Newsroom Staff - The Boston Globe
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US"><head><script id="onetrustCMP" src="" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"></script><script type="text/javascript"> (function() { window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { if (typeof window.__tcfapi === 'function') { window.__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, (tcData, success) => { if (success) { const gdprApplies = tcData.gdprApplies; if (gdprApplies === true) { var tcfScript = document.createElement('script'); tcfScript.async = true; tcfScript.type = 'text/javascript'; tcfScript.src = ''; document.head.appendChild(tcfScript); } } }); } }); })(); </script><script id="onetrustCCPA" src="" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"></script><script id="onetrustSDK" src="" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" data-domain-script="9b7b9f03-e1f2-44d1-89bc-1cfd1f3b8138"></script><script type="text/javascript"> (function () { function wrapperScript() { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-next-line window.OptanonWrapper = function () { /** * Checks if the user is from a GDPR specific region * using the __tcfapi function which in turn, uses the * getTCData command, which is to retrieve end-user consent * data for IAB purposes, vendors, legitimate interest, publisher * restrictions and more. If the user is from there, we set two localStorage items. */ function gdprHelper() { /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ if (typeof window.__tcfapi === 'function') { window.__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, function (tcData, success) { if (success) { var gdprString = tcData.tcString; var gdprCurrentString = localStorage.getItem('gdprString'); if (tcData.gdprApplies) { localStorage.setItem('gdprApplies', true); } else { localStorage.removeItem('gdprApplies'); localStorage.removeItem('gdprString'); } if (gdprString !== gdprCurrentString) { localStorage.setItem('gdprString', gdprString); } } }); } } /** * It creates a script tag and adds it to the body of the page. * */ function ccpaHelper() { /* The below code is checking if the __uspapi function exists and if it does, * it is calling the function and passing in the parameters. * resources: */ /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ if (typeof window.__uspapi === 'function') { window.__uspapi('getUSPData', 1, function (uspData, success) { if (success && uspData.uspString !== '1---') { localStorage.setItem('ccpaString', uspData.uspString); } }); } } /* eslint-enable no-underscore-dangle */ // Assign OnetrustActiveGroups to a custom initial variable so we can compare any changes to this data layer. function OneTrustGetInitialGroups() { window.OptanonWrapperCount = ''; // See window.OTinitGroups = window.OnetrustActiveGroups; } // Returns the OptanonConsent cookie using its name as a parameter. Not parsed. function OneTrustGetCookie(name) { var value = "; ".concat(document.cookie); var parts = value.split("; ".concat(name, "=")); if (parts.length === 2) { return decodeURIComponent(parts.pop().split(';').shift()); } return ''; } // Parses the OptanonConsent Cookie values only. We are interested in the groups (which carry the consent). // Returns an object with all the values of said cookie. function OneTrustGetConsentObject(OTcookie) { var OTConsentObj = {}; OTcookie === null || OTcookie === void 0 ? void 0 : OTcookie.split('&').forEach(function (pair) { if (pair !== '') { var splitpair = pair.split('='); var key = splitpair[0].charAt(0).toLowerCase() + splitpair[0].slice(1).split(' ').join(''); OTConsentObj[key] = splitpair[1]; } }); return OTConsentObj; } // Grabs the OptanonConsent cookie, turns this into an object (using OneTrustGetConsentObject), // targets the 'groups' value, turns it into an array, removes the first element of the array. function OneTrustGetGroups(cookie) { var OTConsentArr = []; var OTConsentGroupsStr = OneTrustGetConsentObject(cookie).groups || ''; OTConsentArr = OTConsentGroupsStr.split(','); OTConsentArr.shift(); return OTConsentArr; } // Sets the consent values based on the groups paramater, // which is an array of consent categories that has been parsed from the OptanonConsent cookie. function OneTrustSetConsentValues(groups) { // Create a json list with the values of each consent. // These values will be updated if the user starts to toggle consent. // We then create a local storage item to read these values in other parts of the theme that require it. // Converted to json in case we need to keep adding items. var jsonConsent = {}; groups.filter(function (str) { return str.includes('C000'); }).forEach(function (str) { var categoryArr = str.split(':'); var category = categoryArr[0]; var hasConsent = parseInt(categoryArr[1], 10); jsonConsent[category] = !!hasConsent; }); var consent = JSON.stringify(jsonConsent); localStorage.setItem('consent_one_trust_bgmp', consent); } /* eslint-enable no-underscore-dangle */ window.onload = function () { if (typeof window.OptanonWrapperCount === 'undefined') { // Consent has not fired. var OTConsentCookieInit = OneTrustGetCookie('OptanonConsent'); var OTConsentGroups = OneTrustGetGroups(OTConsentCookieInit); OneTrustGetInitialGroups(); OneTrustSetConsentValues(OTConsentGroups); gdprHelper(); ccpaHelper(); } }; // OneTrust event listener that fires whenever someone confirms cosent preferences (banner). window.Optanon.OnConsentChanged(function () { // window.OTinitGroups are the initial values of the OptanonConsent before the change and // window.OnetrustActiveGroups after someone has updated the values. window.OTinitGroups = window.OnetrustActiveGroups; var OTConsentCookieChanged = OneTrustGetCookie('OptanonConsent'); var OTConsentGroups = OneTrustGetGroups(OTConsentCookieChanged); OneTrustSetConsentValues(OTConsentGroups); gdprHelper(); ccpaHelper(); }); var optanonWrapperEvent = new CustomEvent('bgOptanonWrapperTrigger', { detail: { onetrustActiveGroups: window.OnetrustActiveGroups } }); window.dispatchEvent(optanonWrapperEvent); }; } } wrapperScript(); })(); </script><script class="optanon-category-C0001" type="text/plain"> (function () { var obj = window.OneTrust; var isGDPR = false; function runPubmaticFunction() { if(window.__tcfapi){ window.__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, (tcData, success) => { if (success) { const gdprApplies = tcData.gdprApplies; if(gdprApplies){ isGDPR = true; }else{ iSGDPR = false; } } }); } // These variables are defined server-side. var publisher = 159928; var profiles = {"desktop":{"gdpr":13040,"ngdpr":13041},"mobile":{"gdpr":13042,"ngdpr":13045}}; var mobileBreakpoint = 660; var gdprValue; if(isGDPR) { gdprValue = 'gdpr'; }else { gdprValue = 'ngdpr'; } // Nothing below is defined server-side. // Load Pubmatic. window.PWT = window.PWT || {}; var breakpoint = (window.innerWidth <= mobileBreakpoint) ? 'mobile' : 'desktop'; var purl = window.location.href; var url = '//' + publisher + '/' + profiles[breakpoint][gdprValue]; var profileVersionId = ''; if (purl.indexOf('pwtv=') > 0) { var regexp = /pwtv=(.*?)(&|$)/g; var matches = regexp.exec(purl); if (matches.length >= 2 && matches[1].length > 0) { profileVersionId = '/' + matches[1]; } } var pwtNode = document.createElement('script'); pwtNode.async = true; pwtNode.type = 'text/javascript'; pwtNode.src = url + profileVersionId + '/pwt.js'; document.head.appendChild(pwtNode); } // check if onetrust has successfully run. This will check for every 100ms until onetrust is set. var checkObjectInterval = setInterval(function() { if (typeof obj === 'object') { runPubmaticFunction(); clearInterval(checkObjectInterval); } }, 100); })(); </script><script type="text/javascript"> var _typeof2 = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && _typeof2(Symbol.iterator) === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof2(obj); } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof2(obj); }; function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; }return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } } /* Start ActivityMap Module The following module enables ActivityMap tracking in Adobe Analytics. ActivityMap allows you to view data overlays on your links and content to understand how users engage with your web site. If you do not intend to use ActivityMap, you can remove the following block of code from your AppMeasurement.js file. Additional documentation on how to configure ActivityMap is available at: */ function AppMeasurement_Module_ActivityMap(f) { function g(a, d) { var b = void 0, c = void 0, n = void 0;if (a && d && (b = e.c[d] || (e.c[d] = d.split(',')))) for (n = 0; n < b.length && (c = b[n++]);) { if (a.indexOf(c) > -1) return null; }p = 1;return a; }function q(a, d, b, c, e) { var g = void 0, h = void 0;if (a.dataset && (h = a.dataset[d])) g = h;else if (a.getAttribute) if (h = a.getAttribute('data-' + b)) g = h;else if (h = a.getAttribute(b)) g = h;if (!g && f.useForcedLinkTracking && e && (g = '', d = a.onclick ? '' + a.onclick : '')) { b = d.indexOf(c);var l = void 0, _k = void 0;if (b >= 0) { for (b += 10; b < d.length && '= \t\r\n'.indexOf(d.charAt(b)) >= 0;) { b++; }if (b < d.length) { h = b;for (l = _k = 0; h < d.length && (d.charAt(h) != ';' || l);) { l ? d.charAt(h) != l || _k ? _k = d.charAt(h) == '\\' ? !_k : 0 : l = 0 : (l = d.charAt(h), l != '"' && l != "'" && (l = 0)), h++; }if (d = d.substring(b, h)) a.e = new Function('s', 'var e;try{s.w.' + c + '=' + d + '}catch(e){}'), a.e(f); } } }return g || e && f.w[c]; }function r(a, d, b) { var c = void 0;return (c = e[d](a, b)) && (p ? (p = 0, c) : g(k(c), e[d + 'Exclusions'])); }function s(a, d, b) { var c = void 0;if (a && !((c = a.nodeType) === 1 && (c = a.nodeName) && (c = c.toUpperCase()) && t[c]) && (a.nodeType === 1 && (c = a.nodeValue) && (d[d.length] = c), b.a || b.t || b.s || !a.getAttribute || ((c = a.getAttribute('alt')) ? b.a = c : (c = a.getAttribute('title')) ? b.t = c : ('' + a.nodeName).toUpperCase() == 'IMG' && (c = a.getAttribute('src') || a.src) && (b.s = c)), (c = a.childNodes) && c.length)) for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) { s(c[a], d, b); } }function k(a) { if (a == null || void 0 == a) return a;try { return a.replace(RegExp("^[\\s\\n\\f\\r\\t\t-\r \xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]+", 'mg'), '').replace(RegExp("[\\s\\n\\f\\r\\t\t-\r \xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]+$", 'mg'), '').replace(RegExp("[\\s\\n\\f\\r\\t\t-\r \xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]{1,}", 'mg'), ' ').substring(0, 254); } catch (d) {} }var e = this;e.s = f;var m = window;m.s_c_in || (m.s_c_il = [], m.s_c_in = 0);e._il = m.s_c_il;e._in = m.s_c_in;e._il[e._in] = e;m.s_c_in++;e._c = 's_m';e.c = {};var p = 0, t = { SCRIPT: 1, STYLE: 1, LINK: 1, CANVAS: 1 };e._g = function () { var a = void 0, d = void 0, b = void 0, c = f.contextData, e = f.linkObject;(a = f.pageName || f.pageURL) && (d = r(e, 'link', f.linkName)) && (b = r(e, 'region')) && (c[''] = a.substring(0, 255), c[''] = d.length > 128 ? d.substring(0, 128) : d, c['a.activitymap.region'] = b.length > 127 ? b.substring(0, 127) : b, c['a.activitymap.pageIDType'] = f.pageName ? 1 : 0); }; = function (a, d) { var b = void 0;if (d) b = g(k(d), e.linkExclusions);else if ((b = a) && !(b = q(a, 'sObjectId', 's-object-id', 's_objectID', 1))) { var c = void 0, _f = void 0;(_f = g(k(a.innerText || a.textContent), e.linkExclusions)) || (s(a, c = [], b = { a: void 0, t: void 0, s: void 0 }), (_f = g(k(c.join('')))) || (_f = g(k(b.a ? b.a : b.t ? b.t : b.s ? b.s : void 0))) || !(c = (c = a.tagName) && c.toUpperCase ? c.toUpperCase() : '') || (c == 'INPUT' || c == 'SUBMIT' && a.value ? _f = g(k(a.value)) : c == 'IMAGE' && a.src && (_f = g(k(a.src)))));b = _f; }return b; };e.region = function (a) { for (var d, b = e.regionIDAttribute || 'id'; a && (a = a.parentNode);) { if (d = q(a, b, b, b)) return d;if (a.nodeName == 'BODY') return 'BODY'; } }; } /* End ActivityMap Module */ /* ============== DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ! =============== AppMeasurement for JavaScript version: 2.9.0 Copyright 1996-2016 Adobe, Inc. All Rights Reserved More info available at */ function AppMeasurement(r) { var a = this;a.version = '2.9.0';var k = window;k.s_c_in || (k.s_c_il = [], k.s_c_in = 0);a._il = k.s_c_il;a._in = k.s_c_in;a._il[a._in] = a;k.s_c_in++;a._c = 's_c';var p = k.AppMeasurement.Mb;p || (p = null);var n = k, m = void 0, s = void 0;try { for (m = n.parent, s = n.location; m && m.location && s && '' + m.location != '' + s && n.location && '' + m.location != '' + n.location && ==;) { n = m, m = n.parent; } } catch (u) {}a.D = function (a) { try { console.log(a); } catch (b) {} };a.Ga = function (a) { return '' + parseInt(a) == '' + a; };a.replace = function (a, b, d) { return !a || a.indexOf(b) < 0 ? a : a.split(b).join(d); };a.escape = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0;if (!c) return c;c = encodeURIComponent(c);for (b = 0; b < 7; b++) { d = "+~!*()'".substring(b, b + 1), c.indexOf(d) >= 0 && (c = a.replace(c, d, '%' + d.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase())); }return c; };a.unescape = function (c) { if (!c) return c;c = c.indexOf('+') >= 0 ? a.replace(c, '+', ' ') : c;try { return decodeURIComponent(c); } catch (b) {}return unescape(c); };a.tb = function () { var c = k.location.hostname, b = a.fpCookieDomainPeriods, d = void 0;b || (b = a.cookieDomainPeriods);if (c && !a.ya && !/^[0-9.]+$/.test(c) && (b = b ? parseInt(b) : 2, b = b > 2 ? b : 2, d = c.lastIndexOf('.'), d >= 0)) { for (; d >= 0 && b > 1;) { d = c.lastIndexOf('.', d - 1), b--; }a.ya = d > 0 ? c.substring(d) : c; }return a.ya; };a.c_r = a.cookieRead = function (c) { c = a.escape(c);var b = ' ' + a.d.cookie, d = b.indexOf(' ' + c + '='), f = d < 0 ? d : b.indexOf(';', d);c = d < 0 ? '' : a.unescape(b.substring(d + 2 + c.length, f < 0 ? b.length : f));return c != '[[B]]' ? c : ''; };a.c_w = a.cookieWrite = function (c, b, d) { var f = a.tb(), e = a.cookieLifetime, g = void 0;b = '' + b;e = e ? ('' + e).toUpperCase() : '';d && e != 'SESSION' && e != 'NONE' && ((g = b != '' ? parseInt(e || 0) : -60) ? (d = new Date(), d.setTime(d.getTime() + 1E3 * g)) : d == 1 && (d = new Date(), g = d.getYear(), d.setYear(g + 5 + (g < 1900 ? 1900 : 0))));return c && e != 'NONE' ? (a.d.cookie = a.escape(c) + '=' + a.escape(b != '' ? b : '[[B]]') + '; path=/;' + (d && e != 'SESSION' ? ' expires=' + d.toUTCString() + ';' : '') + (f ? ' domain=' + f + ';' : ''), a.cookieRead(c) == b) : 0; };a.qb = function () { var c = a.Util.getIeVersion();typeof c === 'number' && c < 10 && (a.unsupportedBrowser = !0, a.fb(a, function () {})); };a.fb = function (a, b) { for (var d in a) { a.hasOwnProperty(d) && typeof a[d] === 'function' && (a[d] = b); } }; a.L = []; = function (c, b, d) { if ( return 0;a.maxDelay || (a.maxDelay = 250);var f = 0, e = new Date().getTime() + a.maxDelay, g = a.d.visibilityState, h = ['webkitvisibilitychange', 'visibilitychange'];g || (g = a.d.webkitVisibilityState);if (g && g == 'prerender') { if (! for ( = 1, d = 0; d < h.length; d++) { a.d.addEventListener(h[d], function () { var c = a.d.visibilityState;c || (c = a.d.webkitVisibilityState);c == 'visible' && ( = 0, a.delayReady()); }); }f = 1;e = 0; } else d || a.o('_d') && (f = 1);f && (a.L.push({ m: c, a: b, t: e }), || setTimeout(a.delayReady, a.maxDelay));return f; };a.delayReady = function () { var c = new Date().getTime(), b = 0, d = void 0;for (a.o('_d') ? b = 1 :; a.L.length > 0;) { d = a.L.shift();if (b && !d.t && d.t > c) { a.L.unshift(d);setTimeout(a.delayReady, parseInt(a.maxDelay / 2));break; } = 1;a[d.m].apply(a, _toConsumableArray(d.a)); = 0; } };a.setAccount = = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0;if (!'setAccount', arguments)) { if (a.account = c, a.allAccounts) for (b = a.allAccounts.concat(c.split(',')), a.allAccounts = [], b.sort(), d = 0; d < b.length; d++) { d != 0 && b[d - 1] == b[d] || a.allAccounts.push(b[d]); } else { a.allAccounts = c.split(','); } } };a.foreachVar = function (c, b) { var d = void 0, f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0, h = '';e = f = '';if (a.lightProfileID) d = a.P, (h = a.lightTrackVars) && (h = ',' + h + ',' +',') + ',');else { d = a.g;if ( || a.linkType) h = a.linkTrackVars, f = a.linkTrackEvents, && (e =, 1).toUpperCase() +, a[e] && (h = a[e].Kb, f = a[e].Jb));h && (h = ',' + h + ',' + a.G.join(',') + ',');f && h && (h += ',events,'); }b && (b = ',' + b + ',');for (f = 0; f < d.length; f++) { e = d[f], (g = a[e]) && (!h || h.indexOf(',' + e + ',') >= 0) && (!b || b.indexOf(',' + e + ',') >= 0) && c(e, g); } };a.q = function (c, b, d, f, e) { var g = '', h = void 0, l = void 0, k = void 0, q = void 0, m = 0;c == 'contextData' && (c = 'c');if (b) { for (h in b) { if (!(Object.prototype[h] || e && h.substring(0, e.length) != e) && b[h] && (!d || d.indexOf(',' + (f ? f + '.' : '') + h + ',') >= 0)) { k = !1;if (m) for (l = 0; l < m.length; l++) { h.substring(0, m[l].length) == m[l] && (k = !0); }if (!k && (g == '' && (g += '&' + c + '.'), l = b[h], e && (h = h.substring(e.length)), h.length > 0)) { if (k = h.indexOf('.'), k > 0) l = h.substring(0, k), k = (e || '') + l + '.', m || (m = []), m.push(k), g += a.q(l, b, d, f, k);else if (typeof l === 'boolean' && (l = l ? 'true' : 'false'), l) { if (f == 'retrieveLightData' && e.indexOf('.contextData.') < 0) switch (k = h.substring(0, 4), q = h.substring(4), h) {case 'transactionID': h = 'xact';break;case 'channel': h = 'ch';break;case 'campaign': h = 'v0';break;default: a.Ga(q) && (k == 'prop' ? h = 'c' + q : k == 'eVar' ? h = 'v' + q : k == 'list' ? h = 'l' + q : k == 'hier' && (h = 'h' + q, l = l.substring(0, 255)));}g += '&' + a.escape(h) + '=' + a.escape(l); } } } }g != '' && (g += '&.' + c); }return g; };a.usePostbacks = 0;a.wb = function () { var c = '', b = void 0, d = void 0, f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0, h = void 0, l = void 0, k = void 0, q = '', m = '', n = e = '';if (a.lightProfileID) { b = a.P, (q = a.lightTrackVars) && (q = ',' + q + ',' +',') + ','); } else { b = a.g;if ( || a.linkType) q = a.linkTrackVars, m = a.linkTrackEvents, && (e =, 1).toUpperCase() +, a[e] && (q = a[e].Kb, m = a[e].Jb));q && (q = ',' + q + ',' + a.G.join(',') + ',');m && (m = ',' + m + ',', q && (q += ',events,'));a.events2 && (n += (n != '' ? ',' : '') + a.events2); }if (a.visitor && a.visitor.getCustomerIDs) { e = p;if (g = a.visitor.getCustomerIDs()) for (d in g) { Object.prototype[d] || (f = g[d], (typeof f === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(f)) === 'object' && (e || (e = {}), && (e[d + '.id'] =, f.authState && (e[d + '.as'] = f.authState))); }e && (c += a.q('cid', e)); }a.AudienceManagement && a.AudienceManagement.isReady() && (c += a.q('d', a.AudienceManagement.getEventCallConfigParams()));for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) { e = b[d];g = a[e];f = e.substring(0, 4);h = e.substring(4);g || (e == 'events' && n ? (g = n, n = '') : e == 'marketingCloudOrgID' && a.visitor && (g = a.visitor.marketingCloudOrgID));if (g && (!q || q.indexOf(',' + e + ',') >= 0)) { switch (e) { case 'customerPerspective': e = 'cp';break;case 'marketingCloudOrgID': e = 'mcorgid';break;case 'supplementalDataID': e = 'sdid';break;case 'timestamp': e = 'ts';break;case 'dynamicVariablePrefix': e = 'D';break;case 'visitorID': e = 'vid';break;case 'marketingCloudVisitorID': e = 'mid';break;case 'analyticsVisitorID': e = 'aid';break;case 'audienceManagerLocationHint': e = 'aamlh';break;case 'audienceManagerBlob': e = 'aamb';break;case 'authState': e = 'as';break;case 'pageURL': e = 'g';g.length > 255 && (a.pageURLRest = g.substring(255), g = g.substring(0, 255));break;case 'pageURLRest': e = '-g';break;case 'referrer': e = 'r';break;case 'vmk':case 'visitorMigrationKey': e = 'vmt';break;case 'visitorMigrationServer': e = 'vmf';a.ssl && a.visitorMigrationServerSecure && (g = '');break;case 'visitorMigrationServerSecure': e = 'vmf';!a.ssl && a.visitorMigrationServer && (g = '');break;case 'charSet': e = 'ce';break;case 'visitorNamespace': e = 'ns';break;case 'cookieDomainPeriods': e = 'cdp';break;case 'cookieLifetime': e = 'cl';break;case 'variableProvider': e = 'vvp';break;case 'currencyCode': e = 'cc';break;case 'channel': e = 'ch';break;case 'transactionID': e = 'xact';break;case 'campaign': e = 'v0';break;case 'latitude': e = 'lat';break;case 'longitude': e = 'lon';break; case 'resolution': e = 's';break;case 'colorDepth': e = 'c';break;case 'javascriptVersion': e = 'j';break;case 'javaEnabled': e = 'v';break;case 'cookiesEnabled': e = 'k';break;case 'browserWidth': e = 'bw';break;case 'browserHeight': e = 'bh';break;case 'connectionType': e = 'ct';break;case 'homepage': e = 'hp';break;case 'events': n && (g += (g != '' ? ',' : '') + n);if (m) { for (h = g.split(','), g = '', f = 0; f < h.length; f++) { l = h[f], k = l.indexOf('='), k >= 0 && (l = l.substring(0, k)), k = l.indexOf(':'), k >= 0 && (l = l.substring(0, k)), m.indexOf(',' + l + ',') >= 0 && (g += (g ? ',' : '') + h[f]); } }break;case 'events2': g = '';break;case 'contextData': c += a.q('c', a[e], q, e);g = '';break;case 'lightProfileID': e = 'mtp';break;case 'lightStoreForSeconds': e = 'mtss';a.lightProfileID || (g = '');break;case 'lightIncrementBy': e = 'mti';a.lightProfileID || (g = '');break;case 'retrieveLightProfiles': e = 'mtsr';break;case 'deleteLightProfiles': e = 'mtsd';break;case 'retrieveLightData': a.retrieveLightProfiles && (c += a.q('mts', a[e], q, e));g = '';break;default: a.Ga(h) && (f == 'prop' ? e = 'c' + h : f == 'eVar' ? e = 'v' + h : f == 'list' ? e = 'l' + h : f == 'hier' && (e = 'h' + h, g = g.substring(0, 255))); }g && (c += '&' + e + '=' + (e.substring(0, 3) != 'pev' ? a.escape(g) : g)); }e == 'pev3' && a.e && (c += a.e); }a.fa && (c += '&lrt=' + a.fa, a.fa = null);return c; };a.C = function (a) { var b = a.tagName;if ('' + a.Pb != 'undefined' || '' + a.Fb != 'undefined' && ('' + a.Fb).toUpperCase() != 'HTML') return '';b = b && b.toUpperCase ? b.toUpperCase() : '';b == 'SHAPE' && (b = '');b && ((b == 'INPUT' || b == 'BUTTON') && a.type && a.type.toUpperCase ? b = a.type.toUpperCase() : !b && a.href && (b = 'A'));return b; };a.Ca = function (a) { var b = k.location, d = a.href ? a.href : '', f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0;f = d.indexOf(':');e = d.indexOf('?');g = d.indexOf('/');d && (f < 0 || e >= 0 && f > e || g >= 0 && f > g) && (e = a.protocol && a.protocol.length > 1 ? a.protocol : b.protocol ? b.protocol : '', f = b.pathname.lastIndexOf('/'), d = (e ? e + '//' : '') + ( ? : ? : '') + (d.substring(0, 1) != '/' ? b.pathname.substring(0, f < 0 ? 0 : f) + '/' : '') + d);return d; };a.M = function (c) { var b = a.C(c), d = void 0, f = void 0, e = '', g = 0;return b && (d = c.protocol, f = c.onclick, !c.href || b != 'A' && b != 'AREA' || f && d && !(d.toLowerCase().indexOf('javascript') < 0) ? f ? (e = a.replace(a.replace(a.replace(a.replace('' + f, '\r', ''), '\n', ''), '\t', ''), ' ', ''), g = 2) : b == 'INPUT' || b == 'SUBMIT' ? (c.value ? e = c.value : c.innerText ? e = c.innerText : c.textContent && (e = c.textContent), g = 3) : b == 'IMAGE' && c.src && (e = c.src) : e = a.Ca(c), e) ? { id: e.substring(0, 100), type: g } : 0; };a.Nb = function (c) { for (var b = a.C(c), d = a.M(c); c && !d && b != 'BODY';) { if (c = c.parentElement ? c.parentElement : c.parentNode) b = a.C(c), d = a.M(c); }d && b != 'BODY' || (c = 0);c && (b = c.onclick ? '' + c.onclick : '', b.indexOf('.tl(') >= 0 || b.indexOf('.trackLink(') >= 0) && (c = 0);return c; };a.Eb = function () { var c = void 0, b = void 0, d = a.linkObject, f = a.linkType, e = a.linkURL, g = void 0, h = void 0;a.ha = 1;d || (a.ha = 0, d = a.clickObject);if (d) { c = a.C(d);for (b = a.M(d); d && !b && c != 'BODY';) { if (d = d.parentElement ? d.parentElement : d.parentNode) c = a.C(d), b = a.M(d); }b && c != 'BODY' || (d = 0);if (d && !a.linkObject) { var l = d.onclick ? '' + d.onclick : '';if (l.indexOf('.tl(') >= 0 || l.indexOf('.trackLink(') >= 0) d = 0; } } else a.ha = 1;!e && d && (e = a.Ca(d));e && !a.linkLeaveQueryString && (g = e.indexOf('?'), g >= 0 && (e = e.substring(0, g)));if (!f && e) { var _m = 0, q = 0, _n = void 0;if (a.trackDownloadLinks && a.linkDownloadFileTypes) { for (l = e.toLowerCase(), g = l.indexOf('?'), h = l.indexOf('#'), g >= 0 ? h >= 0 && h < g && (g = h) : g = h, g >= 0 && (l = l.substring(0, g)), g = a.linkDownloadFileTypes.toLowerCase().split(','), h = 0; h < g.length; h++) { (_n = g[h]) && l.substring(l.length - (_n.length + 1)) == '.' + _n && (f = 'd'); } }if (a.trackExternalLinks && !f && (l = e.toLowerCase(), a.Fa(l) && (a.linkInternalFilters || (a.linkInternalFilters = k.location.hostname), g = 0, a.linkExternalFilters ? (g = a.linkExternalFilters.toLowerCase().split(','), _m = 1) : a.linkInternalFilters && (g = a.linkInternalFilters.toLowerCase().split(',')), g))) { for (h = 0; h < g.length; h++) { _n = g[h], l.indexOf(_n) >= 0 && (q = 1); }q ? _m && (f = 'e') : _m || (f = 'e'); } }a.linkObject = d;a.linkURL = e;a.linkType = f;if (a.trackClickMap || a.trackInlineStats) a.e = '', d && (f = a.pageName, e = 1, d = d.sourceIndex, f || (f = a.pageURL, e = 0), k.s_objectID && ( = k.s_objectID, d = b.type = 1), f && b && && c && (a.e = '&pid=' + a.escape(f.substring(0, 255)) + (e ? '&pidt=' + e : '') + '&oid=' + a.escape(, 100)) + (b.type ? '&oidt=' + b.type : '') + '&ot=' + c + (d ? '&oi=' + d : ''))); };a.xb = function () { var c = a.ha, b = a.linkType, d = a.linkURL, f = a.linkName;b && (d || f) && (b = b.toLowerCase(), b != 'd' && b != 'e' && (b = 'o'), = 'lnk_' + b, a.pev1 = d ? a.escape(d) : '', a.pev2 = f ? a.escape(f) : '', c = 1);a.abort && (c = 0);if (a.trackClickMap || a.trackInlineStats || a.Ab()) { var b = {}, d = 0, e = a.cookieRead('s_sq'), g = e ? e.split('&') : 0, h, l, k, e = 0;if (g) for (h = 0; h < g.length; h++) { l = g[h].split('='), f = a.unescape(l[0]).split(','), l = a.unescape(l[1]), b[l] = f; }f = a.account.split(',');h = {};for (k in a.contextData) { k && !Object.prototype[k] && k.substring(0, 14) == 'a.activitymap.' && (h[k] = a.contextData[k], a.contextData[k] = ''); }a.e = a.q('c', h) + (a.e ? a.e : '');if (c || a.e) { c && !a.e && (e = 1);for (l in b) { if (!Object.prototype[l]) for (k = 0; k < f.length; k++) { for (e && (g = b[l].join(','), g == a.account && (a.e += (l.charAt(0) != '&' ? '&' : '') + l, b[l] = [], d = 1)), h = 0; h < b[l].length; h++) { g = b[l][h], g == f[k] && (e && (a.e += '&u=' + a.escape(g) + (l.charAt(0) != '&' ? '&' : '') + l + '&u=0'), b[l].splice(h, 1), d = 1); } } }c || (d = 1);if (d) { e = '';h = 2;!c && a.e && (e = a.escape(f.join(',')) + '=' + a.escape(a.e), h = 1);for (l in b) { !Object.prototype[l] && h > 0 && b[l].length > 0 && (e += (e ? '&' : '') + a.escape(b[l].join(',')) + '=' + a.escape(l), h--); }a.cookieWrite('s_sq', e); } } }return c; };a.yb = function () { if (!a.Ib) { var c = new Date(), b = n.location, d = void 0, f = void 0, e = f = d = '', g = '', h = '', l = '1.2', _k2 = a.cookieWrite('s_cc', 'true', 0) ? 'Y' : 'N', _m2 = '', _p = '';if (c.setUTCDate && (l = '1.3', 0 .toPrecision && (l = '1.5', c = [], c.forEach))) { l = '1.6';f = 0;d = {};try { f = new Iterator(d), && (l = '1.7', c.reduce && (l = '1.8', l.trim && (l = '1.8.1', Date.parse && (l = '1.8.2', Object.create && (l = '1.8.5'))))); } catch (r) {} }d = screen.width + 'x' + screen.height;e = navigator.javaEnabled() ? 'Y' : 'N';f = screen.pixelDepth ? screen.pixelDepth : screen.colorDepth;g = a.w.innerWidth ? a.w.innerWidth : a.d.documentElement.offsetWidth;h = a.w.innerHeight ? a.w.innerHeight : a.d.documentElement.offsetHeight;try { a.b.addBehavior('#default#homePage'), _m2 = a.b.Ob(b) ? 'Y' : 'N'; } catch (s) {}try { a.b.addBehavior('#default#clientCaps'), _p = a.b.connectionType; } catch (t) {}a.resolution = d;a.colorDepth = f;a.javascriptVersion = l;a.javaEnabled = e;a.cookiesEnabled = _k2;a.browserWidth = g;a.browserHeight = h;a.connectionType = _p;a.homepage = _m2;a.Ib = 1; } };a.Q = {};a.loadModule = function (c, b) { var d = a.Q[c];if (!d) { d = k['AppMeasurement_Module_' + c] ? new k['AppMeasurement_Module_' + c](a) : {};a.Q[c] = a[c] = d;d.Za = function () { return d.eb; }; = function (b) { if (d.eb = b) a[c + '_onLoad'] = b, + '_onLoad', [a, d], 1) || b(a, d); };try { Object.defineProperty ? Object.defineProperty(d, 'onLoad', { get: d.Za, set: }) : d._olc = 1; } catch (f) { d._olc = 1; } }b && (a[c + '_onLoad'] = b, + '_onLoad', [a, d], 1) || b(a, d)); };a.o = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0;for (b in a.Q) { if (!Object.prototype[b] && (d = a.Q[b]) && (d._olc && d.onLoad && (d._olc = 0, d.onLoad(a, d)), d[c] && d[c]())) return 1; }return 0; };a.Ab = function () { return a.ActivityMap && a.ActivityMap._c ? !0 : !1; };a.Bb = function () { var c = Math.floor(1E13 * Math.random()), b = a.visitorSampling, d = a.visitorSamplingGroup, d = 's_vsn_' + (a.visitorNamespace ? a.visitorNamespace : a.account) + (d ? '_' + d : ''), f = a.cookieRead(d);if (b) { b *= 100;f && (f = parseInt(f));if (!f) { if (!a.cookieWrite(d, c)) return 0;f = c; }if (f % 1E4 > b) return 0; }return 1; };a.R = function (c, b) { var d = void 0, f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0, h = void 0, l = void 0;for (d = 0; d < 2; d++) { for (f = d > 0 ? : a.g, e = 0; e < f.length; e++) { if (g = f[e], (h = c[g]) || c['!' + g]) { if (!b && (g == 'contextData' || g == 'retrieveLightData') && a[g]) for (l in a[g]) { h[l] || (h[l] = a[g][l]); }a[g] = h; } } } };a.Qa = function (c, b) { var d = void 0, f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0;for (d = 0; d < 2; d++) { for (f = d > 0 ? : a.g, e = 0; e < f.length; e++) { g = f[e], c[g] = a[g], b || c[g] || (c['!' + g] = 1); } } }; = function (a) { var b = void 0, d = void 0, f = void 0, e = void 0, g = void 0, h = 0, l = void 0, k = '', m = '';if (a && a.length > 255 && (b = '' + a, d = b.indexOf('?'), d > 0 && (l = b.substring(d + 1), b = b.substring(0, d), e = b.toLowerCase(), f = 0, e.substring(0, 7) == 'http://' ? f += 7 : e.substring(0, 8) == 'https://' && (f += 8), d = e.indexOf('/', f), d > 0 && (e = e.substring(f, d), g = b.substring(d), b = b.substring(0, d), e.indexOf('google') >= 0 ? h = ',q,ie,start,search_key,word,kw,cd,' : e.indexOf('') >= 0 && (h = ',p,ei,'), h && l)))) { if ((a = l.split('&')) && a.length > 1) { for (f = 0; f < a.length; f++) { e = a[f], d = e.indexOf('='), d > 0 && h.indexOf(',' + e.substring(0, d) + ',') >= 0 ? k += (k ? '&' : '') + e : m += (m ? '&' : '') + e; }k && m ? l = k + '&' + m : m = ''; }d = 253 - (l.length - m.length) - b.length;a = b + (d > 0 ? g.substring(0, d) : '') + '?' + l; }return a; };a.Ta = function (c) { var b = a.d.visibilityState, d = ['webkitvisibilitychange', 'visibilitychange'];b || (b = a.d.webkitVisibilityState); if (b && b == 'prerender') { if (c) for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) { a.d.addEventListener(d[b], function () { var b = a.d.visibilityState;b || (b = a.d.webkitVisibilityState);b == 'visible' && c(); }); }return !1; }return !0; };a.X = !1;a.J = !1;a.ib = function () { a.J = !0;a.H(); };a.Y = !1;a.S = !1;a.jb = function (c) { a.marketingCloudVisitorID = c.MCMID;a.visitorOptedOut = c.MCOPTOUT;a.analyticsVisitorID = c.MCAID;a.audienceManagerLocationHint = c.MCAAMLH;a.audienceManagerBlob = c.MCAAMB;a.S = !0;a.H(); };a.Sa = function (c) { a.maxDelay || (a.maxDelay = 250);return a.o('_d') ? (c && setTimeout(function () { c(); }, a.maxDelay), !1) : !0; };a.W = !1;a.I = !1; = function () { a.I = !0;a.H(); };a.isReadyToTrack = function () { var c = !0, b = a.visitor;a.X || a.J || (a.Ta(a.ib) ? a.J = !0 : a.X = !0);if (a.X && !a.J) return !1;b && b.isAllowed() && (a.Y || a.marketingCloudVisitorID || !b.getVisitorValues || (a.Y = !0, a.marketingCloudVisitorID ? a.S = !0 : b.getVisitorValues(a.jb)), c = !a.Y || a.S || a.marketingCloudVisitorID ? !0 : !1);a.W || a.I || (a.Sa( ? a.I = !0 : a.W = !0);a.W && !a.I && (c = !1);return c; };a.l = p;a.r = 0;a.callbackWhenReadyToTrack = function (c, b, d) { var f = void 0;f = {};f.nb = c;f.mb = b;f.kb = d;a.l == p && (a.l = []);a.l.push(f);a.r == 0 && (a.r = setInterval(a.H, 100)); };a.H = function () { var c = void 0;if (a.isReadyToTrack() && (a.hb(), a.l != p)) for (; a.l.length > 0;) { c = a.l.shift(), c.mb.apply(c.nb, c.kb); } };a.hb = function () { a.r && (clearInterval(a.r), a.r = 0); };a.ab = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0, f = p, e = p;if (!a.isReadyToTrack()) { b = [];if (c != p) for (d in f = {}, c) { f[d] = c[d]; }e = {};a.Qa(e, !0);b.push(f);b.push(e);a.callbackWhenReadyToTrack(a, a.track, b);return !0; }return !1; };a.ub = function () { var c = a.cookieRead('s_fid'), b = '', d = '', f = void 0;f = 8;var e = 4;if (!c || c.indexOf('-') < 0) { for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) { f = Math.floor(Math.random() * f), b += '0123456789ABCDEF'.substring(f, f + 1), f = Math.floor(Math.random() * e), d += '0123456789ABCDEF'.substring(f, f + 1), f = e = 16; }c = b + '-' + d; }a.cookieWrite('s_fid', c, 1) || (c = 0);return c; };a.t = a.track = function (c, b) { var d, f = new Date(), e = 's' + Math.floor(f.getTime() / 108E5) % 10 + Math.floor(1E13 * Math.random()), g = f.getYear(), g = 't=' + a.escape(f.getDate() + '/' + f.getMonth() + '/' + (g < 1900 ? g + 1900 : g) + ' ' + f.getHours() + ':' + f.getMinutes() + ':' + f.getSeconds() + ' ' + f.getDay() + ' ' + f.getTimezoneOffset());a.visitor && a.visitor.getAuthState && (a.authState = a.visitor.getAuthState());a.o('_s');a.ab(c) || (b && a.R(b), c && (d = {}, a.Qa(d, 0), a.R(c)), a.Bb() && !a.visitorOptedOut && (a.analyticsVisitorID || a.marketingCloudVisitorID || (a.fid = a.ub()), a.Eb(), a.usePlugins && a.doPlugins && a.doPlugins(a), a.account && (a.abort || (a.trackOffline && !a.timestamp && (a.timestamp = Math.floor(f.getTime() / 1E3)), f = k.location, a.pageURL || (a.pageURL = f.href ? f.href : f), a.referrer || a.Ra || (f = a.Util.getQueryParam('adobe_mc_ref', null, null, !0), a.referrer = f || void 0 === f ? void 0 === f ? '' : f : n.document.referrer), a.Ra = 1, a.referrer =, a.o('_g')), a.xb() && !a.abort && (a.visitor && !a.supplementalDataID && a.visitor.getSupplementalDataID && (a.supplementalDataID = a.visitor.getSupplementalDataID('AppMeasurement:' + a._in, a.expectSupplementalData ? !1 : !0)), a.yb(), g += a.wb(), a.cb(e, g), a.o('_t'), a.referrer = ''))), c && a.R(d, 1));a.abort = a.supplementalDataID = a.timestamp = a.pageURLRest = a.linkObject = a.clickObject = a.linkURL = a.linkName = a.linkType = k.s_objectID = = a.pev1 = a.pev2 = a.pev3 = a.e = a.lightProfileID = 0; };a.ta = [];a.registerPreTrackCallback = function (c) { for (var b = [], d = 1; d < arguments.length; d++) { b.push(arguments[d]); }typeof c === 'function' ? a.ta.push([c, b]) : a.debugTracking && a.D('DEBUG: Non function type passed to registerPreTrackCallback'); };a.Wa = function (c) { a.oa(a.ta, c); };a.ra = [];a.registerPostTrackCallback = function (c) { for (var b = [], d = 1; d < arguments.length; d++) { b.push(arguments[d]); }typeof c === 'function' ? a.ra.push([c, b]) : a.debugTracking && a.D('DEBUG: Non function type passed to registerPostTrackCallback'); }; a.Va = function (c) { a.oa(a.ra, c); };a.oa = function (c, b) { if ((typeof c === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(c)) === 'object') { for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { var f = c[d][0], e = c[d][1].slice();e.unshift(b);if (typeof f === 'function') try { f.apply(undefined, _toConsumableArray(e)); } catch (g) { a.debugTracking && a.D(g.message); } } } }; = a.trackLink = function (c, b, d, f, e) { a.linkObject = c;a.linkType = b;a.linkName = d;e && (a.k = c, a.v = e);return a.track(f); };a.trackLight = function (c, b, d, f) { a.lightProfileID = c;a.lightStoreForSeconds = b;a.lightIncrementBy = d;return a.track(f); };a.clearVars = function () { var c = void 0, b = void 0;for (c = 0; c < a.g.length; c++) { if (b = a.g[c], b.substring(0, 4) == 'prop' || b.substring(0, 4) == 'eVar' || b.substring(0, 4) == 'hier' || b.substring(0, 4) == 'list' || b == 'channel' || b == 'events' || b == 'eventList' || b == 'products' || b == 'productList' || b == 'purchaseID' || b == 'transactionID' || b == 'state' || b == 'zip' || b == 'campaign') a[b] = void 0; } };a.tagContainerMarker = '';a.cb = function (c, b) { var d = a.Xa() + '/' + c + '?AQB=1&ndh=1&pf=1&' + ( ? 'callback=s_c_il[' + a._in + '].doPostbacks&et=1&' : '') + b + '&AQE=1';a.Wa(d);a.Ua(d);a.T(); };a.Xa = function () { var c = a.Ya();return 'http' + (a.ssl ? 's' : '') + '://' + c + '/b/ss/' + a.account + '/' + ( ? '5.' : '') + ( ? '10' : '1') + '/JS-' + a.version + (a.Hb ? 'T' : '') + (a.tagContainerMarker ? '-' + a.tagContainerMarker : ''); }; = function () { return a.AudienceManagement && a.AudienceManagement.isReady() || a.usePostbacks != 0; };a.Ya = function () { var c = a.dc, b = a.trackingServer;b ? a.trackingServerSecure && a.ssl && (b = a.trackingServerSecure) : (c = c ? ('' + c).toLowerCase() : 'd1', c == 'd1' ? c = '112' : c == 'd2' && (c = '122'), b = a.$a() + '.' + c + '');return b; };a.$a = function () { var c = a.visitorNamespace; c || (c = a.account.split(',')[0], c = c.replace(/[^0-9a-z]/gi, ''));return c; };a.Pa = /{(%?)(.*?)(%?)}/;a.Lb = RegExp(a.Pa.source, 'g');a.rb = function (c) { if (_typeof(c.dests) === 'object') { for (var b = 0; b < c.dests.length; ++b) { var d = c.dests[b];if (typeof d.c === 'string' &&, 3) == 'aa.') { for (var f = d.c.match(a.Lb), e = 0; e < f.length; ++e) { var g = f[e], h = g.match(a.Pa), _k3 = '';h[1] == '%' && h[2] == 'timezone_offset' ? _k3 = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() : h[1] == '%' && h[2] == 'timestampz' && (_k3 = a.vb());d.c = d.c.replace(g, a.escape(_k3)); } } } } };a.vb = function () { var c = new Date(), b = new Date(6E4 * Math.abs(c.getTimezoneOffset()));return a.j(4, c.getFullYear()) + '-' + a.j(2, c.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + a.j(2, c.getDate()) + 'T' + a.j(2, c.getHours()) + ':' + a.j(2, c.getMinutes()) + ':' + a.j(2, c.getSeconds()) + (c.getTimezoneOffset() > 0 ? '-' : '+') + a.j(2, b.getUTCHours()) + ':' + a.j(2, b.getUTCMinutes()); };a.j = function (a, b) { return (Array(a + 1).join(0) + b).slice(-a); }; = {};a.doPostbacks = function (c) { if ((typeof c === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(c)) === 'object') { if (a.rb(c), _typeof(a.AudienceManagement) === 'object' && typeof a.AudienceManagement.isReady === 'function' && a.AudienceManagement.isReady() && typeof a.AudienceManagement.passData === 'function') a.AudienceManagement.passData(c);else if ((typeof c === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(c)) === 'object' && _typeof(c.dests) === 'object') for (var b = 0; b < c.dests.length; ++b) { var d = c.dests[b];(typeof d === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(d)) === 'object' && typeof d.c === 'string' && typeof === 'string' &&, 3) == 'aa.' && ([] = new Image(),[].alt = '',[].src = d.c); } } };a.Ua = function (c) { a.i || a.zb();a.i.push(c);a.ea = a.B();a.Na(); };a.zb = function () { a.i = a.Cb();a.i || (a.i = []); };a.Cb = function () { var c = void 0, b = void 0;if (a.ka()) { try { (b = k.localStorage.getItem(a.ia())) && (c = k.JSON.parse(b)); } catch (d) {}return c; } };a.ka = function () { var c = !0;a.trackOffline && a.offlineFilename && k.localStorage && k.JSON || (c = !1);return c; };a.Da = function () { var c = 0;a.i && (c = a.i.length);a.p && c++;return c; };a.T = function () { if (a.p && (a.A && a.A.complete && a.A.F &&, a.p)) return;a.Ea = p;if (a.ja) a.ea > a.O && a.La(a.i),;else { var c =;if (c > 0);else if (c = a.Aa()) a.p = 1, a.Db(c), a.Gb(c); } }; = function (c) { a.Ea || (c || (c = 0), a.Ea = setTimeout(a.T, c)); }; = function () { var c = void 0; if (!a.trackOffline || a.offlineThrottleDelay <= 0) return 0;c = a.B() - a.Ja;return a.offlineThrottleDelay < c ? 0 : a.offlineThrottleDelay - c; };a.Aa = function () { if (a.i.length > 0) return a.i.shift(); };a.Db = function (c) { if (a.debugTracking) { var b = 'AppMeasurement Debug: ' + c;c = c.split('&');var d = void 0;for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { b += '\n\t' + a.unescape(c[d]); }a.D(b); } }; = function () { return a.marketingCloudVisitorID || a.analyticsVisitorID; };a.V = !1;var t = void 0;try { t = JSON.parse('{"x":"y"}'); } catch (w) { t = null; }t && t.x == 'y' ? (a.V = !0, a.U = function (a) { return JSON.parse(a); }) : k.$ && k.$.parseJSON ? (a.U = function (a) { return k.$.parseJSON(a); }, a.V = !0) : a.U = function () { return null; };a.Gb = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0, f = void 0; && c.length > 2047 && (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined' && (b = new XMLHttpRequest(), 'withCredentials' in b ? d = 1 : b = 0), b || typeof XDomainRequest === 'undefined' || (b = new XDomainRequest(), d = 2), b && (a.AudienceManagement && a.AudienceManagement.isReady() || a.usePostbacks != 0) && (a.V ? = !0 : b = 0));!b && a.Oa && (c = c.substring(0, 2047));!b && a.d.createElement && (a.usePostbacks != 0 || a.AudienceManagement && a.AudienceManagement.isReady()) && (b = a.d.createElement('SCRIPT')) && 'async' in b && ((f = (f = a.d.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')) && f[0] ? f[0] : a.d.body) ? (b.type = 'text/javascript', b.setAttribute('async', 'async'), d = 3) : b = 0);b || (b = new Image(), b.alt = '', b.abort || typeof k.InstallTrigger === 'undefined' || (b.abort = function () { b.src = p; }));b.Ka =;b.xa = function () { try { b.F && (clearTimeout(b.F), b.F = 0); } catch (a) {} };b.onload = = function () { b.Ka && (a.fa = - b.Ka);a.Va(c);b.xa();a.pb();a.Z();a.p = 0;a.T();if ( { = !1;try { a.doPostbacks(a.U(b.responseText)); } catch (d) {} } }; b.onabort = b.onerror = b.Ba = function () { b.xa();(a.trackOffline || a.ja) && a.p && a.i.unshift(a.ob);a.p = 0;a.ea > a.O && a.La(a.i);a.Z();; };b.onreadystatechange = function () { b.readyState == 4 && (b.status == 200 ? : b.Ba()); };a.Ja = a.B();if (d == 1 || d == 2) { var e = c.indexOf('?');f = c.substring(0, e);e = c.substring(e + 1);e = e.replace(/&callback=[a-zA-Z0-9_.[]]+/, '');d == 1 ? ('POST', f, !0), b.send(e)) : d == 2 && ('POST', f), b.send(e)); } else if (b.src = c, d == 3) { if (a.Ha) try { f.removeChild(a.Ha); } catch (g) {}f.firstChild ? f.insertBefore(b, f.firstChild) : f.appendChild(b);a.Ha = a.A; }b.F = setTimeout(function () { b.F && (b.complete ? : (a.trackOffline && b.abort && b.abort(), b.Ba())); }, 5E3);a.ob = c;a.A = k['s_i_' + a.replace(a.account, ',', '_')] = b;if (a.useForcedLinkTracking && a.K || a.v) a.forcedLinkTrackingTimeout || (a.forcedLinkTrackingTimeout = 250), a.aa = setTimeout(a.Z, a.forcedLinkTrackingTimeout); };a.pb = function () { if (a.ka() && !(a.Ia > a.O)) try { k.localStorage.removeItem(a.ia()), a.Ia = a.B(); } catch (c) {} };a.La = function (c) { if (a.ka()) { a.Na();try { k.localStorage.setItem(a.ia(), k.JSON.stringify(c)), a.O = a.B(); } catch (b) {} } };a.Na = function () { if (a.trackOffline) { if (!a.offlineLimit || a.offlineLimit <= 0) a.offlineLimit = 10;for (; a.i.length > a.offlineLimit;) { a.Aa(); } } };a.forceOffline = function () { a.ja = !0; };a.forceOnline = function () { a.ja = !1; };a.ia = function () { return a.offlineFilename + '-' + a.visitorNamespace + a.account; };a.B = function () { return new Date().getTime(); };a.Fa = function (a) { a = a.toLowerCase();return a.indexOf('#') != 0 && a.indexOf('about:') != 0 && a.indexOf('opera:') != 0 && a.indexOf('javascript:') != 0 ? !0 : !1; };a.setTagContainer = function (c) { var b = void 0, d = void 0, f = void 0;a.Hb = c;for (b = 0; b < a._il.length; b++) { if ((d = a._il[b]) && d._c == 's_l' && d.tagContainerName == c) { a.R(d);if (d.lmq) for (b = 0; b < d.lmq.length; b++) { f = d.lmq[b], a.loadModule(f.n); }if ( for (f in { if (a[f]) for (b in c = a[f], f =[f], f) { !Object.prototype[b] && (typeof f[b] !== 'function' || ('' + f[b]).indexOf('s_c_il') < 0) && (c[b] = f[b]); } }if (d.mmq) for (b = 0; b < d.mmq.length; b++) { var _c; f = d.mmq[b], a[f.m] && (c = a[f.m], c[f.f] && typeof c[f.f] === 'function' && (f.a ? (_c = c)[f.f].apply(_c, _toConsumableArray(f.a)) : c[f.f].apply(c))); }if (d.tq) { for (b = 0; b < d.tq.length; b++) { a.track(d.tq[b]); } }d.s = a;break; } } };a.Util = { urlEncode: a.escape, urlDecode: a.unescape, cookieRead: a.cookieRead, cookieWrite: a.cookieWrite, getQueryParam: function getQueryParam(c, b, d, f) { var e = void 0, g = '';b || (b = a.pageURL ? a.pageURL : k.location);d = d || '&';if (!c || !b) return g;b = '' + b;e = b.indexOf('?');if (e < 0) return g;b = d + b.substring(e + 1) + d;if (!f || !(b.indexOf(d + c + d) >= 0 || b.indexOf(d + c + '=' + d) >= 0)) { e = b.indexOf('#');e >= 0 && (b = b.substr(0, e) + d);e = b.indexOf(d + c + '=');if (e < 0) return g;b = b.substring(e + d.length + c.length + 1);e = b.indexOf(d); e >= 0 && (b = b.substring(0, e));b.length > 0 && (g = a.unescape(b));return g; } }, getIeVersion: function getIeVersion() { if (document.documentMode) return document.documentMode;for (var _a = 7; _a > 4; _a--) { var b = document.createElement('div');b.innerHTML = '<!--[if IE ' + _a + ']><span></span><![endif]-->';if (b.getElementsByTagName('span').length) return _a; }return null; } };a.G = 'supplementalDataID timestamp dynamicVariablePrefix visitorID marketingCloudVisitorID analyticsVisitorID audienceManagerLocationHint authState fid vmk visitorMigrationKey visitorMigrationServer visitorMigrationServerSecure charSet visitorNamespace cookieDomainPeriods fpCookieDomainPeriods cookieLifetime pageName pageURL customerPerspective referrer contextData currencyCode lightProfileID lightStoreForSeconds lightIncrementBy retrieveLightProfiles deleteLightProfiles retrieveLightData'.split(' '); a.g = a.G.concat('purchaseID variableProvider channel server pageType transactionID campaign state zip events events2 products audienceManagerBlob tnt'.split(' ')); = 'timestamp charSet visitorNamespace cookieDomainPeriods cookieLifetime contextData lightProfileID lightStoreForSeconds lightIncrementBy'.split(' ');a.P =; = 'account allAccounts debugTracking visitor visitorOptedOut trackOffline offlineLimit offlineThrottleDelay offlineFilename usePlugins doPlugins configURL visitorSampling visitorSamplingGroup linkObject clickObject linkURL linkName linkType trackDownloadLinks trackExternalLinks trackClickMap trackInlineStats linkLeaveQueryString linkTrackVars linkTrackEvents linkDownloadFileTypes linkExternalFilters linkInternalFilters useForcedLinkTracking forcedLinkTrackingTimeout trackingServer trackingServerSecure ssl abort mobile dc lightTrackVars maxDelay expectSupplementalData usePostbacks registerPreTrackCallback registerPostTrackCallback AudienceManagement'.split(' '); for (m = 0; m <= 250; m++) { m < 76 && (a.g.push('prop' + m), a.P.push('prop' + m)), a.g.push('eVar' + m), a.P.push('eVar' + m), m < 6 && a.g.push('hier' + m), m < 4 && a.g.push('list' + m); }m = 'pe pev1 pev2 pev3 latitude longitude resolution colorDepth javascriptVersion javaEnabled cookiesEnabled browserWidth browserHeight connectionType homepage pageURLRest marketingCloudOrgID'.split(' ');a.g = a.g.concat(m);a.G = a.G.concat(m);a.ssl = k.location.protocol.toLowerCase().indexOf('https') >= 0;a.charSet = 'UTF-8';a.contextData = {};a.offlineThrottleDelay = 0;a.offlineFilename = 'AppMeasurement.offline';a.Ja = 0;a.ea = 0;a.O = 0;a.Ia = 0;a.linkDownloadFileTypes = 'exe,zip,wav,mp3,mov,mpg,avi,wmv,pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx';a.w = k;a.d = k.document;try { if (a.Oa = !1, navigator) { var v = navigator.userAgent;if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' || v.indexOf('MSIE ') >= 0 || v.indexOf('Trident/') >= 0 && v.indexOf('Windows NT 6') >= 0) a.Oa = !0; } } catch (x) {}a.Z = function () { a.aa && (k.clearTimeout(a.aa), a.aa = p);a.k && a.K && a.k.dispatchEvent(a.K);a.v && (typeof a.v === 'function' ? a.v() : a.k && a.k.href && (a.d.location = a.k.href));a.k = a.K = a.v = 0; };a.Ma = function () { a.b = a.d.body;a.b ? 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} .react-datepicker__year { margin: 0.4rem; text-align: center; } .react-datepicker__year-wrapper { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; max-width: 180px; } .react-datepicker__year .react-datepicker__year-text { display: inline-block; width: 4rem; margin: 2px; } .react-datepicker__month { margin: 0.4rem; text-align: center; } .react-datepicker__month .react-datepicker__month-text, .react-datepicker__month .react-datepicker__quarter-text { display: inline-block; width: 4rem; margin: 2px; } .react-datepicker__input-time-container { clear: both; width: 100%; float: left; margin: 5px 0 10px 15px; text-align: left; } .react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__caption { display: inline-block; } .react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container { display: inline-block; } .react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container .react-datepicker-time__input { display: inline-block; margin-left: 10px; } .react-datepicker__input-time-container .react-datepicker-time__input-container .react-datepicker-time__input input { width: auto; 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background: white; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box { width: 85px; overflow-x: hidden; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list { list-style: none; margin: 0; height: calc(195px + 1.7rem / 2); overflow-y: scroll; padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; width: 100%; box-sizing: content-box; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item { height: 30px; padding: 5px 10px; white-space: nowrap; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item:hover { cursor: pointer; background-color: #f0f0f0; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--selected { background-color: #216ba5; color: white; font-weight: bold; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--selected:hover { background-color: #216ba5; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--disabled { color: #ccc; } .react-datepicker__time-container .react-datepicker__time .react-datepicker__time-box ul.react-datepicker__time-list li.react-datepicker__time-list-item--disabled:hover { cursor: default; background-color: transparent; } .react-datepicker__week-number { color: #ccc; display: inline-block; width: 1.7rem; line-height: 1.7rem; text-align: center; margin: 0.166rem; } .react-datepicker__week-number.react-datepicker__week-number--clickable { cursor: pointer; } .react-datepicker__week-number.react-datepicker__week-number--clickable:not(.react-datepicker__week-number--selected, .react-datepicker__week-number--keyboard-selected):hover { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #f0f0f0; } .react-datepicker__week-number--selected { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #216ba5; color: #fff; } .react-datepicker__week-number--selected:hover { background-color: #1d5d90; } .react-datepicker__week-number--keyboard-selected { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #2a87d0; color: #fff; } .react-datepicker__week-number--keyboard-selected:hover { background-color: #1d5d90; } .react-datepicker__day-names { white-space: nowrap; margin-bottom: -8px; } .react-datepicker__week { white-space: nowrap; } .react-datepicker__day-name, .react-datepicker__day, .react-datepicker__time-name { color: #000; display: inline-block; width: 1.7rem; line-height: 1.7rem; text-align: center; margin: 0.166rem; } .react-datepicker__day, .react-datepicker__month-text, .react-datepicker__quarter-text, .react-datepicker__year-text { cursor: pointer; } .react-datepicker__day:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text:hover, .react-datepicker__quarter-text:hover, .react-datepicker__year-text:hover { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #f0f0f0; } .react-datepicker__day--today, .react-datepicker__month-text--today, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--today, .react-datepicker__year-text--today { font-weight: bold; } .react-datepicker__day--highlighted, .react-datepicker__month-text--highlighted, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--highlighted, .react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #3dcc4a; color: #fff; } .react-datepicker__day--highlighted:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text--highlighted:hover, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--highlighted:hover, .react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted:hover { background-color: #32be3f; } .react-datepicker__day--highlighted-custom-1, .react-datepicker__month-text--highlighted-custom-1, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--highlighted-custom-1, .react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted-custom-1 { color: magenta; } .react-datepicker__day--highlighted-custom-2, .react-datepicker__month-text--highlighted-custom-2, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--highlighted-custom-2, .react-datepicker__year-text--highlighted-custom-2 { color: green; 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opacity: 1; } .react-datepicker__day--selected, .react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__day--in-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--selected, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--selected, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--selected, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-range { border-radius: 0.3rem; background-color: #216ba5; color: #fff; } .react-datepicker__day--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range:hover, .react-datepicker__day--in-range:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range:hover, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-range:hover, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range:hover, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-range:hover, .react-datepicker__year-text--selected:hover, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range:hover, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-range:hover { background-color: #1d5d90; 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} .react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__day--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__year--selecting-range .react-datepicker__day--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__month-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__year--selecting-range .react-datepicker__month-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__year--selecting-range .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__month--selecting-range .react-datepicker__year-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range), .react-datepicker__year--selecting-range .react-datepicker__year-text--in-range:not(.react-datepicker__day--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__month-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__quarter-text--in-selecting-range, .react-datepicker__year-text--in-selecting-range) { background-color: #f0f0f0; 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} .react-datepicker__year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-year-read-view:hover .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow { border-top-color: #b3b3b3; } .react-datepicker__year-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-read-view--down-arrow, .react-datepicker__month-year-read-view--down-arrow { transform: rotate(135deg); right: -16px; top: 0; } .react-datepicker__year-dropdown, .react-datepicker__month-dropdown, .react-datepicker__month-year-dropdown { background-color: #f0f0f0; position: absolute; width: 50%; left: 25%; top: 30px; z-index: 1; text-align: center; border-radius: 0.3rem; border: 1px solid #aeaeae; } .react-datepicker__year-dropdown:hover, .react-datepicker__month-dropdown:hover, .react-datepicker__month-year-dropdown:hover { cursor: pointer; } .react-datepicker__year-dropdown--scrollable, .react-datepicker__month-dropdown--scrollable, .react-datepicker__month-year-dropdown--scrollable { height: 150px; overflow-y: scroll; } .react-datepicker__year-option, .react-datepicker__month-option, .react-datepicker__month-year-option { line-height: 20px; width: 100%; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .react-datepicker__year-option:first-of-type, .react-datepicker__month-option:first-of-type, .react-datepicker__month-year-option:first-of-type { border-top-left-radius: 0.3rem; border-top-right-radius: 0.3rem; } .react-datepicker__year-option:last-of-type, .react-datepicker__month-option:last-of-type, .react-datepicker__month-year-option:last-of-type { -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.3rem; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem; } .react-datepicker__year-option:hover, .react-datepicker__month-option:hover, .react-datepicker__month-year-option:hover { background-color: #ccc; } .react-datepicker__year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming, .react-datepicker__month-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming, .react-datepicker__month-year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-upcoming { border-bottom-color: #b3b3b3; } .react-datepicker__year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous, .react-datepicker__month-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous, .react-datepicker__month-year-option:hover .react-datepicker__navigation--years-previous { border-top-color: #b3b3b3; } .react-datepicker__year-option--selected, .react-datepicker__month-option--selected, .react-datepicker__month-year-option--selected { position: absolute; left: 15px; } .react-datepicker__close-icon { cursor: pointer; 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This will break the plugin. */ } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_style-module_priorityNav ul { display: inline-block; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_style-module_priorityNav li { display: inline-block; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_style-module_priorityNavWrapper { position: relative; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_style-module_priorityDropdown { display: block !important; white-space: normal; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_style-module_priorityNavIsVisible { visibility: visible; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_theme-module_globe .priority-nav__dropdown-toggle { font-family: Benton, sans-serif; cursor: pointer; font-size: 14px; text-decoration: none; color: #787878; padding: 0; position: relative; border: none; background: none; text-align: center; min-width: 185px; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_theme-module_globe .is-open:after { content: ''; display: block; position: absolute; bottom: -3px; height: 2px; background: #b04343; background: linear-gradient(90deg, #b04343 0%, #6db3bf 100%); width: 60%; left: 20%; } .elex__ReactPriorityNav_theme-module_globe .nav__dropdown { position: relative; 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s.parseUri = new Function('u', '' + 'if(u){u=u+"";u=u.indexOf(":")<0&&u.indexOf("//")!=0?(u.indexOf("/")' + '==0?"/":"//")+u:u}u=u?u+"":window.location.href;var e,' + 'eateElement("a"),l=["href","protocol","host","hostname","port","pat' + 'hname","search","hash"],p,r={href:u,toString:function(){return this' + '.href}};a.setAttribute("href",u);for(e=1;e<l.length;e++){p=l[e];r[p' + ']=a[p]||""}delete a;p=r.pathname||"";if(p.indexOf("/")!=0)r.pathnam' + 'e="/"+p;return r'); s.gtfs = new Function('' + 'var w=window,l=w.location,d=document,u;if(!l.origin)l.origin=l.prot' + 'ocol+"//"+l.hostname+(l.port?":"+l.port:"");u=l!=w.parent.location?' + 'd.referrer:d.location;return{location:s.parseUri(u)}'); const s_doPlugins = function () { // 's_pv' and 's_p6' are cookie names // s.prop37 = s.getPreviousValue(s.pageName, 's_pv'); s.prop73 = s.getPreviousValue(s.prop6, 's_p6'); }; const videoName = (video => { if (video && video.length > 0) { return video.reduce((all, vid) => all ? `${vid.headlines}_${all}` : vid.headlines, ''); } })(; s.doPlugins = s_doPlugins; s.pageName = getPage(globalTracking); = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' ? 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'logged in' : 'logged out'; s.prop41 = globalTracking.publicationName; s.prop42 = globalTracking.loginType; s.prop43 = globalTracking.pageUrl; s.prop45 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' || globalTracking.pageOrAssetType && globalTracking.pageOrAssetType.toLowerCase().indexOf('section') !== -1 ? undefined : globalTracking.paywallType; // if user access today's headline article from email, paywall=true and meterNumber="0", // we don't want this according to consumer-3059, set prop48=1 for above situation. if (globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage') { window.s.prop48 = undefined; } else if (globalTracking.meterNumber === '0' || globalTracking.meterNumber === 0) { window.s.prop48 = 1; } else { window.s.prop48 = globalTracking.meterNumber; } // s.prop48 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' ? undefined : globalTracking.meterNumber; s.prop49 = getProp49(globalTracking); s.prop63 = globalTracking.codeVersion; s.prop67 = getProp67(globalTracking); s.prop68 = globalTracking.articleHeadline; s.prop70 = globalTracking.testVariant; // eVars s.eVar1 = queryParams.p1; // s.eVar2 = ''; // s.eVar3 = ''; s.eVar4 = globalTracking.daysOnMeter; s.eVar5 = globalTracking.daysSinceFirstVisit; s.eVar6 = globalTracking.originalMeterCookieDate; s.eVar7 = globalTracking.currentMeterCookieDate; // s.eVar10 = ''; s.eVar12 = globalTracking.registrationID; s.eVar15 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'NotFoundPage' ? 'Page Not Found' :; s.eVar19 = googleAnalyticsUTM(); s.eVar20 = s.prop35; s.eVar21 = meterStatus.incognito ? 'Private' : undefined; s.eVar41 = globalTracking.publicationName; s.eVar42 = s.prop42; s.eVar45 = s.prop45; s.eVar67 = s.prop67; s.eVar68 = globalTracking.BCSessionID; s.eVar70 = globalTracking.testVariant; // GLOBE-303-310 - this is null on tag and gallery pages, needs the includes check const bgtLandingPage = globalTracking === null || globalTracking === void 0 ? void 0 : (_globalTracking$prima = globalTracking.primaryTaxonomy) === null || _globalTracking$prima === void 0 ? void 0 : _globalTracking$prima.includes('boston-globe-today'); if (getProp4(globalTracking) === 'LeafPage' || bgtLandingPage) { s.prop15 = globalTracking.videoName; s.eVar17 = globalTracking.videoName; s.prop59 = globalTracking.videoDuration; s.prop60 = globalTracking.videoType; s.prop61 = globalTracking.videoCategory; s.prop62 = globalTracking.videoHost; s.prop64 = globalTracking.firstPublishDate; s.prop65 = globalTracking.videoUuid; s.prop66 = globalTracking.dayOfTheWeek; s.prop75 = globalTracking.videoSections; } // use analytics determined by the meter updateMeterAnalyticsValues(); // lists s.list1 = globalTracking.featuresToRender; s.list2 = list2Prop; // events const events = []; if (queryParams.event && queryParams.event !== '') { queryParams.event.split(',').forEach(event => events.push(event)); } if ( && !== '') {',').forEach(event => events.push(event)); } let onetrustStorageConsent; try { onetrustStorageConsent = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('consent_one_trust_bgmp') || '{}'); } catch (err) { onetrustStorageConsent = {}; } if (globalTracking.oneTrustActive && onetrustStorageConsent && onetrustStorageConsent.C0002 === false) { return; } s.linkTrackEvents = events.toString(); = events.toString(); s.t(); // Switch account for all other omniture events s.account = globalTracking.customLinkReportSuiteIDs; s.linkTrackVars = 'None'; s.linkTrackEvents = 'None'; }; window.track = function(){var globalTracking =; var user =;globalTracking.pageLayout = "Curated";globalTracking.pageUrl = window.location.href;globalTracking.trackEvent = props => { try { const { instance, eventName, dynamic, videoGlobalTracking = { isVideoAnalytics: false } } = props; const { globalTracking, meterStatus, user } =; let combinedEventName = eventName; const QueryString = () => { const vars = {}; window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, (m, key, value) => { vars[key] = value; }); return vars; }; const queryParams = QueryString(); /* eslint-disable */ const formattedLeafString = globalTrackingObj => globalTrackingObj.storyThread.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + globalTrackingObj.storyThread.substring(1); const getPage = globalTrackingObj => { switch (globalTrackingObj.pageLayout) { case 'LeafPage': return `${globalTrackingObj.siteSection} | ${formattedLeafString(globalTrackingObj)} | ${globalTrackingObj.articleHeadline}`; default: return; } }; const getProp4 = globalTrackingObj => { switch (globalTrackingObj.pageLayout) { case 'HomePage': return undefined; case 'TagPage': return 'Automated'; case 'LeafPage': return 'LeafPage'; default: return globalTrackingObj.pageLayout; } }; const getPageType = globalTrackingObj => { switch (globalTrackingObj.pageLayout) { case 'HomePage': return 'homepage'; case 'NotFoundPage': return 'Error page'; case 'SearchPage': return 'Search Page'; case 'LeafPage': if (window.meterObject && window.meterObject.meterState && window.meterObject.meterState.paywall) { return globalTrackingObj.pageOrAssetType; } else { return `${formattedLeafString(globalTrackingObj)} Page`; } case 'ComicPage': return 'Comics Page'; default: return globalTrackingObj.pageOrAssetType; } }; const getProp6 = globalTrackingObj => { const pageType = getPageType(globalTrackingObj); if ((pageType === null || pageType === void 0 ? void 0 : pageType.toLowerCase()) === 'video page') { const videoType = globalTrackingObj.videoType; if (videoType === 'segment') return `${pageType} | Segment`; if (videoType === 'episode') return `${pageType} | Episode`; } return pageType; }; const googleAnalyticsUTM = () => { const { utm_source: utmSource, utm_medium: utmMedium, utm_campaign: utmCampaign } = queryParams; const utmArray = [utmSource, utmMedium, utmCampaign]; const utmString = => typeof utmValue === 'string' && utmValue !== '' ? decodeURIComponent(utmValue).replace(/\|/g, ':') : 'none').join('|').toLocaleLowerCase(); return utmString; }; /* eslint-enable */ // NOTE: list2Prop derived from page ==> return `${this.config.query.ansValue} | BGC Homepage` // { page } from AnalyticsFormatter.js const list2Prop = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'TagPage' ?' |')[0] : globalTracking.taxonomyTags; window.s.account = globalTracking.customLinkReportSuiteIDs; window.s.pageName = getPage(globalTracking); = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' ? 'homepage' : globalTracking.siteSection; window.s.campaign = queryParams.s_campaign; // lists window.s.list1 = globalTracking.featuresToRender; window.s.list2 = list2Prop; // props window.s.prop1 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' ? 'homepage' : globalTracking.primaryTaxonomy; window.s.prop2 = queryParams.rss_id; window.s.prop3 = globalTracking.contentCreator; window.s.prop4 = getProp4(globalTracking); window.s.prop5 = globalTracking.otherSections; window.s.prop6 = getProp6(globalTracking); window.s.prop7 = queryParams.p1; window.s.prop8 = globalTracking.publishDate; window.s.prop9 = globalTracking.wordCount; window.s.prop13 = props.galleryPage; window.s.prop14 = props.galleryName ? props.galleryName : (gallery => { if (gallery && gallery.length > 0) { return gallery.reduce((all, item) => all ? `${item.headlines}_${all}` : item.headlines, ''); } return null; })(; window.s.prop15 = (video => { if (video && video.length > 0) { return video.reduce((all, vid) => all ? `${vid.headlines}_${all}` : vid.headlines, ''); } return null; })(; window.s.prop17 = 'Arc'; window.s.prop18 = globalTracking.environmentTier; window.s.prop19 = googleAnalyticsUTM(); window.s.prop26 = queryParams.s_campaign; if (window.meterObject && window.meterObject.meterState && window.meterObject.meterState.paywall) { window.s.prop28 =; } else if (window.meterObject && window.meterObject.meterState && window.meterObject.meterState.progressBar) { window.s.prop27 = globalTracking.freeviewArticleCount; } window.s.prop35 = user.loggedIn === 'true' ? 'logged in' : 'logged out'; window.s.prop41 = globalTracking.publicationName; window.s.prop42 = globalTracking.loginType; window.s.prop43 = globalTracking.pageUrl; // if user access today's headline article from email, paywall=true and meterNumber="0", // we don't want this according to consumer-3059, set prop48=1 for above situation. if (globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage') { window.s.prop48 = undefined; } else if (globalTracking.meterNumber === '0' || globalTracking.meterNumber === 0) { window.s.prop48 = 1; } else { window.s.prop48 = globalTracking.meterNumber; } // window.s.prop48 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' ? undefined : globalTracking.meterNumber; window.s.prop63 = globalTracking.codeVersion; window.s.prop67 = globalTracking.pageLayout === 'HomePage' || globalTracking.pageOrAssetType && globalTracking.pageOrAssetType.toLowerCase().indexOf('section') !== -1 || globalTracking.pageOrAssetType === 'Election Results' ? undefined : globalTracking.articleID; window.s.prop68 = globalTracking.articleHeadline; // eVars window.s.eVar1 = queryParams.p1; window.s.eVar4 = globalTracking.daysOnMeter; window.s.eVar5 = globalTracking.daysSinceFirstVisit; window.s.eVar6 = globalTracking.originalMeterCookieDate; window.s.eVar7 = globalTracking.currentMeterCookieDate; window.s.eVar12 = globalTracking.registrationID; window.s.eVar15 =; window.s.eVar19 = googleAnalyticsUTM(); window.s.eVar21 = meterStatus.incognito ? 