MPEC 2019-S72 : 2I/Borisov = C/2019 Q4 (Borisov)
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<b>M.P.E.C. 2019-S72 Issued 2019 September 24, 11:55 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 <b>2I/Borisov = C/2019 Q4 (Borisov)</b> Continued observation and analysis of this object has confirmed its hyperbolic orbit and interstellar origin. The Minor Planet Center has therefore assigned the permanent interstellar designation 2I to it. The IAU Working Group for Small Body Nomenclature has decided to retain the name Borisov for the permanent designation. Observations: 0002I KC2019 09 21.09655 09 07 57.19 +26 54 00.2 17.6 VtES072A71 0002I KC2019 09 21.10722 09 07 58.41 +26 53 46.5 17.3 VtES072A71 0002I KC2019 09 21.11790 09 07 59.64 +26 53 33.0 17.6 VtES072A71 0002I KC2019 09 21.12857 09 08 00.82 +26 53 19.4 17.6 VtES072A71 0002I KC2019 09 21.13924 09 08 01.96 +26 53 05.6 17.6 VtES072A71 0002I 9C2019 09 22.21558 09 10 02.64 +26 30 04.6 17.9 GVES072G40 0002I 9C2019 09 22.22589 09 10 03.78 +26 29 51.4 18.0 GVES072G40 0002I S2019 09 22.31597309 10 13.74 +26 27 54.1 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.3159731 - 1718.1012 + 6646.8861 + 1987.7606 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.31817209 10 13.97 +26 27 51.2 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.3181721 - 1374.5741 + 6194.3438 + 3286.7563 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.32037209 10 14.22 +26 27 48.7 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.3203721 - 976.9151 + 5498.1400 + 4456.5286 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.32257109 10 14.42 +26 27 45.3 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.3225711 - 540.8640 + 4585.8648 + 5450.7231 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.45544309 10 29.48 +26 24 54.4 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.4554431 - 1738.6187 + 6647.6386 + 1967.7783 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.45764209 10 29.72 +26 24 51.8 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.4576421 - 1394.8696 + 6199.5596 + 3268.6230 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.45984209 10 30.01 +26 24 48.6 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.4598421 - 996.2787 + 5507.7222 + 4440.6159 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.72662209 10 59.81 +26 19 03.1 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.7266221 - 2370.3331 + 6087.6786 - 2914.6921 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.72882109 11 00.05 +26 18 59.4 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.7288211 - 2314.0155 + 6578.3788 - 1586.5310 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.73102109 11 00.29 +26 18 57.0 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.7310211 - 2166.8360 + 6810.7760 - 195.9191 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.79166709 11 07.07 +26 17 39.0 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.7916671 - 2186.0788 + 4271.1453 - 5311.1749 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.79386609 11 07.34 +26 17 36.4 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.7938661 - 2327.5221 + 5236.2785 - 4285.7821 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.79606609 11 07.64 +26 17 32.7 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.7960661 - 2377.9513 + 5996.8220 - 3092.0587 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.86551009 11 15.34 +26 16 02.4 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.8655101 - 2383.5220 + 5901.5046 - 3266.8415 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.86771009 11 15.57 +26 15 58.6 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.8677101 - 2354.3928 + 6461.2799 - 1965.5725 ES072C53 0002I S2019 09 22.86991009 11 15.83 +26 15 55.7 LES072C53 0002I s2019 09 22.8699101 - 2232.8543 + 6767.4473 - 586.9564 ES072C53 0002I KC2019 09 24.13538 09 13 37.53 +25 48 11.5 17.8 NUES072470 0002I KC2019 09 24.13896 09 13 38.01 +25 48 06.1 17.8 NUES072470 0002I KC2019 09 24.14251 09 13 38.33 +25 48 01.2 17.8 NUES072470 Observer details: <a href="">470 Ceccano.</a> Observer G. Masi. 0.43-m f/6.8 astrograph + CCD. A71 Stixendorf. Observers M. Jaeger, E. Prosperi, S. Prosperi. Measurer M. Jaeger. 0.3-m f/4 reflector + CCD. C53 NEOSSat. Observer S. Thorsteinson. Measurer D. D. Balam. 0.15-m reflector + CCD. G40 Canary Islands Observatory. Observers C. J. R. McEwing, B. Lutkenhoner. Measurer B. Lutkenhoner. 0.43-m f/6.8 Corrected Dall-Kirkham + CCD. Orbital elements: 2I/Borisov Epoch 2019 Dec. 23.0 TT = JDT 2458840.5 T 2019 Dec. 8.46710 TT Williams q 2.0101289 (2000.0) P Q z -1.1800352 Peri. 209.04368 -0.81482693 -0.19409016 +/-0.0054146 Node 308.18015 +0.56672137 -0.46500733 e 3.3720228 Incl. 44.01991 -0.12199984 -0.86376918 From 472 observations 2019 Aug. 30-Sept. 24, mean residual 0".5. 2I/Borisov Epoch 2019 Apr. 27.0 TT = JDT 2458600.5 T 2019 Dec. 8.46417 TT Williams q 2.0100470 (2000.0) P Q z -1.1801891 Peri. 209.04364 -0.81485800 -0.19408035 +/-0.0054146 Node 308.18251 +0.56667624 -0.46504072 e 3.3722355 Incl. 44.01735 -0.12200195 -0.86375341 From 472 observations 2019 Aug. 30-Sept. 24, mean residual 0".5. Ephemeris: Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2 2019 08 25 08 17 10.2 +34 57 15 3.8358 3.0705 35.6 11.0 18.8 ... 2019 09 09 08 45 18.4 +30 51 17 3.5027 2.8330 41.8 13.7 18.2 ... 2019 09 17 09 00 17.5 +28 18 41 3.3261 2.7132 45.2 15.2 17.9 ... 2019 09 23 09 11 30.2 +26 13 08 3.1953 2.6271 47.7 16.4 17.7 2019 09 24 09 13 22.1 +25 51 13 3.1737 2.6131 48.1 16.6 17.7 2019 09 25 09 15 14.0 +25 29 01 3.1521 2.5992 48.6 16.8 17.6 ... 2019 10 01 09 26 23.6 +23 09 28 3.0242 2.5180 51.0 18.0 17.4 ... 2019 10 09 09 41 11.1 +19 45 34 2.8588 2.4164 54.3 19.6 17.1 ... 2019 10 24 10 08 36.6 +12 22 35 2.5706 2.2498 60.3 22.6 16.6 A. U. Tomatic (C) Copyright 2019 MPC M.P.E.C. 2019-S72 </pre> <p><hr><p> <center> <a href="/mpec/K19/K19S71.html"><img src="/iau/figs/LArrow.gif" ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT=""> Read <i>MPEC</i> 2019-S71</a> <a href="/mpec/K19/K19S73.html"><img src="/iau/figs/RArrow.gif" ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT=""> Read <i>MPEC</i> 2019-S73</a> </center> <p><hr><p> <a name="form"><FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=""><p> <input type=hidden name="S" value="M"> <input type=hidden name="F" value="P"> <input type=submit value=" Display "> <i>MPEC</i> number: <input name="N" maxlength=9 size=9> <input type=reset value=" Clear "><p> </form> Enter an <a href="/iau/services/MPEC.html"><i>MPEC</i></a> number in one of the following forms: <ul> <li>1997-B01 (the full form) <li>J97B01 (the packed version of the full form) <li>B01 (the abbreviated form) </ul> <!-- Body postamble --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- footer --> <footer id="footer"> <div class="holder"> <nav class="nav"> <ul> <li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/about">About</a></li> <!-- Contact link changed to Jira and name changed to helpdesk. 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