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All members who served on a committee at any time during a session are listed.</p> </div> <div class="gridContainer" id="gridCommitteeMembership">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default" id="ElectoralHistorySection" style="display: none; margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div class="panel-heading" id="headingOne"> <h2 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="collapseOne" aria-expanded="false" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOne" role="button">Electoral History </a></h2> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="gridContainer" id="gridCandidates">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default" id="ProvincialSection" style="display: none; margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div class="panel-heading" id="headingFour"> <h2 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="collapseFour" aria-expanded="false" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseFour" role="button">Provincial / Territorial Experience </a></h2> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseFour"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="gridContainer" id="gridProvincialExperience">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default" id="MunicipalSection" style="display: none; margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div class="panel-heading" id="headingFive"> <h2 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="collapseFive" aria-expanded="false" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseFive" role="button">Municipal Experience </a></h2> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseFive"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="gridContainer" id="gridMunicipalExperience">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default" id="FamilyTiesSection" style="display: none; margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div class="panel-heading" id="headingSeven"> <h2 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="collapseSeven" aria-expanded="false" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseSeven" role="button">Family Ties in Parliament </a></h2> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseSeven"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="gridContainer" id="gridFamily">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default" id="MilitarySection" style="display: none; margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div class="panel-heading" id="headingSix"> <h2 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="collapseSix" aria-expanded="false" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseSix" role="button">Military Service </a></h2> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseSix"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="gridContainer" id="gridMilitary">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 visible-sm visible-xs" id="PersonLinksSmall">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var personId = getQuerystringParameter("personId"); var PersonAltText = "Picture of "; var selectedLinksLabel = "Selected Links"; var hocAddresss = "House of Commons<br>Ottawa, Ontario<br>K1A 0A6<br>"; var senAddresss = "Senate of Canada<br>Ottawa, Ontario<br>K1A 0A4<br>"; var currentMemberFor = "Current Member of The House of Commons -&nbsp;"; var currentSenatorFor = "Current Senator -&nbsp;"; var currentMemberFeminineFor = "Current Member of The House of Commons -&nbsp;"; 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var month = ""; var day = ""; if (profile.Person.DateOfBirthIsApproximate) { dateOfBirth = profile.Person.DateOfBirth.substring(0,4); month = profile.Person.DateOfBirth.substring(5,7); day = profile.Person.DateOfBirth.substring(8,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){ dateOfBirth += "-" + month; } } else { dateOfBirth = profile.Person.DateOfBirth.substring(0,10); } dateBirthHTML = "<li><label for='DateOfBirth'>" + dateOfBirthLabel + "</label><span id='DateOfBirth' class=''>" + dateOfBirth + "</span></li>" } if (profile.PlaceOfBirthEn != null) { birthPlaceHTML = "<li><label for='PlaceOfBirth'>" + birthPlaceLabel + "</label><span id='PlaceOfBirth' class=''>" + getLocalizedValue(profile.PlaceOfBirthEn, profile.PlaceOfBirthFr) + "</span></li>" } if (profile.Person.Death != null) { if (profile.Person.Death.DateOfDeath != null) { var dateOfDeath = ""; var month = ""; var day = ""; var endInfo = ""; if (profile.Person.Death.DateOfDeathIsApproximate) { dateOfDeath = profile.Person.Death.DateOfDeath.substring(0,4); month = profile.Person.Death.DateOfDeath.substring(5,7); day = profile.Person.Death.DateOfDeath.substring(8,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){ dateOfDeath += "-" + month; } } else { dateOfDeath = profile.Person.Death.DateOfDeath.substring(0,10); } if (profile.Person.Death.DeceasedOnDuty == true) { endInfo = diedInOffice; } deathDateHTML = "<li><label for='DateOfDeath'>" + deathDateLabel + "</label><span id='DateOfDeath' class=''>" + dateOfDeath + endInfo + "</span></li>" } if (profile.Person.Death.CauseOfDeathEn != null) { causeDeathHTML = "<li><label for='CauseOfDeath'>" + causeOfDeathLabel + "</label><span id='CauseOfDeath' class=''>" + getLocalizedValue(profile.Person.Death.CauseOfDeathEn, profile.Person.Death.CauseOfDeathFr) + "</span></li>" } if (profile.Person.Death.PlaceOfBurialEn != null) { placeBurialHTML = "<li><label for='PlaceOfBurial'>" + placeofBurialLabel + "</label><span id='PlaceOfBurial' class=''>" + getLocalizedValue(profile.PlaceOfBurialEn, profile.PlaceOfBurialFr) + "</span></li>" } } if ( profile.ProfessionsEn.length > 0) { occupationHTML = "<li><label for='Occupations'>" + professionLabel + "</label><span id='Occupations' class=''>" + getLocalizedValue(profile.ProfessionsEn, profile.ProfessionsFr) + "</span></li>" } if (profile.Person.IsCurrentlyInOffice && profile.PreferredLanguageEn.length > 0) { prefferedLanHTML = "<li><label for='PreferredLanguage'>" + langPrefLabel + "</label><span id='PreferredLanguage' class=''>" + getLocalizedValue(profile.PreferredLanguageEn, profile.PreferredLanguageFr) + "</span></li>" } //Years Of Service Total totalYearsHTML += "<li><label for='YearsOfServices'>" + yearsOfServiceLabel + "</span></label><span id='YearsOfServices'>"; var returnYMD = ""; var totalDays=0; var days=0; var years=0; var months=0; var yearCount = 0; var monthCount = 0; var dayCount = 0; var dDays = 0; $.each(profile.Person.YearsOfServiceSegments, function (i, segment) { totalDays += segment.TotalDays; }); years = totalDays / 365.25; dDays = totalDays % 365.25; months = dDays / 30.4375; totalDaysDb = Math.round(dDays) % 30.4375; days = Math.round(totalDaysDb); yearCount = years; monthCount = months; dayCount = days; //Merge segments for gran total var RoundedYears = Math.round(yearCount); if (RoundedYears > yearCount) { RoundedYears--; } var RoundedMonths = Math.round(monthCount); if (RoundedMonths > monthCount) { RoundedMonths--; } returnYMD += totalDays + " " + dayLabel + " [&nbsp;" if (yearCount >= 1) { returnYMD += RoundedYears + " " +yearsLabel; } if (monthCount >= 1) { if (returnYMD != "") { returnYMD += ", "; } returnYMD += RoundedMonths + " " + monthsLabel; } if (dayCount >= 1) { if (returnYMD != "") { returnYMD += ", "; } returnYMD += dayCount + " " + daysLabel; } totalYearsHTML += returnYMD + "&nbsp;]" totalYearsHTML += "</span></li>" //Years Of Service House Of Commons var returnYMDH = ""; var totalDaysH=0; var daysH=0; var yearsH=0; var monthsH=0; var yearCountH = 0; var monthCountH = 0; var dayCountH = 0; var dDaysH = 0; $.each(profile.Person.YearsOfServiceSegmentsHouse, function (i, segment) { totalDaysH += segment.TotalDays; }); if(totalDaysH > 0) { totalYearsHouseHTML += "<li><label for='YearsOfServices'>" + yearsOfServiceHouseLabel + "</span></label><span id='YearsOfServices'>"; yearsH = totalDaysH / 365.25; dDaysH = totalDaysH % 365.25; monthsH = dDaysH / 30.4375; totalDaysDbH = Math.round(dDaysH) % 30.4375; daysH = Math.round(totalDaysDbH); yearCountH = yearsH; monthCountH = monthsH; dayCountH = daysH; //Merge segments for gran total var RoundedYearsH = Math.round(yearCountH); if (RoundedYearsH > yearCountH) { RoundedYearsH--; } var RoundedMonthsH = Math.round(monthCountH); if (RoundedMonthsH > monthCountH) { RoundedMonthsH--; } returnYMDH += totalDaysH + " " + dayLabel + " [&nbsp;" if (yearCountH >= 1) { returnYMDH += RoundedYearsH + " " +yearsLabel; } if (monthCountH >= 1) { if (returnYMDH != "") { returnYMDH += ", "; } returnYMDH += RoundedMonthsH + " " + monthsLabel; } if (dayCountH >= 1) { if (returnYMDH != "") { returnYMDH += ", "; } returnYMDH += dayCountH + " " + daysLabel; } totalYearsHouseHTML += returnYMDH + "&nbsp;]" totalYearsHouseHTML += "</span></li>" } //Years Of Service Senate var returnYMDS = ""; var totalDaysS=0; var daysS=0; var yearsS=0; var monthsS=0; var yearCountS = 0; var monthCountS = 0; var dayCountS = 0; var dDaysS = 0; $.each(profile.Person.YearsOfServiceSegmentsSenate, function (i, segment) { totalDaysS += segment.TotalDays; }); if(totalDaysS > 0) { totalYearsSenHTML += "<li><label for='YearsOfServices'>" + yearsOfServiceSenateLabel + "</span></label><span id='YearsOfServices'>"; yearsS = totalDaysS / 365.25; dDaysS = totalDaysS % 365.25; monthsS = dDaysS / 30.4375; totalDaysDbS = Math.round(dDaysS) % 30.4375; daysS = Math.round(totalDaysDbS); yearCountS = yearsS; monthCountS = monthsS; dayCountS = daysS; //Merge segments for gran total var RoundedYearsS = Math.round(yearCountS); if (RoundedYearsS > yearCountS) { RoundedYearsS--; } var RoundedMonthsS = Math.round(monthCountS); if (RoundedMonthsS > monthCountS) { RoundedMonthsS--; } returnYMDS += totalDaysS + " " + dayLabel + " [&nbsp;" if (yearCountS >= 1) { returnYMDS += RoundedYearsS + " " +yearsLabel; } if (monthCountS >= 1) { if (returnYMDS != "") { returnYMDS += ", "; } returnYMDS += RoundedMonthsS + " " + monthsLabel; } if (dayCountS >= 1) { if (returnYMDS != "") { returnYMDS += ", "; } returnYMDS += dayCountS + " " + daysLabel; } totalYearsSenHTML += returnYMDS + "&nbsp;]" totalYearsSenHTML += "</span></li>" } //Get MP and Senator Roles var parliamentarianRoles = ""; var senatorRoles = ""; var mp = []; var sen = []; var currentDate = new Date() $.each(profile.Person.Roles, function(i, segment) { if (segment.RoleId == 718) { var endDate = ""; if (segment.EndDate) { endDate = segment.EndDate; } else { endDate = currentDate; } sen.push([segment.StartDate, endDate, segment.EndDateIsApproximate]); } if (segment.RoleId == 719 && segment.OrganizationTypeId == 35) { var endDate = ""; if (segment.EndDate) { endDate = segment.EndDate; } else { endDate = currentDate; } mp.push([segment.StartDate, endDate, segment.EndDateIsApproximate]); } }); sen.