Gorbals - Glasgow
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By the 19th Century it was a heavily..." /> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Wikimapia places" href="" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/bootstrap.css?660"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/page_popular_resolutions.css?660"> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ this.inwiki = (parent.wm_vers) ? 1 : 0; this.isMobileDevice = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|iPad|BlackBerry|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent); this.wurl = ''; this.bannedCommunicate = 0; this.url = "/#lat=55.851767&lon=-4.2530421&z=15&m=b&ifr=1&permpoly=2384041&noganal"; = { deleted : false, isInDeletionQueue : false, isInUndeletionQueue : false, type : 1, id : 2384041, languageId : 0, currentLanguage : 0, lat : 55.851767, lon : -4.2530421, zoom : 15, rating : {rate : 0, votes : 0 } }; // this.captcha = {}; this.captcha = { //url: "" url: '', apikey: "" }; this.userId = 0; this.cardid = 2384041; this.namemas = "prm55x"; this.upcoming = 0; if (this.inwiki){ parent.flphoar[20] = '<div id="jw3cm" class="likelinkmenu3"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" ONMOUSEOUT="try{jwindow3_mout();}catch(e){}" ONMOUSEOVER="try{mmenuprep(50,2384041,{x1:-4.2563009,y1:55.8497133,x2:-4.2497832,y2:55.8538207,zoom:15,lng:0},0,\'\',\'\',\'\');jwindow3_mover(5,this,1);}catch(e){}"><tr><td style="height:16px;background-color:gray;white-space:nowrap;font-size:11px;color:red;cursor:pointer;font-weight:bold;"> Menu </td></tr></table></div>'; parent.jevals = "_ge('jwindow_title').innerHTML=flphoar[20];"; } this.localization = { 'remove_this_comment' : "remove", 'comment_del_confirm' : "Please, confirm comment deleting", 'restore_this_comment' : "restore", 'show_deleted_comment' : "show comment", 'hide_deleted_comment' : "hide comment" }; })(); </script> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="181571075315633" /> <meta property="og:type" content="wikimapia-org:wikimapia_place" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Gorbals - Wikimapia" /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <meta property="og:description" content="Historically, the Gorbals has been a racially and religiously diverse district of the city as it became the area of choice for immigrants to settle. By the 19th Century it was a heavily populated community, but by the mid 20th Century much of the property in the district had deteriorated into slums. Attempts to clear the slum tenements (originally attempted by The City Improvement Trust in 1866) by Glasgow Corporation and replace them with new high-rise housing in the 1960s did little to improve this reputation. Throughout the 1980's the Gorbals was often referred to as the most dangerous place in the UK, as street gangs and casual violence were rife. The common weapon of choice amongst teenagers was a machete. The poor design and low-quality construction of the concrete 20-storey flats led to innumerable social and health problems in the area; many of the blocks developed damp and structural problems. The most infamous of these schemes, the Queen Elizabeth Square flats designed by Sir Basil Spence, was demolished in 1993 to make way for a new generation of housing development. Tragically one local resident was struck on the chest by debris during their demolition and killed. In 2004, Glasgow City Council announced plans to demolish yet more of the decaying high-rise blocks, and to comprehensively refurbish and re-clad others. Much of the area, particularly Hutchesontown, has now been comprehensively redeveloped for the third time, providing a mix of private and social housing. Earlier phases of this recent redevelopment tended toward yellow-brick reinterpretations of traditional tenements, in a post-modern style. More recent phases, masterplanned by Piers Gough, have employed noted modern architects such as Page/Park, Elder & Cannon and CZWG, resulting in more bold and radical designs, accompanied by innovative street plans and high-quality landscaping and incorporating many pieces of public art. Most of the area's few remaining Victorian tenements have also been refurbished and reoccupied, often by young professionals. Along with the district's close proximity to the city centre, redevelopment has caused property prices to rise dramatically and the area is in the throes of gentrification. Shopping and leisure facilities, however, remain limited." /> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="55.851767" /> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-4.2530421" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:url" content="" /> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Gorbals - Wikimapia" /> <meta name="twitter:image" content="" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@wikimapia" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Historically, the Gorbals has been a racially and religiously diverse district of the city as it became the area of choice for immigrants to settle. By the 19th Century it was a heavily populated..." /> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" name="viewport" /> <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=826543747"> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/vendor/respond.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">(function(){this.oldIE = true;})();</script> <![endif]--> <script async src=""></script> <script> const dcJs = document.createElement('script'); dcJs.src = ""+new Date().getTime(); dcJs.async = true; document.head.appendChild(dcJs); </script> <script>window.yaContextCb = window.yaContextCb || [] </script> <script async src=""></script> <style type="text/css"> .ads1 {height: 90px;} </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> if (inwiki != 1){ document.write('<img src="/img/logo-red.png" style="padding-top:5px;padding-left:5px;"><br>'); document.write('<span style="padding-left:5px;">Wikimapia is a multilingual open-content collaborative map, where anyone can create place tags and share their knowledge.</span>'); 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By the 19th Century it was a heavily populated community, but by the mid 20th Century much of the property in the district had deteriorated into slums.<br /> <br /> Attempts to clear the slum tenements (originally attempted by The City Improvement Trust in 1866) by Glasgow Corporation and replace them with new high-rise housing in the 1960s did little to improve this reputation. Throughout the 1980's the Gorbals was often referred to as the most dangerous place in the UK, as street gangs and casual violence were rife. The common weapon of choice amongst teenagers was a machete. The poor design and low-quality construction of the concrete 20-storey flats led to innumerable social and health problems in the area; many of the blocks developed damp and structural problems. The most infamous of these schemes, the Queen Elizabeth Square flats designed by Sir Basil Spence, was demolished in 1993 to make way for a new generation of housing development. Tragically one local resident was struck on the chest by debris during their demolition and killed. In 2004, Glasgow City Council announced plans to demolish yet more of the decaying high-rise blocks, and to comprehensively refurbish and re-clad others.