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S. Eliot</a> (Author)<hr></h2></div><div class="wslcontainer"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="wsltable"><tr class="wslheader"><td width="18%" class="firstchild">Members</td><td width="18%">Reviews</td><td width="18%">Popularity</td><td width="22%">Average rating</td><td width="25%" class="lastchild">Mentions</td></tr><tr class="wslcontent"><td valign="middle" class="firstchild"><a href="/work/7987/members">4,693</a></td><td valign="middle"><a href="/work/7987/reviews">33</a></td><td valign="middle"><a href="/work/7987/popularity">2,551</a></td><td valign="middle"><nobr><a href="/work/7987/members"><img src="" style="margin-bottom: -2px;"></a> <span class="dark_hint">(4.15)</span></nobr></td><td valign="middle" class="lastchild"><a href="/work/7987/conversations">79</a></td></tr></table></div><div id="u_9a6ff7dd" class="quickedit light"><div class="nav"><span class="navInfoTitle" style="margin-left: .75em;">salllamander's review</span></div></div><div class="simpleSection" id="shareid" style="max-width: 100% !important;"><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_258077529" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/0" data-workid="0" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>my mind is to puny to properly comprehend all that is going on in these poems, yet it was fun to try. i will definitely read these again, and it will probably take me years before i actually begin to unpack anything within these masterful works of art. in the mean time, i give you perhaps the only quote i understood from these poems:<br><br>"Thinking of the key, each confirms a prison" <br><br>i can only hope to one day be given the brain space to properly understand a fraction of these poems. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_258077529" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_258077529"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_258077529" src=""> <img id="rfi2_258077529" src=""><span id="rfrf_258077529"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/salllamander" target="_top">salllamander</a> | Feb 11, 2024 | <a href="/review/258077529"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div></div> <!-- simpleSection end --><div id="u_55253915" class="quickedit light"><div class="nav"><span class="navInfoTitle" style="margin-left: .75em;">All member reviews</span></div></div><div id="wp_reviews" class="simpleSection"><div class="workSection"><div class="review_showing_pages"></div><div id='mainreviews_reviewnav' class='reviewnav'><div class="languagepick"><b><a href="javascript:loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,3,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','7987','',false,'eng', 'profile');">English</a> (31)</b> <a href="javascript:loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,3,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','7987','',false,'por', 'profile');">Portuguese</a> (1) <a href="javascript:loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,3,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','7987','',false,'all', 'profile');">All languages</a> (32)</div><div class="right"><strong><a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,3,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','7987','',false, null, 'profile');return false;">date<span class="sortArrow"> ▼</span></a></strong> | <a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,2,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','7987','',false, null, 'profile'); return false;">votes</a></div>Showing 1-25 of 31 (<a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',25,0,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','7987','', false, null, 'profile'); return false;">next</a> | <a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,0,3,'wp_reviews',10000,'','7987','', false, null, 'profile'); return false;">show all</a>)</div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_258077529" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>my mind is to puny to properly comprehend all that is going on in these poems, yet it was fun to try. i will definitely read these again, and it will probably take me years before i actually begin to unpack anything within these masterful works of art. in the mean time, i give you perhaps the only quote i understood from these poems:<br><br>"Thinking of the key, each confirms a prison" <br><br>i can only hope to one day be given the brain space to properly understand a fraction of these poems. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_258077529" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_258077529"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_258077529" src=""> <img id="rfi2_258077529" src=""><span id="rfrf_258077529"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/salllamander" target="_top">salllamander</a> | Feb 11, 2024 | <a href="/review/258077529"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_243262740" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>This collection opens with "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", which is one of my favourite poems, and one I've read quite a few times over the years. "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons" remains one of my favourite lines ever committed to the page. <br><br>I don't think I'm well-read enough, nor intellectually inclined enough, to grasp "The Waste Land", at least not after one reading, so I'm going to go read a bit about it, and come back to the poem later. (I think most/all poems need to be read several times, anyway). But I enjoy the rhythm of Eliot's work, and his word choices, and that's all I've got. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_243262740" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_243262740"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_243262740" src=""> <img id="rfi2_243262740" src=""><span id="rfrf_243262740"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/floppingbunnies" target="_top">floppingbunnies</a> | Jun 29, 2023 | <a href="/review/243262740"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_223995329" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>This was just a first, cursory read of many future ones, I'm sure. The version of Landscapes in this edition didn't have the last two sections in it (#5 being Cape Ann), so I'm interested to hunt that new one down. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_223995329" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_223995329"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_223995329" src=""> <img id="rfi2_223995329" src=""><span id="rfrf_223995329"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/graceandbenji" target="_top">graceandbenji</a> | Sep 1, 2022 | <a href="/review/223995329"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_222432792" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>I have reviewed The Waste Land alone <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_top">HERE</a><br><br>I have read the other poems in the past and will re-read and review each of them at some point. Digesting just The Waste Land is enough for right now.<br><br> <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_222432792" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_222432792"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_222432792" src=""> <img id="rfi2_222432792" src=""><span id="rfrf_222432792"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/mattorsara" target="_top">mattorsara</a> | Aug 11, 2022 | <a href="/review/222432792"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_112509340" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Reading Stephen Spender's biography and critical introduction to the work of T. S. Eliot did not do anything to change my opinion about these poems. Reading them may be interesting but I do not care much for this intellectualism.<br><br>Just as in my student days, I still only really like "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufock" but I did not like any of the other poems. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_112509340" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_112509340"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_112509340" src=""> <img id="rfi2_112509340" src=""><span id="rfrf_112509340"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/edwinbcn" target="_top">edwinbcn</a> | Jan 3, 2022 | <a href="/review/112509340"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_192828765" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div><br>No me ha llamado nada, regular, nada especial. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_192828765" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_192828765"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_192828765" src=""> <img id="rfi2_192828765" src=""><span id="rfrf_192828765"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/trusmis" target="_top">trusmis</a> | Nov 28, 2020 | <a href="/review/192828765"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_184098529" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>What can I say, Eliot had an incredible command of language. Not all of the poems hit me as hard as others, but many of them got my brain churning with ideas. Even in the poems that didn't leave an impact were artistically brilliant and super fun to read. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_184098529" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_184098529"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_184098529" src=""> <img id="rfi2_184098529" src=""><span id="rfrf_184098529"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/MaxAndBradley" target="_top">MaxAndBradley</a> | May 27, 2020 | <a href="/review/184098529"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_179884250" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>In the upcoming book <i>The World Broke in Two</i> by Bill Goldstein, Virginia Woolf is pleased by hearing "The Wasteland" read by Eliot. Several times she mentions that she has not read the poem but only listened to it. I did the same with the Audible edition. There is something to gain in listening. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_179884250" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_179884250"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_179884250" src=""> <img id="rfi2_179884250" src=""><span id="rfrf_179884250"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/evil_cyclist" target="_top">evil_cyclist</a> | Mar 16, 2020 | <a href="/review/179884250"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_165940622" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div><b>I have measured out my life with coffee spoons</b><br><br>I first heard of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufock while listening to a podcast of Entitled Opinions (thanks Tom) last winter. That podcast concerned Dante, however I found Eliot's images both vivid and modern. I then mentally shelved such for a future read. This present week appeared apt. While sorting through Marx and, then, Derrida on Marx and Shakespeare I found the prevailing winds favorable. Diving into such, I didn't care for the titular poem in the collection. The Waste Land and especially Eliot's notes for such strikes me as mere wanking. Oh well, verse isn't my métier, especially those alluding to the Grail. I did like Marina and Two Choruses from 'The Rock'<br><br><b>I journeyed to London, to the timekept City<br>Where the River flows, with foreign flotations.