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The status of a record is displayed in the record footer. </p> <ul> <li>Last updated: The last time when a record was updated.</li> <li>Next update: The date when the next update is due.</li> <li>Verified: The date on which the record was verified or quality assessed.</li> </ul> <p></p> <p> Records that are verified are accepted as correct until the regular update cycle date is reached. If this information is not displayed in the footer, then the record has not been verified or quality assessed. </p> <h2>ROD quality assurance processes</h2> <p> The EEA makes use of thematic experts who are involved in environmental reporting to add content and update the database. The database was initially quality assessed in 2003, then updated. In 2003 and 2004 the database was extended to include new contents. The existing contents were updated in May/June 2004 and again in 2005. Updates to ROD are normally quality reviewed by EEA staff. Updating is usually carried out on an annual basis. Some records in ROD have been validated by the organisations that are responsible for the dataflows. </p> <h2>Limitations</h2> <p> The database contains reporting obligations for EEA member countries as well as some other countries. </p> <p> Material in the ROD is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date and contains links to external sites over which the EEA has no control. The information in the database is supplied as is. You use it at your own risk. </p> <p> Our goal is to keep the ROD timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will correct them. If you notice something that you think is wrong. Please inform the Service Desk using the feedback link in the page footer. </p> <br/> <h1>Detailed information about ROD contents management processes</h1> <h2>Quality assessment</h2> <p> Quality Assessment is a one-off process to check the contents of ROD thematically. It was carried out in April of 2003. It confirmed that the contents (legislation, reporting obligations, reporting activities, links to guidelines and reporting organisations) are correct. </p> <h2>Updating</h2> <p> Updating is the regular process of reviewing the contents of the database to ensure that it is kept up-to-date. Updating is the review of legal instruments and reporting obligations in ROD to check for information that is out-of-date or incorrect. This information is updated with the correct contents. Expert judgement is used to evaluate what the update cycle should be, i.e. when the contents should next be updated and this is noted for each record. It is also the process of identifying new reporting obligations that have been introduced since the database was last updated and need to be included in the database. These legislative references and reporting obligations are added to the database as part of updating. </p> <h2>Verification</h2> <p> Verification is a structured quality assurance process carried out by the EEA to quality control new coverage and new depth added to the database. Thematic experts carry out verification. Contents that are verified are accepted as correct until the regular update cycle date is reached. </p> <h2>Validation</h2> <p> Validation is a quality assurance carried out by the 'owners' of information in the database in particular for non EEA / EIONET reporting obligations. Legislative authoritative bodies carry out validation for their own reporting obligations. </p> <h2>New coverage</h2> <p> Adding an increased level of detail to one of these subjects or adding coverage for other themes is adding new coverage for ROD. New information added to ROD is subsequently verified by thematic experts and enters an update cycle. </p> </div> </div> <!-- container --> <div id="pagefoot"> <p><a href="/disclaimer">Disclaimer</a> | <a href="">Feedback</a> | Copyright: <a rel="license" href="" title="Creative Commons Attribution License"><img alt="Creative Commons Attribution License" src=""/></a> </p> <p><a href=""><b>European Environment Agency</b></a> <br/>Kgs. Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark - Phone: +45 3336 7100</p> </div> </body> </html>