KONE Elevators & Escalators - KONE Distributors
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Browse our innovative solutions for sustainable buildings and a smart future architecture </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-2361-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevators</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Check the new integrated elevators with the latest solutions for built-in connectivity to future-proof your building. Find out more about our lifts at KONE. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-8044-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Elevators > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE MonoSpace® DX</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Experience the KONE MonoSpace DX passenger elevator, which eliminates the need for a machine room entirely, saving you significant space in your building. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-8045-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Elevators > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE MiniSpace™ DX</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn about the KONE MiniSpace DX elevator, which has a remarkably small machine room for mid- and high-rise structures. Check out more online at KONE. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-8046-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Elevators > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE TranSys™ DX</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Find the machine room-free KONE TranSys DX passenger elevator for people flow improvement for demanding environments like public transportation, retail, and medical facilities. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-8158-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Elevators > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevator connectivity</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Increase value with smart building solutions from KONE. Learn about KONE's connected smart elevator solutions and enter a new era of possibilities. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-8043-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Elevators > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevator interior design</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Apply your selections for elevator interior design to personalize your elevator. Build a luxury & modern elevator interior design that promotes KONE connectivity. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-906-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Escalators & autowalks</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Searching for a practical improvement for people flow in your building? Find out more about our industry-leading escalators and autowalks. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-17516-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Escalators & autowalks > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">TravelMaster 110</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Look up KONE Travelmaster 110. For both outdoor escalator use cases and indoor retail situations, KONE TravelMaster 110 is designed. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-17532-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Escalators & autowalks > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">TravelMaster 115</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Have a look at the KONE Travelmaster 115 inclined auto walk. For areas with demanding people flow requirements, KONE Travelmaster 115 offers simple & secure access. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-17549-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Escalators & autowalks > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">TransitMaster 120</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Check out the KONE Travelmaster 120 escalator, which offers a comfortable experience even in the most challenging traffic conditions. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-17561-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Escalators & autowalks > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">TransitMaster 140</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Need a powerful movable staircase? the Travelmaster 140. The KONE autowalk is the perfect solution for challenging workplaces that require effective people flow! </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-17693-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Escalators & autowalks > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">TransitMaster 165</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> The KONE TransitMaster™ 165 is a heavy-duty autowalk primarily targeted towards the infrastructure segment with demanding traffic conditions, such as airports, railways as well as stadiums and other transit centers. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-914-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Automatic building doors</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Explore dependable and energy-efficient automatic doors for a variety of settings and building types. Find out more about automatic door closers online at KONE. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-15594-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Automatic building doors > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Revolving doors</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn more about revolving doors for a variety of commercial buildings and will aid in energy savings and an improved traffic flow. Check rotating doors now. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-15596-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Automatic building doors > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Automatic sliding doors</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn about KONE automatic sliding doors, which are strong, economical to operate, and ideal for a range of structures. Discover electric sliding doors now. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-15597-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Automatic building doors > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Swing door operators</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover more about our completely automated swing door solutions, which are suitable for many different types of buildings. Explore swing door operators at KONE. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-15598-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Automatic building doors > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Hermetic doors</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Explore our hermetic doors. All the advantages of KONE's regular hermetic sliding doors products, tailored to your specific requirements </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-15599-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Automatic building doors > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Gliding doors</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover our gliding door solutions, which are perfect for settings where space efficiency, wheelchair accessibility, and noise reduction are important factors. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-15595-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Automatic building doors > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Turnstiles</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn more about turnstiles at KONE. We provide durable turnstile access control solutions for managing people flow in your building for an innovative future. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-15600-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Automatic building doors > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Sectional overhead doors</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Find out more about our sectional doors. For new construction, we provide sectional overhead doors at KONE. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-15602-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Automatic building doors > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">High speed doors</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Check out our high-speed doors. For many different types of structures, we provide fast rolling doors at KONE. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-17691-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Automatic building doors > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Roller shutter doors</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Explore our electric shutter doors. We provide roller shutter doors for a variety of structures. Find out more at KONE online. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-927-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Advanced People Flow solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Browse our advanced people flow solutions from installation of elevators, and autowalks to access and monitoring solutions for a seamless user experience. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-6246-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Advanced People Flow solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Access solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn more about our access control system for a seamlessly integrated control with your elevator and building doors. Browse through our access solutions online. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-6247-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Advanced People Flow solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Destination solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Crowded Place? Discover our destination solutions that reduce waiting and travel times by taking into account the number of passengers & their destination floors. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-6245-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Advanced People Flow solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Infotainment solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn more about infotainment systems & solutions that completely transform your building's user experience with future technology and solutions. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-6248-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Advanced People Flow solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Monitoring solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Do you need to stay informed about the lifespan of your elevator? Check out monitoring solutions, with the best technology for remote elevator monitoring at KONE. </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/en/new-buildings/" data-info="tcm:90-899-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> New buildings</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="1" href="/en/new-buildings/lift-elevator/" data-info="tcm:90-2361-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Elevators</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="1"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/new-buildings/lift-elevator/kone-monospace-dx/" data-info="tcm:90-8044-4"><span>KONE MonoSpace® 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Get top-notch options for building maintenance & updating existing buildings right away. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-7514-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevator user experience</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE provides smart building applications, software, eye-catching lighting, cutting-edge materials, and more to improve elevator experience for users. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-934-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevator modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE's elevator modernization solutions have an updated lift with great dependability, eco-efficiency, comfort, and appearance. Discover elevator upgrades now. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-947-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Elevator modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Full elevator replacement</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> With KONE full elevator replacement, we install a brand-new elevator with all the benefits of a modern elevator. Check our lift replacement cost now. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-951-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Elevator modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Modular modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> You can experience all the advantages of a modernized elevator with KONE. Discover our most recent technological advancements, modern modular & design innovations. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-952-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Elevator modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Component upgrades</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn about KONE's extensive line of elevator part upgrades and enhance your elevator's performance, safety, and eco-friendliness. Discover elevator components now. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-936-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Escalator & Autowalk modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Explore KONE's escalator modernization options, which raise the energy efficiency, security, and dependability of your escalator. Upgrade your escalator now. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-953-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Escalator & Autowalk modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Full escalator replacement</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Explore KONE's alternatives for full escalators replacement and enjoy lower energy expenditures. Improve your escalator parts in no time with KONE. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-954-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Escalator & Autowalk modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Modular modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn more about our escalator modular modernization solutions at KONE Distributors, where you may replace specific parts or entire systems. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-937-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Door modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> See how door renewal and door modernization can improve door security and door safety. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-956-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Door modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Full door replacement</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn about full door replacement options for your existing gates, industrial doors, and pedestrian doors offered by KONE. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-957-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Door modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Modular modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Check out KONE's modular door upgrade & modernization solutions, which provides all the tools to enhance the functionality of your industrial & pedestrian doors. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-935-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Buildings without an elevator</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> "Discover KONE retrofit elevator installation solutions for building without elevators. Increase the value of your building and simplify access to the top floors. " </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/en/existing-buildings/" data-info="tcm:90-900-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Existing buildings</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="4" href="/en/existing-buildings/elevator-user-experience/" data-info="tcm:90-7514-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Elevator user experience</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="5" href="/en/existing-buildings/elevator-modernization/" data-info="tcm:90-934-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use 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xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Escalator & Autowalk modernization</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="6"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/existing-buildings/escalator-autowalk-modernization/full-escalator-replacement/" data-info="tcm:90-953-4"><span>Full escalator replacement</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/existing-buildings/escalator-autowalk-modernization/modular-modernization/" data-info="tcm:90-954-4"><span>Modular modernization</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="7" href="/en/existing-buildings/door-modernization/" data-info="tcm:90-937-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Door modernization</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="7"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/existing-buildings/door-modernization/full-door-replacement/" data-info="tcm:90-956-4"><span>Full door replacement</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/existing-buildings/door-modernization/modular-modernization/" data-info="tcm:90-957-4"><span>Modular modernization</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="7" href="/en/existing-buildings/buildings-without-an-elevator/" data-info="tcm:90-935-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Buildings without an elevator</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-close"><button class="icon-scroll_up" aria-label="Close submenu"></button></div> </div> </li> <li class="navigation-list-item"> <a role="button" href="/en/tools-downloads/" 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Discover how we can improve the flow of urban life & making people’s journeys safe. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-961-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Stories & references > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Stories</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> What does city life mean for people in the world’s different urban environments? Our stories look for answers. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-962-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Stories & references > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">References</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn more about how people move around the structures that make up the world's cities by reading KONE's stories from across the globe. Check KONE's events now. </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/en/stories-and-references/" data-info="tcm:90-902-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Stories & references</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="7" href="/en/stories-and-references/stories/" data-info="tcm:90-961-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-manual"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Stories</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="7" href="/en/stories-and-references/references/" data-info="tcm:90-962-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-hand-shake"></use> </svg> </span> <span> References</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-close"><button class="icon-scroll_up" aria-label="Close submenu"></button></div> </div> </li> <li class="navigation-list-item"> <a role="button" href="/en/about-us/" class="main-menu-item hasChildren" target="_self" data-info="tcm:90-903-4"><span class="text">About us</span><span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="sub-menu"> <div class="submenu container"> <!-- link information--> <div class="link-info"> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-903-4"> <p class="link-info-block__title"> <a href="/en/about-us/"> About us </a> </p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Find out more about us and how we can improve the flow of urban life & making people’s journeys safe. Embrace urban life and discover about KONE company online. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-9070-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">About us > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Distributors Countries</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE has sales offices, and service centers all around the nation. Check our branches in your location and discover our distributors' countries online </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-965-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">About us > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE as a company</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE Corporate is the global leader in escalator and elevator companies. With KONE elevators, discover cutting-edge upkeep and modernization solutions! </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-975-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">About us > KONE as a company > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Environment</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Explore how KONE's workplace promotes green building transformation of structures and cities into eco-friendly ones. Find out more about sustainable smart cities. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-976-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">About us > KONE as a company > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Safety</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Watch KONE's videos on the elevator and lift safety to ensure everyone has a secure and comfortable journey. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:90-977-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">About us > KONE as a company > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Innovations</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn about the newest innovative technology in escalators and elevators. 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We sell, install, maintain and modernize KONE’s industry-leading elevators, escalators and automatic building doors.</p> </header> </div> </section> <section class="module module-business-highlight bg-image" id="item-19209"> <div class="bg-image"> <picture> <img class="responsive-background bg-image__details" alt="backimg_New buildings highlight" src="/en/Images/newbuildings-highlight-bg-1440x810_tcm90-15185.jpg?v=3" width="375" height="450"> </picture> </div> <div class="container"> <header> <h2>Solutions for new buildings</h2> <p class="intro">KONE provides industry leading eco-efficient elevators, escalators, autowalks, and automatic doors. 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