<br>There I was told: we have too many churches.</b> <br> <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_165940622" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_165940622"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_165940622" src=""> <img id="rfi2_165940622" src=""><span id="rfrf_165940622"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/jonfaith" target="_top">jonfaith</a> | Feb 22, 2019 | <a href="/review/165940622"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_160665127" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>I don't really know what to say about this except "read it." How do I review The Waste Land without writing a lengthy academic paper (which, btw, I have done)? It's a gorgeous poem, full of imagery and symbolism. Read it, then read it again. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_160665127" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_160665127"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_160665127" src=""> <img id="rfi2_160665127" src=""><span id="rfrf_160665127"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/tldegray" target="_top">tldegray</a> | Sep 21, 2018 | <a href="/review/160665127"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_154226061" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>This is a short collection of poems of ten poems by TS Eliot, including his longer works "The Wasteland", "The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock", and "Ash Wednesday", as well as some shorter works.<br> Some of these (such as Prufrock and Landscapes) are transparent enough on the first read through. However "The Wasteland" requires a lot more work – the allusions, the references, the symbolism is all more dense and consistently obscure than that found in pretty much all poetry written before this. This is not to say however that we can't understand its general meaning quite well without having read it a dozen times, read a commentary on it, and listened to a couple of lectures (though you will probably want to), as its tone and imagery convey enough of its meaning without us getting every reference and allusion. And this is what makes it work as poetry – that it communicates exactly what it is trying to communicate without the reader completely and consciously understanding all of its content straight away – because it works on more than one level.<br> So what is the Wasteland about? It's about post-war London – about how horrible it is, like Dante's hell. It's about a fractured Europe which is compared to the body of Osiris chopped up and scattered around. It's about decay, the grubbiness and shabiness of things, and the parched wasteland of society waiting for renewal following World War I. The symbolism is variously religious, mythological, literary, operatic, contemporary, and exotic. <br> Aside from the depressing content of the Wasteland, its deliberate obscurity means that it lacks much of the immediate aesthetic appeal that entices many people to much poetry. However this is what Modernism is about – creating something new that doesn't always rely on the aesthetic appeal of orderly verse, attractive imagery, fine sentiment, and clarity – in the same way that modernism in painting broke the traditional rules of visual aesthetics. Eliot didn't invent modernism in poetry, but he does exemplify it. He uses different voices, mixes up symbolism and references from different cultures, with different meters, styles, themes and tones. This gives the poetry a cultural richness and a lot to get out of it, but this requires more of the reader, and for this reason Eliot won't appeal to many readers. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_154226061" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_154226061"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_154226061" src=""> <img id="rfi2_154226061" src=""><span id="rfrf_154226061"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/P_S_Patrick" target="_top">P_S_Patrick</a> | May 11, 2018 | <a href="/review/154226061"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_148482220" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>I'll admit I didn't 'get' most of it. I mean, the poem The Waste Land is crazy dense with references...<br>But it seemed really beautiful... I just have no idea. 3/5 to be safe, I suppose... <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_148482220" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_148482220"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_148482220" src=""> <img id="rfi2_148482220" src=""><span id="rfrf_148482220"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/weberam2" target="_top">weberam2</a> | Nov 24, 2017 | <a href="/review/148482220"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_141629074" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Though I've written some poetry and many songs I don't tend to read poetry and this collection reminded me why. It seems that poetry is a very personal thing and that often it is incomprehensible to anyone but the author, especially for those not willing to put in the extra effort. An example would be Shakespeare, but at least his words are often beautiful and tell a story. <br><br>For me, this collection was utterly devoid of anything redeeming. I didn't find a single line that I thought was intriguing, beautiful or even clever. I didn't connect with any of it. It was just so many words strung together and often coupled with nonsensical rhymes.