Agriculture agitators - SUMA R眉hrtechnik GmbH
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y="2165" class="fil2 fnt0">Open Tank</text> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <div class='BehaelterButton '> <a href="?filter=StBe"> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4516 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <rect class="fil0" width="4511" height="2937"/> <g> <path class="fil1" d="M1795 1244c-57,-5 -110,-10 -159,-16l0 197c52,6 106,11 159,16l0 -197z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M1365 1149c23,4 50,9 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 216z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M1445 1398l0 -199c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 197c24,5 51,11 80,16z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M2081 1261c-83,-2 -161,-7 -233,-12l0 196c85,7 166,12 233,15l0 -199z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M1590 1222c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-16l0 199c33,5 68,10 103,14l0 -197z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M3168 928c-20,4 -44,9 -70,14l0 215c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -215z"/> <path 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29,7 54,12l0 -215z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M1329 890l0 -196c-23,-6 -40,-11 -51,-15l-3 2 0 197c11,2 29,7 54,12z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M3168 1179c-20,4 -44,9 -70,14l0 201c25,-5 48,-10 70,-15l0 -200z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M3190 627l-935 -458 0 0 -940 459c65,21 346,91 936,91 596,0 877,-71 939,-92z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M3098 714l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -194c-20,5 -43,10 -70,16z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M3203 884c23,-6 37,-10 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,2 -20,6 -36,10l0 195z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M1329 1177c-23,-4 -41,-9 -54,-12l0 191c16,6 34,11 54,17l0 -196z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M3056 722c-34,6 -71,12 -114,18l0 192c42,-6 80,-12 114,-18l0 -192z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M2399 1261c-43,1 -87,2 -133,1 -20,0 -41,1 -61,1 -24,0 -48,-1 -71,-1l0 201c77,4 127,5 127,5 0,0 54,-1 138,-5l0 -202z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M3203 1171l0 199c16,-5 31,-9 44,-14l0 -196c-10,3 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M2675 767c-68,5 -142,9 -223,11l0 196c79,-3 154,-7 223,-12l0 -195z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M3056 1201c-34,6 -72,12 -114,18l0 199c40,-5 78,-11 114,-17l0 -200z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M2897 746c-51,6 -107,12 -169,17l0 194c61,-5 117,-12 169,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M2897 974c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 216c61,-5 117,-12 169,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M2675 997c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 216c79,-3 154,-7 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M2897 1225c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 197c56,-5 113,-11 169,-17l0 -199z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M2675 1248c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 200c65,-4 142,-9 223,-15l0 -197z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M2399 1226l0 -216c-43,1 -87,1 -133,1 -20,0 -41,0 -61,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 217c43,0 87,0 132,0 46,0 90,0 133,-1z"/> </g> <text x="1375" y="2166" class="fil2 fnt0">Steel Tank</text> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <div class='BehaelterButton '> <a href="?filter=OfLa"> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <rect class="fil0" width="4511" height="2937"/> <path class="fil1" d="M1152 685l-29 43 2265 0 -29 -43 -2207 0zm134 209l257 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1934 0zm-251 341l464 0 -253 -335 -211 335zm1933 0l486 0 -201 -325 -285 325zm-2308 183l-40 60 631 0 320 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -60 -3191 0z"/> <text x="1119" y="2162" class="fil2 fnt0">Open Lagoon</text> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <div class='BehaelterButton '> <a href="?filter=SlSy"> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <rect class="fil0" width="4511" height="2937"/> <path class="fil1" d="M1100 688l-29 44 2265 0 -29 -44 -2207 0zm1447 210l42 188 -64 0 -29 -188 -612 0 -29 188 -65 0 42 -188 -634 0 -215 340 384 0 101 -227 55 0 -83 227 708 0 9 -227 54 0 9 227 737 0 -83 -227 54 0 101 227 373 0 -211 -340 -644 0zm-1938 524l-40 59 425 0 0 166 525 0 1369 0 0 0 525 0 0 -166 426 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> <text x="932" y="2162" class="fil2 fnt0">Slalom Channel</text> </g> </svg> </a> </div> <a class="ResetButton" href="?filter=">Reset</a> </div> <div class='grid-100 mobile-grid-100 wow ' > <h1> Agitators Agriculture </h1> </div> <div class='grid-75 mobile-grid-100 wow ' > <p>With our agitators for the agriculture area you can proper stir your slurry before application in the field. As manure agitator we offer automized solutions and as well PTO driven agitators. Find your perfect fitting product.