How can I update or ask about an IRCC application in progress?

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student?"></option><option label="How can I sponsor my spouse or children?" value="How can I sponsor my spouse or children?"></option><option label="How can I determine whether I can apply for permanent residence?" value="How can I determine whether I can apply for permanent residence?"></option><option label="How do I fill out an IRCC application?" value="How do I fill out an IRCC application?"></option><option label="How can I pay my application fees?" value="How can I pay my application fees?"></option><option label="Can my friend or family member handle my immigration or citizenship application for me?" value="Can my friend or family member handle my immigration or citizenship application for me?"></option><option label="What immigration programs can I apply for?" value="What immigration programs can I apply for?"></option><option label="What is my client ID?" value="What is my client ID?"></option><option label="What is a UCI?" value="What is a UCI?"></option><option label="What do you mean by surname?" value="What do you mean by surname?"></option><option label="I don&rsquo;t know what dates to put in the history section on my immigration form. What do I do?" value="I don&rsquo;t know what dates to put in the history section on my immigration form. What do I do?"></option><option label="I need more space on the form to explain everything. What should I do?" value="I need more space on the form to explain everything. What should I do?"></option><option label="What if some of the questions on the application form don&rsquo;t apply to me?" value="What if some of the questions on the application form don&rsquo;t apply to me?"></option><option label="What language should my supporting documents be in?" value="What language should my supporting documents be in?"></option><option label="If I am not using a representative, do I need to send a blank Use of a Representative form?" value="If I am not using a representative, do I need to send a blank Use of a Representative form?"></option><option label="What should I do if I want my spouse, family member or friend to check on my application for me?" value="What should I do if I want my spouse, family member or friend to check on my application for me?"></option><option label="How can I get my immigration application processed faster?" value="How can I get my immigration application processed faster?"></option><option label="What happens after I send in my application?" value="What happens after I send in my application?"></option><option label="If my immigration application is refused, do I have to wait before I apply again?" value="If my immigration application is refused, do I have to wait before I apply again?"></option><option label="Can I get my citizenship application processed urgently?" value="Can I get my citizenship application processed urgently?"></option><option label="How do I submit my application?" value="How do I submit my application?"></option><option label="How can I check if my application has been received?" value="How can I check if my application has been received?"></option><option label="How can I check the status of my application?" value="How can I check the status of my application?"></option><option label="Why can&rsquo;t I see my application status in the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?" value="Why can&rsquo;t I see my application status in the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my application?" value="How long will it take to process my application?"></option><option label="Why do some application processing times change and others do not?" value="Why do some application processing times change and others do not?"></option><option label="How can I find a doctor to do my immigration medical exam?" value="How can I find a doctor to do my immigration medical exam?"></option><option label="What if I can't get a police certificate for my immigration application?" value="What if I can't get a police certificate for my immigration application?"></option><option label="Do I need to get a police certificate for my time in Canada?" value="Do I need to get a police certificate for my time in Canada?"></option><option label="Are there any countries where I should get police certificates from before applying for immigration?" value="Are there any countries where I should get police certificates from before applying for immigration?"></option><option label="My police certificate is not in English or French. Do I need to send a translation?" value="My police certificate is not in English or French. Do I need to send a translation?"></option><option label="What is an affidavit for a translation?" value="What is an affidavit for a translation?"></option><option label="How do I correct an error on my immigration document?" value="How do I correct an error on my immigration document?"></option><option label="How do I avoid problems in correcting a record of landing or confirmation of permanent residence?" value="How do I avoid problems in correcting a record of landing or confirmation of permanent residence?"></option><option label="How can I change my address or contact information for my immigration or citizenship application?" value="How can I change my address or contact information for my immigration or citizenship application?"></option><option label="What immigration documents can I have replaced if they are lost, stolen or destroyed?" value="What immigration documents can I have replaced if they are lost, stolen or destroyed?"></option><option label="How do I replace an immigration document that has been lost, stolen or destroyed?" value="How do I replace an immigration document that has been lost, stolen or destroyed?"></option><option label="What should I do if my PR card has been lost, stolen or destroyed?" value="What should I do if my PR card has been lost, stolen or destroyed?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;ve lost my citizenship card/certificate. How do I replace it?" value="I&rsquo;ve lost my citizenship card/certificate. How do I replace it?"></option><option label="Where are IRCC&rsquo;s visa offices?" value="Where are IRCC&rsquo;s visa offices?"></option><option label="How can I update or ask about an IRCC application in progress?" value="How can I update or ask about an IRCC application in progress?"></option><option label="I am a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?" value="I am a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="Who can apply for a permanent resident card?" value="Who can apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="When should I apply for a permanent resident card?" value="When should I apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How do I renew my permanent resident card?" value="How do I renew my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my PR card?" value="How long will it take to process my PR card?"></option><option label="How much does a permanent resident card cost?" value="How much does a permanent resident card cost?"></option><option label="How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?" value="How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?" value="Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?"></option><option label="Should I submit photos with my PR card application?" value="Should I submit photos with my PR card application?"></option><option label="Can I get my permanent resident card processed urgently?" value="Can I get my permanent resident card processed urgently?"></option><option label="I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later return to Canada without a PR card?" value="I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later return to Canada without a PR card?"></option><option label="What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?" value="What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?"></option><option label="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?" value="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?"></option><option label="If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?" value="If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How are processing times calculated?" value="How are processing times calculated?"></option><option label="Why are there differences in processing times among regions and offices?" value="Why are there differences in processing times among regions and offices?"></option><option label="What is a complete application package?" value="What is a complete application package?"></option><option label="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my application?" value="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my application?"></option><option label="Who is eligible for sponsorship under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?" value="Who is eligible for sponsorship under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?"></option><option label="Who decides if a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?" value="Who decides if a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?"></option><option label="How does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada decide whether a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?" value="How does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada decide whether a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?"></option><option label="Who cannot be sponsored under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?" value="Who cannot be sponsored under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?"></option><option label="Who can sponsor a refugee?" value="Who can sponsor a refugee?"></option><option label="What are the responsibilities of a sponsoring group?" value="What are the responsibilities of a sponsoring group?"></option><option label="Who identifies refugees for sponsorship?" value="Who identifies refugees for sponsorship?"></option><option label="What is the Joint Assistance Sponsorship (JAS) Program?" value="What is the Joint Assistance Sponsorship (JAS) Program?"></option><option label="Which visa office processes applications for permanent residence for privately sponsored refugees?" value="Which visa office processes applications for permanent residence for privately sponsored refugees?"></option><option label="How long does it take before a privately sponsored refugee gets to Canada?" value="How long does it take before a privately sponsored refugee gets to Canada?"></option><option label="The refugee our group wanted to sponsor was refused after an interview. Can we appeal?" value="The refugee our group wanted to sponsor was refused after an interview. Can we appeal?"></option><option label="Where can I find more information about applying to sponsor a refugee?" value="Where can I find more information about applying to sponsor a refugee?"></option><option label="I know someone who claimed refugee status here in Canada and was refused. Can we sponsor him or her?" value="I know someone who claimed refugee status here in Canada and was refused. Can we sponsor him or her?"></option><option label="The UNHCR accepted my relatives as refugees. Does that mean they will be resettled in Canada?" value="The UNHCR accepted my relatives as refugees. Does that mean they will be resettled in Canada?"></option><option label="Are there any fees for applying to sponsor a refugee?" value="Are there any fees for applying to sponsor a refugee?"></option><option label="Will the refugee have to pay any costs?" value="Will the refugee have to pay any costs?"></option><option label="Are sponsored refugee families with children eligible for a child tax benefit when they arrive?" value="Are sponsored refugee families with children eligible for a child tax benefit when they arrive?"></option><option label="Are resettled refugees allowed to go to university?" value="Are resettled refugees allowed to go to university?"></option><option label="Can resettled refugees apply for student loans?" value="Can resettled refugees apply for student loans?"></option><option label="Are there different rules if I want to sponsor a refugee from Turkey?" value="Are there different rules if I want to sponsor a refugee from Turkey?"></option><option label="What kinds of help do privately sponsored refugees get?" value="What kinds of help do privately sponsored refugees get?"></option><option label="What is a government-assisted refugee?" value="What is a government-assisted refugee?"></option><option label="Why does Canada resettle refugees?" value="Why does Canada resettle refugees?"></option><option label="What kind of support do government-assisted refugees get?" value="What kind of support do government-assisted refugees get?"></option><option label="Do refugees get the same support across Canada?" value="Do refugees get the same support across Canada?"></option><option label="Do large and small families get the same amount of money?" value="Do large and small families get the same amount of money?"></option><option label="What special allowances may refugees get?" value="What special allowances may refugees get?"></option><option label="How long does the support for government-assisted refugees last?" value="How long does the support for government-assisted refugees last?"></option><option label="Does government provide all the support to government-assisted refugees?" value="Does government provide all the support to government-assisted refugees?"></option><option label="Do in-Canada refugee claimants get resettlement assistance?" value="Do in-Canada refugee claimants get resettlement assistance?"></option><option label="Do government-assisted refugees get more income support and benefits than Canadian pensioners do?" value="Do government-assisted refugees get more income support and benefits than Canadian pensioners do?"></option><option label="How can I view a PDF form?" value="How can I view a PDF form?"></option><option label="How do I download and open a PDF form from IRCC&rsquo;s website?" value="How do I download and open a PDF form from IRCC&rsquo;s website?"></option><option label="What does criminally inadmissible mean?" value="What does criminally inadmissible mean?"></option><option label="Can I enter Canada if I am criminally inadmissible?" value="Can I enter Canada if I am criminally inadmissible?"></option><option label="What is the temporary resident permit fee waiver for criminal inadmissibility?" value="What is the temporary resident permit fee waiver for criminal inadmissibility?"></option><option label="As an inadmissible person, can I enter Canada more than once without paying the fee?" value="As an inadmissible person, can I enter Canada more than once without paying the fee?"></option><option label="I was only convicted of a misdemeanour. Why can&rsquo;t I enter Canada?" value="I was only convicted of a misdemeanour. Why can&rsquo;t I enter Canada?"></option><option label="How can I find out whether an offence outside Canada is considered a criminal offence in Canada?" value="How can I find out whether an offence outside Canada is considered a criminal offence in Canada?"></option><option label="I was charged with a crime in another country and found not guilty. Can I enter Canada?" value="I was charged with a crime in another country and found not guilty. Can I enter Canada?"></option><option label="I received a pardon for my crime. Can I enter Canada?" value="I received a pardon for my crime. Can I enter Canada?"></option><option label="I was convicted of driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Can I enter Canada?" value="I was convicted of driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Can I enter Canada?"></option><option label="I have been charged with a crime outside of Canada and my trial is still underway. Can I enter Canada?" value="I have been charged with a crime outside of Canada and my trial is still underway. Can I enter Canada?"></option><option label="I am currently on parole. Can I enter Canada?" value="I am currently on parole. Can I enter Canada?"></option><option label="What does it mean to be rehabilitated in respect to entering Canada?" value="What does it mean to be rehabilitated in respect to entering Canada?"></option><option label="How long will it take to get a decision on my individual rehabilitation application?" value="How long will it take to get a decision on my individual rehabilitation application?"></option><option label="If my individual rehabilitation application is refused, will I get my processing fee back?" value="If my individual rehabilitation application is refused, will I get my processing fee back?"></option><option label="When can I apply for individual rehabilitation?" value="When can I apply for individual rehabilitation?"></option><option label="What can I do if I want to come to Canada but do not qualify for rehabilitation?" value="What can I do if I want to come to Canada but do not qualify for rehabilitation?"></option><option label="What do I need to work in Canada?" value="What do I need to work in Canada?"></option><option label="How can I find out about jobs in Canada?" value="How can I find out about jobs in Canada?"></option><option label="What is a Labour Market Impact Assessment?" value="What is a Labour Market Impact Assessment?"></option><option label="I have received a Canadian job offer. What documents do I need from my future employer?" value="I have received a Canadian job offer. What documents do I need from my future employer?"></option><option label="Does my work permit allow me to work for any employer in Canada?" value="Does my work permit allow me to work for any employer in Canada?"></option><option label="Where do I find out if the employer who offered me a job is an eligible employer?" value="Where do I find out if the employer who offered me a job is an eligible employer?"></option><option label="What happens if I want to work for an ineligible employer?" value="What happens if I want to work for an ineligible employer?"></option><option label="Are there any conditions on my work permit?" value="Are there any conditions on my work permit?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my work permit application?" value="How long will it take to process my work permit application?"></option><option label="Can I apply for a work permit when I enter Canada?" value="Can I apply for a work permit when I enter Canada?"></option><option label="I want to apply for a work permit by mail. How can I avoid my application being delayed or refused?" value="I want to apply for a work permit by mail. How can I avoid my application being delayed or refused?"></option><option label="How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed work permit?" value="How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed work permit?"></option><option label="What is an open work permit?" value="What is an open work permit?"></option><option label="Who can apply for an open work permit?" value="Who can apply for an open work permit?"></option><option label="Are there different application forms for employer-specific and open work permits?" value="Are there different application forms for employer-specific and open work permits?"></option><option label="I got a new passport after coming to Canada. Will that affect my application for a work permit?" value="I got a new passport after coming to Canada. Will that affect my application for a work permit?"></option><option label="Can I appeal a decision on a work permit application?" value="Can I appeal a decision on a work permit application?"></option><option label="Can I extend my International Experience Canada work permit?" value="Can I extend my International Experience Canada work permit?"></option><option label="Can I apply to extend my Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program work permit?" value="Can I apply to extend my Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program work permit?"></option><option label="Do I need a medical exam to get a work permit?" value="Do I need a medical exam to get a work permit?"></option><option label="How can I find a doctor who can provide the medical exam I need to come to Canada?" value="How can I find a doctor who can provide the medical exam I need to come to Canada?"></option><option label="Can I apply to extend a work permit from inside Canada?" value="Can I apply to extend a work permit from inside Canada?"></option><option label="My work permit has expired. Can I apply for another one?" value="My work permit has expired. Can I apply for another one?"></option><option label="I work in Quebec. How can I extend my work permit?" value="I work in Quebec. How can I extend my work permit?"></option><option label="I applied for a new work permit. Can I stay in Canada if my work permit expires?" value="I applied for a new work permit. Can I stay in Canada if my work permit expires?"></option><option label="Can I keep working if my permit expires? How do I prove this to my employer?" value="Can I keep working if my permit expires? How do I prove this to my employer?"></option><option label="I have applied to extend my work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?" value="I have applied to extend my work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;ve maintained my status, but my health insurance card, driver&rsquo;s licence and other government ID documents have expired. How can I renew my ID documents?" value="I&rsquo;ve maintained my status, but my health insurance card, driver&rsquo;s licence and other government ID documents have expired. How can I renew my ID documents?"></option><option label="My work permit expired and I did not apply to extend it. Can I stay and keep working in Canada?" value="My work permit expired and I did not apply to extend it. Can I stay and keep working in Canada?"></option><option label="Who needs a Labour Market Impact Assessment?" value="Who needs a Labour Market Impact Assessment?"></option><option label="Why do I need another Labour Market Impact Assessment if I just got one a year ago?" value="Why do I need another Labour Market Impact Assessment if I just got one a year ago?"></option><option label="Can my spouse or common-law partner and dependent children come with me to Canada?" value="Can my spouse or common-law partner and dependent children come with me to Canada?"></option><option label="Does each family member applying for a work permit from outside Canada have to fill out a separate application?" value="Does each family member applying for a work permit from outside Canada have to fill out a separate application?"></option><option label="If other family members are coming with me, what documents should I send with the application?" value="If other family members are coming with me, what documents should I send with the application?"></option><option label="I am in Canada as a worker or student. Can my spouse or common-law partner work in Canada?" value="I am in Canada as a worker or student. Can my spouse or common-law partner work in Canada?"></option><option label="Can my dependent children work in Canada?" value="Can my dependent children work in Canada?"></option><option label="As a foreign worker, do I need an eTA or a visa to work in Canada?" value="As a foreign worker, do I need an eTA or a visa to work in Canada?"></option><option label="Can I pay for the temporary resident visa in my country&rsquo;s money?" value="Can I pay for the temporary resident visa in my country&rsquo;s money?"></option><option label="How do I apply for a temporary resident visa?" value="How do I apply for a temporary resident visa?"></option><option label="Should I apply for an eTA or a visa when I apply for a work permit?" value="Should I apply for an eTA or a visa when I apply for a work permit?"></option><option label="How can I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?" value="How can I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?"></option><option label="I have a visitor visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?" value="I have a visitor visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?"></option><option label="How do I know when my temporary resident status expires?" value="How do I know when my temporary resident status expires?"></option><option label="How do I hire a temporary foreign worker?" value="How do I hire a temporary foreign worker?"></option><option label="As an employer, what are my obligations to temporary foreign workers?" value="As an employer, what are my obligations to temporary foreign workers?"></option><option label="Can I lay off or fire a foreign worker?" value="Can I lay off or fire a foreign worker?"></option><option label="What if a foreign worker becomes sick, has an accident, is hospitalized or needs home recovery?" value="What if a foreign worker becomes sick, has an accident, is hospitalized or needs home recovery?"></option><option label="How do I find out if I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to hire a temporary worker?" value="How do I find out if I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to hire a temporary worker?"></option><option label="What is an employment contract for a live-in caregiver?" value="What is an employment contract for a live-in caregiver?"></option><option label="What rights do I have as a live-in caregiver under labour or employment laws?" value="What rights do I have as a live-in caregiver under labour or employment laws?"></option><option label="I am a live-in caregiver. What happens if I lose my job?" value="I am a live-in caregiver. What happens if I lose my job?"></option><option label="My employer is moving to another province or territory. Do I need a new work permit or Labour Market Impact Assessment?" value="My employer is moving to another province or territory. Do I need a new work permit or Labour Market Impact Assessment?"></option><option label="Can I work for more than one employer at a time under the Live-in Caregiver Program?" value="Can I work for more than one employer at a time under the Live-in Caregiver Program?"></option><option label="Can I change employers under the Live-in Caregiver Program?" value="Can I change employers under the Live-in Caregiver Program?"></option><option label="As a temporary worker, what can I do if my employer is treating me unfairly?" value="As a temporary worker, what can I do if my employer is treating me unfairly?"></option><option label="Can my family come to Canada with me if I am a live-in caregiver?" value="Can my family come to Canada with me if I am a live-in caregiver?"></option><option label="What is abuse?" value="What is abuse?"></option><option label="Can my employer deport me?" value="Can my employer deport me?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m a live-in caregiver and I&rsquo;m ready to apply for permanent residence. Can I apply for an open work permit?" value="I&rsquo;m a live-in caregiver and I&rsquo;m ready to apply for permanent residence. Can I apply for an open work permit?"></option><option label="May I send my open work permit application and permanent residence applications separately?" value="May I send my open work permit application and permanent residence applications separately?"></option><option label="Do I need to extend my work permit while my permanent residence application is being processed?" value="Do I need to extend my work permit while my permanent residence application is being processed?"></option><option label="I applied for an open work permit and permanent residence. What if my current work permit expires?" value="I applied for an open work permit and permanent residence. What if my current work permit expires?"></option><option label="Will the time I worked under any work permit help me get permanent residence under the Live-in Caregiver Program?" value="Will the time I worked under any work permit help me get permanent residence under the Live-in Caregiver Program?"></option><option label="Who should I include on my permanent residence application?" value="Who should I include on my permanent residence application?"></option><option label="How many hours of work experience do I need as a Live-in Caregiver to apply for permanent residence?" value="How many hours of work experience do I need as a Live-in Caregiver to apply for permanent residence?"></option><option label="How can I qualify to immigrate to Canada as a self-employed person?" value="How can I qualify to immigrate to Canada as a self-employed person?"></option><option label="How do I immigrate to Canada to become a self-employed person?" value="How do I immigrate to Canada to become a self-employed person?"></option><option label="What is the relevant experience requirement to immigrate as self-employed persons?" value="What is the relevant experience requirement to immigrate as self-employed persons?"></option><option label="Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what does cultural activities mean?" value="Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what does cultural activities mean?"></option><option label="Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what is meant by a significant contribution?" value="Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what is meant by a significant contribution?"></option><option label="Is there a net worth requirement for the self-employed program?" value="Is there a net worth requirement for the self-employed program?"></option><option label="What types of applications can I follow through Client Application Status (CAS)?" value="What types of applications can I follow through Client Application Status (CAS)?"></option><option label="I sent my application a while ago, but there is no record of my application online. Why?" value="I sent my application a while ago, but there is no record of my application online. Why?"></option><option label="Can I see my application status on CAS if I have appealed a decision on my sponsorship application?" value="Can I see my application status on CAS if I have appealed a decision on my sponsorship application?"></option><option label="My family and I applied for permanent residence. Why can&rsquo;t I see the application status?" value="My family and I applied for permanent residence. Why can&rsquo;t I see the application status?"></option><option label="I am sponsoring a member of my family and cannot see the status of my application. Why?" value="I am sponsoring a member of my family and cannot see the status of my application. Why?"></option><option label="Why can I no longer use CAS to see the status of my application to sponsor a family member?" value="Why can I no longer use CAS to see the status of my application to sponsor a family member?"></option><option label="I paid for a family member&rsquo;s citizenship application even though I was not applying. I got a letter, so can I use CAS?" value="I paid for a family member&rsquo;s citizenship application even though I was not applying. I got a letter, so can I use CAS?"></option><option label="What do I enter in CAS if I have more than one surname or family name?" value="What do I enter in CAS if I have more than one surname or family name?"></option><option label="I have changed my surname or family name recently. What name should I use to access CAS?" value="I have changed my surname or family name recently. What name should I use to access CAS?"></option><option label="If the name of my place of birth has changed, what place of birth should I enter in CAS?" value="If the name of my place of birth has changed, what place of birth should I enter in CAS?"></option><option label="What does the CAS case status in process mean?" value="What does the CAS case status in process mean?"></option><option label="Why has the status of my immigration application on CAS not changed, even though I sent it a long time ago?" value="Why has the status of my immigration application on CAS not changed, even though I sent it a long time ago?"></option><option label="How often is the information on the Client Application Status (CAS) service updated?" value="How often is the information on the Client Application Status (CAS) service updated?"></option><option label="What if I do not want my immigration application status information to be available in CAS?" value="What if I do not want my immigration application status information to be available in CAS?"></option><option label="I have removed my application status from CAS by mistake. How can I put it back on?" value="I have removed my application status from CAS by mistake. How can I put it back on?"></option><option label="If I applied to immigrate to Quebec, can I see my application status on CAS?" value="If I applied to immigrate to Quebec, can I see my application status on CAS?"></option><option label="Is the information on CAS my official confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada?" value="Is the information on CAS my official confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada?"></option><option label="I have followed all these instructions and I still can&rsquo;t see my immigration application status in CAS. What can I do?" value="I have followed all these instructions and I still can&rsquo;t see my immigration application status in CAS. What can I do?"></option><option label="What does it mean when my CAS session times out?" value="What does it mean when my CAS session times out?"></option><option label="Which browsers can I use with the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?" value="Which browsers can I use with the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?"></option><option label="Why do I need to clear my browser cache?" value="Why do I need to clear my browser cache?"></option><option label="How do I upgrade my browser?" value="How do I upgrade my browser?"></option><option label="What does encryption mean and is it safe to use Client Application Status (CAS)?" value="What does encryption mean and is it safe to use Client Application Status (CAS)?"></option><option label="What is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)?" value="What is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)?"></option><option label="How do I log out of Client Application Status (CAS)?" value="How do I log out of Client Application Status (CAS)?"></option><option label="Can I send a new document after I apply online?" value="Can I send a new document after I apply online?"></option><option label="How long do I have to complete and submit my online application?" value="How long do I have to complete and submit my online application?"></option><option label="Which family members can come with me to Canada when I immigrate?" value="Which family members can come with me to Canada when I immigrate?"></option><option label="How do I sponsor my spouse, partner or dependent child to become a permanent resident of Canada?" value="How do I sponsor my spouse, partner or dependent child to become a permanent resident of Canada?"></option><option label="For my spousal sponsorship application, what is a common-law partner?" value="For my spousal sponsorship application, what is a common-law partner?"></option><option label="How can my common-law partner and I prove we have been together for 12 months?" value="How can my common-law partner and I prove we have been together for 12 months?"></option><option label="To sponsor my family members, do I need to fill out other documents if I live in Quebec?" value="To sponsor my family members, do I need to fill out other documents if I live in Quebec?"></option><option label="Will I get a letter confirming that IRCC got my application?" value="Will I get a letter confirming that IRCC got my application?"></option><option label="How can I check the status of my sponsorship application?" value="How can I check the status of my sponsorship application?"></option><option label="How do I make sure that my application is not delayed or returned?" value="How do I make sure that my application is not delayed or returned?"></option><option label="Will I get a refund if I withdraw my sponsorship application?" value="Will I get a refund if I withdraw my sponsorship application?"></option><option label="What are the requirements for becoming a Canadian citizen?" value="What are the requirements for becoming a Canadian citizen?"></option><option label="What is dual citizenship?" value="What is dual citizenship?"></option><option label="Do I become a Canadian citizen when I marry a Canadian?" value="Do I become a Canadian citizen when I marry a Canadian?"></option><option label="How much does it cost to apply for Canadian citizenship?" value="How much does it cost to apply for Canadian citizenship?"></option><option label="I am a citizen of another country. Will I lose that citizenship if I become a Canadian?" value="I am a citizen of another country. Will I lose that citizenship if I become a Canadian?"></option><option label="What happens if I fail the citizenship test?" value="What happens if I fail the citizenship test?"></option><option label="Is the citizenship test difficult?" value="Is the citizenship test difficult?"></option><option label="How long will I wait between my citizenship test and the ceremony?" value="How long will I wait between my citizenship test and the ceremony?"></option><option label="After I apply for citizenship, how long will it be before I can take the test?" value="After I apply for citizenship, how long will it be before I can take the test?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m Canadian, but my child was born outside Canada. Are they Canadian?" value="I&rsquo;m Canadian, but my child was born outside Canada. Are they Canadian?"></option><option label="What happens at the hearing with a citizenship officer?" value="What happens at the hearing with a citizenship officer?"></option><option label="Does the study guide have sample questions to help me prepare for the citizenship test?" value="Does the study guide have sample questions to help me prepare for the citizenship test?"></option><option label="What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?" value="What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?"></option><option label="Where can I find out the status of my citizenship application and the processing time?" value="Where can I find out the status of my citizenship application and the processing time?"></option><option label="Can I count any time I&rsquo;ve spent outside of Canada toward the physical presence requirement when applying for citizenship?" value="Can I count any time I&rsquo;ve spent outside of Canada toward the physical presence requirement when applying for citizenship?"></option><option label="What documents should I send with my application for a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship)?" value="What documents should I send with my application for a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship)?"></option><option label="What photos do I need to include with my citizenship application?" value="What photos do I need to include with my citizenship application?"></option><option label="Who has to take the citizenship test?" value="Who has to take the citizenship test?"></option><option label="Can I apply under the Canadian Experience Class if I am currently living in Quebec and I plan to live elsewhere in Canada?" value="Can I apply under the Canadian Experience Class if I am currently living in Quebec and I plan to live elsewhere in Canada?"></option><option label="Can I count experience I got in Canada while waiting for a decision on my refugee application?" value="Can I count experience I got in Canada while waiting for a decision on my refugee application?"></option><option label="Can I still be eligible for Canadian Experience Class if I have returned to my country?" value="Can I still be eligible for Canadian Experience Class if I have returned to my country?"></option><option label="Can I count student work experience toward the Express Entry work requirement?" value="Can I count student work experience toward the Express Entry work requirement?"></option><option label="How do I adopt a child from another country?" value="How do I adopt a child from another country?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m a temporary resident, can I apply to adopt a child from another country?" value="I&rsquo;m a temporary resident, can I apply to adopt a child from another country?"></option><option label="My adoption is complete. What do I need now to bring my adopted child to Canada?" value="My adoption is complete. What do I need now to bring my adopted child to Canada?"></option><option label="Does an adopted child need a travel document, like a visa, to come to Canada?" value="Does an adopted child need a travel document, like a visa, to come to Canada?"></option><option label="How long will the adoption process take?" value="How long will the adoption process take?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;ve done the necessary paperwork, I&rsquo;m a citizen or permanent resident of good standing, and I went through a reputable adoption agency. Why is my adoption taking so long?" value="I&rsquo;ve done the necessary paperwork, I&rsquo;m a citizen or permanent resident of good standing, and I went through a reputable adoption agency. Why is my adoption taking so long?"></option><option label="Do the criteria for permanent residence and for a grant of citizenship differ for adopted children?" value="Do the criteria for permanent residence and for a grant of citizenship differ for adopted children?"></option><option label="Are the fees the same for an adopted child for the permanent residence and citizenship processes?" value="Are the fees the same for an adopted child for the permanent residence and citizenship processes?"></option><option label="Are there countries from which I cannot adopt?" value="Are there countries from which I cannot adopt?"></option><option label="I have applied for permanent residence for my adopted child. Is it too late to apply for citizenship instead?" value="I have applied for permanent residence for my adopted child. Is it too late to apply for citizenship instead?"></option><option label="My adopted child has permanent residence. How can I apply for their citizenship?" value="My adopted child has permanent residence. How can I apply for their citizenship?"></option><option label="How does adoption affect my child&rsquo;s relationship with their biological parents?" value="How does adoption affect my child&rsquo;s relationship with their biological parents?"></option><option label="If my adopted child&rsquo;s application is refused, what can I do?" value="If my adopted child&rsquo;s application is refused, what can I do?"></option><option label="Will my child automatically have the right to a Canadian passport once they get citizenship?" value="Will my child automatically have the right to a Canadian passport once they get citizenship?"></option><option label="I live in Quebec. Must a Quebec court recognize the adoption before my child can get citizenship?" value="I live in Quebec. Must a Quebec court recognize the adoption before my child can get citizenship?"></option><option label="Should I apply for permanent residence for my adopted child, rather than Canadian citizenship?" value="Should I apply for permanent residence for my adopted child, rather than Canadian citizenship?"></option><option label="Do I need a visa to visit Canada?" value="Do I need a visa to visit Canada?"></option><option label="What is the difference between a single-entry and a multiple-entry visa?" value="What is the difference between a single-entry and a multiple-entry visa?"></option><option label="I have an eTA or a visa. What can I expect when I arrive in Canada?" value="I have an eTA or a visa. What can I expect when I arrive in Canada?"></option><option label="I am in Canada on a temporary resident visa. I plan to take a cruise. Do I need a new visa to come back to Canada?" value="I am in Canada on a temporary resident visa. I plan to take a cruise. Do I need a new visa to come back to Canada?"></option><option label="Do I need a visa if I&rsquo;m just travelling through Canada on my way to another country?" value="Do I need a visa if I&rsquo;m just travelling through Canada on my way to another country?"></option><option label="How do I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?" value="How do I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?"></option><option label="How do I get help if my visa application is refused?" value="How do I get help if my visa application is refused?"></option><option label="Who can I hire to help me with my application for a temporary resident visa?" value="Who can I hire to help me with my application for a temporary resident visa?"></option><option label="If I get sick or have an accident while visiting Canada, will the Government of Canada pay for my medical treatment?" value="If I get sick or have an accident while visiting Canada, will the Government of Canada pay for my medical treatment?"></option><option label="Can I fill out one visa application for my whole family if we are travelling together?" value="Can I fill out one visa application for my whole family if we are travelling together?"></option><option label="How does the parent and grandparent super visa differ from a multiple entry visitor visa?" value="How does the parent and grandparent super visa differ from a multiple entry visitor visa?"></option><option label="Is the parent and grandparent super visa a multi-entry visa?" value="Is the parent and grandparent super visa a multi-entry visa?"></option><option label="What&rsquo;s the difference between the parent and grandparent super visa and a visitor visa?" value="What&rsquo;s the difference between the parent and grandparent super visa and a visitor visa?"></option><option label="Who&rsquo;s eligible for a parent and grandparent super visa?" value="Who&rsquo;s eligible for a parent and grandparent super visa?"></option><option label="I need to calculate family size when applying for the parent and grandparent super visa. Who should I include?" value="I need to calculate family size when applying for the parent and grandparent super visa. Who should I include?"></option><option label="Can I cancel my sponsorship application and apply for a super visa instead?" value="Can I cancel my sponsorship application and apply for a super visa instead?"></option><option label="What is a business visitor?" value="What is a business visitor?"></option><option label="Does a business visitor need a special visa to enter Canada?" value="Does a business visitor need a special visa to enter Canada?"></option><option label="If I am a business visitor, do I need a work permit to work in Canada?" value="If I am a business visitor, do I need a work permit to work in Canada?"></option><option label="I am a business visitor and I do not need a visa. What documents should I bring, if any?" value="I am a business visitor and I do not need a visa. What documents should I bring, if any?"></option><option label="Do I have to submit my passport with my application for a temporary resident visa?" value="Do I have to submit my passport with my application for a temporary resident visa?"></option><option label="I need a visa to visit Canada. I want to study or work in Canada while I am there. Do I need to apply for anything else?" value="I need a visa to visit Canada. I want to study or work in Canada while I am there. Do I need to apply for anything else?"></option><option label="Do I need a medical exam to get a visa?" value="Do I need a medical exam to get a visa?"></option><option label="Can I stay in Canada until the expiry date on my visitor visa?" value="Can I stay in Canada until the expiry date on my visitor visa?"></option><option label="Do I need a representative to help me apply?" value="Do I need a representative to help me apply?"></option><option label="Will my case be processed more quickly if I hire a representative?" value="Will my case be processed more quickly if I hire a representative?"></option><option label="What services will the representative provide and what are the fees for these services?" value="What services will the representative provide and what are the fees for these services?"></option><option label="What could happen if I do not tell Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) I paid an immigration representative?" value="What could happen if I do not tell Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) I paid an immigration representative?"></option><option label="Is it legal to provide false information on my immigration or citizenship application, if a representative advises me to do so?" value="Is it legal to provide false information on my immigration or citizenship application, if a representative advises me to do so?"></option><option label="If I apply through a provincial program, do these representative regulations apply?" value="If I apply through a provincial program, do these representative regulations apply?"></option><option label="If I change my representative, do I have to tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?" value="If I change my representative, do I have to tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?"></option><option label="What should I do if Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) returns my application, saying my representative is not authorized?" value="What should I do if Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) returns my application, saying my representative is not authorized?"></option><option label="What should I do if my immigration representative and I have a disagreement?" value="What should I do if my immigration representative and I have a disagreement?"></option><option label="Do I need to use an immigration representative for my citizenship application?" value="Do I need to use an immigration representative for my citizenship application?"></option><option label="Do I need to pay someone to represent me on my citizenship application?" value="Do I need to pay someone to represent me on my citizenship application?"></option><option label="I got a multiple-entry temporary resident visa to visit a relative in Canada last year. Can I use it to travel to Canada on a business trip?" value="I got a multiple-entry temporary resident visa to visit a relative in Canada last year. Can I use it to travel to Canada on a business trip?"></option><option label="I used a temporary resident visa for a recent business visit to Canada. Can I use it for a holiday in Canada?" value="I used a temporary resident visa for a recent business visit to Canada. Can I use it for a holiday in Canada?"></option><option label="What information is available under the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act?" value="What information is available under the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act?"></option><option label="Who can make a request under the Access to Information Act?" value="Who can make a request under the Access to Information Act?"></option><option label="Who can make a request under the Privacy Act?" value="Who can make a request under the Privacy Act?"></option><option label="Will my access to information or privacy request be processed faster if my representative sends it?" value="Will my access to information or privacy request be processed faster if my representative sends it?"></option><option label="What is the fee for an Access request?" value="What is the fee for an Access request?"></option><option label="What is the fee for a Privacy request?" value="What is the fee for a Privacy request?"></option><option label="How and where do I submit an Access to Information or Privacy request?" value="How and where do I submit an Access to Information or Privacy request?"></option><option label="How long does the Department have to respond?" value="How long does the Department have to respond?"></option><option label="Can I get personal information about someone else?" value="Can I get personal information about someone else?"></option><option label="Can I get personal information about someone who is deceased?" value="Can I get personal information about someone who is deceased?"></option><option label="How can I get information on an individual who arrived in Canada before 1936?" value="How can I get information on an individual who arrived in Canada before 1936?"></option><option label="What information should I provide to get a naturalization record?" value="What information should I provide to get a naturalization record?"></option><option label="Can non-residents of Canada who are conducting genealogical research access family records held by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada?" value="Can non-residents of Canada who are conducting genealogical research access family records held by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada?"></option><option label="I sponsored a family member who resides outside of Canada, and they applied for permanent residence at a visa office overseas. Can I obtain information on that file?" value="I sponsored a family member who resides outside of Canada, and they applied for permanent residence at a visa office overseas. Can I obtain information on that file?"></option><option label="When should I submit a police certificate?" value="When should I submit a police certificate?"></option><option label="How can I extend my stay as a visitor?" value="How can I extend my stay as a visitor?"></option><option label="How can I extend my stay as a worker?" value="How can I extend my stay as a worker?"></option><option label="How can I extend my stay as a student?" value="How can I extend my stay as a student?"></option><option label="How do I find out about schools for international students in Canada?" value="How do I find out about schools for international students in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I study in Quebec as an international student?" value="How do I study in Quebec as an international student?"