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The city was covered in smog. It\u2019s a kind of air pollution that creates a thick, toxic fog. In some parts of New Delhi, air pollution levels were more than 50 times the recommended safe limit, which is set by the World Health Organization. India\u2019s government called the situation \u201csevere plus.\u201d Authorities worked to protect people. Schools closed, and classes for most grades moved online. Construction projects stopped, and nonessential trucks were barred from entering the city. Authorities encouraged people to stay indoors. This warning applied mainly to young children, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses. Smog is especially dangerous for people in these groups. Air pollution is a big problem in Northern India, where New Delhi is located. Much of the pollution is produced by farmers burning their fields before planting new crops. That creates smoke, which blows into cities. Residents are upset about the air quality. Sanjay Goel, who lives in New Delhi, told the Associated Press that \u201ceveryone has a sore throat.\u201d Stop and Think! WHY did the writer include a quote from someone who lives in New Delhi? How does a local perspective inform readers?","current_level":"en-900","excerpt":"On November 18, the more than 33 million residents of New Delhi, India, woke up to an ugly surprise. The city was covered in smog. It\u2019s a kind of air pollution that creates a thick, toxic fog. In some parts\u2026","issue_date":1732838400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/air-quality-alert-g5\/","post_id":91348,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1732265649,"reading_levels":{"en-710":"Reading Level 710L","en-900":"Reading Level 900L"},"section":{"id":78,"name":"World","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/world\/","slug":"world"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241129_air_quality_alert.jpg?w=1024","title":"Air Quality Alert","topic":{"id":878,"name":"Environment","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/environment\/","slug":"environment"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91348","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"On November 18, the more than 33 million residents of New Delhi, India, woke up to an ugly surprise. The city was covered in smog. It\u2019s a kind of air pollution that creates a thick, toxic fog. In some","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"On November 18, the more than 33 million residents of New Delhi, India, woke up to an ugly surprise. The city was covered in smog. It\u2019s a kind of air pollution that creates a thick, toxic fog. In some parts of New Delhi, air pollution levels were more than 50 times the recommended safe limit, which is set by the World Health Organization. India\u2019s government called the situation \u201csevere plus.\u201d Authorities worked to protect people. Schools closed, and classes for most grades moved online. Construction projects stopped, and nonessential trucks were barred from entering the city. Authorities encouraged people to stay indoors. This warning applied mainly to young children, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses. Smog is especially dangerous for people in these groups. Air pollution is a big problem in Northern India, where New Delhi is located. Much of the pollution is produced by farmers burning their fields before planting new crops. That creates smoke, which blows into cities. Residents are upset about the air quality. Sanjay Goel, who lives in New Delhi, told the Associated Press that \u201ceveryone has a sore throat.\u201d Stop and Think! WHY did the writer include a quote from someone who lives in New Delhi? How does a local perspective inform readers?","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/air-quality-alert-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Air Quality Alert","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91340":{"authors":[{"id":5620,"name":"Allison Singer","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/allison-singer\/"}],"byline":"","content":"How much would you pay for a banana taped to a wall? That question was on everyone\u2019s mind at Sotheby\u2019s, the New York City auction house, on November 20. The artwork was auctioned to the highest bidder. Final price: $6.2 million. Maurizio Cattelan, an Italian artist, first displayed the work in 2019. It became a viral sensation. It made people question \u201cwhat we define as an artwork,\u201d says David Galperin, head of contemporary art at Sotheby\u2019s. Cattelan\u2019s banana from five years ago is, of course, long gone. The artwork is intended to be refreshed every few days. What was sold \u201cis not the banana itself,\u201d says Galperin, \u201cbut a certificate of authenticity.\u201d The certificate allows the owner \u201cto reproduce this banana and duct tape on their wall as an original artwork by Maurizio Cattelan.\u201d","current_level":"","excerpt":"How much would you pay for a banana taped to a wall? That question was on everyone\u2019s mind at Sotheby\u2019s, the New York City auction house, on November 20. The artwork was auctioned to the highest bidder. 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The artwork was auctioned to the highest bidder. Final","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"How much would you pay for a banana taped to a wall? That question was on everyone\u2019s mind at Sotheby\u2019s, the New York City auction house, on November 20. The artwork was auctioned to the highest bidder. Final price: $6.2 million. Maurizio Cattelan, an Italian artist, first displayed the work in 2019. It became a viral sensation. It made people question \u201cwhat we define as an artwork,\u201d says David Galperin, head of contemporary art at Sotheby\u2019s. Cattelan\u2019s banana from five years ago is, of course, long gone. The artwork is intended to be refreshed every few days. What was sold \u201cis not the banana itself,\u201d says Galperin, \u201cbut a certificate of authenticity.\u201d The certificate allows the owner \u201cto reproduce this banana and duct tape on their wall as an original artwork by Maurizio Cattelan.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/apeeling-artwork\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Apeeling Artwork","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91338":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"On November 12, a staffer at London\u2019s Natural History Museum caps off the T. rex\u2019s winter outfit. Each year, the famed animatronic dinosaur dons a snazzy new sweater for the holiday season.","current_level":"","excerpt":"On November 12, a staffer at London\u2019s Natural History Museum caps off the T. rex\u2019s winter outfit. Each year, the famed animatronic dinosaur dons a snazzy new sw\u2026","issue_date":1732838400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/sweater-weather\/","post_id":91338,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1732198258,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":78,"name":"World","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/world\/","slug":"world"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241129_snapshot_sweater_weather.jpg?w=1024","title":"Sweater Weather","topic":{"id":873,"name":"Holidays","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/holidays\/","slug":"holidays"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91338","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"On November 12, a staffer at London\u2019s Natural History Museum caps off the T. rex\u2019s winter outfit. Each year, the famed animatronic dinosaur dons a snazzy new sweater for the holiday season.","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"On November 12, a staffer at London\u2019s Natural History Museum caps off the T. rex\u2019s winter outfit. Each year, the famed animatronic dinosaur dons a snazzy new sweater for the holiday season.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/sweater-weather\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Sweater Weather","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91332":{"authors":[{"id":38593,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Landaw","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-dylan-landaw\/"}],"byline":"","content":"What inspired your community service work? I was vice president of student council in eighth grade. Our goal was to help our community become cleaner. How did the cleanups work? We started with our school. That motivated us once we saw the impact we could have. Then we got permission to clean up the parks across the street. We also tried to encourage people to clean up after themselves. There was a lot of litter around that could hurt children who were playing in the parks. What have you learned from performing community service? It\u2019s taught me to think before I do something. Instead of littering, I try to find the nearest garbage can. If I can\u2019t find a garbage can, I\u2019ll hold on to my trash. It has also helped me encourage people my age to throw out their trash instead of expecting someone else to clean it up for them. Know a kid who\u2019s doing something cool or newsworthy? Nominate them to be featured in TIME for Kids! Send us your suggestions at The interview has been edited for length and clarity.","current_level":"","excerpt":"What inspired your community service work? I was vice president of student council in eighth grade. Our goal was to help our community become cleaner. How did the cleanups work? \rWe started with our school. That motivated us once we\u2026","issue_date":1732838400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/service-stars-kids-connect-jatnna-recio\/","post_id":91332,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1732197203,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":2988,"name":"Community","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/community\/","slug":"community"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241129_kids_connect_jatnna_recio_1.jpg?w=1024","title":"Kids Connect: Jatnna Recio","topic":{"id":33096,"name":"Service Stars","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/service-stars\/","slug":"service-stars"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91332","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"What inspired your community service work? I was vice president of student council in eighth grade. Our goal was to help our community become cleaner. How did the cleanups work? We started with our school. That motivated us once we","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"What inspired your community service work? I was vice president of student council in eighth grade. Our goal was to help our community become cleaner. How did the cleanups work? We started with our school. That motivated us once we saw the impact we could have. Then we got permission to clean up the parks across the street. We also tried to encourage people to clean up after themselves. There was a lot of litter around that could hurt children who were playing in the parks. What have you learned from performing community service? It\u2019s taught me to think before I do something. Instead of littering, I try to find the nearest garbage can. If I can\u2019t find a garbage can, I\u2019ll hold on to my trash. It has also helped me encourage people my age to throw out their trash instead of expecting someone else to clean it up for them. Know a kid who\u2019s doing something cool or newsworthy? Nominate them to be featured in TIME for Kids! Send us your suggestions at The interview has been edited for length and clarity.