</p> <p>Wether slalom channel, concrete tank or lagoon - with us you can stir everywhere. Even for small buildungs or small openings - we have the solution.</p> <p>The founding of our family buisness was to achieve, that for you as farmer, the work would be as easy as possible. Since 1957 we are working continously for your advantages.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gridFlex" style='background: '> <div class='grid-container CTAline' style='background: transparent' > <div class='grid-100 mobile-grid-100 wow ' > <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/giantmix-z3-stationary' title='GIANTMIX Z3 HY stationary'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/1205_4_Z3HYstat_Einbaubeispiel.jpg?m=1712746251" alt="R眉hrgigant Z3 station盲r" height="177" title="R眉hrgigant Z3 station盲r" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>GIANTMIX Z3 HY stationary</h2> The tractor-driven agitator for a stationary installation<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>For tractor powers 60 - 88 kW</li> <li>Pipe lengths of 2.0 / 2.5 m</li> <li>Propeller 脴 560 - 700 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/giantmix-fr-stationary' title='GIANTMIX FR stationary'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/1206_4_01_FR_stat_neu_Titelbild_RAL6000.jpg?m=1676910570" alt="R眉hrgigant FR station盲r" height="177" title="R眉hrgigant FR station盲r" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>GIANTMIX FR stationary</h2> The stationary version of our Giantmix FR<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power of 11.0 - 18.5 kW</li> <li>Pipe lengths 2.0 - 3.0 m</li> <li>Propeller 脴 580 - 660 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/giantmix-z3' title='GIANTMIX Z3'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/866_4_Z3.jpg?m=1676910557" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>GIANTMIX Z3</h2> Our tractor-driven agitator for your manure pit<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>For tractor powers of 44 - 88 kW</li> <li>Tube 脴 100.0 x 3.0 mm, galvanized</li> <li>Tube lengths from 3.5 - 5.5 m</li> <li>Propeller 脴 480 - 620 mm</li> </ul> <p> </p> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Slalom Channel</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M845 688l-29 43 2265 0 -29 -43 -2207 0zm1446 209l43 188 -65 0 -29 -188 -612 0 -29 188 -64 0 42 -188 -634 0 -216 341 385 0 101 -228 54 0 -83 228 708 0 9 -228 55 0 9 228 736 0 -83 -228 55 0 101 228 372 0 -211 -341 -644 0zm-1938 524l-40 60 426 0 0 165 524 0 1369 0 0 0 526 0 0 -165 425 0 -40 -60 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/giantmix-z4' title='GIANTMIX Z4'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/867_4_Z4.jpg?m=1676910558" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>GIANTMIX Z4</h2> Our bigger tractor-driven agitator for your slurry pit<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>For tractor powers 72 - 130 kW</li> <li>Tube lengths from 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0 m</li> <li>Propeller 脴 560 - 660 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Slalom Channel</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M845 688l-29 43 2265 0 -29 -43 -2207 0zm1446 209l43 188 -65 0 -29 -188 -612 0 -29 188 -64 0 42 -188 -634 0 -216 341 385 0 101 -228 54 0 -83 228 708 0 9 -228 55 0 9 228 736 0 -83 -228 55 0 101 228 372 0 -211 -341 -644 0zm-1938 524l-40 60 426 0 0 165 524 0 1369 0 0 0 526 0 0 -165 425 0 -40 -60 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/giantmix-z5' title='GIANTMIX Z5'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/868_4_Z5.jpg?m=1676910558" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>GIANTMIX Z5</h2> Our big tractor-driven agitator for your manure pit<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>For tractor powers 100 - 160 kW</li> <li>Tube lengths 6.0 / 7.0 / 8.0 m</li> <li>Propeller 脴 620 - 700 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/giantmix-z6' title='GIANTMIX Z6'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/869_4_01_Z6.jpg?m=1676910558" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>GIANTMIX Z6</h2> Our tractor-driven solution for your manure pit<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>For tractor powers >160 kW</li> <li>Tube lengths from 7.5 / 9.0 m</li> <li>Propeller 脴 700 - 850 