{"title":"Transnational Higher Education: Developing a Transnational Student Success 'Signature' for Pre-Clinical Medical Students \u2013 An Action Research Project","authors":"W. Maddison","volume":101,"journal":"International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences","pagesStart":1390,"pagesEnd":1396,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10001127","abstract":"<p>This paper describes an Action Research project<br \/>\r\nwhich was undertaken to inform professional practice in order to<br \/>\r\ndevelop a newly created Centre for Student Success in the specific<br \/>\r\ncontext of transnational medical and nursing education in the Middle<br \/>\r\nEast. The objectives were to enhance the academic performance,<br \/>\r\npersistence, integration and personal and professional development of<br \/>\r\na multinational study body, in particular in relation to pre-clinical<br \/>\r\nmedical students, and to establish a comfortable, friendly and<br \/>\r\nstudent-driven environment within an Irish medical university<br \/>\r\nrecently established in Bahrain. The outcomes of the project resulted<br \/>\r\nin the development of a specific student success &lsquo;signature&rsquo; for this<br \/>\r\nparticular transnational higher education context.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] Miller-Idriss, C. &Hanauer, E. (2011) Transnational higher education:\r\noffshore campuses in the Middle East. Comparative Education, 47(2),\r\n181-207, Doi: 10.1080\/03050068.2011.553935.\r\n[2] Altbach, P.G. & Knight, J. (2007). The internationalization of higher\r\neducation: Motivations and realities. 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