DPR Customers | DPR Construction
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39.7214 33.0223 39.542 32.8118 39.317C32.6014 39.092 32.4393 38.8262 32.3358 38.536C32.2323 38.2458 32.1895 37.9374 32.21 37.63V27H31.78V37.62C31.78 38.2141 31.544 38.7838 31.1239 39.2039C30.7038 39.624 30.1341 39.86 29.54 39.86C28.9459 39.86 28.3761 39.624 27.9561 39.2039C27.536 38.7838 27.3 38.2141 27.3 37.62V24.89C27.0464 24.7327 26.8272 24.5258 26.6554 24.2819C26.4835 24.0379 26.3627 23.7618 26.3 23.47L25.8 21.27V38.71C25.7974 39.0356 25.7302 39.3575 25.6023 39.6569C25.4744 39.9564 25.2883 40.2274 25.0548 40.4544C24.8213 40.6814 24.5451 40.8598 24.2421 40.9792C23.9392 41.0986 23.6155 41.1566 23.29 41.15V41.15ZM21.62 26.62C21.615 26.7066 21.615 26.7934 21.62 26.88V38.71C21.6529 39.1396 21.8468 39.541 22.1629 39.8338C22.4791 40.1267 22.8941 40.2893 23.325 40.2893C23.7559 40.2893 24.1709 40.1267 24.487 39.8338C24.8031 39.541 24.9971 39.1396 25.03 38.71V14.61L27.03 23.3C27.1175 23.6806 27.3526 24.0108 27.6836 24.218C28.0146 24.4253 28.4144 24.4925 28.795 24.405C29.1756 24.3175 29.5058 24.0824 29.713 23.7514C29.9203 23.4204 29.9875 23.0206 29.9 22.64L27.32 11.64C27.2174 11.2395 26.9764 10.8882 26.6396 10.6484C26.3028 10.4086 25.892 10.2958 25.48 10.33H15.71C15.11 10.33 14.09 10.43 13.87 11.4L11.29 22.6C11.2025 22.9806 11.2697 23.3804 11.4769 23.7114C11.6842 24.0424 12.0144 24.2775 12.395 24.365C12.7756 24.4525 13.1753 24.3853 13.5063 24.178C13.8373 23.9708 14.0725 23.6406 14.16 23.26L16.16 14.57V38.67C16.1929 39.0996 16.3868 39.501 16.7029 39.7938C17.0191 40.0867 17.4341 40.2493 17.865 40.2493C18.2959 40.2493 18.7109 40.0867 19.027 39.7938C19.3431 39.501 19.5371 39.0996 19.57 38.67V26.89C19.5753 26.8034 19.5753 26.7166 19.57 26.63L19.51 26.21H21.73L21.62 26.62ZM30.94 26.28H33L32.94 26.71C32.9346 26.7832 32.9346 26.8568 32.94 26.93V37.62C32.94 38.0178 33.098 38.3994 33.3793 38.6807C33.6606 38.962 34.0422 39.12 34.44 39.12C34.8378 39.12 35.2193 38.962 35.5006 38.6807C35.7819 38.3994 35.94 38.0178 35.94 37.62V15.54L37.81 23.67C37.8431 23.839 37.9099 23.9996 38.0065 24.1422C38.1031 24.2848 38.2275 24.4064 38.3722 24.4998C38.517 24.5931 38.679 24.6563 38.8488 24.6856C39.0185 24.7148 39.1924 24.7095 39.36 24.67C39.5283 24.6357 39.6881 24.568 39.83 24.4711C39.9719 24.3741 40.0929 24.2498 40.1861 24.1054C40.2792 23.961 40.3426 23.7995 40.3725 23.6302C40.4023 23.461 40.3981 23.2876 40.36 23.12L38 13.61C37.9204 13.2385 37.7165 12.9053 37.422 12.6653C37.1274 12.4253 36.7599 12.2929 36.38 12.29H28.2L30.59 22.47C30.6565 22.7544 30.666 23.0491 30.6178 23.3372C30.5697 23.6253 30.465 23.9009 30.3097 24.1483C30.1544 24.3956 29.9517 24.6097 29.7131 24.7783C29.4746 24.9468 29.205 25.0663 28.92 25.13C28.6364 25.1896 28.3436 25.1896 28.06 25.13V37.63C28.06 38.0278 28.218 38.4094 28.4993 38.6907C28.7806 38.972 29.1622 39.13 29.56 39.13C29.9578 39.13 30.3393 38.972 30.6206 38.6907C30.902 38.4094 31.06 38.0278 31.06 37.63V26.93C31.0652 26.8568 31.0652 26.7832 31.06 26.71L30.94 26.28ZM20.58 9.08C19.6821 9.08 18.8043 8.81374 18.0577 8.31487C17.3111 7.81601 16.7292 7.10696 16.3856 6.27738C16.042 5.44781 15.952 4.53497 16.1272 3.65429C16.3024 2.77362 16.7348 1.96467 17.3697 1.32974C18.0047 0.694807 18.8136 0.262414 19.6943 0.0872369C20.5749 -0.08794 21.4878 0.00196713 22.3174 0.345589C23.1469 0.689211 23.856 1.27111 24.3549 2.01771C24.8537 2.76431 25.12 3.64207 25.12 4.54C25.1173 5.74327 24.6382 6.89651 23.7873 7.74735C22.9365 8.59819 21.7833 9.07736 20.58 9.08V9.08ZM20.58 0.750002C19.8304 0.750002 19.0976 0.972282 18.4744 1.38873C17.8511 1.80518 17.3653 2.3971 17.0785 3.08963C16.7916 3.78216 16.7166 4.54421 16.8628 5.27939C17.009 6.01458 17.37 6.6899 17.9 7.21994C18.4301 7.74998 19.1054 8.11094 19.8406 8.25718C20.5758 8.40342 21.3378 8.32836 22.0304 8.0415C22.7229 7.75465 23.3148 7.26888 23.7313 6.64561C24.1477 6.02235 24.37 5.28959 24.37 4.54C24.3673 3.53564 23.9672 2.57317 23.257 1.86298C22.5468 1.15279 21.5843 0.752642 20.58 0.750002Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </svg> <h3 class="hidden relative mb-6 text-2xl font-extrabold leading-none 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2.53494L9.33027 2.12494C10.6854 1.1194 12.2516 0.435463 13.9103 0.124939C14.6372 -0.0326546 15.3919 -0.00636214 16.1061 0.201434C16.8203 0.40923 17.4714 0.79196 18.0003 1.31494C18.1515 1.48367 18.2794 1.67204 18.3803 1.87494C18.5242 1.56405 18.7055 1.27189 18.9203 1.00494C19.2041 0.668542 19.5625 0.402993 19.967 0.229398C20.3715 0.0558023 20.8109 -0.0210533 21.2503 0.00493914C23.8427 0.0891334 26.3045 1.1626 28.1303 3.00494C28.6343 3.11936 29.1094 3.33649 29.5258 3.64275C29.9421 3.94901 30.2909 4.33784 30.5503 4.78494C30.8481 5.37678 31.0254 6.02191 31.0717 6.68284C31.1181 7.34377 31.0326 8.00733 30.8203 8.63494C31.5991 8.72237 32.3483 8.98336 33.0129 9.39872C33.6775 9.81407 34.2404 10.3732 34.6603 11.0349C35.1513 11.8216 35.4175 12.7277 35.4303 13.6549C35.4252 13.995 35.3678 14.3323 35.2603 14.6549C35.2185 14.7996 35.1851 14.9465 35.1603 15.0949C35.0703 15.5849 35.1103 15.6349 35.4303 16.0949L35.5003 16.1949C36.346 17.363 36.8294 18.7541 36.8903 20.1949C36.9154 21.2891 36.6199 22.3666 36.0403 23.2949L36.5403 24.0749C36.8448 25.2826 36.879 26.5426 36.6403 27.7649C36.4389 28.8561 35.858 29.8409 35.0003 30.5449L34.7203 