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With solid contributions made to aeronautic and astronautic earth observation progress in China, they are still one of the few irreplaceable high-performance experiment platforms in China with their overall technological advantages keeping a leading position. Catered for customized services to central and ministerial missions, key S&T projects, and demand from international, local, social and college cooperation, RSA have adhered to non-profitable flight and data sharing, provided A-level operation for aerial flight tests, and carried out airborne remote sensing experiments with varied optical, infrared, microwave and atmospheric sensors. In organization, RSA have stayed under the administration of Institute of Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, CAS. Together with Satellite Ground Station (another National Scientific Key Infrastructure of RADI) and Digital Earth Scientific Platform, RSA constitutes an integrated Satellite-Aircraft-Ground Simultaneous Earth Observation system. <br> Since put into operation, RSA has conducted more than 10000 sorties made its white wings seen over the vast land of China, including Pamir Mountains to the west, Heihe Basin in the east, Altai Mountains and Mohe to the North, and even China South Sea, covering an area of two million square kilometers of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, HK SAR, except for Taiwan and Macau. <br> It is our founding principle that science, remote sensing, can make this country a better place. And for more than 3 decades, we have. At the same time, we have always understood that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges. In future, we will keep improving our strength and be a critical RS data & research center, keep working as an advanced RS info-tech platform, and keep providing data support for space technology development, emergency, environment and disaster monitoring as national aviation strength. <br> </p> <div class="txt-hide txtHide"><a class="more readAll">VIEW ALL</a></div> </div> <h3 class="equ-list"> Equipment </h3> <ul class="left-list"> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/ADS80.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">The ADS80 airborne digital aerial photogrammetry system </h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3"> The ADS80 is a push-broom airborne digital aerial photogrammetry system which integrates a high-precision inertial navigation orientation system and a global satellite positioning system. It uses a 12,000-pixel three-line array CCD scan and an advanced single-aperture focal length lens. One flight can simultaneously acquire three-fold overlapping of front view, bottom point and rear view, continuous seamless full-color stereo image, color images, and color infrared images. <br> </p> <div class="txtHide More"><a class="more readAll">READ MORE</a></div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/ALS70.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">The ALS70 airborne laser scanning system</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3"> The ALS70 airborne laser scanning system is composed of a system controller, a laser controller, a camera controller, a laser scanner, an operation terminal, and a navigation terminal. The system is built on the principle of laser ranging. The laser pulse is emitted by the scanner. The echo signal of the received pulse is then recorded by the laser controller. The time interval between transmission and reception is combined with the laser scanning parameters to calculate the 3D coordinates of ground objects. Its maximum pulse frequency is 250 kHz and its maximum sweep frequency is 100 Hz.</p> <div class="txtHide More"><a class="more readAll">READ MORE</a></div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/20160219003POS.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">POS</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3"> POS系统(position and orientation system),定位定向系统,是利用GPS和IMU组合解算求得传感器数据获取时刻的位置和姿态信息,变传统的地面控制为空中控制,减少了地面控制点,可配合模拟传感器和数字传感器集成使用,提高了数据获取效率,缩短了成图周期。</p> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/100936.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">RC30光学相机</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3"> RC30航空相机可使用黑白、彩色、彩红外、红外等胶卷进行摄影。</p> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/20160219002TRACK.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">TRACK’AIR传感器控制与导航系统</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3"> TRACK’AIR传感器控制与导航系统在Microsoft Windows的普通PC或笔记本计算机操作下工作,由软硬件部分组合而成。其软件部分由6个Windows应用程序组成。每一组程序覆盖其中一项现代航空测量摄影任务:数字化,计划,数据采集,报告和存档。所有程序自动由普通Microsoft ACCESS的相关数据库连接在一起并能由不同的人在几台计算机上独立使用。硬件部分由外部相机接口控制盒(内置GPS),笔记本电脑,驾驶员显示器,视频转换控制盒组成。</p> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/100935.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">The UCXp area array digital aerial camera system </h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3"> The UCXp area array digital aerial camera system is one of the most advanced ultra-large format digital aerial photography camera system. Its lens unit consists of 8 high-resolution optical lenses, of which 4 full-color band lenses are aligned in flight direction at equal intervals. </p> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/100933.