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/service-stars-kids-connect-jatnna-recio\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Kids Connect: Jatnna Recio","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91272":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"The ocean is full of amazing creatures. It\u2019s also full of plastic. There are about 171 trillion pieces of plastic floating in the sea, according to a study published in the journal PLOS One in 2023. That\u2019s bad news for marine animals, such as deep-diving whales. They can mistake the plastic for food and eat it. How do whales mix up plastic and prey? A team at the Duke University Marine Lab, in Beaufort, North Carolina, has been looking into this question. The team has just published research that explains why some deep-diving whales get confused. It all comes down to echolocation: a natural process that allows whales to \u201chear\u201d objects in the darkest depths of the sea. Hunting by Sound, not Sight Some types of whales, including sperm whales and beaked whales, hunt in the deepest parts of the ocean. There\u2019s little light at those depths, so it\u2019s too dark for the whales to see. But they can hear. To navigate their surroundings, deep-diving whales use sounds produced by echolocation. OCEAN EXPLORER Sperm whales dive thousands of feet to hunt, deeper than any other marine mammal.JAMES R.D. SCOTT\u2014GETTY IMAGES First, the whales make a sound, and then they listen. They hear echoes bouncing off of nearby objects. These echoes allow the whales to hunt. The echoes bounce off of prey animals, like squid, and they bounce off of objects that are not edible, like garbage. The scientists found that garbage and prey cause similar echoes. To the whales, they \u201csound\u201d the same. That can trick the whales into eating trash. IT\u2019S A HAZARD Tangled fishing net drifts in the ocean. Whales can mistake it for food. Old nets also trap smaller marine animals.PLACEBO365\u2014GETTY IMAGES The scientists gathered items such as bottles, bags, and rope. All of these have been found in the stomachs of whales. The team bounced sounds off of these objects at frequencies × frequency a measure of sound (noun) similar to those that echolocating whales use. A machine measured the strength of each echo. The team then compared these echoes to those produced off the bodies of prey animals. The echoes from the plastic items were similar in strength to those returned by prey animals. DIVING BUDDIES Two sperm whales dive into the ocean depths. These whales often travel in groups.REINHARD MINK\u2014GETTY IMAGES Greg Merrill, a marine biologist, is the lead author on the study. He was \u201ckind of unsurprised\u201d by the results. \u201cWe knew they were eating [the garbage],\u201d he told TFK. \u201cThere had to be a reason.\u201d Finding a Solution Eating garbage is dangerous for whales. The plastic can build up in their stomachs, preventing food from passing through their bodies. This can be deadly. \u201cPlastic pollution impacts animals that are so far away from our daily lives,\u201d Merrill says. \u201cThis problem is really big.\u201d WHALE-SIZE PROBLEM This rope protects a coral reef in the Red Sea. Rope is often found in whale stomachs.SEBASTIAN CONDREA\u2014GETTY IMAGES Everyone can play a part in reducing plastic pollution. \u201cPeople need to make real changes in their daily lives, and then advocate for the types of solutions that we need to address this issue,\u201d Merrill says. Advocacy can be as simple as writing to your mayor or governor, he says, or asking your school leaders if they could \u201cmake decisions that are more sustainable × sustainable done so as not to cause permanent damage (adjective) .\u201d Many kids are passionate about marine life. Freddie Slater-Reynolds, 7, is one of them. The study makes him feel \u201cworried\u201d about whales. He shared his advice for people who want to keep trash away from wildlife: Don\u2019t litter. \u201cThrow it in the garbage bin,\u201d he says. Above and Below CHASE DEKKER WILD-LIFE IMAGES\u2014GETTY IMAGES Beaked whales and sperm whales are deep-sea hunters. They dive thousands of feet to find food. But not all whales use echolocation to hunt. Some stick closer to the surface. The humpback whale, like those pictured here, sometimes uses a technique called lunge feeding. The whale opens its mouth wide and surges through a school of fish or krill. If you\u2019re lucky enough to witness a whale\u2019s vertical lunge, you\u2019ll see the huge animal\u2019s head rise above the surface.","current_level":"en-800","excerpt":"The ocean is full of amazing creatures. It\u2019s also full of plastic. There are about 171 trillion pieces of plastic floating in the sea, according to a study published in the journal PLOS One in 2023. That\u2019s bad news for\u2026","issue_date":1732838400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/deep-sea-danger-g5\/","post_id":91272,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1732180296,"reading_levels":{"en-640":"Reading Level 640L","en-800":"Reading Level 800L","en-970":"Reading Level 970L"},"section":{"id":2987,"name":"Environment","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/environment\/","slug":"environment"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241129_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Deep-Sea Danger","topic":{"id":876,"name":"Animals","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/animals\/","slug":"animals"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91272","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"The ocean is full of amazing creatures. It\u2019s also full of plastic. There are about 171 trillion pieces of plastic floating in the sea, according to a study published in the journal PLOS One in 2023. That\u2019s bad","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"The ocean is full of amazing creatures. It\u2019s also full of plastic. There are about 171 trillion pieces of plastic floating in the sea, according to a study published in the journal PLOS One in 2023. That\u2019s bad news for marine animals, such as deep-diving whales. They can mistake the plastic for food and eat it. How do whales mix up plastic and prey? A team at the Duke University Marine Lab, in Beaufort, North Carolina, has been looking into this question. The team has just published research that explains why some deep-diving whales get confused. It all comes down to echolocation: a natural process that allows whales to \u201chear\u201d objects in the darkest depths of the sea. Hunting by Sound, not Sight Some types of whales, including sperm whales and beaked whales, hunt in the deepest parts of the ocean. There\u2019s little light at those depths, so it\u2019s too dark for the whales to see. But they can hear. To navigate their surroundings, deep-diving whales use sounds produced by echolocation. OCEAN EXPLORER Sperm whales dive thousands of feet to hunt, deeper than any other marine mammal.JAMES R.D. SCOTT\u2014GETTY IMAGES First, the whales make a sound, and then they listen. They hear echoes bouncing off of nearby objects. These echoes allow the whales to hunt. The echoes bounce off of prey animals, like squid, and they bounce off of objects that are not edible, like garbage. The scientists found that garbage and prey cause similar echoes. To the whales, they \u201csound\u201d the same. That can trick the whales into eating trash. IT\u2019S A HAZARD Tangled fishing net drifts in the ocean. Whales can mistake it for food. Old nets also trap smaller marine animals.PLACEBO365\u2014GETTY IMAGES The scientists gathered items such as bottles, bags, and rope. All of these have been found in the stomachs of whales. The team bounced sounds off of these objects at frequencies × frequency a measure of sound (noun) similar to those that echolocating whales use. A machine measured the strength of each echo. The team then compared these echoes to those produced off the bodies of prey animals. The echoes from the plastic items were similar in strength to those returned by prey animals. DIVING BUDDIES Two sperm whales dive into the ocean depths. These whales often travel in groups.REINHARD MINK\u2014GETTY IMAGES Greg Merrill, a marine biologist, is the lead author on the study. He was \u201ckind of unsurprised\u201d by the results. \u201cWe knew they were eating [the garbage],\u201d he told TFK. \u201cThere had to be a reason.\u201d Finding a Solution Eating garbage is dangerous for whales. The plastic can build up in their stomachs, preventing food from passing through their bodies. This can be deadly. \u201cPlastic pollution impacts animals that are so far away from our daily lives,\u201d Merrill says. \u201cThis problem is really big.\u201d WHALE-SIZE PROBLEM This rope protects a coral reef in the Red Sea. Rope is often found in whale stomachs.SEBASTIAN CONDREA\u2014GETTY IMAGES Everyone can play a part in reducing plastic pollution. \u201cPeople need to make real changes in their daily lives, and then advocate for the types of solutions that we need to address this issue,\u201d Merrill says. Advocacy can be as simple as writing to your mayor or governor, he says, or asking your school leaders if they could \u201cmake decisions that are more sustainable × sustainable done so as not to cause permanent damage (adjective) .\u201d Many kids are passionate about marine life. Freddie Slater-Reynolds, 7, is one of them. The study makes him feel \u201cworried\u201d about whales. He shared his advice for people who want to keep trash away from wildlife: Don\u2019t litter. \u201cThrow it in the garbage bin,\u201d he says. Above and Below CHASE DEKKER WILD-LIFE IMAGES\u2014GETTY IMAGES Beaked whales and sperm whales are deep-sea hunters. They dive thousands of feet to find food. But not all whales use echolocation to hunt. Some stick closer to the surface. The humpback whale, like those pictured here, sometimes uses a technique called lunge feeding. The whale opens its mouth wide and surges through a school of fish or krill. If you\u2019re lucky enough to witness a whale\u2019s vertical lunge, you\u2019ll see the huge animal\u2019s head rise above the surface.