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fill="#fff" d="M484.24 237.69a4.37 4.37 0 0 0-2.17-2.09 20.31 20.31 0 0 0-17.32-.93c-2.56 1.06-7.45 3.45-12.78 11.26a13.34 13.34 0 0 0-5.29-4.43c-3.14-1.54-7.27-2.32-12.27-2.32-7.36 0-13.62 1.63-18.59 4.85a22.31 22.31 0 0 0-8 8.82 12 12 0 0 0-2.22-6.93c-3.1-4.31-8.95-6.49-17.39-6.49-7.36 0-13.61 1.63-18.59 4.84a23.49 23.49 0 0 0-5.85 5.35l1.68-4.94a3.62 3.62 0 0 0-4-4.73l-19 2.93a7.53 7.53 0 0 0-6.45 5.25s-3 8.82-3.65 10.69a2.16 2.16 0 0 0 2.32 2.86l3.53-.47-11.28 33.85-3 9.08a2.24 2.24 0 0 0 2.58 2.9l32.16-6.61a32.77 32.77 0 0 0 11.18 2.05c7.36 0 13.63-1.63 18.62-4.84a22.45 22.45 0 0 0 7.91-8.53 12 12 0 0 0 2.21 6.93c3.09 4.29 8.92 6.46 17.32 6.46 7.37 0 13.63-1.63 18.63-4.84q.84-.54 1.62-1.14a7.15 7.15 0 0 0 .73 1.09c1.47 1.79 4 2.95 7.42 3.45a10.85 10.85 0 0 1 6.22 2.64 14.51 14.51 0 0 1 2.06 2.77 15.22 15.22 0 0 1 2.05-2.77 10.85 10.85 0 0 1 6.22-2.64c3.45-.5 6-1.66 7.42-3.45a5.76 5.76 0 0 0 1.37-3.63V264.9h-1.14a9.47 9.47 0 0 1-7.88 1.6 11.57 11.57 0 0 1-8.05-6.91l.43-1.27a25.23 25.23 0 0 0 .92-3.7s10.53 2.15 18.4-1.22a20.31 20.31 0 0 0 11.81-12.7 4.26 4.26 0 0 0 .11-3.01zm-73.68 19c2.27-6.79 9.64-13.5 23.85-13.5 9.25 0 13.73 2.85 15.11 6.71l-15.08 4.72a7.13 7.13 0 0 0-3.6-.77c-3.5 0-6.37 1.13-7.71 4.34l-14.62 4.58zm-46.22.24c2.27-6.79 9.65-13.5 23.85-13.5s17.17 6.71 14.9 13.5l-2.82 8.42-14.55 4.57 3.58-10.7c1.22-3.63-1-5.13-4.67-5.13s-6.82 1.5-8 5.13l-5.07 15.15L357 279zm-20.39 0l-6.95 1 2.85-8.51c.46-1.36 1.14-2.17 3.21-2.54l15.94-2.46c2-.29 1.87 1 1.47 2.21l-11.79 35-14.4 4.5zm50.64 25.49l-.83 2.53c-2.27 6.78-9.73 13.49-23.93 13.49a34 34 0 0 1-4.87-.32 21.1 21.1 0 0 1-5.1-1.35l-13.28 2.7 50.16-23.43zm-65 17.7l2.23-6.8 75.24-26 6.08-2.1-6 2.5zm130.78-32.64a10.11 10.11 0 0 0 8.24-1.46V294c0 .95-.4 5-7.92 6.07a11.89 11.89 0 0 0-6.78 2.92 8.52 8.52 0 0 0-1.34 1.63 9 9 0 0 0-1.35-1.63 11.89 11.89 0 0 0-6.78-2.92c-7.52-1.08-7.92-5.12-7.92-6.07v-28a10.11 10.11 0 0 0 8.24 1.46 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 7.81-5.61 12.38 12.38 0 0 0 7.8 5.64zm22.48-26.91a17 17 0 0 1-24.18 9.77 4.74 4.74 0 0 1-1.43-1.09l-7.38 3.91a12.24 12.24 0 0 1-.68 3.87l-3 8.9a12.87 12.87 0 0 1-1.69.56 9.47 9.47 0 0 1-7.88-1.6h-1.11v26.86c-4 3.87-10.35 6.72-19.61 6.72-14.2 0-17.09-6.71-14.81-13.5l2.4-7.19 1.8-5.57 51.63-23.38s6.77-3.24 6.84-3.13c-.12-.24-2.8.66-7.08 2.15a6.25 6.25 0 0 1 .29-1.74 17 17 0 0 1 24.18-9.77 3.06 3.06 0 0 1 1.71 4.23z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path fill="#333f48" d="M481.14 236.35a17 17 0 0 0-24.14 9.77 6.25 6.25 0 0 0-.29 1.74c4.28-1.49 7-2.39 7.08-2.15s-6.36 3.47-6.51 3.55a4.74 4.74 0 0 0 1.43 1.09 17 17 0 0 0 24.18-9.77 3.06 3.06 0 0 0-1.71-4.23zm-12.69 9.29l-.64.27a5.79 5.79 0 0 0-.45-1.56 6.24 6.24 0 0 0-.93-1.55l.55-.24a2.73 2.73 0 0 1 1.34 1.38 2.6 2.6 0 0 1 .13 1.7zm2.31-1l-.64.28a6.69 6.69 0 0 0-.45-1.57 6.26 6.26 0 0 0-.94-1.55l.56-.24a2.81 2.81 0 0 1 1.34 1.38 2.74 2.74 0 0 1 .13 1.71zm2.31-1l-.64.28a6.5 6.5 0 0 0-1.39-3.12l.56-.24a2.81 2.81 0 0 1 1.34 1.38 2.74 2.74 0 0 1 .13 1.72zm2.3-1l-.64.28a6 6 0 0 0-.45-1.57 6.43 6.43 0 0 0-.93-1.55l.55-.24a2.77 2.77 0 0 1 1.34 1.38 2.61 2.61 0 0 1 .13 1.73z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M473.9 239.59l-.55.24a6.43 6.43 0 0 1 .93 1.55 6 6 0 0 1 .45 1.57l.64-.28a2.61 2.61 0 0 0-.13-1.7 2.77 2.77 0 0 0-1.34-1.38zM471.6 240.58l-.56.24a6.5 6.5 0 0 1 1.39 3.12l.64-.28a2.74 2.74 0 0 0-.13-1.7 2.81 2.81 0 0 