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A recent report explores that question. In January, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released its 2025 Future of Jobs Report. It includes survey data from more than 1,000 of the world\u2019s largest employers. \u201cThe landscape of work continues to evolve at a rapid pace,\u201d writes WEF managing director Saadia Zahidi. The report shows how work may change between now and 2030. It includes growth areas, such as AI, fintech (finance technology), and cybersecurity. It lists jobs that are on the decline. And it outlines skills that workers increasingly need. Some of the information from the report is shown here. What surprises you? Fastest-Growing Jobs Big-data specialists Fintech engineers AI and machine-learning specialists Software and applications developers Security management specialists Fastest-Declining Jobs Postal service clerks Bank tellers Data entry clerks Cashiers and ticket clerks Administrative assistants and executive secretaries Skills on the Rise AI and big data Networks and cybersecurity Technological literacy Creative thinking Resilience, flexibility, and agility","current_level":"","excerpt":"What jobs will we have in the future? A recent report explores that question. In January, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released its 2025 Future of Jobs Report. 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It includes survey data from more than 1,000 of the world","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"What jobs will we have in the future? A recent report explores that question. In January, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released its 2025 Future of Jobs Report. It includes survey data from more than 1,000 of the world\u2019s largest employers. \u201cThe landscape of work continues to evolve at a rapid pace,\u201d writes WEF managing director Saadia Zahidi. The report shows how work may change between now and 2030. It includes growth areas, such as AI, fintech (finance technology), and cybersecurity. It lists jobs that are on the decline. And it outlines skills that workers increasingly need. Some of the information from the report is shown here. What surprises you? Fastest-Growing Jobs Big-data specialists Fintech engineers AI and machine-learning specialists Software and applications developers Security management specialists Fastest-Declining Jobs Postal service clerks Bank tellers Data entry clerks Cashiers and ticket clerks Administrative assistants and executive secretaries Skills on the Rise AI and big data Networks and cybersecurity Technological literacy Creative thinking Resilience, flexibility, and agility","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/next-gen-jobs-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Next-Gen Jobs","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92677":{"authors":[{"id":38595,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-evelyn-peng\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Connie Chung was the second woman and the first Asian American to be the lead anchor for a major U.S. news program. TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng met the trailblazing journalist during an appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show, and the two later spoke about Chung\u2019s career. How did you get started with journalism? I had a summer internship working for a congressman. He got me interested in writing, because he was a former newspaper man. I wrote press releases and position papers for him. What enthralled me was watching the reporters try to get answers from members of Congress who didn\u2019t always want to give them answers. They would chase them down the marble hallways of the Capitol, trying to get information. Being on Capitol Hill was like sensing the beating pulse of a government. In your career, did you face any discrimination, either as a woman or as an Asian American? I have to say I did, much as I don\u2019t want to say that. When I started, it was apparent that I was different. There were not only very few women, but also there were no Asians. I stuck out like a sore thumb. How did you overcome it? I just decided that I belonged there, that they couldn\u2019t tell me that I didn\u2019t know what I was doing. What qualities should a good journalist have? The desire to tell the truth. A balanced take on every story. Using facts to create solid credibility. A curious mind that wants to find out every last little morsel of information. The ability to write well is critical to any part of journalism. A desire to work hard. Do you have any tips for me? I think the key in interviewing is to decide what your list of questions is, but then you swing with it. Start with the first question and see where it goes. Listen to the person whom you\u2019re interviewing, and then ask a follow-up question. If you feel like you\u2019ve gotten enough of an answer or a satisfying answer, then you go on to the next one. Or it can easily cause you to think of a new question. You\u2019ve had such a storied career. What\u2019s your secret? I never give up. I\u2019ve always found another mountain to climb and another goal to achieve. It has sometimes been debilitating, because I was never satisfied. But one thing I\u2019ve learned along the way is that perfection is not a worthy goal. Nothing is perfect. The interview was edited for length and clarity. The TFK Kid Reporter Contest is Open! Think you have what it takes to be a junior journalist? The TFK Kid Reporter Contest is underway! Apply by June 16 for a chance to report for our magazines and website. TFK editors will choose up to 10 students to be TFK Kid Reporters for the 2025\u20132026 school year. To apply online or by mail, ask a parent, guardian, or teacher for details. Learn more at\/kid-reporter.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Connie Chung was the second woman and the first Asian American to be the lead anchor for a major U.S. news program. TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng met the trailblazing journalist during an appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show, and\u2026","issue_date":1743120000,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/reporters-log-journalist","post_id":92677,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1742294710,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250328_reporters_log_1.jpg?w=1024","title":"Reporter\u2019s Log","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"platform":{"site":"yhj","url":"https:\/\/\/your-hot-job\/articles\/reporters-log-journalist","method":"modal"},"objectID":"92677","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Connie Chung was the second woman and the first Asian American to be the lead anchor for a major U.S. news program. TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng met the trailblazing journalist during an appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Connie Chung was the second woman and the first Asian American to be the lead anchor for a major U.S. news program. TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng met the trailblazing journalist during an appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show, and the two later spoke about Chung\u2019s career. How did you get started with journalism? I had a summer internship working for a congressman. He got me interested in writing, because he was a former newspaper man. I wrote press releases and position papers for him. What enthralled me was watching the reporters try to get answers from members of Congress who didn\u2019t always want to give them answers. They would chase them down the marble hallways of the Capitol, trying to get information. Being on Capitol Hill was like sensing the beating pulse of a government. In your career, did you face any discrimination, either as a woman or as an Asian American? I have to say I did, much as I don\u2019t want to say that. When I started, it was apparent that I was different. There were not only very few women, but also there were no Asians. I stuck out like a sore thumb. How did you overcome it? I just decided that I belonged there, that they couldn\u2019t tell me that I didn\u2019t know what I was doing. What qualities should a good journalist have? The desire to tell the truth. A balanced take on every story. Using facts to create solid credibility. A curious mind that wants to find out every last little morsel of information. The ability to write well is critical to any part of journalism. A desire to work hard. Do you have any tips for me? I think the key in interviewing is to decide what your list of questions is, but then you swing with it. Start with the first question and see where it goes. Listen to the person whom you\u2019re interviewing, and then ask a follow-up question. If you feel like you\u2019ve gotten enough of an answer or a satisfying answer, then you go on to the next one. Or it can easily cause you to think of a new question. You\u2019ve had such a storied career. What\u2019s your secret? I never give up. I\u2019ve always found another mountain to climb and another goal to achieve. It has sometimes been debilitating, because I was never satisfied. But one thing I\u2019ve learned along the way is that perfection is not a worthy goal. Nothing is perfect. The interview was edited for length and clarity. The TFK Kid Reporter Contest is Open! Think you have what it takes to be a junior journalist? The TFK Kid Reporter Contest is underway! Apply by June 16 for a chance to report for our magazines and website. TFK editors will choose up to 10 students to be TFK Kid Reporters for the 2025\u20132026 school year. To apply online or by mail, ask a parent, guardian, or teacher for details. Learn more at\/kid-reporter.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/reporters-log-journalist","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Reporter\u2019s Log","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92618":{"authors":[{"id":38593,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Landaw","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-dylan-landaw\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Astrophysicist × astrophysicist a scientist who studies the behavior and properties of objects in space (noun) and educator Jackie Faherty was drawn to her career by questions most people have had: Why are we here? What is this Earth? \u201cYou open up your mind to everything that\u2019s out there in the universe,\u201d Faherty tells TIME for Kids, \u201cand you start studying stuff that will help bring you closer to getting those kinds of answers.