Conjectured Tetrarch (293-305 CE) Main Road (Strata Diocletiana)
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Talbert</span></span><span>, <a href="/author/adamp">Adam Prins</a></span><span>, <a href="/author/vvitale">Valeria Vitale</a></span><span>, <a href="/author/cjohansson">Carolin Johansson</a></span><span>, <a href="/author/thomase">Tom Elliott</a></span><span>, <span>DARMC</span></span><span>, <a href="/author/dmichelson">David Michelson</a></span><span>, <span>R. Warner</span></span><span>, <a href="/author/iluo">Ingrid Luo</a></span><span>, <a href="/author/fdeblauwe">Francis Deblauwe</a></span><span>, <a href="/author/ekansa">Eric Kansa</a></span> </div> Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by). <div class="documentModified"> <span> Last modified </span> Jan 26, 2025 09:03 PM <span class="contentHistory" id="content-history"> — <a href="">History</a> </span> </div> </div> <div id="category" class="documentByLine"> tags: <span> <a href="" class="link-category" rel="tag">dare:major=1</a>, </span> <span> <a href="" class="link-category" rel="tag">dare:feature=major settlement</a>, </span> <span> <a href="" class="link-category" rel="tag">UWHS</a>, </span> <span> <a href="" class="link-category" rel="tag">extant remains</a>, </span> <span> <a href="" class="link-category" rel="tag">dare:ancient=1</a> </span> </div> <div class="RatingViewlet"> </div></div> <div id="parent-fieldname-description" class="documentDescription"> Palmyra is an ancient oasis and trading city with monumental remains located in modern Syria. Under Zenobia, It was the capital of the breakaway Palmyrene Empire, which led to Aurelian razing the city. In 1980, Palmyra was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. </div> <div id="viewlet-above-content-body"></div> <div id="content-core"> <div id="map-block"> <div id="map"></div> <div id="below-map"> <div id="accuracy-buffer-widget"> <input type="checkbox" id="accuracy-buffer" /> <label for="accuracy-buffer">Display location accuracy buffer(s)</label> </div> <div id="map-links"> <p>Show place in <a href="">Google Earth</a>. </p> <p> <span>Show area in <a href=""> GeoNames</a>, <a href=",38.2648672156"> Google Maps</a>, or <a href=""> OpenStreetMap</a>.</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="canonicalUrlField" class="field"> <label>Canonical URI for this page:</label> <br /> <code id="canonical-url"></code> <button class="copy-button" data-clipboard-target="#canonical-url" title="copy to clipboard"><svg class="octicon octicon-clippy" viewbox="0 0 14 16" version="1.1" width="14" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M2 13h4v1H2v-1zm5-6H2v1h5V7zm2 3V8l-3 3 3 3v-2h5v-2H9zM4.5 9H2v1h2.5V9zM2 12h2.5v-1H2v1zm9 1h1v2c-.02.28-.11.52-.3.7-.19.18-.42.28-.7.3H1c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V4c0-.55.45-1 1-1h3c0-1.11.89-2 2-2 1.11 0 2 .89 2 2h3c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v5h-1V6H1v9h10v-2zM2 5h8c0-.55-.45-1-1-1H8c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1s-.45-1-1-1-1 .45-1 1-.45 1-1 1H3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1z"></path></svg></button> </div> <div> <div id="representativePointField" class="field"> <label>Representative Point (Latitude, Longitude):</label><br /> <span id="representative-point">34.5528093938, 38.2648672156</span> <button class="copy-button" data-clipboard-target="#representative-point" title="copy to clipboard"><svg class="octicon octicon-clippy" viewbox="0 0 14 16" version="1.1" width="14" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M2 13h4v1H2v-1zm5-6H2v1h5V7zm2 3V8l-3 3 3 3v-2h5v-2H9zM4.5 9H2v1h2.5V9zM2 12h2.5v-1H2v1zm9 1h1v2c-.02.28-.11.52-.3.7-.19.18-.42.28-.7.3H1c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V4c0-.55.45-1 1-1h3c0-1.11.89-2 2-2 1.11 0 2 .89 2 2h3c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v5h-1V6H1v9h10v-2zM2 5h8c0-.55-.45-1-1-1H8c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1s-.45-1-1-1-1 .45-1 1-.45 1-1 1H3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1z"></path></svg></button> </div> <!