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/deep-sea-danger-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Deep-Sea Danger","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91274":{"authors":[{"id":38589,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-meyer-ballas\/"}],"byline":"","content":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas read The Last Kids on Earth: The Graphic Novel and interviewed Max Brallier, its author. Read Meyer\u2019s thoughts below. The Last Kids on Earth: The Graphic Novel is an illustrated version of the first book in Max Brallier\u2019s best-selling Last Kids on Earth series. The original book came out in 2015. Now, along with illustrator Brian Churilla, Brallier has given graphic-novel lovers an opportunity to connect with this story. The book takes place in a town called Wakefield during a zombie apocalypse. It\u2019s written from the perspective of 13-year-old Jack Sullivan. Brailler told TIME for Kids that he likes the end of the world as a setting because there are no rules during the apocalypse. \u201cAs a kid, there are always rules everywhere,\u201d he said. \u201cIf it\u2019s midnight and you want to go outside, you can\u2019t. But if the world was ending\u2014\u2018Oh, we can!\u2019\u201d Jack takes advantage of this setting and tries to make the zombie apocalypse more fun. He teams up with his friend Quint and the school bully, Dirk Savage. Jack\u2019s most dramatic quest is to rescue the girl he likes, June del Toro. He believes that June needs a hero. But when he finds her hiding out in their school, she clearly doesn\u2019t need to be rescued. Instead, Jack and his crew recruit her to join them. When they attempt to leave in the morning, a giant monster\u2014Jack calls him Blarg\u2014is waiting for them outside. Do they make it out alive? Brailler said he likes to think of The Last Kids on Earth as \u201can adventure series first,\u201d as opposed to a horror series. \u201cThere\u2019s scary stuff to it\u2014there are monsters and zombies,\u201d he said. \u201cBut what I really hope is that it\u2019s a big adventure story: the action, the comedy, with a little bit of horror.\u201d Brailler achieves this goal. I really enjoyed the comedic action. My favorite part is when Jack daydreams about June. I would recommend this book for comic-book lovers who enjoy comedy, action, and monsters.","current_level":"","excerpt":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas read The Last Kids on Earth: The Graphic Novel and interviewed Max Brallier, its author. Read Meyer\u2019s thoughts below. The Last Kids on Earth: The Graphic Novel is an illustrated version of the first book\u2026","issue_date":1732838400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/undead-adventure\/","post_id":91274,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1732179803,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1208,"name":"Time Off","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/newsmakers\/","slug":"newsmakers"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241129_undead_adventure.jpg?w=1024","title":"Undead Adventure","topic":{"id":890,"name":"Books","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/books\/","slug":"books"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91274","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas read The Last Kids on Earth: The Graphic Novel and interviewed Max Brallier, its author. Read Meyer\u2019s thoughts below. The Last Kids on Earth: The Graphic Novel is an illustrated version of the first","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas read The Last Kids on Earth: The Graphic Novel and interviewed Max Brallier, its author. Read Meyer\u2019s thoughts below. The Last Kids on Earth: The Graphic Novel is an illustrated version of the first book in Max Brallier\u2019s best-selling Last Kids on Earth series. The original book came out in 2015. Now, along with illustrator Brian Churilla, Brallier has given graphic-novel lovers an opportunity to connect with this story. The book takes place in a town called Wakefield during a zombie apocalypse. It\u2019s written from the perspective of 13-year-old Jack Sullivan. Brailler told TIME for Kids that he likes the end of the world as a setting because there are no rules during the apocalypse. \u201cAs a kid, there are always rules everywhere,\u201d he said. \u201cIf it\u2019s midnight and you want to go outside, you can\u2019t. But if the world was ending\u2014\u2018Oh, we can!\u2019\u201d Jack takes advantage of this setting and tries to make the zombie apocalypse more fun. He teams up with his friend Quint and the school bully, Dirk Savage. Jack\u2019s most dramatic quest is to rescue the girl he likes, June del Toro. He believes that June needs a hero. But when he finds her hiding out in their school, she clearly doesn\u2019t need to be rescued. Instead, Jack and his crew recruit her to join them. When they attempt to leave in the morning, a giant monster\u2014Jack calls him Blarg\u2014is waiting for them outside. Do they make it out alive? Brailler said he likes to think of The Last Kids on Earth as \u201can adventure series first,\u201d as opposed to a horror series. \u201cThere\u2019s scary stuff to it\u2014there are monsters and zombies,\u201d he said. \u201cBut what I really hope is that it\u2019s a big adventure story: the action, the comedy, with a little bit of horror.\u201d Brailler achieves this goal. I really enjoyed the comedic action. My favorite part is when Jack daydreams about June. I would recommend this book for comic-book lovers who enjoy comedy, action, and monsters.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/undead-adventure\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Undead Adventure","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91305":{"authors":[{"id":38591,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Vivian Goldhirsh","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-vivian-goldhirsh\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Wicked\u2014now in movie theaters\u2014imagines what happened before Dorothy fell into the Land of Oz. Based on the hit Broadway musical, the movie stars Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande as witches Elphaba and Glinda. Marissa Bode plays Nessarose, Elphaba\u2019s sister. Like her character, Nessa, Bode uses a wheelchair. She\u2019s the first actress with a disability to play the part. Bode started acting when she was 8. She began using a wheelchair at 11, after a car accident. \u201cIt\u2019s definitely given me a lot more understanding and empathy of humans in general,\u201d she says. \u201cWith Nessa, I relate to her in many ways, particularly her wanting to find a sense of community.\u201d Wicked is about celebrating people\u2019s differences. That theme is meaningful to Bode, who says being cast in the movie was a dream come true. Her favorite moment on set? Flying. \u201cI loved being in the air,\u201d Bode says. \u201cBeing on wires isn\u2019t something I do every single day! So that was a lot of fun, and that felt very magical to me.\u201d","current_level":"","excerpt":"Wicked \u2014now in movie theaters\u2014imagines what happened before Dorothy fell into the Land of Oz. Based on the hit Broadway musical, the movie stars Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande as witches Elphaba and Glinda. Marissa Bode plays Nessarose, Elphaba\u2019s sister.\u2026","issue_date":1732838400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/magical-moments-g5\/","post_id":91305,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1732094159,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1208,"name":"Time Off","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/newsmakers\/","slug":"newsmakers"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241129_magical_moments.jpg?w=1024","title":"Magical Moments","topic":{"id":889,"name":"Movies and Television","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/movies-and-television\/","slug":"movies-and-television"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91305","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Wicked\u2014now in movie theaters\u2014imagines what happened before Dorothy fell into the Land of Oz. Based on the hit Broadway musical, the movie stars Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande as witches Elphaba and Glinda. Marissa Bode plays Nessarose, Elphaba","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Wicked\u2014now in movie theaters\u2014imagines what happened before Dorothy fell into the Land of Oz. Based on the hit Broadway musical, the movie stars Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande as witches Elphaba and Glinda. Marissa Bode plays Nessarose, Elphaba\u2019s sister. Like her character, Nessa, Bode uses a wheelchair. She\u2019s the first actress with a disability to play the part. Bode started acting when she was 8. She began using a wheelchair at 11, after a car accident. \u201cIt\u2019s definitely given me a lot more understanding and empathy of humans in general,\u201d she says. \u201cWith Nessa, I relate to her in many ways, particularly her wanting to find a sense of community.\u201d Wicked is about celebrating people\u2019s differences. That theme is meaningful to Bode, who says being cast in the movie was a dream come true. Her favorite moment on set? Flying. \u201cI loved being in the air,\u201d Bode says. \u201cBeing on wires isn\u2019t something I do every single day! So that was a lot of fun, and that felt very magical to me.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/magical-moments-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Magical Moments","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91294":{"authors":[{"id":38596,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Disha Rai","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-disha-rai\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Based on a novel of the same name, the new movie Out of My Mind is about Melody Brooks, a sixth grader with cerebral palsy. This affects her speech and movement, so she isn\u2019t given the same opportunities as her classmates. A teacher sees Melody\u2019s potential and moves her into mainstream classes. Melody is excited to show everyone what she can do. Phoebe-Rae Taylor, 15, plays Melody. As a person with cerebral palsy, she says she relates to her character\u2019s struggle. \u201cMelody is put into this box because of her disability,\u201d Phoebe-Rae told TFK. \u201cShe finds a way out of that and gets other people to see her\u2014not by her disability, but by her intelligence and her personality.\u201d Out of My Mind is out now on Disney+.