0-1.34-1.38zM467 242.56l-.55.24a6.24 6.24 0 0 1 .93 1.55 5.79 5.79 0 0 1 .45 1.56l.64-.27a2.6 2.6 0 0 0-.13-1.7 2.73 2.73 0 0 0-1.34-1.38zM469.29 241.57l-.56.24a6.26 6.26 0 0 1 .94 1.55 6.69 6.69 0 0 1 .45 1.57l.64-.28a2.74 2.74 0 0 0-.13-1.7 2.81 2.81 0 0 0-1.34-1.38z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path fill="#333f48" d="M430.84 253.87a7.13 7.13 0 0 1 3.6.77l15.08-4.72c-1.38-3.86-5.86-6.71-15.11-6.71-14.21 0-21.58 6.71-23.85 13.5l-2.05 6.08 14.62-4.58c1.34-3.21 4.21-4.34 7.71-4.34zM371.53 274.39l5.07-15.15c1.21-3.63 4.32-5.13 8-5.13s5.89 1.5 4.67 5.13l-3.58 10.7 14.55-4.57 2.82-8.42c2.27-6.79-.69-13.5-14.9-13.5s-21.58 6.71-23.85 13.5L357 279z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path fill="#e03c31" d="M192.74 32.08l-6.08 2.1-75.24 25.98-2.23 6.79 77.56-32.37 5.99-2.5z"/> <path fill="#333f48" d="M369.83 298.45c14.2 0 21.66-6.71 23.93-13.49l.83-2.53-29.59 15.7a34 34 0 0 0 4.83.32z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path fill="#e03c31" d="M359.86 296.78a21.1 21.1 0 0 0 5.1 1.35l29.63-15.7 2.15-6.38-50.16 23.43z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path fill="#333f48" d="M427.57 282.69c-1.21 3.63-4.4 5.13-8.11 5.13s-5.81-1.5-4.6-5.13l4.46-13.31-15.84 8.41-2.4 7.19c-2.28 6.79.61 13.5 14.81 13.5 9.26 0 15.65-2.85 19.61-6.72V264.9h1.13a9.47 9.47 0 0 0 7.88 1.6 12.87 12.87 0 0 0 1.69-.56l3-8.9a12.24 12.24 0 0 0 .68-3.87l-15.09 8z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path fill="#e03c31" d="M463.75 245.71c-.07-.11-6.84 3.13-6.84 3.13l-51.63 23.38-1.8 5.57 15.84-8.41 15.45-8.2 15.09-8 7.38-3.91c.15-.09 6.65-3.34 6.51-3.56z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path fill="#231f20" d="M453.33 270.76a4.33 4.33 0 0 0-1.95-.93c-.12.14-.26.3-.37.45a4.3 4.3 0 0 1 1.95 1zM454.18 269.81a4.42 4.42 0 0 0-1.8-.91c-.15.13-.32.26-.48.42a4.45 4.45 0 0 1 1.88.91zM452.55 271.78a4.24 4.24 0 0 0-1.95-.94l-.32.51a4.43 4.43 0 0 1 1.94.91z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path fill="#333f48" d="M444.76 267.49a10.11 10.11 0 0 1-8.24-1.46V294c0 .95.4 5 7.92 6.07a11.89 11.89 0 0 1 6.78 2.92 9 9 0 0 1 1.35 1.63 8.52 8.52 0 0 1 1.34-1.63 11.89 11.89 0 0 1 6.78-2.92c7.52-1.08 7.92-5.12 7.92-6.07v-28a10.11 10.11 0 0 1-8.24 1.46 12.38 12.38 0 0 1-7.8-5.61 12.42 12.42 0 0 1-7.81 5.64zm.22 2.87l.52-1.48.52 1.48h1.56l-1.28 1 .47 1.5-1.27-.89- 5l.52-1.48.52 1.48h1.56l-1.28 1 .47 1.51-1.27-.9- 1.48H442l-1.28 1 .48 1.5-1.28-.89- 5h1.57l.51-1.48.52 1.48H442l-1.28 1 .48 1.51-1.28-.9- 1.48h1.56l-1.28 1 .47 1.5-1.27-.89- 5l.52-1.48.52 1.48h1.56l-1.28 1 .47 1.51-1.27-.9- 4V294c0 .15.19 3.2-6.31 4.21-5.67.87-7.85 3.56-7.85 3.56s-2.19-2.69-7.86-3.56c-6.5-1-6.31-4.06-6.31-4.21v-14.66zm-7.62-9l.52-1.48.52 1.48h1.56l-1.28 1 .47 1.5-1.27-.89- 5l.52-1.48.52 1.48h1.56l-1.28 1 .47 1.51-1.27-.9- 1.05 0 0 1 .39.05 8.39 8.39 0 0 0-1.92 1.16s-.26-.1-.52-.17l-.5.34a4.35 4.35 0 0 1 1.72.87l.41-.39a4.46 4.46 0 0 0-.58-.39 7.84 7.84 0 0 1 1.59-1.26c.13 0 . 