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Launched Kakao TV 'Runway'|last=Park|first=Yong-geun|work=Sports DongA|date=September 17, 2020|access-date=2020-11-20|archive-date=2023-08-12|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> The first season aired from September 20, 2020 to May 2, 2021 hosted by [[(G)I-dle]]'s [[Song Yuqi]]. The second season premiered on July 11, 2021 to February 25, 2022 hosted by [[Lovelyz]]'s [[Mijoo]]. ==Overview== KakaoTV's original entertainment show ''Learn Way'' is a project that captures [[(G)I-dle]]'s [[Song Yuqi]] process of being reborn as an 'all-rounder' by meeting with expert mentors in various fields. She is a self-proclaimed center, and visual who can dance and sing, and quickly becomes friends with anyone. In ''Learn Way'', Yuqi will show mentors through special chemistry across ages, genres, and borders with her unique affinity. In particular, she plans to show off her cute speech and an unusually lively charm and unfold an entertainment cheeky level. As an idol member, she will learn various fields that she has not tried, and will provide not only unpredictable laughter but also the reward of learning and growth.&lt;ref name="intro"/> ==Slogan== Main: ''''Let's go! On the way to learning!''''&lt;br> Opening: ''''Path of Learning, Learn Way'''' ==Host== * [[Song Yuqi]] ([[(G)I-dle]]) (Season 1) * [[Mijoo]] ([[Lovelyz]]) (Season 2){{efn|Appeared as special guest for season 1, episode 29}}&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:미주, '런웨이2' 주인공 발탁→티저 공개|trans-title=Lovelyz's Mijoo, 'Runway 2' protagonist selected → Teaser released|last=Sang|first=Hyun-ho|work=TopStarNews|date=July 7, 2021|access-date=July 8, 2021|archive-date=August 12, 2023|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> ==Celebrity guest== {| class="wikitable" style=text-align:center |- ! Episode !! Guest !! Note |- ! 17 | [[Jeon So-yeon]] ([[(G)I-dle]])&lt;br> | Leader of (G)I-dle, producer, rapper and songwriter |} ==Episodes== {{Series overview | color1 = #FF7F50 | link1 = Learn Way#Season 1 (2020–2021) | episodes1 = 30 | start1 = {{Start date|2020|9|20}} | end1 = {{End date|2021|5|2}} | color2 = #FFD700 | link2 = Learn Way#Season 2 (2021–2022) | episodes2 =30 | start2 = {{Start date|2021|7|11}} | end2 ={{End date|2022|2|25}} | color3S = #C3FDB8 | link3S = Learn Way#Learn Star | linkT3S = Special | start3S = {{Start date|2021|01|24}} }} ===Season 1 (2020–2021)=== {{Episode table |background=#FF7F50 |total_width= |overall= |season= |title= |aux1= |aux1T=Mentor(s) |country=South Korea |airdate= |episodes= {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 1 |EpisodeNumber2 = 1 |Title = Learn Trot |Aux1 = Park Hyun-woo&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:‘런웨이’ (여자)아이들 우기 트로트 도전기|trans-title='Learn Way' (G)I-dle Yuqi, Trot Challenge|last=Lee|first=Yeji|work=Newsen|date=September 21, 2020|access-date=2020-11-20|archive-date=2023-08-12|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |Aux2 = Veteran trot composer and singer-songwriter |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|9|20}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skill test. Beat practice. Wanppong. Making second character.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' Song Yuqi as Yang Gwi-bi&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Dongmyo]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 2 |EpisodeNumber2 = 2 |Title = How to Become a Newscaster |Aux1 = Kim Il-jung&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:'런웨이' (여자)아이들 우기, 김일중의 멘토링 통해 토크쇼 MC로 나서|trans-title='Learn Way' (G)I-dle Yuqi and Kim Il-joong's mentoring as talk show MC|last=Choi|first=Ji-eun|work=Top Daily|date=September 25, 2020|access-date=2020-11-20|archive-date=2023-08-12|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |Aux2 = Former SBS broadcaster |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|9|27}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Level test. Vocalization and pronunciation. Expression power development. Hosting an interview. Final test.&lt;br> '''Special appearance:''' Kim Ga-hyun, also the teaching assistant.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Sinsa-dong, Gangnam]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 3 |EpisodeNumber2 = 3 |Title = Learning Hip-hop |Aux1 = [[Rhythm Power]] |Aux2 = Hip hop group |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|10|4}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability test. One point lesson. Writing Lyrics, Uh-Oh remix ver. recording.&lt;br> '''Special appearances:''' [[Hangzoo]], [[Boi B]] and Geegooin.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' [[Uh-Oh ((G)I-dle song)|Uh-Oh]] remix version. '''Location filming:''' [[Nonhyeon-dong, Seoul]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 4 |EpisodeNumber2 = 4 |Title = Learning Hairdressing |Aux1 = Woo Gi-woo |Aux2 = Hairdresser |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|10|11}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability test. Shampooing. Styling. Cutting. Final practice. |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 5 |EpisodeNumber2 = 5 |Title = Yuqi as the Zookeeper |Aux1 = Kim Hannah, Kim Shin-woo |Aux2 = Zookeepers |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|10|18}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Cleaning the elephant grounds. Elephant's medical care. Feeding the wild guinea fowl. Meeting the giraffe. Final test.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Everland Resort]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 6 |EpisodeNumber2 = 6 |Title = Learning boxing |Aux1 = [[Choi Hyun-mi]] |Aux2 = Professional boxer |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|10|25}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Level test. Basic boxing training. Boxing fundamentals. Final mission.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Gangnam District|Gangnam-gu]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 7 |EpisodeNumber2 = 7 |Title = Learning to B-boy |Aux1 = [[Gamblerz|Park In-soo]] (Kill) |Aux2 = [[B-boy|B-Boy]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|11|1}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skills test. Basics of B-boying. B-boying power move. B-boying battle. Final performance.&lt;br> '''Special appearance:''' [[Gamblerz|Kim Ye-ri]] (Yell), a B-Girl, choreographer and also the teaching assistant.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Samseong-dong]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 8 |EpisodeNumber2 = 8 |Title = Learning PUBG |Aux1 = Hansia and EJ &lt;br>([[Afreeca Freecs]])&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:‘런웨이’ 자칭 ‘프로 배그러’ 우기, 아이돌계 숨은 실력자 [TV와치]|trans-title='Learnway' Self-proclaimed 'Professional' Yuqi, hidden talent in the idol world [TV Watch]|last=Jang|first=Hye-soo|work=Newsen|date=November 9, 2020|access-date=2021-04-28|archive-date=2023-08-12|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |Aux2 = [[Gamer#Professional gamer|Professional gamer]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|11|8}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Interview. Assessing competence. Training for team play. Racing competition. |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 9 |EpisodeNumber2 = 9 |Title = Learning Magic |Aux1 = Nicky |Aux2 = [[Magic (illusion)|Magician]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|11|15}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Competence test. ESP magic. Magic performance. Magic gala show.&lt;br> '''Special appearance:''' [[(G)I-dle]]'s [[Cho Mi-yeon|Miyeon]]&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Hapjeong-dong]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 10 |EpisodeNumber2 = 10 |Title = Learning Baseball |Aux1 = Park Jin-hyung&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:(여자)아이들 우기, 야구팬들 시선 사로잡을 ‘투구 실력’|trans-title=(G)I-dle Yuqi, pitching skills' that will capture the attention of baseball fans|last=Jang|first=Hye-soo|work=Newsen|date=November 25, 2020|access-date=2020-11-30|archive-date=2023-08-12|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |Aux2 = [[Baseball#Players|Baseball player]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|11|22}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability assessment test. Fitness test. Batting training. Pitching training. Final mission.&lt;br> '''Special appearance:''' Thegyusik, former baseball player and also the subordinate.