30.7449C34.5376 30.857 34.3697 30.9914 34.2203 31.1449C34.1073 31.3078 34.0294 31.4923 33.9915 31.6868C33.9537 31.8813 33.9566 32.0816 34.0003 32.2749V32.9249C33.9188 33.6548 33.6945 34.3616 33.3403 35.0049C32.648 36.3037 31.5229 37.3191 30.1603 37.8749C29.9775 37.9245 29.8049 38.0058 29.6503 38.1149C29.5578 38.1969 29.4771 38.2911 29.4103 38.3949C28.839 39.2913 28.0536 40.0312 27.1248 40.548C26.196 41.0648 25.1531 41.3421 24.0903 41.3549V41.3549ZM18.7403 35.1249V36.1249C18.768 36.8059 18.9565 37.4707 19.2903 38.0649C19.7583 38.8181 20.4065 39.4429 21.1765 39.8828C21.9464 40.3228 22.8138 40.5641 23.7003 40.5849C24.7019 40.6399 25.7004 40.4304 26.5956 39.9776C27.4908 39.5247 28.2511 38.8444 28.8003 38.0049C28.9029 37.851 29.0238 37.7099 29.1603 37.5849C29.357 37.437 29.5765 37.3221 29.8103 37.2449C31.0357 36.7567 32.0512 35.8544 32.6803 34.6949C32.9874 34.1449 33.1844 33.5403 33.2603 32.9149C33.2702 32.7317 33.2702 32.5481 33.2603 32.3649C33.2019 32.0739 33.2056 31.7739 33.271 31.4844C33.3365 31.1949 33.4623 30.9225 33.6403 30.6849C33.8317 30.4863 34.0466 30.3117 34.2803 30.1649C34.3603 30.1049 34.4503 30.0549 34.5303 29.9849C35.2552 29.4045 35.7512 28.5862 35.9303 27.6749C36.1375 26.5879 36.1068 25.4689 35.8403 24.3949L35.5703 24.0049L35.3703 24.2149C34.1403 25.4249 32.4303 25.4249 31.0603 25.4249V24.6749C32.6303 24.6749 33.9003 24.6049 34.8503 23.6749C35.2818 23.225 35.6192 22.6933 35.8424 22.1111C36.0656 21.529 36.1703 20.9081 36.1503 20.2849C36.0906 18.9908 35.6525 17.7425 34.8903 16.6949L34.8303 16.6049C34.6358 16.3987 34.4971 16.1464 34.4271 15.8717C34.3571 15.597 34.3582 15.3091 34.4303 15.0349C34.4608 14.8628 34.5008 14.6926 34.5503 14.5249C34.6263 14.2745 34.6733 14.0161 34.6903 13.7549C34.6805 12.6782 34.2725 11.6431 33.5451 10.8492C32.8176 10.0553 31.8221 9.55862 30.7503 9.45494C30.1206 9.40467 29.487 9.44849 28.8703 9.58494C28.3188 9.66951 27.7871 9.85241 27.3003 10.1249C26.6383 10.6665 26.1126 11.3556 25.7652 12.1371C25.4179 12.9187 25.2586 13.7707 25.3003 14.6249H24.5503C24.4603 12.8549 25.3003 10.4349 26.8703 9.45494C27.4331 9.13099 28.0496 8.91082 28.6903 8.80494C29.123 8.72528 29.5607 8.67517 30.0003 8.65494C30.2183 8.09973 30.3176 7.50499 30.2918 6.90905C30.266 6.31311 30.1156 5.7292 29.8503 5.19494C29.4599 4.58047 28.8788 4.11088 28.1962 3.85803C27.5135 3.60518 26.7667 3.58302 26.0703 3.79494C25.5965 3.87222 25.1554 4.08531 24.8004 4.40837C24.4454 4.73143 24.1917 5.15057 24.0703 5.61494L23.3503 5.42494C23.5027 4.83039 23.8234 4.29244 24.2739 3.87561C24.7245 3.45878 25.2857 3.18077 25.8903 3.07494C26.2011 2.99489 26.5195 2.94797 26.8403 2.93494C25.2671 1.60727 23.2971 0.840373 21.2403 0.754939C20.9126 0.726391 20.5829 0.774818 20.2773 0.896355C19.9717 1.01789 19.6988 1.20918 19.4803 1.45494C19.2615 1.76586 19.0803 2.10152 18.9403 2.45494C18.8603 2.63494 18.7703 2.81494 18.7003 2.95494C18.7565 3.48295 18.7733 4.01443 18.7503 4.54494V9.81494C18.9377 9.49628 19.1898 9.22036 19.4903 9.00494C19.7591 8.82501 20.0619 8.70202 20.3801 8.64355C20.6983 8.58507 21.025 8.59235 21.3403 8.66494L21.1703 9.39494C20.9556 9.34679 20.7334 9.34233 20.5169 9.38185C20.3004 9.42136 20.0941 9.50403 19.9103 9.62494C19.3179 10.1474 18.9138 10.8502 18.7603 11.6249V35.1249H18.7403ZM1.57027 23.6649C0.897623 25.0843 0.65765 26.6702 0.880267 28.2249C1.01833 28.8267 1.29947 29.3864 1.69986 29.8564C2.10025 30.3264 2.60807 30.693 3.18027 30.9249C3.46027 31.0449 3.46027 31.1249 3.57027 32.4749C3.57027 32.8649 3.65027 33.3849 3.67027 33.4749C3.89501 34.449 4.35122 35.3546 5.00027 36.1149C5.39321 36.4855 5.84634 36.7864 6.34027 37.0049C6.82106 37.2223 7.27151 37.5013 7.68027 37.8349C8.00703 38.1344 8.29888 38.4699 8.55027 38.8349C8.83758 39.3089 9.23131 39.7095 9.70027 40.0049C10.5795 40.4403 11.5652 40.6138 12.5403 40.5049C14.051 40.3752 15.4675 39.7165 16.5403 38.6449C17.4506 37.712 17.9725 36.4681 18.0003 35.1649V35.0749C18.0102 34.9251 18.0102 34.7748 18.0003 34.6249C17.8047 33.2025 17.1923 31.8698 16.2403 30.7949C15.6232 30.1192 14.7802 29.6923 13.8703 29.5949L13.9303 28.8449C15.0238 28.955 16.0384 29.4641 16.7803 30.2749C17.2883 30.8222 17.7007 31.4509 18.0003 32.1349V15.0049C17.9217 14.3947 17.7138 13.8083 17.3903 13.2849C16.8581 12.7104 16.1582 12.3184 15.3903 12.1649H15.2603L15.4903 11.4449H15.6203C16.543 11.6567 17.3756 12.1535 18.0003 12.8649V4.50494C18.1534 3.56667 17.9539 2.60493 17.4403 1.80494C16.9795 1.3911 16.429 1.08989 15.8321 0.925036C15.2351 0.760182 14.6081 0.736186 14.0003 0.854939C12.4628 1.1581 11.0135 1.80413 9.76027 2.74494L9.52027 2.90494H9.76027C10.5482 2.83985 11.3356 3.0367 12.0003 3.46494C12.7186 4.02712 13.1945 4.84293 13.3303 5.74494L12.6003 5.88494C12.5053 5.17769 12.1484 4.5318 11.6003 4.07494C11.0663 3.73115 10.4326 3.57624 9.80027 3.63494C9.1204 3.70239 8.44983 3.84321 7.80027 4.05494C7.28139 4.39519 6.88532 4.89291 6.67027 5.47494C6.4073 6.53838 6.48424 7.65749 6.89027 8.67494C7.50274 8.67457 8.11102 8.77595 8.69027 8.97494C9.04494 9.07684 9.3821 9.23194 9.69027 9.43494C10.3291 9.89927 10.8638 10.4919 11.2603 11.1749C11.6542 11.6547 11.9389 12.2146 12.0943 12.8156C12.2497 13.4166 12.2722 14.0443 12.1603 14.6549L11.4403 14.4349C11.5133 13.9296 11.4789 13.4146 11.3393 12.9235C11.1997 12.4324 10.9581 11.9763 10.6303 11.5849C10.2902 10.9876 9.83065 10.4667 9.28027 