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Based on a novel of the same name, the new movie Out of My Mind is about Melody Brooks, a sixth grader with cerebral palsy. This affects her speech and movement, so she isn\u2019t given the same opportunities as her\u2026","issue_date":1732838400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/the-inside-story-g5\/","post_id":91294,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1732093581,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1208,"name":"Time Off","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/newsmakers\/","slug":"newsmakers"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241129_inside_story.jpg?w=1024","title":"The Inside Story","topic":{"id":889,"name":"Movies and Television","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/movies-and-television\/","slug":"movies-and-television"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91294","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Based on a novel of the same name, the new movie Out of My Mind is about Melody Brooks, a sixth grader with cerebral palsy. This affects her speech and movement, so she isn\u2019t given the same opportunities as","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Based on a novel of the same name, the new movie Out of My Mind is about Melody Brooks, a sixth grader with cerebral palsy. This affects her speech and movement, so she isn\u2019t given the same opportunities as her classmates. A teacher sees Melody\u2019s potential and moves her into mainstream classes. Melody is excited to show everyone what she can do. Phoebe-Rae Taylor, 15, plays Melody. As a person with cerebral palsy, she says she relates to her character\u2019s struggle. \u201cMelody is put into this box because of her disability,\u201d Phoebe-Rae told TFK. \u201cShe finds a way out of that and gets other people to see her\u2014not by her disability, but by her intelligence and her personality.\u201d Out of My Mind is out now on Disney+.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/the-inside-story-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"The Inside Story","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"90828":{"authors":[{"id":38592,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-safiyyah-hussain\/"}],"byline":"","content":"TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain read Off the Map and interviewed Meika Hashimoto, its author. Read Safiyyah\u2019s thoughts below. In her latest novel, Off the Map, Meika Hashimoto takes readers on a gripping adventure in Alaska. Marlo sets out on a canoe trip she takes every year with her mother and dog. But this year, to Marlo\u2019s surprise, her mom has invited Marlo\u2019s ex\u2013best friend, Amos, and his father. Before long, Marlo and Amos find themselves separated from their parents, at each other\u2019s throats, facing life-and-death challenges in unfamiliar territory. With only each other and some supplies, Amos and Marlo must learn to set aside their differences as they work together to survive in the wilderness. Can they do it? A nature lover, Hashimoto knew she wanted to set her story in the Alaskan wilderness, which she had visited prior to writing Off the Map. \u201cIt is breathtaking. It is huge. It is a place where, if you get lost, you really, really can get lost,\u201d Hashimoto says. Marlo and Amos\u2019s time in the wild is packed with thrills. But Hashimoto\u2019s favorite parts of the book are the quieter moments: the conversations between Marlo and Amos \u201cabout their relationship and what went wrong.\u201d She particularly enjoys when they talk it through, and each realizes where the other is coming from. Off the Map is a perfect combination of adventure, peril, and heartfelt moments. Hashimoto hopes the story will encourage readers to expand their love for nature and dive into experiencing the outdoors\u2014just like Marlo and Amos do.","current_level":"","excerpt":"TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain read Off the Map and interviewed Meika Hashimoto, its author. Read Safiyyah\u2019s thoughts below. In her latest novel, Off the Map, Meika Hashimoto takes readers on a gripping adventure in Alaska. Marlo sets out on\u2026","issue_date":1732838400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/friends-in-the-wilderness\/","post_id":90828,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1731488449,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1208,"name":"Time Off","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/newsmakers\/","slug":"newsmakers"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G3G5_241113_OffTheMap.jpg?w=1024","title":"Friends in the Wilderness","topic":{"id":890,"name":"Books","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/books\/","slug":"books"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"90828","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain read Off the Map and interviewed Meika Hashimoto, its author. Read Safiyyah\u2019s thoughts below. In her latest novel, Off the Map, Meika Hashimoto takes readers on a gripping adventure in Alaska. Marlo sets out","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain read Off the Map and interviewed Meika Hashimoto, its author. Read Safiyyah\u2019s thoughts below. In her latest novel, Off the Map, Meika Hashimoto takes readers on a gripping adventure in Alaska. Marlo sets out on a canoe trip she takes every year with her mother and dog. But this year, to Marlo\u2019s surprise, her mom has invited Marlo\u2019s ex\u2013best friend, Amos, and his father. Before long, Marlo and Amos find themselves separated from their parents, at each other\u2019s throats, facing life-and-death challenges in unfamiliar territory. With only each other and some supplies, Amos and Marlo must learn to set aside their differences as they work together to survive in the wilderness. Can they do it? A nature lover, Hashimoto knew she wanted to set her story in the Alaskan wilderness, which she had visited prior to writing Off the Map. \u201cIt is breathtaking. It is huge. It is a place where, if you get lost, you really, really can get lost,\u201d Hashimoto says. Marlo and Amos\u2019s time in the wild is packed with thrills. But Hashimoto\u2019s favorite parts of the book are the quieter moments: the conversations between Marlo and Amos \u201cabout their relationship and what went wrong.\u201d She particularly enjoys when they talk it through, and each realizes where the other is coming from. Off the Map is a perfect combination of adventure, peril, and heartfelt moments. Hashimoto hopes the story will encourage readers to expand their love for nature and dive into experiencing the outdoors\u2014just like Marlo and Amos do.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/friends-in-the-wilderness\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Friends in the Wilderness","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91245":{"authors":[{"id":38595,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-evelyn-peng\/"}],"byline":"","content":"TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng read The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night and interviewed the book\u2019s author, Steven Banbury. Read Evelyn\u2019s thoughts below. The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night is Steven Banbury\u2019s debut novel. It\u2019s about a young orphaned girl named Evelyn. One Halloween, she escapes from the orphanage, and is found by the legendary Pumpkin King. The Pumpkin King takes her in and dubs her the Pumpkin Princess. Evelyn must learn to live with supernatural creatures, such as witches and werewolves, and she realizes that not everyone appreciates a regular human girl in their midst. Just when she starts to feel comfortable, an evil plot threatens her and her newfound family. To what lengths will Evelyn go to protect her home? Banbury says readers might connect with the book in different ways. Some people who are having new experiences will relate to Evelyn feeling like a \u201cfish out of water, making friends for the first time.\u201d Parents can also relate, perhaps connecting with \u201cthe Pumpkin King becoming a father for the first time.\u201d The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night is a heartwarming novel, perfect for readers of all ages, at all times of the year.","current_level":"","excerpt":"TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng read The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night and interviewed the book\u2019s author, Steven Banbury. Read Evelyn\u2019s thoughts below. The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night is Steven Banbury\u2019s debut novel. It\u2019s about a young\u2026","issue_date":1731411911,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/princess-in-peril\/","post_id":91245,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1731411911,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1208,"name":"Time Off","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/newsmakers\/","slug":"newsmakers"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/PumpkinPrincess.jpg?w=1024","title":"Princess in Peril","topic":{"id":890,"name":"Books","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/books\/","slug":"books"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91245","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng read The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night and interviewed the book\u2019s author, Steven Banbury. Read Evelyn\u2019s thoughts below. The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night is Steven Banbury\u2019s debut novel. It","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng read The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night and interviewed the book\u2019s author, Steven Banbury. Read Evelyn\u2019s thoughts below. The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night is Steven Banbury\u2019s debut novel. It\u2019s about a young orphaned girl named Evelyn. One Halloween, she escapes from the orphanage, and is found by the legendary Pumpkin King. The Pumpkin King takes her in and dubs her the Pumpkin Princess. Evelyn must learn to live with supernatural creatures, such as witches and werewolves, and she realizes that not everyone appreciates a regular human girl in their midst. Just when she starts to feel comfortable, an evil plot threatens her and her newfound family. To what lengths will Evelyn go to protect her home? Banbury says readers might connect with the book in different ways. Some people who are having new experiences will relate to Evelyn feeling like a \u201cfish out of water, making friends for the first time.\u201d Parents can also relate, perhaps connecting with \u201cthe Pumpkin King becoming a father for the first time.\u201d The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night is a heartwarming novel, perfect for readers of all ages, at all times of the year.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/princess-in-peril\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Princess in Peril","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91150":{"authors":[{"id":1874,"name":"Jaime Joyce","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/jaime-joyce\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Donald Trump has won the 2024 presidential election, defeating current vice president Kamala Harris to become the 47th president of the United States. Election results were announced early on November 6, on the morning after Election Day. After his path to victory became clear, Trump addressed supporters gathered in West Palm Beach, Florida. \u201cWe overcame obstacles that nobody thought possible,\u201d he said. He then promised Americans, \u201cI will fight for you, for your family, and for your future.