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In recent years the APHE has promoted links between government, education providers and the creative industries. The Association is non-profit making and institutions are eligible for free unlimited places at conferences and seminars. The APHE discussion list has been set up to aid communication between members. Please feel free to use the list to post information relating to photography and photography education. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ARCHITECTURE-AND-INTERACTION"/> <a href="../../lists/ARCHITECTURE-AND-INTERACTION.html" class="links">ARCHITECTURE-AND-INTERACTION</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Ubiquitous computing leads to a convergence between architectural design and HCI. HCI - Human-computer interaction research studies human behavior/cognitive events. HCI research methods are valuable for designing buildings that meet users needs. Architects skills are vital for designing interactive technologies in buildings. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ART-TECHNOLOGY"/> <a href="../../lists/ART-TECHNOLOGY.html" class="links">ART-TECHNOLOGY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The programmes may be called Multimedia Arts, Interactive Arts, Electronic Arts, CyberArts, Design, Graphic Design and so on; this list is for discussion of issues relevant to Programme and Module Leaders on such courses. Teaching ideas, problems, technology and of course developing Creative content should all get discussed. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="AVIATIONARCHIVES"/> <a href="../../lists/AVIATIONARCHIVES.html" class="links">AVIATIONARCHIVES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The email list for the Aviation and Aerospace Archives Initiative and those interested in the documentary heritage of Britain&#39;s contribution to and experience of aviation and aerospace. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BEEN"/> <a href="../../lists/BEEN.html" class="links">BEEN</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Built Environment E-Learning Network. For academics, researchers and technologists in the area of the e-learning in the built environment, including areas such as mobile learning, ubiquitous learning, ambient learning, future learning spaces, virtual learning environments, open learning environments, pedagogy, e-Assessment, e-skills, e-CPD, learning standards, etc. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BESTS"/> <a href="../../lists/BESTS.html" class="links">BESTS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is intended as communication channel for students and scholars who share a research interest at the intersection of STS - Science and Technology Studies - and the Built Environment. It is meant to stimulate knowledge sharing between and among UK researchers and their peers abroad. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BEYONDTEXT"/> <a href="../../lists/BEYONDTEXT.html" class="links">BEYONDTEXT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by Beyond Text award holders,their collaborators and the associated Arts and Humanities Research Council research community to disseminate information about the individual projects within the 5 year strategic programme. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BLACKBOARDFE"/> <a href="../../lists/BLACKBOARDFE.html" class="links">BLACKBOARDFE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is open to any Further Education establishment that operate a Blackboard VLE environment. This is also open to 6th forms and Training Providers, that are not HE establishments, that use Blackboard. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BLOCKCHAIN-CULTURAL"/> <a href="../../lists/BLOCKCHAIN-CULTURAL.html" class="links">BLOCKCHAIN-CULTURAL</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Blockchain in the Cultural and Creative Sectors is a forum for debate and discussion of research and ideas about the implementation of this technology in these sectors </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BOX-IN-ACADEMIA"/> <a href="../../lists/BOX-IN-ACADEMIA.html" class="links">BOX-IN-ACADEMIA</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Deploying and managing Box Cloud Enterprise Storage ( in an academic environment comes with the &quot;usual set of challenges&quot;. This list is to share ideas and solutions. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BRIGHTSPACEUKROI"/> <a href="../../lists/BRIGHTSPACEUKROI.html" class="links">BRIGHTSPACEUKROI</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used to facilitate the communication between D2L Brightspace Virtual Learning Environment users in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BSADIGITALSOCIOLOGY"/> <a href="../../lists/BSADIGITALSOCIOLOGY.html" class="links">BSADIGITALSOCIOLOGY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is the email list for members of the British Sociological Association&#39;s Digital Sociology group. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CALL-AT-COMMUNITY"/> <a href="../../lists/CALL-AT-COMMUNITY.html" class="links">CALL-AT-COMMUNITY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The aim of the List is to provide a community of information exchange and a discussion - a forum for teachers and learning support teachers (mainly in Scotland but not restricted to Scotland) who use Assistive Technology to support learners with additional support needs. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CCAP-LHARA-OUTREACH-INVOLVEMENT"/> <a href="../../lists/CCAP-LHARA-OUTREACH-INVOLVEMENT.html" class="links">CCAP-LHARA-OUTREACH-INVOLVEMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>List to communicate outreach and engagement activities for the LhARA collaboration. This is a sub-list of CCAP-LHARA. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CHIME-DISCUSS"/> <a href="../../lists/CHIME-DISCUSS.html" class="links">CHIME-DISCUSS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by CHIME (the EPSRC Music and HCI Network) to discuss ideas and plan events, workshops and other network activities. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CISCO-SDA"/> <a href="../../lists/CISCO-SDA.html" class="links">CISCO-SDA</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A place for technical staff in HE to discuss the challenges in implementing a Cisco SDA network. Hopefully to share best practise and any learning experiences. Generic discussion of intent based networking welcomed. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="COMPOSITES"/> <a href="../../lists/COMPOSITES.html" class="links">COMPOSITES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The focus of this list is fibre-reinforced composite materials and structures in the engineering environment. Sublist of ENGINEERING-ALL </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="COMPUTING-WORCESTER"/> <a href="../../lists/COMPUTING-WORCESTER.html" class="links">COMPUTING-WORCESTER</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used to make announcements of events and seminars that may be of interest to Computing professionals and academics within the Hereford and Worcester region. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="COSCH"/> <a href="../../lists/COSCH.html" class="links">COSCH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage ( promotes research, development and application of non-contact optical measurement techniques (spectral and spatial) adapted to the needs of heritage documentation. COSCH is supported by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) from 2012 to 2016. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CPERI-POL-ECON-RESEARCH-INNOV"/> <a href="../../lists/CPERI-POL-ECON-RESEARCH-INNOV.html" class="links">CPERI-POL-ECON-RESEARCH-INNOV</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list aims to keep all scholars of Science &amp; Technology Studies and Political Economy interested in the conjunction of these disciplines updated with the plans and organization for the annual CPERI workshop. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CREATIVE-ROBOTICS-NETWORK-INFO"/> <a href="../../lists/CREATIVE-ROBOTICS-NETWORK-INFO.html" class="links">CREATIVE-ROBOTICS-NETWORK-INFO</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Mailing list for discussing matters related to a proposed Creative Robotics Research Network - robotics, mechatronics and animatronics in the creative industries. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CREATIVEINDUSTRIES"/> <a href="../../lists/CREATIVEINDUSTRIES.html" class="links">CREATIVEINDUSTRIES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Creative Industries is a forum for debate and discussion of research and knowledge transfer issues and ideas concerned with the creative industries. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CRITICAL-INFRASTRUCTURE-STUDIES"/> <a href="../../lists/CRITICAL-INFRASTRUCTURE-STUDIES.html" class="links">CRITICAL-INFRASTRUCTURE-STUDIES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for those interested in events, activities and research related to critical infrastructure studies. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CRITICALIS"/> <a href="../../lists/CRITICALIS.html" class="links">CRITICALIS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A communications forum for individuals interested in the development of &#39;critical&#39; approaches to research and practice in the area of information systems (broadly defined). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CUKLT"/> <a href="../../lists/CUKLT.html" class="links">CUKLT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A mailing list for individuals working in the UK Conservatoires as e-learning/learning technologies professionals </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CWL-RESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/CWL-RESEARCH.html" class="links">CWL-RESEARCH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Mailing list for research in the Creativeworks London AHRC Knowledge Exchange Hub. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CYBERTHEATRES"/> <a href="../../lists/CYBERTHEATRES.html" class="links">CYBERTHEATRES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Cybertheatres is a list devoted to the discussion and exchange on networked performance practices and visions, that is, performances that employ the Internet and / or other networking technologies and techniques as media, but also as hybrid spaces - cybernetic stages. other than networked performance, the list has also an interest in diverse hybrids between theatre / performance and technology. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DEPTHMAP"/> <a href="../../lists/DEPTHMAP.html" class="links">DEPTHMAP</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for discussions of issues to do with the UCL Depthmap software developed by UCL. This software is now in use by over 1500 researchers, students and academics in over 70 countries. Topics include the trivial (how to use certain features) to questions about the direction of future developments, and the active involvement of other institutions. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DESIGN-FICTION"/> <a href="../../lists/DESIGN-FICTION.html" class="links">DESIGN-FICTION</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for discussing issues around design fiction research and practice. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DESIGN4HEALTH"/> <a href="../../lists/DESIGN4HEALTH.html" class="links">DESIGN4HEALTH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by the organisers of the Design4Health European conferences to communicate with contributors and participants. This conference is open to researchers and practitioners in design and health. &lt;HTML&gt; This list is used by the organisers of the &lt;strong&gt;Design4Health European conferences&lt;/strong&gt; to communicate with contributors and participants. This conference is open to researchers and practitioners in &lt;strong&gt;design&lt;/strong&gt; and &lt;strong&gt;health and wellbeing&lt;/strong&gt;. &lt;/HTML&gt; </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIGITAL-ARTS-FORUM"/> <a href="../../lists/DIGITAL-ARTS-FORUM.html" class="links">DIGITAL-ARTS-FORUM</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Forum for the development of communication networks between digital practitioners within the East Midlands. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIGITAL-CULTURE"/> <a href="../../lists/DIGITAL-CULTURE.html" class="links">DIGITAL-CULTURE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Recent changes in technology have led to critical debate about its actual &amp; potential effects on cultural production. In photography, for example, this has been articulated around what it constitutes as a practice &amp; notions of authenticity. This list explores these issues &amp; related subjects. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIGITAL-HEALTH"/> <a href="../../lists/DIGITAL-HEALTH.html" class="links">DIGITAL-HEALTH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by Jisc to connect those interested in digital health in a multi-stakeholder network and to make announcements to Further and Higher Education, research and other communities about Jisc strategy, services, programmes, publications and projects </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIGITALCOMICS"/> <a href="../../lists/DIGITALCOMICS.html" class="links">DIGITALCOMICS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list facilitates the discussion of research and scholarly activity in the field of digital comic studies. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIGITALGEOGRGS"/> <a href="../../lists/DIGITALGEOGRGS.html" class="links">DIGITALGEOGRGS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Digital Geog RG is the mailing list for the Digital Geographies Research Group RGS. It is used for sharing information about research and events. It will also provide a space for discussions in relation to digital geographies. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIGITALMETHODS"/> <a href="../../lists/DIGITALMETHODS.html" class="links">DIGITALMETHODS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for those interested in digital methods in the context of teaching and research. This includes updates about publications, tools, methods, approaches, projects, events and activities. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIGITALMUSICOLOGY"/> <a href="../../lists/DIGITALMUSICOLOGY.html" class="links">DIGITALMUSICOLOGY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The list is a forum for interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners to share news, events, and discussion of Digital Musicology. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIGITALSTUDIES"/> <a href="../../lists/DIGITALSTUDIES.html" class="links">DIGITALSTUDIES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>An email list to support the activities of an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional reading group broadly concerned with issues raised by all things &#39;digital&#39;. If you wish to participate please email Sam Kinsley before trying to subscribe to the list: </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIGITALTEXTILEDESIGN"/> <a href="../../lists/DIGITALTEXTILEDESIGN.html" class="links">DIGITALTEXTILEDESIGN</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list provides a communication resource for those who are interested in the art, design, research and technologies associated with textiles. Examples include digital textile design and printing, 3D textiles, smart textiles and wearables, digitally enabled interior fabrics, etc. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DMPONLINE-DEV"/> <a href="../../lists/DMPONLINE-DEV.html" class="links">DMPONLINE-DEV</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for technical discussion related to DMPonline to allow the wider developer community to share ideas and contribute to the code. DMPonline is an open source tool provided by the Digital Curation Centre for Data Management Planning. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DRONE-USE-AND-MANAGEMENT"/> <a href="../../lists/DRONE-USE-AND-MANAGEMENT.html" class="links">DRONE-USE-AND-MANAGEMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for Operations Managers and users of drone systems in HE &amp; FE to discuss CAA policies and institutional responses. The list will also consider increasing needs, challenges and demands associated with facilitating and developing professional practise using drones across disciplines. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DSANET-EDINBURGH"/> <a href="../../lists/DSANET-EDINBURGH.html" class="links">DSANET-EDINBURGH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A forum created for HE &amp; FE staff, based in and around the Edinburgh area, who are involved in the Disabled Students Allowance process and the ongoing support of students with disabilities and specific learning difficulties. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="E-LEARNING-WALES"/> <a href="../../lists/E-LEARNING-WALES.html" class="links">E-LEARNING-WALES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by those interested in e-learning activity across Wales. Its focus is both pedagogic and technical. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EMS-NEWS"/> <a href="../../lists/EMS-NEWS.html" class="links">EMS-NEWS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list primarily for announcements concerning electroacoustic and computer music, and course announcements for those working in the Electronic Music Studios at Goldsmiths, University of London. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ENQUIRE"/> <a href="../../lists/ENQUIRE.html" class="links">ENQUIRE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>enquire is a space within which diverse forms of art &amp; design research practice and documentation are explored. Where &#39;knowledge&#39;, in its many different forms, is examined, and where methodologies from various disciplines are compared. It is where new forms of knowledge production and consumption are considered, and where the existing categories, abstractions and concepts that define knowledge and enquiry are challenged, and alternatives put forward. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EVA-LONDON"/> <a href="../../lists/EVA-LONDON.html" class="links">EVA-LONDON</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>EVA London conference - Electronic Visualisation &amp; the Arts. This list is for announcements and discussion among conference delegates. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EVERYDAY-FUTURES"/> <a href="../../lists/EVERYDAY-FUTURES.html" class="links">EVERYDAY-FUTURES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by members to make announcements about everyday futures and related projects, programmes, conferences and publications. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FEEDBACKMUSIC"/> <a href="../../lists/FEEDBACKMUSIC.html" class="links">FEEDBACKMUSIC</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Discussion list for the AHRC Feedback Musicianship Network. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FISH-TECHNICAL"/> <a href="../../lists/FISH-TECHNICAL.html" class="links">FISH-TECHNICAL</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This group acts as an advisory panel to the Forum on Information Standards in Heritage, providing expertise in the implications for system development of emerging information standards. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FUTURE-BLOOD-TESTING"/> <a href="../../lists/FUTURE-BLOOD-TESTING.html" class="links">FUTURE-BLOOD-TESTING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is the official mailing list for the EPSRC Future blood testing for inclusive monitoring and personalised analytics Network </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GAMES"/> <a href="../../lists/GAMES.html" class="links">GAMES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The purpose of this list is to provide a forum for discussion for those involved in emergent field of games technology and design. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GO-P2P"/> <a href="../../lists/GO-P2P.html" class="links">GO-P2P</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The Global Observatory on Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading (GO-P2P) is a forum for international collaboration to understand the policy, regulatory, social and technological conditions necessary to support the wider deployment of peer-to-peer, community self-consumption and transactive energy trading models. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GOOGLE-APPS"/> <a href="../../lists/GOOGLE-APPS.html" class="links">GOOGLE-APPS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>In light of the specific Sector Agreement negotiated by Janet, this list is for the community to discuss Google Apps for Education and share experiences. Membership of this list includes the UK research and education community and persons from Google. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="HANNAH-MACLURE-ARTS-CENTRE"/> <a href="../../lists/HANNAH-MACLURE-ARTS-CENTRE.html" class="links">HANNAH-MACLURE-ARTS-CENTRE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The University of Abertay&#39; s Hannah Maclure Centre works with contemporary and interdisciplinary cultural producers and artists from the UK and abroad, as well as supporting teaching activity and developing opportunities with staff and students. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="HEAR-PGR"/> <a href="../../lists/HEAR-PGR.html" class="links">HEAR-PGR</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A group for collaboration and dissemination of information regarding the HEAR for postgraduate research students. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="HYBRIDTANDLINHE"/> <a href="../../lists/HYBRIDTANDLINHE.html" class="links">HYBRIDTANDLINHE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A mail list for supporting discussions about developments of Hybrid Teaching and Learning in HE and information sharing. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="INDUSTRIAL-HERITAGENW"/> <a href="../../lists/INDUSTRIAL-HERITAGENW.html" class="links">INDUSTRIAL-HERITAGENW</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Industrial Heritage North West group is for curators of Industrial Heritage to share best practise, promoting organisational resilience, public engagement and collections care. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="INTERGENERATIONAL-FUTURES"/> <a href="../../lists/INTERGENERATIONAL-FUTURES.html" class="links">INTERGENERATIONAL-FUTURES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A communication channel for participants at the workshop Intergenerational Futures: a workshop on public health and the life-course. We also welcome social scientists, public health researchers and practitioners, environmental/planetary health specialists, and others with an interest in health, environments, and the life-course to join the list. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ISEA"/> <a href="../../lists/ISEA.html" class="links">ISEA</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Founded in the Netherlands in 1990, ISEA International (formerly Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts) is an international non-profit organisation fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse and exchange among culturally diverse organisations and individuals working with art, science and technology. The main activity of ISEA International is the annual International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ISIDM"/> <a href="../../lists/ISIDM.html" class="links">ISIDM</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Interactive Systems and Instrument Design in Music (ISIDM) mailing list is used for the discussion and distribution of information, in the field of interactive music, to enhance and extend possibilities for human creativity in music and the arts </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="JANET-DEVELOPMENT"/> <a href="../../lists/JANET-DEVELOPMENT.html" class="links">JANET-DEVELOPMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The list is used by JANET Strategic Technologies Division to keep the JANET community informed of activities, progress and new projects relating to the development programme. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="JCWM"/> <a href="../../lists/JCWM.html" class="links">JCWM</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>To support interactions between web mangers within the Research Councils and their institutes </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="JISC-GECO-HEALTH"/> <a href="../../lists/JISC-GECO-HEALTH.html" class="links">JISC-GECO-HEALTH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is intended to host discussions about health and geo ideas and issues and was created as a follow up to the JISC GECO Project&#39;s Open Source Geo and Health Workshop(held in August 2011). We are interested in sharing anything that relates to the role of location, geospatial data or place (in very broad terms) in health including research, policy and practice around physical and mental health. We welcome members from academia, the NHS, healthcare providers, policy makers, statisticians, technology providers and others interested in the possibilities around the intersections of location and health. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="JISC-HE-TRACKERPANEL"/> <a href="../../lists/JISC-HE-TRACKERPANEL.html" class="links">JISC-HE-TRACKERPANEL</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>To support a HE expert review panel for the 2018 student digital experience tracker. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="JISC-WALES-DIGITAL-LITERACY"/> <a href="../../lists/JISC-WALES-DIGITAL-LITERACY.html" class="links">JISC-WALES-DIGITAL-LITERACY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This discussion list is for tutors and assessors in the post-16 sector in Wales who will be delivering the Essential Skills Wales digital literacy qualification. It will provide a platform for discussion, peer-support and dissemination of information by users of the Jisc Digital Literacy online Community of Practice. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="KOHA-USERS"/> <a href="../../lists/KOHA-USERS.html" class="links">KOHA-USERS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The list is for librarians, library teams, system managers, technical staff and those with an interest in using the Koha Library Management System in all types of libraries. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LECTURE-CAPTURE"/> <a href="../../lists/LECTURE-CAPTURE.html" class="links">LECTURE-CAPTURE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for the discussion of lecture capture and its use in UK higher education. This list is for any lecture capture platform / technology. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LIS-KEYLINKS"/> <a href="../../lists/LIS-KEYLINKS.html" class="links">LIS-KEYLINKS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This mailing list is for users of the Copyright Licensing Agency&#39;s and Kortext&#39;s KeyLinks resource list management system. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LOCAWARE"/> <a href="../../lists/LOCAWARE.html" class="links">LOCAWARE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for the discussion, promotion and support of location-aware technologies in education. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LSCITS-SYMP"/> <a href="../../lists/LSCITS-SYMP.html" class="links">LSCITS-SYMP</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a list of academics, mainly around the UK, interested in the research initiative of Large-Scale Complex IT Systems, and Ultra-Large Scale Systems. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MECCSA-POLICY"/> <a href="../../lists/MECCSA-POLICY.html" class="links">MECCSA-POLICY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The aim of the MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) Policy Network is to exchange ideas and research findings, but also to join with civil society in their debates with the regulators, the broadcasters and the Government. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MEDIA-ARTS-AND-DANCE"/> <a href="../../lists/MEDIA-ARTS-AND-DANCE.html" class="links">MEDIA-ARTS-AND-DANCE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by its members to announce and discuss theory, research, critical discourse, publications, conferences, networking and curatorial approaches in the field of screen based dance, including single screen cinema or television works, installation and net based work. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="METHODSFORCHANGE"/> <a href="../../lists/METHODSFORCHANGE.html" class="links">METHODSFORCHANGE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Workshops designed to guide on evaluation and research techniques, become more effective at gathering and getting the most out of data. Group is aimed at helping to provide resources and support to enable better quality evaluation and research to improve services and practices </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MICROSOFT-365"/> <a href="../../lists/MICROSOFT-365.html" class="links">MICROSOFT-365</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>In light of the specific Sector Agreement negotiated by Janet, this list is for the community to discuss Microsoft Office 365 and share experiences. Membership of this list includes the UK research and education community and persons from Microsoft. This is a sub-list of OFFICE365-MANAGERS. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MMIT-COMMITTEE"/> <a href="../../lists/MMIT-COMMITTEE.html" class="links">MMIT-COMMITTEE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>To be used in order that the Committee of MmIT (the MultiMedia and Information Technology Group) - a sub-group of Cilip - can communicate and exchange documentation amongst Committee members. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MUPACT"/> <a href="../../lists/MUPACT.html" class="links">MUPACT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is an events announcement list for a collaborative group of music production and technology academics organising a sustainable system of environmentally (and pandemically) friendly, online research dissemination events. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MUS-PERF-REC"/> <a href="../../lists/MUS-PERF-REC.html" class="links">MUS-PERF-REC</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for the discussion of musical performance as documented by recordings. Topics include the history and analysis of performance style; the technical, social and economic history of recording; discography; performers. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NATIONALCOLLECTION"/> <a href="../../lists/NATIONALCOLLECTION.html" class="links">NATIONALCOLLECTION</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The Arts and Humanities Research Council has launched a funding call for Towards a National Collection ( This list is to help applicants develop partnerships for their proposals. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NEW-MEDIA-CURATING"/> <a href="../../lists/NEW-MEDIA-CURATING.html" class="links">NEW-MEDIA-CURATING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>For those involved in curating, exhibiting, archiving or interpreting new media art (including, interactive installations, digital video etc.) The list of the CRUMB web site </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NGACDT-2012"/> <a href="../../lists/NGACDT-2012.html" class="links">NGACDT-2012</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for the 2012 cohort of PhD students in the Doctoral Training Centre for Next Generation Accelerators. They are at Huddersfield, Strathclyde, Surrey and Belfast </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NORTHWESTOER"/> <a href="../../lists/NORTHWESTOER.html" class="links">NORTHWESTOER</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is the group list for the North-West OER Network, a group to support staff in sharing, developing and promoting OER in North-West England. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NUCLEAR-CULTURE-RESEARCH-GROUP"/> <a href="../../lists/NUCLEAR-CULTURE-RESEARCH-GROUP.html" class="links">NUCLEAR-CULTURE-RESEARCH-GROUP</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The Nuclear Culture Research Group brings together academics artists and nuclear professionals to discuss ideas and opportunities around nuclear history, site and archive, with a particular emphasis on decommissioning and future nuclear technologies. This mailing list will enhance research dialogues around curation, artistic production, collaboration with scientific colleagues and theory. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="OMDDAC"/> <a href="../../lists/OMDDAC.html" class="links">OMDDAC</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list to used by the AHRC-funded Observatory for Monitoring Data-Driven Approaches to Covid-19 to make announcements about project publications, events and other activities. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PASS"/> <a href="../../lists/PASS.html" class="links">PASS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is an interdisciplinary network for researchers interested in software programming both as a research device and an object of study, particularly around the methodological innovations happening through social science usages of digital data. It aims to support the cultivation of &quot;critical technical practice&quot; (Agre, 1997) around the research, development and use of code - informed by developments in digital methods, digital sociology and emerging teaching formats. PaSS draws on research in Science and Technology Studies, New Media Studies, Software Studies, Ethnomethodology, Human-Computer Interaction and associated fields to look at how programming practices can not just be studied, but also critically leveraged for teaching and research. The PaSS mailing list is a low traffic list for news, announcements and discussion around programming in the context of social research. &lt;HTML&gt; This is an interdisciplinary network for researchers interested in software programming both as a research device and an object of study, particularly around the methodological innovations happening through social science usages of digital data. It aims to support the cultivation of &quot;critical technical practice&quot; (Agre, 1997) around the research, development and use of code - informed by developments in digital methods, digital sociology and emerging teaching formats. PaSS draws on research in Science and Technology Studies, New Media Studies, Software Studies, Ethnomethodology, Human-Computer Interaction and associated fields to look at how programming practices can not just be studied, but also critically leveraged for teaching and research. The PaSS mailing list is a low traffic list for news, announcements and discussion around programming in the context of social research. &lt;/HTML&gt; </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PAT"/> <a href="../../lists/PAT.html" class="links">PAT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used as a discussion forum for Further and Higher Education theatre technicians, teachers, lecturers and the research community. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PECS"/> <a href="../../lists/PECS.html" class="links">PECS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>For anyone interested in science communication / public engagement with science within the field of Computer Science and ICT, with a focus on research. See also, </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PHOTOPLETHYSMOGRAPHY"/> <a href="../../lists/PHOTOPLETHYSMOGRAPHY.html" class="links">PHOTOPLETHYSMOGRAPHY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list provides timely announcements of events, resources, opportunities, and information relating to photoplethysmography. The announcements will be of interest to a wide audience, including academic researchers, engineers in industry, and clinicians. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PODCAST-STUDIES"/> <a href="../../lists/PODCAST-STUDIES.html" class="links">PODCAST-STUDIES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A multi-disciplinary discussion of podcasting for reserachers in education, media, radio and subjects where podcasting is a subject of study. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PODCASTING"/> <a href="../../lists/PODCASTING.html" class="links">PODCASTING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is designed to foster a network for researchers and practitioners working with podcasting in any subject area within higher learning institutions. Links with the industry are also desirable since commercial applications of podcasting are currently more prevalent than academic ones. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PRESERVINGCOMMUNITYARCHIVES"/> <a href="../../lists/PRESERVINGCOMMUNITYARCHIVES.html" class="links">PRESERVINGCOMMUNITYARCHIVES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Identity, Representation and Preservation in Community Digital Archives and Collections is a 12 month project funded by a British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award (2018) held by Dr. Sharon Webb (Principal Investigator). It is an intervention in three important areas; community archives, digital preservation and content representation. As communities take charge of their heritage, and create their own digital archives, the long-term viability and sustainability of these increasingly important collections, is uncertain. LGBTQ+ communities, feminist networks, black communities, among other marginalised groups, use digital technology to ensure representation and to protect against future erasure from the historical record. However, these representations are at risk of loss because of the fragility of digital archives and their associated infrastructures, both the human infrastructures (i.e. volunteers) and the digital infrastructures. This project asks what are the implications of a community-driven approach to long-term sustainability of these materials, and how might we support community archives without removing their agency. # The programme of work, will bridge the gap between community archives and the individuals and institutions with the means to provide (digital) infrastructural advice and support. It acknowledges and recognizes the autonomy of communities seeking to capture their own narratives as digital archives; and does not seek to intervene in the process of community collection; instead, it explores how communities might be supported in the long-term; and along the way asks how we can link them to academic research infrastructures. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PRINTMAKING"/> <a href="../../lists/PRINTMAKING.html" class="links">PRINTMAKING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is an open discussion for discussing matters relating to the practice of research and teaching in any field of Printmaking including both old and new technologies. It will also provide information on workshops, seminars and conferences, and on new research in this area. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RADMASSOCIATION"/> <a href="../../lists/RADMASSOCIATION.html" class="links">RADMASSOCIATION</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is an informal discussion mailing list, managed by RADMA, for anyone studying the management of research and development, technology and innovation. Join this list to become a member of the RADMA Association, allowing you to receive notifications of funding opportunities, conferences and other events. RADMA (Research and Development Management) is a UK-based charity focused on the needs of researchers and students of research technology and innovation management - in particular, activities such as conferences, workshops and summer schools. Funding is provided to students at the Masters and Doctoral programme level and to early career researchers to host workshops. RADMA is closely associated with the R&amp;D Management journal and conferences. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="REMS-STEER"/> <a href="../../lists/REMS-STEER.html" class="links">REMS-STEER</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Civica REMS MIS Application Client Steering Group </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RENEWABLE-ENERGY-RESEARCHNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/RENEWABLE-ENERGY-RESEARCHNETWORK.html" class="links">RENEWABLE-ENERGY-RESEARCHNETWORK</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The Renewable Energy Research Network mailing list is dedicated to research communication, information exchange, and research dissemination among researchers and educators on renewable energy research, development, deployment, and integration </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RMA-PRAC-RESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/RMA-PRAC-RESEARCH.html" class="links">RMA-PRAC-RESEARCH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list promotes discussion of practice as research in music. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ROBOT-ANTHROPOLOGY"/> <a href="../../lists/ROBOT-ANTHROPOLOGY.html" class="links">ROBOT-ANTHROPOLOGY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Group for researchers from the social sciences, arts, humanities re: the social/cultural issues of robots. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SABS4CYBER"/> <a href="../../lists/SABS4CYBER.html" class="links">SABS4CYBER</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is list is for sharing information about research, events and news relating to the social and behavioural science of cyber security. It is intended for an inter-disciplinary audience with participation welcomed from those in academia, industry and Government. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SALT"/> <a href="../../lists/SALT.html" class="links">SALT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list has been set up to support SALT - Southern Area Learning Technologists. SALT is a local network group aiming to encourage communication and collaboration between those working in Technology Enhanced Learning across the education sector in the South and provide opportunities to meet others in the same area of work. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SCI-JOURN-RES"/> <a href="../../lists/SCI-JOURN-RES.html" class="links">SCI-JOURN-RES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A forum for discussion on any matter relating to science journalism research and teaching. Aims: to encourage new research networks and the exchange of ideas regarding science journalism research, teaching practice and skills development. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SCOT-VLE"/> <a href="../../lists/SCOT-VLE.html" class="links">SCOT-VLE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is the forum for a group set up to evaluate VLE options and undertake a procurement process for the sector. List members will be those involved in TEL, Ed Tech, IT, Procurement and Teaching and Learning more widely. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SGARG"/> <a href="../../lists/SGARG.html" class="links">SGARG</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>SGARG provides a medium of communication between the members of this Applied Research Group at Coventry University. Its purpose is to serve as a contact point to deliver information and stay in communication. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SGFA"/> <a href="../../lists/SGFA.html" class="links">SGFA</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>On May 17th 2012, the research event, Sound::Gender::Feminism::Activism took place at CRiSAP (Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice), London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. This was a postgraduate event focused on the role of gender in the sonic arts with the aim to stimulate dialogue around discourses related to feminism and sound, and to establish a network of researchers and practitioners working in these areas. This list is established as a means to extend the networking capabilities for researchers and practitioners working within these areas, to further dialogue and to make announcements to the research community about programs, events, publications and projects of interest. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SHARE"/> <a href="../../lists/SHARE.html" class="links">SHARE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This mailing list is run by Hedley Roberts, for Staff, Students, Alumni and Associates of the School of Architecture and the Visual Arts to share of information about upcoming events, openings and opportunities. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOCIALMEDIADISCUSS"/> <a href="../../lists/SOCIALMEDIADISCUSS.html" class="links">SOCIALMEDIADISCUSS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The list will be a forum for discussion of the practical possibilities which social media affords for all aspects of academic life: with a particular focus on teaching, research and public engagement. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOFTWARE-DEVELOPMENT"/> <a href="../../lists/SOFTWARE-DEVELOPMENT.html" class="links">SOFTWARE-DEVELOPMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is intended for those in education support that develop in house software. ideally this list will be used to discuss and share ideas relating to education support software, such as student record systems or virtual learning environments. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOUNDCULTURES"/> <a href="../../lists/SOUNDCULTURES.html" class="links">SOUNDCULTURES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by the Centre for Sound Cultures, founded at Queen Mary University, to discuss events and research in various disciplines and none, within and outside of higher education institutions. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SPACESYNTAX-TOOLKIT"/> <a href="../../lists/SPACESYNTAX-TOOLKIT.html" class="links">SPACESYNTAX-TOOLKIT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Mailing list for users and developers of the Space Syntax Toolkit for QGIS, to ask questions, discuss the use and applications, and make suggestions. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SSOSNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/SSOSNETWORK.html" class="links">SSOSNETWORK</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a mailing list for researchers with an interest in topics related to Outer Space. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="STI-SSN"/> <a href="../../lists/STI-SSN.html" class="links">STI-SSN</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A network for museums, universities and archives interested in the history and preservation of science, technology and industry. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SUPPORT-HPC-BCU"/> <a href="../../lists/SUPPORT-HPC-BCU.html" class="links">SUPPORT-HPC-BCU</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is to support, troubleshoot and answer the frequently asked questions about using and utilising high performance compute cluster at Birmingham City University. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SUV-MEMBERS"/> <a href="../../lists/SUV-MEMBERS.html" class="links">SUV-MEMBERS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is run by the International Council on Archives Section on University and Research Institution Archives ( for its members and to encourage broader professional discussion among those interested in its topics. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TEACHING-TV"/> <a href="../../lists/TEACHING-TV.html" class="links">TEACHING-TV</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The list is designed to offer a forum for teachers of televison practice and the technical staff that support them, to share information on their current practices. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TEL-SOUTH"/> <a href="../../lists/TEL-SOUTH.html" class="links">TEL-SOUTH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This group exists as a community of practice for sharing knowledge and activities in eLearning and promoting technology enhanced learning initiatives to all healthcare organisations in Thames Valley &amp; Wessex and the South West. Membership is comprised of representatives from NHS, HEI and affiliated organisations who have knowledge of, or an interest in eLearning development and implementation. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TEXTILE-DESIGN-RESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/TEXTILE-DESIGN-RESEARCH.html" class="links">TEXTILE-DESIGN-RESEARCH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is to facilitate and stimulate research in textile design and practice including cross-disciplinary collaboration and textile design education. It is used to make announcements to the textile design research community. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="THE-THURSDAY-CLUB"/> <a href="../../lists/THE-THURSDAY-CLUB.html" class="links">THE-THURSDAY-CLUB</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The newly formed Centre for Cognition, Computation and Culture has formed a research environment to consider Art and Technology application with Goldsmiths Digital Studios and BT. The group is an open discussion forum to compliment realtime sessions occuring each month. The list is for artists/technologists/researchers interested in pushing the envelope. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TIREETECHWAVE"/> <a href="../../lists/TIREETECHWAVE.html" class="links">TIREETECHWAVE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A hands-on making and meeting event exploring the edges of technology on the wild edge of Scotland. It enables attendees to have a &#39;technological retreat&#39;, away from the pressures of their host institution, and also engage with the technology and design challenges of an isolated community. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TRANSPORT-CONSERVATION"/> <a href="../../lists/TRANSPORT-CONSERVATION.html" class="links">TRANSPORT-CONSERVATION</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is to enable the discussion of all aspects of the conservation and restoration of items in transport and related collections, for example buses, trains, trams, cars, motorcycles, aircraft, etc. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="UCISA-DIGISTRAT"/> <a href="../../lists/UCISA-DIGISTRAT.html" class="links">UCISA-DIGISTRAT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a discussion list to share experiences of developing digital strategy and digital business transformation plans and issues. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="UCLTRANSPORT"/> <a href="../../lists/UCLTRANSPORT.html" class="links">UCLTRANSPORT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for those of us at UCL with an interest in transport and mobility, from any angle: fuels, traffic, active travel, safety, infrastructure, big data, energy, freight and more. The list is sponsored by UCL&#39;s Transport Institute as a self-organised way for all of us to share ideas, let each other know about UCL transport-related events and publications, and help people find each other (e.g. do you know anybody who__ ?). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="UK-SSERVI-NODE"/> <a href="../../lists/UK-SSERVI-NODE.html" class="links">UK-SSERVI-NODE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The UK is an affiliated member of the NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI). The UK-node is comprised of over 100 members, representing 16 Universities and other research-active organisations. Our main aims are to: 1) facilitate involvements for the UK community in future lunar missions. 2) help train the next generation of lunar scientists in the UK. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="VADS"/> <a href="../../lists/VADS.html" class="links">VADS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Public forum for discussing issues relating to VADS, the online resource for visual arts. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="VISA-3D"/> <a href="../../lists/VISA-3D.html" class="links">VISA-3D</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>VISA-3D aims to serve as a forum for a community-wide discussion for those interested in or actively engaged in the creation or use of digital 3D representations in Arts and Humanities contexts. It was set up in 2006 by the JISC 3D Visualisation in the Arts Network (, hosted by King&#39;s Visualisation Lab at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities (now Department of Digital Humanities), King&#39;s College London, UK. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="WALES-LTF"/> <a href="../../lists/WALES-LTF.html" class="links">WALES-LTF</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list will be used for discussion, peer-support and dissemination of information by users of learning technology in the post-16 sector in Wales. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="WASTEFORLIFE"/> <a href="../../lists/WASTEFORLIFE.html" class="links">WASTEFORLIFE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Waste-for-Life is an international, cross-disciplinary research and development project focused on Engineering and Social Justice </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="WILLSWORLDHACK"/> <a href="../../lists/WILLSWORLDHACK.html" class="links">WILLSWORLDHACK</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a mailing list for the Will&#39;s World Hack Event community and accompanying the Online Hack event which runs from 5th December until 12th December 2012. However we hope the community around the event will continue beyond this date. Will&#39;&#128;&#153;s World is a JISC Discovery project in which EDINA aims to demonstrate the value and principles of aggregation as a tactic. The concept behind this project is that assembling online data sources relating to one topic will add value and improve the discoverability of these resources; making it easier for developers and service providers to build services and ultimately providing an easier access for all to the data itself and enriched content based on it. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="WIRELESS-ADMIN"/> <a href="../../lists/WIRELESS-ADMIN.html" class="links">WIRELESS-ADMIN</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a public list designed to enable debate of wireless network issues and act as a link to the JANET Wireless Advisory Group. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="WRITING-AND-THE-DIGITAL-LIFE"/> <a href="../../lists/WRITING-AND-THE-DIGITAL-LIFE.html" class="links">WRITING-AND-THE-DIGITAL-LIFE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The impact of digital technologies upon writing and lived experience </p> <!-- /lists --> </div> <div class="box"> <h3>Sub-categories</h3> <!-- category subjects --> <a href="index.html" class="links">Art & Design</a><br/>--<a href="W5.html" class="links">Cinematics</a> (44) <a href="W6.html" class="links">Crafts</a> (20) <a href="W2.html" class="links">Design Studies</a> (76) <a href="W11.html" class="links">Fine Art</a> (22) <a href="W3.html" class="links">Music</a> (96) <a href="W4.html" class="links">Performing Arts</a> (112) <a href="W10.html" class="links">Photography</a> (5) >Technology <a href="W1.html" class="links">Visual Arts</a> (155) <!-- /category subjects --> </div> <div class="box"> <h3>Other Categories</h3> <!-- categories --> <a href="Biological_Sciences.html" class="links">Biological Sciences</a> | <a href="Business_Studies.html" class="links">Business Studies</a> | <a href="Computing.html" class="links">Computing</a> | <a href="Education.html" class="links">Education</a> | <a href="Engineering_&amp;_Technology.html" class="links">Engineering &amp; Technology</a> | <a href="FE_&amp;_HE_Administration.html" class="links">FE &amp; HE Administration</a> | <a href="General_University.html" class="links">General University</a> | <a href="Humanities.html" class="links">Humanities</a> | <a href="Information_Resources.html" class="links">Information Resources</a> | <a href="JISC_&amp;_JISCMail.html" class="links">JISC &amp; JISCMail</a> | <a href="Land_Use_&amp;_Environment.html" class="links">Land Use &amp; Environment</a> | <a href="Language_&amp;_Cultural_Studies.html" class="links">Language &amp; Cultural Studies</a> | <a href="Library.html" class="links">Library</a> | <a href="Maths_&amp;_Statistics.html" class="links">Maths &amp; Statistics</a> | <a href="Medicine_&amp;_Health.html" class="links">Medicine &amp; Health</a> | <a href="Physical_Sciences.html" class="links">Physical Sciences</a> | <a href="Social_Studies.html" class="links">Social Studies</a> | <a href="Teaching_&amp;_Learning.html" class="links">Teaching &amp; Learning</a> | <!-- /categories --> </div> </div> <div class="span-24 last footer"> <br /> <hr/> <div class="span-7 colborder"> <address> JiscMail<br/> Jisc<br/> 4 Portwall Lane<br/> Bristol<br/> BS1 6NB </address> <br/> </div> <div class="span-8 colborder"> <p align="center"> <i><b>Email:</b> <a href="" accesskey="9"></a><br /> <b>Tel:</b> 0300 300 2212 <br/> <br /> </i> </div> <div class="span-7 last"> <p align="right"> <a href=""><img src="/images/social_icons/32x32/rss.png" class="bookmarks" alt="rss" /></a> <!--<a href=""><img src="/images/social_icons/32x32/twitter.png" class="bookmarks" alt="twitter" /></a> <a href=""><img src="/images/social_icons/32x32/facebook.png" class="bookmarks" alt="facebook" /></a>--> <br /><br /> <a href=""><img src="/images/Jisc-logo-2013.png" alt="Jisc" style="border: 0px"/></a> </p> </div> <div class="span-24 last"> <div class="span-6"> <p>Copyright &copy; JISCMail 2000-2024</p> </div> <div class="span-18 last"> <p align="right"><a href="/sitemap.html">Site Map</a> | <a href="/policyandsecurity/index.html">Service Usage Policies</a> | <a href="">Privacy notice </a> | <a href="">Cookies</a> | <a href="">Accessibility</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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