7.68 0 0 1 .28 4.74c-.64 2.49-2.75 4.78-7.25 5.37-.1 0-.22 0-.23-.08a17.29 17.29 0 0 1 1.81-4.67 4.93 4.93 0 0 1 .61.4c.06-.11.15-.25.28-.46a4.35 4.35 0 0 0-1.91-.88l-.24.48a4.4 4.4 0 0 1 .62.17 16 16 0 0 0-1.39 4.88 6.58 6.58 0 0 1-.57-2c-.75-5.26 3.04-8.33 7.15-8.39z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path d="M438.4 294c0 .15-.19 3.2 6.31 4.21 5.67.87 7.86 3.56 7.86 3.56s2.18-2.69 7.85-3.56c6.5-1 6.31-4.06 6.31-4.21v-14.66H438.4zm19.6 1.23l1.05-.86v-11.3l-.9-.47v-1.82h4.24v1.82l-.84.47v10.6l1.82-.49.35-2.78h1.74v4.6l-7.46 2zm-8 .88l.93-.38v-12.66l-.92-.47v-1.82h7.33v3.67h-1.61l-.49-1.51h-1.87v4.25h1.41l.55-.81h1.12v3.78h-1.12l-.53-.76h-1.43v7l.86 1v1.81l-4.23-1.58zm-10.19-15.33H443l3 9.25v-7l-.87-.49v-1.8h4v1.8l-.84.49v14.2l-2.12-.64-3.17-9.03v6l1 .75v1.84l-4.27-1.08v-1.57l1-.39v-10l-1-.5z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)" style="isolation:isolate" fill="#fff"/> <path fill="#333f48" d="M220.32 59.92l-.98.38v1.57l4.27 1.08v-1.84l-.97-.75v-5.98l3.07 9.07 2.13.64V49.9l.83-.49V47.6h-3.98v1.81l.87.49v6.95l-3.01-9.25h-3.23v1.81l1 .49v10.02zM233.74 64.24l-.85-1.02v-7h1.42l.53.76h1.12V53.2h-1.12l-.55.81h-1.4v-4.24h1.86l.49 1.5h1.61V47.6h-7.33v1.83l.92.47v12.65l-.93.38v1.53l4.23 1.58v-1.8zM245.01 57.22h-1.74l-.35 2.78-1.82.49V49.9l.84-.47V47.6h-4.23v1.83l.89.47v11.29l-1.05.86v1.81l7.46-2v-4.64z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M218.27 44.67l1.27-.89 1.28.89-.48-1.5 1.29-.97h-1.57l-.52-1.48-.51 1.48h-1.57l1.28.97-.47 1.5zM223.83 44.67l1.27-.89 1.27.89-.47-1.5 1.28-.97h-1.56l-.52-1.48-.52 1.48h-1.56l1.28.97-.47 1.5zM218.27 39.66l1.27-.9 1.28.9-.48-1.51 1.29-.96h-1.57l-.52-1.49-.51 1.49h-1.57l1.28.96-.47 1.51zM223.83 39.66l1.27-.9 1.27.9-.47-1.51 1.28-.96h-1.56l-.52-1.49-.52 1.49h-1.56l1.28.96-.47 1.51zM243.52 44.67l1.27-.89 1.27.89-.47-1.5 1.28-.97h-1.56l-.52-1.48-.52 1.48h-1.56l1.28.97-.47 1.5zM237.96 44.67l1.27-.89 1.27.89-.47-1.5 1.28-.97h-1.56l-.52-1.48-.51 1.48h-1.57l1.28.97-.47 1.5zM243.52 39.66l1.27-.9 1.27.9-.47-1.51 1.28-.96h-1.56l-.52-1.49-.52 1.49h-1.56l1.28.96-.47 1.51zM237.96 39.66l1.27-.9 1.27.9-.47-1.51 1.28-.96h-1.56l-.52-1.49-.51 1.49h-1.57l1.28.96-.47 1.51z"/> <path fill="#fff" d="M448.35 275.49a6.58 6.58 0 0 0 .57 2 16 16 0 0 1 1.39-4.88 4.4 4.4 0 0 0-.62-.17l.24-.48a4.35 4.35 0 0 1 1.91.88c-.13.21-.22.35-.28.46a4.93 4.93 0 0 0-.61-.4 17.29 17.29 0 0 0-1.81 4.67c0 . 4.5-.59 6.61-2.88 7.25-5.37a7.68 7.68 0 0 0-.28-4.74c0-.1-.12-.26-.25-.25a7.84 7.84 0 0 0-1.59 1.26 4.46 4.46 0 0 1 .58.39l-.41.39a4.35 4.35 0 0 0-1.72-.87l.5-.34c. 8.39 0 0 1 1.95-1.14 1.05 1.05 0 0 0-.39-.05c-4.11.07-7.9 3.14-7.18 8.39zm4-6.59a4.42 4.42 0 0 1 1.8.91l-.4.42a4.45 4.45 0 0 0-1.88-.91c.19-.16.36-.32.51-.42zm-1 .93a4.33 4.33 0 0 1 1.95.93l-.37.47a4.3 4.3 0 0 0-1.95-1c.14-.1.28-.23.4-.4zm-.78 1a4.24 4.24 0 0 1 1.95.94l-.33.48a4.43 4.43 0 0 0-1.94-.91z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> <path fill="#333f48" d="M360.42 246.63c.4-1.22.52-2.5-1.47-2.21l-15.89 2.45c-2.07.37-2.75 1.18-3.21 2.54l-2.85 8.51 6.95-1-9.72 29.22 14.4-4.5z" transform="translate(-220.4 -233.18)"/> </svg> <svg class="nfl-o-initiative-logos nfl-o-initiative-logos--experiences nfl-o-initiative-logos--white logo-on" data-name="experiences-white" xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 351.2 145.65"> <path fill="#fff" d="M484.24 237.69a4.37 4.37 0 0 0-2.17-2.09 20.31 20.31 0 0 0-17.32-.93c-2.56 1.06-7.45 3.45-12.78 11.26a13.34 13.34 0 0 0-5.29-4.43c-3.14-1.54-7.27-2.32-12.27-2.32-7.36 0-13.62 1.63-18.59 4.85a22.31 22.31 0 0 0-8 8.82 12 12 0 0 0-2.22-6.93c-3.1-4.31-8.95-6.49-17.39-6.49-7.36 0-13.61 1.63-18.59 4.84a23.49 23.49 0 0 0-5.85 5.35l1.68-4.94a3.63 3.63 0 0 0-4-4.74l-19 2.94a7.53 7.53 0 0 0-6.45 5.25s-3 8.82-3.65 10.69a2.16 2.16 0 0 0 2.32 2.86l3.53-.47-11.28 33.85-3 9.08a2.24 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2.21l-11.79 35-14.4 4.5zm49.81 28c-2.27 6.78-9.73 13.49-23.93 13.49h-1.51L394 