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| circular" alt="Alan Wirzbicki"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Assistant Managing Editor for Editorials</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Alan Wirzbicki</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/tim-rasmussen/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Tim Rasmussen"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Assistant Managing Editor for visual journalism and news product design </span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Tim Rasmussen</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/brendan-mccarthy/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Brendan McCarthy"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Spotlight Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Brendan McCarthy</span></div></div></a></div></section><section id="sp-top-main" class="sp | top-main align_items_start col grid mobile_12 desktop-8 ws-9"></section><section id="sp-top-rail" class="sp | top-rail col grid inline_block mobile_12 desktop-4 ws-3"></section><section id="sp-middle-fw" class="sp | middle-fw col grid width_full"><div class="title_bar | border_box padding_horizontal_16 width_full padding_bottom_16 align_items_center flex " style="line-height:initial"><h4 class="title | background_main bold color_main font_primary uppercase border_blue border_right font_size_18 padding_right ">Newsroom Staff</h4><div class="bar | border_foreground border_top border_half flex_2 height_1"></div></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/david-abel/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="David Abel"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Contributing Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">David Abel</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/rami-abousabe/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Rami Abou-Sabe"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Digital Editor, Globe Opinion</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Rami Abou-Sabe</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/peter-abraham/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Peter Abraham"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Peter Abraham</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/yvonne-abraham/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Yvonne Abraham"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Yvonne Abraham</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jazmin-aguilera/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jazmin Aguilera"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior newsletter writer and podcast host</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jazmin Aguilera</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/tonya-alanez/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Tonya Alanez"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Tonya Alanez</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/lylah-alphonse/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Lylah Alphonse"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Editor, Rhode Island and New Hampshire</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Lylah Alphonse</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kirkland-an/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kirkland An"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Newsroom Developer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kirkland An</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/travis-andersen/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Travis Andersen"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Travis Andersen</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/dugan-arnett/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Dugan Arnett"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Dugan Arnett</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/mark-arsenault/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Mark Arsenault"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">news reporter, investigations</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Mark Arsenault</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kimberly-atkins-stohr/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kimberly Atkins Stohr"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Opinion Writer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kimberly Atkins Stohr</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/don-aucoin/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Don Aucoin"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Theater Critic and Arts Critic-At-Large</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Don Aucoin</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/michael-j-bailey/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Michael J. Bailey"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Night Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Michael J. Bailey</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/peter-bailey-wells/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Peter Bailey-Wells"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Peter Bailey-Wells</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/billy-baker/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Billy Baker"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Billy Baker</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/nancy-barnes/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Nancy Barnes"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Nancy Barnes</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jessica-bartlett/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jessica Bartlett"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Medical Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jessica Bartlett</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/leah-becerra/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Leah Becerra"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior digital editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Leah Becerra</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/michael-bello/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Mike Bello"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy City Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Mike Bello</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/julian-benbow/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Julian Benbow"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Julian Benbow</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/brian-bergstein/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Brian Bergstein"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Managing Editor, Ideas</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Brian Bergstein</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/matthew-bernstein/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Matthew Bernstein"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Letters Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Matthew Bernstein</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/john-blanding/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="John Blanding"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Chief Photographer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">John Blanding</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/lauren-booker/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Lauren Booker"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Digital Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Lauren Booker</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/paula-bouknight/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Paula Bouknight"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Managing Editor, Hiring and Development</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Paula Bouknight</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/hiawatha-bray/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Hiawatha Bray"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Hiawatha Bray</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/bobby-briggs/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Bobby Briggs"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">BROADCAST DESIGNER, BOSTON GLOBE TODAY TV Show</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Bobby Briggs</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/andrew-brinker/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Andrew Brinker"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Housing Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Andrew Brinker</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/sam-brodey/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Sam Brodey"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Political Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Sam Brodey</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/spencer-buell/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Spencer Buell"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Spencer Buell</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/leanne-burden-seidel/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Leanne Burden Seidel"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Picture Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Leanne Burden Seidel</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/hilary-burns/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Hilary Burns"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Higher Education Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Hilary Burns</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/anica-butler/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Anica Butler"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Managing Editor for local news</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Anica Butler</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/auzzy-byrdsell/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Auzzy Byrdsell"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Development Fellow</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Auzzy Byrdsell</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/andrew-caffrey/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Andrew Caffrey"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Enterprise Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Andrew Caffrey</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/abi-canina/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Abi Canina"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Manager of Programs and Operations, Opinion</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Abi Canina</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/maria-caporizzo/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="maria caporizzo"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Editor, Globe Rhode Island</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">maria caporizzo</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/catherine-carlock/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Catherine Carlock"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Real Estate Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Catherine Carlock</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/john-carney/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="John Carney"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">John Carney</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/veronica-chao/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Veronica Chao"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Managing Editor, Living Arts</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Veronica Chao</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jon-chesto/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jon Chesto"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jon Chesto</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/barry-chin/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Barry Chin"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Photojournalist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Barry Chin</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/heather-ciras/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Heather Ciras"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Managing Editor, Audience</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Heather Ciras</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/erin-clark/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Erin Clark"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Photojournalist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Erin Clark</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/rachelle-cohen/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Rachelle G. Cohen"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Editorial Page Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Rachelle G. Cohen</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/daniel-coleman/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Daniel Coleman"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Production Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Daniel Coleman</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/colby-cotter/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Colby Cotter"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Photo Archivist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Colby Cotter</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/sean-cotter/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Sean Cotter"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Courts Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Sean Cotter</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/mary-creane/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Mary Creane"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Assistant Managing Editor, Production</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Mary Creane</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/laura-crimaldi/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Laura Crimaldi"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Laura Crimaldi</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/beverly-cronin/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Beverly Cronin"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Designer / Metro Layout</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Beverly Cronin</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kevin-cullen/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kevin Cullen"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kevin Cullen</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/mike-damiano/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Mike Damiano"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Mike Damiano</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/james-dao/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="James Dao"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Editorial Page Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">James Dao</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/rob-decola/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Rob DeCola"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Digital Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Rob DeCola</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/david-desjardins/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="David Desjardins"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Copy Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">David Desjardins</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/eliza-dewey/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Eliza Dewey"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Segment Producer, Boston Globe Today</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Eliza Dewey</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/marcia-dick/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Marcia Dick"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant News Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Marcia Dick</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/vince-dixon/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Vince Dixon"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Newsroom Developer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Vince Dixon</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/taylor-dolven/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Taylor Dolven"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Transportation reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Taylor Dolven</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/erin-douglas/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Erin Douglas"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Climate Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Erin Douglas</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kevin-paul-dupont/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kevin Paul Dupont"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior staff writer and columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kevin Paul Dupont</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/gary-dzen/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Gary Dzen"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Digital Sports editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Gary Dzen</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/stephanie-ebbert/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Stephanie Ebbert"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Stephanie Ebbert</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/columnist/larry-edelman/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Larry Edelman"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Larry Edelman</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/anush-elbakyan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Anush Elbakyan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Video Director</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Anush Elbakyan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/john-r-ellement/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="John R. Ellement"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Digital Journalist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">John R. Ellement</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/mark-feeney/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Mark Feeney"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Arts writer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Mark Feeney</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/deirdre-fernandes/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Deirdre Fernandes"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Deirdre Fernandes</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/chad-finn/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Chad Finn"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Chad Finn</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/devra-first/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Devra First"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Restaurant Critic and Food Writer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Devra First</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/edward-fitzpatrick/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Edward Fitzpatrick"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter, Globe Rhode Island</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Edward Fitzpatrick</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/tim-flynn/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Tim Flynn"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Tim Flynn</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/camilo-fonseca/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Camilo Fonseca"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Camilo Fonseca</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/bonnie-foust/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Bonnie Foust"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Bonnie Foust</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jeremy-fox/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jeremy C. Fox"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter/Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jeremy C. Fox</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/arist-frangules/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Arist Frangules"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Design Supervisor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Arist Frangules</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/daigo-fujiwara-smith/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Daigo Fujiwara-Smith"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Newsroom Developer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Daigo Fujiwara-Smith</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/alexa-gagosz/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Alexa Gagosz"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter, Globe Rhode Island</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Alexa Gagosz</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/columnist/marcela-garcia/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Marcela García"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Associate Editor and Columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Marcela García</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/christopher-gasper/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Christopher L. Gasper"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Sports Columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Christopher L. Gasper</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/christopher-gavin/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Christopher Gavin"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Express Desk Reporter, Rhode Island</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Christopher Gavin</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/malcolm-gay/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Malcolm Gay"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Malcolm Gay</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/dana-gerber/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Dana Gerber"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Dana Gerber</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/emma-glassman-hughes/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Emma Glassman-Hughes"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Digital Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Emma Glassman-Hughes</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/dan-glaun/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Dan Glaun"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Police accountability reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Dan Glaun</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/amanda-gokee/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Amanda Gokee"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Amanda Gokee</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/meredith-goldstein/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Meredith Goldstein"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Love Letters Columnist and Features Writer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Meredith Goldstein</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/columnist/renee-graham/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Renée Graham"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Associate Editor and Columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Renée Graham</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/roderic-graham/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Roderic Graham"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Digital Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Roderic Graham</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/bill-greene/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Bill Greene"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Director of Photography</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Bill Greene</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/roy-greene/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Roy Greene"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Metro Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Roy Greene</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/pat-greenhouse/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Pat Greenhouse"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Photojournalist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Pat Greenhouse</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/niki-griswold/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Niki Griswold"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Niki Griswold</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/samantha-j-gross/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Samantha J. Gross"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Political Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Samantha J. Gross</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/stan-grossfeld/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Stan Grossfeld"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Associate Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Stan Grossfeld</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/neena-hagen/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Neena Hagen"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Data Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Neena Hagen</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/carine-hajjar/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Carine Hajjar"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Opinion Writer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Carine Hajjar</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/teresa-hanafin/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Teresa M. Hanafin"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Audience engagement editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Teresa M. Hanafin</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/john-hancock/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="John Hancock"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Newsroom Developer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">John Hancock</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jesse-m-harris/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jesse M. Harris"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jesse M. Harris</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/brooke-hauser/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Brooke Hauser"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Arts Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Brooke Hauser</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/emma-healy/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Emma Healy"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Content Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Emma Healy</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/odie-henderson/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Odie Henderson"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Film Critic</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Odie Henderson</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/william-j-herzog/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="William Herzog"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">William Herzog</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/john-hilliard/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="John Hilliard"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">John Hilliard</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/adam-himmelsbach/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Adam Himmelsbach"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Sports Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Adam Himmelsbach</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jim-hoban/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jim Hoban"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Sports Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jim Hoban</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/bob-hohler/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Bob Hohler"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Bob Hohler</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kris-hooks/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kris Hooks"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Editor, Racial Wealth Gap Team</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kris Hooks</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/heather-hopp-bruce/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Heather Hopp-Bruce"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Director of Visual Strategy for Globe Opinion</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Heather Hopp-Bruce</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kelly-horan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kelly Horan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Editor, Ideas</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kelly Horan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/gregory-t-huang/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Gregory T. Huang"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Business Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Gregory T. Huang</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/ryan-huddle/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Ryan Huddle"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6"> Design Director</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Ryan Huddle</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/christopher-huffaker/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Christopher Huffaker"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Christopher Huffaker</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/anjali-huynh/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Anjali Huynh"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Anjali Huynh</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/maura-intemann/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Maura Intemann"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Art Director, Globe Magazine</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Maura Intemann</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/columnist/jeff-jacoby/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jeff Jacoby"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Columnist and Associate Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jeff Jacoby</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/esmy-jimenez/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Esmy Jimenez"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Esmy Jimenez</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/katie-johnston/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Katie Johnston"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Katie Johnston</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/yoohyun-jung/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Yoohyun Jung"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Data Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Yoohyun Jung</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/matthew-juul/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Matt Juul"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Digital Editor, Living Arts</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Matt Juul</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/hayley-kaufman/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Hayley Kaufman"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Editor, News</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Hayley Kaufman</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/amanda-kaufman/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Amanda Kaufman"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Homepage Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Amanda Kaufman</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/shanna-kelly/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Shanna Kelly"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Mobile Apps Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Shanna Kelly</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/young-jin-kim/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Young-Jin Kim"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Articles Editor, Boston Globe Magazine</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Young-Jin Kim</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/elizabeth-koh/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Elizabeth Koh"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Elizabeth Koh</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/diti-kohli/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Diti Kohli"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Diti Kohli</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/tal-kopan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Tal Kopan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Washington Bureau Chief</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Tal Kopan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/ashlee-korlach/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Ashlee Korlach"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Ashlee Korlach</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/liz-kowalczyk/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Liz Kowalczyk"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Liz Kowalczyk</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/suzanne-kreiter/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Suzanne Kreiter"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Photojournalist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Suzanne Kreiter</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/hanna-krueger/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Hanna Krueger"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Hanna Krueger</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/anna-kuchment/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Anna Kuchment"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Health and Medical Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Anna Kuchment</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jackie-kucinich/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jackie Kucinich"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Washington Bureau Chief</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jackie Kucinich</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/brendan-kurie/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Brendan Kurie"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant High School Sports Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Brendan Kurie</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/anna-kusmer/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Anna Kusmer"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Audio Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Anna Kusmer</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/marc-lanctot/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Marc Lanctot"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Design Supervisor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Marc Lanctot</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/gregory-lang/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Gregory Lang"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Sports Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Gregory Lang</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/craig-larson/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Craig Larson"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Sports Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Craig Larson</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/shannon-larson/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Shannon Larson"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Digital Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Shannon Larson</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jason-laughlin/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jason Laughlin"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jason Laughlin</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kay-lazar/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kay Lazar"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kay Lazar</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/matthew-j-lee/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Matthew J. Lee"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Photojournalist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Matthew J. Lee</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/columnist/scot-lehigh/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Scot Lehigh"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Scot Lehigh</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/columnist/shirley-leung/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Shirley Leung"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Business Columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Shirley Leung</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kaitlin-lewis/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kaitlin Lewis"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Digital Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kaitlin Lewis</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/tim-logan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Tim Logan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Business Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Tim Logan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/steph-machado/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Steph Machado"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter, Globe Rhode Island</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Steph Machado</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/amy-mackinnon/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Amy MacKinnon"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Op-ed Page Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Amy MacKinnon</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/brian-macquarrie/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Brian MacQuarrie"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Brian MacQuarrie</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/a-z-madonna/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="A.Z. Madonna"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">A.Z. Madonna</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/ken-mahan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Ken Mahan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Lead Meteorologist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Ken Mahan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/andrew-mahoney/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Andrew Mahoney"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Andrew Mahoney</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jeremiah-manion/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jeremiah Manion"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Researcher</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jeremiah Manion</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jason-margolis/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jason Margolis"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Climate Science and Transportation Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jason Margolis</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/bryan-marquard/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Bryan Marquard"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Obituaries Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Bryan Marquard</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/naomi-martin/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Naomi Martin"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Business Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Naomi Martin</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kevin-martin/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kevin Martin"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Director of Photography</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kevin Martin</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/james-matte/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jim Matte"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jim Matte</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/cecilia-mazanec/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Cecilia Mazanec"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Social Media Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Cecilia Mazanec</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jim-mcbride/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jim McBride"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Patriots beat reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jim McBride</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/katherine-mccabe/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kathy McCabe"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">City Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kathy McCabe</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/brendan-mccarthy/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Brendan McCarthy"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Spotlight Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Brendan McCarthy</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/danny-mcdonald/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Danny McDonald"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Danny McDonald</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/columnist/dan-mcgowan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Dan McGowan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Dan McGowan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/victoria-mcgrane/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Victoria McGrane"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Politics Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Victoria McGrane</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/columnist/brian-mcgrory/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Brian McGrory"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Opinion Columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Brian McGrory</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/katie-mcinerney/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Katie McInerney"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Assistant Sports Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Katie McInerney</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/mandy-mclaren/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Mandy McLaren"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Mandy McLaren</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/julian-mcwilliams/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Julian McWilliams"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Julian McWilliams</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/christine-mehta/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Christine Mehta"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Associate Editor, Ideas</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Christine Mehta</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/michelle-micone/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Michelle Micone"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Vice President, Innovation & Strategic Initiatives</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Michelle Micone</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/amanda-milkovits/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Amanda Milkovits"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Amanda Milkovits</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/joshua-miller/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Joshua Miller"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Metro Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Joshua Miller</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/marianne-mizera/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Marianne Mizera"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Weather Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Marianne Mizera</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/omar-mohammed/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Omar Mohammed"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Economics Reporter, Globe Rhode Island</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Omar Mohammed</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/chris-morris/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Chris Morris"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Food and Travel Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Chris Morris</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/mark-s-morrow/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Mark Morrow"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Editor At Large</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Mark Morrow</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/maddie-mortell/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Maddie Mortell"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Audience Engagement Strategist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Maddie Mortell</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/sean-p-murphy/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Sean P. Murphy"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Sean P. Murphy</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/shelley-murphy/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Shelley Murphy"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Shelley Murphy</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/christopher-muther/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Christopher Muther"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Travel writer and columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Christopher Muther</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/carlos-munoz/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Carlos R. Muñoz"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Digital and Audience Engagement Editor, Globe Rhode Island</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Carlos R. Muñoz</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/stacey-myers/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Stacey Myers"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Stacey Myers</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/janelle-nanos/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Janelle Nanos"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Business Editor for News Innovation</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Janelle Nanos</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/cynthia-needham/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Cynthia Needham"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Assistant Managing Editor, Editorial Innovation</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Cynthia Needham</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kristin-nelson/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kristin Nelson"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Head of Audio</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kristin Nelson</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/matthew-nelson/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Matthew Nelson"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Audio Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Matthew Nelson</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/andrew-nguyen/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Andrew Nguyen"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Newsroom Developer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Andrew Nguyen</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/scooty-nickerson/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Scooty Nickerson"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Data Journalist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Scooty Nickerson</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/giulia-mcdonnell-nieto-del-rio/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Immigration Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/segun-oduolowu/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Segun Oduolowu"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Boston Globe Today TV Show Host</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Segun Oduolowu</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/ben-olivo/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Ben Olivo"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Metro Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Ben Olivo</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jenee-osterheldt/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jeneé Osterheldt"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Managing Editor for culture, talent, and development</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jeneé Osterheldt</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/rebecca-ostriker/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Rebecca Ostriker"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Rebecca Ostriker</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/karla-ovalle/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Karla Ovalle"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Director of Newsroom Analytics</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Karla Ovalle</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jacque-palmer/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jacqué Palmer"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Editorial Director for Newsletters</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jacqué Palmer</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/deanna-pan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Deanna Pan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Deanna Pan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/marty-pantages/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Marty Pantages"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Layout Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Marty Pantages</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/danielle-parhizkaran/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Danielle Parhizkaran"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Photographer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Danielle Parhizkaran</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/matt-pepin/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Matt Pepin"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Sports Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Matt Pepin</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jenna-perlman/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jenna Perlman"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">DIGITAL PRODUCER, BOSTON GLOBE TODAY</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jenna Perlman</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jennifer-peter/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jennifer Peter"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Managing Editor/Chief of Staff</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jennifer Peter</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/marie-marsha-piard/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Marie Marsha Piard"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">MultiPlatform Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Marie Marsha Piard</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/james-pindell/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="James Pindell"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">James Pindell</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/adam-piore/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Adam Piore"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Health Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Adam Piore</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/emma-platoff/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Emma Platoff"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Political Enterprise Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Emma Platoff</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/ami-porder/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Ami Porder"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Segment Producer, Boston Globe Today</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Ami Porder</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/matt-porter/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Matt Porter"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Sports Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Matt Porter</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/steven-porter/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Steven Porter"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Steven Porter</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/aaron-pressman/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Aaron Pressman"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Aaron Pressman</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/christopher-price/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Christopher Price"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Christopher Price</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/christina-prignano/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Christina Prignano "/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior editor for multimedia storytelling</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Christina Prignano </span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/marjorie-pritchard/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Marjorie Pritchard"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Managing Editor, Editorial Page</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Marjorie Pritchard</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jim-puzzanghera/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jim Puzzanghera"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jim Puzzanghera</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/annalisa-quinn/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Annalisa Quinn"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Articles Editor, Boston Globe Magazine</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Annalisa Quinn</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/tim-rasmussen/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Tim Rasmussen"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Assistant Managing Editor for visual journalism and news product design </span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Tim Rasmussen</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/ronke-idowu-reeves/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Ronke Idowu Reeves"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">SEO Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Ronke Idowu Reeves</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jenna-reyes/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jenna Reyes"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Community Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jenna Reyes</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jessica-rinaldi/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jessica Rinaldi"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Photojournalist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jessica Rinaldi</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/walter-v-robinson/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Walter Robinson"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Editor At Large</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Walter Robinson</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/keilani-rodriguez/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Keilani Rodriguez"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Editorial Designer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Keilani Rodriguez</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/andy-rosen/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Andy Rosen"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Assistant Business Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Andy Rosen</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/gordon-russell/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Gordon Russell"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Spotlight Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Gordon Russell</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/andrew-ryan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Andrew Ryan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Investigative Reporter, Spotlight team</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Andrew Ryan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/david-l-ryan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="David L. Ryan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Photographer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">David L. Ryan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/aidan-ryan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Aidan Ryan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Media Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Aidan Ryan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jonathan-saltzman/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jonathan Saltzman"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jonathan Saltzman</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/david-scharfenberg/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="David Scharfenberg"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Ideas Writer and Editorial Board Member</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">David Scharfenberg</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/shira-schoenberg/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Shira Schoenberg"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Editorial Writer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Shira Schoenberg</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/peter-schworm/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Peter Schworm"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant News Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Peter Schworm</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/ivy-scott/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Ivy Scott"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Climate Solutions Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Ivy Scott</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/chris-serres/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Chris Serres"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Addiction Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Chris Serres</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/mark-shanahan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Mark Shanahan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Mark Shanahan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/sabrina-shankman/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Sabrina Shankman"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Sabrina Shankman</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/yiqing-shao/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Yiqing Shao"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Director of Innovation & Strategic Initiatives</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Yiqing Shao</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/columnist/dan-shaughnessy/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Dan Shaughnessy"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Sports Columnist, Associate Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Dan Shaughnessy</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/thomas-sheehan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Thomas Sheehan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Thomas Sheehan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/karen-shiffman/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Karen Shiffman"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Executive producer, Boston Globe Today</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Karen Shiffman</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/cristina-silva/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Cristina Silva"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Managing Editor, Local News</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Cristina Silva</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/michael-silverman/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Michael Silverman"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Sports Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Michael Silverman</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/carrie-simonelli/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Carrie Simonelli"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">MultiPlatform Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Carrie Simonelli</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/kenneth-singletary/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Kenneth Singletary"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Senior Digital Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Kenneth Singletary</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/diamond-naga-siu/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Diamond Naga Siu"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Newsletter Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Diamond Naga Siu</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/julian-sorapuru/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Julian E.J. Sorapuru"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Arts Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Julian E.J. Sorapuru</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/alex-speier/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Alex Speier"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Sports Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Alex Speier</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/nick-stoico/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Nick Stoico"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Nick Stoico</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/francis-storrs/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Francis Storrs "/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Editor, Globe Magazine</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Francis Storrs </span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/matt-stout/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Matt Stout"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Matt Stout</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/joanne-rathe-strohmeyer/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Joanne Rathe Strohmeyer"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Chief Photographer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Joanne Rathe Strohmeyer</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/columnist/tara-sullivan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Tara Sullivan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Sports Columnist</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Tara Sullivan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/emily-sweeney/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Emily Sweeney"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Emily Sweeney</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/melissa-taboada/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Melissa B. Taboada"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Editor of the Great Divide education team</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Melissa B. Taboada</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/l-kim-tan/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="L. Kim Tan"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant News Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">L. Kim Tan</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/beth-teitell/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Beth Teitell"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Reporter</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Beth Teitell</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/scott-thurston/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Scott Thurston"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Sports Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Scott Thurston</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/john-tlumacki/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="John Tlumacki"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Photographer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">John Tlumacki</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/amin-touri/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Amin Touri"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform Editor and Web Producer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Amin Touri</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/jessie-tremmel/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Jessie Tremmel"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Multiplatform editor, Opinion</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Jessie Tremmel</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/lane-turner/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Lane Turner"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Assistant Chief Photographer</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Lane Turner</span></div></div></a></div><div class="author_card | col tablet-6 desktop-4 relative"><a class="author_link | color_main" href="/about/staff-list/staff/milton-j-valencia/"><div class="author_container | container row flex relative"><img src="" srcSet=" 600w, 420w, 250w, 150w" sizes="125px" class="author_image | circular" alt="Milton J. Valencia"/><div class="author_info"><span class="author_role | display_block bold font_primary uppercase color_red margin_bottom_6">Deputy Editor</span><span class="author_name | display_block font_primary">Milton J. 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She began her career as a reporter for 12 years, covering mainly politics at newspapers in Idaho, Connecticut, Virginia and Massachusetts. She joined the Globe in 2004 as an editor of one of its regional editions. Two years later, she became the State House editor. From there, she became city editor for three years, before taking over as Metro editor. She lives in South Boston with her husband and two children.\n","role":"Managing Editor/Chief of Staff","slug":"jennifer-peter","source_id":"2a8e8b0c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2a8e8b0c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeJenPeter","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-02-26T20:53:21.235Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jennifer-peter/","auth":{"1":"7514e4b0b5bd9d40976ebed23cb698148958a56fdb8ac352a6d7517d76392fb0"}},"expires":1732465533435,"lastModified":1732465233189},"{\"slug\":\"cristina-silva\"}":{"data":{"_id":"silva","firstName":"Cristina","lastName":"Silva","secondLastName":"","byline":"Cristina Silva","role":"Managing Editor, Local News","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"cristymsilva","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/cristina-silva/","bio":"Cristina Silva can be reached at Follow her @cristymsilva","longBio":"Cristina Silva is the Managing Editor for Local News at The Boston Globe, helping to deliver excellent coverage on breaking news, policy and politics, and business stories in Boston and across New England.\n\nShe was previously the Managing Editor for National News at USA TODAY, where she worked with editors and reporters across Gannett’s more than 200 newspapers to coordinate coverage and grow audience. 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She spent a year as the editor of the Globe’s Ideas section before taking on her current role. \n\nAnica was a 2019 Nieman fellow at Harvard, and served as a Pulitzer prize juror in 2019 and 2020. \n\nBefore joining the Globe, she worked at The Baltimore Sun, the Los Angeles Times, and The Hartford Courant. Anica is a proud alum of Florida A&M University, an HBCU. She is originally from San Antonio, Texas. 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After graduating from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, he became a reporter for The Associated Press in Chicago and Springfield, Ill. He went on to several other roles at the AP, including national news editor, Silicon Valley correspondent, telecom beat writer, national technology correspondent, and technology and media editor. \n\n\nHe was a 2004-05 Knight Fellow in Science and Technology Journalism at MIT.\n","slug":"brian-bergstein","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-03-14T21:35:07.928Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"cf07a2e40373a7e5e7b43ba79e1a10528769455b151cd04c1df9e73e88ce86fa"}},"expires":1732465533372,"lastModified":1732465233208},"{\"slug\":\"jenee-osterheldt\"}":{"data":{"_id":"osterheldt","firstName":"Jeneé","lastName":"Osterheldt","byline":"Jeneé Osterheldt","role":"Deputy Managing Editor for culture, talent, and development","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jenee-osterheldt/","bio":"Jeneé Osterheldt can be reached at Follow her @sincerelyjenee and on Instagram IG:abeautifulresistance.","longBio":"Jeneé Osterheldt is a culture columnist who covers identity and social justice through the lens of culture and the arts. 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She previously worked as a Kansas City Star culture columnist.","slug":"jenee-osterheldt","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T18:07:28.434Z","twitter":"sincerelyjenee","author_type":"Columnist","type":"author","instagram":"abeautifulresistance","auth":{"1":"d858c0a743dc373f21526827c4b8a8ccf8b269d96133ca89ee0050983c9155f0"}},"expires":1732465533365,"lastModified":1732465233223},"{\"slug\":\"heather-ciras\"}":{"data":{"_id":"ciras","type":"author","bio":"Heather Ciras can be reached at Follow her @heatherciras.","byline":"Heather Ciras","email":"","firstName":"Heather","image":"","lastName":"Ciras","longBio":"Heather Ciras leads the Globe's audience strategy across platforms. She also oversees the visual storytelling team and the video team. She is passionate about strengthening the Globe’s ties with its current subscribers, building systems to reach new readers, and creative digital storytelling.