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-rekordmix' title='REKORDMIX'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/876_4_Elektro-Ruehrwerk_Rekordmix.jpg?m=1676910558" alt="Elektror眉hrwerk Rekordmix" height="177" title="Elektror眉hrwerk Rekordmix" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>REKORDMIX</h2> The original and well-known SUMA electric agitator<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power: 4.0 / 5.0 / 7.5 kW</li> <li>Tube lengths 2.25 to 4.25 m</li> <li>Propeller 脴 320 / 270 / 300 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-rekordmix-b1' title='REKORDMIX B1'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/861_4_B1.jpg?m=1676910557" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>REKORDMIX B1</h2> Especially for lagoons<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power of 4 kW</li> <li>Tube lengths 3.75 or 4.25 m</li> <li>Propeller 脴 320 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/giantmix-bg2' title='GIANTMIX BG2'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/863_4_Ruehrwerk_Ruehrgigant_BG2_6.jpg?m=1676910557" alt="R眉hrwerk R眉hrgigant BG2" height="177" title="R眉hrwerk R眉hrgigant BG2" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>GIANTMIX BG2</h2> Espacially designed for biogas lagoons <br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power: 4.0 / 7.5 / 10.0 kW</li> <li>Tube lengths 4 / 5 m</li> <li>Propeller 脴 520 - 750 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/giantmix-mzr' title='GIANTMIX MZR'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/865_4_Ruehrwerk_Ruehrgigant_MZR.jpg?m=1676910557" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>GIANTMIX MZR</h2> For your automated stirring<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor powers 11.0 / 15.0 / 18.5 kW</li> <li>Tube lengths 4.0 / 4.5 / 5.5 / 5.5 / 6.0 m</li> <li>Propeller 脴 580 mm</li> </ul> <p> </p> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Slalom Channel</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M845 688l-29 43 2265 0 -29 -43 -2207 0zm1446 209l43 188 -65 0 -29 -188 -612 0 -29 188 -64 0 42 -188 -634 0 -216 341 385 0 101 -228 54 0 -83 228 708 0 9 -228 55 0 9 228 736 0 -83 -228 55 0 101 228 372 0 -211 -341 -644 0zm-1938 524l-40 60 426 0 0 165 524 0 1369 0 0 0 526 0 0 -165 425 0 -40 -60 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/giantmix-mzr-lagoon' title='GIANTMIX MZR Lagoon'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/1207_4_01_MZRLagune16bit.jpg?m=1676910570" alt="R眉hrgigant MZR Lagune" height="177" title="R眉hrgigant MZR Lagune" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>GIANTMIX MZR Lagoon</h2> For a stitrring depth up to 4 m within your lagoon<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor powers 15.0 / 18.5 kW</li> <li>Tube length 7 m</li> <li>Propeller-脴 660 / 700 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-optimix-2g-30-710' title='OPTIMIX 2G 3 / 4 kW'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/4449_4_SUMA-Optimix-2G-3-4kW.jpg?m=1676910677" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2G 3 / 4 kW</h2> Agitator for smaller tanks with low dry matter content<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power of 3 / 4 kW</li> <li>Propeller 脴 380 / 310 mm</li> <li>Mast and ss316 rope galvanically isolated</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-optimix-2g' title='OPTIMIX 2G '> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/6769_4_1_OM_2G_150-380_D3_9178_370x180_JPEG_web.jpg?m=1676910788" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2G </h2> Your fluidically optimized submersible motor<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power of 4.0 to 15.0 kW</li> <li>Propeller 脴 580 - 800 mm</li> <li>Mast and ss316 rope galvanically isolated</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-optimix-2g-90-75' title='OPTIMIX 2G 90-75'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/873_4_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-2G-90-75.jpg?m=1676910558" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2G 90-75" height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2G 90-75" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2G 90-75</h2> For the reliable stirring operation and maintaining the stream<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power of 5.5 / 9.0 kW</li> <li>Propeller 脴 1400 mm</li> <li>Mast and ss316 rope galvanically isolated</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-optimix-2g-150-275' title='OPTIMIX 2G 150-275'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/877_4_01_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-2G-150-275.jpg?m=1676910559" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2G 150-275" height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2G 150-275" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2G 