\u201d TALKING TO TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Landaw visits Faherty at the American Museum of Natural History in January.COURTESY JARED LANDAW Growing up, Faherty didn\u2019t think she could pursue a career in astronomy because \u201cThere are a lot of men in astronomy,\u201d she says. \u201cI didn\u2019t know that there were lots of women in the field, too.\u201d Then a movie made from a book by Carl Sagan and featuring a female scientist put Faherty on her career path. Now Faherty works at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), in New York City, where she studies objects in space\u2014specifically, brown dwarfs\u2014and educates the public and aspiring teachers about the field she loves. Building Blocks A brown dwarf is a type of object in space, larger than a planet but smaller than a star, so it doesn\u2019t have enough energy to shine as brightly. When Faherty was getting started in astronomy, she wanted to study objects that were newer to the field\u2014objects that people didn\u2019t already know much about. Her work, which includes more than 180 peer-reviewed × peer-reviewed evaluated by a group of experts in the same field (adjective) articles in astrophysics journals, has helped people understand more about brown dwarfs. PICTURE SPACE This illustration shows a brown dwarf that was found by a citizen scientist.COURTESY P. MARENFELD\u2014NOIRLAB\/NSF\/AURA. CONCEPT BY WILLIAM PENDRILL One of the brown dwarfs Faherty is studying is called the Accident, because its discovery was accidental. \u201cIt\u2019s probably the oldest brown dwarf we\u2019ve ever found,\u201d Faherty says. She believes the Accident came together more than 13 billion years ago, around the same time our universe was forming. Faherty and her team are working to understand what the Accident is made of, and what that means for other space objects. \u201cI can use that information to try to understand the \u2018ingredients\u2019 of planets,\u201d she says. Inspiring the Future Faherty doesn\u2019t just study space. She also shares her knowledge. As an educator at the AMNH\u2019s graduate school, she helps people learn how to teach Earth science. DWARF FAN Faherty points out an image of a white dwarf, one of the space objects she specializes in.DREW WILLIS FOR TIME FOR KIDS Faherty leads educational programs at the museum, too. Visitors can attend her public talks in the famous Hayden Planetarium, where she shares the wonders of space with people of all ages. She\u2019s now creating the planetarium\u2019s next big show. These immersive theater experiences engage the public in exciting new discoveries in astronomy. SPACE TALKS Faherty leads a lesson for graduate students at the Hayden Planetarium in February.DREW WILLIS FOR TIME FOR KIDS Through her research and teaching, Faherty is expanding our knowledge about space and inspiring the next generation of scientists. She advises future astrophysicists to vary their interests. \u201cYou should work hard\u2014definitely work hard\u2014but you should always have hobbies. You should never just do one thing. Do a lot of things. Spread your brain. It makes you a better person.\u201d Backyard Astronomy ILLUSTRATION BY SCOTT WIESSINGER\u2014NASA\u2019S GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER Jackie Faherty runs a citizen science project called Backyard Worlds: Planet 9. It\u2019s the type of project in which the public gets involved in scientific research. Faherty\u2019s project invites people from around the world to help find new brown dwarfs and low-mass stars. Some astronomers believe there may be an undiscovered ninth planet in our solar system. Identifying new celestial objects can bring them closer to finding it.","current_level":"en-1070","excerpt":"Astrophysicist and educator Jackie Faherty was drawn to her career by questions most people have had: Why are we here? What is this Earth? \u201cYou open up your mind to everything that\u2019s out there in the universe,\u201d Faherty tells TIME\u2026","issue_date":1743120000,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/whats-out-there-astrophysicist","post_id":92618,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1742288579,"reading_levels":{"en-720":"Reading Level 720L","en-900":"Reading Level 900L","en-1070":"Reading Level 1070L"},"section":{"id":1204,"name":"Science","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/science\/","slug":"science"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250328_cover_hero_1.jpg?w=1024","title":"What\u2019s Out There?","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"platform":{"site":"yhj","url":"https:\/\/\/your-hot-job\/articles\/whats-out-there-astrophysicist","method":"modal"},"objectID":"92618","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Astrophysicist × astrophysicist a scientist who studies the behavior and properties of objects in space (noun) and educator Jackie Faherty was drawn to her career by questions most people have had: Why are we here? What is this Earth? \u201cYou open","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Astrophysicist × astrophysicist a scientist who studies the behavior and properties of objects in space (noun) and educator Jackie Faherty was drawn to her career by questions most people have had: Why are we here? What is this Earth? \u201cYou open up your mind to everything that\u2019s out there in the universe,\u201d Faherty tells TIME for Kids, \u201cand you start studying stuff that will help bring you closer to getting those kinds of answers.\u201d TALKING TO TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Landaw visits Faherty at the American Museum of Natural History in January.COURTESY JARED LANDAW Growing up, Faherty didn\u2019t think she could pursue a career in astronomy because \u201cThere are a lot of men in astronomy,\u201d she says. \u201cI didn\u2019t know that there were lots of women in the field, too.\u201d Then a movie made from a book by Carl Sagan and featuring a female scientist put Faherty on her career path. Now Faherty works at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), in New York City, where she studies objects in space\u2014specifically, brown dwarfs\u2014and educates the public and aspiring teachers about the field she loves. Building Blocks A brown dwarf is a type of object in space, larger than a planet but smaller than a star, so it doesn\u2019t have enough energy to shine as brightly. When Faherty was getting started in astronomy, she wanted to study objects that were newer to the field\u2014objects that people didn\u2019t already know much about. Her work, which includes more than 180 peer-reviewed × peer-reviewed evaluated by a group of experts in the same field (adjective) articles in astrophysics journals, has helped people understand more about brown dwarfs. PICTURE SPACE This illustration shows a brown dwarf that was found by a citizen scientist.COURTESY P. MARENFELD\u2014NOIRLAB\/NSF\/AURA. CONCEPT BY WILLIAM PENDRILL One of the brown dwarfs Faherty is studying is called the Accident, because its discovery was accidental. \u201cIt\u2019s probably the oldest brown dwarf we\u2019ve ever found,\u201d Faherty says. She believes the Accident came together more than 13 billion years ago, around the same time our universe was forming. Faherty and her team are working to understand what the Accident is made of, and what that means for other space objects. \u201cI can use that information to try to understand the \u2018ingredients\u2019 of planets,\u201d she says. Inspiring the Future Faherty doesn\u2019t just study space. She also shares her knowledge. As an educator at the AMNH\u2019s graduate school, she helps people learn how to teach Earth science. DWARF FAN Faherty points out an image of a white dwarf, one of the space objects she specializes in.DREW WILLIS FOR TIME FOR KIDS Faherty leads educational programs at the museum, too. Visitors can attend her public talks in the famous Hayden Planetarium, where she shares the wonders of space with people of all ages. She\u2019s now creating the planetarium\u2019s next big show. These immersive theater experiences engage the public in exciting new discoveries in astronomy. SPACE TALKS Faherty leads a lesson for graduate students at the Hayden Planetarium in February.DREW WILLIS FOR TIME FOR KIDS Through her research and teaching, Faherty is expanding our knowledge about space and inspiring the next generation of scientists. She advises future astrophysicists to vary their interests. \u201cYou should work hard\u2014definitely work hard\u2014but you should always have hobbies. You should never just do one thing. Do a lot of things. Spread your brain. It makes you a better person.\u201d Backyard Astronomy ILLUSTRATION BY SCOTT WIESSINGER\u2014NASA\u2019S GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER Jackie Faherty runs a citizen science project called Backyard Worlds: Planet 9. It\u2019s the type of project in which the public gets involved in scientific research. Faherty\u2019s project invites people from around the world to help find new brown dwarfs and low-mass stars. Some astronomers believe there may be an undiscovered ninth planet in our solar system. Identifying new celestial objects can bring them closer to finding it.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/whats-out-there-astrophysicist","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"What\u2019s Out There?","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92596":{"authors":[{"id":38589,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-meyer-ballas\/"}],"byline":"","content":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas speaks with Carrie Giordano, a California-based sports photographer. Carrie Giordano works fast. She\u2019s a photographer for two professional sports teams in California: baseball\u2019s Los Angeles Dodgers and football\u2019s Los Angeles Rams. This means she\u2019s constantly racing to follow the action. TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas, who lives in Los Angeles, interviewed Giordano about her job. Read their conversation and check out some of Giordano\u2019s photographs on these pages.","current_level":"","excerpt":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas speaks with Carrie Giordano, a California-based sports photographer. \r Carrie Giordano works fast. She\u2019s a photographer for two professional sports teams in California: baseball\u2019s Los Angeles Dodgers and football\u2019s Los Angeles Rams. This means she\u2019s\u2026","issue_date":1743120000,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-carrie-giordano-sports-photographer","post_id":92596,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1742288376,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1207,"name":"Arts","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/arts-and-culture\/","slug":"arts-and-culture"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/Photographer1.jpg?w=1024","title":"Getting the Shot","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"platform":{"site":"yhj","url":"https:\/\/\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-carrie-giordano-sports-photographer","method":"modal"},"objectID":"92596","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas speaks with Carrie Giordano, a California-based sports photographer. Carrie Giordano works fast. She\u2019s a photographer for two professional sports teams in California: baseball\u2019s Los Angeles Dodgers and football\u2019s Los Angeles Rams","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas speaks with Carrie Giordano, a California-based sports photographer. Carrie Giordano works fast. She\u2019s a photographer for two professional sports teams in California: baseball\u2019s Los Angeles Dodgers and football\u2019s Los Angeles Rams. This means she\u2019s constantly racing to follow the action. TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas, who lives in Los Angeles, interviewed Giordano about her job. Read their conversation and check out some of Giordano\u2019s photographs on these pages.