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Jeremiah Manele MP had a successful bilateral meeting with his Papua New Guinea counterpart, Prime Minister Hon. James Marape MP, at the margins of the Honiara Summit 2025. </p> </a> </div> <div> <div class="headline-mini" data-type="news" data-id="13153"> <a href="/news/supporting-the-cyber-safety-of-young-people/13153"><h2>Supporting the Cyber Safety of Young People</h2></a> </div> <div class="headline-mini" data-type="news" data-id="13151"> <a href="/news/mi-save-solo-2024-impresses-international-buyers/13151"><h2>&#x2018;Mi Save Solo 2024&#x2019; Impresses International Buyers</h2></a> </div> <div class="headline-mini" data-type="news" data-id="13147"> <a href="/news/national-geographic-scientists-discover-worlds-largest-coral-on-expedition-to-solomon-islands/13147"><h2>National Geographic Scientists Discover &#x27;World&#x27;s Largest&#x27; Coral on Expedition to Solomon Islands </h2></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="twothird"> <a href="/news/bilateral-ties-strengthened-further-at-honiara-summit/13155"> <img src="" alt="The bilateral meeting of the two leaders provided key opportunity for discussions to further strengthen the longstanding relationship between the two nations. " /> <div class="image-caption">The bilateral meeting of the two leaders provided key opportunity for discussions to further strengthen the longstanding relationship between the two nations. <span class="image-source">Source: GCU</span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="full"> <div class="fullitem" data-type="news" data-id="13156"> <a href="/news/local-tourism-operators-empowered-with-digital-marketing-tools/13156"> <h4> <img src="" alt="&#x201C;The world is moving fast, and so are potential visitors and in an increasingly competitive tourism market, success depends on how effectively we use these essential tools &#x2013; AI, social media and channel management to save time, work smarter, and stay ahead,&#x201D; says Ms. Teama, Head of Marketing. " /> Local Tourism Operators Empowered with Digital Marketing Tools </h4> <div class="article-timestamp"></div> <p> Underlining the impact effective use of digital marketing tools is having on today&#x2019;s international tourism stage, Tourism Solomons has taken a major step in ensuring local operators now have an equal opportunity, providing them with the same advanced tools as their international counterparts. </p> </a> </div> <div class="fullitem" data-type="news" data-id="13154"> <a href="/news/stronger-fisheries-governance-discussed-at-honiara-summit/13154"> <h4> <img src="" alt="Pacific Leaders highlighted the need for collective action to implement sustainable fisheries policies, improve stock management, and ensure food security for Pacific communities." /> Stronger Fisheries Governance Discussed at Honiara Summit </h4> <div class="article-timestamp"></div> <p> The second day of the Honiara Summit discussions centred on strengthening regional cooperation, advancing scientific research, and improving monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS) to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. </p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="halfs"> <div class="half" data-type="news" data-id="13158"> <a href="/news/mehrd-refutes-claim-of-funding-support-from-winrock-international/13158"> <h2>MEHRD Refutes Claim of Funding Support from Winrock International </h2> <div class="article-timestamp"></div><p>The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) has refuted claim by Alfred Sasako implicating the Ministry have benefited from Winrock International funding to incorporate LGBTQ-related policies into the Education Act 2023. </p> </a> </div> <div class="half" data-type="news" data-id="13157"> <a href="/news/women-empowered-with-driver-training-for-palm-jobs/13157"> <h2>Women Empowered with Driver Training for PALM Jobs</h2> <div class="article-timestamp"></div><p>Australia has launched a driver training program for Solomon Island women participating in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme, which is helping work-ready women land jobs in Australia. </p> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="side"> <div