150-275</h2> Suitable for an installation with a substrate temperature up to 55掳C<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power of 15 kW</li> <li>Propeller 脴 850 mm</li> <li>Mast and ss316 rope galvanically isolated</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-optimix-3g' title='OPTIMIX 3G'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/859_4_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-3G.jpg?m=1676910557" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 3G" height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 3G" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 3G</h2> Submersible motor for higher performance requirements<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power of 25 kW</li> <li>Propeller 脴 900 mm</li> <li>Mast and ss316 rope galvanically isolated</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-optimix-2a-30-710' title='OPTIMIX 2A 3 / 4 kW'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/2380_4_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-2A-3kW.jpg?m=1676910612" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2A " height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2A " width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2A 3 / 4 kW</h2> Agitator for agressive media and low pH values<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power of 3.0 / 4.0 kW</li> <li>Propeller 脴 380 / 310 mm</li> <li>Completely manufactured in ss304</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-optimix-2a' title='OPTIMIX 2A'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/857_4_Tauchmotor-Ruehrwerk_Optimix-2A.jpg?m=1676910556" alt="R眉hrwerk Tauchmotor Optimix 2A" height="177" title="R眉hrwerk Tauchmotor Optimix 2A" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2A</h2> Agitator for agressive media and low pH environments<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Motor power of 4.0 / 9.0 / 13.5 / 15.0 kW</li> <li>Propeller 脴 580 - 850 mm</li> <li>Completely manufactured in ss304</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g id="_322647888"> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1662 1301c2,-79 13,-495 79,-691l-281 0c-144,168 -170,610 -173,691l375 0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2064 610l-285 0c-68,177 -80,611 -81,691l366 0 0 -691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2934 1301l363 0 0 0c-1,-7 -60,-677 -525,-690 137,196 159,612 162,690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2403 610l-303 0 0 691 383 0c-1,-80 -13,-514 -80,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1413 611c-447,7 -531,683 -532,690l0 0 370 0c3,-78 25,-495 162,-690z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2725 610l-285 0c67,196 77,612 79,691l379 0c-3,-81 -29,-523 -173,-691z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M3127 737l106 0 -30 -44 -119 0c15,14 29,29 43,44z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1106 693l-109 0 -30 44 96 0c14,-15 28,-30 43,-44z"/> <polygon class="svgbeh1" points="505,1426 465,1486 1096,1486 1415,1652 2784,1652 3083,1486 3735,1486 3695,1426 "/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-optimix-eco-mobile' title='OPTIMIX ECO mobile'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/1211_4_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-ECO-mobil.jpg?m=1676910571" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix ECO mobil" height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix ECO mobil" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX ECO mobile</h2> Perfect suitable for closed pits and small space within the building<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Submersible motor with 7.5 kW and 1.450 rpm</li> <li>For a depth up to 3.5 m</li> <li>Swivel range +/- 110掳</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-optimix-2g-mobile' title='OPTIMIX 2G mobile'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/874_4_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-2G-mobil.jpg?m=1676910558" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2G mobil" height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix 2G mobil" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX 2G mobile</h2> Fits perfectly in small buildings<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Submersible motor with 9 kW and 380 rpm</li> <li>Tilt range + / - 110掳</li> <li>Chassis width 1,000 mm</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitator-optimix-stationary' title='OPTIMIX stationary'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/1209_4_Tauchmotor_Ruehrwerk_Optimix-stationaer2.jpg?m=1676910570" alt="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix station盲r" height="177" title="Tauchmotor R眉hrwerk Optimix station盲r" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX stationary</h2> Your submersible motor for raceway and slalom systems<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Optimix 2G: 9.0 / 13.5 / 15.0 kW</li> <li>Propeller 脴 560 - 620 mm</li> <li>Suitable for a pit depth of 2 m</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Slalom Channel</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M845 688l-29 43 2265 0 -29 -43 -2207 0zm1446 209l43 188 -65 0 -29 -188 -612 0 -29 188 -64 0 42 -188 -634 0 -216 341 385 0 101 -228 54 0 -83 228 708 0 9 -228 55 0 9 228 736 0 -83 -228 55 0 101 228 372 0 -211 -341 -644 0zm-1938 524l-40 60 426 0 0 165 524 0 1369 0 0 0 526 0 0 -165 425 0 -40 -60 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/agitatore-optimix-adjustable' title='OPTIMIX adjustable'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/807_4_Ruehrwerk_Ruehrtunnel-1.jpg?m=1676910550" height="177" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>OPTIMIX adjustable</h2> the stationary submersible motor for your slalom system<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Optimix 2G: 9.0 / 13.5 / 15.0 kW</li> <li>Adjustable in height through cable winch</li> <li>Suitable for a pit depth of 4 m</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Slalom Channel</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M845 688l-29 43 2265 0 -29 -43 -2207 0zm1446 209l43 188 -65 0 -29 -188 -612 0 -29 188 -64 0 42 -188 -634 0 -216 341 385 0 101 -228 54 0 -83 228 708 0 9 -228 55 0 9 228 736 0 -83 -228 55 0 101 228 372 0 -211 -341 -644 0zm-1938 524l-40 60 426 0 0 165 524 0 1369 0 0 0 526 0 0 -165 425 0 -40 -60 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/suspension-mounting-ev3' title='Suspension mounting frame EV3'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/2404_4_Einhaengevorrichtung-EV3_Tauchmotor_Optimix.jpg?m=1683811983" alt="Einh盲ngevorrichtung EV3 mit Tauchmotorr眉hrwerk" height="177" title="Einh盲ngevorrichtung EV3 mit Tauchmotorr眉hrwerk" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>Suspension mounting frame EV3</h2> For plugging onto the wall and for a 4 - 12 m container height<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Suitable for tank depths up to 12 m</li> <li>For mounting onto the tank wall</li> <li>Lateral rotation +/- 60掳</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Lagoon</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M897 690l-30 43 2266 0 -30 -43 -2206 0zm133 209l258 341 1378 0 299 -341 -1935 0zm-251 341l464 0 -252 -335 -212 335zm1934 0l485 0 -201 -325 -284 325zm-2308 183l-40 59 631 0 319 166 1369 0 299 -166 652 0 -40 -59 -3190 0z"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/suspension-mounting-ev4' title='Suspension mounting frame EV4'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/1069_4_Einhaengevorrichtung-EV4_Tauchmotor_Optimix.jpg?m=1683631673" alt="Einh盲ngevorrichtung EV4 Tauchmotor Optimix" height="177" title="Einh盲ngevorrichtung EV4 Tauchmotor Optimix" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>Suspension mounting frame EV4</h2> For closed container with a height of 4 - 12 m<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Suitable for tank depths up to 12 m</li> <li>For mounting onto the concrete ceiling</li> <li>Vertically rotation +/- 60掳</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Tank concrete Top</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2943 592c0,-65 -441,-117 -984,-117 -543,0 -983,52 -983,117 0,37 440,117 983,117 543,0 984,-90 984,-117zm-986 861c0,0 -748,-13 -986,-103l0 -675 2 -1c68,21 362,102 980,102 624,0 918,-82 982,-103l7 3 1 674c-239,90 -986,103 -986,103z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 -197z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1222l0 -216c-43,0 -87,1 -132,0 -21,0 -41,1 -62,1 -24,0 -47,-1 -71,-1l0 216c43,1 87,1 133,0 45,1 89,0 132,0z"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <div class="ProduktClear"></div> <a class="ProduktdetailsA" href='/EN/agitators-agriculture/suspension-mounting-ev5' title='Suspension mounting frame EV5'> <div class="grid-33 mobile-grid-100 wow animated Produktliste"> <div class="Produktdetails">Productdetails</div> <img src="/tmb/1208_4_Einhaengevorrichtung-EV5_Tauchmotor_Optimix.jpg?m=1676910570" alt="Einh盲ngevorrichtung Optimix EV5" height="177" title="Einh盲ngevorrichtung Optimix EV5" width="347" loading="lazy" /> <h2>Suspension mounting frame EV5</h2> For plugging to the wall of a container with 4 - 12 m height<br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li>Suitable for tank depths up to 12 m</li> <li>Guiding mast: onto the inside tank wall</li> <li>Lift gallow: onto the outside tank wall</li> </ul> <div class="ProduktlisteFeld1"> <h3>Suitable for following tanks:</h3> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Closed Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2948 