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28.4001 18.2 28.2001 18.4 28.0001C18.6 27.8001 18.7 27.6001 18.8 27.4001C18.2 27.2001 17.6 27.2001 17 27.5001C16.9 27.5001 16.9 27.6001 16.8 27.6001C16.7 27.6001 16.7 27.7001 16.6 27.7001C16.6 27.8001 16.5 27.9001 16.4 28.0001ZM13.2 26.4001C13.2 26.7001 13.3 27.1001 13.5 27.4001C13.6 27.7001 13.9 28.0001 14.1 28.2001C14.3 28.4001 14.6 28.5001 14.9 28.6001C14.9 28.4001 14.9 28.3001 14.9 28.1001C14.9 28.0001 14.9 27.8001 14.9 27.7001C14.9 27.5001 14.8 27.4001 14.8 27.2001C14.8 27.1001 14.8 27.0001 14.7 27.0001C14.7 26.9001 14.6 26.8001 14.6 26.8001C14.3 26.2001 13.9 25.7001 13.3 25.5001C13.3 25.7001 13.2 26.0001 13.2 26.4001ZM17.3 25.2001C17.2 25.3001 17.1 25.4001 17.1 25.6001C17.7 25.8001 18.3 25.8001 18.9 25.7001C19.2 25.6001 19.5 25.5001 19.7 25.4001C19.9 25.3001 20.1 25.1001 20.3 24.9001C19.8 24.6001 19.2 24.5001 18.6 24.6001C18.3 24.7001 18 24.8001 17.8 25.0001C17.5 24.9001 17.4 25.1001 17.3 25.2001ZM14.9 22.6001C14.9 22.9001 14.9 23.3001 15 23.6001C15.2 24.3001 15.6 24.7001 16.1 25.0001C16.2 24.9001 16.2 24.7001 16.2 24.6001C16.2 24.4001 16.3 24.3001 16.3 24.1001C16.3 23.8001 16.3 23.5001 16.2 23.1001C16.1 22.5001 15.7 21.9001 15.2 21.6001C15 22.0001 14.9 22.3001 14.9 22.6001ZM19.5 22.0001C19.2 22.1001 19 22.3001 18.8 22.5001C19.3 22.8001 19.9 23.0001 20.5 22.9001C21.1 22.9001 21.6 22.6001 22 22.3001C21.5 21.9001 21 21.7001 20.3 21.7001C20 21.8001 19.7 21.8001 19.5 22.0001ZM17.7 18.4001C17.3 18.9001 17 19.6001 17.1 20.3001C17.2 21.0001 17.5 21.5001 17.9 21.9001C18.1 21.6001 18.2 21.4001 18.3 21.0001C18.4 20.7001 18.4 20.4001 18.4 20.0001C18.4 19.4001 18.1 18.8001 17.7 18.4001ZM33 60.0001C47.9 60.0001 60 47.9001 60 33.0001C60 18.1001 47.9 6.0001 33 6.0001C18.1 6.0001 6 18.1001 6 33.0001C6 47.9001 18.1 60.0001 33 60.0001ZM33 59.2001C47.5 59.2001 59.2 47.4001 59.2 33.0001C59.2 18.6001 47.5 6.8001 33 6.8001C18.5 6.8001 6.8 18.5001 6.8 33.0001C6.8 47.5001 18.5 59.2001 33 59.2001ZM35.8 1.4001C34.2 9.76324e-05 31.8 9.76324e-05 30.2 1.4001L29.1 2.4001C28 3.4001 26.4 3.7001 24.9 3.2001L23.5 2.7001C21.5 2.0001 19.3 2.9001 18.3 4.9001L17.6 6.2001C16.9 7.6001 15.6 8.5001 14.1 8.6001L12.6 8.7001C10.5 8.9001 8.8 10.5001 8.6 12.7001L8.5 14.2001C8.4 15.7001 7.5 17.1001 6.1 17.7001L4.8 18.4001C2.9 19.4001 2 21.6001 2.6 23.6001L3.1 25.0001C3.6 26.4001 3.3 28.0001 2.3 29.2001L1.3 30.3001C-0.1 31.9001 -0.1 34.3001 1.3 35.9001L2.3 37.0001C3.3 38.1001 3.6 39.7001 3.1 41.2001L2.6 42.6001C1.9 44.6001 2.8 46.8001 4.8 47.8001L6.1 48.5001C7.5 49.2001 8.4 50.5001 8.5 52.0001L8.6 