Open Beauty Facts - World

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We are in the process of making changes to take into account the specific aspects of cosmetics. <a href="">Join us on our Slack</a> in the #openbeautyfacts channel to discuss and invent Open Beauty Facts!</p> </div> </div> <div class="medium-12 large-6 columns"> <h2>Discover</h2> <p>Open Beauty Facts is a cosmetic products database made by everyone, for everyone.</p> <p>You can use it to make better choices about cosmetics, and as it is open data, anyone can re-use it for any purpose.</p> <p>→ <a href="/discover">Learn more about Open Beauty Facts</a></p> </div> <div class="medium-12 large-6 columns"> <h2>Contribute</h2> <p>Open Beauty Facts is a non-profit project developed by thousands of volunteers from around the world. 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