1348l-1 -666 -7 -4c-64,21 -358,103 -982,103 -617,0 -911,-80 -979,-102l-3 2 0 675c238,90 986,102 986,102 0,0 748,-12 986,-102l0 -8zm-996 -630c597,0 878,-70 939,-91l-935 -459 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Open Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2881 651c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2 0,-1 -1,-1 -1,-2l0 -1 0 0c-13,-65 -443,-110 -974,-111l-17 0c-539,1 -980,48 -980,100l0 0c0,3 3,7 9,11 -2,-1 -5,-2 -6,-2l-3 1 0 705c238,90 986,103 986,103 0,0 747,-13 986,-103l-1 -699zm-50 38c0,27 -418,74 -933,74 -515,0 -937,-37 -937,-74 0,-64 422,-96 937,-96 515,0 933,32 933,96z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 4511 2937" xmlns:xlink=""> <g> <title>Steel Tank</title> <rect class="svgbeh2" width="4000" height="2000"/> <g> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 1240c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 197c53,6 106,12 159,16l0 -196z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1120 1144c23,5 50,10 80,15l0 -216c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-14l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 1393l0 -198c-30,-5 -57,-10 -80,-15l0 197c25,6 52,11 80,16z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1256c-82,-2 -160,-6 -233,-12l0 197c85,6 166,11 233,15l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 1217c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 198c33,6 68,10 103,15l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 923c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 216c27,-5 50,-10 70,-15l0 -215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1603 764l0 194c72,5 150,10 233,12l0 -196c-85,-2 -163,-6 -233,-10z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2022 971c45,0 89,0 132,-1l0 -195c-45,1 -92,2 -142,2 -42,0 -83,-1 -123,-1l0 195c43,0 87,1 133,0z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1836 1005c-82,-2 -160,-7 -233,-12l0 216c72,6 150,10 233,12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1200 908l0 -193c-31,-6 -57,-12 -80,-17l0 195c23,4 50,10 80,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1130c24,-5 38,-9 44,-11l-1 -214c-9,2 -23,6 -43,10l0 215z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 945c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 216c41,-6 79,-12 113,-18l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 759c-58,-4 -111,-10 -159,-15l0 192c49,7 102,12 159,17l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 966c-37,-5 -71,-10 -103,-15l0 215c32,5 66,11 103,16l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1550 989c-57,-5 -110,-11 -159,-17l0 216c49,6 102,12 159,17l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1345 738c-37,-5 -72,-11 -103,-16l0 193c32,5 66,10 103,15l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 921c-24,-4 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 215c11,3 30,8 55,13l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 885l0 -196c-23,-6 -41,-11 -52,-14l-3 1 0 197c11,3 30,7 55,12z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2923 1175c-20,4 -43,9 -70,14l0 200c25,-4 48,-9 70,-14l0 -200z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2945 623l-935 -459 0 0 -940 460c65,21 346,90 936,90 597,0 878,-71 939,-91z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2853 709l0 192c27,-5 50,-10 70,-14l0 -193c-20,4 -43,10 -70,15z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 879c23,-5 38,-9 43,-11l0 -191 -7 -3c-8,3 -20,6 -36,11l0 194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M1085 1173c-24,-5 -42,-9 -55,-12l0 190c16,6 35,12 55,17l0 -195z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 717c-33,6 -71,12 -113,18l0 193c41,-7 79,-13 113,-19l0 -192z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2154 1257c-43,1 -87,1 -132,1 -21,0 -42,0 -62,0 -24,0 -48,0 -71,-1l0 202c78,3 127,5 127,5 0,0 55,-2 138,-6l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2958 1167l0 198c16,-4 31,-9 44,-14l0 -195c-10,2 -24,6 -44,11z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 763c-67,5 -142,8 -223,11l0 195c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -194z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2811 1196c-34,6 -72,12 -113,18l0 199c39,-5 77,-10 113,-16l0 -201z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 741c-50,7 -107,13 -169,18l0 194c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -193z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 969c-52,7 -108,13 -169,19l0 216c61,-6 118,-12 169,-19l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 992c-69,6 -144,10 -223,12l0 216c80,-2 154,-6 223,-12l0 -216z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2652 1221c-52,7 -108,13 -169,18l0 197c56,-5 113,-10 169,-17l0 -198z"/> <path class="svgbeh1" d="M2430 1244c-69,5 -144,9 -223,12l0 199c65,-3 142,-8 223,-14l0 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