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9(1): 52-62. <a class='boxtext abstract' href=''>Full text</a> <a class='boxtext abstract' href=''>PDF</a> </p><hr class='nice'><p> <i>Nanotheranostics</i> 2025; 9(1): 38-51. <a class='boxtext abstract' href=''>Full text</a> <a class='boxtext abstract' href=''>PDF</a> <a class='boxtext abstract' href=''>PubMed</a> <a class='boxtext abstract' href=''>PMC</a> </p></div> <div class="textcenter"> <p class="divboxbg"><a href="" class="textlink">Nanotheranostics</a></p> <p class="divboxbg"><a href="" class="textlink">International Journal of Biological Sciences</a></p> <p class="divboxbg"><a href="" class="textlink">International Journal of Medical Sciences</a></p> <p class="divboxbg"><a href="" class="textlink">Journal of Cancer</a></p> <p class="divboxbg abstract"> <img src="/ms/images/openaccess.jpg" width="145" height="54" alt="open access"> Global reach, higher impact</p> <a href="" ><img src="/ms/images/pmclogo.gif" alt="PubMed Central" width="145" height="75" class="imagecenter" ></a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="sub_container2"> <!-- ContentIvyspring --> <div class="flex-container"> <div id="contentcolumn"> <a href='/v15i3'><div class='cursor-pointer coverfig imageright' ><img src='cover/thumb/v15i3.jpg' alt='Cover image' ></div></a> <p><EM>Theranostics</EM> publishes innovative research articles reflecting the fields of <em>in vitro</em> diagnostics and prognostics, <em>in vivo</em> molecular imaging, molecular therapeutics, image-guided therapy, biosensors, system biology and translational medicine, personalized medicine and a broad spectrum of biomedical research that can be applied to future theranostic applications. </p> <hr class='clear'> <img width='350' height='175' class='clickfig' src='/v15/p3368/toc.jpg' alt='Graphic abstract' onclick="openPopupFig('/v15/p3368/toc.jpg');"> <p> Research Paper<br> <b>Sex- and age-specific sensitivities of the endocannabinoid system in Alzheimer's disease revealed by PET imaging with [<sup>18</sup>F]FMPEP-<i>d</i><sub>2</sub> and [<sup>18</sup>F]MAGL-2102</b> <br> Anna Pees, Christopher Daniel Morrone, Junchao Tong, Jian Rong, Tuo Shao, Darcy Wear, Steven H. Liang, Wai Haung Yu, Neil Vasdev<br> <i>Theranostics</i> 2025; 15(8): 3368-3385. doi:10.7150/thno.106592 <br> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3368.htm'>Full text</a> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3368.pdf'>PDF</a> </p> <hr class='clear'><img width='350' height='187' class='clickfig' src='/v15/p3345/toc.jpg' alt='Graphic abstract' onclick="openPopupFig('/v15/p3345/toc.jpg');"> <p> Review<br> <b>Supercharging CAR-T cells through transcriptional and epigenetic armoring</b> <br> Diyuan Qin, Yanna Lei, Pei Shu, Yugu Zhang, Yuin-Han Loh, Yongsheng Wang, Qijing Li<br> <i>Theranostics</i> 2025; 15(8): 3345-3367. doi:10.7150/thno.107908 <br> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3345.htm'>Full text</a> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3345.pdf'>PDF</a> </p> <hr class='clear'><img width='350' height='167' class='clickfig' src='/v15/p3332/toc.jpg' alt='Graphic abstract' onclick="openPopupFig('/v15/p3332/toc.jpg');"> <p> Review<br> <b>Antigen-presenting fibroblasts: emerging players in immune modulation and therapeutic targets</b> <br> Xiaoyun Chen, Fangqi Chen, Sujie Jia, Qianjin Lu, Ming Zhao<br> <i>Theranostics</i> 2025; 15(8): 3332-3344. doi:10.7150/thno.104900 <br> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3332.htm'>Full text</a> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3332.pdf'>PDF</a> </p> <hr class='clear'><img width='350' height='180' class='clickfig' src='/v15/p3316/toc.jpg' alt='Graphic abstract' onclick="openPopupFig('/v15/p3316/toc.jpg');"> <p> Research Paper<br> <b>PBRM1 deficiency enhances PD1 immunotherapeutic sensitivity via chromosomal accessibility in colorectal cancer</b> <br> Rui Li, Jie He, Chaoqun Liu, Zesheng Jiang, Jiasheng Qin, Kun Liang, Zhuocheng Ji, Liang Zhao<br> <i>Theranostics</i> 2025; 15(8): 3316-3331. doi:10.7150/thno.100793 <br> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3316.htm'>Full text</a> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3316.pdf'>PDF</a> </p> <hr class='clear'><img width='350' height='347' class='clickfig' src='/v15/p3289/tocs.jpg' alt='Graphic