\n\nShe was the lead digital strategist for “Blind Spot,” which won a Pulitzer Prize in 2021. Projects and initiatives she led have garnered awards, including an Edward R. Murrow award, and many Online Journalism Awards. \n\nShe started at the Globe as a part-time, overnight web producer in 2012. She left for a stint to serve as the first Director of Audience Development for The Marshall Project, a nonprofit news organization specializing in criminal justice coverage.","role":"Deputy Managing Editor, Audience","slug":"heather-ciras","source_id":"66cc0472-bd0d-11e4-9296-ffff437823b8","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"687a71a4-bd0e-11e4-ba26-a3b3089d7002","twitter":"heatherciras","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-01-06T18:07:02.080Z","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/heather-ciras/","author_type":"Staff","auth":{"1":"387a9b8cc8cee49757c2fcb8ae643d0ee70397fdce73c5bc4b12c5fc59a30a8d"}},"expires":1732465533360,"lastModified":1732465233225},"{\"slug\":\"cynthia-needham\"}":{"data":{"_id":"needham","type":"author","bio":"Cynthia Needham can be reached at Follow her @cynthianeedham.","byline":"Cynthia Needham","email":"","firstName":"Cynthia","image":"","lastName":"Needham","longBio":"Cynthia Needham is the Senior Assistant Managing Editor for Editorial Innovation. She leads the Globe's new journalism initiatives, driving them from ideation to delivery. In this role, she works across editorial and business departments, designing products and teams, while aligning Boston Globe Media's overall strategy with its journalism goals. She also partners with the New Media team, developing Globe stories and other BGM intellectual property for the entertainment industry. Prior to that she oversaw the newsroom's Express Desk, where she directed all breaking news and digital efforts throughout the Trump administration and the Covid pandemic. Cynthia joined the Globe in 2011 and spent five years as political editor, managing coverage of regional politics and elections. She later became an editor on the Business desk. Before the Globe, she spent seven years as a political reporter for The Providence Journal. She graduated from Bowdoin College and Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism.","role":"Senior Assistant Managing Editor, Editorial Innovation","slug":"cynthia-needham","source_id":"28832296-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"28832296-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"CynthiaNeedham","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-01T13:21:04.855Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/cynthia-needham/","auth":{"1":"0a68a71b3fa125e447c92ef3d125613e4bf1ccc177f23bd3c81982cebed785db"}},"expires":1732465533435,"lastModified":1732465233212},"{\"slug\":\"mary-creane\"}":{"data":{"_id":"creane","type":"author","byline":"Mary Creane","email":"","firstName":"Mary","image":"","lastName":"Creane","longBio":"Mary Creane’s job title is Senior Assistant Managing Editor, Production, which is an elaborate way to say she does whatever it takes to make the print product happen in addition to making sure the online content is copy edited.\n\nMary cares deeply about grammar, spelling, and the way words convey meaning. \n\nShe has been at the Globe since 2000, when she was hired as a part-time copy editor. She has worked on most sections of the Globe and seeks to create bridges between the original and new platforms.\n\nMary has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Dayton and a master’s from the Newhouse School at Syracuse University. In addition to her work for the Globe, she is a part-time professor at Boston University.","role":"Senior Assistant Managing Editor, Production","slug":"mary-creane","source_id":"0c604e72-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0c604e72-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-02-20T18:42:12.731Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/mary-creane/","auth":{"1":"2ff2858907e574557d9b9ca6da731fe08442873a80882901caeda6a240749750"}},"expires":1732465533365,"lastModified":1732465233231},"{\"slug\":\"alan-wirzbicki\"}":{"data":{"_id":"wirzbicki","type":"author","bio":"Alan Wirzbicki is Globe deputy editor for editorials. He can be reached at","byline":"Alan Wirzbicki","email":"","firstName":"Alan","image":"","lastName":"Wirzbicki","longBio":"Alan Wirzbicki is the Globe's deputy editor for editorials and has worked at the paper since 2004. Along with the editorial page editor, he assigns, oversees, and edits the unsigned editorials that express the views of the Globe's editorial board. He also edits and writes a weekly email newsletter for the Globe, Are We There Yet?, about the future of transportation in Greater Boston.\n\nPreviously, Wirzbicki was the paper's senior editorial writer, and wrote on a wide variety of topics, including housing, casinos, energy, and local politics. He has written or edited many of the Globe’s political endorsements over the last decade, and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing in 2021 for editorials about housing policy in Massachusetts. Along the way, has also written about dying technologies for the Ideas section; authored an online news quiz for; and drawn one editorial cartoon (so far).\n\nPrior to joining the editorial board in 2011, Wirzbicki was a correspondent in the Globe’s Washington bureau, where he covered the Massachusetts Congressional delegation. He is a native of Connecticut and a graduate of Harvard, where he was president of the Harvard Crimson student newspaper. He lives in West Roxbury. You can follow his cats on Instagram at @therogerbrothers.\n","role":"Senior Assistant Managing Editor for Editorials","slug":"alan-wirzbicki","source_id":"8d5d6e10-7df3-11e7-b892-4652a66b8e21","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"ead59984-514b-11e7-82f7-5c7ae59e355b","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T13:45:01.253Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/alan-wirzbicki/","auth":{"1":"cd65a17ce164943a7389e932bb2029c61f352229e52ed57a997c7dd4b2e6d4e8"}},"expires":1732465533436,"lastModified":1732465233236},"{\"slug\":\"tim-rasmussen\"}":{"data":{"_id":"rasmussen","firstName":"Tim","lastName":"Rasmussen","secondLastName":"","byline":"Tim Rasmussen","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/tim-rasmussen/","bio":"Tim Rasmussen can be reached at","longBio":"Tim Rasmussen is the Senior AME for visual journalism+news product design at the Boston Globe, overseeing all visual journalism. Before joining the Globe, he was the Chief Content Officer at Connecticut Public Broadcasting in Hartford, CT., leading all content produced and distributed by Connecticut Public. Previously, he was the Director of Photography at ESPN, responsible for photography at ESPN The Magazine and all digital platforms. He joined ESPN in 2015 after nearly ten years as Assistant Managing Editor for Photography and Multimedia at The Denver Post, where the paper became known for its exceptional photography and was awarded three Pulitzer Prizes.","slug":"tim-rasmussen","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-03-07T15:32:36.820Z","role":"Senior Assistant Managing Editor for visual journalism and news product design ","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"2c049fb5c8038f60c50cedfe303f652253fa1ccca19711f56b98ecc8964e9354"}},"expires":1732465533354,"lastModified":1732465233229},"{\"slug\":\"brendan-mccarthy\"}":{"data":{"_id":"mccarthyb","firstName":"Brendan","lastName":"McCarthy","byline":"Brendan McCarthy","role":"Spotlight Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/brendan-mccarthy/","bio":"Brendan McCarthy can be reached at","longBio":"Brendan McCarthy is the Globe's Spotlight Editor. He oversees the Spotlight Team and the quick strike investigative team.\n\nHe previously served six years as deputy projects editor. During that time, he led the team that won the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting. The “Blind Spot” series exposed the government's failure to keep tabs on some of the country’s most dangerous drivers.\n\nBefore coming to the Globe in 2018, McCarthy was the founding editor of the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting, a nonprofit affiliated with the state’s public radio network. During his tenure, the scrappy start-up produced a podcast that won a Peabody Award, as well as audio investigations that garnered IRE awards and national Edward R. Murrow honors.\n\nAs a reporter in New Orleans, McCarthy covered crime and corruption for The Times-Picayune. He was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2009 and received Columbia University’s Mike Berger award for an eight-part narrative series about a boy’s unsolved murder. He was part of a team behind a PBS Frontline documentary into New Orleans police abuses, work that was honored with a George Polk Award.\n\nHe also worked as an investigative reporter at WWL-TV in New Orleans. There, he earned an Emmy for a series on human trafficking in the offshore oil industry.\n\nHe began his career at the Chicago Tribune and he’s occasionally written about hip hop and crime for XXL magazine.\n\nJournalism has led to many adventures: McCarthy has been able to ride in a rodeo in Wisconsin, report from remote villages in the Philippines, examine crime in the nation’s murder capital, and chase hurricanes across the South.\n\nHe played himself in the HBO series “Treme” and was featured in Spike Lee’s “If God Is Willing and da Creek Don't Rise.” He’s also appeared on CNN, Fox News, NPR, and other major networks.\n\nA proud native of Woonsocket, Rhode Island, McCarthy graduated from Emerson College.","slug":"brendan-mccarthy","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-26T22:22:14.886Z","type":"author","author_type":"Staff","auth":{"1":"6988c72888042ee0941f3278cef76707430bb02a26a9ecb91f41d29caa42fd63"}},"expires":1732465533360,"lastModified":1732465233240}},"author-list":{"{\"authorTypes\":\"Staff,Columnist\",\"sort\":\"lastName\",\"status\":\"active\"}":{"data":{"q_results":[{"_id":"abel","type":"author","bio":"David Abel can be reached at Follow him @davabel.","byline":"David Abel","email":"","firstName":"David","image":"","lastName":"Abel","longBio":"An award-winning reporter on the Globe staff, David Abel has covered war in the Balkans, unrest in Latin America, national security issues in Washington D.C., terrorism in New York and Boston, and climate change and poverty in New England. Abel, also a documentary filmmaker and an occasional professor of journalism, was part of the team that won the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News for the paper’s coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings. He now covers the environment for the Globe and teaches journalism at Boston University.\n","role":"Contributing Reporter","slug":"david-abel","source_id":"01f671b4-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2786b8a8-d660-11e0-9f8d-f77009b893f0","twitter":"davabel","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T16:20:34.220Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/david-abel/","auth":{"1":"cd246ae6d657d4a208e482394323b7d9c239dbd96f3ec87af446252795d84b8b"}},{"_id":"abousabe","firstName":"Rami","lastName":"Abou-Sabe","secondLastName":"","byline":"Rami Abou-Sabe","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/rami-abousabe/","bio":"Rami Abou-Sabe can be reached at","longBio":"Rami Abou-Sabe is the digital editor for Globe Opinion. He joined the Globe in September 2023 after spending three years working as the night editor at\n\nAt, Rami oversaw multiple award-winning pieces of journalism and was part of the editorial team that took home first-place finishes at the 2022 New England Newspaper & Press Association awards for Best Website Home Page, Sports Section, Best Overall Website, and General Excellence. He also helmed the launch of’s successful nightly newsletter, and was a key stakeholder in the rollout of the site’s new design in 2021.\n\nRami has worked in various roles for newsrooms across the country including Rolling Stone, CBS Radio, WBZNewsRadio, and iHeartMedia. He has a passion for culture and technology, and enjoys exploring how the two interact with politics and the environment. He graduated from Northeastern University in 2014, and currently lives in Portland, Maine, with his wife and rambunctious rescue dog.","slug":"rami-abousabe","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-04T22:30:09.111Z","role":"Digital Editor, Globe Opinion","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"16669fbc6c0b3f517182adc160dacb1c9928df07be27fcebb1f8c57bdd38b3e4"}},{"_id":"abrahamp","type":"author","bio":"Peter Abraham can be reached at Follow him @PeteAbe.","byline":"Peter Abraham","email":"","firstName":"Peter","image":"","lastName":"Abraham","longBio":"Peter Abraham is the Major League Baseball columnist for The Boston Globe. The Massachusetts native joined the Globe in 2009 after covering the Mets (2002-05) and Yankees (2006-09) for The Journal News of White Plains, N.Y. Prior to that, he covered the University of Connecticut men’s basketball team for The Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin from 1986-99, chronicling the program’s ascension under coach Jim Calhoun. The 2020 Massachusetts sportswriter of the year, his work has earned recognition from state and national press associations including the United States Basketball Writers Association and the Associated Press Sports Editors. He has covered more than 200 postseason baseball games, five NCAA men’s basketball Final Fours and the 1996 summer Olympics in Atlanta. Abraham also is a frequent contributor to Red Sox coverage on the New England Sports Network.","role":"Reporter","slug":"peter-abraham","source_id":"0248fad8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0248fad8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"PeteAbe","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-23T19:15:04.248Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/peter-abraham/","auth":{"1":"f000a4b50a58148db366f777dd2df9ce4aafdcd7daa570779654e3d12fc7da03"}},{"_id":"abrahamy","type":"author","bio":"Globe columnist Yvonne Abraham can be reached at ","byline":"Yvonne Abraham","email":"","firstName":"Yvonne","image":"","lastName":"Abraham","longBio":"Yvonne Abraham grew up in Sydney, Australia, and has been working at the Globe since 1999. She has covered national and local politics, immigration, and just about everything else over those years. \nShe has been a Metro columnist since 2007. She writes about local and national politics, the people who make Boston Boston, the ways in which big, abstract decisions affect the lives of actual people (especially women), and whatever else catches her eye. \n","role":"Columnist","slug":"yvonne-abraham","source_id":"124cb682-dd71-11e0-b778-dc66f807d799","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"dcc0d056-dd71-11e0-a862-e731f609f61c","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-04-04T19:09:52.961Z","author_type":"Columnist","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/yvonne-abraham/","auth":{"1":"db8c39e2185570c80636bc8a9d2c65f8dc2b5792b27b669bceb72d3fc29c802b"}},{"_id":"aguilera","firstName":"Jazmin","lastName":"Aguilera","secondLastName":"","byline":"Jazmin Aguilera","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jazmin-aguilera/","bio":"Jazmin Aguilera can be reached at Follow her @jazminaguilerax.","longBio":"Jazmin Aguilera is a host and senior audio producer for the Boston Globe. Previously the head of audio at Los Angeles Times, Jazmin has a long tenure in the audio industry spanning more than a decade. She was host and supervising producer for The Cut podcast where she produced irreverent audio essays on cultural hot button topics. She was a senior producer and interim executive producer at Conde Nast, producing for Vogue and Pitchfork as well as overseeing audio products for Wired Magazine. She was the inaugural producer fellow with the New York Times working on The Daily where she produced impactful news podcast episodes while simultaneously becoming an International Women's Media Fund grant recipient to report on the Mexican-Guatemalan border. She spent 5 years at the NPR show Snap Judgment, where she produced award winning first person feature episodes. She has won several accolades including Spotify's best podcast episode of the year 2019, Indiewire's second best podcast episode of the year 2019, Third Coast Audio Festival award Gold 2018 and Silver 2019. She and her team produced the podcast episode The Leaked TapeThat Upended L.A. Politics included in the Los Angeles Times 2023 Pulitzer Prize win in breaking news.\n\nShe can be reached at or @jazminaguilerax on X/Twitter","slug":"jazmin-aguilera","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-08-20T17:22:08.308Z","role":"Senior newsletter writer and podcast host","twitter":"jazminaguilerax","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"e42f23d3ddcbb727fd2f135d1823e7ffd253ff5dfc24342dc76b929cd3b8432d"}},{"_id":"alanez","firstName":"Tonya","lastName":"Alanez","secondLastName":"","byline":"Tonya Alanez","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/tonya-alanez/","bio":"Tonya Alanez can be reached at Follow her @talanez.","longBio":"New to Boston from sun and sand, Tonya Alanez joined the Globe in January 2020 to cover federal courts, state courts and legal affairs. She was a reporter and writer on the South Florida Sun Sentinel's 2019 Pulitzer-Prize winning team which won for its coverage of the Parkland school massacre. Alanez has covered criminal courts, statehouse legislative sessions, Rolex girls, hurricanes and a Killer Clown. She has also witnessed and reported on two Death Row executions. Alanez attended the University of Oregon where she was named \"outstanding graduate\" in journalism news/editorial sequence.","slug":"tonya-alanez","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T16:21:30.671Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"31b82a89c1c5431f0511246cb42a0f2b5bec070dad187a463a07ba7f26dee1e3"}},{"_id":"alphonse","firstName":"Lylah","lastName":"Alphonse","secondLastName":"","byline":"Lylah Alphonse","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/lylah-alphonse/","bio":"Lylah Alphonse can be reached at Follow her @WriteEditRepeat.","longBio":"Lylah M. Alphonse is editor of Globe Rhode Island and Globe New Hampshire, leading separate teams covering and exploring each state. Previously, she was the Managing Editor for News at U.S. News & World Report, overseeing the Special Reports, Best Countries, Best States, Healthiest Communities, and Cities sections and coordinating news coverage of national issues ranging from politics and policy to higher education and health care. While at U.S. News & World Report, she also helped launch the Healthcare of Tomorrow and College of Tomorrow franchises, served as a moderator at conferences, and developed the publication’s STEM Index, an interactive measure of science, technology, engineering and mathematics activity in the United States. Before joining U.S. News, she was a Senior Editor and Writer at, where she created and curated the Women in Politics section, edited the Work + Money vertical for Yahoo! Shine, and wrote about news, news analysis, healthcare, childcare, and trends for the homepage of Prior to that, she worked at The Boston Globe from 1994 to 2010, editing in the Living/Arts, National News, and Boston Globe Magazine departments and writing for various sections, including book reviews, feature stories, weekly columns on shopping and travel for The Boston Globe, and a regular parenting column on She is the author of \"Triumph Over Discrimination: The Life Story of Farhang Mehr,\" a biography of the first non-Muslim deputy prime minister of Iran, and is a frequent guest on GBH and Rhode Island PBS news shows. Born and raised in Princeton, N.J., Lylah is a graduate of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, and was inducted into the school's alumni hall of fame in 2000.\n","slug":"lylah-alphonse","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:49:31.377Z","role":"Editor, Rhode Island and New Hampshire","type":"author","twitter":"WriteEditRepeat","auth":{"1":"64ae7569f47ac20ecadacaddbc27a36f29e255d68b49ad1b63c4ea11a0ddb379"}},{"_id":"An","firstName":"Kirkland","lastName":"An","secondLastName":"","byline":"Kirkland An","role":"Newsroom Developer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"kirkland_an","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/kirkland-an/","bio":"Kirkland An can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @kirkland_an","longBio":"Kirkland An is a Newsroom Developer at the Boston Globe. He makes custom interactive stories and graphics, and does data engineering and analysis for stories across the newsroom. He has worked in newsrooms on the East Coast and in the Midwest since 2015. His first newsroom was the Chicago Tribune where he interned on the design team while a student at Wheaton College, IL. After graduating in 2017, he worked at USA Today as an editorial fellow on the Opinion page and reported on policing in the US. In Houston, he joined the Houston Chronicle as a data reporter, where he created custom visualizations, performed data analysis and wrote stories. Most recently, Kirkland was a Data Visualization Developer at the Houston Chronicle. There, he won a newsroom award for excellence and led the design and development of an interactive story on the Ike Dike infrastructure story which won first place in an annual state journalism contest for best online package. As a developer at the Chronicle and at the Globe, Kirkland worked with reporters and editors across departments in the newsroom to bring their stories to life on the web. You can reach him via email at and on Twitter at @kirkland_an. \n","slug":"kirkland-an","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-14T14:13:07.945Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"31f665a2708b8907886d4cb905719aef517ca5e019822fde91487b3415a8cb4f"}},{"_id":"andersen","type":"author","bio":"Travis Andersen can be reached at","byline":"Travis Andersen","email":"","firstName":"Travis","image":"","lastName":"Andersen","longBio":"Travis Andersen is a breaking news reporter on the Express Desk at the \nBoston Globe, covering everything from police and the courts, to higher education, \nlocal and national politics, and celebrity news. He joined the Globe in 2010 and worked \npreviously on the night desk as a general assignment reporter. Notable assignments have \nincluded the murder trials of Aaron Hernandez, proceedings in the Varsity Blues college cheating \nscandal, and the arrests of New England defendants in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the US Capitol. \nHe previously covered the New Hampshire Legislature for the Associated Press. He is a \nproud member of the Boston Newspaper Guild, the LGBTQ community, the recovery community, \nand the global fraternity of rabid prize fighting fans. Travis relishes the daily rush of the breaking \nnews cycle and prides himself on speed, accuracy, fairness, and - when appropriate - a hearty \ndose of entertainment value. He lives in Rhode Island and commutes in to the city on \nTrain 804. He also drinks far too much coffee and will stop to pet every dog that approaches \nhim on the Common. ","role":"Reporter","slug":"travis-andersen","source_id":"0353c3ae-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0353c3ae-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-13T15:24:50.369Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/travis-andersen/","auth":{"1":"1d6f79beffa9f7ad07d00a03de1af3e9159400862dbf99e98264fd766c497a04"}},{"_id":"arnett","type":"author","bio":"Dugan Arnett can be reached at","byline":"Dugan Arnett","email":"","firstName":"Dugan","image":"","lastName":"Arnett","longBio":"Dugan Arnett is an investigative reporter on The Boston Globe's quick strike projects team. Since joining the team in 2021, his work has spanned a variety of subjects with a focus on government accountability, policing, and the criminal justice system. In 2021, he published a series of stories examining the ripple effects of the previous year’s national movement against police misconduct and brutality. \n\nArnett joined the Globe staff as a features writer in 2015 and later worked as a general assignment reporter on the paper's Metro desk. Before arriving in Boston, he spent four years as a features and metro reporter at the Kansas City Star, where he covered topics ranging from a father’s tortured quest to prove his son’s innocence in a journalist’s high-profile slaying, to the young members of Kansas’s notorious Westboro Baptist Church. He was previously part of a writing fellowship for young journalists at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Fla. \n\nHis work has been recognized by the Livingston Awards for Young Journalists, the Investigative Reporters and Editors, the Society for Features Journalism, and the Associated Press Sports Editors, among others. \n\nA native of the Midwest, he is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism.","role":"Reporter","slug":"dugan-arnett","source_id":"3ee21ef0-1fb8-11e7-a8d2-21efeadf1beb","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"f56c0d20-1fb8-11e7-9184-561cfe15bb0b","twitter":"duganarnett","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-20T18:01:51.027Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/dugan-arnett/","auth":{"1":"738e83c40891e931aa047075d36753295b2e9acae764050b0f5cf772651e1cbb"}},{"_id":"arsenault","type":"author","bio":"Mark Arsenault can be reached at Follow him @bostonglobemark.","byline":"Mark Arsenault","email":"","firstName":"Mark","image":"","lastName":"Arsenault","longBio":"Mark Arsenault joined the Boston Globe in 2010, starting in the Washington, D.C., bureau, where he covered national politics and the U.S. Congress. After transferring to the Globe’s Boston office in 2011, he has covered politics and elections, gambling and the establishment of the casino industry in Massachusetts, Boston’s doomed bid to host the summer Olympics, a variety of general assignment news, and the issue of teen suicide. He is an avid hiker and collector of national parks who occasionally contributes pieces on the outdoors to the Globe’s travel section.\n\nFor the past four years, Arsenault has worked on in-depth investigations, tackling issues such as incarceration and the regional housing crisis.\n\nHe has worked at newspapers in New England since 1989, including 10 years at The Providence Journal.\n\nArsenault is the author of four crime fiction novels and one nonfiction book, “The Imposter’s War: The Press, Propaganda and the Newsman who Battled for the Minds of America,” [Pegasus, 2022] a historical biography of early 20th century American news editor John R. Rathom, detailing Rathom’s part in the global propaganda wars of the First World War.","role":"news reporter, investigations","slug":"mark-arsenault","source_id":"03a67f36-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"03a67f36-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"BostonGlobeMark","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[{"title":"","url":"","publisher":""}],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-15T21:54:22.244Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/mark-arsenault/","auth":{"1":"107af8f44601407497f0e4e3f19067d52fc9dd1e5dea2a1ca5102c84bea3e836"}},{"_id":"atkins","firstName":"Kimberly","lastName":"Atkins Stohr","secondLastName":"","byline":"Kimberly Atkins Stohr","role":"Senior Opinion Writer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"KimberlyEAtkins","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/kimberly-atkins-stohr/","bio":"Kimberly Atkins Stohr is a columnist for the Globe. She may be reached at Follow her @KimberlyEAtkins.","longBio":"Kimberly Atkins Stohr is a senior opinion writer and columnist with more than 20 years of experience covering politics, policy and law. She is an on-air political analyst for MSNBC, a frequent panelist on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” and co-host of the popular Politicon legal news podcast #SistersInLaw.\n\nBased in Washington, Kimberly focuses primarily on national political and legal analysis. But she has also written deep-dive series on other pressing topics for Globe Opinion, including the award-winning project on the racial wealth gap in collaboration with the Boston University's Center for Antiracist Research antiracism publication The Emancipator. She also authored a five-part Globe Opinion series on the climate and social justice impacts of the fashion industry. She has won numerous awards, and in 2023 was inducted into the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.\n\nPreviously, Kimberly was the first Washington, DC-based news correspondent for WBUR. She has also served as the Boston Herald’s Washington bureau chief, guest host of C-SPAN’s morning call-in show Washington Journal, and a Supreme Court reporter for Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and its sister publications.She has appeared as a political and legal commentator on a host of national and international television and radio networks, including CNN, Fox News, NBC News, PBS, NPR, Sky News (UK), and CBC News (Canada).\n\nBefore launching her journalism career, she was a civil trial and appellate litigation attorney in Boston, where she argued in a number of courts, including the Massachusetts Appeals Court and the federal 1st US Circuit Court of Appeals.\nKimberly hails from Detroit, and is a graduate of Wayne State University, Boston University School of Law and Boston University College of Communication, and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.\n\nShe can be reached at and on most social media platforms at @KimberlyEAtkins.\n","slug":"kimberly-atkins-stohr","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-03-20T15:51:50.749Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"0f092e8043a1e7566ecf8b3a5f56a67dcfead8adecbc8861eb1829029ff9d0f3"}},{"_id":"aucoin","type":"author","bio":"Don Aucoin can be reached at Follow him @GlobeAucoin.","byline":"Don Aucoin","email":"","firstName":"Don","image":"","lastName":"Aucoin","longBio":"Don Aucoin is the Globe’s theater critic and arts critic-at-large. A former Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, Aucoin covered city and state government and several political campaigns, wrote for The Boston Globe Magazine, and worked as a TV critic and feature writer. He is a coauthor of \"Last Lion: The Fall and Rise of Ted Kennedy\" (Simon & Schuster). He was a finalist for the 2006 Freedom Forum/ASNE Award for Diversity Writing, and his story on a Black newcomer's encounters with Boston’s racial climate was included in the book \"Best Newspaper Writing 2006-2007.\"","role":"Theater Critic and Arts Critic-At-Large","slug":"don-aucoin","source_id":"03d06292-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"03d06292-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeAucoin","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-08-25T15:00:46.561Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/don-aucoin/","auth":{"1":"936794f26283db1c437c8cc6ce354e02ba1616216d34b9040bc2298c144f02a6"}},{"_id":"bailey","type":"author","bio":"Michael Bailey can be reached at","byline":"Michael J. Bailey","email":"","firstName":"Michael J.","image":"","lastName":"Bailey","longBio":"Bailey has been an assistant night editor for news since January of 2013. At the Globe since 1995, he previously worked on the business desk and as assistant national political editor.\n","role":"Assistant Night Editor","slug":"michael-j-bailey","source_id":"03fb4872-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"03fb4872-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-10-02T14:29:02.366Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/michael-j-bailey/","auth":{"1":"2847c58b6a8a683b0ba18ca89cff3de193f653645f1afdda74dcd548d7250c6e"}},{"_id":"bailey-wells","firstName":"Peter","lastName":"Bailey-Wells","byline":"Peter Bailey-Wells","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/peter-bailey-wells/","bio":"Peter Bailey-Wells can be reached at Follow him @pbaileywells.","longBio":"Peter Bailey-Wells is the Express Desk multiplatform editor at the Globe, a role he has held since 2020, where he copy edits live news stories, app alerts, email newsletters, and social media posts. He also works on the print night desk editing stories, selecting and editing obituaries, and laying out newspaper pages. He came to the Globe in 2017 as a summer intern on the copy desk and worked as an overnight web producer from 2018 to 2020, managing the homepage of, social media feeds, email newsletters, and breaking news late at night and early in the morning. During the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, he was part of the team of Globe journalists who built and maintained the newsroom's coronavirus data visualizations and graphics, an effort that was named a finalist for a 2020 Online Journalism Award in breaking news. Before coming to the Globe, he was a sports desk intern at the Lowell Sun in Massachusetts and a Dow Jones News Fund editing intern at The Roanoke Times in Virginia. He is a 2017 broadcast journalism graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a Massachusetts native, and a lifelong reader of the Globe. ","slug":"peter-bailey-wells","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-06T17:57:34.474Z","role":"Multiplatform editor","twitter":"pbaileywells","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"5d5c47416b1c65e970bd8c718532283d82e83fff1ae622df9e5037bac95c2ccb"}},{"_id":"baker","type":"author","bio":"Billy Baker can be reached at Follow him on Instagram IG:billy_baker.","byline":"Billy Baker","email":"","firstName":"Billy","image":"","lastName":"Baker","longBio":"Billy Baker has been a features writer at the Globe since 2010. He lives on Cape Ann and writes about life on the North Shore.\nHis first book, “We Need to Hang Out,” was published by Simon & Schuster in 2021, and grew out of a Globe Magazine article about how adults stink at friendship. It was an Amazon Editors’ Pick, and The New York Times Book Review called it “an entertaining mix of social science, memoir, and humor,” which was cool. But they also said it was as if the book had been “filtered through the lens of Will Ferrell.” Is that a compliment?\nBaker grew up in South Boston, Massachusetts and is married to a woman from South Boston, Virginia. They met when he was on an assignment trying to figure out why there is a South Boston in Virginia. He never did write the story.\nHe is a graduate of Boston Latin School, Tulane University, and the Columbia Journalism School, and is a recipient of the Deborah Howell Award for Writing Excellence from the News Leaders Association. He is also a two-time finalist for Member of the Month at his gym.\nDuring his tenure at the Globe he has been a member of the Narrative Team, and covered the outdoors, mostly with stories about how he is bad at the outdoors. Prior to joining the Globe, he was a freelance magazine journalist whose work appeared in several publications you have heard of and many you have not.","role":"Reporter","slug":"billy-baker","source_id":"3d7de652-dacc-11e0-b819-39b513f0a8e6","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"509fb7aa-dacd-11e0-a49e-c0e30fd7fc1d","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[{"title":"We Need to Hang Out","publisher":"Simon and Schuster","url":""}],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-20T18:36:52.023Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/billy-baker/","instagram":"billy_baker","auth":{"1":"b1b5feddbab397566f5bc6504f061d1a90f8770c2055d3bfb30af433e96aeab0"}},{"_id":"barnes","firstName":"Nancy","lastName":"Barnes","secondLastName":"","byline":"Nancy Barnes","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/nancy-barnes/","bio":"Nancy Barnes can be reached at","longBio":"Nancy Barnes is the editor of The Boston Globe. A veteran journalist who has held the top job at news organizations across the country, Barnes has produced journalism of the highest caliber. Prior to joining the Globe, she was the SVP/News & Editorial Director of NPR from 2018 through 2022, where she led a team of more than 500 journalists and newsroom executives and oversaw NPR's journalism across platforms and around the world. Barnes has a proven track record of elevating metro news outlets to their highest potential. As SVP/News for Hearst Texas newspapers and Executive Editor of The Houston Chronicle from 2013 to 2018, the paper won its first Pulitzer Prize and earned three Pulitzer Finalist nods. As SVP & Editor of the Minneapolis Star Tribune from 2007 to 2013, she led the newsroom to win multiple national awards, including a Pulitzer Prize in local reporting. She is a past president of the News Leaders Association and a member of the Pulitzer Prize Board. A native of Massachusetts, she has an undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia and an MBA from the University of North Carolina.","slug":"nancy-barnes","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-02-01T14:06:26.908Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","role":"Editor","auth":{"1":"02f14733016c1d9f5d26f26baf43bb4e7212f4e0bc40d92dc81e0a00ca1b0fef"}},{"_id":"bartlett","firstName":"Jessica","lastName":"Bartlett","secondLastName":"","byline":"Jessica Bartlett","role":"Medical Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"ByJessBartlett","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jessica-bartlett/","bio":"Jessica Bartlett can be reached at Follow her @ByJessBartlett.","longBio":"Jessica Bartlett is a medical reporter at the Boston Globe, covering hospitals, health insurance and health policy. She has covered health care for nearly a decade, and for most recently with the Globe since 2021. \n\nHer work has focused on the business side of healthcare, with stories on a variety of topics including the evolution of the healthcare market, the pandemic’s effects on health care, health care affordability, legislative reform, workforce challenges and the ongoing hospital capacity crisis. Her story “Voices from the Front Lines,” which included voice testimony from nurses working in hospitals amid the pandemic, won a media excellence award for multimedia journalism from the journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine. \n\nIn addition to her frequent articles, she is a regular contributor on Boston Globe Today, and has made frequent appearances on Bloomberg radio and New England Cable News. Prior to her work at the Globe, Jessica reported on health care, cannabis and craft beer industries for the Boston Business Journal, and spent four years covering local news for the Globe. Her work has also appeared in South Shore Living Magazine.\n\nA Massachusetts native, Jessica is a graduate of the University of Vermont, where she studied English and studio art. She can be reached at\n","slug":"jessica-bartlett","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:24:39.707Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"dd57941020265e9d8ebc7f50b6dc6de65c7f31aaf06d50163f5590b99f9aeb96"}},{"_id":"becerra","firstName":"Leah","lastName":"Becerra","secondLastName":"","byline":"Leah Becerra","role":"Senior digital editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/leah-becerra/","bio":"Leah Becerra can be reached at Follow her @LeahBecerra.","longBio":"Leah Becerra is The Boston Globe's senior digital editor and newsroom product manager. She supervises the 24/7 digital news team that runs, the Globe app, breaking news email alerts, and app push alerts. As a newsroom-based product manager, Leah works with newsroom staff and the Globe’s development team to create news products that engage audiences. She was previously the Globe’s homepage editor and, before that, the mobile applications editor.\n\nSince starting to work for the Globe in 2021, she has covered local and national breaking news events, multiple Boston Marathons, and helped launch some of the Globe’s biggest projects. She also worked with the mobile development team responsible for launching the Globe’s refreshed app for iOS and Android devices in 2024.\n\nHer journalism background encompasses all things digital: web design, podcasts, video, analytics, audience engagement, and more. Before joining the Globe, she worked in newsrooms across the Midwest, including the Springfield News-Leader, the Omaha World-Herald, and The Kansas City Star. In 2018, she was part of a team of journalists at The Star recognized as Pulitzer Prize finalists in public service.\n\nLeah is also an avid runner who has completed multiple marathons and nearly a dozen half marathons throughout the United States. She earned a Bachelor of Journalism from the University of Missouri School of Journalism in 2012. ","slug":"leah-becerra","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-06-10T14:11:35.173Z","type":"author","twitter":"LeahBecerra","auth":{"1":"dee66b9a1f59f7d251287f01a5eb0a7bb43c72de27565fe41c7285057c2ed773"}},{"_id":"bello","type":"author","bio":"Mike Bello can be reached at Follow him @thebelloblotter.","byline":"Mike Bello","email":"","firstName":"Michael","image":"","lastName":"Bello","longBio":"Mike Bello has been deputy city editor at the Boston Globe for 12 years, covering crime, spot news and court arraignments. \n","role":"Deputy City Editor","slug":"michael-bello","source_id":"04e8f392-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"04e8f392-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"TheBelloBlotter","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T16:44:13.365Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/michael-bello/","auth":{"1":"6bff190d95bcd02360e463de579bbd6dd35dc736e17e623bf5b58208c1d38c39"}},{"_id":"benbow","type":"author","bio":"Julian Benbow can be reached at","byline":"Julian Benbow","email":"","firstName":"Julian","image":"","lastName":"Benbow","longBio":"Julian Benbow is a general assignment reporter for the Sports section who covers Boston College and the Revolution. He came to the Globe in 2006 as an intern and is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University.\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"julian-benbow","source_id":"0510f8a6-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0510f8a6-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"JulianBenbow","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T19:42:41.986Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/julian-benbow/","auth":{"1":"e440ee03202a8302e0c468e382336be0ee3a3f4ece08c457785f6b3d9bc7ae1f"}},{"_id":"bergstein","firstName":"Brian","lastName":"Bergstein","secondLastName":"","byline":"Brian Bergstein","role":"Deputy Managing Editor, Ideas","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"BrianBergstein","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/brian-bergstein/","bio":"Brian Bergstein is the editor of the Globe Ideas section. He can be reached at","longBio":"Brian Bergstein is The Boston Globe’s deputy managing editor for the Ideas section in Globe Opinion and a member of the Globe's editorial board.\n\nHe previously was executive editor of MIT Technology Review, where he helped lead the overall editorial coverage. The publication was twice nominated for the National Magazine Award in general excellence during his tenure. He also oversaw big editorial packages such as 10 Breakthrough Technologies, 35 Innovators Under 35, and 50 Smartest Companies. In 2017 he conceived and edited a special issue on artificial intelligence.\n\nIn 2017 and 2018 he served as the founding editor of NEO.LIFE, a biotechnology publication begun by one of the founders of Wired. In 2019 he edited the anthology book “Neo.Life: 25 Visions for the Future of Our Species.”\n\nBergstein began his reporting career with internships at the Herald-Leader of Lexington, Ky., and the Jerusalem bureau of Reuters in 1994. After graduating from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, he became a reporter for The Associated Press in Chicago and Springfield, Ill. He went on to several other roles at the AP, including national news editor, Silicon Valley correspondent, telecom beat writer, national technology correspondent, and technology and media editor. \n\n\nHe was a 2004-05 Knight Fellow in Science and Technology Journalism at MIT.\n","slug":"brian-bergstein","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-03-14T21:35:07.928Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"cf07a2e40373a7e5e7b43ba79e1a10528769455b151cd04c1df9e73e88ce86fa"}},{"_id":"bernstein","type":"author","byline":"Matthew Bernstein","email":"","firstName":"Matthew","image":"","lastName":"Bernstein","longBio":"Matthew Bernstein is The Boston Globe's letters editor, fielding hundreds of readers' submissions every week in response to all elements of the paper’s reporting and commentary. He’s responsible for selecting, curating, editing, fact-checking, and producing content for publication, including headline writing, photo selection, and production for the web. He has been on staff at the Globe since 1997 and has been a copy editor, production editor, editorial design supervisor, and multiplatform editor, with nine years’ experience on the news Night Desk before coming to Opinion in 2006.\nIn March 2020, during the early days of COVID-19, he helped launch and oversaw the blog “Postcards from the Pandemic,” which collected short notes, photos, and illustrations from readers who shared how they were coping.\nBernstein also has written opinion pieces and essays for the Globe in addition to previous freelance writing work that included movie, music, concert, and book reviews and profiles of personalities in the arts.\nPreviously, he has worked in quarterly health care newsletter publishing and as a copy editor, page designer, and writer at The Patriot Ledger in Quincy. He also worked briefly as a Boston-area actor and is an inactive member of SAG-AFTRA.\n","role":"Letters Editor","slug":"matthew-bernstein","source_id":"05aec04a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"05aec04a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeBernstein","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T15:44:06.397Z","bio":"Matthew Bernstein is the Globe’s letters editor. He can be reached at Follow him @GlobeBernstein.","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/matthew-bernstein/","auth":{"1":"e20fe3e9b0894beba212bd8cd1748f7f00485614d04e41c7d64a778be784133c"}},{"_id":"blanding","type":"author","byline":"John Blanding","email":"","firstName":"John","image":"","lastName":"Blanding","longBio":"John Blanding is an assistant chief photographer for the Globe, work which includes assigning photographers, developing photo ideas, and picture editing. As an editor, he has coordinated photo coverage of political conventions, Red Sox, Patriots and Celtics championships and the daily selection of photos for the Globe’s Metro section. As a photographer, he has covered breaking news, politics, sports, and especially likes just going out with a camera to find interesting things. For the Globe, he photographed the busing efforts to desegregate Boston schools, the Catholic Church sex scandal, and the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings.\n\nDuring high school he worked at the Gloucester Daily Times as a photographer and darkroom technician, and before the paper switched to offset printing, also prepared the engraved plates used on the presses to print photos. Blanding studied photography at Rochester Institute of Technology before graduating from Boston University (journalism) and Suffolk University Law School.\n","role":"Assistant Chief Photographer","slug":"john-blanding","source_id":"062928bc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"062928bc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-16T12:50:54.109Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/john-blanding/","auth":{"1":"cffa2dba95fce8c99fa5c80da730b281b6edbe6649c063ee7b616ed7540ff46d"}},{"_id":"booker","firstName":"Lauren","lastName":"Booker","secondLastName":"","byline":"Lauren Booker","role":"Digital Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/lauren-booker/","bio":"Lauren Booker can be reached at","longBio":"Lauren Booker is a digital editor working with two Globe teams: Money, Power, Inequality and The Great Divide. Money, Power, Inequality covers the racial wealth gap in Greater Boston, along with solutions being proposed to bridge the gap. The Great Divide investigates race, class, and inequality in Boston-area schools.\n\nWhile writing regular bylines, Lauren develops and executes the strategy for both teams’ digital presences, which includes social, newsletters, and SEO. In 2024, Lauren was a finalist for an Online Journalism Award in the Excellence in Newsletters, Portfolio category for her work in creating and producing MPI’s weekly newsletter.\n\nAs a journalist working in digital media for more than eight years, she previously was a producer for the Boston Globe’s homepage team supporting the award-winning newspaper’s digital footprint. She had a hand in directing coverage for major stories during her time in the role, including the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 presidential election, and the war in Ukraine. She also led digital strategy for Globe projects including Black News Hour.\n\nPrior to joining the Globe in 2020, Lauren was based in Atlanta with bylines featured across Public Broadcasting Atlanta, Cox Media Group, and CNN. While attending Georgia State University, she began her career in journalism as a reporter and editor for the university’s newspaper, The Signal. Lauren has won the Atlanta Press Club’s Lifestyle Journalism Award of Excellence and the College Journalist of the Year Award.","slug":"lauren-booker","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-09-09T18:58:03.962Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"e97a4dd73b1c7062b1fffd62a4e44ab73f12e4b595aff42e78a47fcbe548e2f3"}},{"_id":"bouknight","type":"author","byline":"Paula Bouknight","email":"","firstName":"Paula","image":"","lastName":"Bouknight","longBio":"Paula Bouknight is the Assistant Managing Editor for Hiring & Development. She oversees recruitment and the Globe’s college summer internship and coop programs. She works with department and section heads to identify and attract top candidates and improve diversity in the newsroom. \nBouknight began her career at The Globe in 1986 in the Sports department as a copy editor. Since then, she has worked on the news copydesk, overseen production of New Hampshire Weekly and City Weekly, and served as night editor. When The Globe embarked on the Bulldog experiment in 2000, she was placed in charge of production, and when the experiment ended, she was named one of two editors for the expanded Globe North section.\n\n","role":"Assistant Managing Editor, Hiring and Development","slug":"paula-bouknight","source_id":"069d8bee-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"069d8bee-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeBouknight","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T19:48:19.735Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/paula-bouknight/","auth":{"1":"2d457ff511940cc0fa1d32dcbabfb81dee1310db5afe1b07e9861f29b4f8c9dd"}},{"_id":"bray","type":"author","bio":"Hiawatha Bray can be reached at Follow him @GlobeTechLab.","byline":"Hiawatha Bray","email":"","firstName":"Hiawatha","image":"","lastName":"Bray","longBio":"Hiawatha Bray is a technology writer for the Business section. A native of Chicago and a graduate of Knox College and Wheaton College, he formerly worked on the staff of the Lexington, Ky. Herald-Leader and the Detroit Free Press, where he wrote about a variety of topics, including banking, nuclear energy and the Kentucky bourbon industry.\n\n\nBray joined the staff of the Globe in 1995, and has covered the rise of the Internet and social media from their earliest beginnings. He famously predicted that Apple’s iMac computer would be a flop (wrong) and that the iPhone would transform the world (right). He has contributed to a number of publications, including Wired, Fast Company and Black Enterprise. He received an Overseas Press Club award for his series on the Internet in Africa, and has reported on technology issues from Taiwan and the Philippines. Bray has frequently appeared on local television and radio programs, most recently on the WBUR news show “Radio Boston.”\n\n\nBray has authored two books: “You Are Here,” a history of modern navigation technologies including inertial navigation, GPS and satellite imaging systems; and a conspiracy-thriller novel, “Power In the Blood.”","role":"Reporter","slug":"hiawatha-bray","source_id":"06c5ebac-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"06c5ebac-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeTechLab","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-13T18:54:27.081Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/hiawatha-bray/","auth":{"1":"cb736413229e28f44d1c7260cc3871688e76525e6bfd3768ff9b8b3264efae70"}},{"_id":"briggs","firstName":"Bobby","lastName":"Briggs","secondLastName":"","byline":"Bobby Briggs","role":"BROADCAST DESIGNER, BOSTON GLOBE TODAY TV Show","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/bobby-briggs/","bio":"","longBio":"Bobby is the Broadcast designer for Boston Globe Today. He is the creative force behind our visual storytelling, with a passion for design and a commitment to innovation. Bobby aims to push the envelope on graphics by translating news and information into engaging, accessible content for our diverse audience. Bobby plays a key role in the Boston Globe’s mission to deliver high-quality boundary breaking multimedia content. His dedication to excellence and the seamless fusion of design and journalism help make Boston Globe Today a leader in the ever-growing digital news landscape. Bobby is completely self taught, working for eight years as the Lead Graphic Designer for digital content creators at Now You Know Productions. He also spent 11 years as a Graphic Designer at Posterenvy LLC. He also spearheaded the designs for Ecowear, a sustainable clothing line. Find Bobby at @bobbybriggsdsgn on instagram, @bobbybriggsdsgn on Twitter or email him at ","slug":"bobby-briggs","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-24T20:44:14.924Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"bobbybriggsdsgn","auth":{"1":"70b049f5b94d09ce5ed9d4106f73dd2ac21453b672dae1a82a6cbbf9f212c677"}},{"_id":"brinker","firstName":"Andrew","lastName":"Brinker","secondLastName":"","byline":"Andrew Brinker","role":"Housing Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/andrew-brinker/","bio":"Andrew Brinker can be reached at Follow him @andrewnbrinker.","longBio":"Andrew Brinker is a reporter on the business desk covering housing and the cost of living in Boston. He previously worked as a business intern, a weekend correspondent for the metro section, and as a co-op on the Express Desk. Andrew graduated from Emerson College in 2022. He is from Western Pennsylvania.","slug":"andrew-brinker","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T16:53:33.162Z","type":"author","twitter":"andrewnbrinker","auth":{"1":"b44b787d02103e63e24ab75823bf7327831976655011550557ab5e598bd14ba5"}},{"_id":"brodey","firstName":"Sam","lastName":"Brodey","secondLastName":"","byline":"Sam Brodey","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/sam-brodey/","bio":"Sam Brodey can be reached at Follow him @sambrodey.","longBio":"Sam Brodey is a national political reporter at The Boston Globe, joining the newsroom in 2024. Since moving to Washington in 2015, he has covered presidential contests and impeachments, reported on elections from Alaska to Georgia, and revealed essential details to the public about powerful political figures.\n\nBefore coming to the Globe, Sam reported for five years at The Daily Beast, covering Congress and national politics. His investigations into Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s boundary-pushing use of campaign and taxpayer funds prompted ethics complaints and considerable local coverage. In 2020, he broke a string of stories on questionable stock trades made by former Georgia Sen. David Perdue, which became a key topic in the 2020 campaigns there. He has enjoyed profiling a range of people in politics, from Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer to election officials in Defiance County, Ohio.\n\nSam also spent over three years as the Washington correspondent for MinnPost, a Minnesota-based nonprofit newsroom. There, he was twice honored with the David Lynch Award for regional reporting on Congress in recognition of his coverage of Minnesota’s powerful sugar beet lobby and for his investigation into a climate of sexual harassment in a Democratic congressman’s office. He began his D.C. reporting career as a fellow at Mother Jones. \n\nOriginally from Los Angeles, Sam graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, where he worked on student publications. You can email him at or find him on Twitter @sambrodey.","slug":"sam-brodey","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-05-21T20:08:47.694Z","role":"Political Reporter","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"sambrodey","auth":{"1":"fba9161e11d9e7e033def232993ac7abec40b6f843eeb86202138a1f115eef4c"}},{"_id":"buell","firstName":"Spencer","lastName":"Buell","secondLastName":"","byline":"Spencer Buell","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"SpencerBuell","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/spencer-buell/","bio":"Spencer Buell can be reached at Follow him @SpencerBuell.","longBio":"Spencer Buell is a reporter for the Boston Globe’s regionals team, where he focuses on Cambridge and Somerville, and all the odd and interesting things that happen on that side of the Charles. So far, that includes the subculture of people who still post paper fliers, a guy who still carves gravestones the old fashioned way, and the truth behind the “Loch Fresh Monster” locals swore they'd seen in Fresh Pond. A lot of this coverage can be found in the newly launched “Camberville & beyond” newsletter. A graduate of Framingham State University, he has been writing stories about the Boston area for more than a decade, starting at the Arlington Advocate, then the Boston Metro newspaper. Before joining the Globe in 2022, he was senior staff writer at Boston magazine, where he won a City and Regional Magazine Association award for Best Online Column, and wrote at length about such topics as the Red-Blue Connector, TikTok comedians, scooters, nightclubs, supply chain disruptions, noise complaints, the New Kids on the Block, and the Phantom Gourmet. He enjoys beer gardens, rail trails, and loud music, and should have taken better care of his eardrums. He was born in Canada on Prince Edward Island and knows good poutine when he sees it.","slug":"spencer-buell","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-21T17:50:09.094Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"88db6a7867940aa62141f83ed568041e3f0ca20add336ecb368d53fe92b695d1"}},{"_id":"burden","type":"author","byline":"Leanne Burden Seidel","email":"leanne.burden@globe.col","firstName":"Leanne","image":"","lastName":"Burden Seidel","longBio":"Leanne Burden Seidel has worked at the Globe for over twenty years as a picture editor. She started working with the feature sections and moved to the newsroom, working on Page One, Metro and many long-term projects. \nWith the creation of the website, her job expanded to editing online features, including video. She produced photo features such as the Natural World gallery, From the Archives column and now co-edits the Big Picture. She curates the Globe Instagram account and works with the news team on coordinating visuals for both online and print.\n","role":"Picture Editor","slug":"leanne-burden-seidel","source_id":"076561d2-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"076561d2-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"burdenseidel","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-07-15T00:03:53.828Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/leanne-burden-seidel/","auth":{"1":"c9bd06441a8924870931c7e522f2955ceae1519b85187060ac8fc92b11ca2f57"}},{"_id":"burns","firstName":"Hilary","lastName":"Burns","secondLastName":"","byline":"Hilary Burns","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/hilary-burns/","bio":"Hilary Burns can be reached at Follow her @Hilarysburns.","longBio":"Hilary Burns is a reporter covering higher education. She is interested in how colleges and universities in New England are adapting to demographic changes, and closely following how the culture wars are playing out on elite campuses. Before joining the Boston Globe in 2022, she authored a national newsletter focused on the business of colleges and universities for The Business Journals. Her work covering the impact of Yale University's nonprofit status on the local community won a national SABEW award for explanatory journalism in 2021. Prior to that, Burns was a business reporter covering the banking industry for American Banker and the Charlotte Business Journal. In Charlotte, she also covered a rogue venture capitalist taking advantage of burgeoning tech entrepreneurs. She is from Barnstable, Mass., and currently lives with her husband, daughter and rescue dog on the South Shore. Burns is a graduate of Wake Forest University where she was editor of the student newspaper.","slug":"hilary-burns","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-16T14:27:23.947Z","role":"Higher Education Reporter","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"Hilarysburns","auth":{"1":"bde5f956a10492b544a169fd8cc6009d8bc141a89b4db58e484a329e7cbbb84b"}},{"_id":"butlera","type":"author","bio":"Anica Butler can be reached at","byline":"Anica Butler","email":"","firstName":"Anica","image":"","lastName":"Butler","longBio":"Anica Butler is the deputy managing editor for local news, overseeing the Globe’s largest news department, which includes city and state politics, higher education, crime and courts, immigration, climate, health and medicine, and the regional news team. Her team also includes The Great Divide, a reporting team dedicated to investigating inequality in K-12 education, and Money, Power, Inequality, a new effort to interrogate and find solutions to the racial wealth gap. Anica was a team leader in the newsroom’s digital reinvention and an editor on the Spotlight series “The Desperate and the Dead,” about the failed mental health care system in Massachusetts, which was a Pulitzer finalist for local journalism in 2017. Anica came to the Globe in late 2011, and as an assistant metro editor oversaw coverage of some of the biggest trials of the last decade, including the Marathon bombing trial, the Whitey Bulger trial, and the trials of Aaron Hernandez while also overseeing immigration coverage. She spent a year as the editor of the Globe’s Ideas section before taking on her current role. \n\nAnica was a 2019 Nieman fellow at Harvard, and served as a Pulitzer prize juror in 2019 and 2020. \n\nBefore joining the Globe, she worked at The Baltimore Sun, the Los Angeles Times, and The Hartford Courant. Anica is a proud alum of Florida A&M University, an HBCU. She is originally from San Antonio, Texas. She now lives in Milton with her husband and 3-year-old daughter, and is a recent commuter rail convert.\n\nShe can be reached at; @AnicaButler on X (formerly known as Twitter); and on BlueSky.","role":"Deputy Managing Editor for local news","slug":"anica-butler","source_id":"225db1ee-2360-11e2-bfae-300af03becac","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"20f07000-48aa-11e4-9bb1-d78f9ede752f","twitter":"AnicaButler","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:40:10.356Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/anica-butler/","auth":{"1":"2e3f58e2314181094511d3a900a42361670e1fdae61bf09d52530e62d56f8de5"}},{"_id":"byrdsella","firstName":"Auzzy","lastName":"Byrdsell","secondLastName":"","byline":"Auzzy Byrdsell","role":"Development Fellow","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/auzzy-byrdsell/","bio":"Auzzy Byrdsell can be reached at","longBio":"Auzzy Byrdsell is the second Development Fellow at the Globe rotating reporting and working across various departments every few months over the course of two years. \n\nBefore this role he worked as an intern on the metro desk at the Globe. He has helped report on local protests, public schools and higher education, cultural developments in Massachusetts and assisted in the coverage of the Boston Celtics 2024 championship and the Karen Read case. \n\nBefore joining the Globe in 2024, he interned at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporting on breaking news and local and government developments. He also interned with the Boston Celtics and has done editorial work with the Wall Street Journal, Columbia University Journalism School, New York University, NPR, Forbes, Atlanta Magazine, Capital B Atlanta and Amandala News.\n\nHe graduated from Morehouse College where he served as the Editor in Chief of The Maroon Tiger, the founder of the Morehouse College Association of Black Journalists and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. He is originally from Atlanta, GA and lived in Germany, Thailand and South Korea. \n\nHe can be reached at and @auzzybyrdsell on X (formerly known as Twitter).","slug":"auzzy-byrdsell","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-10-09T20:41:28.467Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"de810c3763c6a0279ddb578a018f2a6ce444fb6413c0fbb290d72f99ce38708d"}},{"_id":"caffrey","type":"author","bio":"Andrew Caffrey can be reached at Follow him @andrewcaffrey.","byline":"Andrew Caffrey","email":"","firstName":"Andrew","image":"","lastName":"Caffrey","longBio":"Andrew Caffrey is the newsroom's Enterprise Editor, He has been a journalist for three decades, and has covered everything from presidential campaigns, to stock market crashes to NBA playoffs. He previously served as the Globe’s Deputy Business Editor, was a financial reporter here and at the Wall Street Journal. He also spent 12 years in public radio, covering politics for WBUR and then serving as the station’s managing editor.\n","role":"Enterprise Editor","slug":"andrew-caffrey","source_id":"08ac0186-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"08ac0186-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"andrewcaffrey","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T16:59:56.422Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/andrew-caffrey/","auth":{"1":"ad542f4f99e548ff28e9e3cd64a32e4a0bcd7f0a25cc81b22f916272901ad8c2"}},{"_id":"sayre","firstName":"Abi","lastName":"Canina","secondLastName":"","byline":"Abi Canina","role":"Manager of Programs and Operations, Opinion","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/abi-canina/","bio":"Abi Canina can be reached at","longBio":"Abi Canina came to The Boston Globe in 2019 and joined the Opinion team in early 2021. Previously, she has been an executive assistant and project manager at nonprofit, health care, and tech companies. She graduated from Merrimack College with a degree in History.","slug":"abi-canina","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2021-09-16T13:54:50.777Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"391e9fbe4b5ed74cf1183fd36c5cda14733fbcf4936792a3ddec8d90c5ec93ec"}},{"_id":"caporizzo","firstName":"maria","lastName":"caporizzo","secondLastName":"","byline":"maria caporizzo","role":"Deputy Editor, Globe Rhode Island","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/maria-caporizzo/","bio":"maria caporizzo can be reached at Follow her @mariacap.","longBio":"Joining the Globe in 2022, maria caporizzo is Deputy Editor of Globe Rhode Island. She has worked at newspapers in southeastern New England since 1997. Before joining the Globe she spent 15 years at The Providence Journal, where she was a member of the newsroom leadership team as managing editor, digital, responsible for the digital report, from breaking news to developed multimedia projects, across all platforms. She managed the six-person digital team, and developed and implemented the newsroom's first detailed digital strategy, with position-specific approaches and goals for all managers and staff. She was named to two key digital transformation efforts by parent company GateHouse: a team of 18 across the country working to redesign the template for hundreds of GateHouse websites; and a 10-member Digital Transformation Steering Committee that tested new tools, tackled common challenges, shared successes, and made recommendations to corporate leaders for digital development and growth. She was twice elected to the national board of the Associated Press Media Editors.\n\nEarlier in her career, she worked at daily and weekly newspapers in Rhode Island and Connecticut, including weeklies co-owned by The Day of New London and Shore Publishing, as well as the Norwich Bulletin, the Mystic River Press, and the Westerly Sun. She graduated cum laude from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota.","slug":"maria-caporizzo","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-01-05T16:25:34.340Z","type":"author","author_type":"Staff","twitter":"mariacap","auth":{"1":"239cde00f5d5980e84d53fe5bd461e60fa784a5ba75c107e84e32e24c112e2fd"}},{"_id":"carlock","firstName":"Catherine","lastName":"Carlock","secondLastName":"","byline":"Catherine Carlock","role":"Real Estate Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/catherine-carlock/","bio":"Catherine Carlock can be reached at Follow her @bycathcarlock.","longBio":"Catherine Carlock is the real estate and development reporter at the Boston Globe. She has covered commercial real estate for more than a decade, chronicling changes to Boston’s skyline and the power brokers behind the city’s building boom.\n\nCatherine was previously the real estate editor for the Boston Business Journal, where she also covered women in business. In 2016, she won an award from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW) for original coverage of Boston’s 2024 Olympic bid. She was named a \"Boston Power Woman\" by Bisnow and won several awards from the New England Newspaper & Press Association on original real estate and government reporting.\n\nA regular contributor to radio and television, Catherine is a frequent guest on WBUR’s “Radio Boston” and Boston Globe Today. Her work has appeared in The Virginian-Pilot, The Charlotte Observer, The Richmond Times-Dispatch, and the Triad Business Journal. She interned at CNBC and was a Dow Jones News Fund intern with\n\nCatherine hails from Richmond, Virginia and arrived in Boston shortly before the record-breaking winter of 2015. She holds a degree in journalism and English from Washington and Lee University, where she won an award from the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) for online in-depth reporting. Reach her at or @bycathcarlock. ","slug":"catherine-carlock","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:23:43.640Z","twitter":"bycathcarlock","type":"author","auth":{"1":"a0b7241ee149f8731c9897b335a0a5400ed4e0de28e6c26b57497d7057e74b65"}},{"_id":"carney","type":"author","bio":"John Carney can be reached at","byline":"John Carney","email":"","firstName":"John","image":"","lastName":"Carney","longBio":"Since joining the Globe in 1977, John Carney has worked in the Sports Department. He started on the copy desk in 1981.\nNow he works primarily on the digital side — editing copy, doing rewrites, writing headlines and teasers, adding photos, videos, and links to stories, and posting them promptly.