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < sen.length; i++) { if (profile.Person.Gender != "F" || !profile.Person.Gender) { senatorRoles += "<li><label for=\"Senator" + i + "\">" + senatorLabel + "</label><span id=\"Senator" + i + "\">(" + sen[i][0].substring(0, 10); } else { senatorRoles += "<li><label for=\"Senator" + i + "\">" + senatorFeminineLabel + "</label><span id=\"Senator" + i + "\">(" + sen[i][0].substring(0, 10); } if (sen[i][1] != currentDate) { if (sen[i][2]){ var result = sen[i][1].substring(0,4); var month = sen[i][1].substring(5,7); var day = sen[i][1].substring(8,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){ result += "-" + month } senatorRoles += " - " + result; } else { senatorRoles += " - " + sen[i][1].substring(0,10); } } else { senatorRoles += " - &nbsp;" } senatorRoles += ")</span></li>"; } mp.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < mp.length; i++) { if (profile.Person.Gender != "F" || !profile.Person.Gender) { parliamentarianRoles += "<li><label for=\"MP" + i + "\">" + mpLabel + "</label><span id=\"MP" + i + "\">(" + mp[i][0].substring(0, 10); } else { parliamentarianRoles += "<li><label for=\"MP" + i + "\">" + mpFeminineLabel + "</label><span id=\"MP" + i + "\">(" + mp[i][0].substring(0, 10); } if (mp[i][1] != currentDate) { if (mp[i][2]){ var result = mp[i][1].substring(0,4); var month = mp[i][1].substring(5,7); var day = mp[i][1].substring(8,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){ result += "-" + month } parliamentarianRoles += " - " + result; } else { parliamentarianRoles += " - " + mp[i][1].substring(0,10); } } else { parliamentarianRoles += " - &nbsp;" } parliamentarianRoles += ")</span></li>"; } parlRolesHTML = parliamentarianRoles; senRolesHTML = senatorRoles; //Note Boxe if (profile.Person.ExternalNotesEn != null || profile.Person.ExternalNotesFr != null) { var externalNotesEn = profile.Person.ExternalNotesEn != null ? profile.Person.ExternalNotesEn : "" var externalNotesFr = profile.Person.ExternalNotesFr != null ? profile.Person.ExternalNotesFr : "" if (getLocalizedValue(externalNotesEn, externalNotesFr).trim() != "") { notesHTML = "<li><div class='rounded-info-block'><label for='Notes' style='width: 100%;'>" + notesLabel + "</label><br /><span id='Notes' class=''>" + getLocalizedValue(profile.Person.ExternalNotesEn, profile.Person.ExternalNotesFr) + "</span></div></li>" } } //HTML Page Builder PersonInfo mainInfoHTMLString = "<div><ul class='colNoRightLeftPadding'>"; mainInfoHTMLString += currentSenHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += currentHocHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += "&nbsp;"; mainInfoHTMLString += dateBirthHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += birthPlaceHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += deathDateHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += causeDeathHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += placeBurialHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += "&nbsp;"; mainInfoHTMLString += occupationHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += prefferedLanHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += "&nbsp;"; mainInfoHTMLString += totalYearsHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += "&nbsp;"; mainInfoHTMLString += parlRolesHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += totalYearsHouseHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += "&nbsp;"; mainInfoHTMLString += senRolesHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += totalYearsSenHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += "&nbsp;"; mainInfoHTMLString += notesHTML; mainInfoHTMLString += "</ul></div>"; //Selected Links if (profile.Person.WebLinks != null && profile.Person.WebLinks.length > 0) { var linksHTMLString = "<div class='rounded-block'>"; var linkEn = ""; var linkFr = ""; linksHTMLString += "<p><span class='std-header padding-top-10'>" + selectedLinksLabel + "</span></p><ul>"; $.each(profile.Person.WebLinks, function (i, link) { if (link.UrlEn.length > 0){ if (link.UrlEn.indexOf("~\\Documents") != -1 || link.UrlEn.indexOf("~/Documents") != -1) { linkEn = link.UrlEn; linkEn = linkEn.replace(/'/g, "&apos;"); linkEn = linkEn.replace("\\", "/"); linkEn = linkEn.replace("~/Documents", "/staticfiles/ParlInfo/Documents"); linkEn = linkEn.replace("English", "En"); linkEn = linkEn.replace("_SEN.pdf", "_sen.pdf"); linkEn = linkEn.replace("_HOC.pdf", "_hoc.pdf"); } else { linkEn = link.UrlEn; } if (link.UrlFr.indexOf("~\\Documents") != -1 || link.UrlFr.indexOf("~/Documents") != -1) { linkFr = link.UrlFr; linkFr = linkFr.replace(/'/g, "&apos;"); linkFr = linkFr.replace("\\", "/"); linkFr = linkFr.replace("~/Documents", "/staticfiles/ParlInfo/Documents"); linkFr = linkFr.replace("Francais", "Fr"); } else { linkFr = link.UrlFr; } linksHTMLString += "<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + getLocalizedValue(linkEn, linkFr) + "\">" + getLocalizedValue(link.TitleEn, link.TitleFr) + "</a></li>"; } }); linksHTMLString += "</ul></div>" } //Constituency Addresses var constituencyAddressHTMLString = ""; if (profile.Person.ConstituencyAddresses != null && profile.Person.ConstituencyAddresses.length > 0) { var phoneType; constituencyAddressHTMLString = "<div class='rounded-info-block'>" ; constituencyAddressHTMLString += "<p><span class='std-header-xsmall'>" + constAddressLabel + "</span></p>"; $.each(profile.Person.ConstituencyAddresses, function (i, address) { constituencyAddressHTMLString += "<div class='row'>"; constituencyAddressHTMLString += "<div class='col-sm-6 col-md-4' style='padding-bottom:10px;'>"; constituencyAddressHTMLString += "<span>" + getLocalizedValue(address.StreetAddresseEn, address.StreetAddresseFr) + "</span><br />"; constituencyAddressHTMLString += "<span>" + getLocalizedValue(address.CityEn, address.CityFr) + ", " + getLocalizedValue(address.ProvinceEn, address.ProvinceFr) + "</span><br />"; constituencyAddressHTMLString += "<span>" + address.PostalCode + "</span>"; constituencyAddressHTMLString += "</div>"; constituencyAddressHTMLString += "<div class='col-sm-6 col-md-8' style='padding-bottom:10px;'>"; $.each(address.Phones, function (j, phone) { phoneType = ":"; if (phone.TypeShortEn != null) { phoneType = getLocalizedValue(phone.TypeShortEn, phone.TypeShortFr); } constituencyAddressHTMLString += "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-phone-alt'></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + phoneType + "&nbsp;" + phone.Number + "<br>" ; }); $.each(address.Emails, function (k, email) { if (email.AddressEn != null) { var emailLocalized = getLocalizedValue(email.AddressEn, email.AddressFr); constituencyAddressHTMLString += "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-envelope'></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + emailLabel + "<a href='mailto:" + emailLocalized + "'>" + emailLocalized + "</a><br>" ; } }); constituencyAddressHTMLString += "</div>"; constituencyAddressHTMLString += "</div><hr />"; }); constituencyAddressHTMLString += "</div>" ; } //Hill Addresses var HillAddressHTMLString = "<div class='rounded-info-block'>"; HillAddressHTMLString += "<p><span class='std-header-xsmall'>" + hillAddressLabel + "</span></p>"; $.each(profile.Person.HillAddresses, function (i, address) { HillAddressHTMLString += "<div class='row'>"; HillAddressHTMLString += "<div class='col-sm-6 col-md-4' style='padding-bottom:10px;'>"; if (profile.Person.IsCurrentlyMP) { HillAddressHTMLString += hocAddresss; } else { HillAddressHTMLString += senAddresss; } HillAddressHTMLString += "</div>"; HillAddressHTMLString += "<div class='col-sm-6 col-md-8' style='padding-bottom:10px;'>"; $.each(address.Phones, function (j, phone) { phoneType = ":"; if (phone.TypeShortEn != null) { phoneType = getLocalizedValue(phone.TypeShortEn, phone.TypeShortFr); } HillAddressHTMLString += "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-phone-alt'></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + phoneType + "&nbsp;" + phone.Number + "<br>" ; }); $.each(address.Emails, function (k, email) { if (email.Address != null) { HillAddressHTMLString += "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-envelope'></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + emailLabel + "<a href='mailto:" + email.Address + "'>" + email.Address + "</a><br>" ; } }); HillAddressHTMLString += "</div>"; HillAddressHTMLString += "</div><hr />"; }); HillAddressHTMLString += "</div>" ; //Additional Info /*if (gridAdditionalInfoDataSource == null) { $("#BiographicalInfo").hide(); }*/ var pmHTMLString = ""; //Inject HTML $("#PersonInfo").html(mainInfoHTMLString); $("#PersonLinks").html(linksHTMLString); $("#PersonLinksSmall").html(linksHTMLString); $("#ContactInfo").html(HillAddressHTMLString + constituencyAddressHTMLString); //$("#PrimeMinisterInfo").html(pmHTMLString); }, error: function (err) { alert(err.status + ' ' + err.statusText); } }); } function imageExists(image_url){ if (image_url == null){ return false; } var http = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', image_url, false); http.send(); return http.status != 404; } }); </script> <!