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Gimpo]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 11 |EpisodeNumber2 = 11 |Title = Learning How to Make Pasta |Aux1 = Fabry&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:'런웨이' 우기, 미슐랭 셰프와 좌충우돌 이탈리안 요리 대결|trans-title='Learn Way' Yuqi chef Michelin's Italian cuisine confrontation|last=Hyun|first=Hyeseon|work=Sports Today|date=November 27, 2020|access-date=2020-11-20}}&lt;/ref> |Aux2 = Italian [[Michelin star]] chef |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|11|29}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Cooking test. Learning to make carbonara. Learning how to make vongole. Pasta contest.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Sejong University]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 12 |EpisodeNumber2 = 12 |Title = Learning Krump |Aux1 = Kim Sol-hee (Black Bomb) |Aux2 = [[Krumping|Krump dancer]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|12|6}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability assessment test. Excitement and expression. Hat trick. Krump battle. Final mission.&lt;br> ''Special appearance:'' Kim Mi-ji (Opera) and Kim Geum-ha (AXKIM), also the teaching assistants.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' [[Lion ((G)I-dle song)|Lion]] dance krump version.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Sinsa-dong, Gangnam]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 13 |EpisodeNumber2 = 13 |Title = Learning Woodworking |Aux1 = Eunyoung |Aux2 = Star technician |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2020|12|20}}{{efn|The film's production crew halted filming due to the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in no broadcast on December 13, 2020.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:[런웨이 휴방 공지] 최근 코로나19 확산 예방 및 사회적 거리두기 준수를 위하여, 12/13 카카오TV, 12/18 원더케이 채널에서 공개 예정이었던 &lt;런웨이>를 한 주 휴방하기로 결정하였습니다. 런웨이를 기다려주신 팬 여러분들의 양해 부탁드리며, 휴방 뒤 더 재밌는 컨텐츠로 찾아오도록 하겠습니다!|trans-title=[Runway Break Notice] In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the episode which was scheduled to be released on 12/13 (KakaoTV) and 12/18 (1theK) will be postponed as we decided to take a break for a week. We ask for your understanding of the fans who have been waiting for the Learn Way, and we will come back with more fun content after the break!|work=[[Twitter]]|author=@1theK|date=December 9, 2020}}&lt;/ref>}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skill test. Learning about woodworking. Learning about design. Final test.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Seongsu-dong]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 14 |EpisodeNumber2 = 14 |Title = Learning Fusion Korean Food |Aux1 = Jo Woo-hyun&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:(여자)아이들 우기 ‘런웨이’ 속 당찬 매력, 남다른 예능감 [TV와치]|trans-title=(G)I-dle Yuqi 'Runway' strong charm, extraordinary entertainment sense [TV Watch]|last=Lee|first=Yeji|work=Newsen|date=January 5, 2021|access-date=2021-01-08|archive-date=2023-08-12|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |Aux2 = Korea's 12th Master Chef |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|1|3}}{{efn|The film's production crew halted filming due to the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in no broadcast on December 27, 2020.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:런웨이 휴방 공지] 최근 코로나19 확산 예방 및 사회적 거리두기 준수를 위하여 12/27 카카오TV, 1/1 원더케이 채널에서 공개 예정이었던 &lt;런웨이>를 한 주 휴방하기로 결정했습니다. 런웨이를 기다려주신 팬 여러분들의 양해 부탁드리며, 휴방 뒤 더 재밌는 컨텐츠로 찾아오도록 하겠습니다!|trans-title=[Runway Break Notice] In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the episode which was scheduled to be released on 12/27 (KakaoTV) and 1/1 (1theK) will be postponed as we decided to take a break for a week. We ask for your understanding of the fans who have been waiting for the Learn Way, and we will come back with more fun content after the break!|work=[[Twitter]]|author=@1theK|date=December 24, 2020}}&lt;/ref>}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' The skill test. Fusion steak &amp; risotto. Fusion pizza, The final mission.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' Gomyeong Food Service High School |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 15 |EpisodeNumber2 = 15 |Title = Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics |Aux1 = [[Son Yeon-jae]]&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:손연재, 아이돌인 줄..(여자)아이들 우기와 미모 투샷|trans-title=Son Yeon-jae, I think he's an idol.. (G)I-dle Yuqi and two pictures of good looks|last=Kim|first=Ji-hye|work=HeraldPop|date=January 26, 2021|access-date=2021-01-30}}&lt;/ref> |Aux2 = Olympic rhythmic gymnast |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|1|10}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skills test. Point and flex. Flexibility training. The club and hoop. Ball and ribbon. Final mission: Plan and perform a ribbon gala performance, with Señorita as background music.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Yongsan District|Yongsan-gu]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 16 |EpisodeNumber2 = 16 |Title = Learning Comedy |Aux1 = Lee Se-youn |Aux2 = Comedian |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|1|10}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skill test. Voice mimicry development. Spicy taste dance lesson. Acting practice. Ad-lib match. Makeup match.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Seogyo-dong]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 18 |EpisodeNumber2 = 18 |Title = Learning Pottery |Aux1 = [ Hong Se-rim] |Aux2 = Ceramicist, YouTuber |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|1|31}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skill test. Wheel control lesson and making a vessel. Coiling. Weight-guessing game. Final Mission: Making a birthday gift for a former singer turned PD.&lt;br> '''Special appearance:''' Han Se-ri, a pottery artist and also the teaching assistant.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Icheon|Sindun-myeon, Icheon]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 19 |EpisodeNumber2 = 19 |Title = Learning Art Latte |Aux1 = [아야커피AYACOFFEE Lee Jong-hyeok]&lt;ref name="coffee">{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:‘런웨이’ (여자)아이들 우기, 실수 상황 속 빛나는 임기응변 능력|trans-title='Learnway' (G)I-dle's Yuqi, shining improvisational ability in mistakes|last=Lee|first=Ye-ji|work=Newsen|date=February 8, 2021|access-date=April 28, 2021|archive-date=August 12, 2023|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |Aux2 = [[Barista]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|2|7}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability assessment test. Coffee bean roasting, making [[Espresso]] brew, making iced Americano (actually a [[long black]] since water was poured in before the coffee), making [[brewed coffee]], milk steaming, latte art. Final mission: Final orders service test: 2x Warmer Iced Americano, Latte with latte art.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' Aya Coffee, [[Gangnam District|Gangnam-gu]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 20 |EpisodeNumber2 = 20 |Title = Learning About Tarot Reading |Aux1 = Jung Hee-do |Aux2 = Soul healer and tarot master |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|2|14}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' A luck for romance. Business luck. Learning [[tarot card reading]]. Tarot reading for the staff. Fortune reading for viewers.&lt;br> '''Special appearance:''' [[(G)I-dle]]'s [[Cho Mi-yeon|Miyeon]] and [[Jeon So-yeon|Soyeon]].&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' Special episode for Lunar New Year. |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 21 |EpisodeNumber2 = 21 |Title = Learning to Alter Clothes |Aux1 = Hwang Jae-keun&lt;ref name="1m">{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:‘런웨이’ 우기가 사랑받는 이유 [TV와치]|trans-title=The reason why Yuqi is loved by 'Learn Way' [TV Watch]|last=Lee|first=Ye-ji|work=Newsen|date=February 22, 2021|access-date=February 22, 2021|archive-date=August 12, 2023|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |Aux2 = Fashion designer |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|2|21}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Assessment Test. Alteration Basics. Denim Alteration. Hat Alteration. Final Mission: Make a stage costume based on "Lost".&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' Hwang Jae-keun was the original mask designer for ''[[King of Mask Singer]]'', but already left the role by the time Yuqi competed on the show.