Antibiotics | November 2024 - Browse Articles
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value="inorganics" > Inorganics </option> <option value="insects" > Insects </option> <option value="instruments" > Instruments </option> <option value="iic" > Intelligent Infrastructure and Construction </option> <option value="ijerph" > International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) </option> <option value="ijfs" > International Journal of Financial Studies (IJFS) </option> <option value="ijms" > International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) </option> <option value="IJNS" > International Journal of Neonatal Screening (IJNS) </option> <option value="ijpb" > International Journal of Plant Biology (IJPB) </option> <option value="ijt" > International Journal of Topology </option> <option value="ijtm" > International Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM) </option> <option value="ijtpp" > International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP) </option> <option value="ime" > International Medical Education (IME) </option> <option value="inventions" > Inventions </option> <option value="IoT" > IoT </option> <option value="ijgi" > ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI) </option> <option value="J" > J </option> <option value="jal" > Journal of Ageing and Longevity (JAL) </option> <option value="jcdd" > Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD) </option> <option value="jcto" > Journal of Clinical & Translational Ophthalmology (JCTO) </option> <option value="jcm" > Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) </option> <option value="jcs" > Journal of Composites Science (J. Compos. Sci.) </option> <option value="jcp" > Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy (JCP) </option> <option value="jdad" > Journal of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease (JDAD) </option> <option value="jdb" > Journal of Developmental Biology (JDB) </option> <option value="jeta" > Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Analyses (JETA) </option> <option value="jfb" > Journal of Functional Biomaterials (JFB) </option> <option value="jfmk" > Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK) </option> <option value="jof" > Journal of Fungi (JoF) </option> <option value="jimaging" > Journal of Imaging (J. Imaging) </option> <option value="jintelligence" > Journal of Intelligence (J. Intell.) </option> <option value="jlpea" > Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA) </option> <option value="jmmp" > Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing (JMMP) </option> <option value="jmse" > Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) </option> <option value="jmahp" > Journal of Market Access & Health Policy (JMAHP) </option> <option value="jmp" > Journal of Molecular Pathology (JMP) </option> <option value="jnt" > Journal of Nanotheranostics (JNT) </option> <option value="jne" > Journal of Nuclear Engineering (JNE) </option> <option value="ohbm" > Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM) </option> <option value="jop" > Journal of Parks </option> <option value="jpm" > Journal of Personalized Medicine (JPM) </option> <option value="jpbi" > Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry (JPBI) </option> <option value="jor" > Journal of Respiration (JoR) </option> <option value="jrfm" > Journal of Risk and Financial 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<a href=""></a> - 20 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 569 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background/Objectives</b>: The emergence and dissemination of carbapenem-resistant organisms, particularly <i>Acinetobacter baumannii</i> and <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i>, pose a significant threat to healthcare systems worldwide. This retrospective study aims to characterise carbapenem-resistant <i>Acinetobacter baumannii</i> (CRAB) and carbapenem-resistant <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i> (CRKP) strains in a teaching <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background/Objectives</b>: The emergence and dissemination of carbapenem-resistant organisms, particularly <i>Acinetobacter baumannii</i> and <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i>, pose a significant threat to healthcare systems worldwide. This retrospective study aims to characterise carbapenem-resistant <i>Acinetobacter baumannii</i> (CRAB) and carbapenem-resistant <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i> (CRKP) strains in a teaching hospital and to determine the risk factors associated with patients’ in-hospital mortality. <b>Methods</b>: A total of 90 CRAB and 63 CRKP were included in this study. Carbapenemase genes and MLST types of CRAB and CRKP were determined using specific primers. Risk factors associated with in-hospital mortality were analysed with collected data. <b>Results:</b> All the CRAB strains consisted of OXA carbapenemase genes, with 98% of the strains co-harbouring <i>bla</i>OXA-23-like and <i>bla</i>OXA-51-like carbapenemase genes. Conversely, <i>bla</i>NDM is the predominant carbapenemase gene in CRKP, followed by <i>bla</i>OXA-48-like carbapenemase genes. ST2 and ST20 are the dominant MLST types in CRAB and CRKP, respectively. In CRAB, multivariate analysis identified age, ethnicity, the presence of a mechanical ventilator, and patients who experienced previous exposure to clindamycin in the last 90 days as associated with an increased risk of in-hospital mortality. In contrast, older age, male, ICU admission, and the presence of an indwelling urinary catheter were significantly associated with an increased risk of mortality for patients with CRKP. <b>Conclusions</b>: Both CRAB and CRKP lead to high rates of mortality. The MLST profile showed that the genomic patterns of CRKP were highly diverse, whereas CRAB strains had low genetic diversity. To tackle these challenging pathogens, robust surveillance and an in-depth understanding of molecular epidemiology and genomics studies are needed to tailor infection control strategies and individualise treatment approaches. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1107">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1525598"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1525598"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1525598" data-cycle-prev="#prev1525598" data-cycle-progressive="#images1525598" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1525598-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1525598" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1525598-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1525598-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1525598-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Phylogenetic tree of CRAB isolates.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1107'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Phylogenetic tree of CRKP isolates. NO: No carbapenemase genes.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1107'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>(<b>a</b>) Minimum spanning trees of CRAB strains. The ST prefix is not shown (i.e., 2 corresponds to ST2). (<b>b</b>) Minimum spanning tree of CRKP strains. The ST prefix is not shown (i.e., 20 corresponds to ST20).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1107'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1525249" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 21 pages, 897 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1106/pdf?version=1732172903" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Therapeutic Potential of Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) as an Antimycobacterial Agent: A Comprehensive Review" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1106">Therapeutic Potential of Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) as an Antimycobacterial Agent: A Comprehensive Review</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Nilakshi Barua</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Alak Kumar Buragohain</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1106; <a href=""></a> - 20 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 554 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The uncontrolled emergence of multidrug-resistant mycobacterial strains presents as the primary determinant of the present crisis in antimycobacterial therapeutics and underscores tuberculosis (TB) as a daunting global health concern. There is an urgent requirement for drug development for the treatment of TB. Numerous <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The uncontrolled emergence of multidrug-resistant mycobacterial strains presents as the primary determinant of the present crisis in antimycobacterial therapeutics and underscores tuberculosis (TB) as a daunting global health concern. There is an urgent requirement for drug development for the treatment of TB. Numerous novel molecules are presently undergoing clinical investigation as part of TB drug development. However, the complex cell wall and the lifecycle of <i>M. tuberculosis</i> within the host pose a significant challenge to the development of new drugs and, therefore, led to a shift in research focus towards alternative antibacterial compounds, notably nanotechnology. A novel approach to TB therapy utilizing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) holds the potential to address the medical limitations imposed by drug resistance commonly associated with currently available antibiotics. Their broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity presents the utilization of AgNPs as a promising avenue for the development of therapeutics targeting mycobacterial-induced diseases, which can effectively target <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>, including drug-resistant strains. AgNPs can enhance the effectiveness of traditional antibiotics, potentially leading to better treatment outcomes and a shorter duration of therapy. However, the successful implementation of this complementary strategy is contingent upon addressing several pivotal therapeutic challenges, including suboptimal delivery, variability in intra-macrophagic antimycobacterial effect, and potential toxicity. Future perspectives may involve developing targeted delivery systems that maximize therapeutic effects and minimize side effects, as well as exploring combinations with existing TB medications to enhance treatment outcomes. We have attempted to provide a comprehensive overview of the antimycobacterial activity of AgNPs, and critically analyze the advantages and limitations of employing silver nanoparticles in the treatment of TB. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1106">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/6I159GRHKH ">Antimicrobial Nanoformulations against Bacterial Infections</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1525249"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1525249"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1525249" data-cycle-prev="#prev1525249" data-cycle-progressive="#images1525249" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1525249-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1525249" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1525249-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1525249-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Overview of the review structure on silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as antimycobacterial agents.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1106'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>The antimicrobial activity of AgNPs is achieved through three primary mechanisms: 1. The accumulation and disruption of the extracellular polymers present in bacterial biofilms. 2. The adherence of AgNPs to the surface of bacterial cells, resulting in the disruption of microbial membranes, altered transmembrane transport, and leakage of cellular contents, ultimately leading to bacterial cell death. 3. The penetration of AgNPs into the microbial cytoplasm, where they can interact with organelles, causing protein degradation, disrupting metabolic pathways including the inhibition of DNA replication, DNA fragmentation, the inhibition of transcription, RNA degradation, translation inhibition, and the inhibition of the electron transport chain, causing ATP depletion. The figure was produced using Servier Medical Art.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1106'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1525110" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1525110" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1525110" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1525110" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1105/s1?version=1732099009"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 302 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 7 pages, 239 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1105/pdf?version=1732099009" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Rapid Detection of Carbapenemases Using NG-Test® CARBA 5 in Positive Blood Cultures: A Diagnostic Test Study" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Brief Report</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1105">Rapid Detection of Carbapenemases Using NG-Test<sup>®</sup> CARBA 5 in Positive Blood Cultures: A Diagnostic Test Study</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Diana Munguia-Ramos</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Luis Fernando Xancal-Salvador</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Verónica Esteban-Kenel</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Narciso Ortiz-Conchi</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ricardo Antonio Jaimes-Aquino</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Miguel Mendoza-Rojas</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Axel Cervantes-Sánchez</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Steven Méndez-Ramos</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Hector Orlando Rivera-Villegas</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Sandra Rajme-Lopez</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Karla Maria Tamez-Torres</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Carla Marina Roman-Montes</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Areli Martínez-Gamboa</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Miriam Bobadilla del-Valle</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jose Sifuentes-Osornio</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Alfredo Ponce-de-Leon</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Maria Fernanda Gonzalez-Lara</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Bernardo Alfonso Martinez-Guerra</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1105; <a href=""></a> - 20 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 303 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Background: Infections due to carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria are emerging as an important challenge in health-care settings and a growing concern worldwide. Lateral flow immunoassay NG-Test<sup>®</sup> CARBA 5 can detect the five most reported carbapenemases (KPC, OXA-48-like, VIM, IMP, and NDM). Direct testing <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Background: Infections due to carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria are emerging as an important challenge in health-care settings and a growing concern worldwide. Lateral flow immunoassay NG-Test<sup>®</sup> CARBA 5 can detect the five most reported carbapenemases (KPC, OXA-48-like, VIM, IMP, and NDM). Direct testing of positive blood cultures could reduce time to detection. This study aims to validate and report on the diagnostic yield of a novel method for carbapenemase detection in positive blood culture vials using NG-Test<sup>®</sup> CARBA 5. Methods: We implemented an investigator-developed method for the direct testing of positive blood cultures using NG-Test<sup>®</sup> CARBA 5. We compared results between genotypic, phenotypic, and direct NG-Test<sup>®</sup> CARBA 5 in blood. Results: A total of 32 isolates were tested (21 Enterobacterales and 11 <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>). Genotypic testing detected 23 carbapenemases. When comparing the results of NG-Test<sup>®</sup> CARBA 5 in blood with genotypic testing, agreement was observed in 31/32 (97%) tests. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the NG-Test<sup>®</sup> CARBA 5 in blood were 93%, 100%, 100%, and 94%, respectively. Conclusions: Our method using NG-Test<sup>®</sup> CARBA 5 directly in blood culture samples presented an excellent diagnostic yield when compared to genotypic profiling and permits an accurate detection of carbapenemases. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1105">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/6RG9VO989B ">Microbial Resistance to Carbapenems: Epidemiology, Detection and Treatment Options</a>)<br/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1524988" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1524988" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1524988" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1524988" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1104/s1?version=1732095743"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 198 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 18 pages, 5476 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1104/pdf?version=1732095743" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Antibiotic Prescribing Decisions for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Among Primary Healthcare Physicians in China: A Mixed-Methods Approach Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1104">Antibiotic Prescribing Decisions for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Among Primary Healthcare Physicians in China: A Mixed-Methods Approach Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Muhtar Kadirhaz</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yushan Zhang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Nan Zhao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Iltaf Hussain</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Sen Xu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Miaomiao Xu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chengzhou Tang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Wei Zhao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yi Dong</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yu Fang</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jie Chang</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1104; <a href=""></a> - 20 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 315 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Objectives:</b> In China, primary healthcare (PHC) facilities have high antibiotic prescribing rates for upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), which are primarily viral and self-limited. This study aimed to identify the main factors influencing PHC physicians’ antibiotic decisions for URITs based on the theory <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Objectives:</b> In China, primary healthcare (PHC) facilities have high antibiotic prescribing rates for upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), which are primarily viral and self-limited. This study aimed to identify the main factors influencing PHC physicians’ antibiotic decisions for URITs based on the theory of planned behavior. <b>Methods:</b> A convergent mixed-methods study was conducted at 30 PHC facilities across Shaanxi Province, China. A total of 108 PHC physicians completed a five-point Likert Scale questionnaire focused on behavioral components of antibiotic prescribing, including attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, belief in past experiences, and prescribing intentions. Twenty-two physicians participated in semi-structured interviews. <b>Results:</b> Respondents had a good awareness of AMR (Mean = 4.49) and a weak belief regarding the benefit of antibiotics (Mean = 2.34). The mean score for subjective norms was 3.36, and respondents had good control over their prescribing behavior (Mean = 4.00). A reliance on past prescribing experiences was observed (Mean = 3.34), and physicians’ antibiotic prescribing intention was 3.40 on average. Multiple linear regression revealed that physicians showing a more favorable attitude towards antibiotics (<i>p</i> = 0.042) and relying more on their past experiences (<i>p</i> = 0.039) had a higher antibiotic prescribing intention. Qualitative interviews indicated that most physicians would consider prescribing antibiotics when facing diagnostic uncertainty. Low utilization of diagnostic tests, limited effectiveness of training programs, inadequate knowledge of guidelines, and lack of feedback on antibiotic prescriptions all contributed to antibiotic overprescribing. <b>Conclusions:</b> PHC physicians in China demonstrated strong intentions to prescribe antibiotics for URTIs when facing diagnostic uncertainty. Beliefs about antibiotics and previous prescribing behavior were significantly linked to prescribing intentions. Multifaceted interventions that focus on facilitating diagnostic tests, improving the quality of training, effectively implementing clinical guidelines, and providing practical feedback on antibiotic prescriptions may help reduce antibiotic overprescribing in China’s PHC facilities. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1104">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/antibiotics/sections/Antibiotics_Use">Antibiotics Use and Antimicrobial Stewardship</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1524988"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1524988"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1524988" data-cycle-prev="#prev1524988" data-cycle-progressive="#images1524988" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1524988-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1524988" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1524988-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1524988-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>The theoretical framework of an extended model of the theory of planned behavior.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1104'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Physicians’ responses for survey items within different behavioral components. (<b>A</b>–<b>E</b>) Proportion of respondents that strongly agreed or agreed with statements regarding AMR awareness (<b>A</b>), belief in antibiotics (<b>B</b>), belief in prior prescribing experience (<b>C</b>), subjective norms (<b>D</b>), and perceived behavioral control I. (<b>F</b>) Proportion of respondents that always or often prescribe antibiotics for URTI patients with different symptoms.