></option><option label="Do I need a permit to study in Canada?" value="Do I need a permit to study in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I apply for a study permit?" value="How do I apply for a study permit?"></option><option label="When should I apply for my study permit?" value="When should I apply for my study permit?"></option><option label="How do I pay for a study permit?" value="How do I pay for a study permit?"></option><option label="Will I get my money back if CIC turns down my study permit application?" value="Will I get my money back if CIC turns down my study permit application?"></option><option label="Can I apply for a study permit if I&rsquo;m already in Canada?" value="Can I apply for a study permit if I&rsquo;m already in Canada?"></option><option label="I want to study in Canada for less than 6 months. Do I need a study permit?" value="I want to study in Canada for less than 6 months. Do I need a study permit?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my study permit application?" value="How long will it take to process my study permit application?"></option><option label="Do I need a medical exam to study in Canada?" value="Do I need a medical exam to study in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I renew my study permit while I am in Canada?" value="How do I renew my study permit while I am in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed study permit?" value="How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed study permit?"></option><option label="Can I stay in Canada after my study permit expires if I applied for a new permit?" value="Can I stay in Canada after my study permit expires if I applied for a new permit?"></option><option label="As a foreign student, can I return home or travel outside Canada while studying?" value="As a foreign student, can I return home or travel outside Canada while studying?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m an international student in Canada. Can I work while studying?" value="I&rsquo;m an international student in Canada. Can I work while studying?"></option><option label="As an international student, can I work in Canada without a work permit?" value="As an international student, can I work in Canada without a work permit?"></option><option label="As an international student, can I take part in co-op and internship programs?" value="As an international student, can I take part in co-op and internship programs?"></option><option label="Can I continue to work during scheduled school breaks?" value="Can I continue to work during scheduled school breaks?"></option><option label="How much does an off-campus work permit cost?" value="How much does an off-campus work permit cost?"></option><option label="Can I work in any type of job if I am eligible to work off campus?" value="Can I work in any type of job if I am eligible to work off campus?"></option><option label="Can I work as many hours as I want if I&rsquo;m eligible to work off campus?" value="Can I work as many hours as I want if I&rsquo;m eligible to work off campus?"></option><option label="What is a post-graduation work permit?" value="What is a post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="How do I apply for a post-graduation work permit?" value="How do I apply for a post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="How long is a post-graduation work permit valid?" value="How long is a post-graduation work permit valid?"></option><option label="How much does a post-graduation work permit cost?" value="How much does a post-graduation work permit cost?"></option><option label="Can I apply for a job before I get my post-graduation work permit?" value="Can I apply for a job before I get my post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="Can I work anywhere, in any type of job, under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program?" value="Can I work anywhere, in any type of job, under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program?"></option><option label="How do I qualify for a post-graduation work permit?" value="How do I qualify for a post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="I am an international student in Canada. How can I apply to become a permanent resident?" value="I am an international student in Canada. How can I apply to become a permanent resident?"></option><option label="What does it mean to have legal status in Canada?" value="What does it mean to have legal status in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I know how long I can stay in Canada as an international student?" value="How do I know how long I can stay in Canada as an international student?"></option><option label="How long can I stay in Canada while waiting for permanent residence?" value="How long can I stay in Canada while waiting for permanent residence?"></option><option label="How can I extend my stay in Canada or change my immigration status?" value="How can I extend my stay in Canada or change my immigration status?"></option><option label="I recently graduated as an international student in Canada. Can I apply for permanent residence?" value="I recently graduated as an international student in Canada. Can I apply for permanent residence?"></option><option label="Do I need an eTA or visa to study in Canada?" value="Do I need an eTA or visa to study in Canada?"></option><option label="Should I apply for a study permit when I get an eTA or a visa?" value="Should I apply for a study permit when I get an eTA or a visa?"></option><option label="Can I pay for an eTA or a visa using my country&rsquo;s currency/money?" value="Can I pay for an eTA or a visa using my country&rsquo;s currency/money?"></option><option label="I have a temporary resident visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?" value="I have a temporary resident visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?"></option><option label="Where can I find the service declaration?" value="Where can I find the service declaration?"></option><option label="Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce service standards?" value="Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce service standards?"></option><option label="Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce standards for these specific services and activities?" value="Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce standards for these specific services and activities?"></option><option label="What are processing times?" value="What are processing times?"></option><option label="What is the difference between processing times and service standards?" value="What is the difference between processing times and service standards?"></option><option label="Does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) report whether it meets its service standards?" value="Does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) report whether it meets its service standards?"></option><option label="What happens if Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) doesn&rsquo;t meet its specified standards?" value="What happens if Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) doesn&rsquo;t meet its specified standards?"></option><option label="Do the service standards apply to applications received before the standards came into effect?" value="Do the service standards apply to applications received before the standards came into effect?"></option><option label="How does Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) use the feedback from the e-consultation tool?" value="How does Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) use the feedback from the e-consultation tool?"></option><option label="Why has Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) switched from business days to calendar days to communicate its service standards?" value="Why has Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) switched from business days to calendar days to communicate its service standards?"></option><option label="How can I get a permanent resident card (PRC)?" value="How can I get a permanent resident card (PRC)?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?" value="I&rsquo;m a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="Who can apply for a permanent resident card?" value="Who can apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="When should I apply for a permanent resident card?" value="When should I apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How do I renew my permanent resident card?" value="How do I renew my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my permanent resident card?" value="How long will it take to process my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How much does a permanent resident card cost?" value="How much does a permanent resident card cost?"></option><option label="How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?" value="How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?" value="Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?"></option><option label="Should I submit passport photos with my permanent resident card application?" value="Should I submit passport photos with my permanent resident card application?"></option><option label="Is there a way to get my permanent resident card quickly?" value="Is there a way to get my permanent resident card quickly?"></option><option label="I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later re-enter Canada?" value="I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later re-enter Canada?"></option><option label="What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?" value="What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?"></option><option label="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?" value="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?"></option><option label="If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?" value="If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="What should I do if my new permanent resident card has a mistake or something is missing?" value="What should I do if my new permanent resident card has a mistake or something is missing?"></option><option label="What is a Verification of Status document?" value="What is a Verification of Status document?"></option><option label="What if I already submitted the old Verification of Entry form, do I have to resubmit a new form?" value="What if I already submitted the old Verification of Entry form, do I have to resubmit a new form?"></option><option label="Will I still get a certified true copy of my immigration document?" value="Will I still get a certified true copy of my immigration document?"></option><option label="What does &ldquo;adequate knowledge&rdquo; of English or French mean when applying for citizenship?" value="What does &ldquo;adequate knowledge&rdquo; of English or French mean when applying for citizenship?"></option><option label="How do you measure how well I can speak English or French when applying for citizenship?" value="How do you measure how well I can speak English or French when applying for citizenship?"></option><option label="What language level do I need when I apply for citizenship?" value="What language level do I need when I apply for citizenship?"></option><option label="What documents can I use to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?" value="What documents can I use to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?"></option><option label="What third-party language tests will you accept as proof I have adequate knowledge of English or French when I apply for citizenship?" value="What third-party language tests will you accept as proof I have adequate knowledge of English or French when I apply for citizenship?"></option><option label="I graduated from an English-or French-language high school/college/university. What can I use to show that I can communicate in one of the official languages when I apply for citizenship?" value="I graduated from an English-or French-language high school/college/university. What can I use to show that I can communicate in one of the official languages when I apply for citizenship?"></option><option label="Can I use the government-funded language program I took to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?" value="Can I use the government-funded language program I took to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;ve lost my certificate or transcript showing I meet the citizenship language requirement. What can I do?" value="I&rsquo;ve lost my certificate or transcript showing I meet the citizenship language requirement. What can I do?"></option><option label="What is Sign-In Partner?" value="What is Sign-In Partner?"></option><option label="What are electronic credentials?" value="What are electronic credentials?"></option><option label="What do you mean by authentication?" value="What do you mean by authentication?"></option><option label="Why is the Government of Canada offering users the option to use banking credentials?" value="Why is the Government of Canada offering users the option to use banking credentials?"></option><option label="What are the advantages of using my online banking credentials?" value="What are the advantages of using my online banking credentials?"></option><option label="Is the banking credential (Sign-In Partner) as secure as the government credential (GCKey)?" value="Is the banking credential (Sign-In Partner) as secure as the government credential (GCKey)?"></option><option label="Will any of my banking information be shared if I use Sign-In Partner?" value="Will any of my banking information be shared if I use Sign-In Partner?"></option><option label="I had to switch my electronic log-in credentials not that long ago. Why are you changing it again?" value="I had to switch my electronic log-in credentials not that long ago. Why are you changing it again?"></option><option label="Can I still use my Access Key?" value="Can I still use my Access Key?"></option><option label="What services do I need Sign-In Partner or GCKey for?" value="What services do I need Sign-In Partner or GCKey for?"></option><option label="Which banks are participating in Sign-In Partner?" value="Which banks are participating in Sign-In Partner?"></option><option label="I don&rsquo;t bank with any of the financial institutions listed. What alternative do I have when I want to access government services online?" value="I don&rsquo;t bank with any of the financial institutions listed. What alternative do I have when I want to access government services online?"></option><option label="My bank is on your list, but I don&rsquo;t have online banking. How do I access the IRCC secure account using Sign-In Partner?" value="My bank is on your list, but I don&rsquo;t have online banking. How do I access the IRCC secure account using Sign-In Partner?"></option><option label="I would rather not use Sign-In Partner to access the IRCC secure account. What are my options?" value="I would rather not use Sign-In Partner to access the IRCC secure account. What are my options?"></option><option label="Will the bank charge me for using my banking credential to access government services?" value="Will the bank charge me for using my banking credential to access government services?"></option><option label="Will I still be able to use GCKey even if I decided to use my online banking credentials once?" value="Will I still be able to use GCKey even if I decided to use my online banking credentials once?"></option><option label="Who can I contact if I have questions about GCKey or Sign-In Partner?" value="Who can I contact if I have questions about GCKey or Sign-In Partner?"></option><option label="Can I provide my LINC/CLIC placement test as a proof that I meet the citizenship language requirement?" value="Can I provide my LINC/CLIC placement test as a proof that I meet the citizenship language requirement?"></option><option label="Can I submit the results from a third-party language test that I took when I first applied to immigrate to Canada as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?" value="Can I submit the results from a third-party language test that I took when I first applied to immigrate to Canada as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?"></option><option label="Do you accept certificates from private language schools as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?" value="Do you accept certificates from private language schools as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?"></option><option label="When do I know if I passed the citizenship test?" value="When do I know if I passed the citizenship test?"></option><option label="Can I replace my citizenship certificate or card if there&rsquo;s a mistake on it?" value="Can I replace my citizenship certificate or card if there&rsquo;s a mistake on it?"></option><option label="I am outside Canada and do not have a PR card. How can I return to Canada?" value="I am outside Canada and do not have a PR card. How can I return to Canada?"></option><option label="How do I make a refugee claim in Canada?" value="How do I make a refugee claim in Canada?"></option><option label="I already made a refugee claim. What happens now that we submit claims through the IRCC Portal?" value="I already made a refugee claim. What happens now that we submit claims through the IRCC Portal?"></option><option label="Can my refugee claim be rejected based on what I write in the Basis of Claim form?" value="Can my refugee claim be rejected based on what I write in the Basis of Claim form?"></option><option label="I am a refugee and I need to travel outside Canada. What documents do I need to travel?" value="I am a refugee and I need to travel outside Canada. What documents do I need to travel?"></option><option label="What can I use to prove my status in Canada as a refugee or protected person?" value="What can I use to prove my status in Canada as a refugee or protected person?"></option><option label="My application was refused. Can I get a refund?" value="My application was refused. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="If I withdraw my application, will I get a refund?" value="If I withdraw my application, will I get a refund?"></option><option label="I submitted an application but want to change programs. Can I apply the fees I already paid to my new application?" value="I submitted an application but want to change programs. Can I apply the fees I already paid to my new application?"></option><option label="I paid my fees online but decided not to submit an application. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid my fees online but decided not to submit an application. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="I didn&rsquo;t pay enough for my application. What can I do?" value="I didn&rsquo;t pay enough for my application. What can I do?"></option><option label="I paid too much for my application. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid too much for my application. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="I paid online for the wrong fee but the amount is correct. What should I do?" value="I paid online for the wrong fee but the amount is correct. What should I do?"></option><option label="How do I ask for a refund if I paid my fees online or at a bank in Canada?" value="How do I ask for a refund if I paid my fees online or at a bank in Canada?"></option><option label="What is the difference between the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?" value="What is the difference between the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?"></option><option label="Who can use the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?" value="Who can use the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?"></option><option label="Who cannot use the Change of Address online service?" value="Who cannot use the Change of Address online service?"></option><option label="Can I email my new address to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?" value="Can I email my new address to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?"></option><option label="How long does it take for a new or updated address to appear online?" value="How long does it take for a new or updated address to appear online?"></option><option label="Why does it take 5 business days for address changes to appear online?" value="Why does it take 5 business days for address changes to appear online?"></option><option label="I am in Canada temporarily, as a worker, visitor or student. Why can&rsquo;t I change my address online?" value="I am in Canada temporarily, as a worker, visitor or student. Why can&rsquo;t I change my address online?"></option><option label="When should I tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that I am moving?" value="When should I tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that I am moving?"></option><option label="How can I check that my address has been updated?" value="How can I check that my address has been updated?"></option><option label="I have changed my address online but I can&rsquo;t see the changes. What should I do?" value="I have changed my address online but I can&rsquo;t see the changes. What should I do?"></option><option label="How can I change the address of other people who were included in my immigration or citizenship application?" value="How can I change the address of other people who were included in my immigration or citizenship application?"></option><option label="Do I have to enter a change of address for each dependant?" value="Do I have to enter a change of address for each dependant?"></option><option label="Do I have to enter an address notification for each dependant?" value="Do I have to enter an address notification for each dependant?"></option><option label="Which applicants can access the Change of Address or the Address Notification online service?" value="Which applicants can access the Change of Address or the Address Notification online service?"></option><option label="I live outside Canada. Can I update my mailing or home address online?" value="I live outside Canada. Can I update my mailing or home address online?"></option><option label="I changed my address in CAS. Do I need to change it in Change of Address or Address Notification, too?" value="I changed my address in CAS. Do I need to change it in Change of Address or Address Notification, too?"></option><option label="If I remove my application status from the Internet on CAS, can I still use Change of Address or Address Notification?" value="If I remove my application status from the Internet on CAS, can I still use Change of Address or Address Notification?"></option><option label="I can&rsquo;t access Change of Address or Address Notification. What should I do?" value="I can&rsquo;t access Change of Address or Address Notification. What should I do?"></option><option label="Do I need a language test to immigrate to Canada?" value="Do I need a language test to immigrate to Canada?"></option><option label="What are the language requirements to immigrate under the program for self-employed people?" value="What are the language requirements to immigrate under the program for self-employed people?"></option><option label="How can I qualify for the Start-up Visa Program?" value="How can I qualify for the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="How can I get support from a designated organization?" value="How can I get support from a designated organization?"></option><option label="What level of language proficiency do I need for a start-up visa?" value="What level of language proficiency do I need for a start-up visa?"></option><option label="How much money do I need to cover living expenses when I get to Canada through the Start-up Visa Program?" value="How much money do I need to cover living expenses when I get to Canada through the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="What is an essential person under the Start-up Visa Program?" value="What is an essential person under the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="Can an entrepreneurial team immigrate to Canada together through the Start-up Visa Program?" value="Can an entrepreneurial team immigrate to Canada together through the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="What is the minimum investment that I need to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?" value="What is the minimum investment that I need to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="Why is there a different minimum investment from a venture capital fund and an angel investor group?" value="Why is there a different minimum investment from a venture capital fund and an angel investor group?"></option><option label="Do I have to invest my own money if I want to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?" value="Do I have to invest my own money if I want to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="What happens if I receive investment support from more than one designated organization?" value="What happens if I receive investment support from more than one designated organization?"></option><option label="If I immigrate through the Start-up Visa Program, what happens if my business fails?" value="If I immigrate through the Start-up Visa Program, what happens if my business fails?"></option><option label="I can&rsquo;t open my application form in PDF format. What can I do?" value="I can&rsquo;t open my application form in PDF format. What can I do?"></option><option label="While working under a post-graduate work permit to get experience to qualify for the Canadian Experience Class, can I switch employers?" value="While working under a post-graduate work permit to get experience to qualify for the Canadian Experience Class, can I switch employers?"></option><option label="I graduated a while ago, then earned one-year of work experience and now I am back in school. Can I apply for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class?" value="I graduated a while ago, then earned one-year of work experience and now I am back in school. Can I apply for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class?"></option><option label="Can I complete an Express Entry profile before I have a year of work experience?" value="Can I complete an Express Entry profile before I have a year of work experience?"></option><option label="Can I renew my post-graduation work permit?" value="Can I renew my post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m a Canadian citizen and my spouse is not. Can my spouse and dependent children work in Canada?" value="I&rsquo;m a Canadian citizen and my spouse is not. Can my spouse and dependent children work in Canada?"></option><option label="Does an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) mean that I can be licensed in a regulated profession?" value="Does an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) mean that I can be licensed in a regulated profession?"></option><option label="The employer I work for temporarily in Canada wants to offer me a full-time job. Will I need a new LMIA for Express Entry?" value="The employer I work for temporarily in Canada wants to offer me a full-time job. Will I need a new LMIA for Express Entry?"></option><option label="I am working in Canada on a post-graduation work permit. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment?" value="I am working in Canada on a post-graduation work permit. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment?"></option><option label="I want to extend my expiring work permit, but I don&rsquo;t have a new LMIA or CAQ yet. What should I do?" value="I want to extend my expiring work permit, but I don&rsquo;t have a new LMIA or CAQ yet. What should I do?"></option><option label="Is legal assistance available to asylum claimants?" value="Is legal assistance available to asylum claimants?"></option><option label="Why do I have to give my biometrics (fingerprints and photo) when I apply?" value="Why do I have to give my biometrics (fingerprints and photo) when I apply?"></option><option label="How often will I need to go in person to give my fingerprints and photo?" value="How often will I need to go in person to give my fingerprints and photo?"></option><option label="I need to give biometrics. What if there&rsquo;s no visa application centre (VAC) in the country or territory I&rsquo;m applying from?" value="I need to give biometrics. What if there&rsquo;s no visa application centre (VAC) in the country or territory I&rsquo;m applying from?"></option><option label="If I get my photo taken for biometrics, do I still need to submit a paper photograph as part of my application?" value="If I get my photo taken for biometrics, do I still need to submit a paper photograph as part of my application?"></option><option label="I cover my head or face for religious or cultural reasons. What will happen when I go to have my photo taken for biometrics?" value="I cover my head or face for religious or cultural reasons. What will happen when I go to have my photo taken for biometrics?"></option><option label="What will happen to my fingerprints and photo after they are collected for biometrics?" value="What will happen to my fingerprints and photo after they are collected for biometrics?"></option><option label="How long will you keep my fingerprints and photo (biometrics)?" value="How long will you keep my fingerprints and photo (biometrics)?"></option><option label="What if I have a Canadian visa that has not yet expired when you start taking biometrics from citizens of my country or territory?" value="What if I have a Canadian visa that has not yet expired when you start taking biometrics from citizens of my country or territory?"></option><option label="Do I need to give my biometrics to visit Canada if I&rsquo;m in the United States and I&rsquo;ve already given my biometrics when I entered the U.S.?" value="Do I need to give my biometrics to visit Canada if I&rsquo;m in the United States and I&rsquo;ve already given my biometrics when I entered the U.S.?"></option><option label="If I&rsquo;m in Canada, do I have to give my biometrics?" value="If I&rsquo;m in Canada, do I have to give my biometrics?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my permanent resident card application?" value="How do I withdraw my permanent resident card application?"></option><option label="I was told that my permanent resident card was sent to me but I did not get it yet. What should I do?" value="I was told that my permanent resident card was sent to me but I did not get it yet. What should I do?"></option><option label="I legally changed my name. How do I update my PR card?" value="I legally changed my name. How do I update my PR card?"></option><option label="I got married. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?" value="I got married. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?"></option><option label="I got divorced. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?" value="I got divorced. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?"></option><option label="I adopted a child. What do I have to do to change the name on their PR card?" value="I adopted a child. What do I have to do to change the name on their PR card?"></option><option label="I got a court order to change my name. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?" value="I got a court order to change my name. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?"></option><option label="How long must I stay in Canada to keep my permanent resident status?" value="How long must I stay in Canada to keep my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="How long can I stay outside Canada and keep my permanent resident status?" value="How long can I stay outside Canada and keep my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="What are my residency obligations if I am a permanent resident?" value="What are my residency obligations if I am a permanent resident?"></option><option label="Will I get my processing fees back if I cancel my sponsorship application?" value="Will I get my processing fees back if I cancel my sponsorship application?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?" value="How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?" value="How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?"></option><option label="How do I unlink or separate family or group citizenship applications?" value="How do I unlink or separate family or group citizenship applications?"></option><option label="How do I apply to immigrate to Canada as a provincial nominee?" value="How do I apply to immigrate to Canada as a provincial nominee?"></option><option label="How can I be nominated by a province?" value="How can I be nominated by a province?"></option><option label="I was nominated by the province to immigrate to Canada, what should I do?" value="I was nominated by the province to immigrate to Canada, what should I do?"></option><option label="I got my Provincial Nominee Certificate - what should I do?" value="I got my Provincial Nominee Certificate - what should I do?"></option><option label="How do I sign my online application?" value="How do I sign my online application?"></option><option label="How do I cancel an application I submitted online?" value="How do I cancel an application I submitted online?"></option><option label="How long can I work in Canada as a temporary worker?" value="How long can I work in Canada as a temporary worker?"></option><option label="How can I qualify for the Federal Skilled Trades Program if the province or territory where I plan to live and work does not give Certificates of Qualification in my trade?" value="How can I qualify for the Federal Skilled Trades Program if the province or territory where I plan to live and work does not give Certificates of Qualification in my trade?"></option><option label="If I come to Canada under the Federal Skilled Trades Program, will I be qualified to work in any province or territory?" value="If I come to Canada under the Federal Skilled Trades Program, will I be qualified to work in any province or territory?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m a Canadian citizen living outside Canada. I mailed an application to the Sydney, Nova Scotia office. Who can I contact if I have a question?" value="I&rsquo;m a Canadian citizen living outside Canada. I mailed an application to the Sydney, Nova Scotia office. Who can I contact if I have a question?"></option><option label="Do I need a transit visa?" value="Do I need a transit visa?"></option><option label="How do I get a transit visa?" value="How do I get a transit visa?"></option><option label="Can I apply for a post-graduation work permit before I get my diploma?" value="Can I apply for a post-graduation work permit before I get my diploma?"></option><option label="I get a Bad Encrypt Dictionary error opening a PDF. What does this mean?" value="I get a Bad Encrypt Dictionary error opening a PDF. What does this mean?"></option><option label="After I click the Validate button on my application form, nothing happens and I don&rsquo;t see the barcodes. Why?" value="After I click the Validate button on my application form, nothing happens and I don&rsquo;t see the barcodes. Why?"></option><option label="The calendar is displayed in my local language and I can&rsquo;t fill in the date fields correctly. What do I do?" value="The calendar is displayed in my local language and I can&rsquo;t fill in the date fields correctly. What do I do?"></option><option label="How does the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program work?" value="How does the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program work?"></option><option label="How is the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program different from the regular Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?" value="How is the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program different from the regular Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?"></option><option label="Can refugees be referred to the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program by sponsoring groups?" value="Can refugees be referred to the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program by sponsoring groups?"></option><option label="Where can I find my client ID/UCI?" value="Where can I find my client ID/UCI?"></option><option label="How do I find my client ID/UCI?" value="How do I find my client ID/UCI?"></option><option label="I do not know my client ID/UCI. Where can I get it?" value="I do not know my client ID/UCI. Where can I get it?"></option><option label="I forgot my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?" value="I forgot my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?"></option><option label="I lost my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?" value="I lost my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?"></option><option label="When will I get my client ID/UCI?" value="When will I get my client ID/UCI?"></option><option label="When do I get my client ID/UCI?" value="When do I get my client ID/UCI?"></option><option label="How can I get a client ID/UCI?" value="How can I get a client ID/UCI?"></option><option label="What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?" value="What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?"></option><option label="What if I cannot attend my hearing with a citizenship officer or a citizenship judge? Can I reschedule it?" value="What if I cannot attend my hearing with a citizenship officer or a citizenship judge? Can I reschedule it?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw a citizenship application for me, my minor child or adopted child?" value="How do I withdraw a citizenship application for me, my minor child or adopted child?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application for proof of citizenship (citizenship certificate)?" value="How do I withdraw my application for proof of citizenship (citizenship certificate)?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application to search citizenship records?" value="How do I withdraw my application to search citizenship records?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application to renounce Canadian citizenship?" value="How do I withdraw my application to renounce Canadian citizenship?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application to resume Canadian citizenship?" value="How do I withdraw my application to resume Canadian citizenship?"></option><option label="Who has access to the information I submit when I register for a GCKey?" value="Who has access to the information I submit when I register for a GCKey?"></option><option label="What is GCKey?" value="What is GCKey?"></option><option label="Why has the Government of Canada introduced GCKey?" value="Why has the Government of Canada introduced GCKey?"></option><option label="How do I get a GCKey credential?" value="How do I get a GCKey credential?"></option><option label="What does the immigration category on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence document mean?" value="What does the immigration category on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence document mean?"></option><option label="What do I do if I have technical problems when applying online?" value="What do I do if I have technical problems when applying online?"></option><option label="What is the application process for the Start-up Visa Program?" value="What is the application process for the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="What is the difference between support from venture capital funds, angel investor groups, and business incubators?" value="What is the difference between support from venture capital funds, angel investor groups, and business incubators?"></option><option label="Who will review my Start-up Visa Program application?" value="Who will review my Start-up Visa Program application?"></option><option label="Is there an application form to get a letter of support from a designated organization?" value="Is there an application form to get a letter of support from a designated organization?"></option><option label="What do I do if I lost my GCKey username or password?" value="What do I do if I lost my GCKey username or password?"></option><option label="What do I do if an online application is down?" value="What do I do if an online application is down?"></option><option label="What browser should I use to apply online?" value="What browser should I use to apply online?"></option><option label="How many applications to sponsor parents and grandparents do you accept each intake?" value="How many applications to sponsor parents and grandparents do you accept each intake?"></option><option label="How do I pay for my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?" value="How do I pay for my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?"></option><option label="Can I hand-deliver my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?" value="Can I hand-deliver my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?"></option><option label="How can I show proof of income to sponsor my parents and grandparents?" value="How can I show proof of income to sponsor my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="Do I need to ask the Canada Border Services Agency for a history of entries when applying for citizenship?" value="Do I need to ask the Canada Border Services Agency for a history of entries when applying for citizenship?"></option><option label="What happens if I check &ldquo;Yes&rdquo; on Question 14B (&ldquo;Consent to the CBSA and IRCC&rdquo;) on the application for citizenship?" value="What happens if I check &ldquo;Yes&rdquo; on Question 14B (&ldquo;Consent to the CBSA and IRCC&rdquo;) on the application for citizenship?"></option><option label="What is a personal document checklist?" value="What is a personal document checklist?"></option><option label="What is a personal reference code?" value="What is a personal reference code?"></option><option label="Why was I issued a single entry visa instead of a multiple entry visa?" value="Why was I issued a single entry visa instead of a multiple entry visa?"></option><option label="How do I prove that I need urgent processing for my permanent resident card application?" value="How do I prove that I need urgent processing for my permanent resident card application?"></option><option label="Do I have to apply online for my International Experience Canada work permit or can I apply by mail or in person?" value="Do I have to apply online for my International Experience Canada work permit or can I apply by mail or in person?"></option><option label="I have a question about a document I am asked to submit in my online account. Who can I ask?" value="I have a question about a document I am asked to submit in my online account. Who can I ask?"></option><option label="Will my spouse or common-law partner get a work permit under International Experience Canada to come with me?" value="Will my spouse or common-law partner get a work permit under International Experience Canada to come with me?"></option><option label="Why do I need to get a police certificate?" value="Why do I need to get a police certificate?"></option><option label="Why do I need a medical examination?" value="Why do I need a medical examination?"></option><option label="I want to work in a job that requires a medical exam, but I already have my work permit or authorization. What do I do?" value="I want to work in a job that requires a medical exam, but I already have my work permit or authorization. What do I do?"></option><option label="What is a port of entry (POE) letter?" value="What is a port of entry (POE) letter?"></option><option label="How long is my POE Letter valid?" value="How long is my POE Letter valid?"></option><option label="My International Experience Canada application was refused because I didn't provide a document. What should I do?" value="My International Experience Canada application was refused because I didn't provide a document. What should I do?"></option><option label="Can I get a refund if I cancel my International Experience Canada work permit application?" value="Can I get a refund if I cancel my International Experience Canada work permit application?"></option><option label="I recently reset my IRCC secure account, but I don&rsquo;t see my application. How can I get it back?" value="I recently reset my IRCC secure account, but I don&rsquo;t see my application. How can I get it back?"></option><option label="How do I view the messages in my account?" value="How do I view the messages in my account?"></option><option label="I can't get a bank statement before I come to Canada. What do I do?" value="I can't get a bank statement before I come to Canada. What do I do?"></option><option label="How can I get help with my immigration or citizenship application?" value="How can I get help with my immigration or citizenship application?"></option><option label="I have lost, deleted or damaged my POE Letter. What should I do?" value="I have lost, deleted or damaged my POE Letter. What should I do?"></option><option label="How do I give my fingerprints and get an RCMP criminal record check from inside or outside Canada?" value="How do I give my fingerprints and get an RCMP criminal record check from inside or outside Canada?"></option><option label="How much does it cost to participate in International Experience Canada?" value="How much does it cost to participate in International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="What do I do if I get a new passport after I apply for International Experience Canada?" value="What do I do if I get a new passport after I apply for International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="There is a mistake in my name on my work permit, can you fix it?" value="There is a mistake in my name on my work permit, can you fix it?"></option><option label="Can I have more than one Express Entry profile?" value="Can I have more than one Express Entry profile?"></option><option label="Can I re-use my Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report to submit my Express Entry profile?" value="Can I re-use my Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report to submit my Express Entry profile?"></option><option label="Is there a different application form for CAN+?" value="Is there a different application form for CAN+?"></option><option label="How do I know that my application can be processed under CAN+? What supporting documents should I submit?" value="How do I know that my application can be processed under CAN+? What supporting documents should I submit?"></option><option label="How long will the Temporary Foreign Worker Program moratorium on food service jobs last?" value="How long will the Temporary Foreign Worker Program moratorium on food service jobs last?"></option><option label="Who is eligible to take government-funded language classes?" value="Who is eligible to take government-funded language classes?"></option><option label="How can I enrol in a government-funded language class at no cost to myself?" value="How can I enrol in a government-funded language class at no cost to myself?"></option><option label="Can my spouse take language classes with me?" value="Can my spouse take language classes with me?"></option><option label="How long can I take language classes for?" value="How long can I take language classes for?"></option><option label="I started taking language classes but I&rsquo;m moving. Can I keep taking classes in a new city?" value="I started taking language classes but I&rsquo;m moving. Can I keep taking classes in a new city?"></option><option label="I'm working or studying in Canada temporarily. Can I take Government of Canada funded language classes?" value="I'm working or studying in Canada temporarily. Can I take Government of Canada funded language classes?"></option><option label="What are the language training programs funded by the Government of Canada?" value="What are the language training programs funded by the Government of Canada?"></option><option label="What are the language training programs funded by the provincial or territorial governments?" value="What are the language training programs funded by the provincial or territorial governments?"></option><option label="Does the change in age of dependants affect sponsorship undertakings for dependent children?" value="Does the change in age of dependants affect sponsorship undertakings for dependent children?"></option><option label="What can I do if my citizenship application is refused?" value="What can I do if my citizenship application is refused?"></option><option label="How do I get a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship) for someone under 18 years old?" value="How do I get a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship) for someone under 18 years old?"></option><option label="I legally changed my name. How do I change the name on my citizenship certificate or card?" value="I legally changed my name. How do I change the name on my citizenship certificate or card?"></option><option label="How can I find out if my application is affected by the change in the age of dependants?" value="How can I find out if my application is affected by the change in the age of dependants?"></option><option label="What should I do if I missed my citizenship test?" value="What should I do if I missed my citizenship test?"></option><option label="Can I leave Canada after I mail my citizenship application?" value="Can I leave Canada after I mail my citizenship application?"></option><option label="Can I apply to extend my work permit under the caregiver pilots?" value="Can I apply to extend my work permit under the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="What&rsquo;s an occupation-restricted open work permit?" value="What&rsquo;s an occupation-restricted open work permit?"></option><option label="Who can participate in International Experience Canada?" value="Who can participate in International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="What kinds of jobs can I have with an International Experience Canada work permit?" value="What kinds of jobs can I have with an International Experience Canada work permit?"></option><option label="Do I need a job offer to submit my International Experience Canada profile?" value="Do I need a job offer to submit my International Experience Canada profile?"></option><option label="Can I participate in International Experience Canada more than once?" value="Can I participate in International Experience Canada more than once?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m almost too old for International Experience Canada. Can I still apply?" value="I&rsquo;m almost too old for International Experience Canada. Can I still apply?"></option><option label="Can I immigrate to Canada through International Experience Canada?" value="Can I immigrate to Canada through International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="Is it possible to study in Canada while participating in IEC?" value="Is it possible to study in Canada while participating in IEC?"></option><option label="Can I have both a study permit and a work permit under International Experience Canada?" value="Can I have both a study permit and a work permit under International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="What&rsquo;s the difference between an International Experience Canada work permit and other work permits?" value="What&rsquo;s the difference between an International Experience Canada work permit and other work permits?"></option><option label="If I don&rsquo;t use my letter of introduction for International Experience Canada, will I get a refund?" value="If I don&rsquo;t use my letter of introduction for International Experience Canada, will I get a refund?"></option><option label="My passport was lost or stolen after I received my Port of Entry (POE) Letter. Will my POE Letter need to be modified?" value="My passport was lost or stolen after I received my Port of Entry (POE) Letter. Will my POE Letter need to be modified?"></option><option label="What type of insurance do I need for International Experience Canada?" value="What type of insurance do I need for International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="Can I come to Canada before I receive my POE Letter?" value="Can I come to Canada before I receive my POE Letter?"></option><option label="What should I do if my employer wants me to continue working after my International Experience Canada work permit expires?" value="What should I do if my employer wants me to continue working after my International Experience Canada work permit expires?"></option><option label="Can I stay in Canada as a tourist after my work permit expires?" value="Can I stay in Canada as a tourist after my work permit expires?"></option><option label="Do I need to provide proof that I can pay the salary of the caregiver I&rsquo;m hiring through the caregiver pilots?" value="Do I need to provide proof that I can pay the salary of the caregiver I&rsquo;m hiring through the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="Do I have to pay for the caregiver&rsquo;s travel costs if I&rsquo;m hiring them through the caregiver pilots?" value="Do I have to pay for the caregiver&rsquo;s travel costs if I&rsquo;m hiring them through the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="I want to hire a caregiver with a live-in arrangement. What&rsquo;s the maximum amount I can charge for room and board?" value="I want to hire a caregiver with a live-in arrangement. What&rsquo;s the maximum amount I can charge for room and board?"