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-carrie-giordano-sports-photographer","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Getting the Shot","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92476":{"authors":[],"byline":"Nathalie Alonso","content":"Andrea Carter was about 10 years old when she realized she wanted to spend her life cultivating food. While there weren't many farms near Bethesda, Maryland, where she grew up, her family traveled each summer to rural Vermont, where Carter spent many hours getting her hands dirty in a neighbor\u2019s fields. \u201cThere wasn\u2019t much to do except to weed tomatoes and pull kale,\u201d she told Your Hot Job. \u201cLooking back, it was a gift to be exposed to the outdoors, to farming, to where food comes from.\u201d","current_level":"","excerpt":"Andrea Carter was about 10 years old when she realized she wanted to spend her life cultivating food. While there weren't many farms near Bethesda, Maryland, where she grew up, her family traveled each summer to rural Vermont, where Carter\u2026","issue_date":1742288210,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/growing-awareness-crop-scientist","post_id":92476,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1742288210,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1204,"name":"Science","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/science\/","slug":"science"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G3G5_250327_YHJ_growing_awareness.jpg?w=1024","title":"Growing Strong","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"platform":{"site":"yhj","url":"https:\/\/\/your-hot-job\/articles\/growing-awareness-crop-scientist","method":"modal"},"objectID":"92476","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Andrea Carter was about 10 years old when she realized she wanted to spend her life cultivating food. While there weren't many farms near Bethesda, Maryland, where she grew up, her family traveled each summer to rural Vermont, where","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Andrea Carter was about 10 years old when she realized she wanted to spend her life cultivating food. While there weren't many farms near Bethesda, Maryland, where she grew up, her family traveled each summer to rural Vermont, where Carter spent many hours getting her hands dirty in a neighbor\u2019s fields. \u201cThere wasn\u2019t much to do except to weed tomatoes and pull kale,\u201d she told Your Hot Job. \u201cLooking back, it was a gift to be exposed to the outdoors, to farming, to where food comes from.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/growing-awareness-crop-scientist","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Growing Strong","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92634":{"authors":[{"id":38591,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Vivian Goldhirsh","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-vivian-goldhirsh\/"}],"byline":"","content":"TFK Kid Reporter Vivian Goldhirsh read Almost Sunset and interviewed its author, Wahab Algarmi. Read Vivian\u2019s thoughts below. Almost Sunset is a new graphic novel about a young boy named Hassan who is observing Ramadan. Every year, nearly 2 billion people celebrate Ramadan, a holy month for people who follow the Muslim faith. Ramadan is a month of fasting, which means observers don\u2019t eat or drink from dawn until sunset. Hassan hasn\u2019t told any of his peers about his fasting. He has to balance the different aspects of his life during Ramadan, such as playing sports, keeping up his grades, and spending time with friends and family. Wahab Algarmi, the author of Almost Sunset, told TFK that he wanted his parents\u2019 Yemeni roots to be part of the story. So he included a chapter in which Hassan travels to Yemen, a country in the Middle East. \u201cI really wanted to put the Yemeni culture in a book, because this is for my community,\u201d he said. He explained that Hassan is loosely based on his son and himself, and added that the writing came easily, because he used his daily routine to write Hassan\u2019s routine. Algarmi was excited to share Ramadan\u2019s focus on reflection. \u201cFor a month, you really have to reset and reorganize your life around [Ramadan]: calm down and relax,\u201d he told TFK. \u201cI want to teach people that sometimes, you need that spiritual reset, whether you\u2019re religious or not.\u201d Almost Sunset is a story of a young boy who is finding balance as he practices his family\u2019s traditions. It has funny moments, and serious ones, too. I enjoyed learning about Ramadan and the characters\u2019 love of the holiday.","current_level":"","excerpt":"TFK Kid Reporter Vivian Goldhirsh read Almost Sunset and interviewed its author, Wahab Algarmi. Read Vivian\u2019s thoughts below. Almost Sunset is a new graphic novel about a young boy named Hassan who is observing Ramadan. Every year, nearly 2 billion\u2026","issue_date":1741860924,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/dawn-to-dusk\/","post_id":92634,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741860924,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1208,"name":"Time Off","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/newsmakers\/","slug":"newsmakers"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250313_dawn_to_dusk.jpg?w=1024","title":"Dawn to Dusk","topic":{"id":890,"name":"Books","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/books\/","slug":"books"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"92634","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Vivian Goldhirsh read Almost Sunset and interviewed its author, Wahab Algarmi. Read Vivian\u2019s thoughts below. Almost Sunset is a new graphic novel about a young boy named Hassan who is observing Ramadan. Every year, nearly 2","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Vivian Goldhirsh read Almost Sunset and interviewed its author, Wahab Algarmi. Read Vivian\u2019s thoughts below. Almost Sunset is a new graphic novel about a young boy named Hassan who is observing Ramadan. Every year, nearly 2 billion people celebrate Ramadan, a holy month for people who follow the Muslim faith. Ramadan is a month of fasting, which means observers don\u2019t eat or drink from dawn until sunset. Hassan hasn\u2019t told any of his peers about his fasting. He has to balance the different aspects of his life during Ramadan, such as playing sports, keeping up his grades, and spending time with friends and family. Wahab Algarmi, the author of Almost Sunset, told TFK that he wanted his parents\u2019 Yemeni roots to be part of the story. So he included a chapter in which Hassan travels to Yemen, a country in the Middle East. \u201cI really wanted to put the Yemeni culture in a book, because this is for my community,\u201d he said. He explained that Hassan is loosely based on his son and himself, and added that the writing came easily, because he used his daily routine to write Hassan\u2019s routine. Algarmi was excited to share Ramadan\u2019s focus on reflection. \u201cFor a month, you really have to reset and reorganize your life around [Ramadan]: calm down and relax,\u201d he told TFK. \u201cI want to teach people that sometimes, you need that spiritual reset, whether you\u2019re religious or not.\u201d Almost Sunset is a story of a young boy who is finding balance as he practices his family\u2019s traditions. It has funny moments, and serious ones, too. I enjoyed learning about Ramadan and the characters\u2019 love of the holiday.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/dawn-to-dusk\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Dawn to Dusk","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92468":{"authors":[],"byline":"John Perritano","content":"Iowa is the largest producer of corn in the United States. Moreover, the state has more than 86,000 farms and about 30 million acres of farmland. It\u2019s second only to California in total agricultural production. That\u2019s no small feat. In Iowa, farmers take great pride in producing food that feeds the nation. That\u2019s why Beth Romer, who works at the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, goes to the office each day. Romer is in charge of Choose Iowa, a program that helps the state\u2019s farmers and retailers promote and expand their business.