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These vary from small to medium organisations with a requirement once every 5-10 years through to FTSE 250 companies & other blue chip organisations with new requirements" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Abenefit2u offer recruitment solutions to the Pensions, Employee Benefits and Reward sector. Our clients include In-house Benefit Departments, Consultancies, Third Party Administrators and Pensions & Benefit Providers. 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We acknowledge this may not always be through the work we undertake but hopefully we will have contributed in some small way whether that was by providing career advice and guidance or simply a sounding board for your thoughts.</p><p>We aim to understand every aspect of your career requirements in order to thoughtfully select the best options available and proactively identify further career opportunities for you through our expanding network.</p><p>Our client base, which ranges from major consultancies and administration providers to FTSE 100 blue chips to small, boutique organisations is testimony to our performance and in many cases, we have strong Preferred Supplier or Exclusive client relationships, which reduces your competition in a busy and competitive market.</p><p>Along with a healthy portfolio of clients, we offer guidance, market advice and always have the courtesy to provide honest feedback after you have represented us at an interview to give you the best chance of securing the right role.</p><p>We know that at this time when you are searching for a new role it can feel like you are not always in control of your own destiny so we will endeavour to make the following promises to you:</p><ul> <li><strong>Honest and constructive feedback and guidance</strong> on your suitability for a role.</li> <li>We will never submit your cv or declare your interest in a role until <strong>we have your prior and specific approval</strong>. For too long we hear stories from candidates on their cv being submitted with no prior knowledge and then find they are no longer in control of their own destiny. You have our word this will not happen with Abenefit2u.</li> <li><strong>We will be there for you at every stage</strong>, not just in those early days when it can feel like a whirlwind. Helping you decide which vacancy to apply to, preparing your cv for a specific role, providing guidance, interview tips and insight into the organisation and those who will be interviewing you all the way through to an offer, and hopefully for you and the employer, acceptance. We even send you a gift to share with your colleagues on your first day and will check in with you during those first few weeks as you settle in.</li></ul><h2 class="subHeading"><span>Weekend Appointment Service</span></h2><p>We are also proud to be able to offer a weekend telephone appointment service. We know that quality candidates who aren’t actively looking but would like to talk through local opportunities are massively busy during the week. For this reason we have a telephone appointment service at the weekend designed for you to have a confidential chat at a time that suits you. Whether it’s a general discussion about the market or specific jobs you are targeting we are available for you. Please email <a href="mailto:x@remove-this-text" onclick="var x=this.innerHTML;this.href='mailto:'+GE('contactus',''); title=''; this.innerHTML=x;" OnMouseOver="this.title=GE('contactus','');_w.status=this.title; return true;" OnMouseOut="_w.status='';return true;"><script> _d.write(GE('contactus','')); </script></a> to arrange the best time for one of our consultants to call.</p><h2 class="subHeading"><span>You’re welcome…</span></h2><p>Here are just some of the kind words we have received for doing our job in helping people like you find their next challenge, the next rung on the career ladder or simply to help find a job to help them pay the bills!</p><p><a href="/news/testimonials/articles/" class="buttonLink">View all of our testimonials</a></p><p>Our aim is to work on your behalf and to hopefully see your words up here. Contact us to see what we can do for you…</p><div id="featured"> <h2>Featured Jobs</h2> <div id="featuredBox"> <div class="item first" id="jobRecord1"><span class="jobs_JobTitle"><a href="/jobs/11242801/operations-manager-pensions.asp" title="Operations Manager, Pensions">Operations Manager, Pensions</a></span> <span class="jobs_Vicinity">East Midlands</span> <span class="jobs_SalaryDescText">Market competitive for location with bonus + excellent pension and benefits</span> </div><div class="item last" id="jobRecord2"><span class="jobs_JobTitle"><a href="/jobs/11108443/senior-pension-governance-consultant.asp" title="Senior Pension Governance Consultant">Senior Pension Governance Consultant</a></span> <span class="jobs_Vicinity">Greater London, Homeworking</span> <span class="jobs_SalaryDescText">£dependent on experience</span> </div><div id="FeaturedJobsAll" class="ShowAllFeaturedJobs"><a href="/featured-jobs">View All Featured Jobs</a></div> </div> </div> </div><div id="left" class="sidebar"> <div class="sideSearch"> <h2>Quick Search Jobs</h2> <form id="frmJobSearch3" name="frmJobSearch3" method="get" action="/jobboard/cands/jobresults.asp"> <input type="hidden" name="c" id="c" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="bms" id="bms" value="1" /> <div class="form-row"> <dl> <dt