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Sinsa-dong, Gangnam]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 22 |EpisodeNumber2 = 22 |Title = Learning to become a Food Show Host |Aux1 = Kim Yun-hee |Aux2 = [[Home shopping host|Mobile shopping host]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|2|28}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skills test. Pronunciation and vocalization for vocal endurance. Learning the show host proceeding, selling an item without seeing them. Learning expressions by swallowing hot and sour food quickly, and fruits with juices bursting out. Final mission: Hosting a live food show selling [[galbi]].&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' Kim Yun-hee was also a former [[JYP Entertainment]] trainee, possibly trained with [[Wonder Girls]].&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Seongsu-dong]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 23 |EpisodeNumber2 = 23 |Title = The Making of Learn Way (part 1) |Aux1 = – |Aux2 = – |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|3|7}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Reactions to behind the scenes and previously unaired clips. * Tarot card reading for compatibilities with other members, Rabbit Dosa's reading of PD's compatibility with Yuqi, Secret reading with Soyeon. * Learntertainer with Soyeon, her reaction to Ep. 17, when Yuqi learnt to rap, Debate about Pineapples in Hawaiian Pizza. * Acting practice: The Heirs, Reply 1988 * Baseball fielding lesson, as the episode only focused on pitching and batting. Perfect 2B ground fielding drill. * Cooking test with Fabri: Tomatoes and scrambled eggs, but with a frying pan instead of a wok. * Requests for [[Cho Mi-yeon|Miyeon]] to actually feature in an episode instead of being a [[clickbait]] thumbnail. '''Special appearance:''' [[Jeon So-yeon|Soyeon]], [[Soojin (singer)|Soojin]], Miyeon and [[Minnie (singer)|Minnie]].&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Cube Entertainment]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 24 |EpisodeNumber2 = 24 |Title = Animal Makeup Learning |Aux1 = [ Risabae] |Aux2 = Makeup artist, [[Beauty YouTuber]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|3|14}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skill test. Animal face makeover. Animal makeup practice. Final mission. |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 25 |EpisodeNumber2 = 25 |Title = Online Shopping Mall Learning |Aux1 = [ Jung Jiwoo]&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:(여자)아이들 우기, 정지우 쇼핑몰 MD 변신 “생소하고 색다른 경험”(런웨이)|trans-title=(G)I-dle Yuqi, Jung Ji-woo shopping mall MD transformation “Unfamiliar and different experience” (Runway)|last=Park|first=Eun-hae|work=Newsen|date=March 22, 2021|access-date=March 24, 2021|archive-date=August 12, 2023|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |Aux2 = CEO of AJ Look, Fashion influencer |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|3|21}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skills test: Match new recruit's look in 2 minutes, Logistics Team for item repairs, drafting of refund policy documents, Lunchtime: Jang Hyemi's Chinese Skills Test, MD's work: Button up shirts, Ribbon-tying test, Data entry and exposed her dislike for Windows computers, Photographing items for the website. Final Mission: Pick out a versatile outfit: One to meet with college Professor in the morning, then heading to a party after class. She must pick the items, steam and photograph the items.&lt;br> ''Special appearance:'' Jang Hyemi as merchandiser mentor, later revealed to had studied in [[Liaoning]], so she is also fluent in [[Standard Chinese|Standard Mandarin]], but cannot speak in Northeastern dialect. Ms. Park also made a special appearance as Head of Logistics.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' Jung Jiwoo's intro music was ''[[Blood Sweat &amp; Tears (song)|Blood Sweat &amp; Tears]]'' by [[BTS]] as she is the sister of [[J-Hope]]. It was the first time where she arrived on her bicycle.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Seongsu-dong]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 26 |EpisodeNumber2 = 26 |Title = Learning [[Gyeongsang dialect|Gyeongsang Dialect]] |Aux1 = [[Heo Kyung-hwan]] |Aux2 = Comedian, [[Restaurateur]], Amateur [[linguistics]] YouTuber |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|3|28}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Pre-test: Greeting (poorly) in [[Cantonese]], a skill that fellow Chinese [[Cao Lu]] and [[Zhang Yu'an|Zhang Yu An]] knew when they were active in Korea. Skills test: Translate sentences in Gyeongsang dialect back to [[Korean dialects|Standard Korean]].&lt;br>[[Tone (linguistics)|Tonality]] training with sentences made by one single [[Hangul]], as this is not a feature of Standard Korean. Yuqi's teaching's: Tonal system in [[Standard Chinese]]. Learning buzzwords.Basic expressions. Final mission: Perform an impromptu sit-com in Gyeongsang Dialect, but was later evaluated to have [[Gangwon Province, South Korea|Gangwon-do]] dialect mixed in.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' It was the first time where she arrived on foot as it was close to the Cube Entertainment Building, as Heo Kyunghwan is also from Cube Entertainment.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Seongsu-dong]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 27 |EpisodeNumber2 = 27 |Title = Learning Basketball feat. NO 3-pointers |Aux1 = [[Ha Seung-jin]] |Aux2 = YouTuber, former [[National Basketball Association|NBA]] and [[Korean Basketball League|KBL]] player |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|4|4}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skills test: Make a traditional layup, score a close-range [[Set shot (basketball)|set shot]], score against a defender, dribbling test. Draft combine (pre 2019 rules) : Height, wingspan, running vertical jump by high fiving him. Dribbling and shooting training, fix Ha Seung-jin's free throws (Solution: One-handed free throw). Skills Test - Be A Player-Coach: Coach and devise plays to beat him in a 1-on-5 handicap match, first of 5 points wins.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' Ha Seung-jin used the pre-2019 rules when measuring height for Draft Combine, where you can be measured with shoes on. Since 2019, you must measure with shoes off, with socks on at most.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|title=NBA to start measuring exact height of players|url=|access-date=2021-04-10|website=NBC News|language=en|archive-date=2023-08-12|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> The production crew act as Yuqi's teammates, with Cash Kwon (sound technician) as a super-sub [[Charles Barkley]]/[[P. J. Tucker|PJ Tucker]] hybrid.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' Seocheon-dong, Yong-in |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 28 |EpisodeNumber2 = 28 |Title = Learning on the Spot (Part 1) |Aux1 = Lee Chang-min,&lt;br> Jeong Jun-sik and Jo Young-hyun |Aux2 = [[Kkul-tarae]] seller&lt;br> Korean calligraphy |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|4|18}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Learning how to make Kkul-tarae and calligraphy ([[Korean calligraphy|Haeseo]], [[Hunminjeongeum]] and modern style).&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Insa-dong|Insa-dong, Seoul]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 29 |EpisodeNumber2 = 29 |Title = Learning on the Spot (Part 2) |Aux1 = – |Aux2 = – |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|4|25}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Yuqi learnt to make wool craft of dogs and poop bread. She also called for a co-hosts for season 2, including [[Choi Ye-na]] and [[Mijoo]].&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Insa-dong|Insa-dong, Seoul]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 30 |EpisodeNumber2 = 30 |Title = Reading the Comments and The Making of Learn Way (part 2) |Aux1 = – |Aux2 = – |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|5|2}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Reactions to behind the scenes and previously unaired clips, and also reacting to comments compiled by 1TheK Staff.