-- representativePointField --> <div id="locationsField" class="field"> <label>Locations:</label> <ul class="placeChildren"><li><b>Representative Locations:</b> <ul> <li id="osm-location-of-palmyra_where" class="placeChildItem Location" title="LineString; 330 BC - AD 640; Representative location based on OpenStreetMap"> <a class="state-published" href="">OSM location of Palmyra</a> (330 BC - AD 640) accuracy: +/- 20 meters. </li> <li id="cigs-location-of-tadmur_where" class="placeChildItem Location" title="Point; unspecified date range; "> <a class="state-published" href="">CIGS location of Tadmur</a> (unspecified date range) accuracy: +/- 5 meters. </li> </ul></ul> </div> <!-- locationsField --> <div id="namesField" class="field"> <label>Names:</label> <ul class="placeChildren"><li id="geographic" class="placeChildItem"> <label>Geographic Names:</label> <ul> <li id="Colonia-Hadr-Ant-P" class="placeChildItem" title="Colonia Hadr. Ant. P.: A place name from the TAVO Index (Vol. 1, p. False)"> <a class="state-published nameUnattested" href=""><span lang="la">Colonia Hadr. Ant. P.</span></a> (Latin, 140 BC - AD 640) </li> <li id="hadrianopolis" class="placeChildItem" title="Hadrianopolis: Hadrianopolis, title adopted by Palmyra in honor of the Roman emperor Hadrian."> <a class="state-published nameAttested" href=""><span lang="grc">Ἁδριανοπόλις</span></a> (Hadrianopolis: Ancient Greek, 30 BC - AD 850) </li> <li id="i-illyricorum-garrison" class="placeChildItem" title="I Illyricorum garrison: A place name from the TAVO Index (Vol. 2, p. 796)"> <a class="state-published nameUnattested" href=""><span lang="la">I Illyricorum garrison</span></a> (Latin, AD 284 - AD 640) </li> <li id="i-illyrorum-garrison" class="placeChildItem" title="I Illyrorum garrison: A place name from the TAVO Index (Vol. 2, p. 796)"> <a class="state-published nameUnattested" href=""><span lang="en">I Illyrorum garrison</span></a> (English, 140 BC - AD 640) </li> <li id="palmyra" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyra: Palmyra, a Greek name of uncertain origin."> <a class="state-published nameAttested" href=""><span lang="grc">Πάλμυρα</span></a> (Palmyra: Ancient Greek, AD 300 - AD 850) </li> <li id="name.2012-12-13.5090188924" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyra: Latin name after the Greek. Still used in the west to designate the ancient city and its archaeological remains."> <a class="state-published nameAttested" href=""><span lang="la">Palmyra</span></a> (Latin, 30 BC - Present) </li> <li id="palmyra-1" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyra: A place name from the TAVO Index (Vol. 2, p. 1218)"> <a class="state-published nameUnattested" href=""><span lang="grc">Palmyra</span></a> (Ancient Greek, 1450 BC - AD 2000) </li> <li id="tadmar" class="placeChildItem" title="Tadmar: A place name from the TAVO Index (Vol. 3, p. 1560)"> <a class="state-published nameUnattested" href=""><span lang="akk">Tadmar</span></a> (Akkadian, 1600 BC - 540 BC) </li> <li id="tadmir" class="placeChildItem" title="Tadmir: A place name from the TAVO Index (Vol. 3, p. 1560)"> <a class="state-published nameUnattested" href=""><span lang="hit">Tadmir</span></a> (Hittite, 1450 BC - 1200 BC) </li> <li id="tadmor" class="placeChildItem" title="Tadmor: Tadmor, Hebrew name attested in 2 Chronicles; alternatively Tamar, a textual variant in the consonantal text of 1 Kings 9:19)."> <a class="state-published nameAttested" href=""><span lang="hbo">תַּדְמֹר</span></a> (Tadmor: Ancient Hebrew, 550 BC - 330 BC) </li> <li id="tadmur" class="placeChildItem" title="Tadmur: Tadmur, modern Arabic name"> <a class="state-published nameAttested" href=""><span lang="ar">تدمر</span></a> (Tadmur: Arabic, modern) </li> <li id="tadmur-akk" class="placeChildItem" title="Tadmur: A place name from the TAVO Index (Vol. 3, p. 1560)"> <a class="state-published nameUnattested" href=""><span lang="akk">Tadmur</span></a> (Akkadian, 1600 BC - AD 2000) </li> <li id="tadmur-arb" class="placeChildItem" title="Tadmur: A place name from the TAVO Index (Vol. 3, p. 1560)"> <a class="state-published nameUnattested" href=""><span lang="arb">Tadmur</span></a> (Modern Standard Arabic, 1600 BC - AD 2000) </li> <li id="tadmuru" class="placeChildItem" title="Tadmuru: A place name from the TAVO Index (Vol. 3, p. 1560)"> <a class="state-published nameUnattested" href=""><span lang="akk">Tadmuru</span></a> (Akkadian, 540 BC - 330 BC) </li> <li id="thadamora" class="placeChildItem" title="Thadamora: Thadamora, name attested only by Josephus and attributed by him to "the Syrians" (he claims the Greeks referred to the city exclusively as "Palmyra")."