10.0549C9.03386 9.89829 8.76835 9.77394 8.49027 9.68494C7.59337 9.39356 6.63316 9.35708 5.71674 9.57956C4.80032 9.80205 3.96372 10.2747 3.30027 10.9449C2.38889 11.9448 1.90755 13.2631 1.96027 14.6149C1.98036 14.8348 2.02053 15.0524 2.08027 15.2649C2.22936 15.7265 2.22936 16.2233 2.08027 16.6849C1.94246 16.9563 1.7481 17.195 1.51027 17.3849C1.38119 17.4966 1.26692 17.6243 1.17027 17.7649C0.96256 18.2075 0.84365 18.6866 0.820267 19.1749C0.724935 20.2427 0.958744 21.314 1.49027 22.2449C2.39271 23.718 3.82343 24.7911 5.49027 25.2449L5.25027 26.0049C3.82699 25.5887 2.55095 24.7773 1.57027 23.6649V23.6649ZM12.2203 37.1049H11.4703C11.4509 35.6549 10.9594 34.2506 10.0703 33.1049C9.58514 32.6663 9.00909 32.3402 8.3833 32.1501C7.75751 31.9599 7.09743 31.9103 6.45027 32.0049L6.32027 31.2649C6.82471 31.1978 7.33583 31.1978 7.84027 31.2649C8.02711 29.7297 8.59425 28.2655 9.49027 27.0049C10.6179 25.9155 12.1223 25.303 13.6903 25.2949V26.0049C13.6903 26.0049 11.2603 26.0049 10.0703 27.4449C9.25401 28.6187 8.73889 29.9752 8.57027 31.3949C9.337 31.5922 10.0311 32.0052 10.5703 32.5849C11.6118 33.8638 12.193 35.4558 12.2203 37.1049V37.1049ZM23.1503 35.6249H22.4103C22.4812 33.98 23.0809 32.4018 24.1203 31.1249C24.6705 30.559 25.3604 30.1485 26.1203 29.9349C26.0112 28.8233 25.6705 27.7469 25.1203 26.7749C24.0003 24.5949 20.9303 24.6049 20.8903 24.6049V23.8549C21.0403 23.8549 24.4703 23.8549 25.8003 26.4349C26.3784 27.4648 26.7424 28.6009 26.8703 29.7749C27.3085 29.7194 27.752 29.7194 28.1903 29.7749L28.0903 30.5149C27.4708 30.4579 26.8462 30.5317 26.257 30.7315C25.6678 30.9314 25.1272 31.2528 24.6703 31.6749C23.7777 32.8087 23.2479 34.1853 23.1503 35.6249V35.6249ZM7.72027 23.4449V22.6949C8.34377 22.6961 8.96008 22.5617 9.52645 22.3009C10.0928 22.0402 10.5957 21.6594 11.0003 21.1849C11.4036 20.6778 11.6966 20.0919 11.8603 19.4649C11.2225 19.4831 10.5847 19.4261 9.96027 19.2949C6.18027 18.4949 6.00027 13.9249 6.00027 13.8749H6.75027C6.75027 14.0349 6.91027 17.8749 10.0803 18.5749C10.9833 18.808 11.9287 18.8244 12.8393 18.6228C13.7499 18.4213 14.6 18.0074 15.3203 17.4149L15.8403 17.9549C14.9231 18.7491 13.7931 19.2567 12.5903 19.4149C12.4586 20.2302 12.1136 20.9961 11.5903 21.6349C11.1237 22.2093 10.5332 22.6705 9.86292 22.9839C9.19267 23.2974 8.46013 23.455 7.72027 23.4449ZM30.0003 22.6949C29.4114 22.7104 28.8264 22.5956 28.2871 22.3588C27.7477 22.122 27.2674 21.7689 26.8803 21.3249C26.3764 20.5887 26.0355 19.7534 25.8803 18.8749C24.508 18.7479 23.2086 18.1995 22.1603 17.3049L22.6703 16.7549C22.7803 16.8549 25.4303 19.2349 28.2003 17.5149C28.9901 17.1035 29.6727 16.513 30.1936 15.7907C30.7145 15.0684 31.0593 14.2343 31.2003 13.3549H31.9503C31.8059 14.3547 31.4283 15.3065 30.8481 16.1334C30.2679 16.9603 29.5013 17.6391 28.6103 18.1149C28.0043 18.493 27.3205 18.7289 26.6103 18.8049C26.7634 19.5403 27.0627 20.2374 27.4903 20.8549C27.8137 21.2017 28.2079 21.4749 28.6461 21.656C29.0844 21.8372 29.5564 21.9221 30.0303 21.9049V22.6549L30.0003 22.6949Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </svg> <h3 class="hidden relative mb-6 text-2xl font-extrabold leading-none md:block text-section">How We Build</h3> <div id="submenu_2" x-show="(window.innerWidth >= 768) ? open : open == '2'" :aria-hidden="(window.innerWidth >= 768) ? !open : open != '2'" aria-labelledby="submenu_2_toggle" x-collapse.duration.250ms > <ul class="relative pl-6 mb-6 space-y-2 md:pl-0 md:mb-0"> <li class="leading-none"> <a href="" target="" class="font-medium leading-none transition link-underline-on hover:text-section focus:text-section" 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28.26 15.17 28.38 14.98 28.5L15.28 30.56L13.73 31.2L12.5 29.56L11.84 29.69L11.34 31.69H9.66002L9.15002 29.69L8.50002 29.56L7.26002 31.23L5.70002 30.59L6.00002 28.53C5.81002 28.41 5.62002 28.28 5.45002 28.15L3.67002 29.23L2.48002 28L3.55002 26.21C3.42002 26.03 3.30002 25.84 3.18002 25.66L1.12002 26L0.48002 24.45L2.15002 23.21C2.15002 22.99 2.05002 22.77 2.02002 22.55L0.0200195 22.05V20.37L2.02002 19.86C2.02002 19.65 2.10002 19.43 2.15002 19.21L0.48002 18L1.14002 16.41L3.00002 16.91L3.42002 16.26L2.54002 14.36L3.71002 13.19L5.50002 14.27C5.67002 14.14 5.86002 14.01 6.05002 13.89L5.70002 11.83L7.26002 11.19L8.50002 12.86L9.15002 12.73L9.66002 10.73H11.34L11.84 12.73L12.5 12.86L13.74 11.19L15.29 11.83L15 13.89C15.19 14.01 15.38 14.14 15.55 14.27L17.34 13.19L18.52 14.38L17.45 16.17C17.59 16.35 17.71 16.54 17.83 16.72L19.89 16.42L20.52 18L18.85 19.24C18.85 19.45 18.94 19.67 18.98 19.89L20.34 20.24L19.72 18.72L22 17C21.92 16.65 21.84 16.29 21.79 15.93L19 15.26V13.17L21.75 12.49C21.75 12.13 21.88 11.77 21.96 11.42L19.72 9.74L20.53 7.74L23 8.49L23.67 7.49L22.49 4.88L23.93 3.43L26.36 4.89C26.65 4.68 26.95 4.47 27.27 4.28L26.85 1.48L28.77 0.68L30.46 3C30.83 2.91 31.18 2.84 31.52 2.79L32.21 0H34.29L35 2.75C35.3373 2.81682 35.671 2.90025 36 3L37.73 0.68L39.66 1.48L39.24 4.28C39.55 4.47 39.85 4.67 40.14 4.89L42.57 3.43L44 4.9L42.58 7.33C42.8 7.63 43.01 7.93 43.19 8.23L46 7.82L46.8 9.74L44.52 11.42C44.612 11.772 44.6822 12.1293 44.73 12.49L47.48 13.17V15.26L44.73 15.94C44.6794 16.2977 44.6059 16.6517 44.51 17L46.79 18.68L46 20.62L43.2 20.2C43.014 20.5114 42.8103 20.8119 42.59 21.1L44 23.53L42.57 25L40.14 23.54C39.8467 23.7533 39.5467 23.9533 39.24 24.14L39.66 26.94L37.73 