WSO2 Identity Server

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For example:- * * #1 Time state condition check * ----------------------------- * Now say for example you set a countdown of 5 minutes * and want to run some code after 2 minute and 15 seconds * of the countdown. You can have a condition like:- * * if (time.minutes === 2 && time.seconds === 45) * # will execute once. * if (time.minutes <= 2 && time.seconds <= 45) * # will execute until finished. * * #2 Total time state relative check * ---------------------------------- * Following the same example you can place a condition like below:- * * const checkpoint = Countdown.minutes(2) + Countdown.seconds(15); * * if ( === checkpoint) * # will execute once * if ( < checkpoint) * # will execute until finished * * @param time {number} as minutes/seconds/hours. * @param onDone {function} called when countdown ends. * @param onTick {function({total: number, hours: number, seconds: number, minutes: number, days: number})} * @param name {String} a descriptive name for the timer. */ function Countdown( time = ZERO, onDone = Countdown.noop, onTick = Countdown.noop, name = "COUNTDOWN" ) { this.until = new Date( + time); this.onTick = onTick; this.onDone = onDone; = name; this._enableLogs = false; this._timerInterval = null; this._running = false; } /** * Starts the countdown. If it's running calling this * multiple times won't reset the countdown. */ Countdown.prototype.start = function () { if (!this._running) { // Since we have to use setInterval here we need to make // sure the scope of 'this' is bind to callee. this._timerInterval = setInterval(function () { this.tick(); }.bind(this), THOUSAND_MILLISECONDS); this._running = true; this.log("Countdown: " + + " started."); } return this; }; /** * Stops the countdown. When not running calling this * will have no affect to the countdown instance. */ Countdown.prototype.stop = function () { if (this._running) { clearInterval(this._timerInterval); this._running = false; if (this.onDone) { this.onDone(); } this.log("Countdown " + + " stopped."); } }; Countdown.prototype.log = function (message) { if (this._enableLogs && console && console.debug && message) { console.debug(message); } }; /** * Returns the remaining time as days, hours, minutes, and * seconds. It also include a total sum of epoch seconds * left (multiplied by 1000). */ Countdown.prototype.getRemainingTime = function () { const total = Date.parse(this.until.toString()) - Date.parse(new Date().toString()); const seconds = Math.floor((total / THOUSAND_MILLISECONDS) % ONE_MINUTE); const minutes = Math.floor((total / THOUSAND_MILLISECONDS / ONE_MINUTE) % ONE_MINUTE); const hours = Math.floor((total / (THOUSAND_MILLISECONDS * ONE_MINUTE * ONE_MINUTE)) % ONE_DAY); const days = Math.floor(total / (THOUSAND_MILLISECONDS * ONE_MINUTE * ONE_MINUTE * ONE_DAY)); return { total, days, hours, minutes, seconds }; }; /** * Calls every second when the timer is started. */ Countdown.prototype.tick = function () { const time = this.getRemainingTime(); if (this.onTick) { this.onTick(time); } if ( <= ZERO) { this.stop(); } }; Countdown.seconds = function (input) { return (input * ONE_MINUTE * THOUSAND_MILLISECONDS) / ONE_MINUTE; }; Countdown.minutes = function (input) { return input * ONE_MINUTE * THOUSAND_MILLISECONDS; }; Countdown.hours = function (input) { return input * ONE_MINUTE * THOUSAND_MILLISECONDS * ONE_HOUR; }; Countdown.days = function (input) { return (input * ONE_MINUTE * THOUSAND_MILLISECONDS) * ONE_HOUR * ONE_DAY; }; /** * @param time {{ * total: number, * hours: number, * seconds: number, * minutes: number, * days: number * }} */ Countdown.timeToReadable = function (time) { let str = ""; // 1 days(s), 1 hour(s), 1 minute(s) and 30 second(s) let hasPrevious = false; if (time.days > 0) { if (time.days === 1) { str += "1 day"; } else { str += String(time.days) + " days"; } hasPrevious = true; } if (time.hours > 0) { if (hasPrevious) str += ", "; if (time.hours === 1) { str += "1 hour"; } else { str += String(time.hours) + " hours"; } hasPrevious = true; } if (time.minutes > 0) { if (hasPrevious) str += ", "; if (time.minutes === 1) { str += "1 minute"; } else { str += String(time.minutes) + " minutes"; } hasPrevious = true; } if (time.seconds > 0) { if (hasPrevious) str += ", and "; if (time.seconds === 1) { str += "1 second"; } else { str += String(time.seconds) + " seconds"; } } if (!str) return "now"; return "in " + str; }; Countdown.noop = function () { // No operations }; </script> <div class="ui modal tiny notify" id="asg-modal-0"> <div class="animated-icon text-center"> <div class="svg-box" data-testid="session-timeout-modal-warning-animated-icon"> <svg class="circular