Terms of business the European Legends Tour explained

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class="light">In this Terms of Business Agreement “we”, “us” and “our” means European Legends Tour Limited.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>In this Terms of Business Agreement “we”, “us” and “our” means European Legends Tour Limited.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">About European Legends Tour Limited</h3> <!-- <p class="light">We are registered in England and Wales Company No. 12520960 and our registered address is Apartment 3, 10 Soho Square, London, United Kingdom, W1D 3QD.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>We are registered in England and Wales Company No. 12520960 and our registered address is Apartment 3, 10 Soho Square, London, United Kingdom, W1D 3QD.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">Ownership</h3> <!-- <p class="light">The European Legends Tour Limited is 30% owned by European Tour Limited and 70% owned by Howsam Limited.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>The European Legends Tour Limited is 30% owned by European Tour Limited and 70% owned by Howsam Limited.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">Your agreement to these Terms of Business</h3> <!-- <p class="light">In seeking products through us, you agree to the Terms of Business Agreement. This does not affect your normal statutory rights.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>In seeking products through us, you agree to the Terms of Business Agreement. This does not affect your normal statutory rights.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">About our service</h3> <!-- <p class="light">We are committed to treating you fairly in all our dealings with you now and in the future. You will not receive advice or a recommendation from us. We may ask some questions to narrow down the selection of products that we will provide details on. You will then need to make your own choice about how to proceed.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>We are committed to treating you fairly in all our dealings with you now and in the future. You will not receive advice or a recommendation from us. We may ask some questions to narrow down the selection of products that we will provide details on. You will then need to make your own choice about how to proceed.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">About the products we offer</h3> <!-- <p class="light">We offer:<br /> <br /> Legends Club Membership<br /> Alliance Playing Experiences<br /> Pro Am Playing Experiences<br /> <br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>We offer:</p> <ul> <li>Legends Club Membership</li> <li>Alliance Playing Experiences</li> <li>Pro Am Playing Experiences</li> </ul> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">The Service We Provide</h3> <!-- <p class="light">You will not receive advice or a recommendation from us or our outsourced administration provider. We may ask some questions to narrow down the selection of products that we will provide details for. You will then need to make your own choice about how to proceed.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>You will not receive advice or a recommendation from us or our outsourced administration provider. We may ask some questions to narrow down the selection of products that we will provide details for. You will then need to make your own choice about how to proceed.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">Protecting your data</h3> <!-- <p class="light">All personal information is treated with the utmost confidentiality and with appropriate levels of security. We will not keep your information longer than necessary. Your information will be protected from accidental or unauthorised disclosure. We will only reveal your information if it is allowed by law, authorised by you, to prevent fraud or in order that we can liaise with our agents in the administration of this product.<br /> To provide better customer service, your calls may be recorded and monitored for quality and compliance purposes.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>All personal information is treated with the utmost confidentiality and with appropriate levels of security. We will not keep your information longer than necessary. Your information will be protected from accidental or unauthorised disclosure. We will only reveal your information if it is allowed by law, authorised by you, to prevent fraud or in order that we can liaise with our agents in the administration of this product.</p> <p>To provide better customer service, your calls may be recorded and monitored for quality and compliance purposes.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">Your Cancellation Rights</h3> <!-- <p class="light">You have the right to cancel as per the Terms &amp; Conditions of purchase.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>You have the right to cancel as per the Terms &amp; Conditions of purchase.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">Payment &amp; Payment Charges</h3> <!-- <p class="light">The sales process will not be complete until after payment has been made in full.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>The sales process will not be complete until after payment has been made in full.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">Complaints</h3> <!-- <p class="light">At The European Legends Tour, we will do everything possible to ensure that you receive a high standard of service. However, if you are not satisfied with the service received and you wish to register a complaint, please contact us and we will try to resolve it as quickly as possible.<br /> There are a number of ways you can register your complaint:<br /> By telephone:<br /> Concierge on 03330 068025<br /> By e-mail:<br /><br /> In writing:<br /> European Tour<br /> Wentworth Drive<br /> Virginia Water<br /> Surrey<br /> GU25 4LX<br /> UK<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>At The European Legends Tour, we will do everything possible to ensure that you receive a high standard of service. However, if you are not satisfied with the service received and you wish to register a complaint, please contact us and we will try to resolve it as quickly as possible.