> <a class="state-published nameAttested" href=""><span lang="grc">Θαδάμορα</span></a> (Thadamora: Ancient Greek, 30 BC - AD 300) </li> </ul></li> <!-- placeChildItem geographic --> <!-- geographic, ethnic, associated_modern, label, undefined, unknown ---> <li id="ethnic" class="placeChildItem"> <label>Ethnic Names:</label> <ul> <li id="palmyrenos" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyrenos: Palmyrenos, ethnic name for a citizen of Palmyra."> <a class="state-published nameAttested" href=""><span lang="grc">Παλμυρηνός</span></a> (Palmyrenos: Ancient Greek, AD 300 - AD 850) </li> </ul></li> <!-- placeChildItem ethnic --> <!-- geographic, ethnic, associated_modern, label, undefined, unknown ---></ul> </div> <!-- namesField --> <div id="connectionsField" class="field"> <label>Palmyra makes connections with:</label> <ul class="placeChildren"><li id="743967163" class="placeChildItem" title="Strata Diocletiana"> <span class = "connection-subject state-published" title = "subject of this connection: Palmyra">Palmyra</span> <a href = "" class = "connection-verb state-published">connection</a> <a href = "" class = "connection-predicate state-published" title = "predicate of this connection: Strata Diocletiana">Strata Diocletiana</a> (unspecified date range) </li></ul> </div> <!-- connectionField --> </div> <div id="connectionsField-reverse" class="field"> <label>Palmyra receives connections from:</label> <ul class="placeChildren"> <li id="palmyra" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyra"> <a href = "" class = "connection-subject state-published" title = "subject of this connection: Agora of Palmyra">Agora of Palmyra</a> <a href = "" class = "connection-verb state-published">located at</a> <span class = "connection-predicate state-published" title = "predicate of this connection: Palmyra">Palmyra</span> (unspecified date range) </li> <li id="palmyra" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyra"> <a href = "" class = "connection-subject state-published" title = "subject of this connection: Camp of Diocletian at Palmyra">Camp of Diocletian at Palmyra</a> <a href = "" class = "connection-verb state-published">located at</a> <span class = "connection-predicate state-published" title = "predicate of this connection: Palmyra">Palmyra</span> (unspecified date range) </li> <li id="palmyra" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyra"> <a href = "" class = "connection-subject state-published" title = "subject of this connection: Temple of Al-Lat at Palmyra">Temple of Al-Lat at Palmyra</a> <a href = "" class = "connection-verb state-published">located at</a> <span class = "connection-predicate state-published" title = "predicate of this connection: Palmyra">Palmyra</span> (330 BC - AD 640) </li> <li id="palmyra" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyra"> <a href = "" class = "connection-subject state-published" title = "subject of this connection: Temple of Ba'al at Palmyra">Temple of Ba'al at Palmyra</a> <a href = "" class = "connection-verb state-published">located at</a> <span class = "connection-predicate state-published" title = "predicate of this connection: Palmyra">Palmyra</span> (unspecified date range) </li> <li id="palmyra" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyra"> <a href = "" class = "connection-subject state-published" title = "subject of this connection: Temple of Baalshamin">Temple of Baalshamin</a> <a href = "" class = "connection-verb state-published">located at</a> <span class = "connection-predicate state-published" title = "predicate of this connection: Palmyra">Palmyra</span> (200 BC - AD 300) </li> <li id="palmyra" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyra"> <a href = "" class = "connection-subject state-published" title = "subject of this connection: Temple of Nabu at Palmyra">Temple of Nabu at Palmyra</a> <a href = "" class = "connection-verb state-published">located at</a> <span class = "connection-predicate state-published" title = "predicate of this connection: Palmyra">Palmyra</span> (unspecified date range) </li> <li id="palmyra" class="placeChildItem" title="Palmyra"> <a href = "" class = "connection-subject state-published" title = "subject of this connection: Theatre of Palmyra">Theatre of Palmyra</a> <a href = "" class = "connection-verb state-published">located at</a> <span class = "connection-predicate state-published" title = "predicate of this connection: Palmyra">Palmyra</span> (unspecified date range) </li> </ul> <!-- Navigation --> </div> <div class="field ArchetypesField-LinesField" id="archetypes-fieldname-placeType-dac41c381452dc5304096d492bb6d75e"> <label class="formQuestion"><span>Place type</span>:</label> <br /> urban area, oasis, settlement, archaeological site, station (road or coastal) </div> <div class="field ArchetypesField-ArrayField" id="archetypes-fieldname-referenceCitations-dac41c381452dc5304096d492bb6d75e"> <label class="formQuestion"><span>References</span>:</label> <br /> <dl class="ReferenceList"> <dt>Evidence:</dt> <dd> <ul> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Plinius Secundus Maior, C. Naturalis Historiae. Edited by Karl Friedrich Theodor Mayhoff. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana. Lipsiae: Teubner, 1906. ">Plin., NH (Mayhoff: PHI) 5.87.5</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Plinius Secundus Maior, C. Naturalis Historiae. Edited by Karl Friedrich Theodor Mayhoff. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana. Lipsiae: Teubner, 1906. ">Plin., NH (Mayhoff: PHI) 5.88.1</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Talbert, Richard. “Database: Peutinger Map Names and Features, with Commentary and User’s Guide.” In Explore the Peutinger Map. Cambridge UP, 2010. ">TP (Talbert: CUP) 9C5 (Talbert 527)</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> </ul> </dd> <dt>See Further:</dt> <dd> <ul> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Andrade, Nathanael J. Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World, 2013. ">Andrade 2013 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Talbert, Richard J. A., ed. Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000. ">BAtlas 68 F4 Palmyra/Thadamora/Hadrianopolis</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Baird, J. A. “Palmyra: City of Churches and Mosques - E. E. Intagliata 2018. Palmyra after Zenobia, 273–750: An Archaeological and Historical Reappraisal. Oxford: Oxbow. 168pp, 72 Illustrations. ISBN 978-1-7857-0942-5.” Journal of Roman Archaeology, May 2, 2022, 1–8. ">Baird 2022 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Baird, J. A., Zena Kamash, and Rubina Raja. “Knowing Palmyra: Mandatory Production of Archaeological Knowledge.” Journal of Social Archaeology 23, no. 1 (February 1, 2023): 76–98. ">Baird 2023 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Ingholt, Harald. Studies on Palmyrene Sculpture: A Translation of Harald Ingholt’s Studier over Palmyrensk Skulptur : Edited and with Commentary. Edited by Olympia Bobou. Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. ">Bobou 2021 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Ingholt, Harald. The Ingholt Archive: The Palmyrene Material, Transcribed with Commentary and Bibliography. Archive Archaeology. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2022. ">Bobou et al. 2022 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Bryce, Trevor. Ancient Syria: A Three Thousand Year History. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014. ">Bryce 2014 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Edwell, Peter M. Between Rome and Persia: The Middle Euphrates, Mesopotamia and Palmyra under Roman Control. London; New York: Routledge, 2008. ">Edwell 2008 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Gawlikowski, Michał, Uniwersytet Warszawski, and Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej im. Kazimierza Michałowskiego, eds. Fifty years of Polish research in Palmyra, 1959-2009, 2010. ">Gawlikowski 2010 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Ingholt, Harald. Inscriptions and Sculptures from Palmyra I. Copenhague: Levin & Munksfaard : Ejnar Munksgaard, 1936. ">Ingholt 1936 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Ingholt, Harald, Rubina Raja, and Julia Steding. Excavating Palmyra: Harald Ingholt’s Excavation Diaries: A Transcript, Translation, and Commentary Volume 1 Volume 1, 2021. ">Ingholt 2021 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Kropp, Andreas J. M, ed. The World of Palmyra, 2016. ">Kropp 2016 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Palmyrena: city, hinterland and caravan trade between Orient and Occident (Conference), Jørgen Christian Meyer, Eivind Heldaas Seland, and Nils Anfinset, eds. Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade between Orient and Occident : Proceedings of the Conference Held in Athens, December 1-3, 2012, 2016. ">Meyer et al. 2016 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Michałowski, Kazimierz, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Stacja Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej w Zjednoczonej Republice Arabskiej w Kairze, Polska Akademia Nauk, Zakład Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej, Uniwersytet Warszawski, and Stacja Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej w Arabskiej Republice Egiptu w Kairze. Palmyre. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1960. ">Michałowski et al. 1960-1984 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Hubert Cancik, Helmuth Schneider, Manfred Landfester, Christine F. Salazar, and Francis G. Gentry, eds. Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. Brill, 2015. ">New Pauly Palmyra</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Stillwell, Richard, William L MacDonald, and Marian Holland McAllister, eds. The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976. ">PECS (Perseus) PALMYRA (Tadmor) Syria</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Pollard, Nigel. Soldiers, Cities, and Civilians in Roman Syria. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2000. ">Pollard 2000 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Raja, Rubina. Pearl of the Desert: A History of Palmyra. New York NY: Oxford Univeristy Press, 2022. ">Raja 2022 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Raja, Rubina. The Small Stuff of the Palmyrenes: Coins and Tesserae from Palmyra. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2022. ">Raja 2022a </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Raja, Rubina. PALMYRA IN PERSPECTIVE. Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History 11. TURNHOUT: BREPOLS PUBLISHERS, 2024. ">Raja 2024 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Raja, Rubina, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Palmyra. Oxford Handbooks Online. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2024. ">Raja 2024a </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Seland, Eivind Heldaas. Ships of the Desert and Ships of the Sea: Palmyra in the World Trade of the First Three Centuries C.E. Otto Harrassowitz, 2016. ">Ships of the Desert and Ships of the Sea </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. London: Murray, 1854. ">Smith 1854 (Perseus) PALMYRA</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Smith, Andrew M. Roman Palmyra: Identity, Community, and State Formation. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2013. ">Smith 2013 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Sommer, Michael, ed. Inter Duo Imperia: Palmyra between East and West. Translated by Diana Sommer-Theohari. Oriens et Occidens. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2020. ">Sommer 2020 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Starcky, Jean, and Michal Gawlikowski. Palmyre. Ed. rev. et augm. des nou. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d'Orient, 1985. ">Starcky 1985 33-36</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Stark, Jürgen Kurt. Personal Names in Palmyrene Inscriptions. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. ">Stark 1971 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Tanabe, Katsumi, and 古代オリエント博物館. Sculptures of Palmyra. Tokyo, Japan: Ancient Orient Museum, 1986. ">Tanabe 1986 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title="Kiesling, Brady. ToposText – a Reference Tool for Greek Civilization. Version 2.0. Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, 2016-.">ToposText Palmyra (Syria)</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Veyne, Paul, and Teresa Lavender Fagan. Palmyra: An Irreplaceable Treasure, 2017. ">Veyne 2017 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" UNESCO World Heritage Centre. World Heritage List, 1978. ">WHL 23: Site of Palmyra</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Wiegand, Theodor, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, and Abteilung Istanbul. Palmyra; Ergebnisse der Expeditionen von 1902 und 1917,. Berlin: H. Keller, 1932. ">Wiegand 1932 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title="Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit (2001-), Palmyra.">Wikipedia (English) Palmyra</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Will, Ernest. Les Palmyréniens: la Venise des sables (Ier siècle avant-IIIème siècle après J.-C.). Paris: A. Colin, 1992. ">Will 1992 30-46</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Wood, Robert. The Ruins of Palmyra: Otherwise Tedmor, in the Desart. London: publisher not identified, 1753. ">Wood 1753 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Bunnī, ʿAdnān al-. “Palmyre et Les Palmyréniens.” In Archéologie et Histoire de La Syrie, 2. La Syrie de l’époque Achéménide à l’avènement de l’Islam, 251–66, Abb, 1989. ">al-Bunnī 1989 </a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> </ul> </dd> <dt>Related:</dt> <dd> <ul> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Reinhard Foertsch, ed. Arachne: IDAI Objects. Köln; Berlin: Archaeological Institute, University of Cologne; German Archaeological Institute. Accessed February 5, 2020. ">Arachne Palmyra Nahiyat Markaz Tadmur, Syrien</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title="Michael McCormick, Giovanni Zambotti, Leland Grigoli, and Kelly Gibson, eds., The Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations (Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard University, 2007-), 14105.">DARMC 14105</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Marc Wick, and Christophe Boutreux. “GeoNames,” 2005. ">GeoNames 163809: Palmyra</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names® Online, n.d. ">TGN 7018835: Palmyra (deserted settlement)</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Depauw, Mark, Tom Gheldof, Herbert Verreth, Nico Dogaer, Willy Clarysse, Yanne Broux, Gert Baetens, and Heinz-Josef Thissen. Trismegistos: An Interdisciplinary Portal of the Ancient World. Leuven, 2006. ">TM GEO ID 3353: Palmyra</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" Wikidata: The Free Knowledge Base That Anyone Can Edit. Wikimedia Foundation, 2014. ">Wikidata Q5747: Palmyra</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> <li> <a class="ReferenceLink" href="" title=" IDAI.Gazetteer. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Accessed February 1, 2018. ">iDAI.gazetteer 2281530: Palmyra</a> <!