<html> <head> <title>BRADY WORLD - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS</title> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- .roll { font-family:Arial; font-size:9pt; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase; color:#000000; } A.roll:hover { text-transform:uppercase; color:#2C5EE9} --> </STYLE> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- .roll2 { font-family:Arial; font-size:11pt; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase; color:#000000; } A.roll2:hover { text-transform:uppercase; color:#2C5EE9} --> </STYLE> </head> <body bgcolor="#FEF4E5" link=blue vlink=black alink=black> <table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td width=12% valign=top><img src="faqtitle.gif"></td> <td width=60% valign=top> <center> <table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=white> <tr> <td COLSPAN=2 bgcolor=white> <table width=100% bgcolor="black" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td width=100%> <center><font size=6 color=white>FAQ</font><br> <font size=5 color=white>Frequently Asked Questions<br>About The Brady Bunch</font></CENTER></td> </tr> </table> <b> <p>We have removed the Bulletin Board Section of Brady World. Instead we offer this FAQ - Frequently Asked Question Section for the most common of questions and give visitors an opportunity to submit questions or comments on other inquiries. If you do not see your question below, you can <a href="comments2.htm">Submit Your Question</a> here.</p> <ol> <li><font color=blue>Q. Are episodes of <i>The Brady Bunch</i> availbe on DVD?</font><br>A. Yes - Paramount released <i>The Brady Bunch</i> on DVD in 2005-2006. You can purchase by Season or <a href="" target="new">Complete Set</a>. By Season: <a href="" target="new">Season 1</a>; <a href="" target="new">Season 2</a>; <a href="" target="new">Season 3</a>; <a href="" target="new">Season 4</a> & <a href="" target="new">Season 5</a>. <br><br> <li><font color=blue>Q. Was the New England Patriot's quarterback, Tom Brady, ever part of <i>The Brady Bunch</i>?</font><br>A. <font color=red>NO!</font> - in 2001 ESPN NFL Sunday Countdown did a spoof (<A HREF="../gallery/espn.ram">Download Clip</a></font>) on the then rookie quarterback Tom Brady, implying that he was the "Lost Brady". Barry Williams, Christopher Knight, and Mike Lookinland were part of the segment and lead viewers to believe that Tom Brady was on the original show and was cut out once the show went into re-runs. This is purely fiction. Tom Brady was born August 3, 1977 (3 years after <i>The Brady Bunch</i> stopped filming). Additionally, please remember that the Bradys are a fictional television family and of course Tom Brady is a real person.<br><br> <li><font color=blue>Q. Who was Phoebe Brady?</font><br>A. Phoebe Brady was a promotional gimmick that Nickelodeon created in 1998 when the Brady Bunch began airing on Nickelodeon. Phoebe was suspose to represent an evil 4th sister who whenever something bad happened on the show, she was responsbile. The premise of the promotion was that when the show went into reruns Phoebe was cut from the show because no one wanted to see a bad Brady. This whole concept which included interviews with original cast members was purely false.<br><br> <li><font color=blue>Q. What is Carol Brady's full name?</font><br>A. Carol Ann Tyler Martin Brady. All this information comes from <i>The Honeymoon</i> episode. Ann is her middle name, Tyler is her maiden name and Martin is her previous married name.<br><br> <li><font color=blue>Q. What ever happened to Mike and Carol's first spouses, the children's other biological parents?</font><br>A. We learn in the first episode that Mike's wife passed away. However, the absence of Carol's first husband remains a mystery. Sherwood Schwartz, the creator of the show, wanted her to be divorced. The network wanted her to be a widow, thought being divorced was too risque for the times. The compromise was that it was never addressed one way or the other.<br><br> <li><font color=blue>Q. What was the name of the family dog and what ever happened to the girl's cat?</font><br>A. The dog's name is Tiger. The cat, Fluffy, only appeared in the first episode. Which was actually filmed over a year before any of the other episodes were ever made. During that time the writers decided that two pets would be too complicated and therefore never mentioned Fluffy again. I like to think that she was probably the grandparents' cat, as the wedding did take place at their house and that the cat continued to live with them.<br><br> <li><a name="house"><font color=blue>Q. When outside shots of the Brady house are seen, what house was used?</font><br>A. The house used for the outside shots is located at 11222 Dilling Street, North Hollywood, CA. Ironically, the house is in fact a one-story ranch and an extra window was suspended over the front of the house to make it look at though it was two stories. The owners of the house over the years have built a large brick fence and let trees become overgrown to discourage sightseers from stopping by.<br><br>As a side note, the fictional address of the Bradys was 4222 Clinton Way, somewhere in California. The exact city was never said, but believed to be a Santa Monica, CA (Source, <a href="" target="new">Brady, Brady, Brady</a> by Sherwood & Lloyd Schwartz). </p><br> <li><font color=blue>Q. What was the telephone number at the Brady Residence?</font><br>A. Two numbers were used: In an early episode 762-0799 was given as the phone number, but in later seasons when Hollywood began giving all shows 555-numbers, the Brady number was changed to 555-6161<br><br> <li><font color=blue>Q. What type of vehicles did the family drive?</font><br>A. The Bradys both drove Chrysler Corporation vehicles until the fourth season. Mike Brady drove a 1968 Dodge Polara convertible in the pilot; a 1969 Plymouth Fury III in years one and two; a 1971 Plymouth Barracuda convertible in year three; a 1972 Plymouth Barracuda convertible in year four (actually, a modified 1971 model) and a 1972 Chevrolet Caprice Convertible that same season. In season 5, Mike drove two different Chevy Caprice Convertibles. The first was a 1973, red with a white interior, the second, a 1974 Caprice, red with a black interior. <p>Carol, on the other hand, drove only two vehicles: a 1970 Plymouth Satellite wagon, and a 1971 Plymouth Satellite wagon (which took the "bunch" on their infamous Grand Canyon trip). The vehicles were loaned to Paramount by the Chrysler Corporation for filming. Incidentally, the 1969 Plymouth Fury III convertible that "Mike Brady" drove was recently restored to showroom condition. <p>There were many episodes where Carol's 1970 Plymouth was seen in the front of the house turning into the driveway, but the 1971 Plymouth Station Wagon appears in the back. It is likely that all exterior shots of the house were filmed at the same time in 1969 for the first season, and not updated when the new car came into the show. Mike's cars were never shown in front of the house. <p>(Information provided by David Weiss) </p> <br> <li><font color=blue>Q. When the Bradys traveled to Hawaii, where did they visit?</font><br>A. Thanks to Scott E. Baker, we now have a travel guide to the sights to see when visiting Hawaii to walk in the Brady's steps. (<a href="" target="new">Read Guide</a>)<br><br> </ol> <p>Contributions to this FAQ made by Newell Branin, Jr.<br>As other questions are submitted that we feel rank as Frequently Asked, they too will be posted here. Thanks for your continued interest in <i>The Brady Bunch</i> and Brady World! </p> <hr width=600 align=center> <center><FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Arial"><B>All related marks, logos, program titles, characters and names are trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corporations.<br> &copy; 2005 Brady World</B></FONT></center> </td></tr></table> </TD> <td width=28% ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP> <table width=30% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td> <a href="../index.html"><img src="../art/home.gif" border=0></a> </td> <td> <FONT SIZE=1> HOME </font></td> </tr> </table> <br> <a href=" Bunch" target="new"><img src="../merchandise/findany.gif" WIDTH=100 alt="In Association with" border=1></a><BR> <br> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>

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