</p> <p>There are a number of ways you can register your complaint:</p> <p><strong>By telephone:</strong></p> <p>Concierge on 03330 068025</p> <p><strong>By e-mail:</strong></p> <p><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#20434f4e434945524745604c4547454e4453544f55520e434f4d"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="b5d6dadbd6dcd0c7d2d0f5d9d0d2d0dbd1c6c1dac0c79bd6dad8">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></p> <p><strong>In writing:</strong></p> <p>European Tour</p> <p>Wentworth Drive</p> <p>Virginia Water</p> <p>Surrey</p> <p>GU25 4LX</p> <p>UK</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">Governing Law and Jurisdiction</h3> <!-- <p class="light">This Terms of Business Agreement, and all quotations and policies that we obtain for you are subject to the law of England and Wales and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales unless your policy document states otherwise.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>This Terms of Business Agreement, and all quotations and policies that we obtain for you are subject to the law of England and Wales and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales unless your policy document states otherwise.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">Membership Terms and Conditions</h3> <!-- <p class="light">Staysure is a trading name of TICORP Limited, which is a subsidiary of Staysure Holdings Limited.<br /> Staysure Travel &amp; Golf Insurance is arranged by TICORP Limited which is registered in Gibraltar company number 111526. The registered office is First Floor, Grand Ocean<br /> Plaza, Ocean Village, Gibraltar. TICORP Limited is licensed and regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission No. FSC1238B and trades into the UK on a freedom of services basis FCA FRN 663617.<br /> Staysure Travel &amp; Golf Insurance is administered by Howserv Limited which is registered in England and Wales 03882026 and registered office is Britannia House, 3-5 Rushmills Business Park, Bedford Road, Northampton, NN4 7YB. Howserv Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA FRN 599282.<br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p>Staysure is a trading name of TICORP Limited, which is a subsidiary of Staysure Holdings Limited.</p> <p>Staysure Travel &amp; Golf Insurance is arranged by TICORP Limited which is registered in Gibraltar company number 111526. The registered office is First Floor, Grand Ocean</p> <p>Plaza, Ocean Village, Gibraltar. TICORP Limited is licensed and regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission No. FSC1238B and trades into the UK on a freedom of services basis FCA FRN 663617.</p> <p>Staysure Travel &amp; Golf Insurance is administered by Howserv Limited which is registered in England and Wales 03882026 and registered office is Britannia House, 3-5 Rushmills Business Park, Bedford Road, Northampton, NN4 7YB. Howserv Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA FRN 599282.</p> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">Staysure Travel &amp; Golf Insurance Discounts </h3> <!-- <p class="light"><br /> Discounts are available to customers who sign up for a Legends Tour Membership, as stated on promotional material.<br /> Discounts and offers only apply to the base premium of your travel &amp; golf insurance quote and do not apply to any additional medical screening costs or optional extras, where relevant.<br /> Policies can be purchased over the phone or online at<br /> To qualify for the relevant discount, customers must quote the campaign code at time of purchase.<br /> Customers must refer to the promotional material for qualifying dates, if applicable.<br /> The discount value is as stated on relevant promotional material.<br /> Staysure reserves the right to change the offer at any time.<br /> No cash alternative will be given.<br /> The offer cannot be redeemed against existing policies.<br /> The discount offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.<br /> Using a discount offer in conjunction with third-party cashback requests will result in a cashback decline.<br /> Staysure reserves the right to amend these rules at any time. Staysure may also create rules which apply to a specific promotion only. If we do this we will publish the amended rules and/or specific rules on the relevant promotional material or webpage.<br /> Our promotions are administered by Howserv Limited which is registered in England and Wales 03882026 and registered office is Britannia House, 3-5 Rushmills Business Park, Bedford Road, Northampton, NN4 7YB. Howserv Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA FRN 599282.<br /> <br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><ol> <li>Discounts are available to customers who sign up for a Legends Tour Membership, as stated on promotional material.</li> <li>Discounts and offers only apply to the base premium of your travel &amp; golf insurance quote and do not apply to any additional medical screening costs or optional extras, where relevant.</li> <li>Policies can be purchased over the phone or online at</li> <li>To qualify for the relevant discount, customers must quote the campaign code at time of purchase.</li> <li>Customers must refer to the promotional material for qualifying dates, if applicable.</li> <li>The discount value is as stated on relevant promotional material.</li> <li>Staysure reserves the right to change the offer at any time.</li> <li>No cash alternative will be given.</li> <li>The offer cannot be redeemed against existing policies.</li> <li>The discount offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.</li> <li>Using a discount offer in conjunction with third-party cashback requests will result in a cashback decline.</li> <li>Staysure reserves the right to amend these rules at any time. Staysure may also create rules which apply to a specific promotion only. If we do this we will publish the amended rules and/or specific rules on the relevant promotional material or webpage.</li> <li>Our promotions are administered by Howserv Limited which is registered in England and Wales 03882026 and registered office is Britannia House, 3-5 Rushmills Business Park, Bedford Road, Northampton, NN4 7YB. Howserv Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA FRN 599282.</li> </ol> </p> </div> </div> <hr class="hr-seperator" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h3 class="mb-5">Prizes Draw T&amp;C&#039;s </h3> <!