--tal:block tal:condition="not:citation/identifier"> <span tal:content="citation/range">Range</span> </tal:block--> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="field ArchetypesField-StringField" id="archetypes-fieldname-initialProvenance-dac41c381452dc5304096d492bb6d75e"> <label class="formQuestion"><span>Initial Provenance</span>:</label> <br /> <span class="" id="parent-fieldname-initialProvenance-dac41c381452dc5304096d492bb6d75e"> Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 68 F4 Palmyra/Thadamora/Hadrianopolis </span> </div> <div class="field ArchetypesField-TextField" id="archetypes-fieldname-text-dac41c381452dc5304096d492bb6d75e"> <label class="formQuestion"><span>Details</span>:</label> <br /> <div class="" id="parent-fieldname-text-dac41c381452dc5304096d492bb6d75e"> <p>The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Tudmur</p> <div> </div> <div><a class="external-link" href="">Inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site</a> in 1980 under criteria i, ii, and iv of UNESCO's World Heritage List <a class="external-link" href="">Operational Guidelines</a>.</div> <div> <p>Specific archaeological components include:</p> <ul> <ul> <li><strong>Art</strong> and <strong>architecture</strong> which in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD combined cultural influences from <strong>Graeco-Roman</strong>,<strong>local</strong>, and <strong>Persian</strong> traditions</li> <li>A 1100 meter-long grand <strong>colonnaded street</strong></li> <li><strong>Temple of Ba'al, Camp of </strong><strong>Diocletian, </strong>an <strong>ancient</strong><strong> Agora, </strong>and <strong>theatre</strong></li> <li>Various other <strong>temples </strong>and<strong> urban quarters</strong></li> <li>Unique examples of <strong>funerary sculpture </strong>which combine Graeco-Roman art with indigenous elements and Persian influence</li> <li>Remains of a <strong>Roman aqueduct </strong>and immense <strong>necropoleis</strong></li> </ul> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="visualClear"></div> <div class="field"> <label>Alternate representations:</label> <br /> <span> <a type="application/atom+xml" rel="nofollow alternate" href="">Atom</a>, <a type="application/json" rel="nofollow alternate" href="">JSON</a>, <a type="application/" rel="nofollow alternate" href="">KML</a>, <a type="application/rdf+xml" rel="nofollow alternate" href="">RDF+XML</a>, <a type="text/turtle" rel="nofollow alternate" href="">Turtle</a> </span> </div> <div id="suggestedCitationField" class="field"> <label>Suggested citation:</label> <br /> <span id="suggested-citation"> <span>J.P. Brown</span>, <span>P.-L. Gatier</span>, <span>Brady Kiesling</span>, <span>Sean Gillies</span>, <span>Jeffrey Becker</span>, <span>H. Kopp</span>, <span>W. Röllig</span>, <span>Thomas Carlson</span>, <span>B. Siewert-Mayer</span>, <span>Gabriel Bodard</span>, <span>Rune Rattenborg</span>, <span>R. Talbert</span>, <span>Adam Prins</span>, <span>Valeria Vitale</span>, <span>Carolin Johansson</span>, <span>Tom Elliott</span>, <span>DARMC</span>, <span>David Michelson</span>, <span>R. Warner</span>, <span>Ingrid Luo</span>, <span>Francis Deblauwe</span>, <span> and </span> <span>Eric Kansa</span>, 'Palmyra: a Pleiades place resource', <span><i>Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places,</i> </span>2025 <> [accessed: 25 March 2025] </span> <button class="copy-button" data-clipboard-target="#suggested-citation" title="copy to clipboard"><svg class="octicon octicon-clippy" viewbox="0 0 14 16" version="1.1" width="14" height="16" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M2 13h4v1H2v-1zm5-6H2v1h5V7zm2 3V8l-3 3 3 3v-2h5v-2H9zM4.5 9H2v1h2.5V9zM2 12h2.5v-1H2v1zm9 1h1v2c-.02.28-.11.52-.3.7-.19.18-.42.28-.7.3H1c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V4c0-.55.45-1 1-1h3c0-1.11.89-2 2-2 1.11 0 2 .89 2 2h3c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v5h-1V6H1v9h10v-2zM2 5h8c0-.55-.45-1-1-1H8c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1s-.45-1-1-1-1 .45-1 1-.45 1-1 1H3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1z"></path></svg></button> </div> <div id="wikiCitationField" class="field"> <label>Cite this resource in Wikipedia:</label> <br /> <pre id="wiki-citation"> {{cite web |url= |title=Places: 668331 (Palmyra) |author=Brown, J., P. 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