{"title":"Finite Element Modelling of Ground Vibrations Due to Tunnelling Activities","authors":"Muhammad E. Rahman, Trevor Orr","volume":51,"journal":"International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering","pagesStart":149,"pagesEnd":156,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/15809","abstract":"This paper presents the use of three-dimensional finite\r\nelements coupled with infinite elements to investigate the ground\r\nvibrations at the surface in terms of the peak particle velocity (PPV)\r\ndue to construction of the first bore of the Dublin Port Tunnel. This\r\nsituation is analysed using a commercially available general-purpose\r\nfinite element package ABAQUS. A series of parametric studies is\r\ncarried out to examine the sensitivity of the predicted vibrations to\r\nvariations in the various input parameters required by finite element\r\nmethod, including the stiffness and the damping of ground. The\r\nresults of this study show that stiffness has a more significant effect\r\non the PPV rather than the damping of the ground.","references":"[1] Hillar, D.M., Hope, V.S., \"Groundborne vibration generated by\r\nmechanised construction activities,\" Proceedings Institution of Civil\r\nEngineers: Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 131, no. 4, pp 223-232, 1998.\r\n[2] Hall, L., \"Simulations and analyses of train-induced ground vibrations in\r\nfinite element models,\" Int. J. of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Eng.,\r\nvol. 23, pp 403-413, 2003.\r\n[3] Athanasopoulos, G.A., Pelekis, P.C., \"Ground vibrations from sheet pile\r\ndriving in urban environment: measurements, analysis and effects on\r\nbuildings and occupants,\" Int. J. of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Eng.,\r\nvol. 19, pp. 371-387, 2000.\r\n[4] Megaw, T. M., Bartlett, J.V., \"Tunnels-Planning, Design, Construction,\"\r\nEllis Horwood Ltd Chichester, 1983.\r\n[5] Burd, H.J., Houlsby, G.T., Augarde, C.E., Liu, G., \"Modelling the\r\neffects on masonry buildings of tunnelling-induced settlement,\"\r\nProceedings Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering,\r\nvol. 143, pp. 17-29, 2000.\r\n[6] Whyley, P.J., Sarsby, R.W., \"Ground borne vibration from piling\"\r\nGround Engineering, vol. 26, pp. 32-37, 1992.\r\n[7] New, B.M., \"Ground vibration caused by construction works,\"\r\nTunnelling and Underground Space Technology, vol. 5, pp. 179-190,\r\n1990.\r\n[8] New, B. M., \"Vibration caused by underground construction. Tunnelling\r\n-82,\" The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, pp. 217-229, 1982.\r\n[9] Flanagan, R.F., \"Ground vibration from TBMs and shields,\" Tunnels &\r\nTunnelling, vol. 25, no. 10, pp 30-33, 1993.\r\n[10] Kramer, S.L., \"Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering,\" Prentice Hall,\r\nNew Jersey, 1996.\r\n[11] Farrell, E.R., O-Brien, S, Lehane, B., Orr, T., \"Stiffness of Dublin Black\r\nBoulder Clay,\" Proceedings XI ECSMFE, Copenhagen, pp 1-6, 1995.\r\n[12] Potts, D. M., Axelsson, K., Grande, L., Schweiger, H., Long. M.,\r\n\"Guidelines for the use of advanced numerical analysis,\" Thomas\r\nTelford London, 2002.\r\n[13] Hillar, D. M., Crabb, G. I., \"Groundborne vibration caused by\r\nmechanised construction works,\" Report TRL, No-429, pp1-79, 2000.\r\n[14] Head, J.M., Jardine, F.M., \"Ground-borne vibrations arising from\r\npiling,\" CIRIA Technical Note 142, 1992.\r\n[15] ABAQUS, \"Analysis User-s Manual\", Hibbit, Karlsson & Sorensen,\r\nABAQUS Europe BV, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2004.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 51, 2011"}