abstract' onclick="openPopupFig('/v15/p3289/toc.jpg');"> <p> Review<br> <b>Engineered Probiotic-Based Biomaterials for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment</b> <br> Guangze Sang, Bingkai Wang, Yujie Xie, Yu Chen, Feng Yang<br> <i>Theranostics</i> 2025; 15(8): 3289-3315. doi:10.7150/thno.103983 <br> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3289.htm'>Full text</a> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3289.pdf'>PDF</a> </p> <hr class='clear'><img width='350' height='141' class='clickfig' src='/v15/p3275/toc.jpg' alt='Graphic abstract' onclick="openPopupFig('/v15/p3275/toc.jpg');"> <p> Research Paper<br> <b>SPEAR: CRISPR-mediated ultrasensitive, specific and rapid one-pot detection strategy for cancer-related SNPs</b> <br> Linlin Bai, Yanan Pang, Ting Wang, Shengzhou Wang, Kaiming Guo, Tian Xuan, Ziqin Zhang, Dianwei Liu, Feng Qian, Yan Zheng, Gang Jin, Rui Wang<br> <i>Theranostics</i> 2025; 15(8): 3275-3288. doi:10.7150/thno.107488 <br> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3275.htm'>Full text</a> <a class='boxtext' href='/v15p3275.pdf'>PDF</a> </p> <p><a href="/ms/archive">More ...</a></p> </div> <div id="rightcolumn" > <div class='rightbox'> <p class='textcenter' >Founding Editor-in-Chief: <br> <strong>Xiaoyuan (Shawn) Chen</strong>, PhD <br> <a href="editorprofile">EIC profile</a></p> <p class='textcenter' >Congratulations! Professor Chen has been elected as a <a href="">member of the Academia Europaea</a>. </p> <p class='textcenter' ><img height='12' alt='new' src='/ms/images/new.gif' width='28' ><em>Theranostics</em> is seeking a new Editor-in-Chief. <a href="item/eicsearch.html">Read announcement</a></p> <hr class='nice'> <ul class="ilist"> <LI><EM> Theranostics</EM> is indexed by Science Citation Index (SCI) and MEDLINE. (<a href="/indexrank">Full index information</a>) </LI> <LI>Full texts of articles in <A href="">PubMed Central</A> and <A href="">Europe PMC</A>. Abstracts in PubMed.</LI> </ul> <hr class='nice'>Inspired by the remarkable success of CAR-T therapy in hematologic malignancies, research is increasingly focused on adapting this treatment for solid tumors. However, CAR-T efficacy remains limited due to its exhaustion and shortened persistence. Transcription factors and epigenetic modifications play pivotal roles in modulating T cell differentiation and functionality, which have been leveraged in numerous strategies to promote the formation of long-lasting memory cells with stem-like properties and supercharging CAR-T performance. This review highlights pivotal transcriptional factors, such<a href='/v15p3345.htm'>....</a><hr class='nice'>The endocannabinoid system is a critical brain signaling pathway that is dysregulated in various brain disorders, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Cannabinoid-targeted therapies and imaging approaches have gained increasing interest; however, the biological impact of the endocannabinoid system in disease needs further validation. We aimed to study changes in cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), components of endocannabinoid signaling and degradation, in a mouse model of AD by PET imaging. Methods: [18F]FMPEP-d2 and [18F]MAGL-2102 were produced on a commercial radiosynthesis<a href='/v15p3368.htm'>....</a> <hr class='nice'> <p><em><strong>Nanotheranostics</strong></em> is indexed in MEDLINE and PubMed Central <a href="">...</a></p> <p> Research Paper<br> <b>Structural Dynamics of OATP1A2 in Mediating Paclitaxel Transport Mechanism in Breast Cancer</b> <br> Rohit Kumar, Garima Singh, Yusuf Akhter, Gaurav Kaithwas, Ashish Kumar Agrawal, Sanjay Singh<br> <i>Nanotheranostics</i> 2025; 9(1): 52-62. <br> <a class='boxtext abstract' href=''>Full text</a> <a class='boxtext abstract' href=''>PDF</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Popup image --> <div id="popupFig" class="popupFig cursor-zoom-out"> <div id="popupFig-wrap" class="popupFig-wrap"> <img id="popupFigImage" src="" class="clickfig_max" alt="Popup Image" onclick="closePopupFig()"> </div> </div> <!-- ContentIvyspringEnd --> </div> <div id="footer_text"><hr class="nice"> <p>©2025 <a href="" >Ivyspring International Publisher</a>. <a href="/ms/terms">Terms of use</a></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </body></html>