></option><option label="I already took a medical exam when I applied for the caregiver pilots. Why am I being asked to take another one?" value="I already took a medical exam when I applied for the caregiver pilots. Why am I being asked to take another one?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m working in Canada as a caregiver but I don&rsquo;t meet the requirements for the caregiver pilots. Can I apply to extend my work permit?" value="I&rsquo;m working in Canada as a caregiver but I don&rsquo;t meet the requirements for the caregiver pilots. Can I apply to extend my work permit?"></option><option label="Can I use work experience from more than 1 employer to apply to the caregiver pilots?" value="Can I use work experience from more than 1 employer to apply to the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="Is there a limit on the number of caregiver applications you accept under the pilots?" value="Is there a limit on the number of caregiver applications you accept under the pilots?"></option><option label="What can I do if the yearly limit on applications for the caregiver pilots has been reached before I apply?" value="What can I do if the yearly limit on applications for the caregiver pilots has been reached before I apply?"></option><option label="I want to work in Canada as a caregiver, but I don&rsquo;t meet the requirements of the pilots. What are my options?" value="I want to work in Canada as a caregiver, but I don&rsquo;t meet the requirements of the pilots. What are my options?"></option><option label="When do I need to take a medical exam for the caregiver pilots?" value="When do I need to take a medical exam for the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="I worked in Canada illegally. Can I use that experience to meet the work requirement of the caregiver pilots?" value="I worked in Canada illegally. Can I use that experience to meet the work requirement of the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="An employer in Quebec has offered me a job as a caregiver. What do I apply for?" value="An employer in Quebec has offered me a job as a caregiver. What do I apply for?"></option><option label="I worked in Quebec as a home child care provider or home support worker. Can that work experience count for the caregiver pilots?" value="I worked in Quebec as a home child care provider or home support worker. Can that work experience count for the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="How is the processing time affected if I need a medical exam?" value="How is the processing time affected if I need a medical exam?"></option><option label="You asked me for additional medical information. How will this affect the processing time?" value="You asked me for additional medical information. How will this affect the processing time?"></option><option label="How can I check the status of my medical exam results?" value="How can I check the status of my medical exam results?"></option><option label="Can I have a medical exam done in advance to speed up my application?" value="Can I have a medical exam done in advance to speed up my application?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m pregnant. Can I wait until after I give birth to take the medical exam?" value="I&rsquo;m pregnant. Can I wait until after I give birth to take the medical exam?"></option><option label="I have applied for permanent residence. My spouse or partner and children are not coming with me. Do they need to get a medical exam?" value="I have applied for permanent residence. My spouse or partner and children are not coming with me. Do they need to get a medical exam?"></option><option label="I have two degrees from outside Canada. Do I need an Educational Credential Assessment for both?" value="I have two degrees from outside Canada. Do I need an Educational Credential Assessment for both?"></option><option label="The online tool said I was eligible for Express Entry, but my completed profile says I&rsquo;m not. Which one is right?" value="The online tool said I was eligible for Express Entry, but my completed profile says I&rsquo;m not. Which one is right?"></option><option label="Can I use my existing Job Bank account to get matched with employers for Express Entry?" value="Can I use my existing Job Bank account to get matched with employers for Express Entry?"></option><option label="My personal reference code is not working. What should I do?" value="My personal reference code is not working. What should I do?"></option><option label="I am a native English or French speaker. Why do I need to take a language test for Express Entry?" value="I am a native English or French speaker. Why do I need to take a language test for Express Entry?"></option><option label="A message in my account says my profile was updated. I didn&rsquo;t update it today (or don&rsquo;t see an update). What happened?" value="A message in my account says my profile was updated. I didn&rsquo;t update it today (or don&rsquo;t see an update). What happened?"></option><option label="I accidently withdrew my Express Entry profile. How can I fix this?" value="I accidently withdrew my Express Entry profile. How can I fix this?"></option><option label="I was found not eligible for Express Entry and I can&rsquo;t change my profile. What do I do?" value="I was found not eligible for Express Entry and I can&rsquo;t change my profile. What do I do?"></option><option label="How do I update my Express Entry profile before submitting it?" value="How do I update my Express Entry profile before submitting it?"></option><option label="Some fields in my Express Entry profile are greyed out and I can&rsquo;t change them. How do I update them?" value="Some fields in my Express Entry profile are greyed out and I can&rsquo;t change them. How do I update them?"></option><option label="How do I confirm that my Express Entry profile is complete?" value="How do I confirm that my Express Entry profile is complete?"></option><option label="I already submitted my Express Entry profile. Can I still update it?" value="I already submitted my Express Entry profile. Can I still update it?"></option><option label="Where can I find my Express Entry profile number and/or Job Seeker validation code?" value="Where can I find my Express Entry profile number and/or Job Seeker validation code?"></option><option label="Why didn&rsquo;t I get points for my job offer in Express Entry?" value="Why didn&rsquo;t I get points for my job offer in Express Entry?"></option><option label="There is no National Occupation Classification (NOC) code on my work permit. What should I put in my Express Entry profile?" value="There is no National Occupation Classification (NOC) code on my work permit. What should I put in my Express Entry profile?"></option><option label="I do not need a visa, but I want to stay in Canada as a visitor for longer than six months. What do I need to do?" value="I do not need a visa, but I want to stay in Canada as a visitor for longer than six months. What do I need to do?"></option><option label="How long can I stay in Canada as a visitor?" value="How long can I stay in Canada as a visitor?"></option><option label="I am currently living in or visiting a country that I am not a citizen of. Can I apply for a visitor visa at the local visa office?" value="I am currently living in or visiting a country that I am not a citizen of. Can I apply for a visitor visa at the local visa office?"></option><option label="My application for a permanent resident visa is currently being processed at the Embassy. Can I go to Canada as a tourist and wait for my visa there?" value="My application for a permanent resident visa is currently being processed at the Embassy. Can I go to Canada as a tourist and wait for my visa there?"></option><option label="I hold a diplomatic or special/service passport. Do I need a visitor visa?" value="I hold a diplomatic or special/service passport. Do I need a visitor visa?"></option><option label="Do I need a Canadian visa if I have a United States visa?" value="Do I need a Canadian visa if I have a United States visa?"></option><option label="My minor child is applying for a visitor visa and will travel alone to Canada. What documents must they present with the application?" value="My minor child is applying for a visitor visa and will travel alone to Canada. What documents must they present with the application?"></option><option label="I am travelling with my minor child without my spouse. What documents must I present?" value="I am travelling with my minor child without my spouse. What documents must I present?"></option><option label="I paid the $100 open work permit holder fee with my open work permit application, but the application was refused. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid the $100 open work permit holder fee with my open work permit application, but the application was refused. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="I paid the employer compliance fee, but the temporary worker&rsquo;s application for a work permit was refused. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid the employer compliance fee, but the temporary worker&rsquo;s application for a work permit was refused. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="I paid the employer compliance fee, but the worker is not coming to Canada. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid the employer compliance fee, but the worker is not coming to Canada. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="What proof do I need to show that my employer paid the compliance fee and submitted the offer of employment?" value="What proof do I need to show that my employer paid the compliance fee and submitted the offer of employment?"></option><option label="After I submit an offer of employment, do I have to wait for it to be approved before the temporary worker can apply for a work permit?" value="After I submit an offer of employment, do I have to wait for it to be approved before the temporary worker can apply for a work permit?"></option><option label="Can an authorized representative submit an offer of employment on behalf of an employer?" value="Can an authorized representative submit an offer of employment on behalf of an employer?"></option><option label="I have a visa or a temporary resident permit to enter Canada. Do I need an eTA too?" value="I have a visa or a temporary resident permit to enter Canada. Do I need an eTA too?"></option><option label="I am a dual citizen of the U.S. and another country. Do I need an eTA?" value="I am a dual citizen of the U.S. and another country. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="Are there any age exemptions for eTA?" value="Are there any age exemptions for eTA?"></option><option label="I am visiting the U.S. and I want to come to Canada. Do I need an eTA?" value="I am visiting the U.S. and I want to come to Canada. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="I have an ESTA and I am visiting the U.S. Can I use my ESTA to enter Canada?" value="I have an ESTA and I am visiting the U.S. Can I use my ESTA to enter Canada?"></option><option label="I have committed an offence and suspect or know that I am inadmissible to Canada. Should I still apply for an eTA?" value="I have committed an offence and suspect or know that I am inadmissible to Canada. Should I still apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="I must travel to Canada for exceptional circumstances. Can I get my eTA on an urgent basis?" value="I must travel to Canada for exceptional circumstances. Can I get my eTA on an urgent basis?"></option><option label="I am a permanent resident of Canada. Do I need an eTA if I leave and want to return to Canada by air?" value="I am a permanent resident of Canada. Do I need an eTA if I leave and want to return to Canada by air?"></option><option label="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to apply for a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?" value="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to apply for a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="I am from a visa-exempt country and a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?" value="I am from a visa-exempt country and a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder). Do I need an eTA?" value="I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder). Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="How do I apply for an eTA for travel to Canada?" value="How do I apply for an eTA for travel to Canada?"></option><option label="Do I have to apply for an eTA each time I travel to Canada?" value="Do I have to apply for an eTA each time I travel to Canada?"></option><option label="Do I need to apply for an eTA before I book my airline ticket?" value="Do I need to apply for an eTA before I book my airline ticket?"></option><option label="What options are available to pay the eTA application fee?" value="What options are available to pay the eTA application fee?"></option><option label="What if I don&rsquo;t have a Visa, Mastercard or American Express? Are there other methods to pay for an eTA?" value="What if I don&rsquo;t have a Visa, Mastercard or American Express? Are there other methods to pay for an eTA?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my eTA application?" value="How long will it take to process my eTA application?"></option><option label="Will IRCC email me when my eTA is approved?" value="Will IRCC email me when my eTA is approved?"></option><option label="Do I have to print anything to prove that I have an eTA?" value="Do I have to print anything to prove that I have an eTA?"></option><option label="In my online profile or application I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete when they are not. What do I do?" value="In my online profile or application I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete when they are not. What do I do?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my Express Entry profile?" value="How do I withdraw my Express Entry profile?"></option><option label="My citizenship application is being processed. How will the 2017 legislation changes affect my application?" value="My citizenship application is being processed. How will the 2017 legislation changes affect my application?"></option><option label="I hired a representative before June 11, 2015 and my citizenship application is still in process. Can they continue to act as my representative?" value="I hired a representative before June 11, 2015 and my citizenship application is still in process. Can they continue to act as my representative?"></option><option label="Who can represent me on my citizenship application?" value="Who can represent me on my citizenship application?"></option><option label="How old must my spouse or partner be for me to sponsor them to immigrate to Canada?" value="How old must my spouse or partner be for me to sponsor them to immigrate to Canada?"></option><option label="Does IRCC recognize marriages conducted by proxy, telephone, internet and fax?" value="Does IRCC recognize marriages conducted by proxy, telephone, internet and fax?"></option><option label="My application for an eTA was refused. Can I get a refund?" value="My application for an eTA was refused. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="My application for an eTA was refused. Is there a way I can appeal?" value="My application for an eTA was refused. Is there a way I can appeal?"></option><option label="Why am I not receiving any emails from IRCC about my eTA application?" value="Why am I not receiving any emails from IRCC about my eTA application?"></option><option label="What do I do if my application for an eTA is not approved right away?" value="What do I do if my application for an eTA is not approved right away?"></option><option label="I have been refused entry to Canada in the past. Does this mean that I will be refused an eTA?" value="I have been refused entry to Canada in the past. Does this mean that I will be refused an eTA?"></option><option label="What type of information do I need to complete an eTA application?" value="What type of information do I need to complete an eTA application?"></option><option label="Can I withdraw my eTA application?" value="Can I withdraw my eTA application?"></option><option label="Does having an eTA automatically mean that I am allowed to enter Canada?" value="Does having an eTA automatically mean that I am allowed to enter Canada?"></option><option label="Can more than one person, including dependents, be included in an eTA application?" value="Can more than one person, including dependents, be included in an eTA application?"></option><option label="If my eTA is cancelled after I get one, can I travel?" value="If my eTA is cancelled after I get one, can I travel?"></option><option label="I will transit by air through Canada. Do I need an eTA?" value="I will transit by air through Canada. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="Can a business or agency organizing charter flights to Canada for tour groups get eTAs for their clients?" value="Can a business or agency organizing charter flights to Canada for tour groups get eTAs for their clients?"></option><option label="Do travellers on chartered aircrafts need an eTA?" value="Do travellers on chartered aircrafts need an eTA?"></option><option label="Will the eTA application information be available in multiple languages?" value="Will the eTA application information be available in multiple languages?"></option><option label="What happens if I get a new passport after I have received an eTA?" value="What happens if I get a new passport after I have received an eTA?"></option><option label="I am a Canadian citizen. Do I need an eTA to enter Canada?" value="I am a Canadian citizen. Do I need an eTA to enter Canada?"></option><option label="If I have an immigration loan, how can I make my payments?" value="If I have an immigration loan, how can I make my payments?"></option><option label="My last payment does not appear on my immigration loan statement. Why is that?" value="My last payment does not appear on my immigration loan statement. Why is that?"></option><option label="I no longer receive immigration loan statements. Why is that?" value="I no longer receive immigration loan statements. Why is that?"></option><option label="Where do I find my PAYEE number on my immigration loan statement?" value="Where do I find my PAYEE number on my immigration loan statement?"></option><option label="What happens if I do not make my loan payments?" value="What happens if I do not make my loan payments?"></option><option label="Can I make a refugee claim from within Syria?" value="Can I make a refugee claim from within Syria?"></option><option label="How can Canadians help in our response to the Syrian crisis?" value="How can Canadians help in our response to the Syrian crisis?"></option><option label="How do I find a refugee to sponsor?" value="How do I find a refugee to sponsor?"></option><option label="How do I find a SAH I can volunteer to work with or otherwise contribute to?" value="How do I find a SAH I can volunteer to work with or otherwise contribute to?"></option><option label="Does this means that Syrians and Iraqi from anywhere in the world can be resettled to Canada as refugees?" value="Does this means that Syrians and Iraqi from anywhere in the world can be resettled to Canada as refugees?"></option><option label="I am a new permanent resident in Canada. Can I live somewhere other than the &ldquo;city of destination&rdquo; on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence?" value="I am a new permanent resident in Canada. Can I live somewhere other than the &ldquo;city of destination&rdquo; on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence?"></option><option label="I can't submit a new International Experience Canada profile because I already have one. What do I do?" value="I can't submit a new International Experience Canada profile because I already have one. What do I do?"></option><option label="What is a visa-exempt foreign national?" value="What is a visa-exempt foreign national?"></option><option label="I am an American citizen. What do I need to enter Canada?" value="I am an American citizen. What do I need to enter Canada?"></option><option label="I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder) and my home country will not issue a passport to me. Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?" value="I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder) and my home country will not issue a passport to me. Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?"></option><option label="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to extend my work or study permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?" value="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to extend my work or study permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="Do VIPs, Heads of State or diplomats need an eTA to travel to Canada?" value="Do VIPs, Heads of State or diplomats need an eTA to travel to Canada?"></option><option label="Can diplomats who are not accredited in Canada, but accredited elsewhere, travel to Canada without an eTA?" value="Can diplomats who are not accredited in Canada, but accredited elsewhere, travel to Canada without an eTA?"></option><option label="Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?" value="Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw or delete my International Experience Canada profile?" value="How do I withdraw or delete my International Experience Canada profile?"></option><option label="Is there a file size limit for documents I upload to my account?" value="Is there a file size limit for documents I upload to my account?"></option><option label="What file formats can I upload to my account?" value="What file formats can I upload to my account?"></option><option label="In an Express Entry profile, should I only include the minimum work experience needed to qualify for one of the programs, or should I include more?" value="In an Express Entry profile, should I only include the minimum work experience needed to qualify for one of the programs, or should I include more?"></option><option label="In an Express Entry profile, what do you mean by the &ldquo;date the applicant first became qualified to practise this occupation?" value="In an Express Entry profile, what do you mean by the &ldquo;date the applicant first became qualified to practise this occupation?"></option><option label="How do I fill out my Express Entry profile when I have maintained my status?" value="How do I fill out my Express Entry profile when I have maintained my status?"></option><option label="How do I get education points for Express Entry if I have 2 or more degrees or diplomas?" value="How do I get education points for Express Entry if I have 2 or more degrees or diplomas?"></option><option label="If I am waiting for a new work permit and I have job offer points, do I have to remove the job offer from my Express Entry profile?" value="If I am waiting for a new work permit and I have job offer points, do I have to remove the job offer from my Express Entry profile?"></option><option label="I have been working in Canada for the last 6 months but didn&rsquo;t get points for work experience. Why not?" value="I have been working in Canada for the last 6 months but didn&rsquo;t get points for work experience. Why not?"></option><option label="If I&rsquo;ve maintained my status while in the Express Entry pool, will I still get the job offer points?" value="If I&rsquo;ve maintained my status while in the Express Entry pool, will I still get the job offer points?"></option><option label="What if I am invited to apply for Express Entry while waiting for a new work permit?" value="What if I am invited to apply for Express Entry while waiting for a new work permit?"></option><option label="I was invited to apply through Express Entry but my work permit expired. What do I do?" value="I was invited to apply through Express Entry but my work permit expired. What do I do?"></option><option label="I didn&rsquo;t get a Job Seeker Validation Code in the message you sent to my account. Why not?" value="I didn&rsquo;t get a Job Seeker Validation Code in the message you sent to my account. Why not?"></option><option label="How do I upload more supporting documents after I have already submitted my online application for permanent residence through Express Entry?" value="How do I upload more supporting documents after I have already submitted my online application for permanent residence through Express Entry?"></option><option label="Can I ask to only be considered for one of the programs under Express Entry?" value="Can I ask to only be considered for one of the programs under Express Entry?"></option><option label="In my International Experience Canada profile/application, I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete after completing them. What do I do?" value="In my International Experience Canada profile/application, I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete after completing them. What do I do?"></option><option label="I accidently withdrew my International Experience Canada profile. How can I fix this?" value="I accidently withdrew my International Experience Canada profile. How can I fix this?"></option><option label="I was found not eligible for International Experience Canada (IEC). What do I do?" value="I was found not eligible for International Experience Canada (IEC). What do I do?"></option><option label="I already submitted my International Experience Canada (IEC) profile. Can I update it?" value="I already submitted my International Experience Canada (IEC) profile. Can I update it?"></option><option label="Do I have to answer the eligibility questions before I submit a profile?" value="Do I have to answer the eligibility questions before I submit a profile?"></option><option label="What is a personal reference code and how do I get one for International Experience Canada (IEC)?" value="What is a personal reference code and how do I get one for International Experience Canada (IEC)?"></option><option label="My personal reference code for International Experience Canada (IEC) is not working. What should I do?" value="My personal reference code for International Experience Canada (IEC) is not working. What should I do?"></option><option label="I need to submit documents in a secure IRCC account for my eTA application. How can I do this?" value="I need to submit documents in a secure IRCC account for my eTA application. How can I do this?"></option><option label="I need to add multiple files to my online application, but there is only one field to upload documents. What can I do?" value="I need to add multiple files to my online application, but there is only one field to upload documents. What can I do?"></option><option label="I am a NEXUS or CANPASS member and U.S. green card holder. Do I need an eTA to fly to Canada?" value="I am a NEXUS or CANPASS member and U.S. green card holder. Do I need an eTA to fly to Canada?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m sponsoring my spouse or common-law partner. Can they work while their application is being processed?" value="I&rsquo;m sponsoring my spouse or common-law partner. Can they work while their application is being processed?"></option><option label="If my Express Entry profile expires, will the system keep my information?" value="If my Express Entry profile expires, will the system keep my information?"></option><option label="How long does it take to get an International Experience Canada invitation to apply?" value="How long does it take to get an International Experience Canada invitation to apply?"></option><option label="Candidates in the Working Holiday pool will be randomly selected to apply for a work permit. What does that mean?" value="Candidates in the Working Holiday pool will be randomly selected to apply for a work permit. What does that mean?"></option><option label="I am a Canadian citizen and a citizen of another country. Can I fly to Canada with my non-Canadian passport?" value="I am a Canadian citizen and a citizen of another country. Can I fly to Canada with my non-Canadian passport?"></option><option label="Why is my application considered complex or non-routine, and what does that mean for me?" value="Why is my application considered complex or non-routine, and what does that mean for me?"></option><option label="I have to submit documents for my eTA application. How can I find out what documents I need to provide?" value="I have to submit documents for my eTA application. How can I find out what documents I need to provide?"></option><option label="What information will I get by email after I apply for an eTA?" value="What information will I get by email after I apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="Can I apply for an eTA for my child?" value="Can I apply for an eTA for my child?"></option><option label="What happens if I made a mistake (like an email address or passport number) on my eTA application?" value="What happens if I made a mistake (like an email address or passport number) on my eTA application?"></option><option label="Can I start my eTA application and save it?" value="Can I start my eTA application and save it?"></option><option label="Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of someone?" value="Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of someone?"></option><option label="Can I submit a group application for eTA?" value="Can I submit a group application for eTA?"></option><option label="Can I review my eTA application before I submit it?" value="Can I review my eTA application before I submit it?"></option><option label="Can I help a friend or family member apply for an eTA?" value="Can I help a friend or family member apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="As a Canadian citizen living in Canada, can I apply for an eTA for my non-Canadian relative or friend who lives abroad?" value="As a Canadian citizen living in Canada, can I apply for an eTA for my non-Canadian relative or friend who lives abroad?"></option><option label="Can I apply for an eTA with a Refugee Travel Document?" value="Can I apply for an eTA with a Refugee Travel Document?"></option><option label="Can I work while I am waiting to receive my post-graduation work permit?" value="Can I work while I am waiting to receive my post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="What is the Hague Convention?" value="What is the Hague Convention?"></option><option label="I have a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) and will travel to Canada. Do I need an eTA?" value="I have a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) and will travel to Canada. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="What is the employer compliance fee? How do I pay it?" value="What is the employer compliance fee? How do I pay it?"></option><option label="Can I change employers if I have an International Experience Canada work permit?" value="Can I change employers if I have an International Experience Canada work permit?"></option><option label="When should my client apply for their eTA?" value="When should my client apply for their eTA?"></option><option label="Can I submit group applications for eTA?" value="Can I submit group applications for eTA?"></option><option label="How do I pay for my client&rsquo;s eTA?" value="How do I pay for my client&rsquo;s eTA?"></option><option label="Is there a way for clients to confirm the status of their eTA?" value="Is there a way for clients to confirm the status of their eTA?"></option><option label="Can I review the eTA application before I submit it?" value="Can I review the eTA application before I submit it?"></option><option label="Can I make changes to my client&rsquo;s eTA after it has been approved?" value="Can I make changes to my client&rsquo;s eTA after it has been approved?"></option><option label="Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of a client?" value="Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of a client?"></option><option label="Is the eTA linked to a client&rsquo;s passport number?" value="Is the eTA linked to a client&rsquo;s passport number?"></option><option label="What happens if I entered the wrong passport number on my client&rsquo;s eTA application form?" value="What happens if I entered the wrong passport number on my client&rsquo;s eTA application form?"></option><option label="How long can a client stay in Canada with their eTA?" value="How long can a client stay in Canada with their eTA?"></option><option label="I am an entrepreneur. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to work in Canada?" value="I am an entrepreneur. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to work in Canada?"></option><option label="What is a job offer letter?" value="What is a job offer letter?"></option><option label="How do I change employers?" value="How do I change employers?"></option><option label="Can I adopt a child from countries experiencing armed conflict or natural disasters?" value="Can I adopt a child from countries experiencing armed conflict or natural disasters?"></option><option label="I received a call from an immigration officer. Was it a scam?" value="I received a call from an immigration officer. Was it a scam?"></option><option label="I received an email from an immigration officer. Is it a scam?" value="I received an email from an immigration officer. Is it a scam?"></option><option label="How can I tell if an immigration website is a scam?" value="How can I tell if an immigration website is a scam?"></option><option label="How do I report a scam or a fraud?" value="How do I report a scam or a fraud?"></option><option label="My documents are too large to upload. How do I reduce the file size?" value="My documents are too large to upload. How do I reduce the file size?"></option><option label="What happens if I owe IRCC money? Will you call to ask for unpaid fees?" value="What happens if I owe IRCC money? Will you call to ask for unpaid fees?"></option><option label="How do I pay online if I don&rsquo;t have a credit card or a bank account?" value="How do I pay online if I don&rsquo;t have a credit card or a bank account?"></option><option label="If I have not paid my fees, will you have me arrested or deported?" value="If I have not paid my fees, will you have me arrested or deported?"></option><option label="Will you ask me for personal information over the phone?" value="Will you ask me for personal information over the phone?"></option><option label="I received threats from someone who says they are from the immigration department. Is it a scam?" value="I received threats from someone who says they are from the immigration department. Is it a scam?"></option><option label="If you return my application, will I get a refund?" value="If you return my application, will I get a refund?"></option><option label="Why are there differences between the status I see in the Check application status tool (CAS) and in my account?" value="Why are there differences between the status I see in the Check application status tool (CAS) and in my account?"></option><option label="Which applications can I link to an IRCC secure account?" value="Which applications can I link to an IRCC secure account?"></option><option label="Why was I locked out of my IRCC secure account when I tried to link an application?" value="Why was I locked out of my IRCC secure account when I tried to link an application?"></option><option label="When trying to link my application to my IRCC secure account, it says there are no matches. What&rsquo;s going on?" value="When trying to link my application to my IRCC secure account, it says there are no matches. What&rsquo;s going on?"></option><option label="What happens after I link an application to an IRCC secure account?" value="What happens after I link an application to an IRCC secure account?"></option><option label="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?" value="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of a country other than France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?" value="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of a country other than France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France returning to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air from a country other than Canada. Do I need an eTA?" value="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France returning to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air from a country other than Canada. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="When I visit Canada, I want to travel to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air. What document(s) do I need to return to Canada?" value="When I visit Canada, I want to travel to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air. What document(s) do I need to return to Canada?"></option><option label="I applied for an eTA on a different website. How do I verify if I have a real eTA?" value="I applied for an eTA on a different website. How do I verify if I have a real eTA?"></option><option label="I have been charged more than CAN$7 my eTA on another website. I think I have been scammed. How can I find out and can I get a refund?" value="I have been charged more than CAN$7 my eTA on another website. I think I have been scammed. How can I find out and can I get a refund?"></option><option label="I see other websites advertising that I can apply for an eTA with them. Is there more than one website to apply for an eTA?" value="I see other websites advertising that I can apply for an eTA with them. Is there more than one website to apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="I have not been able to submit an eTA application because of technical issues (with the payment or the application form). Can I still fly to Canada?" value="I have not been able to submit an eTA application because of technical issues (with the payment or the application form). Can I still fly to Canada?"></option><option label="I submitted an eTA application, but have not received any emails from IRCC. Can I still travel to Canada?" value="I submitted an eTA application, but have not received any emails from IRCC. Can I still travel to Canada?"></option><option label="I got an email confirmation from IRCC that my eTA application was received, but nothing since then. Can I still travel to Canada?" value="I got an email confirmation from IRCC that my eTA application was received, but nothing since then. Can I still travel to Canada?"></option><option label="I cannot submit the additional documents required for my eTA application by the requested deadline. Can I still travel to Canada?" value="I cannot submit the additional documents required for my eTA application by the requested deadline. Can I still travel to Canada?"></option><option label="My application for an eTA was refused. Can I still travel to Canada?" value="My application for an eTA was refused. Can I still travel to Canada?"></option><option label="How do I pay online?" value="How do I pay online?"></option><option label="How can I get a copy of my receipt after paying my fees?" value="How can I get a copy of my receipt after paying my fees?"></option><option label="I can&rsquo;t access my online payment account to get a copy of my receipt. What can I do?" value="I can&rsquo;t access my online payment account to get a copy of my receipt. What can I do?"></option><option label="Why is my online payment being refused?" value="Why is my online payment being refused?"></option><option label="I tried to pay online but it was incomplete. Why is it showing on my bank statement?" value="I tried to pay online but it was incomplete. Why is it showing on my bank statement?"></option><option label="Can I pay my fees at a bank in Canada?" value="Can I pay my fees at a bank in Canada?"></option><option label="Is my payment receipt form (IMM 5401) still valid?" value="Is my payment receipt form (IMM 5401) still valid?"></option><option label="My IEC work permit application was approved, but I don&rsquo;t want to work yet. Can I enter Canada as a visitor for now?" value="My IEC work permit application was approved, but I don&rsquo;t want to work yet. Can I enter Canada as a visitor for now?"></option><option label="I stayed in Canada longer than I was supposed to. How do I restore my status as a visitor?" value="I stayed in Canada longer than I was supposed to. How do I restore my status as a visitor?"></option><option label="I am a permanent resident of Canada. Can I apply for an eTA?" value="I am a permanent resident of Canada. Can I apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="How do I change the sex or gender identifier on my application or document?" value="How do I change the sex or gender identifier on my application or document?"></option><option label="Do I need to notify IRCC of a change of sex or gender identifier?" value="Do I need to notify IRCC of a change of sex or gender identifier?"></option><option label="What can I use as official documents to change the sex on my documents?" value="What can I use as official documents to change the sex on my documents?"></option><option label="Do I have to be a Canadian citizen to change the sex or gender identifier on my document?" value="Do I have to be a Canadian citizen to change the sex or gender identifier on my document?"></option><option label="Will changing the gender identifier on my documents affect the decision on my application?" value="Will changing the gender identifier on my documents affect the decision on my application?"></option><option label="Can I apply to change both my name and gender identifier at the same time on my documents?" value="Can I apply to change both my name and gender identifier at the same time on my documents?"></option><option label="What does current or previous undertaking mean on my sponsorship application?" value="What does current or previous undertaking mean on my sponsorship application?"></option><option label="Can I be invited to apply if I've lost my username or password?" value="Can I be invited to apply if I've lost my username or password?"></option><option label="What do I do if a form in my International Experience Canada application is marked &ldquo;In progress&rdquo;?" value="What do I do if a form in my International Experience Canada application is marked &ldquo;In progress&rdquo;?"></option><option label="I can log into my account in the Employer Portal, but I can't submit an offer of employment. What is the problem?" value="I can log into my account in the Employer Portal, but I can't submit an offer of employment. What is the problem?"></option><option label="Will I get a receipt for an offer of employment I submit through the Employer Portal?" value="Will I get a receipt for an offer of employment I submit through the Employer Portal?"></option><option label="I can't create an account in the Employer Portal because the information I entered already exists. What do I do?" value="I can't create an account in the Employer Portal because the information I entered already exists. What do I do?"></option><option label="I want to submit an offer of employment. Where can I find the IMM 5802 form?" value="I want to submit an offer of employment. Where can I find the IMM 5802 form?"></option><option label="I already paid the employer compliance fee, but I can't submit my offer of employment without paying it again. What do I do?" value="I already paid the employer compliance fee, but I can't submit my offer of employment without paying it again. What do I do?"></option><option label="What is my Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the Employer Portal and where do I find it?" value="What is my Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the Employer Portal and where do I find it?"></option><option label="I've completed all the offer of employment forms in the Employer Portal, but I still can&rsquo;t submit it. What should I do?" value="I've completed all the offer of employment forms in the Employer Portal, but I still can&rsquo;t submit it. What should I do?"></option><option label="Can I change or fix a mistake in my business information in the Employer Portal?" value="Can I change or fix a mistake in my business information in the Employer Portal?"></option><option label="I need to submit an offer of employment, but I don't have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) number. What do I do?" value="I need to submit an offer of employment, but I don't have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) number. What do I do?"></option><option label="What is the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="What is the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="What coverage do I get through the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="What coverage do I get through the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="Which documents prove I&rsquo;m eligible for the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="Which documents prove I&rsquo;m eligible for the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="When does my Interim Federal Health Program coverage start and when does it end?" value="When does my Interim Federal Health Program coverage start and when does it end?"></option><option label="How do I get health-care services or treatment through the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="How do I get health-care services or treatment through the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="I am covered under the Interim Federal Health Program. Why did my health-care provider ask me to sign a form after I was treated?" value="I am covered under the Interim Federal Health Program. Why did my health-care provider ask me to sign a form after I was treated?"></option><option label="Why did I get a letter from Medavie Blue Cross after I had health services that were covered by the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="Why did I get a letter from Medavie Blue Cross after I had health services that were covered by the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="How do I register as a health-care provider with the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="How do I register as a health-care provider with the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="How do I check patient eligibility for the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="How do I check patient eligibility for the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="How long does it take for a patient&rsquo;s Interim Federal Health Program eligibility to show in the Medavie Blue Cross system?" value="How long does it take for a patient&rsquo;s Interim Federal Health Program eligibility to show in the Medavie Blue Cross system?"></option><option label="What are the fee rates paid to health-care providers with the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="What are the fee rates paid to health-care providers with the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="As a health-care provider, can I ask Interim Federal Health Program clients to pay for a service?" value="As a health-care provider, can I ask Interim Federal Health Program clients to pay for a service?"></option><option label="Should I book flights to Canada for refugees I&rsquo;m sponsoring?" value="Should I book flights to Canada for refugees I&rsquo;m sponsoring?"></option><option label="Why can&rsquo;t you fly Syrian refugees to Canada faster?" value="Why can&rsquo;t you fly Syrian refugees to Canada faster?"></option><option label="How do I reset my password for the online payment system?" value="How do I reset my password for the online payment system?"></option><option label="Can I leave and come back to Canada if I have a work permit?" value="Can I leave and come back to Canada if I have a work permit?"></option><option label="What is considered work?" value="What is considered work?"></option><option label="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to study in Canada for less than six months. Do I need an eTA?" value="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to study in Canada for less than six months. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="If I need the documents I mailed in, how will you return them to me if IRCC isn&rsquo;t using Canada Post mail services?" value="If I need the documents I mailed in, how will you return them to me if IRCC isn&rsquo;t using Canada Post mail services?"></option><option label="Can I be eligible for more than one program under Express Entry?" value="Can I be eligible for more than one program under Express Entry?"></option><option label="My sponsor asked me to pay money toward the processing of my refugee application. Should I pay?" value="My sponsor asked me to pay money toward the processing of my refugee application. Should I pay?"></option><option label="My sponsor says they will guarantee that the Canadian government will accept my refugee application. Is that true?" value="My sponsor says they will guarantee that the Canadian government will accept my refugee application. Is that true?"></option><option label="I am a privately sponsored refugee. My sponsor has asked me to pay money to support myself in Canada. Should I pay?" value="I am a privately sponsored refugee. My sponsor has asked me to pay money to support myself in Canada. Should I pay?"></option><option label="I am coming to Canada as a privately sponsored refugee, and I am bringing some of my own money with me. Does my sponsor get any of this money?" value="I am coming to Canada as a privately sponsored refugee, and I am bringing some of my own money with me. Does my sponsor get any of this money?"></option><option label="Does the Government of Canada ask private sponsors to collect money from me or my relatives to fund my sponsorship or settlement in Canada?" value="Does the Government of Canada ask private sponsors to collect money from me or my relatives to fund my sponsorship or settlement in Canada?"></option><option label="What should I do if I already paid someone money to cover the cost of my refugee sponsorship?" value="What should I do if I already paid someone money to cover the cost of my refugee sponsorship?"></option><option label="What can I expect from my sponsor after I travel to Canada as a refugee?" value="What can I expect from my sponsor after I travel to Canada as a refugee?"></option><option label="My sponsor isn&rsquo;t providing me with the support you said I should receive. What should I do?" value="My sponsor isn&rsquo;t providing me with the support you said I should receive. What should I do?"></option><option label="How many privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?" value="How many privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?"></option><option label="How many applications for privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?" value="How many applications for privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?"></option><option label="I submitted the documents for my eTA application but I haven&rsquo;t heard anything yet. Can I still travel to Canada?" value="I submitted the documents for my eTA application but I haven&rsquo;t heard anything yet. Can I still travel to Canada?"></option><option label="Which work permit fees do I have to pay?" value="Which work permit fees do I have to pay?"></option><option label="Does the Interim Federal Health Program offer co-payment arrangements with other insurance plans or programs?" value="Does the Interim Federal Health Program offer co-payment arrangements with other insurance plans or programs?"></option><option label="I've applied to extend my study permit. Can I travel outside Canada and be able to return?" value="I've applied to extend my study permit. Can I travel outside Canada and be able to return?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m waiting for my post-graduation work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?" value="I&rsquo;m waiting for my post-graduation work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?"></option><option label="You asked me for a new document. How do I submit it?" value="You asked me for a new document. How do I submit it?"></option><option label="I don&rsquo;t see the option to upload documents in my account, even though IRCC has asked for it. What do I do?" value="I don&rsquo;t see the option to upload documents in my account, even though IRCC has asked for it. What do I do?"></option><option label="I validated my form, but when I try to upload it to my account I get a validation error. What can I do?" value="I validated my form, but when I try to upload it to my account I get a validation error. What can I do?"></option><option label="What is a hearing conducted by videoconference?" value="What is a hearing conducted by videoconference?"></option><option label="How do I get a refund for International Experience Canada?" value="How do I get a refund for International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="I don't have a document I need to submit. What should I do?" value="I don't have a document I need to submit. What should I do?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m having technical issues. My invitation to apply for a work permit expires soon. What do I do?" value="I&rsquo;m having technical issues. My invitation to apply for a work permit expires soon. What do I do?"></option><option label="When I try to submit my Express Entry profile or my application, I get an error. What can I do?" value="When I try to submit my Express Entry profile or my application, I get an error. What can I do?"></option><option label="Can I travel with a specific person for International Experience Canada?" value="Can I travel with a specific person for International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="Why do I need an offer of employment number if I&rsquo;m applying for a Working Holiday work permit?" value="Why do I need an offer of employment number if I&rsquo;m applying for a Working Holiday work permit?"