class="side-container"> <h2 class="cat-bar">Features</h2> <div class="side-items"> <div class="side-item" data-type="features" data-id="796"> <a href="/feature/child-mortality-in-kiribati-a-wakeup-call-for-urgent-action/796"> <img src="" alt="While other Pacific nations have made strides towards reducing child mortality, Kiribati has struggled to achieve even modest progress, leaving it far from reaching the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target of reducing U5MR to 25 per 1,000 live births by 2030. " /> <h3>Child Mortality in Kiribati: A Wake-Up Call for Urgent Action </h3> <div class="small-byline">By Rachel Nunn, Tinte Itinteang, Nabura Ioteba and William Tan </div> <p>Kiribati faces one of the highest child mortality rates in the region, with under-5 mortality rates (U5MR) remaining stubbornly high for more than a decade. </p> </a> </div> <div class="side-item" data-type="features" data-id="795"> <a href="/feature/conservations-best-hope-lies-in-communityled-efforts/795"> <img src="" alt="Mr. Alpha Gelly, Sairagi Community Facilitator in Sairagi, Solomon Islands, demonstrating the Spawning Potential Survey (SPS) tool which communities use to better manage community based fisheries. " /> <h3>Conservation&#x2019;s Best Hope Lies in Community-Led Efforts </h3> <div class="small-byline">By Duncan Williams, Grace Nugi, Henry Kaniki</div> <p>Today&#x2019;s Living Planet Report paints a sobering picture: wildlife populations across the world are in severe decline. </p> </a> </div> <div class="side-item" data-type="features" data-id="794"> <a href="/feature/46-years-of-democracy-for-the-people-by-the-people-of-solomon-islands/794"> <img src="" alt="As UNDP, we work hand in hand with the Solomon Islands Government, the integrity institutions and civil society, as well as international partners, including Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. " /> <h3>46 Years of Democracy for the People, by the People of Solomon Islands</h3> <div class="small-byline">By Dr. Raluca Eddon</div> <p>Today, as we commemorate the International Day of Democracy, Solomon Islands has elected to dedicate the celebration of its 46 years of democracy to the theme &#x27;Democracy for the people, by the people.&#x27; </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="side-container"> <h2 class="cat-bar">Letters to the Editor</h2> <div class="side-items"> <div class="side-item" data-type="letters" data-id="5639"> <a href="/letter/5639"> <h3>Vote wise!</h3> <div class="small-byline">By Bardy Mykel from East Honiara</div><p>This time we need the new leadership so we can move forward. Voters please enough of lying to the good...</p> </a> </div> <div class="side-item" data-type="letters" data-id="5638"> <a href="/letter/5638"> <h3>Offensive Clip online</h3> <div class="small-byline">By Rhii Matita from Honiara</div><p>Good morning, Just like to comment regarding the above-mentioned subject. What they did is beyond reasonable...</p> </a> </div> <div class="side-item" data-type="letters" data-id="5621"> <a href="/letter/5621"> <h3>Bad weather for games</h3> <div class="small-byline">By Nerold Hui from East Honiara</div><p>Hello. Are there any plans to make sure we are ready in case the weather is like this during the games?...</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <footer> <div class="container"> <div id="footer-inner"> <div id="logo-footer"> <a href="/"> <svg id="logo-footer-svg" enable-background="new 59.2 128.4 294.4 51.2" version="1.1" viewBox="59.2 128.4 294.4 51.2" xml:space="preserve" xmlns=""><path d="m196.8 150.7c-1.9-5.3-6.4-5.5-6.4-5.5s-1.8 2.5-2.9 3.6c-2.4 2.5-6.7 2.3-6.7 2.3s1.2 0.3 1.2 2.8c0 4.6-0.6 9.9-0.1 13.2 0.2 1.2 1.4 3.5 2.3 4.3 2.1 2.1 4.7 1.5 4.7 1.5s1.6-3 2.4-3.8c1.6-1.4 5.5-1.3 5.5-1.3s0.2-16.6 0-17.1zm-9.3 15.1c-0.3-2.9 0-15.3 0-15.3s3.9 0.8 4 2.4v15.2s-3.8-0.3-4-2.3zm19.1-15.8c-0.9-3.8-3.4-4.7-3.4-4.7-2.2 2.9-3.8 4.5-3.8 4.5s1.9 1.3 1.9 2c-0.1 2 0 13.2 0 13.2s-2.2 2.5-1.4 2.9c4.4 2.3 5.4 5.1 5.4 5.1s-0.1-2 3.5-4.7c0 0-1.6 0.1-2.1-2.7-0.7-3.7-0.1-15.6-0.1-15.6zm9.7 0c-1.4-4.7-4.7-4.7-4.7-4.7-2.1 5-5.1 5.2-5.1 5.2s-0.3 3.9 0 3c1.5-4.3 4.4-0.8 4.4-0.4-0.1 2-0.1 16.1-0.1 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