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Please contact the organiser.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class="grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <!-- start of toggle list --> <div class="toggle-list " > <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461187 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461187" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461187 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">What is the maximum height for my booth?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> <p>Maximum construction height for stand buildings and advertising supports may be gleaned from the table below. These limits shall<br />be valid unless any other regulations were laid down in admission or participation conditions. Exhibits shall not be subject to these<br />rules. The maximum possible construction height in Hall 6 is 8.00 m. *The maximum height for constructions on stand spaces<br />directly adjacent to the Gallery is 6.00 m. There may be structural installations (inspection openings) and if so, these shall have to<br />be kept accessible. With two-storey constructions, approval of the exhibitors on the neighbouring stands is required if the construction of the second storey is open or transparent. Advertising directed at neighbouring stands must respect a minimum distance of 3 metres. Stands may be erected with a stand owner's own material. <br /><br />Stand walls higher than 4 metres must be dimensioned with an equivalent distributed load qh in the horizontal direction:<br />qh1 = 0,125 kN/m² up to 4 metres in height from the upper edge of the hall floor<br />qh2 = 0,063 kN/m² for all space higher than 4 metres above the upper edge of the hall floor.</p> <table style="height: 250px;" border="0" width="393" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> <tbody> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td><strong>hall</strong></td> <td><strong>max. Construction height</strong></td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>1</td> <td>8.00 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>3 - 5 + 9 - 14</td> <td>6.00 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>6 directly adjacent<br />to the Gallery *</td> <td>6.00 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>6 inside</td> <td>8.00 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>6 Gallery</td> <td>3.20 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>7A</td> <td>8.00 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>7.0</td> <td>4.00 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>7.1/7.2</td> <td>3.00 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>EN Mall GF</td> <td>2,50 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>EN Mall UF</td> <td>2.00 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>8A / 8B</td> <td>8.00 metres</td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td>15 - 17</td> <td>8.00 metres</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>ATTENTION:</strong> Maximum construction height applies in all halls adjacent to hall borders (= stand areas along the walls where restaurants are located). The maximum construction height there is 3.2 m. Please refer to the stand drawing in your admission documents.<br /><br /><strong>For several trade fairs, there may exist exeptions / alterations. Please have a look at the chapter Specifics/Alterations" to the trade fair in this portal.</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461189 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461189" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461189 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">Do we need access passes for the setting-up and dismantling period?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> You do not require special access passes during the setting-up and dismantling times. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461191 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461191" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461191 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head"> How do we supply our booth with electricity, water and compressed air?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> With the exception of hall 7.0 - 7.2 in each hall compressed air, electricity and water are supplied to the stands from the supply ducts in the hall floor. In the halls 7.0 - 7.2 compressed air and electricity are suplied to the stands from the ceiling, the water is supplied from ducts in the hall floor. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461193 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461193" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461193 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">How to order ceiling points in our halls?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <ul class="media__body__link-list"> <li> <a href="/cgi-bin/md_sb/lib/all/lob/return_download.cgi/Beispiele_f%C3%BCr_Hilfskonstruktionen_2019.pdf?ticket=g_u_e_s_t&bid=2138&no_mime_type=0" target="_blank" class="link media__body__link"> <span> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Examples for auxiliary constructions in our halls </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461195 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461195" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461195 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">Full service for your hangings</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> <p><strong>Or use our Full Service: Ceiling suspension, rigging, media technology</strong></p> <p><strong>From the hall ceiling to the stand – everything from a single source!</strong></p> <p>Whether you require ceiling suspensions, rigging or media technology – at the Düsseldorf trade fair location you can fulfil all requirements with single-source<strong>full service</strong>.<br />For further information call +49 (0) 211/4560-500</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461197 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461197" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461197 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">What is the deadline for technical orders?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> <p>The order forms for services are generally online, when the accreditation will be sent. The order forms must be completely filled in and returned by the specified deadlines. In case of delay, Messe Düsseldorf cannot guarantee handling in due form, and time and/or the services may not be executable anymore.