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Iowa is the largest producer of corn in the United States. Moreover, the state has more than 86,000 farms and about 30 million acres of farmland. It\u2019s second only to California in total agricultural production. That\u2019s no small feat. In\u2026","issue_date":1741856408,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-beth-romer-agricultural-marketer","post_id":92468,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741856408,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":4272,"name":"Business","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/business\/","slug":"business"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G3G5_250313_YHJ_RetailManager_2.jpg?w=1024","title":"Pride on the Farm","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"platform":{"site":"yhj","url":"https:\/\/\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-beth-romer-agricultural-marketer","method":"modal"},"objectID":"92468","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Iowa is the largest producer of corn in the United States. Moreover, the state has more than 86,000 farms and about 30 million acres of farmland. It\u2019s second only to California in total agricultural production. That\u2019s no","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Iowa is the largest producer of corn in the United States. Moreover, the state has more than 86,000 farms and about 30 million acres of farmland. It\u2019s second only to California in total agricultural production. That\u2019s no small feat. In Iowa, farmers take great pride in producing food that feeds the nation. That\u2019s why Beth Romer, who works at the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, goes to the office each day. Romer is in charge of Choose Iowa, a program that helps the state\u2019s farmers and retailers promote and expand their business.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-beth-romer-agricultural-marketer","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Pride on the Farm","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92323":{"authors":[{"id":38592,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-safiyyah-hussain\/"}],"byline":"","content":"When Geetha moves to the United States with her mom, she leaves her family behind in India, along with everything she has ever known. The change isn\u2019t easy. At school, people make fun of her and her accent. To cope, Geetha plays her flute and visits the beach. She meets Miguel, and they help rescue a stranded harp seal pup. Visiting the pup makes Geetha happy, and she and Miguel start a program to clean up the beach. In Safe Harbor, author and former oceanographer Padma Venkatraman encourages readers to find ways to help the environment. \u201cNever think what you are doing is too small,\u201d Venkatraman tells TFK. \u201cWe need to think big as well as small. Learn to speak up and stand up for what we need.\u201d Safe Harbor is an animal rescue story, but it also explores topics like the immigrant experience, divorce, and dealing with change. Venkatraman also wants young readers to feel empowered to clean up the environment and ask for help doing it. \u201cAll of us can do something,\u201d she says.","current_level":"","excerpt":"When Geetha moves to the United States with her mom, she leaves her family behind in India, along with everything she has ever known. The change isn\u2019t easy. At school, people make fun of her and her accent. To cope,\u2026","issue_date":1741770033,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/no-action-too-small\/","post_id":92323,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741770033,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1208,"name":"Time Off","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/newsmakers\/","slug":"newsmakers"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G3G5_250312_Safe_Harbor.jpg?w=1024","title":"No Action Too Small","topic":{"id":890,"name":"Books","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/books\/","slug":"books"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"92323","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"When Geetha moves to the United States with her mom, she leaves her family behind in India, along with everything she has ever known. The change isn\u2019t easy. At school, people make fun of her and her accent. To","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"When Geetha moves to the United States with her mom, she leaves her family behind in India, along with everything she has ever known. The change isn\u2019t easy. At school, people make fun of her and her accent. To cope, Geetha plays her flute and visits the beach. She meets Miguel, and they help rescue a stranded harp seal pup. Visiting the pup makes Geetha happy, and she and Miguel start a program to clean up the beach. In Safe Harbor, author and former oceanographer Padma Venkatraman encourages readers to find ways to help the environment. \u201cNever think what you are doing is too small,\u201d Venkatraman tells TFK. \u201cWe need to think big as well as small. Learn to speak up and stand up for what we need.\u201d Safe Harbor is an animal rescue story, but it also explores topics like the immigrant experience, divorce, and dealing with change. Venkatraman also wants young readers to feel empowered to clean up the environment and ask for help doing it. \u201cAll of us can do something,\u201d she says.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/no-action-too-small\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"No Action Too Small","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92464":{"authors":[],"byline":"Sara Johnson","content":"Water is one of our most important resources. Many people don\u2019t think about where water comes from, how it gets to us, or where it goes after we use it. But water resource engineers do. It\u2019s their job. They make sure systems and structures are in place to get water to people, animals, and crops in a way that\u2019s efficient and sustainable.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Water is one of our most important resources. Many people don\u2019t think about where water comes from, how it gets to us, or where it goes after we use it. But water resource engineers do. It\u2019s their job. They make\u2026","issue_date":1741683653,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/a-day-at-work-water-resource-engineer","post_id":92464,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741683653,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":2987,"name":"Environment","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/environment\/","slug":"environment"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/YHJ_WaterEngineer_3.jpg?w=1024","title":"Water at Work","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"platform":{"site":"yhj","url":"https:\/\/\/your-hot-job\/articles\/a-day-at-work-water-resource-engineer","method":"modal"},"objectID":"92464","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Water is one of our most important resources. Many people don\u2019t think about where water comes from, how it gets to us, or where it goes after we use it. But water resource engineers do. It\u2019s their job","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Water is one of our most important resources. Many people don\u2019t think about where water comes from, how it gets to us, or where it goes after we use it. But water resource engineers do. It\u2019s their job. They make sure systems and structures are in place to get water to people, animals, and crops in a way that\u2019s efficient and sustainable.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/a-day-at-work-water-resource-engineer","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Water at Work","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92592":{"authors":[{"id":38589,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-meyer-ballas\/"}],"byline":"","content":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas read Will\u2019s Race for Home and interviewed its author, Jewell Parker Rhodes. Read Meyer\u2019s thoughts below. In Will\u2019s Race for Home, Jewell Parker Rhodes tells a captivating, action-packed story about the Oklahoma Land Rush. The book takes place in 1889. It presents a historically accurate version of the American West, focusing on a Black family. Rhodes told TFK she wanted to highlight that the West was actually a \u201cmulti-ethnic landscape,\u201d though books and movies often focus on white settlers. The story focuses on Will, who\u2019s 12. Prior to the Emancipation Proclamation, in 1863, his parents were enslaved. Will, his parents, and his grandfather live and work on someone else\u2019s land. But then they hear about a land rush. This was when people were allowed to claim their own land in the American West. But to claim it, Will and his father, George, must be the first people to arrive on the land. They have five months to get there. They have a long journey across Texas and Oklahoma. Will is a likable character who demonstrates \u201cfortitude and bravery to accomplish what he needs for himself and his family,\u201d Rhodes told TFK. Rhodes is a writer who really cares about her young readers\u2014and young characters like Will. \u201cI want to give [young people] nothing but my best, because that\u2019s what they deserve,\u201d she said. Rhodes also told TFK she \u201cfirmly believes that young people are so loving and so interested in fairness and equity.\u201d That\u2019s partly why she decided to write this book for them. In Will\u2019s Race for Home, kids can learn about the difficult things that people of color had to go through during the time of the Emancipation Proclamation. You\u2019ll learn a lot by reading this book\u2014but you\u2019ll also enjoy a great read, full of adventure and dramatic twists and turns.","current_level":"","excerpt":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas read Will\u2019s Race for Home and interviewed its author, Jewell Parker Rhodes. Read Meyer\u2019s thoughts below. In Will\u2019s Race for Home, Jewell Parker Rhodes tells a captivating, action-packed story about the Oklahoma Land Rush. The\u2026","issue_date":1741605866,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/a-thrilling-ride\/","post_id":92592,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741605866,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1208,"name":"Time Off","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/newsmakers\/","slug":"newsmakers"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250310_A_Thrilling_Ride.jpg?w=1024","title":"A Thrilling Ride","topic":{"id":890,"name":"Books","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/books\/","slug":"books"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"92592","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas read Will\u2019s Race for Home and interviewed its author, Jewell Parker Rhodes. Read Meyer\u2019s thoughts below. In Will\u2019s Race for Home, Jewell Parker Rhodes tells a captivating, action-packed story about the","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas read Will\u2019s Race for Home and interviewed its author, Jewell Parker Rhodes. Read Meyer\u2019s thoughts below. In Will\u2019s Race for Home, Jewell Parker Rhodes tells a captivating, action-packed story about the Oklahoma Land Rush. The book takes place in 1889. It presents a historically accurate version of the American West, focusing on a Black family. Rhodes told TFK she wanted to highlight that the West was actually a \u201cmulti-ethnic landscape,\u201d though books and movies often focus on white settlers. The story focuses on Will, who\u2019s 12. Prior to the Emancipation Proclamation, in 1863, his parents were enslaved. Will, his parents, and his grandfather live and work on someone else\u2019s land. But then they hear about a land rush. This was when people were allowed to claim their own land in the American West. But to claim it, Will and his father, George, must be the first people to arrive on the land. They have five months to get there. They have a long journey across Texas and Oklahoma. Will is a likable character who demonstrates \u201cfortitude and bravery to accomplish what he needs for himself and his family,\u201d Rhodes told TFK. Rhodes is a writer who really cares about her young readers\u2014and young characters like Will. \u201cI want to give [young people] nothing but my best, because that\u2019s what they deserve,\u201d she said. Rhodes also told TFK she \u201cfirmly believes that young people are so loving and so interested in fairness and equity.