\n","role":"Multiplatform Editor","slug":"john-carney","source_id":"0921f9ea-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0921f9ea-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"jfcbg","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-10-02T14:32:57.790Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/john-carney/","auth":{"1":"d9b206950ef9c48980ed2dea0dbb49964ce3caa261bd00308415055d5ca641ad"}},{"_id":"chao","type":"author","byline":"Veronica Chao","email":"","firstName":"Veronica","image":"","lastName":"Chao","longBio":"Veronica Chao is editor of The Boston Globe Magazine, the Globe’s award-winning general interest magazine published every Sunday and covering topics ranging from the college debt crisis and the origins of ISIS to the loneliness epidemic among middle-aged men and the Top Places to Work in Boston. She joined the Globe in 2007 as editor of the City Weekly section, and was an assistant editor for Globe Magazine from 2009 to 2015. \n","role":"Deputy Managing Editor, Living Arts","slug":"veronica-chao","source_id":"09b6c750-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"09b6c750-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"VeronicaChao","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-09-11T15:18:40.108Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/veronica-chao/","auth":{"1":"db01e06574d41b23795ca027457ac12e56f68dda0846a6947e770a6296116ad5"}},{"_id":"chesto","type":"author","bio":"Jon Chesto can be reached at Follow him @jonchesto.","byline":"Jon Chesto","email":"","firstName":"Jon","image":"","lastName":"Chesto","longBio":"Jon Chesto covers the leaders who shape Boston’s business community. He has been reporting on business and politics in New England for the past two decades. Before joining the Globe, he was managing editor at the Boston Business Journal. Prior to that role, he was the business editor at The Patriot Ledger in Quincy. His weekly Ledger column, “Mass. Market,” won several national awards with the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. A graduate of Wesleyan University and Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism, he has also worked as a business reporter at the Boston Herald and as a political reporter with Ottaway Newspapers.\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"jon-chesto","source_id":"273e10ae-a7d0-11e4-ab45-26ee2c7e1515","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"6cfb5d5e-a7d0-11e4-9bc7-03d73391bb46","twitter":"jonchesto","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T17:20:07.022Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jon-chesto/","auth":{"1":"b6076836fff49fa0f50d535d307996a339f0debfd7aa9ac23059ca99dd0ac0c2"}},{"_id":"chin","type":"author","byline":"Barry Chin","email":"","firstName":"Barry","image":"","lastName":"Chin","longBio":"Barry Chin is a staff Photojournalist with primary focus on sports coverage\n","role":"Photojournalist","slug":"barry-chin","source_id":"0a4c62ba-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0a4c62ba-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T19:54:33.612Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/barry-chin/","auth":{"1":"126b14f948f62cc34d7680898aa90c27bc0bd3f08b09c056301798b7aaae755f"}},{"_id":"ciras","type":"author","bio":"Heather Ciras can be reached at Follow her @heatherciras.","byline":"Heather Ciras","email":"","firstName":"Heather","image":"","lastName":"Ciras","longBio":"Heather Ciras leads the Globe's audience strategy across platforms. She also oversees the visual storytelling team and the video team. She is passionate about strengthening the Globe’s ties with its current subscribers, building systems to reach new readers, and creative digital storytelling.\n\nShe was the lead digital strategist for “Blind Spot,” which won a Pulitzer Prize in 2021. Projects and initiatives she led have garnered awards, including an Edward R. Murrow award, and many Online Journalism Awards. \n\nShe started at the Globe as a part-time, overnight web producer in 2012. She left for a stint to serve as the first Director of Audience Development for The Marshall Project, a nonprofit news organization specializing in criminal justice coverage.","role":"Deputy Managing Editor, Audience","slug":"heather-ciras","source_id":"66cc0472-bd0d-11e4-9296-ffff437823b8","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"687a71a4-bd0e-11e4-ba26-a3b3089d7002","twitter":"heatherciras","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-01-06T18:07:02.080Z","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/heather-ciras/","author_type":"Staff","auth":{"1":"387a9b8cc8cee49757c2fcb8ae643d0ee70397fdce73c5bc4b12c5fc59a30a8d"}},{"_id":"clarke","firstName":"Erin","lastName":"Clark","secondLastName":"","byline":"Erin Clark","role":"Photojournalist","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/erin-clark/","bio":"","longBio":" Erin Clark is an award-winning photojournalist and a Pulitzer Prize finalist who has been with the Globe since 2018. She has covered the 2020 presidential race, a family fighting for stable housing, educational inequalities in Boston Public Schools, and the coronavirus pandemic, among other stories around the country. Follow her on Instagram @erinclarkphoto.","slug":"erin-clark","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2020-07-20T14:52:58.037Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"8a8d4dc87af41127d92683473628b3a31a68591a185448c9bce8f62d6018ff5f"}},{"_id":"cohenr","firstName":"Rachelle","lastName":"Cohen","byline":"Rachelle G. Cohen","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/rachelle-cohen/","bio":"Rachelle G. Cohen is a Globe opinion writer. She can be reached at","longBio":"Rachelle G. Cohen is assistant editorial page editor, writing both editorials and columns on criminal justice issues, housing, and politics. Cohen was a Pulitzer Prize finalist for editorial writing in 2021 on a series co-authored with Alan Wirzbicki. She first joined the Globe Editorial Board in 2018 after serving for more than three decades as editorial page editor for the Boston Herald. Prior to joining the Herald she worked for the Associated Press, including a stint as head of the AP’s Massachusetts State House Bureau. She was an adjunct professor of journalism at Suffolk University for five years and continues to guest lecture at several local universities. Cohen has lectured internationally on government transparency, free press and the interdependence of an independent judiciary and a free press in Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Macedonia. She serves as co-chair of the Supreme Judicial Court’s Judiciary-Media Committee and on the board of the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health. A native of Philadelphia, she is a graduate of Temple University. She is reachable at","slug":"rachelle-cohen","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-18T14:53:03.131Z","role":"Assistant Editorial Page Editor","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"b91cd2a14adb279e18624d3f8e9832eb0fad875127fad4f0438ccda30e17833b"}},{"_id":"coleman","type":"author","byline":"Daniel Coleman","email":"","firstName":"Daniel","image":"","lastName":"Coleman","longBio":"Daniel Coleman is a production editor on the copy desk, where he lays out the Globe’s foreign and national pages. A graduate of Boston College, he previously edited at City Weekly and served as managing editor at Horticulture magazine.\n","role":"Production Editor","slug":"daniel-coleman","source_id":"0b1d6d10-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0b1d6d10-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"danielpcoleman","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T19:56:58.491Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/daniel-coleman/","auth":{"1":"0aaabff26072b2e27f0d199de5a7ac8ab83cc9397f0ee7d83cc19e4a5e01b320"}},{"_id":"cotter","firstName":"Colby","lastName":"Cotter","secondLastName":"","byline":"Colby Cotter","role":"Photo Archivist","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"ColbyCotter","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/colby-cotter/","bio":"Colby Cotter can be reached at Follow him @ColbyCotter.","longBio":"Colby Cotter is a former sports journalist covering Rhode Island high school and college sports and is now a full-time archivist. Lifelong Rhode Islander.","slug":"colby-cotter","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T17:33:49.482Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"c17235f116e1b379c7ce441962dbb20d94f763de96fc17cb4a8aa6f0098fa29c"}},{"_id":"cotters","firstName":"Sean","lastName":"Cotter","secondLastName":"","byline":"Sean Cotter","role":"Courts Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/sean-cotter/","bio":"Sean Cotter can be reached at Follow him @cotterreporter.","longBio":"Sean Cotter covers courts and crime for the Boston Globe, where he started in 2023. He has worked at newspapers for a decade, reporting on everything from prolific conmen to the world's largest cardboard box. Before coming to the Globe, Sean worked across town at the Boston Herald, covering Boston City Hall and editing the paper's Sunday edition with a focus on government accountability and transparency. Sean previously reported on the city of Quincy for the Patriot Ledger and covered the heavy overlap of crime and local politics in central Pennsylvania for the York Dispatch. In his articles over the years, Sean has delved into the plight of volunteer fire departments, issues surrounding the Mass. and Cass area, and stop-and-start attempts at police reform. He's also covered major breaking news across New England, from the shooting of Palestinian college students in Burlington, Vt., to the spectacle surrounding the Karen Read trial in Dedham. A graduate of Syracuse University, Sean grew up in the South Shore and lives in Boston.","slug":"sean-cotter","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-06-09T19:27:59.078Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"cotterreporter","auth":{"1":"f551c660f93473a86783f215f6386a72891052f38b0aa8d865ca540a6c9bb134"}},{"_id":"creane","type":"author","byline":"Mary Creane","email":"","firstName":"Mary","image":"","lastName":"Creane","longBio":"Mary Creane’s job title is Senior Assistant Managing Editor, Production, which is an elaborate way to say she does whatever it takes to make the print product happen in addition to making sure the online content is copy edited.\n\nMary cares deeply about grammar, spelling, and the way words convey meaning. \n\nShe has been at the Globe since 2000, when she was hired as a part-time copy editor. She has worked on most sections of the Globe and seeks to create bridges between the original and new platforms.\n\nMary has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Dayton and a master’s from the Newhouse School at Syracuse University. In addition to her work for the Globe, she is a part-time professor at Boston University.","role":"Senior Assistant Managing Editor, Production","slug":"mary-creane","source_id":"0c604e72-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0c604e72-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-02-20T18:42:12.731Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/mary-creane/","auth":{"1":"2ff2858907e574557d9b9ca6da731fe08442873a80882901caeda6a240749750"}},{"_id":"crimaldi","type":"author","bio":"Laura Crimaldi can be reached at Follow her @lauracrimaldi.","byline":"Laura Crimaldi","email":"","firstName":"Laura","image":"","lastName":"Crimaldi","longBio":"Laura Crimaldi is an investigative reporter who joined the Globe newsroom in 2012. In 2021, she shared a Pulitzer Prize in investigative reporting for the Globe series, \"Blind Spot,” which exposed failures by state governments to share information about dangerous drivers and lax federal oversight of the trucking industry.\n\nA graduate of Smith College, Crimaldi has been covering news in New England since 2001. She has reported on the criminal justice system, transportation, housing, politics, and human services and worked as a news and business producer for\n\nAt the Globe, Crimaldi has worked on the metro desk and “quick strike” investigative team.\n\nIn 2009, the New England Associated Press News Executives Association recognized Crimaldi’s coverage of the foreclosure crisis with the Sevellon Brown Public Service Award. She was also a finalist for a Livingston Award, which recognizes journalists age 35 and younger. She is no longer 35.\n\nCrimaldi is a former director for the New England First Amendment Coalition. A writing teacher in Milford, Mass., introduced her to journalism by putting her on the staff of the school newspaper, The Woodland Word. Her professional career began at her hometown newspaper, The Milford Daily News. \n\nCrimaldi lives outside Boston with her husband, a photojournalist, and their son.","role":"Reporter","slug":"laura-crimaldi","source_id":"3d9bb324-2361-11e2-bfae-300af03becac","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"41ebe3f8-556a-11e4-834a-31bd816fb6f1","twitter":"lauracrimaldi","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-20T19:20:48.135Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/laura-crimaldi/","auth":{"1":"cd74249ed897e68a3682a234f07b4aed3f1b3fbfd6d7fe5db6892d126d914a46"}},{"_id":"cronin","type":"author","byline":"Beverly Cronin","email":"","firstName":"Beverly","image":"","lastName":"Cronin","longBio":"Beverly Cronin designs the Metro cover Monday through Friday and layout the inside Metro pages. She also copy edits stories and writes headlines and captions, as needed. After the nightly Metro news meeting, during which we decide what stories will go on the cover and various aspects of their play there, she returns to her work area and puts together the section. To this end, she works with the photo desk and the info graphics artists to get the best elements to illustrate the stories and then makes a coherent and attractive news report for the edification and enjoyment of the readers. Throughout the night and through the three editions, she works with the city desk as stories change in content, importance, and even length, remaining as flexible as possible to make room for the most up-to-date news. \n","role":"Designer / Metro Layout","slug":"beverly-cronin","source_id":"0c930010-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0c930010-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T19:59:03.903Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/beverly-cronin/","auth":{"1":"44dc3fcfc9c16b1dc0a43056b4d7bd39984ffa6c01ebd5e6aec6dba82a8880a9"}},{"_id":"cullen","type":"author","bio":"Kevin Cullen is a Globe reporter and columnist who roams New England. He can be reached at","byline":"Kevin Cullen","email":"","firstName":"Kevin","image":"","lastName":"Cullen","longBio":"To quote Johnny Cash, Kevin Cullen has been everywhere, man. He worked as a local, national and foreign correspondent before becoming a columnist. Cullen also served as bureau chief in Dublin and then, in London. He did a few stints on The Spotlight Team, and was apart of the team that won the Pulitzer Prize in Public Service in 2003 for exposing the coverup of sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests. In 2014, Cullen won the Mike Royko Award as best columnist chosen by the American Society of Newspaper Editors. He was part of the team awarded the Pulitzer for breaking news for coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings, and was a Pulitzer finalist in commentary. Cullen was the only two-time winner of ASNE’s Batten Medal for writing about the marginalized. The co-author of the New York Times bestseller, Whitey Bulger, and a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award, Cullen thought Harvard had standards until they gave him a Nieman Fellowship.\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"kevin-cullen","source_id":"0cc13ade-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0cc13ade-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-02-01T23:57:19.559Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/kevin-cullen/","auth":{"1":"d8bcf46aa39f6b7d33dce8a2152bbcf6a708e3d9aab990b3c8125f4807a4e660"}},{"_id":"damiano","firstName":"Mike","lastName":"Damiano","secondLastName":"","byline":"Mike Damiano","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/mike-damiano/","bio":"Mike Damiano can be reached at","longBio":"Mike Damiano is a general assignment reporter. Before joining the Globe in 2022, he was a contributing editor with Boston magazine, where his stories won awards from the National City and Regional Magazine Association for reporting, civic journalism, and feature writing. Previously, he reported on energy, manufacturing, and economics in Latin America for a specialized business publisher. Early in his career, he wrote features for La Vanguardia, the Barcelona daily. He is the author of Porque la vida no basta, a biography of Spanish painter Miquel Barceló, published by Editorial Anagrama in 2012, and We Wish to Be Able to Sing, the story of a 1960s civil rights movement on Easter Island, published by The Atavist Magazine in 2021.","slug":"mike-damiano","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2022-05-24T19:48:41.299Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"7f96b500b85fa7cec0b7b3cdee06fe60eebd3469cae553fbccd1a9a04e09ec0c"}},{"_id":"dao","firstName":"James","lastName":"Dao","secondLastName":"","byline":"James Dao","role":"Editorial Page Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/james-dao/","bio":"James Dao can be reached at","longBio":"James Dao is the editorial page editor of The Boston Globe, overseeing editorials, op-eds, letters, and the Ideas section. Since he joined the Globe in July 2022, the section has expanded its newsletter offerings, created a new podcast, “Say More,” and pushed to elevate its digital content. Before the Globe, he spent 30 years at The New York Times where, as a reporter, he wrote about state and national politics, roamed the country as a national correspondent, covered the State and Defense departments, created a beat on veterans affairs, and embedded with American troops during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was also the paper’s deputy National editor, Op-Ed editor and, most recently, Metro editor. During his tenure, the Metro section was a Pulitzer finalist for breaking news. As a military correspondent during the Afghanistan war, he won an Emmy, duPont-Columbia, and other awards for a multimedia series on the deployment of an Army battalion, titled “A Year at War.” Before becoming a journalist, he was an original staff member of the New York Chinatown History Project. He is a graduate of Yale College, where he majored in American history. ","slug":"james-dao","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-01-09T20:03:46.529Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"27e873b7a05bb66ee1d67446ce49029b7bc1571d0968afd4c32714e1ba913ac3"}},{"_id":"decola","type":"author","byline":"Rob DeCola","email":"","firstName":"Rob","image":"","lastName":"DeCola","longBio":"A keen observer of the human condition and endless champion for the New England Everyman, Rob DeCola was born and raised in the North Shore suburbs of Boston. As consumer-level online communications came into their own in the last years of the 20th Century, so did Rob, now irrevocably tied to the burgeoning technology through self-taught experimentation. He studied journalism at Emerson College in Boston and started work in the Globe newsroom in 2003, putting to use his technical know-how and love of local culture as an intern at He accepted a full-time staff position in late 2004 as part of the newsroom’s digital conversion team, tasked with the single prime directive of presenting daily editions of The Boston Globe online for readers across the planet. Rob would continue to serve as part of’s news, features, and sports teams for the better part of a decade before bringing his talents to in 2014. He’s been in the newsroom through five presidential elections, 11 Boston sports championship runs, 1 global pandemic, and was helming the breaking news desk the night of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing shootout. That work, along with the work of countless others in the Globe newsroom, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for breaking news coverage in 2014. Rob’s other work has involved everything from foreign affairs to the local arts scene. You can usually find him cracking wise in the newsroom, consistently in awe of the talent, dedication, and professionalism on display from his Globe colleagues, as they all join together in the joyful pursuit of excellence.\n","role":"Senior Digital Producer","slug":"rob-decola","source_id":"ce7b2424-2361-11e2-bfae-300af03becac","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"f89b5ee6-a47e-11e3-9422-f17cf2701139","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-18T12:49:35.375Z","bio":"Rob DeCola can be reached at Follow him @robdecola.","twitter":"robdecola","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/rob-decola/","auth":{"1":"3cafbc114da2b7ab5b8086272136d18481baf26bb881e00148ef2e176c297a05"}},{"_id":"desjardins","firstName":"David","lastName":"Desjardins","secondLastName":"","byline":"David Desjardins","role":"Copy Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/david-desjardins/","bio":"","longBio":"David Desjardins has been a journalist at several Rhode Island newspapers, including the Providence Journal-Bulletin. He joined The Boston Globe in 2000. He lives in Arlington with his wife.","slug":"david-desjardins","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2020-07-23T14:09:43.556Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"eef98d576a27f306b06bb462a0fa7b0b6917865ab66126ce3a59020e8d6aa387"}},{"_id":"dewey","firstName":"Eliza","lastName":"Dewey","secondLastName":"","byline":"Eliza Dewey","role":"Segment Producer, Boston Globe Today","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/eliza-dewey/","bio":"","longBio":"Eliza Dewey is a segment producer for Boston Globe Today, where she crafts in-studio interviews that bring Globe reporting to life on screen while also producing original videos shot in the field. She has worked in journalism for nine years, including community journalism and public media in Boston (Dorchester Reporter, Bay State Banner and GBH News), self-published freelance work in India and an investigative television series in Miami (Fusion TV’s ‘The Naked Truth’). She received her journalism master’s degree from Columbia Journalism School, where she specialized at the Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism and wrote a longform piece about addiction services for people getting released from jail or prison. She also previously worked on Capitol Hill for then-Representative Ed Markey, where she advised on public policy related to income inequality. She's interested in creative storytelling that challenges dominant narratives and in expanding access to journalism careers for others. You can reach her at eliza.dewey@boston.globe and find her on LinkedIn:","slug":"eliza-dewey","linkedin":"eliza-dewey-52072631","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-24T21:02:44.467Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"f87312ff9e15c927bcb520c145d9be68720a9d50d6a2936ed765f94de72b01fe"}},{"_id":"dick","type":"author","bio":"Marcia Dick can be reached at","byline":"Marcia Dick","email":"","firstName":"Marcia","image":"","lastName":"Dick","longBio":"Marcia Dick grew up in Malden and when she was a kid, would fight her dad over who got to read the Globe sports section. She got her first journalism job straight out of college at her hometown paper, where she learned the business. After a brief stop in Tampa, she came to the Globe in 1988.\nMarcia believes being a native of the North Shore helps her understand what’s important to our audience: Stories that reflect quality of life such as development, taxes, and what beach you can get a parking space at a decent price this summer.\n","role":"Assistant News Editor","slug":"marcia-dick","source_id":"0ee2b428-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0ee2b428-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"MarciaLDick","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-11-06T17:43:28.735Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/marcia-dick/","auth":{"1":"6f3312fc4fed5003b07aa1a6aad50999d48310739133dbf8d2066ee9f0967cbb"}},{"_id":"dixon","firstName":"Vince","lastName":"Dixon","secondLastName":"","byline":"Vince Dixon","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/vince-dixon/","bio":"Vince can be reached at Follow him @vince_dixon_.","longBio":"Vince creates interactive and data-driven journalism for Boston Globe's Money, Power, Inequality. Previously, Vince was the senior data visualization reporter at Eater, where he earned a James Beard Award for visual storytelling in foodways journalism. Vince was also a news applications fellow at ProPublica and a web producer at the Chicago Tribune. Vince grew up in Chicago and graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism.","slug":"vince-dixon","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-20T17:56:31.018Z","role":"Senior Newsroom Developer","author_type":"Staff","twitter":"vince_dixon_","type":"author","auth":{"1":"7d7c865a274d09b47ec6a437ef3f104425d67acaa6964985c4a9e0619a9ef3ce"}},{"_id":"dolven","firstName":"Taylor","lastName":"Dolven","secondLastName":"","byline":"Taylor Dolven","role":"Transportation reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"taydolven","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/taylor-dolven/","bio":"Taylor Dolven can be reached at Follow her @taydolven.","longBio":"Taylor Dolven is a reporter on the metro desk covering transportation. Before joining the Globe, she covered the tourism industry on the business desk at the Miami Herald. At the Herald, her work exposed how cruise companies kept workers trapped on board their ships for months without pay during the COVID-19 pandemic and spurred long-awaited investment in pollution reduction technology at Miami-Dade's port. She is from Denver, Colorado.","slug":"taylor-dolven","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T20:46:33.591Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"0303c47cdde42e4aabde867487b41b866657e15b644beb5f0f45be49ab0e9bcc"}},{"_id":"douglase","firstName":"Erin","lastName":"Douglas","secondLastName":"","byline":"Erin Douglas","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/erin-douglas/","bio":"Erin Douglas can be reached at Follow her @erinmdouglas23.","longBio":"Erin Douglas is a climate reporter for The Boston Globe. She previously covered environment and energy issues in Texas for five years, where she was a business reporter for the Houston Chronicle and then an environment and climate reporter for The Texas Tribune. Her work focused on the impacts of climate change on Texans, including extreme heat, flooding and droughts. Her coverage of Texas’ near-statewide power blackouts was recognized with an Investigative Reporters & Editors (IRE) award in 2021, and her work exploring the mental health impacts of climate disasters was recognized as part of the Tribune’s Edward R. Murrow award for overall excellence in 2022. Erin studied journalism and economics at Colorado State University and her first newsroom job was interning for The Denver Post, her hometown newspaper.","slug":"erin-douglas","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-18T21:48:36.433Z","type":"author","author_type":"Staff","twitter":"erinmdouglas23","role":"Climate Reporter","auth":{"1":"c901f7962615473dad9609ad24dd6d26e0aa47047bb2121fe4942cb987b701ab"}},{"_id":"dupont","type":"author","bio":"Kevin Paul Dupont can be reached at","byline":"Kevin Paul Dupont","email":"","firstName":"Kevin Paul","image":"","lastName":"Dupont","longBio":"Kevin Paul Dupont reported on all manner of sports topics the past 40 years, since first becoming a staff writer in 1977 for the then Boston Herald American. \nSince joining the Globe’s sports staff fulltime in 1985, he’s been a beat writer (Bruins, Red Sox), feature writer and, since 2010, he’s written an off-beat column, Second Thought, that covers a wide array of topics.\n","role":"Senior staff writer and columnist","slug":"kevin-paul-dupont","source_id":"0fc1580e-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0fc1580e-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeKPD","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2022-01-18T15:59:19.131Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/kevin-paul-dupont/","auth":{"1":"27dba6d734198ba32e260364bfa81f85f1ebf38e1583bdcc9b749a23101cd27e"}},{"_id":"dzen","firstName":"Gary","lastName":"Dzen","secondLastName":"","byline":"Gary Dzen","role":"Deputy Digital Sports editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/gary-dzen/","bio":"Gary Dzen can be reached at him @garydzen.","longBio":"Gary Dzen started as a Globe intern in 2005 and has held the roles of sports producer, senior producer, associate sports editor, and deputy digital sports editor. He reported on the Celtics during two NBA Finals runs, and has contributed to coverage of nine Boston championships. He oversees sports, and writes a regular column about beer.","slug":"gary-dzen","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-28T15:01:32.964Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"e4f99053bb8aa205c029470dce4e72a7c834a7c9967898f4fdc2714c7c9d2a53"}},{"_id":"ebbert","type":"author","bio":"Stephanie Ebbert can be reached at Follow her @StephanieEbbert.","byline":"Stephanie Ebbert","email":"","firstName":"Stephanie","image":"","lastName":"Ebbert","longBio":"Stephanie Ebbert is an investigative reporter for the Boston Globe, where she has worked as a staff reporter since 1997. With a focus on government and politics, she documented many of Massachusetts’ most consequential campaigns of the past two decades. During the Trump era, she shifted to covering gender issues, tracking the tumultuous societal changes that produced the Women’s March, the #MeToo movement, and the new culture war over transgender rights. She covered Massachusetts’ first-in-the-nation statewide voter referendum on transgender rights and the drama that unfolded in one community where a principal came out as transgender. She unearthed the stories of the forgotten women who were jailed on prostitution charges after the men targeted for patronizing their Florida spa went free. Her coverage of a state law that was allowing veterans to skirt prosecution on domestic violence charges prompted the Legislature to rewrite the law. And she told the stories of women whose allegations of sexual assault inside the Everett Public Schools led the former superintendent to register as a sex offender. Her column on women’s issues, called “What She Said,” offered deeper analysis on the headlines, and in 2022, she launched a newsletter called “Beyond Roe” that tracked the rapid changes following the Supreme Court’s reversal of constitutional protections for abortion rights. A native of Shillington, Pennsylvania, Stephanie graduated from University of Delaware and previously worked for the Reading Eagle-Times, the Harrisburg Patriot-News, and Prevention magazine. She can be reached at or on X @StephanieEbbert","role":"Reporter","slug":"stephanie-ebbert","source_id":"1015c4d4-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1015c4d4-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"stephanieebbert","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-08T15:06:08.091Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/stephanie-ebbert/","auth":{"1":"50c3ce4155c11f409c9f4cb85e1a5a060fe97b4e4ede36ff14623ee1ad45e44f"}},{"_id":"edelman","type":"author","byline":"Larry Edelman","email":"","firstName":"Larry","image":"","lastName":"Edelman","longBio":"Larry Edelman writes about local business, the economy, and financial markets, leaning on sources and knowledge developed over four decades in Boston and New York to break news and put the biggest stories into context. His twice-weekly Trendlines newsletter goes to more than 150,000 email subscribers.\n\nLarry uncovered Massachusetts’ flawed effort to claw back billions of dollars in unemployment benefits from workers who had done nothing wrong, leading the state to eventually waive many of the repayments. He’s told the behind-the-scenes stories of the sale of Legal Sea Foods and the split between Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. And he has guided readers through the ups and downs of the economy, housing market, and inflation. \nBefore starting his column, Larry was the Globe’s deputy managing editor for local, regional, and business news. He has also worked as a senior finance and investing editor at The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg News, and as a technology reporter at Reuters. \n\nA cum laude graduate of Cornell University with a degree in English, he first worked at the Globe from 1989 to 1999, including five years as business editor, and returned in 2015. He can be reached at","role":"Columnist","slug":"larry-edelman","source_id":"0ca5512a-0e15-11e5-a423-8df4a1779690","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"45b3fe80-0e15-11e5-bfcc-15b915be2995","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-04-09T13:28:51.468Z","bio":"Larry Edelman can be reached at","twitter":"GlobeNewsEd","author_type":"Columnist","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/larry-edelman/","auth":{"1":"63161f7d731c296f7b774fcc18a2b2506e3587cf97fc12e2b57cfaf15498d77b"}},{"_id":"elbakyan","type":"author","bio":"Anush Elbakyan can be reached at Follow her @Anushelb.","byline":"Anush Elbakyan","email":"","firstName":"Anush","image":"","lastName":"Elbakyan","longBio":"Anush Elbakyan is an Emmy award-winning producer and multimedia journalist. Elbakyan is the Senior Video Editor and the Video Director for the Boston Globe. Elbakyan oversees the production and distribution of the Globe’s original video content, while also managing video business operations and leading the digital video strategy.\nElbakyan manages a team of video producers and coordinates the daily video news operation. She launched and served as executive producer for the political digital video series “Ground Game,” “Live Political Happy Hour” and the food series “Smart Cooks.”\n","role":"Video Director","slug":"anush-elbakyan","source_id":"c1694094-aa1b-11e3-a839-01cf140169a9","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"8a560272-aa39-11e3-bdba-8d0644e09485","twitter":"anushelb","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T19:12:32.928Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/anush-elbakyan/","auth":{"1":"59dc0690cc831348959ad46172578ce1b1f95ecd3f83cd335572b5b974ef6505"}},{"_id":"ellement","type":"author","bio":"John R. Ellement can be reached at Follow him @JREbosglobe.","byline":"John R. Ellement","email":"","firstName":"John R.","image":"","lastName":"Ellement","longBio":"John R. Ellement is an on-line journalist with 30 years of experience covering breaking news and who continues to report on criminal justice issues in Massachusetts, his primary area of expertise at He was part of the Globe’s coverage of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for breaking news coverage in 2014. He has worked as the Globe’s primary state court reporter and covered the Boston police in the 1990s.\nHe frequently writes the Home Of The Week feature for the Globe’s Address section and He is a graduate of Northeastern University and has taught journalism courses at Boston University’s College of Communication.\n","role":"Digital Journalist","slug":"john-r-ellement","source_id":"fd55a514-0b27-11e7-84b9-18e4ecceed8b","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0b80a2cc-206a-11e7-9184-561cfe15bb0b","twitter":"JREbosglobe","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-28T15:09:39.411Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/john-r-ellement/","auth":{"1":"dbb7933cef13be71c35a0ae5041dee9ef2e30eeda7faedb2a845e3ba44e2a987"}},{"_id":"feeney","type":"author","bio":"Mark Feeney can be reached at","byline":"Mark Feeney","email":"","firstName":"Mark","image":"","lastName":"Feeney","longBio":"Mark Feeney, an arts writer, has been at the Globe since 1979. He writes mostly about photography and film. \n\nHis first job at the paper was in the library, filing photographs. Since then, he has been – pause for a deep breath -- assistant book editor; book editor; editor of the Globe’s Focus section (the predecessor of the Ideas section); a staff writer at the Globe magazine; a feature writer, specializing in profiles of authors and intellectual figures; photography reviewer; and movie reviewer. At various times, he’s also edited the paper’s coverage of movies, television, and the visual arts. \n\nIn 1994, he was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize for feature writing. The article in question was a retrospective view of Richard Nixon on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Feeney estimates he’s written more about Nixon than any other subject. A very distant runner-up is Andy Warhol.\n\nIn 2008, Feeney won a Pulitzer Prize for criticism. The citation praised his “penetrating and versatile command of the visual arts, from film and photography to painting.” He subsequently served four times as a Pulitzer juror, three times in criticism (once as chair) and once in general nonfiction (as chair).\n\nFeeney has taught at Brandeis, Princeton, Yale, Brown, and Boston College. He’s written for The New York Times, The New Republic, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Monthly, Commonweal, and other publications.\n\nFeeney graduated from Harvard, where he concentrated in History & Literature. The author of “Nixon at the Movies: A Book about Belief” (University of Chicago Press, 2004), he’s writing a book about the 1970s.","role":"Arts writer","slug":"mark-feeney","source_id":"11bebe1c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"11bebe1c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[{"title":"Nixon at the Movies: A Book about Belief","url":"","publisher":"University of Chicago Press"}],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-06-06T15:35:36.221Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/mark-feeney/","auth":{"1":"206d78e5819d189afdec690d3ea3e7d5d269009bffcb6282f22335c1873e0042"}},{"_id":"fernandes","type":"author","bio":"Deirdre Fernandes can be reached at Follow her @fernandesglobe.","byline":"Deirdre Fernandes","email":"","firstName":"Deirdre","image":"","lastName":"Fernandes","longBio":"Deirdre Fernandes is a veteran reporter whose work holds some of the state’s most powerful institutions to account, whether it’s colleges, hospitals, banks or insurance companies. She is currently part of the Globe’s investigative team and has written about a troubled cardiothoracic surgeon in New Hampshire and a Boston hospital’s failed partnership to chase rich patients in China. She has covered higher education and written about grandparents burdened by excessive student loans, the lagging diversity of Harvard University’s prestigious graduate schools, and Jeffrey Epstein’s deep personal and financial ties to MIT and Harvard. In 2017, the Education Writers Association named her the country’s best beat reporters among large newspapers. Fernandes joined the Globe in 2011 and has also written about the insurance and banking industry and the economy’s emergence from the Great Recession. Her stories centered on consumers, including homeowners hit with unexpectedly high insurance increases or low-income customers pushed into auto loans with ballooning bills. She previously worked at The Virginian-Pilot and exposed credit card abuse by Virginia Beach city officials, leading to the criminal conviction of one former employee. She also worked at papers in North Carolina. She grew up in Sudbury and received her undergraduate degree at American University. ","role":"Reporter","slug":"deirdre-fernandes","source_id":"8c02dafc-2360-11e2-bfae-300af03becac","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"b4832530-cded-11e2-96c2-8d7320b361ec","twitter":"fernandesglobe","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-02T15:24:07.171Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/deirdre-fernandes/","instagram":"fernandesglobe","auth":{"1":"ad361c7e96100e592daafe61dd68967e51043a1a20db99b45407b3b8edf6d4cb"}},{"_id":"finn","type":"author","bio":"Chad Finn can be reached at Follow him @GlobeChadFinn.","byline":"Chad Finn","email":"","firstName":"Chad","image":"","lastName":"Finn","longBio":"Chad Finn is a sports and sports media columnist. He is the editor of “The Boston Globe Story of the Red Sox” and the upcoming “The Boston Globe Story of the Celtics,’’ which will be published by Black Dog & Leventhal in October 2024. He joined the Globe from the Concord Monitor in New Hampshire in 2003 as a sports copy editor and page designer before moving to the writing side and taking over the sports media beat in 2009. He has won multiple Associated Press Sports Editors awards, including for a multimedia project in 2018 on LeBron James’s time in NBA summer league in Boston. His favorite projects have included an oral history of Larry Bird’s 60-point game and a profile of former Red Sox pitcher and broadcaster Dennis Eckersley for the Globe Magazine. He has had stories selected for the notables section of “The Year’s Best Sports Writing” anthologies in 2022 (a look back at “Wide World of Sports”) and 2023 (on the end of his daughter’s high school sports career). From 2020-22 he was named Favorite Sports Writer in Boston in the annual Channel Media Market and Research Poll, and was named Most Trusted in ‘22. He is a Maine native who got his first big break covering the 42-1-2 national champion University of Maine hockey team as a student in 1993. \n","role":"Reporter","slug":"chad-finn","source_id":"125730fc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"125730fc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeChadFinn","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[{"title":"The Boston Globe Story of the Red Sox","url":"","publisher":"The Boston Globe"}],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-23T13:36:44.246Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/chad-finn/","auth":{"1":"633a23df9cc419e8783a29893dac3e4ba113322b2111dda3970d6b3f82814f9d"}},{"_id":"first","type":"author","bio":"Devra First can be reached at Follow her @devrafirst.","byline":"Devra First","email":"","firstName":"Devra","image":"","lastName":"First","longBio":"Devra First is The Boston Globe’s restaurant critic and food writer. She writes features, restaurant reviews, and critical pieces exploring the cultural and societal meaning of food and dining. First has worked at the Globe as a writer and editor since 2000. She was previously the Globe’s food editor. She also served as assistant arts editor in the Globe’s Living/Arts department and staff editor at the Boston Phoenix. She has received awards for criticism from the Society for Features Journalism and the Association of Food Journalists and is a two-time James Beard Award nominee for her columns. She is also the author of a children’s book, \"The Adventures of Riley the Museum Dog.\"","role":"Restaurant Critic and Food Writer","slug":"devra-first","source_id":"12af0e4e-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"12af0e4e-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"DevraFirst","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T18:10:42.419Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/devra-first/","auth":{"1":"d1793e875bedf26dce81a32e9a2892130060530425deb8850580f122a6c5f2b5"}},{"_id":"fitzpatricke","firstName":"Edward","lastName":"Fitzpatrick","secondLastName":"","byline":"Edward Fitzpatrick","role":"Reporter, Globe Rhode Island","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/edward-fitzpatrick/","bio":"Edward Fitzpatrick can be reached at Follow him @FitzProv.","longBio":"Edward Fitzpatrick is a Rhode Island-based reporter for the Boston Globe, where he writes about state government and Rhode Island politics. He has won numerous awards from the Rhode Island Press Association for a wide range of stories, from spot news to education coverage to business features and profiles, and received special recognition in 2022 for his innovative and insightful coverage of state and local elections. As the host of the weekly Rhode Island Report podcast, he has interviewed local luminaries, national and state politicians, and other newsmakers. He’s a familiar face at local political debates, where he frequently serves as moderator, and he co-hosts and moderates live events for the Globe as part of “Rhode Island Report Live.” Before coming to the Globe in 2019, he was the director of media and public relations for Roger Williams University. Prior to that, he worked for 16 years at the Providence Journal, including eight years as the political columnist and five years as the courts reporter. He has also worked as a reporter at the Hartford Courant, the Albany Times Union, and was the city editor at the Saratogian. He is a board member of the New England First Amendment Coalition and a former board member of Common cause Rhode Island. He is a graduate of Syracuse University, where he earned a degree in magazine journalism and political science.","slug":"edward-fitzpatrick","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:42:25.778Z","twitter":"FitzProv","type":"author","auth":{"1":"2af2ca9aa7091e08fa58905c5e02a2a192209f9b0f3fd721ea650b582a57b2f1"}},{"_id":"flynn","type":"author","byline":"Tim Flynn","email":"","firstName":"Tim","image":"","lastName":"Flynn","longBio":"Tim Flynn previously worked at the Patriot Ledger in Quincy. He is a graduate of Boston Latin School and Northeastern University.\n","role":"Multiplatform Editor","slug":"tim-flynn","source_id":"133cc20c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"133cc20c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T20:11:20.887Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/tim-flynn/","auth":{"1":"b6e05a542e4461063a33c1317b51908ecba5f8a3f676ec4dc50b58932609c563"}},{"_id":"fonsecac","firstName":"Camilo","lastName":"Fonseca","secondLastName":"","byline":"Camilo Fonseca","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/camilo-fonseca/","bio":"Camilo Fonseca can be reached at Follow him on X @fonseca_esq and on Instagram IG:camilo_fonseca.reports.","longBio":"Camilo Fonseca is an express reporter at the Globe. Previously, he worked on the Globe's business desk, covering healthcare and workforce issues. He has also worked at The Seattle Times, where he covered international trade and the aerospace industry; Business Insider, where he was on the tech and trending news team; the Lexington Observer, covering immigration and biotech; and The Christian Science Monitor. His first job in professional journalism was as an express correspondent through the Globe’s co-op program.\n\nCamilo is originally from Tampa, Florida, but has lived in Boston for the past four years during his time at Emerson College. While at Emerson, he studied journalism with a minor in political science, and also served as a managing editor for the student newspaper; he graduated in 2024. Camilo is a native Spanish speaker (and has convinced himself that he is conversational in French), and is a member of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. For his coverage of a Somerville immigrant family in the Globe, he was recognized by NAHJ in October 2023. Outside the newsroom, Camilo loves spending time outdoors, watching baseball and hockey, and enjoying old movies or a good book.","slug":"camilo-fonseca","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-10-24T20:16:41.543Z","role":"Reporter","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"b754a42acf53861314421d6de435399fd9d54d8da23b6aed79c23643501e0b67"}},{"_id":"foust","type":"author","byline":"Bonnie Foust","email":"","firstName":"Bonnie","image":"","lastName":"Foust","longBio":"Bonnie Foust’s job involves a lot or versatility and the ability to balance many things.\nShe lays out newspaper pages, edits copy, puts together roundups using wire copy, and prepares and posts stories to All of this is for the Sports section.\n\n","role":"Multiplatform Editor","slug":"bonnie-foust","source_id":"1483cec6-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1483cec6-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T20:11:56.795Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/bonnie-foust/","auth":{"1":"16790d088146a54e3b271bc097f0a43da06c2a196efc1e5993f8848e9146fa9b"}},{"_id":"fox","type":"author","bio":"Jeremy C. Fox can be reached at Follow him @jeremycfox.","byline":"Jeremy C. Fox","email":"","firstName":"Jeremy C.","image":"","lastName":"Fox","longBio":"Jeremy C. Fox covers breaking news and writes enterprise stories on the Globe's Express Desk. He is also night editor for the Metro section on Sundays and Mondays. He was previously the Globe's night reporter and a beat reporter covering K-12 education. He began writing for the Globe as a community correspondent in 2010 after working as a staff reporter for the Watertown Tab.\n","role":"Reporter/Editor","slug":"jeremy-fox","source_id":"098271a8-eaa7-11e4-9d97-33630e24fb2f","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"3aa346c2-eaa7-11e4-b9ac-262b4768b5d6","twitter":"jeremycfox","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-28T15:12:30.378Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jeremy-fox/","auth":{"1":"b7786670b36130e534dbf23b272027e3267119c1b7fbf70b5a0c194637f8a30a"}},{"_id":"frangules","type":"author","byline":"Arist Frangules","email":"","firstName":"Arist","image":"","lastName":"Frangules","longBio":"Arist Frangules is design supervisor of the Business section. In his three decades as a journalist, Arist has worked as a reporter, copy editor, assignment editor, and layout editor at the Globe and other newspapers in New England.\nArist is responsible for maintaining quality and style consistency from other layout editors in Business section’s appearance. He works closely with editorial designers, news, photo, and graphics editors in designing news pages. He also copy edits news stories, writing headlines and captions. \n","role":"Design Supervisor","slug":"arist-frangules","source_id":"14d3a98c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"14d3a98c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T20:12:30.888Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/arist-frangules/","auth":{"1":"da711f6fd2246b9879f09d223c167e924ca260b80b62f6da122c80fbe143671b"}},{"_id":"fujiwarasmith","firstName":"Daigo","lastName":"Fujiwara-Smith","secondLastName":"","byline":"Daigo Fujiwara-Smith","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/daigo-fujiwara-smith/","bio":"Daigo Fujiwara can be reached at Follow him @DaigoFuji.","longBio":"Daigo Fujiwara is a Newsroom Developer at The Boston Globe. Previously, Daigo worked for multiple news organizations and magazines such as WBUR, Harvard Business Review, Christian Science Monitor, Fast Company and Inc Magazine. He began his journalism career as a co-op at The Boston Globe while studying at Northeastern and is happy to be returning to his roots.\n\nDaigo is actively involved in the New England chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association and NLGJA, The Association of LGBTQ Journalists. A passionate Red Sox fan, he is most proud of being the founder of Baseball Hack Day, an annual one-day hackathon held in multiple cities worldwide since 2012.","slug":"daigo-fujiwara-smith","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-07-02T15:34:37.036Z","role":"Newsroom Developer","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"DaigoFuji","auth":{"1":"ef3045147de595deb9478738491c2918f0b940f5f919ce5c30f2780d69c4118a"}},{"_id":"gagosz","firstName":"Alexa","lastName":"Gagosz","secondLastName":"","byline":"Alexa Gagosz","role":"Reporter, Globe Rhode Island","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"AlexaGagosz","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/alexa-gagosz/","bio":"Alexa Gagosz can be reached at Follow her @alexagagosz and on Instagram IG:AlexaGagosz.","longBio":"Alexa Gagosz is a Rhode Island-based reporter for the Boston Globe, focusing on coverage of business, homelessness, housing, the healthcare industry, and the hospitality industry. She writes the weekly “Innovators Q&A” column about cutting-edge ideas and entrepreneurs in the Ocean State, as well as the weekly “Rhode Island Food & Dining” newsletter, curates the online Rhode Island Food & Dining section, and served as a judge for the 2023 James Beard Awards. She has won numerous awards from the Rhode Island Press Association for her coverage of the state’s housing and homelessness crisis, the attempted Lifespan Corp.-Care New England healthcare systems merger, Block Island’s tourism industry, as well as business, feature, and investigative reporting. For her coverage of the business of food, Alexa won the 2023 Hospitality Ambassador of the Year award from the Rhode Island Hospitality Association, and her coverage of housing and homelessness earned her the 2023 “Housing Elevation Award” by the Housing Network of Rhode Island, as well as special Congressional recognitions by each member of the Rhode Island delegation. Her story, “How a hard-working, middle-class family spiraled into homelessness,” led to a new state law that made it illegal for property owners to charge rental application fees. The written piece, alongside images by Globe staff photographer Suzanne Kreiter, also earned an Eppy Award and accolades from the Society for News Design, the Boston Press Photographers Association, and the R.I. Coalition to End Homelessness. \n\nPrior to joining the Globe in 2021, she was an enterprise reporter for the Providence Business News, where she reported on COVID-19, the business of healthcare, state government, and the hospitality industry. In 2021, she won first place for best Health Care Reporting from the New England Newspaper & Press Association for her in-depth look at the challenges facing nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Providence Business News, and a Silver Award for best business coverage from the Alliance of Area Business Publishers. In 2020, Alexa was awarded the Paul E. Hirshson Byline award, named for a longtime Globe editor and reporter, for professional ethics. Previously, she worked as a contributing reporter for El Mundo Boston and the Bay State Banner. She is also the former editor in chief of The Suffolk Journal. Alexa earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Suffolk University, and her master's in media innovation from Northeastern University.\n","slug":"alexa-gagosz","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:38:36.937Z","type":"author","instagram":"AlexaGagosz","auth":{"1":"d52282603d76a43ea1d95314011d5b1fd20d2ed1bc1413047be47d3513591d59"}},{"_id":"garcia","type":"author","byline":"Marcela García","email":"","firstName":"Marcela","image":"","lastName":"García","longBio":"Marcela García is a columnist for The Boston Globe’s op-ed page. In her twice-a-week column, she covers a wide range of topics, from public education and immigration policy to social inequities and the Latinx community in Boston and beyond. \n\nIn an effort to better serve Latinx audiences, García launched ¡Mira!, the Globe's first-ever weekly newsletter written in both English and Spanish. With ¡Mira!, García offers readers a bilingual view into politics, policy, people, pop culture framed through the immigrant experience.\n\nGarcía also holds the title of Associate Editor, serves on the Globe editorial board, and occasionally writes editorials, the daily unsigned essays representing the view of the Boston Globe as a community institution. García has been part of the Globe opinion and editorial pages since early 2014 but has covered issues that affect the region’s Latinx communities for roughly 18 years. Previously, she was a correspondent for Telemundo Boston, a special contributor to the Boston Business Journal, and the editor of El Planeta, Boston’s largest Spanish-language publication. \n\nIn 2023, García was distinguished by the New England Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists with its first-ever Impact Award, which goes to a New England journalist who has demonstrated leadership in promoting fair coverage of Latinos and advancement of Latino/a/x journalists in the news industry. The New England NAHJ executive board chose García for her “thoroughly reported” columns on issues affecting Latinos in New England and writing “with authority, clarity and with an empathetic heart that engages readers and galvanizes public officials into action.”\n\nGarcía, who’s originally from Monterrey, México, has lived in Boston for 23 years. She received a graduate degree in journalism from the Harvard Extension School in 2005 and holds a B.S. degree in Economics.\n","role":"Associate Editor and Columnist","slug":"marcela-garcia","source_id":"23888f70-b932-11e4-a747-427fe18d817b","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"6cb8b1a2-b932-11e4-b56a-41f124c27476","twitter":"Marcela_Elisa","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-08-07T14:33:01.781Z","author_type":"Columnist","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/marcela-garcia/","bio":"Marcela García is a Globe columnist. She can be reached at Follow her on X @marcela_elisa and on Instagram IG:marcela_elisa.","instagram":"marcela_elisa","auth":{"1":"8b21756d565e088995c8db37677d24252243063b93da0e15e03950279b7fcbbb"}},{"_id":"gasper","type":"author","bio":"Christopher L. Gasper is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at Follow him @cgasper and on Instagram IG:cgaspersports.","byline":"Christopher L. Gasper","email":"","firstName":"Christopher L.","image":"","lastName":"Gasper","longBio":"Christopher L. Gasper joined the Globe as a full-time employee at in 2001. He has been in the Globe sports department since 2006, and was the Patriots beat writer from 2006 to 2009, chronicling the only 16-0 perfect regular season in NFL history. He has been a columnist for the Globe since 2009, covering the Super Bowl, the World Series, the NBA Finals, the Stanley Cup Final, the NCAA men’s basketball Final Four, the College Football Playoff, the horse racing Triple Crown, and the 2016 Summer Olympics. He was named an APSE Top 10 columnist in 2014 and tabbed 2016 favorite sportswriter in the 2016 New England Sports Survey conducted by Channel Media and Market Research. He also proposed the modified sudden-death overtime format that the NFL adopted in 2010. He’s the host of Boston Globe Today Sports on NESN. In addition to his Globe role, Gasper is the co-host of the “Gasper & Murray” radio show on 98.5 the Sports Hub and has appeared on ESPN, BBC Radio, WCVB-TV, and NBC Sports Boston.\n\n\n\n\n","role":"Sports Columnist","slug":"christopher-gasper","source_id":"15ab9e0a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"15ab9e0a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"cgasper","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-27T14:45:44.282Z","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/christopher-gasper/","author_type":"Staff","instagram":"cgaspersports","auth":{"1":"ee76bc1826021fc03aea5e3d40a32c1f26ed403991bba97759d434966cec63b9"}},{"_id":"gavinc","firstName":"Christopher","lastName":"Gavin","secondLastName":"","byline":"Christopher Gavin","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/christopher-gavin/","bio":"Christopher Gavin can be reached at","longBio":"Christopher Gavin is the Express Desk reporter for Globe Rhode Island. He previously covered breaking news across the U.S. for The Messenger, a national, short-lived news start-up. Prior, he was a general assignment staff writer at, where he frequently covered city politics as well as real estate, crime, live music, policy, and a variety of other subjects. During his tenure there, he received eight awards from the New England Newspaper and Press Association for several articles, including a profile of a roving Beacon Hill bagpiper and a look at Massachusetts' changing remote workforce, among others. After working at The Boston Globe while studying journalism at Emerson College, he began his professional career covering town beats as a staff reporter for The Milford Daily News. He has also contributed to weekly newspapers in Rhode Island and on Long Island, New York, where he was born and raised.","slug":"christopher-gavin","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-08-06T17:54:24.397Z","role":"Express Desk Reporter, Rhode Island","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"40b5cb3088fe06475c16993d6774abd58307de85c9d67778292f963642111c91"}},{"_id":"gay","type":"author","bio":"Malcolm Gay can be reached at Follow him @malcolmgay.","byline":"Malcolm Gay","email":"","firstName":"Malcolm","image":"","lastName":"Gay","longBio":"Malcolm Gay is an arts reporter who focuses on enterprise and accountability work across the cultural sector. Since his arrival at the Globe in 2015, he has produced a series of in-depth articles, including an unprecedented look at the “cult” disgraced conductor James Levine nurtured in his early days, a portrait of the life and legacy of landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, and the complicated inheritance faced by descendants of enslaved potter David Drake. \n\nMalcolm was one of three lead reporters on The Valedictorians Project, a nominated finalist for the 2020 Pulitzer Prize in Local Reporting. The project, which revealed structural impediments faced by even Boston’s best and brightest, also led to the formation of The Great Divide, a team of Globe journalists focused on race, class, and opportunity in public education.\n\nHis first book, The Brain Electric, details the race among top neuroscientists to merge the mind with machines. Scientific American MIND called it, “one of the most fascinating and exasperating books you will ever read.” \n\nA former Alicia Patterson Fellow, Malcolm has written for a variety of publications, including The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Wired. His work has received a variety of national journalism awards over the years, including top honors from the James Beard Foundation, the Education Writers Association, and the National Association of Black Journalists.\n\nHe holds a bachelor’s degree from Colorado College and a master’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Journalism. \n","role":"Reporter","slug":"malcolm-gay","source_id":"5443e402-bdf1-11e4-9296-ffff437823b8","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"8ba7c44a-bdf1-11e4-ba26-a3b3089d7002","twitter":"malcolmgay","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[{"title":"The Brain Electric","url":"","publisher":"Farrar, Straus and Giroux"}],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:17:34.788Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/malcolm-gay/","auth":{"1":"5ce53ebf29a3ff45cc5aa0a8e38dddc82407685c23783e30dc1eead9793b45ea"}},{"_id":"gerberd","firstName":"Dana","lastName":"Gerber","secondLastName":"","byline":"Dana Gerber","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/dana-gerber/","bio":"Dana Gerber can be reached at Follow her @danagerber6.","longBio":"Dana Gerber is the Business Producer for the Boston Globe, where she helps oversee the section's digital presence and covers a range of topics — from developments in the local media landscape, to Gen Z workplace attitudes, to the financial toll of Long COVID, to the joys of Allston Christmas. As the section producer, she refines Business content for optimal digital reach, promotes it on all social platforms, and works with reporters and editors to devise innovative presentation strategies.\n\nPrior to joining the Business section in 2022, Dana spent a year as a co-op on the Globe's Living/Arts desk, where she chased stories on a quirky Vermont museum, a Boston Common sketch artist, and a Somerville neon sign maker. Her writing has also appeared in the Dallas Morning News, Boston Magazine, Bethesda Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and Mic.\n\nShe graduated Summa Cum Laude from Emerson College in 2022 with a degree in Writing, Literature & Publishing. At Emerson, she held leadership positions at the campus newspaper, The Berkeley Beacon, and developed a love for Mike's Pastries, movies at the Coolidge, and long rides on the Green Line. You can follow her on the website formerly known as Twitter at @danagerber6, or email her with tips (or TV recommendations) at \n","slug":"dana-gerber","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:25:16.098Z","type":"author","twitter":"danagerber6","auth":{"1":"ff70043a2ceb5fa8bb2a136e620730ff73a00222787590f9e3bc508d5a8fd74b"}},{"_id":"glassmanhughes","firstName":"Emma","lastName":"Glassman-Hughes","secondLastName":"","byline":"Emma Glassman-Hughes","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/emma-glassman-hughes/","bio":"Emma Glassman-Hughes can be reached at Follow her @eglassmanhughes.","longBio":"Emma Glassman-Hughes is a digital producer for the Boston Globe, a freelance culture writer, and a former travel editor. She holds a bachelor's degree from the honors program at Emerson College and a master’s in journalism from Boston University. She was previously a staff writer at Bustle Digital Group and a contributing writer at Cosmopolitan, where she covered queer life and sexuality. She has worked as a research assistant on non-fiction books about Indigenous language preservation in California, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, and a Worcester-born Jazz-Age jewel thief.\n\nBefore transitioning to larger newsrooms, Emma helped launch several start-up outlets, including Here, a travel and culture publication from Away with an award-winning quarterly print magazine. In her role as print editor, she reported from over 12 countries and covered a wide range of subjects, including beekeepers in western Uganda, the soul foods of Buenos Aires, and Aboriginal land stewardship in the Tasmanian bush. While still an undergraduate at Emerson, her writing about menstrual politics and gender inequity earned the attention of Gloria Steinem, who offered praise and polite critiques during an intimate gathering at her New York City apartment. \n\nEmma grew up in San Diego, California, but learned to surf in Barbados while traveling for work. She can be reached at, and more of her writing can be found on her website,","slug":"emma-glassman-hughes","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-13T14:46:40.703Z","role":"Digital Producer","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"eglassmanhughes","auth":{"1":"17bd9a33a95e087220a1d4124dc5c29fefac3672dc111d2fde29aa7227849358"}},{"_id":"glaun","firstName":"Dan","lastName":"Glaun","secondLastName":"","byline":"Dan Glaun","role":"Police accountability reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/dan-glaun/","bio":"Dan Glaun can be reached at Follow him @dglaun.","longBio":"Dan Glaun is a police accountability reporter for the Boston Globe. Prior to joining the Globe, he worked as a criminal justice investigative reporter for the USA Today Network-Florida, breaking stories on domestic homicide, jail deaths and law enforcement controversies. He has been a reporting fellow with FRONTLINE and a reporter for MassLive, where he investigated allegations of misconduct in the Springfield Police Department and Massachusetts State Police. Glaun, who grew up in Massachusetts, is an alumnus of the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Columbia Journalism School.\n\nHe can be reached by email at or on Twitter @dglaun.","slug":"dan-glaun","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-08-01T23:55:35.876Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"dglaun","auth":{"1":"50e0f731481def161d56a9416d68d4021e3d8d77e39889da7ea079f8b8a2dedf"}},{"_id":"gokee","firstName":"Amanda","lastName":"Gokee","secondLastName":"","byline":"Amanda Gokee","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/amanda-gokee/","bio":"Amanda Gokee can be reached at Follow her @amanda_gokee.","longBio":"Amanda Gokee is a New Hampshire-based reporter covering the Granite State for The Boston Globe. She focuses on topics including the environment, health care, inequity, education, and housing, and co-writes the “Globe N.H. | Morning Report” newsletter. Before joining the Globe in 2023, she worked as a reporter for the New Hampshire Bulletin, where she covered energy, the environment, and voting rights. Prior to that, she covered environmental news and issues for VTDigger. She grew up in Vermont, is a graduate of Harvard University, and earned a master’s degree from Dartmouth College. Her writing has also appeared in Atlas Obscura and the LA Review of Books. She has won multiple awards from the New Hampshire Press Association for her work, including first place for Environmental Reporting for her coverage of the local impacts of climate change, as well as awards in the Community Service and Feature Writing categories.","slug":"amanda-gokee","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T13:13:29.654Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"amanda_gokee","auth":{"1":"b80786b4c040e0befb6f2de0f91c38801c46f26c1b68b36c2bb907ce82159fc0"}},{"_id":"goldstein","type":"author","bio":"","byline":"Meredith Goldstein","email":"","firstName":"Meredith","image":"","lastName":"Goldstein","longBio":"Meredith Goldstein is an advice columnist and features writer for The Boston Globe. Her advice column, Love Letters, is a daily dispatch of wisdom for the lovelorn that has been running for more than a decade. She also hosts the popular Love Letters podcast. Her books include the memoir “Can’t Help Myself: Lessons and Confessions From a Modern Advice Columnist,” and the romantic young adult novels “Chemistry Lessons” and “Things That Grow.” Meredith lives in Boston with a Batman doll and a cotton candy machine. She loves tips on all things relationships and entertainment. 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She has been a columnist since 2016 and writes about race and racism, domestic violence, LGBTQ issues and discrimination, police violence, gun reform, and politics. During a previous stint at the Globe, she was a critic and feature writer covering music, film, and television, and wrote a weekly pop culture column, Life in the Pop Lane. She has written for Essence magazine and Radcliffe Magazine and her essays have appeared in the books, \"Out in America: A Portrait of Gay and Lesbian Life\" and \"Wake Up America: Black Women on the Future of Democracy.\" A frequent guest on MSNBC, Graham has been featured commentator in numerous acclaimed documentaries including Showtime’s “We Need to Talk About Cosby,” “The Two Killings of Sam Cooke” on Netflix, and CNN’s \"See It Loud: The History of Black Television,\" and the four-part series “1968: The Year That Changed America.” \n","role":"Associate Editor and Columnist","slug":"renee-graham","source_id":"5e34363e-1e29-11e7-a8d2-21efeadf1beb","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"a06aea1e-1e30-11e7-9184-561cfe15bb0b","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-18T12:55:04.986Z","author_type":"Columnist","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/renee-graham/","twitter":"reneeygraham","auth":{"1":"2e420e12792c57726f4fa01155375291a22628bd5e99dd660e8d2e56e38f169e"}},{"_id":"grahamr","firstName":"Roderic","lastName":"Graham","secondLastName":"","byline":"Roderic Graham","role":"Digital Producer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/roderic-graham/","bio":"Roderic Graham can be reached at","longBio":"Roderic Graham is a digital producer for The Boston Globe. He has over a decade of experience curating homepages to improve audience engagement and focuses on creating an enjoyable online experience for readers. Prior to this role, Roderic honed his digital skills working on teams at CNN, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and Atlanta Magazine. He is a native of Atlanta, Georgia, and a graduate of Kennesaw State and Full Sail University. 