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">The Remote-sensing aircraft (modified with optical windows)</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3"> One remote-sensing aircraft (modified with optical windows) has two pressurized capsules and an unpressurized one in the back which support a common range of optical sensors made in China and abroad. Its comprehensive technical edge still plays a leading role in China. </p> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/100934.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">The Remote-sensing aircraft (modified with radome)</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3"> Another remote-sensing aircraft (modified with radome) can carry a multi-band SAR and has the capacity of triple-antenna INSAR full polarimetric SAR imaging. With a camera window modified, it can also perform aerial photography despite severe weather conditions at all time round. </p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="minor-right"> <h3 class="right-title">NOTICE</h3> <ul class="right-list"> <li> <div class="right-txt"> <a href="notice-detail.jsp?id=ff8080818a42e2f6018a43e344b400dd" target="_blank">Notice of general proposal application for Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility (SECUF) (The Second Round in FY2023)</a> <span>Aug 30,2023</span> </div> <!--<div class="right-img"> <img src="images/minor-1.png" alt=""> </div>--> </li> <li> <div class="right-txt"> <a href="notice-detail.jsp?id=ff808081884f5a14018850a8e1e3002d" target="_blank">2023 ACAMAR workshop: Gas in Galaxies (7.25-28,Western Australia)</a> <span>May 23,2023</span> </div> <!--<div class="right-img"> <img src="images/minor-1.png" alt=""> </div>--> </li> <li> <div class="right-txt"> <a href="notice-detail.jsp?id=ff80808180f2828d0180f36d23ec000a" target="_blank">Call for Proposals for HEPS Phase II Beamlines</a> <span>May 23,2022</span> </div> <!--<div class="right-img"> <img src="images/minor-1.png" alt=""> </div>--> </li> <li> <div class="right-txt"> <a href="notice-detail.jsp?id=ff808081682ccf930168367615b1146b" target="_blank">The 8th International Conference on Magneto-Science (ICMS)</a> <span>Nov 11,2019</span> </div> <!--<div class="right-img"> <img src="images/minor-1.png" alt=""> </div>--> </li> <li> <div class="right-txt"> <a href="notice-detail.jsp?id=ff808081682ccf93016836864d391499" target="_blank">International Conference on Pacific Rim Laser Damage & Thin Film Physics and Applications </a> <span>May 19,2019</span> </div> <!--<div class="right-img"> <img src="images/minor-1.png" alt=""> </div>--> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- bottom --> <div class="bottom"> <div class="bottom-con"> <div class="bottom-logo"><img src="images/bottom-logo.png" width="100%" alt=""></div> <ul class="blogroll"> <li> <select name="" id="" onchange="javascript:if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value!='#')[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <option value="#">Related Institutes</option> <option value="">Institute of High Energy Physics</option> <option value="">Institute of Modern Physics</option> <option value="">University of Science and Technology of China</option> <option value="">Institute of Plasma Physics</option> <option value="">High Magnetic Field Laboratory</option> <option value="">National Time Service Center</option> <option value="">Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth</option> <option value="">National Astronomical Observatories</option> <option value="">Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,CAS</option> <option value="">Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics</option> <option value="">Kunming Institute of Botany</option> <option value="">National Space Science Certer</option> <option value="">Institute of Oceanology</option> <option value="">Institute of Electronics</option> <option value="">South China Sea Institute of Oceanology</option> <option value="">Shanghai Advanced Research Institute</option> </select> <select name="" id="" onchange="javascript:if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value!='#')[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <option value="#">International Research Institutes</option> <option value="">The National Academies of Sciences</option> <option value="">National Science Foundation</option> <option value="">International Max Planck Research School</option> <option value="">Alexander von Humboldt stifurg</option> <option value="">Startseite Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft</option> <option value="">DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft</option> <option value="">Centre national de la recherche scientifique</option> <option value="">Academie des Sciences,Institut de France</option> <option value="">Royal College of Art | Postgraduate Art and Design Universit</option> <option value="">The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences</option> <option value="">The Royal Society of Canada</option> <option value="">Australian Academy of Science</option> </select> </li> <li><p>Copyright@Chinese Academy of Sciences</p></li> <li><p>Address: No.52 Sanlihe Road, Beijing ,100864</p></li> <li><p>Technical support:</p></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- 轮播图效果 --> <script> var bo = document.getElementById("bo"); 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