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Cube Entertainment]] |LineColor = #FF7F50 }} |Aux2= |Aux2T=Occupation(s)}} ===Season 2 (2021–2022)=== {{Episode table |background=#FFD700 |total_width= |overall= |season= |title= |aux1= |aux1T=Mentor(s) |Aux2= |Aux2T=Occupation(s) |airdate= |episodes={{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 31 |EpisodeNumber2 = 1 |Title = Cheerleading |Aux1 = Kim Yeongjung and Kim Yuna |Aux2 = Cheerleaders for [[Hanhwa Eagles]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|7|18}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skill test: Dance routine, learning the "Burning Sun" cheer (she deleted the video before filming, and had to learn on the spot), Stretching, footwork re-training, complete Burning Sun choreography, Random Play Dance, Opening Pitch after rain delayed the start, Final Test: Lead the Eagles to victory. Bonus: Meeting a little fan.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' Mijoo is a legitimate fan of Hanhwa Eagles, as it is her hometown team. She had performed first pitches 4 times.&lt;br>Given Mijoo's background as a dancer and idol, she completed the choreography training in the fastest time of 30 minutes, even cheerleaders with dancing background took a month, or 3 months for a total rookie.&lt;br> The match between Hanhua Eagles and [[Lotte Giants]] was almost rained out due to a 25-minute rain delay before the start. The game ended with Eagles winning 3-2 on a fly-out to first base.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Daejeon Hanbat Baseball Stadium]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 32 |EpisodeNumber2 = 2 |Title = Modelling |Aux1 = [[Han Hyun-min]] |Aux2 = Korean Model of African descent |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|7|25}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skill test: Model walk (minus extravagant squats for Music Shows, plus [[Cha-cha-cha (dance)|Cha-cha chop steps]]), posture fixes by standing upright onto a wall or pillar, the upright walk after standing, Old-school training: Upright walk while balancing a book on their head, catwalk rundown, catwalk show simulation with music, posing for pictorials, monitoring test cuts. Final Mission: Spring/Summer edition fashion show.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' Mijoo managed to balance a book on her head while doing the upright walk, Han Hyun Min cannot do it. &lt;br> She already has prior knowledge for Test Cuts monitoring as the procedures are exactly the same for album jacket pictorials or commercial pictorials.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Gangnam District|Gangnam, Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 33 |EpisodeNumber2 = 3 |Title = [[Dancesport]] ([[Ballroom Dancing]], particularly [[Samba]]) |Aux1 = [[Park Ji-woo]], Kim Tae-hwan, Ko Joo-yeon |Aux2 = Ballroom Dancers |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|8|1}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Skills Test: Freestyle dance using [[Hit the Road Jack]] by [[The Stampeders]] feat. [[Ray Charles]], Latin Dance demonstration&lt;br>Latin Dance ([[Cha-cha-cha (dance)|Cha-cha]], [[Samba]], [[Ballroom rumba|Rumba]]) demonstrations with Kim Tae-hwan and Ko Joo-yeon, Samba lessons, Skills test for Cash Kwon (sound technician) and practice as Mijoo's partner, Final Mission: Samba with [[Mr. Melody]] by [[Natalie Cole]]. Bonus Lesson: Ballroom/Prom etiquettes, and how to politely show you have a spouse/romantic partner, or if you need to go to the restroom.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' This episode was filmed after Lovelyz went into self isolation as a staff member was tested positive for COVID-19, and was planned after the Cha-cha steps in Modelling lesson.&lt;br>All three speak English with [[Received Pronunciation]] as they all studied Dancesport in [[London, England]], which is rare amongst Koreans. &lt;br>Park Ji-woo was also a former judge of [[Dancing 9]]. '''Location filming:''' Dance Sport Studio, Seoul |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 34 |EpisodeNumber2 = 4 |Title = Gym workouts |Aux1 = Egg Kim |Aux2 = Gym owner, [[Personal Trainer]], [[Navy Seal]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|8|8}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Orientation: Basic info, 60-second Squat test, Balance test with [[Bosu ball]], Tour of other apparatuses, Final test: Gym Monopoly, get around the entire board before Egg Kim to avoid penalty, but must do each exercise that each player landed. Mijoo is allowed to have to teammates from the filming crew for help. &lt;br> '''Location filming:''' Cheongdam dong, Seoul |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 35 |EpisodeNumber2 = 5 |Title = Webtoon Work Experience at [[Kakao Entertainment]] |Aux1 = Various |Aux2 = Webtoon producer and marketing personnel |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|8|15}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Interview, Induction and finding her workspace, Approval 1: Webtoon Producers, storyline comprehension, managing webtoonists, Lunch, Approval 2: IPX (Web Content Experience) Design, animating the characters as webpage/app teasers, Approval 3: Webtoon Marketing: Creating a slogan for the next promotion, Final Approval from Manager, SWOT analysis about expanding the overseas market. Bonus: Actual comments from the Webtoon Producers, detailing the harsh truth about the job, Mijoo actually listened through Cash Kwon's headphones.&lt;br> '''Remarks''': This is the first time Mijoo came in on foot.&lt;br> Because Kakao Entertainment's main color is yellow, a golden-yellow carpet was presented instead. This also signifies a video with sponsorships.&lt;br>Kakao Entertainment refers people by their English nickname/English name, so Mijoo is referred by Olivia Missey, possibly based on [[Olivia Hussey]]. &lt;br> Mijoo was actually an E-Commerce student in high school. '''Location filming:''' Kakao Entertainment Page Company: Twosun World Building 8/F, 221, [[Pangyoyeok-ro]], [[Bundang-gu]], [[Seongnam|Seongnam-si]], [[Gyeonggi Province|Gyeonggi-do]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 36 |EpisodeNumber2 = 6 |Title = Being a college student with Webtoon Major |Aux1 = Choi Hae-woong&lt;br> Lim Do-kyung&lt;br> Park Yeon-ji, Kim Min-cho |Aux2 = Professor of Webtoon Department&lt;br>Sophomore student&lt;br> Freshwomen students |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021||}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Entrance Test: Draw a storyboard of Mijoo in 10 years, Using [[Clip Studio Paint]], Guessing game using only stick figures, creating character sheet (aka Drawing 101 for Mijoo). Final mission: Using Mijoo's storyboard from Entrance Test, the seniors will turn it into a short, static webtoon of 4 frames.&lt;br> '''Remarks''': This is a continuation of last episode of sorts, after her work experience in Webtoon Department of Kakao Entertainment&lt;br>Youngsan University has Korea's first Webtoon Library&lt;br> Kim Min-cho is actually a fan of Mijoo.&lt;br>Due to her lack of drawing skills, she is better as a storyteller or scriptwriter. '''Location filming:''' WiseU, [[Youngsan University]], [[Busan]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 37 |EpisodeNumber2 = 7 |Title = Bachelor of Engineering, [[Unmanned aerial vehicle|Drones]] Major |Aux1 = Kwon Tae-wook&lt;br>Gong Tae-wok&lt;br>Jung Seon-hwan, Song Myun-jin&lt;br>Park Hyong-ryeon |Aux2 = Professor of Drones&lt;br>Student Council President&lt;br>Freshman students&lt;br>Professor of Drones |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021||}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Flying Skills Test, UAV 101 theory, Simulation (feat. real controller), Basic controls in a gym, bowling game with the drone hitting bottles, but can only hit once. Mijoo's team won 4-3 on tiebreaker, Experiencing flying a drone with goggles, as if she was riding in the drone. Final Mission: Filming a scenic film of the university using a drone with a camera.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' WiseU, [[Youngsan University]], [[Busan]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 38 |EpisodeNumber2 = 8 ||Title = Work experience at [[Kakao Games]] and Learning Friends Shot. |Aux1 = Link |Aux2 = Planning Developer of Friends Shot |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021||}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Job Interview, Game tutorial, Practice Game, Company Tour feat Free [[Craft Beer]] and VR machine, Final Master Cup matches (single hole playoffs): Park Ji-oh (9), Park Sei (16) and Yein (23)&lt;br>'''Remarks: This is the first time that Mijoo came from taking the subway train'''&lt;br> The game was still in Beta at the time of filming&lt;br>The English nickname is confirmed to be consistent in all of Kakao Entertainment.