284.35zm.83-2.53L365 298.13a21.1 21.1 0 0 1-5.1-1.35l-13.28 2.7 50.16-23.43zm-65 17.7l2.23-6.8 75.24-26 6.08-2.1-6 2.5zm105.91-35.2v26.86c-4 3.87-10.35 6.72-19.61 6.72-14.2 0-17.09-6.71-14.81-13.5l1.85-5.55 16-8.76-4 12c-1.21 3.63.89 5.13 4.6 5.13s6.9-1.5 8.11-5.13l6.88-20.56 15.39-8.44a12.82 12.82 0 0 1-.66 3.35l-3 8.9a12.87 12.87 0 0 1-1.69.56 9.47 9.47 0 0 1-7.88-1.6zm24.87 2.59a10.11 10.11 0 0 0 8.24-1.46V294c0 .95-.4 5-7.92 6.07a11.89 11.89 0 0 0-6.78 2.92 8.52 8.52 0 0 0-1.34 1.63 9 9 0 0 0-1.35-1.63 11.89 11.89 0 0 0-6.78-2.92c-7.52-1.08-7.92-5.12-7.92-6.07v-28a10.11 10.11 0 0 0 8.24 1.46 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 7.81-5.61 12.38 12.38 0 0 0 7.8 5.64zm-25.57-6.32l-31.32 16.62 1.8-5.57 51.63-23.38s6.77-3.24 6.84-3.13-.09.11-.4.3l-.3.18c-.64.37-1.53.85-2.43 1.32l-.95.5-2.42 1.23zm48.05-20.59a17 17 0 0 1-24.18 9.77 5.22 5.22 0 0 1-1.21-.85l4.72-2.6c1.7-1 1.79-1.24 1.48-1.23h-.06a55.63 55.63 0 0 0-6.93 2.19 6.25 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315.84h23.29v6.87h-14.21v6h12.81v6.87h-12.81v6.57h14.3V349h-23.38zM257.35 332l-7.63-16.18h10.08l4.76 11.38 4.8-11.38h9.69l-8 16.09 8.54 17h-10.28L264 337.3l-5 11.7h-9.79zM285.72 315.84h22.95l5.09 5.09v12.24l-5.09 5.14H294.8V349h-9.08zM303.29 332l1.35-1.34v-7.11l-1.35-1.34h-8.49V332zM320.23 315.84h23.29v6.87h-14.21v6h12.81v6.87h-12.81v6.57h14.3V349h-23.38zM351.05 315.84h23.33l4.85 4.81v10.51l-4.23 4.17 5 13.67h-9.46l-4.18-12.29h-6.19V349h-9.07zm17.76 14.6l1.3-1.35v-5.76l-1.3-1.29h-8.69v8.4zM385.08 342.68h5.47v-20.59h-5.47v-6.25h20.12v6.25h-5.53v20.59h5.53V349h-20.12zM412.25 315.84h23.28v6.87h-14.21v6h12.82v6.87h-12.82v6.57h14.31V349h-23.38zM443.06 315.84h9.22l10.56 19.45v-19.45h8.07V349h-9.32l-10.46-19.73V349h-8.07zM478.58 343.88v-22.95l5.09-5.09h17.81l5.14 5.09v7h-9.12V324l-1.5-1.48h-6.67l-1.64 1.63v16.7l1.64 1.59H496l1.5-1.44v-4.18h9.12v7.06l-5.14 5.12h-17.81zM513.72 315.84H537v6.87h-14.21v6h12.82v6.87h-12.82v6.57h14.31V349h-23.38zM543.77 344.31v-5.66h9.07v2.73l1 1h7.54l1-1v-4.8l-.72-.72H548l-4.08-4.13v-11.08l4.8-4.81h18l4.66 4.66v5.67h-9.08v-2.74l-1.05-1.06H554l-1 1V328l.72.77h13.68l4.08 4.08v11.33l-4.8 4.8h-18.26zM297.53 376.28v-11.47l2.54-2.54h9.07l2.57 2.54v11.47l-2.57 2.54h-9.07zm8.8-.79l.82-.82v-8.25l-.82-.81h-3.43l-.81.81v8.25l.81.82zM316.51 362.27h11.35v3.43h-6.81v3.48h6.11v3.41h-6.11v6.23h-4.54zM343 362.27h6.79l4.36 16.55h-4.72l-.75-3.23h-5l-.75 3.23h-4.31zm1.51 10h3.41l-1.68-7.34zM365.76 362.27h4.54v12.93h6v3.62h-10.54zM380 375.68h2.73v-10.29H380v-3.12h10v3.12h-2.76v10.29H390v3.14h-10zM394.51 362.27h11.35v3.43h-6.81v3.48h6.11v3.41h-6.11v6.23h-4.54zM410.09 362.27h11.63v3.43h-7.1v3H421v3.43h-6.41v3.28h7.15v3.43h-11.65zM429.94 365.92h-4.42v-3.65h13.41v3.65h-4.44v12.9h-4.55zM442.47 375.68h2.73v-10.29h-2.73v-3.12h10v3.12h-2.76v10.29h2.76v3.14h-10zM457 362.27h6.88l3.36 12.38 3.38-12.38h6.89v16.55h-4.31v-13.14l-3.69 13.14h-5.07l-3.59-13.14v13.14H457zM482.57 362.27h11.63v3.43h-7.1v3h6.41v3.43h-6.41v3.28h7.15v3.43h-11.68z" 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Home to the Packers since 1957, Lambeau has seen some of the most iconic games in NFL history. And it’s about to see another -- your family’s Turkey Bowl. Share a pic of your Turkey Bowl Squad to be entered for a chance to win.