Major change to sysupgrade(8) behaviour
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The default is to install the next release. Snapshots are only installed when invoked with <a href="">-s</a>. </pre></blockquote> <blockquote><pre> The logic on what to do per default got out of hand and it was very difficult to reason about what sysupgrade(8) actually did. deraadt@ then suggested that we should dumb it all down, sysupgrade(8) is there to upgrade from one release to the next. More advance usage needs to be requested by the user. With all this simplification we can now be a bit more smart to work out what the next release is. With that, snapshots right before a release can be sysupgrade(8)'ed to the official release. OK sthen on a previous version that was much more complicated but allowed shortly-before-release -> release upgrade testing sthen on this version Guidance, prodding & OK deraadt </pre> </blockquote> <p><b>Updated</b>: There's now also a new option <a href=""><code>-R [version]</code></a> for (<em>attempting</em>) upgrading to a specific release version:</p> <blockquote> <pre>Upgrade to a specific release version. Only upgrades from one version to the next are tested. Skipping versions may work. Downgrading is unlikely to work.</pre> </blockquote> </div> <div class="x_cmds_status"> <p><span class="x_cmds"> </span> <span class="x_status">(Comments are closed)</span></p> </div> <hr> </div> <div id="extras"> <div class="extra"> <h2>Latest Articles</h2> <ul><li><time datetime="2025-02-15">Sat, Feb 15</time><ul><li><b><time datetime="2025-02-15T10:16:17Z">10:16</time></b> <a href="/cgi?action=article;sid=20250215101617">Game of Trees 0.109 released</a> (0)</li> </ul></li> <li><time datetime="2025-02-07">Fri, Feb 07</time><ul><li><b><time datetime="2025-02-07T19:26:57Z">19:26</time></b> <a href="/cgi?action=article;sid=20250207192657">OpenBGPD 8.8 released</a> (0)</li> </ul></li> <li><time datetime="2025-01-23">Thu, Jan 23</time><ul><li><b><time datetime="2025-01-23T08:08:08Z">08:08</time></b> <a href="/cgi?action=article;sid=20250123080808">Game of Trees 0.108 released</a> (0)</li> </ul></li> <li><time datetime="2025-01-08">Wed, Jan 08</time><ul><li><b><time datetime="2025-01-08T10:07:44Z">10:07</time></b> <a href="/cgi?action=article;sid=20250108100744">rpki-client 9.4 released</a> (0)</li> </ul></li> <li><time datetime="2024-12-30">Mon, Dec 30</time><ul><li><b><time datetime="2024-12-30T03:57:08Z">03:57</time></b> <a href="/cgi?action=article;sid=20241230035708">Game of Trees 0.107 released</a> (0)</li> </ul></li> <li><time datetime="2024-12-19">Thu, Dec 19</time><ul><li><b><time datetime="2024-12-19T16:38:00Z">16:38</time></b> <a href="/cgi?action=article;sid=20241219163800"><code>rpki-client</code> stricter aging policy for Trust Anchor certificates commited to -current</a> (0)</li> <li><b><time datetime="2024-12-19T08:04:30Z">08:04</time></b> <a href="/cgi?action=article;sid=20241219080430">FRAME sockets added to OpenBSD</a> (0)</li> </ul></li> <li><time datetime="2024-12-18">Wed, Dec 18</time><ul><li><b><time datetime="2024-12-18T19:57:32Z">19:57</time></b> <a href="/cgi?action=article;sid=20241218195732">OpenBGPD 8.7 released</a> (0)</li> </ul></li> <li><time datetime="2024-11-30">Sat, Nov 30</time><ul><li><b><time datetime="2024-11-30T18:42:49Z">18:42</time></b> <a href="/cgi?action=article;sid=20241130184249">Initial list of 21 EuroBSDcon 2024 videos released</a> (0)</li> </ul></li> </ul> </div> <div class="extra"> <h2>Credits</h2> <p id="credits">Copyright © <time datetime="2004">2004</time>-<time datetime="2008">2008</time> <a href="">Daniel Hartmeier</a>. 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