></option><option label="When should I send in my police certificates for my spousal sponsorship application?" value="When should I send in my police certificates for my spousal sponsorship application?"></option><option label="Can I sponsor more than one person through the Parents and Grandparents Program?" value="Can I sponsor more than one person through the Parents and Grandparents Program?"></option><option label="How does the Parents and Grandparents Program work?" value="How does the Parents and Grandparents Program work?"></option><option label="I need help with my mental health. Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover it?" value="I need help with my mental health. Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover it?"></option><option label="Does the Interim Federal Health Program provide coverage for mental health services?" value="Does the Interim Federal Health Program provide coverage for mental health services?"></option><option label="What is the prior approval criteria for mental health services provided by allied professionals?" value="What is the prior approval criteria for mental health services provided by allied professionals?"></option><option label="How many counselling sessions are clients entitled to once prior approval is received?" value="How many counselling sessions are clients entitled to once prior approval is received?"></option><option label="Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover interpretation services for mental health therapy?" value="Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover interpretation services for mental health therapy?"></option><option label="Can I apply to International Experience Canada and Express Entry at the same time?" value="Can I apply to International Experience Canada and Express Entry at the same time?"></option><option label="If I&rsquo;m a dual citizen, can I have an International Experience Canada work permit under each citizenship?" value="If I&rsquo;m a dual citizen, can I have an International Experience Canada work permit under each citizenship?"></option><option label="I am in the Express Entry pool. How do I find out what programs I am eligible for?" value="I am in the Express Entry pool. How do I find out what programs I am eligible for?"></option><option label="Can someone else pay for my fees?" value="Can someone else pay for my fees?"></option><option label="I got a refund but it was not the same amount I paid. Why?" value="I got a refund but it was not the same amount I paid. Why?"></option><option label="The application / profile details in my online account have changed. Why are the details different?" value="The application / profile details in my online account have changed. Why are the details different?"></option><option label="Do I submit an offer of employment even if a foreign company will pay my company&rsquo;s temporary worker?" value="Do I submit an offer of employment even if a foreign company will pay my company&rsquo;s temporary worker?"></option><option label="Who submits the offer of employment if a temporary worker will work for two or more Canadian companies?" value="Who submits the offer of employment if a temporary worker will work for two or more Canadian companies?"></option><option label="How do I change an offer of employment, or fix a mistake I made in one?" value="How do I change an offer of employment, or fix a mistake I made in one?"></option><option label="I don&rsquo;t have a Canada Revenue Agency number. How do I submit an offer of employment?" value="I don&rsquo;t have a Canada Revenue Agency number. How do I submit an offer of employment?"></option><option label="Do I have to get certain vaccinations before I arrive in Canada?" value="Do I have to get certain vaccinations before I arrive in Canada?"></option><option label="Can I register with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) as a pre-departure medical services health-care provider?" value="Can I register with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) as a pre-departure medical services health-care provider?"></option><option label="How do I check that a patient is eligible for pre-departure medical coverage?" value="How do I check that a patient is eligible for pre-departure medical coverage?"></option><option label="Can I provide pre-departure vaccination services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?" value="Can I provide pre-departure vaccination services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?"></option><option label="What are the fee rates paid to health care providers registered with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) who deliver pre-departure medical services?" value="What are the fee rates paid to health care providers registered with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) who deliver pre-departure medical services?"></option><option label="As a registered pre-departure medical services provider, can I ask eligible clients to pay for services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?" value="As a registered pre-departure medical services provider, can I ask eligible clients to pay for services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?"></option><option label="I was invited to submit an application to sponsor my parents and grandparents. What do I do next?" value="I was invited to submit an application to sponsor my parents and grandparents. What do I do next?"></option><option label="How long am I financially responsible for the family member or relative I sponsor?" value="How long am I financially responsible for the family member or relative I sponsor?"></option><option label="Can I sponsor my in-laws under the Parents and Grandparents Program?" value="Can I sponsor my in-laws under the Parents and Grandparents Program?"></option><option label="An officer asked me to provide a document in my account, but I&rsquo;m missing information. What do I do?" value="An officer asked me to provide a document in my account, but I&rsquo;m missing information. What do I do?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m in the Express Entry pool. How can I look for a job in Canada?" value="I&rsquo;m in the Express Entry pool. How can I look for a job in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I apply for an open work permit?" value="How do I apply for an open work permit?"></option><option label="How can I include a dependent child on my application?" value="How can I include a dependent child on my application?"></option><option label="I already became a permanent resident. Can I still add my dependent child to my application?" value="I already became a permanent resident. Can I still add my dependent child to my application?"></option><option label="I paid the overage dependant fee, but now the age limit for dependants has changed. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid the overage dependant fee, but now the age limit for dependants has changed. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="Will it delay my application if I add a dependent child to my application?" value="Will it delay my application if I add a dependent child to my application?"></option><option label="Can I sponsor a child who is over the age limit for a dependant?" value="Can I sponsor a child who is over the age limit for a dependant?"></option><option label="There’s a strike at my designated learning institution, and I can’t start or continue my studies. What does that mean for my status as a study permit holder?" value="There’s a strike at my designated learning institution, and I can’t start or continue my studies. What does that mean for my status as a study permit holder?"></option><option label="I now need an immigration medical exam (IME) to visit Canada. Does this affect my submitted application?" value="I now need an immigration medical exam (IME) to visit Canada. Does this affect my submitted application?"></option><option label="Which browsers can I use to pay online?" value="Which browsers can I use to pay online?"></option><option label="Can I withdraw an offer of employment?" value="Can I withdraw an offer of employment?"></option><option label="Can a human resource placement agency submit offers of employment on behalf of my company?" value="Can a human resource placement agency submit offers of employment on behalf of my company?"></option><option label="If my company merges with, or is taken over by, another company, what happens to employees who have temporary work permits?" value="If my company merges with, or is taken over by, another company, what happens to employees who have temporary work permits?"></option><option label="What do I need to do if my company name changes?" value="What do I need to do if my company name changes?"></option><option label="Can I attach documents to the offers of employment I submit in the Employer Portal?" value="Can I attach documents to the offers of employment I submit in the Employer Portal?"></option><option label="Can I attach documents about the offer of employment to a foreign worker&rsquo;s work permit application?" value="Can I attach documents about the offer of employment to a foreign worker&rsquo;s work permit application?"></option><option label="Do I need to submit a new offer of employment if something in the offer has changed?" value="Do I need to submit a new offer of employment if something in the offer has changed?"></option><option label="What is a complex permanent residence application for the Live-in Caregiver program?" value="What is a complex permanent residence application for the Live-in Caregiver program?"></option><option label="Who is eligible for two-week work permit processing?" value="Who is eligible for two-week work permit processing?"></option><option label="Are all Global Skills Strategy (GSS) work permit applications processed in two weeks?" value="Are all Global Skills Strategy (GSS) work permit applications processed in two weeks?"></option><option label="I have a Global Talent Stream (GTS) LMIA, do I have to do anything else to get two-week processing?" value="I have a Global Talent Stream (GTS) LMIA, do I have to do anything else to get two-week processing?"></option><option label="When should I get my medical exam to apply for two-week work permit processing through the GSS?" value="When should I get my medical exam to apply for two-week work permit processing through the GSS?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m applying for a work permit under the GSS. Do I need include a police certificate?" value="I&rsquo;m applying for a work permit under the GSS. Do I need include a police certificate?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m eligible for two-week processing under the GSS. Can I bring my family?" value="I&rsquo;m eligible for two-week processing under the GSS. Can I bring my family?"></option><option label="Can I get two-week processing if I am applying under the International Mobility Program?" value="Can I get two-week processing if I am applying under the International Mobility Program?"></option><option label="I need an LMIA for my work permit application. How do I know if I am part of the Global Talent Stream?" value="I need an LMIA for my work permit application. How do I know if I am part of the Global Talent Stream?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m an employer in the International Mobility Program. Do I still need to use the Employer Portal?" value="I&rsquo;m an employer in the International Mobility Program. Do I still need to use the Employer Portal?"></option><option label="How do I hire a temporary foreign worker using an LMIA issued by ESDC under the Global Talent Stream?" value="How do I hire a temporary foreign worker using an LMIA issued by ESDC under the Global Talent Stream?"></option><option label="How do I update my information after I&rsquo;ve submitted my interest to sponsor form?" value="How do I update my information after I&rsquo;ve submitted my interest to sponsor form?"></option><option label="What is the Right of Permanent Residence Fee?" value="What is the Right of Permanent Residence Fee?"></option><option label="I sent a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1) and paid $530. Will I get a refund?" value="I sent a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1) and paid $530. Will I get a refund?"></option><option label="How will you refund the fee for my citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1)?" value="How will you refund the fee for my citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1)?"></option><option label="I paid the $530 fee for a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1), but didn&rsquo;t send in my application. What do I do?" value="I paid the $530 fee for a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1), but didn&rsquo;t send in my application. What do I do?"></option><option label="Is there a maximum loan amount?" value="Is there a maximum loan amount?"></option><option label="Is a 19-year old covered under the principal applicant&rsquo;s loan?" value="Is a 19-year old covered under the principal applicant&rsquo;s loan?"></option><option label="Can asylum seekers (those who make a refugee claim in Canada) get an immigration loan?" value="Can asylum seekers (those who make a refugee claim in Canada) get an immigration loan?"></option><option label="How long will I have to repay my loan?" value="How long will I have to repay my loan?"></option><option label="Do I have to use the travel journal?" value="Do I have to use the travel journal?"></option><option label="If I&rsquo;m applying for citizenship, do I still have to submit the physical presence calculation if I submit the travel journal?" value="If I&rsquo;m applying for citizenship, do I still have to submit the physical presence calculation if I submit the travel journal?"></option><option label="If I&rsquo;m transferring through different countries at the airport, or by car or train, do I need to record it in my travel journal?" value="If I&rsquo;m transferring through different countries at the airport, or by car or train, do I need to record it in my travel journal?"></option><option label="How do I get more copies of the travel journal?" value="How do I get more copies of the travel journal?"></option><option label="When will I receive my immigration loan statement?" value="When will I receive my immigration loan statement?"></option><option label="When do I have to make my first immigration loan payment?" value="When do I have to make my first immigration loan payment?"></option><option label="I got a new passport after coming to Canada but I still have a valid work permit in my old one. What should I do?" value="I got a new passport after coming to Canada but I still have a valid work permit in my old one. What should I do?"></option><option label="How do I change my GCKey password?" value="How do I change my GCKey password?"></option><option label="What are the rules for creating a username or password?" value="What are the rules for creating a username or password?"></option><option label="What if I no longer want to use my GCKey?" value="What if I no longer want to use my GCKey?"></option><option label="There&rsquo;s a specific employment location on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work somewhere else?" value="There&rsquo;s a specific employment location on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work somewhere else?"></option><option label="There&rsquo;s a specific occupation on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work in a different field?" value="There&rsquo;s a specific occupation on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work in a different field?"></option><option label="If my visa or permit application is refused, will I have to give biometrics for my next application?" value="If my visa or permit application is refused, will I have to give biometrics for my next application?"></option><option label="What is a complex family sponsorship application?" value="What is a complex family sponsorship application?"></option><option label="Under the International Mobility Program, can I reuse an offer of employment number if the matched work permit application was refused?" value="Under the International Mobility Program, can I reuse an offer of employment number if the matched work permit application was refused?"></option><option label="Will it take longer to process my application because I have to give biometrics?" value="Will it take longer to process my application because I have to give biometrics?"></option><option label="What is a complex permanent residence application?" value="What is a complex permanent residence application?"></option><option label="If I&rsquo;m asked to give my biometrics, does that mean my application is approved?" value="If I&rsquo;m asked to give my biometrics, does that mean my application is approved?"></option><option label="I am from Asia, Asia Pacific or the Americas and have applied for a visa, work or study permit, or for permanent residence before December 31, 2018, but my application is still being processed. Do I have to give my biometrics?" value="I am from Asia, Asia Pacific or the Americas and have applied for a visa, work or study permit, or for permanent residence before December 31, 2018, but my application is still being processed. Do I have to give my biometrics?"></option><option label="How much does it cost to attend the Destination Canada event?" value="How much does it cost to attend the Destination Canada event?"></option><option label="Who participates in the Destination Canada event?" value="Who participates in the Destination Canada event?"></option><option label="Can I participate in the Destination Canada event even if no job postings match my profile?" value="Can I participate in the Destination Canada event even if no job postings match my profile?"></option><option label="Do I have to attend an information session before attending the Destination Canada event?" value="Do I have to attend an information session before attending the Destination Canada event?"></option><option label="How do I get more information about the Destination Canada event?" value="How do I get more information about the Destination Canada event?"></option><option label="How do I hire a candidate through Destination Canada for a temporary or permanent position?" value="How do I hire a candidate through Destination Canada for a temporary or permanent position?"></option><option label="How do I hire a candidate through the Destination Canada event for a permanent position?" value="How do I hire a candidate through the Destination Canada event for a permanent position?"></option><option label="What does the progress bar in my application status mean?" value="What does the progress bar in my application status mean?"></option><option label="Why did the processing time and estimated date change on my progress bar?" value="Why did the processing time and estimated date change on my progress bar?"></option><option label="Why isn&rsquo;t there a progress bar for my application?" value="Why isn&rsquo;t there a progress bar for my application?"></option><option label="Why is there a difference between my progress bar and my application progress?" value="Why is there a difference between my progress bar and my application progress?"></option><option label="How much income do I need to sponsor my parents and grandparents?" value="How much income do I need to sponsor my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="Where is my status in Canada document number?" value="Where is my status in Canada document number?"></option><option label="How do I make an electronic copy of my passport or proof of status in Canada document?" value="How do I make an electronic copy of my passport or proof of status in Canada document?"></option><option label="What does it mean if I&rsquo;m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?" value="What does it mean if I&rsquo;m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?"></option><option label="How do immigration officers decide if I&rsquo;m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?" value="How do immigration officers decide if I&rsquo;m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?"></option><option label="Does medical inadmissibility based on excessive demand reasons apply to everyone?" value="Does medical inadmissibility based on excessive demand reasons apply to everyone?"></option><option label="Why didn&rsquo;t I receive an invitation to submit a mitigation plan?" value="Why didn&rsquo;t I receive an invitation to submit a mitigation plan?"></option><option label="What&rsquo;s the difference between a visitor visa and a visitor record?" value="What&rsquo;s the difference between a visitor visa and a visitor record?"></option><option label="Do I need to apply for both a visitor visa and an eTA?" value="Do I need to apply for both a visitor visa and an eTA?"></option><option label="Can I bring my child to the in-person citizenship test?" value="Can I bring my child to the in-person citizenship test?"></option><option label="Can I bring my child to the citizenship ceremony?" value="Can I bring my child to the citizenship ceremony?"></option><option label="What happens if my PR card expires?" value="What happens if my PR card expires?"></option><option label="Can I travel outside Canada without my PR card?" value="Can I travel outside Canada without my PR card?"></option><option label="What do I do if my PR card isn&rsquo;t ready before I travel?" value="What do I do if my PR card isn&rsquo;t ready before I travel?"></option><option label="When I sponsor a refugee, do I need to include family members who aren&rsquo;t coming to Canada at the same time on the application?" value="When I sponsor a refugee, do I need to include family members who aren&rsquo;t coming to Canada at the same time on the application?"></option><option label="How do I calculate my family size to sponsor my parents and grandparents?" value="How do I calculate my family size to sponsor my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="Who can be my co-signer on my application to sponsor my parents and grandparents?" value="Who can be my co-signer on my application to sponsor my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="How do I fill out my application for a citizenship certificate if I don&rsquo;t know everything about my parents or grandparents?" value="How do I fill out my application for a citizenship certificate if I don&rsquo;t know everything about my parents or grandparents?"></option><option label="I have a confirmation number. Am I guaranteed to get invited to sponsor my parents and grandparents?" value="I have a confirmation number. Am I guaranteed to get invited to sponsor my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="Can I submit an old version of the application form for Canadian citizenship?" value="Can I submit an old version of the application form for Canadian citizenship?"></option><option label="Can my time abroad count toward my permanent resident status?" value="Can my time abroad count toward my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="Can I lose my permanent resident status?" value="Can I lose my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="Can I give up my permanent resident status?" value="Can I give up my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="Why would I give up my permanent resident status?" value="Why would I give up my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m an international student. Can I work before my study program starts?" value="I&rsquo;m an international student. Can I work before my study program starts?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m an international student. Can I continue to work after I&rsquo;ve finished my study program?" value="I&rsquo;m an international student. Can I continue to work after I&rsquo;ve finished my study program?"></option><option label="My co-op work permit says &ldquo;not authorized to work for any employer other than stated&rdquo;. What does it mean?" value="My co-op work permit says &ldquo;not authorized to work for any employer other than stated&rdquo;. What does it mean?"></option><option label="When does my processing time start?" value="When does my processing time start?"></option><option label="My IEC work permit is expiring. Can I stay in Canada if I apply to extend my stay?" value="My IEC work permit is expiring. Can I stay in Canada if I apply to extend my stay?"></option><option label="What is a refugee protection claimant document and when will I get one?" value="What is a refugee protection claimant document and when will I get one?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;ve reached the maximum number of participations for my country or category in IEC. If I get an invitation to apply, can I participate in the program again?" value="I&rsquo;ve reached the maximum number of participations for my country or category in IEC. If I get an invitation to apply, can I participate in the program again?"></option><option label="My application for a visitor visa was refused. Should I apply again?" value="My application for a visitor visa was refused. Should I apply again?"></option><option label="Who&rsquo;s eligible for the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?" value="Who&rsquo;s eligible for the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?"></option><option label="What will happen to an application for a family member I didn&rsquo;t declare if it&rsquo;s in process, or was denied?" value="What will happen to an application for a family member I didn&rsquo;t declare if it&rsquo;s in process, or was denied?"></option><option label="How do I sponsor my undeclared family member through the pilot project?" value="How do I sponsor my undeclared family member through the pilot project?"></option><option label="I participated in IEC in the past. How do I apply to participate again?" value="I participated in IEC in the past. How do I apply to participate again?"></option><option label="I can&rsquo;t sign in to my IRCC secure account. What should I do?" value="I can&rsquo;t sign in to my IRCC secure account. What should I do?"></option><option label="My application was returned because something was missing. What can I do?" value="My application was returned because something was missing. What can I do?"></option><option label="What is the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?" value="What is the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?"></option><option label="When can I check my application status?" value="When can I check my application status?"></option><option label="I think I&rsquo;m exempt, why are you asking me for a medical exam?" value="I think I&rsquo;m exempt, why are you asking me for a medical exam?"></option><option label="What do I do if my Sign-In Partner was removed?" value="What do I do if my Sign-In Partner was removed?"></option><option label="What can I do if I can&rsquo;t find refugees I want to sponsor through the BVOR program?" value="What can I do if I can&rsquo;t find refugees I want to sponsor through the BVOR program?"></option><option label="You approved my refugee sponsorship more than 12 weeks ago. What should I do if you haven&rsquo;t contacted me yet?" value="You approved my refugee sponsorship more than 12 weeks ago. What should I do if you haven&rsquo;t contacted me yet?"></option><option label="How long does it take a refugee to get to Canada after their sponsorship is approved?" value="How long does it take a refugee to get to Canada after their sponsorship is approved?"></option><option label="The refugee I sponsored is arriving next week but I&rsquo;m not ready for them. What should I do?" value="The refugee I sponsored is arriving next week but I&rsquo;m not ready for them. What should I do?"></option><option label="I went to the airport but the refugee I sponsored wasn&rsquo;t there. What should I do?" value="I went to the airport but the refugee I sponsored wasn&rsquo;t there. What should I do?"></option><option label="Can I communicate with a refugee I sponsor before they arrive in Canada?" value="Can I communicate with a refugee I sponsor before they arrive in Canada?"></option><option label="Can I change my status to visitor if I need more time to extend my study or work permit?" value="Can I change my status to visitor if I need more time to extend my study or work permit?"></option><option label="Why is my study or work permit only valid for part of my study program or job contract?" value="Why is my study or work permit only valid for part of my study program or job contract?"></option><option label="My work permit expired, but I&rsquo;ve maintained my status. Can I keep working under the same conditions of my initial work permit if my Social Insurance Number (SIN) is expired?" value="My work permit expired, but I&rsquo;ve maintained my status. Can I keep working under the same conditions of my initial work permit if my Social Insurance Number (SIN) is expired?"></option><option label="Can I go to a port of entry to give biometrics if it&rsquo;s closer than a Service Canada location?" value="Can I go to a port of entry to give biometrics if it&rsquo;s closer than a Service Canada location?"></option><option label="How can I show a potential employer I&rsquo;m allowed to work while I wait for my post-graduation work permit?" value="How can I show a potential employer I&rsquo;m allowed to work while I wait for my post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="What&rsquo;s the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?" value="What&rsquo;s the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?"></option><option label="Am I eligible to apply to the pilot project for my dependent family members living outside Canada?" value="Am I eligible to apply to the pilot project for my dependent family members living outside Canada?"></option><option label="I applied for permanent residence as a protected person. Does my family abroad qualify for the processing pilot?" value="I applied for permanent residence as a protected person. Does my family abroad qualify for the processing pilot?"></option><option label="What regions are included in the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?" value="What regions are included in the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?"></option><option label="What should I do if I&rsquo;m eligible for the protected persons family reunification pilot, but I can&rsquo;t find my dependent family members, or they don&rsquo;t want to come to Canada?" value="What should I do if I&rsquo;m eligible for the protected persons family reunification pilot, but I can&rsquo;t find my dependent family members, or they don&rsquo;t want to come to Canada?"></option><option label="How can I pay for biometrics after I submitted my application?" value="How can I pay for biometrics after I submitted my application?"></option><option label="How can I prove I&rsquo;m a resident of a country when applying to International Experience Canada (IEC)?" value="How can I prove I&rsquo;m a resident of a country when applying to International Experience Canada (IEC)?"></option><option label="My citizenship application was returned to me. Do I have to recalculate my physical presence (time lived in Canada) before I resubmit it?" value="My citizenship application was returned to me. Do I have to recalculate my physical presence (time lived in Canada) before I resubmit it?"></option><option label="What is an application number?" value="What is an application number?"></option><option label="I have an open work permit because my spouse is working/studying in Canada. For how long is my permit valid?" value="I have an open work permit because my spouse is working/studying in Canada. For how long is my permit valid?"></option><option label="How do I fill out and validate IRCC application forms with 2D barcodes?" value="How do I fill out and validate IRCC application forms with 2D barcodes?"></option><option label="What counts as income for sponsoring my parents and grandparents?" value="What counts as income for sponsoring my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="What&rsquo;s considered social assistance when sponsoring my parents and grandparents?" value="What&rsquo;s considered social assistance when sponsoring my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="I applied as a caregiver, but haven&rsquo;t received a confirmation letter. What should I do?" value="I applied as a caregiver, but haven&rsquo;t received a confirmation letter. What should I do?"></option><option label="I have a new employer. How do I give you my new job offer form?" value="I have a new employer. How do I give you my new job offer form?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m not sure if my Home Child Care Provider Pilot application made it under the cap. Should I reapply?" value="I&rsquo;m not sure if my Home Child Care Provider Pilot application made it under the cap. Should I reapply?"></option><option label="I applied for a new work permit with my caregiver application. Do I need to renew my current work permit?" value="I applied for a new work permit with my caregiver application. Do I need to renew my current work permit?"></option><option label="Are there other work permit options I can consider while I wait for my permanent resident application to be processed?" value="Are there other work permit options I can consider while I wait for my permanent resident application to be processed?"></option><option label="My status as a worker has expired and I forgot to renew it. What should I do?" value="My status as a worker has expired and I forgot to renew it. What should I do?"></option><option label="What proof do I need for changes to my information after I was invited to apply to sponsor my parents?" value="What proof do I need for changes to my information after I was invited to apply to sponsor my parents?"></option><option label="What if my birth certificate is different from other documents (or I don&rsquo;t have one)?" value="What if my birth certificate is different from other documents (or I don&rsquo;t have one)?"></option><option label="Will you refuse my application if I include a parent or grandparent that wasn&rsquo;t on my interest to sponsor form?" value="Will you refuse my application if I include a parent or grandparent that wasn&rsquo;t on my interest to sponsor form?"></option><option label="Do I need a marriage certificate for my parents/grandparents sponsorship application?" value="Do I need a marriage certificate for my parents/grandparents sponsorship application?"></option><option label="What if the parent or grandparent I&rsquo;m sponsoring has a separated spouse?" value="What if the parent or grandparent I&rsquo;m sponsoring has a separated spouse?"></option><option label="Do I include time on parental leave in my employment history for sponsoring my parents?" value="Do I include time on parental leave in my employment history for sponsoring my parents?"></option><option label="What do I put for the date of birth (or death) of my family member if I don&rsquo;t know it?" value="What do I put for the date of birth (or death) of my family member if I don&rsquo;t know it?"></option><option label="How can I quickly get information about my Canadian citizenship to sponsor parents/grandparents?" value="How can I quickly get information about my Canadian citizenship to sponsor parents/grandparents?"></option><option label="I need to submit documents to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). Can I use the portal?" value="I need to submit documents to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). Can I use the portal?"></option><option label="My application was returned by email. Can I resubmit copies of these documents?" value="My application was returned by email. Can I resubmit copies of these documents?"></option><option label="My application was returned by email. How do I re-submit it?" value="My application was returned by email. How do I re-submit it?"></option><option label="You returned my application by email. Can I get my documents back?" value="You returned my application by email. Can I get my documents back?"></option><option label="Why was my application returned to me by email?" value="Why was my application returned to me by email?"></option><option label="They didn&rsquo;t take my photo when I gave my biometrics in Canada. Will my application still be processed?" value="They didn&rsquo;t take my photo when I gave my biometrics in Canada. Will my application still be processed?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m having problems making a refugee claim online. What do I do?" value="I&rsquo;m having problems making a refugee claim online. What do I do?"></option><option label="How do I update my citizenship certificate or card with my reclaimed Indigenous name?" value="How do I update my citizenship certificate or card with my reclaimed Indigenous name?"></option><option label="I have reclaimed my Indigenous name. How do I update my PR card?" value="I have reclaimed my Indigenous name. How do I update my PR card?"></option><option label="How do I complete the web form if I applied for permanent residence under a pilot program?" value="How do I complete the web form if I applied for permanent residence under a pilot program?"></option><option label="How can I apply for a citizenship certificate or search of citizenship records?" value="How can I apply for a citizenship certificate or search of citizenship records?"></option><option label="When and how do I apply urgently for a citizenship certificate?" value="When and how do I apply urgently for a citizenship certificate?"></option><option label="Can I update my application for a citizenship certificate?" value="Can I update my application for a citizenship certificate?"></option><option label="I live abroad and applied online. How will I get my citizenship certificate?" value="I live abroad and applied online. How will I get my citizenship certificate?"></option><option label="For my citizenship certificate application, can I provide documents that aren&rsquo;t in English or French?" value="For my citizenship certificate application, can I provide documents that aren&rsquo;t in English or French?"></option><option label="My citizenship certificate was mailed to me, but I never received it. What do I do?" value="My citizenship certificate was mailed to me, but I never received it. What do I do?"></option><option label="I want to replace or update my citizenship certificate. What do I do with my current certificate?" value="I want to replace or update my citizenship certificate. What do I do with my current certificate?"></option><option label="When and how do I apply urgently for a search of citizenship records?" value="When and how do I apply urgently for a search of citizenship records?"></option><option label="When can I take my online citizenship test?" value="When can I take my online citizenship test?"></option><option label="My application status says I&rsquo;ve been scheduled for an online test. Why haven&rsquo;t I received an invitation?" value="My application status says I&rsquo;ve been scheduled for an online test. Why haven&rsquo;t I received an invitation?"></option><option label="Where can I find my online test invitation?" value="Where can I find my online test invitation?"></option><option label="In my invitation, the time between the online test &ldquo;start date&rdquo; and &ldquo;end date&rdquo; is not 30 days. What should I do?" value="In my invitation, the time between the online test &ldquo;start date&rdquo; and &ldquo;end date&rdquo; is not 30 days. What should I do?"></option><option label="What do I do if I missed my online citizenship test?" value="What do I do if I missed my online citizenship test?"></option><option label="Can I take the online test in a public library or with a public computer?" value="Can I take the online test in a public library or with a public computer?"></option><option label="I signed in to the online test, but the page shows a &ldquo;You can&rsquo;t take the test right now&rdquo; message. What should I do?" value="I signed in to the online test, but the page shows a &ldquo;You can&rsquo;t take the test right now&rdquo; message. What should I do?"></option><option label="I submitted a group or family application. How will we access the online test?" value="I submitted a group or family application. How will we access the online test?"></option><option label="What do I do if I get a &ldquo;403 Error&rdquo; message when I sign in to the online test?" value="What do I do if I get a &ldquo;403 Error&rdquo; message when I sign in to the online test?"></option><option label="When I sign in to the online test, why do I see a blank screen or a message that my browser isn&rsquo;t supported?" value="When I sign in to the online test, why do I see a blank screen or a message that my browser isn&rsquo;t supported?"></option><option label="Why do I have to sign in again when I get the online citizenship test link?" value="Why do I have to sign in again when I get the online citizenship test link?"></option><option label="Do I have to start the online test immediately after I take a photo of myself?" value="Do I have to start the online test immediately after I take a photo of myself?"></option><option label="Can I ask someone to help me sign in to the online test?" value="Can I ask someone to help me sign in to the online test?"></option><option label="What if I decline the privacy notice for the online test?" value="What if I decline the privacy notice for the online test?"></option><option label="What if I don&rsquo;t agree with the terms and conditions of the online test?" value="What if I don&rsquo;t agree with the terms and conditions of the online test?"></option><option label="Who gets the online test link when I click the &ldquo;Email me the test link&rdquo; button?" value="Who gets the online test link when I click the &ldquo;Email me the test link&rdquo; button?"></option><option label="I clicked the &ldquo;Email me the test link&rdquo; button but don&rsquo;t get the online test link. What should I do?" value="I clicked the &ldquo;Email me the test link&rdquo; button but don&rsquo;t get the online test link. What should I do?"></option><option label="What do I do if my online test link expires?" value="What do I do if my online test link expires?"></option><option label="Will I get the online test link if I have a representative?" value="Will I get the online test link if I have a representative?"></option><option label="I got disconnected during the online test. Can I use the same test link to return to the test?" value="I got disconnected during the online test. Can I use the same test link to return to the test?"></option><option label="I accidentally clicked the &ldquo;Resend the test link&rdquo; button. Do I have to use the new online test link?" value="I accidentally clicked the &ldquo;Resend the test link&rdquo; button. Do I have to use the new online test link?"></option><option label="My webcam isn&rsquo;t working and can&rsquo;t connect to the online test system. What should I do?" value="My webcam isn&rsquo;t working and can&rsquo;t connect to the online test system. What should I do?"></option><option label="My webcam is working, but it can&rsquo;t connect to the online test system. What should I do?" value="My webcam is working, but it can&rsquo;t connect to the online test system. What should I do?"></option><option label="During the online test, my webcam shows a black or static image. What should I do?" value="During the online test, my webcam shows a black or static image. What should I do?"></option><option label="What kinds of photos do you need from me for the online test?" value="What kinds of photos do you need from me for the online test?"></option><option label="What should I do if I can&rsquo;t retake the photos for my online test?" value="What should I do if I can&rsquo;t retake the photos for my online test?"></option><option label="Can I retake my online test photo (of my ID or myself) after I approve it?" value="Can I retake my online test photo (of my ID or myself) after I approve it?"></option><option label="What should I do if the online test photo of my personal identification (ID) or face is unclear?" value="What should I do if the online test photo of my personal identification (ID) or face is unclear?"></option><option label="I took a picture of my face instead of my personal identification (ID) for the online test. What should I do?" value="I took a picture of my face instead of my personal identification (ID) for the online test. What should I do?"></option><option label="Do I have to download the online test photos that I take of my ID and myself?" value="Do I have to download the online test photos that I take of my ID and myself?"></option><option label="When do I get my official online test result?" value="When do I get my official online test result?"></option><option label="I got disconnected and can&rsquo;t see my online test result. What should I do?" value="I got disconnected and can&rsquo;t see my online test result. What should I do?"></option><option label="Do I get a confirmation email after I complete the online test?" value="Do I get a confirmation email after I complete the online test?"></option><option label="I forgot to print or email the online test result to myself. How do I get my test result?" value="I forgot to print or email the online test result to myself. How do I get my test result?"></option><option label="Do I have to report my online test result to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?" value="Do I have to report my online test result to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?"></option><option label="What are my next steps after taking the online test?" value="What are my next steps after taking the online test?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;ve completed the online test, but my application status is outdated. What should I do?" value="I&rsquo;ve completed the online test, but my application status is outdated. What should I do?"></option><option label="Why did I get another test invitation after I passed the online test?" value="Why did I get another test invitation after I passed the online test?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m taking the online test with Microsoft Teams. Who do I contact if I need help?" value="I&rsquo;m taking the online test with Microsoft Teams. Who do I contact if I need help?"></option><option label="What do I do if I&rsquo;m disconnected during the online test?" value="What do I do if I&rsquo;m disconnected during the online test?"></option><option label="I clicked the &ldquo;Exit&rdquo; button or closed the page by mistake during the online test. What do I do?" value="I clicked the &ldquo;Exit&rdquo; button or closed the page by mistake during the online test. What do I do?"></option><option label="What personal information do you collect for the online test?" value="What personal information do you collect for the online test?"></option><option label="What does my status mean in the application status tracker?" value="What does my status mean in the application status tracker?"></option><option label="What is a party ID?" value="What is a party ID?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m a representative (or designated person). Why can&rsquo;t I create an account in the application status tracker or citizenship tracker?" value="I&rsquo;m a representative (or designated person). Why can&rsquo;t I create an account in the application status tracker or citizenship tracker?"></option><option label="Why can&rsquo;t I create an account in the application status tracker?" value="Why can&rsquo;t I create an account in the application status tracker?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m a representative/designated person. Why can&rsquo;t I get my party ID?" value="I&rsquo;m a representative/designated person. Why can&rsquo;t I get my party ID?"></option><option label="Why can&rsquo;t I see some of my client files in the permanent residence or citizenship tracker?" value="Why can&rsquo;t I see some of my client files in the permanent residence or citizenship tracker?"></option><option label="Can I have a work permit and study permit at the same time?" value="Can I have a work permit and study permit at the same time?"></option><option label="Why have processing times changed for some application types?" value="Why have processing times changed for some application types?"></option><option label="I am a lawful permanent resident of the United States and have a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?" value="I am a lawful permanent resident of the United States and have a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m already in Canada. How can I stay longer if I&rsquo;m impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine?" value="I&rsquo;m already in Canada. How can I stay longer if I&rsquo;m impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine?"></option><option label="How do I check the status of my Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel application?" value="How do I check the status of my Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel application?"></option><option label="How do I upload documents to my IRCC Portal account after I&rsquo;ve submitted my application?" value="How do I upload documents to my IRCC Portal account after I&rsquo;ve submitted my application?"></option><option label="Who qualifies as a family member of a Ukrainian national?" value="Who qualifies as a family member of a Ukrainian national?"></option><option label="What happens if my application in the Permanent Residence Portal expires?" value="What happens if my application in the Permanent Residence Portal expires?"></option><option label="I received an email with a link asking me to provide my banking information. Is it a scam?" value="I received an email with a link asking me to provide my banking information. Is it a scam?"></option><option label="What do I do if the school I&rsquo;m studying at loses its designated learning institution status?" value="What do I do if the school I&rsquo;m studying at loses its designated learning institution status?"></option><option label="Will I still get an accelerated work permit if my claim isn&rsquo;t eligible to be referred to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada?" value="Will I still get an accelerated work permit if my claim isn&rsquo;t eligible to be referred to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada?"></option><option label="How long will the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants be valid for?" value="How long will the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants be valid for?"></option><option label="What information do you need from me for the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants, and where do I send it?" value="What information do you need from me for the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants, and where do I send it?"></option><option label="Can I also apply for a study permit through this accelerated process?" value="Can I also apply for a study permit through this accelerated process?"></option><option label="My claim is pending at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Can I get a work permit extension through this accelerated process?" value="My claim is pending at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Can I get a work permit extension through this accelerated process?"></option><option label="How long will it take for me to get the work permit under the accelerated process for asylum claimants?" value="How long will it take for me to get the work permit under the accelerated process for asylum claimants?"></option><option label="Once I get my work permit under this accelerated process for refugee claimants in Canada, how do I apply for a Social Insurance Number?" value="Once I get my work permit under this accelerated process for refugee claimants in Canada, how do I apply for a Social Insurance Number?"></option><option label="I&rsquo;m applying for a work or study permit from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and need to give biometrics, but there is no service available where I live. What do I do?" value="I&rsquo;m applying for a work or study permit from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and need to give biometrics, but there is no service available where I live. What do I do?"></option><option label="My International Experience Canada application was approved, but I didn&rsquo;t go to Canada. Does that count as a participation?" value="My International Experience Canada application was approved, but I didn&rsquo;t go to Canada. Does that count as a participation?"></option><option label="What should I do if my visa or permit was issued for a shorter period of time than I expected because of my biometric validity?" value="What should I do if my visa or permit was issued for a shorter period of time than I expected because of my biometric validity?"></option><option label="Should I give my biometrics again if they’re about to expire?" value="Should I give my biometrics again if they’re about to expire?"></option><option label="What&rsquo;s the difference between a foil-less visa and a physical visa?" value="What&rsquo;s the difference between a foil-less visa and a physical visa?"></option><option label="Why won&rsquo;t my application form let me save my information or digitally sign it?" value="Why won&rsquo;t my application form let me save my information or digitally sign it?"