{"title":"Analysis of Cooperative Learning Behavior Based on the Data of Students' Movement","authors":"Wang Lin, Li Zhiqiang ","volume":141,"journal":"International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences","pagesStart":196,"pagesEnd":202,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10009556","abstract":"The purpose of this paper is to analyze the cooperative learning behavior pattern based on the data of students' movement. The study firstly reviewed the cooperative learning theory and its research status, and briefly introduced the k-means clustering algorithm. Then, it used clustering algorithm and mathematical statistics theory to analyze the activity rhythm of individual student and groups in different functional areas, according to the movement data provided by 10 first-year graduate students. It also focused on the analysis of students' behavior in the learning area and explored the law of cooperative learning behavior. The research result showed that the cooperative learning behavior analysis method based on movement data proposed in this paper is feasible. From the results of data analysis, the characteristics of behavior of students and their cooperative learning behavior patterns could be found.","references":"[1]\tLiu Yanfei. Cooperative Learning Community Research From the Perspective of Organizational Behavior (D). Shandong: Shandong Normal University, 2016.\r\n[2]\tChen Xiangming. Group Cooperative Learning Conditions (J). Tsinghua Journal of Education, 2003, 24(4):11-16.\r\n[3]\tZhu Ming. Data Mining-2nd Edition (M). Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, 2008.\r\n[4]\tZhang Ping, Shen Yanhua, An Jing. The Mediating Role of Professional Interest and Deep Learning in the Relationship between College Students' Active Cooperative Learning and Academic Harvest (J). Heilongjiang Research on Higher Education, 2018(2):94-98.\r\n[5]\tJiang Yongchao. Research on Students Course Selection and Learning Behavior Analysis Algorithm Based on Data Mining (J). Modern Electronics Technique, 2016, 39(13):145-148.\r\n[6]\tLiu Yan, Geng Qiang, Tian Li. Data Research on College Students' Classroom Learning Behavior Based on Data Mining(J). E-Business Journal, 2017(11):90-91.\r\n[7]\tChen Guoan. Research on College Students' Teamwork Learning Behavior in Experimental Teaching- Based on Psychological Perspective (J). New Education Era Magazine: Teacher Edition, 2017(33).\r\n[8]\tWang Tan. The Basic Concept of Cooperation Learning (J). Educational Research, 2002(2):68-72.\r\n[9]\tLing Jizheng. Study on Learning Behavior in Students' Cooperative Learning (J). Journal of Henan College of Finance & Taxation, 2015, 29(5):61-64.\r\n[10]\tSun Haiyan, Zhou Meng, Li Weiguo, Feng Wei. Mathematical Statistics (M). Beijing: Beihang University Press, 2016.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 141, 2018"}