VMware Tanzu Application Catalog
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These enterprise packages can be customized to meet organization's internal policies and come with extensive security metadata and advisories for risk assessment.</p> <div class='row'> <div class='hero__header__button'> <a class="button button-action" target="_blank" aria-label="Enterprise contact. Opens in new tab" href="">Contact Us</a> </div> <div class='hero__header__button'> <a class="button button-accent" target="_blank" aria-label="Download enterprise product brief. 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These enterprise packages maintain the same configuration as the community version, ensuring a smooth migration process without any steep learning curve. </div> </div> <section aria-label='VMware Tanzu Application Catalog benefits' class='enterprise__features'> <div class='container'> <div class='row'> <div class='enterprise__features__grid'> <div class='enterprise__features__grid__application__header'> <div class='enterprise__features__enterprise__icon'> <h2 class='enterprise__features__feature__title'> Enterprise-grade security </h2> <p class='enterprise__features__feature__desc margin-b-reset'> Ensure that you get the latest versions of open source components - pre-packaged and ready to use - as soon as they are available upstream, with our continuously refreshed catalog and associated security metadata </p> </div> </div> <div class='enterprise__features__grid__enterprise__header'> <div class='enterprise__features__enterprise__icon'> <h2 class='enterprise__features__feature__title'> Tested for production usage </h2> <p class='enterprise__features__feature__desc margin-b-reset'> Reduce the risk of failure at deployment time by using our enterprise packages, which are made production-ready through security scans, functional tests, and verifications across various combinations of Kubernetes versions, cloud platforms, and base OS distribution versions </p> </div> </div> <div class='enterprise__features__grid__marketplace__header'> <div class='enterprise__features__enterprise__icon'> <h2 class='enterprise__features__feature__title'> Comprehensive SBoM, CVE scan results, and VEX documents </h2> <p class='enterprise__features__feature__desc margin-b-reset'> Gain visibility into code provenance, dependencies, OSS licenses, vulnerabilities and the corresponding risks to better control the complexities of your ever-growing open source software supply chain </p> </div> </div> <div class='enterprise__features__grid__customized__header'> <div class='enterprise__features__enterprise__icon'> <h2 class='enterprise__features__feature__title'> Base OS Customization </h2> <p class='enterprise__features__feature__desc margin-b-reset'> Enjoy the flexibility to choose any base OS as per your enterprise standards and policies including VMware's Photon OS, known for its minimal CVEs </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section aria-label='Comparison between Bitnami and VMware Tanzu Application Catalog' class='margin-v-giant'> <div class='container container-small'> <h2 class='as-h5 text-c' id='projects'> Comparison: Bitnami Application Catalog vs Tanzu Application Catalog </h2> <div class='row collapse-b-tablet'> <table> <thead> <tr> <th> Features </th> <th> Bitnami Application Catalog </th> <th> Tanzu Application Catalog </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> Update cadence </td> <td> Best effort </td> <td> Refresh of catalog triggered by component updates and critical CVE fixes </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Support </td> <td> Community </td> <td> VMware support </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Base operating system </td> <td> Debian </td> <td> <a target="_blank" aria-label="Customer choice. 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