-- gridName excludes the # sign because it is needed without the # in some places --> <div> <div id="TitleAndSummaryDiv"> </div> </div> <div id="loadPanel" ></div> <div id="gridMunicipalExperience" class="gridContainer" ></div> <div id="resetButton"></div> <div id="popup"><div class="popup"></div></div><script type="text/javascript"> var notes = {}, popup = null, popupOptions = { width: 400, height: 250, contentTemplate: function() { return $("<div />").append( $("<p>" + notes + "</p>") ); 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if (rowData.EndReasonTypeEn != null && rowData.EndReasonTypeEn.length > 0 && rowData.RoleId == 719) { if ((rowData.EndDate >= rowData.ParliamentStart && rowData.EndDate <= rowData.ParliamentEnd) || (rowData.EndDate < rowData.ParliamentStart && rowData.ParliamentNumber == 1)) { result += notes; } } else if (rowData.RoleId == 722) { if (rowData.StartDate >= rowData.ParliamentStart && rowData.StartDate <= rowData.ParliamentEnd) { result += notes; } else if (rowData.ParliamentNumber == 41 && rowData.OrganizationId == 4831) { result += notes; } } else if (rowData.RoleId != 719 && rowData.RoleId != 722) { result += notes; } } return (result); }, headerFilter: { dataSource: { postProcess: function (data) { return data .map(function(rowData){ var result = rowData.NameEn; var notes = ""; if (rowData.RoleId == 719 && rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 50) { result = "Senatorial Region Member"; } if (rowData.RoleId == 719 && rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 35) { result = "MP"; } if (rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn != null && rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn.length > 0){ result = rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn; } return (result); }) .filter(function(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }) .sort() .map(function(x) { return { text: x, value: ["NameEn", "contains", x] }; }); }, load: function (e) { var grid = $("#gridFederalExperience").dxDataGrid('instance'); var filterExpr = grid.getCombinedFilter(); var gridDataSource = grid.getDataSource(); return{ filter: filterExpr }); } } } },{dataField: 'OrganizationLongEn', caption: 'Organization', allowFiltering: true, encodeHtml: false, cellTemplate: function(element, info){ var result =; if ( == 35) { result = "<a href=\"/sites/ParlInfo/default/en_CA/ElectionsRidings/Ridings/Profile?OrganizationId=" + + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + "</a>" } else if ( == 1408 || == 1409) { if ( && != && ( == null || == "")) { result += " (" + + ")"; } } element.append(result); }, calculateCellValue: function(rowData){ var result = rowData.OrganizationLongEn; if (rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 35) { result = rowData.OrganizationLongEn; } else if (rowData.RoleId == 1408 || rowData.RoleId == 1409) { if (rowData.PortFolioEn && rowData.PortFolioEn != rowData.OrganizationLongEn && (rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn == null || rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn == "")) { result += " (" + rowData.PortFolioEn + ")"; } } return (result) } },{dataField: 'PartyEn', caption: 'Political Affiliation', hidingPriority: 2, allowFiltering: true, cellTemplate: function(element, info){ var result =; if ( { result = "<a href=\"/sites/ParlInfo/default/en_CA/Parties/Profile?partyId=" + + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + "</a>" } element.append(result); }, calculateCellValue: function(rowData){ var result = rowData.PartyEn; if (rowData.PartyEn) { result = rowData.PartyEn; } return (result) }, encodeHtml: false},{dataField: 'StartDate', caption: 'Start Date', dataType: 'date', format: 'y-MM-d', sortIndex: 0, hidingPriority: 1, headerFilter:{ dataSource: function(data) { data.dataSource.paginate = false; data.dataSource.postProcess = function(results) {return results.reverse();};}}, allowFiltering: true, minWidth: 95, calculateDisplayValue: function(rowData){ var result = ""; if (rowData.StartDate) { if (rowData.StartDateIsApproximate){ result = rowData.StartDate.substring(0,4); month = rowData.StartDate.substring(5,7); day = rowData.StartDate.substring(8,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){result += "-" + month;} } else { result = rowData.StartDate.substring(0,10); } if (rowData.RoleId == 127 || rowData.RoleId == 717 || rowData.RoleId == 854 || rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 26 || rowData.RoleId == 746 || rowData.GroupingOrder == 6 || rowData.GroupingOrder == 7) { return result; } else { if (rowData.ParliamentStart > rowData.StartDate && rowData.ParliamentStart >= rowData.PartyStartDate && rowData.ParliamentStart < rowData.EndDate) { return rowData.ParliamentStart.substring(0,10); } else if (rowData.PartyStartDate > rowData.StartDate && rowData.PartyStartDate < rowData.EndDate) { return rowData.PartyStartDate.substring(0,10); } else { return result; } } } }, cellTemplate: function(container, options) { var result = ""; if ( { if ({ result =,4); month =,7); day =,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){result += "-" + month; } } else { result =,10); } if ( == 127 || == 717 || == 854 || == 26 || == 746 || == 6 || == 7) { container.append(result); } else { if ( > && >= && < { container.append(,10)); } else if ( > && < { container.append(,10)); } else { container.append(result); } } } } },{dataField: 'EndDate', caption: 'End Date', dataType: 'date', format: 'y-MM-d', sortOrder: 'desc', hidingPriority: 0, allowFiltering: true, minWidth: 95, calculateDisplayValue: function(rowData) { var result = ""; if (rowData.EndDate) { if (rowData.EndDateIsApproximate){ result = rowData.EndDate.substring(0,4); month = rowData.EndDate.substring(5,7); day = rowData.EndDate.substring(8,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){result += "-" + month; } } else { result = rowData.EndDate.substring(0,10); } if (rowData.RoleId == 127 || rowData.RoleId == 717 || rowData.RoleId == 854 || rowData.RoleId == 746 || rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 26 || rowData.GroupingOrder == 6 || rowData.GroupingOrder == 7) { return result; } else { if (rowData.ParliamentEnd) { if (rowData.PartyEndDate) { if (rowData.ParliamentEnd < rowData.EndDate && rowData.ParliamentEnd <= rowData.PartyEndDate) { return rowData.ParliamentEnd.substring(0,10); } else if(rowData.PartyEndDate < rowData.EndDate) { return rowData.PartyEndDate.substring(0,10); } else { return result; } } else if (rowData.ParliamentEnd < rowData.EndDate) { return rowData.ParliamentEnd.substring(0,10); } else { return result; } } else { return result; } } } else { if (rowData.RoleId != 127 && rowData.RoleId != 717 && rowData.RoleId != 854 && rowData.RoleId != 746 && rowData.OrganizationTypeId != 26 && rowData.GroupingOrder != 6 && rowData.GroupingOrder != 7) { if (rowData.ParliamentEnd) { if (rowData.PartyEndDate < rowData.ParliamentEnd && rowData.PartyEndDate > rowData.ParliamentStart) { return rowData.PartyEndDate.substring(0,10); } else { return rowData.ParliamentEnd.substring(0,10); } } else { if (rowData.PartyEndDate) { if (rowData.ParliamentStart < rowData.PartyEndDate) { return rowData.PartyEndDate.substring(0,10); } } } } } }, cellTemplate: function(container, options) { var result = ""; if ( { if ({ result =,4); month =,7); day =,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){result += "-" + month; } } else { result =,10); } if ( == 127 || == 717 || == 854 || == 26 || == 746 || == 6 || == 7) { container.append(result); } else { if ( { if ( { if ( < && <= { container.append(,10)); } else if( < { container.append(,10)); } else { container.append(result); } } else if ( < { container.append(,10)); } else { container.append(result); } } else { container.append(result); } } } else { if ( != 127 && != 717 && != 854 && != 26 && != 746 && != 6 && != 7) { if ( { if ( < && > { container.append(,10)) } else { container.append(,10)) } } else { if ( { if ( < { container.append(,10)) } } } } } } }], allowColumnResizing: true, sorting: {mode: "multiple"}, filterPanel: { visible: true }, columnAutoWidth: true, columnChooser: { enabled: true, mode: "select" }, onContentReady: function (e) { var columnChooserView = e.component.getView("columnChooserView"); if (!columnChooserView._popupContainer) { columnChooserView._initializePopupContainer(); columnChooserView.render(); columnChooserView._popupContainer.option("position", { of: e.element, my: "right top", at: "right top", offset: "0 50"}); 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month =,7); day =,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){result += "-" + month} container.append("<span>" + result + "</span>"); } else { container.append("<span>" +,10) + "</span>") } } }}], allowColumnResizing: true, sorting: {mode: "multiple"}, filterPanel: { visible: true }, columnAutoWidth: true, columnChooser: { enabled: true, mode: "select" }, onContentReady: function (e) { var columnChooserView = e.component.getView("columnChooserView"); if (!columnChooserView._popupContainer) { columnChooserView._initializePopupContainer(); columnChooserView.render(); columnChooserView._popupContainer.option("position", { of: e.element, my: "right top", at: "right top", offset: "0 50"}); } }, filterRow: { visible: true}, headerFilter: { visible: true, allowSearch: true }, pager: { showInfo: true, showPageSizeSelector: false, allowedPageSizes: [], showNavigationButtons: true },grouping: { contextMenuEnabled: true }, groupPanel: { visible: true }, grouping: { autoExpandAll: true }, searchPanel: { visible: true }, "export": { enabled: true, fileName: "Parliamentarian Profile - Military Experience", allowExportSelectedData: false }, onToolbarPreparing: function(e) { var dataGrid = e.component; 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var notes = ""; if ( == 719 && == 50) { result = "Senatorial Region Member"; } if ( == 719 && == 35) { result = "MP"; } if ( != null && > 0){ result =; } if ({ result += "&nbsp;<i>*Acting</i>"; } if ( != null && > 0){ notes = "<br /><br /><i>" + + "</i>"; if ( != null && > 0 && == 719) { if ( >= && <= { result += notes; } } else if ( == 722) { if ( >= && <= { result += notes; } else if ( == 41 && == 4831) { result += notes; } } else if ( != 719 && != 722) { result += notes; } } element.append(result); }, headerFilter: { dataSource: { postProcess: function (data) { return data .map(function(element, info){ var result =; var notes = ""; if ( == 719 && == 50) { result = "Senatorial Region Member"; } if ( == 719 && == 35) { result = "MP"; } if ( != null && > 0){ result =; } element.append(result); }) .filter(function(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }) .sort() .map(function(x) { return { text: x, value: ["NameEn", "contains", x] }; }); }, load: function (e) { var grid = $("#gridFederalExperienceList").dxDataGrid('instance'); var filterExpr = grid.getCombinedFilter(); var gridDataSource = grid.getDataSource(); return{ filter: filterExpr }); } } }, calculateCellValue: function(rowData){ var result = rowData.NameEn; var notes = ""; if (rowData.RoleId == 719 && rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 50) { result = "Senatorial Region Member"; } if (rowData.RoleId == 719 && rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 35) { result = "MP"; } if (rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn != null && rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn.length > 0){ result = rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn; } if (rowData.IsActing){ result += "&nbsp;<i>*Acting</i>"; } if (rowData.NotesEn != null && rowData.NotesEn.length > 0){ notes = "\r\n\r\n" + rowData.NotesEn; if (rowData.EndReasonTypeFr != null && rowData.EndReasonTypeFr.length > 0 && rowData.RoleId == 719) { if (rowData.EndDate >= rowData.ParliamentStart && rowData.EndDate <= rowData.ParliamentEnd) { result += notes; } } else if (rowData.RoleId == 722) { if (rowData.StartDate >= rowData.ParliamentStart && rowData.StartDate <= rowData.ParliamentEnd) { result += notes; } else if (rowData.ParliamentNumber == 41 && rowData.OrganizationId == 4831) { result += notes; } } else if (rowData.RoleId != 719 && rowData.RoleId != 722) { result += notes; } } return (result); }, headerFilter: { dataSource: { postProcess: function (data) { return data .map(function(rowData){ var result = rowData.NameEn; var notes = ""; if (rowData.RoleId == 719 && rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 50) { result = "Senatorial Region Member"; } if (rowData.RoleId == 719 && rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 35) { result = "MP"; } if (rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn != null && rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn.length > 0){ result = rowData.ToBeStyledAsEn; } return (result); }) .filter(function(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }) .sort() .map(function(x) { return { text: x, value: ["NameEn", "contains", x] }; }); }, load: function (e) { var grid = $("#gridFederalExperienceList").dxDataGrid('instance'); var filterExpr = grid.getCombinedFilter(); var gridDataSource = grid.getDataSource(); return{ filter: filterExpr }); 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if ( { result = "<a href=\"/sites/ParlInfo/default/en_CA/Parties/Profile?partyId=" + + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + "</a>" } element.append(result); }, calculateCellValue: function(rowData){ var result = rowData.PartyEn; if (rowData.PartyEn) { result = rowData.PartyEn; } return (result) }, encodeHtml: false},{dataField: 'StartDate', caption: 'Start Date', dataType: 'date', format: 'y-MM-d', headerFilter:{ dataSource: function(data) { data.dataSource.paginate = false; data.dataSource.postProcess = function(results) {return results.reverse();};}}, allowFiltering: true, minWidth: 95, calculateDisplayValue: function(rowData){ var result = ""; if (rowData.StartDate) { if (rowData.StartDateIsApproximate){ result = rowData.StartDate.substring(0,4); month = rowData.StartDate.substring(5,7); day = rowData.StartDate.substring(8,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){result += "-" + month;} } else { result = rowData.StartDate.substring(0,10); } if (rowData.RoleId == 127 || rowData.RoleId == 717 || rowData.RoleId == 854 || rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 26 || rowData.GroupingOrder == 6 || rowData.GroupingOrder == 7) { return result; } else { if (rowData.PartyStartDate > rowData.StartDate) { return rowData.PartyStartDate.substring(0,10); } else { return result; } } } }, cellTemplate: function(container, options) { var result = ""; if ( { if ({ result =,4); month =,7); day =,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){result += "-" + month; } } else { result =,10); } if ( == 127 || == 717 || == 854 || == 26 || == 6 || == 7) { container.append(result); } else { if ( > { container.append(,10)); } else { container.append(result); } } } } },{dataField: 'EndDate', caption: 'End Date', dataType: 'date', format: 'y-MM-d', sortIndex: 0, sortOrder: 'desc', allowFiltering: true, minWidth: 95, calculateDisplayValue: function(rowData) { var result = ""; if (rowData.EndDate) { if (rowData.EndDateIsApproximate){ result = rowData.EndDate.substring(0,4); month = rowData.EndDate.substring(5,7); day = rowData.EndDate.substring(8,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){result += "-" + month; } } else { result = rowData.EndDate.substring(0,10); } if (rowData.RoleId == 127 || rowData.RoleId == 717 || rowData.RoleId == 854 || rowData.RoleId == 663 || rowData.OrganizationTypeId == 26 || rowData.GroupingOrder == 6 || rowData.GroupingOrder == 7) { return result; } else { if (rowData.PartyEndDate) { if (rowData.PartyEndDate < rowData.EndDate && rowData.StartDate <= rowData.PartyEndDate) { return rowData.PartyEndDate.substring(0,10); } else { return result; } } else { return result; } } } else { if (rowData.RoleId != 127 && rowData.RoleId != 717 && rowData.RoleId != 854 && rowData.RoleId != 663 && rowData.OrganizationTypeId != 26 && rowData.GroupingOrder != 6 && rowData.GroupingOrder != 7) { if (rowData.PartyEndDate) { if (rowData.PartyEndDate > rowData.StartDate) { return