27.74L36 25.47C35.65 25.56 35.29 25.63 34.94 25.69L34.25 28.43H32.21L31.52 25.69C31.18 25.63 30.82 25.56 30.46 25.47L28.77 27.75L26.85 27L27.27 24.2C26.95 24.01 26.65 23.81 26.36 23.6L23.93 25L22.46 23.53L23.92 21.1C23.704 20.811 23.5037 20.5106 23.32 20.2L21 20.55V22.05L19 22.56C19 22.78 18.92 23 18.87 23.21L20.54 24.45L19.88 26L17.82 25.69C17.7 25.87 17.58 26.05 17.44 26.24L18.32 27.71L19.48 27.23L20.39 28.47L20.76 28.4L21.13 26.91H22.52L22.89 28.4L23.25 28.47L24.17 27.23L25.46 27.77L25.23 29.29C25.33 29.36 25.43 29.42 25.53 29.5L26.86 28.7L27.86 29.7L27 31C27.0767 31.0952 27.1468 31.1954 27.21 31.3L28.74 31.08L29.27 32.36L28.03 33.27C28.03 33.39 28.08 33.51 28.1 33.64L29.59 34.01V35.4L28.1 35.77C28.1 35.89 28.05 36.01 28.03 36.13L29.27 37.05L28.74 38.34L27.21 38.11L27 38.41L27.8 39.73L26.8 40.73L25.47 39.93C25.37 40.01 25.27 40.07 25.17 40.14L25.4 41.66L24.11 42.19L23.25 41L22.89 41.07L22.52 42.53ZM21.72 41.78H21.93L22.29 40.36H22.54C22.7971 40.3312 23.0513 40.2811 23.3 40.21L23.55 40.14L24.43 41.32L24.63 41.23L24.41 39.79L24.63 39.66C24.8564 39.5319 25.0736 39.3882 25.28 39.23L25.48 39.07L26.74 39.82L26.89 39.67L26.14 38.42L26.3 38.22C26.45 38.01 26.6 37.79 26.73 37.57L26.86 37.34L28.31 37.56L28.39 37.35L27.21 36.49L27.28 36.24C27.3501 35.9877 27.4003 35.7302 27.43 35.47V35.22L28.84 34.86V34.65L27.43 34.29V34.04C27.4003 33.7798 27.3501 33.5223 27.28 33.27L27.21 33L28.39 32.13L28.31 31.93L26.86 32.15L26.73 31.92C26.5983 31.6991 26.4548 31.4854 26.3 31.28L26.14 31.08L26.89 29.82L26.74 29.67L25.48 30.42L25.28 30.26C25.0752 30.0996 24.8578 29.9558 24.63 29.83L24.41 29.7L24.63 28.25L24.43 28.17L23.55 29.35L23.31 29.28C23.0577 29.2099 22.8002 29.1598 22.54 29.13H22.29L21.93 27.71H21.72L21.36 29.13H21.1C20.8431 29.1597 20.589 29.2099 20.34 29.28L20.09 29.35L19.22 28.17L19.02 28.25L19.24 29.7L19.02 29.83C18.7922 29.9558 18.5749 30.0996 18.37 30.26L18.17 30.42L16.91 29.67L16.73 29.84L17.34 31.15L16.59 32.31L16.08 32.19L15.33 32L15.26 32.16L16.43 33.03L16.37 33.28C16.2999 33.5323 16.2498 33.7898 16.22 34.05V34.3L14.8 34.66V34.87L16.22 35.23V35.48C16.2498 35.7402 16.2999 35.9977 16.37 36.25L16.43 36.5L15.26 37.36L15.34 37.57L16.79 37.35L16.92 37.57C17.0458 37.7978 17.1896 38.0151 17.35 38.22L17.51 38.43L16.75 39.68L16.91 39.83L18.17 39L18.37 39.16C18.5749 39.3204 18.7922 39.4642 19.02 39.59L19.24 39.72L19 41.2L19.2 41.29L20.07 40.11L20.32 40.18C20.569 40.2501 20.8231 40.3003 21.08 40.33H21.34L21.72 41.78ZM10.24 31H10.75L11.24 29H11.5C11.8549 28.9569 12.2059 28.8867 12.55 28.79L12.8 28.72L14 30.31L14.46 30.12L14.17 28.12L14.39 27.99C14.7028 27.8098 15.0034 27.6094 15.29 27.39L15.49 27.23L17.21 28.23L17.57 27.87L16.57 26.16L16.72 25.95C16.9448 25.6651 17.1486 25.3643 17.33 25.05L17.45 24.83L19.45 25.13L19.64 24.65L18 23.51L18.07 23.26C18.1638 22.9118 18.234 22.5577 18.28 22.2V21.95L20.22 21.46V21L18.28 20.52V20.27C18.2331 19.9092 18.163 19.5518 18.07 19.2L18 18.91L19.61 17.71L19.42 17.25L17.42 17.54L17.3 17.32C17.121 17.0065 16.9206 16.7058 16.7 16.42L16.54 16.22L17.54 14.5L17.18 14.14L15.46 15.14L15.26 14.98C14.975 14.7583 14.6742 14.5578 14.36 14.38L14.14 14.25L14.43 12.25L14 12.11L12.8 13.72L12.55 13.65C12.2055 13.5551 11.8546 13.4849 11.5 13.44H11.24L10.75 11.49H10.24L9.76002 13.44H9.50002C9.14232 13.4858 8.78816 13.5559 8.44002 13.65L8.19002 13.72L7.00002 12.11L6.53002 12.3L6.83002 14.3L6.61002 14.43C6.29653 14.609 5.99581 14.8095 5.71002 15.03L5.51002 15.19L3.79002 14.19L3.40002 14.57L4.24002 16.37L3.31002 17.8L2.72002 17.67L1.57002 17.34L1.39002 17.76L3.00002 18.91L2.94002 19.15C2.84031 19.5002 2.77007 19.8581 2.73002 20.22V20.47L0.75002 21V21.51L2.69002 22V22.25C2.73007 22.6119 2.80031 22.9698 2.90002 23.32L2.96002 23.57L1.39002 24.7L1.59002 25.18L3.59002 24.88L3.72002 25.1C3.90019 25.4128 4.10062 25.7134 4.32002 26L4.47002 26.21L3.47002 27.92L3.83002 28.28L5.55002 27.28L5.75002 27.44C6.03581 27.6605 6.33653 27.861 6.65002 28.04L6.87002 28.17L6.57002 30.17L7.04002 30.36L8.20002 28.7L8.44002 28.77C8.7872 28.8727 9.1415 28.9496 9.50002 29H9.76002L10.24 31ZM17.45 29.15L18.12 29.54C18.21 29.47 18.32 29.41 18.42 29.34L18.27 28.34L17.45 29.15ZM32.8 27.68H33.71L34.38 25H34.63C35.1273 24.9449 35.6191 24.8479 36.1 24.71L36.34 24.65L38 26.83L38.84 26.48L38.43 23.76L38.65 23.63C39.0854 23.3825 39.503 23.1052 39.9 22.8L40.1 22.64L42.46 24.06L43.1 23.42L41.69 21.06L41.84 20.85C42.1471 20.4556 42.4277 20.0414 42.68 19.61L42.8 19.38L45.53 19.79L45.88 18.95L43.66 17.31L43.73 17.06C43.8656 16.5779 43.9658 16.0866 44.03 15.59V15.34L46.7 14.67V13.76L44.03 13.09V12.84C43.9648 12.3435 43.8646 11.8523 43.73 11.37L43.66 11.12L45.88 9.48L45.53 8.65L42.8 9.05L42.68 8.82C42.4252 8.39333 42.1447 7.98257 41.84 7.59L41.69 7.38L43.09 5L42.45 4.35L40.09 5.79L39.88 5.63C39.4881 5.3226 39.0736 5.04514 38.64 4.8L38.42 4.67L38.83 2L38 1.6L36.34 3.81L36.1 3.75C35.6175 3.61871 35.1263 3.5218 34.63 3.46H34.37L33.71 0.75H32.8L32.13 3.43H31.87C31.3742 3.49466 30.8832 3.59154 30.4 3.72L30.16 3.78L28.52 1.6L27.68 2L28.08 4.72L27.86 4.85C27.4279 5.09747 27.0135 5.37481 26.62 5.68L26.42 5.84L24.05 4.37L23.39 5L24.54 7.48L23.36 9.33L22.65 9.17L21 8.69L20.66 9.48L22.88 11.12L22.81 11.37C22.6788 11.8526 22.5819 12.3438 22.52 12.84V13.09L19.84 13.76V14.67L22.52 15.34V15.59C22.5827 16.0894 22.6796 16.5839 22.81 17.07L22.88 17.31L20.63 