\u201d That\u2019s partly why she decided to write this book for them. In Will\u2019s Race for Home, kids can learn about the difficult things that people of color had to go through during the time of the Emancipation Proclamation. You\u2019ll learn a lot by reading this book\u2014but you\u2019ll also enjoy a great read, full of adventure and dramatic twists and turns.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/a-thrilling-ride\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"A Thrilling Ride","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92539":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"On March 4, in Washington, D.C., President Donald Trump gave a speech to Congress. Members of both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives gathered for the event. It was the president\u2019s first joint address since his second term began on January 20. In the speech, Trump went over the actions his administration has taken during the first six weeks of his term. He noted imposing tariffs, or taxes, on goods imported from Canada, China, and Mexico. (For more, see \u201cTFK Explains: Tariffs\u201d.) Trump said these tariffs will \u201cprotect our businesses.\u201d He shared plans to impose tariffs on goods from other trading partners, including India and South Korea. Trump also spoke about actions he has taken on other issues, such as border security, foreign relations, and inflation. \u201cAnd we are just getting started,\u201d he said. He told the American people to \u201cget ready for an incredible future.\u201d The Democratic Party made the traditional rebuttal, or response, to the president\u2019s address. Senator Elissa Slotkin, from Michigan, delivered the speech. She argued that Trump\u2019s economic plans, such as tariffs, will not \u201cactually help Americans get ahead.\u201d Stop and Think! WHY did the author include quotes in this article? How do quotes help readers understand a news story?","current_level":"en-840","excerpt":"On March 4, in Washington, D.C., President Donald Trump gave a speech to Congress. Members of both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives gathered for the event. It was the president\u2019s first joint address since his second\u2026","issue_date":1741910400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/addressing-congress-g5\/","post_id":92539,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741273227,"reading_levels":{"en-570":"Reading Level 570L","en-840":"Reading Level 840L"},"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250314_addressing_congress.jpg?w=1024","title":"Addressing Congress","topic":{"id":869,"name":"Government","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/government\/","slug":"government"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"92539","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"On March 4, in Washington, D.C., President Donald Trump gave a speech to Congress. Members of both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives gathered for the event. It was the president\u2019s first joint","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"On March 4, in Washington, D.C., President Donald Trump gave a speech to Congress. Members of both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives gathered for the event. It was the president\u2019s first joint address since his second term began on January 20. In the speech, Trump went over the actions his administration has taken during the first six weeks of his term. He noted imposing tariffs, or taxes, on goods imported from Canada, China, and Mexico. (For more, see \u201cTFK Explains: Tariffs\u201d.) Trump said these tariffs will \u201cprotect our businesses.\u201d He shared plans to impose tariffs on goods from other trading partners, including India and South Korea. Trump also spoke about actions he has taken on other issues, such as border security, foreign relations, and inflation. \u201cAnd we are just getting started,\u201d he said. He told the American people to \u201cget ready for an incredible future.\u201d The Democratic Party made the traditional rebuttal, or response, to the president\u2019s address. Senator Elissa Slotkin, from Michigan, delivered the speech. She argued that Trump\u2019s economic plans, such as tariffs, will not \u201cactually help Americans get ahead.\u201d Stop and Think! WHY did the author include quotes in this article? How do quotes help readers understand a news story?","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/addressing-congress-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Addressing Congress","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92549":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"On March 9, most people in the U.S. saw their clocks jump an hour into the future. This was the start of daylight saving time (DST). DST involves setting clocks forward by one hour in the spring. Clocks are turned back an hour in the fall. This began in the U.S. during World War I as a way to save energy, giving people more daylight during the warm months. DST became federal law in 1966, though the law allows states to opt out. Hawaii doesn\u2019t participate. Neither do residents in much of Arizona. Some people want to end DST, arguing that it disrupts sleep patterns. President Donald Trump has expressed support for ending the practice. On social media in December, he called DST \u201cinconvenient, and very costly.\u201d At press time, there\u2019s no official plan in place to end DST.","current_level":"","excerpt":"On March 9, most people in the U.S. saw their clocks jump an hour into the future. This was the start of daylight saving time (DST). DST involves setting clocks forward by one hour in the spring. Clocks are turned\u2026","issue_date":1741910400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/time-to-spring-ahead-g5\/","post_id":92549,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741272987,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250314_spring_ahead.jpg?w=1024","title":"Time to Spring Ahead","topic":{"id":2972,"name":"Culture","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/culture\/","slug":"culture"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"92549","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"On March 9, most people in the U.S. saw their clocks jump an hour into the future. This was the start of daylight saving time (DST). DST involves setting clocks forward by one hour in the spring. Clocks are","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"On March 9, most people in the U.S. saw their clocks jump an hour into the future. This was the start of daylight saving time (DST). DST involves setting clocks forward by one hour in the spring. Clocks are turned back an hour in the fall. This began in the U.S. during World War I as a way to save energy, giving people more daylight during the warm months. DST became federal law in 1966, though the law allows states to opt out. Hawaii doesn\u2019t participate. Neither do residents in much of Arizona. Some people want to end DST, arguing that it disrupts sleep patterns. President Donald Trump has expressed support for ending the practice. On social media in December, he called DST \u201cinconvenient, and very costly.\u201d At press time, there\u2019s no official plan in place to end DST.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/time-to-spring-ahead-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Time to Spring Ahead","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92543":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"People stroll under flowering cherry trees in Kawazu, Japan, on March 2. These cherry trees are unusual: They often flower in February, two months before cherry trees in other parts of Japan.","current_level":"","excerpt":"People stroll under flowering cherry trees in Kawazu, Japan, on March 2. These cherry trees are unusual: They often flower in February, two months before cherry\u2026","issue_date":1741910400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/early-bloom\/","post_id":92543,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741272868,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":78,"name":"World","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/world\/","slug":"world"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250314_early_bloom.jpg?w=1024","title":"Early Bloom","topic":{"id":41844,"name":"Nature","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/nature\/","slug":"nature"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"92543","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"People stroll under flowering cherry trees in Kawazu, Japan, on March 2. These cherry trees are unusual: They often flower in February, two months before cherry trees in other parts of Japan.","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"People stroll under flowering cherry trees in Kawazu, Japan, on March 2. These cherry trees are unusual: They often flower in February, two months before cherry trees in other parts of Japan.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/early-bloom\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Early Bloom","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92545":{"authors":[{"id":5620,"name":"Allison Singer","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/allison-singer\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Firefly Aerospace has become the first private business to conduct a successful moon landing. On March 2, its uncrewed Blue Ghost lander (above) touched down on lunar soil. The lander launched from Florida in January. It carried tools, including a drill and a vacuum, for 10 NASA experiments. \u201cYou all stuck the landing,\u201d Will Coogan, chief engineer, announced to his team as the craft arrived safely. \u201cWe\u2019re on the moon.