&lt;br>Special appearance by Yein of [[Lovelyz]] '''Location filming:''' Alpha Dome Tower 14th Floor, Kakao Games Corp, 14/F, Alpha Dome Tower, .152, [[Pangyoyeok-ro]], [[Bundang-gu]], [[Seongnam-si]], [[Gyeonggi-do]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 39 |EpisodeNumber2 = 9 |Title = Acting in a [[Joseon Dynasty]] Historical Drama |Aux1 = [[Im Ho]] (as [[King Jungjong]]) |Aux2 = Actor (as Emperor) |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021||}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability test: An adlib skit, basics of historical drama, learning the old language of expressing basic manners, practise using modern dramas and converting into historical drama, Match the outfit to the roles of various people. Final Mission: 3-minute scene in a historical drama, Mijoo as [[Royal Consort Huibin Jang]] and various members of production crew in other roles.&lt;br>'''Remarks''' The restaurant is at the same place where Dae Janggeum was filmed.&lt;br> Basics of Historical Drama: Project your voice when giving orders as an emperor, as a peasant or a servant speaking to an emperor, look at the camera to capture your face, but do not make eye contact with the emperor&lt;br>Never upspeak, drop your tone lower even when asking questions, speak from the diaphragm.&lt;br>Eat slowly and savor the food, even when it's a beggar eating rice.&lt;br>Show curiosity and openness, even when things are plainly obvious.&lt;br>The previous point also applies to poison, sell the bitter taste of tea or poison, but don't outwardly show the pain, even when you deteriorate rapidly.&lt;br> Involuntary bodily functions must be repressed.&lt;br>List of Modern dramas converting into historical drama: [[The World of the Married]]&lt;br>Types of outfits: Chosun male Aristocrat, [[Heo Jun]] (Physician/Doctor), A [[beggar]] with mild [[psychosis]], court lady, Royal Consort Huibin Jang. &lt;br> In the Final Mission, Mijoo played the least historically accurate song on the recorder: [[My Heart Will Go On]] by [[Celine Dion]]. '''Location filming:''' [[Hongdae (area)|Hondae, Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 40 |EpisodeNumber2 = 10 |Title = Fencing |Aux1 = [[Kim Ji-yeon]], Hong Ha-eun, Cho Jyung-hyung |Aux2 = Olympic Gold Medallist [[Sabre (fencing)|Sabre]] Fencer, Junior Champion Fencer and Head Coach and Referee of Seoul City Hall |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|09|19}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Basic reach test, Agility test, Flexibility test (feat. Rock, Paper, Scissors), Ladder Agility Drill, Lunge Catch Drill, Slice Drill, Differences between Sabre, [[Épée]] and [[Foil (fencing)|Fleuret/Foil]], Basic stances and footwork in fencing, basic defense (Quarte to Parade), 5-point Right to Attack exhibition match for the instructors, practice match vs. Kim Kimin (Producer). Final Mission: Mijoo's 9-0 handicap match vs. Kim Ji-yeon.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' Kim Jiyeon is the first ever female gold medallist in fencing for South Korea in 2008.&lt;br>Kim Ji-yeon is left-handed, a rarity in fencing.&lt;br>Unlike Yuqi, Mijjoo's reach is about the same as Kim Ji-yeon.&lt;br>Mijoo's pattern on rock paper scissors is extremely predictable: Rock, Paper, Scissors, repeated.&lt;br> For the final mission: Mijoo only needed to score 1 point to win, but Ji-yeon needs 10 points to win. Both received yellow cards for dissent. Failed: 10-9 win by Kim Ji-yeon.&lt;br>Bonus Video: Kim Ji-yeon also appeared on ''I'm A Survivor'' with Yuqi. Calling out to Yuqi, as her return to Korea is delayed by a month. '''Location filming:''' Seoul Fencing Team Training Center, [[Seoul Sports Complex]], [[Songpa District]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 41 |EpisodeNumber2 = 11 |Title = Cooking Steak |Aux1 = [[Edward Young-min Kwon|Edward Kwon]] |Aux2 = Star Chef, former 7-Star Hotel Head Chef of [[Burj al-Arab Hotel]] |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|09|26}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Basic cookery test: Egg roll, Knife skills with [[Daikon]], Cooking Korean rib-eye, cooking vegetables while the steaks are resting, plating, Taste test, Very Early Birthday for Mijoo. Final Mission (set by Mijoo): Steak salad, with Mijoo in charge of grilling, and Chef Kwon prepping vegetables and dressing, then make an infomercial.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' Mijoo lives alone, and is known to make Korean Cuisine.&lt;br>Chef's basic test is often to do with eggs. The number of pleats on a chef's hat represent the number of different ways he can cook an egg.&lt;br> She passed the egg roll test because she has made them before, but she tends to roll the egg sideways rather than backwards towards herself, and is bad at breaking eggs.&lt;br> Not all cuts of steak are suitable to have on medium-rare. Marbly (Fatty) steaks like [[Rib eye steak]] is better to have on medium because the meat is still tough on medium-rare.&lt;br>Edward Kwon's oil of choice: [[Grape seed oil]]&lt;br>Edward Kwon added [[truffle oil]] in the end.&lt;br>The episode was filmed on August 31, but was aired on September 26. '''Location filming:''' Oatmeal Cooking Studio, [[Seocho District]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 42 |EpisodeNumber2 = 12 |Title = Filleting fish |Aux1 = sooBinsoo (Cho Soo-bin) |Aux2 = [[Chef de Partie|Poissonnier (Fish Chef)]], Sushi Restaurant Owner, YouTuber |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|10|3}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Blind Ability Test: Descaling a [[Dorosoma|gizzard shard]], and descale a pre-filleted salmon, Trimming a large [[Pagrus major|red seabream]], Deboing and pin-boning the fillet, make salty water with ice to float the skin, cooking the skin by pouring hot water, then blast-chill back into salty water, Portioning and plating, Taste test, Making Sushi and Spicy Fish Soup. Final Mission: Plating the sushi.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' This is the first time where the teacher observe the ability test in a separate room.&lt;br>When a fish is presented, it needs to be dealt with right away, with the head facing the non-dominant hand, so you can de-scale against the grain.&lt;br> Mijoo failed the salmon descaling test since she completely removed the skin off of it.&lt;br> Once a fish dies off, the nerves may still fire signals, so it still moves as if it is barely alive.&lt;br>This is the first time Mijoo confronted with her favorite foods (sashimi, sushi, fish roe soup) when they were alive, which made her cry, and unable to do the taste tests, so a sound director from [[Jeju Island]] became the judge. She was able to carry on from the fish was partially processed and continued de-scaling.&lt;br>Mijoo is more fluent than Soobin in Japanese&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Gangnam District]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 43 |EpisodeNumber2 = 13 |Title = Tutored in English |Aux1 = [[John Park (musician)|John Park]] |Aux2 = American-Korean, English Tutor, Musician |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|10|17}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability Test: Self introduction, Making English sentences and dictation, Guess Who I Am Game, Learning [[American English]] slangs, Speed Quiz: Describe film and TV drama quotes while John tries to guess. Final Mission: Host and English talk show. Bonus: Learning English through song lyrics. &lt;br>'''Remarks:''' John Park did work as an English tutor before making his Korean debut as a singer, so it didn't count as Learntertainer episode.&lt;br> Slang: Slaps= Good, Adjective+AF (As F*^k). '''Location filming:''' [[Gangnam District]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 44 |EpisodeNumber2 = 14 |Title = Learning guitar |Aux1 = [[Sungha Jung]] |Aux2 = Self-taught [[fingerstyle guitar]]ist, YouTuber |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|10|17}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Teacher's performance, Ability Test: Initial interpretation of guitar playing, Parts of a guitar, [[Flatpicking]] with a [[guitar pick]], Tuning with an electronic tuner, [[Guitar chord]]s with a simplified version of Ah-Choo, [[Arppegio]] Fingerstyle guitar using [[Romance de Amor]], Guessing songs. Final Mission: Collaborate [[Butter (song)|Butter]] by [[BTS]]. Bonus: A clip of her playing the piano.