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Sackler Center for Feminist Art</a></h6> <h5>5th Floor</h5> <h6><a href="">Arts of the Americas, Luce Center for American Art</a></h6> </div> <!-- End of On View list --> <div class="col-md-5"> <h4>RESEARCH RESOURCES</h4> <h6><a href="">African Art Exhibition of 1923</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Archives Collections</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Culin Archival Collection</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Exhibition Archives</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Hiroshige's One Hundred Famous Views of Edo</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Image Services</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Luce Center Search</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Mut Precinct</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Provenance and Collecting History</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Schenck Houses</a></h6> <h6><a href="">The Museum's Building</a></h6> <h6><a href="">Walt Whitman and the Arts in Brooklyn</a></h6> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End of menu right column --> </div> </div> </nav> </div> </div> </div><div class="container oc-object"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="row image-gallery"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="highlighted-image"> <img src="" alt="Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977). <em>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</em>, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund , 2015.53. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2015.53_framed_PS2.jpg)" /> </div> <figcaption class="row caption highlighted-image-caption"> Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977). <em>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</em>, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund , 2015.53. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2015.53_framed_PS2.jpg) </figcaption> <span class="clearfix"></span> <div class="row thumbnail-gallery"> <div class="col-md-12 highlight-thumbnails"> <div class="thumbnail-wrapper"> <a class="thumbnail img-responsive" href="" title="Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977). <em>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</em>, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund , 2015.53. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2015.53_framed_PS2.jpg)" target="_blank"> <img class="thumbnail img-responsive" alt="Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977). <em>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</em>, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund , 2015.53. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2015.53_framed_PS2.jpg)" data-target="150449" src="" data-src="" data-full-img-url="" /> </a> <div class="thumbnail-caption" data-target="150449"> <p> Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977). <em>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</em>, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund , 2015.53. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2015.53_framed_PS2.jpg) </p> </div> <div class="thumbnail-description" data-target="150449"></div> </div> <div class="thumbnail-wrapper"> <a class="thumbnail img-responsive" href="" title="Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977). <em>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</em>, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund , 2015.53. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2015.53_cropped_PS2.jpg)" target="_blank"> <img class="thumbnail img-responsive" alt="Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977). <em>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</em>, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund , 2015.53. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2015.53_cropped_PS2.jpg)" data-target="150450" src="" data-src="" data-full-img-url="" /> </a> <div class="thumbnail-caption" data-target="150450"> <p> Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977). <em>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</em>, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund , 2015.53. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2015.53_cropped_PS2.jpg) </p> </div> <div class="thumbnail-description" data-target="150450"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 download-link"> <a id="download-image-link" href="" download>DOWNLOAD<i class="icon-bkm-arrow-down"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="snippet-container hidden-sm hidden-xs"> <div class="snippet-header"> <div class="snippet-header-logos clearfix"> <img src="" alt="ASK Brooklyn Museum" width="225"> <img src="" alt="Bloomberg Philanthropies" class="sponser-badge" width="100"> </div> <div class="snippet-header-info"> <a href="/ask">Download</a> our app and ask your own questions during your visit. Here are some that others have asked. </div> </div> <div class="snippet-message-body"> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span> Who is Kehinde Wiley? </span> <img src="" width='250px' > </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>Kehinde Wiley is a prominent Black American painter. He was born in Los Angeles and attended art school at the San Francisco Institute and Yale University. He is currently based in New York and has studios around the world. His first solo museum exhibition was organized by the Brooklyn Museum in 2004. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>A painting like this one, an everyday Black American replacing the subject of a historical European painting with additional ornamentation, is very typical of Wiley’s work. Celebrities have also commissioned Wiley to paint their portraits, and his best known work is probably the official presidential portrait of Barack Obama. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span>Is that really meant to look like sperm all over the painting? What does that symbolize? </span> <img src="" width='250px' > </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>It is meant to look like sperm cells! They are intentionally quite subtle, only obvious when you look quite closely. They have two real meanings. One pokes fun and the hyper-masculinity that David's portrait of Napoleon and others like it present. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>Another addresses the subtle, but inherent homoeroticism of Wiley's portraits of men, both in the practice of "street-casting" and of prolonged looking and studying of his subject. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span> What does Wiley intend to convey by painting young black men styled as European royalty? </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>At its core, Wiley sees it as a type of validation. He is inserting the kinds of people that he and many other black Americans grew up around into the art historical canon. A painting like this one—which is based on an 1801 portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte—also equates performances of masculinity from different times and places. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>Wiley uses street casting to choose models, which is also related to the idea championed by Andy Warhol that everyone could be famous for 15 minutes. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span>Did Wiley also design the frame? </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>Yes! This custom frame was designed to imitate ornate 18th century styles like those that a painting of Napoleon Bonaparte might be shown in. One special detail is the artist’s self-portrait included at the center of the top of the frame.</span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span>Who is the man on the horse? </span> <img src="" width='250px' > </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>The man is only identified by his last name, Williams, added to the rocks with Bonaparte, Hannibal, and Karolus Magnus. The artist met Williams on the street and invited this stranger to his studio to pose for painting. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>This is a common practice for Wiley; he calls it street casting. The people who pose for Wiley’s paintings also collaborate with the artist to select exactly which historical painting they are going to recreate. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span>Why does the background pattern leak over the subject of the painting?</span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>This pattern was chosen for the way that it represents styles at the time of Napoleon, the subject of the painting Wiley builds upon here. The overlap creates a stronger connection between the backdrop and the subject. The unusual arrangement also calls attention to the artificial nature of the image in a painting. By reminding you that the artist can do whatever they want with a paintbrush, Wiley may remind you to question what choices are being made even when a painting is said to recreate reality. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span>What are the Roman numerals on the horse’s harness referencing? </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>The inscription on the horse's harness "WILEY L'AN CCXIIV" translates to "Wiley, the year 213." The painting that this work is based on, painted by Jacques-Louis David, uses the same system of writing the date. It is based on the establishment of the First French Republic in 1792. 213 years later would be 2005.</span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>Ironically, a few years after David painted his original portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor abolished the Republic and so negated this dating system.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 object-data"> <div class=""> <h1>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</h1> </div> <div class="artist-heading"> <h3> Kehinde Wiley</h3> </div> <div class="collection-heading"> <h4>Contemporary Art</h4> </div> <div class="location-heading"> <h6>On View: Martha A. and Robert S. Rubin Pavilion, 1st Floor</h6> </div> <div class="item-description"> <b>About this Brooklyn Icon<br /> </b><i>The Brooklyn Museum is commemorating its 200th anniversary by spotlighting 200 standout objects in its encyclopedic collection.<br /> </i><br /> Kehinde Wiley presents a defiant portrait of a young Black man on horseback, identified only by the surname Williams. It wasn’t common until recently to see subjects like Williams depicted in such a monumental way. In fact, the inspiration for this painting is a 200-year-old portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, a significant historical figure. Here, an anonymous Black youth takes Napoleon’s place and is painted with the same sense of magnificence. Although his surroundings are grand, Williams’s camouflage suit, white T-shirt, and Timberlands, as well as his Starter wristbands, forearm tattoos, and white bandana tied around his forehead, are familiar. Unlike Napoleon, Williams feels <i>real</i>—like someone you could, and possibly do, know. <br /> <br /> This painting is part of Wiley’s 2005 <i>Rumors of War</i> series and was featured in the Brooklyn Museum’s 2015 exhibition <i><a href="">Kehinde Wiley: A New Republic</a></i>, the artist’s first museum survey show. In 2020, it was exhibited with the <a href="">original portrait of Napoleon by Jacques-Louis David</a>, which emphasized Wiley’s criticisms of race and power. The Museum has a long-standing engagement with Wiley’s work, having organized his <a href="">first-ever solo museum exhibition</a> in 2004, just three years after he earned his MFA, setting the stage for decades of collaboration.<br /> <br /> ***<br /> <br /> <b>Gallery Label<br /> </b><br /> <i>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</i> is emblematic of Kehinde Wiley's long-standing and complicated engagement with the grand tradition of European portrait painting, an engagement encapsulated by the artist's statement that he is simultaneously "drawn toward that flame and wanting to blow it out." Wiley's work not only reflects his in-depth understanding of portraiture's ability to convey the power of the sitter, but also highlights the fact that brown and Black people have been written out of mainstream history. Wiley redresses this omission by offering an alternative narrative.