id="DTIndustry"><label id="locallabelIndustry" for="locallstIndustry">Sector:</label></dt><dd id="DDIndustry"><select id="localdivIndustry" name="localdivIndustry" size="1" onchange="selChk(this);"><option value="">Any</option><option value="Pension Manager / Director">Pension Manager / Director</option><option value="Pensions Administration & Operations Manager">Pensions Administration & Operations Manager</option><option value="Pensions Administrator">Pensions Administrator</option><option value="Pensions Consultant / Client Relationship Manager">Pensions Consultant / Client Relationship Manager</option><option value="Pensions Technician">Pensions Technician</option><option value="Employee Benefits / Flex / Group Risk & Health">Employee Benefits / Flex / Group Risk & Health</option><option value="SIPP/SSAS Administration">SIPP/SSAS Administration</option><option value="Pensions Actuary">Pensions Actuary</option><option value="Pensions Accountant / Financial Officer">Pensions Accountant / Financial Officer</option><option value="Pension Payroll Officer">Pension Payroll Officer</option><option value="Pension System / Software - 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Huge thanks go to Dianne and her team from Abenefit2u for their support and guidance in making this step relatively easy. I would highly recommend Dianne and Abenefit2u. I'm now looking forward to ...</dd> </dl> <div class="corner"></div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id="footer" class="siteFooter"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p class="copy"> © 2014 - 2025 Abenefit2u | <a href="/privacy.cms.asp">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="/terms.cms.asp">T & C's</a> | </p> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="logos"> <a href="" class="recMem" title="REC Member"><img src="/images/rec.png?v1.0" alt="REC Member" /></a> <a href="" class="twitterIcn" title="Twitter"></a> <a href="" class="linkedIn" title="LinkedIn">in</a> </div> </div> <div class="jobboardFooterInc"> <p class="typeAgency"><a href="">Recruitment Website Design</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="/scripts/min/site.min.js"></script> <div id="endsection"> <a id="endlink" href="/jobboard/cands/joblistings.asp" class="endsectionlink">Latest Job Listings</a> </div> <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ (function(){ var ga=document.createElement('script');ga.type='text/javascript';ga.async=true; ga.src=('https:'==document.location.protocol?'https://ssl':'http://www')+''; var s=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); (function(){ if(typeof(logJSFlash)=="function"){ logJSFlash(); }})(); DOM(function(){ if(Browser.opera){ var eol=document.createElement('script');eol.type='text/javascript';eol.async=true; eol.src=''; var s=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(eol, s); }}); DOM(function(){ var el=getEl('endlink'); el.setAttribute('title','Please do not click this link as its designed to trap bad robots'); addEvent(el,'click',function(e){StopEvent(e)}); }); (function(){ var el=getEl('AddThis'); if(el){ var at=_d.createElement('script');at.type='text/javascript';at.async=true; at.src=('https:'==document.location.protocol?'https://':'http://')+''; var s=_d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(at,s); var a=_d.createElement('A'); a.setAttribute('href',''); var i=_d.createElement('IMG'); i.setAttribute('src',''); i.setAttribute('width','125'); i.setAttribute('height','16'); i.setAttribute('alt','Bookmark and Share'); = 'border:0px;'; a.appendChild(i); el.appendChild(a); addEvent(a,"mouseover",function(e){if(!addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')){CancelEvent(e)}}); addEvent(a,"mouseout",function(e){addthis_close}); addEvent(a,"click",function(e){if(!addthis_sendto()){CancelEvent(e)}}); } })(); DOM(function(){ //Debugger.debug = true; ShowDebug("Run ShowNotes"); if(typeof(InputNotes) == "object"){ InputNotes.EG = "e.g."; if(InputNotes.BlankForm()){ InputNotes.ShowNotes(); // add unload event to clear notes UNL(InputNotes.RemoveNotes); //Debugger.debug = false; }}}); Validator.errortitle = 'There were some problems with the data you entered.'; Validator.emptymsg = 'The following required fields need completion:'; Validator.incorrectmsg = 'The following fields were completed incorrectly:'; Validator.invalidcharsmsg = '##NAME## contains invalid characters.'; Validator.invalidemailmsg = '##NAME## is an invalid email address.'; Validator.invalidemailsmsg = '##NAME## contains invalid email addresses ##VALUE##.'; Validator.invalidnumericmsg = '##NAME## is an invalid number.'; Validator.invalidintegermsg = '##NAME## is an invalid integer.'; Validator.invalidguidmsg = '##NAME## is an invalid GUID.'; Validator.invaliddatemsg = '##NAME## is an invalid date.'; Validator.invalidurlmsg = '##NAME## is an invalid URL.'; Validator.invalidpostcodemsg = '##NAME## is an invalid UK Postcode.'; Validator.invalidminrangemsg = '##NAME## must be ##VALUE## or more.'; Validator.invalidmaxrangemsg = '##NAME## must be ##VALUE## or less.'; Validator.invalidmincharsmsg = '##NAME## must be greater than ##VALUE## characters long.'; Validator.invalidmaxcharsmsg = '##NAME## must be less than ##VALUE## characters long.'; Validator.invalidcomparemsg = '##NAME## must match the value for ##VALUE##.'; Validator.invalidnamemsg = '##VALUE## is an invalid full name. 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