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class="ALA-species-credit"> Southern Brown Tree Frog (<i>Litoria ewingii</i>)<br> </span> <span class="ALA-image-credit"> <i class="fas fa-camera"></i> by Third Silence Nature Photography (CC-BY-NC)</span> </div> </div> </div> <link rel="stylesheet" href="theme.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="custom_theme.scss"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css"> <div id="quarto-search-results"></div> <header id="quarto-header" class="headroom fixed-top"> <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg " data-bs-theme="dark"> <div class="navbar-container container-fluid"> <div class="navbar-brand-container mx-auto"> <a href="./index.html" class="navbar-brand navbar-brand-logo"> <img src="./images/logos/ALA_Logo_Inline_REV-RGB.png" alt="" class="navbar-logo"> </a> <a class="navbar-brand" href="./index.html"> <span class="navbar-title">ALA Labs</span> </a> </div> <div id="quarto-search" class="" title="Search"></div> <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" 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sourced from <a href="">the ALA</a>. We hope that users will find interesting content, whether their focus is ecological modelling, data visualisation, or simply investigating the natural world through a digital lens. Enjoy!</p> <p><br></p> <hr> <div class="column-screen page-columns page-full"> <div class="column-screen-inset"> <div class="home-column-image col-right"> <p><a href=""> <img src="images/homepage/lens-bubble-image.png" class="home-img-lens img-fluid"> </a></p> </div> <div class="home-column-text col-left"> <center> <a href=""> <h1 class="heading-home"> ALA <img src="images/logos/lens-logo.svg" class="lens-logo"> Lens </h1> </a><p><a href=""></a></p> <p><span>Dive into data using a <a href="">new interactive interface</a> for exploring ALA data. Try out new views of the ALA, designed to encourage exploration and discovery of species, data and place.</span><br></p> <p><span style="font-face:italic;">Designed by <a href="">Mitchell Whitelaw</a> and <a href="">Adrian Mackenzie</a> of the <a href="">Australian National University (ANU)</a></span><br></p> <p><span style="font-size:.7rem; color:#a7abb4;">Images (all CC-BY-NC): Kai Squires, andrewpavlov, mikegrow, kerrbrad, Matt Campbell, Toby Esplin, darcywhittaker</span></p> </center> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column-screen page-columns page-full" style="background-color:#B8573E;"> <div class="column-screen-inset"> <div class="home-column-image col-left"> <p><a href=""></a></p><a href=""> <p><img src="images/homepage/home_ala-plots.png" class="home-img img-fluid"></p> </a><p><a href=""></a></p> </div> <div class="home-column-text col-right"> <center> <h1 class="heading-home" style="color: #fff;"> Posts </h1> <span style="color: #fff; font-style: italic">How-to articles for solving scientific problems</span> </center> <div class="cell"> <div class="cell-output-display"> <div class="category-row"> <div class="category-column"> <a href="posts/index.html#category=Summaries"> <img href="posts/index.html#category=Summaries" src="images/vectors/barplot.svg" style="color:#fff !important;" class="category-image honey-white"> </a> <h4 style="text-align:center;"> <a class="white" href="posts/index.html#category=Summaries">Summaries</a> </h4> </div> <div class="category-column"> <a href="posts/index.html#category=Maps"> <img href="posts/index.html#category=Maps" src="images/vectors/Australia.svg" style="color:#fff !important;" class="category-image honey-white"> </a> <h4 style="text-align:center"> <a class="white" href="posts/index.html#category=Maps">Maps</a> </h4> </div> <div class="category-column"> <a href="posts/index.html#category:Trees"> <img href="posts/index.html#category=Trees" src="images/vectors/tree.svg" style="color:#fff !important;" class="category-image honey-white"> </a> <h4 style="text-align:center"> <a class="white" href="posts/index.html#category=Trees">Trees</a> </h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column-screen page-columns page-full"> <div class="column-screen-inset"> <div class="home-column-image col-right"> <p><a href=""> <img src="images/homepage/home_ala-research.png" class="home-img img-fluid"> </a></p> </div> <div class="home-column-text col-left"> <center> <h1 class="heading-home"> Research </h1> <p><span style="font-style: italic">Highlighting research supported by ALA data</span></p> </center> <div class="cell"> <div class="cell-output-display"> <div class="category-row"> <div class="category-column" style="width: 50%"> <a href="research/highlights/index.html"> <img href="research/highlights/index.html" src="images/vectors/seedling-solid.svg" class="category-image honey"> </a> <h4 style="text-align:center;"> <a href="research/highlights/index.html">Selected highlights</a> </h4> </div> <div class="category-column" style="width: 50%"> <a href="research/citations/index.html"> <img href="research/citations/index.html" src="images/vectors/table-list-solid.svg" class="category-image honey"> </a> <h4 style="text-align:center;"> <a href="research/citations/index.html">Complete list</a> </h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column-screen page-columns page-full" style="background-color:#B8573E;"> <div class="column-screen-inset"> <div class="home-column-image col-left"> <p><a href=""></a></p><a href=""> <p><img src="images/homepage/home_ala-software-c.png" class="home-img-transparent img-fluid"></p> </a><p><a href=""></a></p> <!