></option><option label="Why did the action button in my GCKey account disappear?" value="Why did the action button in my GCKey account disappear?"></option><option label="How do I remove medical conditions from my work permit?" value="How do I remove medical conditions from my work permit?"></option><option label="Why can&rsquo;t I find all my documents or forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?" value="Why can&rsquo;t I find all my documents or forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?"></option><option label="I can&rsquo;t complete my IMM 0008 form in the Permanent Residence Portal because my national identity card doesn&rsquo;t have an expiry date. What should I do?" value="I can&rsquo;t complete my IMM 0008 form in the Permanent Residence Portal because my national identity card doesn&rsquo;t have an expiry date. What should I do?"></option><option label="I got a new passport but I have a valid visa in my old one. Can I use the visa in my old passport?" value="I got a new passport but I have a valid visa in my old one. Can I use the visa in my old passport?"></option><option label="Can I change the email address for my Permanent Residence Portal account?" value="Can I change the email address for my Permanent Residence Portal account?"></option><option label="Why can’t I save and continue when completing digital forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?" value="Why can’t I save and continue when completing digital forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?"></option><option label="Can I hold 2 valid work permits at the same time?" value="Can I hold 2 valid work permits at the same time?"></option><option label="Can a lone parent apply for a study permit for a minor child?" value="Can a lone parent apply for a study permit for a minor child?"></option><option label="I submitted a crisis web form for the Gaza special measures and haven’t received a response. What should I do?" value="I submitted a crisis web form for the Gaza special measures and haven’t received a response. What should I do?"></option><option label="I submitted a crisis web form and received my unique code. I used this code to complete my application for a TRV under the Gaza special measures and haven’t heard anything. What is the status of my application?" value="I submitted a crisis web form and received my unique code. I used this code to complete my application for a TRV under the Gaza special measures and haven’t heard anything. What is the status of my application?"></option><option label="If I don’t qualify for the special measures for extended family members in Gaza, are there other ways I can come to Canada?" value="If I don’t qualify for the special measures for extended family members in Gaza, are there other ways I can come to Canada?"></option><option label="I have a valid temporary resident visa (TRV) or a super visa. Can you help me leave Gaza?" value="I have a valid temporary resident visa (TRV) or a super visa. Can you help me leave Gaza?"></option><option label="My temporary resident visa (TRV) expired. Can I still come to Canada?" value="My temporary resident visa (TRV) expired. Can I still come to Canada?"></option><option label="How do I get back my seized passport or travel document?" value="How do I get back my seized passport or travel document?"></option><option label="How do I get a temporary resident document with the &ldquo;MOME2023&rdquo; keyword on it?" value="How do I get a temporary resident document with the &ldquo;MOME2023&rdquo; keyword on it?"></option><option label="I need a certificate for the Interim Federal Heath Program (IFHP). How do I get one?" value="I need a certificate for the Interim Federal Heath Program (IFHP). How do I get one?"></option><option label="I came to Canada under the Gaza special measures. I didn&rsquo;t get a temporary resident document at the port of entry. How do I get one?" value="I came to Canada under the Gaza special measures. I didn&rsquo;t get a temporary resident document at the port of entry. How do I get one?"></option> <!--[if lte IE 9]></select><![endif]--> </datalist> <input class="btn btn-primary" id="sch-inp" name="wb-srch-sub" type="submit" value="Search" /> </div> </div> </form> </div> </header> <!-- Content Title ends / Fin du titre du contenu --> <!-- Content begins / D&eacute;but du contenue --> <section class="container"> <!-- start of microdata --> <div itemscope itemtype=""> <!-- itemscope = creating an item --> <!-- itemtype="" = what type of content is being described, in this case it's a FAQ page --> <div itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""> <!-- itemprop="mainEntity" = defines what the item is describing --> <!-- itemscope = creating an item --> <!-- itemtype="" = what schema to use for the question --> <h1 id="wb-cont" property="name" itemprop="name">How can I update or ask about an IRCC application in progress?</h1> <!-- itemprop="name" = what the question is --> <div itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <!-- itemscope = creating an item --> <!-- itemprop="acceptedAnswer" = what the acceptAnswer is, this defines the answer --> <!-- itemtype="" = what schema to use for the answer --> <div itemprop="text"> <!-- itemprop="name" = what the answer text is --> <p>Follow these tips to track, update or change information about an application in progress.</p> <h2>Check the status of your application</h2> <p>Find out how to <a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=028&top=4">check if we received your application</a>.</p> <p>We&rsquo;ll send you your application number by mail or email when</p> <ul> <li>we made sure your application is complete</li> <li>we begin processing your application</li> </ul> <p>Once you have your application number, you can <a href="">check the status of your application</a>. There are a few ways you can do that, depending on if you applied online or on paper.</p> <h2>Update your application</h2> <p>If we need more information to process your application, we&rsquo;ll contact you by mail, email or through your account.</p> <p>If you have a question about our request, you can</p> <ul> <li>send us your question through our <a href="">web form</a>, or</li> <li>ask your question through your online account (if you have one). Upload a document with your question in place of the document we asked for</li> </ul> <p><strong>Make sure you keep your contact information updated. That way, we can contact you if we need to.</strong></p> <h3>Change your mailing address</h3> <p>There are different ways of changing your address depending on your type of application and where you applied from.</p> <p>Find out <a href="">how to change your address</a>.</p> <h3>Change other information</h3> <p>You must use our <a href="">web form</a> to tell us about changes to your situation, even if you applied online.</p> <p>Examples of changes include</p> <ul> <li>marriage or divorce</li> <li>birth or adoption of a child</li> <li>death of an applicant or dependant</li> <li>getting a new passport <ul> <li>You must submit a scanned copy of your new passport.</li> </ul> </li> <li>changes that could affect your eligibility for the program you&rsquo;re applying for, including changes in your <ul> <li>job situation</li> <li>education</li> <li>language skills</li> </ul> </li> <li>contact information updates, including <ul> <li>email</li> <li>phone number</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>If you change your contact information, make sure you check your old contact information until we update your application.</p> <p><strong>Don&rsquo;t send us changes for your contact or application information by mail.</strong> If you do, we won&rsquo;t acknowledge your request or update your application. This could lead to a delay in processing your application.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- START PAGE FEEDBACK WIDGET --> <div class="row row-no-gutters mrgn-tp-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="col-sm-7 col-lg-6"> <section class="gc-pg-hlpfl provisional"> <div class="well mrgn-bttm-0"> <!--<form id="gc-pg-hlpfl-frm" action="/gc/services/generateemail" method="post" autocomplete="off" class="provisional wb-postback" data-wb-postback="{&quot;success&quot;:&quot;.gc-pg-hlpfl-thnk&quot;,&quot;content&quot;:&quot;#gc-pg-hlpfl-frm&quot;}"> <input type="hidden" name="institutionopt" value="IRCC"> <input type="hidden" name="themeopt" value="Application status"> <input type="hidden" name="sectionopt" value="Help centre"> <input type="hidden" name="pageTitle" value="How can I update or ask about an IRCC application in progress"> <input type="hidden" name="emailTemplate" value="servcan/gc-pagesuccessen">--> <form id="gc-pg-hlpfl-frm" action="#" method="post" autocomplete="off"> <input type="hidden" name="institutionopt" value="IRCC"> <input type="hidden" name="themeopt" value="Application status"> <input type="hidden" name="language" value="EN"> <input type="hidden" name="pageTitle" value="How can I update or ask about an IRCC application in progress"> <input type="hidden" name="submissionPage" value= ""> <input type="hidden" name="sectionopt" value="Help centre"> <input type="hidden" id="helpful" name="helpful" value="Yes"> <div class="gc-pg-hlpfl-btn"> <div class="row row-no-gutters"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-7 mrgn-tp-sm"> <h2 class="mrgn-tp-sm h5">Did you find what you were looking for?</h2> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-5 text-right"> <button id="btnyes" type="submit" value="Yes" class="btn btn-primary">Yes</button> <button id="btnno" type="button" class="btn btn-primary mrgn-lft-sm nojs-hide">No</button> </div> </div> </div> <p class="h3 hidden nojs-show">If not, tell us why:</p> <div class="gc-pg-hlpfl-no nojs-show"> <fieldset> <legend class="h4 mrgn-tp-0 mrgn-bttm-md">What was wrong?</legend> <div class="radio"> <label for="problem1"> <input name="problem" id="problem1" type="radio" value="I can't find the information" data-gc-analytics-wtph-value="I can't find the information-Je ne peux pas trouver l'information" data-gc-analytics-collect="notPrivate"> I can't <strong>find</strong> the information </label> </div> <div class="radio"> <label for="problem2"> <input name="problem" id="problem2" type="radio" value="The information is hard to understand" data-gc-analytics-wtph-value="The information is hard to understand-L'information est difficile à comprendre" data-gc-analytics-collect="notPrivate"> The information is hard to <strong>understand</strong> </label> </div> <div class="radio"> <label for="problem3"> <input name="problem" id="problem3" type="radio" value="There was an error / something didn't work" data-gc-analytics-wtph-value="There was an error or something didn't work-Il y avait une erreur ou quelque chose ne fonctionnait pas" data-gc-analytics-collect="notPrivate"> There was an error or something <strong>didn't work</strong> </label> </div> <div class="radio"> <label for="problem4"> <input name="problem" id="problem4" type="radio" value="Other reason" data-gc-analytics-wtph-value="Other reason-Autre raison" data-gc-analytics-collect="notPrivate"> Other reason </label> </div> </fieldset> <label for="problem6" class="mrgn-bttm-0">Please provide more details</label> <p class="small"> <strong>You will not receive a reply. Telephone numbers and email addresses will be removed.</strong> <br> <span class="small">Maximum 300 characters</span> </p> <textarea id="problem6" name="details" class="full-width" maxlength="300"></textarea> <button type="submit" value="No" class="btn btn-primary mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-sm">Submit</button> </div> </form> <div class="gc-pg-hlpfl-thnk hide"> <p class="h6 mrgn-tp-sm mrgn-bttm-sm"><span class="far fa-check-circle text-success mrgn-rght-sm" aria-hidden="true"></span> Thank you for your feedback</p> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END SCRIPT PAGE FEEDBACK WIDGET --> <hr /> <h2 class="h3">Answers others found useful</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=031&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">How long will it take to process my application?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1474&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">When does my processing time start?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=029&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">How can I check the status of my application?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=030&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">Why can&rsquo;t I see my case status online?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=296&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">I sent my application a while ago, but there is no record of my application online. Why?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=068&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">How are processing times calculated?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1169&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">Why is my application considered complex or non-routine and what does that mean for me?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=032&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">Why do some application processing times change and others do not?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1611&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">What does my family sponsorship application status mean?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1614&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">Why can&rsquo;t I create a permanent residence tracker account for my sponsorship application?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1619&amp;top=3" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">Why have processing times changed for some applications types?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1623&amp;top=38" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b3');">How do I check the status of my Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel application?</a></li> </ul> <section class="row mrgn-tp-xl"> <section class="col-md-3"> <div class="brdr-tp"></div> <h2 class="h3 mrgn-tp-md"><img src="/english/helpcentre/images/help-tool-icon.jpg" alt="" /> Help tool</h2> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li><a href="/english/information/offices/apply-map.asp" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/rightnav_rn4_tool');"><img src="/images/apply-map.jpg" alt="" class="img-video" /><br />Where to send your application</a></li> </ul> </section> <section class="col-md-3"> <div class="brdr-tp"></div> <h2 class="h3 mrgn-tp-md"><img src="/english/helpcentre/images/glossary-term-icon.jpg" alt="" /> Glossary term</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/glossary.asp#visa_office" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/rightnav_rn4_glossary');">Visa office</a></li> </ul> </section> </section> </section> <!-- Content ends / Fin du contenue --> <div class="pagedetails"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-lg-4"> <!-- <a href="" class="btn btn-default btn-block">Report a problem or mistake on this page</a> --> </div> <!-- Share button --> <!-- <div class="wb-share col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-offset-4 col-lg-offset-5" data-wb-share='{"lnkClass": "btn 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}; } function changeAction() { prefix = "/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum="; //Default help centre page that we just append w/ the right number switch($.trim(escapeHtmlEntities($("#sch-inp-ac").val()))) { //A switch based on the value of #sch-inp-ac case "How can I get a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "001&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How can I come to Canada as a visitor, worker or student?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "004&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I sponsor my spouse or children?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "005&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How can I determine whether I can apply for permanent residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "006&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How do I fill out an IRCC application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "007&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I pay my application fees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "008&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can my friend or family member handle my immigration or citizenship application for me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "009&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What immigration programs can I apply for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "010&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is my client ID?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "012&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is a UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "013&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What do you mean by surname?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "014&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I don&rsquo;t know what dates to put in the history section on my immigration form. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "015&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I need more space on the form to explain everything. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "016&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What if some of the questions on the application form don&rsquo;t apply to me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "017&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What language should my supporting documents be in?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "018&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "If I am not using a representative, do I need to send a blank Use of a Representative form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "019&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if I want my spouse, family member or friend to check on my application for me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "020&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get my immigration application processed faster?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "021&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What happens after I send in my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "022&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "If my immigration application is refused, do I have to wait before I apply again?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "023&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get my citizenship application processed urgently?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "024&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How do I submit my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "025&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I check if my application has been received?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "028&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I check the status of my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "029&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why can&rsquo;t I see my application status in the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "030&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "031&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why do some application processing times change and others do not?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "032&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How can I find a doctor to do my immigration medical exam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "033&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What if I can't get a police certificate for my immigration application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "035&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to get a police certificate for my time in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "037&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Are there any countries where I should get police certificates from before applying for immigration?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "038&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "My police certificate is not in English or French. Do I need to send a translation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "039&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is an affidavit for a translation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "040&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How do I correct an error on my immigration document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "041&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "How do I avoid problems in correcting a record of landing or confirmation of permanent residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "042&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "How can I change my address or contact information for my immigration or citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "043&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What immigration documents can I have replaced if they are lost, stolen or destroyed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "044&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "How do I replace an immigration document that has been lost, stolen or destroyed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "045&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if my PR card has been lost, stolen or destroyed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "047&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;ve lost my citizenship card/certificate. How do I replace it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "048&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Where are IRCC&rsquo;s visa offices?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "051&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How can I update or ask about an IRCC application in progress?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "052&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I am a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "054&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Who can apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "055&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "When should I apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "056&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I renew my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "057&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "058&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How much does a permanent resident card cost?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "059&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "060&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "061&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Should I submit photos with my PR card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "062&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get my permanent resident card processed urgently?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "063&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later return to Canada without a PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "064&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "065&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "066&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "067&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How are processing times calculated?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "068&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why are there differences in processing times among regions and offices?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "069&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is a complete application package?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "072&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "074&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Who is eligible for sponsorship under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "075&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Who decides if a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "076&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada decide whether a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "077&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Who cannot be sponsored under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "078&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Who can sponsor a refugee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "079&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What are the responsibilities of a sponsoring group?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "080&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Who identifies refugees for sponsorship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "081&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What is the Joint Assistance Sponsorship (JAS) Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "082&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Which visa office processes applications for permanent residence for privately sponsored refugees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "083&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How long does it take before a privately sponsored refugee gets to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "084&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "The refugee our group wanted to sponsor was refused after an interview. Can we appeal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "085&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find more information about applying to sponsor a refugee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "086&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I know someone who claimed refugee status here in Canada and was refused. Can we sponsor him or her?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "087&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "The UNHCR accepted my relatives as refugees. Does that mean they will be resettled in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "088&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Are there any fees for applying to sponsor a refugee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "089&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Will the refugee have to pay any costs?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "090&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Are sponsored refugee families with children eligible for a child tax benefit when they arrive?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "091&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Are resettled refugees allowed to go to university?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "092&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can resettled refugees apply for student loans?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "093&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Are there different rules if I want to sponsor a refugee from Turkey?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "094&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What kinds of help do privately sponsored refugees get?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "095&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What is a government-assisted refugee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "096&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Why does Canada resettle refugees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "097&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What kind of support do government-assisted refugees get?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "098&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Do refugees get the same support across Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "099&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Do large and small families get the same amount of money?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "100&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What special allowances may refugees get?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "101&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How long does the support for government-assisted refugees last?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "102&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Does government provide all the support to government-assisted refugees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "103&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Do in-Canada refugee claimants get resettlement assistance?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "104&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Do government-assisted refugees get more income support and benefits than Canadian pensioners do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "105&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How can I view a PDF form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "138&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "How do I download and open a PDF form from IRCC&rsquo;s website?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "140&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "What does criminally inadmissible mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "141&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "Can I enter Canada if I am criminally inadmissible?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "142&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "What is the temporary resident permit fee waiver for criminal inadmissibility?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "143&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "As an inadmissible person, can I enter Canada more than once without paying the fee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "147&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I was only convicted of a misdemeanour. Why can&rsquo;t I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "148&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "How can I find out whether an offence outside Canada is considered a criminal offence in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "149&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I was charged with a crime in another country and found not guilty. Can I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "150&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I received a pardon for my crime. Can I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "151&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I was convicted of driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Can I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "152&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I have been charged with a crime outside of Canada and my trial is still underway. Can I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "153&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I am currently on parole. Can I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "154&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "What does it mean to be rehabilitated in respect to entering Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "155&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to get a decision on my individual rehabilitation application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "156&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "If my individual rehabilitation application is refused, will I get my processing fee back?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "158&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "When can I apply for individual rehabilitation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "159&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "What can I do if I want to come to Canada but do not qualify for rehabilitation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "160&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "What do I need to work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "161&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How can I find out about jobs in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "162&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What is a Labour Market Impact Assessment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "163&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I have received a Canadian job offer. What documents do I need from my future employer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "164&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Does my work permit allow me to work for any employer in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "165&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Where do I find out if the employer who offered me a job is an eligible employer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "166&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I want to work for an ineligible employer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "167&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Are there any conditions on my work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "169&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my work permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "170&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for a work permit when I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "171&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I want to apply for a work permit by mail. How can I avoid my application being delayed or refused?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "174&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "175&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What is an open work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "176&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Who can apply for an open work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "177&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Are there different application forms for employer-specific and open work permits?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "178&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I got a new passport after coming to Canada. Will that affect my application for a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "179&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I appeal a decision on a work permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "180&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I extend my International Experience Canada work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "181&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply to extend my Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "182&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a medical exam to get a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "183&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How can I find a doctor who can provide the medical exam I need to come to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "184&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply to extend a work permit from inside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "185&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "My work permit has expired. Can I apply for another one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "186&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I work in Quebec. How can I extend my work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "187&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I applied for a new work permit. Can I stay in Canada if my work permit expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "188&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I keep working if my permit expires? How do I prove this to my employer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "189&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I have applied to extend my work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "190&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;ve maintained my status, but my health insurance card, driver&rsquo;s licence and other government ID documents have expired. How can I renew my ID documents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "191&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "My work permit expired and I did not apply to extend it. Can I stay and keep working in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "192&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Who needs a Labour Market Impact Assessment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "193&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I need another Labour Market Impact Assessment if I just got one a year ago?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "194&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can my spouse or common-law partner and dependent children come with me to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "196&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Does each family member applying for a work permit from outside Canada have to fill out a separate application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "197&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "If other family members are coming with me, what documents should I send with the application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "198&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I am in Canada as a worker or student. Can my spouse or common-law partner work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "199&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can my dependent children work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "201&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "As a foreign worker, do I need an eTA or a visa to work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "202&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I pay for the temporary resident visa in my country&rsquo;s money?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "204&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply for a temporary resident visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "205&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Should I apply for an eTA or a visa when I apply for a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "206&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How can I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "207&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I have a visitor visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "208&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I know when my temporary resident status expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "209&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I hire a temporary foreign worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "210&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "As an employer, what are my obligations to temporary foreign workers?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "211&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I lay off or fire a foreign worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "212&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What if a foreign worker becomes sick, has an accident, is hospitalized or needs home recovery?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "213&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I find out if I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to hire a temporary worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "214&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What is an employment contract for a live-in caregiver?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "221&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "What rights do I have as a live-in caregiver under labour or employment laws?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "223&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I am a live-in caregiver. What happens if I lose my job?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "226&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "My employer is moving to another province or territory. Do I need a new work permit or Labour Market Impact Assessment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "231&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Can I work for more than one employer at a time under the Live-in Caregiver Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "233&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Can I change employers under the Live-in Caregiver Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "234&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "As a temporary worker, what can I do if my employer is treating me unfairly?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "238&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Can my family come to Canada with me if I am a live-in caregiver?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "241&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "What is abuse?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "242&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Can my employer deport me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "244&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m a live-in caregiver and I&rsquo;m ready to apply for permanent residence. Can I apply for an open work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "249&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "May I send my open work permit application and permanent residence applications separately?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "252&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to extend my work permit while my permanent residence application is being processed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "253&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I applied for an open work permit and permanent residence. What if my current work permit expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "254&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Will the time I worked under any work permit help me get permanent residence under the Live-in Caregiver Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "255&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Who should I include on my permanent residence application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "256&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "How many hours of work experience do I need as a Live-in Caregiver to apply for permanent residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "258&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "How can I qualify to immigrate to Canada as a self-employed person?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "286&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I immigrate to Canada to become a self-employed person?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "287&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is the relevant experience requirement to immigrate as self-employed persons?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "288&top="; method = "post" break; case "Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what does cultural activities mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "291&top="; method = "post" break; case "Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what is meant by a significant contribution?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "292&top="; method = "post" break; case "Is there a net worth requirement for the self-employed program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "294&top="; method = "post" break; case "What types of applications can I follow through Client Application Status (CAS)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "295&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I sent my application a while ago, but there is no record of my application online. Why?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "296&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Can I see my application status on CAS if I have appealed a decision on my sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "297&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "My family and I applied for permanent residence. Why can&rsquo;t I see the application status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "298&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I am sponsoring a member of my family and cannot see the status of my application. Why?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "299&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why can I no longer use CAS to see the status of my application to sponsor a family member?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "300&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I paid for a family member&rsquo;s citizenship application even though I was not applying. I got a letter, so can I use CAS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "301&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What do I enter in CAS if I have more than one surname or family name?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "302&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I have changed my surname or family name recently. What name should I use to access CAS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "303&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "If the name of my place of birth has changed, what place of birth should I enter in CAS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "304&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What does the CAS case status in process mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "305&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why has the status of my immigration application on CAS not changed, even though I sent it a long time ago?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "306&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How often is the information on the Client Application Status (CAS) service updated?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "307&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What if I do not want my immigration application status information to be available in CAS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "308&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I have removed my application status from CAS by mistake. How can I put it back on?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "309&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "If I applied to immigrate to Quebec, can I see my application status on CAS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "310&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Is the information on CAS my official confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "311&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I have followed all these instructions and I still can&rsquo;t see my immigration application status in CAS. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "312&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What does it mean when my CAS session times out?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "313&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Which browsers can I use with the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "314&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I need to clear my browser cache?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "315&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How do I upgrade my browser?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "316&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What does encryption mean and is it safe to use Client Application Status (CAS)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "317&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "318&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How do I log out of Client Application Status (CAS)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "319&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Can I send a new document after I apply online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "326&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How long do I have to complete and submit my online application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "331&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Which family members can come with me to Canada when I immigrate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "343&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I sponsor my spouse, partner or dependent child to become a permanent resident of Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "345&top="; method = "post" break; case "For my spousal sponsorship application, what is a common-law partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "346&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How can my common-law partner and I prove we have been together for 12 months?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "347&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "To sponsor my family members, do I need to fill out other documents if I live in Quebec?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "348&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get a letter confirming that IRCC got my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "349&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How can I check the status of my sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "351&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I make sure that my application is not delayed or returned?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "352&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get a refund if I withdraw my sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "353&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What are the requirements for becoming a Canadian citizen?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "355&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What is dual citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "356&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do I become a Canadian citizen when I marry a Canadian?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "357&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How much does it cost to apply for Canadian citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "358&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I am a citizen of another country. Will I lose that citizenship if I become a Canadian?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "359&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I fail the citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "361&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Is the citizenship test difficult?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "362&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How long will I wait between my citizenship test and the ceremony?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "363&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "After I apply for citizenship, how long will it be before I can take the test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "364&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m Canadian, but my child was born outside Canada. Are they Canadian?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "365&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What happens at the hearing with a citizenship officer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "366&top="; method = "post" break; case "Does the study guide have sample questions to help me prepare for the citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "367&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "368&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find out the status of my citizenship application and the processing time?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "369&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Can I count any time I&rsquo;ve spent outside of Canada toward the physical presence requirement when applying for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "370&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What documents should I send with my application for a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "371&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What photos do I need to include with my citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "372&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Who has to take the citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "374&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply under the Canadian Experience Class if I am currently living in Quebec and I plan to live elsewhere in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "382&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I count experience I got in Canada while waiting for a decision on my refugee application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "387&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I still be eligible for Canadian Experience Class if I have returned to my country?