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d3-l-module--contest d3-c-contest d3-l-section-row angle--bottom-left"> <div class="d3-l-grid--outer"> <div class="d3-l-grid--inner"> <div class="d3-l-col__col-12"> <div class="d3-c-contest__headline"> <h2> How To Enter </h2> </div> </div> <div class="d3-l-col__col-12"> <div class="d3-l-grid--outer d3-c-contest__container"> <div class="d3-c-contest__rules d3-l-grid--inner"> <div class="d3-l-col__col-4"> <div class="d3-o-media-object d3-o-rule"> <div class="d3-o-media-object__figure"> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source media="(min-width:1024px)" srcset=""/><source media="(min-width:768px)" srcset=""/><source srcset=""/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="FOLLOW" class="img-responsive" src="" title="FOLLOW"/></picture> </div> <div class="d3-o-media-object__body"> <div class="d3-o-media-object__header"> FOLLOW </div> <div class="d3-o-media-object__description"> Follow us on Instagram and/or Twitter @NFL for updates </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d3-l-col__col-4"> <div class="d3-o-media-object d3-o-rule"> <div class="d3-o-media-object__figure"> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; 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"><![endif]--><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:1024px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:768px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="TURKEY BOWL, LAMBEAU STYLE" class="lazy img-responsive" data-src="" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=",q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale//f_png/nfl100/qtkclrbs4ycflxojhbvv.png"/></picture> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__container" data-type="parallax"> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__content" data-animation="text-layer"> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__header"> <h2> <p>TURKEY BOWL, LAMBEAU STYLE</p> </h2> </div> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__description"> <p>This Turkey Bowl won’t be like any you’ve ever seen before. Our winning football fam will take to Lambeau Field for their annual flag football game, supported by a full officiating crew. As if this didn’t elevate the game enough, you’ll also have a real play-by-play announcer providing commentary throughout the game.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="d3-l-module--standard-content-package d3-c-standard-content-package d3-l-section-row" data-content="standard"> <div class="d3-l-grid--outer"> <div class="d3-l-grid--inner"> <div class="d3-l-col__col-12 d3-c-standard-content-package__wrapper"> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__layers-container "> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__layers d3-c-standard-content-package__layers--photo" data-type="parallax"> <div data-animation="first-layer" class="d3-c-standard-content-package__layer d3-c-standard-content-package__layer--one"> <picture is-lazy="/e_blur:1000,q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale/"><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:1024px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:768px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="PREGAME PERKS" class="lazy img-responsive" data-src="" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=",q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale//f_png/nfl100/dzsnyfncv4f2jgdcuatq.png"/></picture> </div> <div data-animation="second-layer" class="d3-c-standard-content-package__layer d3-c-standard-content-package__layer--two"> <picture