\u201d ELECTION NIGHT Trump addresses his supporters on Election Night in West Palm Beach, Florida.JOE RAEDLE\u2014GETTY IMAGES Election Season At press time, Trump, the Republican candidate, had more than 72 million votes. Harris, the Democratic candidate, had around 68 million votes. A few states were still counting ballots. But Trump\u2019s electoral college margin\u2014295 to 226\u2014was decisive × decisive certain; clear (adjective) (see \u201cElectoral College\u201d). Trump\u2019s win caps an unusual election season. When he began his campaign, he was running against current president Joe Biden. But on July 21, Biden dropped out of the race. Harris, his vice president, became the Democratic nominee on August 5. Polls predicted a tight race for the nation\u2019s top job. The outcome was expected to come down to seven battleground states. At press time, Trump had won five: Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Arizona and Nevada had not been called. Harris called Trump on Wednesday to congratulate him. Later that afternoon, she addressed supporters in Washington, D.C. She thanked people, including her family, President Biden, and her running mate, Tim Walz, of Minnesota. She conceded the election, but said she would continue to fight for her beliefs. \u201cI will never give up the fight for a future where Americans can pursue their dreams, ambitions, and aspirations,\u201d she said. What\u2019s Next Trump will take office on January 20, 2025. He\u2019ll be inaugurated in Washington, D.C. His running mate\u2014Senator J.D. Vance, of Ohio\u2014will also take office that day, as the country\u2019s vice president. It will be Trump\u2019s second time taking the presidential oath × oath a promise; a pledge (noun) of office. He was first elected president in 2016. Four years later, he lost his reelection bid to Biden. Now he becomes only the second presidential candidate in the country\u2019s 248-year history to win nonconsecutive × nonconsecutive following after a break (adjective) elections (see \u201cBack to the White House\u201d). Once in office, Trump and Vance will face many challenges. They\u2019ll have to tackle difficult issues, including immigration and overseas conflicts. They\u2019ll also have to address inflation: Throughout the presidential campaign, Americans expressed concern about the high price of groceries and the rising cost of home ownership. Trump says he\u2019s ready to get to work for the American people. He\u2019ll likely have the support of Congress (see \u201cWhat did People Vote on?\u201d). On Election Day, Republicans won control of the U.S. Senate. Election results for the House of Representatives were not yet complete. Officials say it will take time to count all of the votes. Electoral College PETER ZAY\u2014ANADOLU\/GETTY IMAGES, JUSTIN SULLIVAN\u2014GETTY IMAGES Donald Trump won millions of votes around the country. But a group of 538 people will officially elect him as president. This group is the electoral college. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to become president. At press time, Trump had 295. The states he won are shown in red. Vice President Kamala Harris had 226 electoral votes. The states she won are shown in blue. Some states have not announced their votes. They are shown in gray.","current_level":"en-840","excerpt":"Donald Trump has won the 2024 presidential election, defeating current vice president Kamala Harris to become the 47th president of the United States. Election results were announced early on November 6, on the morning after Election Day. After his path\u2026","issue_date":1731628800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/trump-elected-g5\/","post_id":91150,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1731059462,"reading_levels":{"en-660":"Reading Level 660L","en-840":"Reading Level 840L"},"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G2_241115_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Trump Elected","topic":{"id":39277,"name":"Election 2024","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/election-2024\/","slug":"election-2024"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91150","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Donald Trump has won the 2024 presidential election, defeating current vice president Kamala Harris to become the 47th president of the United States. Election results were announced early on November 6, on the morning after Election Day. After his path","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Donald Trump has won the 2024 presidential election, defeating current vice president Kamala Harris to become the 47th president of the United States. Election results were announced early on November 6, on the morning after Election Day. After his path to victory became clear, Trump addressed supporters gathered in West Palm Beach, Florida. \u201cWe overcame obstacles that nobody thought possible,\u201d he said. He then promised Americans, \u201cI will fight for you, for your family, and for your future.\u201d ELECTION NIGHT Trump addresses his supporters on Election Night in West Palm Beach, Florida.JOE RAEDLE\u2014GETTY IMAGES Election Season At press time, Trump, the Republican candidate, had more than 72 million votes. Harris, the Democratic candidate, had around 68 million votes. A few states were still counting ballots. But Trump\u2019s electoral college margin\u2014295 to 226\u2014was decisive × decisive certain; clear (adjective) (see \u201cElectoral College\u201d). Trump\u2019s win caps an unusual election season. When he began his campaign, he was running against current president Joe Biden. But on July 21, Biden dropped out of the race. Harris, his vice president, became the Democratic nominee on August 5. Polls predicted a tight race for the nation\u2019s top job. The outcome was expected to come down to seven battleground states. At press time, Trump had won five: Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Arizona and Nevada had not been called. Harris called Trump on Wednesday to congratulate him. Later that afternoon, she addressed supporters in Washington, D.C. She thanked people, including her family, President Biden, and her running mate, Tim Walz, of Minnesota. She conceded the election, but said she would continue to fight for her beliefs. \u201cI will never give up the fight for a future where Americans can pursue their dreams, ambitions, and aspirations,\u201d she said. What\u2019s Next Trump will take office on January 20, 2025. He\u2019ll be inaugurated in Washington, D.C. His running mate\u2014Senator J.D. Vance, of Ohio\u2014will also take office that day, as the country\u2019s vice president. It will be Trump\u2019s second time taking the presidential oath × oath a promise; a pledge (noun) of office. He was first elected president in 2016. Four years later, he lost his reelection bid to Biden. Now he becomes only the second presidential candidate in the country\u2019s 248-year history to win nonconsecutive × nonconsecutive following after a break (adjective) elections (see \u201cBack to the White House\u201d). Once in office, Trump and Vance will face many challenges. They\u2019ll have to tackle difficult issues, including immigration and overseas conflicts. They\u2019ll also have to address inflation: Throughout the presidential campaign, Americans expressed concern about the high price of groceries and the rising cost of home ownership. Trump says he\u2019s ready to get to work for the American people. He\u2019ll likely have the support of Congress (see \u201cWhat did People Vote on?\u201d). On Election Day, Republicans won control of the U.S. Senate. Election results for the House of Representatives were not yet complete. Officials say it will take time to count all of the votes. Electoral College PETER ZAY\u2014ANADOLU\/GETTY IMAGES, JUSTIN SULLIVAN\u2014GETTY IMAGES Donald Trump won millions of votes around the country. But a group of 538 people will officially elect him as president. This group is the electoral college. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to become president. At press time, Trump had 295. The states he won are shown in red. Vice President Kamala Harris had 226 electoral votes. The states she won are shown in blue. Some states have not announced their votes. They are shown in gray.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/trump-elected-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Trump Elected","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91152":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"On November 5, Americans went to the polls. Some waited in long lines to make their choice for who would be the next president of the United States. They also voted for candidates in other races, such as senators and judges, as well as on community measures. Some people cast their ballot earlier than Election Day, either in person or by mail. As of press time, more than 140 million ballots have been tallied. There are more ballots to count, but the results are in: Republican candidate Donald Trump will be the nation\u2019s next president (see \u201cTrump Elected\u201d). Read TIME for Kids to learn about other aspects of Election 2024.","current_level":"","excerpt":"On November 5, Americans went to the polls. Some waited in long lines to make their choice for who would be the next president of the United States. They also voted for candidates in other races, such as senators and\u2026","issue_date":1731628800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/at-the-polls\/","post_id":91152,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1731059426,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241115_at_the_polls.jpg?w=1024","title":"At the Polls","topic":{"id":39277,"name":"Election 2024","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/election-2024\/","slug":"election-2024"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91152","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"On November 5, Americans went to the polls. Some waited in long lines to make their choice for who would be the next president of the United States. They also voted for candidates in other races, such as senators and","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"On November 5, Americans went to the polls. Some waited in long lines to make their choice for who would be the next president of the United States. They also voted for candidates in other races, such as senators and judges, as well as on community measures. Some people cast their ballot earlier than Election Day, either in person or by mail. As of press time, more than 140 million ballots have been tallied. There are more ballots to count, but the results are in: Republican candidate Donald Trump will be the nation\u2019s next president (see \u201cTrump Elected\u201d). Read TIME for Kids to learn about other aspects of Election 2024.