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Kennedy International Photojournalism Award for his story of the Lost Boys of Sudan, as well as first place in the World Press Photo competition for his coverage of the Mississippi River flooding of 1993. A Pulitzer Prize finalist, he is also a four-time Emmy award winner, and two-time Edward R. Murrow winner for multimedia work produced at the Globe.\n","role":"Director of Photography","slug":"bill-greene","source_id":"16d530c0-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"16d530c0-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T20:18:28.079Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/bill-greene/","auth":{"1":"ef791c63195854941e0c1872b202f528d66335e5891d1c27cb42446f5354ccbf"}},{"_id":"greener","type":"author","byline":"Roy Greene","email":"","firstName":"Roy","image":"","lastName":"Greene","longBio":"Roy Greene, a staff editor at the Globe for more than two decades, helps to oversee the Metro Desk and serves as regional editor for a group of reporters covering cities and towns outside Boston. Roy previously headed up health, education, and immigration coverage. He also served as deputy foreign editor, coordinating coverage from six overseas bureaus and a stringer network after 9/11 and during the Afghan and Iraq wars. Before joining the Globe, he worked at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C., and spent a year in Cambodia as a journalist. Roy grew up on a farm in North Carolina and graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He resides in Cambridge.","role":"Deputy Metro Editor","slug":"roy-greene","source_id":"17014cd2-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"17014cd2-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"roygreene","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-02-23T22:21:54.528Z","bio":"Roy Greene can be reached at Follow him @roygreene.","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/roy-greene/","auth":{"1":"8f65f52ec881a706e4852ab6247c1a0b65743e4ad6a2032b2c9b2f91d746ca8d"}},{"_id":"greenhouse","type":"author","byline":"Pat Greenhouse","email":"","firstName":"Pat","image":"","lastName":"Greenhouse","longBio":"\n","role":"Photojournalist","slug":"pat-greenhouse","source_id":"172e4ae8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"172e4ae8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T20:19:34.035Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/pat-greenhouse/","auth":{"1":"112c38a084c5801d75a7063fe1bcb164d6e431f313e2872d0989d5bc2bd23538"}},{"_id":"griswold","firstName":"Niki","lastName":"Griswold","secondLastName":"","byline":"Niki Griswold","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/niki-griswold/","bio":"Niki Griswold can be reached at Follow her @nikigriswold.","longBio":"Niki Griswold is a City Hall reporter for The Boston Globe, covering the Boston City Council, the Mayor's office, and the politics and policies of local government. She was previously a reporter on the Globe's Great Divide education team, investigating equity issues in K-12 schools. Prior to joining the Boston Globe in 2023, Griswold worked at the Austin American-Statesman, where she covered state politics with a focus on the 2022 midterm elections and the 88th Texas legislative session. During her time at the Statesman, she was part of the team that was honored as a finalist in 2023 for the Pulitzer Prize in Public Service for their coverage of the Uvalde school shooting. Griswold was also named a 2023 Livingston Award finalist for excellence in local reporting for her stories on the Uvalde community. In her coverage of the Texas Legislature, she reported on a range of issues that made national headlines, including the state’s six week abortion ban and trigger law, efforts to limit transgender children’s access to gender-affirming care, and Uvalde families’ push to advance gun safety legislation. Griswold began her career at a local broadcast news station in Austin, Texas, first as an associate producer and then as an on-air multi-media journalist, covering everything from local and state politics, to public education, and the impact of rapid gentrification. She is originally from the Bay Area, and graduated from Northwestern University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism and a minor in political science.","slug":"niki-griswold","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-01-25T20:51:50.943Z","role":"Reporter","twitter":"nikigriswold","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"c8c68f3d0e750333d3910566199c844eebe3ec4c3d524af81e3ea79be95b6432"}},{"_id":"gross","firstName":"Samantha J.","lastName":"Gross","secondLastName":"","byline":"Samantha J. Gross","role":"Political Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"samanthajgross","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/samantha-j-gross/","bio":"Samantha J. Gross can be reached at Follow her @samanthajgross.","longBio":"Samantha Gross is a politics reporter for The Boston Globe, covering state government and politics. Before joining the Globe in 2022, she was a government reporter at the Miami Herald. She was part of a team at the Herald that won a Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News in 2022 for coverage of the Surfside condo collapse in June of 2021. Her reporting on the Florida Legislature helped change state laws and triggered multiple investigations into misspending at a major domestic violence nonprofit. She was also named a Toner Prize finalist in local political reporting for her investigation into a “sham” Florida Senate candidate propped up by dark money. Samantha was born and raised in Northwest Indiana and graduated from Boston University with a degree in journalism.","slug":"samantha-j-gross","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-09-28T16:23:01.084Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"4b515788bd90f0bbeb48146bc02fa694ef103b7f143d50e947129d2d06f98c9d"}},{"_id":"grossfeld","type":"author","bio":"Stan Grossfeld can be reached at","byline":"Stan Grossfeld","email":"","firstName":"Stan","image":"","lastName":"Grossfeld","longBio":"Grossfeld is a writer, editor, and photographer for the Sports section. In 1984, he won his first Pulitzer Prize for photographs of the people of Lebanon. In 1985, Grossfeld won again for his images from Ethiopia and on the border of Mexico.","role":"Associate Editor","slug":"stan-grossfeld","source_id":"1793e574-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1793e574-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2022-08-11T20:14:00.502Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/stan-grossfeld/","auth":{"1":"7a079cdb3be73ecb52c09810850240a77bb0e6b5529d4d6be63bd66e84264a1c"}},{"_id":"hagen","firstName":"Neena","lastName":"Hagen","secondLastName":"","byline":"Neena Hagen","role":"Data Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/neena-hagen/","bio":"Neena Hagen can be reached at","longBio":"Neena Hagen is a data reporter for The Boston Globe.\n\nBefore coming to the Globe in 2024, she worked at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and primarily covered housing, infrastructure and local government for the investigative team.\n\nDuring her time in Pittsburgh, she co-authored a series called “Left to Rot,” which revealed the city’s crisis of abandoned homes and triggered sweeping reforms. The project was named a 2024 Livingston finalist. She also exposed Pittsburgh's failed bridge maintenance program that led to the collapse of a major span and dredged up internal data showing the city was barreling toward a fiscal cliff.\n\nPreviously, she worked as a data reporter for USA TODAY and as a freelance education reporter for Chalkbeat, where she reported extensively on school closures amid the COVID-19 pandemic.\n\nA Philadelphia native, Neena graduated from the University of Pittsburgh. She spent two years as an actuarial math major before catching the journalism bug at Pitt’s student newspaper, The Pitt News.","slug":"neena-hagen","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-08-06T16:15:15.519Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"43a9149d603a3c0576a0587c95f0e4ba5425c65d712d644c652b798af88b2c8d"}},{"_id":"hajjar","firstName":"Carine","lastName":"Hajjar","secondLastName":"","byline":"Carine Hajjar","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/carine-hajjar/","bio":"Carine Hajjar is a Globe Opinion writer. She can be reached at","longBio":"Carine Hajjar is an opinion and editorial writer and Editorial Board member at The Boston Globe. She started in August 2023 and covers immigration, crime, national security, higher education, and national elections. She previously completed The Fund for American Studies' Joseph Rago Memorial Fellowship for Excellence in Journalism at The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, where she edited op-eds and covered immigration, crime, and the 2022 Nevada midterm elections. As an editorial intern at National Review in 2020 and 2022 she covered higher education, immigration at the southern border from Del Rio, Texas, and the Vienna nuclear negotiations with Iran. In 2019 she worked as a defense intern for Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) in Washington, D.C. Carine is a 2021 graduate of Harvard College where she studied government and economics and chaired the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics' Fellows and Study Groups Program and was a founding leader of the Conservative Coalition. She was a member of The Harvard Crimson's editorial board and wrote an opinion column on free speech on campus called \"Always at Odds.\" As a Harvard University Eliot House Finley Fellow, Carine was awarded a year of purposeful travel after graduation, focusing on Catholicism in European monasteries. She detailed her travels in her blog, \"Girl on the Loose.\" Carine grew up in Milton and is based between Boston and New York City. You can reach her at and follow her on X @carinemhajjar.\n","slug":"carine-hajjar","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-04-29T19:06:13.085Z","role":"Opinion Writer","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"carinemhajjar","auth":{"1":"b387fb265d9d5ae5095eca84afb88a87260f755863331da1395a3a1a9d90bc3d"}},{"_id":"hanafin","type":"author","bio":"Teresa M. Hanafin can be reached at Follow her @BostonTeresa.","byline":"Teresa M. Hanafin","email":"","firstName":"Teresa","image":"","lastName":"Hanafin","longBio":" As the editor of the Globe newsroom’s e-mail newsletters, Teresa Hanafin looks for opportunities to launch new newsletters and ways to improve our current offerings.\nDuring her more than three decades at the Globe, she has reported on Cape Cod, the environment, real estate development, and state politics. After serving as City Editor, Metro Editor, and Assistant Managing Editor for Computer-Assisted Reporting, she moved into the digital world in 1999, becoming the first Editor of Later positions have included overseeing our community engagement efforts and editing Crux, a website about the Catholic Church.\n","role":"Audience engagement editor","slug":"teresa-hanafin","source_id":"97506d08-2364-11e2-bfae-300af03becac","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"3aabafba-4f9f-11e7-82f7-5c7ae59e355b","twitter":"BostonTeresa","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-10-25T19:48:05.946Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/teresa-hanafin/","auth":{"1":"bf2f3ac9c7c40ce769208a0d6e519791ad2e0f83d976964bbaeab6768d0dc973"}},{"_id":"hancock","firstName":"John","lastName":"Hancock","secondLastName":"","byline":"John Hancock","role":"Senior Newsroom Developer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"Hancock_JohnD","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/john-hancock/","bio":"John Hancock can be reached at Follow him @Hancock_JohnD.","longBio":"John Hancock is a senior newsroom developer for the Boston Globe. He has worked at the Globe for three years, designing and developing apps for some of the newsroom’s most ambitious digital storytelling. Additionally, John has published data reporting and visualizations on various subjects, including sports, weather, climate change, health, and infrastructure.\n\nIn 2022, John was part of a team that produced Kate Price Remembers Something Terrible, which won an Online Journalism Award for Large Newsroom Features, was awarded a Silver Medal for photography design by The Society of News Design, and was a Pulitzer Prize finalist.\n\nOver his career, John has won more than 20 Awards of Excellence from The Society of News Design, including for his work on Visualizing Zdeno Chara’s stats, Explore each of David Ortiz’s 558 career home runs, How to Play the Country Club in Brookline, and The Lobster Trap.\n\nPreviously, John worked at The Dallas Morning News for 17 years, first as a designer for The News’ sport section, SportsDay, then as a designer and developer for the product team. In his final three years at The News, John was the editor of Interactives and Data, overseeing such projects as Swish 41, Pain and Profit, and Standoff.\n\n","slug":"john-hancock","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-01-08T17:02:25.175Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"fc3bbff39e1ea3c699af2f3cb210231de0a4551d8fbc6d566216b93bceca559e"}},{"_id":"harris","type":"author","byline":"Jesse M. Harris","email":"","firstName":"Jesse M.","image":"","lastName":"Harris","longBio":"Harris has been at the Globe for over 25 years, working on the Business and News copy desks. Prior to the Globe, Harris worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the former Bank of New England. He is a Boston native. \n","role":"Multiplatform Editor","slug":"jesse-m-harris","source_id":"186a4d44-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"186a4d44-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2022-12-21T15:46:10.038Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jesse-m-harris/","auth":{"1":"37aeb0053296123ec5a4b1d0f4aafdc7551964944db0835502d1e34d102bd43c"}},{"_id":"hauser","firstName":"Brooke","lastName":"Hauser","secondLastName":"","byline":"Brooke Hauser","role":"Assistant Arts Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[{"title":"Enter Helen: The Invention of Helen Gurley Brown and the Rise of the Modern Single Woman","url":"","publisher":"Harper Collins"},{"title":"The New Kids: Big Dreams and Brave Journeys at a High School for Immigrant Teens","url":"","publisher":"Simon and Schuster"}],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/brooke-hauser/","bio":"Brooke Hauser can be reached at Follow her @brookehauser.","longBio":"Brooke Hauser is the assistant arts editor overseeing coverage of visual arts, classical music, and movies/documentaries. \n\nShe’s also a reporter and writer who sees stories everywhere: in a laundromat, a high school journalism class, an archive of women’s history. \n\nBefore joining the Globe in 2022, Hauser was the editor-in-chief of the Daily Hampshire Gazette newspaper in Northampton.\n\nShe’s the author of two nonfiction books: “Enter Helen: The Invention of Helen Gurley Brown and the Rise of the Modern Single Woman,” winner of the National Arts and Entertainment Journalism Award for Best Nonfiction Book, and “The New Kids: Big Dreams and Brave Journeys at a High School for Immigrant Teens,” a winner of the American Library Association’s Alex Award. \n\nHauser has written for many publications, including The New York Times, The New Yorker, Marie Claire, and Allure, where she was a contributing editor. She once found herself wearing Mariah Carey’s fluffy pink bathrobe while interviewing Mariah Carey on her roof deck.\n\nOriginally from Miami, Florida, Hauser grew up reading The Baby-Sitters Club and dreaming of someday working at a newspaper. She got her start writing for The Miami Herald. After graduating from Kenyon College in Ohio in 2001, she covered the film industry as a writer and editor at Premiere magazine and eventually returned to her love of local journalism.\n\nHauser left the Gazette at the end of 2020, an experience she wrote about in the Globe magazine. In 2022, she was the University of Massachusetts Amherst history department’s writer in residence. She lives with her family in Northampton, where she has taught nonfiction writing at Smith College, and considers herself a New Englander-in-training.","slug":"brooke-hauser","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-20T19:22:11.341Z","author_type":"Staff","twitter":"brookehauser","type":"author","auth":{"1":"88d1cc85a839ba5c3508c038de293903d880acf0b070cb3411d023c3a48c93f6"}},{"_id":"healye","firstName":"Emma","lastName":"Healy","secondLastName":"","byline":"Emma Healy","role":"Content Producer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/emma-healy/","bio":"Emma can be reached at or on X @_EmmaHealy_.","longBio":"Emma has covered sports for the Boston Globe for three years, beginning while she was a sophomore at Boston College. She has written about high school, college, and professional sports for the Globe, including coverage of the Boston Bruins, Red Sox, and New England Patriots. Her work has also appeared in USA Lacrosse Magazine and the Tennessean. \n\nEmma graduated Magna Cum Laude from BC in the spring of 2023 with a degree in communication and minors in marketing and Chinese. As one of 18 students selected for the honors communication program, she completed a thesis titled “Racial Framing of NFL Head Coach Candidates in Print and Digital Media” that explored media bias surrounding head coach searches in the NFL before and after the implementation of the Rooney Rule. \n\nShe was a member of the 30th class of the Sports Journalism Institute, a training and internship program designed to attract talented students to journalism through opportunities in sports reporting and editing and enhance racial and gender diversity in sports departments nationwide. ","slug":"emma-healy","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-06T18:12:59.312Z","twitter":"_EmmaHealy_","type":"author","auth":{"1":"b5527797c87c5b54e759042eb3632aa46ce60c16c00d3c08caef9ba8c1df0949"}},{"_id":"hendersono","firstName":"Odie","lastName":"Henderson","secondLastName":"","byline":"Odie Henderson","role":"Film Critic","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/odie-henderson/","bio":"Odie Henderson is the Boston Globe's film critic.","longBio":"Odie Henderson is the Globe’s film critic. He is a member of the National Society of Film Critics whose work has appeared in The Criterion Collection, Slate, The Village Voice, Cineaste Magazine, Slant Magazine and other outlets. Prior to the Globe, he spent 11 years at as a regular contributor. Before his change to a fulltime career as a critic for the Globe, Odie spent 35 years in the Information Technology sector.\nOdie has covered the New York Film Festival and the Toronto Film Festival for many years, and has also programmed his own nine-film sidebar on Black American Cinema at 2013’s Off-Plus Camera Film Festival in Krakow, Poland. He is a frequent guest on Boston Public Radio and NPR’s Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast. At Vulture, he recapped the entirety of HBO’s “Silicon Valley” series, a perfect syncing of his tech and writing careers.\nAdditionally, Odie has also contributed essays to several books, including the cinema guide, Magill's Annual, “Boro, L'Île d'Amour: The Films of Walerian Borowczyk” and “The Deadwood Bible.” In January, 2024, his own book “Black Caesars and Foxy Cleopatras: A History of Blaxploitation Cinema,” will be published.\nTo help readers understand his review philosophy, Odie has contributed pieces to the Globe regarding his star ratings, his unchecked love of boxing movies and his passion for the dreaded semicolon. He is also a massive fan of film noir, musicals, Blaxploitation, bad art, and good trash. \nOccasionally, he teaches seminars on films at Coolidge Corner and makes appearances to introduce films in the Boston area.","slug":"odie-henderson","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-23T11:55:34.997Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"cedf02c761ab43e38c405f7370482753a8c764455c4e475160bc4cdf11700ca8"}},{"_id":"herzog","type":"author","bio":"Bill Herzog can be reached at","byline":"William Herzog","email":"","firstName":"William J.","image":"","lastName":"Herzog","longBio":"William J. Herzog is a multiplatform editor, dealing with features and arts coverage. Before joining the Globe in 2000, he was a features/news copy editor at the Boston Herald. He began his career in 1989 at The (Lawrence) Eagle-Tribune, where he was copy desk chief.\n","role":"Multiplatform editor","slug":"william-j-herzog","source_id":"19082d2a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"19082d2a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-10-02T14:34:41.394Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/william-j-herzog/","auth":{"1":"87a5938073a05a14b8996f6bdc8140c3a1ba1022f917d9afe88d4d437f34d007"}},{"_id":"hilliard","firstName":"John","lastName":"Hilliard","secondLastName":"","byline":"John Hilliard","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/john-hilliard/","bio":"John Hilliard can be reached at","longBio":"John Hilliard covers breaking news for The Boston Globe and contributes to the Newton Report, a project covering the city in partnership with Boston University. Previously, he free-lanced for the Globe and worked at several newspapers in Massachusetts. ","slug":"john-hilliard","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2020-07-15T21:29:05.435Z","type":"author","twitter":"Draillih","auth":{"1":"231b142922d2dff7fc66c37bf1adae1970807b278abf849635580e7134b8318c"}},{"_id":"himmelsbach","type":"author","bio":"Adam Himmelsbach can be reached at Follow him @adamhimmelsbach.","byline":"Adam Himmelsbach","email":"","firstName":"Adam","image":"","lastName":"Himmelsbach","longBio":"Himmelsbach joined the Globe in 2015 and covers the Celtics. A graduate of Syracuse University, Himmelsbach previously spent two years as a columnist at the Louisville Courier-Journal, and six years as a Washington-based contributor for The New York Times.\n","role":"Sports Reporter","slug":"adam-himmelsbach","source_id":"3c01b56a-f41d-11e4-9afe-1a481c105998","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"83c7d28a-f41d-11e4-a1fa-71b1b8429bb0","twitter":"AdamHimmelsbach","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T18:03:06.327Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/adam-himmelsbach/","auth":{"1":"9f25373f7921d6e8fd977358103c6b4493fa9a73cbfa9dc33a728fc7e66c704e"}},{"_id":"hoban","type":"author","bio":"Jim Hoban can be reached at","byline":"Jim Hoban","email":"","firstName":"Jim","image":"","lastName":"Hoban","longBio":"Jim Hoban is in charge of managing and editing our print and digital publications at night in sports.\nHe has been a member of the Boston Globe sports department since 1977. \n","role":"Assistant Sports Editor","slug":"jim-hoban","source_id":"196028c2-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"196028c2-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-10-02T14:31:38.391Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jim-hoban/","auth":{"1":"73b8dd9e80706daed1befc909f99b91109feed7a91ee7721c673f2107e05aab7"}},{"_id":"hohler","type":"author","bio":"Bob Hohler can be reached at","byline":"Bob Hohler","email":"","firstName":"Bob","image":"","lastName":"Hohler","longBio":"Bob Hohler is a sports investigative and enterprise reporter. He has served in the position since 2004, producing high-impact and award-winning coverage of athletes who have been harmed. His work has contributed to the imprisonment or resignations of numerous coaches for alleged abuses. His investigation of the substandard athletic program in the Boston Public Schools spurred a $25 million investment in the system. Hohler twice served on the Globe’s Spotlight Team, first to document corruption in Boston’s taxi industry, then to expose the football industry’s role in the life of Patriots star and convicted killer Aaron Hernandez. Hohler also contributed to the Globe’s Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings. He previously served as the Globe’s Red Sox beat writer, from 2000 to 2004, and chronicled the franchise’s first World Series championship season in 86 years. From 1993 to 2000, Hohler was assigned to the Globe’s Washington bureau, where he covered government and politics, including President Clinton’s impeachment trial. He previously served as a news reporter in Boston. He joined the Globe in 1987 as a regional reporter, based in New Hampshire. The Globe supported his legal defense when he was convicted of criminal contempt in 1987 after he refused to testify in the murder trial of a defendant he had interviewed as a reporter for the Concord Monitor. He also covered the Challenger space shuttle disaster for the Monitor and authored “I Touch the Future: The Story of Christa McAuliffe.” He began his journalism career at the Monadnock Ledger in Peterborough, N.H. A Boston native, Hohler spent nearly a decade driving a taxi in the city while he studied part-time at Suffolk University to earn a journalism degree. He lives in Quincy.\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"bob-hohler","source_id":"198cefd8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"198cefd8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"Bob_Hohler","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-09T16:17:05.673Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/bob-hohler/","auth":{"1":"41116ded07785545940270e1ec2735b3251e4f18a216dbe0358c14376252a543"}},{"_id":"hooks","firstName":"Kris","lastName":"Hooks","secondLastName":"","byline":"Kris Hooks","role":"Editor, Racial Wealth Gap Team","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/kris-hooks/","bio":"Kris Hooks can be reached at Follow him @Captain_Hooks.","longBio":"Kris Hooks is the editor-in-chief of the Globe's newsroom team Money, Power, Inequality, which focuses on examining the racial wealth gap in Greater Boston. Kris was previously an assistant metro editor, covering criminal justice, courts, and city hall. Prior to coming to the Globe, Hooks was a news editor at Capital Public Radio, the NPR affiliate in Sacramento, California, where he oversaw reporters covering city government, education, housing, and homelessness. He is also an adjunct professor at Sacramento City College, where he teaches a course on Race & Gender in the Media. A native Californian, Hooks is married and has one dog named Akris.","slug":"kris-hooks","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-03-27T14:36:04.935Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"df9b81d8760e6c15e7e1a566b8904a8cfb6cad716bb5d2bfaaca0e77dcaeb0b8"}},{"_id":"hoppbruce","type":"author","byline":"Heather Hopp-Bruce","email":"","firstName":"Heather","image":"","lastName":"Hopp-Bruce","longBio":"Heather Hopp-Bruce manages the visual life of opinion content and identity on all platforms. She designs microsites, creates social media campaigns, analyzes and visualizes data stories, strengthens Globe Opinion branding in every way it can be encountered, and celebrates print.\n\nShe holds a Certificate from the Harvard School of Professional Development in Digital Marketing Strategy, has been a Society for News Design judge, guest art director at the Savannah College of Art and design, and is a guest lecturer at Lesley College of Art and Design. She was recently profiled as a success story by Harvard School of Professional Development.\n\nPreviously, she was the Globe design director: In her four-year tenure, the digital design team under her leadership won 11 Society for News Design awards of excellence (including two for portfolio), one SND silver medal, two SND bronze medals, and an Eddie Prize; her team's work was cited in three ONA finalist honors and one ONA winner. She has personally won over two dozen Society for News Design awards, including commendations for section redesign, features design, infographics, art direction, and portfolio; she also art directed Globe Opinion's 2014 and 2015 Pulitzer Prize-winning entries. ","role":"Director of Visual Strategy for Globe Opinion","slug":"heather-hopp-bruce","source_id":"1a12c7ac-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1a12c7ac-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"H_HoppBruce","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2021-08-23T16:48:57.057Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/heather-hopp-bruce/","auth":{"1":"86fe061acefaf2b6f1c11e13a7636fc29f95e0bc628d0b1a232fb3f0f101a7fd"}},{"_id":"horan","firstName":"Kelly","lastName":"Horan","secondLastName":"","byline":"Kelly Horan","role":"Deputy Editor, Ideas","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[{"title":"Devotion and Defiance","publisher":"W.W. Norton","url":""}],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/kelly-horan/","bio":"Kelly Horan is the deputy editor of Ideas. She can be reached at","longBio":"Kelly Horan is The Boston Globe’s deputy editor for the Ideas section in Globe Opinion and a member of the Globe’s editorial board. \n\nShe was previously the writer and senior producer of the Globe podcast “Mr. 80 Percent,” winner of a 2021 Webby award for limited run podcast series. Prior to that, Kelly reported, wrote, and was senior producer for “Last Seen,” a 10-part podcast about the greatest unsolved art heist in history, the 1990 robbery at Boston’s Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. That podcast, co-produced by the Globe and WBUR, garnered more than 1 million downloads in its first week and won many year-end awards for excellence, including from the Edward R. Murrow Society, Public Radio News Directors Incorporated, the Online Journalism Association, Boston Magazine, and the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. “Last Seen” was named a top 10 podcast of 2018 by The Atlantic, the Financial Times, Stitcher, and other outlets.\n\nKelly was a consulting producer for a MatchLight Films/BBC4 TV documentary about the Gardner heist, which aired in July 2020. She has appeared on the History Channel’s “History’s Greatest Heists with Pierce Brosnan” and “History’s Greatest Mysteries.” \n\nKelly spent many years working in public radio. In 2015, she co-reported and produced a two-part investigative series, “Who Killed Gail Miles?” with reporter Bruce Gellerman. That look into the brutal unsolved slaying of a Watertown police officer won the 2016 Edward R. Murrow prize for excellence in investigative reporting. \n\nIn 2014, Kelly produced and wrote an oral history of the Boston Marathon bombing with survivors and first responders. In 2013, she researched, reported, and produced a 10-part Morning Edition series and oversaw five long-form reported stories about JFK’s presidency and legacy. Kelly also edited WBUR’s Ideas and Opinion page Cognoscenti. Prior to that, she was a senior producer of NPR’s daily live talk show, The Connection. \n\nKelly is the author, with Pakistani human rights activist Humaira Awais Shahid, of the book \"Devotion and Defiance,\" published by W.W. Norton in 2013. \n\nShe was a 2007 Wellesley College Stevens Fellow in Paris and a 2004 Japan Society of New York Fellow in Japan. She speaks French and Italian and has a particular interest in reporting stories about art crime. Kelly attended L’Institut d’Etudes Politiques, or Sciences Po, in Paris, and is a graduate of Wellesley College. ","slug":"kelly-horan","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-01-04T18:36:32.932Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"cfc6b24ea9f8db9c636912a0ab9e773394ad3e529c5be70352e62282c4cad137"}},{"_id":"huang","firstName":"Gregory T.","lastName":"Huang","secondLastName":"","byline":"Gregory T. Huang","role":"Business Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"@gthuang","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/gregory-t-huang/","bio":"Gregory T. Huang can be reached at Follow him @gthuang.","longBio":"Greg Huang is the Boston Globe's business editor. Prior to joining the Globe, he was an editor and reporter at Xconomy, New Scientist, and MIT's Technology Review. His writing has appeared in Wired, Nature, and other publications. He graduated from MIT with a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science.","slug":"gregory-t-huang","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-28T15:19:07.473Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"93fa53d9d9b80f7f74e233d46f9e8f7125ffcb6f11af1c40542683f606e16d9a"}},{"_id":"huddle","type":"author","byline":"Ryan Huddle","email":"","firstName":"Ryan","image":"","lastName":"Huddle","longBio":"Huddle designs pages for Boston Globe Magazine and the Movie section. Prior to joining the Globe, he worked as Creative Director for the Victoria Advocate. His work has been recognized by the Society of Publication Designers.\n","role":" Design Director","slug":"ryan-huddle","source_id":"b18a7828-dafc-11e0-b819-39b513f0a8e6","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"b8f2ebcc-db06-11e0-a49e-c0e30fd7fc1d","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-07-14T21:54:07.214Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/ryan-huddle/","auth":{"1":"497dd20dd6118144956713ee7657a29e9600e5c1dd172513f1af9b15800beccf"}},{"_id":"huffaker","firstName":"Christopher","lastName":"Huffaker","secondLastName":"","byline":"Christopher Huffaker","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"huffakingit","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/christopher-huffaker/","bio":"Christopher Huffaker can be reached at Follow him @huffakingit.","longBio":"Christopher Huffaker is the data reporter for The Great Divide, an investigative team focused on educational inequities in Boston and Massachusetts. He has been covering education for the Globe since 2022, including coverage of the impact of the pandemic on schools and learning, enrollment shifts in greater Boston, and the effects of state takeovers of school districts. He also covers the Boston School Committee. Recent work includes a series on the unequal state funding of school construction and efforts to close that gap.\n\nHuffaker previously worked at Patch, covering communities and school districts north of Boston, and as a data reporter for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. While at the Post-Gazette, he was part of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News-winning coverage of the Tree of Life synagogue shooting. He also won Press Club of Western Pennsylvania Golden Quill awards in 2019 and 2020 for series on the high cost of poverty and on childhood poverty, a 2019 National Association of Real Estate Editors Bronze Medal for a series on evictions, and a 2019 Pittsburgh Black Media Federation Robert L. Vann Award for a series on diversity in Pittsburgh-area police departments.\n\nHe has a master’s degree in journalism from Sciences Po University in Paris and a master’s degree in data journalism from Columbia University. He studied math in college.","slug":"christopher-huffaker","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-26T12:48:26.891Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"e3bd57bfeaf648eac7601313ac2cf46e10092b3372f4542d433ba9e55ca5b74b"}},{"_id":"huynha","firstName":"Anjali","lastName":"Huynh","secondLastName":"","byline":"Anjali Huynh","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/anjali-huynh/","bio":"Anjali Huynh can be reached at","longBio":"Anjali Huynh joined the Globe in July 2024 as a political reporter, primarily reporting on the Massachusetts State House and New England politics. Previously, she was a politics fellow at the New York Times, where she covered 2024 campaigns and breaking news, reporting from a dozen states. She reported extensively on presidential and Senate primary races, with focuses on Vivek Ramaswamy’s presidential bid and young voters. Her work spanned anything from Republican outreach to Latino voters in Nevada to how the presidential campaigns were approaching TikTok.\n\nBefore that, Huynh covered the 2022 Georgia midterm elections and local government for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. She also reported as an intern for NBC News, CNN, and the Globe’s Express Desk. She was born and raised in Iowa City, Iowa, where she got her start in politics following 2020 presidential candidates. Huynh graduated from Emory University with a degree in political science and sociology in December 2022.","slug":"anjali-huynh","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-10-22T14:29:26.071Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"facaac809f27492fb4c8accea6de0b6ad9a9bee901fa9049c99adcd9ed6f8a5c"}},{"_id":"intemann","firstName":"Maura","lastName":"Intemann","secondLastName":"","byline":"Maura Intemann","role":"Art Director, Globe Magazine","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/maura-intemann/","bio":"Maura Intemann can be reached at","longBio":"Maura Intemann is the art director of Globe Magazine, the Boston Globe’s award-winning Sunday magazine. Prior to joining the Globe, Maura completed her B.A. in English and Graphic Design at Northeastern University.","slug":"maura-intemann","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-03-29T21:42:54.390Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"defaa34e6129fb7455d6325a3de4fbdbe02584a9cc38f3d9da36bb499cb9cea6"}},{"_id":"jacoby","type":"author","bio":"Jeff Jacoby can be reached at Follow him on X @jeff_jacoby. ","byline":"Jeff Jacoby","email":"","firstName":"Jeff","image":"","lastName":"Jacoby","longBio":"Jeff Jacoby joined the Boston Globe as an op-ed columnist in 1994 and for three decades has provided readers with commentary that informs, interprets, inspires — and sometimes infuriates. When he was six years old, Jeff announced that he intended to be a judge when he grew up. With that goal in mind, he eventually went to law school, passed the bar, and joined a large law firm — but eventually decided that it would be better to issue opinions in the pages of a daily newspaper than from a bench in a courtroom.\n \nJeff was born and raised in Ohio and will always consider himself a Midwesterner, no matter how long he lives in Massachusetts. He is a graduate of George Washington University and Boston University Law School. In 1999, he became the first recipient of the Breindel Prize, a major award for excellence in opinion journalism. In 2014, he was included in the “Forward 50,” a list of the most influential American Jews. As a journalist, his travels have taken him from Cuba to Gaza to the Korean DMZ, and he has interviewed newsmakers as varied as Lech Walesa, Elie Wiesel, and Mikhail Gorbachev. In addition to his twice-weekly column, he also writes Arguable, a newsletter distributed by email each week to 200,000 subscribers.\n","role":"Columnist and Associate Editor","slug":"jeff-jacoby","source_id":"1b10f5e8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1b10f5e8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"jeff_jacoby","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-09-12T14:17:52.056Z","author_type":"Columnist","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/jeff-jacoby/","auth":{"1":"9ab1d71431696233e56b3d99bba8a55632080cd2de9c02a9529d3e7b33d2b53a"}},{"_id":"jimenez","firstName":"Esmy","lastName":"Jimenez","secondLastName":"","byline":"Esmy Jimenez","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[{"name":"Lost Patients podcast","url":"","download_url":""}],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/esmy-jimenez/","bio":"Esmy Jimenez can be reached at Follow her @esmyjimenez.","longBio":"Esmy Jimenez is a senior reporter for The Boston Globe currently investigating the racial wealth gap in the region. Throughout her career she has reported from immigration detention centers and jails, in a bullet-proof vest and helmet during the 2020 protests for racial justice, and from apple orchards and Indigenous reservations covering wildfires, landslides, and even a massive farmworker wedding. \n\nJimenez first started reporting as a local NPR correspondent in rural Washington state and then joined Seattle’s KUOW station covering immigration under the Trump Administration. During that time she earned a regional Edward R. Murrow award for feature reporting and was also an investigative fellow with Reveal & The Center for Investigative Reporting, writing on the detention of immigrant youth at a secret facility. A separate national collaboration earned her a first place Public Media Journalism Award for the coverage of young, Latino voters. \n\nIn 2021, she joined The Seattle Times as part of its inaugural team covering mental health. The team earned a Best of the West award for explanatory writing and in 2024 launched the nationally syndicated podcast Lost Patients based on her reporting. Jimenez has also been a fellow with ProPublica’s Data Institute, The Maynard Institute, and NPR’s Next Generation Radio early-career program. She was the founder and past president of Periodistas Northwest, a new chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Jimenez is a proud first generation high school and college graduate where she studied environmental science at the University of Southern California. Before entering the world of journalism, she was (briefly) an Alaskan farmhand, state park aide, and barista. \n\nYou can find her @esmyjimenez on X/Twitter and Threads or LinkedIn","slug":"esmy-jimenez","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-06-13T14:39:50.866Z","role":"Reporter","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"esmyjimenez","auth":{"1":"1e8e9c1f98284638b5c91263ab4dd25fd546684c56c0cad2faf3369bea0c94d0"}},{"_id":"johnstonchase","type":"author","byline":"Katie Johnston","email":"","firstName":"Katie","image":"","lastName":"Johnston","longBio":"Each day it becomes harder for all but the highest earners to get by in this country. Average American workers are beset by lack of opportunity and the fight for livable wages, along with nagging questions about their relevance. Will their skills remain viable in a changing economy with more automation? Will their jobs be sent overseas? Small business owners, meanwhile, face their own challenges. And the labor unions that once hovered over it all are increasingly less powerful.This beat is an exploration of those shifts, with an emphasis on what it all means for our workforce and for families trying to put food on the table.\nKatie Johnston previously wrote about travel and tourism for the Globe and worked as the paper’s music and entertainment editor. \n","role":"Reporter","slug":"katie-johnston","source_id":"1bd2425c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1bd2425c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"ktkjohnston","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T19:22:07.347Z","bio":"Katie Johnston can be reached at Follow her @ktkjohnston.","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/katie-johnston/","auth":{"1":"0a0994ecfe15555e0982e8e5648b95377aeea4b52460e8b1a432c9a56cf98cfe"}},{"_id":"jung","firstName":"Yoohyun","lastName":"Jung","secondLastName":"","byline":"Yoohyun Jung","role":"Data Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/yoohyun-jung/","bio":"Yoohyun Jung can be reached at","longBio":"Yoohyun Jung is the Globe’s data editor, leading a team of computational journalists focused on delivering compelling data-driven journalism. She joined the newsroom in 2024. \n\nPreviously, she was the deputy data editor at the San Francisco Chronicle, where she worked on some of the organization’s most ambitious data-driven storytelling projects. Her award-winning work has included stories and projects on the spiraling overdose crisis, and the cascading impacts of climate change. \n\nBorn in Seoul, Korea, Yoohyun began her journalism career in Arizona, where she worked for two of the state’s largest newspapers in Phoenix and Tucson covering numerous beats, including criminal justice and education. She also had a stint in Hawaii as a criminal justice and data reporter for Honolulu Civil Beat, a watchdog news organization covering the Hawaiian islands. \n\nYoohyun is an alumna of Reveal Investigative Fellowship and The New York Times Student Journalism Institute. In her spare time, she serves as a butler to two very spoiled cats, Mischa and Harold. ","slug":"yoohyun-jung","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-11-12T19:32:22.979Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"8e38f5dd29c846c72aec060a3da531b6740929caf14190ce2369c0cdd6d85d86"}},{"_id":"juul","firstName":"Matt","lastName":"Juul","secondLastName":"","byline":"Matt Juul","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/matthew-juul/","bio":"Matt Juul can be reached at","longBio":"As the assistant digital editor, Matt Juul writes, edits, and produces content for the Living Arts team at the Boston Globe. A graduate of Northeastern University, he has over a decade of experience as an editor and writer covering culture, entertainment, fitness, food, lifestyle, sports, and more in the Boston area and beyond. Previously he served as the assistant editor for Modern Luxury's Boston Common, where he managed the magazine’s digital and social production, as well as wrote and edited stories for each monthly print issue. He worked as the national features editor for Metro US, managing teams of editors and contributors for the daily papers in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, in addition to interviewing stars such as Anthony Bourdain, Bill Murray, Bo Burnham, John Waters, Jamie Foxx, Steve Martin, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ronda Rousey, and Ice Cube. As a digital staff writer for Boston Magazine, he covered entertainment and the local living arts scene, interviewing notables like Aly Raisman, John Krasinski, Mark Wahlberg, Tracy Morgan, Anya Taylor-Joy, Seth MacFarlane, Maria Sharapova, RZA, Mark Ruffalo, and Rob Gronkowski. He has also written for Bleacher Report,, IGN, and Muscle & Fitness. He can be reached at\n","slug":"matthew-juul","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-03-21T13:36:18.394Z","role":"Assistant Digital Editor, Living Arts","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"a651ee3f72ce346f6c84f3b4ea85a3f945b252b23fc45832514ca68217f0b6ed"}},{"_id":"kaufman","type":"author","bio":"Hayley Kaufman can be reached at Follow her @GlobeHayleyK.","byline":"Hayley Kaufman","email":"","firstName":"Hayley","image":"","lastName":"Kaufman","longBio":"Hayley Kaufman is an editor on the express desk with a focus on culture and lifestyle news.\n","role":"Deputy Editor, News","slug":"hayley-kaufman","source_id":"1cd67434-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1cd67434-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeHayleyK","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-28T15:21:37.522Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/hayley-kaufman/","auth":{"1":"f87dce8efc50c927b9e9faaae7891a90d5279f2de592c861ac4d15e2cbc72653"}},{"_id":"kaufmana","firstName":"Amanda","lastName":"Kaufman","secondLastName":"","byline":"Amanda Kaufman","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"amandakauf1","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/amanda-kaufman/","bio":"Amanda Kaufman can be reached at Follow her @amandakauf1.","longBio":"Amanda Kaufman is an assistant homepage editor. She previously worked as a reporter and digital producer for the Globe. She graduated from Boston University and is from Southern California.","slug":"amanda-kaufman","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T19:26:26.706Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","role":"Assistant Homepage Editor","auth":{"1":"32e1408fa9c17f8b83a5d801c46fe2a51804256d88f15b01638169fe3e5ad6b4"}},{"_id":"kellys","firstName":"Shanna","lastName":"Kelly","secondLastName":"","byline":"Shanna Kelly","role":"Mobile Apps Producer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/shanna-kelly/","bio":"Shanna Kelly can be reached at her @shannakelly_19.","longBio":"Shanna Kelly is the mobile applications producer, managing the Globe app and news alerts. Alongside the other members of the homepage team, she also handles breaking news, story production, social media, emails, and wires. She joined The Globe as a news producer in spring 2022. Before that, Kelly was a copy editor and fellow for a nonprofit Latin news site and a freelance editor for an English and Spanish wire service. A New Jersey native, she founded a news site in her home state, and her work covering this news desert led to her being awarded the 2021 Silurian Press Club Fellowship. \nKelly has a master’s degree from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism where she launched and reported for NYC Reopens, a news site covering the city’s recovery and reemergence from the COVID-19 pandemic. Her master’s project was on a breakdown of Argentina’s 0.1 net migration rate — who’s leaving and coming, the factors that determine this, and the future implications.\nBefore that, she received a bachelor’s degree from James Madison University’s Honors College in journalism, Spanish, and Spanish-English translation and interpretation. Kelly graduated as the Outstanding Contributor in Journalism and was managing editor, copy editor, opinion editor, and a senior writer for The Breeze, JMU’s student newspaper. The three years she was an editor, the newspaper was awarded the best mid-sized, non-daily newspaper in Virginia by the Virginia Press Association. She completed her Honors College thesis on CNN and NBC immigration coverage, comparing network versus cable news coverage.\nKelly has studied in Spain three times and loves learning about other cultures, countries, and languages — her latest being Korean. Her Spanish language studies led her to teaching at a school in Salamanca, Spain, and a dual-language school in Harrisonburg, Va.\n","slug":"shanna-kelly","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-06T18:04:50.716Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"shannakelly_19","auth":{"1":"2ade07e768b8a20823cc7328a0949eccff9b25266726e823db0d487c1c57a6c0"}},{"_id":"kim","firstName":"Young-Jin","lastName":"Kim","secondLastName":"","byline":"Young-Jin Kim","role":"Articles Editor, Boston Globe Magazine","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"youngjinwrites","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/young-jin-kim/","bio":"Young-Jin Kim can be reached at Follow him @youngjinwrites.","longBio":"Young-Jin comes to the Boston Globe Magazine from NBC10 Boston and New England Cable News, where he served as Managing Editor of Digital. Prior to that, he lived in Seoul, where he covered the Koreas for The Korea Times. He is president of the New England chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association.","slug":"young-jin-kim","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T20:47:10.635Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"c8b9af407697356d6be96f208c7b9aabc67712bef59226fc9fab9de377a695e1"}},{"_id":"koh","firstName":"Elizabeth","lastName":"Koh","secondLastName":"","byline":"Elizabeth Koh","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/elizabeth-koh/","bio":"Elizabeth Koh can be reached at Follow her @elizabethrkoh.","longBio":"Elizabeth Koh is an investigative reporter at The Boston Globe, writing about health care, social services and government accountability. \n\nSince joining the paper in 2021, her reporting has examined gaps in Massachusetts' child welfare system and revealed abuse and mismanagement at the state's agency for blind and visually impaired people. She was also on the team behind the Globe's investigative podcast on the Charles Stuart case, which won a 2024 IRE award for longform audio journalism and a Dart Center award.\n\nShe was previously a foreign correspondent in Seoul for The Wall Street Journal — covering technology and the coronavirus pandemic — and part of a team there named a Pulitzer Prize finalist in National Reporting for their coverage of nursing homes dealing with Covid-19. She also spent three years at The Miami Herald, where her reporting on the Florida Legislature helped change state laws and trigger multiple investigations into misspending at a major domestic violence nonprofit.\n\nBorn and raised in Southern California, she graduated from Brown University with a degree in the history of science.","slug":"elizabeth-koh","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-07-22T14:18:58.321Z","twitter":"elizabethrkoh","type":"author","role":"Reporter","auth":{"1":"cdbc27d07848aa63c5fcbd0758870dc3eab3294d4eefb1b4f22aa05cdd7fd934"}},{"_id":"kohli","firstName":"Diti","lastName":"Kohli","secondLastName":"","byline":"Diti Kohli","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/diti-kohli/","bio":"Diti Kohli can be reached at Follow her @ditikohli_.","longBio":"Diti Kohli is a general assignment reporter on the business desk. She covers everything from the economy and housing to retail and labor. In the past, Diti worked as the digital producer for the business and living arts team, as well as an intern at the Tampa Bay Times and BostInno. She graduated from Emerson College in 2021.","slug":"diti-kohli","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-01-04T16:47:46.135Z","twitter":"ditikohli_","type":"author","auth":{"1":"215022c949b245dffb0912cfecf23403584a9ac10bc0818d954561a8ae82c8f0"}},{"_id":"kopan","firstName":"Tal","lastName":"Kopan","secondLastName":"","byline":"Tal Kopan","role":"Deputy Washington Bureau Chief","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/tal-kopan/","bio":"Tal Kopan can be reached at Follow her @talkopan.","longBio":"Tal Kopan is the Deputy Washington Bureau Chief for The Boston Globe. She joined the newsroom in 2022 from The San Francisco Chronicle, where she spent four years covering Washington and national politics as the paper's Washington Correspondent. Previously, she covered D.C. politics, immigration policy, justice and national security, cybersecurity and other hot-button issues for CNN Politics and Politico. Kopan started her journalism career in Chicago newsrooms, where she supported local coverage on a variety of fronts, including politics, crime, sports and weather.\n\nHer work has earned multiple awards and recognition, including winning the prestigious George Polk Award with Chronicle colleagues for coverage of a COVID-19 outbreak aboard a U.S. aircraft carrier and winning a Webby Award with colleagues for a documentary podcast series on the life and career of Vice President Kamala Harris. Kopan has received other recognition from the California News Publishers Association, Atlanta Press Club, National Press Foundation, the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.\n\nKopan graduated with honors from the University of Chicago.\n\n","slug":"tal-kopan","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T21:34:31.443Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"talkopan","auth":{"1":"4bcd2c9f3c940bf5667855cae10b9bb76dbe98e0722d062fadb2c6856534852c"}},{"_id":"korlach","firstName":"Ashlee","lastName":"Korlach","secondLastName":"","byline":"Ashlee Korlach","role":"Multiplatform Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/ashlee-korlach/","bio":"Ashlee Korlach can be reached at Follow her @ashleekorlach .","longBio":"Ashlee Korlach is a multiplatform editor for The Boston Globe, where she copy edits stories for both print and digital as a member of the Copy Desk. She also lays out print pages and works closely with interns and co-ops. She first came to the Globe as a Copy Desk intern herself in 2019, before rejoining the newsroom full-time in 2021. She has previously worked as the senior homepage manager at the Washington Examiner in D.C. and as an intern at the Philadelphia Inquirer. A Virginia native, she is a proud graduate of the University of Richmond, where she received a bachelor's degree in journalism and leadership studies and was editor in chief of the student-run newspaper, The Collegian.","slug":"ashlee-korlach","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-16T13:45:15.604Z","type":"author","twitter":"ashleekorlach ","auth":{"1":"1d2294c4ca59e62e963553d502012f1207af5d0e27890759cd4cd009a74cff38"}},{"_id":"kowalczyk","type":"author","bio":"Liz Kowalczyk can be reached at","byline":"Liz Kowalczyk","email":"","firstName":"Liz","image":"","lastName":"Kowalczyk","longBio":"Liz Kowalczyk is an investigative reporter with a background in covering medical care, hospitals, medical culture, and mental health. She came to the Boston Globe in 2000 as a health care reporter for the business section and has since worked for Metro and for the Spotlight team. Kowalczyk is a graduate of Cornell University. After college, she worked as a reporter at the Patriot Ledger in Quincy, MA, and at the Orange County Register in Santa Ana, CA, before coming to the Globe. She was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 2013 as part of a team for national reporting on a pharmacy whose contaminated products killed and injured dozens of people. She won first place in 2014 for beat reporting from the Association of Health Care Journalists. In 2015, she was a Scripps Howard Foundation finalist for investigative reporting as part of a team that wrote about concurrent surgery. She was also a Pulitzer Prize Finalist in 2018 as part of the Spotlight team for a series on race in Boston. Her story focused on segregation at the city's world-class academic medical centers. She lives in Boston with her family. \n","role":"Reporter","slug":"liz-kowalczyk","source_id":"1dc10170-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1dc10170-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-02T15:43:10.902Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/liz-kowalczyk/","auth":{"1":"75c035f5c0f50872fdf01105d86bc283a532a70d4d2b6436c349d0065387da7a"}},{"_id":"kreiter","type":"author","byline":"Suzanne Kreiter","email":"","firstName":"Suzanne","image":"","lastName":"Kreiter","longBio":"A staff photographer for 29 years, Kreiter won the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award for Outstanding Coverage of the Problems of the Disadvantaged in 1992. She originated the Globe’s first Photographer column in 1996, and won the American Society of News Editors Award in 2007. \n","role":"Photojournalist","slug":"suzanne-kreiter","source_id":"1e1f77dc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1e1f77dc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"SuzanneKreiter","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T20:17:44.432Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/suzanne-kreiter/","auth":{"1":"9d5c198018c6275ae331a9e18b60e35391b9a57d86f26a39d2037e77508a8b8d"}},{"_id":"krueger","firstName":"Hanna","lastName":"Krueger","secondLastName":"","byline":"Hanna Krueger","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"hannaskrueger","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/hanna-krueger/","bio":"Hanna Krueger can be reached at or on Signal at +1 339 242 0289. Follow her @hannaskrueger.","longBio":"Hanna Krueger is an investigative reporter who has worked on the Globe’s quick strike team since the fall 2022. She’s reported on a globetrotting murderer, far-right extremism, police misconduct and a Russian arms smuggling ring. Previously, she spent three years as a general assignment reporter, a role that took her to the Boston fish pier, a storied Chinatown eatery, dozens of Vermont country stores, a Malden billiards hall, dive bars, COVID wards and the shores of Cape Cod. She was one of 14 Globe journalists to hit the road in 2022 for the “Two Weeks in America” project, logging more than 4,031 miles from Kansas City to Seattle and meeting a mermaid, a Lakota legend and a Sundance Kid impersonator along the way. In 2023, she published a cover story, years in the making, for Globe Magazine – titled “The Problem of the French King Bridge” – centered on a mother’s quest to erect suicide barriers on a bridge in central Massachusetts. \n\nBefore joining the Globe in 2019, she served as a breaking news reporter at the Times-Picayune in New Orleans. She wrote an award-winning series entitled “Profiles in Death,” which explored the city’s unique relationship with mortality. Before that, she spent a year as a production assistant for NBC News in Washington, DC. Krueger grew up in Saint Louis and attended Amherst College, graduating with a degree in English Literature and a litany of sports injuries.","slug":"hanna-krueger","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-09-18T21:43:45.709Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"f8ba1588df8aee14c3d514eb6587646c89540945da20c6b7779ddf3d828dccfa"}},{"_id":"kuchment","firstName":"Anna","lastName":"Kuchment","secondLastName":"","byline":"Anna Kuchment","role":"Health and Medical Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"akuchment","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/anna-kuchment/","bio":"Anna Kuchment can be reached at Follow her @akuchment.","longBio":"Anna Kuchment is The Boston Globe's health and medical editor. Prior to joining the Globe, she spent 14 years as a writer and editor at Newsweek magazine, a senior editor at Scientific American and a science enterprise reporter at The Dallas Morning News, where she covered COVID, climate change, health disparities, concussions in rodeo cowboys, paleontology, the rise of earthquakes triggered by oil and gas production and many other subjects. She holds a Master’s degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and was a 2021-2022 KSJ Project Fellow at MIT. In 2011 she published her first book, The Forgotten Cure, about a group of biotech startups racing to turn an old-world medicine called phage therapy into a treatment for antibiotic-resistant infections. She is now finishing Shaky Ground, co-written with Boston College environmental historian Conevery Bolton Valencius, which traces the rise of human-induced earthquakes in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and other energy rich states. That book will come out in 2025 with University of Chicago Press. After many years away, she is thrilled to return to her hometown, where she grew up in Allston and Cambridge after her family immigrated from the former Soviet Union.","slug":"anna-kuchment","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-13T15:40:29.414Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"8353f0097fe50628e381d4c4c8f1d3e17692fa3e858cf59b7a6e4558cfd756fd"}},{"_id":"kucinich","firstName":"Jackie","lastName":"Kucinich","secondLastName":"","byline":"Jackie Kucinich","role":"Washington Bureau Chief","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jackie-kucinich/","bio":"Jackie Kucinich can be reached at Follow her @JFKucinich and on Instagram at IG:JackieKucinich.","longBio":"Jackie Kucinich is the Washington Bureau Chief for The Boston Globe. She joined the Globe in 2022 from The Daily Beast where she worked for eight years, first as politics editor and then as Washington bureau chief. Kucinich came to The Daily Beast from The Washington Post and PostTV where she covered national politics. Prior to the Post, Kucinich covered the Republican primary and Mitt Romney for USA Today during the 2012 election cycle. She began her career as a Capitol Hill reporter covering Congress for The Hill and Roll Call. Kucinich is a political analyst for CNN. She is a graduate of American University and a native of Columbus, Ohio.","slug":"jackie-kucinich","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T21:48:27.283Z","author_type":"Staff","twitter":"JFKucinich","instagram":"JackieKucinich","type":"author","auth":{"1":"01a8cb4a4375aab0fd666d3fc72d6383be94a0e5a86e4dd67d95d6f894e17d0f"}},{"_id":"kurieb","firstName":"Brendan","lastName":"Kurie","secondLastName":"","byline":"Brendan Kurie","role":"Assistant High School Sports Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/brendan-kurie/","bio":"Brendan Kurie can be reached at Follow him on X @BrendanKurie.","longBio":"Brendan Kurie is the assistant high school sports editor. He first wrote for the Globe as a freelancer in 2021, covering high schools and colleges before joining the sports copy desk as a multiplatform editor in 2022. He has covered high school sports in Massachusetts for more than a decade, including nearly eight years as a sports writer and digital editor at The Standard-Times in New Bedford. He previously served as sports editor of The Faribault Daily News in Minnesota and editor of The Douglas Budget and Glenrock Independent newspapers in Wyoming. Additionally, he has worked as Director of Audience for The New Bedford Light and as a writer for The Thunder Wire and Coach and AD magazine.\n\nKurie was a finalist for the New England Society of News Editors' Best in Sports award, was named 2017 Gatehouse Sports Writer of the Year, and is a nine-time New England Newspaper & Press Association and eight-time National Newspaper Association award winner.\n\nHe grew up in Vermont and New Hampshire and graduated from Ithaca College with a degree in journalism. He lives in New Bedford with his wife, two children, and their dog, Chili.","slug":"brendan-kurie","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-11-18T19:10:43.565Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"BrendanKurie","auth":{"1":"9ce3f2c2464ce5fac426d93fd8f980a36917bb14aae6131ff54a320e669a27ce"}},{"_id":"kusmer","firstName":"Anna","lastName":"Kusmer","secondLastName":"","byline":"Anna Kusmer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/anna-kusmer/","bio":"Anna Kusmer can be reached at","longBio":"Anna Kusmer is an Audio Producer at the Boston Globe. She has worked for years as a radio producer and reporter. Between 2019 and 2023 she worked for GBH in Boston, first as a local news reporter, and then as a producer and reporter for The World, a daily international news radio show. For The World, she mostly covered global climate and environment news, but dabbled in politics, arts and culture, public health and human rights. She produced a weekly segment on climate solutions. Anna has also worked at KQED in San Francisco.","slug":"anna-kusmer","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-31T15:40:15.080Z","role":"Audio Producer","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"c211be6700eee1f9cb2f788666b10c97d9fa59d77fea0667b945327abd0252fd"}},{"_id":"lanctot","type":"author","byline":"Marc Lanctot","email":"","firstName":"Marc","image":"","lastName":"Lanctot","longBio":"Lanctot is a design supervisor of the News sections, primarily focusing on the A section of the paper while overseeing the layout team. He arrived at the Globe in 2001 after a stint at the Providence Journal.\n","role":"Design Supervisor","slug":"marc-lanctot","source_id":"1e78d980-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1e78d980-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T20:16:35.082Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/marc-lanctot/","auth":{"1":"f450aabb0aa42e001b847136c6c558ca5f4c085a9a871524883d4a18f9b13651"}},{"_id":"lang","type":"author","bio":"Greg Lang can be reached at","byline":"Gregory Lang","email":"","firstName":"Gregory","image":"","lastName":"Lang","longBio":"Greg Lang is a deputy sports editor. Among his responsibilities are the Sunday sports section and the department’s use of new technology.\n","role":"Deputy Sports Editor","slug":"gregory-lang","source_id":"1ec3bc20-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1ec3bc20-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2021-06-29T19:20:08.048Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/gregory-lang/","auth":{"1":"665216807de0c68e8b663650caeeee3ae266ba74d270b1e3ecc79dacfc9ee1a3"}},{"_id":"larson","type":"author","bio":"Craig Larson can be reached at","byline":"Craig Larson","email":"","firstName":"Craig","image":"","lastName":"Larson","longBio":"A 30-year veteran reporting on/coordinating high school sports coverage in the region, Craig Larson is the Globe’s high school and regional sports editor. Prior to his arrival at the Globe in 2006, the West Springfield native served as the sports editor of the MetroWest Daily News in Framingham from 1998-2006, as well as sports editor of the Dedham Transcript and the Caledonian Record.\n","role":"Assistant Sports Editor","slug":"craig-larson","source_id":"1f1dda16-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1f1dda16-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeLars","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-10-02T15:08:36.774Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/craig-larson/","auth":{"1":"8818bb0caea434add5874c9d9c166ea6e459419eec2b7fcae7b34e0963e77ccf"}},{"_id":"larsons","firstName":"Shannon","lastName":"Larson","secondLastName":"","byline":"Shannon Larson","role":"Digital Producer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"shannonlarson98","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/shannon-larson/","bio":"Shannon Larson can be reached at Follow her @shannonlarson98.","longBio":"Shannon Larson is a digital producer and reporter at the Boston Globe. She previously worked as an overnight producer and metro correspondent. In the past, she has also worked for, the Hartford Courant, the Thomson Reuters Foundation, and the Patriot Ledger. She graduated from Boston University in 2020.","slug":"shannon-larson","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T18:54:47.361Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"51f51c29534eaf0196eb3ead4c21a5ea655cd8c601fedb0d6a34fa07884e5e8e"}},{"_id":"laughlin","firstName":"Jason","lastName":"Laughlin","secondLastName":"","byline":"Jason Laughlin","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jason-laughlin/","bio":"Jason Laughlin can be reached at Follow him @jasmlaughlin.","longBio":"Jason Laughlin joined the Globe in July 2023 to cover the Massachusetts Office of Health and Human Services. His reporting prioritizes the voices of people most directly affected by state services, which has included wheelchair users, foster children and parents, and families of people with developmental disabilities. Before coming to the Globe, Jason spent nine years at the Philadelphia Inquirer, where his beats included transportation and health. His transportation reporting focused on the experiences of transit systems' users and workers, with highlights including coverage of a deadly Amtrak derailment, a plane's engine failure that killed a passenger, and the experience of railroad engineers who live with being unwilling participants in deaths on the tracks. The Pennsylvania MediaNews Association recognized Jason as the state's best beat reporter in 2017. As a health reporter, Jason was part of the team responsible for covering the COVID-19 pandemic, and was lead reporter covering Philadelphia's pandemic response. Originally from Taunton, Jason grew up in Richmond, Va., and Concord, NH. He attended the College of William & Mary and received masters' degrees from Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania.","slug":"jason-laughlin","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-02T13:11:07.196Z","twitter":"jasmlaughlin","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"0d40441475180d7a4ee370123ec3fbf96bcd6951a920b7c1b4f4e119798ce12f"}},{"_id":"lazar","type":"author","bio":"Kay Lazar can be reached at Follow her @GlobeKayLazar.","byline":"Kay Lazar","email":"","firstName":"Kay","image":"","lastName":"Lazar","longBio":"Kay Lazar covers public health and the science of aging at the Boston Globe. A veteran reporter who joined the health team in 2008, she has written extensively about how health care, policy, and research intersect with people's lives. Her stories have investigated patterns of profit and subpar care at nursing homes, explored early-onset, inherited Alzheimer’s disease – told through the lives of a family-run grocery store owner and his children – plumbed the psychological devastation from a troubled child welfare system, and delved into cutting-edge research on longevity. Her stories have also exposed excessive antipsychotic use in nursing homes, and no-bid contracts for Medicaid. She was a 2013 Pulitzer Prize finalist for national reporting as part of a Globe team that investigated a deadly fungal meningitis outbreak. She received a 2013 National Press Club award for excellence in writing on issues facing the elderly. She also won first place in the 2010 Association of Health Care Journalists awards for excellence for beat coverage. Kay grew up in Connecticut and graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 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Lee previously worked as a staff photographer at the Long Beach Press-Telegram (1992-1998), is a former staff photographer at the Oakland Tribune (1987-1992) and got his first staff newspaper job with the Charlotte Observer. Lee's specialty is sports and news photography and in that role he has covered every level of baseball: from Little League to college to MLB and the World Series. Plus, he has covered multiple Super Bowls and Celtics NBA Finals.