-- <p class="light">1. The prize, &#8216;a year’s supply of Pro V1 golf balls,&#8217; consists of six dozen Pro V1 or Pro V1x golf balls. The specific allocation will depend on the availability of these golf ball models at the time of fulfilment.<br />  <br /> 2. One entry is allowed per person per. Entries submitted on behalf of another person will not be accepted and joint submissions are not allowed. <br />  <br /> 3. Entries received which are not submitted via the official entry method will not be accepted. Use of script, macro or any automated system to enter the Promotion is prohibited and entries made (or which appear to have been made) using any such system may be treated as void. Any illegible, incomplete, or fraudulent entries will be rejected. Participants should be aware that they may be subject to data charges depending on their own individual arrangements <br />  for Internet access if they enter the Promotion online by any device. <br />  <br /> 4. The Promoter’s decision is final and binding on the entrants. No correspondence will be entered into.  <br />  <br /> 5. By entering the prize draw, entrants confirm that they have read and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. <br /> 6. These prizes are non-exchangeable and there is no cash alternative offered. <br />  <br /> 7. The prize provider reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value. In the event of unforeseen circumstances or circumstances outside its reasonable control, the prize provider<br /> reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, this promotion without prior notice. <br />  <br /> 8. The following individuals are not eligible to enter the Promotion: employees and agents of the prize provider or Legends Tour companies; employees and agents of any <br />  organisation directly connected with the operation or fulfilment of the Promotion (including third party promotional partners) and their respective associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies; the immediate families and household members of all such employees. <br />  <br /> 9. The prize draw is open to entries for a limited time period at the promoter’s discretion. The closing date will be communicated within promotional material. <br /> 10. The winners will be selected from all valid entries received during the promotional period by using a computer process that produces verifiably random results.<br />  <br /> 11. The winners will be drawn within 7 days of the prize draw closing. They will be contacted within the next 7 days and will be asked to confirm they’d like to accept the prize. <br />  If a winner fails to respond within five working days of this notification, a redraw will take place from the remaining valid entries to select a new winner. If any winner declines a prize or fails to respond within the required period, they forfeit any right to the prize. <br />  <br /> 12. The prize details will be supplied via the contact details supplied, and the winners will be required to acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the details.<br />  <br /> 13. Winners may be required to submit valid identification before receiving their prize. <br />  <br /> 14. If a winner fails to respond to a communication from within 7 days or fails to provide contact details for delivery of the prize, or is unable to meet the eligibility <br />  requirements for the prize, this may result in the prize won being forfeited <br />  <br /> 15. If a prize is forfeited, reserves the right to offer the prize to the next eligible  entrant drawn at random, unless otherwise stated. <br /> 16. The promoter is not liable for any misfortunes or unforeseen events on holiday. <br />  <br /> 17. The Legends Tour reserves the right to amend these rules at any time. The Legends Tour may also create ruleswhich apply to a specific prize draw only. If we do this, we will publish the amended prize <br />  draw rules and/or specific rules on the relevant promotional material or webpage. <br />  <br /> 18. Any participant who enters or attempts to enter the Promotion in a manner, which in the Promoter’s reasonable opinion is contrary to these Terms and Conditions or by its nature is unjust to other entrants (including tampering with the operation of the Promotion, cheating, hacking, deception or any other unfair playing practices such as intending to annoy, abuse,  threaten or harass any other participants or the Promoter and/or any of its agents or representatives) may be rejected from the Promotion at the Promoter’s sole discretion. Furthermore, where such actions have significantly impaired the Promotion, the Promoter may,  at its sole discretion, add further stages to the Promotion as it deems reasonably necessary in order to resolve any problems arising from such actions. <br />  <br /> 19. These Terms and Conditions are governed by English law. The courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any dispute or claim arising in association with the Promotion or these Terms and Conditions. <br /> </p> --> <p class="light"><p class="paragraph">1. The prize, &#8216;a year’s supply of Pro V1 golf balls,&#8217; consists of six dozen Pro V1 or Pro V1x golf balls. The specific allocation will depend on the availability of these golf ball models at the time of fulfilment.<br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">2. One entry is allowed per person per. Entries submitted on behalf of another</span><span class="scxw15058253"> person</span><span class="normaltextrun"> will not be accepted and joint submissions are not allowed.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">3. Entries received which are not submitted via the official entry method will not be</span><span class="scxw15058253"> accepted</span><span class="normaltextrun">. Use of script, macro or any automated system to enter the Promotion is prohibited</span><span class="scxw15058253"> and</span><span class="normaltextrun"> entries made (or which appear to have been made) using any such system may be treated</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">as void. Any illegible, incomplete, or fraudulent entries will be rejected. Participants should be</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">aware that they may be subject to data charges depending on their own individual arrangements</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">for Internet access if they enter the Promotion online by any device.