<br /> <br /> This painting takes as its point of departure Jacques-Louis David's well-known portrait Bonaparte Crossing the Alps (1800–1), which commemorated the renowned French general Napoleon Bonaparte. In keeping with his practice, Wiley preserves the pose and composition in David's work, while swapping the heroic figure of Napoleon for a contemporary Black man wearing camouflage fatigues and Timberland boots. Wiley also transforms the blue sky in David's painting into a red ground embellished with gold floral motifs. Jewel-like sperm cells scattered across the surface refer to sexuality and a type of hypermasculinity that Wiley associates with aggression, whether military or otherwise. On the rocky outcropping in the foreground, inscribed with names of great historical military commanders, is the addition of "WILLIAMS," the model's last name. Aside from his name, little else is known about the man sitting in the saddle, in contrast to the general whose role he assumes in the painting. </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>ARTIST</strong> <a href="">Kehinde Wiley, American, born 1977</a> </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>MEDIUM</strong> Oil on canvas </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>DATES</strong> 2005 </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>DIMENSIONS</strong> 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm) frame: 130 1/2 x 121 x 12 in. (331.5 x 307.3 x 30.5 cm) weight: 220 lb. (99.79kg) <a id="toggle-scale-comparison"> (show scale)</a> <div id="scale-comparison"> <img class="scale-image" src="" /> <img class="scale-glyph" style="left:198px;" src="/images/icons/scale/human_blue_192px.png" height="117.33333333333px" width="55px" /> </div> </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>COLLECTIONS</strong> <a href='' class='searchable-content'>Contemporary Art</a> </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>ACCESSION NUMBER</strong> 2015.53 </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>CREDIT LINE</strong> Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>EXHIBITIONS</strong> <ul> <li><a href="">Kehinde Wiley: A New Republic</a></li> <li><a href="">Jacques-Louis David Meets Kehinde Wiley</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>MUSEUM LOCATION</strong> This item is on view in <a href="">Martha A. and Robert S. Rubin Pavilion, 1st Floor</a> </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>CAPTION</strong> Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977). <em>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</em>, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund , 2015.53. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2015.53_framed_PS2.jpg) </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>IMAGE</strong> overall, framed, 2015.53_framed_PS2.jpg. Brooklyn Museum photograph, 2010 <div id="curatorial-image-copy"> "CUR" at the beginning of an image file name means that the image was created by a curatorial staff member. These study images may be digital point-and-shoot photographs, when we don\'t yet have high-quality studio photography, or they may be scans of older negatives, slides, or photographic prints, providing historical documentation of the object. </div> </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong>RIGHTS STATEMENT</strong> <a id="toggle-rights-statement"> © Kehinde Wiley. Courtesy Sean Kelly Gallery, New York </a> <div id="rights-statement">The Brooklyn Museum holds a non-exclusive license to reproduce images of this work of art from the rights holder named here. The Museum does not warrant that the use of this work will not infringe on the rights of third parties. It is your responsibility to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions before copying, transmitting, or making other use of protected items beyond that allowed by "fair use," as such term is understood under the United States Copyright Act. For further information about copyright, we recommend resources at the <a href="" target="_blank">United States Library of Congress</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Cornell University</a>, <em><a href="" target="_blank">Copyright and Cultural Institutions: Guidelines for U.S. Libraries, Archives, and Museums</a></em>, and <a href="" target="_blank">Copyright Watch</a>. For more information about the Museum's rights project, including how rights types are assigned, please see our <a href="" target="_blank">blog posts on copyright</a>. If you have any information regarding this work and rights to it, please contact <a href=""></a>. If you wish to contact the rights holder for this work, please email <a href=""></a> and we will assist if we can.</div> </div> <div class="tombstone-data-row"> <strong style="margin-right: 1em;">RECORD COMPLETENESS</strong> <a id="toggle-completeness-copy"> <div class="progress" style="width: 100px;"> <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="82" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: 82%;"> </div> </div> </a> <div id="completeness-copy"> Not every record you will find here is complete. More information is available for some works than for others, and some entries have been updated more recently. Records are frequently reviewed and revised, and <a href="">we welcome</a> any additional information you might have. </div> </div> <!-- ASK Snippets mobile --> <div class="snippet-container hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xl"> <div class="snippet-header"> <div class="snippet-header-logos clearfix"> <img src="" alt="ASK Brooklyn Museum" width="225"> <img src="" alt="Bloomberg Philanthropies" class="sponser-badge" width="100"> </div> <div class="snippet-header-info"> <a href="/ask">Download</a> our app and ask your own questions during your visit. Here are some that others have asked. </div> </div> <div class="snippet-message-body"> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span> Who is Kehinde Wiley? </span> <img src="" width='250px' > </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>Kehinde Wiley is a prominent Black American painter. He was born in Los Angeles and attended art school at the San Francisco Institute and Yale University. He is currently based in New York and has studios around the world. His first solo museum exhibition was organized by the Brooklyn Museum in 2004. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>A painting like this one, an everyday Black American replacing the subject of a historical European painting with additional ornamentation, is very typical of Wiley’s work. Celebrities have also commissioned Wiley to paint their portraits, and his best known work is probably the official presidential portrait of Barack Obama. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span>Is that really meant to look like sperm all over the painting? What does that symbolize? </span> <img src="" width='250px' > </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>It is meant to look like sperm cells! They are intentionally quite subtle, only obvious when you look quite closely. They have two real meanings. One pokes fun and the hyper-masculinity that David's portrait of Napoleon and others like it present. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>Another addresses the subtle, but inherent homoeroticism of Wiley's portraits of men, both in the practice of "street-casting" and of prolonged looking and studying of his subject. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span> What does Wiley intend to convey by painting young black men styled as European royalty? </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>At its core, Wiley sees it as a type of validation. He is inserting the kinds of people that he and many other black Americans grew up around into the art historical canon. A painting like this one—which is based on an 1801 portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte—also equates performances of masculinity from different times and places. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>Wiley uses street casting to choose models, which is also related to the idea championed by Andy Warhol that everyone could be famous for 15 minutes. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span>Did Wiley also design the frame? </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>Yes! This custom frame was designed to imitate ornate 18th century styles like those that a painting of Napoleon Bonaparte might be shown in. One special detail is the artist’s self-portrait included at the center of the top of the frame.</span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span>Who is the man on the horse? </span> <img src="" width='250px' > </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>The man is only identified by his last name, Williams, added to the rocks with Bonaparte, Hannibal, and Karolus Magnus. The artist met Williams on the street and invited this stranger to his studio to pose for painting. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>This is a common practice for Wiley; he calls it street casting. The people who pose for Wiley’s paintings also collaborate with the artist to select exactly which historical painting they are going to recreate. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span>Why does the background pattern leak over the subject of the painting?</span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>This pattern was chosen for the way that it represents styles at the time of Napoleon, the subject of the painting Wiley builds upon here. The overlap creates a stronger connection between the backdrop and the subject. The unusual arrangement also calls attention to the artificial nature of the image in a painting. By reminding you that the artist can do whatever they want with a paintbrush, Wiley may remind you to question what choices are being made even when a painting is said to recreate reality. </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--guest snippet-start" > <span>What are the Roman numerals on the horse’s harness referencing? </span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>The inscription on the horse's harness "WILEY L'AN CCXIIV" translates to "Wiley, the year 213." The painting that this work is based on, painted by Jacques-Louis David, uses the same system of writing the date. It is based on the establishment of the First French Republic in 1792. 213 years later would be 2005.</span> </div> <div class="snippet snippet--host " > <span>Ironically, a few years after David painted his original portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor abolished the Republic and so negated this dating system.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End of object data div --> <div class="col-md-1 print-email-links hidden-sm hidden-xs"> <a href=""> <div class="row"> <i class="icon-print"></i> </div> <div class="row print-text"> Print </div> </a> <a href=""> <div class="row"> <i class="icon-mail"></i> </div> <div class="row email-text"> Email </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="row print-email-links-mobile hidden-md hidden-lg"> <div class="col-xs-4"> <a href=""> <i class="icon-print"></i>Print </a> </div> <div class="col-xs-8"> <a href=""> <i class="icon-mail"></i>Email </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-fluid add-tags-partial"> <div class="container content"> <div class="row"> <i class="tagging-menu-close icon-bkm-x"></i> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5 first-col"> <div class="row"> <img src="" class="" alt="Kehinde Wiley (American, born 1977). <em>Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps</em>, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. (274.3 x 274.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs, Jr. Fund , 2015.53. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2015.53_framed_PS2.jpg)"/> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 second-col"> <div class="row"> <h3 class="orange-text">TAGS</h3> </div> <div class="row add-tags-area"> <div class="tag tag-68644 "> <a href=" Bonaparte" title="Items tagged Napoleon Bonaparte">Napoleon Bonaparte </a> </div> <div class="tag tag-68645 "> <a href="" title="Items tagged Vizir">Vizir </a> </div> <div class="tag tag-68646 "> <a href="" title="Items tagged Alps">Alps </a> </div> <div class="tag tag-68647 "> <a href=" Wiley" title="Items tagged Kehinde Wiley">Kehinde Wiley </a> </div> <div class="tag tag-68648 "> <a href="" title="Items tagged horseback">horseback </a> </div> <div class="tag tag-68649 "> <a href="" title="Items tagged painting">painting </a> </div> <div class="tag tag-68650 "> <a href=" Louis David" title="Items tagged Jacques Louis David">Jacques Louis David </a> </div> <div class="tag tag-68651 "> <a href=" on 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