<br /> <br /> Much of the area, particularly Hutchesontown, has now been comprehensively redeveloped for the third time, providing a mix of private and social housing. Earlier phases of this recent redevelopment tended toward yellow-brick reinterpretations of traditional tenements, in a post-modern style. More recent phases, masterplanned by Piers Gough, have employed noted modern architects such as Page/Park, Elder & Cannon and CZWG, resulting in more bold and radical designs, accompanied by innovative street plans and high-quality landscaping and incorporating many pieces of public art. Most of the area's few remaining Victorian tenements have also been refurbished and reoccupied, often by young professionals. Along with the district's close proximity to the city centre, redevelopment has caused property prices to rise dramatically and the area is in the throes of gentrification. Shopping and leisure facilities, however, remain limited. </div> <div id="afterContentAdv" class="advertising-mobile"> <script type="text/javascript">if (!inwiki && isMobileDevice){ document.write('<div class="wrap mobile-ad"><div style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;\"> <div id=\"adfox_172431301828651701\"></div> <scr'+'ipt> window.yaContextCb.push(()=>{ Ya.adfoxCode.createAdaptive({ ownerId: 332443, containerId: \'adfox_172431301828651701\', params: { p1: \'ddrqk\', p2: \'gxnb\' } }, [\'desktop\'], { tabletWidth: 830, phoneWidth: 480, isAutoReloads: false }) }) </scr'+'ipt> <scr'+'ipt> setInterval(function(){ window.Ya.adfoxCode.reload(\'adfox_172431301828651701\', {onlyIfWasVisible: true}) }, 30000); </scr'+'ipt></div></div>');}</script> </div> <div class="placeinfo-row placeinfo-additional nested-objects"> </div> <div class="placeinfo-row wikipedia-link"> <strong>Wikipedia article:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div> <b>Nearby cities:</b> <span class="city"></span> <span class="city"></span> <span class="city"></span> </div> <div><b>Coordinates: </b> 55°51'6"N 4°15'10"W</div> <div id="comments" class="placeinfo-row placeinfo-additional comments-block clearfix"> <div id="comments-form-toggle"> <button data-rel="comments-form-toggle" class="notinwikistyle btn btn-large btn-block" type="button"> Add your comment in english </button> </div> <h4>Comments</h4> <ul class="unstyled comments-list comments-root active"> <li class="comment" id="comment-2"> <div class="comment-avatar"> <div class="thumbnail pull-left user-avatar"> <img class="small" src="/img/nofoto_50.png" alt=""> </div> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-header" id="comment-header-2"> <a data-rel="profile" rel="nofollow" href="/guest/1454398331" id="comment-creator-2" class="guest">james muir (guest)</a> </div> <div id="comment-content-2" class="comment-content"> birthplace of benny lynch scotlands first boxing world champion </div> <div id="comment-footer-2" class="comment-footer"> <span id="comment-date-2" class="time">12 years ago</span> <span class="comment-buttons"> <span id="showCommentReplyForm-2" class="comment-reply-sw"> <span class="gray-">|</span> <span class="likelink" onclick="showCommentReplyForm(2)">reply</span> </span> <span class="hidden" id="hide-comment-2" > <span class="gray-">|</span> <span class="show-comment likelink"onclick="hideComment('2');">hide comment</span> </span> </div> <div id="comment-footer-deleted-2" class="comment-footer hidden"> </div> </div> <div class="comment-reply-form-container" id="commentReplyForm-2"></div> </li> </ul> <span id="commentReply" class="comment-reply-object-sw likelink hide" onclick="showCommentReplyForm(-1)">Add comment for this object</span> <div id="commentReplyForm"> <!-- Add a comment --> <form action="/object/edit/?object_type=1&msend=1" method="post" name="comment-form" id="comment-form"> <input type="hidden" name="placeid" value="2384041" /> <input 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Similar places --> <ul> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Castlemilk</a> <span class="nearest-distance">4.1 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Govan</a> <span class="nearest-distance">5.8 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Giffnock</a> <span class="nearest-distance">6 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Thornliebank</a> <span class="nearest-distance">6.6 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Clarkston</a> <span class="nearest-distance">7.1 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Newton Mearns</a> <span class="nearest-distance">9 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Drumchapel</a> <span class="nearest-distance">12 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Abbotsinch</a> <span class="nearest-distance">14 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Balerno</a> <span class="nearest-distance">56 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Portobello</a> <span class="nearest-distance">71 km</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="tab-pane " id="nearby-places"> <!-- Nearby places --> <ul> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">City of Glasgow College Riverside Campus</a> <span class="nearest-distance">0.2 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">St Enoch Centre</a> <span class="nearest-distance">0.6 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Hutchesontown "B" estate</a> <span class="nearest-distance">0.7 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Glasgow Central Station</a> <span class="nearest-distance">0.8 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Glasgow Green</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Glasgow City Centre</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1.1 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Glasgow Queen Street Railway Station</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1.2 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">University of Strathclyde John Anderson campus</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1.3 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Buchanan Galleries</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1.3 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">City of Glasgow College City Campus</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1.4 km</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="nearby-streets"> </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="nearby-cities"> <!-- Nearby cities --> <ul> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href=""></a> <span class="nearest-distance">12 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href=""></a> <span class="nearest-distance">60 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href=""></a> <span class="nearest-distance">79 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href=""></a> <span class="nearest-distance">102 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href=""></a> <span class="nearest-distance">184 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href=""></a> <span class="nearest-distance">193 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href=""></a> <span class="nearest-distance">1326 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" 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