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "389&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I count student work experience toward the Express Entry work requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "394&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I adopt a child from another country?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "399&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m a temporary resident, can I apply to adopt a child from another country?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "400&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "My adoption is complete. What do I need now to bring my adopted child to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "401&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Does an adopted child need a travel document, like a visa, to come to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "402&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "How long will the adoption process take?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "403&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;ve done the necessary paperwork, I&rsquo;m a citizen or permanent resident of good standing, and I went through a reputable adoption agency. Why is my adoption taking so long?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "404&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Do the criteria for permanent residence and for a grant of citizenship differ for adopted children?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "405&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Are the fees the same for an adopted child for the permanent residence and citizenship processes?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "406&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Are there countries from which I cannot adopt?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "407&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I have applied for permanent residence for my adopted child. Is it too late to apply for citizenship instead?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "408&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "My adopted child has permanent residence. How can I apply for their citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "409&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "How does adoption affect my child&rsquo;s relationship with their biological parents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "410&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "If my adopted child&rsquo;s application is refused, what can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "411&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Will my child automatically have the right to a Canadian passport once they get citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "412&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I live in Quebec. Must a Quebec court recognize the adoption before my child can get citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "414&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Should I apply for permanent residence for my adopted child, rather than Canadian citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "415&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a visa to visit Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "416&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What is the difference between a single-entry and a multiple-entry visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "417&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I have an eTA or a visa. What can I expect when I arrive in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "418&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am in Canada on a temporary resident visa. I plan to take a cruise. Do I need a new visa to come back to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "419&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a visa if I&rsquo;m just travelling through Canada on my way to another country?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "420&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "421&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get help if my visa application is refused?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "422&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Who can I hire to help me with my application for a temporary resident visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "423&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "If I get sick or have an accident while visiting Canada, will the Government of Canada pay for my medical treatment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "424&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I fill out one visa application for my whole family if we are travelling together?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "425&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How does the parent and grandparent super visa differ from a multiple entry visitor visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "426&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Is the parent and grandparent super visa a multi-entry visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "427&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What&rsquo;s the difference between the parent and grandparent super visa and a visitor visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "428&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who&rsquo;s eligible for a parent and grandparent super visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "429&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I need to calculate family size when applying for the parent and grandparent super visa. Who should I include?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "431&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I cancel my sponsorship application and apply for a super visa instead?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "432&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What is a business visitor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "434&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Does a business visitor need a special visa to enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "435&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "If I am a business visitor, do I need a work permit to work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "436&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am a business visitor and I do not need a visa. What documents should I bring, if any?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "437&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to submit my passport with my application for a temporary resident visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "439&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I need a visa to visit Canada. I want to study or work in Canada while I am there. Do I need to apply for anything else?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "440&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a medical exam to get a visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "441&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I stay in Canada until the expiry date on my visitor visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "442&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a representative to help me apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "444&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "Will my case be processed more quickly if I hire a representative?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "445&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "What services will the representative provide and what are the fees for these services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "446&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "What could happen if I do not tell Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) I paid an immigration representative?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "447&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "Is it legal to provide false information on my immigration or citizenship application, if a representative advises me to do so?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "448&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "If I apply through a provincial program, do these representative regulations apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "449&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "If I change my representative, do I have to tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "450&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) returns my application, saying my representative is not authorized?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "451&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if my immigration representative and I have a disagreement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "452&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to use an immigration representative for my citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "453&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to pay someone to represent me on my citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "454&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "I got a multiple-entry temporary resident visa to visit a relative in Canada last year. Can I use it to travel to Canada on a business trip?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "455&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I used a temporary resident visa for a recent business visit to Canada. Can I use it for a holiday in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "456&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What information is available under the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "457&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Who can make a request under the Access to Information Act?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "458&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Who can make a request under the Privacy Act?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "459&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Will my access to information or privacy request be processed faster if my representative sends it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "460&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "What is the fee for an Access request?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "461&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "What is the fee for a Privacy request?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "462&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "How and where do I submit an Access to Information or Privacy request?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "463&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "How long does the Department have to respond?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "464&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get personal information about someone else?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "465&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get personal information about someone who is deceased?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "466&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get information on an individual who arrived in Canada before 1936?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "467&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "What information should I provide to get a naturalization record?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "468&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Can non-residents of Canada who are conducting genealogical research access family records held by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "469&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "I sponsored a family member who resides outside of Canada, and they applied for permanent residence at a visa office overseas. Can I obtain information on that file?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "470&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "When should I submit a police certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "472&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I extend my stay as a visitor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "473&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I extend my stay as a worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "474&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How can I extend my stay as a student?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "475&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How do I find out about schools for international students in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "476&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I study in Quebec as an international student?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "477&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a permit to study in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "478&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply for a study permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "479&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "When should I apply for my study permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "480&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay for a study permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "481&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get my money back if CIC turns down my study permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "482&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for a study permit if I&rsquo;m already in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "483&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I want to study in Canada for less than 6 months. Do I need a study permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "484&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my study permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "486&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a medical exam to study in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "489&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I renew my study permit while I am in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "490&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed study permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "491&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I stay in Canada after my study permit expires if I applied for a new permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "492&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "As a foreign student, can I return home or travel outside Canada while studying?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "494&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m an international student in Canada. Can I work while studying?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "495&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "As an international student, can I work in Canada without a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "496&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "As an international student, can I take part in co-op and internship programs?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "497&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I continue to work during scheduled school breaks?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "499&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How much does an off-campus work permit cost?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "500&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can I work in any type of job if I am eligible to work off campus?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "502&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I work as many hours as I want if I&rsquo;m eligible to work off campus?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "503&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "What is a post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "507&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply for a post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "508&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How long is a post-graduation work permit valid?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "509&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How much does a post-graduation work permit cost?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "510&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for a job before I get my post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "511&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I work anywhere, in any type of job, under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "512&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I qualify for a post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "513&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I am an international student in Canada. How can I apply to become a permanent resident?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "514&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "What does it mean to have legal status in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "515&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I know how long I can stay in Canada as an international student?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "516&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How long can I stay in Canada while waiting for permanent residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "517&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How can I extend my stay in Canada or change my immigration status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "518&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I recently graduated as an international student in Canada. Can I apply for permanent residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "519&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need an eTA or visa to study in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "523&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Should I apply for a study permit when I get an eTA or a visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "524&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I pay for an eTA or a visa using my country&rsquo;s currency/money?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "526&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I have a temporary resident visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "527&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find the service declaration?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "530&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce service standards?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "532&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce standards for these specific services and activities?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "533&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "What are processing times?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "534&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What is the difference between processing times and service standards?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "535&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) report whether it meets its service standards?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "536&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) doesn&rsquo;t meet its specified standards?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "537&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "Do the service standards apply to applications received before the standards came into effect?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "538&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "How does Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) use the feedback from the e-consultation tool?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "539&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why has Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) switched from business days to calendar days to communicate its service standards?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "540&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get a permanent resident card (PRC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "548&top="; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "549&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who can apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "550&top="; method = "post" break; case "When should I apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "551&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I renew my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "552&top="; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "553&top="; method = "post" break; case "How much does a permanent resident card cost?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "554&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "555&top="; method = "post" break; case "Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "556&top="; method = "post" break; case "Should I submit passport photos with my permanent resident card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "557&top="; method = "post" break; case "Is there a way to get my permanent resident card quickly?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "558&top="; method = "post" break; case "I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later re-enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "559&top="; method = "post" break; case "What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "560&top="; method = "post" break; case "How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "561&top="; method = "post" break; case "If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "562&top="; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if my new permanent resident card has a mistake or something is missing?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "563&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What is a Verification of Status document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "564&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "What if I already submitted the old Verification of Entry form, do I have to resubmit a new form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "565&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "Will I still get a certified true copy of my immigration document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "566&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "What does &ldquo;adequate knowledge&rdquo; of English or French mean when applying for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "567&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do you measure how well I can speak English or French when applying for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "568&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What language level do I need when I apply for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "569&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What documents can I use to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "571&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What third-party language tests will you accept as proof I have adequate knowledge of English or French when I apply for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "572&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I graduated from an English-or French-language high school/college/university. What can I use to show that I can communicate in one of the official languages when I apply for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "573&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I use the government-funded language program I took to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "574&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;ve lost my certificate or transcript showing I meet the citizenship language requirement. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "575&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What is Sign-In Partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "576&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What are electronic credentials?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "577&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What do you mean by authentication?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "578&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Why is the Government of Canada offering users the option to use banking credentials?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "579&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What are the advantages of using my online banking credentials?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "580&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Is the banking credential (Sign-In Partner) as secure as the government credential (GCKey)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "581&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Will any of my banking information be shared if I use Sign-In Partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "582&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I had to switch my electronic log-in credentials not that long ago. Why are you changing it again?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "583&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Can I still use my Access Key?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "584&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What services do I need Sign-In Partner or GCKey for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "585&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Which banks are participating in Sign-In Partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "586&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I don&rsquo;t bank with any of the financial institutions listed. What alternative do I have when I want to access government services online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "587&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "My bank is on your list, but I don&rsquo;t have online banking. How do I access the IRCC secure account using Sign-In Partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "588&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I would rather not use Sign-In Partner to access the IRCC secure account. What are my options?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "589&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Will the bank charge me for using my banking credential to access government services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "590&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Will I still be able to use GCKey even if I decided to use my online banking credentials once?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "591&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Who can I contact if I have questions about GCKey or Sign-In Partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "592&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Can I provide my LINC/CLIC placement test as a proof that I meet the citizenship language requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "594&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I submit the results from a third-party language test that I took when I first applied to immigrate to Canada as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "595&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do you accept certificates from private language schools as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "596&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When do I know if I passed the citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "597&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I replace my citizenship certificate or card if there&rsquo;s a mistake on it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "598&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I am outside Canada and do not have a PR card. How can I return to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "605&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I make a refugee claim in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "606&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I already made a refugee claim. What happens now that we submit claims through the IRCC Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "607&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can my refugee claim be rejected based on what I write in the Basis of Claim form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "608&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I am a refugee and I need to travel outside Canada. What documents do I need to travel?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "610&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What can I use to prove my status in Canada as a refugee or protected person?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "611&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "My application was refused. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "612&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "If I withdraw my application, will I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "613&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted an application but want to change programs. Can I apply the fees I already paid to my new application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "614&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I paid my fees online but decided not to submit an application. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "615&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I didn&rsquo;t pay enough for my application. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "616&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I paid too much for my application. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "617&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I paid online for the wrong fee but the amount is correct. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "618&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How do I ask for a refund if I paid my fees online or at a bank in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "619&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is the difference between the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "620&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Who can use the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "621&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Who cannot use the Change of Address online service?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "622&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I email my new address to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "623&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How long does it take for a new or updated address to appear online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "624&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why does it take 5 business days for address changes to appear online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "625&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I am in Canada temporarily, as a worker, visitor or student. Why can&rsquo;t I change my address online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "626&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "When should I tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that I am moving?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "627&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I check that my address has been updated?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "628&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have changed my address online but I can&rsquo;t see the changes. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "629&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I change the address of other people who were included in my immigration or citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "630&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to enter a change of address for each dependant?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "631&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to enter an address notification for each dependant?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "632&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Which applicants can access the Change of Address or the Address Notification online service?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "633&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I live outside Canada. Can I update my mailing or home address online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "634&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I changed my address in CAS. Do I need to change it in Change of Address or Address Notification, too?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "635&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "If I remove my application status from the Internet on CAS, can I still use Change of Address or Address Notification?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "636&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I can&rsquo;t access Change of Address or Address Notification. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "637&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a language test to immigrate to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "638&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What are the language requirements to immigrate under the program for self-employed people?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "642&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "How can I qualify for the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "645&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get support from a designated organization?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "646&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What level of language proficiency do I need for a start-up visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "648&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "How much money do I need to cover living expenses when I get to Canada through the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "650&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What is an essential person under the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "651&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "Can an entrepreneurial team immigrate to Canada together through the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "652&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What is the minimum investment that I need to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "653&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "Why is there a different minimum investment from a venture capital fund and an angel investor group?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "654&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to invest my own money if I want to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "655&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I receive investment support from more than one designated organization?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "656&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "If I immigrate through the Start-up Visa Program, what happens if my business fails?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "657&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "I can&rsquo;t open my application form in PDF format. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "660&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "While working under a post-graduate work permit to get experience to qualify for the Canadian Experience Class, can I switch employers?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "663&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I graduated a while ago, then earned one-year of work experience and now I am back in school. Can I apply for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "667&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I complete an Express Entry profile before I have a year of work experience?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "675&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I renew my post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "676&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m a Canadian citizen and my spouse is not. Can my spouse and dependent children work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "679&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Does an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) mean that I can be licensed in a regulated profession?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "683&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "The employer I work for temporarily in Canada wants to offer me a full-time job. Will I need a new LMIA for Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "696&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I am working in Canada on a post-graduation work permit. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "698&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I want to extend my expiring work permit, but I don&rsquo;t have a new LMIA or CAQ yet. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "701&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Is legal assistance available to asylum claimants?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "702&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I have to give my biometrics (fingerprints and photo) when I apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "703&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "How often will I need to go in person to give my fingerprints and photo?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "704&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "I need to give biometrics. What if there&rsquo;s no visa application centre (VAC) in the country or territory I&rsquo;m applying from?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "706&top="; method = "post" break; case "If I get my photo taken for biometrics, do I still need to submit a paper photograph as part of my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "708&top="; method = "post" break; case "I cover my head or face for religious or cultural reasons. What will happen when I go to have my photo taken for biometrics?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "710&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "What will happen to my fingerprints and photo after they are collected for biometrics?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "711&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "How long will you keep my fingerprints and photo (biometrics)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "714&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "What if I have a Canadian visa that has not yet expired when you start taking biometrics from citizens of my country or territory?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "715&top="; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to give my biometrics to visit Canada if I&rsquo;m in the United States and I&rsquo;ve already given my biometrics when I entered the U.S.?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "716&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "If I&rsquo;m in Canada, do I have to give my biometrics?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "717&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my permanent resident card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "719&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I was told that my permanent resident card was sent to me but I did not get it yet. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "720&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I legally changed my name. How do I update my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "721&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I got married. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "722&top="; method = "post" break; case "I got divorced. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "723&top="; method = "post" break; case "I adopted a child. What do I have to do to change the name on their PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "724&top="; method = "post" break; case "I got a court order to change my name. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "725&top="; method = "post" break; case "How long must I stay in Canada to keep my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "727&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How long can I stay outside Canada and keep my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "728&top="; method = "post" break; case "What are my residency obligations if I am a permanent resident?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "729&top="; method = "post" break; case "Will I get my processing fees back if I cancel my sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "731&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "732&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "733&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I unlink or separate family or group citizenship applications?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "734&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply to immigrate to Canada as a provincial nominee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "736&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "How can I be nominated by a province?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "737&top="; method = "post" break; case "I was nominated by the province to immigrate to Canada, what should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "738&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "I got my Provincial Nominee Certificate - what should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "739&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I sign my online application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "740&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How do I cancel an application I submitted online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "741&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How long can I work in Canada as a temporary worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "742&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How can I qualify for the Federal Skilled Trades Program if the province or territory where I plan to live and work does not give Certificates of Qualification in my trade?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "745&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "If I come to Canada under the Federal Skilled Trades Program, will I be qualified to work in any province or territory?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "747&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m a Canadian citizen living outside Canada. I mailed an application to the Sydney, Nova Scotia office. Who can I contact if I have a question?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "752&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a transit visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "753&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a transit visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "754&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for a post-graduation work permit before I get my diploma?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "755&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I get a Bad Encrypt Dictionary error opening a PDF. What does this mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "766&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "After I click the Validate button on my application form, nothing happens and I don&rsquo;t see the barcodes. Why?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "767&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "The calendar is displayed in my local language and I can&rsquo;t fill in the date fields correctly. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "768&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "How does the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program work?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "769&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How is the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program different from the regular Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "770&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can refugees be referred to the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program by sponsoring groups?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "771&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find my client ID/UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "772&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How do I find my client ID/UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "773&top="; method = "post" break; case "I do not know my client ID/UCI. Where can I get it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "774&top="; method = "post" break; case "I forgot my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "775&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I lost my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "776&top="; method = "post" break; case "When will I get my client ID/UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "777&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "When do I get my client ID/UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "778&top="; method = "post" break; case "How can I get a client ID/UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "779&top="; method = "post" break; case "What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "786&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What if I cannot attend my hearing with a citizenship officer or a citizenship judge? Can I reschedule it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "787&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw a citizenship application for me, my minor child or adopted child?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "788&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application for proof of citizenship (citizenship certificate)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "789&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application to search citizenship records?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "790&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application to renounce Canadian citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "791&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application to resume Canadian citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "792&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who has access to the information I submit when I register for a GCKey?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "793&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What is GCKey?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "794&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Why has the Government of Canada introduced GCKey?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "795&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a GCKey credential?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "796&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What does the immigration category on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence document mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "797&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I have technical problems when applying online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "799&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What is the application process for the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "800&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What is the difference between support from venture capital funds, angel investor groups, and business incubators?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "801&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "Who will review my Start-up Visa Program application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "802&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "Is there an application form to get a letter of support from a designated organization?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "804&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I lost my GCKey username or password?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "815&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if an online application is down?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "816&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What browser should I use to apply online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "817&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How many applications to sponsor parents and grandparents do you accept each intake?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "820&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay for my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "822&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I hand-deliver my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "823&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How can I show proof of income to sponsor my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "825&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to ask the Canada Border Services Agency for a history of entries when applying for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "827&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I check &ldquo;Yes&rdquo; on Question 14B (&ldquo;Consent to the CBSA and IRCC&rdquo;) on the application for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "828&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What is a personal document checklist?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "829&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What is a personal reference code?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "830&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Why was I issued a single entry visa instead of a multiple entry visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "831&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I prove that I need urgent processing for my permanent resident card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "835&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to apply online for my International Experience Canada work permit or can I apply by mail or in person?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "837&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I have a question about a document I am asked to submit in my online account. Who can I ask?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "840&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Will my spouse or common-law partner get a work permit under International Experience Canada to come with me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "841&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I need to get a police certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "842&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I need a medical examination?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "843&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I want to work in a job that requires a medical exam, but I already have my work permit or authorization. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "844&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is a port of entry (POE) letter?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "845&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How long is my POE Letter valid?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "846&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "My International Experience Canada application was refused because I didn't provide a document. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "848&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get a refund if I cancel my International Experience Canada work permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "849&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I recently reset my IRCC secure account, but I don&rsquo;t see my application. How can I get it back?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "850&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How do I view the messages in my account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "851&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I can't get a bank statement before I come to Canada. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "853&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get help with my immigration or citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "854&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have lost, deleted or damaged my POE Letter. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "856&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "How do I give my fingerprints and get an RCMP criminal record check from inside or outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "857&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How much does it cost to participate in International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "858&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I get a new passport after I apply for International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "861&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "There is a mistake in my name on my work permit, can you fix it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "862&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I have more than one Express Entry profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "864&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I re-use my Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report to submit my Express Entry profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "867&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Is there a different application form for CAN+?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "875&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I know that my application can be processed under CAN+? What supporting documents should I submit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "877&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How long will the Temporary Foreign Worker Program moratorium on food service jobs last?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "886&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who is eligible to take government-funded language classes?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "894&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "How can I enrol in a government-funded language class at no cost to myself?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "895&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "Can my spouse take language classes with me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "896&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "How long can I take language classes for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "897&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "I started taking language classes but I&rsquo;m moving. Can I keep taking classes in a new city?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "898&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "I'm working or studying in Canada temporarily. Can I take Government of Canada funded language classes?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "899&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "What are the language training programs funded by the Government of Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "900&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "What are the language training programs funded by the provincial or territorial governments?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "901&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "Does the change in age of dependants affect sponsorship undertakings for dependent children?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "904&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What can I do if my citizenship application is refused?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "905&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship) for someone under 18 years old?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "906&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I legally changed my name. How do I change the name on my citizenship certificate or card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "907&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How can I find out if my application is affected by the change in the age of dependants?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "908&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if I missed my citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "910&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I leave Canada after I mail my citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "911&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply to extend my work permit under the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "913&top="; method = "post" break; case "What&rsquo;s an occupation-restricted open work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "915&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who can participate in International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "923&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What kinds of jobs can I have with an International Experience Canada work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "924&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a job offer to submit my International Experience Canada profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "925&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I participate in International Experience Canada more than once?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "926&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m almost too old for International Experience Canada. Can I still apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "928&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I immigrate to Canada through International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "929&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Is it possible to study in Canada while participating in IEC?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "931&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I have both a study permit and a work permit under International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "934&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What&rsquo;s the difference between an International Experience Canada work permit and other work permits?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "935&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "If I don&rsquo;t use my letter of introduction for International Experience Canada, will I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "937&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "My passport was lost or stolen after I received my Port of Entry (POE) Letter. Will my POE Letter need to be modified?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "938&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What type of insurance do I need for International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "939&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I come to Canada before I receive my POE Letter?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "941&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if my employer wants me to continue working after my International Experience Canada work permit expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "942&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I stay in Canada as a tourist after my work permit expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "943&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to provide proof that I can pay the salary of the caregiver I&rsquo;m hiring through the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "950&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to pay for the caregiver&rsquo;s travel costs if I&rsquo;m hiring them through the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "951&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I want to hire a caregiver with a live-in arrangement. What&rsquo;s the maximum amount I can charge for room and board?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "952&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I already took a medical exam when I applied for the caregiver pilots. Why am I being asked to take another one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "958&top="; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m working in Canada as a caregiver but I don&rsquo;t meet the requirements for the caregiver pilots. Can I apply to extend my work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "959&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Can I use work experience from more than 1 employer to apply to the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "960&top="; method = "post" break; case "Is there a limit on the number of caregiver applications you accept under the pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "961&top="; method = "post" break; case "What can I do if the yearly limit on applications for the caregiver pilots has been reached before I apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "962&top="; method = "post" break; case "I want to work in Canada as a caregiver, but I don&rsquo;t meet the requirements of the pilots. What are my options?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "963&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "When do I need to take a medical exam for the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "964&top="; method = "post" break; case "I worked in Canada illegally. Can I use that experience to meet the work requirement of the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "965&top="; method = "post" break; case "An employer in Quebec has offered me a job as a caregiver. What do I apply for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "966&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I worked in Quebec as a home child care provider or home support worker. Can that work experience count for the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "967&top="; method = "post" break; case "How is the processing time affected if I need a medical exam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "983&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "You asked me for additional medical information. How will this affect the processing time?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "984&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I check the status of my medical exam results?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "985&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I have a medical exam done in advance to speed up my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "986&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m pregnant. Can I wait until after I give birth to take the medical exam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "987&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have applied for permanent residence. My spouse or partner and children are not coming with me. Do they need to get a medical exam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "988&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have two degrees from outside Canada. Do I need an Educational Credential Assessment for both?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "991&top="; method = "post" break; case "The online tool said I was eligible for Express Entry, but my completed profile says I&rsquo;m not. Which one is right?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "992&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I use my existing Job Bank account to get matched with employers for Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "993&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "My personal reference code is not working. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "995&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I am a native English or French speaker. Why do I need to take a language test for Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "997&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "A message in my account says my profile was updated. I didn&rsquo;t update it today (or don&rsquo;t see an update). What happened?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "999&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I accidently withdrew my Express Entry profile. How can I fix this?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1000&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I was found not eligible for Express Entry and I can&rsquo;t change my profile. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1001&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I update my Express Entry profile before submitting it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1002&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Some fields in my Express Entry profile are greyed out and I can&rsquo;t change them. How do I update them?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1003&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I confirm that my Express Entry profile is complete?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1004&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I already submitted my Express Entry profile. Can I still update it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1005&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find my Express Entry profile number and/or Job Seeker validation code?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1006&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Why didn&rsquo;t I get points for my job offer in Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1009&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "There is no National Occupation Classification (NOC) code on my work permit. What should I put in my Express Entry profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1012&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I do not need a visa, but I want to stay in Canada as a visitor for longer than six months. What do I need to do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1015&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How long can I stay in Canada as a visitor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1016&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am currently living in or visiting a country that I am not a citizen of. Can I apply for a visitor visa at the local visa office?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1017&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "My application for a permanent resident visa is currently being processed at the Embassy. Can I go to Canada as a tourist and wait for my visa there?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1018&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I hold a diplomatic or special/service passport. Do I need a visitor visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1019&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a Canadian visa if I have a United States visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1020&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "My minor child is applying for a visitor visa and will travel alone to Canada. What documents must they present with the application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1021&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am travelling with my minor child without my spouse. What documents must I present?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1022&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I paid the $100 open work permit holder fee with my open work permit application, but the application was refused. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1030&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I paid the employer compliance fee, but the temporary worker&rsquo;s application for a work permit was refused. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1031&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I paid the employer compliance fee, but the worker is not coming to Canada. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1032&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What proof do I need to show that my employer paid the compliance fee and submitted the offer of employment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1033&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "After I submit an offer of employment, do I have to wait for it to be approved before the temporary worker can apply for a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1034&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can an authorized representative submit an offer of employment on behalf of an employer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1035&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I have a visa or a temporary resident permit to enter Canada. Do I need an eTA too?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1040&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am a dual citizen of the U.S. and another country. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1042&top="; method = "post" break; case "Are there any age exemptions for eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1043&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am visiting the U.S. and I want to come to Canada. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1044&top="; method = "post" break; case "I have an ESTA and I am visiting the U.S. Can I use my ESTA to enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1045&top="; method = "post" break; case "I have committed an offence and suspect or know that I am inadmissible to Canada. Should I still apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1048&top="; method = "post" break; case "I must travel to Canada for exceptional circumstances. Can I get my eTA on an urgent basis?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1049&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am a permanent resident of Canada. Do I need an eTA if I leave and want to return to Canada by air?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1050&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am from a visa-exempt country and want to apply for a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1051&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am from a visa-exempt country and a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1052&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder). Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1053&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply for an eTA for travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1056&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to apply for an eTA each time I travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1058&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to apply for an eTA before I book my airline ticket?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1059&top="; method = "post" break; case "What options are available to pay the eTA application fee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1060&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What if I don&rsquo;t have a Visa, Mastercard or American Express? Are there other methods to pay for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1061&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1063&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Will IRCC email me when my eTA is approved?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1065&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to print anything to prove that I have an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1066&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "In my online profile or application I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete when they are not. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1067&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my Express Entry profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1076&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "My citizenship application is being processed. How will the 2017 legislation changes affect my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1077&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I hired a representative before June 11, 2015 and my citizenship application is still in process. Can they continue to act as my representative?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1078&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Who can represent me on my citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1079&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How old must my spouse or partner be for me to sponsor them to immigrate to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1080&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Does IRCC recognize marriages conducted by proxy, telephone, internet and fax?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1081&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "My application for an eTA was refused. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1082&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "My application for an eTA was refused. Is there a way I can appeal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1083&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Why am I not receiving any emails from IRCC about my eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1084&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if my application for an eTA is not approved right away?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1085&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I have been refused entry to Canada in the past. Does this mean that I will be refused an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1086&top="; method = "post" break; case "What type of information do I need to complete an eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1087&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I withdraw my eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1088&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Does having an eTA automatically mean that I am allowed to enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1089&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can more than one person, including dependents, be included in an eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1090&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "If my eTA is cancelled after I get one, can I travel?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1091&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I will transit by air through Canada. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1092&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can a business or agency organizing charter flights to Canada for tour groups get eTAs for their clients?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1093&top="; method = "post" break; case "Do travellers on chartered aircrafts need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1094&top="; method = "post" break; case "Will the eTA application information be available in multiple languages?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1095&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I get a new passport after I have received an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1096&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am a Canadian citizen. Do I need an eTA to enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1100&top="; method = "post" break; case "If I have an immigration loan, how can I make my payments?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1102&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "My last payment does not appear on my immigration loan statement. Why is that?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1103&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I no longer receive immigration loan statements. Why is that?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1104&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Where do I find my PAYEE number on my immigration loan statement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1105&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I do not make my loan payments?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1106&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can I make a refugee claim from within Syria?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1108&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How can Canadians help in our response to the Syrian crisis?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1109&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How do I find a refugee to sponsor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1110&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How do I find a SAH I can volunteer to work with or otherwise contribute to?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1111&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Does this means that Syrians and Iraqi from anywhere in the world can be resettled to Canada as refugees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1112&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I am a new permanent resident in Canada. Can I live somewhere other than the &ldquo;city of destination&rdquo; on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1113&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "I can't submit a new International Experience Canada profile because I already have one. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1114&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What is a visa-exempt foreign national?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1115&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am an American citizen. What do I need to enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1116&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder) and my home country will not issue a passport to me. Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1117&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am from a visa-exempt country and want to extend my work or study permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1118&top="; method = "post" break; case "Do VIPs, Heads of State or diplomats need an eTA to travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1119&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can diplomats who are not accredited in Canada, but accredited elsewhere, travel to Canada without an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1120&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1121&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw or delete my International Experience Canada profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1122&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Is there a file size limit for documents I upload to my account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1123&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What file formats can I upload to my account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1124&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "In an Express Entry profile, should I only include the minimum work experience needed to qualify for one of the programs, or should I include more?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1125&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "In an Express Entry profile, what do you mean by the &ldquo;date the applicant first became qualified to practise this occupation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1127&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I fill out my Express Entry profile when I have maintained my status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1128&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get education points for Express Entry if I have 2 or more degrees or diplomas?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1129&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "If I am waiting for a new work permit and I have job offer points, do I have to remove the job offer from my Express Entry profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1130&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I have been working in Canada for the last 6 months but didn&rsquo;t get points for work experience. Why not?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1132&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "If I&rsquo;ve maintained my status while in the Express Entry pool, will I still get the job offer points?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1133&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "What if I am invited to apply for Express Entry while waiting for a new work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1134&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I was invited to apply through Express Entry but my work permit expired. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1135&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I didn&rsquo;t get a Job Seeker Validation Code in the message you sent to my account. Why not?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1136&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I upload more supporting documents after I have already submitted my online application for permanent residence through Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1137&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I ask to only be considered for one of the programs under Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1140&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "In my International Experience Canada profile/application, I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete after completing them. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1146&top="; method = "post" break; case "I accidently withdrew my International Experience Canada profile. How can I fix this?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1147&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I was found not eligible for International Experience Canada (IEC). What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1148&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I already submitted my International Experience Canada (IEC) profile. Can I update it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1149&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to answer the eligibility questions before I submit a profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1152&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What is a personal reference code and how do I get one for International Experience Canada (IEC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1153&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "My personal reference code for International Experience Canada (IEC) is not working. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1154&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I need to submit documents in a secure IRCC account for my eTA application. How can I do this?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1159&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I need to add multiple files to my online application, but there is only one field to upload documents. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1160&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I am a NEXUS or CANPASS member and U.S. green card holder. Do I need an eTA to fly to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1162&top="; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m sponsoring my spouse or common-law partner. Can they work while their application is being processed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1163&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "If my Express Entry profile expires, will the system keep my information?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1164&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How long does it take to get an International Experience Canada invitation to apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1165&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Candidates in the Working Holiday pool will be randomly selected to apply for a work permit. What does that mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1166&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I am a Canadian citizen and a citizen of another country. Can I fly to Canada with my non-Canadian passport?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1167&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why is my application considered complex or non-routine, and what does that mean for me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1169&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I have to submit documents for my eTA application. How can I find out what documents I need to provide?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1170&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What information will I get by email after I apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1171&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for an eTA for my child?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1172&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I made a mistake (like an email address or passport number) on my eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1173&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I start my eTA application and save it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1174&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of someone?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1175&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I submit a group application for eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1176&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I review my eTA application before I submit it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1177&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I help a friend or family member apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1178&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "As a Canadian citizen living in Canada, can I apply for an eTA for my non-Canadian relative or friend who lives abroad?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1179&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for an eTA with a Refugee Travel Document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1180&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can I work while I am waiting to receive my post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1181&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "What is the Hague Convention?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1183&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I have a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) and will travel to Canada. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1184&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is the employer compliance fee? How do I pay it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1186&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I change employers if I have an International Experience Canada work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1187&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "When should my client apply for their eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1188&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I submit group applications for eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1190&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay for my client&rsquo;s eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1191&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Is there a way for clients to confirm the status of their eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1192&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I review the eTA application before I submit it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1193&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I make changes to my client&rsquo;s eTA after it has been approved?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1194&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of a client?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1195&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Is the eTA linked to a client&rsquo;s passport number?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1196&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I entered the wrong passport number on my client&rsquo;s eTA application form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1197&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How long can a client stay in Canada with their eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1198&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am an entrepreneur. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1199&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What is a job offer letter?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1200&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I change employers?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1201&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I adopt a child from countries experiencing armed conflict or natural disasters?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1202&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I received a call from an immigration officer. Was it a scam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1203&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "I received an email from an immigration officer. Is it a scam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1205&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "How can I tell if an immigration website is a scam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1206&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "How do I report a scam or a fraud?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1207&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "My documents are too large to upload. How do I reduce the file size?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1213&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I owe IRCC money? Will you call to ask for unpaid fees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1214&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay online if I don&rsquo;t have a credit card or a bank account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1215&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "If I have not paid my fees, will you have me arrested or deported?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1216&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "Will you ask me for personal information over the phone?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1217&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "I received threats from someone who says they are from the immigration department. Is it a scam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1218&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "If you return my application, will I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1220&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why are there differences between the status I see in the Check application status tool (CAS) and in my account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1221&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Which applications can I link to an IRCC secure account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1222&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Why was I locked out of my IRCC secure account when I tried to link an application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1225&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "When trying to link my application to my IRCC secure account, it says there are no matches. What&rsquo;s going on?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1226&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What happens after I link an application to an IRCC secure account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1227&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1228&top="; method = "post" break; case "I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of a country other than France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1229&top="; method = "post" break; case "I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France returning to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air from a country other than Canada. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1230&top="; method = "post" break; case "When I visit Canada, I want to travel to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air. What document(s) do I need to return to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1231&top="; method = "post" break; case "I applied for an eTA on a different website. How do I verify if I have a real eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1232&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I have been charged more than CAN$7 my eTA on another website. I think I have been scammed. How can I find out and can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1233&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I see other websites advertising that I can apply for an eTA with them. Is there more than one website to apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1234&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I have not been able to submit an eTA application because of technical issues (with the payment or the application form). Can I still fly to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1236&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted an eTA application, but have not received any emails from IRCC. Can I still travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1237&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I got an email confirmation from IRCC that my eTA application was received, but nothing since then. Can I still travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1238&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I cannot submit the additional documents required for my eTA application by the requested deadline. Can I still travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1239&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "My application for an eTA was refused. Can I still travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1240&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1241&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get a copy of my receipt after paying my fees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1242&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I can&rsquo;t access my online payment account to get a copy of my receipt. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1243&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why is my online payment being refused?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1244&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I tried to pay online but it was incomplete. Why is it showing on my bank statement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1245&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I pay my fees at a bank in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1246&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Is my payment receipt form (IMM 5401) still valid?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1248&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "My IEC work permit application was approved, but I don&rsquo;t want to work yet. Can I enter Canada as a visitor for now?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1249&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I stayed in Canada longer than I was supposed to. How do I restore my status as a visitor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1250&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am a permanent resident of Canada. Can I apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1252&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I change the sex or gender identifier on my application or document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1253&top=32"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to notify IRCC of a change of sex or gender identifier?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1254&top=32"; method = "post" break; case "What can I use as official documents to change the sex on my documents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1255&top="; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to be a Canadian citizen to change the sex or gender identifier on my document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1256&top=32"; method = "post" break; case "Will changing the gender identifier on my documents affect the decision on my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1257&top=32"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply to change both my name and gender identifier at the same time on my documents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1258&top=32"; method = "post" break; case "What does current or previous undertaking mean on my sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1259&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I be invited to apply if I've lost my username or password?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1260&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if a form in my International Experience Canada application is marked &ldquo;In progress&rdquo;?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1262&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I can log into my account in the Employer Portal, but I can't submit an offer of employment. What is the problem?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1263&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get a receipt for an offer of employment I submit through the Employer Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1264&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I can't create an account in the Employer Portal because the information I entered already exists. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1265&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I want to submit an offer of employment. Where can I find the IMM 5802 form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1266&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I already paid the employer compliance fee, but I can't submit my offer of employment without paying it again. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1267&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is my Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the Employer Portal and where do I find it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1268&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I've completed all the offer of employment forms in the Employer Portal, but I still can&rsquo;t submit it. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1269&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I change or fix a mistake in my business information in the Employer Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1270&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I need to submit an offer of employment, but I don't have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) number. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1271&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1272&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "What coverage do I get through the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1273&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Which documents prove I&rsquo;m eligible for the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1274&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "When does my Interim Federal Health Program coverage start and when does it end?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1275&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get health-care services or treatment through the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1276&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "I am covered under the Interim Federal Health Program. Why did my health-care provider ask me to sign a form after I was treated?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1277&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Why did I get a letter from Medavie Blue Cross after I had health services that were covered by the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1278&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How do I register as a health-care provider with the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1279&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How do I check patient eligibility for the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1280&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How long does it take for a patient&rsquo;s Interim Federal Health Program eligibility to show in the Medavie Blue Cross system?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1281&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "What are the fee rates paid to health-care providers with the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1282&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "As a health-care provider, can I ask Interim Federal Health Program clients to pay for a service?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1283&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Should I book flights to Canada for refugees I&rsquo;m sponsoring?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1284&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Why can&rsquo;t you fly Syrian refugees to Canada faster?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1285&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How do I reset my password for the online payment system?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1286&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I leave and come back to Canada if I have a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1287&top=22"; method = "post" break; case "What is considered work?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1288&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I am from a visa-exempt country and want to study in Canada for less than six months. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1289&top="; method = "post" break; case "If I need the documents I mailed in, how will you return them to me if IRCC isn&rsquo;t using Canada Post mail services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1291&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I be eligible for more than one program under Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1294&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "My sponsor asked me to pay money toward the processing of my refugee application. Should I pay?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1295&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "My sponsor says they will guarantee that the Canadian government will accept my refugee application. Is that true?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1296&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I am a privately sponsored refugee. My sponsor has asked me to pay money to support myself in Canada. Should I pay?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1297&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I am coming to Canada as a privately sponsored refugee, and I am bringing some of my own money with me. Does my sponsor get any of this money?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1298&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Does the Government of Canada ask private sponsors to collect money from me or my relatives to fund my sponsorship or settlement in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1299&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if I already paid someone money to cover the cost of my refugee sponsorship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1300&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What can I expect from my sponsor after I travel to Canada as a refugee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1301&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "My sponsor isn&rsquo;t providing me with the support you said I should receive. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1302&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How many privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1303&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How many applications for privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1304&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted the documents for my eTA application but I haven&rsquo;t heard anything yet. Can I still travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1305&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Which work permit fees do I have to pay?