<br><br>I do have one admission to make though. I picked up this collection as part of a reading challenge that required a book of poetry, but also because I mistakenly thought that "The Wasteland" was "The Second Coming" by William Butler Yeats, which I had remembered enjoying at some point in the past. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_141629074" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_141629074"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_141629074" src=""> <img id="rfi2_141629074" src=""><span id="rfrf_141629074"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/ragwaine" target="_top">ragwaine</a> | May 20, 2017 | <a href="/review/141629074"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_130379008" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Probably the best poetry I have ever found. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_130379008" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_130379008"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_130379008" src=""> <img id="rfi2_130379008" src=""><span id="rfrf_130379008"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/AlexandraWD" target="_top">AlexandraWD</a> | May 24, 2016 | <a href="/review/130379008"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_119318850" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>A life changer that shows the hollowness of what we take for real. Symbols city. Through this to something far more. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_119318850" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_119318850"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_119318850" src=""> <img id="rfi2_119318850" src=""><span id="rfrf_119318850"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/ted_newell" target="_top">ted_newell</a> | Jun 20, 2015 | <a href="/review/119318850"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_118798134" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>It's not you, T.S. Eliot, it's me. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_118798134" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_118798134"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_118798134" src=""> <img id="rfi2_118798134" src=""><span id="rfrf_118798134"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/trilliams" target="_top">trilliams</a> | May 30, 2015 | <a href="/review/118798134"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_116476526" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>8:16 pm 23 February 2015<br> The Waste Land and Other Poems - T.S. Eliot<br>I've read (and listened to) this collection of poems half a dozen times. THE WASTE LAND is, without a doubt, still my favourite. It's hard to understand, pompous at times and so dense with allusions to other works I lose track of what's Eliot's work and what isn't. And yet ... on some atavistic level this poem still "talks" to me. The rhythm, the magic, the sheer (dare I say it) poetry in the lines (April is the cruellest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land) draws a reader in and shakes up emotions I didn't even know I had. <br><br>The tension between the physical and the metaphysical is tremendous; Eliot clearly had a deep experience of how earthbound and limited we are by the very denseness of our bodies (...the last fingers of leaf Clutch and sink into the wet bank), while the voice of our souls rush by unheard (The wind Crosses the brown land unheard). THE WASTE LAND is a mournful cry of a man trapped in a world of harsh reality (it was written only four years afer the devastation of Europe in World War 1), sensing there is something more (Madame Sosostris), yet unable to feel or perhaps believe in it (... this card, which is blank,...,which I am forbidden to see). Here, in this poem, is the struggle between the intellect and the emotions (fear death by water - in the Tarot the water cards represent emotion), good and evil and man's lower, sexual nature and his higher, Divine nature. <br><br>What a brilliant, depressing, strong poem it is!<br><br>So strong, it almost overshadows the other poems in this collection. But ASH WEDNESDAY, with its tone of sorrow and penitance already obvious from the title, is another powerful poem, as is JOURNEY OF THE MAGI and the remainder of the poems. <br><br>In its struggle between hope and despair, this collection is as relevant today as it was in Eliot's time and is worth the effort it takes to try and grasp its elusive meaning. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_116476526" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_116476526"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_116476526" src=""> <img id="rfi2_116476526" src=""><span id="rfrf_116476526"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/JudyCroome" target="_top">JudyCroome</a> | Feb 23, 2015 | <a href="/review/116476526"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_54321404" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>I've always loved Eliot's style. His poems have this magnificent lyrical quality to them. Favorites from this collection include "The Hollow Men" and "Ash-Wednesday," and of course "The Waste Land."<br><br>I like that the editor included T.S. Eliot's original notes on "The Waste Land." It was nice to see. Also gave me some more books to add to my list, because if a master like Eliot finds inspiration in them...