warning-stroke"> <circle class="path" cx="75" cy="75" r="50" fill="none" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"> </circle> </svg> <svg class="warning-icon warning-stroke"> <g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-615.516,-257.346)"> <g transform="matrix(0.56541,-0.56541,0.56541,0.56541,93.7153,495.69)"> <path class="line" d="M634.087,300.805L673.361,261.53" fill="none"></path> </g> <g transform="matrix(2.27612,-2.46519e-32,0,2.27612,-792.339,-404.147)"> <circle class="dot" cx="621.52" cy="316.126" r="1.318"></circle> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="content text-center"> <div class="description"> <div class="ui header" id="asg-modal-0-title"> <b>This sign-in instance is about to timeout!</b> </div> <p id="asg-modal-0-description"> You have been idle in this page for too long. For security reasons,you need to start over or you will be redirected to the sign-in page </p> </div> </div> <div class="actions"> <div class="ui deny button" id="asg-modal-0-dismiss-button"> Dismiss </div> <div class="ui primary button" id="asg-modal-0-action-button"> Start over </div> </div> </div> <script> function ModalRef(onAction = ModalRef.noop, onCancel = ModalRef.noop) { try { this.onAction = onAction; this.onCancel = onCancel; this.modal = $("#asg-modal-0"); this.desc = $("#asg-modal-0-description"); this.cancelBtn = $("#asg-modal-0-dismiss-button"); this.actionBtn = $("#asg-modal-0-action-button"); this.init(); } catch (e) { // Ignore any exceptions. } } ModalRef.prototype.init = function () { if (this.cancelBtn) {; } if (this.actionBtn) {; } }; ModalRef.prototype.isActive = function () { return this.modal.hasClass("active"); }; = function () { if (this.isActive()) return; this.modal.modal({ detachable: false, closable: false }).modal("show"); }; ModalRef.prototype.hide = function () { this.modal.modal("hide"); }; ModalRef.prototype.changeDescription = function (desc) { this.desc.text(desc); }; ModalRef.prototype.changeDescriptionAsHTML = function (html) { this.desc.html(html); }; ModalRef.prototype.hideDismissButton = function () { this.cancelBtn.hide(); }; ModalRef.prototype.showDismissButton = function () {; }; ModalRef.prototype.dispose = function () { this.hide(); this.actionBtn.unbind("click"); this.cancelBtn.unbind("click"); this.onAction = null; this.onCancel = null; this.modal = null; this.desc = null; this.cancelBtn = null; this.actionBtn = null; }; ModalRef.noop = function () { // No operations }; </script> <script> /** * This the props object that holds dynamic server side variables. * This will allow the script functions to access the variable * simply via a object. */ const PROPS = { totalTimeoutMinutes: 35, notifyOnMinute: 2, appAccessUrlEncoded: "", pageName: "sign-in", showModal: false }; if(PROPS.showModal) { $(document).ready(function () { const SPACE_CHAR = " "; const timeout = Countdown.minutes(PROPS.totalTimeoutMinutes); const countdown = new Countdown(timeout, onDone, onTick); const modal = new ModalRef(function (/*Modal onAction*/) { // Once the modal action button clicked, the user will be redirected // to the specified URL immediately. If the url is not available then // it will not redirect or do anything. if (PROPS.appAccessUrlEncoded) { window.location = PROPS.appAccessUrlEncoded; } }); /** * This function will be called everytime when time ticks. * * @param time {{total: number, hours: number, seconds: number, minutes: number, days: number}} */ function onTick(time) { if ( < Countdown.minutes(PROPS.notifyOnMinute)) { modal.changeDescriptionAsHTML( "You have been idle in" + SPACE_CHAR + PROPS.pageName + SPACE_CHAR + "page for too long. For security reasons, you need to start over or you will be redirected " + "to the sign-in page" + SPACE_CHAR + "<b>" + Countdown.timeToReadable(time) + "</b>." ); } if ( === Countdown.minutes(PROPS.notifyOnMinute)) {; } } /** * Once the timer is finished, this method will be * invoked to execute the target action. */ function onDone() { // Once the countdown is over, the user will be redirected // to the access URL immediately. window.location = PROPS.appAccessUrlEncoded; } countdown.start(); }); } </script> <main class="center-segment"> <div class="ui container medium center aligned middle aligned"> <div class="product-title" data-testid="product-title" style="background-color: white;"> <div class="theme-icon inline auto transparent product-logo portal-logo"> <img src="./images/logo_2.png" style="height: 100%;" alt="Cineca" /> </div> </div> <div class="ui segment"> <!-- <h3 class="ui header ellipsis"> Sign In </h3> --> <div class="segment-form"> <script> function onCompleted() { $('#identifierForm').submit(); 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