\u201d","current_level":"","excerpt":"Firefly Aerospace has become the first private business to conduct a successful moon landing. On March 2, its uncrewed Blue Ghost lander (above) touched down on lunar soil. \r The lander launched from Florida in January. It carried tools, including\u2026","issue_date":1741910400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/moon-milestone\/","post_id":92545,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741272658,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1205,"name":"Technology","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/technology\/","slug":"technology"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250314_moon_milestone.jpg?w=1024","title":"Moon Milestone","topic":{"id":875,"name":"Space","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/space\/","slug":"space"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"92545","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Firefly Aerospace has become the first private business to conduct a successful moon landing. On March 2, its uncrewed Blue Ghost lander (above) touched down on lunar soil. The lander launched from Florida in January. It carried tools, including a","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Firefly Aerospace has become the first private business to conduct a successful moon landing. On March 2, its uncrewed Blue Ghost lander (above) touched down on lunar soil. The lander launched from Florida in January. It carried tools, including a drill and a vacuum, for 10 NASA experiments. \u201cYou all stuck the landing,\u201d Will Coogan, chief engineer, announced to his team as the craft arrived safely. \u201cWe\u2019re on the moon.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/moon-milestone\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Moon Milestone","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92484":{"authors":[{"id":1874,"name":"Jaime Joyce","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/jaime-joyce\/"}],"byline":"","content":"To seafood lovers, oysters can be a delicious treat. Others value oysters as a source of precious pearls. But to Demi Johnson, of Gulfport, Mississippi, oysters are environmental superstars. \u201cThey\u2019re really important,\u201d the 15-year-old told TIME for Kids. A single oyster, for example, can filter up to 50 gallons of seawater a day, removing algae and harmful organisms. Big groups of oysters form reefs, which provide habitat for hundreds of other sea creatures. Plus, reefs protect against erosion. Demi learned all of this through oyster gardening. That\u2019s the process of raising oysters in cages for conservation purposes. When she started oyster gardening, in 2022, \u201cI knew absolutely nothing,\u201d Demi says. Today, she\u2019s something of an expert. This school year, Demi earned a master oyster gardener certificate after completing a free course run by the Mississippi Oyster Gardening Program (MOGP). Now she\u2019s spreading the word. \u201cI want others to get into this,\u201d Demi says. \u201cYou don\u2019t have to do a lot\u201d to take care of your oyster garden, \u201cbut the impact it has for the environment, it\u2019s great.\u201d BIG SKILLS Demi shows off her master oyster gardener certificate after training with the Mississippi Oyster Gardening Program.COURTESY SHANTE RICHARDSON Dock of the Bay Oysters used to be plentiful in Mississippi\u2019s coastal waters. But their numbers have seen a big drop because of human-made and natural disasters, such as oil spills and hurricanes. That\u2019s according to the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources. Oyster gardening is a way to help restore the oyster population. \u201cAnyone can get involved,\u201d MOGP research assistant Emily McCay says. All that\u2019s needed is access to a dock or pier. Demi started oyster gardening as a seventh-grade Girl Scouts project. When a hurricane damaged her troop leader\u2019s dock, McCay helped Demi find a new location. CAGE OF WONDERS One of Demi\u2019s nine cages is pulled from the bay, full of helpful oysters.COURTESY SHANTE RICHARDSON During oyster gardening season, Demi and her mom go to Schooner Pier, on Biloxi Bay. Demi has nine cages. \u201cOnce a week I go out there,\u201d she says. She pulls the cages from the water, one by one. She shakes each cage to remove algae and caked-on mud, then checks for predators, such as snails and crabs. Sometimes, she takes her oysters out for inspection. \u201cI just kind of wash them off and just see how they\u2019re doing,\u201d she says. OYSTER INSPECTION Demi checks on her oysters at Schooner Pier, on Mississippi\u2019s Biloxi Channel.COURTESY SHANTE RICHARDSON This spring, oysters grown by Demi and other local gardeners will be big enough to harvest. Demi will go with McCay to pick them up. Harvested oysters are then \u201cplanted\u201d on existing reefs in the Mississippi Sound. NEXT GENERATION Baby oysters, called \u201cspat,\u201d grow in an old oyster shell. With care, they\u2019ll become a large cluster.COURTESY MOGP \u201cDemi has gone above and beyond\u201d as a volunteer, McCay says. \u201cShe\u2019s actively helping out with so many different aspects of this program.\u201d Giving Back Demi has raised more than 1,500 oysters, and has encouraged others to get involved. \u201cShe\u2019s a great ambassador for the program,\u201d MOGP leader P.J. Waters says. GROWING UP A heavy cluster of young oysters is ready to provide a home for other sea life.COURTESY MOGP She\u2019s a great supporter, too. Last year, after winning a National Geographic award for her efforts to restore her state\u2019s oyster population, Demi donated the $1,000 cash prize to the MOGP. \u201cWe were able to invest that into gear and oysters to grow the program,\u201d Waters says. Demi is happy to help. \u201cIt\u2019s great to be able to do something\u201d that benefits the environment, she says. \u201cIt\u2019s a really good feeling.\u201d Inspired? Let Demi\u2019s story inspire you to do your part for the environment. Click below for ideas about how you can help protect the planet.","current_level":"en-860","excerpt":"To seafood lovers, oysters can be a delicious treat. Others value oysters as a source of precious pearls. But to Demi Johnson, of Gulfport, Mississippi, oysters are environmental superstars. \u201cThey\u2019re really important,\u201d the 15-year-old told TIME for Kids. A single\u2026","issue_date":1741910400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/service-stars-oyster-duty-g5\/","post_id":92484,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741251993,"reading_levels":{"en-720":"Reading Level 720L","en-860":"Reading Level 860L","en-990":"Reading Level 990L"},"section":{"id":2988,"name":"Community","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/community\/","slug":"community"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250314_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Oyster Duty","topic":{"id":33096,"name":"Service Stars","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/service-stars\/","slug":"service-stars"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"platform":{"site":"ss","url":"","method":"style"},"objectID":"92484","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"To seafood lovers, oysters can be a delicious treat. Others value oysters as a source of precious pearls. But to Demi Johnson, of Gulfport, Mississippi, oysters are environmental superstars. \u201cThey\u2019re really important,\u201d the 15-year-old told TIME for","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"To seafood lovers, oysters can be a delicious treat. Others value oysters as a source of precious pearls. But to Demi Johnson, of Gulfport, Mississippi, oysters are environmental superstars. \u201cThey\u2019re really important,\u201d the 15-year-old told TIME for Kids. A single oyster, for example, can filter up to 50 gallons of seawater a day, removing algae and harmful organisms. Big groups of oysters form reefs, which provide habitat for hundreds of other sea creatures. Plus, reefs protect against erosion. Demi learned all of this through oyster gardening. That\u2019s the process of raising oysters in cages for conservation purposes. When she started oyster gardening, in 2022, \u201cI knew absolutely nothing,\u201d Demi says. Today, she\u2019s something of an expert. This school year, Demi earned a master oyster gardener certificate after completing a free course run by the Mississippi Oyster Gardening Program (MOGP). Now she\u2019s spreading the word. \u201cI want others to get into this,\u201d Demi says. \u201cYou don\u2019t have to do a lot\u201d to take care of your oyster garden, \u201cbut the impact it has for the environment, it\u2019s great.\u201d BIG SKILLS Demi shows off her master oyster gardener certificate after training with the Mississippi Oyster Gardening Program.COURTESY SHANTE RICHARDSON Dock of the Bay Oysters used to be plentiful in Mississippi\u2019s coastal waters. But their numbers have seen a big drop because of human-made and natural disasters, such as oil spills and hurricanes. That\u2019s according to the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources. Oyster gardening is a way to help restore the oyster population. \u201cAnyone can get involved,\u201d MOGP research assistant Emily McCay says. All that\u2019s needed is access to a dock or pier. Demi started oyster gardening as a seventh-grade Girl Scouts project. When a hurricane damaged her troop leader\u2019s dock, McCay helped Demi find a new location. CAGE OF WONDERS One of Demi\u2019s nine cages is pulled from the bay, full of helpful oysters.COURTESY SHANTE RICHARDSON During oyster gardening season, Demi and her mom go to Schooner Pier, on Biloxi Bay. Demi has nine cages. \u201cOnce a week I go out there,\u201d she says. She pulls the cages from the water, one by one. She shakes each cage to remove algae and caked-on mud, then checks for predators, such as snails and crabs. Sometimes, she takes her oysters out for inspection. \u201cI just kind of wash them off and just see how they\u2019re doing,\u201d she says. OYSTER INSPECTION Demi checks on her oysters at Schooner Pier, on Mississippi\u2019s Biloxi Channel.COURTESY SHANTE RICHARDSON This spring, oysters grown by Demi and other local gardeners will be big enough to harvest. Demi will go with McCay to pick them up. Harvested oysters are then \u201cplanted\u201d on existing reefs in the Mississippi Sound. NEXT GENERATION Baby oysters, called \u201cspat,\u201d grow in an old oyster shell. With care, they\u2019ll become a large cluster.COURTESY MOGP \u201cDemi has gone above and beyond\u201d as a volunteer, McCay says. \u201cShe\u2019s actively helping out with so many different aspects of this program.