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">4. The Promoter’s decision is final and binding on the entrants. No correspondence will be</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">entered into. </span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">5. By entering the prize draw, entrants confirm that they have read and agree to be bound</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">by these terms and conditions.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span></p> <p><span class="normaltextrun">6. These prizes are non-exchangeable and there is no</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">cash alternative offered.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">7. The prize provider reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value. In the event</span><span class="scxw15058253"> of</span><span class="normaltextrun"> unforeseen circumstances or circumstances outside its reasonable control, the prize provider</span></p> <p class="paragraph"><span class="normaltextrun">reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, this promotion without</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">prior notice.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">8. The following individuals are not eligible to enter the Promotion: employees and agents</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">of the prize provider or Legends Tour companies; employees and agents of any</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">organisation directly connected with the operation or fulfilment of the Promotion (including</span><span class="scxw15058253"> third</span><span class="normaltextrun"> party promotional partners) and their respective associated, affiliated or subsidiary</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">companies; the immediate families and household members of all such employees.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">9. The prize draw is open to entries for a limited time period at the promoter’s discretion. The closing date will be communicated within promotional material. </span></p> <p><span class="normaltextrun">10. The winners will be selected from all valid entries received during the promotional</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">period by using a computer process that produces verifiably random results.</span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">11. The winners will be drawn within 7 days of the prize draw closing. They will be contacted within the next 7 days and will be asked to confirm they’d like to accept the prize.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">If a winner fails to respond within five working days of this notification, a redraw will take place</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">from the remaining valid entries to select a new winner. If any winner declines a prize or fails to</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">respond within the required period, they forfeit any right to the prize.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">12. The prize details will be supplied via the contact details supplied, and the winners will be required to acknowledge receipt and acceptance of</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">the details.</span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">13. Winners may be required to submit valid identification before receiving their prize.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">14. If a winner fails to respond to a communication from within 7 days or fails to provide contact details for delivery of the prize, or is unable to meet the eligibility</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">requirements for the prize, this may result in the prize won being forfeited</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">15. If a prize is forfeited, reserves the right to offer the prize to the next eligible</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span> <span class="normaltextrun">entrant drawn at random, unless otherwise stated.</span><span class="eop"> </span></p> <p class="paragraph"><span class="normaltextrun">16. The promoter is not liable for any misfortunes or unforeseen events on holiday.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">17. The Legends Tour reserves the right to amend these rules at any time. The Legends Tour may also create</span><span class="scxw15058253"> rules</span><span class="normaltextrun">which apply to a specific prize draw only. If we do this, we will publish the amended prize</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">draw rules and/or specific rules on the relevant promotional material or webpage.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">18. Any participant who enters or attempts to enter the Promotion in a manner, which in the</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">Promoter’s reasonable opinion is contrary to these Terms and Conditions or by its nature is</span> <span class="normaltextrun">unjust to other entrants (including tampering with the operation of the Promotion, cheating,</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">hacking, deception or any other unfair playing practices such as intending to annoy, abuse,</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span> <span class="normaltextrun">threaten or harass any other participants or the Promoter and/or any of its agents or</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">representatives) may be rejected from the Promotion at the Promoter’s sole discretion.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">Furthermore, where such actions have significantly impaired the Promotion, the Promoter may,</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span> <span class="normaltextrun">at its sole discretion, add further stages to the Promotion as it deems reasonably necessary in</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><span class="normaltextrun">order to resolve any problems arising from such actions.</span><span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="scxw15058253"> </span><br /> <span class="normaltextrun">19. These Terms and Conditions are governed by English law. 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