53.5001C8.8 55.6001 10.4 57.3001 12.6 57.5001L14.1 57.6001C15.6 57.7001 17 58.6001 17.6 60.0001L18.3 61.3001C19.3 63.2001 21.5 64.1001 23.5 63.5001L24.9 63.0001C26.3 62.5001 27.9 62.8001 29.1 63.8001L30.2 64.8001C31.8 66.2001 34.2 66.2001 35.8 64.8001L36.9 63.8001C38 62.8001 39.6 62.5001 41.1 63.0001L42.5 63.5001C44.5 64.2001 46.7 63.3001 47.7 61.3001L48.4 60.0001C49.1 58.6001 50.4 57.7001 51.9 57.6001L53.4 57.5001C55.5 57.3001 57.2 55.7001 57.4 53.5001L57.5 52.0001C57.6 50.5001 58.5 49.1001 59.9 48.5001L61.2 47.8001C63.1 46.8001 64 44.6001 63.4 42.6001L62.9 41.2001C62.4 39.8001 62.7 38.2001 63.7 37.0001L64.7 35.9001C66.1 34.3001 66.1 31.9001 64.7 30.3001L63.7 29.2001C62.7 28.1001 62.4 26.5001 62.9 25.0001L63.4 23.6001C64.1 21.6001 63.2 19.4001 61.2 18.4001L59.9 17.7001C58.5 17.0001 57.6 15.7001 57.5 14.2001L57.4 12.7001C57.2 10.6001 55.6 8.9001 53.4 8.7001L51.9 8.6001C50.4 8.5001 49 7.6001 48.4 6.2001L47.7 4.9001C46.7 3.0001 44.5 2.1001 42.5 2.7001L41.1 3.2001C39.7 3.7001 38.1 3.4001 36.9 2.4001L35.8 1.4001ZM36.4 3.0001L35.3 2.0001C34 0.800098 32 0.800098 30.7 2.0001L29.6 3.0001C28.3 4.2001 26.4 4.5001 24.7 4.0001L23.3 3.5001C21.6 2.9001 19.8 3.7001 19 5.3001L18.3 6.6001C17.5 8.2001 15.9 9.2001 14.2 9.4001L12.7 9.5001C11 9.6001 9.6 11.0001 9.4 12.7001L9.3 14.2001C9.2 16.0001 8.1 17.6001 6.5 18.3001L5.2 19.0001C3.6 19.8001 2.9 21.6001 3.4 23.3001L3.9 24.7001C4.5 26.4001 4.1 28.2001 2.9 29.6001L1.9 30.7001C0.8 32.0001 0.8 34.0001 2 35.3001L3 36.4001C4.2 37.7001 4.5 39.6001 4 41.3001L3.5 42.7001C2.9 44.4001 3.7 46.2001 5.3 47.0001L6.6 47.7001C8.2 48.5001 9.2 50.1001 9.4 51.8001L9.5 53.3001C9.6 55.1001 11 56.5001 12.8 56.6001L14.3 56.7001C16.1 56.8001 17.7 57.9001 18.4 59.5001L19.1 60.8001C19.9 62.4001 21.7 63.1001 23.4 62.6001L24.8 62.1001C26.5 61.5001 28.3 61.9001 29.7 63.1001L30.8 64.1001C32.1 65.3001 34.1 65.3001 35.4 64.1001L36.5 63.1001C37.8 61.9001 39.7 61.6001 41.4 62.1001L42.8 62.6001C44.5 63.2001 46.3 62.4001 47.1 60.8001L47.8 59.5001C48.6 57.9001 50.2 56.9001 51.9 56.7001L53.4 56.6001C55.2 56.5001 56.6 55.1001 56.7 53.3001L56.8 51.8001C56.9 50.0001 58 48.4001 59.6 47.7001L60.9 47.0001C62.5 46.2001 63.2 44.4001 62.7 42.7001L62.2 41.3001C61.6 39.6001 62 37.8001 63.2 36.4001L64.2 35.3001C65.4 34.0001 65.4 32.0001 64.2 30.7001L63.2 29.6001C62 28.3001 61.7 26.4001 62.2 24.7001L62.7 23.3001C63.3 21.6001 62.5 19.8001 60.9 19.0001L59.6 18.3001C58 17.5001 57 15.9001 56.8 14.2001L56.7 12.7001C56.4 11.0001 55 9.6001 53.3 9.4001L51.8 9.3001C50 9.2001 48.4 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