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1306&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Does the Interim Federal Health Program offer co-payment arrangements with other insurance plans or programs?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1307&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "I've applied to extend my study permit. Can I travel outside Canada and be able to return?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1308&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m waiting for my post-graduation work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1309&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "You asked me for a new document. How do I submit it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1310&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I don&rsquo;t see the option to upload documents in my account, even though IRCC has asked for it. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1311&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I validated my form, but when I try to upload it to my account I get a validation error. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1312&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What is a hearing conducted by videoconference?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1315&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a refund for International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1319&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I don't have a document I need to submit. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1323&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m having technical issues. My invitation to apply for a work permit expires soon. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1324&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "When I try to submit my Express Entry profile or my application, I get an error. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1325&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I travel with a specific person for International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1326&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I need an offer of employment number if I&rsquo;m applying for a Working Holiday work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1327&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "When should I send in my police certificates for my spousal sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1328&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I sponsor more than one person through the Parents and Grandparents Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1329&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How does the Parents and Grandparents Program work?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1330&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I need help with my mental health. Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1331&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Does the Interim Federal Health Program provide coverage for mental health services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1332&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "What is the prior approval criteria for mental health services provided by allied professionals?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1333&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How many counselling sessions are clients entitled to once prior approval is received?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1334&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover interpretation services for mental health therapy?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1335&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply to International Experience Canada and Express Entry at the same time?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1336&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "If I&rsquo;m a dual citizen, can I have an International Experience Canada work permit under each citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1337&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I am in the Express Entry pool. How do I find out what programs I am eligible for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1338&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can someone else pay for my fees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1339&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I got a refund but it was not the same amount I paid. Why?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1340&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "The application / profile details in my online account have changed. Why are the details different?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1341&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Do I submit an offer of employment even if a foreign company will pay my company&rsquo;s temporary worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1342&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Who submits the offer of employment if a temporary worker will work for two or more Canadian companies?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1343&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I change an offer of employment, or fix a mistake I made in one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1344&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I don&rsquo;t have a Canada Revenue Agency number. How do I submit an offer of employment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1345&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to get certain vaccinations before I arrive in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1346&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Can I register with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) as a pre-departure medical services health-care provider?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1347&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How do I check that a patient is eligible for pre-departure medical coverage?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1348&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Can I provide pre-departure vaccination services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1349&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "What are the fee rates paid to health care providers registered with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) who deliver pre-departure medical services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1350&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "As a registered pre-departure medical services provider, can I ask eligible clients to pay for services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1351&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "I was invited to submit an application to sponsor my parents and grandparents. What do I do next?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1352&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How long am I financially responsible for the family member or relative I sponsor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1355&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I sponsor my in-laws under the Parents and Grandparents Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1356&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "An officer asked me to provide a document in my account, but I&rsquo;m missing information. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1358&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m in the Express Entry pool. How can I look for a job in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1359&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply for an open work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1361&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I include a dependent child on my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1362&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I already became a permanent resident. Can I still add my dependent child to my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1363&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I paid the overage dependant fee, but now the age limit for dependants has changed. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1364&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Will it delay my application if I add a dependent child to my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1365&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I sponsor a child who is over the age limit for a dependant?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1366&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "There’s a strike at my designated learning institution, and I can’t start or continue my studies. What does that mean for my status as a study permit holder?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1367&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I now need an immigration medical exam (IME) to visit Canada. Does this affect my submitted application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1368&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Which browsers can I use to pay online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1370&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I withdraw an offer of employment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1371&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can a human resource placement agency submit offers of employment on behalf of my company?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1372&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "If my company merges with, or is taken over by, another company, what happens to employees who have temporary work permits?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1374&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What do I need to do if my company name changes?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1375&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I attach documents to the offers of employment I submit in the Employer Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1376&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I attach documents about the offer of employment to a foreign worker&rsquo;s work permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1377&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to submit a new offer of employment if something in the offer has changed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1378&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What is a complex permanent residence application for the Live-in Caregiver program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1379&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who is eligible for two-week work permit processing?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1380&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Are all Global Skills Strategy (GSS) work permit applications processed in two weeks?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1381&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I have a Global Talent Stream (GTS) LMIA, do I have to do anything else to get two-week processing?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1382&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "When should I get my medical exam to apply for two-week work permit processing through the GSS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1383&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m applying for a work permit under the GSS. Do I need include a police certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1384&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m eligible for two-week processing under the GSS. Can I bring my family?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1385&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get two-week processing if I am applying under the International Mobility Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1386&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I need an LMIA for my work permit application. How do I know if I am part of the Global Talent Stream?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1387&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m an employer in the International Mobility Program. Do I still need to use the Employer Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1388&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I hire a temporary foreign worker using an LMIA issued by ESDC under the Global Talent Stream?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1389&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I update my information after I&rsquo;ve submitted my interest to sponsor form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1395&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What is the Right of Permanent Residence Fee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1396&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I sent a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1) and paid $530. Will I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1397&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How will you refund the fee for my citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1398&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I paid the $530 fee for a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1), but didn&rsquo;t send in my application. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1399&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Is there a maximum loan amount?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1400&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Is a 19-year old covered under the principal applicant&rsquo;s loan?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1401&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can asylum seekers (those who make a refugee claim in Canada) get an immigration loan?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1402&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How long will I have to repay my loan?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1403&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to use the travel journal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1404&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "If I&rsquo;m applying for citizenship, do I still have to submit the physical presence calculation if I submit the travel journal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1405&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "If I&rsquo;m transferring through different countries at the airport, or by car or train, do I need to record it in my travel journal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1406&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get more copies of the travel journal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1407&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When will I receive my immigration loan statement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1408&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "When do I have to make my first immigration loan payment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1409&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I got a new passport after coming to Canada but I still have a valid work permit in my old one. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1410&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I change my GCKey password?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1411&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What are the rules for creating a username or password?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1412&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What if I no longer want to use my GCKey?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1413&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "There&rsquo;s a specific employment location on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work somewhere else?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1414&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "There&rsquo;s a specific occupation on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work in a different field?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1415&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "If my visa or permit application is refused, will I have to give biometrics for my next application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1416&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "What is a complex family sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1417&top="; method = "post" break; case "Under the International Mobility Program, can I reuse an offer of employment number if the matched work permit application was refused?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1419&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Will it take longer to process my application because I have to give biometrics?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1420&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is a complex permanent residence application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1422&top="; method = "post" break; case "If I&rsquo;m asked to give my biometrics, does that mean my application is approved?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1423&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "I am from Asia, Asia Pacific or the Americas and have applied for a visa, work or study permit, or for permanent residence before December 31, 2018, but my application is still being processed. Do I have to give my biometrics?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1424&top="; method = "post" break; case "How much does it cost to attend the Destination Canada event?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1433&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "Who participates in the Destination Canada event?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1434&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "Can I participate in the Destination Canada event even if no job postings match my profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1435&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to attend an information session before attending the Destination Canada event?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1436&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get more information about the Destination Canada event?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1438&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "How do I hire a candidate through Destination Canada for a temporary or permanent position?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1439&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "How do I hire a candidate through the Destination Canada event for a permanent position?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1440&top="; method = "post" break; case "What does the progress bar in my application status mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1441&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why did the processing time and estimated date change on my progress bar?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1442&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why isn&rsquo;t there a progress bar for my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1443&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why is there a difference between my progress bar and my application progress?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1444&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How much income do I need to sponsor my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1445&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Where is my status in Canada document number?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1446&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I make an electronic copy of my passport or proof of status in Canada document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1447&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What does it mean if I&rsquo;m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1448&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do immigration officers decide if I&rsquo;m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1449&top="; method = "post" break; case "Does medical inadmissibility based on excessive demand reasons apply to everyone?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1450&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why didn&rsquo;t I receive an invitation to submit a mitigation plan?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1451&top="; method = "post" break; case "What&rsquo;s the difference between a visitor visa and a visitor record?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1452&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to apply for both a visitor visa and an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1453&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I bring my child to the in-person citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1454&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I bring my child to the citizenship ceremony?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1455&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if my PR card expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1456&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Can I travel outside Canada without my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1457&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if my PR card isn&rsquo;t ready before I travel?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1458&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "When I sponsor a refugee, do I need to include family members who aren&rsquo;t coming to Canada at the same time on the application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1459&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How do I calculate my family size to sponsor my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1460&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Who can be my co-signer on my application to sponsor my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1461&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I fill out my application for a citizenship certificate if I don&rsquo;t know everything about my parents or grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1462&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have a confirmation number. Am I guaranteed to get invited to sponsor my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1463&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I submit an old version of the application form for Canadian citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1464&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can my time abroad count toward my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1466&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Can I lose my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1468&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Can I give up my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1469&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Why would I give up my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1470&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m an international student. Can I work before my study program starts?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1471&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m an international student. Can I continue to work after I&rsquo;ve finished my study program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1472&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "My co-op work permit says &ldquo;not authorized to work for any employer other than stated&rdquo;. What does it mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1473&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "When does my processing time start?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1474&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "My IEC work permit is expiring. Can I stay in Canada if I apply to extend my stay?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1476&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What is a refugee protection claimant document and when will I get one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1477&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;ve reached the maximum number of participations for my country or category in IEC. If I get an invitation to apply, can I participate in the program again?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1484&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "My application for a visitor visa was refused. Should I apply again?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1485&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Who&rsquo;s eligible for the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1487&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What will happen to an application for a family member I didn&rsquo;t declare if it&rsquo;s in process, or was denied?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1488&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I sponsor my undeclared family member through the pilot project?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1489&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I participated in IEC in the past. How do I apply to participate again?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1490&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I can&rsquo;t sign in to my IRCC secure account. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1491&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "My application was returned because something was missing. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1492&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1493&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "When can I check my application status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1494&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I think I&rsquo;m exempt, why are you asking me for a medical exam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1495&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if my Sign-In Partner was removed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1496&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What can I do if I can&rsquo;t find refugees I want to sponsor through the BVOR program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1497&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "You approved my refugee sponsorship more than 12 weeks ago. What should I do if you haven&rsquo;t contacted me yet?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1498&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How long does it take a refugee to get to Canada after their sponsorship is approved?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1499&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "The refugee I sponsored is arriving next week but I&rsquo;m not ready for them. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1500&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I went to the airport but the refugee I sponsored wasn&rsquo;t there. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1501&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can I communicate with a refugee I sponsor before they arrive in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1502&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can I change my status to visitor if I need more time to extend my study or work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1503&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Why is my study or work permit only valid for part of my study program or job contract?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1504&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "My work permit expired, but I&rsquo;ve maintained my status. Can I keep working under the same conditions of my initial work permit if my Social Insurance Number (SIN) is expired?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1505&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I go to a port of entry to give biometrics if it&rsquo;s closer than a Service Canada location?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1506&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "How can I show a potential employer I&rsquo;m allowed to work while I wait for my post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1507&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "What&rsquo;s the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1508&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Am I eligible to apply to the pilot project for my dependent family members living outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1509&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "I applied for permanent residence as a protected person. Does my family abroad qualify for the processing pilot?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1510&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What regions are included in the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1511&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if I&rsquo;m eligible for the protected persons family reunification pilot, but I can&rsquo;t find my dependent family members, or they don&rsquo;t want to come to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1512&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How can I pay for biometrics after I submitted my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1513&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "How can I prove I&rsquo;m a resident of a country when applying to International Experience Canada (IEC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1516&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "My citizenship application was returned to me. Do I have to recalculate my physical presence (time lived in Canada) before I resubmit it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1520&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What is an application number?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1521&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have an open work permit because my spouse is working/studying in Canada. For how long is my permit valid?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1522&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I fill out and validate IRCC application forms with 2D barcodes?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1523&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What counts as income for sponsoring my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1525&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What&rsquo;s considered social assistance when sponsoring my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1526&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I applied as a caregiver, but haven&rsquo;t received a confirmation letter. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1529&top="; method = "post" break; case "I have a new employer. How do I give you my new job offer form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1530&top="; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m not sure if my Home Child Care Provider Pilot application made it under the cap. Should I reapply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1531&top="; method = "post" break; case "I applied for a new work permit with my caregiver application. Do I need to renew my current work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1532&top="; method = "post" break; case "Are there other work permit options I can consider while I wait for my permanent resident application to be processed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1533&top="; method = "post" break; case "My status as a worker has expired and I forgot to renew it. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1534&top="; method = "post" break; case "What proof do I need for changes to my information after I was invited to apply to sponsor my parents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1535&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What if my birth certificate is different from other documents (or I don&rsquo;t have one)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1536&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Will you refuse my application if I include a parent or grandparent that wasn&rsquo;t on my interest to sponsor form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1539&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a marriage certificate for my parents/grandparents sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1540&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What if the parent or grandparent I&rsquo;m sponsoring has a separated spouse?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1541&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Do I include time on parental leave in my employment history for sponsoring my parents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1542&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What do I put for the date of birth (or death) of my family member if I don&rsquo;t know it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1543&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How can I quickly get information about my Canadian citizenship to sponsor parents/grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1544&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I need to submit documents to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). Can I use the portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1545&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "My application was returned by email. Can I resubmit copies of these documents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1546&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "My application was returned by email. How do I re-submit it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1547&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "You returned my application by email. Can I get my documents back?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1548&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why was my application returned to me by email?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1549&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "They didn&rsquo;t take my photo when I gave my biometrics in Canada. Will my application still be processed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1550&top="; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m having problems making a refugee claim online. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1551&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How do I update my citizenship certificate or card with my reclaimed Indigenous name?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1552&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I have reclaimed my Indigenous name. How do I update my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1553&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I complete the web form if I applied for permanent residence under a pilot program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1555&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I apply for a citizenship certificate or search of citizenship records?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1557&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When and how do I apply urgently for a citizenship certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1558&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I update my application for a citizenship certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1559&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I live abroad and applied online. How will I get my citizenship certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1560&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "For my citizenship certificate application, can I provide documents that aren&rsquo;t in English or French?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1561&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "My citizenship certificate was mailed to me, but I never received it. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1562&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I want to replace or update my citizenship certificate. What do I do with my current certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1563&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When and how do I apply urgently for a search of citizenship records?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1564&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When can I take my online citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1565&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "My application status says I&rsquo;ve been scheduled for an online test. Why haven&rsquo;t I received an invitation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1566&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find my online test invitation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1567&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "In my invitation, the time between the online test &ldquo;start date&rdquo; and &ldquo;end date&rdquo; is not 30 days. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1568&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I missed my online citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1570&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I take the online test in a public library or with a public computer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1572&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I signed in to the online test, but the page shows a &ldquo;You can&rsquo;t take the test right now&rdquo; message. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1574&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted a group or family application. How will we access the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1575&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I get a &ldquo;403 Error&rdquo; message when I sign in to the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1576&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When I sign in to the online test, why do I see a blank screen or a message that my browser isn&rsquo;t supported?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1577&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I have to sign in again when I get the online citizenship test link?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1578&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to start the online test immediately after I take a photo of myself?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1579&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I ask someone to help me sign in to the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1580&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What if I decline the privacy notice for the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1581&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What if I don&rsquo;t agree with the terms and conditions of the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1582&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Who gets the online test link when I click the &ldquo;Email me the test link&rdquo; button?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1583&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I clicked the &ldquo;Email me the test link&rdquo; button but don&rsquo;t get the online test link. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1584&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if my online test link expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1585&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get the online test link if I have a representative?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1586&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I got disconnected during the online test. Can I use the same test link to return to the test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1587&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I accidentally clicked the &ldquo;Resend the test link&rdquo; button. Do I have to use the new online test link?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1588&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "My webcam isn&rsquo;t working and can&rsquo;t connect to the online test system. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1589&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "My webcam is working, but it can&rsquo;t connect to the online test system. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1590&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "During the online test, my webcam shows a black or static image. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1591&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What kinds of photos do you need from me for the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1592&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if I can&rsquo;t retake the photos for my online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1593&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I retake my online test photo (of my ID or myself) after I approve it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1594&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if the online test photo of my personal identification (ID) or face is unclear?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1595&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I took a picture of my face instead of my personal identification (ID) for the online test. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1596&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to download the online test photos that I take of my ID and myself?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1597&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When do I get my official online test result?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1598&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I got disconnected and can&rsquo;t see my online test result. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1599&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do I get a confirmation email after I complete the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1600&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I forgot to print or email the online test result to myself. How do I get my test result?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1601&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to report my online test result to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1602&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What are my next steps after taking the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1603&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;ve completed the online test, but my application status is outdated. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1604&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Why did I get another test invitation after I passed the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1605&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m taking the online test with Microsoft Teams. Who do I contact if I need help?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1606&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I&rsquo;m disconnected during the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1607&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I clicked the &ldquo;Exit&rdquo; button or closed the page by mistake during the online test. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1608&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What personal information do you collect for the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1609&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What does my status mean in the application status tracker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1611&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What is a party ID?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1612&top="; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m a representative (or designated person). Why can&rsquo;t I create an account in the application status tracker or citizenship tracker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1613&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why can&rsquo;t I create an account in the application status tracker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1614&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m a representative/designated person. Why can&rsquo;t I get my party ID?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1616&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why can&rsquo;t I see some of my client files in the permanent residence or citizenship tracker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1617&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can I have a work permit and study permit at the same time?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1618&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Why have processing times changed for some application types?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1619&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am a lawful permanent resident of the United States and have a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1621&top="; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m already in Canada. How can I stay longer if I&rsquo;m impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1622&top=38"; method = "post" break; case "How do I check the status of my Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1623&top=38"; method = "post" break; case "How do I upload documents to my IRCC Portal account after I&rsquo;ve submitted my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1624&top=38"; method = "post" break; case "Who qualifies as a family member of a Ukrainian national?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1625&top=38"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if my application in the Permanent Residence Portal expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1628&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I received an email with a link asking me to provide my banking information. Is it a scam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1629&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if the school I&rsquo;m studying at loses its designated learning institution status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1632&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Will I still get an accelerated work permit if my claim isn&rsquo;t eligible to be referred to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1633&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "How long will the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants be valid for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1634&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "What information do you need from me for the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants, and where do I send it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1635&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "Can I also apply for a study permit through this accelerated process?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1636&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "My claim is pending at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Can I get a work permit extension through this accelerated process?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1637&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take for me to get the work permit under the accelerated process for asylum claimants?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1638&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "Once I get my work permit under this accelerated process for refugee claimants in Canada, how do I apply for a Social Insurance Number?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1639&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "I&rsquo;m applying for a work or study permit from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and need to give biometrics, but there is no service available where I live. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1640&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "My International Experience Canada application was approved, but I didn&rsquo;t go to Canada. Does that count as a participation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1641&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if my visa or permit was issued for a shorter period of time than I expected because of my biometric validity?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1642&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "Should I give my biometrics again if they’re about to expire?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1643&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "What&rsquo;s the difference between a foil-less visa and a physical visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1644&top=38"; method = "post" break; case "Why won&rsquo;t my application form let me save my information or digitally sign it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1645&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why did the action button in my GCKey account disappear?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1646&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How do I remove medical conditions from my work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1647&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Why can&rsquo;t I find all my documents or forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1648&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I can&rsquo;t complete my IMM 0008 form in the Permanent Residence Portal because my national identity card doesn&rsquo;t have an expiry date. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1649&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I got a new passport but I have a valid visa in my old one. Can I use the visa in my old passport?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1650&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I change the email address for my Permanent Residence Portal account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1651&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Why can’t I save and continue when completing digital forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1652&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Can I hold 2 valid work permits at the same time?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1653&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can a lone parent apply for a study permit for a minor child?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1654&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted a crisis web form for the Gaza special measures and haven’t received a response. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1655&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted a crisis web form and received my unique code. I used this code to complete my application for a TRV under the Gaza special measures and haven’t heard anything. What is the status of my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1656&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "If I don’t qualify for the special measures for extended family members in Gaza, are there other ways I can come to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1657&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "I have a valid temporary resident visa (TRV) or a super visa. Can you help me leave Gaza?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1658&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "My temporary resident visa (TRV) expired. Can I still come to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1659&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get back my seized passport or travel document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1663&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a temporary resident document with the &ldquo;MOME2023&rdquo; keyword on it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1664&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "I need a certificate for the Interim Federal Heath Program (IFHP). How do I get one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1665&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "I came to Canada under the Gaza special measures. I didn&rsquo;t get a temporary resident document at the port of entry. How do I get one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1666&top=39"; method = "post" break; default: whereToSubmit = searchurl; // Was //You didn't use something from the auto-complete? That's okay! 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