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/at-the-polls\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"At the Polls","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91154":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"Voters cast their ballots for the next president. They choose state leaders, including governors, and city leaders, such as mayors. And voters chose members of the 119th United States Congress, which begins on January 3, 2025. Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The group makes new laws and changes existing ones. In total, 469 seats in Congress were up for grabs: 34 out of 100 seats in the Senate and all 435 seats in the House. Before the election, the Democratic Party had control of the Senate. Republicans won enough races to change the balance of power. When one party takes control from the other party, it is called \u201cflipping\u201d the Senate or the House. At press time, the Republican Party had flipped the Senate. The results for the House of Representatives had not yet been finalized.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Voters cast their ballots for the next president. They choose state leaders, including governors, and city leaders, such as mayors. And voters chose members of the 119th United States Congress, which begins on January 3, 2025. Congress is made up\u2026","issue_date":1731628800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/what-did-people-vote-on\/","post_id":91154,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1731059414,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241115_congress.jpg?w=1024","title":"What Did People Vote On?","topic":{"id":39277,"name":"Election 2024","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/election-2024\/","slug":"election-2024"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91154","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Voters cast their ballots for the next president. They choose state leaders, including governors, and city leaders, such as mayors. And voters chose members of the 119th United States Congress, which begins on January 3, 2025. Congress is made up","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Voters cast their ballots for the next president. They choose state leaders, including governors, and city leaders, such as mayors. And voters chose members of the 119th United States Congress, which begins on January 3, 2025. Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The group makes new laws and changes existing ones. In total, 469 seats in Congress were up for grabs: 34 out of 100 seats in the Senate and all 435 seats in the House. Before the election, the Democratic Party had control of the Senate. Republicans won enough races to change the balance of power. When one party takes control from the other party, it is called \u201cflipping\u201d the Senate or the House. At press time, the Republican Party had flipped the Senate. The results for the House of Representatives had not yet been finalized.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/what-did-people-vote-on\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"What Did People Vote On?","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91184":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"U.S. presidents can serve two four-year terms. Donald Trump\u2019s first term was from 2017 to 2021. He ran for reelection but did not win. Four years after his first term ended, Trump will begin serving again. Trump is only the second president in U.S. history to win nonconsecutive terms, or terms that are not back-to-back. The first was President Grover Cleveland. He served in the White House from 1885 to 1889\u2014and then again, four years later, from 1893 to 1897.","current_level":"","excerpt":"U.S. presidents can serve two four-year terms. Donald Trump\u2019s first term was from 2017 to 2021. He ran for reelection but did not win. Four years after his first term ended, Trump will begin serving again. Trump is only the\u2026","issue_date":1731628800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/back-to-the-white-house\/","post_id":91184,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1731059400,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241115_cleveland_trump.jpg?w=1024","title":"Back to the White House","topic":{"id":39277,"name":"Election 2024","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/election-2024\/","slug":"election-2024"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91184","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"U.S. presidents can serve two four-year terms. Donald Trump\u2019s first term was from 2017 to 2021. He ran for reelection but did not win. Four years after his first term ended, Trump will begin serving again. Trump","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"U.S. presidents can serve two four-year terms. Donald Trump\u2019s first term was from 2017 to 2021. He ran for reelection but did not win. Four years after his first term ended, Trump will begin serving again. Trump is only the second president in U.S. history to win nonconsecutive terms, or terms that are not back-to-back. The first was President Grover Cleveland. He served in the White House from 1885 to 1889\u2014and then again, four years later, from 1893 to 1897.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/back-to-the-white-house\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Back to the White House","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91159":{"authors":[{"id":5620,"name":"Allison Singer","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/allison-singer\/"}],"byline":"","content":"We asked TFK Kid Reporters to share their Election Day thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Here\u2019s what a few of them had to say. Disha Rai, 12, Illinois An election is a chance for people to participate in shaping the future of their community and country. I always find Election Day interesting\u2014one, because I get the day off of school, but more important, because of the energy that makes its way into conversations about how we can make our communities better. Rudrh Nair, 13, Connecticut Election Day is a cause for pride and change. It can also stir up nervousness. On the news, we saw a constant surge of voices. People from all around the world watched anxiously, waiting to see the results that would dictate the fate of the country. Dylan Landaw, 10, New York Election Day is a very important day for America. On that day, voters choose a president to lead and represent our nation. Even though kids like me are not able to vote, Election Day is important for us too. The results will affect the future for all of us.","current_level":"","excerpt":"We asked TFK Kid Reporters to share their Election Day thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Here\u2019s what a few of them had to say. Disha Rai, 12, Illinois An election is a chance for people to participate in shaping the future\u2026","issue_date":1731628800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/kids-weigh-in\/","post_id":91159,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1731059381,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241115_kids_weigh_in.jpg?w=1024","title":"Kids Weigh In","topic":{"id":39277,"name":"Election 2024","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/election-2024\/","slug":"election-2024"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91159","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"We asked TFK Kid Reporters to share their Election Day thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Here\u2019s what a few of them had to say. Disha Rai, 12, Illinois An election is a chance for people to participate in shaping the","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"We asked TFK Kid Reporters to share their Election Day thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Here\u2019s what a few of them had to say. Disha Rai, 12, Illinois An election is a chance for people to participate in shaping the future of their community and country. I always find Election Day interesting\u2014one, because I get the day off of school, but more important, because of the energy that makes its way into conversations about how we can make our communities better. Rudrh Nair, 13, Connecticut Election Day is a cause for pride and change. It can also stir up nervousness. On the news, we saw a constant surge of voices. People from all around the world watched anxiously, waiting to see the results that would dictate the fate of the country. Dylan Landaw, 10, New York Election Day is a very important day for America. On that day, voters choose a president to lead and represent our nation. Even though kids like me are not able to vote, Election Day is important for us too. The results will affect the future for all of us.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/kids-weigh-in\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Kids Weigh In","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91156":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"The 2024 election was full of historic moments. Voters chose state and local leaders from many different backgrounds. These include women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Here are a few of many important firsts. (Left to right) Row 1: Kamala Harris: First South Asian and Black woman to run for president on a major party ticket Bernie Moreno: First Latino\u2014and person of color\u2014elected to the U.S. Senate for Ohio Sarah McBride: First openly transgender person elected to Congress Julie Fedorchak: First woman elected to serve for North Dakota in the U.S. House Row 2: Andy Kim: First Korean-American elected to serve in the U.S. Senate Julie Johnson: First openly LGBTQ+ person to represent Texas in Congress Lisa Blunt Rochester and Angela Alsobrooks: The first two Black women elected to the Senate at once. Rochester will be the first Black senator from Delaware; Alsobrooks will be the first Black senator from Maryland.","current_level":"","excerpt":"The 2024 election was full of historic moments. Voters chose state and local leaders from many different backgrounds. These include women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Here are a few of many important firsts. (Left to\u2026","issue_date":1731628800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/people-making-history\/","post_id":91156,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1731059367,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G3G5_241115_people_making_history.jpg?w=1024","title":"People Making History","topic":{"id":39277,"name":"Election 2024","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/election-2024\/","slug":"election-2024"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91156","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"The 2024 election was full of historic moments. Voters chose state and local leaders from many different backgrounds. These include women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Here are a few of many important firsts. (Left to","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"The 2024 election was full of historic moments. Voters chose state and local leaders from many different backgrounds. These include women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Here are a few of many important firsts. (Left to right) Row 1: Kamala Harris: First South Asian and Black woman to run for president on a major party ticket Bernie Moreno: First Latino\u2014and person of color\u2014elected to the U.S. Senate for Ohio Sarah McBride: First openly transgender person elected to Congress Julie Fedorchak: First woman elected to serve for North Dakota in the U.S. House Row 2: Andy Kim: First Korean-American elected to serve in the U.S. Senate Julie Johnson: First openly LGBTQ+ person to represent Texas in Congress Lisa Blunt Rochester and Angela Alsobrooks: The first two Black women elected to the Senate at once. Rochester will be the first Black senator from Delaware; Alsobrooks will be the first Black senator from Maryland.