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1104'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1524784" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1524784" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1524784" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1524784" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1103/s1?version=1732088064"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 539 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 12 pages, 6025 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1103/pdf?version=1732088064" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Model-Based Dose Identification of Dalbavancin for Long-Term Suppressive Outpatient Treatment of Ventricular Assist Device Infections" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1103">Model-Based Dose Identification of Dalbavancin for Long-Term Suppressive Outpatient Treatment of Ventricular Assist Device Infections</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ute Chiriac</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Uwe Liebchen</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Otto Roman Frey</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Heike Lanzinger</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Sabrina Klein</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Torsten Hoppe-Tichy</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Matthias Karck</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Anna Meyer</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Benedict Morath</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1103; <a href=""></a> - 20 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 404 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Increasing evidence suggests that dalbavancin is an effective long-term treatment for ventricular assist device (VAD) infections, with various prolonged dosing regimens currently in use. This retrospective study aimed to assess dalbavancin pharmacokinetics in VAD patients and identify optimal, feasible dosing regimens for long-term <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Increasing evidence suggests that dalbavancin is an effective long-term treatment for ventricular assist device (VAD) infections, with various prolonged dosing regimens currently in use. This retrospective study aimed to assess dalbavancin pharmacokinetics in VAD patients and identify optimal, feasible dosing regimens for long-term suppressive outpatient therapy. Data from Heidelberg University Hospital’s VAD register were analyzed using non-linear mixed-effects modeling for pharmacokinetic analysis and dosing simulations (Lixoft<sup>®</sup>). The probability of target attainment (PTA) and cumulative fraction of response (CFR) were calculated for different protein-binding scenarios considering the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) distribution of <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>. Using data from 13 patients with 38 blood samples, a two-compartment model best described the dalbavancin pharmacokinetics, with a typical value for clearance of 0.050 L/h, central volume of distribution of 6.5 L, and peripheral volume of 15.4 L. No covariates significantly improved the model fit. The observed protein binding varied between 96 and 98%. Dosing simulations demonstrated that 1500 mg every 3 weeks ensured the target attainment for stasis at MIC values of 0.125 mg/L (PTA ≥ 90%) up to a protein binding of 99%. Considering the CRF, longer dosing intervals up to 5 weeks might be possible. Depending on individual MICs and protein binding, a dalbavancin regimen of 1500 mg every 3 to 5 weeks therefore appears to be a valuable option for outpatient therapy of VAD infections. Therapeutic drug monitoring should be considered to manage inter-individual variability and to support clinicians in long-term treatments of subacute and chronic infections. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1103">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/antibiotics/sections/Pharmacokinetics_Drugs">Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Drugs</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1524784"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1524784"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1524784" data-cycle-prev="#prev1524784" data-cycle-progressive="#images1524784" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1524784-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Graphical abstract</p></div><script id="images1524784" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1524784-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 1</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1524784-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1524784-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1524784-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1524784-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1524784-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Graphical abstract</strong><br/><strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1103'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Goodness-of-fit plots illustrating (<b>a</b>) individual predictions and (<b>b</b>) population predictions vs. observed dalbavancin concentrations.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1103'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Visual predictive check for the final population pharmacokinetic model. Black dots are the observed dalbavancin concentrations; black lines represent the median, 10th, and 90th percentiles of the observed values; and shaded areas are the prediction intervals for the median (red central area) and 10th and 90th percentiles (light blue lower and upper areas).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1103'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Concentration–time curves of explored dosing regimens in this study population. Presented as median concentration. The dashed lines are the 5th and 95th percentiles of simulated concentrations.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1103'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Probability of target attainment (PTA) in % to reach <span class="html-italic">f</span>AUC24 h/MIC &gt; 27.1 for stasis vs. MIC values for different dosing regimens and protein bindings. <b><span class="html-italic">f</span>AUC:</b> Free area under the concentration curve; <b>MIC:</b> Minimum inhibitory concentration; <b>PB:</b> Protein binding; <b>PTA:</b> Probability of target attainment.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1103'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>Cumulative fraction of response of various dalbavancin regimens against MIC distribution of <span class="html-italic">S. aureus</span> according to EUCAST at three PK/PD targets [<a href="#B12-antibiotics-13-01103" class="html-bibr">12</a>]. <b><span class="html-italic">f</span>AUC:</b> Free area under the concentration curve|<b>MIC:</b> Minimum inhibitory concentration.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1103'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1524530" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 17 pages, 2707 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1102/pdf?version=1732090900" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Tigecycline Containing Polymethylmethacrylate Cement Against MRSA, VRE, and ESBL—In Vitro Mechanical and Microbiological Investigations" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1102">Tigecycline Containing Polymethylmethacrylate Cement Against MRSA, VRE, and ESBL—In Vitro Mechanical and Microbiological Investigations</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Michael Abramowicz</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Andrej Trampuz</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Klaus-Dieter Kühn</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1102; <a href=""></a> - 19 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 392 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Background: The use of antibiotic-loaded bone cements (ALBCs) in arthroplasty has been well established for the prevention and treatment of infections. Tigecycline (Tig), a broad-spectrum antibiotic, has shown efficacy against various pathogens, including vancomycin-resistant strains. Method: ISO and DIN mechanical and microbiological inhibition <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Background: The use of antibiotic-loaded bone cements (ALBCs) in arthroplasty has been well established for the prevention and treatment of infections. Tigecycline (Tig), a broad-spectrum antibiotic, has shown efficacy against various pathogens, including vancomycin-resistant strains. Method: ISO and DIN mechanical and microbiological inhibition zone tests were performed on PMMA cement with manually added Tigecycline. Results: Manually adding 0.5 and 1.0 g Tigecycline to PMMA always meets the mechanical requirements of ISO and DIN standards. Mixtures containing 0.5 g were microbiologically effective for up to 7 days and those containing 1.0 g were effective for 28–42 days. Conclusion: In revision surgery, manually adding Tigecycline in doses of 0.5–1 g to 40 g of PMMA is effective against MRSA, VRE, and ESBL without negatively affecting the cement’s properties. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1102">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/41ZLQ6G260 ">Prevention, Diagnostic and Antibiotic Treatment of Periprosthetic Joint and Fracture Related Infection, 2nd Edition</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1524530"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1524530"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1524530" data-cycle-prev="#prev1524530" data-cycle-progressive="#images1524530" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1524530" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='9' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 10</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='10' data-target='article-1524530-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 11</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1524530-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Tig preparation for bone cement addition. Left = before grinding (<b>a</b>); middle = after grinding (<b>b</b>); Tig-containing cement test bodies (<b>c</b>).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>ISO compression strength results of Tig-containing PMMA. All tested cements fulfilled the requirements of 70 MPa. Legend: Palacos R—dark green; Palacos R+G—light green; orange bars = references with added Tig. Values are given as means with their corresponding standard deviation (+/−) in MPa.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>ISO bending strength results of Tig-containing PMMA. All tested cements fulfilled the required 50 MPa. Legend: Palacos R—dark green; Palacos R+G—light green; orange bars = references with added Tig. Values are given as means with their corresponding standard deviation (+/−) in MPa.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>ISO bending modulus results of Tig-containing PMMA. All tested cements fulfilled the required bending modulus of 1800 MPa. Legend: Palacos R—dark green; Palacos R+G—light green; orange bars = references with added Tig. Values are given as means with their corresponding standard deviation (+/−) in MPa.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>DIN bending strength results of Tig-containing PMMA. Limit: 65 MPa. Legend: Palacos R—dark green; Palacos R+G—light green; orange bars = references with added Tig. Values are given as means with their corresponding standard deviation (+/−) in MPa.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> <p>DIN impact strength results of Tig-containing PMMA. Legend: Palacos R—dark green; Palacos R+G—light green; orange bars = references with added Tig. Values are given as means with their corresponding standard deviation kJ/m<sup>2</sup>.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> <p>(<b>a</b>) Palacos R+G inhibition zones against MRSA. Eluates with and without Tig. Gentamicin-containing eluates without IHZ demonstrating ineffectiveness against MRSA. (<b>b</b>) Efficacy (inhibition zones in mm on MHA, 60 µL eluate) of Tig-containing Palacos R and Palacos R+G against MRSA (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 3).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> <p>(<b>a</b>) Palacos R+G inhibition zones against VRE. Eluates with and without Tig. Gentamicin-containing eluates without IHZ demonstrating ineffectiveness against VRE. (<b>b</b>) Efficacy (inhibition zones in mm on MHA, 60 µL eluate) of Tig-containing Palacos R and Palacos R+G against VRE (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 3).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> <p>(<b>a</b>) Palacos R+G inhibition zones against ESBL. Eluates with and without Tig. Gentamicin-containing eluates without IHZ demonstrating ineffectiveness against ESBL. (<b>b</b>) Efficacy (inhibition zones in mm on MHA, 60 µL eluate) of Tig-containing Palacos R and Palacos R+G against ESBL (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 3).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 10</strong><br/> <p>Schematic visualization of the production of the eluates tested in the inhibition zone test over a period of 42 days. The cement bodies were incubated in 20 mL 1×PBS until the indicated time points. After each time point, the bodies were moved to a fresh tube and the previous eluates were used to run the inhibition zone assay.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 11</strong><br/> <p>Palacos R+G inhibition zones against VRE. Eluates without Tigecycline with no inhibition zone. Palacos R+G with Tigecycline with inhibition zones against VRE.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1102'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1524438" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1524438" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1524438" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1524438" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1101/s1?version=1732027450"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 1409 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 18 pages, 3755 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1101/pdf?version=1732080962" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Immunomodulatory Effects of the Tobacco Defensin NaD1" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1101">Immunomodulatory Effects of the Tobacco Defensin NaD1</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ekaterina I. Finkina</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ivan V. Bogdanov</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Olga V. Shevchenko</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Serafima I. Fateeva</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Anastasia A. Ignatova</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Sergey V. Balandin</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Tatiana V. Ovchinnikova</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1101; <a href=""></a> - 19 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 298 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background/Objectives:</b> Defensins are important components of the innate plant immune system, exhibiting antimicrobial activity against phytopathogens, as well as against fungi pathogenic to humans. Along with antifungal activity, plant defensins are also capable of influencing various immune processes, but not much is known <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background/Objectives:</b> Defensins are important components of the innate plant immune system, exhibiting antimicrobial activity against phytopathogens, as well as against fungi pathogenic to humans. Along with antifungal activity, plant defensins are also capable of influencing various immune processes, but not much is known about these effects. In this study, we investigated the immunomodulatory effects of the tobacco defensin NaD1, which possesses a pronounced antifungal activity. <b>Methods and Results:</b> We showed that NaD1 could penetrate the Caco-2 polarized monolayer. Using a multiplex assay with a panel of 48 cytokines, chemokines and growth factors, we demonstrated that NaD1 at a concentration of 2 μM had immunomodulatory effects on human dendritic cells and blood monocytes, mainly inhibiting the production of various immune factors. Using the sandwich ELISA method, we demonstrated that NaD1 at the same concentration had a pronounced immunomodulatory effect on unstimulated THP-1-derived macrophages and those stimulated by bacterial LPS or fungal zymosan. NaD1 had a dual effect and induced the production of both pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β as well as anti-inflammatory IL-10 on resting and pro-inflammatory THP-1-derived macrophages. We also found that the immunomodulatory effects of the tobacco defensin NaD1 and the pea defensin Psd1 differed from each other, indicating nonuniformity in the modes of action of plant defensins. <b>Conclusions:</b> Thus, our data demonstrated that the tobacco defensin NaD1 exhibits different immunomodulatory effects on various immune cells. We hypothesized that influence on human immune system along with antifungal activity, could determine the effectiveness of this peptide under infection in vivo. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1101">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/Era_Peptides ">Antimicrobial Peptides: An Emerging Hope in the Era of New Infections and Resistance</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1524438"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1524438"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1524438" data-cycle-prev="#prev1524438" data-cycle-progressive="#images1524438" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1524438-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1524438" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1524438-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1524438-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1524438-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1524438-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Cytotoxic effects of the tobacco defensin NaD1 towards PBMCs (<b>A</b>) and Caco-2 cells in monolayer (<b>C</b>). The membrane-active peptide melittin from the venom of honeybees (<b>B</b>,<b>D</b>) was used for comparison. Error bars represent a standard deviation (±SD) between two biological and two technical replications. Significance levels are * <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05, *** <span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.001 and **** <span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.0001. The significance was calculated by comparing untreated cells (control) with treated by NaD1 or melittin cells. Viability cells in control and experimental samples was compared with un-paired two-sample <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1101'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Assessment of bidirectional transport of the tobacco defensin NaD1 through the polarized Caco-2 monolayer. A→B, absorptive transport; B→A, secretory transport; Papp—apparent permeability coefficient. Six and four independent biological replications were used for absorptive and secretory directions, respectively. The normality of Papp coefficient distribution was assessed using Shapiro–Wilk test. Papp coefficients were compared by unpaired two-sample <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1101'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Production of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors upon stimulation of DCs and monocytes by NaD1 at the concentration of 2 μM. Error bars represent a standard deviation (±SD) between two biological replications. The levels in control and experimental wells were compared by unpaired two-sample <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1101'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Influence of the tobacco defensin NaD1 and other AMPs at the concentration of 2 µM on production of pro- (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) and anti-inflammatory (<b>B</b>) cytokines either unstimulated or stimulated by LPS or by zymosan THP-1-derived macrophages. Error bars represent a standard deviation (±SD) between two biological and two technical replications. Significance levels are * <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05, ** <span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.01, *** <span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.001, **** <span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.0001. The significance of difference in cytokine production was calculated by comparing: unstimulated cells (control) with stimulated by AMPs cells (grey bars); stimulated by LPS (blue bars) or zymosan (green bars) cells alone or in the presence of AMPs. Release of the cytokines in control and experimental samples was compared with unpaired two-sample <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1101'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1524417" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1524417" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1524417" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1524417" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1100/s1?version=1732026289"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 173 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 15 pages, 3243 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1100/pdf?version=1732092639" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Proteomic Analysis of Vibrio parahaemolyticus-Stimulated Pinctada martensii Proteins for Antimicrobial Activity, Potential Mechanisms, and Key Components" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1100">Proteomic Analysis of <i>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</i>-Stimulated <i>Pinctada martensii</i> Proteins for Antimicrobial Activity, Potential Mechanisms, and Key Components</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Haisheng Lin</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Weiqiang Shen</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Bei Luo</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Wenhong Cao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Xiaoming Qin</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jialong Gao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zhongqin Chen</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Huina Zheng</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Bingbing Song</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1100; <a href=""></a> - 19 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 300 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background:</b> Bacterial infections are a major challenge in food processing and public health, and there is an urgent need to develop novel antimicrobial agents. <b>Objectives:</b> The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential mechanism and key components of <i>Pinctada martensii</i> antimicrobial <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background:</b> Bacterial infections are a major challenge in food processing and public health, and there is an urgent need to develop novel antimicrobial agents. <b>Objectives:</b> The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential mechanism and key components of <i>Pinctada martensii</i> antimicrobial proteins (Pm-Aps) to provide a theoretical basis for the development of novel antimicrobial agents. <b>Methods:</b> The researchers used <i>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</i> (VP) to stimulate <i>Pinctada martensii</i>, extracted the antimicrobial proteins, and analyzed their antimicrobial activities, potential mechanisms of action, and key components using proteomics. <b>Results:</b> The results showed that the antimicrobial activity of Pm-Aps, with broad-spectrum antimicrobial effects, was significantly enhanced after VP stimulation. This was associated with the upregulation of <i>LAAO</i>, <i>CHDH</i>, <i>TLR2</i>, <i>ATG16L1</i>, <i>BAK</i>, <i>CLCA4</i>, and <i>CASP8</i> and the downregulation of <i>MCM3</i>, <i>MCM5</i>, <i>DTYMK</i>, <i>PLK1</i>, <i>FBXO6</i>, <i>LPCAT3</i>, <i>GST</i>, <i>LAMTOR5</i>, <i>CYP17A</i>, <i>CTSA</i>, and <i>RRM1</i>. It is hypothesized that these proteins may inhibit bacterial growth and multiplication by activating immune-related signaling pathways, inhibiting DNA replication and repair, and inducing apoptosis and autophagy. Furthermore, it was found that <i>LAAO</i> may be a key component of the antimicrobial action of Pm-Aps, killing bacteria by catalyzing the oxidation of amino acids to produce hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>). <b>Conclusions:</b> These results strongly suggest that Pm-Aps is an effective antimicrobial protein, and it is expected that new <i>LAAO</i> can be obtained from Pm-Aps. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1100">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1524417"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1524417"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1524417" data-cycle-prev="#prev1524417" data-cycle-progressive="#images1524417" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1524417-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1524417" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1524417-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1524417-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1524417-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1524417-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1524417-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1524417-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>The effect of VP-stimulated infection on Pm-Aps activity. Normal control (NC): sterile PBS; positive control (PC): 1.5% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>; control group (giC): no VP-stimulated Pm-Aps; experimental group (giVP): VP-stimulated Pm-Aps. Different alphabets indicate significant differences (<span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.05).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1100'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Screening of DEPs before and after VP-stimulated infection. (<b>A</b>) Venn diagram of proteins identified in giVP and giC. (<b>B</b>) Histogram of DEPs results. Upregulated DEPs are in red, and downregulated DEPs are in blue. (<b>C</b>) Volcano map of DEPs. Red dots are significant upregulated DEPs (FC &gt; 2.0 and <span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.05), blue dots are prominent downregulated DEPs (FC &lt; 0.5 and <span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.05), and gray dots are proteins with no differential change. The details of the labeled proteins are shown in <a href="#antibiotics-13-01100-t002" class="html-table">Table 2</a> and <a href="#antibiotics-13-01100-t003" class="html-table">Table 3</a>. (<b>D</b>) Hierarchical cluster analysis heatmap of DEPs. A redder color means that the protein is upregulated for significance in this sample, and a bluer color means that the protein is downregulated for significance in this sample. Control group (giC): no VP-stimulated Pm-Aps; experimental group (giVP): VP-stimulated Pm-Aps.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1100'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>GO functional annotation and enrichment analysis of DEPs. (<b>A</b>) GO annotations of statistical analysis of DEPs. (<b>B</b>) GO functional enrichment of DEPs. A BP is a biological process, an MF is a molecular function, and a CC is a cellular component; the number Rich factor, above the bars, is the number of relevant differential proteins as a proportion of all characterized proteins for that GO term.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1100'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>KEGG annotation and enrichment analysis of DEPs. (<b>A</b>) KEGG annotations of statistical analysis of DEPs. (<b>B</b>) KEGG pathway enrichment of DEPs. The rich factor is the ratio of the number of relevant differential proteins to the number of characterized proteins in the pathway.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1100'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>Structural domain enrichment bubble diagram of DEPs. The rich factor is the ratio of the number of relevant differential proteins to the number of all characterized proteins in that structural domain.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1100'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> <p>The effect of different amino acid substrates on H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> concentration. Different alphabets indicate significant differences (<span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.05).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1100'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1524205" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 12 pages, 1221 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1099/pdf?version=1732012241" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Evaluating the Efficacy of Inhaled Colistin via Two Nebulizer Types in Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: Prospective Randomized Trial" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1099">Evaluating the Efficacy of Inhaled Colistin via Two Nebulizer Types in Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: Prospective Randomized Trial</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chung-Chi Huang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Tien-Pei Fang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chieh-Mo Lin</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chien-Ming Chu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Hsuan-Ling Hsiao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jui-Fang Liu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Hsin-Hsien Li</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Li-Chung Chiu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Kuo-Chin Kao</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chin-Hsi Kuo</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Shaw-Woei Leu</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Hui-Ling Lin</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1099; <a href=""></a> - 19 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 467 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Backgroud:</b> This prospective randomized trial evaluated the clinical efficacy of inhaled colistin administered through two distinct nebulizer types, a vibrating mesh nebulizer (VMN) and a jet nebulizer (JN), in the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. In addition, an in vitro <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Backgroud:</b> This prospective randomized trial evaluated the clinical efficacy of inhaled colistin administered through two distinct nebulizer types, a vibrating mesh nebulizer (VMN) and a jet nebulizer (JN), in the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. In addition, an in vitro model was used to determine the optimal delivery of colistin. <b>Method:</b> Thirty-two patients prescribed intravenous (IV) colistin inhalation were randomized to receive either a VMN (n = 17) or a JN (n = 15), then compared to the control group (IV alone) over a 7-to 10-day period. The primary endpoint was the clinical pulmonary infection score (CPIS), and the secondary endpoints were the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACE) score, and duration of ventilator use. <b>Results:</b> Results from in vitro testing demonstrated that VMN delivered a significantly higher colistin dose than JN (35.68 ± 3.55% vs. 23.56 ± 3.31%; <i>p</i> < 0.001) when positioned at the humidifier inlet. Compared to the IV alone group, the IV with inhalation group yielded significant improvements in CPIS, SOFA score, and APACHE score on day 7; nevertheless, clinical outcomes between the two nebulizers were statistically indistinguishable. <b>Conclusions:</b> In conclusion, although VMN delivers a higher dose in vitro, both nebulizers yielded comparable clinical outcomes. This study was registered at US Clinical Trial Registration (NCT04633317). <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1099">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/antibiotics/sections/antibiotic_therapy_infectious_diseases">Antibiotic Therapy in Infectious Diseases</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1524205"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1524205"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1524205" data-cycle-prev="#prev1524205" data-cycle-progressive="#images1524205" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1524205-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1524205" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1524205-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1524205-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1524205-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>The study flow diagram.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1099'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Trends in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels for nephrotoxicity monitoring. Data are presented as mean. Comparisons among three groups at five time points were analyzed by Freidman test, * <span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.05; comparisons among three groups were analyzed by Kruskal–Wallis test. Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; JN, jet nebulizer; VMN, vibrating mesh nebulizer.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1099'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Comparisons of drug dose (% ±SD, (<b>A</b>)) collected distal to the endotracheal tube and time (<b>B</b>) of delivery using two nebulizers placed at the inlet of the humidifier and between the inspiratory limb and circuit Y.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1099'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1524040" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 28 pages, 386 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1098/pdf?version=1732007813" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Screening Methods for Antimicrobial Residues in the Dairy Chain—The Past and the Present" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1098">Screening Methods for Antimicrobial Residues in the Dairy Chain—The Past and the Present</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Pavlína Navrátilová</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lenka Vorlová</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Sandra Dluhošová</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Klára Bartáková</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Oto Hanuš</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Eva Samková</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1098; <a href=""></a> - 19 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 460 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The presence of residues of antimicrobial substances in milk has been an important hygienic and technological parameter of raw milk quality since the 1960s. The presented review focuses on screening methods (microbiological inhibition methods and rapid specific tests) that are used in the <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The presence of residues of antimicrobial substances in milk has been an important hygienic and technological parameter of raw milk quality since the 1960s. The presented review focuses on screening methods (microbiological inhibition methods and rapid specific tests) that are used in the control of antimicrobial residues in milk in the context of their historical development up to the present. We briefly explain the principles of the methods and discuss their pros and cons. The aim was to provide both the historical perspective on this topic and provide useful information on screening methods that are currently routinely used for the detection of residues of antimicrobials at farms, in the dairy industry, and in milk quality control laboratories. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1098">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/EV92ADWSFM ">Emerging Challenges in Food Safety: Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance, Virulence Factors, and Biofilm Formation in Food-Borne Pathogens</a>)<br/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1523586" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1523586" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1523586" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1523586" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1097/s1?version=1731937995"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 1160 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 12 pages, 279 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1097/pdf?version=1731937994" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Ciprofloxacin Concentrations in Food Could Select for Quinolone Resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae: An In Vivo Study in Galleria mellonella" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1097">Ciprofloxacin Concentrations in Food Could Select for Quinolone Resistance in <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i>: An In Vivo Study in <i>Galleria mellonella</i></a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Nele Panis</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zina Gestels</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Dorien Van Den Bossche</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Irith De Baetselier</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Said Abdellati</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Thibaut Vanbaelen</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Tessa de Block</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Sheeba Santhini Manoharan-Basil</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chris Kenyon</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1097; <a href=""></a> - 18 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 485 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background</b>: The use of antimicrobials to treat food animals leaves antimicrobial residues in foodstuffs. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) of these residues as the dose of these antimicrobials that is safe for an average human to <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background</b>: The use of antimicrobials to treat food animals leaves antimicrobial residues in foodstuffs. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) of these residues as the dose of these antimicrobials that is safe for an average human to consume on a daily basis. We hypothesized that the lowest dose of ciprofloxacin classified as safe by the WHO could select for ciprofloxacin-resistant strains of <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i> in a <i>Galleria mellonella</i> model. <b>Objectives</b>: We aimed to evaluate if the consumption of peri-ADI doses of ciprofloxacin could select for ciprofloxacin-resistant (Ser464Phe, GyrB, ciprofloxacin MIC of 4 µg/mL) compared to -susceptible (isogenic, ciprofloxacin MIC of 0.047 µg/mL) strains of <i>K. pneumoniae</i> in a <i>Galleria mellonella</i> model. <b>Results</b>: A significant increase was seen in the proportion of resistance for the 1× ADI and 1/10th ADI concentrations on day 2 compared to the positive control. <b>Methods</b>: A model of <i>K. pneumoniae</i> infection in <i>G. mellonella</i> larvae was used for the experiment. The larvae were inoculated with <i>K. pneumoniae</i> followed by 10× ADI, 1× ADI, 1/10th ADI, 1/100th ADI, and 1/1000th ADI doses of ciprofloxacin. The isolation of <i>K. pneumoniae</i> colonies was then performed on selective agar plates with and without ciprofloxacin (1 µg/mL). The proportion of colonies with ciprofloxacin resistance was then calculated for each group at 24 and 48 h. <b>Conclusions</b>: We found that, at 48 h, there was an enrichment of <i>K. pneumoniae</i> colonies with ciprofloxacin resistance in the larvae receiving 1× ADI and 1/10th ADI concentrations of ciprofloxacin. These results suggest that the ciprofloxacin MSC<sub>select</sub> for <i>K. pneumoniae</i> in this model is 1/10th of the acceptable daily concentration (ADI) dose of ciprofloxacin, which is equivalent to 0.239 ng/µL. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1097">Full article</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1523553" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 18 pages, 1954 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1096/pdf?version=1731935863" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Structural Equation Modelling as a Proof-of-Concept Tool for Mediation Mechanisms Between Topical Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Six Types of Blood Stream Infection Among ICU Patients" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1096">Structural Equation Modelling as a Proof-of-Concept Tool for Mediation Mechanisms Between Topical Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Six Types of Blood Stream Infection Among ICU Patients</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>James Hurley</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1096; <a href=""></a> - 18 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 493 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Whether exposing the microbiome to antibiotics decreases or increases the risk of blood stream infection with <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>, <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>, <i>Acinetobacter</i>, and <i>Candida</i> among ICU patients, and how this altered risk might be mediated, are critical research questions. Addressing these <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Whether exposing the microbiome to antibiotics decreases or increases the risk of blood stream infection with <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>, <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>, <i>Acinetobacter</i>, and <i>Candida</i> among ICU patients, and how this altered risk might be mediated, are critical research questions. Addressing these questions through the direct study of specific constituents within the microbiome would be difficult. An alternative tool for addressing these research questions is structural equation modelling (SEM). SEM enables competing theoretical causation networks to be tested ‘en bloc’ by confrontation with data derived from the literature. These causation models have three conceptual steps: exposure to specific antimicrobials are the key drivers, clinically relevant infection end points are the measurable observables, and the activity of key microbiome constituents on microbial invasion serve as mediators. These mediators, whether serving to promote, to impede, or neither, are typically unobservable and appear as latent variables in each model. SEM methods enable comparisons through confronting the three competing models, each versus clinically derived data with the various exposures, such as topical or parenteral antibiotic prophylaxis, factorized in each model. <i>Candida</i> colonization, represented as a latent variable, and concurrency are consistent promoters of all types of blood stream infection, and emerge as harmful mediators. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1096">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/2277C21731 ">Epidemiology, Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Therapy: A Shared Effort against Infectious Diseases</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1523553"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1523553"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1523553" data-cycle-prev="#prev1523553" data-cycle-progressive="#images1523553" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1523553-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1523553" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1523553-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1523553-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1523553-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1523553-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1523553-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1523553-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1523553-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Three competing theoretical models of how exposing the microbiome (bacterial and <span class="html-italic">Candida</span> colonization) to topical antibiotic prophylaxis impacts the risk of blood stream and other infections. (<b>a</b>) Control of gut overgrowth (COGO), (<b>b</b>) colonization resistance, and (<b>c</b>) colonization susceptibility models. ‘Concurrency’ refers to the control and intervention groups concurrent within the same ICU. Bacterial and <span class="html-italic">Candida</span> colonization, being not easily measurable, are represented in the models as latent variables.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1096'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Three competing theoretical models of topical antibiotic prophylaxis mediating bacterial colonization causing blood stream and other infections are incorporated step by step into a sequence of structural equation models. Bacterial and <span class="html-italic">Candida</span> colonization are not easily measurable and are represented in the models as latent variables (ovals). The broken red arrows are the key defining steps for the COGO, colonization resistance, and colonization susceptibility models, respectively. ‘Concurrency’ refers to the control and intervention groups concurrent within the same ICU. Unbroken arrows are common to all models. Patient type refers to ICUs that have selective patient entry (e.g., trauma). <span class="html-italic">Candida</span> is not a recognized cause of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), and hence here the <span class="html-italic">Candida</span> isolates are counted among respiratory tract (RT) isolates. LOS is group mean length of ICU stay. Model selection is based on Akaike information criteria (AIC).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1096'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Scatter plots (logit scale) and 95% CI of respiratory tract (RT) <span class="html-italic">Candida</span> incidence (<b>a</b>) and candidemia (<b>b</b>) in component (control and intervention) groups of studies of various methods of infection prevention and observational studies in the ICU. Data from 289 studies as listed in reference [<a href="#B87-antibiotics-13-01096" class="html-bibr">87</a>]. The mean proportion (and 95% CI) derived by random-effect meta-analysis for each category of component (observational [Ob], control [_C], and intervention [_I]) group derived from observational [Ob], non-decontamination (non-D), antiseptic (a_s), topical antibiotic prophylaxis (tap), and single antifungal (SAF) studies, is displayed. The benchmark incidence in each plot is the summary mean derived from the observation studies (central vertical line). The group-wide presence of candidemia risk factors (CRF) is identified by solid symbols versus not (open). The data in the figure are listed in reference [<a href="#B88-antibiotics-13-01096" class="html-bibr">88</a>].</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1096'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Scatter plots (logit scale) and 95% CI of <span class="html-italic">Pseudomonas</span> VAP incidence (<b>a</b>) and <span class="html-italic">Pseudomonas</span> bacteremia (<b>b</b>) in component (control and intervention) groups of various methods of infection prevention in the ICU. The benchmark incidence in each plot is the summary mean derived from the observation studies (central vertical line). Abbreviations as for <a href="#antibiotics-13-01096-f003" class="html-fig">Figure 3</a>. The data in the figure are listed in reference [<a href="#B88-antibiotics-13-01096" class="html-bibr">88</a>].</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1096'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>A model of COGO as a GSEM. <span class="html-italic">Candida</span>_col and <span class="html-italic">Pseudomonas</span>_col (ovals) are latent variables representing <span class="html-italic">Candida</span> and <span class="html-italic">Pseudomonas</span> colonization, respectively. The variables in rectangles are binary predictor variables representing the group-level exposure to the following: a trauma ICU setting (trauma50), mean or median length of ICU stay &gt;7 days (los7), exposure to a topical antiseptic-based prevention method (a_S), exposure to a TAP-based prevention method (tap), exposure to a non-decontamination-based prevention method (non-D), use of mechanical ventilation more for than 90% of the group (mvp90) or exposure to PPAP (ppap), and exposure to azole/nystatin of amphotericin as antifungal prophylaxis. Groups with patient selection based on candidemia risk factors are factored (crf). The circles contain error terms (ε) associated with the latent variables. The three-part boxes represent the count data for <span class="html-italic">Candida</span> and <span class="html-italic">Pseudomonas</span> VAP (v_can_n, v_ps_n) and bacteremia (b_can_n, b_ps_n), each of which is logit-transformed with the total number of patients in each group as the denominator, using the logit link function in the generalized model of the GSEM. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) is 3974. The figure is adapted from reference [<a href="#B88-antibiotics-13-01096" class="html-bibr">88</a>] and used here under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (accessed on 12 November 2024).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1096'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> <p>A model of colonization resistance as a GSEM. The model is as for <a href="#antibiotics-13-01096-f005" class="html-fig">Figure 5</a> but includes concurrency (CC) with a group exposed to TAP as a factor. The AIC is 3928. The figure is adapted from reference [<a href="#B88-antibiotics-13-01096" class="html-bibr">88</a>] and used here under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (accessed on 12 November 2024).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1096'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> <p>A model of colonization susceptibility as a GSEM. The model is as for <a href="#antibiotics-13-01096-f006" class="html-fig">Figure 6</a> but includes an interaction between the latent variables representing <span class="html-italic">Candida</span> and <span class="html-italic">Pseudomonas</span> colonization. The AIC is 3921. The figure is adapted from reference [<a href="#B88-antibiotics-13-01096" class="html-bibr">88</a>] and used here under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (accessed on 12 November 2024).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1096'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1523095" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 14 pages, 1958 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1095/pdf?version=1731913613" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Cinnamaldehyde in Focus: Antimicrobial Properties, Biosynthetic Pathway, and Industrial Applications" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1095">Cinnamaldehyde in Focus: Antimicrobial Properties, Biosynthetic Pathway, and Industrial Applications</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Brandon Armando Jaramillo Jimenez</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Fatima Awwad</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Isabel Desgagné-Penix</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1095; <a href=""></a> - 18 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 679 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <i>Trans</i>-cinnamaldehyde (TCA), a major bioactive compound derived from cinnamon (<i>Cinnamomum</i> spp.), has garnered significant attention for its diverse therapeutic properties. Its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, targeting both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as various fungi, positions TCA as a potent natural <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <i>Trans</i>-cinnamaldehyde (TCA), a major bioactive compound derived from cinnamon (<i>Cinnamomum</i> spp.), has garnered significant attention for its diverse therapeutic properties. Its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, targeting both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as various fungi, positions TCA as a potent natural antimicrobial agent. Beyond its antimicrobial effects, TCA demonstrates promising antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities, making it a valuable compound in medicinal and cosmetic applications. Recent studies have highlighted its role in disrupting microbial membranes, inhibiting biofilm formation, and modulating key metabolic pathways in pathogens. Furthermore, TCA has gained popularity in cosmetics due to its antimicrobial activity, antioxidant properties, and skin-friendly profile. This review provides a comprehensive overview of TCA’s antimicrobial potential, focusing on its mechanisms of action and its market and industrial applications. We also discuss the biosynthetic pathway of TCA, exploring both its natural production in cinnamon and advances in biotechnological production methods. As the demand for sustainable and natural antimicrobial agents grows, TCA emerges as a promising candidate for diverse applications. Finally, this review explores future directions for optimizing TCA production through metabolic engineering and synthetic biology approaches to meet industrial-scale demands. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1095">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/5LE6KA16MW ">Antimicrobial Activity of Secondary Metabolites Produced in Nature</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1523095"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1523095"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1523095" data-cycle-prev="#prev1523095" data-cycle-progressive="#images1523095" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1523095-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1523095" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1523095-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1523095-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1523095-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1523095-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1523095-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>The chemical structure of <span class="html-italic">trans</span>-cinnamaldehyde.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1095'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Percentage of global natural cinnamaldehyde market, regional distribution, and expected reach in 2023. North America is the region that leads the TCA industry, followed by Europe and Asia. Adapted from Insights (2023).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1095'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Schematic representation showing the potential inhibition mechanism of <span class="html-italic">trans</span>-cinnamaldehyde. TCA changes the cell membrane’s permeability and attacks the mitochondria, leading to the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and leakage of intracellular substances such as Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>, and proteins. Adapted from [<a href="#B10-antibiotics-13-01095" class="html-bibr">10</a>,<a href="#B20-antibiotics-13-01095" class="html-bibr">20</a>,<a href="#B21-antibiotics-13-01095" class="html-bibr">21</a>]. Created in Biorender.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1095'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Structure of <span class="html-italic">trans</span>-cinnamaldehyde Schiff base compounds.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1095'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>Proposed cinnamaldehyde biosynthetic pathway in microalgae. Black dotted lines show multiple enzymatic steps involved. Black arrows represent enzymatic, or transport steps supported by direct experimental evidence. Gray dashed arrows represent hypothesized steps. Enzyme abbreviations: CM, chorismate mutase; PPA-AT, prephenate aminotransferase; ADT, arogenate dehydratase; pCAT, plastidial cationic amino acid transporter; PDT, prephenate dehydratase; PPY-AT, phenylpyruvate aminotransferase; PAL, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase 4CL, 4-coumarate-CoA ligase; CCR, cinnamoyl CoA reductase. Adapted from [<a href="#B48-antibiotics-13-01095" class="html-bibr">48</a>,<a href="#B49-antibiotics-13-01095" class="html-bibr">49</a>,<a href="#B50-antibiotics-13-01095" class="html-bibr">50</a>,<a href="#B51-antibiotics-13-01095" class="html-bibr">51</a>,<a href="#B52-antibiotics-13-01095" class="html-bibr">52</a>]). Created in ChemDraw.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1095'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1522685" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1522685" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1522685" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1522685" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1094/s1?version=1731829964"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 233 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 9 pages, 869 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1094/pdf?version=1731829964" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Improving Turnaround Times for Routine Antimicrobial Sensitivity Testing Following European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Methodology in Patients with Bacteraemia" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1094">Improving Turnaround Times for Routine Antimicrobial Sensitivity Testing Following European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Methodology in Patients with Bacteraemia</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Raewyn Edmondson</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Kordo Saeed</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Steve Green</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Matthew O’Dwyer</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1094; <a href=""></a> - 17 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 516 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background/Objectives</b>: Bacteraemia can be fatal without antibiotic intervention. Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST) provides the necessary information for targeted antibiotic therapy; however, the traditional method using disc diffusion can take over two days from a positive blood culture. Inappropriate empiric therapy is associated <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background/Objectives</b>: Bacteraemia can be fatal without antibiotic intervention. Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST) provides the necessary information for targeted antibiotic therapy; however, the traditional method using disc diffusion can take over two days from a positive blood culture. Inappropriate empiric therapy is associated with increased mortality and increased antibiotic resistance, highlighting the need for more rapid turnaround times for AST. By making changes to an established method, turnaround times can be reduced. <b>Methods</b>: Eighty-two patient positive blood culture samples were collected from January to April 2022, representing the range of common bacteria causing sepsis. This followed the normal methodology in the laboratory of inoculating agar from positive blood cultures in preparation for European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) disc diffusion AST method. EUCAST methodology outlines that disc diffusion should be performed on isolates from an overnight culture of 16–24 h. This study looked at comparing disc diffusion results from cultures with 6 h of incubation to those with incubation times of 24 h, after organism identification by MALDI-ToF. Results from 6-h and 24-h cultures were compared by disc zone sizes and by interpreted susceptibility reading following EUCAST guidelines of sensitive, resistant, susceptible with increased exposure, or an area of technical uncertainty. <b>Results</b>: A total of 99.65% interpreted susceptibility readings matched across all organisms to all relevant antibiotics, with an average zone size difference of 1.08 mm between results from 6 h versus 24 h cultures. <b>Conclusions</b>: This method offers a non-automated way of using the traditional disc diffusion method, reducing turnaround times while still producing reliable and accurate results. This would mean validated ASTs can be set up in the same day as a blood culture flags positive rather than waiting for a longer culture. As this method is widely used within the laboratory already, it would mean that additional training is not required, as the process is the same, and only incubation time varies. This would positively impact patient outlook due to the shorter use of empiric therapy, and benefit antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1094">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/MD71615736 ">Clinical Guidelines and Real Practice of Antimicrobial Pharmacotherapy</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1522685"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1522685"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1522685" data-cycle-prev="#prev1522685" data-cycle-progressive="#images1522685" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1522685-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1522685" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1522685-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1522685-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Comparison of AST inhibition zone sizes in mm for each organism group for all antibiotics from 6 h and 24 h culture plates. Individual points represent one organism result for one antibiotic. Where overlaid, this is indicated by the point size. A trendline and R<sup>2</sup> value are included.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1094'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Current and proposed processes for positive blood cultures to AST results. <sup>a</sup> Positive blood cultures that flag between 12 p.m. to 2 a.m. <sup>b</sup> Minimum incubation time of 7 h, maximum incubation time of 21 h. <sup>c</sup> Minimum incubation time of 4 h, maximum incubation time of 8 h. <sup>d</sup> AST set up performed within a time range of 4 h. <sup>e</sup> Minimum incubation time of 16 h, maximum incubation time of 20 h. <sup>f</sup> Positive blood cultures that flag between 4 am to 10 am. <sup>g</sup> Minimum incubation time of 5 h, maximum incubation time of 11 h. <sup>h</sup> Minimum incubation time of 22 h, maximum incubation time of 26 h. <sup>i</sup> AST set up performed within a time range of 4 h. <sup>j</sup> Minimum incubation time of 16 h, maximum incubation time of 20 h. <sup>k</sup> The new process does not have a time range for the bottle to flag positive and is processed immediately. <sup>l</sup> incubation time of 6 h. <sup>m</sup> No incubation after MALDI ID as AST set up performed immediately. <sup>n</sup> AST set up performed within a time range of 4 h. <sup>o</sup> Minimum incubation time of 16 h, maximum incubation time of 20 h.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1094'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1522604" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 14 pages, 1331 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1093/pdf?version=1732067256" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Risk Assessment and Recommended Approaches to Optimize Infection Control and Antibiotic Stewardship to Reduce External Ventricular Drain Infection: A Single-Center Study" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1093">Risk Assessment and Recommended Approaches to Optimize Infection Control and Antibiotic Stewardship to Reduce External Ventricular Drain Infection: A Single-Center Study</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jozsef Kelemen</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marton Sztermen</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Eva Dakos</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Gergely Agocs</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jozsef Budai</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jozsef Katona</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zsuzsanna Szekeressy</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Laszlo Sipos</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zoltan Papp</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Mate Bata</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Janos Karczub</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Mate Korompai</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zsuzsanna A. Dunai</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Bela Kocsis</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Dora Szabo</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lorand Eross</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1093; <a href=""></a> - 17 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 472 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background:</b> An external ventricular drain (EVD) is used to release elevated intracranial pressure by draining cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the brain’s ventricles. The establishment of an EVD is one of the most commonly performed neurosurgical procedures to treat intracranial pressure in patients. Nevertheless, <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background:</b> An external ventricular drain (EVD) is used to release elevated intracranial pressure by draining cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the brain’s ventricles. The establishment of an EVD is one of the most commonly performed neurosurgical procedures to treat intracranial pressure in patients. Nevertheless, infections are very frequent complications. Identifying the risk factors for EVD-related infections is a key to improving patient safety and outcomes. <b>Methods:</b> We conducted a retrospective, single-center study of patients who underwent EVD implantation between January 2022 and March 2024. Patients were classified into infected and non-infected groups based on their clinical symptoms, as well as laboratory and microbiological results. Patient characteristics and possible risk factors for infection were compared between the two groups. <b>Results:</b> In total, 123 patients treated with 156 EVDs were included in this study, with a mean age of 55.8 (range: 25–84) years. EVD-associated infections were observed in 37 patients (30%). We found no significant association between infection risk and patient characteristics, including gender, primary diagnosis, craniotomy, or immunosuppression. There was no significant difference in terms of EVD insertion, i.e., whether the insertion took place in the operating room (OR) with antibiotic prophylaxis or outside the OR with no periprocedural antibiotic treatment. However, within the intensive care unit (ICU), EVD infection was much lower (13%) if EVD insertion took place in a single-bed room compared to multiple-bed room insertions (34%). Furthermore, there were significant differences in terms of the duration of first EVD (both single and multiple catheterizations) (<i>p</i> < 0.0001) and the total catheterization time (<i>p</i> = 0.0001). Additionally, there was a significant association with patient days in the ICU and EVD catheterization. <b>Conclusions:</b> Revisiting infection control measures is necessary, with special attention to the replacement of EVDs in single-bed ICU rooms, to introduce antibiotic prophylaxis in the ICU. Minimizing unnecessary EVD manipulation during catheterization is crucial in order to decrease the risk of EVD infection. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1093">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/3CIBUB617L ">Antimicrobial Treatment and Management of Central Nervous System Infections</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1522604"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1522604"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1522604" data-cycle-prev="#prev1522604" data-cycle-progressive="#images1522604" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1522604-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1522604" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1522604-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1522604-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1522604-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1522604-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Flowchart of patient inclusion in this study, detailing EVD catheterization and infection status.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1093'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>The bed counts in ICU in the infected and non-infected groups of EVD patients.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1093'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Infection in relation to duration of EVD.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1093'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Variable importance for EVD infections.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1093'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1522236" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 23 pages, 6586 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1092/pdf?version=1731740105" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Studies Regarding Antimicrobial Properties of Some Microbial Polyketides Derived from Monascus Strains" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1092">Studies Regarding Antimicrobial Properties of Some Microbial Polyketides Derived from <i>Monascus</i> Strains</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Daniela Albisoru</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Nicoleta Radu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lucia Camelia Pirvu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Amalia Stefaniu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Narcisa Băbeanu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Rusandica Stoica</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Dragos Paul Mihai</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1092; <a href=""></a> - 16 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 644 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Finding new molecules to prevent the growth of antimicrobial resistance is a hot topic for scientists worldwide. It has been reported that some raw bioproducts containing <i>Monascus</i> polyketides have antimicrobial activities, but extensive studies on this effect have not been conducted. In this <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Finding new molecules to prevent the growth of antimicrobial resistance is a hot topic for scientists worldwide. It has been reported that some raw bioproducts containing <i>Monascus</i> polyketides have antimicrobial activities, but extensive studies on this effect have not been conducted. In this context, our studies aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial properties of six raw bioproducts containing three classes of microbial polyketides biosynthesized by three <i>Monascus</i> strains through solid-state biosynthesis. As a methodology, we performed in silico predictions using programs such as PyMOL v3.0.4 and employed ESI-MS techniques to provide evidence of the presence of the six studied compounds in our bioproducts. The results obtained in silico were validated through in vitro studies using the Kirby-Bauer diffusion method on bacteria and fungi. The test performed in silico showed that Monascorubramine has the highest affinity for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, followed by yellow polyketides such as Ankaflavin and Monascin. The estimated pharmacokinetic parameters indicated high gastrointestinal absorption and the potential to cross the blood-brain barrier for all studied compounds. However, the compounds also inhibit most enzymes involved in drug metabolism, presenting some level of toxicity. The best in vitro results were obtained for <i>S. aureus</i>, with an extract containing yellow <i>Monascus</i> polyketides. Predictions made for <i>E. coli</i> were validated in vitro for <i>P. aeruginosa</i>, <i>S. enterica</i>, and <i>S. marcescens</i>, as well as for fungi. Significant antibacterial properties were observed during this study for <i>C. albicans</i>, <i>S. aureus</i>, and fungal dermatophytes for crude bioproducts containing <i>Monascus</i> polyketides. In conclusion, the antimicrobial properties of <i>Monascus</i> polyketides were validated both in silico and in vitro. However, due to their potential toxicity, these bioproducts would be safer to use as topical formulations. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1092">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/1BNR5MOMFU ">Antimicrobial and Anti-infective Activity of Natural Products, 2nd Edition</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1522236"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1522236"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1522236" data-cycle-prev="#prev1522236" data-cycle-progressive="#images1522236" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1522236" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7 Cont.</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='9' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='10' data-target='article-1522236-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9 Cont.</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1522236-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Experimental study design.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Molecular docking validation—superposition of predicted poses (pink) of co-crystallized inhibitors on initial conformations (green): (<b>a</b>) trimethoprim in saDHFR binding site (PDB ID: 2w9s, RMSD 0.6535 Å); (<b>b</b>) trimethoprim in ecDHFR binding site (PDB ID: 7mym, RMSD 0.3521 Å); (<b>c</b>) UCP11E in caDHFR binding site (PDB ID: 4hoe, RMSD 0.4389 Å); (<b>d</b>) trimethoprim in hDHFR binding site (PDB ID: 2w3a, RMSD 0.9559 Å).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Predicted binding poses of Monascorubramine in DHFR active sites. (<b>a</b>) saDHFR; (<b>b</b>) ecDHFR; (<b>c</b>) caDHFR; (<b>d</b>) hDHFR.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>2D diagrams of predicted molecular interactions between Monascorubramine and active sites of DHFR homologues. (<b>a</b>) saDHFR; (<b>b</b>) ecDHFR; (<b>c</b>) caDHFR; (<b>d</b>) hDHFR.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>“Boiled egg” diagram illustrating the distribution of the investigated compounds in the chemical space of molecules that are absorbed in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract or passively permeate the blood–brain barrier (BBB) based on calculated WlogP (octanol/water partition coefficient) and TPSA (topological polar surface area) values. Molecules located in the “egg yolk” are predicted to passively permeate through the BBB. Molecules located in the white area are predicted to be passively absorbed in the GI tract.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> <p>ESI-MS analysis of a total alcoholic extract of the following: (<b>a</b>) <span class="html-italic">Monascus purpureus</span>; (<b>b</b>) <span class="html-italic">Monascus ruber</span>; (<b>c</b>) <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> sp. 3 <span class="html-italic">(Monascus ruber</span>; highly productive).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> <p>Antibacterial properties of polyketides obtained from Monascus-derived bioproducts: (<b>a</b>) antibacterial properties for <span class="html-italic">S. aureus</span> (yellow polyketides exhibit the best activities); (<b>b</b>) antibacterial properties for <span class="html-italic">S. aureus</span> MRSA (yellow polyketides exhibit moderate activities); (<b>c</b>) antibacterial properties for <span class="html-italic">S. marcescens</span> (red polyketides exhibit the best activities); (<b>d</b>) antibacterial properties for <span class="html-italic">P. aeruginosa</span> (red polyketides exhibit moderate antimicrobial activities); (<b>e</b>) antibacterial properties for <span class="html-italic">S. enterica</span> (red polyketides exhibit local-moderate antimicrobial activities).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7 Cont.</strong><br/> <p>Antibacterial properties of polyketides obtained from Monascus-derived bioproducts: (<b>a</b>) antibacterial properties for <span class="html-italic">S. aureus</span> (yellow polyketides exhibit the best activities); (<b>b</b>) antibacterial properties for <span class="html-italic">S. aureus</span> MRSA (yellow polyketides exhibit moderate activities); (<b>c</b>) antibacterial properties for <span class="html-italic">S. marcescens</span> (red polyketides exhibit the best activities); (<b>d</b>) antibacterial properties for <span class="html-italic">P. aeruginosa</span> (red polyketides exhibit moderate antimicrobial activities); (<b>e</b>) antibacterial properties for <span class="html-italic">S. enterica</span> (red polyketides exhibit local-moderate antimicrobial activities).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> <p>Antifungal properties of polyketides obtained from Monascus-derived bioproducts for the following: (<b>a</b>) <span class="html-italic">Candida albicans</span>; (<b>b</b>) <span class="html-italic">S. brevicaulis</span>, (<b>c</b>) <span class="html-italic">M. gypseum</span>; (<b>d</b>) <span class="html-italic">T. mentagrophytes</span>.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> <p>Flow diagram used to obtain enhanced extracts of yellow, orange, and red polyketides: (<b>a</b>) Solid-state biosynthesis of <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> bioproducts (RYR); (<b>b</b>) Sample preparation of <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> bioproducts for analysis; (<b>c</b>) Obtaining <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> extract with yellow polyketides; (<b>d</b>) Obtaining <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> extract with orange polyketides; (<b>e</b>) Obtaining <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> extract with red polyketides.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9 Cont.</strong><br/> <p>Flow diagram used to obtain enhanced extracts of yellow, orange, and red polyketides: (<b>a</b>) Solid-state biosynthesis of <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> bioproducts (RYR); (<b>b</b>) Sample preparation of <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> bioproducts for analysis; (<b>c</b>) Obtaining <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> extract with yellow polyketides; (<b>d</b>) Obtaining <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> extract with orange polyketides; (<b>e</b>) Obtaining <span class="html-italic">Monascus</span> extract with red polyketides.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1092'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1521711" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 21 pages, 1602 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1091/pdf?version=1731666603" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="A Comprehensive Review on the Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral, and Antiparasitic Potential of Silybin" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1091">A Comprehensive Review on the Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral, and Antiparasitic Potential of Silybin</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>José Lima Pereira-Filho</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Amanda Graziela Gonçalves Mendes</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Carmem Duarte Lima Campos</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Israel Viegas Moreira</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Cinara Regina Aragão Vieira Monteiro</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Suzany Hellen da Silva Soczek</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Elizabeth Soares Fernandes</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Rafael Cardoso Carvalho</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Valério Monteiro-Neto</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1091; <a href=""></a> - 15 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 732 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Silybin, a flavonolignan extracted from the seeds of the plant species <i>Silybum marianum</i> (L.) Gaertn., has a variety of pharmacological activities, including antimicrobial activity against several microorganisms of clinical interest. This review analyzes the existing studies on silybin’s antimicrobial activity and possible mechanisms <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Silybin, a flavonolignan extracted from the seeds of the plant species <i>Silybum marianum</i> (L.) Gaertn., has a variety of pharmacological activities, including antimicrobial activity against several microorganisms of clinical interest. This review analyzes the existing studies on silybin’s antimicrobial activity and possible mechanisms of action. Silybin has been shown to inhibit the growth of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as some fungi, viruses, and protozoa. In general, possible mechanisms of antimicrobial action include the inhibition of efflux pumps, prevention of biofilm formation, reduction of the expression of virulence factors, induction of apoptosis-like effects, and plasma membrane damage, as well as the inhibition of nucleic acid and protein synthesis. Silybin has been shown to have synergistic effects when combined with conventional antibiotics against both drug-sensitive and drug-resistant microorganisms. However, the low bioavailability observed for this flavonolignan has been a challenge to its clinical use. In this context, nanotechnology has been used to increase silybin’s bioavailability while enhancing its antimicrobial activity. Furthermore, certain structural modifications have been able to enhance its antimicrobial activity in comparison to that of the natural molecule. Overall, this review provides insights into the scientific understanding of the mechanism of action of silybin and its desired properties for the effective treatment of infections. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1091">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/1BNR5MOMFU ">Antimicrobial and Anti-infective Activity of Natural Products, 2nd Edition</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1521711"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1521711"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1521711" data-cycle-prev="#prev1521711" data-cycle-progressive="#images1521711" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1521711-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1521711" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1521711-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1521711-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1521711-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Chemical structure of silybin A and silybin B. Flavonolignans contain a flavonoid moiety linked to a lignan and phenylpropanoid moiety.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1091'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Antibacterial mechanism of silybin. Silybin exerts its antibacterial action through different mechanisms, including (<b>a</b>) inhibition of biofilm formation and biofilm formation, disrupting adherent bacterial communities; (<b>b</b>) inhibition of the expression of efflux pump genes, such as NorA, ABC and AcrABZ-TolC pumps, increasing the intracellular concentration of silybin; (<b>c</b>) inhibition of quorum sensing, limiting bacterial communication; (<b>d</b>) reduction of virulence factors, such as adhesins that are essential for the cell adhesion process; (<b>e</b>) DNA fragmentation, resulting in damage to the genetic material; (<b>f</b>) inhibition of RNA and protein synthesis; and (<b>g</b>) apoptosis-like death, promoting DNA fragmentation and cell death.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1091'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Antifungal mechanism of silybin. Silybin exerts its antifungal action through different mechanisms, including (<b>a</b>) inhibition of biofilm formation, disrupting adherent bacterial communities; (<b>b</b>) damage to the plasma membrane, causing cell rupture; (<b>c</b>) mitochondrial alterations, generating an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS), intensifying oxidative stress; (<b>d</b>) DNA fragmentation, resulting in damage to the genetic material; and (<b>e</b>) induction of apoptosis, promoting cell disintegration and death.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1091'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1521502" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1521502" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1521502" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1521502" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1090/s1?version=1731659045"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 56 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 10 pages, 564 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1090/pdf?version=1731659044" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus Carrying the PVL and Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin in Healthy Dogs in Algeria" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1090">Methicillin-Resistant <i>S. aureus</i> Carrying the PVL and Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin in Healthy Dogs in Algeria</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Fares Khermouche</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Nouzha Heleili</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Manel Merradi</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Amina Hachemi</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Antoine Drapeau</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Séverine Murri</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jean-Yves Madec</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marisa Haenni</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1090; <a href=""></a> - 15 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 555 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background/Objectives</b>: <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> and <i>Staphylococcus pseudintermedius</i> are major opportunistic pathogens in both humans and dogs. In pets, the dissemination of methicillin-resistant isolates (MRSA or MRSP) is problematic for the treatment of animals and is a public health issue due to their zoonotic <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background/Objectives</b>: <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> and <i>Staphylococcus pseudintermedius</i> are major opportunistic pathogens in both humans and dogs. In pets, the dissemination of methicillin-resistant isolates (MRSA or MRSP) is problematic for the treatment of animals and is a public health issue due to their zoonotic potential. MRSA and MRSP may also harbor virulent genes that increase their dangerousness. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of (MR)SA and (MR)SP in healthy dogs and their owners in Algeria. <b>Methods</b>: Swabs were collected from various body sites of healthy dogs (n = 88) and from the nose of their owners (n = 38). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by antibiograms according to the disc diffusion method, and clonality was assessed using Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE). All methicillin-resistant isolates were short-read whole-genome sequenced using the Illumina technology. <b>Results</b>: 26 <i>S. aureus</i> and 17 <i>S. pseudintermedius</i> isolates were respectively collected from 13 dogs (13/88, 14.8%). No MRSP isolate was detected, while MRSA was found in six dogs (6.8%). Isolates belonged to ST1 (n = 3), ST 80 (n = 1), and ST 22 (n = 2, including the single-locus variant ST7118). All MRSA displayed the immune evasion cluster (IEC) type E. The ST80 isolate presented the Panton–Valentine toxin, and the ST22/ST7118 isolates carried the <i>tst</i> gene coding for the toxic shock syndrome toxin. <b>Conclusions</b>: The epidemiology of MRSA in healthy Algerian dogs mirrors the one in Algerian people. This poses a zoonotic and public health concern due to the virulence and resistance genes displayed by these isolates. Our results indicate the need for developing One Health strategies to avoid a large-scale dissemination of MRSA in Algerian dogs. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1090">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/OAMW05JCQV ">Epidemiology of Zoonotic Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistance</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1521502-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div></div></div><div id="article-1521502-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>SNP-based phylogeny of the ST1, ST22, and ST80 genomes obtained from Algerian dogs and humans. In the ST22 group, the isolate 64314 corresponds to the single locus variant ST7118.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1090'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1520918" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1520918" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1520918" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1520918" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1089/s1?version=1731582805"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 2089 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 20 pages, 2961 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1089/pdf?version=1731582804" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="The Impact of Urban Pollution on Plasmid-Mediated Resistance Acquisition in Enterobacteria from a Tropical River" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1089">The Impact of Urban Pollution on Plasmid-Mediated Resistance Acquisition in Enterobacteria from a Tropical River</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Bradd Mendoza-Guido</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Kenia Barrantes</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>César Rodríguez</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Keilor Rojas-Jimenez</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Maria Arias-Andres</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1089; <a href=""></a> - 14 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 872 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background:</b> The exposure of environmental bacteria to contaminants in aquatic ecosystems accelerates the dissemination of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). <b>Methods:</b> In this study, we sampled three locations along a contamination gradient of a polluted river, focusing on isolating Enterobacteria <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background:</b> The exposure of environmental bacteria to contaminants in aquatic ecosystems accelerates the dissemination of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). <b>Methods:</b> In this study, we sampled three locations along a contamination gradient of a polluted river, focusing on isolating Enterobacteria from the surface waters to investigate the relationship between urban pollution and antibiotic resistance. The genomes of 15 isolates (5 per site) were sequenced to identify plasmid-borne ARGs and their association with resistance phenotypes. <b>Results:</b> Isolates from the site with the highest contamination (Site 3) showeda larger number of ARGs, plasmids, and resistance phenotypes. Notably, one of the isolates analyzed, <i>E. coli</i> A231-12, exhibited phenotypic resistance to seven antibiotics, presumably conferred by a single plasmid carrying 12 ARGs. Comparative analysis of this plasmid revealed its close evolutionary relationship with another IncH plasmid hosted by <i>Salmonella enterica</i>, underscoring its high ARG burden in the aquatic environment. Other plasmids identified in our isolates carried <i>sul</i> and <i>dfrA</i> genes, conferring resistance to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, a commonly prescribed antibiotic combination in clinical settings. <b>Conclusions:</b> These results highlight the critical need to expand research on the link between pollution and plasmid-mediated antimicrobial resistance in aquatic ecosystems, which can act as reservoirs of ARGs. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1089">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/081EU4XP01 ">The Spread of Antibiotic Resistance in Natural Environments</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1520918"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1520918"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1520918" data-cycle-prev="#prev1520918" data-cycle-progressive="#images1520918" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1520918-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1520918" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1520918-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1520918-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1520918-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1520918-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1520918-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Phylogenomic tree representing the evolutionary relationships of the isolated bacteria and reference genomes. The tree was constructed using 908 single-copy core genes shared across all the genomes. Bootstrap values, based on 1000 resamplings, appear at the nodes. The height of the bars corresponds to the number of ARGs found in the chromosome (purple) and plasmids (blue), with the label colors indicating the sites where the bacteria were isolated. <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> and <span class="html-italic">Shigella</span> clades unrelated to the isolates were collapsed to reduce the number of labels. The <span class="html-italic">E. coli</span> phylogroup B2 is highlighted due to the inclusion of the type strain <span class="html-italic">E. coli</span> DSM 30083<sup>t</sup>. Branch lengths were omitted for improved visualization.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1089'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Antibiotic susceptibility testing of the evaluated isolates. Each box shows the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) obtained, and the colors represent the resistance phenotype: dark blue for resistant, blue for intermediate-resistant, and light blue for susceptible isolates. Resistance levels were assessed based on the MIC breakpoints for Enterobacterales as outlined in the 2020 CLSI guidelines [<a href="#B16-antibiotics-13-01089" class="html-bibr">16</a>].</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1089'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Potential phenotypes associated with ARGs identified in each genome analyzed. The heatmap color gradient represents the gene count of ARGs, while the column colors indicate the genomic location of the genes: light blue for chromosomal, pink for plasmid, and green for both chromosomal and plasmid locations.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1089'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Graphical representation of plasmids containing ARGs, generated using the PlasmidScope web server. (<b>A</b>) Multi-drug-resistance region of plasmid pAC802 (<span class="html-italic">E. coli</span> A224-8), (<b>B</b>) plasmid pAB190 (<span class="html-italic">E. coli</span> A224-8), (<b>C</b>) plasmid pAB595-1 (<span class="html-italic">K. pneumoniae</span> A238-6), (<b>D</b>) plasmid pAB595-2 (<span class="html-italic">K. pneumoniae</span> A230-7), (<b>E</b>) plasmid pAC305 (<span class="html-italic">C. gillenii</span> A223-7), and (<b>F</b>) plasmid pAA998 (<span class="html-italic">E. coli</span> A231-12). Since plasmid pAC802 was found to be associated with a chromosomal contig after PacBio sequencing, we only present the multi-drug-resistance region integrated into the chromosome, which was linked to a plasmid sequence (from 758 to 777 kbp). In each graphical representation, all coding sequences (CDSs) identified by Prokka and Prodigal are displayed; however, only genes related to antibiotic resistance, biocide resistance, integrons, replication, insertion sequences (ISs), transposases, putative transposases (PTs), and other genes related with mobility functions are highlighted. Insertion sequence families were assigned based on MOB-suite results or annotated with the PlasmidScope web server. As <span class="html-italic">attC</span> sequences were not annotated with PlasmidScope, they were added manually based on genomic coordinates as indicated by IntegronFinder 2.0. Colors of CDSs in the plasmid maps are based on categorical functions assigned by eggNOG-mapper in PlasmidScope. Incompatibility groups (when available) and plasmid sizes were determined using the MOB-suite tool and are indicated in the graphics. To enhance visualization, all plasmid sequences are displayed in their circular form and gene names with light colors were changed to black. Additional details on these plasmids are provided in <a href="#app1-antibiotics-13-01089" class="html-app">Supplementary Table S3</a>.