<br><br>The only thing I didn't like about this collection is the fact that it was not put together by Eliot himself, but someone collecting their personal favorites. Nothing overtly wrong with this, but I'd rather have a book that was arranged by Eliot from start to finish. This reads more like a "best of." <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_54321404" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_54321404"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_54321404" src=""> <img id="rfi2_54321404" src=""><span id="rfrf_54321404"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/regularguy5mb" target="_top">regularguy5mb</a> | Jun 21, 2014 | <a href="/review/54321404"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_107039545" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>My favorite poem was 'What the thunder said' oh wow! I LOVED it, I swam and drowned in it :)<br>I gave it 4 and not 5 stars, because some passages were a bit dry, with dry non-poetic words. Some parts are way too amazing, though!!! I loved this book, really loved it! <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_107039545" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_107039545"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_107039545" src=""> <img id="rfi2_107039545" src=""><span id="rfrf_107039545"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/pathogenik" target="_top">pathogenik</a> | Mar 2, 2014 | <a href="/review/107039545"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_96254992" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div><b>3.5 stars</b><br><br>I have wanted to read The Waste Land since seeing various quotes taken from it strewn throughout Stephen King's works. My favorites are <br><br><i>"I will show you fear in a handful of dust."</i> and <br><i>"This is how the world ends / Not with a bang, but with a whimper."</i><br><br>Those quotes have always given me a little thrill when I see them mentioned in other books and novels, and they seemed to indicate to me that Eliot would be right up my alley, because it seemed that his work is dark, and a little twisted. I am not a poetry fan, but I thought that I might like Eliot despite that. <br><br>And I did, mostly. I grabbed this from the library, and read most of the 88 pages on the walk home. It was a lovely, although windy, day, and I just enjoyed the walk home with my nose stuck in a book. <br><br>This collection included the following (listed from the Table of Contents): <br>- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock<br>- Preludes<br>- Gerontion<br>- Sweeney Among the Nightingales<br>- The Waste Land<br>I. The Burial of the Dead<br>II. A Game of Chess<br>III. The Fire Sermon<br>IV. Death By Water<br>V. What The Thunder Said<br>Notes on 'The Waste Land'<br>- Ash-Wednesday<br>- Journey of the Magi<br>- Marina<br>- Landscapes<br>I. New Hampshire<br>II. Virginia<br>III. Usk<br>- Two Choruses From 'The Rock'<br><br>I liked most of the poems here, and in fact I can't really say that there were any that I did NOT like, but I just find it really difficult and distracting to read in verse. I really enjoyed the feeling and imagery of these poems, but I still feel like I'm just not perceptive enough to catch everything and to understand the symbolism or meaning or depth of the poetry. This is my own failing, due to my own preference for reading prose rather than verse, but unfortunately, I have to take it out on poor Eliot. <br><br>I did like it, but I just feel like I should have loved it. I feel a little bad for not loving it, and for only being able to give this one 3 1/2 stars, but such is life. I will try more Eliot though, maybe. At least he writes interesting stuff... ;) <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_96254992" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_96254992"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_96254992" src=""> <img id="rfi2_96254992" src=""><span id="rfrf_96254992"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/TheBecks" target="_top">TheBecks</a> | Apr 1, 2013 | <a href="/review/96254992"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_20947594" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>I like Eliot's work in general, and I was not aware that The Waste Land was a World War I poem, which gave it a different perspective than I had the first time I read it. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_20947594" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_20947594"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_20947594" src=""> <img id="rfi2_20947594" src=""><span id="rfrf_20947594"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/tloeffler" target="_top">tloeffler</a> | Apr 1, 2012 | <a href="/review/20947594"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_81429421" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>This is my first serious volume of poetry I read that is not required by a class. And... I'm not sure what to think. I know the poetry is well written, but I didn't get it. I think I need to read this again.</div><div id="rfd_81429421" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_81429421"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_81429421" src=""> <img id="rfi2_81429421" src=""><span id="rfrf_81429421"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/TheDivineOomba" target="_top">TheDivineOomba</a> | Jan 2, 2012 | <a href="/review/81429421"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_71593332" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>My understanding is that The Waste Land (1922) is a landmark in poetry and a very influential collection. Eliot assembled it in a Swiss sanitarium while recuperating from a nervous breakdown; among other things his marriage was deeply unhappy and beset by his wife’s many sicknesses. <br><br>Eliot writes like a jazz musician plays, coming at the reader from many lyrical angles and from a wealth of cultural, philosophical, and religious references. Unfortunately, I’m not a huge jazz fan, and I had the same thing feeling reading this as I do listening to jazz. I desperately wanted to like it, but was unable to fully appreciate it. There are some flashes of brilliance and this is undoubtedly writing that will elicit a wide variety of responses.