ERIC - ED117125 - An Empirical Study of Education in Twenty-One Countries: A Technical Report. International Studies in Evaluation VIII., 1975

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A model of causation is advanced to relate the various input measures to achievement in the six subject areas of Science, Reading Comprehension, Literature, English and French as Foreign Languages and Civic Education. The compounding of variables and their organization into blocks are discussed. The order in which these blocks are introduced to the analysis reflects the belief that earlier events in the life of the individual student have"><meta name="citation_abstract" content="This is one of nine volumes describing the results of extensive research carried out by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) over a seven-year period. The overall aim of this extensive empirical study is to relate student competence to instructional, economic, and social factors which account for differences between students, schools, and national systems of education. In this volume, the rationale behind the model used in the analysis of data collected in the IEA Six Subject Survey is provided. A model of causation is advanced to relate the various input measures to achievement in the six subject areas of Science, Reading Comprehension, Literature, English and French as Foreign Languages and Civic Education. The compounding of variables and their organization into blocks are discussed. The order in which these blocks are introduced to the analysis reflects the belief that earlier events in the life of the individual student have"> <meta name="eric #" content="ED117125" /> <meta name="citation_title" content="An Empirical Study of Education in Twenty-One Countries: A Technical Report. International Studies in Evaluation VIII." /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Peaker, Gilbert F." /> <meta name="descriptors" content="Academic Achievement; Civics; Comparative Education; Cross Cultural Studies; Data Processing; Educational Testing; Elementary Secondary Education; English (Second Language); French; Literature; Mathematical Models; Predictor Variables; Reading Comprehension; Sampling; Sciences; Statistical Analysis" /> <meta name="citation_keywords" content="Academic Achievement; Civics; Comparative Education; Cross Cultural Studies; Data Processing; Educational Testing; Elementary Secondary Education; English (Second Language); French; Literature; Mathematical Models; Predictor Variables; Reading Comprehension; Sampling; Sciences; Statistical Analysis" /> <meta name="citation_publication_date" content="1975/00/00" /> <meta name="citation_publisher" content="John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Eastern Distribution Center, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, New Jersey 08873 ($10.00)" /> <meta name="citation_language" content="en" /> <meta name="languages" content="English" /> <meta name="identifiers" content="International Evaluation Educational Achievement" /> <meta name="source" content="Non-Journal" /> <meta name="level" content="3" /> <meta name="institutions" content="International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, Stockholm (Sweden)." /> <meta name="sponsors" content="Tri-Centennial Fund, Stockholm (Sweden)." /> <meta name="page-topic" content="Academic Achievement; Civics; Comparative Education; Cross Cultural Studies; Data Processing; Educational Testing; Elementary Secondary Education; English (Second Language); French; Literature; Mathematical Models; Predictor Variables; Reading Comprehension; Sampling; Sciences; Statistical Analysis" /> <meta name="page-type" content="" /> <meta name="rating" content="All" /><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/eric.css?v=0.9" media="all"><link rel="image_src" href="img/icon_fbshare.png"><script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="js/respond.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="js/eric.js?v=0.8"></script> <script type="text/javascript">$(function() {dser();});</script> </head> <body id="bdyMain"> <div id="main"> <div id="actionbar"><a href="?note">Notes</a><a href="?faq">FAQ</a><a href="?contact">Contact Us</a></div><div id="logo"><a href="?" id="aHome" title="ERIC Home"><img src="img/eric_results.png" id="imgLogo" alt="ERIC - Institute of Education Sciences" /></a></div> <div id="sbar"> <form id="f"> <div> <div id="tab1" class="sTab"><span>Collection</span></div> <div id="tab1b" class="sTab"><a href="#thesaurus">Thesaurus</a></div> <a id="atips" href="?advanced">Advanced<br />Search Tips</a> <input id="s" type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search education resources" /> <input type="submit" value="Search" /> </div> <div id="sopt"> <label><input type="checkbox" name="pr" /> Peer reviewed only</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="ft" /> Full text available on ERIC</label> </div> </form> <form id="ft" style="display:none"> <div> <div id="tab2b" class="sTab"><a href="#collection">Collection</a></div> <div id="tab2" class="sTab"><span>Thesaurus</span></div> <a id="attips" href="?ti=all">Browse<br />Thesaurus</a> <input id="st" type="text" name="qt" placeholder="Search thesaurus descriptors" /> <input type="submit" value="Search" /> </div> <div