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' Due to her long nails, she was not suitable for fingerstyle guitar, and had to cut her nails before playing chords because her fingertips can't touch the strings to firm up the sounds properly.&lt;br> They can both play the piano. '''Location filming:''' [[Seocho District]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 45 |EpisodeNumber2 = 15 |Title = Learning nail art |Aux1 = Lee Sang-joon |Aux2 = Comedian, Actor, Formerly Certified Nail Artist |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|10|24}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Teacher's Ability Test, Mijoo's Ability Test: Both have to trim off a finger nail, Basic Care, Gel Nails, Nail Art. Final Mission: Make a nail art. &lt;br>'''Remarks:''' This is the first time a teacher goes through an ability test, and lost to Mijoo.&lt;br> Lee Sang-joon has held his license for the same amount of time as his boss (5 years), but the license shown was a 1-year practising license.&lt;br>He used to be a nail artist before becoming a comedian.&lt;br>Cash Kwon's nails are almost non-existent, so nail art is needed to stop him from nail biting.&lt;br> On the bonus clip, he revealed he has fruit allergy, but didn't specify the fruit(s). '''Location filming:''' [[Bongcheon-dong]], [[Gwanak District]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 46 |EpisodeNumber2 = 16 |Title = Impersonations (part 1) |Aux1 = Kim Bo-min |Aux2 = Voice Actress, YouTuber |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|10|31}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Teacher's lesson on "Pick Me" dance, Teacher's Ability Test: Imitate a person from her list. She picked Ha Eunbyul from [[King of Ambition]], Mijoo's Ability Test: Impersonate [[Doraemon]] when he takes off with the bamboo helicopter, Basics of Voice Acting: Have a base character for each age group: Infant, Elementary school kid, Teenager, 50's parent, 70's grandparent, Speed Quiz: Guess the character only by impersonations of their famous quotes&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' This is the first time a teacher unsuccessfully hid in the radio booth while impersonating others.&lt;br> This is the first time the lesson is split into parts. '''Location filming:''' [[Cheongdam-dong]], [[Seoul]], the cinema is a popular filming spot, including [[Fromis 9|Formis_9's]] Halloween party and [[Going Seventeen (web series)|Going Seventeen's]] 1 Million Won game. |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 47 |EpisodeNumber2 = 17 |Title = Impersonations (part 2) |Aux1 = Kim Bo-min |Aux2 = Voice Actress, YouTuber |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|11|7}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Review, Character Study of People (feat. [[Jessi (musician)|Jessi]], sooBingsoo), Intensive course (feat. [[Kim Hee-ae]] in ''[[The World of The Married]]'', [[Lee Jung-jae]] in ''[[Assassination (2015 film)|Assassintion]]'', Joo Hyun-jong from SNL Korea). Final Mission: An impromptu talk show hosted by Kim Bo-min, with Mijoo showing off her impersonation class. Bonus: impersonating [[Ahn Young-mi]] as Naughty Cell in [[Yumi's Cells]]&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' This is the first time the lesson is split into parts. '''Location filming:''' [[Cheongdam-dong]], [[Seoul]], the cinema is a popular filming spot, including [[Fromis 9|Formis_9's]] Halloween party and [[Going Seventeen (web series)|Going Seventeen's]] 1 Million Won game. |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 48 |EpisodeNumber2 = 18 |Title = Being A Hamburger Restaurant Staff |Aux1 = Han Dasom, Lee Seung-hyun&lt;br>Seo Jung-gun |Aux2 = Store Managers&lt;br>Deputy Manager |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|11|14}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Prepping the ingredients, Frying Chips and cleaning of equipment, Folding packaging boxes, Grilling patties (feat. live orders from advertiser), Final Mission: Live service and greeting customers. Bonus: She earned her black uniform, making her an honorary full-time staff, and making the special Learn Way Set for production staff. Mijoo offered to cook even after she has clocked off work.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' This is the first time that there is no prior ability test.&lt;br>Part-timers wear orange uniform, full-timers in black, but Mijoo still earned an honorary black uniform.&lt;br>In the live service, there were fans of Lovelyz and even producers of ''Workman''.&lt;br>Lee Seung-hyun is a fan of the show, and is younger than Mijoo by one year.&lt;br>Cheese sticks and cheese balls can be eaten at work so staff would avoid fainting.&lt;br>The opening greeting is "'''''Hello, we're ISAAC Burger'''''" instead of "'''''Welcome, we're ISAAC Burger'''''" because it's more inviting.&lt;br>She did get cast by Workman producers to guest star on the show on a part-time basis, the negotiations are still ongoing as of the airing of the episode on YouTube. '''Location filming:''' ISAAC Burger, [[Sinsa station]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 49 |EpisodeNumber2 = 19 |Title = Learning Hip-hop |Aux1 = [[Giriboy]] |Aux2 = Rapper, Producer |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|11|21}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability test, Basics of hip-hop, Story of "148" tattoo Part 1 (feat. One Piece Comic Book), Writing lyrics, Hip-hop fashion (feat. sunglasses), Final Mission: Write and record trailer rap using No Tomorrow as a backing track. Bonus: Story of "148" tattoo Part 2 (feat. One Piece Comic Book)&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' Giriboy's English name is James, and he wears tinted glasses mostly as a cover for him when he peeks at the lyrics. '''Location filming:''' [[Seodong-gu]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 50 |EpisodeNumber2 = 20 |Title = Learning Hairdressing |Aux1 = Kiu, Yookyung, Sejin, Suyeon |Aux2 = Hair stylist, YouTuber&lt;br>Hair stylist&lt;br>Rookie Hair stylist, former Army Hairdresser&lt;br>Staff |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|11|28}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability test with Sejin: Copy Kiu's hairstyle on a mannequin, Basics of hair cut, Basics of styling on females, Final Mission: Full stying on Ian, Kiu's friend.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' This was Kiu's second appearance, after also appearing in season 1&lt;br>All transactions are reversed after filming. '''Location filming:''' [[Gangnam District]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 51 |EpisodeNumber2 = 21 |Title = Behind the Scenes (feat. Mijoo's new Agency) |Aux1 = None |Aux2 = N/A |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|12|12}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Antenna Building Tour, Flashback to final episode of season 1, When Mijoo treated the staff coffees using her personal card, the longest episode to record: Episode 1 as a cheerleader due to rain delays, Proof that Mijoo is NOT a morning person, the origin of "jab jab jab" on episode 2, unaired second ability test: Freestyle dance with [[Un-Break My Heart]] by [[Toni Braxton]], Plyometric exercises (feat. imitating animals), reading other comments (feat. Workman's casting notes), New Bucket List for 2022, Mijoo's video letter to herself. Bonus: PD's self Antenna tour.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' On the final episode of season 1, Yuqi did call Mijoo and cast the latter to "deputize" in Season 2 as Yuqi returns to promote in China, however, since Yuqi's return plans has delayed by about 3 months, her contract was extended from 12 episodes (when she was still in Woolim Entertainment).&lt;br>The cheerleading episode ended up lasting 12 hours of shooting due to rain delays and pre-game preparations.&lt;br> Park Ji-woo has returned to [[London]], [[England]] as of the filming of the episode. '''Location filming:''' [[Gangnam District]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 52 |EpisodeNumber2 = 22 |Title = Making [[Makgeolli]] |Aux1 = [[Jeong Jun-ha]] |Aux2 = Comedian, Entertainer, Makgeolli sommelier, Restaurateur. |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|12|19}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Teacher's blind-tasting ability test, Making Steamed Rice, making seafood scallion pancake as a food pairing, fermenting Makgeoli, Taste test, Guess Me Quiz&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' Mijoo is actually a teetotaller.