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/people-making-history\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"People Making History","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"90963":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"On October 20, the Women\u2019s National Basketball Association (WNBA) ended its season with a nail-biting championship game between the New York Liberty and the Minnesota Lynx. The Liberty won its first-ever league title. CHAMPIONSHIP WIN The New York Liberty\u2019s Jonquel Jones celebrates with team mascot Ellie the Elephant on October 20.ELSA\u2014GETTY IMAGES The 2024 season included other record-setting achievements. The WNBA had its most-watched regular season in 24 years. WNBA games also had their best attendance in 22 seasons. And merchandise × merchandise items for sale, such as T-shirts and hats (noun) raked in the cash. Sales were up 601% from 2023, says a league press release. With the 2024 WNBA season having made history, the league is poised to expand. It has inspired young athletes around the country. Investing in Hoops Cathy Engelbert is league commissioner. She says the WNBA\u2019s rise is the result of careful investment. There\u2019s \u201ca lot of capital × capital money or other assets (noun) flowing in,\u201d Engelbert told TIME\u2019s Sean Gregory. \u201cOur owners are investing in practice facilities and player experience.\u201d PROMISING START The Indiana Fever's Caitlin Clark drives past a defender. Clark was also chosen for the All-Star Team this year.JOE BUGLEWICZ\u2014GETTY IMAGES Powerhouse players are attracting new audiences. Rookie × rookie having to do with a beginner in a profession (adjective) stars\u2014such as Caitlin Clark, who plays for the Indiana Fever, and Angel Reese, who plays for the Chicago Sky\u2014have drawn in viewers. And veteran players are showing new fans how competitive the sport is. A\u2019ja Wilson, for example, set two league records this year. The Las Vegas Aces player earned 1,021 points and 451 rebounds during the regular season. MVP ALERT A\u2019ja Wilson reaches for a pass on October 1. This year, Wilson became the first WNBA player to hit 1,000 points in a season.ELSA\u2014GETTY IMAGES Now the WNBA is looking ahead. Soon, the league will expand. A new team, the Golden State Valkyries, will begin play in San Francisco next year. Toronto, Canada, and Portland, Oregon, expect to see their teams begin play in 2026. Engelbert hopes the league will expand even further. Many cities have said they want their own team. Next Generation Caela Ellis is a high school girls\u2019 basketball coach. She works at Cranbrook Upper School, in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Ellis says the new attention to the WNBA is great for her players. \u201cFrom a role-model perspective, WNBA players are really inspiring,\u201d Ellis told TIME for Kids. FROM WNBA TO TEAM USA The 2024 U.S. women\u2019s Olympic basketball team shows off its gold at the Paris Olympics.DAMIEN MEYER\u2014AFP\/GETTY IMAGES Plus, \u201cit\u2019s not just about what they do on the court,\u201d Ellis says. She notes that WNBA players have started businesses and are actively giving back to their communities. Now, Ellis says, her high school players have \u201ca different ceiling when it comes to their dreams.\u201d","current_level":"en-830","excerpt":"On October 20, the Women\u2019s National Basketball Association (WNBA) ended its season with a nail-biting championship game between the New York Liberty and the Minnesota Lynx. The Liberty won its first-ever league title. The 2024 season included other record-setting achievements.\u2026","issue_date":1731628800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/nothing-but-net-g5\/","post_id":90963,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1730982489,"reading_levels":{"en-630":"Reading Level 630L","en-830":"Reading Level 830L","en-1000":"Reading Level 1000L"},"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G3G5_241115_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Nothing but Net","topic":{"id":884,"name":"Sports","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/sports\/","slug":"sports"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"90963","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"On October 20, the Women\u2019s National Basketball Association (WNBA) ended its season with a nail-biting championship game between the New York Liberty and the Minnesota Lynx. The Liberty won its first-ever league title. CHAMPIONSHIP WIN The New","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"On October 20, the Women\u2019s National Basketball Association (WNBA) ended its season with a nail-biting championship game between the New York Liberty and the Minnesota Lynx. The Liberty won its first-ever league title. CHAMPIONSHIP WIN The New York Liberty\u2019s Jonquel Jones celebrates with team mascot Ellie the Elephant on October 20.ELSA\u2014GETTY IMAGES The 2024 season included other record-setting achievements. The WNBA had its most-watched regular season in 24 years. WNBA games also had their best attendance in 22 seasons. And merchandise × merchandise items for sale, such as T-shirts and hats (noun) raked in the cash. Sales were up 601% from 2023, says a league press release. With the 2024 WNBA season having made history, the league is poised to expand. It has inspired young athletes around the country. Investing in Hoops Cathy Engelbert is league commissioner. She says the WNBA\u2019s rise is the result of careful investment. There\u2019s \u201ca lot of capital × capital money or other assets (noun) flowing in,\u201d Engelbert told TIME\u2019s Sean Gregory. \u201cOur owners are investing in practice facilities and player experience.\u201d PROMISING START The Indiana Fever's Caitlin Clark drives past a defender. Clark was also chosen for the All-Star Team this year.JOE BUGLEWICZ\u2014GETTY IMAGES Powerhouse players are attracting new audiences. Rookie × rookie having to do with a beginner in a profession (adjective) stars\u2014such as Caitlin Clark, who plays for the Indiana Fever, and Angel Reese, who plays for the Chicago Sky\u2014have drawn in viewers. And veteran players are showing new fans how competitive the sport is. A\u2019ja Wilson, for example, set two league records this year. The Las Vegas Aces player earned 1,021 points and 451 rebounds during the regular season. MVP ALERT A\u2019ja Wilson reaches for a pass on October 1. This year, Wilson became the first WNBA player to hit 1,000 points in a season.ELSA\u2014GETTY IMAGES Now the WNBA is looking ahead. Soon, the league will expand. A new team, the Golden State Valkyries, will begin play in San Francisco next year. Toronto, Canada, and Portland, Oregon, expect to see their teams begin play in 2026. Engelbert hopes the league will expand even further. Many cities have said they want their own team. Next Generation Caela Ellis is a high school girls\u2019 basketball coach. She works at Cranbrook Upper School, in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Ellis says the new attention to the WNBA is great for her players. \u201cFrom a role-model perspective, WNBA players are really inspiring,\u201d Ellis told TIME for Kids. FROM WNBA TO TEAM USA The 2024 U.S. women\u2019s Olympic basketball team shows off its gold at the Paris Olympics.DAMIEN MEYER\u2014AFP\/GETTY IMAGES Plus, \u201cit\u2019s not just about what they do on the court,\u201d Ellis says. She notes that WNBA players have started businesses and are actively giving back to their communities. Now, Ellis says, her high school players have \u201ca different ceiling when it comes to their dreams.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/nothing-but-net-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Nothing but Net","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91013":{"authors":[{"id":38592,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-safiyyah-hussain\/"}],"byline":"Harper Wolking","content":"\u201cI\u2019ve been playing basketball since I was 3. Once you start, you don\u2019t want to stop! I\u2019m delighted that the world is sharing my excitement for the game and enjoying the WNBA. Watching Sabrina Ionescu almost take down Steph Curry in the three-point contest made me want to just go outside and shoot free throws until my arms fell off.\u201d \b\u2014TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain, 12, Virginia COURTESY ISRA BHATTY \u201cBasketball means so much to me. I\u2019m happy the WNBA is finally getting the attention it deserves. Everyone should try to play basketball at least once. It\u2019s a great way to stay active and build relationships.\u201d \b\u2014Harper Wolking, 13, Virginia COURTESY ISRA BHATTY","current_level":"","excerpt":"\u201cI\u2019ve been playing basketball since I was 3. Once you start, you don\u2019t want to stop! I\u2019m delighted that the world is sharing my excitement for the game and enjoying the WNBA. Watching Sabrina Ionescu almost take down Steph Curry\u2026","issue_date":1731628800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/the-kid-report-nothing-but-net\/","post_id":91013,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1730982376,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2022\/10\/KidReport.jpeg?w=1024","title":"The Kid Report: Nothing but Net","topic":{"id":884,"name":"Sports","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/sports\/","slug":"sports"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"91013","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"\u201cI\u2019ve been playing basketball since I was 3. Once you start, you don\u2019t want to stop! I\u2019m delighted that the world is sharing my excitement for the game and enjoying the WNBA. Watching Sabrina Ionescu almost","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"\u201cI\u2019ve been playing basketball since I was 3. Once you start, you don\u2019t want to stop! I\u2019m delighted that the world is sharing my excitement for the game and enjoying the WNBA. Watching Sabrina Ionescu almost take down Steph Curry in the three-point contest made me want to just go outside and shoot free throws until my arms fell off.