-- :::{.hexBadges} --> <!-- <a href=""> --> <!-- <img src = "" class = "r1 c0"></img> --> <!-- </a> --> <!-- <a href=""> --> <!-- <img src = "" class = "r2 c1" style = "width:265px;"></img> --> <!-- </a> --> <!-- ::: --> </div> <div class="home-column-text col-right"> <center> <h1 class="heading-home" style="color: #fff;"> Software </h1> <p><span style="font-style: italic; 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We try to encourage the sharing of tools that make data from the Atlas of Living Australia more open and useful for everyone</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 px-0"> <div class="value-block value-feature"> <h3 class="value-text"> <i class="fas fa-dna"></i> Scientific transparency </h3> <p>Transparency is necessary for reproducible science. We encourage that decisions, methods and deviations are clear and transparent in a workflow from the planning phase, to the retrieval and analysis of data, to the final output</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 px-0"> <div class="value-block value-feature"> <h3 class="value-text"> <i class="far fa-chart-bar"></i> Robust methods </h3> <p>No method or analytic procedure is perfect. We value consideration for strengths and limitations of each method or analysis. 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const htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html"); const note = htmlDoc.querySelector('main.content'); if (note !== null) { // This should only happen for chapter cross references // (since there is no id in the URL) // remove the first header if (note.children.length > 0 && note.children[0].tagName === "HEADER") { note.children[0].remove(); } const html = processXRef(null, note); instance.setContent(html); } }).finally(() => { instance.enable();; }); } }, function(instance) { }); } let selectedAnnoteEl; const selectorForAnnotation = ( cell, annotation) => { let cellAttr = 'data-code-cell="' + cell + '"'; let lineAttr = 'data-code-annotation="' + annotation + '"'; const selector = 'span[' + cellAttr + '][' + lineAttr + ']'; return selector; } const selectCodeLines = (annoteEl) => { const doc = window.document; const targetCell = annoteEl.getAttribute("data-target-cell"); const targetAnnotation = annoteEl.getAttribute("data-target-annotation"); const annoteSpan = window.document.querySelector(selectorForAnnotation(targetCell, targetAnnotation)); const lines = annoteSpan.getAttribute("data-code-lines").split(","); const lineIds = => { return targetCell + "-" + line; }) let top = null; let height = null; let parent = null; if (lineIds.length > 0) { //compute the position of the single el (top and bottom and make a div) const el = window.document.getElementById(lineIds[0]); top = el.offsetTop; height = el.offsetHeight; parent = el.parentElement.parentElement; if (lineIds.length > 1) { const lastEl = window.document.getElementById(lineIds[lineIds.length - 1]); const bottom = lastEl.offsetTop + lastEl.offsetHeight; height = bottom - top; } if (top !== null && height !== null && parent !== null) { // cook up a div (if necessary) and position it let div = window.document.getElementById("code-annotation-line-highlight"); if (div === null) { div = window.document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("id", "code-annotation-line-highlight"); = 'absolute'; parent.appendChild(div); } = top - 2 + "px"; = height + 4 + "px"; = 0; let gutterDiv = window.document.getElementById("code-annotation-line-highlight-gutter"); 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throttle = true; } else { // all the others get throttled if(timer) clearTimeout(timer); // cancel #2 timer = setTimeout(() => { fn.apply(this, args); timer = throttle = false; }, ms); } }; } // Attach click handler to the DT const annoteDls = window.document.querySelectorAll('dt[data-target-cell]'); for (const annoteDlNode of annoteDls) { annoteDlNode.addEventListener('click', (event) => { const clickedEl =; if (clickedEl !== selectedAnnoteEl) { unselectCodeLines(); const activeEl = window.document.querySelector('dt[data-target-cell].code-annotation-active'); if (activeEl) { activeEl.classList.remove('code-annotation-active'); } selectCodeLines(clickedEl); clickedEl.classList.add('code-annotation-active'); } else { // Unselect the line unselectCodeLines(); clickedEl.classList.remove('code-annotation-active'); } }); } const findCites = (el) => { const parentEl = el.parentElement; if (parentEl) { const cites = parentEl.dataset.cites; if (cites) { return { el, cites: cites.split(' ') }; 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