is-lazy="/e_blur:1000,q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale/"><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:1024px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:768px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="PREGAME PERKS" class="lazy img-responsive" data-src="" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=",q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale//f_png/nfl100/kejfljjqlwisce9xz2fb.png"/></picture> </div> <div data-animation="third-layer" class="d3-c-standard-content-package__layer d3-c-standard-content-package__layer--three"> <picture is-lazy="/e_blur:1000,q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale/"><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:1024px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:768px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="PREGAME PERKS" class="lazy img-responsive" data-src="" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=",q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale//f_png/nfl100/dox5oaztj7n4piudm0pv.png"/></picture> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__container" data-type="parallax"> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__content" data-animation="text-layer"> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__header"> <h2> <p>PREGAME PERKS</p> </h2> </div> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__description"> <p>The on-field experience is one thing, but the off-field experience is equally as epic. For pre-game, you’ll get a special tour of the stadium and Packers Hall of Fame. On top of that, the locker room will be customized for your squad with custom jerseys and gear. Did we mention you’ll have the honor of meeting one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, Brett Favre? Because you will. How’s that for an Experience of a Lifetime?</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="d3-l-module--standard-content-package d3-c-standard-content-package d3-l-section-row" data-content="standard"> <div class="d3-l-grid--outer"> <div class="d3-l-grid--inner"> <div class="d3-l-col__col-12 d3-c-standard-content-package__wrapper"> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__layers-container "> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__layers d3-c-standard-content-package__layers--photo" data-type="parallax"> <div data-animation="first-layer" class="d3-c-standard-content-package__layer d3-c-standard-content-package__layer--one"> <picture is-lazy="/e_blur:1000,q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale/"><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:1024px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:768px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="BRINGING THE EXPERIENCE HOME" class="lazy img-responsive" data-src="" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=",q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale//f_png/nfl100/y43lf0zivwuu9inppzau.png"/></picture> </div> <div data-animation="second-layer" class="d3-c-standard-content-package__layer d3-c-standard-content-package__layer--two"> <picture is-lazy="/e_blur:1000,q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale/"><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:1024px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:768px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="BRINGING THE