rowData.PartyEndDate.substring(0,10); } } } } }, cellTemplate: function(container, options) { var result = ""; if ( { if ({ result =,4); month =,7); day =,10); if (month != "01" || (month == "01" && day != "01")){result += "-" + month; } } else { result =,10); } if ( == 127 || == 717 || == 854 || == 663 || == 26 || == 6 || == 7) { container.append(result); } else { if ( { if ( < && <= { container.append(,10)); } else { container.append(result); } } else { container.append(result); } } } else { if ( != 127 && != 717 && != 854 && != 663 && != 26 && != 6 && != 7) { if ( { if ( > { container.append(,10)) } } } } }}], allowColumnResizing: true, sorting: {mode: "multiple"}, filterPanel: { visible: true }, columnAutoWidth: true, columnChooser: { enabled: true, mode: "select" }, onContentReady: function (e) { var columnChooserView = e.component.getView("columnChooserView"); if (!columnChooserView._popupContainer) { columnChooserView._initializePopupContainer(); columnChooserView.render(); columnChooserView._popupContainer.option("position", { of: e.element, my: "right top", at: "right top", offset: "0 50"}); } }, filterRow: { visible: true}, headerFilter: { visible: true, allowSearch: true }, pager: { showInfo: true, showPageSizeSelector: false, allowedPageSizes: [], showNavigationButtons: true },grouping: { contextMenuEnabled: true }, groupPanel: { visible: true }, grouping: { autoExpandAll: true }, searchPanel: { visible: true }, "export": { enabled: true, fileName: "Parliamentarian Profile - Federal Experience without Parliament", allowExportSelectedData: false }, onToolbarPreparing: function(e) { var dataGrid = e.component; e.toolbarOptions.items.unshift({ location: "after", widget: "dxButton", options: { icon: "refresh", hint: resetAltText, onClick: function() { var gridinstance = $('#gridFederalExperienceList').dxDataGrid('instance'); gridinstance.state({}); } } }, { location: "after", widget: "dxButton", options: { icon: "expand", hint: expandAltText, onClick: function() { var expanded = e.component.option("grouping.autoExpandAll"); dataGrid.option("grouping.autoExpandAll", !expanded); if (expanded){ this.option("icon", "expand"); this.option("hint", expandAltText); }else{ this.option("icon", "collapse"); this.option("hint", collapseAltText); } } } }); }, stateStoring: { enabled: false, type: "localStorage", storageKey: "" },paging: { enabled: false }, wordWrapEnabled: true, grouping: { autoExpandAll: false, } }); loadPanel.hide(); }); </Script> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="parlinfo_footer_wrapper"> <div id="parlinfo_footer_basic"> <ul class="footerlist"> <li>&copy; Library of Parliament</li> <li><a href="/sites/ParlInfo/default/en_CA/SiteInformation/SiteMap" target="_self">PARLINFO Site Map</a></li> <li><a href="/sites/PublicWebsite/default/en_CA/ContactUs" target="_self">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </div> <footer class="ce-lop-footer hidden-print" role="contentinfo"> <div class="ce-lop-footer-top"> <div class="container"> <div class="row ce-lop-footer-vc"> <div class="col-md-4 text-center col-md-push-4 ce-lop-footer-emblem"> <img src="/Common/Parl/Images/ce-parl-emblem-e.png" alt="" /> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-md-pull-4"> <ul class="ce-lop-footer-external-links"> <li> <a href="" class="ce-lop-footer-senate-link" target="_blank">Senate</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="ce-lop-footer-hoc-link" target="_blank">House of Commons</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="ce-lop-footer-lop-link">Library of Parliament</a> </li> <li> <a id="" class="" title="" href="" target="_blank"><span>Parliamentary Protective Service</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="" target="_blank">Employment at Parliament</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-4 ce-lop-footer-stay-connected"> <div class="ce-lop-footer-stay-connected-header"> <a href="/sites/PublicWebsite/default/en_CA/About/Social"> <p> <b>Stay Connected</b> <br><br> <img src="/staticfiles/PublicWebsite/assets/images/Footer/icon-connect-twitter.png" alt="Connect with Twitter"> <img src="/staticfiles/PublicWebsite/assets/images/Footer/icon-connect-linkedin.png" alt="Connect with LinkedIn"> <img src="/staticfiles/PublicWebsite/assets/images/Footer/icon-connect-instagram.png" alt="Connect with Instagram"> <img src="/staticfiles/PublicWebsite/assets/images/Footer/icon-connect-facebook5.png" alt="Connect with Facebook"> <img src="/staticfiles/PublicWebsite/assets/images/Footer/icon-connect-youtube.png" alt="Connect with Youtube"> <img src="/staticfiles/PublicWebsite/assets/images/Footer/icon-connect-flickr.png" alt="Connect with Flickr"> </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ce-lop-footer-bottom"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 text-center"> <ul class="ce-lop-footer-bottom-links"> <li> <a href="/sites/PublicWebsite/default/en_CA/Notices">Important Notices</a> </li> <li> <a href="/sites/ParlInfo/default/en_CA/SiteInformation/atoz">A to Z Index</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer></div> </body> </html>

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