&lt;br>Due to the various wait times, the time filler is mostly a series of "50/50 Preference Games" to know each other better.&lt;br>Lee Mijoo currently uses [[Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3]] as she is one of the brand ambassadors. '''Location filming:''' [[COEX Convention &amp; Exhibition Center]], Elix R&amp;D Center, [[Samseong-dong]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 53 |EpisodeNumber2 = 23 |Title = Hip-hop dance |Aux1 = [[Street Woman Fighter#Contestants|Hyojin Choi]] |Aux2 = Choreographer at 1Million Dance Studio |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2022|01|02}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability test: Freestyle dance with [[Lovelyz]] - Obliviate, Body Wave move and practice with [[Secret (South Korean group)|Secret]] - Magic, Nasty (upper and lower body isolation move), Bounce and practice with [[GD X Taeyang]] - Good Boy, Joint isolation move, combo practice with [[Jessi (musician)|Jessi]] - [[Nunu Nana]], Final mission: Create choreography with [[CL (rapper)|CL]] - The Baddest Female and the final presentation. Bonus: Speak with Dance game.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' Hyojin received an order of coffee for her staff, her introduction was delayed.&lt;br>Mijoo's stage name as a hip-hop dance in Joo-joo, which means Big Stakeholder&lt;br>Hip-hop lessons form basic dance trainings for idol trainees.&lt;br>On the day of recording: Hyojin received her vaccination, but it's unknown if it's her second or booster shot.&lt;br>Mijoo's biggest issue is getting easily embarrassed while dancing, despite being the main dancer of Lovelyz.&lt;br>She is a toe walker because she tends to dance with her heels off the ground.&lt;br>The music selections for choreography creation were: Jessi - Gucci, [[Lee Hyo-ri]] - 10 Minutes, [[CL (rapper)|CL]] - The Baddest Female&lt;br> Speak With Dance answers: [[Super Junior]] getting the COVID swab test, [[Aespa]] working part time serving foods, [[Exo|EXO]] bowing for New Year's Day '''Location filming:''' [[Yangjae-dong]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 54 |EpisodeNumber2 = 24 |Title = Make up artist and salesperson |Aux1 = Joeong Ji-hoon&lt;br>Kim Young-eun&lt;br>Joo Na-gyung&lt;br>Lee Kwan-soo&lt;br>Lee Sunk-yung |Aux2 = Team Leader of Marketing Strategy&lt;br>Make-up Artist&lt;br>Product Marketing Manager&lt;br>Business Manager |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2022|01|02}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability test: Job interview, makeup ability test, Product training on new products, giving demonstration, Sales training, Online sales/Live Informercial show training, Final mission: Working in flagship store.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' The episode is sponsored, but not affiliated with Kakao Entertainment, so the carpet was still red.&lt;br>She naturally inherited her father's eyes and thick double-eyelids.&lt;br>She was a former host of My Mad Beauty (seasons 2 and 3).&lt;br> Special appearances by Han Jo-hee, Marketing Strategy Team Intern, Cha Ju-yeon, Marketing staff and Baek Min-ji, Online Marketing Department staff.&lt;br>Mijoo cannot multitask.&lt;br>The Lee Kwang-soo featured in this episode is much shorter compared to the [[Lee Kwang-soo|comedian of the same name]]&lt;br>She is good at pressure customers to buy, a trick she learned from the hairdressing episode.&lt;br>She has officially secure advertising model deal with Vidavici. '''Location filming:''' Vidivici Flagship Store, Shinsaegae International Building, [[Gangnam District]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 55 |EpisodeNumber2 = 25 |Title = Learning [[Mandarin Chinese]] (ft. the Return of Song Yuqi) |Aux1 = [[Song Yuqi]] |Aux2 = Singer, Dancer, Member of (G)I-dle, Host of Learn Way Season 1, Native [[Mandarin Chinese]] Speaker |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2022|01|16}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Return of Song Yuqi, Yuqi receiving guest's script for the first time, Personality tests, Ability test: Self introduction in Chinese, Corrections, The 4 tones of Mandarin Chinese, Basic conversation of ordering Northern Chinese Cuisine (feat. no pictures), Chinese fan meeting, Halftime Break: Yuqi's ability test as a tarot reader (feat. Return of Rabbit [[Daoshi]]), Final mission: Being a guest on Yuqi's Chinese talk show. Bonus: Rabbit Daoshi's prediction for Learn Way.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' This also doesn't count as a Learntertainer episode, as Yuqi became a teacher only on virtue that she's a native Madarin Chinese speaker from [[Beijing]], [[China]].&lt;br>The PD has no concept of [[MBTI]], the compatibility chart only takes account of letters in isolation, not [[Jungian cognitive functions]] (JCF's), so the chart says they are highly compatible, but when JCF's are taken into account, it's only above average. Also: Two people of the same MBTI type and JCF's aren't socially compatible, but the chart says they do.&lt;br>Mijoo is more fluent in Japanese than Yuqi, so she thought grammatically, there'd be a word to end the sentence, but there isn't in Chinese.&lt;br> The lesson on pronunciation of [[Mandarin Chinese#Initials|initials]] and [[Mandarin Chinese#Finals|finals]] were not shown.&lt;br>The easiest way to order food is to point at the food, then say "yí ge zhè ge" (「一个这个」, one of this).&lt;br>Yuqi doesn't like [[cilantro]]&lt;br>Learn Way 3's new host: [[Choi Ye-na]]? '''Location filming:''' [[Namyangju]], [[Gyeonggi-do]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 56 |EpisodeNumber2 = 26 |Title = Becoming a brand ambassador |Aux1 = Lee Jimyeon&lt;br>Kim Juwan, Lee Sewoon |Aux2 = Head of Communication Team&lt;br>Brand Startup Team |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2022|01|23}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Interview, Job training and current products, On the job training by taking minutes of meetings, Final mission: Supplier and Merchanndiser meetings based on the minutes. Bonus: Banner for her winning Rookie of the Year Award in MBC Entertainment Award.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' This was the first filming since she won Rookie of The Year in MBC Entertainment Award.&lt;br>New employees start from using a Samsung laptop without a desktop monitor.&lt;br>As a homebody, Mijoo failed the Seoul Landmark test, even failing to recognize her own agency&lt;br>She currently residers in [[Geumho-dong, Seoul]]&lt;br>&lt;br> Special appearance by Jeon Donggeun of The Satellite Brewing, who is much younger than expected (1993).&lt;br>Special appearances by Park Seong-dong (CEO of Baodam) and Min Jiwon (intern), both handily beat Mijoo on Lovelyz's Discography quizzes.&lt;br>PD hates food with mint chocolate, Mijoo loves them. '''Location filming:''' Seoul Business Agency, 400 World cup buk-ro, [[Sangam-dong]], [[Mapo-gu]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 57 |EpisodeNumber2 = 27 |Title = Being a [[Brewed coffee]] and [[Siphon coffee]] [[Barista]] |Aux1 = |Aux2 = Owner&lt;br>Barista |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2022|02|06}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability test of both Mijoo and the owner, Mijoo wins, Making drip coffee, Siphon Coffee, Making matching desserts, Final Mission: Serve Yena with Siphon coffee with matching desserts.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' She filmed tvN's [[Sixth Sense (TV series)|Sixth Sense]] in the same cafe. The cafe is famous for making a special menu and a specialist drip coffee cafe, often made into special coffee with whisky added in.&lt;br>Special guest: [[Choi Ye-na]], who was on her way to film [[King of Masked Singer]] as a panellist, but like Mijoo, she doesn't like black coffee.&lt;br>The owner doesn't hold a barista certification, hence the drip coffee he made was bland.&lt;br>Unlike grinders used for making [[espresso|espresso coffee]], coffee beans can't be pre-stored in the hopper of a grinder for the day, and must be refilled on a per-cup basis, so Mijoo often forgets, and she forgot to release the beans for grinding in the final mission.