19L20.99 19.84L23.71 19.43L23.84 19.66C24.0923 20.0892 24.3694 20.5032 24.67 20.9L24.82 21.11L23.41 23.47L24.05 24.11L26.42 22.69L26.62 22.85C27.0135 23.1552 27.4279 23.4325 27.86 23.68L28.08 23.81L27.68 26.53L28.52 26.88L30.16 24.67L30.4 24.73C30.8814 24.866 31.373 24.963 31.87 25.02H32.13L32.8 27.68ZM21.8 37.24C21.1334 37.24 20.4939 36.9759 20.0216 36.5054C19.5493 36.035 19.2827 35.3966 19.28 34.73C19.283 34.5347 19.3065 34.3404 19.35 34.15C19.4169 33.8169 19.5553 33.5022 19.7555 33.2277C19.9558 32.9532 20.2132 32.7254 20.51 32.56C20.8989 32.324 21.3451 32.1994 21.8 32.2C22.4693 32.2026 23.1102 32.4704 23.5825 32.9445C24.0548 33.4187 24.32 34.0607 24.32 34.73C24.3299 34.8732 24.3299 35.0168 24.32 35.16C24.2615 35.5003 24.1325 35.8246 23.9413 36.1122C23.7502 36.3998 23.5011 36.6443 23.21 36.83L23.08 36.89C22.6909 37.0979 22.2606 37.2174 21.82 37.24H21.8ZM21.8 32.95C21.4754 32.9511 21.1572 33.0411 20.88 33.21C20.6813 33.3238 20.5084 33.4777 20.3724 33.6619C20.2364 33.8461 20.1402 34.0566 20.09 34.28C20.0524 34.4271 20.0322 34.5782 20.03 34.73C20.0327 35.1977 20.2203 35.6453 20.552 35.9751C20.8836 36.3049 21.3323 36.49 21.8 36.49C22.1292 36.4621 22.4492 36.3668 22.74 36.21L22.87 36.15C23.29 35.96 23.5 35.27 23.55 35.02C23.5553 34.9234 23.5553 34.8266 23.55 34.73C23.5374 34.2752 23.3511 33.8424 23.0294 33.5207C22.7076 33.1989 22.2749 33.0126 21.82 33L21.8 32.95ZM10.5 24.5C10.0671 24.5013 9.63824 24.4172 9.23792 24.2524C8.8376 24.0877 8.47374 23.8456 8.16717 23.5399C7.86061 23.2343 7.61737 22.8712 7.45141 22.4713C7.28545 22.0715 7.20002 21.6429 7.20002 21.21C7.19973 20.9573 7.22995 20.7055 7.29002 20.46C7.37326 20.0249 7.55183 19.6136 7.81291 19.2557C8.07399 18.8978 8.4111 18.6021 8.80002 18.39C9.31043 18.0737 9.89954 17.9073 10.5 17.91C11.3735 17.9126 12.2103 18.2615 12.827 18.8801C13.4437 19.4987 13.79 20.3365 13.79 21.21C13.8053 21.3964 13.8053 21.5836 13.79 21.77C13.7157 22.2242 13.5464 22.6576 13.2931 23.0419C13.0398 23.4262 12.7082 23.7527 12.32 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They invent new technology. They discover and manufacture new medicines and delivery methods. They teach. They help heal the sick and deliver new life.</p> <p>At DPR, we鈥檝e put solid stakes in the ground around the customers that we work for, based on one key attribute: A focus on what we do best. It鈥檚 a simple concept but one taken to heart. By sticking to what we know and do best鈥攃ustomers who have technically complex, sustainable needs鈥攚e help our customers build great things.</p><h5><a href="/company/advanced-technology">Advanced Technology</a></h5> <h5><a href="/company/commercial">Commercial</a></h5> <h5><a href="/company/healthcare">Healthcare</a></h5> <h5><a href="/company/higher-education">Higher Education</a></h5> <h5><a href="/company/life-sciences">Life Sciences</a></h5> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="container max-w-5xl my-6"> <div class="@container/card"> <div class="bg-white flex flex-col border @xl/card:flex-row @xl/card:flex-row-reverse"> <a class="flex @xl/card:flex-none @xl/card:w-1/3 @xl/card:max-w-[320px]" href="" target=""> <figure class="object-cover w-full h-full"> <img class="object-cover w-full h-full" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8," srcset=" 320w, 640w" width="1124" height="901" alt="Market conditions on a laptop." sizes="100vw" loading="lazy" style="object-position: 50% 50%;"> </figure> </a> <div class="flex flex-col justify-center p-6 pr-12 @xl/card:px-12 grow"> <h3 class="mb-3 type-epsilon"> <a class="inline-flex group link-underline-on" href="" target=""> <div class="link-underline-on"> <span class="link-underline-on ">Market</span> <span class="link-underline-on inline-block relative pr-7"> Conditions <span class="text-brand-blue absolute right-1 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 transition-all group-hover:right-0 group-focus:right-0"> <svg class="rotate-90 fill-current h-4 w-4" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 57 59"> <path pid="0" d="M26.352.782L.828 26.456a2.967 2.967 0 000 4.112c.546.613 1.329.96 2.148.953a2.992 2.992 0 002.148-.953l20.33-20.409v45.782A3.053 3.053 0 0028.5 59a3.053 3.053 0 003.047-3.059V9.91l20.38 20.408a2.842 2.842 0 004.245 0 2.967 2.967 0 000-4.111L30.498.782a3.138 3.138 0 00-4.146 0z"></path> </svg> </span> </span> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg" > <p>New projects and new demands require an increased focus on supply chain management and forecasting. We're sharing our insights on current market conditions with a quarterly-updated interactive dashboard.<br /></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <h2 class="text-center"> <span class="uppercase type-theta block">In Good</span> <span class="type-gamma block">Company</span> </h2> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p style="text-align: center">DPR is fortunate to work with and build for some of the world鈥檚 best companies and institutions.