id="soptt"> <label><input type="checkbox" name="ts" /> Include Synonyms</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="td" /> Include Dead terms</label> </div> </form> </div> <div id="i"><div id="details" class="record"><div></div><div id="r_colR"><div style="font-size:0.8em;padding-top:4px;padding-left:8px"><div><strong>ERIC Number:</strong> ED117125</div><div><strong>Record Type:</strong> Non-Journal</div><div><strong>Publication Date:</strong> 1975</div><div><strong>Pages:</strong> 230</div><div><strong>Abstractor:</strong> N/A</div><div><strong>ISBN:</strong> N/A</div><div><strong>ISSN:</strong> N/A</div><div><strong>EISSN:</strong> N/A</div></div></div><div class="title">An Empirical Study of Education in Twenty-One Countries: A Technical Report. International Studies in Evaluation VIII.</div><div class="r_a"><div style="margin:0;padding:4px 0">Peaker, Gilbert F.</div></div><div><div style="margin-right:232px"><div class="abstract">This is one of nine volumes describing the results of extensive research carried out by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) over a seven-year period. The overall aim of this extensive empirical study is to relate student competence to instructional, economic, and social factors which account for differences between students, schools, and national systems of education. In this volume, the rationale behind the model used in the analysis of data collected in the IEA Six Subject Survey is provided. A model of causation is advanced to relate the various input measures to achievement in the six subject areas of Science, Reading Comprehension, Literature, English and French as Foreign Languages and Civic Education. The compounding of variables and their organization into blocks are discussed. The order in which these blocks are introduced to the analysis reflects the belief that earlier events in the life of the individual student have influenced later events in the student's life and schooling. Details of the sampling techniques used in the survey as well as the limits of confidence which can be placed on the statistics are described. The development of the attitudinal scales used is outlined in an Appendix. (Author/BJG)</div><div class="keywords">Descriptors: <a href="?ti=Academic+Achievement">Academic Achievement</a>, <a href="?ti=Civics">Civics</a>, <a href="?ti=Comparative+Education">Comparative Education</a>, <a href="?ti=Cross+Cultural+Studies">Cross Cultural Studies</a>, <a href="?ti=Data+Processing">Data Processing</a>, <a href="?ti=Educational+Testing">Educational Testing</a>, <a href="?ti=Elementary+Secondary+Education">Elementary Secondary Education</a>, <a href="?ti=English+(Second+Language)">English (Second Language)</a>, <a href="?ti=French">French</a>, <a href="?ti=Literature">Literature</a>, <a href="?ti=Mathematical+Models">Mathematical Models</a>, <a href="?ti=Predictor+Variables">Predictor Variables</a>, <a href="?ti=Reading+Comprehension">Reading Comprehension</a>, <a href="?ti=Sampling">Sampling</a>, <a href="?ti=Sciences">Sciences</a>, <a href="?ti=Statistical+Analysis">Statistical Analysis</a></div><div style="font-style:italic;font-size:0.9em">John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Eastern Distribution Center, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, New Jersey 08873 ($10.00)</div></div></div><div class="clear"></div><div class="sInfo"><div><div><strong>Publication Type:</strong> Reports - Research</div><div><strong>Education Level:</strong> N/A</div><div><strong>Audience:</strong> N/A</div><div><strong>Language:</strong> N/A</div><div><strong>Sponsor:</strong> Tri-Centennial Fund, Stockholm (Sweden).</div><div><strong>Authoring Institution:</strong> International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, Stockholm (Sweden).</div><div><strong>Grant or Contract Numbers:</strong> N/A</div></div></div><div class="clear" style="margin:0"></div></div></div> <div id="divFooter"><div id="ftrPadding"><div id="ftr"><div id="ftrSocial"> <a href="" id="facebook" style="padding-bottom:5px"><img src="img/icon_facebook.gif" alt="Facebook" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a> <a href="" id="twitter"><img src="img/icon_twitter.gif" alt="Twitter" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a></div><div id="ftrLogos"><a href=""><img src="img/logo_ed.gif" alt="Department of Education"></a><a href=""><img src="img/logo_ies.gif" alt="Institute of Education Statistics"></a></div><div id="centerLinks"><a href="?privacy">Privacy</a> | <a href="?copyright">Copyright</a> | <a href="?contact">Contact Us</a> | <a href="?selection">Selection Policy</a> | <a href="?api">API</a> | <a href="metrics">Metrics</a><div><a href="?journals">Journals</a> | <a href="?nonjournals">Non-Journals</a> | <a href="?download">Download</a> | <a href="submit">Submit</a> | <a href="?multimedia">Multimedia</a> | <a href="?widget">Widget</a></div></div></div><script id="_fed_an_ua_tag" language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/js/Universal-Federated-Analytics-Min.js?pga4=55622235&amp;agency=ED&amp;subagency=ERIC"></script></div></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ if(self!=top) {top.location=self.location;} //]]></script> </body> </html>

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