\n\n \n\nLee's work has earned multiple awards and recognition, including the Spot Pulitzer Prize for the staff at the Oakland Tribune for their coverage of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. He also received accolades from The National Headliners Awards, National Press Photographers Association, Boston Press Photographers Association, Los Angles Press Photographers Association and Bay Area Press Photographers Association. Lee's dedication extends beyond his contributions to the newsroom. He is currently a DCF emergency shelter home provider and has been the father to 20 babies over the past 14 years.\n\n\n","role":"Photojournalist","slug":"matthew-j-lee","source_id":"429cb6c2-2748-11e6-b2f1-e43bd69c08d8","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1fd194fc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-01-04T19:01:20.036Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/matthew-j-lee/","auth":{"1":"e03305a1be41ba6c97dd841a4ab73cb7805504d4d7774cd4e47e2dcf6a3fcb9e"}},{"_id":"lehigh","type":"author","bio":"Scot Lehigh is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at Follow him @GlobeScotLehigh. ","byline":"Scot Lehigh","email":"","firstName":"Scot","image":"","lastName":"Lehigh","longBio":"A columnist for the Globe Opinion section, Lehigh provides commentary on a number of issues. Since joining the staff in 1989, he has held several editorial positions and has been a consistent member of the paper’s political reporting staff.\n","role":"Columnist","slug":"scot-lehigh","source_id":"200dc6e8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"200dc6e8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeScotLehigh","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[{"title":"","url":"","publisher":""}],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-06T16:53:14.030Z","author_type":"Columnist","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/scot-lehigh/","auth":{"1":"1f7e11484db5271db12c7a805d2fef28e5911cceeba990c7799f6ad33573bfdd"}},{"_id":"leung","type":"author","bio":"Shirley Leung is a Business columnist. She can be reached at","byline":"Shirley Leung","email":"","firstName":"Shirley","image":"","lastName":"Leung","longBio":"Shirley Leung is a business columnist and associate editor, and host of Globe Opinion podcast “Say More.” For more than a decade, Shirley has been writing on the intersection of business and politics, as well as gender and diversity issues in the workplace. She is also a weekly contributor to GBH’s “Boston Public Radio” and sits on the board of the New England First Amendment Coalition. \n\nShirley has won awards from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, and has been featured on Boston Magazine’s list of “100 Most Influential People.” She has also been a four-time finalist for the Gerald Loeb Award for Commentary.\n\nShirley was also the Globe’s business editor and interim editorial page editor, and president of the New England chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association. Prior to the Globe, Shirley was a reporter at The Wall Street Journal. A graduate of Princeton University, Shirley started her career at her hometown paper The Baltimore Sun. She can be reached on Threads @shirley02186.","role":"Business Columnist","slug":"shirley-leung","source_id":"203a3c28-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"203a3c28-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-28T15:21:14.949Z","author_type":"Columnist","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/shirley-leung/","auth":{"1":"14b827b84ba40848a91734bbc528df3b9c1b119e9eb4de88f873f4ebcc74205b"}},{"_id":"lewis","firstName":"Kaitlin","lastName":"Lewis","secondLastName":"","byline":"Kaitlin Lewis","role":"Digital Producer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"kblewey","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/kaitlin-lewis/","bio":"Kaitlin Lewis can be reached at Follow her on X @kblewey.","longBio":"Kaitlin Lewis is a digital producer for The Boston Globe. Prior to this role, she worked as reporter for Newsweek covering national news and politics, including covering the 2022 midterm and the 2024 presidential elections. Kaitlin is originally from southwest Ohio and a graduate of the University of Dayton. ","slug":"kaitlin-lewis","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-11-22T19:09:48.033Z","auth":{"1":"b1716dd4e09510fbd56cb676b81bc5f38ae7f2b3f98e3ab1c0e03da3e18ab788"}},{"_id":"logan","type":"author","bio":"Tim Logan can be reached at Follow him @bytimlogan.","byline":"Tim Logan","email":"","firstName":"Tim","image":"","lastName":"Logan","longBio":"Tim Logan is Deputy Business Editor, helping to run day-to-day operations of the paper’s 20-person Business team and overseeing coverage of housing, commercial real estate and economic development. Before becoming an editor in 2021, Tim was the Globe’s urban development reporter and covered Greater Boston’s real estate boom of the 2010s and the housing crisis that emerged with it.\n\nPrior to joining the Globe in 2015, Tim worked as a reporter at the Los Angeles Times, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Middletown (NY) Times Herald-Record and the South Bend Tribune. His stories have won national prizes, including a Gerald Loeb Award for Business Journalism for a series on real estate development incentives in St. Louis.\n\nTim grew up in Boston, reading the Globe, graduated from the University of Notre Dame and has a masters degree in urban affairs from Saint Louis University. You can follow him on whatever we call Twitter now at @bytimlogan, or reach him by e-mail at ","role":"Deputy Business Editor","slug":"tim-logan","source_id":"0f2fa6e8-362e-11e5-afef-c9cf02577059","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"61bff480-362e-11e5-965b-183361aa91ad","twitter":"bytimlogan","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:26:59.331Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/tim-logan/","auth":{"1":"1b8b41fd4971af0fbe3acc14080a5fd47f17346da95021cd3d7e27fbc2cabdd6"}},{"_id":"machado","firstName":"Steph","lastName":"Machado","secondLastName":"","byline":"Steph Machado","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/steph-machado/","bio":"Steph Machado can be reached at Follow her @StephMachado.","longBio":"Steph Machado is a Rhode Island-based reporter for the Boston Globe focused on Providence city politics, state politics and policy, education, and data journalism. Her investigative work and insightful, in-depth interviews with Ocean State newsmakers also can be seen on Rhode Island PBS’ news show, “Rhode Island PBS Weekly.” She previously worked for eight years at WPRI-12, where she led the TV station's digital and broadcast coverage of the city of Providence, including City Hall and the city schools, while also covering statewide politics, the Rhode Island State House, and the cannabis beat. While at WPRI-12 was a member of the Target 12 investigative team, created and hosted her own digital show and podcast, \"Pulse of Providence,\" and occasionally filled in on “Newsmakers,” the station's Sunday political show. Before coming to Rhode Island in 2015, Steph worked in Burlington, Vt., where she was the statehouse reporter for WVNY & WFFF, covering government and elections. A 2015 New England First Amendment Coalition Journalism fellow and 2022 New England Emmy Award nominee, Steph grew up in Ashland, Mass., and graduated Summa Cum Laude from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University with degrees in Broadcast Journalism and Spanish. She lives in Providence.","slug":"steph-machado","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:42:03.823Z","role":"Reporter, Globe Rhode Island","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"StephMachado","auth":{"1":"a544766e3c9075a816523df47d3510ae5b41e01e26915952df2c1c9cf1c363cf"}},{"_id":"mackinnon","firstName":"Amy","lastName":"MacKinnon","secondLastName":"","byline":"Amy MacKinnon","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/amy-mackinnon/","bio":"Amy MacKinnon can be reached at Follow her @AmyMacKinnon.","longBio":"Amy MacKinnon is an editor, journalist, author, and former congressional aide with extensive experience covering topics ranging from public health to politics and climate change. She is currently the deputy op-ed page editor at The Boston Globe. Previously she served as the editorial page editor, social media editor, and morning news editor at The Patriot Ledger and as the editorial director for the New England Aquarium. At The Patriot Ledger, MacKinnon was awarded several regional news awards for editorials on national, state, and local issues, including first-place awards for editorial writing and editorial of the year. Her work has been featured in numerous publications including The Christian Science Monitor, Boston Globe, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Boston Herald, and on National Public Radio. MacKinnon’s novel “Tethered” (Random House) has been translated into 10 languages and published in 24 countries. It was a Target Original Voices Pick, and was reviewed in The New York Times (which called it “an hypnotic debut”), Boston Globe, The Guardian, Elle, Paris Match, Marie Claire Australia, among others. It was republished as “The Unforgotten” (Orion, 2018), and has been praised as “deeply engaging and memorable,” “haunting, thrilling, and beautifully drawn,” and a “rarity among debut authors.” A lifelong Globe reader, MacKinnon began her writing career at the age of 11 when she wrote the Father of the Year Committee in New York City, nominating her dad after reading a letter in \"Ask the Globe.\" He won.","slug":"amy-mackinnon","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-23T16:55:55.849Z","role":"Deputy Op-ed Page Editor","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"1e84659a276d2b53884e1f69ec22f8fd5effa2f7fff1d57fc75868fdf1560458"}},{"_id":"macquarrie","type":"author","bio":"Brian MacQuarrie can be reached at","byline":"Brian MacQuarrie","email":"","firstName":"Brian","image":"","lastName":"MacQuarrie","longBio":"Brian MacQuarrie is an enterprise reporter for The Boston Globe. He joined the newsroom in 1987 from The Philadelphia Inquirer and has covered a broad range of important stories for the Globe, including the Boston Marathon bombings, Hurricane Katrina, the Sept. 11 attacks, the hunt for al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and as an embedded front-line reporter during the US invasion of Iraq. MacQuarrie has served as the paper’s roving National reporter, as a State House reporter, and spent much of 2012 covering President Obama’s reelection campaign. He has returned to Iraq and Afghanistan several times, and in 2022 reported from Ukraine in the early months of the Russian invasion. MacQuarrie also travels extensively in New England, where he writes a wide variety of features and breaking news, and searches for often-forgotten tales of historical interest in Boston and beyond. MacQuarrie contributed to the Globe’s Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of the Marathon bombings and has been honored by the National Headliner Awards and the New England Newspaper & Press Association. Prior to The Philadelphia Inquirer, he worked at The Providence Journal, Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, and The Middlesex News. MacQuarrie graduated with honors from both Colby College and the University of Missouri.\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"brian-macquarrie","source_id":"2127c16e-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2127c16e-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeMacQuarrie","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T13:10:47.595Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/brian-macquarrie/","auth":{"1":"d59d8d30d83931b358544449e844250422d90bd8015318216003a28186421b37"}},{"_id":"madonna","firstName":"A.Z.","lastName":"Madonna","secondLastName":"","byline":"A.Z. Madonna","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/a-z-madonna/","bio":"A.Z. Madonna can be reached at Follow her @knitandlisten.","longBio":"A.Z. Madonna has reported on and reviewed classical and pop music for the Boston Globe since 2015. After a year as a freelancer, she joined the Globe staff on Halloween 2016, and nine days later reviewed the Boston Symphony Orchestra on the night Donald Trump won the U.S. Presidential election. She currently curates the Globe's ongoing \"Press Play\" series, which offers friendly guides to niches within classical music including minimalism, music children will probably like, and opera tunes you probably know even if you've never seen an opera in your life.\n\nHer favorite subjects she has written about for the Globe to date include Red Sox organist Josh Kantor, some of Massachusetts's last remaining accordion repair technicians, and the annual relay run between Symphony Hall in Boston and the gates of Tanglewood in Lenox. She was also on \"Jeopardy!\" once, where despite dominating in the so-called \"dreaded opera category,\" she couldn't remember that Manhattan was an island during Final Jeopardy.\n\nDuring her senior year at Oberlin College, she was named the 2014 winner of the Rubin Prize in Music Criticism. Her work for the Globe is sponsored in part by the Rubin Institute for Music Criticism, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation.","slug":"a-z-madonna","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-06T18:48:28.801Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"6428db2e1b1aa773aa847034c68766ecd3ea7db863038868a04681cbb4d6f05e"}},{"_id":"mahan","firstName":"Ken","lastName":"Mahan","secondLastName":"","byline":"Ken Mahan","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/ken-mahan/","bio":"Ken Mahan can be reached at Follow him on Instagram IG:kenmahantheweatherman.","longBio":"Ken Mahan is the Boston Globe's Lead Meteorologist. Ken has been a meteorologist and weather producer for several national and local networks, most recently for NBC News’ Climate Unit. He’s worked for local TV news outlets throughout the country, including stops in Alaska, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts. Ken has covered numerous weather events across all four seasons, including nor'easters, tornado outbreaks, extreme heat and flood events, and hurricanes. Originally from Worcester, Massachusetts, Ken holds degrees from Assumption University and Mississippi State University.","slug":"ken-mahan","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-03-25T19:46:22.577Z","role":"Lead Meteorologist","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","instagram":"kenmahantheweatherman","auth":{"1":"82dcb2cc69f72a2ac1f4cf1deaf5477fb88c508102371c3553c8b1b20b8a74b1"}},{"_id":"mahoney","type":"author","bio":"Follow Andrew Mahoney @GlobeMahoney.","byline":"Andrew Mahoney","email":"","firstName":"Andrew","image":"","lastName":"Mahoney","longBio":"Andrew Mahoney covers men’s college hockey and also writes about combat sports. As a sports producer for Boston, he worked with editors and reporters on sports coverage and responding to breaking news. He was responsible for updating the Globe sports page and team pages, and produced and sent newsletters for the Red Sox, Patriots, and Celtics. He has covered major sporting events including multiple Frozen Fours, Winter Classics, and Boston Marathons. Prior to that, Mahoney was a content producer for and, optimizing web content and updating the and Boston Globe home pages and section fronts. A graduate of Northeastern University, Mahoney was an assistant editor at where he worked with ESPN and NFL talent to file weekly in-season analysis, in addition to moderating online chats with coaches, players, and draft hopefuls.\n","role":"Producer","slug":"andrew-mahoney","source_id":"9823d39e-2361-11e2-bfae-300af03becac","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"15142f4c-a481-11e3-9422-f17cf2701139","twitter":"GlobeMahoney","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-01T13:19:34.128Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/andrew-mahoney/","auth":{"1":"4829ee4cfc16d9a5f1708c3601f69bc066139a56cf95fbb846944f7e80c4b758"}},{"_id":"manion","type":"author","byline":"Jeremiah Manion","email":"","firstName":"Jeremiah","image":"","lastName":"Manion","longBio":"Jeremiah Manion is a life-long resident of the Bay State who joined the Globe library in 2001. His role at the Globe is to provide time-sensitive and critical information to assist reporters under tight time constraints while also contributing needed contextual and historical data for projects large and small. He’s also helped with research assistance on various Globe related books such as the 2009 book “Last Lion: The Fall and Rise of Ted Kennedy,” 2013’s “Whitey Bulger: America’s Most Wanted Gangster and the Manhunt That Brought Him To Justice,” and 2014’s “Long Mile Home: Boston Under Attack, the City’s Courageous Recovery, and the Epic Hunt For Justice.” \n","role":"Researcher","slug":"jeremiah-manion","source_id":"21aca906-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"21aca906-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T20:09:57.955Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jeremiah-manion/","auth":{"1":"a4d078b126dc7b141eacfd186fb9c810972fbca46b41e352b0bb67b023418d4b"}},{"_id":"margolis","firstName":"Jason","lastName":"Margolis","secondLastName":"","byline":"Jason Margolis","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jason-margolis/","bio":"Jason Margolis can be reached at","longBio":"Jason Margolis is The Boston Globe’s climate science and transportation editor. Prior to joining the Globe, he spent 17 years as a reporter then show editor with the public radio program “The World,” produced out of GBH in Boston. Jason began covering climate change and energy issues back in 2001 with his first story about the promise of hydrogen-fueled vehicles. More recently, he reported a 32-minute radio story about the impacts of climate change up and down the Mississippi River, looking at problems and solutions from Iowa to Louisiana. Jason has been recognized multiple times for his climate reporting by the Society of Environmental Journalists and was awarded a fellowship from the University of Michigan to study climate science and policies, business sustainability, and transportation planning. Jason grew up in California and attended UCLA for college and the University of California at Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. He enjoys long-distancing running, coaching youth softball, and strumming the acoustic guitar. He lives just outside of Boston with his wife, two kids, and dog/running partner, Winnie.","slug":"jason-margolis","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-04-29T14:19:36.724Z","role":"Climate Science and Transportation Editor","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"4fe147cfe1684dca82496c38f10568dd9122d84a0ddf4562d0c8acfd48be448e"}},{"_id":"marquard","type":"author","bio":"Bryan Marquard can be reached at","byline":"Bryan Marquard","email":"","firstName":"Bryan","image":"","lastName":"Marquard","longBio":"Bryan Marquard, the Globe's obituary writer since 2005, has written nearly 2,600 news obituaries featuring those both well-known—including Pete Frates, who popularized the ice bucket challenge ALS fundraiser, Boston Marathon bombing victim Krystal Campbell, best-selling novelists Robert B. Parker and Anita Shreve and those far less noticed like Stella May Brown, who lived on Boston's streets for 25 years. To prepare these obits, Marquard has engaged in over 10,000 conversations with grieving loved ones, family and friends. He has worked at the Globe since 2000 and previously was a reporter and editor at Newsday on Long Island, N.Y., and at newspapers in northern New England, where he now resides in New Hampshire. At Newsday, Marquard covered politics and government policy, taking occasional breaks from elected officials to write profiles about people such as Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of the Ben & Jerry ice cream brand. His newspaper apprenticeship began in Vermont at the Rutland Herald, his hometown paper, where he delivered newspapers, worked in the mailroom, and drove a truck before becoming a reporter. The roar of presses rolling at 2 a.m. still rings in his ears. As a novice reporter Marquard’s first front-page story was an obit about a young man who died by suicide in the local jail. The interview with the man's father became the first delicate conversation of thousands that continue for Marquard to this day.\n","role":"Obituaries Editor","slug":"bryan-marquard","source_id":"2207f0f4-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2207f0f4-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-07T12:38:00.337Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/bryan-marquard/","auth":{"1":"62a7a62b8b0b912456f92e2b228781cf064dae57297db4bc28af2a2e5532136d"}},{"_id":"martinn","firstName":"Naomi","lastName":"Martin","byline":"Naomi Martin","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/naomi-martin/","bio":"Naomi Martin can be reached at","longBio":"Naomi Martin is an assistant business editor in the Globe's Business section, helping reporters tell insightful, powerful stories about the region's economy and its effects on people's lives. Previously, she was a reporter on the Great Divide team covering the intersection of race, inequality, and public education. A Massachusetts native, Martin joined the Globe in 2018 from The Dallas Morning News, where she was part of a team named a finalist for the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for coverage of the slayings of five police officers. At the Globe, Martin has covered a range of beats, from hospitals during the start of the COVID pandemic to the business, politics, and societal impact of legalized cannabis. She started her career in Louisiana, covering criminal justice in Baton Rouge and New Orleans for The Advocate and | The Times-Picayune, respectively. In Dallas, she covered police, courts, and local government before turning to investigations, including a long-form narrative story, 9 Seconds, that delved into prosecutors’ efforts to convict a police officer charged with murdering Jordan Edwards, an innocent Black teenager. She graduated from Tulane University in New Orleans with a bachelor’s of arts degree in political economy and a minor in Spanish. Martin, who speaks Spanish, also serves on the Globe’s Fresh Start committee which gives people a chance to have their names removed from past news stories. Her awards include The Dallas Morning News’ Reporter of the Year Award for both 2016 and 2017 and the 2021 Massachusetts Psychological Association’s Media Award for a deep-dive into Boston Public Schools student leaders’ accounts of being pressured to participate in unlicensed group counseling sessions.","slug":"naomi-martin","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-29T22:15:42.314Z","role":"Assistant Business Editor","twitter":"NaomiMartin","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"1abb8606432cfc05a1d4a1641eced4d33174fdfc6473bf2856cde0918a8d574f"}},{"_id":"martink","firstName":"Kevin","lastName":"Martin","secondLastName":"","byline":"Kevin Martin","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/kevin-martin/","bio":"Kevin Martin can be reached at","longBio":"Kevin Martin is the Deputy Director of Photography at The Boston Globe. Prior to his time in Boston, Martin served as a photo editor for the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the San Antonio Express-News, The Associated Press, Knoxville News Sentinel, The Advocate in Baton Rouge and The State in Columbia, S.C. In 2022 Martin was named Visual Editor of the Year by Pictures of the Year International. Martin is a former director of The Kalish visual editing workshop. He has twice served as a juror for the Pulitzer Prize photography categories. In 2021, Martin was part of the Star Tribune newsroom staff which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for breaking news reporting. Martin holds a master's degree in photography from The School of Visual Communication at Ohio University and a bachelor's degree in journalism from Eastern Kentucky University.","slug":"kevin-martin","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-06T13:50:29.979Z","role":"Deputy Director of Photography","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"be90b7ff77f5f3d2baae1802747ff3437404cce7f44b3887f3ecc554fcf9a320"}},{"_id":"matte","type":"author","bio":"Jim Matte can be reached at","byline":"Jim Matte","email":"","firstName":"James","image":"","lastName":"Matte","longBio":"Jim Matte is a multiplatform editor on the Globe’s Arts desk. Prior to joining the Globe in 2003, he worked for nearly 19 years at the Boston Herald in positions that ranged from assistant sports editor to real estate editor.\n","role":"Multiplatform Editor","slug":"james-matte","source_id":"22d4cb4c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"22d4cb4c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-07-14T23:34:52.631Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/james-matte/","auth":{"1":"3abce853374f51217a8898216b36effb7c9ac670a5a6f234f920eafb57a6e21f"}},{"_id":"mazanec","firstName":"Cecilia","lastName":"Mazanec","secondLastName":"","byline":"Cecilia Mazanec","role":"Social Media Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"ceciliamazanec","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/cecilia-mazanec/","bio":"Cecilia Mazanec can be reached at Follow her @ceciliamazanec.","longBio":"Cecilia Mazanec is a social media editor and part of The Boston Globe's audience engagement team. She works with reporters and editors daily to share stories across a variety of platforms including X, Instagram, Facebook, Threads, TikTok, and LinkedIn. \n\nBecause everyone consumes news differently, Cecilia is always looking for new and creative ways to repackage stories. To do this, she builds social graphics and explainers to break down complex topics for loyal subscribers and new readers alike. \n\nBefore joining the Globe in late 2022, Cecilia worked as a digital producer at The Palm Beach Post, where she helped run the homepage, craft social media posts, send news alerts and emails, and roll out projects. She was born and raised in Winter Park, Florida, and graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in journalism.\n\nA Somerville resident, and recent New England transplant, Cecilia spends her free time enjoying the warmth of the outdoors before this northern region takes it away.","slug":"cecilia-mazanec","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:34:10.690Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"c81422387080b9effc0f6883f4e9e1c3cd8c797fe42140301054b34455921a9b"}},{"_id":"mcbride","type":"author","bio":"Jim McBride can be reached at Follow him @globejimmcbride.","byline":"Jim McBride","email":"","firstName":"Jim","image":"","lastName":"McBride","longBio":"Jim McBride is the Bruins beat reporter and writer for The Boston Globe. He joined the Globe sports department in 1988 and served as an editorial assistant and high school correspondent, writing game stories and features on everything from field hockey to football. Following a 20-plus year run as a copy editor, he slid back to the reporting side, taking the Patriots beat job in 2015. During eight seasons in that role, he covered four Super Bowls, including a pair of Patriots victories. He also won an Associated Press Sports Editors award for breaking news coverage. A Malden native and Suffolk University graduate, he also covered high school sports for the Malden Evening News. He also served as a general assignment sports reporter at the Concord (N.H.) Monitor, where he covered a variety of preps as well as NASCAR and Indy Car races at New Hampshire International Speedway.\n\n","role":"Patriots beat reporter","slug":"jim-mcbride","source_id":"22fe0408-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"22fe0408-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"globejimmcbride","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:51:17.092Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jim-mcbride/","auth":{"1":"26dd857c41e1dfaa25190719bd65e1c80ee20db2748a01a6a7289ea94dc39078"}},{"_id":"mccabe","type":"author","bio":"Kathy McCabe can be reached at Follow her @GlobeKMcCabe.","byline":"Kathy McCabe","email":"","firstName":"Katherine","image":"","lastName":"McCabe","longBio":"Katherine McCabe is a journalist with 30 years of experience covering breaking news, general assignment and business reporting. Her Globe career began on the regional editions, covering cities and towns north of Boston and in southern New Hampshire. She covered local government and public schools, community development, real estate and small businesses. Most of her stories were deeply reported, often focusing on the human impact of complex local issues. She reported on the dramatic transformation of the Peabody Essex Museum from a local institution to a world-class cultural destination. McCabe also reported on the high stakes competition to award a resort casino license in Eastern Massachusetts. She followed local stories to distant lands, reporting from the Dominican Republic and Japan. She was part of a team that covered the historic reconfiguration of Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston. She later became a general assignment reporter in Metro, where everyday was a new adventure. McCabe contributed stories to the Globe’s coverage of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for breaking news. She joined the Globe’s editing ranks in 2015. She now serves as City Editor, working closely with Page One, Photo, Metro and\n","role":"City Editor","slug":"katherine-mccabe","source_id":"23284f4c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"23284f4c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeKMcCabe","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:18:26.364Z","author_type":"Staff","affiliations":"","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/katherine-mccabe/","auth":{"1":"f58cd04f5930e36d011fbb873d0f4b58ae29f61b7a6df8618d2ea7dd3e1221bb"}},{"_id":"mccarthyb","firstName":"Brendan","lastName":"McCarthy","byline":"Brendan McCarthy","role":"Spotlight Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/brendan-mccarthy/","bio":"Brendan McCarthy can be reached at","longBio":"Brendan McCarthy is the Globe's Spotlight Editor. He oversees the Spotlight Team and the quick strike investigative team.\n\nHe previously served six years as deputy projects editor. During that time, he led the team that won the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting. The “Blind Spot” series exposed the government's failure to keep tabs on some of the country’s most dangerous drivers.\n\nBefore coming to the Globe in 2018, McCarthy was the founding editor of the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting, a nonprofit affiliated with the state’s public radio network. During his tenure, the scrappy start-up produced a podcast that won a Peabody Award, as well as audio investigations that garnered IRE awards and national Edward R. Murrow honors.\n\nAs a reporter in New Orleans, McCarthy covered crime and corruption for The Times-Picayune. He was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2009 and received Columbia University’s Mike Berger award for an eight-part narrative series about a boy’s unsolved murder. He was part of a team behind a PBS Frontline documentary into New Orleans police abuses, work that was honored with a George Polk Award.\n\nHe also worked as an investigative reporter at WWL-TV in New Orleans. There, he earned an Emmy for a series on human trafficking in the offshore oil industry.\n\nHe began his career at the Chicago Tribune and he’s occasionally written about hip hop and crime for XXL magazine.\n\nJournalism has led to many adventures: McCarthy has been able to ride in a rodeo in Wisconsin, report from remote villages in the Philippines, examine crime in the nation’s murder capital, and chase hurricanes across the South.\n\nHe played himself in the HBO series “Treme” and was featured in Spike Lee’s “If God Is Willing and da Creek Don't Rise.” He’s also appeared on CNN, Fox News, NPR, and other major networks.\n\nA proud native of Woonsocket, Rhode Island, McCarthy graduated from Emerson College.","slug":"brendan-mccarthy","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-26T22:22:14.886Z","type":"author","author_type":"Staff","auth":{"1":"6988c72888042ee0941f3278cef76707430bb02a26a9ecb91f41d29caa42fd63"}},{"_id":"mcdonaldd","firstName":"Danny","lastName":"McDonald","byline":"Danny McDonald","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/danny-mcdonald/","bio":"Danny McDonald can be reached at Follow him @Danny__McDonald.","longBio":"Danny McDonald is a general assignment reporter for The Boston Globe, which basically means he covers anything and everything: potholes to police, political patronage to protests, pandemic recovery to pop music. Before his current gig, he worked as the Globe's City Hall reporter, covering three different mayoral administrations. He came to the paper as a graveyard shift digital producer in 2015. A Massachusetts native, McDonald was born in Brighton, raised mostly in rural Worcester County, and educated at UMass Amherst. He also holds a graduate degree in journalism from City, University of London. A working journalist for 17 years, he has worked as a staff reporter for a number of publications, including The MetroWest Daily News, The Standard-Times, and The Bermuda Sun. (Yes, as in the island.)","slug":"danny-mcdonald","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-01T18:19:06.618Z","role":"Reporter","twitter":"Danny__McDonald","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"4fe40227b644619260072ae9f3c5c4bfbbdc6b31c0044619303f785b36405c84"}},{"_id":"mcgowan","firstName":"Dan","lastName":"McGowan","secondLastName":"","byline":"Dan McGowan","role":"Columnist","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Columnist","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"danmcgowan","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/dan-mcgowan/","bio":"Dan McGowan can be reached at Follow him @danmcgowan.","longBio":"Dan McGowan is a Rhode Island-based columnist for the Boston Globe. He authors Globe Rhode Island’s widely read daily newsletter, Rhode Map, and moderates in-person panels, discussions, and events for the Globe as part of “Rhode Map Live.” He also leads and curates “Dan McGowan’s Scoop on Providence Politics,” a popular Facebook community with more than 7,400 members. His award-winning columns offer insights and analysis of Rhode Island politics, education, and economic development (and, occasionally, parenthood and sports). He joined the Globe in 2019 after spending six years with WPRI-TV, where he covered Providence City Hall and schools. He has won numerous awards from the Rhode Island Press Association, and was part of a team that won a New England Emmy award for its investigation into a powerful Democratic state lawmaker who lied about where he was living. He also won an Associated Press award for “best hard news feature” for a report on questionable spending of taxpayer dollars by members of the Providence City Council. He got his start in journalism as the news editor at GoLocalProv, and has written freelance stories for Politico, Providence Monthly, and The Providence Phoenix. Dan lives in Providence and is a frequent guest on Rhode Island PBS’ political roundtable show “Lively Experiment,” news/talk radio station WPRO, and other Rhode Island media outlets. He is a board member for Access/RI, a nonprofit that advocates for improving citizen access to government records. In his spare time, he coaches youth baseball.","slug":"dan-mcgowan","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:35:29.818Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"b182e4415bab24f6502a31558f24d6751a33a36f78bf3264be64fffca0f4eae8"}},{"_id":"mcgrane","type":"author","bio":"Victoria McGrane can be reached at Follow her @vgmac.","byline":"Victoria McGrane","email":"","firstName":"Victoria","image":"","lastName":"McGrane","longBio":"Victoria McGrane is the politics editor for the Boston Globe's Metro department, and oversees the Globe’s coverage of Massachusetts politics, the state Legislature, the Healey administration, and Boston City Hall. She also coordinates the Globe’s coverage of the 2024 New Hampshire primary.\n\nPrior to this role, she served as a national political correspondent in the Globe’s Washington, D.C., bureau, where she covered the 2016 election and Congress in the Trump era. She spent much of her 20-year career covering policy and politics in the nation’s capital, including six years as a reporter with the Wall Street Journal and, prior to that, Politico, where she covered lobbying and Congress. Her areas of expertise over the years have included financial services and economic policy in Congress; the Federal Reserve and monetary policy; and the 2010 Dodd-Frank law overhauling Wall Street regulation in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. \n\n\nVictoria earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Dartmouth College and a master’s degree in political economy from the London School of Economics. She got her first break in journalism at The Keene Sentinel, in Keene, N.H., covering all manner of local news, including the 2002 presidential primary. She lives in Reading with her husband and two daughters. She can be reached at Follow her on Twitter or Threads at @vgmac.","role":"Politics Editor","slug":"victoria-mcgrane","source_id":"c4e573ec-04e9-11e7-bab3-536563c449c5","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"b1527568-04ea-11e7-9111-b9faf2351350","twitter":"vgmac","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-20T17:59:08.177Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/victoria-mcgrane/","auth":{"1":"05f17f4b46ac7f24b2e0ff129aa5cacec1a3705c55f7c6c4be816b522a6c46e7"}},{"_id":"mcgrory","type":"author","byline":"Brian McGrory","email":"","firstName":"Brian","image":"","lastName":"McGrory","longBio":"Brian McGrory is an opinion columnist for The Boston Globe. For a decade-long stretch ending in early 2023, he was the editor of the Globe. He arrived at the Globe in 1989, and has been a Metro columnist, the Metro editor, a White House correspondent, national reporter, general assignment reporter, and a suburban reporter. He won the Scripps-Howard award for commentary and the Sigma Delta Chi award for general column writing in 2011. The Globe newsroom was awarded three Pulitzer Prizes during his tenure as editor and was a finalist another dozen times.","role":"Opinion Columnist","slug":"brian-mcgrory","source_id":"23b32b6c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"23b32b6c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeMcGrory","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-03-28T19:15:21.573Z","author_type":"Columnist","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/brian-mcgrory/","bio":"Brian McGrory is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at","auth":{"1":"c9b25d910557891ff9d86e6b39fb5534eda0e30a54250ff196299ff1a8b497c5"}},{"_id":"mcinerney","firstName":"Katie","lastName":"McInerney","secondLastName":"","byline":"Katie McInerney","role":"Senior Assistant Sports Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"k8tmac","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/katie-mcinerney/","bio":"Katie McInerney can be reached at Follow her @k8tmac.","longBio":"Katie McInerney is the senior assistant sports editor at The Boston Globe. She manages a team of producers responsible for Their work includes newsletters, social media, and more. She has worked in journalism for more than a decade in newsrooms around the country. McInerney joined the Globe in 2019 from the Philadelphia Inquirer, where she worked as an editor and producer in the sports department. Prior to that, she worked as a front-page and sports designer at the Houston Chronicle and the Tulsa (Okla.) World. Her work has earned accolades from the Associated Press Sports Editors, among other organizations. Katie was born and raised on Nantucket. She graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in journalism, and serves on the board of directors for The Daily Orange, the student news organization serving SU. She previously served as a board member for the Association for Women in Sports Media.","slug":"katie-mcinerney","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:30:04.236Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"980e982d1e961a1f5f1ed677a43cfc532736fed643488d460c5c9ece200992ed"}},{"_id":"mclaren","firstName":"Mandy","lastName":"McLaren","secondLastName":"","byline":"Mandy McLaren","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"mandy_mclaren","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/mandy-mclaren/","bio":"Mandy McLaren can be reached at Follow her @mandy_mclaren.","longBio":"Mandy McLaren is a reporter for The Great Divide, an investigative team focused on educational inequities. She has been covering education topics since 2016, including charter schools, state takeovers, and seclusion and restraint. Her recent work includes “Lost in a world of words,” a multipart series on why so many Massachusetts students struggle to read. She formerly reported for the Louisville Courier Journal where her investigation into the improper use of mental health assessments by Kentucky's largest school district was named the best investigative reporting of 2020 by the National Awards for Education Reporting. She was a 2023 semifinalist for the Goldsmith Prize for investigative reporting for her series, “Between the Lines,” and a 2022 Livingston Award finalist for her series, “Magnetic Pull,” and its companion podcast, “A Bad School.” Her work has been featured in The Washington Post and USA TODAY. She was an adjunct professor in journalism at Indiana University Southeast in New Albany, Ind., in 2021. Before becoming a reporter, McLaren was a public school teacher and administrator in New Orleans. She has a master’s degree in investigative journalism from American University, in Washington, D.C., and bachelor’s degrees in political science and broadcast journalism from Boston University.","slug":"mandy-mclaren","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-25T13:29:54.153Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"d5739bd16fe3705489aef1e6d63f25df466bc3fb0115e9af9ab46aae69cb720c"}},{"_id":"mcwilliams","firstName":"Julian","lastName":"McWilliams","secondLastName":"","byline":"Julian McWilliams","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/julian-mcwilliams/","bio":"Julian McWilliams can be reached at Follow him @byJulianMack.","longBio":"McWilliams is the Red Sox beat reporter for the Globe. Previously, he covered the Oakland A's for The Athletic. Julian also covered high school and college sports for the Index-Journal in South Carolina and played both college and independent professional baseball. ","slug":"julian-mcwilliams","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T19:42:52.799Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"df44d5718121ed923291021f0ca54ade2615bdddd52691b393711ca6eaf11a38"}},{"_id":"mehta","firstName":"Christine","lastName":"Mehta","secondLastName":"","byline":"Christine Mehta","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/christine-mehta/","bio":"Christine Mehta can be reached at","longBio":"Christine Mehta is an editor, writer, and former human rights investigator with deep experience covering abuses of military and police power, national security, and freedom of expression. She is currently the associate editor for the Ideas section at The Boston Globe.\n\nShe previously was the inaugural senior editor at Harvard Public Health, where she helped craft the digital strategy and overall editorial coverage. The publication won a 2023 CASE Circle of Excellence award for a special issue on structural racism to which she contributed a data-driven look at childhood lead exposure in Syracuse, New York. \n\nShe has also been a senior researcher at PEN America, where she investigated white supremacy movements in the United States; an investigator at Physicians for Human Rights, where she dug into the role that doctors played in carrying out the CIA enhanced interrogation program; and an investigator for Amnesty International in India. A frequent public speaker, she’s presented her research to the United Nations, Congress, and numerous conferences. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, Foreign Affairs, and Al Jazeera, among others. An upstate New Yorker at heart, Mehta began her journalism journey at Syracuse University where she was named a Newhouse Scholar and awarded a News21 Carnegie-Knight Fellowship.","slug":"christine-mehta","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-15T19:38:11.674Z","role":"Associate Editor, Ideas","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"1e73f6b11dd67136902543ea72e47849ed384a2217ea81dfede6710c9b55d20d"}},{"_id":"micone","firstName":"Michelle","lastName":"Micone","secondLastName":"","byline":"Michelle Micone","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/michelle-micone/","bio":"Michelle Micone can be reached at Follow her @MichelleMicone.","longBio":"Michelle Micone joined Boston Globe Media Partners in 2020 as Vice President of Innovation and Strategic Initiatives. She is an experienced sales and marketing executive with a general management background across multiple industries — professional sports, licensing and entertainment, toys and consumer packaged goods. Prior to that, she was the Head of Consumer Products at the National Football League, where she led the expansion of the NFL’s brands into new and expanded categories and managed licensed partnerships with companies like Nike, Fanatics, and Electronic Arts.\n\nBefore the NFL, Michelle held a variety of leadership positions throughout a 17-year career at Hasbro in Rhode Island. She led North American licensing, bringing merchandise and experiences to market for Hasbro’s portfolio of brands. As a global brand strategy leader, she steered new product development and marketing for various brands at Hasbro, growing retail presence, entertainment distribution, and revenue globally.\n\nMichelle holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Masters in Business Administration from Northeastern University.","slug":"michelle-micone","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-01-04T18:33:45.217Z","role":"Vice President, Innovation & Strategic Initiatives","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"MichelleMicone","auth":{"1":"4e96f111a8548a4f40793c3391d48cff62372f472269dceddaf50ee52e71dcb6"}},{"_id":"milkovits","firstName":"Amanda","lastName":"Milkovits","secondLastName":"","byline":"Amanda Milkovits","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/amanda-milkovits/","bio":"Amanda Milkovits can be reached at Follow her @AmandaMilkovits.","longBio":"Amanda Milkovits is Rhode Island-based reporter for the Boston Globe, where she focuses on crime and investigative stories, along with side trips into quirky feature stories about unusual places and interesting people. Her 2022 investigation into teacher and coach misconduct in North Kingstown, R.I., including her reporting on a coach who “fat-tested” high school boys and a group of middle schoolers who held their abusive teacher accountable, led to deep reforms in the school system there. She joined the Globe in 2019, after nearly 19 years as an award-winning crime reporter for The Providence Journal. Her journalism roots go back to New Hampshire, where she was a reporter for Foster’s Daily Democrat, The Keene Sentinel, and The Peterborough Transcript. Amanda has been recognized for her investigations into patterns of violent gun crimes, sex trafficking in Rhode Island, and high-profile public figures accused of sexual abuse and how institutions failed to stop them. Amanda has been a fellow at the National Press Foundation for “Reporting on Criminal Justice in the Age of George Floyd” at Loyola Law School’s Journalist Law School, The Poynter Institute for “A Journalist’s Guide to Covering Jails,” and the McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute at the University of North Carolina, for “Reporting Sex Trafficking.” Amanda earned the “Journalist of the Year” award from the New England Press Association and has also received top awards for her journalism from the New England Associated Press News Executives Association, Rhode Island for Community and Justice, and the press associations in New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Amanda is a board member of the New England First Amendment Coalition, a guest speaker for law enforcement classes on working with the media, and a frequent guest on The Public’s Radio and on Rhode Island PBS’ political roundtable show “Lively Experiment.” She graduated from Keene State College and Rivier University.","slug":"amanda-milkovits","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T13:21:34.627Z","type":"author","twitter":"AmandaMilkovits","auth":{"1":"c44c1e8e92e8bb57be191f4eaaf06cbcda01332466ac42f7be9bb8be04d9db96"}},{"_id":"jmiller","type":"author","bio":"Joshua Miller can be reached at","byline":"Joshua Miller","email":"","firstName":"Joshua","image":"","lastName":"Miller","longBio":"A Massachusetts native and graduate of Bowdoin College, Joshua Miller is an editor at the Globe. He worked in Washington, D.C., at The Atlantic, ABC News, and the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call before joining the Globe in 2013 as a politics reporter. He later worked as an investigative reporter, a casino reporter, and as politics editor from 2019 to 2023.\n","role":"Assistant Metro Editor","slug":"joshua-miller","source_id":"dee4b542-d521-11e2-9e30-9d92916cbeca","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"3241a97a-d522-11e2-b5dd-130a38a5d652","twitter":"jm_bos","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-03-22T15:17:54.713Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/joshua-miller/","auth":{"1":"16c0fc4eedeeead87cc3503d3bc124e6d71f8b56e7509596b4a3b076a16ad952"}},{"_id":"mizera","firstName":"Marianne","lastName":"Mizera","secondLastName":"","byline":"Marianne Mizera","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"MareMizera","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/marianne-mizera/","bio":"Marianne Mizera can be reached at Follow her @MareMizera.","longBio":"Marianne Mizera is The Boston Globe’s weather editor. She has worked as a reporter and editor for many years at various news outlets, including 20 years as a city editor, breaking news digital editor, and an assistant managing editor at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. She later joined the editorial staff at AccuWeather. A native of southeastern Massachusetts, she began her journalism career in Connecticut. She earned a bachelor's degree from Syracuse University.","slug":"marianne-mizera","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-20T15:47:17.846Z","role":"Weather Editor","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"5eb2a23282a9ee006f07aa8621b3f88e3744a9a9f021ea9e5a9624962c6fdaaf"}},{"_id":"mohammedo","firstName":"Omar","lastName":"Mohammed","secondLastName":"","byline":"Omar Mohammed","role":"Economics Reporter, Globe Rhode Island","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/omar-mohammed/","bio":"Omar Mohammed can be reached at Follow him on Twitter (X) @shurufu.","longBio":"Omar Mohammed is a reporter with the Boston Globe, covering business and the economy in Rhode Island as well as news in Bristol County, Mass. Prior to joining the Globe, he reported on the economy and finance for Newsweek and spent more than a decade covering business and economics for Reuters, Bloomberg, and Quartz. He has a Master's degree from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, where he was a Knight-Bagehot fellow in business & economics reporting in 2021/22. \n\nIn 2019, his work with colleagues at Reuters on U.S. immigration policies earned a nomination at the Deadline Club Awards. He has also written about sports and covered men's basketball and track and field for Reuters at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. His story in The Guardian on the NBA's expansion into African basketball was longlisted for the 2022 International Sports Press Association Sport Media Award and was voted one of the top ten best pieces from Africa. \n\nOmar is fluent in English and Kiswahili and you can find him on Twitter (X) @shurufu and Linkedin. You can also email him at","slug":"omar-mohammed","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-08-20T14:29:42.452Z","twitter":"shurufu","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"f912ac0fae4d8d0efd130d9b920d5fb4e46e0a68de1ba6171b6f50debb8b9c91"}},{"_id":"morris","type":"author","byline":"Chris Morris","email":"","firstName":"Chris","image":"","lastName":"Morris","longBio":"Chris Morris is the deputy Living Arts editor at The Boston Globe. She oversees the Globe's award-winning Food and Travel sections for print and digital, as well as the Parenting Unfiltered newsletter and column. She came to the Globe in 2002 and previously served as the Globe’s Night Editor and Sunday Page One editor. Prior to coming to the Globe, she was a reporter and editor at the Concord Monitor in Concord, N.H. Occasionally Chris finds the time to write, such as when her home was invaded by bats and when her optician gave her a hard time about wanting to order glasses online to save money. She’s also written about mothers and daughters bonding over Taylor Swift and, for Survey Says (a column she shares with travel writer Christopher Muther about random, absurd, and occasionally useful polls from the world of travel), about how some people in Massachusetts long to move to New Hampshire. She is also the creator of the Back to Boston section, a comprehensive, post-pandemic guide to eating, drinking, and staying in Boston, full of ideas for tourists and residents alike. Chris would like to hear from you about anything related to food, travel, and life in general. Reach her at and follow her on X (Twitter) at @morrisglobe.","role":"Food and Travel Editor","slug":"chris-morris","source_id":"24bbfc32-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"24bbfc32-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"morrisglobe","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-01T13:27:35.220Z","bio":"Chris Morris can be reached at Follow her @morrisglobe.","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/chris-morris/","auth":{"1":"5a63382414db0fb6979e0693d1366971016f6a22e6430371bbde1fe100eaf027"}},{"_id":"morrow","type":"author","bio":"Mark Morrow can be reached at","byline":"Mark Morrow","email":"","firstName":"Mark S.","image":"","lastName":"Morrow","longBio":"Mark Morrow has been an editor at the Globe for 22 years serving stints as political editor, national editor, Living/Arts editor, projects editor and Sunday editor. \n","role":"Editor At Large","slug":"mark-s-morrow","source_id":"251457ec-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"251457ec-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-02-26T20:55:31.133Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/mark-s-morrow/","auth":{"1":"b3944d8f323c41d6a2dfac2cffd42544890692cd14ba1a6c8ffa8e0f83d55fae"}},{"_id":"mortell","firstName":"Maddie","lastName":"Mortell","secondLastName":"","byline":"Maddie Mortell","role":"Audience Engagement Strategist","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/maddie-mortell/","bio":"Maddie Mortell can be reached at Follow her @maddiemortell.","longBio":"Maddie Mortell is an Audience Engagement Strategist who assists both The Boston Globe and newsrooms, as well as the Globe’s television show, Boston Globe Today, and the Love Letters podcast. She has worked on a variety of multimedia storytelling projects, most notably: “Kate Price remembers terrible,” a Pulitzer Prize finalist feature by Janelle Nanos, “A celebrated surgeon, a trail of secrets and death,” a multi-part Spotlight Team investigation into corrupt medical malpractice, “Two Weeks in America,” an expansive multi-part series following the journeys of 12 journalists to the four corners of America, “The lobster trap” a multi-part series collaboration between the The Boston Globe and The Portland Press Herald, examining how climate change and warming waters impact Maine's signature lobstering industry, and “Voices from the front lines” an in-depth look at the realities of hospital staff plagued by multiple crises in wake of the COVID-19 era.\n\nInformed by her work in audience engagement and as a side effect of being “extremely online,” one of her areas of interest is capturing local and national stories of community within Internet culture. She’s written about Mass. native Bo Burnham’s work “Inside,” a geriatric pug prophet named Noodle, a 101-year-old lobsterwoman turned viral star, a touching “Are you good?” moment between a local bookseller and customer over their cart selection, and a local TikTok rockstar who is kicking a rock everyday until it becomes a sphere.\n\nPrior to joining Boston Globe Media as a weekend producer for in January 2020, she worked in public radio as a freelance digital producer for WBUR and their weekday national news broadcast “On Point.” Her media journey began as a social media intern at NPR in 2019, and her affinity for Tiny Desk Concerts hasn’t dwindled since. ","slug":"maddie-mortell","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-23T12:28:51.934Z","type":"author","twitter":"maddiemortell","auth":{"1":"cb37516cde0c90b40414367704107a8a053bc2322dafa6a0584d35635c1f71b0"}},{"_id":"murphyse","type":"author","bio":"Got a problem? Send your consumer issue to Follow him @spmurphyboston.","byline":"Sean P. Murphy","email":"","firstName":"Sean P.","image":"","lastName":"Murphy","longBio":"Sean P. Murphy is the Globe’s Consumer Advocacy Columnist. In more than 35 years at the Globe, Sean P. Murphy has worked as a reporter, editor and, most recently, consumer advocacy columnist. Since 2017, his columns on behalf of individual consumers have helped win more than $1 million in refunds or restored benefits.\n\nHe previously covered Boston police, the Big Dig, public pension abuse, and no-show government jobs. He has worked as a general assignment reporter, the federal court reporter, an investigative reporter, and the casino and gambling reporter. He is a former finalist for the Goldsmith Investigative Reporting Prize given by Harvard and a former Knight Fellow at Stanford.\n\nHe is a graduate of Tufts University and Suffolk Law School, and teaches media law part-time in the journalism department at Suffolk University. Sean was preceded at the Globe by his father, Jeremiah V. Murphy. He got his start in journalism at the Gloucester Daily Times.\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"sean-p-murphy","source_id":"2686e11c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2686e11c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"spmurphyboston","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:28:49.768Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/sean-p-murphy/","auth":{"1":"f19464ef0ad076987b71f3c2ce43f8d91b14809fc8bb8f1c908f01276b3d6c9a"}},{"_id":"murphysh","type":"author","bio":"Shelley Murphy can be reached at Follow her @shelleymurph.","byline":"Shelley Murphy","email":"","firstName":"Shelley","image":"","lastName":"Murphy","longBio":"Shelley Murphy is an investigative reporter, who works on a three-member strike force team focusing on stories that expose wrongdoing and hold public institutions accountable. She has also covered organized crime in Boston since the 1980s and is co-author of the New York Times best-seller “Whitey Bulger: America’s Most Wanted Gangster and the Manhunt That Brought Him to Justice.”\n\nMurphy is a Boston native -- with the accent to prove it (wait, what accent?) -- and graduated from Northeastern University. She joined the Globe in 1993.\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"shelley-murphy","source_id":"26b6294a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"26b6294a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"ShelleyMurph","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T18:12:23.028Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/shelley-murphy/","auth":{"1":"38018cab024a90cd09df1702406ea1f0538c74585646b23886367f4c84d4ac7a"}},{"_id":"muther","type":"author","bio":"Christopher Muther can be reached at Follow him @Chris_Muther and Instagram IG:chris_muther. ","byline":"Christopher Muther","email":"","firstName":"Christopher","image":"","lastName":"Muther","longBio":"Christopher Muther is a travel writer and columnist for the Boston Globe, covering everything from local haunts to global destinations and travel trends. Previous to writing about travel, the University of Massachusetts graduate covered fashion and style for the G section of the Globe and served as an adjunct professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design.\n","role":"Travel writer and columnist","slug":"christopher-muther","source_id":"27f61310-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"27f61310-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"Chris_Muther","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-28T17:08:28.620Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/christopher-muther/","instagram":"chris_muther","auth":{"1":"1d5071976e4d2ba61d5fe3d09ac2a235d346976d210695d0b6869ba597dba693"}},{"_id":"munoz","firstName":"Carlos","lastName":"Muñoz","secondLastName":"","byline":"Carlos R. Muñoz","role":"Digital and Audience Engagement Editor, Globe Rhode Island","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/carlos-munoz/","bio":"Carlos Muñoz can be reached at Follow him @ReadCarlos and on Instagram IG:Carlosbrknews.","longBio":"Carlos R. Muñoz is the Digital and Audience Engagement Editor for the Globe’s Rhode Island team, where he also writes weather, history, and news feature stories and has won multiple awards from the Rhode Island Press Association. He joined the Globe in 2021 after working for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, where he spent six years covering breaking news and the environment as the paper’s Mobile Lead Reporter. Previously, he was a digital producer, web editor, sports reporter, and sports copy desk clerk at various newspapers. Muñoz’s career started in Wisconsin newsrooms in Oshkosh, Manitowoc, Fond du Lac, and Appleton. He has also worked at the Toledo Blade. Muñoz’s work has earned awards in digital excellence, breaking news, sports news, breaking news video, and print page design. Notable stories include coverage of the unrest in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021, which the FBI cited for helping to identify the “Lecturn guy”; the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando; wastewater spills in Sarasota, Fla; Florida’s first COVID-19 case; the Florida red tide environmental disaster and hurricanes; and Midwest tornadoes; and the trestle trail bridge mass shooting in Menasha, Wisc. A Wisconsin native, Muñoz pursued journalism and English at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, and his passions include wildlife, weather, environmental science, and the outdoors.","slug":"carlos-munoz","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-08-07T18:42:08.308Z","type":"author","twitter":"ReadCarlos","middleName":"R.","instagram":"Carlosbrknews","auth":{"1":"056b9a3437c91de1b5011f4ebfa7db3404c57c865ca73c9a276d8a7fc749142b"}},{"_id":"myers","type":"author","byline":"Stacey Myers","email":"","firstName":"Stacey","image":"","lastName":"Myers","longBio":"Stacey Myers joined the Globe’s business copy desk staff in 2008, after leaving the Cape Cod Times, where she was the business editor. Later Stacey became a member of the Globe’s universal copy desk, working on both news and business stories. In 2014, she joined the magazine staff, where she has adopted more online and social media duties. \n","role":"Multiplatform Editor","slug":"stacey-myers","source_id":"28252024-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"28252024-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T19:14:50.552Z","bio":"Stacey Myers is a member of the Globe Magazine staff. Send comments to Follow us @BostonGlobeMag.","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/stacey-myers/","auth":{"1":"b468fc5f90ce6c61e7284cf4f9edbbe7723b59adc6dacb6c2918a77b24344ecd"}},{"_id":"nanos","type":"author","bio":"Janelle Nanos can be reached at Follow her @janellenanos.","byline":"Janelle Nanos","email":"","firstName":"Janelle","image":"","lastName":"Nanos","longBio":"Janelle Nanos is a business enterprise reporter at The Boston Globe, where she writes features, investigations, and projects that aim to dive deep into the ideas and trends that drive Boston’s economy. She also serves as the assistant business editor for news innovation, where she works to expand the Globe's business coverage across platforms. She's the host of the Bold Types video series of interviews with Boston business leaders, and is co-author of the longstanding feature \"On the Street\" which explores the changing face of Greater Boston's neighborhoods.\n\nIn 2023, Janelle was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in feature reporting for her decade-long investigation into a woman's allegations of childhood sexual abuse. She was also the recipient of the Dart Award for Excellence in the Coverage of Trauma; the Society for Features Journalism's narrative storytelling award; the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi Award for magazine investigative reporting; and the Online Journalism Award for Large\nNewsroom Feature reporting.\n\nJanelle's reporting has also received honors from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, where she is currently a board member, and the North American Travel Journalists Association. She has worked previously at Boston Magazine, National Geographic Traveler, and New York Magazine.\nOriginally from Long Island, New York, Janelle got her start in journalism as an undergraduate at Boston College, and received her masters in journalism from New York University. She has since returned to her alma mater and has been teaching journalism courses at Boston College for over a decade. \nShe can be reached at\n","role":"Assistant Business Editor for News Innovation","slug":"janelle-nanos","source_id":"9b038662-eb96-11e5-927f-4ca0c76e2791","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2d19183c-eb97-11e5-9973-92ae1ef58a94","twitter":"janellenanos","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:30:15.335Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/janelle-nanos/","auth":{"1":"b1b4836762d2130c9da61443fa82a82fd77c8201b76056d1eb2affe9b65d4607"}},{"_id":"needham","type":"author","bio":"Cynthia Needham can be reached at Follow her @cynthianeedham.","byline":"Cynthia Needham","email":"","firstName":"Cynthia","image":"","lastName":"Needham","longBio":"Cynthia Needham is the Senior Assistant Managing Editor for Editorial Innovation. She leads the Globe's new journalism initiatives, driving them from ideation to delivery. In this role, she works across editorial and business departments, designing products and teams, while aligning Boston Globe Media's overall strategy with its journalism goals. She also partners with the New Media team, developing Globe stories and other BGM intellectual property for the entertainment industry. Prior to that she oversaw the newsroom's Express Desk, where she directed all breaking news and digital efforts throughout the Trump administration and the Covid pandemic. Cynthia joined the Globe in 2011 and spent five years as political editor, managing coverage of regional politics and elections. She later became an editor on the Business desk. Before the Globe, she spent seven years as a political reporter for The Providence Journal. She graduated from Bowdoin College and Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism.","role":"Senior Assistant Managing Editor, Editorial Innovation","slug":"cynthia-needham","source_id":"28832296-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"28832296-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"CynthiaNeedham","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-01T13:21:04.855Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/cynthia-needham/","auth":{"1":"0a68a71b3fa125e447c92ef3d125613e4bf1ccc177f23bd3c81982cebed785db"}},{"_id":"nelson","firstName":"Kristin","lastName":"Nelson","secondLastName":"","byline":"Kristin Nelson","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/kristin-nelson/","bio":"Kristin Nelson can be reached at","longBio":"Kristin Nelson is Head of Audio at the Boston Globe, working with producers, editors and reporters to capture the Globe's award-winning journalism for audio audiences. She is an experienced journalist, documentarian, story editor and audio producer. Between 2007 and 2022 she worked with national CBC Radio programs, covering everything from federal elections and water shortages in the Middle East to intimate narratives about sex and gender, reconciliation and the deeply internal, personal ways that politics are experienced. Her work has been recognized by the Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) Awards, The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, New York Festivals Radio Awards, the Gracie Awards, the Canadian Association of Journalists, the Third Coast International Audio Festival and RTDNA. Before CBC, her freelance work appeared in The Toronto Star and This Magazine and she earned degrees in international development, political science and journalism.","slug":"kristin-nelson","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-08-08T13:50:08.413Z","role":"Head of Audio","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"e05465f93367d7af9fb6b43fa8f8ba3134f9178db3a1a392017c3eca6f5d952d"}},{"_id":"nelsonm","firstName":"Matthew","lastName":"Nelson","secondLastName":"","byline":"Matthew Nelson","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/matthew-nelson/","bio":"Matthew Nelson can be reached at","longBio":"Matthew Nelson is an audio producer for The Boston Globe. Prior to joining the Globe, Matthew was the supervising producer of the award-winning hip hop anthology series, Mogul. The show was lauded as the first major foray into narrative storytelling for a hip hop podcast. After completing three seasons of Mogul, Matthew became the supervising producer of Conviction, a true-crime series that reported on the American justice system. He also created and produced the soccer show, We Came to Win, and hosted and reported The Takedown, a series about a former UFC fighter who pulled off the biggest cash robbery in British history. Most recently, Matthew produced One Song, a weekly music podcast that was ranked as one of the best new shows of 2023. He got his start in journalism in his native Scotland, and worked at the BBC covering consumer news for Radio 4’s You and Yours, and soccer for the World Service’s World Football program.