WWW-Talk Jan-Mar 1993: Support for CSO and gopher type 2
<!-- received="Sat Mar 13 22:06:07 1993 PDT" --> <!-- sent="Sat, 13 Mar 93 15:18:26 CST" --> <!-- name="Lou Montulli" --> <!-- email="" --> <!-- subject="Support for CSO and gopher type 2" --> <!-- id="" --> <!-- inreplyto="" --> <title>WWW-Talk Jan-Mar 1993: Support for CSO and gopher type 2</title> <h1>Support for CSO and gopher type 2</h1> Lou Montulli (<i></i>)<br> <i>Sat, 13 Mar 93 15:18:26 CST</i> <p> <ul> <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b> <a href="date.html#261">[ date ]</a><a href="index.html#261">[ thread ]</a><a href="subject.html#261">[ subject ]</a><a href="author.html#261">[ author ]</a> <!-- next="start" --> <li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0262.html">Marc Andreessen: "NCSA Mosaic for X 0.10 released"</a> <li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0260.html">Marc Andreessen: "Re: proposed new tag: IMG"</a> <!-- nextthread="start" --> <li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0264.html">Thomas R. Bruce: "Support for CSO and gopher type 2"</a> </ul> <hr> <!-- body="start" --> As many of you may know, Gopher file type 2 is a CSO nameserver <br> interface. All of the WWW clients that I have seen do not support<br> this file type. Why not?<br> <p> A page similar to the Gopher index page could be displayed,<br> with some additional instructions on how to construct a query.<br> <p> For instance: To search on all fields simply say "query STRING"<br> To search on a particular field like a name field<br> say "query name=STRING"<br> <p> The client simply has to send an extra "\nquit\n" to complete the<br> query, or cut off the connection when the string "200:Ok" or<br> "501:No matches to your query." is sent by the server. <br> <p> Considering the fact that there are over 100 CSO servers available<br> for these queries, doesn't it seem necessary to support them?<br> <p> Maybe a new url type is in order:<br> "cso://"<br> <p> :lou<br> <pre> -- ************************************************************************** * T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F K A N S A S * * Lou MONTULLI @ Ukanvax.bitnet * * * * Nothing difficult, ACS Computing Services * * is ever easy! 913/864-0436 Lawrence, KS 66044 * * * * For how we live is so different from how we ought to live that he who * * studies what ought to be done rather than what is done will learn the * * way to his downfall rather than to his preservation. -Machiavelli * ************************************************************************** </pre> <!-- body="end" --> <hr> <p> <ul> <!-- next="start" --> <li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0262.html">Marc Andreessen: "NCSA Mosaic for X 0.10 released"</a> <li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0260.html">Marc Andreessen: "Re: proposed new tag: IMG"</a> <!-- nextthread="start" --> <li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0264.html">Thomas R. Bruce: "Support for CSO and gopher type 2"</a> </ul>