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1089'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>Comparative analysis of plasmid pAA998. Alignment of coding regions between plasmids pAA998 and pF8475, arranged based on their similarity in gene content (Jaccard index). Coding sequences (CDSs) that are unique to either plasmid are highlighted with a white background. CDSs associated with antibiotic-resistance genes are marked with an asterisk (*), while those related to quaternary-ammonium-compound resistance are indicated with a plus sign (+). For improved visualization, the section of plasmid pAA998 containing genes 32 to 39 (unique to pAA998) has been removed. Colors and numbers in the CDS boxes indicate associated functions, which are detailed further in <a href="#app1-antibiotics-13-01089" class="html-app">Supplementary File S2</a>.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1089'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1520842" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 13 pages, 3660 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1088/pdf?version=1731579306" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Phytogenic Synthesis of Cuprous and Cupric Oxide Nanoparticles Using Black jack Leaf Extract: Antibacterial Effects and Their Computational Docking Insights" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1088">Phytogenic Synthesis of Cuprous and Cupric Oxide Nanoparticles Using <i>Black jack</i> Leaf Extract: Antibacterial Effects and Their Computational Docking Insights</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Sutha Paramasivam</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Sathishkumar Chidambaram</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Palanisamy Karumalaiyan</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Gurunathan Velayutham</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Muthusamy Chinnasamy</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ramar Pitchaipillai</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>K. J. Senthil Kumar</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1088; <a href=""></a> - 14 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 458 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background:</b> Green synthesized nanoparticles (NPs) have gained increasing popularity in recent times due to their broad spectrum of antimicrobial properties. This study aimed to develop a phytofabrication approach for producing cuprous (Cu<sub>2</sub>O) and cupric oxide (CuO) NPs using a simple, non-hazardous <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background:</b> Green synthesized nanoparticles (NPs) have gained increasing popularity in recent times due to their broad spectrum of antimicrobial properties. This study aimed to develop a phytofabrication approach for producing cuprous (Cu<sub>2</sub>O) and cupric oxide (CuO) NPs using a simple, non-hazardous process and to examine their antimicrobial properties. <b>Methods:</b> The synthesis employed <i>Bidens pilosa</i> plant extract as a natural reducing and stabilizing agent, alongside copper chloride dihydrate as the precursor. The biosynthesized NPs were characterized through various techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, ultraviolet–visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). <b>Results:</b> XRD analysis confirmed that the synthesized CuO and Cu<sub>2</sub>O NPs exhibited a high degree of crystallinity, with crystal structures corresponding to monoclinic and face-centered cubic systems. SEM images revealed that the NPs displayed distinct spherical and sponge-like morphologies. EDS analysis further validated the purity of the synthesized CuO NPs. The antimicrobial activity of the CuO and Cu<sub>2</sub>O NPs was tested against various pathogenic bacterial strains, including <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>, <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>, <i>Escherichia coli</i>, and <i>Bacillus cereus</i>, with the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) used to gauge their effectiveness. <b>Conclusions:</b> The results showed that the phytosynthesized NPs had promising antibacterial properties, particularly the Cu<sub>2</sub>O NPs, which, with a larger crystal size of 68.19 nm, demonstrated significant inhibitory effects across all tested bacterial species. These findings suggest the potential of CuO and Cu<sub>2</sub>O NPs as effective antimicrobial agents produced via green synthesis. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1088">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/GB99L2816W ">Discovery of Novel Antimicrobial Peptides Using Machine Learning and Molecular Dynamic Simulations</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1520842"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1520842"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1520842" data-cycle-prev="#prev1520842" data-cycle-progressive="#images1520842" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1520842-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1520842" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1520842-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1520842-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1520842-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1520842-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1520842-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1520842-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1520842-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>UV–vis spectra. (<b>a</b>) CuO with an absorption peak at 365 nm. (<b>b</b>) Cu<sub>2</sub>O nanoparticles (NPs) with an absorption peak at 663 nm.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1088'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>FT-IR spectra of the NPs: (<b>a</b>) CuO and (<b>b</b>) Cu<sub>2</sub>O.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1088'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>SEM image: (<b>a</b>) CuO and (<b>b</b>) Cu<sub>2</sub>O NPs.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1088'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>EDX spectra: (<b>a</b>) CuO and (<b>b</b>) Cu<sub>2</sub>O NPs.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1088'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>TEM image: (<b>a</b>) CuO and (<b>b</b>) Cu<sub>2</sub>O NPs.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1088'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> <p>XRD spectra: (<b>a</b>) CuO and (<b>b</b>) Cu<sub>2</sub>O NPs.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1088'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> <p>Interaction modes of synthesized (<b>a</b>) CuO and (<b>b</b>) Cu<sub>2</sub>O NPs and (<b>c</b>) ciprofloxacin within the binding cavity of the 1KZN receptor.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1088'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1520843" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 40 pages, 1037 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1087/pdf?version=1731579363" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Environmental Antimicrobial Resistance: Implications for Food Safety and Public Health" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1087">Environmental Antimicrobial Resistance: Implications for Food Safety and Public Health</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Onyinye Victoria Ifedinezi</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Nnabueze Darlington Nnaji</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Christian Kosisochukwu Anumudu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chiemerie Theresa Ekwueme</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Chijioke Christopher Uhegwu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Francis Chukwuebuka Ihenetu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Promiselynda Obioha</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Blessing Oteta Simon</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Precious Somtochukwu Ezechukwu</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Helen Onyeaka</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1087; <a href=""></a> - 14 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 967 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious global health issue, aggravated by antibiotic overuse and misuse in human medicine, animal care, and agriculture. This study looks at the different mechanisms that drive AMR, such as environmental contamination, horizontal gene transfer, and selective pressure, as <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious global health issue, aggravated by antibiotic overuse and misuse in human medicine, animal care, and agriculture. This study looks at the different mechanisms that drive AMR, such as environmental contamination, horizontal gene transfer, and selective pressure, as well as the severe implications of AMR for human and animal health. This study demonstrates the need for concerted efforts across the scientific, healthcare, agricultural, and policy sectors to control the emergence of AMR. Some crucial strategies discussed include developing antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programs, encouraging targeted narrow-spectrum antibiotic use, and emphasizing the significance of strict regulatory frameworks and surveillance systems, like the Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System (GLASS) and the Access, Watch, and Reserve (AWaRe) classification. This study also emphasizes the need for national and international action plans in combating AMR and promotes the One Health strategy, which unifies environmental, animal, and human health. This study concludes that preventing the spread of AMR and maintaining the effectiveness of antibiotics for future generations requires a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and internationally coordinated strategy. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1087">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/081EU4XP01 ">The Spread of Antibiotic Resistance in Natural Environments</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1520843"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1520843"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1520843" data-cycle-prev="#prev1520843" data-cycle-progressive="#images1520843" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1520843-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1520843" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1520843-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1520843-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Pathways for the spread of antimicrobial residues and resistant bacteria in the aquatic environment [<a href="#B56-antibiotics-13-01087" class="html-bibr">56</a>].</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1087'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Pathways of antibiotics contamination of soil, water, and food and how they spread in animals and humans [<a href="#B63-antibiotics-13-01087" class="html-bibr">63</a>].</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1087'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1520557" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 30 pages, 3795 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1086/pdf?version=1731569806" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Isolation and Characterization of Infection of Four New Bacteriophages Infecting a Vibrio parahaemolyticus Strain" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1086">Isolation and Characterization of Infection of Four New Bacteriophages Infecting a <i>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</i> Strain</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>João Duarte</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>David Trindade</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Vanessa Oliveira</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Newton C. M. Gomes</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ricardo Calado</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Carla Pereira</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Adelaide Almeida</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1086; <a href=""></a> - 14 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 505 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Bacteria from genus Vibrio continue to be one of the most common threats to aquaculture sustainability. <i>Vibrio</i> spp. have been associated with infectious outbreaks in fish, shrimp, bivalves and even algae farms worldwide. Moreover, several <i>Vibrio</i> spp. are also pathogens that impact human <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Bacteria from genus Vibrio continue to be one of the most common threats to aquaculture sustainability. <i>Vibrio</i> spp. have been associated with infectious outbreaks in fish, shrimp, bivalves and even algae farms worldwide. Moreover, several <i>Vibrio</i> spp. are also pathogens that impact human health and are a threat to public health when transferred to consumers through contaminated seafood products. The use of bacteriophages is an evolving technology that could be applied in the treatment of <i>Vibrio</i> spp. either to protect aquaculture farms or to decontaminate seafood, namely bivalves during their depuration. In the present study, bacteriophages vB_VpS_LMAVpS1 (S1) vB_VpS_LMAVpVPP (VPP), vB_VpS_LMAVpSH (SH) and vB_VpS_LMAVpH (H) infecting <i>V. parahaemolyticus</i> were isolated and characterized. All phages presented fast adsorption rates and were able to control <i>V. parahaemolyticus</i> at all multiplicity of infections (MOIs) tested (MOI of 1, 10 and 100), with reductions of more than 4 log CFU/mL being recorded, but only in the presence of divalent cation calcium. The rate of emergence of phage-resistant mutants was very low (1.8 × 10<sup>−6</sup> to 3.1 × 10<sup>−6</sup>). Bacterial phage resistance was not permanent and led to a loss of bacterial fitness. All four phages presented with lysins encoded in their genomes. The results presented provide valuable insights for future studies in the application of these bacteriophages in different scenarios to control, decontaminate or treat bacterial infections or contaminations of <i>V. parahaemolyticus</i>. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1086">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/antibiotics/sections/Bacteriophages">Bacteriophages</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1520557"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1520557"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1520557" data-cycle-prev="#prev1520557" data-cycle-progressive="#images1520557" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1520557-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1520557" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1520557-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1520557-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1520557-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1520557-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1520557-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1520557-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1520557-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7 Cont.</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1520557-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='9' data-target='article-1520557-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure A1</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1520557-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Phage virion morphology (<b>right</b>) and plaque morphology (<b>left</b>) of the four isolated phages.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1086'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Proksee representation of the four phages isolated in this study. The genome of the SH phage was used as the reference for comparison with phages S1, VPP and H. The final circle with arrow-headed bands represents the coding DNA sequences (CDSs) of the SH phage color coded according to the functional category of the predicted gene in the direction of the transcription. The innermost ring represents the genome GC skew (green/pink) followed by GC content (black). The labels show the predicted functions of the functional CDS, color-coded by the PHROG category. The analysis was carried out on a PROKSEE Server that uses BLAST analysis to illustrate conserved and missing genomic sequences (accessed on 6 September 2024: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1086'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Phage adsorption curve. Samples were collected every 2 min. Three assays were performed for each phage. The results are expressed as the mean of three independent assays.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1086'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Phage SH concentration after 0 (left column) and 6 h (right column) of incubation in the presence of bacteria. PBS—phage inoculated in PBS without the presence of bacteria; TSB—phage inoculated in TSB in the presence of bacteria; TSB + Mg—phage inoculated in the presence of bacteria in media supplemented with magnesium; TSB + Ca—phage inoculated in the presence of bacteria in media supplemented with calcium; TSB + Mg + Ca—phage inoculated in the presence of bacteria in media supplemented with magnesium and calcium. All groups were inoculated with bacteria to a final concentration of 10<sup>5</sup> CFU/mL and phage to a final titre of 10<sup>4</sup> PFU/mL. The results are expressed as the mean of three assays.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1086'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>Bacterial inactivation curves by Phage SH in medium supplemented with different concentrations of calcium. All groups were inoculated with the same concentrations of phage and bacteria. Bacterial control (BC)—bacteria inoculated without the presence of phages; 0.5 mM Ca—phage and bacteria in media supplemented with 0.5 mM of calcium; 1 mM Ca—phage and bacteria in media supplemented with 1 mM of calcium; 10 mM Ca—phage and bacteria in media supplemented with 10 mM of calcium. The results are expressed as the mean of three independent assays.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1086'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> <p>Bacterial inactivation curves at different MOIs. Bacterial control—bacteria incubated in the absence of phages. S1, VP, SH and H represent the bacterial inactivation curves in the presence of the respective phage at an MOI of 1 (<b>top</b>), 10 (<b>middle</b>) and 100 (<b>bottom</b>). The results are expressed as the mean of three independent assays.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1086'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> <p>Phage virion production and phage control during incubation with bacteria. Three different MOIs were evaluated: 1 (Phages_M1 (<b>top</b>)), 10 (Phages_M10 (<b>middle</b>)) and 100 (Phages_M100 (<b>bottom</b>)). S1, VP, SH and H represent the phage groups incubated in the presence of bacteria. CS1, CVP, CSH and CH represent the phage control groups incubated in the same conditions but without any host present. The results are expressed as the mean of three independent assays.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1086'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7 Cont.</strong><br/> <p>Phage virion production and phage control during incubation with bacteria. Three different MOIs were evaluated: 1 (Phages_M1 (<b>top</b>)), 10 (Phages_M10 (<b>middle</b>)) and 100 (Phages_M100 (<b>bottom</b>)). S1, VP, SH and H represent the phage groups incubated in the presence of bacteria. CS1, CVP, CSH and CH represent the phage control groups incubated in the same conditions but without any host present. The results are expressed as the mean of three independent assays.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1086'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> <p>Growth curve of phage-resistant bacterial mutants and sensitive bacteria during 24 h using optical density readings at 600 nm.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1086'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure A1</strong><br/> <p>Inactivation curves of the four phages in standard media and in media supplemented with calcium to a final concentration of 1mM. BC—Bacterial control: bacteria grown in TSB supplemented with calcium and in the absence of any phages. S1, VP, SH and H: bacteria inoculated in the presence of the specific phages in media supplemented with calcium to a final concentration of 1 mM. S1, VP, SH and H N/Ca: bacteria inoculated in the presence of the specific phages in standard media with no calcium added.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1086'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1520485" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 11 pages, 276 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1085/pdf?version=1731565813" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Efficacy of Copper Ion Treatment on Bacteria and Antibiotic Residues Contained in Bovine Waste Milk" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1085">Efficacy of Copper Ion Treatment on Bacteria and Antibiotic Residues Contained in Bovine Waste Milk</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Fernando Ulloa</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Martina Penati</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Constanza Naegel</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Carlos Tejeda</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Miguel Hernández-Agudelo</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Pamela Steuer</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Miguel Salgado</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1085; <a href=""></a> - 14 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 507 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background/Objectives</b>: Waste milk harbors many bacteria and antibiotic residues. Calves fed with untreated waste milk have a higher incidence of scours and an increased risk of developing antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of treatment with copper ions on <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background/Objectives</b>: Waste milk harbors many bacteria and antibiotic residues. Calves fed with untreated waste milk have a higher incidence of scours and an increased risk of developing antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of treatment with copper ions on bacteria and antibiotics contained in bovine waste milk. <b>Methods</b>: Waste milk samples were collected from a dairy farm for seven weeks and were subjected to treatment with copper ions. Total bacterial counts, coliforms, <i>Streptococcus</i>, and <i>Staphylococcus</i> were assessed before and after treatment. Additionally, metagenomic analysis was performed to determine microbial diversity. <b>Results</b>: Before treatment, the total bacterial count average was 4.0 × 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/mL, 1.7 × 10<sup>4</sup> CFU/mL for coliforms, 2.6 × 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/mL for <i>Streptococcus</i>, and 5.4 × 10<sup>2</sup> CFU/mL for <i>Staphylococcus</i> Copper treatment significantly reduced bacterial counts within 15 min. Total bacteria decreased from 4.0 × 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/mL to 1.1 × 10<sup>2</sup> CFU/mL after 30 min; meanwhile, other groups were not detected. The most abundant groups were <i>Lactococcus</i> (29.94%), <i>Pseudomonas</i> (28.89%), and <i>Enterobacteriaceae</i> (21.19%). Beta-lactams were detected in five-sevenths samples, and in one sample they were detected before and at 15 min of treatment but not after 30 min. <b>Conclusions</b>: The effect of treatment with copper ions on the different bacterial groups was significantly effective but showed limited effect on the detection of antibiotics. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1085">Full article</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1520354" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 12 pages, 1913 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1084/pdf?version=1731546862" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Diversity, Distribution, and Resistance Profiles of Bacterial Bloodstream Infections in Three Tertiary Referral Hospitals in Rwanda Between 2020 and 2022" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1084">Diversity, Distribution, and Resistance Profiles of Bacterial Bloodstream Infections in Three Tertiary Referral Hospitals in Rwanda Between 2020 and 2022</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Misbah Gashegu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Vedaste Ndahindwa</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Edson Rwagasore</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Albert Tuyishime</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Clarisse Musanabaganwa</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Noel Gahamanyi</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Isabelle Mukagatare</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Djibril Mbarushimana</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Christopher Aird Green</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Tafadzwa Dzinamarira</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ayman Ahmed</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Claude Mambo Muvunyi</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1084; <a href=""></a> - 14 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 639 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background</b>: The burden of bacterial bloodstream infections (BSIs) is rapidly increasing in Africa including Rwanda. <b>Methods</b>: This is a retrospective study that investigates the diversity, distribution, and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of BSI bacteria in three tertiary referral hospitals in Rwanda between <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background</b>: The burden of bacterial bloodstream infections (BSIs) is rapidly increasing in Africa including Rwanda. <b>Methods</b>: This is a retrospective study that investigates the diversity, distribution, and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of BSI bacteria in three tertiary referral hospitals in Rwanda between 2020 and 2022. <b>Results</b>: A total of 1532 blood culture tests were performed for visiting patients. Overall, the proportions of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria were 48.2% and 51.8, respectively. <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> was the predominant species accounting for 25% of all Gram-positive BSI species, and Klebsiella species represented 41% of all Gram-negative BSI species. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing revealed that Amikacin exhibited the highest activity against <i>Enterobacter</i> spp., <i>Serratia</i> spp., and <i>Escherichia coli</i> in >92% of cases and <i>Klebsiella</i> spp. in 75.7%. Meropenem and Imipenem were highly efficacious to <i>Salmonella</i> spp. (100% susceptibility), <i>Enterobacter</i> spp. (96.2% and 91.7%, respectively), and <i>Escherichia coli</i> (94.7% and 95.5%, respectively). The susceptibility of <i>Enterococcus</i> spp., <i>S. aureus</i>, and <i>Streptococcus</i> spp. to Vancomycin was 100%, 99.5%, and 97.1%, respectively. <i>Klebsiella</i> spp. was highly sensitive to Colistin (98.7%), Polymyxin B (85.6%), Imipenem (84.9%), and Meropenem (78.5%). <b>Conclusions</b>: We recommend strengthening the implementation of integrated transdisciplinary and multisectoral One Health including AMR stewardship for the surveillance, prevention, and control of AMR in Rwanda. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1084">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/N4A536LZW6 ">The Epidemiology of Antimicrobial Resistance in Bloodstream Infections: Focus on Activity of New Antibiotics</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1520354"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1520354"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1520354" data-cycle-prev="#prev1520354" data-cycle-progressive="#images1520354" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1520354-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1520354" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1520354-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1520354-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1520354-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1520354-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1520354-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>The map of Rwanda shows the geographical location of the three major hospitals in which this study was implemented.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1084'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>The proportion of antibiotic susceptibility of Gram-negative pathogens associated with bacterial bloodstream infections in Rwanda between 2020 and 2022.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1084'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>AMR development among Gram-negative bacterial bloodstream infection pathogens in Rwanda between 2020 and 2022.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1084'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>AMR development among Gram-positive bacterial bloodstream infection pathogens in Rwanda between 2020 and 2022.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1084'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>Susceptibility proportion of Gram-positive bacteria associated with bacterial bloodstream infections to commonly used antibiotics in Rwanda between 2020 and 2022.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1084'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1519852" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1519852" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1519852" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1519852" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1083/s1?version=1731491196"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 35 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 19 pages, 5938 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1083/pdf?version=1731491195" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Escherichia Bacteriophage with Potential to Control Multidrug-Resistant Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli and Biofilms" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1083">Isolation and Characterization of a Novel <i>Escherichia</i> Bacteriophage with Potential to Control Multidrug-Resistant Avian Pathogenic <i>Escherichia coli</i> and Biofilms</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Phitchayapak Wintachai</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Fahsai Thaion</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Martha R. J. Clokie</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Thotsapol Thomrongsuwannakij</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1083; <a href=""></a> - 13 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 676 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background/Objectives:</b> Avian pathogenic <i>Escherichia coli</i> (APEC) infection is a significant problem for the global chicken industry, as it decreases animal welfare and is associated with substantial economic losses. Traditionally, APEC infections have been controlled through the use of antibiotics, which has led to <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background/Objectives:</b> Avian pathogenic <i>Escherichia coli</i> (APEC) infection is a significant problem for the global chicken industry, as it decreases animal welfare and is associated with substantial economic losses. Traditionally, APEC infections have been controlled through the use of antibiotics, which has led to an increased prevalence of antibiotic-resistant <i>E. coli</i>. Therefore, developing alternative treatments for APEC infection is crucial. <b>Methods:</b> In this study, an <i>Escherichia</i> phage specific to multidrug-resistant (MDR) APEC, designated as phage vB_EcoP_PW8 (phage vECPW8), was isolated. The morphology, phage adsorption to host cells, one-step growth curve, thermal stability, pH stability, whole-genome sequencing, antibacterial ability, and antibiofilm efficacy of phage vECPW8 were evaluated. <b>Results:</b> The results demonstrated that phage vECPW8 has a <i>Podoviridae</i> morphology and is effective at lysing bacteria. Phage vECPW8 exhibited a high absorption rate to bacterial cells (more than 85% within 10 min) and had a latent period of 20 min, with a burst size of 143 plaque-forming units per cell. Additionally, phage vECPW8 showed good temperature and pH stability. The phage displayed strong antibacterial activity in vitro, and its efficacy in controlling bacteria was confirmed through scanning electron microscopy. Whole-genome sequencing revealed that the phage has a linear genome with 69,579 base pairs. The genome analysis supported the safety of the phage, as no toxin, virulence, or resistance-related genes were detected. Phage vECPW8 was identified as a novel lytic phage in the <i>Gamaleyavirus</i> genus and <i>Schitoviridae</i> family. The phage also demonstrated antibiofilm efficacy by reducing and preventing biofilm formation, as evidenced by biofilm biomass and bacterial cell viability measurements. <b>Conclusions:</b> These results indicate that phage vECPW8 is a promising candidate for the effective treatment of MDR APEC infections in poultry. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1083">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/A94ORM5M47 ">Phage Applications from Diagnostics to Treatment of Bacterial Infections in a One Health World</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1519852"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1519852"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1519852" data-cycle-prev="#prev1519852" data-cycle-progressive="#images1519852" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1519852-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1519852" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1519852-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1519852-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1519852-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1519852-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1519852-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1519852-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1519852-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1519852-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1519852-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Plaque and virion morphology of <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8; (<b>a</b>) plaque formation by <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8 on a lawn of MDR APEC PW005; (<b>b</b>) electron micrograph image of phage vECPW8. The phage was observed at a magnification of 120,000×.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1083'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Biological characterization of <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8: (<b>a</b>) the adsorption rate of phage vECPW8 to host bacteria; (<b>b</b>) one-step growth curve of phage vECPW8 on host bacteria; (<b>c</b>) bacteriolytic activities of phage vECPW8 on host bacteria; (<b>d</b>) the effect of phage vECPW8 treatment on bacterial cell viability at 24 h. Bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM), and asterisks indicate significant differences (* <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1083'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Scanning electron microscopy analysis of APEC infected with <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8. (<b>a</b>) Untreated bacterial morphology; (<b>b</b>) APEC infected with phage vECPW8.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1083'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Stability of <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8 under various conditions. This study examined the stability of <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8 under different conditions, including (<b>a</b>) the effects of various temperatures, (<b>b</b>) different pH values, and (<b>c</b>) exposure to UVC radiation on the survival of the phage. Bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM) and asterisks indicate significant differences (* <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1083'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>Genome map of <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8. The genome map was constructed using the PHASTEST web server. Different colors on the map represent various functional categories.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1083'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> <p>Genetic relationship between <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8 and other phages. (<b>a</b>) A phylogenic tree of the entire genome of <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8, marked with a red star, alongside other phages. This tree was constructed using ViPTree. (<b>b</b>) A comparison of the genomes of phage vECPW8 and <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage EC1, created using ViPTree. (<b>c</b>) The relationship of phage vECPW8 to other phages in the PhageClouds database.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1083'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> <p>Efficacy of <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8 in preventing biofilm formation. APEC host bacteria were treated with different concentrations of phage vECPW8. The biofilm biomass and viable cell counts were measured at (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) day 1 and (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) day 3 post-incubation. Bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM) and asterisks indicate significant differences (* <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1083'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> <p>Efficacy of <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8 in reducing biofilm formation. Biofilms were allowed to develop for either 1 or 3 days before being treated with various concentrations of phage vECPW8 for 24 h. The biomass and the viable cell counts of (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) the 1-day-old biofilms and (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) the 3-day-old biofilms were measured by crystal violet staining and colony counting, respectively. Bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM) and asterisks indicate significant differences (* <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1083'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> <p>Ultrastructure of biofilms after treatment with <span class="html-italic">Escherichia</span> phage vECPW8. Biofilms were grown on glass slides for 3 days and then exposed to phage vECPW8 for 1 day. The biofilms were examined using SEM, comparing (<b>a</b>) untreated biofilms and (<b>b</b>) biofilms treated with phage vECPW8.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1083'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1519830" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1519830" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1519830" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1519830" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1082/s1?version=1731490026"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 156 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 13 pages, 795 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1082/pdf?version=1731490025" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="The Effect of a Care Bundle on the Rate of Blood Culture Contamination in a General Intensive Care Unit" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1082">The Effect of a Care Bundle on the Rate of Blood Culture Contamination in a General Intensive Care Unit</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Fani Veini</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Michael Samarkos</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Pantazis-Michael Voutsinas</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Anastasia Kotanidou</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1082; <a href=""></a> - 13 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 527 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background/objectives</b>: Blood culture (BC) contamination is a frequent problem which leads to increased laboratory workload, inappropriate use of antibiotics and the associated adverse events, and increased healthcare costs. This study prospectively examined the effect of a care bundle on BC contamination rates <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background/objectives</b>: Blood culture (BC) contamination is a frequent problem which leads to increased laboratory workload, inappropriate use of antibiotics and the associated adverse events, and increased healthcare costs. This study prospectively examined the effect of a care bundle on BC contamination rates in a high workload ICU. <b>Results:</b> During the study, in total, 4236 BC vials were collected. After the intervention, the BC contamination rate decreased significantly from 6.2% to 1.3%. The incidence rate of contaminated BC sets was significantly lower following the intervention: 0.461 vs. 0.154 BC sets per 100 ICU bed-days. Overall compliance with the BC care bundle increased dramatically from 3.4% to 96.9%. <b>Methods:</b> We performed a before–after study in a general ICU from January 2018 to May 2019, with the intervention starting on November 2018. Blood culture sets were classified as positive, contaminated, indeterminate, and negative. We used bivariate and interrupted time series analysis to assess the effect of the intervention on BC contamination rates and other BC quality indicators. <b>Conclusions:</b> The BC care bundle was effective in reducing BC contamination rates and improving several quality indicators in our setting. The indeterminate BC rate is an important but understudied problem, and we suggest that it should be included in BC quality indicators as well. A significant limitation of the study was that the long-term effect of the intervention was not assessed. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1082">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/FH4WHI5VJV ">Nosocomial Infections and Complications in ICU Settings</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1519830"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1519830"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1519830" data-cycle-prev="#prev1519830" data-cycle-progressive="#images1519830" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1519830-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1519830" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1519830-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1519830-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Interrupted time series (ITS) analysis of the contamination rate (including both CBC and IBC sets). The graph represents the monthly contamination rate throughout the study period. The method used for the ITS takes into account the start of the intervention (theoretical change point) but, according to the data, estimates the actual change point (estimated change point), as described by Cruz et al. [<a href="#B21-antibiotics-13-01082" class="html-bibr">21</a>].</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1082'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Selected possible risk factors for BC contamination. Each bar represents the proportion of patients with a contaminated BC. Only sex and chronic dialysis were significantly associated with BC contamination. For details, see <a href="#antibiotics-13-01082-t003" class="html-table">Table 3</a>. * Chi-square, <span class="html-italic">p</span> = 0.008.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1082'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1519706" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1519706" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1519706" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1519706" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1081/s1?version=1731485930"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 544 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 13 pages, 1626 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1081/pdf?version=1731485929" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Enhancing Antibacterial Efficacy: Combining Novel Bacterial Topoisomerase Inhibitors with Efflux Pump Inhibitors and Other Agents Against Gram-Negative Bacteria" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1081">Enhancing Antibacterial Efficacy: Combining Novel Bacterial Topoisomerase Inhibitors with Efflux Pump Inhibitors and Other Agents Against Gram-Negative Bacteria</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Maša Zorman</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Maja Kokot</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Irena Zdovc</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lidija Senerovic</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Mina Mandic</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Nace Zidar</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Andrej Emanuel Cotman</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Martina Durcik</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lucija Peterlin Mašič</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Nikola Minovski</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marko Anderluh</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Martina Hrast Rambaher</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1081; <a href=""></a> - 13 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 575 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Background: The novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors (NBTIs) developed in our laboratory show potent on-target enzyme inhibition but suffer from low activity against Gram-negative bacteria. Methods: With the aim of improving the antibacterial activity of our compounds against Gram-negative bacteria, we tested them in <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Background: The novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors (NBTIs) developed in our laboratory show potent on-target enzyme inhibition but suffer from low activity against Gram-negative bacteria. Methods: With the aim of improving the antibacterial activity of our compounds against Gram-negative bacteria, we tested them in combination with different efflux pump inhibitors (EPIs), a strategy that showed promise in several other classes of antimicrobials. We also investigated the combined effect of NBTIs with ATP-competitive inhibitors of bacterial type II topoisomerases (ACIs), as well as the antibiofilm properties of our compounds and the combination with EPIs against early and mature <i>Acietobacter baumannii</i> biofilm. Results: Our results demonstrate that combinations of NBTIs with EPI Phenylalanine-arginyl-β-naphthylamide significantly reduce the corresponding NBTIs’ minimal inhibitory concentration values and show potentiation of <i>A. baumannii</i> biofilm inhibition as compared to NBTIs alone. Although combinations of NBITs and ACIs did not show synergistic effects, the FIC index value calculations revealed additive effects for all the combinations of a selected NBTI in combination with three ACIs in all the assayed Gram-negative bacteria from the ESKAPE group. Conclusions: These results show for the first time that combinations of NBTIs with either EPIs or a different class of the topoisomerase inhibitors may be a beneficial strategy to combat difficult-to-treat bacterial infections. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1081">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/5A64AUD8GY ">Multitalented Synthetic Antimicrobial Compounds: From Design to Effect</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1519706"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1519706"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1519706" data-cycle-prev="#prev1519706" data-cycle-progressive="#images1519706" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1519706-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Graphical abstract</p></div><script id="images1519706" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1519706-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 1</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1519706-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1519706-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1519706-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1519706-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Graphical abstract</strong><br/><strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1081'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Structural representations of the investigated efflux pump inhibitors.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1081'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Structural representations of the investigated novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors (<b>6</b> (<span class="html-italic">N</span>-(4-bromo-3,5-difluorobenzyl)-1-(2-(6-methoxy-1,5-naphthyridin-4-yl)ethyl)piperidin-4-amine), <b>7</b> (2-(4-((4-bromo-3,5-difluorobenzyl)amino)cyclohexyl)-1-(6-methoxy-1,5-naphthyridin-4-yl)ethan-1-ol), and <b>8</b> (4-bromo-3,5-difluoro-<span class="html-italic">N</span>-(6-(((6-methoxy-1,5-naphthyridin-4-yl)oxy)methyl)tetrahydro-2<span class="html-italic">H</span>-pyran-3-yl)benzamide)) and ATP-competitive inhibitors of bacterial type II topoisomerases (<b>9</b> (1-(2-(3,4-dichloro-5-methyl-1<span class="html-italic">H</span>-pyrrole-2-carboxamido)-5-(5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)phenyl)piperidin-3-aminium chloride), <b>10</b> (2-(3,4-dichloro-5-methyl-1<span class="html-italic">H</span>-pyrrole-2-carboxamido)-4-(1-phenylethoxy)benzo[<span class="html-italic">d</span>]thiazole-6-carboxylic acid), and <b>11</b> (2-(3,4-dichloro-5-methyl-1<span class="html-italic">H</span>-pyrrole-2-carboxamido)-4-morpholinobenzo[<span class="html-italic">d</span>]thiazole-6-carboxylic acid)).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1081'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Inhibition of <span class="html-italic">A. baumannii</span> biofilm formation (<b>A</b>) and mature (24 h old) <span class="html-italic">A. baumannii</span> biofilm disintegration (<b>B</b>) with compounds <b>6</b> and <b>7</b> at different concentrations. Treatment with DMSO (w/o (without the compound), grey) was used as negative control.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1081'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Inhibition of biofilm formation (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) and biofilm disintegration (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) with compounds <b>6</b> and <b>7</b> at concentrations equal to MIC/4, MIC/2, MIC, and 2MIC (MIC1 = 0.125 µg/mL; MIC2 = 1 µg/mL), alone (w/o), and with increasing concentrations of PAβN (1 µg/mL, 10 µg/mL, and 100 µg/mL).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1081'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1519683" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1519683" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1519683" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1519683" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1080/s1?version=1731484786"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 338 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 12 pages, 4961 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1080/pdf?version=1731654490" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Identification of 2,4-Di-tert-Butylphenol as an Antimicrobial Agent Against Cutibacterium acnes Bacteria from Rwandan Propolis" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1080">Identification of 2,4-Di-<i>tert</i>-Butylphenol as an Antimicrobial Agent Against <i>Cutibacterium acnes</i> Bacteria from Rwandan Propolis</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Florent Rouvier</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lydia Abou</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Emmanuel Wafo</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Perrine Andre</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Julien Cheyrol</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Mohamed-Mohsen Khacef</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Claude Nappez</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Hubert Lepidi</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jean Michel Brunel</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1080; <a href=""></a> - 13 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 503 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Background/Objectives: Acne is the most prevalent dermatological condition among humans, affecting approximately 80% of adolescents during puberty. To date, numerous compounds have been used for acne treatment, including erythromycin ointments and antiseptics, with varying degrees of success. The emergence of erythromycin-resistant <i>C. acnes</i> <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Background/Objectives: Acne is the most prevalent dermatological condition among humans, affecting approximately 80% of adolescents during puberty. To date, numerous compounds have been used for acne treatment, including erythromycin ointments and antiseptics, with varying degrees of success. The emergence of erythromycin-resistant <i>C. acnes</i> strains has spurred the search for new antimicrobial agents, particularly from natural sources. Methods: Propolis collected in Rwanda was extracted and fractionated by flash chromatography and tested against <i>C. acnes</i> growth by using NCLSI recommendations. Results: In our research, we identified a molecule, 2,4-Di-<i>tert</i>-butylphenol (2,4-DTBP) which inhivbited the <i>C. acnes</i> growth at a concentration of 16 µg/mL. Based on these results, we formulated an ointment (1%) using OFAP18 and petroleum jelly for the potential treatment of acne using a mouse model. Conclusions: In vitro and in vivo evidence suggests that 2,4-DTBP has anti-inflammatory properties and could effectively manage the overgrowth of <i>C. acnes</i> as well as serve as a potent alternative for the formulation of an active propolis ointment for acne treatment. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1080">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/L4G806693T ">Exploring Antimicrobial Properties and Bioactive Compounds of Edible and Medicinal Plants</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1519683"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1519683"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1519683" data-cycle-prev="#prev1519683" data-cycle-progressive="#images1519683" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1519683-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1519683" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1519683-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1519683-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1519683-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1519683-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1519683-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1519683-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1519683-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Summary of the fractionation of OFAP18.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1080'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>(<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) Determination of the identity of 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol (2,4-DTBP) in the studied fraction.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1080'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Structure of Di-<span class="html-italic">tert</span>-butyl phenol isomers (2,4-DTBP, 3,5-DTBP, and 2,6-DTBP).</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1080'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Bacterial growth inhibition against <span class="html-italic">B. cereus</span> ATCC 11778 exhibited by Di-<span class="html-italic">tert</span>-butyl phenol isomers (2,4-DTBP, 3,5-DTBP, and 2,6-DTBP) used at a 16 µg/mL concentration. Positive control was bacteria only and negative control was media only.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1080'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> <p>ATP release in <span class="html-italic">B. cereus</span> ATCC11778 exhibited by Di-tert-butyl phenol isomers (2,4-DTBP, 3,5-DTBP and 2,6-DTBP) as determined using ATP efflux assay. Squalamine (100 µg/mL) was the positive control and water was the negative control. Compounds were tested at a final concentration of 100 µg/mL, and the results are reported as a percentage (%) relative to positive control. *** shows significant differences.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1080'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> <p>OFAP18 (orange)- and erythromycin (blue)-treated mice exhibited lower epidermal inflammation than control ones treated with excipient 2 days after injection with 10<sup>9</sup> CFU/mL of <span class="html-italic">C. acnes</span> DSM1897 suspension.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1080'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> <p>Graphical representation of bacterial counts of <span class="html-italic">C. acnes</span> based on the treatments performed on the two cohorts of mice with OFAP18 (C1 orange) or erythromycin (C2 pale blue) ointments.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1080'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1519555" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1519555" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1519555" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1519555" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1079/s1?version=1731477567"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 131 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 11 pages, 751 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1079/pdf?version=1731477567" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Genetic Characterization of Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and Synergy Assessment of Antimicrobial Combinations" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1079">Genetic Characterization of Multidrug-Resistant <i>Acinetobacter baumannii</i> and Synergy Assessment of Antimicrobial Combinations</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Aurora Luna-De-Alba</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Samantha Flores-Treviño</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Adrián Camacho-Ortiz</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Juan Francisco Contreras-Cordero</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Paola Bocanegra-Ibarias</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1079; <a href=""></a> - 13 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 519 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> <b>Background/Objectives</b>: <i>A. baumannii</i> is a prominent nosocomial pathogen due to its drug-resistant phenotype, representing a public health problem. In this study, the aim was to determine the effect of different antimicrobial combinations against selected multidrug-resistant (MDR) or extensive drug-resistant (XDR) isolates of <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> <b>Background/Objectives</b>: <i>A. baumannii</i> is a prominent nosocomial pathogen due to its drug-resistant phenotype, representing a public health problem. In this study, the aim was to determine the effect of different antimicrobial combinations against selected multidrug-resistant (MDR) or extensive drug-resistant (XDR) isolates of <i>A. baumannii</i>. <b>Methods</b>: MDR or XDR <i>A. baumannii</i> isolates were characterized by assessing genes associated with drug resistance, efflux pumps, porin expression, and biofilm formation. The activities of antimicrobial combinations including tigecycline, ampicillin/sulbactam, meropenem, levofloxacin, and colistin were evaluated using checkerboard and time-to-kill assays on isolates with different susceptibility profiles and genetic characteristics. <b>Results</b>: Genetic characterization of MDR/XDR strains (<i>n</i> = 100) included analysis of OXA-24/40 gene carbapenemase (98%), genes encoding aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes (44%), and <i>parC</i> gene mutations (10%). AdeIJK, AdeABC, and AdeFGH efflux pumps were overexpressed in 17–34% of isolates. Omp33-36, OmpA, and CarO membrane porins were under-expressed in 50–76% of isolates; CarO was overexpressed in 22% of isolates. Isolates showed low biofilm production (11%). Synergistic activity was observed with levofloxacin-ampicillin/sulbactam and meropenem-colistin, which were able to inhibit bacterial growth. <b>Conclusions</b>: Genetic characteristics of <i>A. baumannii</i> were highly variable among the strains. Synergistic activity was observed with meropenem-colistin and levofloxacin-ampicillin/sulbactam combinations in the checkerboard method, but not in the time-to-kill assays. These discrepancies among both methods indicate that further studies are needed to determine the best therapeutic combination for treating infections by <i>A. baumannii</i>. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1079">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/4A64Z4K650 ">Antimicrobial Resistance and Hospital- and Community-Associated Infections</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1519555"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1519555"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1519555" data-cycle-prev="#prev1519555" data-cycle-progressive="#images1519555" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1519555-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1519555" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1519555-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1519555-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Expression levels of efflux pumps and membrane porins in MDR <span class="html-italic">A. baumannii</span> strains. The expression levels of AdeABC, AdeFGH, and AdeIJK pumps and CarO, OmpA, and Omp33-36 membrane porins are shown, compared to the reference strain (<span class="html-italic">A. baumannii</span> ATCC 17978), used as baseline. The line represents the mean of each fold change.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1079'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Time-to-kill curve of MDR/XDR <span class="html-italic">A. baumannii</span> isolates under the combination of two antibiotics. The time-to-kill curve per hour is shown for two different MDR/XDR <span class="html-italic">A. baumannii</span> isolates: (<b>a</b>) isolate 20-0329, treated with the combination of meropenem (16 µg/mL) and colistin (1 µg/mL), and (<b>b</b>) isolate 19-2211, treated with the combination of levofloxacin (16 µg/mL) and SAM (16/8 µg/mL). C: colistin, L: levofloxacin; M: meropenem; MDR: multidrug-resistant; SAM: ampicillin/sulbactam; XDR: extensive drug-resistant.</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1079'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1519341" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 26 pages, 1655 KiB </span> <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1078/pdf?version=1731421348" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Duration of Antimicrobial Treatment in Adult Patients with Pneumonia: A Narrative Review" data-journal="antibiotics"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2079-6382/13/11/1078">Duration of Antimicrobial Treatment in Adult Patients with Pneumonia: A Narrative Review</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Dimitra Dimopoulou</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Charalampos D. Moschopoulos</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Konstantina Dimopoulou</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Anastasia Dimopoulou</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Maria M. Berikopoulou</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ilias Andrianakis</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Sotirios Tsiodras</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Anastasia Kotanidou</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Paraskevi C. Fragkou</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Antibiotics</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>13</em>(11), 1078; <a href=""></a> - 12 Nov 2024 </div> Viewed by 879 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Pneumonia remains a major global health concern, causing significant morbidity and mortality among adults. This narrative review assesses the optimal duration of antimicrobial treatment in adults with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Current evidence about the impact of <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Pneumonia remains a major global health concern, causing significant morbidity and mortality among adults. This narrative review assesses the optimal duration of antimicrobial treatment in adults with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Current evidence about the impact of treatment duration on clinical outcomes demonstrates that shorter antibiotic courses are non-inferior, regarding safety and efficacy, compared to longer courses, particularly in patients with mild to moderate CAP, which is in line with the recommendations of international guidelines. Data are limited regarding the optimal antimicrobial duration in HAP patients, and it should be individually tailored to each patient, taking into account the causative pathogen and the clinical response. Shorter courses are found to be as effective as longer courses in the management of VAP, except for pneumonia caused by non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria; however, duration should be balanced between the possibility of higher recurrence rates and the documented benefits with shorter courses. Additionally, the validation of reliable biomarkers or clinical predictors that identify patients who would benefit from shorter therapy is crucial. Insights from this review may lead to future research on personalized antimicrobial therapies in pneumonia, in order to improve patient outcomes. <a href="/2079-6382/13/11/1078">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/antibiotics/special_issues/575QV53874 ">Antimicrobial Treatment of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >►</span><span style=" display: none;">▼</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1519341"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1519341"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1519341" data-cycle-prev="#prev1519341" data-cycle-progressive="#images1519341" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1519341-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1519341" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1519341-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1519341-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1519341-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1519341-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> <p>Clinical cure of adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia receiving short- versus long-course antibiotic regimens in the available randomized clinical trials [<a href="#B46-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">46</a>,<a href="#B47-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">47</a>,<a href="#B48-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">48</a>,<a href="#B49-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">49</a>,<a href="#B50-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">50</a>,<a href="#B51-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">51</a>,<a href="#B52-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">52</a>,<a href="#B53-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">53</a>,<a href="#B54-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">54</a>,<a href="#B55-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">55</a>,<a href="#B56-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">56</a>].</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1078'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> <p>Recurrence rate of adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia receiving short- versus long-course antibiotic regimens in the available randomized clinical trials [<a href="#B46-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">46</a>,<a href="#B47-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">47</a>,<a href="#B48-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">48</a>,<a href="#B54-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">54</a>].</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1078'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> <p>Adverse events of short- versus long-course antibiotic regimens in adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia, as retrieved from the available randomized clinical trials [<a href="#B46-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">46</a>,<a href="#B48-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">48</a>,<a href="#B50-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">50</a>,<a href="#B52-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">52</a>,<a href="#B53-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">53</a>,<a href="#B55-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">55</a>].</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1078'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> <p>Recurrence rate of adult patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia receiving short- versus long-course antibiotic regimens in the available randomized clinical trials [<a href="#B44-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">44</a>,<a href="#B57-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">57</a>,<a href="#B58-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">58</a>,<a href="#B59-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">59</a>,<a href="#B60-antibiotics-13-01078" class="html-bibr">60</a>].</p> <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2079-6382/13/11/1078'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> 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