\n\nHe can be reached at","slug":"matthew-nelson","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-05-31T19:12:58.491Z","role":"Audio Producer","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"f8f93fd6998d23e432e2dea5d02216d2adec2b33cf890155fe5fad228379b902"}},{"_id":"anguyen","firstName":"Andrew","lastName":"Nguyen","secondLastName":"","byline":"Andrew Nguyen","role":"Newsroom Developer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"onlyandrewn","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/andrew-nguyen/","bio":"Andrew Nguyen can be reached at Follow him @onlyandrewn","longBio":"Andrew Nguyen is a newsroom developer for the Boston Globe. He specializes in creating data visualizations such as charts, maps, apps and other special presentations to help readers better understand and engage with our stories. Andrew is also adept at scraping, data analysis and cleaning large datasets.\n\nHis work as both a journalist and developer puts him at the intersection of data, design and code. Since joining the Globe in 2020, he has worked on stories from poverty and housing to congressional spending and the pandemic. Andrew has also contributed to several notable projects, including the “Future-proofing the presidency” series, which was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize and was part of the team that launched the \"Emancipator,\" a reimagining of the first abolitionist newspaper in the United States.\n\nThe Toronto-native has worked in journalism for more than a decade for various newsrooms in Canada and the United States as a reporter, web editor and fact checker. He has a passion for stories about the environment.\n\nAndrew is a graduate of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Most recently, he completed Columbia’s University’s Lede Program.\n\nYou can reach him by email at Or you can follow him on Twitter at @onlyandrewn.","slug":"andrew-nguyen","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T13:48:41.272Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"ddca984bf9e0f26114bede80d405e72c4cfc91fc79f126172ab35b227cef1297"}},{"_id":"nickerson","firstName":"Scooty","lastName":"Nickerson","secondLastName":"","byline":"Scooty Nickerson","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/scooty-nickerson/","bio":"Scooty Nickerson can be reached at","longBio":"Scooty Nickerson is a data journalist at the Boston Globe, where he covers a wide array of topics, from criminal justice to climate change. He joined the newsroom in 2024.\n\nThough Nickerson was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, he’s no stranger to Boston. His first stint in journalism was as a news reporter then investigative editor at the Tufts Daily in Somerville, Mass.\n\nAfter graduating from Tufts, Nickerson went on to get two Master’s degrees – one in investigative journalism at the Columbia Journalism School and another in Applied Social Data Science at the London School of Economics in the United Kingdom.\n\nNickerson also worked as a data fellow at Columbia Journalism School, where he helped kickstart a national audio investigation in partnership with NPR. That investigation exposed companies where multiple workers had died from heat illness after managers failed to provide basic necessities, like water during heat waves. That investigation won the 2021 IRE audio award.\n\nNickerson also worked as a data journalist with the Bay Area News Group for two years, covering everything from forecasted floods to child abuse and neglect. Nickerson’s work inspired three state bills, a law, and calls from Silicon Valley politicians for a complete overhaul of the local child welfare system.","slug":"scooty-nickerson","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-06-19T18:33:30.832Z","role":"Data Journalist","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"482bf79f01a556f9916f5de2e811aa49465b52fa1d5b0e3fc4892618a2b6a7f0"}},{"_id":"nieto","firstName":"Giulia McDonnell","lastName":"Nieto del Rio","secondLastName":"","byline":"Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio","role":"Immigration Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"giuliamcdnr","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/giulia-mcdonnell-nieto-del-rio/","bio":"Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio can be reached at Follow her @giuliamcdnr.","longBio":"Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio joined the Globe in July 2024as an immigration reporter. Previously, she worked as an immigration reporter at Documented, a nonprofit news site that covers New York City’s immigrant communities and policies that affect them. At Documented, she covered the migrant crisis in New York extensively, and published stories about the conditions in city-run shelters, the exploitation of newly-arrived migrant workers, and the effects of housing instability on migrant families. She also covered immigration detention and immigration courts.\n\nBefore that, she was a national reporting fellow for the New York Times, writing about any and all national news — including COVID-19, the 2020 election, mass shootings and extreme weather events. McDonnell Nieto del Rio is a native Spanish speaker and has reported on breaking news as an intern for her hometown paper, the Los Angeles Times. She has also worked for CNN in New York and Washington D.C. She holds a bachelor’s degree in History from Williams College, and earned her master’s from Columbia Journalism School.","slug":"giulia-mcdonnell-nieto-del-rio","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-07-23T21:41:38.917Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"11bf3e146bcdcb0901140d8086db3132d9301bbbe37daee05ee68d02366b720c"}},{"_id":"oduolowu","firstName":"Segun","lastName":"Oduolowu","secondLastName":"","byline":"Segun Oduolowu","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/segun-oduolowu/","bio":"","longBio":"Segun Oduolowu is the proud son of Nigerian immigrant parents. He’s a Television Host, Entertainment Journalist and Media Personality. Currently Segun is the host of Boston Globe Today, the newly launched multi-platform news, sports and entertainment show. Created in a partnership with NESN, Boston Globe Today is televised five days a week on NESN, and can be viewed anytime on Prior to this, Segun was a correspondent for PEOPLE (the tv show!), a nationally syndicated entertainment-newsmagazine television show focused on behind-the-scenes stories in Hollywood, celebrity news, personal interest, and true crime stories. Prior to joining PEOPLE (the tv show!), Segun hosted the nationally syndicated television show, The List. In addition to serving as a host, he wrote and produced several segments for the program. In 2021, in partnership with Bounce television network, Segun executive produced Protect or Neglect, a documentary focused on police brutality in underserved communities. He was also the co-host of the Facebook Watch program See It/Skip It, a weekly show produced by Rotten Tomatoes. \n\nOver the years, he has appeared regularly on Good Morning America, The Today Show, CNN, NBC News Now, REVOLT, Access Hollywood, The Wendy Williams Show and has contributed to international programs for CNN, the BBC, and Deutsche Welle. Segun was also a regular guest and contributor to the long-running HLN series, Dr. Drew on Call. \n\nWhen the limelight turns off, Segun’s spotlight is focused on his amazing wife Aja, and their precocious daughter Ava. With any remaining free time, he mentors young athletes and scholars. As a former collegiate basketball player at the University of Houston, he believes that without COMMITMENT you’ll never start, and without CONSISTENCY you’ll never finish.","slug":"segun-oduolowu","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-24T20:34:44.132Z","role":"Boston Globe Today TV Show Host","type":"author","author_type":"Staff","auth":{"1":"529aeaeedd27fe879af005ea31ab3e58b8486c3adcd4c5c06ca806e87f4d1600"}},{"_id":"olivo","firstName":"Ben","lastName":"Olivo","secondLastName":"","byline":"Ben Olivo","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/ben-olivo/","bio":"Ben Olivo can be reached at Follow him @rbolivo.","longBio":"Before joining The Boston Globe as deputy metro editor, Ben Olivo was the politics editor at The Seattle Times, where he guided that newsroom through elections, a legislative session and daily coverage of City Hall. Before Seattle, Ben spent 25 years covering — as a reporter, columnist and editor — his hometown of San Antonio. In 2018, he founded the San Antonio Heron, a nonprofit news organization that wrote about downtown development and its impact on the city’s culturally rich, inner city neighborhoods. As editor of the Heron, he also wrote columns of analysis that often blended explanatory and accountability journalism, pointing out to readers the winners and losers of public subsidies and other such deals. At the beginning of 2017, he joined Folo Media, a journalism nonprofit backed by the H.E. Butt Foundation that chronicled San Antonio’s inequality mostly through the lens of housing and education. Ben spent the bulk of his career at the San Antonio Express-News, where, for 19 years, he reported on real estate and gentrification (including a weekly Metro column), along with covering beats on other desks, from A&E to business news. While at the Express-News, he was named by his peers as Reporter of the Year (2014) and awarded the Philip True Journalism Award for Online Impact (2006).","slug":"ben-olivo","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-05-06T19:44:51.630Z","role":"Deputy Metro Editor","twitter":"rbolivo","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"59b8d567a27f81b0250c1d7b79f0b42ca42dcdde55dae5f037cb982e95d03694"}},{"_id":"osterheldt","firstName":"Jeneé","lastName":"Osterheldt","byline":"Jeneé Osterheldt","role":"Deputy Managing Editor for culture, talent, and development","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jenee-osterheldt/","bio":"Jeneé Osterheldt can be reached at Follow her @sincerelyjenee and on Instagram IG:abeautifulresistance.","longBio":"Jeneé Osterheldt is a culture columnist who covers identity and social justice through the lens of culture and the arts. She centers Black lives and the lives of people of color. Sometimes this means writing about Beyoncé and Black womanhood or unpacking the importance of public art and representation. Sometimes this means taking systemic racism, sexism, and oppression to task. It always means Black lives matter. She joined the Globe in 2018. A native of Alexandria, Va. and a graduate of Norfolk State University, Osterheldt was a 2017 Nieman Fellow at Harvard, where her studies focused on the intersection of art and justice. She previously worked as a Kansas City Star culture columnist.","slug":"jenee-osterheldt","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T18:07:28.434Z","twitter":"sincerelyjenee","author_type":"Columnist","type":"author","instagram":"abeautifulresistance","auth":{"1":"d858c0a743dc373f21526827c4b8a8ccf8b269d96133ca89ee0050983c9155f0"}},{"_id":"ostriker","type":"author","bio":"Rebecca Ostriker can be reached at Follow her @GlobeOstriker.","byline":"Rebecca Ostriker","email":"","firstName":"Rebecca","image":"","lastName":"Ostriker","longBio":"Rebecca Ostriker has been an investigative reporter at the Boston Globe since 2019. She has written stories about a once-celebrated New Hampshire heart surgeon who amassed one of the nation’s worst surgical malpractice records, a prestigious Harvard teaching hospital that risked its reputation in a multimillion-dollar venture for Chinese elites, and leadership failures that led to devastating COVID-19 outbreaks at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home and a pricy five-star nursing home. She co-authored a three-part series examining the political gridlock and powerful incentives behind paralyzing traffic in the Boston area that won the Online Journalism Awards’ 2020 prize for explanatory reporting, medium newsroom.\n\n\n\nBefore becoming an investigative reporter, she was the Globe’s Arts Editor for nine years, a tenure during which two arts critics won Pulitzer prizes, and she won a New York Times Company Punch Award for editing a special Globe magazine on the Museum of Fine Arts. For two years, she also served as the Globe’s page 1 editor for the Monday paper. A Harvard grad, she previously worked as an Assistant Arts Editor and as a copyeditor in the Globe’s Living/Arts and Sports departments. While in Living/Arts, she wrote stories and criticism on everything from music and movies to dance.","role":"Reporter","slug":"rebecca-ostriker","source_id":"9b4144a2-d994-11e0-b819-39b513f0a8e6","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"7574fca4-d995-11e0-a49e-c0e30fd7fc1d","twitter":"GlobeOstriker","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-02T15:19:15.344Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/rebecca-ostriker/","auth":{"1":"f57b0e1863e5e3e9fd65a4e269551b67033f9c2db16800d6541c1631c5ad9895"}},{"_id":"ovalle","firstName":"Karla","lastName":"Ovalle","secondLastName":"","byline":"Karla Ovalle","role":"Director of Newsroom Analytics","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"KarlaValley","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/karla-ovalle/","bio":"Karla Ovalle can be reached at Follow her @KarlaValley.","longBio":"As Director of Newsroom Analytics, Karla works across the whole newsroom analyzing audience patterns to continuously improve our understanding of readers and our ability to connect with them. She dives deep into audience and article data, looking at both our existing coverage and new opportunities. She also heads up training sessions and workshops to educate groups in every department about how their journalism is resonating with readers. Prior to joining the Globe in September 2021, Karla worked as the Newsroom Analytics Director at the Philadelphia Inquirer. ","slug":"karla-ovalle","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T20:58:25.230Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"3f90e8d71581e09a4938dab326b0004c5e17592b17809edc10b3b4afaff880ac"}},{"_id":"palmer","firstName":"Jacqué","lastName":"Palmer","secondLastName":"","byline":"Jacqué Palmer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jacque-palmer/","bio":"","longBio":"Palmer (she/her/hers) is the senior editorial director for newsletters at The Boston Globe. In that role, she oversees editorial strategy for the Globe's two dozen newsletters, one of our most dedicated audience channels. Palmer is an audience journalist and email expert specializing in audience lifecycle development. Since 2015, she’s developed strategies for deepening loyalty, increasing growth, and maximizing revenue — via news products — for leading media publications like Vox, USA TODAY, and The Palm Beach Post. She was the lead newsletter strategist for Breonna Taylor Case newsletter from The Louisville Courier-Journal, a 2021 Pultizer Finalist for their Breonna Taylor coverage. She is a member of the Online News Association, a News Product Alliance mentor, and a graduate of the Poynter’s 2021 Leadership Academy for Women in Media. ","slug":"jacque-palmer","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-06-27T14:15:09.773Z","role":"Senior Editorial Director for Newsletters","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"msjacquepalmer","auth":{"1":"c844b2e4073b5152b4b73112ae6d36484149cd4bb6fc188ba04d622bdd83e1b6"}},{"_id":"pan","firstName":"Deanna","lastName":"Pan","secondLastName":"","byline":"Deanna Pan","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"DDpan","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/deanna-pan/","bio":"Deanna Pan can be reached at Follow her @DDpan.","longBio":"Deanna Pan is a reporter on the Great Divide team, covering race, class and opportunity in public schools, and a frequent contributor to Globe Magazine. Prior to joining The Boston Globe in 2019, she spent three years as a reporter at The Post and Courier in Charleston, S.C., reporting on K-12 schools and higher education. She was honored as a Pulitzer Prize finalist in feature writing in 2019 for her series on the unjust execution of 14-year-old George Stinney Jr., the youngest person put to death in modern U.S. history. She is also a 2020 Forbes 30 under 30 honoree in the media category. Deanna started her journalism career as a staff writer for The Inlander in Spokane, Wash., writing about subjects as wide ranging as Bigfoot believers, mass shooting survivors, and insanity-defense patients. She grew up in the suburbs of Cincinnati and graduated from Ohio State University, where she changed her major almost a dozen times before settling on English.","slug":"deanna-pan","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-23T16:46:42.134Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"5b726da78c2766a8ccad31eef93e36e88bf6ae261fee51f3381ea27406f8271e"}},{"_id":"pantages","type":"author","byline":"Marty Pantages","email":"","firstName":"Marty","image":"","lastName":"Pantages","longBio":"Pantages is a page designer and copy editor on the Sports desk. He began working at the Globe in January 1999. Before that, he worked in a variety of positions at newspapers in Macon, Ga.; Orange County, Calif.; Miami; and Minneapolis. \n","role":"Layout Editor","slug":"marty-pantages","source_id":"29f56724-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"29f56724-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-07-14T23:39:32.901Z","bio":"Marty Pantages can be reached at","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/marty-pantages/","auth":{"1":"671a4d056bfd4cfab5d567aa248b00a44c27c7d71aed1503b1527b9eda6a2b18"}},{"_id":"parhizkaran","firstName":"Danielle","lastName":"Parhizkaran","secondLastName":"","byline":"Danielle Parhizkaran","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/danielle-parhizkaran/","bio":"","longBio":"Previously with The Bergen (N.J.) Record for nearly a decade, Danielle's specialty is sports shooting. She has been a part of the USA Today team covering major sporting events like the Olympics, the World Cup, the Masters, U.S. Open (golf and tennis), World Series and many more. She got her start shooting men's basketball for the student-run Daily Orange while attending Syracuse University.","slug":"danielle-parhizkaran","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-05T20:01:58.566Z","role":"Photographer","instagram":"danielleparhiz","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"d89c04ef027956248aa486314b032eaee735e002acedf978b8f61125c33347b1"}},{"_id":"pepin","type":"author","bio":"Matt Pepin can be reached at","byline":"Matt Pepin","email":"","firstName":"Matt","image":"","lastName":"Pepin","longBio":"Matt Pepin has been the Boston Globe’s sports editor since 2018. He oversees a staff of reporters, producers, and editors in the creation and presentation of Globe sports content across a range of platforms, including and the Globe newspaper.\n\nPrior to becoming sports editor, He was digital sports editor at both and His previous career stops include sports editor of and the Times Herald-Record in Middletown, NY; sports editor at the both the New Haven Register and the Torrington Register Citizen in Connecticut; and greenskeeper at Chanticlair Golf Course in Connecticut.\n\nSince 2009, he has been part of the Globe’s award-winning coverage of multiple championships by Boston teams - particularly the Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, Boston Celtics, and Boston Bruins - and worked on investigations and major national and international sports events, including the Boston Marathon and the 2013 Marathon bombing, the Olympics, World Cups, and all levels of golf.\n\nPepin has served as editor or editorial advisor for a number of books, including “Patrice Bergeron: From Kid to Captain”; “The Boston Globe Story of the Red Sox”; “30 Years in a White Haze” by Dan Egan and Eric Wilbur; and “Tales of Censlasia” by Kate Cassidy and Catherine Criscuola.\n\nHe has gone skiing a lot, especially in New England, and written about it for multiple publications. Pepin holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Eastern Connecticut State University.","role":"Sports Editor","slug":"matt-pepin","source_id":"f9b8cb4e-2363-11e2-bfae-300af03becac","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"3c278708-a47e-11e3-9422-f17cf2701139","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-23T16:45:08.727Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/matt-pepin/","auth":{"1":"2648a994ec0096e760819978eb89cad55bf3a60a61cfd0144d236c11dc250c43"}},{"_id":"perlman","firstName":"Jenna","lastName":"Perlman","secondLastName":"","byline":"Jenna Perlman","role":"DIGITAL PRODUCER, BOSTON GLOBE TODAY","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jenna-perlman/","bio":"","longBio":"Jenna Perlman is the digital producer for Boston Globe Today. Her goal is to connect every reader to the conversations coming out of the Boston Globe Today studios. She came to the Globe from the television world, where she was nominated for an Emmy award for producing a breaking news broadcast with WCVB-TV on the Government Center parking garage collapse (2022). She’s also produced television at WBZ-TV in Boston and NBC-2 in Fort Myers, Florida. She attended Boston University’s journalism program on a full-tuition scholarship with the Posse Foundation. Jenna has interned at Cartoon Network, The Jerusalem Post, Boston Magazine and WFTX-TV. While raised in Atlanta, Jenna is a proud Bostonian with no plan to leave the city. When not at work, you can find her in the garden, on a hiking trail, or cooking for friends. Find her on X at @jennapnews or email her at ","slug":"jenna-perlman","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-01-29T22:23:20.426Z","type":"author","twitter":"jennapnews","auth":{"1":"8f5ad8b3894bbee59d94ff6faafc3c1877a6959ac0e6ff243c7b6ea2b801240d"}},{"_id":"peter","type":"author","bio":"Jennifer Peter can be reached at","byline":"Jennifer Peter","email":"","firstName":"Jennifer","image":"","lastName":"Peter","longBio":"Jennifer Peter helps run the newsroom as one of the Globe’s senior editors, coordinating between departments and ensuring that a steady flow of enterprising and interesting stories flow to the website throughout the day. She switched to this position after more than seven years as the Globe’s metro editor, overseeing almost all aspects of local news. She began her career as a reporter for 12 years, covering mainly politics at newspapers in Idaho, Connecticut, Virginia and Massachusetts. She joined the Globe in 2004 as an editor of one of its regional editions. Two years later, she became the State House editor. From there, she became city editor for three years, before taking over as Metro editor. She lives in South Boston with her husband and two children.\n","role":"Managing Editor/Chief of Staff","slug":"jennifer-peter","source_id":"2a8e8b0c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2a8e8b0c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeJenPeter","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-02-26T20:53:21.235Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jennifer-peter/","auth":{"1":"7514e4b0b5bd9d40976ebed23cb698148958a56fdb8ac352a6d7517d76392fb0"}},{"_id":"piard","firstName":"Marie Marsha","lastName":"Piard","secondLastName":"","byline":"Marie Marsha Piard","role":"MultiPlatform Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/marie-marsha-piard/","bio":"","longBio":"NY native exploring Boston. Mets, Jets, and Islanders fan. I will rep Yankees if I need to. Foodie, humorist, and occasional francophone. Dog mom to Apache Piard.","slug":"marie-marsha-piard","instagram":"MarshaReadsBooks","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2022-09-20T20:32:48.430Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"628474ad8cbc303d6f767462f7f4cf8326c3b5f4cea653eff72682ae2375f72c"}},{"_id":"pindell","type":"author","bio":"James Pindell can be reached at Follow him @jamespindell and on Instagram IG:jameswpindell.","byline":"James Pindell","email":"","firstName":"James","image":"","lastName":"Pindell","longBio":"James Pindell is a Globe political reporter who reports and analyzes American politics, especially in New England. \n\nHe re-joined the Globe in 2015 after a previous stint for the Globe’s Washington Bureau 2006-2008. He has previously worked for the Des Moines Register, Indianapolis Star, and WMUR-TV in New Hampshire. He also co-founded three media start-ups, two of which he sold. \n\nHe has been an on-staff political analyst for NBC/MSNBC and WBUR. His work has also appeared in Politico Magazine, The Economist, New York Magazine, Campaigns and Elections Magazine, and New Hampshire Magazine, where he wrote a monthly politics column for 15 years.\n\nHe is a graduate of Drake University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. \n","role":"Reporter","slug":"james-pindell","source_id":"6d3bb40c-ced9-11e7-9bb0-6a4e1a4dd76f","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"d6529f66-cef0-11e7-af2b-7b2767122325","twitter":"jamespindell","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-03-01T13:54:06.131Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/james-pindell/","instagram":"jameswpindell","auth":{"1":"d0fa8afb298a865cf3db655da6d13fe9cf4beb661afe4da8e1f3a48f56524dd4"}},{"_id":"piore","firstName":"Adam","lastName":"Piore","secondLastName":"","byline":"Adam Piore","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[{"title":"The Body Builders, Inside the Science of the Engineered Human","url":"","publisher":""},{"title":"The New Kings of New York","url":"","publisher":""}],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/adam-piore/","bio":"Adam Piore can be reached at","longBio":"Adam Piore is a reporter covering public health and infectious disease at the Boston Globe. In recent years, he's written extensively about public health for national magazines, chronicling the obesity epidemic, the teen mental health crisis, and covering COVID-19. Over the course of his 30 year career, he's worked as a Washington Correspondent for the Bergen Record, trekked through the Colombia Amazon writing about isolated tribes for Scientific American, lived in Southeast Asia filing stories from Cambodia and Indonesia to the Globe foreign desk, He covered 9-11 from Ground Zero and reported from Iraq for Newsweek. He is the author of two books, the Body Builders, Inside the Science of the Engineered Human, and the New Kings of New York. Adam grew up in Boston, then attended the University of California, Santa Cruz and Columbia School of Journalism. ","slug":"adam-piore","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-05T22:16:16.908Z","role":"Health Reporter","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"31f007b85f6a74262d08acadcee319ce8685e6425ec13875182c2d20f85656e4"}},{"_id":"platoff","firstName":"Emma","lastName":"Platoff","secondLastName":"","byline":"Emma Platoff","role":"Political Enterprise Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"emmaplatoff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/emma-platoff/","bio":"Emma Platoff can be reached at Follow her @emmaplatoff.","longBio":"Emma Platoff is a political enterprise reporter at the Globe, where she started in 2021. She has covered Beacon Hill, Boston City Hall, and the ever-evolving relationship between them, as well as national stories from New Hampshire, Texas, Iowa, and across the midwest. At the Globe, Platoff has focused on representation and redistricting, State House accountability, chaos on the Boston City Council, and the historic rise and tenure of Boston Mayor Michelle Wu. She has more than six years of experience covering politics and government at the local, state, and national levels. \n\nPreviously, Platoff spent four years at the Texas Tribune in Austin, reporting enterprise stories about politics, justice, and COVID-19. Her work included coverage of pay-to-play in Texas judicial elections, the numerous scandals surrounding Attorney General Ken Paxton, and the story of a tequila billionaire who effectively bought himself a law at the Texas Capitol. She was part of the Tribune team that won four national Edward R. Murrow awards for its coverage of family separations at the Texas-Mexico border. \n\nA native of New Haven, Connecticut, Platoff is a graduate of Yale and a former managing editor of the Yale Daily News.\n\nReach her via email at and follow her on Twitter @emmaplatoff","slug":"emma-platoff","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-03-08T16:43:27.531Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"92698e2cd9d1a38a6e02ff28ab002164bd70d5a8fd19ebbe7a90b5bb4442f0d9"}},{"_id":"porder","firstName":"Ami","lastName":"Porder","secondLastName":"","byline":"Ami Porder","role":"Segment Producer, Boston Globe Today","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/ami-porder/","bio":"Ami Porder can be reached at","longBio":"Ami Porder is a distinguished and award-winning Journalist, Writer, Producer and Executive Producer known for her exceptional storytelling and visionary approach to content creation.\n\nWith a career spanning 20 plus years, Ami has made a significant impact in the world of journalism and television production winning numerous accolades including multiple Emmy Awards for outstanding news and documentary programming.She spent several years at CNN, Turner Broadcasting, The Weather Channel, NBC and ESPN producing tv shows, documentaries, specials, films, music videos and more. Ami has also interviewed countless celebrities and has produced and executive produced national tv shows for TLC, Animal Planet, MTV, Discovery Networks, Disney, HGTV, Food Network and more. Before joining The Boston Globe, Ami was the Director of Video Production for Plaid Jacket Media where\n\nher clients included: Extra TV, UFC Original Films, New England Cable News, NBC Universal,\n\nWCVB-TV Chronicle, WSB-TV (Atlanta) and various production companies and Fortune 500 companies.","slug":"ami-porder","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-23T13:08:02.589Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"b5a166d8eddffb4bf2ea0aab639aa3446f2bef61ad9b47a12a9eafc1782f5377"}},{"_id":"porter","type":"author","byline":"Matt Porter","email":"","firstName":"Matt","image":"","lastName":"Porter","longBio":"Matt Porter has covered the Bruins and NHL for the Globe since 2018. He was a staff writer at the Palm Beach Post for nine years covering South Florida sports. He graduated from Emerson College (while working part-time at the Globe) and is originally from Gloucester.","role":"Sports Reporter","slug":"matt-porter","source_id":"b46ea1dc-6e83-11e8-bd50-b80389a4e569","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2b16975e-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"mattyports","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-28T17:13:46.344Z","bio":"Matt Porter can be reached at Follow him @mattyports.","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/matt-porter/","instagram":"mattyports","auth":{"1":"55149e345b41183a995cd84163aaba8963ef5b290a30eb60b05bfc0ee44e8f27"}},{"_id":"porters","firstName":"Steven","lastName":"Porter","secondLastName":"","byline":"Steven Porter","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/steven-porter/","bio":"Steven Porter can be reached at Follow him @reporterporter.","longBio":"Steven Porter is a New Hampshire-based reporter for The Boston Globe. He focuses on local politics, civil and criminal justice, policing, and other topics, digging into stories that matter to Granite Staters. He also co-writes the \"Globe N.H. | Morning Report\" newsletter. Porter came to the Globe in 2023 after working as an assistant editor for USA TODAY Opinion, where he solicited and edited columns and op-eds, wrote editorials, collaborated with fact-checkers, and managed a grant-funded project on qualified immunity, police accountability, and building safer communities. Before that, he oversaw two weekly newspapers for the USA TODAY Network in southern Maine, The York Weekly and York County Coast Star, while writing and editing for Seacoastonline. He has written about education, civil and criminal justice, the health care industry, and more. He also launched Granite Memo, an independent website and newsletter about New Hampshire politics. Born and raised in Marion, Indiana, Porter earned a bachelor's degree in media communication from Indiana Wesleyan University and a master's degree in journalism from the Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism. ","slug":"steven-porter","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T13:12:44.025Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"reporterporter","auth":{"1":"0a438ca38cc83b9b04aa869c493555937dda7f5b0b7bd030936ccf13b1acd592"}},{"_id":"pressman","firstName":"Aaron","lastName":"Pressman","secondLastName":"","byline":"Aaron Pressman","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/aaron-pressman/","bio":"Aaron Pressman can be reached at Follow him @ampressman.","longBio":"Aaron Pressman is a business reporter covering technology, startups, A.I., and the electric vehicle transition. In a multi-decade career, he has covered the Internet bubble, the housing bubble, the crypto bubble, and the artificial intelligence...boom. Before joining the Globe in 2021, his work appeared in Fortune, BusinessWeek, Wired, and The Industry Standard, and at Yahoo Finance, Reuters, and Bloomberg.\n\nPressman won a \"Best in Business\" award from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, or SABEW, for coverage of AT&T's worker retraining effort and a silver medal from the American Society of Business Publication Editors for best business blog. Time Magazine named him one of the \"140 most interesting people on Twitter.\"\n\nHe graduated from Columbia University and lives with his wife and loyal golden retriever in Needham. He can be reached at and on Threads @ampressman.","slug":"aaron-pressman","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:29:53.999Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"2263839af62d022cb46609e0bb39e3b448e71579d18ec554458c3408ac71e82f"}},{"_id":"price","firstName":"Christopher","lastName":"Price","secondLastName":"","byline":"Christopher Price","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"cpriceglobe","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/christopher-price/","bio":"Christopher Price can be reached at Follow him @cpriceglobe.","longBio":"An award-winning writer and author, Price joined the Globe staff in 2019 after having covered college and professional sports in Boston for two decades.\n\nHe's also written several books on the Patriots, including “The Blueprint,” “Drive For Five,” and “The Complete Illustrated History of the New England Patriots.” In addition, he’s been honored by Northeastern University, New England Press Association, and the North Carolina Press Association for his work.","slug":"christopher-price","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T19:24:19.820Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"a18a1eb5629d174b3acc8eccf6d57d647a8a83f3aa3d1a5c51ea473a76a3aa16"}},{"_id":"prignano","type":"author","byline":"Christina Prignano ","email":"","firstName":"Christina","image":"","lastName":"Prignano","longBio":"Christina Prignano leads the team of talented developers and designers who are experts in creating compelling, unique, and reader-focused journalism. \n\nAs senior editor for multimedia storytelling, she brings together teams from across departments to develop and drive some of the Globe's most ambitious digital projects as well as in-the-moment graphics and data stories. \n\nRecent award-winning projects from the multimedia team include Two Weeks in America and Kate Price Remembers Something Terrible. The team’s work also includes reader tools like data dashboards, cost-of-living calculators, tools to track political races, and more. \n\nPrior to joining the multimedia storytelling team, Prignano was a senior digital editor on the homepage team, directing breaking news alerts, planning digital coverage for major news events including the 2020 election, plus writing and editing breaking, daily, and multimedia story packages. \n\nShe joined the paper in 2012 as a homepage producer from CommonWealth magazine, where she worked as web editor as well as communications associate for the organization’s publisher, the think tank MassINC. \n\nShe serves as a volunteer mentor for Digital Women Leaders, an initiative that offers free one-on-one coaching for women and non-binary people in journalism. A native of Rhode Island, Prignano is a graduate of Northeastern University and now lives in the Boston area. ","role":"Senior editor for multimedia storytelling","slug":"christina-prignano","source_id":"5df28f06-3495-11e5-8f07-1217ac3fe611","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1195258c-3496-11e5-bd5f-5def8fa93e48","twitter":"cprignano","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:34:47.478Z","bio":"Christina Prignano can be reached at Follow her @cprignano.","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/christina-prignano/","auth":{"1":"7c0d877b5d4d31299732c3ef1b95d67b7a239bb732c1ca967ae0e33b62209590"}},{"_id":"pritchard","type":"author","byline":"Marjorie Pritchard","email":"","firstName":"Marjorie","image":"","lastName":"Pritchard","longBio":"As deputy managing editor, Marjorie Pritchard oversees the Globe’s opinion page. She edits Globe staff columnists and regular contributors as well as commissions pieces from thought leaders around the country. \n","role":"Deputy Managing Editor, Editorial Page","slug":"marjorie-pritchard","source_id":"2b9aa0f8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2b9aa0f8-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"marjoriepritch","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2021-08-23T16:51:34.717Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/marjorie-pritchard/","auth":{"1":"2a5e1eeb713d217787f68f28d4a35ed7098428d679cfbe7ec103b19a21aa888e"}},{"_id":"puzzanghera","firstName":"Jim","lastName":"Puzzanghera","byline":"Jim Puzzanghera","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"JimPuzzanghera","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jim-puzzanghera/","location":"Washington","bio":"Jim Puzzanghera can be reached at Follow him @JimPuzzanghera.","longBio":"Jim Puzzanghera is a reporter in the Globe's Washington Bureau, focusing on the national economy and the White House. He has written about the economic impact of the pandemic, Russia’s war in Ukraine, Federal Reserve actions, White House policies, and congressional legislation. He also covers President Biden and his re-election campaign. \n\nHe served as bureau chief from 2019-21, directing coverage of the 2020 presidential campaign and overseeing the Globe’s Back to the Battleground series that won the 2020 Toner Prize for Excellence in National Political Reporting. He's worked as a journalist in the nation’s capital since 1998 and is a two-time National Press Club award winner for Washington reporting.\n\nBefore arriving at the Globe in 2019, Puzzanghera covered business and economic issues for more than a dozen years in the Los Angeles Times’ Washington bureau. He was one of the lead reporters covering the 2008 financial crisis and its aftermath, winning the L.A. Times’ top newsroom award in 2009 for his work. Prior to that, Puzzanghera was the Washington bureau chief for the San Jose Mercury News, writing about the intersection of technology and politics for the Silicon Valley-based publication as well as covering major national stories, including the Clinton impeachment, the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the 2000 and 2004 presidential campaigns. \n\nA native of Melrose, Mass., Puzzanghera earned a bachelor's degree in journalism from Northwestern University in 1985. He began his career in New England at the New Haven Register in Connecticut, where he got his first national political experience covering the 1988 New Hampshire primary. He also has worked at the St. Petersburg Times and Newsday, where he was a reporter and editor. Before arriving in Washington, Puzzanghera worked in Silicon Valley for the San Jose Mercury News, covering higher education and biotechnology.","slug":"jim-puzzanghera","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-16T14:53:22.748Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"20f2d88eb0d144812c7ef07e1639df6aca0730d795aa3b401bed015aff993e90"}},{"_id":"quinn","firstName":"Annalisa","lastName":"Quinn","secondLastName":"","byline":"Annalisa Quinn","role":"Articles Editor, Boston Globe Magazine","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"@annalisa_quinn","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/annalisa-quinn/","bio":"Annalisa Quinn can be reached at Follow her @annalisa_quinn.","longBio":"Annalisa is an editor for the Boston Globe's weekly magazine. Before joining the Globe, she was based in Germany on a National Geographic COVID-19 reporting fellowship and an Arthur F. Burns fellowship. Prior to that, she wrote about arts and culture across the U.S. and Europe for the New York Times and Financial Times, and was a book critic for NPR. \n","slug":"annalisa-quinn","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T20:58:56.761Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"a4082c5eb5908003097fc1fe2717e0ed93f6f6bb3682b8c2cf67e744474f0853"}},{"_id":"rasmussen","firstName":"Tim","lastName":"Rasmussen","secondLastName":"","byline":"Tim Rasmussen","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/tim-rasmussen/","bio":"Tim Rasmussen can be reached at","longBio":"Tim Rasmussen is the Senior AME for visual journalism+news product design at the Boston Globe, overseeing all visual journalism. Before joining the Globe, he was the Chief Content Officer at Connecticut Public Broadcasting in Hartford, CT., leading all content produced and distributed by Connecticut Public. Previously, he was the Director of Photography at ESPN, responsible for photography at ESPN The Magazine and all digital platforms. He joined ESPN in 2015 after nearly ten years as Assistant Managing Editor for Photography and Multimedia at The Denver Post, where the paper became known for its exceptional photography and was awarded three Pulitzer Prizes.","slug":"tim-rasmussen","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-03-07T15:32:36.820Z","role":"Senior Assistant Managing Editor for visual journalism and news product design ","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"2c049fb5c8038f60c50cedfe303f652253fa1ccca19711f56b98ecc8964e9354"}},{"_id":"reeves","firstName":"Ronke Idowu","lastName":"Reeves","secondLastName":"","byline":"Ronke Idowu Reeves","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/ronke-idowu-reeves/","bio":"Ronke Idowu Reeves is the Globe's SEO Editor, and a contributor to the books \"Oprah: A Celebration at 70\" and \"PEOPLE Books: Special Edition Barbie.\"","longBio":"Ronke Idowu Reeves manages search engine optimization efforts for editorial content plus leads ongoing training sessions and workshops on SEO education for The Globe newsroom. She is the former SEO Manager of Playboy, where she optimized both original digital articles plus legacy magazine stories for the 60+ year old brand, including the iconic Playboy Interview.\n\nAs a content producer/writer for, Idowu Reeves managed SEO for daily entertainment news articles, award show coverage plus scripted and unscripted TV series content. She is a former writer/producer for VH1 and WABC-TV in New York City. Her film festival work includes serving as publications coordinator for the Tribeca Festival, plus writer and editor for the Miami International Film Festival and Sundance Film Festival.\n\nRonke’s work in journalism includes spending over a decade as an entertainment reporter and writer at PEOPLE, where some of her favorite interviews include David Bowie, Don Cheadle, Glenn Close, Tom Cruise, Jane Fonda, Iman, Patti LaBelle, Liza Minnelli, Stevie Nicks, David Lee Roth, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, and Denzel Washington. Idowu Reeves contributed to the books Purple Reign: The Artist Formerly Known as Prince (Citadel Press), Vibe Hip Hop Divas (Three Rivers Press), People Books: Special Edition Barbie (Meredith) and Oprah: Her Incredible Life (Meredith).","slug":"ronke-idowu-reeves","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-07-16T12:27:18.978Z","role":"SEO Editor","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"b7c9dcaec9c25a3776051527d18dea6c72990c8555e77f88ab5be5b1442c87cb"}},{"_id":"reyes","firstName":"Jenna","lastName":"Reyes","secondLastName":"","byline":"Jenna Reyes","role":"Community Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jenna-reyes/","bio":"Jenna Reyes can be reached at Follow her @jennaelaney and Instagram IG:jennaelaney.","longBio":"As community editor, Jenna Reyes is focused on understanding readers, the questions they have, and the stories they want to be told. To do this, she listens to feedback from audiences on a variety of platforms. She can be found everywhere from the comments section on to the Globe’s Reddit account, where she regularly curates Ask Me Anything sessions with reporters. As the first community editor at the Globe, Jenna is building out a strategy that includes in-person community events, a texting campaign, and a newsletter for the Globe’s most engaged subscribers. She is also working to streamline the user commenting experience and is eager to promote healthy discussions on site and on social media.\n\nPrior to joining the Globe in January 2023, Jenna worked in local television news for over five years. Her producing was nominated for two regional Emmy awards and her ability to spot news stories and find sources makes her a valuable asset to the audience engagement team.\n\nJenna earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Boston University and her master’s degree in magazine journalism from New York University.\n\nOriginally from Brooklyn, New York, Jenna spent more than two decades living in Western Massachusetts before returning to Boston. When she’s not at a live music event, or cheering for the New York Jets, she enjoys spending her time at home with her English bulldog, Buddha.","slug":"jenna-reyes","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-18T15:37:00.250Z","author_type":"Staff","twitter":"jennaelaney","instagram":"jennaelaney","type":"author","auth":{"1":"74ae9a6c667714bfc8f30d3f408736e4512a6fb984ce4ef6e27848e828cc4d56"}},{"_id":"rinaldi","type":"author","byline":"Jessica Rinaldi","email":"","firstName":"Jessica","image":"","lastName":"Rinaldi","longBio":"Jessica Rinaldi is a staff photographer for The Boston Globe. In 2016 she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in Feature Photography for The Life and Times of Strider Wolf and was also named a Pulitzer Finalist in the same category. Prior to joining The Boston Globe she spent ten years as a contract photographer for Reuters based in Boston, Dallas and New York City. She has a B.S. in Journalism from Boston University.","role":"Photojournalist","slug":"jessica-rinaldi","source_id":"a41b5958-2053-11e7-adff-cae94fb33b5e","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"0ec50dc6-2054-11e7-9184-561cfe15bb0b","twitter":"jrinaldi5","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T19:38:10.098Z","bio":"Jessica Rinaldi can be reached at","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jessica-rinaldi/","auth":{"1":"ab11746043d8cae2bb509b76b57d0c0b720567380ffd0081d8b0a01827e73403"}},{"_id":"robinson","type":"author","byline":"Walter Robinson","email":"","firstName":"Walter V.","image":"","lastName":"Robinson","longBio":"Walter V. Robinson, who is an editor at large, had his first Globe byline in January, 1972. He has reported for the Globe from 33 countries and 48 states. Robby, as he is known, has been a local and state political reporter, a national political reporter who covered four presidential elections, White House correspondent, Middle East Bureau chief during the first Persian Gulf war, city editor, metropolitan editor and assistant managing editor for investigations. He led the Spotlight Team’s investigation that uncovered the Catholic Church sexual abuse scandal, for which the Globe was awarded several national journalism prizes, including the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. Since 2007, he has also been Distinguished Professor of Journalism at Northeastern University and the Edith Kinney Gaylord Visiting Professor of Investigative Journalism at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University. He looks forward to writing stories from the two states he has missed, North Dakota and Montana.\n","role":"Editor At Large","slug":"walter-v-robinson","source_id":"e0803382-871b-11e5-89fe-3610fd811785","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"30d5d33c-871c-11e5-8324-63baa69dbf9e","twitter":"WalterVRobinson","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-22T13:08:22.612Z","author_type":"Staff","bio":"Walter Robinson can be reached at Follow him @WalterVRobinson.","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/walter-v-robinson/","auth":{"1":"3703205031749d5fa74babca9740d8636ad838343a6335c7e553d43df3f68a0e"}},{"_id":"rodriguez","firstName":"Keilani","lastName":"Rodriguez","secondLastName":"","byline":"Keilani Rodriguez","role":"Editorial Designer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/keilani-rodriguez/","bio":"","longBio":"Keilani Rodriguez is an Editorial Designer with a multidisciplinary background in magazine design and 9 years of experience art directing studio photoshoots, working with illustrators, and collaborating with writers and editors to help bring stories to life. Most recently, Keilani worked at an editorial content marketing agency as an art director for multiple clients, with content ranging from food to wellness to retail. Prior, they were an art director and designer for several Bonnier outdoor enthusiast magazines. They studied journalism at the University of Florida.","slug":"keilani-rodriguez","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-06-04T21:58:09.879Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"8acc50e91f235f183047ab7340b594c557c0fa12fd69189b81b07d891160ff76"}},{"_id":"rosen","type":"author","bio":"Andy Rosen can be reached at ","byline":"Andy Rosen","email":"","firstName":"Andy","image":"","lastName":"Rosen","longBio":"Andy Rosen is senior assistant business editor, helping to guide the Globe's coverage of economic and financial issues. Andy grew up in Haverhill, Mass. and lives in Boston. \n\nNow in his second stint at the Globe, Andy has been a key part of both the Globe’s business and breaking news teams. He has covered everything from the Boston Marathon’s Wellesley “scream tunnel” to the maritime mystery of Nathan Carman. Andy also was part of the team that revealed what happened during the early 2020 COVID outbreak at Biogen's Boston conference. \n\nHe has more than 15 years of newsroom experience, including as crime and courts editor at The Baltimore Sun. In that role, Andy oversaw coverage of stories including the takedown of the dark web marketplace Silk Road and the gang takeover of the Baltimore City Detention Center. Andy has also been a personal finance expert and writer at NerdWallet, breaking down complex investing concepts for consumers — including on NerdWallet’s popular YouTube channel and its Smart Money podcast.\n\nAndy graduated from Haverhill High School. He earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a graduate certificate in digital media production from the University of Baltimore. \n","role":"Senior Assistant Business Editor","slug":"andy-rosen","source_id":"e11b3c0e-2ef4-11e4-a676-4e95eeb89fbd","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"4c9feeb4-2ef7-11e4-88fa-c34aa85bfbfe","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:30:36.743Z","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/andy-rosen/","author_type":"Staff","auth":{"1":"770ade4a102709971182249ef85acf539eac6ec0a7a1558a3ceb118d009d4db2"}},{"_id":"russellg","firstName":"Gordon","lastName":"Russell","secondLastName":"","byline":"Gordon Russell","role":"Deputy Spotlight Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/gordon-russell/","bio":"Gordon Russell can be reached at","longBio":"Gordon Russell is the Globe's Deputy Spotlight Editor. He lives for local accountability journalism and his work has led to convictions of dishonest politicians and changes in state and local law.\n\nBefore joining the Globe in September 2024, he spent 25 years at The Times-Picayune of New Orleans, The (Baton Rouge) Advocate and the merger of the two, where he was the managing editor for investigations. In Louisiana, he reported on and edited projects on a wide range of subjects, ranging from Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath to Mayor Ray Nagin's corruption to New Orleans' byzantine system of property assessment. He oversaw a project on Louisiana's allowance of non-unanimous jury verdicts that was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for local reporting in 2019. Before moving to Louisiana, he worked at the Herald-Tribune in Sarasota, Fla., and The Dominion Post of Morgantown, W.Va. \n\nHe was born in Springfield, Mass. to parents who grew up in Beverly, and attended high school in the San Francisco Bay area. He is married and has an adult daughter who lives in the Boston area.","slug":"gordon-russell","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-10-01T17:16:00.011Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"eff5965e6a6b552db881b69d00c0351932facea35452e272a3f1ac22facb245c"}},{"_id":"ryana","type":"author","bio":"Andrew Ryan can be reached at Follow him @globeandrewryan.","byline":"Andrew Ryan","email":"","firstName":"Andrew","image":"","lastName":"Ryan","longBio":"Andrew Ryan has been an investigative reporter at the Boston Globe for nearly a decade. With an expertise in public records, his reporting has held the powerful to account, with a focus on government officials, law enforcement, and other influential institutions. He was part of the teams behind two of the Globe’s award-winning, investigative podcasts: “Murder in Boston” and “Gladiator: Aaron Hernandez and Football Inc.” As a member of the Spotlight Team, he was a 2018 Pulitzer finalist in Local Reporting for a series examining race in Boston.\n\nRyan joined the paper in 2006 to launch the Globe’s first online news desk in 2006 and later served as Boston City Hall bureau chief. He previously worked for the Associated Press, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, The Day of New London, Conn., Highbridge Horizon in the Bronx, and tended bar at the Landor Pub in London and The Whisky River in Dubuque, IA. \n\nIn 2024, he was a Murrey Marder Nieman Fellow in Watchdog Journalism at Harvard University, where he studied whether artificial intelligence could help reinvigorate local investigative and accountability reporting. He also earned a master’s degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and a bachelor’s degree in creative writing from Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa.","role":"Investigative Reporter, Spotlight team","slug":"andrew-ryan","source_id":"2de939b4-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2de939b4-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeAndrewRyan","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-10-21T14:30:55.283Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/andrew-ryan/","auth":{"1":"d19103b3ffb2a781c4fc6f022d9b5e314fab1b373d63da57811c73cdc558a6a8"}},{"_id":"ryand","type":"author","bio":"Globe Photo David L. Ryan","byline":"David L. Ryan","email":"","firstName":"David L.","image":"","lastName":"Ryan","longBio":"\n","role":"Photographer","slug":"david-l-ryan","source_id":"2e17f9fc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2e17f9fc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeDavidLRyan","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-07-15T00:15:46.102Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/david-l-ryan/","auth":{"1":"3ee3fc1b22792b9b963c25e40c29bbdaa6a9ea11469e43a70ed72a9eff4ac010"}},{"_id":"ryanai","firstName":"Aidan","lastName":"Ryan","secondLastName":"","byline":"Aidan Ryan","role":"Media Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/aidan-ryan/","bio":"Aidan Ryan can be reached at Follow him @aidanfitzryan.","longBio":"Aidan Ryan is a reporter on the business desk, covering media and information. His coverage focuses on how people in the Boston area and New England get their information, including reporting on legacy outlets and nonprofit upstarts to social media giants and everything in between. \n\nAidan previously spent two and a half years in New York at the technology-focused publication The Information. He began as an intern, covered financial markets, and later became the crypto beat reporter. At The Information, he covered everything from the crypto market collapse in 2022 to former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried’s criminal trial in Manhattan and wrote a weekly newsletter. Prior to his role at The Information, he served as president of The Harvard Crimson in 2020. Aidan was a political reporting intern at the Globe in 2019 and contributed to coverage of Boston City Hall, the State House, and the 2020 New Hampshire primary.\n\nOriginally from New Hampshire, Aidan now lives in Boston. He graduated from Harvard College in 2021 with a degree in social studies. You can reach him at","slug":"aidan-ryan","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-01-05T15:01:35.740Z","twitter":"aidanfitzryan","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"73403129281ae25edcddcc48faa84f6662eabe8c39edd07bfe2f7beddfaa6d43"}},{"_id":"saltzman","type":"author","bio":"Jonathan Saltzman can be reached at","byline":"Jonathan Saltzman","email":"","firstName":"Jonathan","image":"","lastName":"Saltzman","longBio":"Jonathan Saltzman has worked at the Boston Globe since 2002 and covers biotechnology and the life sciences. \n\nHe previously covered the federal and state courts and has done several stints on the newspaper's renowned investigative Spotlight Team. He was part of a team that won a George Polk Award in 2012 for a series on the state’s unusually high rate of acquittal at bench trials for drunk driving. He was also a runner-up for other awards, including a Pulitzer Prize and Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting, for a series of stories about dangerous off-campus housing for college students in Boston. He shared a first-place award from the Association of Health Care Journalists for a series on a life-saving, six-figure drug for a rare disease. \n\nSaltzman, a graduate of Brooklyn College, has worked at the Providence Journal, USA Today, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, and the Poughkeepsie Journal. \nHe also co-hosted a daily magazine show for the NPR station in Rhode Island. He lives in Providence. His e-mail address is\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"jonathan-saltzman","source_id":"2eaaf6d0-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2eaaf6d0-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-10T19:33:14.082Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jonathan-saltzman/","auth":{"1":"c24ae01f3c0ed635ca28b37da1e648134f2995608aa6efdf535a3feaeeb225d4"}},{"_id":"scharfenberg","type":"author","bio":"David Scharfenberg can be reached at Follow him @dscharfGlobe.","byline":"David Scharfenberg","email":"","firstName":"David","image":"","lastName":"Scharfenberg","longBio":"David Scharfenberg has been the staff writer for the Boston Globe’s Ideas section since 2016. He has written about a wide range of topics - from the ethics of bringing extinct animals back from the dead to the mystique of Harvard Square.\n\nSome of his most ambitious work weaves data and real-life stories together to reveal surprising stories about the American city. One piece, “Where white people go, where Black people go,” explored what cell phone location data reveals about the segregation of city dwellers’ movements (we’re even more segregated than we imagine).\n\nAnother story, “Miracle on the Mystic,” showed how small, blue-collar edge cities like Revere, Everett, and Malden have been engines of opportunity. And a piece on Uphams Corner, a Dorchester neighborhood that has managed to grow without displacing the people of color who have long called it home, was a finalist for the prestigious Online Journalism Awards.\n\nScharfenberg also writes extensively about American politics, with an eye for the unexplored - from the futility of Republican efforts to suppress voter turnout to the Democrats’ failure to run viable candidates in winnable House districts.\n\nIn addition to working as the Globe’s Ideas writer, Scharfenberg serves on the Globe editorial board, where he writes about housing, education, and politics.\n\nPrior to joining the editorial board and Ideas, he worked for two years as a reporter in the Globe’s Statehouse bureau. He was a reporter for public radio station WBUR and editor of the Providence Phoenix newspaper. He has also written for the Providence Journal and the New York Times.\n\nA Brown University graduate, he started his journalism career in California, where he won an award as the top education reporter in the state at a mid-size newspaper.\n\nHe can be reached at Follow him on X @dscharfGlobe.\n","role":"Ideas Writer and Editorial Board Member","slug":"david-scharfenberg","source_id":"5162a87c-ffef-11e5-946e-36f8d256f570","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"b903b1f0-fff0-11e5-a2c5-338c76455cff","twitter":"dscharfGlobe","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:01:18.647Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/david-scharfenberg/","auth":{"1":"3c3217404783e73e36f73eea55525a65e62fa3538c47a180f5e7fd6c4c32fb49"}},{"_id":"schoenberg","firstName":"Shira","lastName":"Schoenberg","secondLastName":"","byline":"Shira Schoenberg","role":"Editorial Writer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/shira-schoenberg/","bio":"Shira Schoenberg can be reached at Follow her @shiraschoenberg.","longBio":"Shira Schoenberg is an editorial writer covering health care, higher education, housing, technology, cannabis, and other topics.\n\nShe spent nearly two decades as a news reporter, including around 10 years covering Massachusetts state government and elections, before becoming an opinion writer.\n\nShira has written extensively about health care, child welfare, the courts, cannabis, education, elections, and other policy topics. She has investigated topics including abuse in group homes for people with developmental disabilities, failures of the foster care system, and sexual harassment in state government. She participated in the Ravitch fiscal reporting program, learning how to cover state and local government finances.\n\nBefore coming to the Globe in January 2023, Shira covered state government for CommonWealth Magazine and the Springfield Republican/ She previously worked at the Concord Monitor, where she covered the New Hampshire State House. She wrote about the 2012 New Hampshire presidential primary for the Globe.\n\nSeveral of Shira’s stories on health care, the arts, courts, and government have won awards from the New England Newspaper and Press Association. She won the Massachusetts Bar Association’s 2018 award for Excellence in Legal Journalism, and in 2015, Shira was named among the best state political reporters by The Washington Post’s The Fix.\n\nShira holds a master’s degree in newspaper journalism from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism.","slug":"shira-schoenberg","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-06T19:07:24.661Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"shiraschoenberg","auth":{"1":"43b841896f5d3f85171174213d8bc0c5078c387c848baf8afcd2100196e741cf"}},{"_id":"schworm","type":"author","bio":"Peter Schworm can be reached at Follow him @globepete.","byline":"Peter Schworm","email":"","firstName":"Peter","image":"","lastName":"Schworm","longBio":"Peter Schworm is an editor on the Globe's express desk, handling a mix of breaking news, enterprise stories, and features. He works with reporters on developing stories throughout the day, as well as longer-range pieces, such as a recent front-page profile of a survivor of a mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine. He enjoys the fast pace of journalism, the diversity of stories, and the challenge of telling stories in the fairest, most compelling way possible. \n\nHe came to the desk last year after being a metro editor for six years, working with a team of reporters across a range of coverage areas: the court system, education, the pandemic, transportation, and many more, from the deadly Covid-19 outbreak at the Holyoke Soldiers' Home to the growing number of rescues required in the White Mountains. \nHe became an editor after many years as a general assignment reporter, writing high-profile stories on a wide range of topics, from higher education and transportation to sports and criminal justice. He began his time at the Globe at the newspaper's suburban section in 2002. \n\n","role":"Assistant News Editor","slug":"peter-schworm","source_id":"2f8ed102-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2f8ed102-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobePete","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:21:50.455Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/peter-schworm/","auth":{"1":"d60583d59fc58d1196d6271478d1be5354d7b71386963ccb7fa83af2d742a652"}},{"_id":"scott","firstName":"Ivy","lastName":"Scott","secondLastName":"","byline":"Ivy Scott","role":"Climate Solutions Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/ivy-scott/","bio":"Ivy Scott can be reached at Follow her @itsivyscott.","longBio":"Ivy Scott is a reporter on the Globe's climate team, focused on changes individuals and institutions can make to build a more sustainable future. She previously worked as a criminal justice reporter focusing first on the Boston Police Department, and later on Massachusetts state courts, district attorneys, the Department of Correction, and the state Attorney General's office. While at the Globe, she co-hosted a miniseries on the Love Letters podcast, covered the mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, and (briefly!) met Princess Kate. Prior to this position, she freelanced for the Providence Journal covering news around the state of Rhode Island, local arts & culture, and university events. Her work in a year-long investigation into Rhode Island's opioid epidemic was also featured on The Public's Radio. A graduate of Brown University, Ivy spent a year of college living and working in Paris, covering women's rights in France and North Africa for both radio and television outlets.","slug":"ivy-scott","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-06-04T14:29:58.123Z","twitter":"itsivyscott","type":"author","auth":{"1":"0ca823e410ad364f8947a1df5b44d5365b7e054fbbf54d3f2e8b4394b0738de1"}},{"_id":"serres","firstName":"Chris","lastName":"Serres","secondLastName":"","byline":"Chris Serres","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/chris-serres/","bio":"Chris Serres can be reached at Follow him @ChrisSerres.","longBio":"Chris Serres covers substance and behavioral addictions for The Boston Globe. He can be reached at 617-929-2627. He previously reported on health and social services for the Star Tribune in Minneapolis. A veteran reporter, he has written extensively about society’s most vulnerable populations, including people with disabilities, the homeless and children who are survivors of abuse. His work is focused on holding public and private officials accountable, as well as the policies and business practices that prevent people from accessing life-saving care. Serres is a two-time finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for investigative projects on disability rights and juvenile justice. He is a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross and lives in Somerville, Mass. with his wife, Karolina, an early childhood educator.","slug":"chris-serres","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-09-20T15:22:52.570Z","role":"Addiction Reporter","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"ChrisSerres","auth":{"1":"b9e9705d69f1b5faf2b3b58ce2a45b871dbccb5ce79590c1ed79ba781d5cb4c6"}},{"_id":"shanahan","type":"author","bio":"Mark Shanahan can be reached at Follow him @MarkAShanahan.","byline":"Mark Shanahan","email":"","firstName":"Mark","image":"","lastName":"Shanahan","longBio":"Mark Shanahan has been a Living/Arts reporter at The Boston Globe since 2003. For several years, he wrote about celebrity culture in Boston and beyond, attending movie premieres, awards ceremonies, book launches, film festivals, and the soirees attendant to World Series and Super Bowls. (He says Super Bowl parties are better.) These days, Shanahan writes features about music, movies, books, podcasts, politics, and sports and is frequently tapped to profile personalities in the news, including Joe Rogan, actress Ayo Edebiri, Tom Brady, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. In 2020, Shanahan created a six-episode podcast about his experience with prostate cancer – spoiler alert: he lives!