</p> <p>In addition, any orders and changes or modifications received within 21 days of the commencement of build-up will be subject to a 35% surcharge. The same applies for services utilised but not ordered in advance. Services already rendered must be paid in full. Further circulars on the preparation for and implementation of the event will be sent to exhibitors where required. Such circulars are part of the conditions of participation and these technical guidelines.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461199 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461199" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461199 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">What is the deadline to send documents for applications Clearance of special constructions ?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> The complete documents (in duplicate) must have been received by Messe Düsseldorf not later than 6 weeks prior to the construction period. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461201 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461201" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461201 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">Inspection of stand constructions that do not require approval</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> <p>Please note that for trade fairs starting in 2024 we will have to charge a small inspection fee (105.00 euros) due to the increasing inspection effort for structures that do not require approval. Provided that the Technical Guidelines are observed in the design and implementation of the stand, single-storey stand constructions in exhibition halls do further not require the submission of drawings for clearance.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461203 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461203" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461203 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">Do we need a fire-extinguisher on our booth?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> During the whole time (build-up and breakdown periods as well as for the duration of the show) a suitable fire extinguisher with at least 10 extinguishing units (LE) must be available on the stand. Please contact our contractor Securitas (phone extension -81 81) for further information about the required size or rental possibilities. </div> <ul class="media__body__link-list"> <li> <a href="/cgi-bin/md_sb/lib/all/lob/return_download.cgi/Merkblatt_Feuerloescher_Brandklassen_EN_final.pdf?ticket=g_u_e_s_t&bid=3813&no_mime_type=0" target="_blank" class="link media__body__link"> <span> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> More information about fire extinguishers </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461205 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461205" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461205 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">What are the conditions to get an advanced stand construction?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> The general information about the possibility of an earlier construction you can find under "Important deadlines" of the respective trade fair. If you want to start earlier, we need a written application. Please notice, that this is only significant at the time, when all final technical orders and plans for clearance of special structures were received, latest until the respective deadline.<br /><br /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461207 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461207" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461207 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">How can I apply for an advanced stand construction?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> We need a written application form, which has to be sent to Messe Düsseldorf latest 21 days before you want to start your setting-up. This request please send to following fax number: +49 211 45 60 -85 66 or e-mail:<br /><br />A 35% supplement will be charged for advanced set-up applications received less than 21 days before the start of a trade show. <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461209 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461209" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461209 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">What is the price for an advanced stand construction?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> For an advanced stand construction a fee of € 495,00 + VAT for each stand per day and additional a security guard has to be paid. The costs for the necessary security guard will be splitted after the exhibition to all companys which are using the advanced installation. Prices will not be known beforehand.<br /><br />A 35% supplement will be charged for advanced set-up applications received less than 21 days before the start of a trade show.<br /><br /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> <div class="grid__item no-print"> <span class="toggle-element__close float--right" ng-click="toggle()"> <i class="fa fa-close color--darker"></i> </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of content --> </div> <!-- end of toggle element --> <!-- start of toggle element --> <a class="js-print-toggles push-half flush--bottom text--right link media__body__link no-print print-btn--461211 "> <span class="loz loz--icon">PDF</span> Print </a> <div dim-toggle-element data-toggle-chapter-template="true" data-toggle-element-id="461211" class="toggle-element toggle-element--461211 "> <!-- start of trigger --> <div class="toggle-element__trigger grid" ng-click="hasContent && toggle()" ng-class="{ 'cursor-auto': !hasContent}"> <div class="trigger-media grid__item eleven-twelfths"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#10#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <h2 class="gamma media-module__head">What is the max. sound level for my presentation?</h2> </div> </div><!-- trim --><!--#BLOCK#END#--> </div> </div> <div class="trigger-icon grid__item one-twelfth no-print" ng-if="hasContent"> <i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right' : !isContentActive, 'fa-chevron-down' : isContentActive}"></i> </div> </div> <!-- end of trigger --> <!-- start of content --> <div class='toggle-element__content must-print ' ng-show="isContentActive"> <div class="grid"> <!--#BLOCK#20#--><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><!-- trim --><div class=" grid__item palm-one-whole lap-one-whole desk-one-whole desk-wide-one-whole "> <div class="media-module "> <div class="media"> <div class="media__body"> <div class="media__body__txt media__body__txt--link-icons"> The noise level at the boundary of the stand must not exceed 70dB(A). 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