<br> <br>From “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, my favorite from the collection:<br>…<br>Do I dare<br>Disturb the universe?<br>In a minute there is time<br>For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.<br>For I have known them all already, known them all: -<br>Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,<br>I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;<br>I know the voices dying with a dying fall<br>Beneath the music from a farther room.<br>…<br><br>Should I, after tea and cakes and ices,<br>Have the strength to force the moment to its crisis?<br>But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed,<br>Though I have seen my head [grown slightly bald] brought in upon a platter,<br>I am no prophet – and here’s no great matter;<br>I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,<br>And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker,<br>And in short, I was afraid.<br>…<br><br>It is impossible to say just what I mean!<br>But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a screen:<br>Would it have been worth while<br>If one, settling a pillow or throwing off a shawl,<br>And turning toward the window, should say:<br>“That is not it at all,<br>That is not what I meant, at all.”<br>…<br><br>I grow old … I grow old …<br>I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.<br>…<br><br>From Preludes:<br>…<br>I am moved by fancies that are curled<br>Around these images, and cling:<br>The notion of some infinitely gentle<br>Infinitely suffering thing.<br>…<br><br>From The Waste Land (III. The Fire Sermon)<br>…<br>The time is now propitious, as he guesses,<br>The meal is ended, she is bored and tired,<br>Endeavours to engage her in caresses<br>Which still are unreproved, if undesired.<br>Flushed and decided, he assaults at once;<br>Exploring hands encounter no defence;<br>His vanity requires no response,<br>And makes a welcome of indifference.<br>…<br><br>From The Hollow Men:<br>…<br>This is the way the world ends<br>This is the way the world ends<br>This is the way the world ends<br>Not with a bang but with a whimper. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_71593332" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_71593332">1</span> <img title="1 member found this review helpful" id="rvi_71593332" alt="vote" src=""></span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_71593332" src=""> <img id="rfi2_71593332" src=""><span id="rfrf_71593332"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/gbill" target="_top">gbill</a> | Mar 26, 2011 | <a href="/review/71593332"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_60033467" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>T. S. Eliot, in his poetry, makes reference to many other sources such as Homer, Virgil, Shakespeare, Dante, the Bible, Wagner, etc. The man was very well read and truly a genius in putting together his poems. His poetry is a veritable citation of 'Who's Who,' however you also need to be well read to understand most of his references. Without his notes and a study guide to assist you, it is very difficult to understand the meaning behind his poetry. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_60033467" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_60033467">1</span> <img title="1 member found this review helpful" id="rvi_60033467" alt="vote" src=""></span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_60033467" src=""> <img id="rfi2_60033467" src=""><span id="rfrf_60033467"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/gcamp" target="_top">gcamp</a> | Feb 22, 2011 | <a href="/review/60033467"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_37334896" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/7987" data-workid="7987" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>I'm not a great poetry authority, but I found these somewhat disappointing. My other major reference point for Eliot is his <em>Four Quartets</em>, which I loved. Both works are dense with allusion and require some intellectual work to unlock, but <em>Four Quartets</em> felt (naturally) more mature, and rewarded me more than amply for my time and attention. Perhaps the comparison put it at an unfair disadvantage, but <em>The Waste Land</em>, while symbolically rich, beautifully atmospheric and linguistically clever, did not seem as meaningful or coherent. I felt it demanded much and yielded too little. <br><br>My favorite part was "What the Thunder Said", which had some beautifully resonant references and lasting images. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_37334896" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_37334896">1</span> <img title="1 member found this review helpful" id="rvi_37334896" alt="vote" src=""></span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_37334896" src=""> <img id="rfi2_37334896" src=""><span id="rfrf_37334896"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/eilonwy_anne" target="_top">eilonwy_anne</a> | Mar 20, 2009 | <a href="/review/37334896"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class='reviewnav'><!-- languagenav --><div class="right"><strong><a href="#" 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