AWS - The Crossplane Blog (Page 2)
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Experimental support for resource composition unlocks the ability for everyone to compose and publish their own infrastructure <a class="read-more" href="/crossplane-v0-10-compose-and-publish-your-own-infrastructure-crds-velero-backup-restore-compatibility-and-more/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Crossplane v0.10 is our fourth release of 2020! Experimental support for resource composition unlocks the ability for everyone to compose and publish their own infrastructure resources in a low/no-code way, so they can be provisioned from kubectl for apps to use. More cloud services including Azure CosmosDB, GCP…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-crossplane tag-providers tag-stacks tag-application-delivery tag-nosql tag-linkerd tag-argocd tag-aws no-image"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/crossplane-v0-9-new-package-types-for-providers-stacks-and-applications/">Crossplane v0.9 - new package types for Providers, Stacks, and Applications</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/phil/">Phil Prasek</a> on <a href="/tag/crossplane/">Crossplane</a>, <a href="/tag/providers/">Providers</a>, <a href="/tag/stacks/">Stacks</a>, <a href="/tag/application-delivery/">Application Delivery</a>, <a href="/tag/nosql/">NoSQL</a>, <a href="/tag/linkerd/">Linkerd</a>, <a href="/tag/argocd/">ArgoCD</a>, <a href="/tag/aws/">AWS</a> | <time datetime="2020-03-24">24 Mar 2020</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Crossplane v0.9.0 is our third release of 2020! Key features include an improved extensibility model, updating Kubernetes applications on remote clusters, installing packages from <a class="read-more" href="/crossplane-v0-9-new-package-types-for-providers-stacks-and-applications/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Crossplane v0.9.0 is our third release of 2020! Key features include an improved extensibility model, updating Kubernetes applications on remote clusters, installing packages from private repos, and a new security enhanced mode for Crossplane. March was a busy month for Crossplane with lots of community engagement and new…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-aws tag-azure tag-gcp tag-stacks tag-application-delivery no-image"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/crossplane-v0-8-spin-up-complete-cloud-environments-using-kubectl-for-gcp-aws-and-azure/">Crossplane v0.8 - Spin up complete cloud environments using kubectl for GCP, AWS, and Azure</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/phil/">Phil Prasek</a> on <a href="/tag/aws/">AWS</a>, <a href="/tag/azure/">Azure</a>, <a href="/tag/gcp/">GCP</a>, <a href="/tag/stacks/">Stacks</a>, <a href="/tag/application-delivery/">Application Delivery</a> | <time datetime="2020-02-24">24 Feb 2020</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Provision complete environments (dev, staging, prod) from kubectl with a few lines of yaml using new minimal environment stacks for GCP, AWS, and Azure. Infrastructure operators <a class="read-more" href="/crossplane-v0-8-spin-up-complete-cloud-environments-using-kubectl-for-gcp-aws-and-azure/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Provision complete environments (dev, staging, prod) from kubectl with a few lines of yaml using new minimal environment stacks for GCP, AWS, and Azure. Infrastructure operators can package turn-key environment templates and quickly spin up environments for app teams, so apps can be built and released faster with a streamlined…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-crossplane tag-multicluster tag-gcp tag-azure tag-aws"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/crossplane-v0-7-schedule-workloads-to-any-kubernetes-cluster-including-bare-metal/">Crossplane v0.7 - Schedule Workloads to any Kubernetes Cluster, including bare-metal!</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/dan/">Dan Mangum</a> on <a href="/tag/crossplane/">Crossplane</a>, <a href="/tag/multicluster/">Multicluster</a>, <a href="/tag/gcp/">GCP</a>, <a href="/tag/azure/">Azure</a>, <a href="/tag/aws/">AWS</a> | <time datetime="2020-01-21">21 Jan 2020</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <img src="/content/images/2020/01/Blueprint-1.png" class="front-page-image" /> <p>Scheduling into on-premise environments is included in Crossplane鈥檚 first release of 2020 with the ability to schedule workloads to pre-existing Kubernetes clusters or clusters that <a class="read-more" href="/crossplane-v0-7-schedule-workloads-to-any-kubernetes-cluster-including-bare-metal/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Scheduling into on-premise environments is included in Crossplane鈥檚 first release of 2020 with the ability to schedule workloads to pre-existing Kubernetes clusters or clusters that have been provisioned without using Crossplane. In addition, automated tests have been implemented for stack-gcp with a focus on increased reliability and API compatibility…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-continuous-delivery tag-gitlab tag-argocd tag-gcp tag-aws tag-azure tag-kubernetes tag-multicloud no-image"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/crossplane-v0-5-apis-reach-v1beta1-for-continuous-delivery-into-multiple-clouds-with-gitlab-argocd-gitops/">Crossplane v0.5: APIs reach v1beta1 for continuous delivery into multiple clouds with GitLab, ArgoCD, GitOps support and more!