Food Safety Aspects of Pesticide Residues in Spice Paprika

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <article key="pdf/10004109" mdate="2016-02-04 00:00:00"> <author>Sz. Kl谩tyik and B. Darvas and M. M枚rtl and M. Ottucs谩k and E. Tak谩cs and H. B谩n谩ti and L. Simon and G. Gyurcs贸 and A. Sz茅k谩cs</author> <title>Food Safety Aspects of Pesticide Residues in Spice Paprika</title> <pages>188 - 191</pages> <year>2016</year> <volume>10</volume> <number>3</number> <journal>International Journal of Nutrition and Food Engineering</journal> <ee></ee> <url></url> <publisher>World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology</publisher> <abstract>Environmental and health safety of condiments used for spicing food products in food processing or by culinary means receive relatively low attention, even though possible contamination of spices may affect food quality and safety. Contamination surveys mostly focus on microbial contaminants or their secondary metabolites, mycotoxins. Chemical contaminants, particularly pesticide residues, however, are clearly substantial factors in the case of given condiments in the Capsicum family including spice paprika and chilli. To assess food safety and support the quality of the Hungaricum product spice paprika, the pesticide residue status of spice paprika and chilli is assessed on the basis of reported pesticide contamination cases and noncompliances in the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed of the European Union since 1998. </abstract> <index>Open Science Index 111, 2016</index> </article>