– titled “Mr. 80 Percent.” Before coming to the Globe, Shanahan was a City Hall reporter and features writer at the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, where he spent several weeks retracing Henry David Thoreau’s route through the Maine woods on the 150th anniversary of Thoreau’s book, “The Maine Woods.” (It involved a lot of paddling and bug spray.) Shanahan grew up in western Mass. and attended Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. He’s married with two wonderful kids, Julia and Beckett.","role":"Reporter","slug":"mark-shanahan","source_id":"2fb753f2-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2fb753f2-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"MarkAShanahan","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[{"name":"Mr. 80 Percent","url":"","download_url":""}],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-23T19:09:39.173Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/mark-shanahan/","auth":{"1":"44b158a1a69e0cde1f22f41bf497df1742acbcd3bf9d3239146949080da870e6"}},{"_id":"shankman","firstName":"Sabrina","lastName":"Shankman","secondLastName":"","byline":"Sabrina Shankman","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"shankman","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/sabrina-shankman/","bio":"Sabrina Shankman can be reached at Follow her @shankman.","longBio":"Sabrina Shankman covers the climate crisis for the Boston Globe as part of the Into the Red team. She joined the newspaper in 2021 after reporting for eight years at Inside Climate News, where she covered the arctic. Prior to that, she helped produce shows for PBS/Frontline and reported for ProPublica. She has reported on polar bear attacks from a helicopter, stayed in man-camps on Alaska’s North Slope and tracked the path of a terrorist through India and Denmark. At the Globe, her work helps readers understand climate change-fueled extreme weather events, the emerging science and policy of climate change, and the work being done at the state and regional level to address the crisis. Her work has won national recognition, including from the Society of Professional Journalists, the National Headliner Awards, and the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. She got her start as a crime reporter at the Taunton Daily Gazette, and has a masters in journalism from U.C. Berkeley.","slug":"sabrina-shankman","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-22T21:32:41.171Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"7c22c8e31d99673e3daecf5deff6edb7a1e80c9b1147ded0dade7daaf05d1fea"}},{"_id":"shao","firstName":"Yiqing","lastName":"Shao","byline":"Yiqing Shao","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"yiqing_shao","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/yiqing-shao/","bio":"Yiqing Shao is the Director of Innovation at the Boston Globe. She can be reached at Follow her @yiqing_shao and on Instagram at IG:yiqingshao.","longBio":"Yiqing Shao is the Senior Director of Innovation & Strategic Initiatives at Boston Globe Media Partners. She and her team lead company-wide programs to foster a culture of innovation at BGMP, as well as introduce and educate the staff on innovation frameworks and best practices. The team tackles projects big and small, encouraging experimentation at any scale. Much of Qing’s time is spent shepherding big-swing cross-functional strategic initiatives from inception through launch and beyond.\n\nHer work interests include digital content/product strategy, design, analytics, SEO, and how BGMP and its audiences can have more fun on the internet (such as starting @bostonglobepets on Instagram during the COVID-19 pandemic).\n\nQing was previously the Senior Digital Editor and Homepage Editor in charge of and its digital platforms, running a 24/7 team that managed the homepage, Globe app, social media, newsletters, and breaking news alerts. Prior to working at The Boston Globe, she led the digital team at Boston magazine, where she also spent time editing the Arts & Entertainment vertical and worked on the digital evolution of the brand’s popular Best of Boston awards.\n\nBeyond journalism, she has also been an account manager, new business development manager, and print and digital project manager in the graphic design world, with clients ranging from Harvard and MIT to financial institutions and nonprofits. She has done her fair share of copyediting, proofreading, designing, and typesetting at national education and textbook companies and universities. She is an Oxford comma convert.\n\nIn her personal life, Qing’s passions include art, food, technology, and travel. She is pro-Helvetica, has passable Mandarin and Spanish skills, and is always plotting her next vacation.\n\nQing is a proud alumna of the Poynter Institute’s Leadership Academy for Women in Media, c/o 2017, and offers free mentorship sessions via","slug":"yiqing-shao","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-04-11T19:09:38.465Z","type":"author","role":"Senior Director of Innovation & Strategic Initiatives","instagram":"yiqingshao","auth":{"1":"9499a7b104bdeccc48d285a96600c85947218d28a4bd3e23b1ad600cc82f4baf"}},{"_id":"shaughnessy","type":"author","bio":"Dan Shaughnessy is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at Follow him @dan_shaughnessy.","byline":"Dan Shaughnessy","email":"","firstName":"Dan","image":"","lastName":"Shaughnessy","longBio":"Dan Shaughnessy is a sports columnist and associate editor at the Boston Globe. He was born in Groton, Massachusetts, graduated from Holy Cross, and worked part-time at the Boston Globe from 1973-77. He covered the Baltimore Orioles for the Baltimore Evening Sun and the Washington Star from 1977-81. He re-joined the Globe fulltime in 1981 and has been a sports columnist since 1989. He has been named Massachusetts Sportswriter of the Year 14 times and 12 times has been voted one of America's top ten sports columnists by the Associated Press Sports Editors. In 2016 Shaughnessy was the recipient of the BBWAA Career Excellence Award for \"meritorious contributions to baseball writing,'' presented at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York.\nShaughnessy has written thirteen books, including New York Times bestseller \"Francona,'' \"The Curse of the Bambino,'' and \"Senior Year.\" He most recently wrote \"Wish It Lasted Forever -- Life With The Larry Bird Celtics\", a book about his days covering the 1980s Bird Celtics. He makes regular appearances on MLB Network, WHDH SportsXtra, and NBC Sports Boston. He holds honorary doctorates from Southern New Hampshire University and Nichols College.","role":"Sports Columnist, Associate Editor","slug":"dan-shaughnessy","source_id":"2fe08b46-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2fe08b46-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"Dan_Shaughnessy","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[{"title":"Wish It Lasted Forever: Life with the Larry Bird Celtics","publisher":"","url":""},{"title":"Francona: The Red Sox Years","url":"","publisher":""},{"title":"Curse of the Bambino","url":"","publisher":""},{"title":"Senior Year: A Father, A Son, and High School Baseball","url":"","publisher":""}],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-26T14:18:56.767Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/dan-shaughnessy/","auth":{"1":"954cde23b80e9e61a6561ca0e2fa3aa579601ee0d4f7c230fbbd328fc527cced"}},{"_id":"sheehan","firstName":"Thomas","lastName":"Sheehan","secondLastName":"","byline":"Thomas Sheehan","role":"Multiplatform Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/thomas-sheehan/","bio":"Tom Sheehan can be reached at","longBio":"A journalist for almost 50 years and a Globe staffer since 1992, Tom Sheehan is currently an editor on the Globe's night desk. Before the Globe, he worked as a staff reporter for The Boston Phoenix and The Boston Business Journal. \n","slug":"thomas-sheehan","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2020-07-29T17:14:32.719Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"173382d4ab0a150fbbbeeccd84e72c410829be6fcf451dd971b49cfb7cd55f08"}},{"_id":"Shiffman","firstName":"Karen","lastName":"Shiffman","secondLastName":"","byline":"Karen Shiffman","role":"Executive producer, Boston Globe Today","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/karen-shiffman/","bio":"Karen Shiffman can be reached at","longBio":"Karen Shiffman is the executive producer of Boston Globe Today. She returns to television after a decades-long career in public radio at the Boston NPR affiliate WBUR, where she served as the station’s program director and executive producer of the syndicated news program “On Point.” Under her leadership, the show reported from multiple national political conventions, and went on a cross country listening tour, talking to voters after the 2016 election. She got her start in journalism at Boston CBS affiliate WBZ-TV and ABC affiliate WCVB-TV, rising the ranks from humble intern to producer, producing everything from morning talk shows to breaking newscasts.\n\nKaren holds a master’s in psychology from Harvard and once almost went to work for Martha Stewart, a fellow Barnard College graduate.\n\nA rabid Red Sox fan and an enthusiastic home cook, she lives in Brookline, blocks from Fenway Park.\n","slug":"karen-shiffman","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-08-22T15:55:41.185Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"7c6f70dbb9c52ec98218ebb65b1eb4c771c4c66e8fc37928f213856d27fa619b"}},{"_id":"silva","firstName":"Cristina","lastName":"Silva","secondLastName":"","byline":"Cristina Silva","role":"Managing Editor, Local News","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"cristymsilva","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/cristina-silva/","bio":"Cristina Silva can be reached at Follow her @cristymsilva","longBio":"Cristina Silva is the Managing Editor for Local News at The Boston Globe, helping to deliver excellent coverage on breaking news, policy and politics, and business stories in Boston and across New England.\n\nShe was previously the Managing Editor for National News at USA TODAY, where she worked with editors and reporters across Gannett’s more than 200 newspapers to coordinate coverage and grow audience. She oversaw some of Gannett’s most ambitious reporting projects, including investigations into the Catholic Church sex abuse crisis, every immigrant detention center in the United States and COVID inequalities. She also oversaw a major examination of civil rights movements that included live events, a podcast, graphic novels, an augmented reality experience and more.\n\nCristina began her career in journalism as a high school student writing for The Miami Herald. She studied journalism and politics at New York University and joined the Globe after college, where she worked as an intern and then a fellow covering local politics, education and crime. She went on to write for the Tampa Bay Times and the Associated Press and has taught journalism at New York University and the University of Southern California. She also helps oversee diversity and training initiatives for the News Leaders Association and co-founded and served as president of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists chapters in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.","slug":"cristina-silva","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-04T19:27:22.518Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"7a72ce9c1724228a3f095d4bc20347a7cc849b06e987c5d65811bc595498ac9f"}},{"_id":"silvermanm","firstName":"Michael","lastName":"Silverman","secondLastName":"","byline":"Michael Silverman","role":"Sports Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"MikeSilvermanBB","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/michael-silverman/","bio":"Michael Silverman can be reached at","longBio":"Michael Silverman has covered the business of sports as well as general assignment sports stories for the Boston Globe since 2019. Among the topics Silverman has written about are baseball labor and economics issues, the evolving college sports landscape, profiles of sports executives, women’s sports, local expansion efforts of sports teams, the introduction of sports betting to Massachusetts, growth strategies of Boston sports owners, developments in sponsorship, marketing and venues of Boston teams, and pickleball.\n\nWith Baseball Hall of Famer Pedro Martinez, Silverman co-wrote Martinez’ “Pedro” memoir, a New York Times best-seller.\n\nSilverman, who covered the Red Sox for the Boston Herald between 1995 and 2019 as a beat reporter and columnist, has earned APSE honors in the breaking news category at the Globe and the Herald. \n\nSilverman covered four Red Sox World Series teams and traveled across North America as well as to Japan, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic to cover the team and earn lifetime Titanium elite status at Marriott.\n\nSilverman served as chair of the Boston chapter of the Baseball Writers Association of America, and currently chairs the BBWAA's sports betting committee.\n\nHe has been a voter for the Baseball Hall of Fame since 2007.\n\nSilverman is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism.","slug":"michael-silverman","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-08-13T16:49:47.838Z","type":"author","linkedin":"michaelrsilverman","auth":{"1":"be130753b4c6b3a893cd779431931d7261985e0de3dbe316528307d2be496eaa"}},{"_id":"simonelli","firstName":"Carrie","lastName":"Simonelli","secondLastName":"","byline":"Carrie Simonelli","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/carrie-simonelli/","bio":"Carrie Simonelli can be reached at","longBio":"Carrie Simonelli is a copy editor for the Globe Magazine and the Boston Sunday Globe. Prior to coming to the Globe, she served in various roles as an editor, feature writer, and page designer at newspapers in Connecticut and Rhode Island, and was a writing and reporting fellow at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. ","slug":"carrie-simonelli","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-07-20T21:12:02.674Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","role":"MultiPlatform Editor","auth":{"1":"253d95ec7b7851c7dd2ddc7a508adaa7bbe3fe7df85209d20ebcb2abda1f78b5"}},{"_id":"singletary","type":"author","byline":"Kenneth Singletary","email":"","firstName":"Kenneth","image":"","lastName":"Singletary","longBio":"Kenneth Singletary has held a number of roles at newspapers in the United States and overseas, including editor, reporter, web producer, and videographer. He’s interested in any number of things, and the way journalism is changing fascinates him. \n","role":"Senior Digital Producer","slug":"kenneth-singletary","source_id":"9e1e88e0-d8ab-11e0-b819-39b513f0a8e6","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"a6f93fd0-d8c6-11e0-a49e-c0e30fd7fc1d","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2020-11-20T16:30:00.814Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/kenneth-singletary/","auth":{"1":"732598b623d56098ddffd02cb5d94fdd22d0b048389bc0ed8d1cc0d2bdf5cda5"}},{"_id":"siu","firstName":"Diamond Naga","lastName":"Siu","secondLastName":"","byline":"Diamond Naga Siu","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/diamond-naga-siu/","bio":"Diamond Naga Siu can be reached at Follow her on X @diamondnagasiu and Instagram IG:diamondnagasiu.","longBio":"Diamond Naga Siu (first name is two words) is the newsletter editor at The Boston Globe. She is helping lead the newsroom’s newsletter expansion and loves meeting readers in their inboxes. Siu previously authored the daily 10 Things in Tech newsletter for Business Insider and helped relaunch the company’s flagship newsletter Insider Today. She is an award-winning journalist who used to work for Law360, The New York Post, and other publications. Siu was the Asian American Journalists Association New York chapter secretary for the 2020-2021 term.","slug":"diamond-naga-siu","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-05-07T16:50:11.242Z","role":"Newsletter Editor","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"diamondnagasiu","instagram":"diamondnagasiu","auth":{"1":"696559df2c9dd740baeb645c391de86c18f8a1fc4a8f13eab98ca0bfeb617ba1"}},{"_id":"sorapuru","firstName":"Julian E.J.","lastName":"Sorapuru","secondLastName":"","byline":"Julian E.J. Sorapuru","role":"Arts Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"JulianSorapuru","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/julian-sorapuru/","bio":"Julian E.J. Sorapuru is an Arts Reporter at the Globe and can be reached at Follow him on X @JulianSorapuru.","longBio":"Julian E.J. Sorapuru is an arts reporter focusing on accountability and equity stories within Greater Boston’s cultural industries.\n\nPrior to this role, he worked as the inaugural Development Fellow at the Globe for two years. As a fellow, Julian rotated onto different teams in the organization every few months. He has worked on the education beat, the business section, the Innovation Team, Globe Magazine, the sports desk, A Beautiful Resistance, the Camberville newsletter, the Money, Power, Inequality team, and the audience team.\n\nHe has covered stories ranging from alternative teaching practices in Boston Public Schools, to real estate development in Nubian Square, to youth sports in Massachusetts, to cannabis crafting circles, to high speed internet access in Western Mass. \n\nBefore joining the Globe in 2022, he interned at KQED where he covered arts and culture in the Bay Area, Politico where he reported from Capitol Hill on transportation policy in Congress as President Biden’s infrastructure bill passed, and The Times-Picayune where he covered city government and politics in his hometown of New Orleans. Julian attended the University of San Francisco as an undergraduate, where he was the first Black male Editor-in-Chief in the history of USF's student newspaper, the San Francisco Foghorn.","slug":"julian-sorapuru","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-09-05T15:13:24.371Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"fbd46908ea5f5dba188355a53c416cca8aa9ed472b80591be1130fcd57a1c576"}},{"_id":"speier","type":"author","bio":"Alex Speier can be reached at Follow him @alexspeier.","byline":"Alex Speier","email":"","firstName":"Alex","image":"","lastName":"Speier","longBio":"Alex Speier has been covering sports for the Globe since 2015, with most of his time devoted to the Red Sox beat with additional forays into the Patriots, Celtics, and Bruins. Prior to the Globe, he covered the Red Sox for a number of outlets, including, the New Hampshire Union Leader, Boston Metro, and the Herald. \n","role":"Sports Reporter","slug":"alex-speier","source_id":"e6ddb30e-5059-11e7-b0c8-6ae7002b951d","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"2189b724-513f-11e7-82f7-5c7ae59e355b","twitter":"alexspeier","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T19:36:20.239Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/alex-speier/","auth":{"1":"3ced89e80644db33152ad42103acbf241b6b9d2f5b59ad81761f95d6b5da18a4"}},{"_id":"stoico","firstName":"Nick","lastName":"Stoico","secondLastName":"","byline":"Nick Stoico","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/nick-stoico/","bio":"Nick Stoico can be reached at","longBio":"Nick Stoico is a general assignment reporter on the breaking news and night desks. He joined the Globe in 2020, after working for about five years at the Concord Monitor in New Hampshire. At the Globe, Nick has reported on some of the most pressing and challenging issues, including the COVID-19 pandemic. His assignments have taken him to crime scenes, community protests, to court rooms and city halls. During his time at the Concord Monitor, Nick worked on the news and sports desks. As a reporter, he covered local government, crime and courts, business and the environment. On the sports beat, he covered college hockey, including Hockey East and NCAA tournaments. He also covered NASCAR and local auto racing. On the production side, Nick worked as a copy editor, photographer, and page designer. He studied journalism and political science at the University of New Hampshire, where he served as editor of the student newspaper. He got his first professional bylines as a news and sports stringer for Foster’s Daily Democrat in Dover.","slug":"nick-stoico","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-01-12T19:36:44.122Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"6ca914f5fbb914675fa7fec0023b87a91fda75869d660d95c94ee2b2a70da77e"}},{"_id":"storrs","type":"author","byline":"Francis Storrs ","email":"","firstName":"Francis","image":"","lastName":"Storrs","longBio":"Francis Storrs is editor of the Globe Magazine, the Boston Globe’s award-winning Sunday magazine. Among other projects, he co-edited Janelle Nanos’ 2022 Pulitzer-finalist “Kate Price remembers something terrible,” and edited Jack Thomas’ widely read 2021 essay “I just learned I only have months to live,” as well as stories on the last days of a lost hiker, an epic feud between wealthy neighbors, and special issues looking back at 50 years of the Spotlight Team and 150 of the Globe itself. Outside of the magazine, he edited the Globe’s “Two Weeks in America” series, winner of the 2023 Lowell Thomas Gold Award, in which 12 intrepid journalists filed more than 85 dispatches from across the country, including on a legendary Lakota horseman, a mother who fostered 79 children, and the weird world of Elvis impersonators. He originally joined the Globe as an assistant magazine editor in 2010, and he’s previously been editorial director of alumni publications at Tufts University and a senior editor at Boston Magazine. He has a master's degree in English from Boston College and graduated magna cum laude from the University of Connecticut with dual bachelor’s degrees in English and American Studies.","role":"Editor, Globe Magazine","slug":"francis-storrs","source_id":"d4d772e0-de3a-11e0-b778-dc66f807d799","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"64d97470-dec1-11e0-a862-e731f609f61c","twitter":"FStorrs","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T15:55:58.412Z","bio":"Francis Storrs can be reached at","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/francis-storrs/","auth":{"1":"9578a4e1fdec6c63501a03db42d9b465387da1245b63ad7eaeef942170dbde3c"}},{"_id":"stout","firstName":"Matt","lastName":"Stout","byline":"Matt Stout","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"mattpstout","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/matt-stout/","bio":"Matt Stout can be reached at Follow him @mattpstout.","longBio":"Matt Stout covers politics and state government from the Boston Globe’s State House bureau. A Connecticut native and Boston University graduate, he has covered Beacon Hill for more than a decade — first for the Boston Herald and for the Globe since March 2018 — with a focus on watchdog reporting and interpreting how the work of the governor, state Legislature, and other elected officials impacts people’s lives.\n\nIn 2015, he won the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi Award for non-deadline reporting for a months-long investigation into failures within the Massachusetts child welfare system. He was recognized by the Massachusetts Bar Association in 2022 for excellence in legal journalism for his coverage of the intersection of courts and the State House. \n\n Matt previously covered courts and criminal justice for The Enterprise of Brockton, Mass. He got his start in sports journalism, first working at a group of weekly newspapers in New Hampshire and then as a reporter and editor for The Bulletin of Norwich, Conn., where he covered UConn men’s basketball and the WNBA’s Connecticut Sun. Matt also wrote for ESPN Boston, producing profiles, features, and other stories about Connecticut and Massachusetts high schools sports.","slug":"matt-stout","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-22T00:29:30.638Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"78955ede56280e57da69e622265d0a661021d9c6ccda6f1b1101a87af8a8947d"}},{"_id":"strohmeyer","type":"author","byline":"Joanne Rathe Strohmeyer","email":"","firstName":"Joanne Rathe","image":"","lastName":"Strohmeyer","longBio":"Joanne Rathe Strohmeyer is an Assistant Chief Photographer at The Boston Globe, primarily assigning photo coverage. She began at The Globe as a staff photographer and has covered a wide variety of assignments from the Northwest Frontier of Pakistan documenting Afghan refugees to the Northwest territories of Canada photographing the winter ice road. She has covered strife in Nicaragua, both apartheid and post apartheid South Africa, the Olympics and presidential campaigns, along with daily metro assignments. She has been awarded the World Press Photo Children’s Award for work from South Africa, The United Nations World Hunger Award for a photo essay on Rural Poverty in New England and has received multiple prizes from the National Press Photographers Association and Boston Press Photographers Association. She began at the Globe in 1985. Prior to the Boston Globe, she worked at the Boston Herald and The Springfield (MA) newspapers. Strohmeyer is a graduate of Boston University’s College of Communication.\n\n","role":"Assistant Chief Photographer","slug":"joanne-rathe-strohmeyer","source_id":"31f2410e-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"31f2410e-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"JoanneRathe","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:52:43.360Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/joanne-rathe-strohmeyer/","auth":{"1":"f7a92e6dfba6a19617dbc5131f91e1c5ef905629e6ba93b5ed1a51dc2372ec30"}},{"_id":"sullivant","type":"author","bio":"Tara Sullivan is a Globe columnist. She can be reached at Follow her @Globe_Tara.","byline":"Tara Sullivan","email":"","firstName":"Tara","image":"","lastName":"Sullivan","longBio":"Tara Sullivan is a general sports columnist whose unique perspective means she doesn't just cover the sport, but the people. After working in the New York market for more than 25 years, Tara brought her voice to the Globe in 2018. \nAn award-winning columnist with multiple recognitions by the Associated Press Sports Editors, Tara has covered every major sports event on the calendar, including but not limited to the Olympics, Super Bowls, World Series, NBA and NHL Finals, the Masters, the U.S. Open (both golf and tennis), and NCAA Final Fours (both men and women). She will take on the issues that matter most, from personal stories of triumph to inspiring stories of activism.\nTara worked previously at The Bergen (N.J.) Record, where she covered beats for the Giants, the Mets and Rutgers and Seton Hall football and basketball, as well as the N.Y. Daily News and N.Y. Newsday. She is a graduate of Rutgers College, where her career began at the fully incorporated, student-run Daily Targum, the second-oldest college daily newspaper in the country.","role":"Sports Columnist","slug":"tara-sullivan","source_id":"e532df48-d14b-11e7-908f-07711da138e0","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"fdf6a340-d608-11e7-bf1c-281e4ba53ce8","twitter":"Globe_Tara","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-06T19:00:14.442Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/tara-sullivan/","auth":{"1":"611a36b44622ae849149750fa2492591db89248b36638694c5b4bf548066994e"}},{"_id":"sweeney","type":"author","bio":"Emily Sweeney can be reached at Follow her @emilysweeney and on Instagram IG:emilysweeney22.","byline":"Emily Sweeney","email":"","firstName":"Emily","image":"","lastName":"Sweeney","longBio":"Emily Sweeney covers local news and writes \"Blotter Tales,\" a weekly column that appears in the Metro section every Sunday, and \"Cold Case Files,\" a new series and newsletter about unsolved crimes. \n\nHer areas of expertise include history, crime, and technology, and she's the author of several nonfiction books, including \"Boston Organized Crime,\" \"Gangland Boston,\" and \"Dropkick Murphy: A Legendary Life.\" \n\nA proud native of Dorchester, Sweeney graduated from Boston Latin School (where she made history as the first girl ever to play on the boys’ varsity ice hockey team) and Northeastern University (where she played on NU’s championship-winning Division 1 women’s ice hockey team).\n\nAs a journalist Sweeney has written about a range of topics -- from the business of mining conflict minerals to overcrowding in prisons to living conditions in state institutions for the disabled -- and she's been featured on many TV and radio programs, making appearances on Court TV, the Travel Channel, Science Channel, BBC Radio, Beat the Press, Bloomberg Radio, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation, NESN, and other media outlets.\n\nShe was most recently featured as a guest expert in \"Bloody Boston,\" a documentary series about organized crime in Boston, and she's slated to appear in the forthcoming Netflix series \"How To Become a Mob Boss.\"\n\nShe currently serves on the board of directors for the New England First Amendment Coalition and the New England Society of News Editors.","role":"Reporter","slug":"emily-sweeney","source_id":"329f9598-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"329f9598-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"emilysweeney","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[{"title":"Dropkick Murphy: A Legendary Life","publisher":"","url":""},{"title":"Gangland Boston","url":"","publisher":""},{"title":"Boston Organized Crime","url":"","publisher":""}],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-25T13:42:23.329Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/emily-sweeney/","instagram":"emilysweeney22","auth":{"1":"656da5149c490e0ece3afbe49ddc5b87ae99d62509f17f8db1bd3423fcaf2f68"}},{"_id":"taboada","firstName":"Melissa B.","lastName":"Taboada","secondLastName":"","byline":"Melissa B. Taboada","role":"Editor of the Great Divide education team","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"twitter":"melissataboada","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/melissa-taboada/","bio":"Melissa Taboada can be reached at Follow her @melissataboada.","longBio":"Melissa Barragán Taboada is the editor of the Globe’s award-winning Great Divide team, which investigates educational inequities in Boston and throughout the state. Prior to joining the Globe in 2021, Taboada spent more than 20 years as a reporter and editor at the Austin American-Statesman, where she covered public education, including Texas education laws, school finance, the rise in charter schools, and student discipline. As an assistant metro editor at the Statesman, she led the coverage of K-12 and higher education, as well as city politics and regional growth. She oversaw projects about how Austin’s proposal to shutter schools disproportionately harmed Black and Latino students. Taboada also was an adjunct professor teaching a \"Reporting on Education\" course in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, her alma mater. She was honored by the Texas APME for her family life column and by the Central Texas Council of Child Protection Boards for her stories on child welfare issues. She also was twice awarded the Texas School Bell Award by the Texas State Teachers Association for her education coverage. In 2023, Taboada was chosen for the inaugural ProPublica Investigative Editor Training Program. Her work has also appeared in the Dallas Morning News, the Hechinger Report, and USA Today.","slug":"melissa-taboada","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-10-26T12:59:30.712Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"c86cd2513ba208d62ffc1df9bc1a453833fcfc44c81ae0cc8cea63a175b0e7ac"}},{"_id":"tan","type":"author","byline":"L. Kim Tan","email":"","firstName":"L. Kim","image":"","lastName":"Tan","longBio":"L. Kim Tan joined the Globe in 2000 as a Night Desk photo and copy editor and since then has played various roles including assistant metro editor, Globe Northwest editor, Globe South editor, and currently National/Foreign wires editor and multiplatform news editor. Kim previously worked at the Boston Herald covering various beats, most effectively crime and law enforcement; among the major stories he reported in the late 1980s and early '90s were Boston's experience and handling of often-warring street gangs, and the infamous Charles Stuart case. His first newspaper job in Boston, after graduating from the University of Illinois with a master's in journalism, was reporting and editing the English edition of The Sampan, a bilingual publication serving Asian Americans in Chinatown and beyond. Before joining the Globe, Kim was a journalism professor in 1993-1999 at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, where he helped found its first student-run campus newspaper, The Nanyang Chronicle, and was a \"Teacher of the Year.\" He writes the occasional article about his travels and is still learning to write songs on his vintage guitars.","role":"Assistant News Editor","slug":"l-kim-tan","source_id":"334a5910-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"334a5910-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"BostonTan","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-22T22:15:07.966Z","bio":"L. Kim Tan can be reached at","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/l-kim-tan/","auth":{"1":"cf51b909d42127696b88f37d696c5969845570d6f8750d1eaaabceb65feff542"}},{"_id":"teitell","type":"author","bio":"Beth Teitell can be reached at Follow her @bethteitell.","byline":"Beth Teitell","email":"","firstName":"Beth","image":"","lastName":"Teitell","longBio":"Beth Teitell has been writing features for the Boston Globe since 2007, and joined the staff in 2010. Her beat is “human behavior,” and she is known for writing with a sense of humor, and for exploring the emotional angles of things that wouldn’t seem to have an emotional angle. For example: Her story on “open concept” homes, and how people were starting to miss the walls they tore down, was really about family relationships. She’s covered bidding wars over rental apartments; the anger from Dunkin regulars when the company changed its rewards program; and the men’s quarter zip sweater, and how it’s a way for rich guys to look approachable and approachable guys to look rich. Before joining the Globe she was a columnist and a reporter at the Boston Herald and a writer at Boston magazine. She is the author of two books, “From Here to Maternity: The Education of a Rookie Mom,” and “Drinking Problems at the Fountain of Youth,” an exploration of our society’s obsession with looking forever young. For years she delivered humorous commentaries on public radio’s popular Marketplace program. She is a seasoned public speaker, and has spoken to groups that have numbered in size from hundreds to literally two people. She is a graduate of Duke University.\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"beth-teitell","source_id":"866b249a-0ca6-11e1-b6ba-bf8a06ba4c16","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"b8a5d392-0ca6-11e1-ae97-e3c501abbdcd","twitter":"BethTeitell","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[{"title":"From Here to Maternity: The Education of a Rookie Mom","url":"","publisher":"Broadway"},{"title":"Drinking Problems at the Fountain of Youth","url":"","publisher":"William Morrow"}],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-22T13:02:13.498Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/beth-teitell/","auth":{"1":"abe059e8db8f53c86d3d9981dadcf78e7899d0d661a6872b4681e7c37c7e412c"}},{"_id":"thurston","type":"author","bio":"Scott Thurston can be reached at","byline":"Scott Thurston","email":"","firstName":"Scott","image":"","lastName":"Thurston","longBio":"Scott Thurston supervises the department’s writers, including scheduling and assigning of stories and features. He also edits our project and enterprise reporting and coordinates our event coverage (Olympics, Super Bowl, World Series, etc.)\nHe has been at the Globe for 34 years and have previously covered high schools, colleges, and worked on the copy desk. \n","role":"Deputy Sports Editor","slug":"scott-thurston","source_id":"33a2d2fc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"33a2d2fc-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"Globethurston","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T19:22:16.449Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/scott-thurston/","auth":{"1":"9ced79c062431ac6a44ac749d0c42605330cc39766b32b18ff799f67b30f37d9"}},{"_id":"tlumacki","type":"author","byline":"John Tlumacki","email":"","firstName":"John","image":"","lastName":"Tlumacki","longBio":"A staff photographer for 30 years, Tlumacki was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in photography for his coverage of the fall of the Berlin Wall. His assignments have included war refugees in Uganda, three winter Olympics, to surveillance photos of corrupt public servants. ","role":"Photographer","slug":"john-tlumacki","source_id":"33cef9ea-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"33cef9ea-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-28T17:33:16.821Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/john-tlumacki/","auth":{"1":"4703758898861e337bb05ed283d39b763d9609c4ce0763a7b7db57d7c172f6a9"}},{"_id":"touri","firstName":"Amin","lastName":"Touri","secondLastName":"","byline":"Amin Touri","role":"Multiplatform Editor and Web Producer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/amin-touri/","bio":"Amin Touri can be reached at","longBio":"Amin Touri is a web producer for the sports section, with a focus on content creation, audience engagement, and SEO. He handles much of the newsletter and social media duties for Globe sports, as well as breaking news. He was previously a multiplatform editor for the Globe sports section on the nighttime copy desk, where he helped prepare and optimize stories for both the Globe’s web and print products. Amin is also a writer and has covered the Boston Marathon, the Patriots, the Red Sox, the Celtics, and more. He is the primary contributor to the Globe's live updates coverage of Patriots games each Sunday. He came to the Globe from the University of Massachusetts, where he was the Editor in Chief of the Massachusetts Daily Collegian and a beat writer covering the football, hockey, and men’s basketball teams. While at the Collegian, he was featured in the 2020 edition of The Best American Sports Writing.","slug":"amin-touri","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T15:01:32.904Z","type":"author","auth":{"1":"0ea6e74f9bd824e0565af32c08be3d4cf38257e6a9daa7bc45311cd4233b88b5"}},{"_id":"tremmel","firstName":"Jessie","lastName":"Tremmel","secondLastName":"","byline":"Jessie Tremmel","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/jessie-tremmel/","bio":"Jessie Tremmel can be reached at","longBio":"Jessie Tremmel is the multiplatform editor for Globe Opinion. She edits all content for Globe Opinion, including columns, editorials, letters, newsletters, and special projects, and occasionally assists with print design. She enjoys the deep dives that her position requires, developing an understanding of topics ranging from climate change to national politics, from fast fashion (check out Not so fast, fashion for Kimberly Atkins Stohr's great take on fast fashion) to pop culture, and from technology to health care. Before joining the Globe in 2022, Jessie was second in command at the editing and print design hub for the Boston Herald, Lowell Sun, and Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise. There, she was part of a team that handled all copy editing and print design for the three dailies. She started her newspaper career in 2015 in Connecticut. The Minnesota native is an alumna of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. She can be reached at","slug":"jessie-tremmel","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:24:12.171Z","role":"Multiplatform editor, Opinion","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","auth":{"1":"8c6026d0be573d215055acc969c674203d2434172fd93c46e45a4b747a379d10"}},{"_id":"turner","type":"author","bio":"Lane Turner can be reached at","byline":"Lane Turner","email":"","firstName":"Lane","image":"","lastName":"Turner","longBio":"Lane Turner is a staff photographer and picture editor. He has been with the Globe since 1989. In that time, he has covered assignments for all sections of the paper, and was the sole photographer for the Globe Sunday Magazine for seven years. ","role":"Assistant Chief Photographer","slug":"lane-turner","source_id":"342eb678-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"342eb678-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-28T17:35:41.872Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/lane-turner/","auth":{"1":"2aee478b7f85a598d9efe833aa5968750c2613f528f08fb04e779d7e8097b9f5"}},{"_id":"valencia","type":"author","bio":"Milton J. Valencia can be reached at Follow him @miltonvalencia and on Instagram IG:miltonvalencia617.","byline":"Milton J. Valencia","email":"","firstName":"Milton J.","image":"","lastName":"Valencia","longBio":"Milton Valencia is deputy editor of the Globe’s inaugural Money, Power, Inequality newsroom team that focuses on addressing the racial wealth gap in Boston and the region, an area of concentration he has focused on for more than two decades as an award-winning journalist. He previously reported from the Globe’s City Hall bureau, and helped lead coverage of Boston’s historic 2021 race for mayor. In 2020, he was part of a Globe police accountability team that exposed corruption and mismanagement in the Boston Police Department. He also spent several years covering the federal justice system, including the corruption trial of former House speaker Salvatore DiMasi, and the death penalty trial of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. He was part of the staff that won the Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the bombings. He began his career at local newspapers in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, and has been with the Globe since July 2007. He holds a degree in philosophy and public policy from the University of Massachusetts Boston. ","role":"Deputy Editor","slug":"milton-j-valencia","source_id":"345ee26c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"345ee26c-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"miltonvalencia","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-12T15:25:21.360Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/milton-j-valencia/","instagram":"miltonvalencia617","auth":{"1":"9e8fc8d4c4da36173083aedd4a26c20e90b12c4ea6e828b741fc266393371390"}},{"_id":"vaznis","type":"author","bio":"James Vaznis can be reached at Follow him @globevaznis.","byline":"James Vaznis","email":"","firstName":"James","image":"","lastName":"Vaznis","longBio":"James Vaznis likes to delve into stories that probe racial, economic, and educational disparities in public schools, especially through the lenses of students, teachers, parents, and administrators. These stories ideally examine why school systems and the state are failing to eliminate these disparities — by digging through data and documents — while holding public officials accountable for their inaction or misguided policies. Other stories highlight initiatives that are getting results with an eye towards explaining how and why these efforts are working. He is also interested in chronicling the growing attempts by educators and others to address the social and emotional well-being of students — an issue that cuts across urban, suburban, and rural lines — that is effectively turning some schools into social service agencies.\nJames has been a reporter for The Boston Globe since 2002 and has been covering K-12 education since 2008. He has also reported on New Hampshire, the suburbs, crime, and higher education for the Globe. Previously, he worked for The Daily News of Newburyport and the Concord Monitor where he covered education and other issues.\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"james-vaznis","source_id":"3490d614-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"3490d614-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"GlobeVaznis","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T17:49:17.333Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/james-vaznis/","auth":{"1":"19c0ebfeddd4b7a5bfe0ac03f7b72845e42ac7fd2d6472fd9b9fdc85007a528c"}},{"_id":"vazquez","firstName":"Randy","lastName":"Vazquez","secondLastName":"","byline":"Randy Vazquez","role":"Senior Multimedia Producer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/randy-vazquez/","bio":"Randy Vazquez can be reached at Follow him @RandyVmedia and on Instagram at IG:RandyVazquezMedia.","longBio":"Randy Vazquez is a senior multimedia producer for the Boston Globe, where he primarily focuses on short- and long-form documentary video, breaking news and projects. He is currently teaching photojournalism at Emerson College. Vazquez is an award-winning video journalist and photojournalist. Prior to joining the Globe he worked for the Mercury News in San Jose, Calif. He was part of the staff who were recognized as Pulitzer finalists in 2019 for their work covering the Camp Fire, which killed at least 85 people and destroyed the town of Paradise. Vazquez’s work has been recognized by the Society of Professional Journalists, Editor and Publisher Magazine, California News Publishers Association, Associated Press Sports Editors and Hearst Journalism Awards. Previously, he was a photojournalist and video producer at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Vazquez also interned at BuzzFeed News. Vazquez is an alumnus of San Jose State University and the University of Southern California (Fight On!)","slug":"randy-vazquez","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-05-08T18:32:27.581Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"RandyVMedia","instagram":"RandyVazquezMedia","auth":{"1":"5c13e72c69476397828403d1140a620d249eec5a5323c3be5def7a9a92c16427"}},{"_id":"vegao","type":"author","byline":"Omar Vega","email":"","firstName":"Omar","image":"","lastName":"Vega","longBio":"Omar Vega is a designer, art director, illustrator, and graphic artist for digital and print. A 3-year veteran of the Globe visuals team, he has won awards from the Society of Newspaper Design, Communication Arts and New York Publishers Association. Previously, Omar was at the Wall Street Journal Asia and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.\n","role":"Print Design Director","slug":"omar-vega","source_id":"e03c484a-5e15-11e5-9dde-2608d5648f33","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"c91a01d6-5e18-11e5-865b-55d5d89c3122","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2021-01-20T21:38:57.113Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/omar-vega/","auth":{"1":"8e52fdd86656ce6b005303e3424531e3b4a7288788238f375af2c1285cfe334e"}},{"_id":"vega","type":"author","bio":"Michael Vega can be reached at","byline":"Michael Vega","email":"","firstName":"Michael","image":"","lastName":"Vega","longBio":"After 30 years as a sportswriter, having covered events ranging from the Super Bowl, World Series, NBA Finals, Stanley Cup, Daytona 500, Indy 500, Michael Vega has now transitioned into a new role on the sports copy desk as a multi-platform editor.\n","role":"Multiplatform editor","slug":"michael-vega","source_id":"34bd5702-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"34bd5702-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"mbvega","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T19:16:34.795Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/michael-vega/","auth":{"1":"8cbd4d2622f92e8eef7f1395608ce3e3d057f5f8831883aa65fa8b42f389dce0"}},{"_id":"vegaa","firstName":"Alyssa","lastName":"Vega","secondLastName":"","byline":"Alyssa Vega","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/alyssa-vega/","bio":"Alyssa Vega can be reached at","longBio":"Alyssa Vega is the politics producer at the Boston Globe. She previously worked as a digital news producer for the Globe. Before that, she was a digital editor at the Los Angeles Times where she managed the homepage, delivered breaking news notifications, led special projects, and analyzed data. She grew up in Los Angeles and is a graduate of Boston University.","slug":"alyssa-vega","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-27T21:38:51.434Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","role":"Politics Producer","auth":{"1":"52a7e2d765b849ffeaa0b0d258c3c4f65b19cc2254878ac8eeea58ff6d6571f0"}},{"_id":"venkataraman","firstName":"Bina","lastName":"Venkataraman","secondLastName":"","byline":"Bina Venkataraman","role":"Editor-at-large in Globe Opinion, former editorial page editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/bina-venkataraman/","bio":"","longBio":"Bina Venkataraman is an Editor-at-large in Globe Opinion. From 2019-2022, she served as editorial page editor of The Boston Globe, leading its editorial board and overseeing its Opinion section. She previously taught in MIT's program on science, technology, and society; directed policy initiatives at the Broad Institute of Harvard & MIT; and served as senior advisor for climate change innovation in the Obama White House. Prior to that, she was a reporter for the Metro and Health/Science desks of the Globe and for the science desk of The New York Times. She is the author of \"The Optimist's Telescope: Thinking Ahead in a Reckless Age,\" named a best book of 2019 by NPR, Amazon, and Science Friday. Her first story for the Globe was a travel article about the Mekong River she dispatched while living in Vietnam.","slug":"bina-venkataraman","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2022-04-23T15:22:08.861Z","type":"author","twitter":"binajv","auth":{"1":"5588ccd4914a531bc42b459ac1f0dc5870669ad7bc1713122f2b59bbe4752ccc"}},{"_id":"vennochi","type":"author","bio":"Joan Vennochi is a Globe columnist. She can be reached at Follow her @joan_vennochi.","byline":"Joan Vennochi","email":"","firstName":"Joan","image":"","lastName":"Vennochi","longBio":"Joan Vennochi is an opinion columnist and associate editor. She writes about local and national politics, transportation, health care, cultural and legal issues. Mostly, she tries to get people to shed their preconceived notions, and at least for the amount of time it takes to read a column, consider alternative perspectives. For example: Is there only one way to think and talk about racism? Should Massachusetts walk away from a state law that requires it to provide shelter to the most vulnerable, including migrants? Is it really such an insult to address women as “Ladies”? How much do ego and economic interests drive resistance to a proposed partnership between two big Boston hospitals? Before joining the opinion page, she created a business column that explored the intersection of business and politics, and worked to pull back the curtain on the political machinations behind efforts such as bringing casino gambling to Massachusetts. She started at The Globe as a researcher on the Globe Spotlight team, where she learned the tools of investigative reporting from two legendary Globe editors, Gerry O’Neill and Steve Kurkjian. In 1980, she shared in a Pulitzer Prize for local investigative reporting, won by the Spotlight team for a series of articles on Boston’s transit system. Since then, she has been City Hall and State House bureau chief and has written about presidential politics and covered national political conventions since 1984. She also serves on the Globe editorial board and writes editorials. In addition, she provides commentary to local media outlets including Boston’s NPR affiliate WBUR and has been a frequent guest on ‘GBH’s “Greater Boston'' news show. She was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., grew up on Long Island and is a graduate of Boston University and Suffolk University Law School.\n\n","role":"Associate Editor and Columnist","slug":"joan-vennochi","source_id":"34eaf446-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"34eaf446-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"Joan_Vennochi","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:08:46.055Z","author_type":"Columnist","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/joan-vennochi/","auth":{"1":"eace2318b5fe22c3845011ce809b2c1fc7fcfef71f2544177612230112cf9999"}},{"_id":"vitti","type":"author","byline":"John Vitti","email":"","firstName":"John","image":"","lastName":"Vitti","longBio":"John Vitti has been a layout, copy, and web editor with the Boston Globe since 1999. Since 2007, he has spent most of his off hours involved with student journalism, beginning in the Watertown, Mass., public school system. In March 2020, he launched Headliners in Education, a 501c3 nonprofit that is all about the wonderfulness of journalism in schools around the world (from K through college).","role":"Sports Layout, Copy, and Multiplatform Editor","slug":"john-vitti","source_id":"356f1b9a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"356f1b9a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2024-01-25T19:34:48.544Z","bio":"John Vitti can be reached at Follow him @GlobeVitti.","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/john-vitti/","auth":{"1":"1c6d8644b0b1f70dd79771ad3b763af79efeb8281b153f4c2aaa306011152fca"}},{"_id":"volin","type":"author","bio":"Ben Volin can be reached at","byline":"Ben Volin","email":"","firstName":"Ben","image":"","lastName":"Volin","longBio":"Ben Volin is the Senior NFL Writer for the Boston Globe and has covered the NFL since 2007. He joined the Globe newsroom in 2013 from the Palm Beach Post, where he spent four years covering the Miami Dolphins and two years covering the Florida Gators during the Tim Tebow/Urban Meyer era. Since arriving at the Globe, Volin has covered every Patriots game, writes the Globe’s “Sunday NFL Notes” column, has covered every Super Bowl since 2011, and has become one of 50 voters selected by the Associated Press to vote for MVP and other NFL awards. Since arriving in 2013, Volin has been in the center of all the major Patriots stories, including four Patriots Super Bowl runs, Aaron Hernandez, Deflategate, the final years and breakup with Tom Brady, and the decline under Bill Belichick. As the NFL columnist, Volin has covered many of the league’s top stories, including the COVID-19 pandemic, incidents with Ray Rice, Dan Snyder and Jon Gruden, the concussion crisis, and international expansion. Volin has been honored by the Associated Press Sports Editors in its annual writing contest, and is a 2004 graduate of Emory University with an MBA from the University of Florida in 2010.\n","role":"NFL writer","slug":"ben-volin","source_id":"74b3c500-d2c4-11e2-9e30-9d92916cbeca","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"1ece9494-d2dd-11e2-83dc-5b8a8c19ecc9","twitter":"BenVolin","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-22T13:06:12.176Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/ben-volin/","auth":{"1":"3db5711928bef89403b2924b57a26de5a0ecdb5ef31f2f576ef8dc33fafbe403"}},{"_id":"walkera","type":"author","bio":"Adrian Walker is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at Follow him @Adrian_Walker.","byline":"Adrian Walker","email":"","firstName":"Adrian","image":"","lastName":"Walker","longBio":"Walker is a columnist for the Metro section. He provides commentary and opinion on local and regional news as well as society and culture. Walker started as a Metro columnist in 1998. His column appears Mondays and Fridays.\n","role":"Associate Editor","slug":"adrian-walker","source_id":"3596f66a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"3596f66a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"Adrian_Walker","adapter_version":"0.6.1","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-28T17:37:37.953Z","author_type":"Columnist","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/columnist/adrian-walker/","auth":{"1":"5f1cf6c3d51bd51a3c171b4c9d83d90d33999ce5f1c5baab3b7a3ac8b59607b2"}},{"_id":"walkerc","type":"author","bio":"Craig F. Walker Globe Photo. Follow him on Instagram IG:craig_f_walker.","byline":"Craig F. Walker","email":"","firstName":"Craig F.","image":"","lastName":"Walker","longBio":"Craig F. Walker is a staff photographer for The Boston Globe. Prior to joining the Globe in 2015, he worked at the Denver Post for 17 years. Before his time out west, Walker was a photographer at Massachusetts newspapers the Berkshire Eagle and The Marlboro Enterprise. In 2010 Walker's photo essay Ian Fisher: American Soldier, an \"intimate portrait of a\nteenager who joins the Army at the height of insurgent violence in Iraq, poignantly searching for meaning and manhood,\" won the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography. The story was also exhibited at Visa pour l'Image: International Festival of Photojournalism in Perpignan, France. Two years later Walker was awarded a second Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography for Welcome Home, The Story of Scott Ostrom, a \"compassionate chronicle of an honorably discharged veteran, home from Iraq and struggling with a severe case of post-traumatic stress, images that enable viewers to better grasp a national issue.\" The same year, Walker was also named Newspaper Photographer of the Year in the Pictures of the Year International competition. Walker's photo essay, Raising Connor, was a 2019 finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography, “for superb photography and sophisticated visual storytelling that brought understanding to the story of a young boy living with a complex developmental disability.\" That year, Walker was also named Photographer of the Year by the Boston Press Photographers Association.\n","role":"Photojournalist","slug":"craig-f-walker","source_id":"8537d552-290e-11e7-acd3-1b3fc95d525e","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"21515ef4-290f-11e7-b02c-7d3366ed1e03","twitter":"CraigFWalker","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-10-18T13:03:06.501Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/craig-f-walker/","instagram":"craig_f_walker","auth":{"1":"84d106f68e8ba878637c49e38f1bbe5ce3964792a337f8eacd65570e6f0e765d"}},{"_id":"wangsness","type":"author","bio":"Lisa Wangsness can be reached at","byline":"Lisa Wangsness","email":"","firstName":"Lisa","image":"","lastName":"Wangsness","longBio":"Lisa Wangsness, the Globe’s Metro enterprise editor, works with reporters and other departments to produce ambitious narrative, investigative, and explanatory stories. She collaborates closely with the Globe’s Great Divide team, which focuses on education inequality. Her recent work includes a multipart series on literacy education in Massachusetts, and an examination of why excellent high schools are available to just a small fraction of Boston high school students. Other stories she’s edited span a wide range of topics, including aging, child welfare, retail, higher education, and climate change. Before becoming an editor in 2018, she spent 12 years covering politics and religion for the Globe. She worked as a beat reporter at Boston City Hall, the Massachusetts State House, and in the Washington, D.C. bureau, where she helped cover the 2008 presidential campaign and the creation of the Affordable Care Act. She then served as a religion reporter, based in Boston, writing about New England’s diverse faith communities. She was a Knight-Wallace Fellow (2017-18) in Ann Arbor, Mich. She attended Yale University and got her start in journalism at the Martha’s Vineyard Times and the Concord Monitor in New Hampshire.","role":"Metro Enterprise Editor","slug":"lisa-wangsness","source_id":"364893b6-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"364893b6-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"wangsness","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-11-02T15:29:29.278Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/lisa-wangsness/","auth":{"1":"3b425b1f3b0f3bc716fd71fdb282f778687a2f6be486d0469a03900d8791c54c"}},{"_id":"washburn","type":"author","bio":"Gary Washburn is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at Follow him @GwashburnGlobe.","byline":"Gary Washburn","email":"","firstName":"Gary","image":"","lastName":"Washburn","longBio":"Washburn is the national basketball writer and Celtics reporter at the Globe and a 20-year veteran of the journalism business. A UC Berkeley graduate, Gary has covered a variety of sports topics. He is also the secretary for the NABJ Sports Task Force and former President of the Bay Area Baseball Writers Association.\n","role":"Reporter","slug":"gary-washburn","source_id":"36a4525a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"36a4525a-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"@GwashburnGlobe","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T19:08:12.909Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/gary-washburn/","auth":{"1":"a40eb06d4878aabb534c04bce15cdeb45386d8db0ffef7175c02f3fefc81b41f"}},{"_id":"watson","firstName":"Adria","lastName":"Watson","secondLastName":"","byline":"Adria Watson","role":"Audience Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/adria-watson/","bio":"Adria Watson can be reached at Follow her @adriarwatson.","longBio":"Adria is an audience editor, currently focusing on growing our social video program across platforms like TikTok and Instagram to help reach younger, more diverse audiences. She is creating informative, first-person stories about their communities, so that everyone can see themselves in the off-platform work of the Globe. She also works across the audience team to help support our community and newsletter initiatives. \n\nAdria started at the Globe as the digital producer and reporter with the Great Divide team in April 2022, where she covered breaking news and curated the team’s weekly newsletter. Prior to joining the Globe, she worked at the Connecticut Mirror as an education reporter, covering K-12 and higher ed. Before that, she was an intern at The Marshall Project and CalMatters. \n\nShe is an Oakland, Calif, native and graduated from California State University, Sacramento with a degree in journalism.","slug":"adria-watson","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-02-05T15:14:22.861Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"adriarwatson","auth":{"1":"59731ee3dcb591132522a71e01323d643c07da3852e10231922218e6a3eb2685"}},{"_id":"weidenfeld","firstName":"Lisa","lastName":"Weidenfeld","secondLastName":"","byline":"Lisa Weidenfeld","role":"Assistant Arts Editor","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/lisa-weidenfeld/","bio":"Lisa Weidenfeld can be reached at Follow her on X @LisaWeidenfeld and Instagram IG:lisaweidenfeld.","longBio":"Lisa Weidenfeld is an assistant arts editor on the Living/Arts team, managing coverage of television, theater, music, and comedy. Before coming to the Globe, she was the deputy editor of Boston College Magazine, and prior to that, she was the senior digital editor for Boston magazine, where she was responsible for editorial coverage and digital strategy on She previously was an entertainment editor at Metro, where she was a member of the Television Critics Association and covered the arts in Boston. She’s been writing about television for more than a decade, and her reporting and criticism has appeared on the AV Club, the Hollywood Reporter, and the newsletter Episodic Medium. When not writing about television, she’s written about the experience of becoming an aunt, places around Boston where you can scream into the void to let some stress out, and just how hard it is to get a reservation at a restaurant these days.\n\nShe attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and has a master’s degree from the Medill School of Journalism. A native of the Chicago suburbs, she’s primarily lived in the Boston area since college, which means she’s never quite started saying “wicked” herself, but she knows the right way to use it. ","slug":"lisa-weidenfeld","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2024-10-10T16:00:56.521Z","author_type":"Staff","type":"author","twitter":"LisaWeidenfeld","instagram":"lisaweidenfeld","auth":{"1":"1bff03e7b0724645c1b2846b2f1a6332d8f1e2346d796c5ee12d41683debd99e"}},{"_id":"weisman","type":"author","bio":"Robert Weisman can be reached at","byline":"Robert Weisman","email":"","firstName":"Robert","image":"","lastName":"Weisman","longBio":"Robert Weisman reports on biotech and life sciences. In more than two decades at The Globe, he has been a technology editor and business writer tracking high-tech, venture capital, management, hospitals, and health care. Most recently, he wrote about aging, and generational change for the metro desk. He's also covered the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and the pandemic's impact. Before joining The Globe, he was business editor for the Seattle Times, and a business editor and writer for the Hartford Courant and New Haven Register. Weisman was part of the Seattle Times editing team on reporter Byron Acohido's aviation safety stories, including the series \"Safety at Issue: the 737,\" that won the Pulitzer Prize for beat reporting in 1997. He led the Seattle Times business staff that won Best in Business Awards in 1996 and 1997 from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. His work at the Globe has won multiple awards. He was part of a team that won first place in the Association of Health Care Journalists' 2017 Awards for Excellence for \"The New Price of Hope\" about a high-priced rare disease drug. He won a 2023 Zenger Prize for his story \"I have to take my time,\" about growing old in Boston. He is a native of Norwich, Conn., and a graduate of Boston University.","role":"Reporter","slug":"robert-weisman","source_id":"36feca64-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"36feca64-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T14:27:58.748Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/robert-weisman/","auth":{"1":"f5d1d507dbff530c9d742013d2df618299151157f462377becbd71dd8ab469cb"}},{"_id":"wen","type":"author","bio":"Patricia Wen can be reached at Follow her @GlobePatty.","byline":"Patricia Wen","email":"","firstName":"Patricia","image":"","lastName":"Wen","longBio":"Patricia Wen is a staff writer for the Boston Globe magazine where she focuses on investigative narratives, in-depth features and profiles.\n\nShe joined the magazine in 2024 after having spent nearly seven years as editor of the Globe’s Spotlight Team, and two decades as a reporter in the metro section focusing on social service, legal and medical issues. \n\nOver her time at the Globe, she has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize three times – in 2004 for feature writing, in 2013 as part of a team for national reporting, and in 2018 as the Spotlight editor overseeing a seven-part series on race issues in Boston. \n\nWhile she oversaw Spotlight, the team produced numerous investigative and explanatory projects, including its first podcast-print series, Gladiator, about the life and death of New England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez. The podcast, produced in partnership with Wondery, has attracted more than 10 million downloads and is being made into a TV series by FX. \n\nThe team also won the 2020 Online Journalism Award for explanatory reporting for a series on transportation issues and the 2019 Pulliam First Amendment award from the Society of Professional Journalists for a series about the state legal system.\n\nMarried with three children and a graduate of Harvard College, she previously worked at the Star-Ledger in Newark, N.J. and the Stamford Advocate in CT. before joining the Globe staff. 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He gravitates to stories about ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.\n","role":"Narrative editor","slug":"steven-wilmsen","source_id":"37e19696-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"37e19696-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"SWilmsen","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-07-27T17:49:46.505Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/steven-wilmsen/","auth":{"1":"acec19b46467db4dd8bc6c8a7826abf2d23699a96927bb92347efc97aeb2e6c2"}},{"_id":"wirzbicki","type":"author","bio":"Alan Wirzbicki is Globe deputy editor for editorials. He can be reached at","byline":"Alan Wirzbicki","email":"","firstName":"Alan","image":"","lastName":"Wirzbicki","longBio":"Alan Wirzbicki is the Globe's deputy editor for editorials and has worked at the paper since 2004. 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He is a native of Connecticut and a graduate of Harvard, where he was president of the Harvard Crimson student newspaper. He lives in West Roxbury. You can follow his cats on Instagram at @therogerbrothers.\n","role":"Senior Assistant Managing Editor for Editorials","slug":"alan-wirzbicki","source_id":"8d5d6e10-7df3-11e7-b892-4652a66b8e21","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"ead59984-514b-11e7-82f7-5c7ae59e355b","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2023-12-01T13:45:01.253Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/alan-wirzbicki/","auth":{"1":"cd65a17ce164943a7389e932bb2029c61f352229e52ed57a997c7dd4b2e6d4e8"}},{"_id":"woodard","firstName":"Tiana","lastName":"Woodard","secondLastName":"","byline":"Tiana Woodard","role":"Reporter","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","author_type":"Staff","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/tiana-woodard/","bio":"Tiana Woodard can be reached at Follow her @tianarochon.","longBio":"Tiana Woodard covers the city’s Black communities. 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She welcomes any feedback or story ideas. ","slug":"nicole-yang","native_app_rendering":false,"fuzzy_match":false,"contributor":false,"status":true,"last_updated_date":"2023-11-22T21:32:12.830Z","type":"author","twitter":"nicolecyang","auth":{"1":"96b148fcebcf8235a18d10da156f377c302e28a161bb8f6c37a8c11fd8f57e48"}},{"_id":"yarvis","firstName":"Olivia","lastName":"Yarvis","secondLastName":"","byline":"Olivia Yarvis","role":"Video Producer","image":"","email":"","affiliations":"","education":[],"awards":[],"books":[],"podcasts":[],"bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/olivia-yarvis/","bio":"Olivia Yarvis can be reached at Follow her @OliviaYarvis and on Instagram IG:oliviayarvismedia.","longBio":"Olivia Yarvis is a video producer at The Boston Globe, where she primarily produces short-form documentary video, animated explainers, and breaking news coverage. The Austin, Texas native is passionate about producing stories concerning the human impacts of politics and policy through diverse visual mediums. Prior to joining the Globe in March 2023, Yarvis was an associate producer at FRONTLINE PBS and a multimedia fellow at the Texas Tribune, where her short documentary, “Feeling of Betrayal,” about a family fleeing Texas to protect their transgender child amid the threat of child abuse investigations won the 2022 Society of Professional Journalists National Mark of Excellence Award for feature videography. Her freelance documentary short, “La Casa del Migrante,” which chronicled the story of an immigrant collective facing illegal eviction in the Southwest Side of Chicago, was nominated for a 2022 International Documentary Association Award and an official selection at the Academy Award-Qualifying American Documentary Film Festival. She also interned at CNN, GBH, and 60 Second Docs. 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He earned his master’s degree from Ohio University.\n","role":"Picture Editor","slug":"lloyd-young","source_id":"395d75b2-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","source_system":"methode","status":true,"tier_id":"395d75b2-d4b2-11e0-b4c6-152e0ae08f53","twitter":"Lloydryoung","adapter_version":"0.6.6","orig_image":"","books":[],"podcasts":[],"education":[],"awards":[],"last_updated_date":"2019-12-31T19:05:18.445Z","author_type":"Staff","bio_page":"/about/staff-list/staff/lloyd-young/","auth":{"1":"4366796bbf62a12a41343264221c61613b3050dc355b76c7eb0e7dedd2cf57ed"}}],"_id":"afd29a5909814af4116485481e65fce29d45c001a31c22f5fe9fe9f59dde3caa"},"expires":1732465414712,"lastModified":1732465233419}}};Fusion.layout="SectionPage";Fusion.metas={"title":{"value":"Newsroom Staff - The Boston 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