</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/phil/">Phil Prasek</a> on <a href="/tag/continuous-delivery/">Continuous Delivery</a>, <a href="/tag/gitlab/">GitLab</a>, <a href="/tag/argocd/">ArgoCD</a>, <a href="/tag/gcp/">GCP</a>, <a href="/tag/aws/">AWS</a>, <a href="/tag/azure/">Azure</a>, <a href="/tag/kubernetes/">Kubernetes</a>, <a href="/tag/multicloud/">Multicloud</a> | <time datetime="2019-11-17">17 Nov 2019</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Crossplane is ready for use in dev/test pipelines with v1beta1 APIs for databases and caches in Stacks for GCP, AWS, and Azure. GitLab 12.5 <a class="read-more" href="/crossplane-v0-5-apis-reach-v1beta1-for-continuous-delivery-into-multiple-clouds-with-gitlab-argocd-gitops/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Crossplane is ready for use in dev/test pipelines with v1beta1 APIs for databases and caches in Stacks for GCP, AWS, and Azure. GitLab 12.5 integrates with Crossplane to enable cloud service provisioning in GitLab-connected Kubernetes clusters from GitLab pipelines using kubectl or with GitLab's Auto DevOps feature. A…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-aws tag-networking tag-security no-image"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/aws-secure-connectivity-for-eks-rds/">AWS secure connectivity for EKS & RDS</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/javad/">Javad Taheri</a>, <a href="/author/phil/">Phil Prasek</a> on <a href="/tag/aws/">AWS</a>, <a href="/tag/networking/">Networking</a>, <a href="/tag/security/">Security</a> | <time datetime="2019-10-17">17 Oct 2019</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>The AWS Stack now supports securely connecting RDS instances and app deployments in an EKS cluster, using kubectl to manage new Crossplane resources including VPCs, Subnets, <a class="read-more" href="/aws-secure-connectivity-for-eks-rds/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>The AWS Stack now supports securely connecting RDS instances and app deployments in an EKS cluster, using kubectl to manage new Crossplane resources including VPCs, Subnets, SecurityGroups, IAM Roles and more! Continuing our series on cloud networking & security we鈥檒l explore new Crossplane support for provisioning AWS networking and…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-cloud-native tag-aws tag-azure tag-gcp tag-kubernetes tag-multicloud tag-stacks"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/v0-3-deep-dive-part-i-aws-gcp-azure-stacks-have-moved-out-of-tree/">AWS, GCP, & Azure Stacks have moved out-of-tree</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/jared/">Jared Watts</a> on <a href="/tag/cloud-native/">Cloud Native</a>, <a href="/tag/aws/">AWS</a>, <a href="/tag/azure/">Azure</a>, <a href="/tag/gcp/">GCP</a>, <a href="/tag/kubernetes/">Kubernetes</a>, <a href="/tag/multicloud/">Multicloud</a>, <a href="/tag/stacks/">Stacks</a> | <time datetime="2019-10-03">03 Oct 2019</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <img src="/content/images/2019/10/Stacks-7.svg" class="front-page-image" /> <p>Following up on our v0.3 release, we wanted to take a deeper dive into some of the advancements and features we rolled out as part <a class="read-more" href="/v0-3-deep-dive-part-i-aws-gcp-azure-stacks-have-moved-out-of-tree/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>Following up on our v0.3 release, we wanted to take a deeper dive into some of the advancements and features we rolled out as part of this exciting release. In this first entry in our series of v0.3 deep dives, we鈥檒l explore more of the what, how,…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <article class="post tag-crossplane tag-networking tag-security tag-stacks tag-aws tag-gcp tag-azure tag-gitlab no-image"> <div class="inner"> <header class="post-header"> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="/crossplane-v0-3-accelerating-support-for-more-clouds-and-managed-services/">Crossplane v0.3 - accelerating support for more clouds and managed services</a></h2> <span class="post-meta"><a href="/author/phil/">Phil Prasek</a> on <a href="/tag/crossplane/">Crossplane</a>, <a href="/tag/networking/">Networking</a>, <a href="/tag/security/">Security</a>, <a href="/tag/stacks/">Stacks</a>, <a href="/tag/aws/">AWS</a>, <a href="/tag/gcp/">GCP</a>, <a href="/tag/azure/">Azure</a>, <a href="/tag/gitlab/">GitLab</a> | <time datetime="2019-09-17">17 Sep 2019</time></span> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>New developer guide, CLI tooling and enhanced out-of-tree Infra Stacks (GCP, AWS, Azure) enables the community to add support for more cloud providers, managed Kubernetes offerings, <a class="read-more" href="/crossplane-v0-3-accelerating-support-for-more-clouds-and-managed-services/">»</a></p> </section> <!-- <section class="post-excerpt"> <p>New developer guide, CLI tooling and enhanced out-of-tree Infra Stacks (GCP, AWS, Azure) enables the community to add support for more cloud providers, managed Kubernetes offerings, and fully-managed cloud services that can be hosted in your cloud of choice. The momentum keeps rolling forward with Crossplane community engagement around extending…</p> </section> --> </div> </article> <nav class="pagination" role="pagination"> <div class="inner"> <a class="pagination-next" href="/tag/aws/"><i class="ic ic-arrow-left"></i> <span class="pagination-label">Newer Posts</span></a> <span class="pagination-info">Page 2 of 2</span> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </nav> </main> </div> <div id="body-class" style="display: none;" class="tag-template tag-aws paged"></div> <footer id="footer"> <div class="inner"> <section class="credits"> <span class="credits-theme">Theme <a href="">Attila</a> by <a href="" rel="nofollow">zutrinken</a></span> <span class="credits-software">Published with <a href="">Ghost</a></span> </section> </div> </footer> </section> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/js/script.js?v=a1348d70b3"></script> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> </body> </html>