EXPERIENCE HOME" class="lazy img-responsive" data-src="" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=",q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale//f_png/nfl100/tvypyujhgqv3horyx56m.png"/></picture> </div> <div data-animation="third-layer" class="d3-c-standard-content-package__layer d3-c-standard-content-package__layer--three"> <picture is-lazy="/e_blur:1000,q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale/"><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:1024px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x," media="(min-width:768px)"/><source data-srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="BRINGING THE EXPERIENCE HOME" class="lazy img-responsive" data-src="" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=",q_1,f_auto/e_grayscale//f_png/nfl100/ozji7urxy28ob5uvmr5y.png"/></picture> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__container" data-type="parallax"> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__content" data-animation="text-layer"> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__header"> <h2> <p>BRINGING THE EXPERIENCE HOME</p> </h2> </div> <div class="d3-c-standard-content-package__description"> <p>No experience would be complete without a swag bag. In addition to your custom jersey, you’ll also bring home Bose headphones, a gold football and an NFL100 tote bag.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="d3-l-module--legal d3-c-legal d3-l-section-row"> <div class="d3-l-grid--outer"> <div class="d3-l-grid--inner"> <div class="d3-l-col__col-12"> <div class="d3-c-legal__text"> <p>NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Open to legal residents of the 50 United States (D.C.), 18 years of age and older. Void where prohibited. Contest begins 10/6/19 and ends 10/22/19. Potential winner and guests must be willing to travel to Green Bay, WI by November 25, 2019. For Official Rules and prize descriptions,&#160;<a href="">click here</a>. Sponsor: National Football League (“NFL”), 345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10154.</p> </div> <div class="d3-c-legal__text"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <section class="d3-l-module--carousel-package d3-c-carousel-package d3-c-carousel-package--standard d3-c-carousel-package--no-arrows d3-c-carousel-package--wide d3-c-carousel-package--has-captions angle--top-right d3-c-carousel-package--black d3-c-carousel-package--has-margins" style="background-image:url(;"> <div class="d3-l-grid--outer"> <div class="d3-l-grid--inner d3-c-carousel-package__container"> <div class="d3-l-col__col-12"> <div class="d3-c-carousel-package__header"> <h2> This Week in NFL 100 </h2> </div> </div> <div class="d3-l-col__col-12 d3-c-carousel-package__wrapper"> <div class="d3-o-carousel glide" data-count="4" data-viewtype="standard" data-slides="4" data-autoplay="False" data-overlay="false"> <div data-glide-el="track" class="glide__track"> <ul class="d3-o-carousel__slides glide__slides"> <div class="d3-o-media-object d3-o-media-object--experiences "> <a class="d3-o-media-object__figure-link" href="/web/20191028152513/"> <figure class="d3-o-media-object__figure d3-o-media-object__figure--experiences "> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source media="(min-width:1024px)" srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><source media="(min-width:768px)" srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><source srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="Take Your Turkey Bowl to Lambeau" class="lazy img-responsive" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=""/></picture> </figure> </a> <div class="d3-o-media-object__body"> <span class="d3-o-media-object__roofline"> EXPERIENCES OF A LIFETIME </span> <div class="d3-o-media-object__headline"> <p>Take Your Turkey Bowl to Lambeau</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d3-o-media-object d3-o-media-object--huddle "> <a class="d3-o-media-object__figure-link" href="/web/20191028152513/"> <figure class="d3-o-media-object__figure d3-o-media-object__figure--huddle "> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source media="(min-width:1024px)" srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><source media="(min-width:768px)" srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><source srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="Learn About Recent Huddle For 100 Events" class="lazy img-responsive" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=""/></picture> </figure> </a> <div class="d3-o-media-object__body"> <span class="d3-o-media-object__roofline"> HUDDLE FOR 100 </span> <div class="d3-o-media-object__headline"> <p>Learn About Recent Huddle For 100 Events</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d3-o-media-object "> <a class="d3-o-media-object__figure-link" href="/web/20191028152513/"> <figure class="d3-o-media-object__figure d3-o-media-object__figure-- "> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source media="(min-width:1024px)" srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><source media="(min-width:768px)" srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><source srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="NFL 100: The Most Iconic Photos" class="lazy img-responsive" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=""/></picture> </figure> </a> <div class="d3-o-media-object__body"> <span class="d3-o-media-object__roofline"> NFL 100 </span> <div class="d3-o-media-object__headline"> <p>NFL 100: The Most Iconic Photos</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d3-o-media-object d3-o-media-object--originals "> <a class="d3-o-media-object__figure-link" href="/web/20191028152513/"> <figure class="d3-o-media-object__figure d3-o-media-object__figure--originals "> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none; "><![endif]--><source media="(min-width:1024px)" srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><source media="(min-width:768px)" srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><source srcset=" 1x, 2x,"/><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img alt="Catch NFL 100 Greatest Every Friday on NFL Network" class="lazy img-responsive" onerror="/100_assets/assets/logos/nfl100.png" src=""/></picture> </figure> </a> <div class="d3-o-media-object__body"> <span class="d3-o-media-object__roofline"> NFL 100 ORIGINALS </span> <div class="d3-o-media-object__headline"> <p>Catch NFL 100 Greatest Every Friday on NFL Network</p> </div> </div> </div> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <footer class="d3-c-footer"> <div class="d3-l-grid--outer"> <div class="d3-c-footer__container d3-l-grid--inner"> <div class="d3-l-col__col-12"> <div class="d3-c-footer__trademark"> © 2019 NFL Enterprises LLC. 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