</p> <h4 style="text-align: center"> <a href="#a-customer-list">A</a> <a href="#b-customer-list"> B</a> <a href="#c-customer-list"> C</a> <a href="#d-e-customer-list"> D-E</a> <a href="#f-h-customer-list"> F-H</a> <a href="#i-l-customer-list"> I-L</a> <a href="#m-o-customer-list"> M-O</a> <a href="#p-r-customer-list"> P-R</a> <a href="#s-customer-list"> S</a> <a href="#t-customer-list"> T</a> <a href="#u-customer-list"> U</a> <a href="#v-z-customer-list"> V-Z</a></h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="a-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>A</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>Abbott Laboratories</li><li>Adobe Systems</li><li>Advanced Micro Devices</li><li>AdventHealth</li><li>Adventist Health</li><li>Adventist HealthCare</li><li>Agilent Technologies</li><li>Agilent Technologies</li><li>Alexandria Real Estate Equities</li><li>Alexza Pharmaceuticals</li><li>Alza Corporation</li><li>Ambling University Development Group</li><li>Ambrx </li><li>Ameritox</li><li>Amgen </li><li>Amylin Pharmaceuticals</li><li>Appalachian State University</li><li>Applied Immune Science</li><li>Arizona Board of Regents</li><li>Arizona Public Service</li><li>Arizona State University</li><li>Arizona State University Foundation</li><li>Armstrong Atlantic State University</li><li>AT&T</li><li>Atara Biotherapeutics</li><li>ATCC</li><li>Atrium Health</li><li>Auburn University</li><li>Autodesk</li><li>Axogen Corporation</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>For the college, this [Instructional Arts Building] was the most difficult project we've ever done [...] but sometimes the greatest challenges make the greatest successes. I think this is one of those cases. And, we couldn't have done it without DPR, no doubt about it.</p> </blockquote> <figcaption> <p class="type-kappa"> Mike Miller </p> <p class=""> Director of Facilities Planning and Management, Butte-Glenn Community College District </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="b-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>B</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>B. Braun Medical</li><li>Banner Health</li><li>Baptist</li><li>Baylor Scott & White Health</li><li>Baystate Health</li><li>Bennett College</li><li>Berkeley Preparatory School</li><li>Biogen</li><li>BioLegend</li><li>BioMarin Pharmaceutical</li><li>Board of Regents of The University System of Georgia</li><li>Boca Raton Health</li><li>Boehringe Ingelheim Chemicals</li><li>Boston University</li><li></li><li>Braeburn Pharmaceuticals</li><li>Bristol Myers Squibb</li><li>Broadcom</li><li>Brookfield Properties</li><li>Broward Health</li><li>Butte-Glenn Community College District</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>The collaboration with DPR and Perkins+Will ensured open communication that was timely and efficient. We are extremely satisfied with the result.</p> </blockquote> <figcaption> <p class="type-kappa"> Tommi Jones </p> <p class=""> Project Manager of Capital Projects, Clemson University </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="c-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>C</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>California Institute of Technology</li><li>California State University Long Beach</li><li>California State University, Chico</li><li>Capital One Services, Inc.</li><li>Caris Life Sciences</li><li>Catalent</li><li>CBRE Group, Inc.</li><li>Cedars-Sinai</li><li>Central Arizona College</li><li>Charles Schwab Corporation</li><li>Children's Health of Dallas</li><li>Chiron Corporation</li><li>City of Hope</li><li>Clemson University</li><li>Codiak BioSciences</li><li>CoreSite Realty</li><li>Cousins Properties</li><li>Covance</li><li>CSL Behring</li><li>Cushman & Wakefield</li><li>CyrusOne</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>Our design and construction teams have been excellent partners in the project, which we feel is an essential element of our replicable success.</p> </blockquote> <figcaption> <p class="type-kappa"> Linda Rhodes </p> <p class=""> Owner's Representative for The David and Lucile Packard Foundation </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="d-e-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>D-E</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>DataBank</li><li>Dell EMC</li><li>Digital Realty</li><li>DreamWorks Animation</li><li>Duke University</li><li>eBay</li><li>Education Management Corporation</li><li>Edwards Lifesciences Corporation</li><li>Electronic Arts</li><li>Eli Lilly and Company</li><li>Elizabeth City State University</li><li>Emory Healthcare</li><li>Emory University</li><li>Emulex</li><li>Endeavor Real Estate Group</li><li>Equinix</li><li>Erytech</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>[DPR's] ability to be flexible and to support new and different ways of doing things to get the project completed were key.</p> </blockquote> <figcaption> <p class="type-kappa"> Mike Lewis </p> <p class=""> Director of Mission Critical Engineering, eBay, Inc. </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="f-h-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>F-H</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>Facebook</li><li>Fidelity Investments, Inc.</li><li>Flexential</li><li>Florida Atlantic University</li><li>Florida International University</li><li>ForDoz Pharma </li><li>FormFactor</li><li>Gemini Science, Inc. / La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology</li><li>Genentech</li><li>GENEWIZ</li><li>Georgia Institute of Technology</li><li>Georgia Northwestern Technical College</li><li>Georgia Southern University</li><li>Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission</li><li>Georgia State University</li><li>Georgia State University Foundation</li><li>Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc.</li><li>GlaxoSmithKline</li><li>Global Switch</li><li>Grady Health</li><li>Granite Properties</li><li>Gulfstream Aerospace</li><li>HALL Group</li><li>HBO Latin America</li><li>HCA Healthcare</li><li>Health Jacksonville</li><li>Hewlett-Packard</li><li>HMS Host</li><li>HonorHealth</li><li>Houston Methodist</li><li>HRI Properties</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="i-l-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>I-L</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>Illumina</li><li>Inova Health</li><li>Ionis Pharmaceuticals</li><li>Johnson & Johnson</li><li>Kaiser Permanente</li><li>Kemira Chemicals</li><li>Kennesaw State University Foundation</li><li>KPMG</li><li>La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology </li><li>LabCorp</li><li>Lanier Technical College</li><li>LG</li><li>LifeBridge Health</li><li>Lincoln Property Company</li><li>LinkedIn</li><li>Lockheed Martin</li><li>Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute</li><li>Los Rios Community College District</li><li>Lyell Immunopharma</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>I think DPR demonstrated great persistence and dedication. [...] We had a very respectful relationship and understanding that we were all, both from an owner's and a contractor's perspective, trying to do the same thing: complete an amazing facility.</p> </blockquote> <figcaption> <p class="type-kappa"> David Zaccardelli </p> <p class=""> Executive Vice President of Pharmaceutical Development and Operations, United Therapeutics Corporation </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="m-o-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>M-O</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>Marymount College</li><li>Max Planck</li><li>Mayo Clinic </li><li>MD Anderson</li><li>Medallia</li><li>Memorial Hermann</li><li>Merck</li><li>Methodist Health System</li><li>MicroVention</li><li>MilliporeSigma</li><li>Mills College</li><li>Moffitt Cancer Center</li><li>Morehouse School of Medicine</li><li>National Cancer Institute</li><li>National Institutes of Health</li><li>National Institutes of Health</li><li>Navigate BioPharma</li><li>NEXCOM</li><li>North Carolina State University</li><li>NorthBay Healthcare</li><li>Northeast GA Medical Center</li><li>Northern Arizona University</li><li>Novartis </li><li>NTT Global Data Centers</li><li>NXP Semiconductors</li><li>Omni Hotels & Resorts</li><li>Oracle</li><li>Orlando Health</li><li>Otis College</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>One of the things that I am personally and professionally most proud of on this project is the level of pride and commitment from the project team. I have never seen anything like that, and I think this carried us through to the end.</p> </blockquote> <figcaption> <p class="type-kappa"> Wendy Cohen </p> <p class=""> District Director of Construction, Palomar Health </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="p-r-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>P-R</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>Packard Humanities Institute</li><li>Partners Healthcare</li><li>Pasadena City College</li><li>Penn State</li><li>Pepperdine University</li><li>Pfizer</li><li>Piedmont Health</li><li>Pixar Animation Studios</li><li>Polykon Manufacturing</li><li>Portman Holdings</li><li>QTS Realty Trust</li><li>Rancho Santiago Community College District</li><li>Rasmussen College</li><li>Raytheon Technologies</li><li>RED Development</li><li>REGENXBIO Inc.</li><li>Riegl USA</li><li>Riverside Health System</li><li>Roche</li><li>RTI International</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>The DPR team really contributed to keeping relationships in this community friendly and open.</p> </blockquote> <figcaption> <p class="type-kappa"> James Pease </p> <p class=""> Senior Project Manager, Facilities Planning and Development at Sutter Health </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="s-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>S</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>Saint Augustine High School</li><li>San Diego Community College District</li><li>San Diego Jewish Academy</li><li>San Juan Unified School District</li><li>Sanofi</li><li>Savannah State University</li><li>Scottsdale Culinary Institute</li><li>Scripps Health</li><li>Scripps Research </li><li>Seqirus</li><li>Sharp HealthCare</li><li>Solano Community College District</li><li>Sonoma Academy</li><li>Southern Methodist University</li><li>Southern Polytechnic State University</li><li>Stanford University</li><li>Stanford University Hospital and Clinics</li><li>Superion</li><li>Sutter Health</li><li>Swedish Health Services</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>The BIM assistance that DPR provided the design team on Lanier Tech Forsyth greatly increased the efficiency and effectiveness of the project from the start, and is a glimpse of the future that I hope to reach regarding a working model for the colleges to use on a regular basis.