\u201d Giving Back Demi has raised more than 1,500 oysters, and has encouraged others to get involved. \u201cShe\u2019s a great ambassador for the program,\u201d MOGP leader P.J. Waters says. GROWING UP A heavy cluster of young oysters is ready to provide a home for other sea life.COURTESY MOGP She\u2019s a great supporter, too. Last year, after winning a National Geographic award for her efforts to restore her state\u2019s oyster population, Demi donated the $1,000 cash prize to the MOGP. \u201cWe were able to invest that into gear and oysters to grow the program,\u201d Waters says. Demi is happy to help. \u201cIt\u2019s great to be able to do something\u201d that benefits the environment, she says. \u201cIt\u2019s a really good feeling.\u201d Inspired? Let Demi\u2019s story inspire you to do your part for the environment. Click below for ideas about how you can help protect the planet.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/service-stars-oyster-duty-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Oyster Duty","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92500":{"authors":[{"id":38590,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Milo Bhushan","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-milo-bhushan\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Do you like to make up silly voices? That\u2019s exactly what a voice actor does. Voice actors perform in animated movies and on TV shows, audiobooks, radio shows, podcasts, and more. As a voice actor, Eric Bauza has made a career out of silly voices. He voices two characters\u2014Daffy Duck and Porky Pig\u2014in The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie. TFK Kid Reporter Milo Bhushan interviewed Bauza before the movie\u2019s March 14 release. Read their conversation, which has been edited for length and clarity, to learn about Bauza\u2019s career.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Do you like to make up silly voices? That\u2019s exactly what a voice actor does. Voice actors perform in animated movies and on TV shows, audiobooks, radio shows, podcasts, and more. As a voice actor, Eric Bauza has made a\u2026","issue_date":1741910400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/talking-toons-voice-actor","post_id":92500,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741181701,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1207,"name":"Arts","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/arts-and-culture\/","slug":"arts-and-culture"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250314_YHJ_Talking_Toons_0f6f19.jpg?w=1024","title":"Talking Toons","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"platform":{"site":"yhj","url":"https:\/\/\/your-hot-job\/articles\/talking-toons-voice-actor","method":"modal"},"objectID":"92500","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Do you like to make up silly voices? That\u2019s exactly what a voice actor does. Voice actors perform in animated movies and on TV shows, audiobooks, radio shows, podcasts, and more. As a voice actor, Eric Bauza has made","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Do you like to make up silly voices? That\u2019s exactly what a voice actor does. Voice actors perform in animated movies and on TV shows, audiobooks, radio shows, podcasts, and more. As a voice actor, Eric Bauza has made a career out of silly voices. He voices two characters\u2014Daffy Duck and Porky Pig\u2014in The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie. TFK Kid Reporter Milo Bhushan interviewed Bauza before the movie\u2019s March 14 release. Read their conversation, which has been edited for length and clarity, to learn about Bauza\u2019s career.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/talking-toons-voice-actor","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Talking Toons","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92512":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Far from Earth, an asteroid called Bennu orbits the sun. In 2023, a NASA spacecraft brought samples of Bennu back to Earth. Two papers, both published in January, reveal that the samples contained the building blocks of life, including compounds that make up DNA. Did similar asteroids collide with Earth billions of years ago, kicking off life as we know it? Experts aren\u2019t sure. But Nicky Fox, an administrator at NASA, called the samples \u201cgroundbreaking.\u201d Below, see how the samples traveled from Bennu to Earth. ILLUSTRATION BY LON TWEETEN FOR TIME 1. In 2016, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft launches from Florida. ILLUSTRATION BY LON TWEETEN FOR TIME 2. The craft arrives at Bennu in December 2018, and spends two years surveying for a spot to collect samples. ILLUSTRATION BY LON TWEETEN FOR TIME 3. The craft finds a good spot to collect samples. It stows the sample material in a safe capsule and heads back to Earth. ILLUSTRATION BY LON TWEETEN FOR TIME 4. On the way back to Earth, the capsule is shot from the ship. As it gets closer to Earth, parachutes slow it down.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Far from Earth, an asteroid called Bennu orbits the sun. In 2023, a NASA spacecraft brought samples of Bennu back to Earth. Two papers, both published in January, reveal that the samples contained the building blocks of life, including compounds\u2026","issue_date":1741910400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/a-new-look-at-life-g5\/","post_id":92512,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741181632,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1204,"name":"Science","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/science\/","slug":"science"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G3G5_250314_bennu_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"A New Look at Life","topic":{"id":875,"name":"Space","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/space\/","slug":"space"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"92512","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Far from Earth, an asteroid called Bennu orbits the sun. In 2023, a NASA spacecraft brought samples of Bennu back to Earth. Two papers, both published in January, reveal that the samples contained the building blocks of life, including compounds","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Far from Earth, an asteroid called Bennu orbits the sun. In 2023, a NASA spacecraft brought samples of Bennu back to Earth. Two papers, both published in January, reveal that the samples contained the building blocks of life, including compounds that make up DNA. Did similar asteroids collide with Earth billions of years ago, kicking off life as we know it? Experts aren\u2019t sure. But Nicky Fox, an administrator at NASA, called the samples \u201cgroundbreaking.\u201d Below, see how the samples traveled from Bennu to Earth. ILLUSTRATION BY LON TWEETEN FOR TIME 1. In 2016, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft launches from Florida. ILLUSTRATION BY LON TWEETEN FOR TIME 2. The craft arrives at Bennu in December 2018, and spends two years surveying for a spot to collect samples. ILLUSTRATION BY LON TWEETEN FOR TIME 3. The craft finds a good spot to collect samples. It stows the sample material in a safe capsule and heads back to Earth. ILLUSTRATION BY LON TWEETEN FOR TIME 4. On the way back to Earth, the capsule is shot from the ship. As it gets closer to Earth, parachutes slow it down.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/a-new-look-at-life-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"A New Look at Life","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92435":{"authors":[{"id":32779,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-ben-stern\/"}],"byline":"","content":"In March 2024, TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern attended Ignite by 4-H, an annual career readiness conference for teens. Ben interviewed Katie Collins, a 2024 winner of the National 4-H Youth in Action Award. Collins started a program called See Yourself in Ag. It teaches young people about careers in agriculture. Read the transcript below to learn about Katie\u2019s project, in her own words.","current_level":"","excerpt":"In March 2024, TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern attended Ignite by 4-H, an annual career readiness conference for teens. Ben interviewed Katie Collins, a 2024 winner of the National 4-H Youth in Action Award. Collins started a program called See\u2026","issue_date":1740646808,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-katie-collins-agriculture-careers-educator-activist","post_id":92435,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1740646808,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G3G5_250227_yhj_agriculture_in_action.jpg?w=1024","title":"Agriculture in Action","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"platform":{"site":"yhj","url":"https:\/\/\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-katie-collins-agriculture-careers-educator-activist","method":"modal"},"objectID":"92435","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"In March 2024, TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern attended Ignite by 4-H, an annual career readiness conference for teens. Ben interviewed Katie Collins, a 2024 winner of the National 4-H Youth in Action Award. Collins started a program","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"In March 2024, TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern attended Ignite by 4-H, an annual career readiness conference for teens. Ben interviewed Katie Collins, a 2024 winner of the National 4-H Youth in Action Award. Collins started a program called See Yourself in Ag. It teaches young people about careers in agriculture. Read the transcript below to learn about Katie\u2019s project, in her own words.