@article{Ziar_Ulfat_Serat_Armal_2023, title={Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Design Methods for Rigid and Flexible Pavement: A Case Study of Urban Road}, volume={2}, url={}, DOI={10.47852/bonviewAAES32021264}, abstractNote={ Roads play a vital role in a country’s economic, cultural, and social development, with significant budget allocations financial each year. Expenses for road construction include design, material acquisition, construction equipment, maintenance, rehabilitation, and overall operations, requiring substantial government investment. A meticulous evaluation of alternatives is essential before implementing such projects. This study aims to comprehensively analyze the cost-effectiveness of three design methods (AASHTO, AI, PCA) on an 8 km urban road, considering initial construction costs. Traffic data collected over two years resulted in a total estimated traffic load of 2.16 x 106 ESAL for the road. The findings indicate that flexible pavement is more cost-effective than rigid pavement. Among flexible pavement design methods (AASHTO and AI), AI emerges as the most cost-effective. For rigid pavement design methods (AASHTO and PCA), PCA proves to be the most cost-effective, while rigid pavement stands out as the most expensive option.   Received: 22 June 2023 | Revised: 3 August 2023 | Accepted: 15 August 2023   Conflicts of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to this work.   Data Availability Statement Data available on request from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. }, number={3}, journal={Archives of Advanced Engineering Science}, author={Ziar, Asadullah and Ulfat, Shahzada and Serat, Zainullah and Armal, Mohammad Ashraf}, year={2023}, month={Aug.}, pages={134–141} }