</p> </blockquote> <figcaption> <p class="type-kappa"> Rob Alden </p> <p class=""> Executive Director of Facilities Management, Technical College System of Georgia </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="t-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>T</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>Takeda</li><li>Technical College System of Georgia</li><li>Texas A&M University System</li><li>Texas Children's</li><li>Texas Health Resources</li><li>The Art Institute of California</li><li>The Art Institute of Tampa</li><li>The Burnham Institute</li><li>The College of William & Mary</li><li>The Evergreen State College</li><li>The George Washington University Hospital</li><li>The Institute for Genomics Research</li><li>The Nielsen Company</li><li>The RMR Group</li><li>The Scripps Research Institute</li><li>The University of Arizona</li><li>The University of Georgia</li><li>The University of Georgia Athletic Association, Inc.</li><li>TPA Group</li><li>Trammell Crow Company</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>This project required a lot of sensitivity to what the hospital's needs were to stay in business, as well as construction knowledge. We would welcome DPR back any time.</p> </blockquote> <figcaption> <p class="type-kappa"> Lynn Harris </p> <p class=""> Senior Project Manager, The University of Arizona Health Network </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="u-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>U</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>U.S. Pharmacoepia</li><li>UC Davis Health</li><li>UC San Diego Health</li><li>UC San Francisco Health</li><li>UCD Health Systems</li><li>UCSF Medical Center</li><li>UGA Real Estate Foundation</li><li>UNC Healthcare</li><li>United Therapeutics</li><li>University of California, Berkeley</li><li>University of California, Davis</li><li>University of California, Irvine</li><li>University of California, Riverside</li><li>University of California, San Diego</li><li>University of California, San Francisco</li><li>University of California, Santa Cruz</li><li>University of Houston</li><li>University of Maryland</li><li>University of Maryland Medical System</li><li>University of North Carolina</li><li>University of North Carolina at Greensboro</li><li>University of San Diego</li><li>University of South Florida</li><li>University of South Florida Research Foundation</li><li>University of Southern California</li><li>University of Texas at Austin</li><li>University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center</li><li>University of the Pacific</li><li>University of Virginia</li><li>University of Virginia Foundation</li><li>UVA Medical Center</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>There were many obstacles [...] and the team performed well and delivered an outstanding project to the university.</p> </blockquote> <figcaption> <p class="type-kappa"> Pawn Chulavatr </p> <p class=""> Project Manager, University of Texas Office of Facilities Planning and Construction </p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg"> <p id="v-z-customer-list"><br /></p> <hr /> <h4>V-Z</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> <div class="prose lg:prose-lg md:columns-2 md:gap-8"> <ul><li>Vantage Data Centers</li><li>VCU Health</li><li>Verizon</li><li>Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute</li><li>Vivex Biologics</li><li>VMware</li><li>Western University of Health Sciences</li><li>WeWork</li><li>White Lodging Services Corp.</li><li>William & Mary</li><li>William Marsh Rice University</li><li>Young Harris College</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-8 bg-white print:py-6"> <div class="container max-w-5xl"> <div class="space-y-8 print:space-y-3"> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative py-6 w-full bg-white lg:py-12"> <div class="container space-y-6 max-w-4xl text-center"> <div class="text-brand-"> <svg class="mx-auto mt-6 w-12 h-12 opacity-20 fill-current" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 56 40"> <path pid="0" d="M19.821 2.845A48.145 48.145 0 008.95 13.719a18.562 18.562 0 00-3.89 10.21 8.478 8.478 0 00.578 3.47c.4.867.918 1.31 1.556 1.31a14.956 14.956 0 002.314-2.844 6.815 6.815 0 015.866-2.845 7.06 7.06 0 015.288 2.12 7.227 7.227 0 012.053 5.365c.094 2.6-.95 5.11-2.853 6.86a10.717 10.717 0 01-7.54 2.623 11.43 11.43 0 01-8.818-3.813A13.873 13.873 0 01.01 26.39 24.388 24.388 0 014.76 12.448 45.868 45.868 0 0117.966.081l1.855 2.764zm33.237 0c-4.111 3-7.715 6.65-10.673 10.814a18.685 18.685 0 00-3.87 10.27 9.703 9.703 0 00.518 3.51c.36.847.818 1.27 1.416 1.27a16.484 16.484 0 002.335-2.844 6.933 6.933 0 015.985-2.845 6.999 6.999 0 015.226 2.018 7.392 7.392 0 011.995 5.387 8.929 8.929 0 01-2.773 6.9 10.48 10.48 0 01-7.381 2.582 11.45 11.45 0 01-8.878-3.813 14.037 14.037 0 01-3.451-9.785 24.674 24.674 0 014.708-13.941A45.545 45.545 0 0151.462 0l1.596 2.845z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path> </svg> </div> <div> <figure class="space-y-6"> <blockquote class="type-zeta"> <p>For the first time in my career, I really don't want a project to end. 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