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-katie-collins-agriculture-careers-educator-activist","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Agriculture in 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class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Business</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Next-Gen Jobs</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 18, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >What jobs will we have in the future? A recent report explores that question. In January, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released its 2025 Future of Jobs Report. It includes survey data from more than 1,000 of the world’s largest…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " data-platform="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt="Content available on Your Hot Job" class="c-article-preview__platform c-article-preview__platform--yhj" /> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" data-platform-modal="yhj">Reporter’s Log</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 18, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj">Connie Chung was the second woman and the first Asian American to be the lead anchor for a major U.S. news program. TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng met the trailblazing journalist during an appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show, and…</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " data-platform="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt="Content available on Your Hot Job" class="c-article-preview__platform c-article-preview__platform--yhj" /> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Science</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" data-platform-modal="yhj">What’s Out There?</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 18, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj">Astrophysicist and educator Jackie Faherty was drawn to her career by questions most people have had: Why are we here? What is this Earth? “You open up your mind to everything that’s out there in the universe,” Faherty tells TIME…</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " data-platform="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt="Content available on Your Hot Job" class="c-article-preview__platform c-article-preview__platform--yhj" /> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Arts</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" data-platform-modal="yhj">Getting the Shot</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 18, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj">TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas speaks with Carrie Giordano, a California-based sports photographer. Carrie Giordano works fast. She’s a photographer for two professional sports teams in California: baseball’s Los Angeles Dodgers and football’s Los Angeles Rams. This means she’s…</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " data-platform="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt="Content available on Your Hot Job" class="c-article-preview__platform c-article-preview__platform--yhj" /> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Science</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" data-platform-modal="yhj">Growing Strong</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 18, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj">Andrea Carter was about 10 years old when she realized she wanted to spend her life cultivating food. While there weren't many farms near Bethesda, Maryland, where she grew up, her family traveled each summer to rural Vermont, where Carter…</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Time Off</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Dawn to Dusk</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 13, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >TFK Kid Reporter Vivian Goldhirsh read Almost Sunset and interviewed its author, Wahab Algarmi. Read Vivian’s thoughts below. Almost Sunset is a new graphic novel about a young boy named Hassan who is observing Ramadan. Every year, nearly 2 billion…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " data-platform="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt="Content available on Your Hot Job" class="c-article-preview__platform c-article-preview__platform--yhj" /> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Business</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" data-platform-modal="yhj">Pride on the Farm</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 13, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj">Iowa is the largest producer of corn in the United States. Moreover, the state has more than 86,000 farms and about 30 million acres of farmland. It’s second only to California in total agricultural production. That’s no small feat. In…</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Time Off</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >No Action Too Small</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 12, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >When Geetha moves to the United States with her mom, she leaves her family behind in India, along with everything she has ever known. The change isn’t easy. At school, people make fun of her and her accent. To cope,…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " data-platform="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt="Content available on Your Hot Job" class="c-article-preview__platform c-article-preview__platform--yhj" /> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Environment</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" data-platform-modal="yhj">Water at Work</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 11, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj">Water is one of our most important resources. Many people don’t think about where water comes from, how it gets to us, or where it goes after we use it. But water resource engineers do. It’s their job. They make…</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Time Off</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >A Thrilling Ride</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 10, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas read Will’s Race for Home and interviewed its author, Jewell Parker Rhodes. Read Meyer’s thoughts below. In Will’s Race for Home, Jewell Parker Rhodes tells a captivating, action-packed story about the Oklahoma Land Rush. The…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Addressing Congress</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 6, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >On March 4, in Washington, D.C., President Donald Trump gave a speech to Congress. Members of both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives gathered for the event. It was the president’s first joint address since his second…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Time to Spring Ahead</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 6, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >On March 9, most people in the U.S. saw their clocks jump an hour into the future. This was the start of daylight saving time (DST). DST involves setting clocks forward by one hour in the spring. Clocks are turned…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">World</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Early Bloom</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 6, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >People stroll under flowering cherry trees in Kawazu, Japan, on March 2. These cherry trees are unusual: They often flower in February, two months before cherry…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Technology</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Moon Milestone</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 6, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Firefly Aerospace has become the first private business to conduct a successful moon landing. On March 2, its uncrewed Blue Ghost lander (above) touched down on lunar soil. The lander launched from Florida in January. It carried tools, including…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " data-platform="ss"> <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt="Content featured on Service Stars" class="c-article-preview__platform c-article-preview__platform--ss" /> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Community</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Oyster Duty</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 6, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >To seafood lovers, oysters can be a delicious treat. Others value oysters as a source of precious pearls. But to Demi Johnson, of Gulfport, Mississippi, oysters are environmental superstars. “They’re really important,” the 15-year-old told TIME for Kids. A single…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " data-platform="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt="Content available on Your Hot Job" class="c-article-preview__platform c-article-preview__platform--yhj" /> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Arts</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" data-platform-modal="yhj">Talking Toons</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 5, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj">Do you like to make up silly voices? That’s exactly what a voice actor does. Voice actors perform in animated movies and on TV shows, audiobooks, radio shows, podcasts, and more. As a voice actor, Eric Bauza has made a…</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Science</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >A New Look at Life</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 5, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Far from Earth, an asteroid called Bennu orbits the sun. In 2023, a NASA spacecraft brought samples of Bennu back to Earth. Two papers, both published in January, reveal that the samples contained the building blocks of life, including compounds…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " data-platform="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj"> <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt="Content available on Your Hot Job" class="c-article-preview__platform c-article-preview__platform--yhj" /> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" data-platform-modal="yhj">Agriculture in Action</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> February 27, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" data-platform-modal="yhj">In March 2024, TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern attended Ignite by 4-H, an annual career readiness conference for teens. Ben interviewed Katie Collins, a 2024 winner of the National 4-H Youth in Action Award. 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