&lt;br> Perlen means "Pearl" in [[German language|German]]. '''Location filming:''' Perlen Café, [[Mapo-gu]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 58 |EpisodeNumber2 = 28 |Title = Volunteer for Abandoned Dogs |Aux1 = Cho Eunhee&lt;br>Yoon Jeongim&lt;br>Lee Sewoon&lt;br>Koo Sohee, Oh Jungmin, Hong Jongil&lt;br>Kim Younghyun |Aux2 = ON Center's Team Leader of PR&lt;br>Manager&lt;br>Dog behavior modification trainer&lt;br>Animal Management Team&lt;br>Team Leader of Operations Support |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2022|02|13}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Dog Knowledge test, Communicating with big dogs, Communicating with senior dogs feat. Danbi (22 dog age or 104 human age), communicating with a dog rescued from [[Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum|Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital]], Cleaning the living quarters, Bathing and grooming a 20kg dog that is taking the final shower before being adopted, Walking dogs.&lt;br>'''Remarks:''' Mijoo owns 2 dogs herself&lt;br>Not all dogs have 4 toes on the back foot, some have a suspended [[dewclaw]]&lt;br>It's inappropriate for dogs to take a bath once a week as most have sensitive skin, so once a month is about enough.&lt;br>Dogs can't eat chocolate and grapes.&lt;br>Most dogs are more tolerant to the cold than humans, they shiver out of fear of strangers, so Mijoo's crying and worries over Pida, the dog that shivered, were unwarranted.&lt;br>Try not to give dog food with a front-on stance, go side-on and let them come to you, unless if you are squatting and have no room.&lt;br>The conversion rate between dog/cat age and human age isn't linear.&lt;br>Her parents does her own dogs' toenails and dewclaws, so Mijoo can't clip them in case if her lack of technique hurt them.&lt;br>Dog's urine kills grass due to high nitrogen concentration, so it must be diluted with water.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Making man's best friend your lawn's best friend, too. |access-date=2022-02-12 |archive-date=2023-08-12 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>&lt;br>Yellow leash and yellow ribbons are for dogs that aren't ready to be petted.&lt;br> Both Yena and Yuqi are also dog owners. '''Location filming:''' [[Namyang-ju]], [[Gyeonggi-do]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 59 |EpisodeNumber2 = 29 |Title = Learning [[Ballet]] |Aux1 = Luda Lee&lt;br>Jung Minchan&lt;br>Kim Yeojin |Aux2 = Ballerina, CEO of Black Toe Ballet Company &lt;br>Ballerino&lt;br>Ballerina |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2022|02|18}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Ability Test: Freestyle dance to Waltz of the Flowers (Part of [[The Nutcracker]] by [[Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky]]), Stretches, Basic postures, Advanced spins and jumps, Final Mission: Black Swan. Bonus: Teachers' Ability Test: Random Ballet Dance with modern songs. &lt;br>'''Remarks:''' Mijoo has [[Genu varum|O-shaped legs]], which made her unable to stand at straight as possible, but it helps her jump up&lt;br>Mijoo and Luda are clockwise spinners for righthanders, while Minchan and Yeojin can spin in both directions, but Yeojin tends towards counter-clockwise.&lt;br>Mijoo aced the ability test by copying Luda's opening swan pose to begin her ballet solo, then transitioned into [[waltz]] dance with Cash Kwon, who doubled with using a handheld camera.&lt;br>Stretches are done from the toes upwards, but mainly with toes and legs.&lt;br> Mijoo can do the basic splits, but she can't keep her back straight, and it won't be able to be done while in the air. She also cannot do the vertical split.&lt;br>Her left leg is less flexible.&lt;br>Focusing on a spot while spinning is also commonly used in [[figure skating]]&lt;br>Mijoo is scared of heights.&lt;br> Bonus song list: [[BTS]] - [[Spring Day]], [[Imagine Dragons]] - [[Warriors (Imagine Dragons song)|Warriors]] (first became the official theme of the [[2014 League of Legends World Championship]], where the final was held in Seoul.), [[Park Hyo-shin]] - [[Yuki no Hana|Snow Flower]] (theme song of [[I'm Sorry, I Love You]], this is the song used in adaptation of the Black Swan mission.) '''Location filming:''' [[Banpo-dong]], [[Seoul]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 60 |EpisodeNumber2 = 30 |Title = Final episode, [[Physiognomy]] |Aux1 = Park Sung-jun |Aux2 = Physiognomist |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2022|02|25}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Basic fortune telling, Physiognomy, Compatible and incompatible work partners, Prize draw and Learn Way Quiz, Behind-The-Scenes interview, special video from all previous instructors, cakes and photobook presentation. &lt;br>'''Remarks:''' Mijoo's chin is pointy, so it could suggest that her later years is poor.&lt;br>Compatible work partners include the main PD, despite seemingly incompatible personalities, [[Yoo Jae-suk]] and [[Choi Ye-na]], but incompatible work partners include [[Song Yuqi]]. '''Location filming:''' [[Gwacheon|Gwacheon City]], [[Gyeonggi Province]] |LineColor = #FFD700 }} }} ==Spin-off== ===Learn Star=== [[File:Learn Way spin off.png|thumbnail|right|Promotional poster]] On January 24, 2021, it was announced that a spin-off, titled ''Learn Star'' focusing Yuqi learning from the celebrity guest. With the slogan, ''''Learning from an entertainer, Learntainer''''. {{Episode table |background=#C3FDB8 |total_width= |overall= |season= |title= |aux1= |aux1T=Celebrity |country=South Korea |airdate= |episodes= {{Episode list |EpisodeNumber = 17 |EpisodeNumber2 = 17 |Title = Learning Soyeon |Aux1 = [[Jeon So-yeon]] {{small|(Leader of (G)I-dle, Producer, rapper and songwriter)}}&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:(여자)아이들 우기-소연, 독보적 예능감 너무 웃겨요 ‘런웨이’|trans-title=(G)Idle Yuqi-Soyeon, the unique sense of entertainment is so fun|last=Jang|first=Hye-soo|work=Newsen|date=January 26, 2021|access-date=2021-01-30}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:런웨이 전소연편, 런예인 전소연 배우기...우기와 전소연 환상 케미|last=Na|first=Joo-young|work=NBN News|date=January 29, 2021|access-date=2021-01-30}}&lt;/ref> |OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2021|1|24}} |ShortSummary = '''Class/Period:''' Hosting a high quality talk show. Reacting to previous Learn Way episodes. Make a YUQI-ticon. Vegetable cooking show.&lt;br> '''Remarks:''' The cooking show is partly a counter-learning experience for Soyeon as she doesn't eat vegetables, but can cook well.&lt;br> '''Location filming:''' [[Namyangju]] |LineColor = #C3FDB8 }} }} ==Reception== ''Learn Way'''s viewership has exceeded 1 million since episode 19.&lt;ref name="1m"/> Lee Ye-ji from the South Korean newspaper ''Newsen'', wrote that "''Learnway'' is loved by many viewers due to Yuqi's passion and positive attitude ... in acknowledging her mistakes ... and the chemistry between Yuqi and mentors who have appeared from various fields. Yuqi harmonized with the mentors who had appeared so far without any sense of incongruity, and quickly became friends and created chemistry." She also considered the show as something the viewers can enjoy, learn and understand about various occupational groups every time. She concluded, "Learnway is being loved by adding various things to see, know, and fun."&lt;ref name="1m"/> As the show progresses, it surpassed 2 million views each time the episode was uploaded.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:1theK, K-pop 아이돌 예능 맛집 등극|trans-title=1theK, became a K-pop idol entertainment restaurant|last=Choi|first=Ji-eun|work=Top Daily|date=April 20, 2021}}&lt;/ref> The show's producer Kim Ki-min said, "Yuqi lived up to [his] expectations." He commented, "Yuqi who has passed cute charm and excellent entertainment, meets mentors full of personality in various fields ... giving fun and laughter with a new look every time.&lt;ref name="coffee"/> ==Notes== {{notelist}} ==References== {{Reflist}} ==External links== *[ Learn Way Episodes on KakaoTV] *[ Learn Way Season 2 Episodes on KakaoTV] *{{YouTube|p=PL6NUNGdv0v-E7JuMIHRk0NL8YU-8SCZO0|Learn Way (런웨이)}} *{{YouTube|p=PL6NUNGdv0v-GH1ObhxDbJGBG76palsnVH|Learn Way S2 (런웨이 시즌 2)}} {{Kakao M}} [[Category:KakaoTV original programming]] [[Category:2020 South Korean television series debuts]] [[Category:2022 South Korean television series endings]] [[Category:South Korean variety television shows]] [[Category:South Korean television talk shows]] [[Category:Television series based on singers and musicians]] [[Category:Korean-language television shows]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the 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