Sell Smarter With These 5 New Insights-Backed Features in Sales Navigator

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And we’ve also heard the difference LinkedIn’s sales intelligence has made for our customers.&nbsp;</p> <p>Overall, we see sales teams taking advantage of the sales intelligence within Sales Navigator and Sales Insights driving<a rel="" href="" target="_self"> 2.3x larger deals and 72% more revenue</a>. On an individual scale, we hear <a rel="" href="" target="_self">countless stories</a> of sellers using our sales intelligence to build <a rel="" href="" target="_self">meaningful, deep relationships</a> with the right buyers, leading to solutions that benefit both parties.</p> <p>That inspires us to do more, to make our sales intelligence even more intelligent. To make it easier to use, to make it more actionable, to ultimately make it so selling is more efficient for sellers and buyers alike.</p> <p>That’s the focus of our five product updates to Sales Navigator this quarter. Let’s dive into each:</p> <h2><strong>1. Quickly identify your next best opportunity with Account Hub.</strong> </h2> </div> </div> <div id class="component component-video" data-component-type="video"> <div class="video video__article-width" data-video-with-thumbnail="false" data-video> <div class="video-padding-wrapper"> <div class="video__container"> <div class="video__content" tabindex="-1" data-video-content> <iframe allowfullscreen frameborder="0" data-delayed-url=";amp;autohide=1&amp;amp;playsinline=0&amp;amp;html5=1&amp;amp;wmode=opaque&amp;amp;autoplay=0" title="Introducing Account Hub for Sales Navigator"> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <!----> </div> </div> <div id class="component component-richText" data-component-type="richText"> <div class="rich-text global-paragraph-style--reader"> <p>Many sellers have hundreds – if not thousands – of accounts they could sell to. Which ones are worth spending the most time on?</p> <p>Enter Account Hub. Once you <a rel="" href="" target="_self">upload your book of business</a> into Sales Navigator, Account Hub – the next evolution of our Buyer-Intent Dashboard – will effortlessly prioritize them for you, based on growth potential, buyer intent, or risk alerts. Additionally, Account Hub provides you with insights and tools to network your way in or follow up with the exact person showing interest within those accounts.</p> <p>With it, you can make data-driven account prioritization decisions with all the data you need in a single place. As a seller, you can log into Account Hub daily to keep updated on economic changes happening at your target accounts and plan which accounts to focus on based on our proprietary customer-level buyer intent data. Leverage filters like “growth alerts” or “high and moderate buyer intent” to see which accounts are showing signals that they’re an excellent opportunity to pursue.</p> <p>Early adopters are already seeing value. Here are just two quotes from two of our beta customers:</p> <ul> <li>A Sales Director at a talent acquisition company used Account Hub as a starting point to visualize and plan their outreach. “The why behind Account Hub is the ability to have a one-page view of lists you have created — a single dashboard of everyone I need to reach out to, allowing you to visualize and prioritize your outreach."</li> <li>The Digital Marketing and Sales Enablement Lead at a software development company now starts their Sales Navigator experience with the feature. "As soon as I access Sales Navigator, my first click is to go to Account Hub."</li> </ul> <h2><strong>2. Know who is shopping for your category with the introduction of Product Category Intent in Account Hub.</strong></h2> <p>We’ve heard from you that you want to know why people are interested in your company and that you want insight into everyone researching your category, whether they know your company or not.</p> <p>The new Product Category Intent, launched last quarter, aims to solve that by showing you who on LinkedIn is potentially researching your category.</p> <p>An example – say you sell email marketing software. With it enabled, you’ll see professionals on LinkedIn who are potentially researching email marketing software.</p> <p>Another advantage – for companies that sell multiple products, it helps distinguish which product a buyer is interested in. Say you sell cloud computing solutions within a large enterprise with multiple other offerings. It’s one thing to know that a buyer is interested in your company. It’s another to know that they are interested in cloud computing solutions.&nbsp;</p> <p>On May 31, Product Category Intent for 770 product categories across various industries, predominantly software, will be brought into Account Hub. Our AI model that drives Product Category Intent is constantly learning and today has largely isolated software-focused product categories, but this will change in coming releases. This feature is available for Advanced and Advanced Plus users.</p> <h2><strong>3. More efficiently find your next buyer with new improvements to our Search functionality.