</p> <p>Y0166_0860MKT_M2025A</p> <p>Last updated:聽10/1/2024 - Pending CMS approval</p> </p> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-footer__main-bottom" alert-message="This link takes you away from the Mass General Brigham Health Plan Medicare Advantage website."> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Go to Report a compliance issue page" data-message="Report a compliance issue" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Report a compliance issue</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Go to Medicare complaint website" data-message="Medicare complaint website" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Medicare complaint website</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Open Non-discrimination notice file" data-message="Non-discrimination notice" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Non-discrimination notice</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Go to Disclaimer, privacy, and security page" data-message="Disclaimer, privacy, and security" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Disclaimer, privacy, and security</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Open Notice of privacy practices file" data-message="Notice of privacy practices" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Notice of privacy practices</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Go to Web accessibility statement page" data-message="Web accessibility statement" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Web accessibility statement</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Open Multi-language interpreter services file" data-message="Multi-language interpreter services" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Multi-language interpreter services</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script async src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/commons/site/clientlibs/"></script> <script async src="/etc.clientlibs/mgbhp/clientlibs/"></script> </body> </html>

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