\u201d \b\u2014TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain, 12, Virginia COURTESY ISRA BHATTY \u201cBasketball means so much to me. I\u2019m happy the WNBA is finally getting the attention it deserves. Everyone should try to play basketball at least once. It\u2019s a great way to stay active and build relationships.\u201d \b\u2014Harper Wolking, 13, Virginia COURTESY ISRA BHATTY","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/the-kid-report-nothing-but-net\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"The Kid Report: Nothing but Net","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}}},"nbHits":2089,"page":0,"nbPages":50,"hitsPerPage":20,"exhaustiveNbHits":true,"exhaustiveTypo":true,"exhaustive":{"nbHits":true,"typo":true},"query":"","params":"exactOnSingleWordQuery=word&facetFilters=%5B%5B%22editions%3Ag5-6%22%5D%2C%5B%22post_type%3Atfk_article%22%5D%2C%22subscribers_only%3A-true%22%2C%22family_only%3A-true%22%2C%22teacher_only%3A-true%22%5D&page=0","renderingContent":[],"processingTimeMS":2,"processingTimingsMS":{"_request":{"roundTrip":7},"afterFetch":{"format":{"highlighting":2,"snippeting":3,"total":6}},"getIdx":{"total":1},"total":2},"serverTimeMS":9}}; </script> </head> <body class="archive post-type-archive post-type-archive-tfk_article"> <a href="#main-content" class="skip-to-main-content">Skip to main content</a> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 0 0" width="0" height="0" focusable="false" 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class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >On November 18, the more than 33 million residents of New Delhi, India, woke up to an ugly surprise. The city was covered in smog. It’s a kind of air pollution that creates a thick, toxic fog. In some parts…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Arts</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Apeeling Artwork</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 21, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >How much would you pay for a banana taped to a wall? That question was on everyone’s mind at Sotheby’s, the New York City auction house, on November 20. The artwork was auctioned to the highest bidder. Final price: $6.2…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">World</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Sweater Weather</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 21, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >On November 12, a staffer at London’s Natural History Museum caps off the T. rex’s winter outfit. Each year, the famed animatronic dinosaur dons a snazzy new sw…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Community</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Kids Connect: Jatnna Recio</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 21, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >What inspired your community service work? I was vice president of student council in eighth grade. Our goal was to help our community become cleaner. How did the cleanups work? We started with our school. That motivated us once we…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Environment</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Deep-Sea Danger</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 21, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >The ocean is full of amazing creatures. It’s also full of plastic. There are about 171 trillion pieces of plastic floating in the sea, according to a study published in the journal PLOS One in 2023. That’s bad news for…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Time Off</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Undead Adventure</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 21, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >TFK Kid Reporter Meyer Ballas read The Last Kids on Earth: The Graphic Novel and interviewed Max Brallier, its author. Read Meyer’s thoughts below. The Last Kids on Earth: The Graphic Novel is an illustrated version of the first book…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Time Off</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Magical Moments</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 20, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Wicked —now in movie theaters—imagines what happened before Dorothy fell into the Land of Oz. Based on the hit Broadway musical, the movie stars Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande as witches Elphaba and Glinda. Marissa Bode plays Nessarose, Elphaba’s sister.…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Time Off</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >The Inside Story</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 20, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Based on a novel of the same name, the new movie Out of My Mind is about Melody Brooks, a sixth grader with cerebral palsy. This affects her speech and movement, so she isn’t given the same opportunities as her…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Time Off</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Friends in the Wilderness</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 13, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain read Off the Map and interviewed Meika Hashimoto, its author. Read Safiyyah’s thoughts below. In her latest novel, Off the Map, Meika Hashimoto takes readers on a gripping adventure in Alaska. Marlo sets out on…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Time Off</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Princess in Peril</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 12, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng read The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night and interviewed the book’s author, Steven Banbury. Read Evelyn’s thoughts below. The Pumpkin Princess and the Forever Night is Steven Banbury’s debut novel. It’s about a young…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Trump Elected</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 8, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Donald Trump has won the 2024 presidential election, defeating current vice president Kamala Harris to become the 47th president of the United States. Election results were announced early on November 6, on the morning after Election Day. After his path…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >At the Polls</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 8, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >On November 5, Americans went to the polls. Some waited in long lines to make their choice for who would be the next president of the United States. They also voted for candidates in other races, such as senators and…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >What Did People Vote On?</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 8, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Voters cast their ballots for the next president. They choose state leaders, including governors, and city leaders, such as mayors. And voters chose members of the 119th United States Congress, which begins on January 3, 2025. Congress is made up…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Back to the White House</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 8, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >U.S. presidents can serve two four-year terms. Donald Trump’s first term was from 2017 to 2021. He ran for reelection but did not win. Four years after his first term ended, Trump will begin serving again. Trump is only the…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Kids Weigh In</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 8, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >We asked TFK Kid Reporters to share their Election Day thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Here’s what a few of them had to say. Disha Rai, 12, Illinois An election is a chance for people to participate in shaping the future…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >People Making History</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 8, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >The 2024 election was full of historic moments. Voters chose state and local leaders from many different backgrounds. These include women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Here are a few of many important firsts. (Left to…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Nothing but Net</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 7, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >On October 20, the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) ended its season with a nail-biting championship game between the New York Liberty and the Minnesota Lynx. The Liberty won its first-ever league title. The 2024 season included other record-setting achievements.…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >The Kid Report: Nothing but Net</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 7, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >“I’ve been playing basketball since I was 3. Once you start, you don’t want to stop! I’m delighted that the world is sharing my excitement for the game and enjoying the WNBA. Watching Sabrina Ionescu almost take down Steph Curry…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <nav class="navigation pagination" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><span aria-current="page" class="page-numbers current">1</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">2</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">3</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">4</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">5</a> <span class="page-numbers dots">…</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">50</a> <a class="next page-numbers" href="">Next</a></div> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </main> <!-- d6e5c47a495f6107cc2ee19d4ddc3a26e11967050d1e84a2df59300955eb6468|1730503478 --><footer class="c-footer dont-print"> <div class="site-container"> <div class="standard-container"> <nav> <ul class="c-footer__menu-items"> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/contact-us/">Contact us</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/privacy-policy/">Privacy policy</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/privacy-policy/#_Toc54003735">California privacy</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/terms-of-service/">Terms of Service</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="">Subscribe</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="">CLASSROOM INTERNATIONAL</a></li> </ul> </nav> <img src="" class="c-footer__logo" alt="TIME for Kids." /> <div class="horizontal-rule"></div> <div class="c-footer__legal"> <small>© 2024 TIME USA, LLC. 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