</strong></h2> <p><a rel="" href="" target="_self">Search</a> is our most popular feature in Sales Navigator, empowering you to filter through LinkedIn to find the exact right person to reach out to. This quarter, we continue to optimize our Search functionality with these improvements, to make it work better for you:</p> <ul> <li><a rel="" href="" target="_self">Buyer Intent</a><strong>:</strong> Filter down to potential buyers at accounts where someone has expressed high or moderate interest in the past 30 days.</li> <li><strong>People you interacted with:</strong> Include or exclude leads who you've recently messaged on LinkedIn or viewed.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>Current job title and past job title:</strong> Search by job titles to narrow in on your target personas.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>Connections in account search:</strong> Search for accounts where your first-degree connections work.</li> </ul> <h2><strong>4. Discover more warm leads with our improvements to our Buyer Intent functionality.</strong></h2> <p>Buyer Activities fuel our <a rel="" href="" target="_self">Buyer Intent</a> functionality. This quarter, we're rolling out even more <strong>Buyer Activities</strong> to give sellers more signals that someone is interested in your solution.</p> <p>The following new activities will be visible in the Buyer Activity section on Account Pages and in the new Account Hub:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Website visits</strong>: Sellers at companies with the <a rel="" href="" target="_self">LinkedIn Insights Tag</a> installed on their corporate websites will see the general profile of visitors to their corporate website.</li> <li><strong>New connections to colleagues</strong>: See the identity of new LinkedIn connections to other Sales Navigator sellers and TeamLink users on your contract.</li> </ul> <p>Buyer Intent functionality is available to Advanced and Advanced Plus customers.</p> <h2><strong>5. Keep your CRM up-to-date easier with our CRM auto-save accounts list.</strong></h2> <p>We've continued to invest in improving our CRM Auto-Save functionality, so you can seamlessly manage your book of business within Sales Navigator.</p> <p>Starting this quarter, you can manually add accounts to your My CRM Accounts list on Sales Navigator. If an account is already in your CRM, but the rules you have set on Sales Navigator do not capture all of the accounts that you want, you can now add the missing accounts.&nbsp;</p> <p>The improvement allows the CRM Auto-Save list to auto-generate based on your CRM, saving you time from having to set up and actively manage the list, while also providing you the necessary tools to fill in the gaps and add any accounts that may be missing.</p> <p>The new functionality allows for the best of both worlds of automation and manual oversight and ensures that you always have your up-to-date account list from CRM on Sales Navigator to leverage in key places such as the new Account Hub.&nbsp;</p> <p>CRM Auto-Save functionality is available to Advanced Plus users.</p> <p><strong>Looking to get even more out of Sales Navigator? These posts can help:</strong></p> <ul> <li><a rel="" href="" target="_self"><strong>How to Be Great at Reaching Out: What Every InMail Sent in 2022 Told Us</strong></a></li> <li><a rel="" href="" target="_self"><strong>Sales Navigator Alerts: What They Are and How to Best Use Them</strong></a></li> <li><a rel="" href="" target="_self"><strong>Buyer Intent for Sales: What It Is and How It Can Help You Close Deals</strong></a></li> <li><a rel="" href="" target="_self"><strong>3 Tips Worth Checking Out When Searching in Sales Navigator</strong></a></li> <li><a rel="" href="" target="_self"><strong>What is Relationship Explorer – And Why LinkedIn's Sellers Are Excited About It</strong></a></li> </ul> <p><strong>Don’t have Sales Navigator?</strong> <a rel="" href="" target="_self">See how it can help you and your team here</a><strong>.</strong></p> </div> </div> <div id class="component component-standaloneImage" data-component-type="standaloneImage"> <div class="standalone-image-component standalone-image-component--article-width"> <a class="standalone-image-component__link" href="" target="_self"> <figure> <img class="standalone-image-component__image" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 480px, (max-width: 767px) 767px, (max-width: 1024px) 1024px, 1920px" data-delayed-url=";v=beta&amp;t=PFst_v4IN4MAQydw14eUKqyFLUNZwmeDIFjM-5Ibc4U" alt="The deep sales advantage"> <!----> </figure> </a> </div> </div> <div id class="component component-postList" data-component-type="postList"> <section id="postList0FocusPoint" class="component__content-container list-layout" data-post-list> <section class="simple-topic-list"> <p class="t-14 t-bold">Topics: <a class="simple-topic-list__topic" href=""> Product and feature updates </a> </p> </section> <hr class="artdeco-divider"> <section class="list-layout__headline-container"> <p class="list-layout__headline t-32 t-sans">Related articles</p> <!----> </section> <ul class="list-layout__posts"> <li class="post-list__item list-post"> <div class="list-post__content-container"> <p class="list-post__content-container__topic"> <a class="t-14 t-bold" href=""> Product and feature updates </a> </p> <div class="list-post__content-container__title"> <a class="list-post__link t-20 t-black" href=""> Powering with Sales Navigator insights &amp; 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