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M. Raynouard, 1844" > Lexique Roman </option> <option value="glossaire-roman-de-la-rose" title="Glossaire du Roman de la Rose, Ernest Langlois, 1914-1924" > Roman de la Rose </option> <option value="glossaire-roman-de-renart-fhs" title="Glossaire du Roman de Renart, N. Fukumoto, N. Harano et S. Suzuki, 1985" > Roman de Renart / FHS </option> <option value="glossaire-roman-de-renart-meon-vol1" title="Glossaire du Roman de Renart, volume 1, M. D. M. M茅on, 1826" > Roman de Renart / M茅on v.1 </option> <option value="glossaire-roman-de-renart-meon-vol2" title="Glossaire du Roman de Renart, volume 2, M. D. M. M茅on, 1826" > Roman de Renart / M茅on v.2 </option> <option value="glossaire-roman-de-renart-meon-vol3" title="Glossaire du Roman de Renart, volume 3, M. D. M. M茅on, 1826" > Roman de Renart / M茅on v.3 </option> <option value="glossaire-roman-de-renart-meon-vol4" title="Glossaire du Roman de Renart, volume 4, M. D. M. M茅on, 1826" > Roman de Renart / M茅on v.4 </option> <option value="glossaire-roman-de-tristan" title="Glossaire du Roman de Tristan par B茅roul, Ernest Muret, 1903" > Roman de Tristan </option> <option value="vandaele-dictionary" title="Petit dictionnaire de l'ancien fran莽ais, Hilaire Van Daele, 1901" > Van Daele </option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Latin"> <option value="ducange" title="Glossarium medi忙 et infim忙 latinitatis, Du Cange, 1678" > Du Cange </option> <option value="gaffiot" title="Dictionnaire latin-fran莽ais, F茅lix Gaffiot, 1934" selected="selected" > Gaffiot </option> <option value="jeanneau" title="Dictionnaire fran莽ais-latin, G茅rard Jeanneau" > Jeanneau </option> <option value="whitaker" title="Dictionnaire latin-anglais, William Whitaker, 1997-2007" > Whitaker </option> </optgroup> </select> </span> <!-- arrows--> <span class="item"> <img class="button" src="" title="Previous page" onclick="location.assign('');" /> <img class="button" src="" title="Next page" onclick="location.assign('');" /> </span> <!-- page and volume block --> <span class="page-volume"> <input class="first-word" type="text" disabled="disabled" title="First word of the page, please contact us in case of error" value="OBILINNUM" /> <span class="page">Page</span> <input class="page" type="text" id="page" title="Enter a number then press the ENTER key or click on the button" value="1053" onkeypress="isEnterKey(event) && goPage('');" /> <input class="button" type="button" onclick="goPage('')" value="Display" /> </span> </div> <div id="tabs"> <hr class="tabs" /> <a class="tab-selected" id="content-tab" href="javascript: updateTabContents('content-tab');" >Definitions</a> <span class="identified" title="Whitaker Latin-English dictionary - Wordlist"> Identified words </span> <select class="identified" onchange="searchWord('', this.value)" > <option value="">objectus</option> <optgroup label="Other forms"> <option value="obicio, obicere, objeci, objectus, v. 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